HOLY TRINITY New Britain, CT 06050-2876 CT New Britain, 305 Washington Street Street Washington 305 P. O. Box 2876 2876 P. O. Box

JULY 2016 Ju ly 20 16 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Charity: Greeter: Cleaners: 1 Unmercenaries 2 Cosmas & Damian ? ? ? Cleaning Committee, et al Great 5:00P.M.


3 2nd after Pentecost 4 Independence 5 6 7 8 Icon of our 9 9:00A.M. Day Lady of Kazan Coffee Hour – Visitation: 1:30PM Koles/ Wagner JEROME HOME & ARBOR ROSE Great Vespers 5:00P.M.

10 3rd after Pentecost 11 St. Olga, 12 13 14 15 St. Vladimir 16 Divine Liturgy 9:00A.M. Princess of Russia Coffee Hour – Santoro Orthodoxy 101 @

10:30 A.M

Great Vespers 5:00P.M. C ONFESSION

17 4th after Pentecost 18 New Martyrs 19 20 21 22 23 Divine Liturgy 9:00A.M. Elizabeth & Barbara St. Seraphim of Sarov St. Mary Magdalene Coffee Hour – Salina Visitation: 1:30 PM


24 5th after Pentecost 25 26 27 28 29 30 Great Martyr Christina St. Jacob Netsvetov Greatmartyr & St. Irene Baptism of Nathan Divine Liturgy 9:00 A.M. Dresko 10:00 A.M. of Alaska Healer Panteleimon Chrysovolantou

Coffee Hour – Great Vespers 5:00P.M. Dounouk / Potter Orthodoxy 101 @ GENERAL


Monthly Newsletter of HOLY TRINITY ORTHODOX CHURCH 305 Washington Street • PO Box 2876 • New Britain, CT 06050-2876

www.htocnb.org JULY 2016

14 Mat. Melanie 1956 BAPTISM: The baptism of Nathan Dresko will be 20 Rebecca Ahern 1972 held on Saturday, July 30th at 10:00 A.M. 25 Elizabeth Bradanini 1945

30 Vera Luzietti 1951 GENERAL CONFESSION: is normally 31 Fr. David 1954 held on the last Saturday of each month (except for lenten 31 Ann Cook 1949 periods), following Great Vespers. All regular communi- cants should make every effort to attend each General Con- 2 Dimitry & Raissa Shafran 1957 fession. The next General Confession will be held Saturday, 5 Dan & Elizabeth Bradanini 1970 July 30th. 6 Joseph & Alicyn Pulcini 1997 10 Alex & Diane Polzun 1971 The July charity collection is for the The 12 Francis & Irene Ferrandino 1980 25 Nicholas & Mallory Kokus 2009 Friendship Service Center of New Britain. 28 Adam & Danielle Salina 2000 Our Mission: The mission of the Friendship Center of New Britain is to provide friendship and direct service to the poor and needy of “WHEN I WAS SICK YOU CAME TO ME” Central Connecticut, including the own- The following parishioners (and friends) are now home- ership and operation of housing for the bound or in long-term care facilities. If there are any names poor. missing, please inform Fr. David. The regular schedule of Our Mission Statement: visitations is included on the monthly calendar. Parishioners • To raise awareness of the Friendship are welcomed and encouraged to make regular visitations to Service Center and all the programs nursing homes and shut-ins. Our loved ones NEED to feel within the communities it serves. connected to their family.

• To assist the staff of the Friendship Service Center with Jerome Home, New Britain tasks that can be accomplished by volunteers. Sadie Albino • To do some small scale fundraising to provide the resi- dents with non-budgeted items. Monsignor Bojnowski Manor, New Britain • To develop friendships with other members of the com- Helen Karabin munity who want to help those experiencing difficult times Mary Camarata in their lives. Services: At Home: Martha Cherpak, Jim Dounouk, Nicholas Basic Needs: Food and Shelter, Community Outreach and Hamisevicz, Joseph Kowar, Stella Liwen, Jennie Pich, Homelessness Prevention, Permanent Supportive Housing. Antoinette Rudy, John Steffick and Katherine Szestakow.

Visit their website at: http://www.friendshipservicecenter.org The collection will be taken on the last Sunday of the month. Please use the envelope provided in your monthly mailing and be generous!!

Archpriest David Koles, Rector Birthdays & Anniversaries in JULY: 9 Frankie Lane Terryville, CT 06786 5 Timothy Clark 1984 Phone: 860-573-0013 12 Annette Salina 1949 Email: [email protected] 1 Alexy (Al) Rudy 92 July 17 2011 Child Alexander Martinchik 1 July 18 1911 Child Alexander Kinon 6 mo July 18 1913 Thaddeus Kostanchuk 77 July 18 1949 Mary Zuk 68 July 18 1962 Elbert Everson 55 July 18 1985 John Horbal 78 July 18 2003 Child Sergei Stankevich 2 mo July 20 1909 PARISH DIPTYCHS Nadezhda Matyschsyk 68 July 21 1966 Please remember our departed brothers and sisters in your Anna Colwick 80 July 21 1969 . Sophie Comba 75 July 21 1990 Child Vladimir Kasperovich 2 mo July 22 1916 Moisey Rostella 54 July 1 1941 Michael Roman 84 July 22 1957 Michael Fetzko 75 July 1 1955 Child Mary Perut 9 mo July 23 1905 Peter Shevchuk 68 July 1 1957 Elena Tabakow 59 July 23 1997 Ruth Lucas 85 July 1 2012 John Colwick, Sr. 76 July 24 1960 Samuel Sopko 67 July 2 1955 Antony Srogi 83 July 24 1965 Mary Labas 78 July 2 1970 Sophie ? July 25 1914 Child (No name) Ladutko 1 day July 3 1928 Nina Cenewicz July 25 1963 Jennie Mandro 30 July 3 1959 Child Paul Zhoyka 7 mo July 27 1909 Donna Stelman 77 July 3 1962 Wasil Danilevich 63 July 27 1953 George Liwen 94 July 3 2014 Nicholas Steffick 67 July 27 1975 Nicholas Cherpak 63 July 4 1931 Helen Lechowicz 92 July 27 1996 Pauline Gregorowich 77 July 4 1977 Child Anna Stankevich 4 mo July 28 1908 Andrew Truhan July 5 1944 Nicholas Trubeev 36 July 28 1917 Diomid Gel 75 July 5 1972 John Tavorons 59 July 28 1932 Child Vladimir Martinchuk 4 July 6 1903 Andrew Panasevich 54 July 28 1949 Peter Petrioka 24 July 7 1903 Sophie Novick 89 July 28 1986 Natalie Mikuno 36 July 8 1914 George Augustinovich 58 July 29 1968 Mary Garlewsky 57 July 8 1942 Olga Makula 65 July 30 1927 Prohor Novosett July 8 1944 Isidore Prigodich July 30 1960 Evan Panysh 77 July 8 1979 Alexander Gregorowich 75 July 30 1963 Walter Tynik 94 July 8 2010 Jean Janusonis 62 July 30 1996 William Aduskevicz July 9 1981 Olga (Alice) Wilczek 81 July 30 1998 Catherine Rusinovsky 79 July 10 1970 Anna Lewchik 78 July 31 1976 Alexander Stepanec 59 July 10 1971 Arthur Pobrezny July 31 1984 Paul Lechowicz July 10 1976 Nadia Dwyer 63 July 10 1982 Nicolai Sotirov 54 July 10 1999 Alexander Alexieff 70 July 11 1962 Vera Martinook 73 July 11 1966 WHY GO TO CHURCH? Aleksandra Lashenka 87 July 11 1981 St. Maria of Paris Katherine Kolveka 23 July 12 1911 Walter Waskiewicz July 12 1980 Our God-given freedom calls us to activity Child Anastasia Vilenin 10 days July 13 1913 and struggle. And it would be a great lie to Child Sophie Panasevich 7 mo July 14 1917 tell searching souls: "Go to church, because Michael Belomyzy 79 July 14 1964 there you will find peace." The opposite is Alexander Pyzow 87 July 14 1979 true. She tells those who are at peace and Andrew Bogdan 67 July 15 1940 asleep: "Go to church, because there you will Daria Dalidovich 55 July 16 1953 feel real anguish for your sins, for your perdi- Paul Kislicki 67 July 16 1965 tion, for the world's sins and perdition. There you will feel an Melania Hamilla July 16 1983 unappeasable hunger for Christ's truth. There, instead of be- Anne Hamilla Christien 81 July 16 1993 coming lukewarm, you will be set on fire; instead of pacified, Helen Roberts 91 July 16 2012 you will become alarmed; instead of learning the wisdom of Anthony Moskoluk 66 July 17 1952 this world you will become fools for Christ."

Nicholas Romanuk 65 July 17 1953 Christ gave us two commandments: to love God and to love our Mary Zuk 62 July 17 1961 fellow man. Everything else, even the commandments con- Ajanas Ludko 84 July 17 1979 tained in the Beatitudes, is merely an elaboration of these 2 two commandments, which (ontain within themselves the total- specific spiritual discipline may participate in the Church's ity of Christ's "Good News." Furthermore, Christ's earthly life and receive Holy at the Orthodox is nothing other than the revelation of the mystery of love of Divine Liturgy. The essential elements of eucharistic disci- God and love of the neighbor. These are, in sum, not only the pline in the Orthodox Church may be simply stated in five true but the only measure of all things. And it is remarkable that points. their truth is found only in the way they are linked together. Love for man alone leads us into the blind alley of an anti- Participation in Holy Communion in Christian humanism, out of which the only exit is, at times, the the Orthodox Church requires first of rejection of the individual human being and love toward him in all that a person be a baptized, chris- the name of all mankind. Love for God without love for man, mated member of the Orthodox however, is condemned: "You hypocrite, how can you love Church who fully accepts the condi- God whom you have not seen, if you hate your brother whom tions and demands of his or her bap- you have seen" (1 Jn 4.20). Their linkage is not simply a com- tism and chrismation. Eucharistic dis- bination of two great truths taken from two spiritual worlds. cipline in the Orthodox Church de- Their linkage is the union of two parts of a single whole. mands that communicants in the eu- charistic sacrifice understand themselves at all times and in all circumstances as having died and risen with Christ, as sealed by the Holy Spirit, and as belonging to God as His ON THE CHURCH TEMPLE bonded-servants and free-born sons in . By St. John Chrysostom Baptism and chrismation, and so, participation in holy com- Just as a calm and sheltered harbor pro- vides great security to the ships moored munion, require a person to believe in the Word of God, the there, so does the temple of God: when people of Christ, and the Christian Faith summarized in the enter it, it snatches them away from worldly Nicene-Constantinopolitan creed, as these are proclaimed affairs as from a storm, and gives them the and interpreted in the Orthodox Church. Members of the capacity to stand and listen to God’s words in Orthodox Church who question biblical or churchly calm and security. This place is the bedrock of doctrines may participate in Holy Communion if they are virtue and the school of spiritual life...You praying and working to come to an enlightened understand- need only set foot on the threshold of a church and at once ing of the Faith under the guidance of their pastors and you are liberated from the cares of daily life. teachers. But those who have been baptized and chrismated in the Orthodox Church who publicly express doubt and Go on into the church, and spiritual dew will envelop disbelief about the faith as confessed and lived in the Ortho- your soul. The stillness there moves you to awe, and dox Church, or secretly harbor such doubt and disbelief, teaches you how to live spiritually. It elevates your may not partake of holy communion at an Orthodox divine thoughts and prevents you from remembering things or matters liturgy. belonging to the present life. It transports you from earth to heaven. And if there is such great gain from simply being in Confessing the Christian faith as understood and practiced in church when no service is going on, then how much benefit will the Orthodox Church is to identify fully with Orthodox people derive from being present...when the holy Apostles Church history and tradition, and to take full responsibility proclaim the Gospel, Christ stands in our midst, God the for it. It is to accept and defend the dogmas and canons of Father receives the Mysteries that are performed and the Holy the councils accepted by the Orthodox Churches, to worship Spirit gives His own joy. according to Orthodox liturgical rites, to venerate those who are glorified as Orthodox saints, and to struggle to practice the ethical and moral teachings of Christ and his apostles as recorded in the holy scriptures and elaborated in Orthodox EUCHARISTIC DISCIPLINE IN THE Church tradition. Because participation in the holy is not only a sacred communion with God through Christ ORTHODOX CHURCH and the Holy Spirit, but also a holy communion with Ortho- By Very Rev Thomas Hopko dox believers of all times and places, responsibility for the People of whatever convictions -- theistic whole of Orthodox Church history and tradition is an abso- or atheistic, Christian or non-Christian -- lute condition for partaking in the holy communion of who behave in an orderly and respectful Christ's body and blood at the Church's divine liturgy. manner may attend liturgical services in an Identifying fully with Orthodox Christian teaching and prac- Orthodox church, and participate, as possi- tice requires a communicant in the Orthodox Church to ble, in the prayers and rituals (such as sing- strive to put the Church's biblical, evangelical and apostolic ing and hymns, and venerating teachings into practice in their everyday lives. No one can icons and relics). believe and do everything perfectly. Eucharistic disci- But only members of the Orthodox Church who practice a pline, however, demands that a communicant struggles 3 to do so, admitting when he or she fails, and repenting with- For the Acceptance of God’s Will out self-justification over one's failures and sins. This means, concretely, that eucharistic discipline requires a com- O Lord, I know not what to ask of Thee. Thou alone knowest municant to study God's Word in scripture, to pray and fast what are my true needs. Thou lovest me more than I my- self know how to love. Help me to see my real needs and give alms as one can, to attend church services as regu- which are concealed from me. I dare not ask for larly as possible, and to live according to God's command- either a cross or blessed consolation. I only desire what- ments in all aspects of one's life and work, regularly giving ever Thou dost choose to send me. My heart is open to an account of one's behavior to one's pastor and spiritual Thee. Visit and help me, for Thy great mercy's sake. guide, repenting of one's sins, and struggling by God's grace Chastise me and help me, cast me down and raise me up. I to change and improve. Persons rejecting such a disciplined worship in silence Thy holy will and Thine inscrutable ways. I life may not partake of Holy Communion in the Orthodox offer myself as a sacrifice to Thee. I put all my trust in Thee. I Church. have no other desire than to fulfill Thy will. Teach me how to pray. Pray Thou Thyself in me. Amen. Eucharistic discipline in the Orthodox Church finally re- quires that a communicant be in constant repentance, realiz- ing that he or she is never worthy of receiving holy com- Parish Council Meeting 04-18-2016 munion, and knowing that the heartfelt confession of one's unworthiness is an absolute condition for partaking in a wor- Members in Attendance: Fr. David Koles, Chris Dresko, Chris thy manner. The essential expression of one's unworthiness Adams, Marion Bichun, Nadine Cabrera, Sarah Clark, Rose- to receive Christ's body and blood in Holy Communion, mary Delaney, Al Hromi, Ellen Santoro, Brian Veek. with the admission of one's sins, is the forgiveness of others. Meeting Called to Order at 7:04PM and began with “O Heav- Eucharistic discipline demands that communicants of enly King.” Christ's body and blood be at peace with everyone as far as they can be, even when others are unwilling to forgive and Brian Veek, Warden Chris Dresko and Ellen Santoro led the be reconciled. At least within themselves, partakers of Holy Council in the Daily Scripture Readings and Fr. David added Communion at an Orthodox Divine Liturgy be in a lessons from the readings. union of love with all people, including their worst enemies. Pastor’s Report: Acceptance of one's baptism and chrismation in the Church, Father thanked those who assisted with the pre-Paschal clean responsibility for the Church's faith and life, the struggle to up. Barbara Burrill and Nadine Cabrera have volunteered to put the faith fully into practice, accountability for one's per- keep the church clean and tidy through . sonal belief and behavior, constant and continual repentance, Father provided an update on his goals for 2016: and peace with all people in the union of love commanded -Adult Education is going well and the schedule will be ad- and given by God in Christ and the Holy Spirit -- these are justed at the conclusion of and Pascha. the requirements for participation in holy communion in the -Calls to parishioners have been going well. People appreciate Orthodox Church. They are, ultimately and essentially, what the outreach whether illness or other circumstances have caused them to fall away from the church community. Holy Communion itself is all about. The 2016 Holy Week will have morning Presanctified services on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday our parish has been invited to join Fr. James in Hartford at 7:00am. The evening services will remain the same as past years, however there will PRAYERS OF SAINT PHILARET OF MOSCOW not be a tomb watch this year due to the lack of people who can make the time commitment. Nick Dresko will assist the church For the Coming of the New Day in obtaining police support for Pascha.

O Lord, grant me to greet the coming day in There are a few events coming up after Pascha. The Vesperal peace. Help me in all things to rely upon Liturgy for Saints Cyril and Methodius will be held on May 10. Thy holy will. In every hour of the day Megan Bartos’s wedding is on May 15. The sisterhood is hav- reveal Thy will to me. Bless my dealings ing their outing to the Goodspeed Opera House on June 12. with all who surround me. Teach me to treat all that come to me throughout the day with peace of Father has received thank you notes from the Alaskan Dioscese soul, and with firm conviction that Thy will governs all. who was the recipient of a recent monthly charity. In all my deeds and words guide my thoughts and feel- Warden’s Report: ings. In unforeseen events let me not forget that all are Chris Dresko commented on the theme for 2016: sent by Thee. Teach me to act firmly and wisely, without “Involvement.” The Council is seeking out ways to encourage embittering and embarrassing others. Give me strength to more people to be involved year-round and for everyday re- bear the fatigue of the coming day with all that it shall sponsibilities. bring. Direct my will, teach me to pray, pray Thou Thyself in me. Amen. Secretary’s Report: 4 Ellen Santoro motioned to accept the Secretary’s report, Brian In May, the Council will receive a quote for Father’s new vest- Veek seconded. Motion carried unanimously. ments.

It was noted that George Ludko should be included on the dis- Ellen Santoro asked who would be leading the project to train tribution list for the Council Minutes. new church cleaners. This is anticipated to be discussed in May. Financial Report: Al Hromi presented the March figures, which have been au- New Business: dited but include an approximate $300 discrepancy: The Pentecost Picnic will be June 18. Everyone on the Council will be asked to assist in reaching out to parishioners to invite Income $12,982.06 them. Expenses $13,880.47 Expenses over Income $ -898.41 May Charity – Brian Veek motioned to support the Rise Up Mentoring Program in New Britain. Chris Adams seconded. Chris Adams moved to accept the Financial Report, under- Motion carried unanimously. George Ludko added that the standing that the accounts need to be reconciled. Marion Friendship Center should be keep in mind as a backup. Bichun seconded. Chris Adams’s reimbursements for the computers and software Discussion was had and Ellen Santoro motioned to table the will be coming out of the Memorial Fund. financial report until the next Council Meeting. Chris Adams seconded. Motion carried unanimously. $476.03 from the ’s Pascha Card will go toward a $500 outreach/charity line item in the budget. Brian Veek encouraged the Council to make an effort to edu- cate the parish on how to utilize their bank’s automatic debit Next meeting: system to sustain the incoming pledges through the summer Monday, May 23, 2016 7:00pm months. Chris Adams motioned to adjourn at 8:25pm, Marion Bichun Financial Committee: seconded. Motioned carried unanimously. Chris Adams provided a report to the Council on the church assets, the currently state of the funds and how they are pro- Submitted by, jected to perform over the next year. Sarah Clark

The council discussed the investments and interest expenses. Parish Council Meeting 05-23-2016 Building and Grounds: Al Hromi is getting quotes from companies to complete the Members in Attendance: Fr. David Koles, Chris Dresko, Chris brick work. Chris Dresko asked Al to stay in touch with Adams, Marion Bichun, Julia Boisvert Bress, Nadine Cabrera, George Matyczyk. Sarah Clark, Rosemary Delaney, Al Hromi, Ellen Santoro, Brian Veek. Timothy Clark has agreed to take on a leadership role with the Building and Grounds Committee. Meeting Called to Order at 7:04 PM and began with “Christ is Risen.” Thank you to Dan Bradinini for changing the light in the choir loft. Rosemary Delaney and Sarah Clark led the Council in the Daily Scripture Readings. We need to look into a spring cleaning with the landscaping surrounding the church. Pastor’s Report: Father reflected on Lent and Pascha: Holy Week was “normal” George Ludko reported on the cemetery: even with the abridged schedule. 24 of 26 children of the Parish • Mr. Tardiff will spray along the western fence and fertilize were in attendance for the Vespers of Pascha. The suggestion the grounds – the committee will make sure Tardiff keeps the was made to move the 11:30pm service to 10:30pm to encour- list of jobs reasonable and are expecting a cost of about $1800 age attendance. Father reminded us that next year Pascha is on for everything that needs to be done. the same weekend as Western . The pussy willows should be moved to encourage better growth. We are looking forward to events coming up for the church including the Sisterhood family outing, Ascension, Southbury’s Chris Adams asked that the Cemetery Committee notify the 25th anniversary (June 8 & 9) and Pentecost. Father will be council before they plan to complete a lot of work, especially in away for the June 5 attending services in Pittsfield for their the event that they may need to use Bissland funds. 100th Anniversary and Father Bacon will be substituting.

Old Business: Father provided an update on his goals for 2016: Marion Bichun has secured lilies for Pascha for less money -Adult Education is continuing through the summer. than anticipated. She will purchase the flowers and the church -Calls to parishioners have been put on hold through the Holy will reimburse her, like they do every year. Week and Megan Bartos’s wedding and various funerals. 5 Father will address purchases and replacing the gospel The garage doors are rotting and the Council needs to decide cover in old and new business. The Memorial Fund will be used whether or not we are wanting to replace the doors or start to make these purchases. looking into renovating the space for storage. Also, there are bamboo plants on the property that need to be managed. Warden’s Report: Chris Dresko asked the Council if they were interested in hav- Cemetery Committee: ing a retreat-like summer meetings. The subject will be dis- New caretaker is doing a good job. cussed further in New Business. Mike Wanik will be putting up the new flags for Memorial Day Secretary’s Report: weekend. Chris Adams motioned to accept the Secretary’s report, Ellen Santoro seconded with typographical corrections. Motion car- Parish Life Committee: ried unanimously with Julia Boisvert Bress and Nadine Next Meeting is yet to be determined in light of all the parish Cabrera abstaining. happenings.

Chris Dresko explained how this month’s minutes will be Old Business: “tested” to review and approve the May Secretary’s report via We have an approximate $5000 quote for Father’s new vest- Google Documents. ments – Purple, green, and red sets. The Memorial fund will be used for these purchases. Brian Veek motioned to approve that Financial Report: $5500 from the Memorial Fund be used to purchase the new Ellen and Marion motioned to take up the tabled motion from and covers, Marion Bichun seconded. Motion carried last month’s meeting. Rosemary noted that there is still a dis- unanimously. crepancy, however that the books are balanced. This is merely a computer issue and we will vote on the March figures. Motion The Council brainstormed how to better handle the Church carried unanimously with Julia Boisvert Bress and Nadine cleaning and identified tasks needing to be handled monthly or Cabrera abstaining. weekly. There was a discussion on options, and the decision was made to take the month of June and commit ourselves as a Al Hromi presented the April figures, which have been audited Council to reach out to other parishioners personally and have but still need to be updated to include snow and medicare ad- cleaning groups work after Divine Liturgy. justments. New Business: Chris Adams moved to accept the April Financial Report with Father will get a quote on repairing and rebinding the Gospel. the notion that our expenses are overstated by $4116.60, The Pentecost Picnic will be June 18 which is 3 weeks away. Marion Bichun seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Everyone on the Council will be asked to assist in reaching out to parishioners to invite them. Dan and Gladys need assistance Income $10,992.06 in organizing. The Men’s Club will likely be contributing the Expenses $14,570.49 bounce houses and the Sisterhood will provide funds to support Expenses over Income $ -3,578.43 the costs of food or tent rental, etc.

Financial Committee: Margaret Wagner had donated $1000 to clean the chandelier Chris Adams reported that our accounts are improving and over and would like to know what happened to it and how it can best all funds are holding steady, even in the volatile financial mar- be used. ket. June Charity – Brian Veek motioned to support the Friendship Chris Dresko noted that we are still ahead on pledges and the Center New Britain. Chris Adams seconded. Motion carried Council decided that June 5th would be the weekend to offer unanimously. Chris Dresko added that the Prudence Crandall assistance to those wanting to set up auto-pay to keep us afloat Center should be keep in mind as a backup. through the summer. Father David added that a lightbulb over the Iconastas needs to Building and Grounds: be replaced. He will work with the Buildings and Grounds Al Hromi is still working on getting additional quotes from Committee. companies to complete the brick work. Currently he has a $7500 quote to complete a comprehensive project of various Chris Adams thanked Nick Dresko for his security support at brick issues around the church building. Chris Dresko asked Al Pascha. to address the urgency to complete these projects because we will most likely require a special meeting to approve the expen- Next meeting: diture. An informal picnic meeting date will be determined.

Mr. Cerutti received the letter of to the charity on his Chris Adams motioned to adjourn at 8:32pm, Brian Veek sec- behalf. onded. Motioned carried unanimously.

George Matyzyk has turned over his binder including his con- Submitted by, tacts to Al Hromi. Sarah Clark 6