A R Khan Chachar CSS_2016 RABBEE – ZIDNEE – ILMA



01. Ten Stages Study Plan For & INDIA

02. Score boosting tactics for taking the exam

03. History of Pakistan & India (144/200) DR NOOR UL Ain

04. Recommended Books by CSPs

05. FPSC Syllabus

06. FPSC Past Paper 2000 - 2015

07. Study Plan

A R khan Chachar CSS_2016

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A R Khan Chachar CSS_2016



Stage 01 Muslim Rule and Heritage in India 712-1857 Political History Arrival, foundation and consolidation of Muslim rule in India, important rulers of the Slave Dynasty and the Mughals The Spirit and legacy of Muslim civilization, Art, Architecture and literature, Public Administration under Muslim Rules, Sultans, Kings,

Economic, Social, Judicial, Civil and Military system during the Muslim rule,

Industry, trade and commerce under the Muslim patronage, Financial Administration

Stage 02. British Rule in India 1857-1947 British , origin and growth of the , Causes and effects of downfall of the Mughal Empire in India, War of Independence in 1857: Causes and effects.

03. Constitutional and Political Reforms of the British Government 1858-1947 Stage Constitutional and Political Reforms of the British Government And growth of the Political Parties –Indian Congress

Stage 04. Muslim Struggle for Independence

Role of Shah Wali Ullah, Syed Ahmad Shaheed and Sir Syed Ahmed Khan towards regeneration of

the Muslim of , All India Muslim League, Partition of Bengal, Simla Deputation, ; , Nahru Report Quaid-i- Azam’s Fourteen Points

Stage 05. : Allama Iqal’s Address 1930, and Round Table Conference, The Congress Rule intheprovinces 1937-1939, 1940,

Various Missions and Plans for the partition of the South Asia, Founders of Pakistan: Quaid-i-Azam,

Mohsin- ul-Mulk, Syed Amir Ali, Ali Brothes, Sir Agha Khan, Chaudhry Rahmat Ali etc.

Stage 06. History of Pakistan 1947- Todate Pakistan’s early Challenges Quaid-i-Azam as Governor-General, Various attempts at constitution making

Stage 07. Military in Politics

Ayub Khan, Yahya, Zia–ul–Haq and Pervaiz Musharaf regimes, Civil Military Relationship in Pakistan,

Stage 08. Separation of East Pakistan: Causes and Effects,

Stage 09. Working of Democracy in Pakistan:

Liaquat Ali Khan to Firoz Khan Noon 1947-1958

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s Period 1971-1977 Benazir, Nawaz Sharif Revival of Democracy 1988-1999, Restoration of Democracy 2008 to date Role of Major Political Parties and Pressure Groups in the history of Pakistan.

Stage 10. Foreign Policy of Pakistan 1947-1999

May Allah help us succeed? Ameen

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A R Khan Chachar CSS_2016

Score boosting tactics for taking the exam 01. Opt for subjects that you have a HIGH apptitude and go through the last ten years to help you decide. 02. Practice writing on blank (line) sheets.You'll be given these at the time of the exam. 03. Preparing notes well in time is a good idea but arranging for already prepared notes is an even better one. 04. Candidates are advised to reserve the last TWO months for revision only, if they hope to sustain any information. 05. Current Affairs should be the last subject prepared.However this doesn't mean that you become oblivious to it and casually toss the dailys aside.In other words,scanning NEWSPAPERS everyday should become a second nature to you.If pressed on time,issues later than the second last month can be safely ignored as the question papers are prepared atleast a month before the actual exam.The recommended dailies are DAWN and the FRIDAY TIMES.Develop a command over the issues in them cause the latest trend is current affairs oriented papers.Classical examples of this can be seen in the PAKISTAN AFFAIRS,ESSAY,and ISLAMIAT papers of 2005 pasted on another thread. 06. Don't overburden your self with books and material. I know of a batchmate who did and ended up exhausting all three attempts due to this. 07. For the recommended books on the compulsories and optionals, refer to the thread concerned with the issue. 08. Never ignore the last year's paper in this case 2005's papers. Most of the times the MCQ'S, and sometimes the DESCRIPTIVe questions are repeated to test one's indepth knowledge. 09. CSS is all a game of nerves, so don't loose them.Take enough sleep but don't loose focus during your preparation and especially during the exams. 10. The exam lasts for maximum 3 hours, with exception to disabled candidates who get extra 15 minutes. DIVIDING and ALLOCATING your time to each question well in advance will be a good idea. Reserve 15 minutes for revision and unexpected disturbances. 11. At the commencement of each exam, devote the first FIVE minutes to read the question paper carefully and completely. Make your choices pragmatically. 12. At times the question is cunningly divided in 2,3 and even 4 parts, sometimes to test your knowledge and at others, just your nerves. Marks are reserved for each part of the question so ensure that you know the answer to each part before you select a question. E.g: "What are POLITICAL PARTIES? Discuss various theories on their origin and elucidate their functions.Do you think the political parties in Pakistan are loyal to their constitution. 13. Basically educational in character, the Movement was not devoid of political objectives". Discuss. This type of question is called a JUSTIFICATION.It must be divided into 2 parts.The first providing data in support of it's Being EDUCATIONAL in character and the second OPINING with SOLID arguments whether the was political or not. 14. A CSS candidate's answers are expected to depict more QUALITY than QUANTITY.Your answers should be well worded and written neatly but with the minimum possible margin between lines.The examiner can always see through an attempt to use extensive space and this might be encouraged in INTERMEDIATE but not CSS. 15. Avoid any political leanings in your answers. It's best to agree with your examiner unless you have strong arguments to support your case. But don't disagree just to prove your potence. Your delibarations should be mature. 16. Last but not the least,with the exception to the ESSAY paper,your answers should ideally confirm to the following chronological order: 01. INTRODUCTION In a few terse lines,it should contain an answer to the question asked 03. EXPLANATION Witholds the main body of the answer.The answer proceeding the explanation paragraph should be divided into subheadings,the more the merrier but must hold relevance) 04. CRITICISM/APPRAISAL/CRITICAL ANALYSIS/CANDIDATES OPINION Justify here whether you agree or disagree,your observations and suggestions on the topic) E.g: Whether the Devolution Plan is a success or failure.If failure,why...if successful then why again...Sugges measures to improve it also.This will reveal mature mental processes) 05. CONCLUSION Make logical dedutions and close your question here)

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01. Go through the past papers (15 to 20) years. 02. Get them printed by your printer. 03. Point out the questions which are usually asked and repeated.. 04. Then start first reading from K.Ali (note: don't touch Sohail Bhatti's book now, because, now you have to be familiar with indopak first, and read only K.Ali generally, don't make notes or any thing) 05. After completing K.Ali's both books, read it again from the beginning (note: now you have to read K.Ali along with Sohail Bhaitti topic by topic wise. Now you are clearing every point. Besides, most important thing is that to make your own short notes, point out the quotations, as I have done. 06. Notes should be divided into two portion i.e fist, short notes, long notes. Long notes for repeating your book and short notes for cramming important facts and figures and statistics. 07. Then, attempt them from past 10 years' papers. Device a time table, attempt one paper every day and get it checked by your companion, teacher or any one who is good at it. (I got my attempts checked by one of my friends, now she is in DMG group) 08. Last but not the least, believe in your own potentials, just be confident, and think on that you are the best one and no one can beat you , you are alone one man army and you have your own style and lethal weapons to beat the army. Never ever feel disappointed, demotivated in any stage of your preparation, I remember once I was disappointed and my friend told me that Never Never give and and don't be fed up or disappoint just be ready to kill or be killed in your preparation. Her golden words relaxed me and made me highly confident, believe me you can do it, you can get through with flying colors if you believe in your own potentials... I wish you good luck to all of you my friends...

History of Pakistan & India (144/200)DR NOOR UL Ain I've read lot of books in Indo Pak history mainly from Quaid-e-Azam Public library but for general guidance 3 books are good: 01. K Ali 02. Tariq Awan(by Feroze sons) 03. Sohail Bhatti But plz don’t rely on them and make your own good notes. For making notes on Babar, I had to read Tuzk-e-Babri too 1. Use quotations of important Historian (you can find quotes even In K Ali) like Elphinstone in your question. The number of quotations depends upon memory and availability. I gave an average of 5-6 2. In almost every question which I attempted I drew maps of subcontinent and indicated the relevant king's battles on that map. 3. Don’t forget to write critical analysis at the end. Critical analysis in Indo-Pak should be about half to one page long (a lot depends on the Size of writing the criterion I've mentioned is for medium sized). 4. For Indo-Pak history maps, I used book of Tariq Awan. Even K. Ali has given maps of subcontinent during each king's era 5. I answered my questions with a pointer. U can find maps in K ALI just draw them roughly you don’t need to be very accurate. 6. My marks in first paper of history are 75.Critical analysis fetch you good marks and it also shows that you possess a good analytical mind. You can also quote from good books in critical analysis 7. Well my approach was not different in Indo-Pak History and Pak Affairs. 8. As far as maps are concerned just draw them with pen or marker. I actually copied maps from K Ali and then indicated on maps where different battles were fought on map using pen

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Recommended Books by CSPs

1. A New History of Pakistan - K Ali (Noor ul Ain, Shoaib Raza, Adil Memon) 2. History of Indo Pakistan - Major Tariq (Noor ul Ain, Shoaib Raza, Adil Memon) 3. Sohail Bhatti (Noor ul Ain, Shoaib Raza) 4. History of Mughal India - Gurbaash Kapoor (Adil Memon, Shoaib Raza) 5. History of Indo-Pakistan - V.D.Mahajan’ book (Anser Zaidi, Adil Memon, Shoaib Raza, AmBrosiaL EloQuence) 6. British Raj in India - S.M.Burke (Adil Memon, Mumtaz Maneka) 7. Muslim Rule in Subcontinent - S.M.Ikram (Mumtaz Maneka) 8. Struggle for Pakistan - I.H.Qureshi (Adil Memon, Anser Zaidi) 9. Maps: Tariq Awan, K. Ali (Noor ul Ain) 10. Indo – Pak History by Raza ullah, (A R khan Chachar )

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Fpsc Syllabus

01. Muslim Rule and Heritage in India 712-1857 Political History Arrival, foundation and consolidation of Muslim rule in India, important rulers of the Slave Dynasty and theMughals. The Spirit and legacy of Muslim civilization, Art, Architecture and literature, Public Administration under Muslim Rules, Sultans, Kings, Economic, Social, Judicial, Civil and Military system during the Muslim rule, Industry, trade and commerce under the Muslim patronage, Financial Administration.

02. British Rule in India 1857-1947 British Imperialism, origin and growth of the East India Company, Causes and effects of downfall of the Mughal Empire in India, War of Independence in 1857: Causes and effects.

03. Constitutional and Political Reforms of the British Government 1858-1947 And growth of the Political Parties –Indian Congress

04. Muslim Struggle for Independence Role of Shah Wali Ullah, Syed Ahmad Shaheed and Sir Syed Ahmed Khan towards regeneration of the Muslim of South Asia, All India Muslim League, Partition of Bengal, Simla Deputation, Lucknow pact; Khilafat movement. Nahru Report Quaid-i- Azam’s Fourteen Points

05. Pakistan Movement: Allama Iqal’s Allahabad Address 1930, and Round Table Conference. The Congress Rule intheprovinces-1937- 1939, Lahore Resolution 1940, various Missions and Plans for the partition of the South Asia, Founders of Pakistan: Quaid-i-Azam, Mohsin-ul-Mulk, Syed Amir Ali, Ali Brothes. Sir Agha Khan, Chaudhry Rahmat Ali etc.

06. History of Pakistan 1947- Todate Pakistan’s early Challenges—Quaid-i-Azam as Governor-General, various attempts at constitution making

07. Military in Politics Ayub Khan, Yahya, Zia–ul–Haq and Pervaiz Musharaf regimes, Civil Military Relationship in Pakistan,

08. Separation of East Pakistan: Causes and Effects,

09. Working of Democracy in Pakistan: to Firoz Khan Noon (1947-1958), Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s Period,(1971-1977),Benazir, Nawaz Sharif Revival of Democracy: 1988-1999, Restoration of Democracy (2008 to date), Role of Major Political Parties and Pressure Groups in the history of Pakistan.

10. Foreign Policy of Pakistan 1947-1999

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01. Political Parties in Pakistan: 1947-58 Afzal, M Rafique, 1986

02. Government & Politics in Pakistan Ahmad, Mushtaq, 1970

03. Party Politics in Pakistan: 1947-58 Aziz, K.K. 1976

04. India’s Struggle for Independence Chandre Bipin, 1989

05. Constitutional Development in Pakistan Chaudhary, G.W. 1959

06. Wavell and the Days of the Raj: Britain’s Penultimate Viceroy in India, Chawla, , 2011

07. Nationalism and Communal Politics in India. Hassan Mushirul 1991

08. The Charismatic Leader: Jinnah and the Creation of Pakistan Hayat, Sikandar, 2007

09. The Culture of Power and Governance of Pakistan 1947-2008 IIHAN Niaz, 2011

10. Muslim Civilization of Indo-Pakistan. Ikram, Shaikh Muhammad, 1966

11. Pakistan’s Failure in National Integration Jahan, Rounaq, 1972

12. Constitutional and Political History of Pakistan Khan, Hamid, 2005

13. The Muslim Politics in -i-Abid ,S, 1992

14. The Muslim Community of the Indo-Pak Qureshi Ishtiaq Husain, 1962

15. The Struggle for Pakistan Qureshi, Ishtiaq Husain, 1965

16. Pakistan: The Formative Phase Sayeed, Khalid Bin, 1968

17. The Military and Politics in Pakistan1947-86 Rizvi Hassan Askari

18. Pakistan A Modern History Talbot, Lan, 1999

19. Politics and the State in Pakistan Waseem, Mohammad, 1989

20. Jinnah of Pakistan Wolpert, Stanley, 1984

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FPSC Past Paper 2000-2015

2000 1. Taj Mahal marks the perfect moment in the evolution of architecture of the Mughal Period". Discuss and also mention the distinctive features of Mughal architecture. 2. Bring out the salient features of the Judicial administration under the great Mughals. 3. Write an essay or short notes on the followings: a) The Prerogatives of the Mughal Emperor. (b) Shah Jahan’s relations with the Portuguese. 4. Akbar gave prosperity and restored peace and order due to his policies". Discuss. 5. Briefly review the relations of Ulama and Mashaikh with the Khalji. and Tughluq Sultans. 6. By his political reforms and policy of religious toleration, Sher Shah Suri laid the foundation of an enlightened government". Discuss. 7. Sultan Muhammad Tughluq was a victim of circumstances over which he had nominal control" Comment.

1. Evaluate the impact of the services rendered by Sir towards the regeneration of the Muslims. 2. The Hindu reaction on the Partition of Bengal (1905) proved a blessing in disguise for the Muslims". Elucidate. 3. Khilafat Movement was a real disaster". Comment. 4. The was not less than a document of slavery for the Muslims". Discuss. 5. Highlight the services rendered by Quaid-i-Azam for the consolidation of Pakistan. 6. Describe briefly the process of Constitution making in Pakistan from 1947-1956. Account for the causes of delay in framing the Constitution. 7. Write short notes on the following: a) The Simla Deputation (1906) b) Separation of East Pakistan. C) Role of Foreign Aid in the economy of Pakistan. d) Pakistan’s relations with India.

2001 1. Give an account of the campaigns of Sultan Muhammad Ghori. How do you account for his success over the Rajput rulers? 2. The slave system was a source of weakness as well as strength in the early Turkish Empire. Discuss. 3. Bring out the leading features of the state system under the Sultans of Delhi. 4. He (Humayun) tumbled through life and he tumbled out of it.” Discuss the character of Humayun in the light of these remarks and account for his ultimate failure. 5. Din-e-Ilahi was “an outcome of ridiculous vanity, a monstrous growth of unrestrained autocracy.” Elaborate. 6. With the advent of the Mughal, there ushered in a new era of artistic and literary activities. Explain. 7. Write short notes on any TWO of the following: a) Amir Khusru b) Ain-i-Akbar c) Hazrat Mujaddid Alf-i-Sani

1. Highlight the role played by Sir Syed as father of two-nation theory. 2. Analyze the significance of SIMLA DEPUTATION under the leadership of Sir Agha Khan. 3. Give a detailed account of the Congress policies against Musilms from 1937 to 1939. 4. Describe the role of Quaid-e-Azam as Father of the Nation from Lahore Resolution to the creation of Pakistan. 5. Discuss the reason for the failure of Parliamentary Democracy in Pakistan from 1947 to 1958. 6. Write short detailed note on Pakistan’s relations with the United States. 7. Write short notes on the following: a) The Lucknow Pact b) The c) Quaid-e-Azam as Governor General d) Sheikh Mujib’s Six

2002 1 Mahmood of Ghzna’s real aim was to establish a Turkish Empire and his Indian Campaigns were only means to this end”. Comment. 2 Sultan Muhammad-bin-Tughluq’s character was a mixture of two extremes, but he was a man of Ideas”. Discuss. 3 Highlight the salient merits and demerits of Babur as a man and as an Empire Builder. 4 Elucidate the importance and effects of Sher Shah Suris administrative and economic reforms. 5 Critically examine Akbar’s Rajput Policy in the establishment or declination of the Mughal dynasty 6 How far do you agree with the view that the moral decay of nobility and the foreign invasions during the 18th century accelerated the Decline of the Mughal Empire 7 Write short notes on the following a) The Judicial System of the Sultanate of Delhi b). Mughal Architecture and painting

1 Highlight he contributions of Shah Waliulah towards regeneration of the Muslims of South Asia 2 Examine the circumstances that led to the foundation of All India Muslim League. What were it’s main objects. 3 Critically discuss the importance of Lucknow Pact brining out of it’s merits and demerits from Muslim point of view 4 Discus in detail the Cabinet Mission Plan and analyze the causes of it’s failure 5 The constitution of 1973 proved to be more lasting as compared with the previous attempts. Critically examine the factors responsible for this phenomenon 6 Give an account of the causes and effects of the separation of East Pakistan. 7 Evaluate the role played by Pakistan on the forum of O.I.C.

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2003 1. Sultan Altutmish was the real founder of the early Turkish sultanate. Comment. 2. Alauddeen Khilji:Write a detailed note on Alauddeen Khelji’s character and achievements. 3. Discuss good points and bad points of Sultan Muhammad bin Tughlaq. 4. Highlight the merits and demerits of Nuruddeen Muhammed Jahangir. 5. Shah Jahan’s rule was regarded as the most glorious period of the Mughal empire. Elucidate. 6. Write a note on character and personality of Aurangzeb Alamgir. 7. Write short notes on the following: a) Society and culture under the Sultanate. b) Agrarian system of the Mughals

1. What were in your assessment the main causes for the downfall of the Muslim (Mughal) rule in India? 2. How did the state control enhanced over the East India Company’s affairs after the middle of the 18th century? 3. Muslim thinkers and writers believe that ferocity in Hindu attitude against increased under British patronage in India. Comment. 4. Describe the political significance of the Simla Deputation in the Muslim struggle for homeland in India. 5. What is meant by the Aligarh Movement? Why did it succeed while most other Muslim movements in the sub-continent failed to accomplish any national gain? 6. What were the determinants of the foreign policy of Pakistan and how far you think they were adhered to subsequently? 7. A nation ought to have certain identifying characteristics. How would you estimate them for Pakistanis? 8. What causes would you attribute to slow constitutional development in Pakistan? How did it retard national cohesion?

2004 1. The Arab conquest of Sind was only an episode in the and of Islam, a triumph without results". Do you agree with the view? 2. What were the measures adopted by Balban to consolidate his empire and strengthen the authority the Sultan? 3. Briefly relate the social and cultural effects of the contact of Islam with Hinduism under the Sultanate of Delhi. 4. Describe the character and personality of Babar as it emerges from the study of his own Memoirs. 5. Din-i-Ilahi was "an outcome of ridiculous vanity, a monstrous growth of unrestrained autocracy". Elucidate 6. Discuss the main characteristics of the Mughal architecture and mention some of the important Mughal buildings (10 Each). 7. Write short notes on any TWO of the following: (a) Price control system of Alauddin Khalji. * (b) Mansabdari System of the Mughals. (c) Hazrat Mujaddid Alf-i-Sani

1. Give a brief introduction of Jehad Movement and account for its failure. 2. Narrate the factors leading to the Lucknow Pact (1916). 3. Nehru Report proved a blessing in disguise for the muslims". Discuss. 4. Describe the circumstances which forced Allama Iqbal to suggest a separate homeland for the muslims of the subcontinent in 1930. How did it affect the political life of the Indian muslims. 5. Highlight the main events of the period of the Prime Ministership of Liaquat Ali Khan. 6. Critically analyze the causes of the failure of the Parliamentary democracy in Pakistan until 1958. 7. "The solution of the Kashmir problem can bring Peace and Prosperity in both the countries of Pakistan and India". Comment.

2005 1. Hindu India lacked historical writings. Muslims introduced historiography here. Could you record any major historical work of the early Muslim period of the Indo•-Pakistan sub-continent? 2. Mahmud of Ghazna, it is generally believed had face to the west and back to the east and thus heeded less to the making of an empire in the sub-continent. Comment. 3. Describe the fiscal reforms of Alauddin Khilji. Mow far he was ahead of his time? 4. Describe the growth and expansion of the Hindi and Sanskrit literatures in the subcontinent under the Muslim patronage. 5. Would you agree with a general assessment that the lack of a codified law of succession in state affairs marred the growth of smooth administration in the medieval Muslim rule in the Indo Pak sub-continent? 6. Discuss the career and character of Aurangzeb Alamgir. Where did he falter? 7. Pen down descriptive notes in either Three fields of Muslim contribution to: (a) Cuisine (b) dress (c) fine arts (d) form of architecture

1. Elaborate "Two Nation Theory" in the light of the statements of Allama Iqbal. 2. Give a brief account of the services rendered by Navvab Mohsin-ul-Mulk and Nawab Viqar-uI-Mulk. 3. Write down the fourteen points of Quaid-i-Azam and its importance towards the creation of Pakistan. 4. Give the detailed account of the Indian National Congress policies against Muslims from 1937 to 1 939. 5. "Pakistan has always tried to foster good relations with the Muslim countries." Explain. 6. "The solution of the Kashmir problem can bring peace and prosperity in both the countries of Pakistan and India." Comment. 7. Write short notes on any Two of the following:- a) Objective Resolution "' (b) Islamic provisions under the Constitution of 1956 c) Contribution of Quaid-i-Azam as first Governor General.

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2006 1. Iltutmish is regarded as the real founder of the slave dynasty".How and Why? 2. Give a brief review of the services rendered by the Muslim Saints for the propagation of Islam during the sultanate period. 3. Describe the salient features of the Muslim rule in the subcontinent under the Sultans of the Delhi. 4. Highlight the steps taken by Akbar for the consolidation of Mughal Empire. 5. The war of succesion among the sons of the Shah Jehan was in fact ,war between the two ideologies". comment and account for the Success of Aurangzeb Alamgir. 6. The administrative structure which goes under the name of "Mughal Administartion" was the culminitation of experience gained during centuries of muslim rule".Discuss 7. Write short notes on any two of the following. a. The Mongol policy of the sultans pof Delhi b. Historical value of the Tuzuk-i-Baburi c. Rise and falls of Nur Jahan

1. Estimate the contribution of Shah Waliullah towards the regeneration of the Muslim of South-Asia. 2. What is meant by the Aligarh Movement? Critically examine its services to the cause of education. 3. Analyze the circumstances that led to the foundation of Muslim League. What were its main objectives? 4. Trace the genesis of the Khilafat Movement? What were its effects on the history of South-Asia? 5. Describe the causes and effects of the separation of East Pakistan. 6. Pakistan’s relations with China have proved to be a blessing for peace in the region. Discuss. 7. Write short notes on any TWO of the following. a) Khwaja Nazimuddin b) SEATO c) Basic Democracies

2007 1 how would you justify the statement that " is Babul-Islaf!1" with reference to the Arab conquest of Sindh? - 2. Sultan Muhammad Tughlaq's character was a mixtture of two extremes, but he was a man of ideas." Discuss. 3 TRACE the rise of the Bakhti Movement. Examine its teachings and contribution to society and culture. 4 Sher Shah was the pioneer of a comprehensive system of administration in the sub continent to be followed by his successors in history." Discuss.'" 5 Give an account of the development of Mughal architecture with special reference to Mughal buildings in Pakistan. 6 Discscuss at length the services rendered for Islam by Hazrat Mujaddid Alf Semi. 7 Write short notes on any TWO of the following: a) Ameer Khusru (b) Dara-Shikoh,(c) Bahauddin Zakariya

1 What role did Sir Syed Ahmad Khan play in the reawakening of the Muslims of the sub-Continent? Discuss.- 2 The Khilafat Movement Spearheaded the Pakistan Movement and provided the necessary weapon through which a political war toidentify the Muslims as such could be waged." Discuss. 3 Examine those provisions of Nehru Report which effected the Muslims. What was the Muslim Reaction to those proposals? 4 Critically examine the justification of 'Pakistan Resolution' in 1940. 5 TRACE the history of Constitutional Development in Pakistan since her inception ANALyzing the problems faced by the country in search of Democracy. 6 Critically review the relations of Pakistan with India with special reference to the Kashmir Issue. 7 Write short notes on any TWO ofthe following: a) Contribution of Quaid-i-Azam as first Governor General of Pakistan (B) Basic DemocraCies (C) Causes of separatIon OT'East PakiStan

2008 2) Ghiyasuddin Balban successfully suppressed the internal and external rebellion that provided stability to his regin. Analyze 3) Allaudin KHilji's administrative and economic policies were more successfuul than his foreign conquests 4) Critically analyse the causes of the downfall of Tughluq Dynasty 5) The comprehensive Reform Programme introduced by Sher Shah Suri laid the foundation of strong monarchy during Mughal rule. Analyse 6) The religious policy of Akbar was either a lesson for the universal toleration or the distortion in islam. Critically analyse 7) Sophistication in society and culture during the mughal rule reflected the glory of the empire. Enumerate and high light the achievement during this period. 8) Write short note on any TWO of the following a) Condition of India in 1526 b)War of succession among the sons of Shah Jehan c)Impact of islam during Delhi Sultanate

2) Aligarh Movement created rewakening among Muslims to provide a political plateform through Education network" Analyse the statement 3) Why the Indian National Congress could not provide sufficient guarantee for the muslims to safeguard their rights? Discuss 4) Do you agree that Minto -Morley REforms (1909) proved a watershed to recognize the rights of minorities in India? How did it helpMuslim League to demand separate home land for muslims? 5) The fourteen points of Quaid-e-Azam was befitting response to Nehru Report. Give your analysis 6) Can you support with historical facts that british quit India because it was not possible for them to stay beyond 1947? Critically comment. 7) The LUcknow pact provided a commitment to Hindu-Muslim unity but it soon failed. Discuss 8) Write short notes on any TWO of the following a) Simon Commission b) Constitutional Act of 1935 c) Allma Iqbal as a Visionary d)Cabinet Mission Plan

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2009 2 Mahmud Ghaznavi’s invasions of India are controversial while some consider him a Mujahid others consider him an aggressor, which Opinion do you support? Support your answer with strong arguments? 3 Iltutmush is amongst the greatest early Turkish sultans of Dehli, he was an intrepid warrior and a patron of Arts and literature. Discuss 4 Allahu-din-Khilji is considered the pioneer of efficient administration structure in medieval India. Write a comprehensive note on his administrative reforms? 5 Babur failed in central Asia but succeeded in India why? Give a detailed note on his administration? 6 Akbar is considered not only a great administrator but also a great warrior, write a detailed note on his administration? 7 Discuss the role of Hazrat Mujadid Alf sani in the revival of muslim values and traditions with special reference to his opposition to Akbar’s religious policy? 8 Aurangazeb is generally charged with bigoted religious policy. Write a critical note on his religious policy.

2 Shah wali Ullah has played a very significant role in the reawakening of Muslims of India. Write a comprehensive note on his service forthe cause of Muslims? 3 Syed Ahmed Brailve was a man of action rather than rhetoric his movement after initial success failed. Discuss and evaluate 4 What circumstances led to the partition of Bengal in 1905? How it affected Hindu-British and Hindu-Muslim relations? Discuss in Detail 5 Congress rule during 1937-1939 provided an opportunity to all India Muslim League to reorganize . Discuss congress rule in provinces and its impact on AIML. 6 Why parliamentary democracy could not succeed? What circumstances led to the 1st Martial Law? 7 Shaikh Mujeeb 6 points became Magna Carta for Awami League. Discuss and Evaluate its background and Contents. 8 Right from beginning Pak-Afghan relations could not be established on friendly terms. what has affected the relations of two brotherly neighbouring countries? Make a critical analysis.

2010 2. Trace the history of Arab Conquests of present day Pakistan highlighting the contributions of the Muslim in transformation of the society And culture. 3. Elaborate the importance of Delhi as the centre of Muslim cultural advancement and bride of all cities in orient and its devastation during The Muslim rule by the invaders. 4. Write a comprehensive account of rebelling states wearing away from he weakling Mughal Centre during 18th century. 5. None of Mughal succession since Akbar was without a stain of blood.” Discuss the statement with examples and arguments in each case. 6. Compare the South Asian plain society with the desert and mountain society invaders applying Ibn-i-Khaldun’s philosophy. 7. Why the weak and incapable Mughal rulers were unable to rule India, discuss with reference to the role of nobility keeping in view their Main factions and the leadership? 8. Whom you consider as real founder of Delhi Sultanate? Discuss with judgment of the roles of Shahab-ud-Din Ghouri, Qutub-ud-Din Aibak And Iltutmis.

2. Critically evaluate the causes for the decline of Muslim Rule in India. 3. Compare and contrast the manifestoes of All-India National Congress and All-India Muslim League at the time of their establishments. Do You think there were some common points between the two parties? If yes, how they differed with each other later on? 4. Lucknow Pact, 1916 in considered the culmination of Hind-Muslim unity. What circumstances led to the historical fact between the and Muslims? Discuss its main points and also analyze the causes of its failure. 5. Cabinet Mission Plan of 1946 is considered by some quarters as the best alternative for the in 1947. Discuss its main recommendations and also analyze why it failed to get the approval from the major political parties of India? 6. Amongst many reasons Joint versus Separate Electorate, Language issue and quantum of representation of different federating units of Pakistan in the parliament played main role in the delay of constitution making. Critically evaluate the aforementioned issues highlighting Its role in the process of constitution making. 7. Kashmir is a major bottle-neck between Pakistan-India friendly relations. Trace out the history of Kashmir problem with focus on dirrent suggestions for its solutions from different quarters. Also come up with your own recommendations for its amicable solution. 8. Compare the ideological and social trends highlighting some important aspects of the General Zia ul Haq and General Pervez Musharaf eras in the history of Pakistan. Do they had any commonalities or they were totally different in all respects? Critically evaluate

2011 2 Akbar fully realized the absence of national spirit in the mughal Empire and tried to bulid one,but history of his dynasty records that he failed in the task.In this context discuss Akbar's policy towards non-Muslims. 3 Internal consolidation rather than territorial expansion was the keynote of Balban's policy.Elucidate 4 By his poslitical reforms and policy of religious toleration Sher Shah laid the foundation of an enlightened government.Discuss. 5 Illtutmish was the real founder of Sultanates in Delhi.Build your own argument on the statement with relevant facts. 6 Khanqahs played an important role in the demonstration of Islamic idea of Tauheed as a working principle in the social life of India.Discuss. 7 Evaluate the role of Ulama and Umara in the development of Sultanate of Delhi. 8 Analyse the impact of the conquest of Sindh led by Muhammad Bin Qasim.Is it correct to say that this conquest was a mere episode in the history of Sub-Continent?

Paper 2,,,,

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2012 2. Conquest of sind produced everlasting results not only in sindh but also in al over the South asia" discuss. 3. Sham-ud-din iltutmish organizedthe adminstration in newly conquered territories as a loose decentralizad system in which high noble were treated as the peers of king". discuss. 4. ghiyasuddin balban managedthe defence of the country against the foreign agression and internal danger but called for re-organization of administrationto make it effective".comment. 5. Estimate the charater and achievements of zahee ud din baber. 6. Highlight the role of noor jahan in the reign of jahangir. 7. Give a study of origin and teaching of chistiyya order. 8. Give an anaytical study of centrak administration of mughals

2. Give an account of the arrival of the English in subcontinent. Trace, historically the the manner in which they succeeded in establishing factories and trade centre in indo Pakistan. Also the circumstances which forced the east India company to assume the shape of power from peace ful trade company. 3. Give your views about the exact nature of the revolt of 1857. was it a syp mutiny, a conspiracy or a war of independence? 4. Examine Aligarh movement and services rendered by sir syed ahmed khan to the uplift the educational services for the awakening of the muslims of sub continent. 5. what were the conditions which necessitated the partition of Bengal in 1905? What was th reaction of the hindus and muslims shown towards the partition? 6. The initial years of Pakistan were very crucial for its existence”. Discuss. 7. Frequent military interventions are the basic cause of failure of democracy in Pakistan”. Discuss. 8. Give the importance of objective revolution in the history of constitution making in Pakistan.

2013 2. Identify and evaluate the short term and long term impact of the Muslim's invasion on the subcontinent 3. Narrate the steps taken by Ghiyas ud din balban for consolidating his rule. 4. the reign of Firuz tughlaq closed the most brilliant Epoch of the Muslim Rule in India before the reign of Akbar" comment. 5. give brief account of the services rendered by sufis and Ulemas in developing the Muslim society in the sub continent. 6. Give a brief review of the Socio-Economic conditions of the people under the sultans and Mughals. 7. write a brief but comprehensive Essay on the factors, forces and issues which contributes in establishing mughal rule in the subcontinent 8. Highlight the role of art, architecture and literature inprojecting the image of muslims in the sub continent.

2. Analysis the impact of the British East India Company's rule (1757- 1857) upon the Muslim of indo pak subcontinent 3. bring out the role of aligarh movement in the intellectual and political awakening of the Muslims of sub continent. 4. the period between 1912-1916 was notable as a time of growing unity between the main Indian political parties." discuss 5. trade the course of the khilafat Movement and assess its significance for the development of Indian nationalism. 6. the policies of Indian national congress between 1937 to 1947 were such as to make the partition of India inevitable" discuss, 7. analyse the policise of the Khan Liaquat Ali Khan as general secretary of muslim league and as a prime minister of Pakistan. 8." muslim countries look towards Pakistan as a fort of Islam" discuss Pakistan's relations with the Muslim world.

2014 2 How did Ghayasuddin balban consolidate his rule ?What were his major achievements as a ruler? 3 Give an account of market regulations and price control system of Allaudin Khilji? 4 Make a comparison between the teachngs, Khanqah organization and attitude towards the state of sufi saints of Chistiya and suharwardi orders or silsilahs of sufism in India? 5 Why Sher shah suri is called forerunner of Akbar? which policies and measures of sher shah suri were adapted by Akbar? 6 How would you evaluate Aurangzeb as a ruler? Discuss in lenght his successes and failures to supprt your view point? 7 Discuss in detail the society and culture during the Sultanate period. 8 Write a comprehensive note on the art , architecture and literature of Mughal era, mentioning all the important architectural monuments and literary works produced during the period.

2 How the British East India Company emerged as a Political force from a trading firm? 3 No Aligarh movement - No independence - No Pakistan" give arguments in favor or against the common belief. 4 Critically examine the role of Muslim religious parties toward making of Pakistan. 5 Carefully examine the Post-World War II political development of India towards the division of India and to keep it united in context with the British Government, the congress and the Muslim league. 6 Elucidate the reasons of constitutional crises in Pakistan after its inception. Also examine the role of civil-military stake-holders in lingering the constitution making process during the first decade of political history of Pakistan. 7 Discuss in detail various regional separatist movements which developed in Pakistan with a special reference to the mishandling of the Balochistan case. In you opinion what is the solution of the current crises of our country. 8 Examine the sectarian crises in Pakistan with a special concern to the Madrassa element tracing the history of Muslim educational system since the rise of Muslim power in South Asia; keeping into account the merits and the demerits of the whole system.

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2015 1. Analyze the political, social and religious conditions of India at the advent of Arab invasion of Sindh. 2. Elaborate on the consolidation of Delhi Sultanate under Sultan Shamsuddin Iltutmish. 3. What was the Mongol threat to India? How far did the early Sultans of Delhi succeed in repulsing them from the frontiers of India? 4. Critically analyse the economic and social policies of the Sultans of Delhi and its effect on the local population. 5. Evaluate authority and kingship under the Sultans particularly the Theory of Kingship of Balban and its impact upon the Muslim rule in India. 6. Analyse in detail art and literature under the Mughals. 7. Discuss in detail the interaction of Islam with Indian Society and its effect on the future communal relations between Muslims and non-Muslims in the Indian Sub-Continent.

1. Analyse the political views and services of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan in the context of Hindu-Muslim politics. What factors were responsible for his shift from Indian Nationalism to Muslim sub-nationalism? 2. Why the Hiindus were so vehemently opposed to the partition of the province of Bengal in 1905? Discuss in length the Hindu agitation against the partition which finally resulted in its cancellation. 3. Though the Khilafat and Hijrat movements failed to achieve their immediate objectives but they had great impacts on the lives of the Indian Muslims." Thoroughly analyse this statement and give arguments in support of your viewpoint. 4. The Nehru Report struck the last nail in the coffin of Hindu-Muslim Unity." Elucidate the statement by giving the clauses of the Nehru Report which were unacceptable to the Indian Muslims and vehemently opposed by the Muslim leaders and Muslim political organizations. 5. Write note on the elections of 1937 and the Muslim grievances under the Congress rule in the provinces from July 1937 to October 1939. 6. Give an account of the factors responsible for the delay in the drafting of the first for nine years focusing on the differences between the political leadership of the East and West Pakistan. 7. Discuss in length Pakistan's relations with the United States in historical perspective. What future do you foresee for Pakistan's alliance with the United States in the ongoing Global War on Terror?

May Allah Almighty bless us with success in this world and in the world hereafter? Ameen

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Syllabus/Areas of Focus

Political History Arrival, foundation and consolidation of Muslim rule in India, important rulers of the Slave Dynasty and the Mughals, The Spirit and legacy of Muslim civilization, Art, Architecture and literature, Public Administration under Muslim Rules. Sultans, Kings, Economic, Social, Judicial, Civil and Military system during the Muslim rule, Industry, trade and commerce under the Muslim patronage, Financial Administration.

Study Area I: Muslim Rule and Heritage in India 712-1857 Political History, Arrival, Foundation and Consolidation of Muslim Rule in India:

2015: Analyze the political, social and religious conditions of India at the advent of Arab invasion of Sindh. 2015: Discuss in detail the interaction of Islam with Indian Society and its effect on the future communal relations between Muslims and non-Muslims in the Indian Sub-Continent. 2013: Identify and evaluate the short term and long term impact of the Muslim's invasion on the subcontinent. 2012: Conquest of sind produced everlasting results not only in Sindh but also all over the South Asia". Discuss. 2011: Analyze the impact of the conquest of Sindh led by Muhammad Bin Qasim. Is it correct to say that this conquest was a mere episode in the history of Sub-continent? 2010: Trace the history of Arab Conquests of present day Pakistan highlighting the contributions of the Muslim in transformation of the society and culture. 2009: Mahmud Ghaznavi’s invasions of India are controversial while some consider him a Mujahid others consider him an aggressor, which opinion do you support? Support your answer with strong arguments? 2007: How would you justify the statement that "Sindh is Babul-Islam" with reference to the Arab conquest of Sindh? 2007: Trace the rise of the Bakhti Movement. Examine its teachings and contribution to society and culture

Slave Dynasty: 2015: Elaborate on the consolidation of Delhi Sultanate under Sultan Shamsuddin Iltutmish. 2015: What was the Mongol threat to India? How far did the early Sultans of Delhi succeed in repulsing them from the frontiers of India? 2015: Evaluate authority and kingship under the Sultans particularly the Theory of Kingship of Balban and its impact upon the Muslim rule in India. 2014: How did Ghayasuddin Balban consolidate his rule? What were his major achievements as a ruler? 2013: Narrate the steps taken by Ghiyas ud din balban for consolidating his rule. 2012: Sham-ud-din Iltutmish organized the administration in newly conquered territories as a loose decentralized system in which high noble were treated as the peers of king". Discuss. 2012: Ghayasuddin Balban managed the defense of the country against the foreign aggression and internal danger but called for re organization of administration to make it effective". Comment. 2011: Iltutmish was the real founder of Sultanates of Delhi’. Build your own argument on the statement with relevant facts. 2011: Internal consolidation rather than territorial expansion was the keynote of Bulban’s policy’. Elucidate. 2010: Whom you consider as real founder of Delhi Sultanate? Discuss with judgment of the roles of Shahab-ud-Din Ghouri, Qutub-ud-Din Aibak and Iltutmish. 2009: Iltutmish is amongst the greatest early Turkish sultans of Delhi, he was an intrepid warrior and a patron of Arts and literature. Discuss. 2008: Ghayasuddin Balban successfully suppressed the internal and external rebellion that provided stability to his reign. Analyze. 2006: Iltutmish is regarded as the real founder of the slave dynasty". How and Why? 2006: Short Note: The Mongol policy of the sultans of Delhi

Tughlaq Dynasty: 2013: The reign of Firuz Tughlaq closed the most brilliant epoch of the Muslim Rule in India before the reign of Akbar" comment. 2008: Critically analyze the causes of the downfall of Tughlaq Dynasty. 2007: Sultan Muhammad Tughlaq's character was a mixture of two extremes, but he was a man of ideas." Discuss. 2007: Short Note: Ameer Khusrow Sher Shah Suri: 2011: By his political reforms and policy of religious toleration Sher Shah laid the foundation of an enlightened government’. Discuss. 2008: The comprehensive Reform Programme introduced by Sher Shah Suri laid the foundation of strong monarchy during Mughal rule. Analyze.

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The Mughals: 2014: How would you evaluate Aurangzeb as a ruler? Discuss in length his successes and failures to support your view point? 2014: Why Sher Shah Suri is called forerunner of Akbar? Which policies and measures of Sher shah Suri were adapted by Akbar? 2013: Write a brief but comprehensive Essay on the factors, forces and issues which contributes in establishing Mughal rule in the subcontinent 2013: Give a brief review of the socio-economic conditions of the people under the sultans and Mughals. 2012: Estimate the character and achievements of Zaheer-ud-din Baber. 2012: Highlight the role of Noor Jahan in the reign of Jahangir. 2012: Give an analytical study of central administration of Mughals. 2011: Akbar fully realized the absence of national spirit in the Mughal Empire and tried to build one, but history of his dynasty records that he failed in the task’. In this context discuss Akbar’s policy towards non-Muslims. 2010: Write a comprehensive account of rebelling states wearing away from the weakling Mughal Centre during 18th century. 2010: None of Mughal succession since Akbar was without a stain of blood.” Discuss the statement with examples and arguments in each case. 2010: Why the weak and incapable Mughal rulers were unable to rule India, discuss with reference to the role of nobility keeping in view their main factions and the leadership? 2009: Babur failed in central Asia but succeeded in India why? Give a detailed note on his administration. 2009: Discuss the role of Hazrat Mujadid Alf sani in the revival of Muslim values and traditions with special reference to his opposition to Akbar’s religious policy? 2009: Akbar is considered not only a great administrator but also a great warrior, write a detailed note on his administration. 2009: Aurangzeb is generally charged with bigoted religious policy. Write a critical note on his religious policy. 2008: The religious policy of Akbar was either a lesson for the universal toleration or the distortion in Islam. Critically analyze. 2008: Sophistication in society and culture during the Mughal rule reflected the glory of the empire. Enumerate and high light the achievement during this period. 2008: Short Note: a) Condition of India in 1526 b) War of succession among the sons of Shah Jahan 2007: Short Note: Dara Shikoh 2006: Highlight the steps taken by Akbar for the consolidation of Mughal Empire. 2006: The war of succession among the sons of the Shah Jahan was in fact war between the two ideologies". Comment and account for the success of Aurangzeb Alamgir. 2006: The administrative structure which goes under the name of "Mughal Administration" was the culmination of experience gained during centuries of Muslim rule". Discuss. 2006: Short Notes: a. Historical value of the Tuzuk-i-Baburi b. Rise and falls of Nur Jahan

Muslim Civilization, Art, Architecture, Literature and Society: 2015: Analyze in detail art and literature under the Mughals. 2014: Write a comprehensive note on the art, architecture and literature of Mughal era, mentioning all the important architectural monuments and literary works produced during the period. 2014: Discuss in detail the society and culture during the Sultanate period. 2013: Highlight the role of art, architecture and literature in projecting the image of Muslims in the sub continent. 2010: Compare the South Asian plain society with the desert and mountain society invaders applying Ibn-i-Khaldun’s philosophy. 2010: Elaborate the importance of Delhi as the centre of Muslim cultural advancement and bride of all cities in orient and its devastation during the Muslim rule by the invaders. 2008: Short Note: Impact of Islam during Delhi Sultanate 2007: Give an account of the development of Mughal architecture with special reference to Mughal buildings in Pakistan. 2006: Describe the salient features of the Muslim rule in the subcontinent under the Sultans of the Delhi. Public and Financial Administration: 2015: Critically analyze the economic and social policies of the Sultans of Delhi and its effect on the local population. 2014: Give an account of market regulations and price control system of Allaudin Khilji. 2009: Allahu-din-Khilji is considered the pioneer of efficient administration structure in medieval India. Write a comprehensive note on his administrative reforms? 2008: Allaudin Khilji's administrative and economic policies were more successful than his foreign conquests. Discuss. 2007: Sher Shah was the pioneer of a comprehensive system of administration in the sub continent to be followed by his successors in history." Discuss. Muslim Saints and Sufis: 2014: Make a comparison between the teachings, Khanqah organization and attitude towards the state of Sufi saints of Chistiya and Suharwardi orders or silsilahs of Sufism in India? 2013: Give brief account of the services rendered by Sufis and Ulemas in developing the Muslim society in the sub continent. 2012: Give a study of origin and teaching of Chistiyya order. 2011: Evaluate the role of Ulemas and Umara in the development of Sultanate of Delhi. 2011: Khanqahs played an important role in the demonstration of Islamic idea of Tauheed as a working principle in the social life of India. Discuss. 2007: Short Note: Bahauddin Zakarya 2007: Discuss at length the services rendered for Islam by Hazrat Mujaddid Alf Semi. 2006: Give a brief review of the services rendered by the Muslim Saints for the propagation of Islam during the sultanate period.

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Study Area II: British Rule in India 1857-1947

Syllabus/Areas of Focus

British Imperialism, origin and growth of the East India Company, Causes and effects of downfall of the Mughal Empire in India, War of Independence in 1857: Causes and effects

2014: How the British East India Company emerged as a Political force from a trading firm? 2013: Analyze the impact of the British East India Company's rule (1757- 1857) upon the Muslim of indo pak subcontinent. 2012: Give an account of the arrival of the English in subcontinent. Trace, historically the manner in which they succeeded in establishing factories and trade centre in indo Pakistan. Also the circumstances which forced the east India company to assume the shape of power from peaceful trade company. 2012: Give your views about the exact nature of the revolt of 1857. Was it a simple mutiny, a conspiracy or a war of independence? 2010: Critically evaluate the causes for the decline of Muslim Rule in India.

Study Area III: Constitutional and Political Reforms of the British Government 1858-1947

Syllabus/Areas of Focus

Constitutional and Political Reforms of the British Government (1858-1947) and growth of the Political Parties –Indian Congress

2013: “The period between1912-1916 was notable as a time of growing unity between the main Indian political parties." Discuss 2010: Compare and contrast the manifestoes of All-India National Congress and All-India Muslim League at the time of their establishments. Do you think there were some common points between the two parties? If yes, how they differed with each other later on?

2008: Why the Indian National Congress could not provide sufficient guarantee for the Muslims to safeguard their rights? Discuss.

2008: Do you agree that Minto -Morley Reforms (1909) proved a watershed to recognize the rights of minorities in India? How did it help Muslim League to demand separate home land for Muslims?

Study Area IV: Muslim Struggle for Independence:

Syllabus/Areas of Focus

Role of Shah Wali Ullah, Syed Ahmad Shaheed and Sir Syed Ahmed Khan towards regeneration of the Muslim of South Asia, All India Muslim League, Partition of Bengal, Simla Deputation, Lucknow pact; Khilafat movement. Nahru Report Quaid-i- Azam’s Fourteen Points.

2015: Analyze the political views and services of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan in the context of Hindu-Muslim politics. What factors were responsible for his shift from Indian Nationalism to Muslim sub-nationalism?

2015: Why the Hindus were so vehemently opposed to the partition of the province of Bengal in 1905? Discuss in length the Hindu agitation against the partition which finally resulted in its cancellation.

2015: "Though the Khilafat and Hijrat movements failed to achieve their immediate objectives but they had great impacts on the lives of the Indian Muslims." Thoroughly analyze this statement and give arguments in support of your viewpoint.

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2015: "The Nehru Report struck the last nail in the coffin of Hindu-Muslim Unity." Elucidate the statement by giving the clauses of the Nehru Report which were unacceptable to the Indian Muslims and vehemently opposed by the Muslim leaders and Muslim political organizations.

2014: "No Aligarh movement - No independence - No Pakistan" Give arguments in favor or against the common belief.

2013: Bring out the role of Aligarh movement in the intellectual and political awakening of the Muslims of sub continent.

2013: Tread the course of the khilafat Movement and assess its significance for the development of Indian nationalism 2012: Examine Aligarh movement and services rendered by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan to the uplift the educational services for the awakening of the Muslims of sub continent.

2012: what were the conditions which necessitated the partition of Bengal in 1905? What was the reaction of the Hindus and Muslims shown towards the partition?

2011: Critically evaluate the socio-economic and religio-political effects of the Khilafat Movement on the life of Indian Muslims.

2010: Lucknow Pact, 1916 in considered the culmination of Hind-Muslim unity. What circumstances led to the historical fact between the Hindus and Muslims? Discuss its main points and also analyze the causes of its failure.

2009: Shah Waliullah has played a very significant role in the reawakening of Muslims of India. Write a comprehensive note on his service for the cause of Muslims?

2009: Syed Ahmed Brailvi was a man of action rather than rhetoric his movement after initial success failed. Discuss and evaluate

2009: What circumstances led to the partition of Bengal in 1905? How it affected Hindu- British and Hindu-Muslim relations? Discuss in detail.

2008: "Aligarh Movement created reawakening among Muslims to provide a political platform through Education network" Analyze the statement.

2008: The fourteen points of Quaid-e-Azam was befitting response to Nehru Report. Give your analysis.

2008: The Lucknow pact provided a commitment to Hindu-Muslim unity but it soon failed. Discuss.

2007: What role did Sir Syed Ahmad Khan play in the reawakening of the Muslims of the sub-Continent? Discuss.

2007: The Khilafat Movement spearheaded the Pakistan Movement and provided the necessary weapon through which a political war to identify the Muslims as such could be waged." Discuss.

2007: Examine those provisions of Nehru Report which affected the Muslims. What was the Muslim Reaction to those proposals?

2006: Estimate the contribution of Shah Waliullah towards the regeneration of the Muslim of South-Asia.

2006: What is meant by the Aligarh Movement? Critically examine its services to the cause of education.

2006: Analyze the circumstances that led to the foundation of Muslim League. What were its main objectives? 2006: Trace the genesis of the Khilafat Movement? What were its effects on the history of South-Asia?

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Study Area V: Pakistan Movement

Syllabus/Areas of Focus

Allama Iqal’s Allahabad Address 1930, and Round Table Conference. The Congress Rule in the provinces-1937- 1939, Lahore Resolution 1940, various Missions and Plans for the partition of the South Asia. Founders of Pakistan: Quaid-i-Azam, Mohsin-ul-Mulk, Syed Amir Ali, Ali Brothers. Sir Agha Khan, Chaudhry Rahmat Ali, etc.

2015: Write note on the elections of 1937 and the Muslim grievances under the Congress rule in the provinces from July 1937 to October 1939.

2014: Critically examine the role of Muslim religious parties toward making of Pakistan.

2014: Carefully examine the Post-World War II political development of India towards the division of India and to keep it united in context with the British Government, the congress and the Muslim league.

2013: “The policies of Indian national congress between 1937 to 1947 were such as to make the partition of India inevitable" discuss.

2011: The Allahabad Address of Dr. Muhammad Iqbal was a synthesis of several schemes and proposals presented by the Indian Muslims for the solution of Hindu-Muslim issues. Give an historical account of all these schemes and proposals.

2011: Discuss different socio-political and religious issues among the Hindus and Muslims, which ended with the ‘parting of ways’ among them.

2010: Cabinet Mission Plan of 1946 is considered by some quarters as the best alternative for the partition of India in 1947. Discuss its main recommendations and also analyze why it failed to get the approval from the major political parties of India?

2009: Congress rule during 1937-1939 provided an opportunity to all India Muslim League to reorganize. Discuss congress rule in provinces and its impact on AIML.

2008: Can you support with historical facts that British quit India because it was not possible for them to stay beyond 1947? Critically comment.

2008: Write short notes on any TWO of the following Simon Commission Constitutional Act of 1935 Allama Iqbal as a Visionary d)Cabinet Mission Plan

2007: Critically examine the justification of 'Pakistan Resolution' in 1940.

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Study Area VI: History of Pakistan 1947- To date

Syllabus/Areas of Focus

Pakistan’s early Challenges—Quaid-i-Azam as Governor-General, various attempts at constitution making.

2015: Give an account of the factors responsible for the delay in the drafting of the first Constitution of Pakistan for nine years focusing on the differences between the political leadership of the East and West Pakistan.

2014: Elucidate the reasons of constitutional crises in Pakistan after its inception. Also examine the role of civil-military stake-holders in lingering the constitution making process during the first decade of political history of Pakistan.

2013: Analyze the policies of the Khan Liaquat Ali Khan as general secretary of Muslim league and as a prime minister of Pakistan.

2012: The initial years of Pakistan were very crucial for its existence”. Discuss.

2012: Give the importance of objective revolution in the history of constitution making in Pakistan.

2011: Quaid-i-Azam was the first Governor General of Pakistan. How do you analyze his administration as a trend setter and a role model for the good governance in present day Pakistan?

2010: Amongst many reasons Joint versus Separate Electorate, Language issue and quantum of representation of different federating units of Pakistan in the parliament played main role in the delay of constitution making. Critically evaluate the aforementioned issues highlighting its role in the process of constitution making.

2007: Trace the history of Constitutional Development in Pakistan since her inception analyzing the problems faced by the country in search of Democracy.

2007: Short Note: Contribution of Quaid-i-Azam as first Governor General of Pakistan

Study Area VII: Military in Politics

Syllabus/Areas of Focus

Ayub Khan, Yahya, Zia–ul–Haq and Pervaiz Musharaf regimes, Civil Military Relationship in Pakistan

2012: “Frequent military interventions are the basic cause of failure of democracy in Pakistan”. Discuss.

2010: Compare the ideological and social trends highlighting some important aspects of the General Zia ul Haq and General Pervez Musharaf eras in the history of Pakistan. Do they had any commonalities or they were totally different in all respects? Critically evaluate.

2009: Why parliamentary democracy could not succeed? What circumstances led to the 1st Martial Law?

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Study Area VIII: Separation of East Pakistan

Syllabus/Areas of Focus

Separation of, East Pakistan Causes and Effects

2011: Separation of East Pakistan was a very tragic incident not only for Pakistan but also for the entire Muslim World. Keeping in mind the socio-political causes of this incident, highlight the role played by foreign countries in the separation of East Pakistan

2009: Sheikh Mujeeb 6 points became Magna Carta for Awami League. Discuss and evaluate its background and Contents. 2007: Short Note: Causes of Separation of East Pakistan 2006: Describe the causes and effects of the separation of East Pakistan Study Area IX: Working of Democracy in Pakistan

Syllabus/Areas of Focus:

Liaquat Ali Khan to Firoz Khan Noon (1947-1958), Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s Period,(1971- 1977), Benazir, Nawaz Sharif ,Revival of Democracy: 1988-1999, Restoration of Democracy (2008 to date), Role of Major Political Parties and Pressure Groups in the history of Pakistan.

2007, 2006: Short Note: Basic Democracies 2006: Short Note: Khwaja Nazimuddin Study Area X: Foreign Policy of Pakistan 1947-1999 2013: "Muslim countries look towards Pakistan as a fort of Islam". Discuss Pakistan's relations with the Muslim world. 2011: Give a historical survey of Pakistan’s relations with .

2010: Kashmir is a major bottle-neck between Pakistan-India friendly relations. Trace out the history of Kashmir problem with focus on different suggestions for its solutions from different quarters. Also come up with your own recommendations for its amicable solution. 2009: Right from beginning Pak-Afghan relations could not be established on friendly terms. What has affected the relations of two brotherly neighboring countries? Make a critical analysis.

2007: Critically review the relations of Pakistan with India with special reference to the Kashmir Issue. 2006: Pakistan’s relations with China have proved to be a blessing for peace in the region. Discuss. Study Area XI: Miscellaneous 2015: Discuss in length Pakistan's relations with the United States in historical perspective. What future do you foresee for Pakistan's alliance with the United States in the ongoing Global War on Terror?

2014: Discuss in detail various regional separatist movements which developed in Pakistan with a special reference to the mishandling of the Baluchistan case. In your opinion what is the solution of the current crises of our country.

2014: Examine the sectarian crises in Pakistan with a special concern to the Madrassa element tracing the history of Muslim educational system since the rise of Muslim power in South Asia; keeping into account the merits and the demerits of the whole system.

2011: Trace out the originality of thoughts of at least five Pakistani social intellectuals. Also give a detailed account of their thoughts. 2006: Short Note: SEATO

“Aur Allah Jise Chahta Hai Izzat Deta Hai Aur Jise Chahta Hai Zillat Deta hai” Surah Imran Wish You All the Best!

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