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Research Articles: Behavioral/Cognitive

Antagonistic interactions between microsaccades and evidence accumulation processes during decision formation

Gerard M. Loughnane1, Daniel P. Newman2, Sarita Tamang3, Simon P. Kelly3,4 and Redmond G. O'Connell1

1Trinity College Institute of and School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland. 2School of Psychological Sciences and Monash Institute for Cognitive and Clinical (MICCN), Monash University, Melbourne, VIC 3806, Australia. 3Department of Biomedical Engineering, City College of the City University of New York. 4School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University College Dublin, Dublin 4, Ireland.

DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2340-17.2018

Received: 18 August 2017

Revised: 20 December 2017

Accepted: 14 January 2018

Published: 25 January 2018

Author contributions: G.M.L., S.T., and S.P.K. designed research; G.M.L. and S.T. performed research; G.M.L., D.P.N., S.P.K., and R.G.O. analyzed data; G.M.L., D.P.N., S.P.K., and R.G.O. wrote the paper.

Conflict of Interest: The authors declare no competing financial interests.

This study was supported by grants from the United States National Science Foundation (BCS-1358955 to S.P.K. and R.G.O.), European Research Council (63829 to R.G.O.), and the International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (612681) of the EU 7th Framework Programme to R.G.O. The authors also thank Ana Carina Pamplona, Rafael Abe, and Marco Tulio Ramalho Zoratti for help with data collection.

Corresponding author: Gerard Loughnane, Address: Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience and School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland, Email: [email protected]; Phone: +3531 896 4543

Cite as: J. Neurosci ; 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2340-17.2018

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Copyright © 2018 the authors

1 Antagonistic interactions between

2 microsaccades and evidence accumulation

3 processes during decision formation

4 Abbreviated title: Microsaccades disrupt evidence accumulation

1* 2 3 5 Gerard M. Loughnane , Daniel P. Newman , Sarita Tamang , Simon

3,4 1 6 P. Kelly & Redmond G. O’Connell

7 1 Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience and School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin,

8 Dublin 2, Ireland.

9 2 School of Psychological Sciences and Monash Institute for Cognitive and Clinical

10 Neurosciences (MICCN), Monash University, Melbourne, VIC 3806, Australia.

11 3 Department of Biomedical Engineering, City College of the City University of New York.

12 4 School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University College Dublin, Dublin 4, Ireland.

13 Corresponding author: Gerard Loughnane

14 Address: Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience and School of Psychology, Trinity

15 College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland,

16 Email: [email protected]; Phone: +3531 896 4543

17 No. of pages: 42; No. of figures: 7.

18 Abstract word count: 157; Introduction word count: 649; Discussion word

19 count: 1154. 1

20 Acknowledgements: This study was supported by grants from the United States

21 National Science Foundation (BCS-1358955 to S.P.K. and R.G.O.), European

22 Research Council (63829 to R.G.O.), and the International Research Staff Exchange

23 Scheme (612681) of the EU 7th Framework Programme to R.G.O. The authors also

24 thank Ana Carina Pamplona, Rafael Abe, and Marco Tulio Ramalho Zoratti for help

25 with data collection.














38 Abstract

39 Despite their small size, microsaccades can impede stimulus detections if executed

40 at inopportune times. Although it has been shown that microsaccades evoke both

41 inhibitory and excitatory responses across different visual regions, their impact on

42 the higher-level neural decision processes that bridge sensory responses to action

43 selection has yet to be examined. Here we show that when human observers

44 monitor stimuli for subtle feature changes, the occurrence of microsaccades long

45 after (up to 800ms) change onset predicts slower reaction times, and that this is

46 accounted for by momentary suppression of neural signals at each key stage of

47 decision formation - visual evidence encoding, evidence accumulation, and motor

48 preparation. Our data further reveal that, independent of the timing of the change

49 events, the onset of neural decision formation coincides with a systematic inhibition

50 of microsaccade production, persisting until the perceptual report is executed. Our

51 combined behavioral and neural measures highlight antagonistic interactions

52 between microsaccade occurrence and evidence accumulation during visual

53 decision making tasks.

54 Significance statement

55 When fixating on a location in space, we frequently make tiny eye movements called

56 microsaccades. In the present study, we show that these microsaccades impede our

57 ability to make perceptual decisions about visual stimuli, and that this impediment

58 specifically occurs via the disruption of several processing levels of the sensorimotor

59 network; the encoding of visual evidence itself, the accumulation of visual evidence


60 towards a response, and effector-selective motor preparation. Furthermore, we show

61 that the production of microsaccades is inhibited during the perceptual decision,

62 possibly as a counteractive measure to mitigate their negative effect on behaviour in

63 this context. The combined behavioral and neural measures used in this study

64 provide strong and novel evidence for the interaction of fixational eye movements

65 and the perceptual decision making process.

66 Introduction

67 It is increasingly apparent that microsaccades – tiny fixational eye movements – play

68 a vital role in supporting perception (Hsieh and Tse, 2009; Martinez-Conde et al.,

69 2013; Chen et al., 2015). However, these beneficial effects also come at a cost: to

70 ensure perceptual stability during movement of the , visual activity is disrupted

71 in the interval surrounding a microsaccade, leading to a transient increase in visual

72 thresholds and reaction times for stimuli appearing in that interval (Ditchburn, 1955;

73 Zuber and Stark, 1966; Beeler, 1967; Herrington et al., 2009; Hafed and Krauzlis,

74 2010; Tian and Chen, 2015). Thus, microsaccades are a potentially significant

75 contributor to behavioural variability on a wide range of perceptual tasks, a

76 commonly overlooked fact that has broad implications for basic and clinical research

77 on vision (Hafed et al., 2015). However, the precise neural mechanisms that mediate

78 microsaccadic perceptual suppression are not yet fully understood.

79 Neurophysiological investigations of this phenomenon have been recorded from

80 numerous visual areas under a variety of experimental contexts and while certain

81 areas exhibit excitatory modulations, others exhibit inhibitory modulations, and yet


82 others a combination of the two (Gur and Snodderly, 1987, 1997; Leopold and

83 Logothetis, 1998; Martinez-Conde et al., 2000, 2002; Dimigen et al., 2009;

84 Herrington et al., 2009; Chen et al., 2015; Tian and Chen, 2015). Further, while these

85 studies have focused primarily on the effects on sensory representations, the impact

86 of microsaccades on the higher-level processes that translate sensory information

87 into appropriate action has yet to be considered.

88 Convergent data from psychophysics, computational modelling and neurophysiology

89 highlight the central role of ‘decision variable’ signals in determining the timing and

90 accuracy of perceptual reports by accumulating sensory evidence over time up to an

91 action-triggering threshold (Shadlen and Kiani, 2013). Such accumulation-to-bound

92 dynamics have been demonstrated both in signals recorded non-invasively from the

93 human brain (Kelly and O'Connell, 2015), and in the spiking activity of certain

94 neuronal sub-populations within several sensorimotor regions of the monkey brain

95 (Roitman and Shadlen, 2002; Huk and Shadlen, 2005; Ratcliff et al., 2007). In two of

96 these regions, the lateral intraparietal area (LIP) and the superior colliculus, it has

97 been reported that microsaccades occurring around the time of stimulus onset result

98 in a brief suppression of activity (Herrington et al., 2009; Hafed and Krauzlis, 2010;

99 Chen et al., 2015, Chen and Hafed, 2017). However, these effects were not

100 observed specifically on neural signals reflecting evidence accumulation, and given

101 the heterogenous firing characteristics and breadth of functional roles associated

102 with these regions (Bisley and Goldberg, 2010; Gandhi and Katnani, 2011; Krauzlis

103 et al., 2013; Meister et al., 2013), it cannot be inferred whether and how

104 microsaccades may impact decision variable dynamics in particular. 5

105 Here, we sought to investigate the impact of microsaccades on perceptual decision

106 formation in the human brain. Although microsaccades have been studied in relation

107 to the visual responses they evoke over occipital areas (Dimigen et al., 2009;

108 Meyberg et al., 2015), no human study has yet established even basic aspects of

109 their impact on neural stimulus processing, such as the suppressive effects reported

110 in animal work. This is largely due to the technical challenges associated with

111 parsing the complex, multi-component responses evoked by discrete stimulus events

112 in non-invasive recordings. We employed continuous-stimulation paradigms that

113 overcome such limitations and enable the isolation of independent neural signals

114 reflecting the key processing levels necessary for simple perceptual decisions

115 (O'Connell et al., 2012; Kelly and O'Connell, 2013). This approach allowed us to gain

116 three key, novel insights. First, microsaccadic neural suppression was observed in

117 early with a highly similar time-course to that observed in single-unit

118 recordings (Leopold and Logothetis, 1998). Second, microsaccades executed at any

119 point during the period of decision formation cause a brief delay in decision signal

120 build-up that accounts for their detrimental impact on perceptual performance.

121 Finally, our data reveal that microsaccade production is systematically inhibited

122 throughout the period of neural evidence accumulation which facilitates the sampling

123 of visual information.

124 Materials and Methods

125 Participants


126 All participants gave written informed consent, and all procedures were approved by

127 the ethical review boards at the site of data collection for each task: either the ethical

128 review board in City College of New York (Experiment 1) or the School of

129 Psychological Sciences in Monash University Melbourne (Experiment 2). Ethical

130 guidelines were in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. All participants were

131 right handed, over the age of 18, had normal or corrected-to-normal vision and had

132 no history of psychiatric diagnosis, sensitivity to flickering light, or head injury

133 resulting in loss of consciousness.

134 After participant rejection (see Data Exclusion), there was a sample size of 17 (12

135 males, aged 21 – 32 years) in Experiment 1 and 43 (26 males, aged 20 – 28 years)

136 in Experiment 2.

137 Materials and task procedures

138 Both tasks were performed in a darkened room with participants seated 56cm from a

139 21 inch CRT (85Hz, 1024 x 768 resolution). Visual stimuli were presented on a dark

140 grey background. Participants were instructed to fixate on a central 5 x 5 pixel white

141 square at all times. They were also asked to restrict any eye movements throughout

142 the task, e.g. large or blinks. If any participant performed such eye

143 movements in any block, they were reminded not to do so for the subsequent blocks.

144 An SR Research Eyelink eye tracker (EyeLink version 2.04, SR Research Ltd/SMI)

145 recorded eye movements which were later analysed to a) ensure that participants

146 maintained and b) detect the presence of microsaccades.


147 Experiment 1: Gradual contrast change detection task

148 Participants were instructed to monitor a continuously flickering (25Hz), annular

149 checkerboard pattern in order to detect intermittent targets defined by gradual

150 contrast increases or decreases (Figure 1A). The checkerboard stimulus extended

151 from 3 to 8° eccentricity, with 6 tiles (alternating light and dark) spanning the radial

152 extent and 64 tiles extending over the full 360° of polar angle. In order to maximize

153 SSVEP signal-to-noise ratio, the annulus was divided into 8 segments which

154 flickered on-and-off with phase differences imposed to induce constructive oscillatory

155 signal summation on the scalp (Vanegas et al., 2013). Contrast was held at a

156 constant baseline level of 70% during Inter-Change Intervals. On target onset,

157 contrast linearly increased (“Up” blocks) or decreased (“Down” blocks) from the 70%

158 baseline by 30% over 1.2 seconds, reaching 100% or 40% before immediately

159 returning to the baseline level at twice the rate, resulting in an overall target duration

160 of 1.8s. The Inter-Change Interval was randomly 4, 7 or 10 s. Participants performed

161 six “Up” blocks where the target contrast change was upward only, and six “Down”

162 blocks where the target contrast change was downward only, each containing 24

163 targets and lasting just over 4 minutes. It was emphasized that participants should

164 avoid guessing and make a right index finger mouse button press as soon as they

165 were certain that the checkerboard had increased or decreased in contrast.

166 Experiment 2: Bilateral dot motion task

167 We then investigated whether the effects we found in the contrast-based task in

168 Experiment 1 extended to the random dot motion (RDM) task (Newsome et al., 1989; 8

169 Kelly and O'Connell, 2013; Loughnane et al., 2016). Here, participants performed a

170 version of the task in which they monitored two peripheral patches of randomly

171 moving dots for intermittent targets defined by a seamless step change from random

172 to coherent motion (Figure 1B). In this data collected as part of a previously reported

173 experiment (Newman et al., 2014; Loughnane et al., 2016), coherence levels were

174 titrated to below ceiling performance and involved discrete trial presentations. In both

175 the titration and experimental blocks, each trial consisted of a pre-target period of

176 incoherent motion lasting 1.82, 2.22 or 2.62s followed by a downward coherent

177 motion target which could come up in either the left or right hemifield, upon which

178 participants were instructed to simultaneously press both the left and right mouse

179 buttons as quickly as possible. Coherence levels were determined for each

180 participant in the titration block using a four-down, one-up staircase designed to

181 converge on the individualised coherence level at which the participant could achieve

182 approximately an 85% hit rate (Garcia-Perez, 1998). In the titration block 25% of

183 trials were catch trials which contained no target and participants received visual

184 feedback after each trial as to whether they were correct, incorrect, or pressed the

185 button before the target had onset. The resulting individualised coherence level then

186 remained constant throughout the experimental block. The average of the

187 individualised coherence levels was 19.5 +- 6.7%. The experimental block included

188 10% catch trials of which the participant was informed before the task began while

189 they also received negative feedback if they responded before target onset.

190 Participants completed one block of 330 trials in total. After trial and participant

191 rejection (see below), the average hit rate of analysable trials during the


192 experimental block was 81 +- 8.8%. For catch trials the false alarm rate was 12 +-

193 10.5% and correct rejection rate 88 +- 10.5%.

194 The centre of each dot motion patch was at a visual angle 10° either side and 4°

195 below the fixation square; each patch covered 8° visual angle and consisted of 150 6

196 x 6 pixel white dots. The dots stimuli were flickered on and off screen every 23.5ms,

197 resulting in a flicker rate of 21.25 frames/s (each “frame” representing two screen

198 refreshes). During incoherent motion, these dots were placed randomly throughout

199 the patch on each frame. During coherent motion, a proportion of the dots were

200 randomly selected on each frame to be displaced in either the upward or downward

201 direction on the following frame, with a motion speed of 6° per second.

202 Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis

203 Both Experiments 1 and 2 incorporated a within-subjects design, specifically using

204 repeated-measures ANOVA and within-subjects t-tests. Any further analyses are

205 described in the Data Analysis section below and in the Results section. Replication

206 of analyses from Experiment 1 on the data from Experiment 2 was used in order to

207 both extend the findings across experimental paradigms and as a control against

208 Type I error.

209 Microsaccade detection

210 Using the eye position data collected by the eye tracker, microsaccades were

211 detected using the EEGLAB developed by Ralf Engbert and colleagues (Engbert and

212 Mergenthaler, 2006) ( In this 10

213 algorithm, microsaccades are defined as outliers in 2D velocity space and saccades

214 are identified relative to the general noise level of the eye position data. Parameters

215 for detection were based on recommendations from Engbert and

216 Mergenthaler (Engbert and Mergenthaler, 2006). Microsaccades were defined as

217 eye movements where the velocity exceeded threshold for longer than 8ms. This

218 velocity threshold was set at 6 SDs of the median velocity. Microsaccades were also

219 required to be separated in time by at least 50ms. In order to validate the

220 microsaccade detection algorithm, we plotted microsaccade velocity against

221 magnitude, known as the main sequence (Figure 1B; (Zuber et al., 1965)). The

222 majority of saccades were below 1° of visual angle and microsaccades were defined

223 as those which fell below this threshold (Martinez-Conde et al., 2013).

224 EEG Acquisition and Preprocessing

225 In Experiment 1, continuous EEG was acquired from 97 scalp electrodes using a

226 Brain Products system digitized at 500Hz. In Experiment 2 EEG was acquired from

227 64 scalp electrodes using a Brain Products system digitized at 500Hz. All data were

228 analysed using a combination of custom scripts and EEGLAB routines (Delorme and

229 Makeig, 2004) in MATLAB (MathWorks). A 0.1Hz high-pass filter and 35Hz low-pass

230 filter was applied offline. Noisy channels were interpolated (spherical spline) and the

231 data were re-referenced to the average reference. Target epochs were extracted

232 from the continuous data using a window of -300ms to 1700ms around evidence

233 onset (contrast change in Experiment 1, coherent motion in Experiment 2) and

234 baseline corrected with respect to -100 to 0ms before target onset. The extra 200ms


235 before the baseline period allowed analysis of pre-target microsaccade rate in sliding

236 windows. For one analysis, epochs were also created in the Inter-Change Interval,

237 from -1500ms to stimulus onset and baselined from -1500ms to 1400ms. All epochs

238 were subjected to a current source density transformation using the CSD Toolbox for

239 Matlab (Kayser and Tenke, 2006).

240 Data Exclusion

241 For all experiments, trials were excluded from all analyses if they fulfilled either of the

242 following criteria: (a) reaction times slower than 1700ms; (b) EEG from any channel

243 exceeded +- 100μV during the interval between 100ms before evidence onset and

244 100ms after response. Trials were also excluded if central fixation was broken at any

245 stage during the epoch by blinking or >3° left or right of centre

246 throughout the whole epoch. Any participant with less than 30% of trials remaining

247 were entirely excluded from all analyses. This led to the exclusion of 12 participants

248 in Experiment 2. In addition, any participant with less than 15 trials in any data cell

249 for any analysis was excluded from that analysis. This led to the exclusion of two

250 participants in analyses comparing 0 and 1 microsaccade trials in Experiment 1 and

251 23 participants in the same analyses in Experiment 2.

252 Data Analysis

253 In both experiments, the Central Parietal Positivity (CPP) was measured from 3

254 parietal midline peak electrodes, clustered around CPz using the 10-20 coordinate

255 system. In order to eliminate the influence of the Steady State Visual Evoked


256 Potential (SSVEP) and alpha power on the slow-potential CPP analyses, the

257 waveforms were further low pass filtered to 8Hz using a 4th order Butterworth filter. In

258 Experiment 1, the SSVEP (25Hz) was measured using the standard Short-Time-

259 Fourier Transform (STFT) with a boxcar window size fitting exactly 6 cycles of the

260 SSVEP frequency (320ms) and 20ms step size. The SSVEP was averaged over 5

261 electrodes centred on standard site Oz using the 10-20 coordinate system.

262 Lateralised beta power (left hemisphere beta, LHB) was measured as the oscillatory

263 power in the 18 to 30Hz range over motor electrodes in the left hemisphere in

264 Experiment 1. Power was measured in a sliding boxcar window of 240ms with 20ms

265 step size. As an extra control analysis, all lateralised beta analyses were also

266 performed having excluded the SSVEP frequency (25Hz) bin in the STFT

267 calculation. For both SSVEP and beta analyses, time frequency calculations were

268 also performed, this time being done using a wavelet method. To determine the

269 onset of microsaccadic inhibition, CPP and lateralised beta power, we performed

270 running sample-point by sample-point t-tests against zero across all the participants’

271 average waveforms. General onset was determined as defined as the first point at

272 which the amplitude reached significance at the 0.05 level for 10 or more

273 consecutive points, beginning at that point (Foxe and Simpson, 2002; Kelly et al.,

274 2008).

275 In keeping with O’Connell et al (2012), the SSVEP linearly tracked the physical

276 contrast changes but the build-up rates of the CPP and beta increased over time,

277 indicating that they were not simply tracking the momentary sensory evidence.

278 Following the same methods used in O’Connell et al (2012) we formally tested the 13

279 evidence accumulation hypothesis by performing separate regressions for each

280 participant to fit the response-locked LHB and CPP signals with 1) the SSVEP

281 divergence from baseline, and 2) its cumulative sum beginning 0.6s before response

282 time. We statistically confirmed differences of accuracy of the fits via the R-Squared

283 statistic of the regressions. We also performed a similar analysis whereby we

284 regressed the actual evidence (contrast level) on each signal; the CPP, LHB, and

285 SSVEP, in order to formally demonstrate the non-linear nature of the CPP and LHB

286 compared to the linear SSVEP.

287 The first step in analysis was to probe the relationship between microsaccade rate,

288 CPP, lateralised beta (in Experiment 1) and the speed of manual response. All

289 measurements were taken from the decision build-up period, 400 to 800ms in

290 Experiment 1 and 300 to 600ms in Experiment 2 (tailored to each experiment’s

291 decision period). We sorted trials according to reaction time and divided them into 2

292 equal-sized bins. Importantly, RT binning was done within each trial condition (i.e. ITI

293 and target contrast direction), thus eliminating confounding factors known to have an

294 influence on RT. Analysis of the effect of RT binning on all signals was conducted

295 using a repeated-measures ANOVA, with factors of Target Contrast Direction, Inter-

296 Change Interval, and RT Bin. Microsaccade rate (microsaccade per second) was

297 calculated inside each RT bin in 100ms sliding windows in steps of 2ms by obtaining

298 the number of microsaccades in a given set of trials in that 100ms window,

299 multiplying by 10, and dividing by the number of trials. In a further analysis to

300 examine the duration of the effect of RT binning on microsaccade rate, running t-

301 tests were performed on each time window, comparing microsaccade rates in each 14

302 bin. To account for multiple comparisons across the time-series a non-parametric

303 permutation method (Cheadle et al., 2014; Loughnane et al., 2016) was employed to

304 calculate a conservative significance threshold. The data were shuffled randomly

305 before performing t-tests across every time point up to the time of grand average RT

306 (approx. 1200ms), then taking the most extreme t-value from this series. This

307 procedure was performed 10000 times to create a distribution of t-values with which

308 to compare the original t-value time series. The 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles of the

309 resultant distribution provided the final two-tailed significance threshold.

310 In Experiment 1, SSVEP was also analysed by RT bin, while in Experiment 2, the

311 target selection signal N2c (Loughnane et al., 2016) was analysed. With the

312 exception of the evidence-locked N2c, all signals were analysed by RT bin relative to

313 both evidence onset and also relative to manual response. Finally, RT images of all

314 electrophysiological signals were calculated by concatenating all evidence-locked

315 single trials and sorting them by RT, z-scored inside participant and experimental

316 condition. The image was then smoothed along the y-axis in a 100-trial boxcar

317 averaging window. The same analysis was performed on microsaccade rate, with a

318 slight change since the data consists of a series of punctuate eye movement events.

319 That is, microsaccade rate was first calculated across 100-trial bins, then

320 concatenated and sorted by the average z-scored RT in those bins. Finally, we

321 formally tested the relative alignment of saccadic suppression to contrast change or

322 response by calculating the time at which the lowest microsaccade rate occurred in a

323 given 100-trial bin, relative to both evidence onset and response. We then compared

324 the standard deviations of these two measures and performed a Brown-Forsythe test 15

325 to test for significant difference in variance. The effect of Hits versus Misses were

326 also examined in Experiment 2, which had enough misses in enough subjects.

327 The influence of microsaccades on electrophysiological signals in the decision build-

328 up period was probed by creating epochs from -100 to 300ms around microsaccade

329 onset and baselining from -100ms to 0ms. In Experiment 1, microsaccades were

330 chosen specifically from a window of 400 to 800ms, and in Experiment 2, 300 to

331 600ms. Only trials with RTs after these time windows were then included in

332 analyses. These time windows were chosen as the best method by which to

333 measure microsaccades in the early build-up of the sensorimotor transformation and

334 not eliminate too many trials due to RT distribution. For statistical comparison,

335 “sham” microsaccade-locked epochs were created by taking the real microsaccade

336 timings and applying them to trials without microsaccades in the aforementioned time

337 windows. -100 to 300ms epochs were then taken around those sham microsaccade

338 timings. For analysis of the CPP in this manner, it was necessary to perform a further

339 step in order to exclude the potential influence of what is known as the

340 microsaccadic lambda response (MLR) (Dimigen et al., 2009). It has been shown

341 that microsaccades result in a positive visual-evoked potential (VEP), peaking at

342 posterior occipital sites with a negative dipole at central parietal sites. To account for

343 this possibility, we calculated the same microsaccade-locked epochs in the Inter-

344 Change Interval and subtracted them from the microsaccade-locked epochs in the

345 trial period during the evidence accumulation process, thus eliminating the MLR. This

346 process was performed for both real and sham microsaccade-locked epochs, with

347 the resulting subtraction waveforms analysed in the same manner as the other 16

348 signals. To fully exclude the possibility that any differences arose from diminished

349 -levels on trials with microsaccades, the same analysis was repeated except

350 that the ‘sham’ waveforms were generated by randomly shuffling the microsaccade

351 onset times and applying these timings to trials on which a microsaccade had

352 occurred.

353 Finally, we checked whether the microsaccade-evoked neural signal modulations

354 were consequential for behaviour. To do this, we examined the plausibility of a model

355 whereby the effect of microsaccades on RT is statistically mediated by the SSVEP,

356 CPP, and lateralised beta (Baron and Kenny, 1986; Loughnane et al., 2016). A

357 significant mediation in this context would support the idea that microsaccades

358 influenced RT via the processes represented by our neural signals. The predictor

359 variable in the model was microsaccade presence (0 or 1 in the model). The

360 dependent variable was single-trial RT, z-scored inside participant and experimental

361 condition. The mediating variable was single-trial SSVEP, CPP, or beta amplitude

362 (depending on the analysis) taken from the latter half of the microsaccade search

363 window, and z-scored inside participant and experimental condition. A final step to

364 improve signal-to-noise ratio of the EEG signals was to sort single-trials by z-scored

365 RT, then average across 15-trial bins. Importantly, all analyses were also statistically

366 significant on a single-trial basis. Bootstrapped mediation was then performed on the

367 averaged trial bins using the Mediation Toolbox for Matlab (M3 Matlab toolbox;

368 For all these analyses, mediation was

369 furthermore performed across all electrodes on the scalp, and the mediation effect,

370 ab, plotted topographically to show the effects were localised to the relevant 17

371 electrodes for that signal. For the SSVEP mediation analysis, SSVEP power for

372 contrast decrease trials was first multiplied by -1 in order to combine it with data for

373 contrast increase trials.

374 Results

375 In a first experiment, participants monitored a continuously presented checkerboard

376 stimulus for intermittent, gradual changes in its contrast (Figure 1A). The direction of

377 the contrast change (increase or decrease) was alternated across blocks, and

378 detections were reported via right hand button click. This allowed us to capture

379 several distinct stages of the perceptual decision making process. The encoding of

380 decision-relevant sensory information in early visual regions was captured in

381 stimulus-driven, contrast-dependent, steady-state responses (SSVEP) (Di Russo et

382 al., 2007; O'Connell et al., 2012). In parallel, we traced decision formation in two

383 distinct neural signals, namely effector-selective motor preparation indexed by

384 spectral changes in the beta band (18 - 30 Hz) and the centro-parietal positivity

385 (CPP) in the event-related potential. Both of these signals have been shown to build-

386 up as a function of cumulative sensory evidence and reach a threshold prior to

387 response execution, and exhibit dynamics that predict the timing and accuracy of

388 perceptual reports (O'Connell et al., 2012), albeit with important functional

389 differences (O’Connell et al., 2012; Kelly & O’Connell, 2013; Twomey et al., 2016).

390 The average hit rate for these contrast changes was 89% ± 9.4%, while false alarms

391 in the Inter-Change Interval were rare (Median false alarm count: 8, SD = 26). The

392 seamless nature of the contrast change/evidence onsets served to extend the 18

393 duration of the decision process (mean RT, 1197 ms ± 104 ms), allowing the

394 investigation of the pattern and influence of microsaccadic activity across a longer

395 timescale than previous studies. To verify the role of evidence accumulation

396 processes in supporting performance on this task we fit the momentary vs

397 cumulative contrast change values to each of the choice-relevant EEG signals and

398 found that cumulative contrast provided a significantly better fit for the timecourses of

399 the decision signals (CPP and left hemisphere beta, LHB) but not for that of the

400 SSVEP (Comparison of participant-by-participant R-Squared values for CPP: (t(16) =

401 -5.25, p = 7.83e-05); LHB (t(16) = 8.66, p = 1.96e-07); SSVEP (t(16) = -1.36, p =

402 0.19)). Similarly, the cumulative sum of the SSVEP timecourse provided a

403 significantly better fit for the decision signals than its absolute amplitude, consistent

404 with evidence accumulation (Comparison of R-Squared values for CPP: (t(16) = -

405 7.02, p = 2.98e-06; and LHB: t(16) = -3.69, p = 0.002).


407 [Figure 1 here]


409 Although participants were instructed to maintain fixation on a central dot throughout

410 each task block, they made saccades approximately once per second in both the

411 Inter-Change Interval and contrast-change/evidence periods. The majority of

412 saccades fell along the horizontal meridian, had a mean duration of approximately

413 30ms and fell within 1° of visual angle from fixation, much less than the distance from

414 fixation to the inner edge of the annulus (radius of 3° of visual angle, Figure 1C, D. In 19

415 line with previous work, we defined microsaccades as saccades of < 1° in

416 magnitude, thus excluding 12% of all saccades which were larger. As a check on the

417 reliability of our microsaccade detection method, we plotted microsaccade velocity

418 against magnitude and as expected there was a strong correlation between these

419 two properties, known as the main sequence (Figure 1C) (Zuber et al., 1965).

420 In agreement with previous studies e.g. (Herrington et al., 2009; Hafed and Krauzlis,

421 2010), we observed a significantly higher rate of microsaccades in a 200ms window

422 centred on evidence onset in trials with slower RT (Fast vs Slow RT Bin ANOVA:

423 F(1,16) = 17.68, p = 0.0007, g.e.s. = 0.036, Figure 2A). However, we also found that

424 the positive relationship between microsaccade rate and RT persisted long after

425 evidence onset, an effect that survived correction for multiple comparisons across

426 the time series (Cheadle et al., 2014; Loughnane et al., 2016), 600-800ms, Fast vs

427 Slow RT ANOVA: F(1,16) = 48.02, p = 3.4e-06, g.e.s. = 0.34). During this period,

428 there was no change in saccade magnitude (Baseline vs 600 – 800ms timeframe

429 comparison: t(11) = 0.76, p = 0.46), while large saccades (> 1° ) were also inhibited

430 in a similar fashion to microsaccades (Baseline vs 600 – 800ms timeframe

431 comparison: t(16) = 2.18, p = 0.045). Thus the microsaccade rate reduction could not

432 be attributed to participants being more likely to make larger eye movements during

433 the decision period. Furthermore, this effect was unchanged if RTs less than 800ms

434 were excluded from the analysis. Previous studies using discrete stimulus

435 presentations have consistently reported a steep reduction in microsaccade

436 production at 100-200ms post-stimulus, followed by a recovery to baseline rates at

437 approximately 300-400ms (Engbert and Kliegl, 2003; Rolfs et al., 2008; Martinez- 20

438 Conde et al., 2009; Rolfs, 2009). Here, despite the elimination of sudden intensity

439 transients, we found that the gradual contrast changes evoked a rate reduction to

440 approx. 40% of its baseline level (Figure 2A), but one whose onset was substantially

441 delayed and duration prolonged compared to previous observations. Two aspects of

442 our data indicate that the timing of this microsaccadic inhibition is coextensive with

443 that of the decision making process. First, a single-trial surface plot of microsaccadic

444 rate sorted by RT (Figure 2A) revealed that, rather than being aligned with the onset

445 of the physical evidence, microsaccadic inhibition was time-locked to the perceptual

446 report on this task; reaching a plateau several hundred milliseconds before

447 response. This was then confirmed statistically by testing that the cross-trial variance

448 of the timing of the minimum microsaccadic rate was larger relative to evidence

449 onset than relative to RT, (evidence-locked SD: 324 ms vs response-locked SD: 233

450 ms, Brown-Forsythe value = 6.1, p = 0.015). Second, comparison of the time-

451 courses and single-trial surface plots in Figure 2 indicates that microsaccadic

452 inhibition and the two neural decision signals - the motor-independent CPP (Figure

453 2B) and effector-selective LHB activity (Figure 2C) - were closely aligned in terms of

454 onset and duration. As discussed below, the observation that the timeframe of post-

455 evidence microsaccadic inhibition is coextensive with that of the decision making

456 process can account for many experimental findings pertaining to this phenomenon.


458 [Figure 2 here]



460 Thus far we have shown that microsaccades impact negatively on perceptual

461 detection times and are inhibited during decision formation. We next sought to

462 examine the impact of microsaccades on the associated neural processes. First, we

463 compared electrophysiological data for trials containing no microsaccades in the

464 early phase of the decision period (400 to 800ms) versus trials in which one

465 microsaccade was executed within this time window. In order to avoid instances

466 where the decision process may have been completed prior to microsaccade

467 execution we excluded trials with RT < 800ms (approx. 10% of trials) from these

468 analyses. For the trials containing microsaccades, we simply extracted epochs for

469 the CPP and LHB signals aligned to microsaccade onset. In order to compare these

470 trials to trials without microsaccades, we created ‘sham’ microsaccade onsets by

471 randomly shuffling the real onset timings from trials with microsaccades and applying

472 these to the neural data from trials without microsaccades. Comparing the two

473 waveforms revealed highly similar CPP and LHB build-up rates in the immediate pre-

474 microsaccadic interval but a significant transient interruption in their build-up during

475 the first 100ms following microsaccade onset. Although the signals quickly recovered

476 to a rate-of-rise comparable to that seen on trials without microsaccades, overall the

477 effects of this early perturbation on signal amplitude persisted throughout the post-

478 microsaccadic epoch (Real vs Sham CPP 0 to 300 ms post-microsaccade amplitude:

479 F(1,14) = 43.72, p = 1.17e-05, g.e.s. = 0.22; Real vs Sham LHB 0 to 300 ms post-

480 microsaccade amplitude: F(1,14) = 8.95, p = 0.009, g.e.s. = 0.18) (Figure 3A).

481 Furthermore, for the LHB analysis, we performed a time-frequency analysis to show

482 that the difference in power between real and sham conditions was largely found in


483 the beta range (Figure 3B). Mediation analyses confirmed that variations in the

484 amplitudes of the CPP and LHB fully accounted for the effect of microsaccades on

485 RT (Figure 3B, 3C).


487 [Figure 3 here]


489 We further confirmed that the CPP perturbation was not attributable to volume

490 conduction of the microsaccadic visual-evoked potential (Dimigen et al., 2009) by

491 subtracting activity evoked by microsaccades during the Inter-Change Interval, see

492 Figure 3A and 4A). Also, to fully exclude the possibility that these build-up rate

493 differences arise from diminished attention-levels on trials with microsaccades, the

494 same analysis was repeated except that the ‘sham’ waveforms were generated by

495 randomly shuffling the microsaccade onset times and applying these timings to trials

496 on which a microsaccade had occurred. The sham condition in this case contained

497 randomly timed microsaccades which would cause a temporally blurred signal

498 disruption but this analysis nevertheless yielded consistent results (see Figure 4B

499 and Figure 7C for a similar analysis in Experiment 2). Taken together, these results

500 indicate that microsaccades cause a brief interruption in evidence accumulation and

501 motor preparation and, consequently, delayed perceptual reports.


503 [Figure 4 here]



505 We also examined whether microsaccades impacted on the low-level encoding of

506 evidence in sensory cortex, which we could probe via the contrast-dependent

507 SSVEP. Consistent with the hypothesis that the signal reflects the input to the

508 decision process, SSVEP amplitude reliably tracked the contrast changes and

509 predicted the timing of perceptual reports in a manner that depended on the contrast

510 change direction (positive relationship with RT in the contrast increase condition,

511 negative relationship for contrast decreases) (Figure 5A; RT Bin x Contrast Change

512 Direction interaction: F(1,16) = 7.26, p = 0.016, g.e.s. = 0.29). Analysis of the SSVEP

513 time-locked to microsaccade onset revealed that it too was momentarily suppressed

514 at approx. 100ms after onset, followed by a rebound in power above baseline at

515 approx. 230ms (Figure 5B). We performed a time-frequency analysis to show that

516 the difference in power between real and sham conditions was localised to the

517 SSVEP frequency, 25 Hz (Figure 5B). The same effects were present in both the

518 contrast increase and contrast decrease conditions and significantly mediated the

519 relationship between microsaccades and RT (Figure 5C).


521 [Figure 5 here]


523 To verify that the above results were not unique to our contrast change detection

524 paradigm, we analysed a pre-existing dataset from separate experiments in which


525 participants performed a variant of the random dot motion task (Figure 1B). In this

526 experiment, participants were only required to detect coherent motion which they

527 indicated with bimanual button clicks (the experiment was originally designed to

528 examine visuospatial asymmetries and a manuscript on this topic is in preparation).

529 All of the key results described above were recapitulated (Figure 6 and 7): There was

530 a positive association between microsaccadic rate and RT throughout the decision

531 period (Fast vs Slow RT Bin microsaccade rate, F(1,42) = 21.6, p = 3.3e-05, g.e.s. =

532 0.09) and the increased task difficulty also allowed us to observe a negative

533 relationship with target detection rate, with very little microsaccadic inhibition for

534 misses (Hit vs Miss microsaccade rate, F(1,36) = 30.5, p = 3e-06, g.e.s. = 0.1). No

535 significant differences were observed when comparing RT for trials with

536 microsaccades towards versus away from the target hemifield (t(19) = 0.73, p = 0.48,

537 see Discussion). As shown in Figure 6, microsaccadic rate dynamics again closely

538 mirrored those of the CPP, further highlighting how closely tied microsaccadic

539 inhibition is to the timing and duration of the evidence accumulation process and the

540 effect of microsaccades on CPP trajectory again accounted for the subsequent RT

541 slowing (Figure 7). Finally, the stepped transition from incoherent to coherent motion

542 in this task allowed us to check the relative timing of microsaccadic inhibition and

543 early target selection mechanisms. Loughnane et al (2016) recently characterised a

544 lateral occipital target selection (‘N2’) signal that is temporally aligned to goal-

545 relevant stimulus feature changes and is enhanced over the hemisphere

546 contralateral to the stimulus location (Figure 1B). The N2 precedes the onset of

547 neural evidence accumulation and has been shown to influence RT via modulation of


548 the onset time and rate of evidence accumulation. The present data show that

549 microsaccadic inhibition is aligned with the onset of this signal and persists until the

550 completion of the decision process.


552 [Figure 6 here]


554 [Figure 7 here]


556 Discussion

557 While there has been increasing recognition that microsaccades are an important

558 source of variability in neural activity and perceptual performance in tasks that

559 require the processing of transient visual events, the precise nature of this influence

560 has been uncertain (Martinez-Conde et al., 2013; Hafed et al., 2015). Up to now,

561 most research on microsaccades has focussed on briefly presented stimuli, with a

562 particular emphasis on the impact of microsaccades that coincide with stimulus

563 onset. The behavioral and neural impact of microsaccades occurring while in the

564 process of accumulating decision evidence from a continuously presented stimulus

565 had not been previously examined. The foregoing results reveal that, under such

566 circumstances, microsaccades cause a brief suppression of activity at key task-

567 relevant stages of the sensorimotor hierarchy which significantly delays perceptual


568 reports, and this detrimental influence persists throughout the period of decision

569 formation. Thus our results highlight that a portion of the cross-trial variability in

570 decision making performance, typically captured by random variability parameters in

571 current mathematical models, can be explained as a consequence of the

572 deterministic effect of microsaccades on decision-relevant neural activity. This is a

573 particularly important consideration for research that involves experimental

574 manipulations or group comparisons that may be associated with differences in the

575 rate of microsaccade production (e.g. in ADHD, (Fried et al., 2014) and progressive

576 supranuclear palsy, (Otero-Millan et al., 2011)). Our study also demonstrates that it

577 is possible to measure the impact of microsaccades on neural activity at distinct

578 levels of the sensorimotor hierarchy in the human brain with high temporal precision.

579 Using non-invasive EEG, we were able to trace the neural consequences of

580 microsaccades at each of the key stages of decision making: contrast representation

581 in early visual regions, evidence accumulation and preparation of the decision-

582 reporting action. SSVEP power was suppressed immediately following

583 microsaccades, with a rebound above baseline at approx. 150ms; a pattern and

584 time-course that bears a striking resemblance to the microsaccadic response in V1

585 (Leopold and Logothetis, 1998). The negative effects of microsaccades on CPP and

586 LHB build-up rate were also short lived, resolving within 100ms, but this brief delay

587 led to reduced signal amplitudes and slower perceptual reports long after the

588 microsaccade had been completed. These observations are consistent with data

589 from single-unit recording studies which demonstrated that microsaccades that

590 coincide with the onset of a visual stimulus elicit a transient suppression of spiking 27

591 activity in areas that have been associated with decision making, including LIP and

592 superior colliculus (Herrington et al., 2009; Hafed and Krauzlis, 2010; Chen et al.,

593 2015). Here, however, we were able to directly trace the impact of microsaccades on

594 the neural decision process during its evolution. Given that the SSVEP indexes the

595 sensory input on which the contrast change detections were based, it may be that its

596 suppression can fully account for the disruption of evidence accumulation and motor

597 preparation signals. However, it is equally possible that these simultaneous

598 perturbations are driven by central corollary discharge signals that are sent

599 throughout the visual system in order to facilitate coordinated adjustments to retinal

600 motion (Melloni et al., 2009). The absence of any direction-dependent effect of

601 microsaccades would speak to the latter possibility.

602 At the outset, it was not certain how microsaccades might influence performance on

603 the tasks used in these experiments, given the variety of both behavioural and neural

604 effects of microsaccades in the literature (Martinez-Conde et al., 2013). Here

605 however, we found that irrespective of their timing, microsaccades had a uniformly

606 detrimental impact on perceptual performance and associated neural signals.

607 Previous work has demonstrated that microsaccadic effects on neural signals can be

608 both excitatory (e.g. Martinez-Conde et al, 2000, Snodderly et al, 2001, Tse et al,

609 2010, Dimigen et al 2009) and inhibitory (e.g. Hafed & Krauzlis, 2010; Leopold &

610 Logothetis, 1998; Bosman et al., 2009; Herrington et al., 2009), depending on the

611 stimulus location with respect to microsaccade direction and depending on the neural

612 populations and signals that are considered. Taking account of these methodological

613 considerations is critical when comparing our findings to those of previous studies. 28

614 For example, recent work has pointed to a brief potentiation of visual and visuo-

615 motor responses in superior colliculus to peripheral stimuli presented immediately

616 before a microsaccade (Chen et al., 2015) and therefore a corresponding transient

617 increase in decision signal build-up might have been predicted in our study.

618 However, the pre-microsaccadic enhancement reported by Chen et al. was direction-

619 dependent, such that with receptive fields in the direction opposite to the

620 microsaccade exhibited either weaker enhancement (in the case of visually

621 responsive neurons) or a suppression of activity (in the case of visuo-motor

622 neurons). Given that the stimulus used in our first experiment (a checkerboard

623 annulus) isometrically surrounded the entire area of fixation, it is likely that these

624 direction-dependent enhancement and suppression effects cancel out in our

625 population-level recordings. Meanwhile, the absence of any periodic enhancement

626 effects in our second experiment may be explained by the fact that the bilateral dot

627 patches were presented 10° either side of fixation and the pre-microsaccadic

628 enhancement effects of Chen et al were much less pronounced for neurons with

629 response fields of further than 7° eccentricity. Findings of direction-dependent effects

630 of microsaccades in a Posner cueing task have also been reported in humans (Tian,

631 Yoshida, and Hafed, 2016). Again, the stimuli in that study were closer to fixation, at

632 5° eccentricity, making it difficult to compare with the present results.

633 It is clear that the antagonistic relationship between microsaccades and evidence

634 accumulation observed in the present data cannot be assumed to generalize to all

635 decision making scenarios. It is well established, for example, that microsaccades

636 serve to offset visual fading (Martinez-Conde et al., 2006; Martinez-Conde et al., 29

637 2013) and therefore it is likely possible to devise perceptual decision making

638 scenarios in which microsaccades could be beneficial for performance. An important

639 challenge for future research will be to identify the parameters that determine

640 whether microsaccades will be beneficial or detrimental to perception. For example,

641 future work should investigate whether stimulus flicker in the contrast change task

642 and stochastic motion in the random dot motion task serve to exogenously

643 counteract perceptual fading effects and, consequently, negate potential longer-term

644 benefits of microsaccades.

645 Our data also provide important new insights on the phenomenon of microsaccadic

646 inhibition. It is apparent that stimulus-evoked microsaccade rate reductions are

647 associated with several events in the brain. The most common is following the abrupt

648 onset of a visual stimulus (Rolfs et al., 2008; Martinez-Conde et al., 2009; Rolfs,

649 2009). The relatively fixed timing of this stimulus-evoked inhibition (circa 100-200ms)

650 across studies using a wide variety of stimuli has led to the view that it likely reflects

651 a stereotyped, low-level response to a change in sensory input (Rolfs, 2009).

652 Elsewhere, both experimental and modelling studies have demonstrated that

653 microsaccadic rate inhibition can arise from endogenous mechanisms such as the

654 anticipation of a goal-relevant stimulus (e.g. Pastukhov & Braun, 2010; Hafed et al.,

655 2011; Hafed & Krauzlis, 2010; Tian et al., 2016; Engbert, 2012, Sinn and Engbert,

656 2016). The present study highlights a new source of endogenous influence on

657 microsaccadic rate. Our tasks eliminated sudden stimulus onsets and the onset of

658 the feature change targets was unpredictable. Yet, the feature changes produced a

659 persistent rate inhibition that coincided with the period of decision formation and 30

660 onset circa 600ms before participants reported being aware of the change. The

661 absence of any significant rate modulation in response to missed stimulus feature

662 changes in Experiment 2 (Figure 6A) suggests that it was not strongly dependent on

663 bottom-up visual input but is endogenously driven.

664 Using a target detection task with subtle stimulus transitions, White and Rolfs (2016)

665 also showed that microsaccadic inhibition was absent on miss-trials. The authors

666 accounted for their results by suggesting that saccades are inhibited when a new

667 visual stimulus reaches conscious awareness. Our study changes this interpretation

668 slightly by showing that, in the absence of an abrupt stimulus onset, saccades are

669 silenced during the decision-making process, up until around the decision threshold.

670 Thus, to the extent that the decision threshold can be taken as the moment of the

671 "piercing of consciousness" (Kang et al., 2017), our results suggest that

672 microsaccadic inhibition occurs before the sensory event reaches conscious

673 awareness.

674 Our results are also in line with previous empirical observations of longer-lasting

675 microsaccadic inhibition following task relevant and low probability stimuli and prior

676 to slow reaction times (Betta and Turatto, 2006; Valsecchi et al., 2007; Valsecchi et

677 al., 2009). The authors of those studies proposed several candidate processes

678 underlying this effect of microsaccadic inhibition, including stimulus evaluation,

679 context-updating and memory-related processes. Here, we found that the timing and

680 duration of microsaccadic rate reduction closely corresponded to those of the neural

681 decision signals in both tasks suggesting that microsaccades are actively inhibited in


682 order to specifically facilitate the sampling and accumulation of sensory information,

683 thus providing a common framework to explain these disparate phenomena.

684 Our results reveal close antagonistic interactions between microsaccades and

685 decision making processes and highlight methods for precisely measuring the effect

686 of microsaccades on processing at the key task-relevant stages of the sensorimotor

687 hierarchy non-invasively in humans.

688 References

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827 Legends

828 Figure 1. A. Contrast change detection paradigm. Participants monitored a continuously presented

829 flickering checkerboard annulus for a gradual change in overall contrast. In each task block, the

830 stimulus remained onscreen for approx. 4 minutes and underwent contrast changes at pseudorandom

831 intervals of 4, 7 and 10s. After reaching the peak contrast change at 1.8s the stimulus returned to its

832 baseline contrast level. On alternating blocks, the checkerboard stimulus underwent contrast

833 increases or decreases and participants were cued at the start of each block regarding which change

834 to expect. B. Experimental for the bilateral dots experiment. Participants performed a version of the

835 task in which they monitored two peripheral patches of randomly moving dots for intermittent targets

836 defined by a seamless step change from random to coherent motion. Each trial consisted of a pre-

837 target period of incoherent motion lasting 1.82, 2.22 or 2.62s followed by a downward coherent motion

838 target which could come up in either the left or right hemifield, upon which participants were instructed

839 to simultaneously press both the left and right mouse buttons as quickly as possible. C. Microsaccade

840 magnitude plotted against microsaccade velocity. This demonstrates the Main Sequence whereby

841 microsaccade magnitude and velocity are highly correlated, a characteristic of saccadic behaviour

842 (Zuber et al. 1965). D. Spatial distribution of microsaccades. Centre represents the start point of the

843 microsaccade and each dot the endpoint of a microsaccade. The empty space in the centre of the plot

844 represents the minimum deviation from fixation required for an eye movement to be classified as a


845 microsaccade.

846 Figure 2. A. Left, evidence-locked microsaccade rate for fast (952 ms) and slow (1293 ms) RT bins.

847 For all signal time series, shaded areas represent 95% confidence interval of within-subjects standard

848 error. Dashed vertical lines all mark CPP onset for each RT bin in plots 2A, 2B and 2C. Middle,

849 response-locked microsaccade rate. Right, surface plot of microsaccade rate sorted along the y-axis

850 by RT z-scored inside participant, Inter-Change Interval duration, and contrast change direction in

851 order to facilitate the pooling of data across participants and exclude the influence of the

852 aforementioned experimental factors. Overlaid black line represents regular RT sorted by z-scored

853 RT. Both signal and RT were smoothed using a Boxcar filter of 100 trials. B. Left, CPP for fast and

854 slow RT bins. Similarly to microsaccadic inhibition, the CPP onsets at approx. 370 ms, with faster

855 build-up rate prior to earlier reaction times (RT), (F(1,16) = 16.98, p = 0.0008, g.e.s. = 0.22). Right, In

856 line with its characterisation as a decision variable, the CPP reached peak amplitude at manual

857 response. C. Left, Left hemisphere beta (LHB) power for fast and slow RT bins. LHB power began to

858 decrease at approx. 560 ms and this decrease was stronger for faster RTs (F(1,16) = 4.5, p = 0.049,

859 g.e.s. = 0.01) . Again, to be expected for a signal related to motor preparation, the negative peak in

860 power was aligned with manual response.

861 Figure 3. A, Left: CPP waveform locked to real and sham microsaccade onset times. Microsaccades

862 evoked a strong VEP component (see Figure 4A) and therefore to rule out any contribution to CPP

863 measurements, trials were also time-locked to real and sham microsaccades occurring within the

864 Inter-Change Interval and this activity was then subtracted from post-target microsaccade-related

865 activity. Green markers represent time-points at which the build-up rate of the CPP significantly

866 differed between real and sham conditions at p < 0.01. Middle: Topography of real minus sham ERP

867 showing a relatively negative perturbation of the ERP focussed on central parietal electrodes. Right:

868 Waveforms at occipital electrodes following subtraction of activity evoked by microsaccades in the

869 Inter-Change Interval confirm that the subtraction succeeded in eliminating the microsaccadic Visual

870 Evoked Potential. B, Left: Microsaccade-locked LHB for real vs sham conditions. Green lines

871 represent the point at which LHB slope significantly differed between real and sham conditions at p < 36

872 0.01. Middle: Topography of real minus sham post-microsaccade beta power, showing a relative left

873 hemisphere perturbation in beta power. Right: Time-frequency analysis locked to microsaccade onset

874 showing a perturbation of power in the beta range (18 to 30Hz). C, Left, Mediation parameters

875 showing that the effect of microsaccade presence on RT was fully mediated by CPP amplitude. Left

876 Inset, Topoplot of the mediation coefficient ab showing mediation of microsaccade on RT is greatest

877 at central parietal electrodes Right, Same plots for LHB.

878 Figure 4. A. Left: CPP waveform locked to microsaccade onset, compared to a sham condition where

879 the CPP was aligned to sham microsaccade timings in trials where there was no microsaccade.

880 These plots are the same as those shown in Figure 3A except that here the saccade-locked

881 waveforms derived from microsaccades occurring during the Inter-Change Interval have not been

882 subtracted out. Middle: Topographies for first 100ms after microsaccade onset, then from 100 to

883 200ms. Right: Microsaccadic Visual Evoked Potential, compared to sham condition. B. CPP waveform

884 locked to microsaccade onset, compared to a sham condition where the CPP was aligned to sham

885 microsaccade timings in the same trials, only shuffled. This is a highly conservative test of the CPP

886 perturbation, given that many of the shuffled microsaccade timings in the sham condition would be

887 close to the real microsaccade timings. Nevertheless, the post-microsaccade CPP was of lower

888 amplitude compared to the sham condition (t(14) = 1.4, p = 0.17), see also Figure 7C for similar

889 analysis in Experiment 2.

890 Figure 5. A. Left, evidence-locked SSVEP for fast and slow RT bins. Middle, SSVEP aligned with

891 manual response. Right, image of SSVEP sorted along the y-axis by RT, separately for contrast

892 increase and decrease trials. B, Left: Microsaccade-locked SSVEP power for real vs sham conditions.

893 Middle: Topographies of SSVEP power at 50-120ms and 200-300ms post-microsaccade. Right: Time-

894 frequency analysis locked to microsaccade onset showing a perturbation of power at the SSVEP

895 frequency (25Hz). C, Left, Mediation parameters showing that the effect of microsaccade presence on

896 RT was fully mediated by SSVEP amplitude. Right, Topoplot of the mediation coefficient ab showing

897 mediation of microsaccade on RT is greatest at SSVEP electrodes.


898 Figure 6. Timecourse of microsaccade rate reduction, low-level target detection and evidence

899 accumulation in the Random Dot Motion task. A. Left, evidence-locked microsaccade rate for fast and

900 slow RT bins. Yellow line represents microsaccade rate for misses. Middle, response-locked

901 microsaccade rate. Right, image of microsaccade rate sorted along the y-axis by RT. B. N2c for fast

902 and slow RT bins. Note the accompanying topoplot has collapsed contralateral hemisphere for both

903 left and right hemifield targets on the right hemisphere, with ipsilateral response on the left. C. CPP

904 for fast and slow RT bins. Dashed lines represent CPP onset for each bin, and are overlaid on

905 microsaccade rate and N2 in A and B.

906 Figure 7. A, In order to eliminate the effect of the microsaccadic VEP, Inter-Change interval

907 microsaccade-locked waveforms were subtracted from both real and sham conditions. Left:

908 Microsaccade-locked CPP compared to sham after subtracting the Inter-Change Interval waveform,

909 showing the CPP perturbation remains after subtracting away the VEP, see Right. Middle:

910 Topography of real minus sham microsaccade-locked ERP, showing the central parietal perturbation.

911 B, Left, Mediation parameters showing that the effect of microsaccade presence on RT was fully

912 mediated by CPP amplitude. Right, Topoplot of the mediation coefficient ab showing mediation of

913 microsaccade on RT is greatest at central parietal electrodes. C. CPP waveform locked to

914 microsaccade onset, compared to a sham condition where the CPP was aligned to sham

915 microsaccade timings in the same trials, only shuffled (see also Figure 4B). Again, although a highly

916 conservative test of the CPP perturbation, the post-microsaccade CPP was of lower amplitude

917 compared to the sham condition (t(19) = 1.9, p = 0.07).