
SALSBURGH COMMUNITY COUNCIL - 13thNOVEMBER 2008 Minutes of the meeting of Community Council held in the Community Hall on Thursday 13'h November 2008

PRESENT J. Keir [Chair], G. Stephen, M. McLaughlin, M. Hinds, 0. McAvoy, N. McCann, H. Cox, C. Cox, J. Wilson.

ALSO PRESENT Cllr J. Robertson [North Council] Pauline Nicholhs [Senior Local Regeneration Manager, NLC] Sergeant Gavin Russell [Strathclyde Police] Glynn Jones [Estates Manager-Bardon ] K. Nelson.

APQLOGIES FOR ABSENCE; Clir C. Cefferty, Council

1. Minutes of the meeting of Thursday gthOctober 2008 were submitted and approved.


ESTATE MAINTENANCE 2. Further to the recent Freedom Of Information request members were informed that open space maintenance in Salsburgh is carried out by North Lanarkshire Coiincil ground maintenance and estates section, while North Lanarkshire Council 'care of garden' scheme is carried out by Forgewoocl Landscapes Ltd.

At this point in proceedings the chair decided to vary the order of business. PauDine Micholas, Senior Local Regenea2tion Manager from North Lanarkshire Council was introduced to %&emeeting. Member rioted that following various matters previously highlighted at community council meetings to address issues relative to community planning and service delivery based on community priorities and neighbourhood improvement, Ms Nicholas was made aware of the following issues and concerns;

1. Hazardous traffic conditions on the 87066 road and verges at Newhouse adjacent to and near the Past f2cd mobi!e c8rsval ii'dudiiig cvicerns reyardivg the planring appk&ioi; details.

I7 Condition of the E37066 road surface over a distance of several hundred meters leading from Newhouse towards Greenhill and Wilson Road. 3. Illegal and unauthorised dumping and engineering development alongside the 57066 ar the junction with Greenhili and Wilson Road 4. Lack of proper road markings and 'cats eyes' along the 67066. 3. Clearing of the drains along the both sides of the E37066 from Newhouse to Salsburgh to slop accumulations of water a.Rer rain arid freezing ice water accumulations ditrirly wintertime.

(-1 . Pnssrble environmental irnpiovetrrents [seatirigipicnir, areadtree piantitlg] along the southerr; verge of the B7666 from Newhouse towards the Salsburgh village. 7. Condition, ownership and future use of the lznd at the demolished garage site on the E37066 and the adjacent area leadirig to Springfield Road. 8. Condition Gf the land and the heaith 8 safsty dangers including the illegal removal of local Authority fencing at the unauthorised bui!diny site at the bifurcation uf Springfield Road with the B7065. 9. Condition of :he land and waste rock dumping at the road entrance to Strathclyde Homes deveiopment. 10. Condition of the land [non maintained] and lack of grass cutting on the verge at the south of the 87066 between the pedestrian footbridge and Strathclyde Homes development. l1. Construction of a proper footpathlsteps at the embankment east of Strathclyde homes development.

1 SALSBURGH COMMU TY COUNCIL - 13fhNOVEMBER 2008 12. Condition and state of the barriers [fencing] on both sides of the road alongside the 67066 where it bisects the Salsburgh village. 13. Condition and maintenance of the pedestrian footbridge across the 97066 and North Lanarkshire Council future proposals for the pedestrian footbridge. 14. Condition of the footpath and fencing on the southern side of the 67066 from the village towards the Primary School and Kirk o’ Church. IS. Condition of the Right of Way at the east of the village from the 97066 towards Manse Road and the lack of maintenance and grass cutting along the path including the theft of the steel fencing along the sides of the Right of Way. 16. Construction of a footpath from the cross roads [Duntilland/ Road] leading to St Catherines Well. 17. Clearing of the drains along the southern side of the B7066 along the Hirst from Forrest Road to the Kirk o’Shotts to stop accumulations of waterlice during wintertime reducing the 97066 road width to single file traffic. 18. Illegal dumping and the condition of fencing alongside the B7066 lay bye [north side] east of the Kirk 0’s hotts. 19. Condition of the play park ground and lack of play equipment at the play park adjacent to Carva,e Avwce 20. North Lanarkshire Council future proposals for the recreation ground at Blackcroft Terrace in Salsb urgh . 2 I. North Lanarkshire Council future proposals for the redundant water authority ground adjacent to the cenotaph at Salsburgh including illegal dumping at the site, the state of the fencing surrounding the site and the overgrown condition of the undergrowth on the land. 32. Condition of the bridge parapets on Salsburgh Main Street at the Glenbrae. 23. Washing of public service vehicles at Irvine’s Coaches on the public road on Salsburgh Main Street. 24. Condition of the King George Park and lack of play equipment including future proposals for the area inclusive of the water authority ground. 25. Condition of the Bogfoot Road, rubbish dumping and illegal removal of steel fencing alongside the [Bogfoot Road] Right of Way. 26. Illegal use of the land and dumping adjacent to the industrial estate on the Springfield Road 27. Condition [or removal] of the paintwork on the facing brick at Salsburgh community hall. 28. Development of the polo mint centre of the community hall. 29. Illegal activity [4wheel/quad/m/c] and illegal rubbish dumping on/at the Dewshill Bing. 30. Condition of the Duntilland Road surface near Bardon [Aggregate Industries] quarry. regards to issue 2 [above] members were informed that resurfacing had taken place and the ’ on the northern side of the carriageway was being addressed. Matters were also highlighted th?t issues 8 & I0are being investigated and addressed]

A number of other issues were also highlighted and discussed including; 9 The CAG Consultants sustainability appraisal [July 20041 for the Salsburgh community to improve the quality of life within the community at Salsburgh. ‘P The W.A. Fairhurst & Partners report [February 20041 of the 97066 through the village of Saisburgh with particular emphasis on a designated study area of the B7066 5- The 87066 Footbridge report [included costs] conducted by North Lanarkshire Council [June 19971 to consider the options for refurbishing or demolishing the Salsburgh pedestrian footbridge. Further issues highlighted and discussed included; Suggestions regarding the B7066 footbridge removal, barrier removals, B7066 light controlled crossings, reduction of the 40 MPH speed limit, roundabout constructions, replacement of rusted lighting pole structures through Salsburgh and, possible project funding for local neighbourhood projects. Members were invited to bring various suggestions for local neighbourhood improvement projects to the next community council meeting for consideration. Ms Nicholas was thanked for her atterrdance and input to the meeting.

At this point Sgt Gavin Russell of Community Police Team was introduced to the meeting. The following issues were highlighted and discussed; 0 Recent postcard delivery from Strathclyde Police informing of the new

2 SALSBURGH COMMUNITY COUNCIL - 13fhNOVEMBER 2008 11-11-1 community policing team operating within the Salsburgh area from the Shotts and Harthill police offices. Future postcards with contact details for the new policing initiative to be distributed locally including availabilityldeposit at the Salsburgh Post Office and Community Hall. The intention to encourage high visibility police foot patrol within the area to counter the perceived problems associated with drive bye only observation. The possibility of a dedicated police sergeant [other than Sgt Russell] taking control of the Fortissat local policing team. Police representatives attending future Salsburgh Community Council meetings. Crime statistics to be detailed at future community council meetings. Information currently on the internet regarding the new community policing initiative and information on how the community policing team can be contacted by e-mail by members of the local community to highlight issues and concerns. Police telephone call routing through call centres contact and, emergency [999] calls from the Salsburgh area will be covered from [full time] Airdrie Police Station. Telephone contact numbers Fortissat police team: 01698-202662. Police: 01698-483000 Wishaw Police: 01698-202600. Other matters discussed were stricter controls relating to fireworks resulting in fewer complaints recorded in activity, issues regarding joint action with policeltrading standards, street drinking [alcohol] areas in Salsburgh [all bye-law prohibited !] and motor vehicle activity at the Dewshill Bing inclusive of chopping down trees. Crime reports/incidents [47] were noted as follows; 1 RTA offence, I juvenile vandalism, 1 breach of peace, 3 thefts [2 wheelie bins & 3 collie puppies], 7 street drinking, 2 fires [Ivehicle & 1 wheelie bin], 9 complaints, 6 assist members of the public. Other incidents recorded at Salsburgh occurred on the adjacent . No local assaults or disturbances were recorded during the previous calendar month period. Sgt Russell was thanked for his attendance and input to the meeting.

At this point Mr Glynn Jones, Estates Manager of Bardon Scotland was introduce the meeting. The following was highlighted and discussed; Update on Bardon Scotland proposed ECO Garden outdoor classroom at Kirk o’Shotts Primary School with raised flower beds and picnic tables. The involvement of the Scattish Wildlife trust and finalisation of costing to produce a stad date on the ECO garden near the end of this year or the beginning of 2009. The invite of 25 [P6/7] children and teachers to visit the local Duntilland Quarry and the involvement in the school project relating to local architecture. The coming on stream of the new ready rnix plant and equipment at the Quarry. The introduction of a tree planting scheme at/around the Duntilland Quarry. New storm water containment cells to accommodate the increasing amounts of water from heavier than expected rainfall conditions to cope with a now projected I in 200 year event . New SEPA discharge consents for black off water accumulations at the quarry including mobile record and text messaging information systems for management. Confirmation that boulders can be supplied by the quarry to restrict vehicle access at a local dumping site. Mr Jones was thanked for his attendance and input to the meeting.


3 SALSBURGH COMMUNITY COUNCIL - 13thNOVEMBER 2008 North Lanarkshire Council Advertising Literature ASCC SEPA


ADVERT1S I N G LITERATU RE 3. Members noted various advertising literature.

FOREST RESEARCH 4. Members discussed and various issues were highlighted that Forest Research, the research agency of the Forestry Commission, conducted follow up research with members of the community council and the local community in Salsburgh Community Hall regarding land and wildlife management with particular emphasis or: deer. Forest Research Newsletters, issues 1 & 2 [2008] were circulated.

POST OFFICE CLOSURE 5. Members noted correspondence from North Lanarkshire Council that Post Offices Ltd is to close 13 branch post offices within North Lanarkshire.

PLANNING APP LlCAT1 ONS 6. Members noted planning applications for the area inclusive of single wind turbines for agricultural businesses. Matters were highlighted regarding grants to agricultural business for the purchase and installation of equipment including construction, upgrading or development of infrastructure to support micro generation equipment.

ASCC 7. Members noted correspondence [circulated] from the Association of Sco#hh Community Councils regarding the National Postal Ballot 2008. Various issues from the national officers reports and candidate statements were noted. Of particular interest was issues highlighted by the ASCC such as; = Disappointment regarding local representation due to broken promises, spawned by political expediency of deals done behind closed doors out with the control or involvement of the ASCC or community councils. = The proposed national scheme for community councils and the code of cmduct for comrn un ity cou ncillo rs . . The recognition of community couricils as key stakeholders by many agencies in Scotland but with the added proviso of concern in marginalisation of community councils due to the concordat between the Scottish Government and COSLA. Approaches to the Scottish Government to cease supporting overlapping local engagement project delivery structures created to circumvent community councils especially in view of the Cornmission on Local Government and the Scottish Parliament agreement that "Community Councils are genuinely independent and autonomous local associations of citizens concerned to promote the betterment of the ir Io ca I co mm unities."

ASBESTOS 8. Members were made aware that asbestos has been dumped on the Right of VVay at: the east of the village with its junction at Manse Road.

4 SALSBURGH COMMUNITY COUNCIL - 13fhNOVEMBER 2008 COUNCIL BUDGET 9. Members noted the invitation to attend the meeting of the Wishaw & District Local Area Partnership [LAP] on the lothDecember 2008 and the comment that North Lanarkshire Council values the involvement of community organisations and other representative groups in discussions of budgetary proposals of the Council and appreciates the objectivity and perspective that they bring to discussions and accordingly community council members are to attend the LAP meeting.

COMMUNITY FORUM EVENT 10. Members noted correspondence from North Lanarkshire Council that a community forum event is to be held on the 2ndDecember 2008 to discuss the development of a partnership agreement between community fora and North Lanarkshire Partnership.

ENGAGEMENT & PARTlC IPATlON 11. Members were informed of matters from the Wishaw, & Fortissat C~mmunZtyForum meeting that took place on the 3QthOctober 2008.

PERFORMANCE REPORTS 12. Members noted [issued] the launch of North Lanarkshire Council Corporate Performance Report 2007-2008 [Council mission statements and visions] and North Lanarkshire Partnership Community Plan Report 2007-2008 [Partnerships visions and priorities for community planning]

HEALTH INEQUALlTlES 13. Members noted that following the ministerial task force report [Equally Well-June 20081 which confirmed health inequalities are a significant problem in Scotland, North Lanarkshire has been selected as a test site to focus on sustainable employment to help people improve their circumstances through employment and as a result to aid improvement in their heaith.

YOUTH FOOTBALL 14. Members noted that Motherwell Football Club is working with North Lanarkshire Council [Learning & Leisure Dept] to provide a football initiative for talented young players to aid their development as footballers.

EDUCATION 15. Members rioted that since 2005 the Worth Lanarkshire Co~lrrcitPublic Private Partnership [PPP] initiative has with a investment of E150 million pounds [sterling] constructed 24 new schools on 17 sites across North Lanarkshire.

RECYCLING 16. Members noted that North Lanarkshire Coiincil participates in a recycling scheme that means that every torine of aluminium cans or foil recycled in the UK equals one mature fruit tree donated and helping to feed the Malawi community. In the past year North Lanarkshire Council has recycied enough aluminium cans and aluminium foil to donate I01 mature [grafted] orange trees to Malawi.

SEPA 17. Members noted SEPA View, Autumn 2008, issue 40. The community council meeting concluded. The next community council meeting will take place on Thursday 1Ith December 2008.