Chandigarh, June 30:- The Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh, Shivraj V. Patil, in continuation of the previous meeting held on 19.6.2014, convened the 8 th meeting of the Administrator’s Advisory Council to discuss the draft Master Plan (2031) as well as the report of the Board of Inquiry about the plan, which was attended by Kiron Kher, Member Parliament, Satya Pal Jain, Ex MP, Chandigarh, B.B. Behl, INC, Chandigarh, , Harjinder Kaur, SAD and Ex-Mayor, Devi Dayal Sharma, Secretary, CPI, Mayor, Municipal Corporation, Chandigarh, Chairman, Zila Parishad, Fr. Sebastain Jose, Don Bosco Church, Sh. Darpan Kapor, CII, Chairman, FOSWAC, Sh. V.K. Kapoor, Madhu Sarin, Smt. Manju Jaidka, Major Gen. M.S.. Kandal, Vice Chancellor, , Chandigarh, C.L. Bains, Justice (Retd) Kuldip Singh, Vikram Sehgal, Mansoor Ali, Chand Nehru, Charanjiv Singh, Justice (Retd.) Amar Dutt, Deepa Jain Singh and Sh. Gurbachan Singh. At the outset, Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh, Shivraj V. Patil welcomed the members of the Advisory Council and the officers for their presence and offering visionary suggestions during discussions on the draft master plan of the Chandigarh. Before the start of meeting, he expressed his happiness stating that today is the propitious day as PSLV C-23 has been successfully launched into space and congratulated the space scientists, ISRO, Space Department, Government of and people of India. Taking up discussions on the Draft Master Plan, the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh, Shivraj V. Patil expressed that the character of the city is required to be maintained while going for the future plans. The Draft Master Plan was put in public domain for inviting suggestions and objections, whereafter the Board of Enquiry was set up to hear these objections and the Chandigarh Administration has amply discussed it, but final decision has not been taken as yet. Local Member Parliament, Kiron Kher expressed her gratitude to the Administrator for accommodating her presence. Referring to the Draft Master Plan 2031, she came forward with many visionary suggestions and touched upon various issues pertaining to the future developments vis-a-vis the preservation of the character of the city. The meeting continued till 5 pm during which healthy discussions with reference to the Draft Master Plan 2031 took place. Concluding the discussions, the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh, Shivraj V. Patil directed that the Draft Master Plan may be completed in all respects within 8 days. On a question raised by the Chairman, CII, as to whether the Solar Power Energy if generated shall be purchased by the Chandigarh Administration, the Administrator assured that the same shall be purchased as per rates and norms determined by the .