CUsttwl!) American. vql. Lxm. ellbworth, Maine, Wednesday afternoon, January 10,1917. sm\vzr. sjgssi No. 2.

vwmtatmtnt*. assistant superintendent, Mrs. B. H. StofacttiKnunte. _ LOCAL, AFFAIRS. Johnson; secretary, Mrs. Alioe March; Helms NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THIS WEEK treasurer, Marshall; librarian, Marion Donnell. Parcher Pharmacy Willis L. Pratt is Bucksport Bank statement Oapt. attending In bankruptcy—Arthor L Robinson county grange at Salisbury Cove to-day. Facilities Commissioners* notioe Superior Banking County Pratt has taken a interest in Admr notice—Charles E Pettingill Capt. great *• —Dora M Arey the grange. He has served two years —Mark P Coombs malter of and has for most Exec notice—Augusta E Wooster Bayside grange, just Every modern facility the —Oscar A Shepard iinished two years’ term as Master of 44 -Albert W transaction of business is Gilley Green Mountain Pomona. He has not satisfactory Make It A Point 44 —Mare E Jordan Hancock County Nursery Go missed a meeting for over four years. us. H C Strsttou—Sleds presented by to have Positive Next in the Methodist church Protection for your F E Silvy—Buick Roadster for sale Sunday Absolute Safety—Perfect Conven- valuables. Banoor. Mr: at 10.30; sermon'by the pastor. Sunday E F Dillingham—Atlases wanted school at 11.46. Young people's meeting ience—Prompt Service is afforded Clbvb^aitd, O at 7; leader. Miss Sargent. At 7.30^ illus- Rent a Safe Box our Lincoln Oil Co—Salesmen wanted this Bank—thus demonstrat- Deposit in Fire trated lecture. Subject “Children and you by City: and Proof Children’s Diseases,” by Dr. C. C. Knowl- reason Burglar Vault now--the EAtWE Child—Labor-saving record book ing the superior advantages ton. This lecture will be of great interest cost is reasonable. men to parents. Good music at all the ser- ably within reach of all business CONDBN8ED TIME TABLE vices. and women. $3.00 and up per year Will DAYS. Friends in Ellsworth learned with sin- Trains arrive at Ellsworth from the west at Your account is invited. \ cere regret last week of the death of Mrs. 6.41 a. 4.28 m. m., p. H. Alice Closson, in Roxbury, Mass. Mrs. Trains leave Ellsworth for the west at 11.10 Closson was the widow of Charles H. Clos- a. m., 6.22 p. m. son, and for a time made her home in Ells- UNION TRUST COMPANY of Ellsworth SCHEDULE OF MAILS worth, where she had since been a frequent visitor. More extended notice of her ST RLLH WORTH POSTOFFICB. death under news in In effect Oct. 2, 1916 appears Sedgwick Capital, 9100,000. this issue. BURN MAILS RHCBIVBD. Lyponia lodge, F. and A. M., will have Surplus and Profits, 9125,OQO. Week Days. an installation of officers Wednesday even- From West—6.4» sm; 4.23 pm. ing, Jan. 24. Past Master R. B. Mathews y ^ From East—11.10 a m; 6.22 p m. will be installing officer, with Past Master T. F. Hale as marshal. Supper will be MAILS CIOSB AT POSTOFFICH served at 6.30. The installation will be OTTOCOKE Going Wrst—10.40 Dollar Grows Faster a m; 5.60 pm. public to Masons and members of their Every Going East—6.10 a m; 3.65 p m. families. A sociable will follow the in- when put to work promptly to your credit at inter- AND SAVE stallation. MONEY Registered mail should be at postofflce half On the 26 is to remain idle. an hour before mail closes. evening of January there est. Do not let money ) be an “old folks’ party” in the Congrega- Start an account with us. 25c a bushel WKATHKIt IN KLLH WORTH. tional vestry, given by a part of the Jan- | uary committee. The public is invited, For Week Minting at Midnight Tuesday, Hancock County Bank and all are urged to come in costume, but Savings { .Jan. 9, 1917. Maine not to stay away because too busy to look Ellsworth, | From observations taken at the power station of the Bar Harbor A Union River up grandmother’s dress. The program Tower Co., in Ellsworth. is ^ Precipitation will include old-fashioned songs, recita- given in inches for the twenty-four hours lions and Refreshments will be ending at midnight.J games. NORTH K1XSWORTH. Kllsworlli Reunion March 23. C. W. Weather Precip- served. All former residents of Ellsworth and GRINDAL’S condition*. itation Temperature Charles E. Googins and wife, of North Miss Eva DcWitt visited in Bangor last other Hancock county towns, now living 4 a m 12 m forenoon afternoon visited L. M. Scott and wife last week. in and about should remember Wed 6— 1H— snow snow .18 Hancock, , Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. Googins Maddocks and Joseph Nason that Friday evening, March23, is the date, be Used in or Tburs 31— 33— cloudy,snow snow .15 Harold May Either Range Furnace resume and Paul Revere hall. Mechanics Fri 34— 36— cldy.snow cldy.rain 98 returned to Orono Thursday to are harvesting ice at the Rapp farm. building, Hat 34— bis duties at the U. of M. He was ac- the place, for the twelfth annual reunion 36— rain,clear clear .51 Spofford DeWitt returned to his work Hun 18— 36— fair to Mrs. of the Ellsworth Reunion association. cloudy companied Bangor by Googins, in Brownville Monday. His son Arvard TRY A BASKET. Mon 28— 32— fair who underwent an The details have beeD ar- cloudy operation Friday him. principal Tues 34— 88— accompanied cloudy cloudy,rain .0.5 morning at the E. M. G. hospital. It was ranged, and all those planning to attend Frank and Forrest Moore with their learned yesterday that Mrs. Googins will greatly assist the committee in charge teams are hauling bark from Green Lake The subject of Rev. J. W. Tickle’s sermon would have to undeigo another operation if tickets are procured before the night of to Nicolin station. next Sunday morning will be “Virility in to-day. the reunion. Condit’s orchestra has been Maddocks has gone to Brown- to furnish the for con- Matters of Religion.” The next of the woman’s club Bryan engaged music the meeting on the ville, where he has employment cert and as in former Mrs. O. F. Jellison of Bangor, who hRB will be held at the Cougregational chapel dancing, and, years, Canadian Pacific railroad. Westover & Foss will be the caterers. been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Pei ley Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 16, at 2.30 o’clock. Pamelia returned home The will be Rev. A. P. A surprise party was given Mrs. Lee, Thursday. speaker MacDonald, Steamship Co. to Reorganize. at Richardson on her Dec. 28. A Cost of birthday Sleds the Maine Seacoast and his Irene w ill have a meet- mission, All the of the Eastern Steam- chapter special all. property will be “A Cruisj Along the Coast pleasant afternoon was enjoyed by ing Friday evening. Ail officers and subject ship corporation except Union wharf, of Maine in the All Aboard.” officers-elect are requested to be preseut. Sunbeam; The North Ellsworth telephone com- Boston, was sold at auction in Bangor l$st In order that have an everyone may op- held its annual meeting Saturday The senior class play, “West of Omaha,” pany Wednesday to Jere A. Downs of Boston, portunity to hear about this wonderful President and will be at Hancock afternon. Officers elected: who represented a committee of stock- postponed, presented home mission that has attracted the at- discount on sled in our C. A. was 2<>% any hall next Friday evening. A dance will general manager, Dews; secretary holders and bondholders. The bid tention of people far md wide, it was H. L. directors, • follow. and treasurer, Danico; |3,316,000. .stock. voted to make this au and open meeting, Frank Moore, Webster the a new Miss Susan Moore, Eugene Under plan of reorganization, McIntosh, who is employed a cordial invitation is extended to every- C. A. Dews. Hiram Danico. formed be known as in Bar is Higgins, corporation will be to Take of offer and Harbor, Bpending five weeks’ one to be advantage this present. the Eastern incor- vacation with her sister, Mrs. John W. Steamship Lines, that sled NOW. The annual business meeting and roll- porated. Calvin Austin, recognized as one get Campbell. call of the church ELLSWORTH FALLS. Baptist last Wednesday of the leading steamship managers in New M. Wendell Osgood left Monday for set a new mark in the life of the church. Haslam and wife of Bar Harbor, England, will be at its head. All sizes and Boston where he will be in a Frank styles. employed were at the business Thirty-four meeting here two machine He will with bis who have been visiting weeks, j shop. stay uncle, and seventy sat down to a “good fellow- I anioine Reunion. L. L. Lord. returned home Saturday. | ship sapper." Seventy per cent, of the The tenth annual Lamoine reunion will A new chair and fixtures have just been Mrs. Mary Schoppe, w'ho has been visit- ! resident members responded to their be held Tuesday evening, Jan. 30, at 8 installed by Edward F. Flood, who has ing Mrs. E. N. Burke aud other Ellsworth names and many out-of-town members o’clock, at the Elks building, Central opened a barber shop here. friends, returned to her home in Cherry- sent messages. The fin ncial statement square, Cambridge, Mass. A feature of H. C. STRATTON, Held Saturday. was especially pleasing in that it showed Mrs. Emery DeBeck of Clifton and the evening will be special stereopticon views of Lamoine and all bills and a balance on band in all of Beverly, Mass., who vicinity. There will be a special meeting of the paid Aubrey Gaspar the treasuries. The several committees were called here by the death of Alfred V. 18 State Street, Ellsworth, Haine. woman’s relief corps at Grand Army hail County Teachers’ Convention. were and are returned home Monday. Mrs. to-morrow afternoon at 2.30. If stormy, appointed already laying Smith, A meeting of the Hancock County plans for the new year. Marion Nickerson returned to Brewer i42-2. first pleasant afternoon. teachers’ association will be held at Han- ’Phone Saturday. cock and Fri- At the annual meeting of the stock- Dona qua lodge, Knigbta of Pythias, hall, Ellsworth, Thursday day, Jau. 25 and 26. holders of the Union Trust Co. yesterday, bad an enjoyable evening last Wednesday, ^-- --- the old board of directors was on the occasion of the official visit of MOUTH OF THE RIVER. reelected, OOM1HG KVKMv with the addition of Charles A. Stewart Grand Chancellor Clarence A. Richards, of George York went to Brooksville Satur- Thursday and Jan. at of Cherryfield. Damariscotta. There was a large attend- Friday, 25, 26, to visit his Mrs. Lin w ood Hancock — ance of Ellsworth members. A banquet day sister, Gray. hall Meeting of Hancock C. C. BURRILL & SON Lejok lodge, 1. O. O. F., held another of was served, after which the rank of Frank H. Murch, who has l>een visiting County Teachers’ association. its pleasant dancing assemblies last Thurs- —lintablinlied 18417- esquire was worked. The grand chancel- his parents, returned to Jonesport Mon- j Thursday Jan. 18, at Odd Fe'- day evening. There was a large attend- evening, lor ipade an interesting address. The day. lowjj hall — for O .d ance. The next assembly will be held Dancing assembly Pythian orchestra of six pieces, furnished Bowden of Kebekahs and members of Thursday, January 18. Capt. Alonzo Portsmouth, Fellows, their FIRE AND AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE music. Thursday Grand Vice Chancellor N. H., is visiting his brother, Woodbury fa milies. The annual meeting of shareholders of Roy C. Haines and Chancellor Commander Bowden. of this and countries Ellsworth loan and associ- Friday evening, Jan. 26, at Cong na- Representing some of the leading companies foreign the building E. Cunningham of Ralph Donaqna lodge, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. of tional folks’ ation will be held at the office of the as- Boston, vestry-Old party. Admis- the chancellor to ^Tinker accompanied grand of this are con- sion. 25 cents. ADVERTISERS AND PUBLISHERS sociation in the building next formerly place, receiving Tapley North Sedgwick for a visit to the lodge Fruit Growers Look! gratulations on the birth of a daughter, Jan. at 8AVETIME »ud MONEY by using Monday evening at 7.30. there. Tuesday evening, 30, Elks’ born Dec. 29. building. Central Here are »ome of our Prices: E. B. Wyman, who recently underwent square, Cambridge, The Bankers' Magazine, in a recent Mass La noine reunion. an at Paine’s in Ban- Tickets, 50cents. Standard Pears iiO, Plums .!1B, vllalicilChallpnVLAB0RSAV,N(i a record books operation hospital article of the Manufacturers’ descriptive Fridav Trees {sweet), 5u, (sour), .40. gor, has returned home, and received a WEST ELLS WORTH. evening, March 23, at Pnul Re- Cherry and Indexed for national bank of Lewiston, has this to rose bushes. Ruled, Printed welcome vere hall. Mechanics Strawberry plants, shrubs, cordial from his friends when he of E. building, Roston— and Reference. say E. Parker, formerly of Ells- We can save you about one-half on all Quick Entry dow n town Mrs. Howard Dollard spent the week- Ellsworth reunion. appeared yesterday. worth, now cashier of the bank: “Mr. orders you send us. All orders must end with friends in Lamoiue. A regular meeting of William H. H. Parker became cashier in be placed befor March 1, 1017,for spring Record, Record, 1910, bringing Subscription Advertising Rice will be held Austin Conary has moved into Sherman afeucvtisnunua delivery, drawers and Dealers in all post next Saturday after- to t e office a capacity for organization Advertiser's Job Printer's Record house for the winter. kinds Stock. Write for free Record, noon at 2.30 t3 receive the report of the and the efficient handling of Cunningham’s Nursery business, The Man Is the Well catalogues. Sample pages sent on application. quartermaster, after which officers for the which, with the co-operation of the Juliette Nickerson of Bar Harbor is the Happy Man will be installed. A of and w Published by ensuing year good directors, has brought the bank to its guest Henry Higgins ife. If you have Nausea, Heartburn or HANCOCK COUNTY NURSERY CO. is desired. E. A. A W. E. CHILD, attendance [ present high plane of strength and Mrs. Agues Cunningham went to Old Indigestion, let MAINE SUMY, 88 Fulton St., New York The Odd Fellows and Rebekahs will have usefulness. Whei.he came to the bank Town Friday, to visit her sister, Miss a joint installation of officers Monday it had less than 1,000 accounts and a Vernie Carter. PAKCHEH’S evening, Jan. 15. Supper will be served surplus of $40,000. Now the number of at 6.30. The installation will be public to accoants has risen to more than 8,000 and DOLLARDTOWN. DYSPEPSIA TABLETS Odd Fellows aud their wives and Re- j the surplus to over $100,000. Then the Plumbing. Give bekabs and their total deposits were $>40,000; now they you immediate relief. gentlemen. Mrs. Ellen is ill the Furnact Sargent quite at Return this ad with lo WoodWanted Hot Water Heating, at the have almost quadrupled.’' cents lor a trial Next Sunday Baptist church, home of her son, W. A. Bonsey. for Work and Jobbing. the pastor will preach in the morning on package. '•Ve are in the market North Mlswortli Farmers* Club, News was received Monday of the serious ‘•Personal Evangelism,” the first of a i At the anuual of the North illness of Mrs. L. Barton Carter of Port- i PARCHER'S White Hire!), Yellow Birch, sermons on meeting PHARMACY HONEST PRICES series of “The Church’s HONEST WORK; Ellsworth Farmers’ Club held in Agri- land, of bronchial pneumonia. Rock also Poplar, Work.” In the evening his subject will be Ellsworth, Maine Maple, cultural hail on Saturday evening, Jan. 6, to “H ow Low do You Run Your Furnace”? flood Prices, according Twenty Years’ Experience. the follow ing officers were elected: Henry C. Emery, now in Petrograd, of stock. Please call Personal attention to all details. Telephone President, Alvin E. Maddocks; secre- quality Russia, has been placed on a committee or mall orders promptly attended to. tary, H. Fremont Maddocks; treasurer, " at our office or address with Ambassador Francis and Stanley — (Jalen Maddocks; trustees, Charles W. Washburn, war of the Lon- O'-— EDWARD F. correspondent Hw'eeney, Mrs. Matilda M. Phillips, Wil- ■ EUSWOnTH.ME BRADY, don for disbursing of American liam L. vkrGown, Judso.i Sargent and Ella Me. Times, Ellsworth Hardwood Co. Grant St.. worth, Francis McO »" n. contributions for war refugees in Russia. WHY Telephone 178-2. GLYCERIN? & Co. will open a roller- Re. ause glycerin is an excellent softener an i heaier tor the skin. But Estey Parcher's pharmacy has obained a lim- glycerin alone ua- ion strong u drying effec upo rh~ skin ause of its j skat irfg rink on the second floor of the ited number of cook books (price $1) pre- > tflmiy for niontrure. Therefore u must oe coimine i * i. h diluents on Slate Estey building street, recently pared by Janet McKeuzie Hill, editor Bouton which will not us CLOTHING lessen emollient effect. The best combination we fitted up for a moving-picture theatre. Cooking School Magazine, which will be know is Once more I am In a position to ask the pat* NURSE name of The floor has been and given That all know of the offer *«nage of the public, and place the planed prepared away- may Parcher’s Almond Cream. Friend before the of Ellsworth and and have an the date for public Elizabeth for skating. The rink will open to-mor- equal chauce, dis- vicinity as the clothing bust* nissn. Googins, again eutering tribution has been set for January 20, when Redness of the skin is unknown after its iisi. Chips flee before it. ness. Come and inspect my line of suits and row evening. who is not gi easy; it is not IT IS GOOD. We consider it / P*nts. Lot me save you money. everyone purchases #1 worth of goods at sticky; per* Ellsworth. The school of the in a Lotion Cream, but if do not think so aftfcr t Cleansing and Repairing Promptly Dooe. 34 Pine St, Sunday Baptist the Parcher pharmacy may have one of the you giving it a be ^ we will cheerfully refund your money. DAVID FRIEND church elected following officers last cook hooka free. Remember the date, Jan- 65*2 Prices Reasonable Carl H. Mdn Street, Ellsworth Talephone Sunday: Superintendent, Donnell; uary 20,1917.—Adot. s K ITT BUY TOCARIBOL tmiftnim. til* ®rongtr» JHutnal UcwUt Calaaw. Among The automobile exhibition by the Port- la devotad W> the Orange, ca- land aotomobito dealers will ba bald “40ET MADSE”. This column EDITED ET couoty. pacity to the grange# of Hancock 19-24. all for the Tha column is opau to grangers John L. Donobna baa baan SUNDAY_SCHOOL ««tt non use—a public servant, a purveyor the editor, but none will be rejected and killed. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. for the In Wednesday, formation and suggestion, a medium good rea M ba terchange of Ideas. In this capacity It solicits Aroostook potatoes a taken another communications, and Its success depends largely j SCHOODIC, 408. WI NT KB HARBOR. flight. A slump followed the |4 mark tho Lessor, John i, tf-34.! In this Com- a Text of on the support given It respect Officers elected: H O. Broallidge, reached few week! ago, hot last week the name of 33—Goldon Text, munications must be signed, but B. T. went to * ■ barrel. Momory Verses, 32, j master; William Gaptill, overseer; they f4 Some deslers will not be except by permission- | by writer printed lecturer; ! ere or before John i, 29—Commentary Preparod er Bickford, steward: Lora Gerriah, predicting f> fT apriog. Communications will be subject to approval Middle Rev. D. M. Stearns. none 8u»ie asaiitant steward; Nellie Commissioner of rejection by the editor of the column, but Tracy, Agriculture John A. Address U. E. Hanson, treas- has will ,t>e rejected without good reason. >ige Myrick, chaplain; ! 'ioherts appointed Edward E. Phil- was When John the Baptist question to G. W. all communications Cora 8. Roberts, secretary; brook ot Portland specie! agent id he Thk amkhicaw. urer; | charge ed as to who he was be said that Me. Ailments Lime Torrey, Cares; Levi KUsworth, Many distressing experienced Tracy, gate-keeper; j ot insect work, 8. Pennell 0| was not the Christ, J*>r Elijah, nor Jessie Hanna. Ella Giles, Pomona; Flora; Portland deputy ereler of weights sod but a steward. the expected prophet, simply them are Alleviated £• Mertie Guptill, lady assistant measures, and Prank 8. Adams of Boa den w* HAD BUT A DAT. by Lydia | Ir by the third veice crying in the wilderness, “Make At the regular meeting Jan. 4, i as State d airy instructor. with the s wee test We should fill the hours were conferred on straight the way of the Lord” (verses and fourth degree* (Jermaine, things. Pinkham’s ttve-yrir-old daughter c( is found in Vegetable Compound. nine candidates. A harvest supp-r 19*113). His commission If we had but a day; I.llunue Ouleti, of Biddeford, found a member* wrre is «aid that he _ served. Twenty-nine in Isa. xl, 3-8, where it We should drink alone at the purest springs not tie of atnakiy Ibe house during ifae of the Lord with visitor* fro n Cu-*ti uin «no was .to prepare the way La our upward way; pr»-*ent, a ..avi.ev ol Ibe pa re II ft, anil dlank some love in an River in the desert a high We should lore with a life-time’s Pleasant granges. ii She died the and make straight Women who ot early following morn- hour. Here is Proof by way £or our God and to cry. “All flesh Know.. ing of alcoholic poisoning. If the hours were few: PAM OLA. 265. HANCOCK. Is and all the goodlluess thereof grass, but for Lowell, Mass.—“For the last three years I have of Pa- tugetie C. are * * * We should rest not for dreams, Carl Strattou install'd officers iugalle, thirty-four y. old is as the flower of the tie;d. the with the of Life and the bad fresher been troubled Change at its 8aiurdav even- keeper of Petit Menati light. was, it ;s the flower fadetb, hut power, mela grange meeting grass wUberetb. and to do. common at that time. I was in a ner- drowned ol To be feelings very ing, Jan. 0. Archie Foss and Nellie Foss believed, Tuesday list week, the Word of our God shall sWnd for- vous condition, with headaches and pain a good and when be left the in a wearied having resigned as assistant steward light power but ever." The through Malachi We should guide oar wayward or Spirit deal of the time so I was unfit to do my work. A with a tender in hound for lady assistant steward, Gleason Foas and tow, Jlilbridga said of him. as well as of ike real wills asked me to E. Pinkham’s friend try Lydia Vegeta- fill the va- to meet his wife, who bad been i wl.l the clearest light; Effle Cook were elected to visiting Elijah, yet to come. “Beho’d. By ble which I did, and it has me in our ou the heavenly Compound, helped cancies. her mother, Mrs. Herbert wife send the before the We should keep eyes Robinson, you Elijah prophet every way. I am not nearly so nervous, no head- of Hooeeabec da\ hills. Arrangements are being made for an of the keeper light, at coming of the great and dreadful ache or I must that E. If they lay in sight; pain. say Lydia Pinkham’s 24. 0). The extension school in poultry Jan. 22, 23, Jonesport. of the Lord" Ola!, iv, 5, angel the and the dis- is the best sick We should trample pride Vegetable Compound remedy any will serve dinner Gabriel said of him to his father The ladies of the grange content woman can take.”—Mrs. Maroabst Quinn, Rear NORTH FRANK IT in the hall the three days of the school. N. Zacharias, "He shall be great in the Beneath our feet; 259 Worthen St, Lowell, Mass. * * * A class of’flve will be instructed in the Karl Caler.N. R. Caller, and N. R. sight of the Lord. and he shall We should take whatever a good God sent. Caller, at the next even With a trust complete. first and second degree® meeting. Jr. bare gone into the woods tor Nabum be filled with the Holy Ghost She Tells Her Friends to Take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Remedies. from his mother’s womb; he shall go Jordan. in weak re- SURRY. We should waste no moments When was 45 had the of Life ARBUTUS, 460, before the Lord in the spirit and pow North Haven, Conn.—“ I I Change William Mabar, who baa been Jan. were An visiting * * * gret. which is a trouble all women have. At first it didn’t bother me .0, forty-three present. er of to make ready a peo- Mr. and Mrs. H. D. has gone Elijah If the day were but one; was the Clarke, to after a while I down I called in doctors who interesting program presented by for the Lord." His father and what we but got bearing pains. West Franklin to viait bis slater, ple prepared If what we remember forget. One was re- Mrs. told me to different but did not cure One young people. application Zacharias. being filled with the Holy Went out with the sun; try things they my pains. Butler, before lo * ceived. Eugene returning north- selves set husband came home and don’t E. Spirit, said of him, "And thou, child, We should be from our clamorous day my said, Why you try Lydia ern Maine. Pinkham’s and Sanative Wash?’ I Officers will be installed Jan. 20, by shalt be called the prophet of the High- free. Vegetable Compound Well, got Jan. 1. r. or Sister Nellie Wood, of East Bluehill. Way- est, for thou shalt go before the face To work, to pray. them and took about 10 bottles of Vegetable Compound and could in- And to be what the Father woo'd have us be. health. also used E. Pinkham’s side and East granges are of the Lord to prepare His ways' feel myself regaining my I Lydia Bluehill TRENTON. If we had but a day. done me a deal of one vited. (Luke i. 13-17, 67 70). The Lord Jesus Sanative Wash and it has great good. Any Mrs. N. J. Mosley is ill. —Mary Lowe Dickineon to house who suffers from female troubles or of Orange meeting will begin at 7.30 until said of him. "Among them that are coming my Change The many friends here of Dr. J. T. Mc- —Selected by Mr*. A. L. S. f tell them to take the Pinkham remedies. There are about 20 further notice. bom of women there hath not risen a life, Donald were grieved to learn of bis — death, of us here who think the world of them.” Mrs. Florxngk greater than John the Baptist” (Mart Isklla, and extend sympathy to bis widow. Dear M. B. Friends: Cox North Conn. HARVEST HOME, 403, WEST KLLSWoKTH. xi. 11). 107, Haven, Jeu.s. May. the The new are as follows: Mas- \\ hen questioned farther by tne Although no letter accompanied 1}-elected above I have the impression that the ter, John Carter; overseer, George Cun- Pharisees as to why he baptized if poem, You are Invited to Write for Free Advice. had it in her mind t hat the ningham; lecturer, Agnes Cunningham; be was not some great one. he said sender thought 3W)frU»nkfnia No other medicine has been so successful In woman’s was for New Year’s relieving steward, C J Carter; assistant steward, V that there was one standing among ! suitable, especially she would have us remember suffering as has Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. K Wr M treas- them whom they knew not. the iatcbet | day. Only Guptill; chaplain, Higgins; each making a Women may receive free and ad vice the urer, Minnie of whose shoes he was not worthy to j succeeding day, thereby helpful by writing Lydia Higgins;) secretary, Emily unloose, and that while he (John) bap daily success of living in tnis world of E. Pinkham Medicine Co.. Lynn, Mass. Such letters are received Guptill; gate-keeper. J W Carter; Ceres, change. and answed women and held in strict confidence, Mae Carter; Pomona, Lillian Don tized with water the unknown one : _ by only ary; 1 Flora, Belle Carter; lady assistant stew- would baptize with the Holy Ghost You will all be to read the fol- pleased Madeline 33). He is ever the same ard, Burrill. (verses 24-27. lowing: It just pleased my John, and it was so COUNTY Jan. 0, one candidate was instructed in Jesus. Trust Him to baptize you with j easy to make.” NEWS] To the M. B't: the third the Holy Spirit now and hear Him pay, j and fourth degrees. Am very glad to be admitted to your it unto even as thou RECIPES. Officers will be installed Jan. 13. ‘Be thee, wilt;" kind- OTIS. 1 charmed circle. Thank you for your “Whatsoever things ye desire when ye Plain Cake One egg, lcupsu..ri>r. ness. I would like to meet you at your next ^ Winnie Moore in logging on Edgar RAINBOW, 208, NORTH BROOKKVILLB. pray, believe that ye receive them and reunion. I would like to make the cup butter, l4cop milk, teaspoon cream- Rem>ck’s lot this acquaint- ajain winter. Jan. 4 the officers were installed (Mark 1 ably ye shall have them" xi. 24). The ance of the lady who is a year older than I. tartar, 14 teaspoon soda, 2 cups H »ur. Brother B**rt After the cere- The two schools closed tbis week after a by Gfindie. cry of John the next as he saw How we would talk of olden times away back flavor to taste. jggg| day w as tucctssful term of sixteen monies, supper served to over fifty, Jesus coming unto him. “Behold the in the past! 1 can talk with the next one, Lemon Pudding-The juice and rind of weeks. Mrs. there. including visitors from Harboraide and Lamb of God, who taketh tin but when I come to writing I am not l 1 2 crackers rolled Lyman Salisbury of Holden, teacher in away lemon, cup sugar, North 1 wish you a happy New Year. the tower district, returned home Sedgwick granges. sin of the world." was one of the tine, yolks of 2 eggs, I cup milk. Beat Sunday, Fraternally. 8adie. Mrs. Lea w ho greatest cries that one mortal could whites to a stiff froth and stir in Iasi. accompanied by b, will visit GOOD B’s will to that h r a fit WILL, 378, AMHERSTT. make to another. The M. hardly agree Bake in a hot oven. dayr. moderately Jan. 6 officer* were installed Vara L. about when '" by It w’ould be worth while to go into statement your writing, they Catarrh means inflammation. Aunt Madge. »*» Edith Jellison left Monday for Haslain. awusted Bernice all remember that good of your by Clarke and lands with that one cry and Its as- description Bo-ton in with her Inflammation is the company sunt, Mrs. Harry Silaby, as follows: Master. George stagnation truths. It us outing you gave us not long ago. Speak- sociated takes not only Millie Koulliard of that Mrs. of blood—the of the MOUNT DESERT. city. Koul- B Martin Kitcbie: lec- gorging to the foundation of the but ing of old times, 1 am going to give some Sumner; overseer, world, lis.d and son have been Mr. Philip at the old turer, Abbie circulation with impure blood. before that (Itev. xiii. 8; I Pet. i. 19. extracts from a letter dated in Kenova, and Mrs. Thurlow Hauna are at Patterson; steward, Albert borne in Mt. Desert since Ot course you can’t be well under Beech Hill for a few weeks. early summer, Sumner; assistant Phllmore 20). for as the Uub of God He was West Virginia, Dec. 28, 1916. Many steward, making relics at the homestead which this condition. It means, headaches, of readers will recognize it as from “Aunt Mrs. Kate Willey; chaplain, Burnette Willey; treas- foreordained before the foundation Whitmore, of Northeast have been indigestion, kidney trouble, coughs, just completed. urer, Koscoe Vara the world. It takes us to Gen. iii. 21 Kate,” who was ninety-three years of age Harbor, is visiting her brother, John Grover; secretary, Has- colds, etc. Ceres, Clara where we see Him with His own hand last May. After some per&oual references Jacob Somes. E. L. Grover and son began lumber- I lain; Nickerson; Pomona. she writes: ing on their home lot Fred Inei Grover; Flora, Mary Dunham; by the shedding of blood, providing re Misses Maxine and Hilda Brown have Monday. lady Pernna By a,5u,in* HbpUtd of Manaviile will drive one of the assistant steward, Mary nutrition in demptiou clothing for Adam and Eve. We have enjoyed a lovely fall until two returned from a to their (Foster. Oyster visit,, grand* j cake storm came douhle-teams and Har%'ard Frazier and stew, and codec were served. creases the circulation, invigorate* ibe It takes us t<> Gen. xxii. where we Sev- weeks ago, when our first snow parents in Trenton. system, remove* the wa*le matter and ille lamb iu the stead of Isaac. and colder weather—milder now and a bare Jam*- Porter are choppers. Others who I dying Mrs. Frank of SOUTH We a Ely Abbalt Cleveland, ()., MAHHAI'AIJUA, 477, blukhill. brightens you up. It takes us to Ex. xii and ali that is Christmas day. passed very pleasant are luml*eringat home are D. G. Young, ! remembered in the Jan. 3 the w as one at M's. J's widow and little daughter every child village B. evening given to business. said of the also to A. Edgecomb, and Granville Jellison. Passover Limb; the a box of Officers will pe Over 44 Years Elizabeth spent the day with us. Had a nice with dates at Christmas. installed Jan. 10, by Edith lambs of the daily morning and even Horace Grant who has been ill 01 service to the enUtles it to a little tree with presents too numerous and Miss Mildred McFarland has returned a long Caudage. public to Isa. liii with ing sacrifice; and to pas- for me to describe, besides having time, was cheered Christmas place you. pretty to her home in Trenton, after t*ing em- greatly day lamoink, 281. sages without number concerning His loving remembrances by cards and letters. by a visit from four of his brothers, Byron ployed several months at the home of M. The first meeting of Ibe new year was It Makes Good being a sacrifice for our sins; then on A potted azalia in full bloom is by me on of Frank of L. Allen. Eddiugton, Mariaville, War- beld in the new Ohio where I am a from hall, with about The Perm Company Cotambus. to the Revelation, where He is called the table writing, present ren and Alvin of Clifton. A fifty prea- sister, Mrs. ent. The the Ceredo school. Friends from far Prin. Carl S. returned last week newly-elected officera were in- You can Pernna in tabled fc m the Lamb just twenty-eight times, re Sunday Kelley Ash of who was get Bangor, unable to come, stalled His and near have been so kind that I feel I can- from a visit at Indian River. He was by Martin A. Garland, of Maria- tor convenience. deeming by precious Mood, en sent a generous remembrance. not be thankful enough for the good gift of ville grange. Games were aiding us to overcome by the same, accompanied home by hia parents, Mr. ; Jan. 2. played and re- friends which our dear Heavenly Father has Davis. freshments served. conquering all Ills enemies and ours and Mrs. Uriah Kelley of Addison. It was a happy* occa- given me. I am having a comfortable measure and associated with Father sion for Lamoine grange. Four more finally the of health—the weakness incident to age with- Fred P. Nutting esq., has moved his Eailtsaba anl) Strambo.tts, were on the throne (Rev. v, 9. vli, xii. mill to I FRANKLIN. applications received. 10; 14; out much pain in my preseut condition: and portable Portage. Paul Boisson* 11; xvii, 14; xxii, 1. 3). I am surrounded by comfort and the best of neault has gone to Portage to work for Harvey Robertson tnd wife were in BAYB1DE, 478, ELLSWORTH. As ills redeemed ones we are lambs care in this new home. Best wishes for a j him. His family will join him in a few town last week. At the regular meeting of in tbe midst of and when we happy New Year. weeks. Bayside wolves, Jan. the Tbe tents of the smelt fishermen are grange, 3, newly-elected officers think of ail He has borne for its as Some of you may have read an article in Miss Irene Fitzburg, of Lubec, who is numerous off Shipyard point. were installed by Past Master L. Pratt. the Lamb of God and all the glory January Woman’8 Home Companion with teaching at Beech Hil>, returned on There was work in the third and founh that awaits us as His we I Friends of Mrs. associates the title “The Impersonal Attitude.” from her Christmas Rankin, wife of the .Saturday recess, and degrees, after which supper was served. FACTORY LOCA- might well be willing to be killed all am a few sentences from it. The proprietor ot the QUARRIES, copying spent the week-end at the home of J. A. Relay house, regret to the day long for His sake. If He will bear about—that learn of her serious only subject thinking is, Somes. illness. JOHN DORITY, 381, SULLIVAN, TIONS, MILL SITES, FARMS, can be In us. John glorified says tbal re the statements correct? Mrs. Clara with John A of much to the Lowell, little daughter Dority grtnge installed officers it was his commission to wedding interest SITES HOTELS manifesi *T believe—I admit it— that with of Jan. 5. District FOR SUMMER pleasantly people here will take about Faster' Margaret, Providence, R. I., is viBiting Deputy Charles L. Shaiid Christ to and it is our comrnis place Israel, most people the constant o ulflow of persona* her mother, Mrs. Abbie J. wss the installing that of Miss Henrietta Tracy de Dunn. officer, assisted by- and CAMPS sion to manifest Him to the world, not so much from a wish to Selding remarks comes, George 1. Freeman as of New York to Rev. Washburn Mrs. Hattie Bragdon was able to be out assistant steward. that the world know Him be unkind as from a lack of Benjamin may through good breeding, One for Located on lb* line ot the of St. Luke’s church. Miss de to cburcb after application membership was re- us. Alway delivered unto death for and also from a lack of ideas. People who Selding Sunday, being confined to her ceived. A harvest was have real ideas in their heads do not have to is well known here, the borne from lameness for several supper served. Jesus* sake, chat the life of Jesus may having spent be made make conversation about other people’s looks past four seasons here with her mother, months. MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD manifest in our mortal flesh HIOHLAND, 384, NORTH PENODBCOT. or clothes. Some one has said that conversa- Mrs. Edward de xvii. 21. 23: Ii Selding. Miss Kane and Miss Puffer assistants at On account of give to those desiring to (John Cor. |v, 10, m the storm there was no opportunity tion has three grades —the lowest is person- Jan. l. Happy New life- It would seem that John did uot know Year. the high school, and Miss Torrey of the meeting Jan. 5. Officers » change in location for a new start in alities; the next is to talk of things; the third will be installed Him personally until the of the village grammar school, are hoarding with at the next day and highest is to talk of ideas meeting by Bister Fannie Bill- Powers. at Miss Lola Mr. of Undeveloped Water baptism Jordan, but he had been I do not expect people to greet each other, HANCOCK POINT Dyer. StevenB, principal ings, Halcyon grange. 1 of told. whom tbou sbalt see or dissertation the high is at the “Upon the with quotations from the Koran Mrs. J. A. Tufts was in Bar Harbor last school, boarding Unlimited Raw- Material, hotel. Spirit descending and remaining on on the Russian novelists, but I'd rather meet week. CA8TIKK, 250. Jan. 8 officers Him the same is He who baptizeth poor Mrs. Simmons, my “washlady.” whose Jan. 8. H, were installed by Miss and Merton has returned to De- first words are likely to be “Well, did see Hodgkins Nellie F. with the Holy Ghost." John hare re you Harvey, assisted by Mr. and Good the sunset last And wasn't it graDd troit, Mich., where he is employed. OAK POINT. Mrs. Homer Farming Land nrd saying. "I saw the Spirit descend night? Lowell, of Highland of grange. now?” or “Just step around the corner Til- Mrs. Eva Oallison has returned from Sam at There were ing from heaven like a dove, and It Gray is home for the winter, visitors from and down and look at Highland Await letson street as you go town where Development. abode upon Him. and I saw and Brownviile, her husband is em- aurice Marshall has Penobscot granges, and the hare that row of in the there,” moved his Eastern State hollyhocks big yard family normal record that this Is the Son of God" ployed. to for tbe school, than my esthetic friend, Edith Abbott, who Bangor winter. He is in busi- twenty-one granges being f'omn?•intentions regarding location* represented. A are (verses 31-3-1). asks kindly: “Why did you get that shade of Mr. and Mrs. William Heed are receiv- ness there. b.rvest supper was en- invited and will receive attention the There must have (teen a knowing blue, dear? It really doesn’t suit you” Mrs. ing congratulations on the birth of a ten- joyed. when addressed to anv agent of Jasper and Arthur Norwood, of Tre- >f Him in some sense before tbe Himmons has an eye for beauty and a heart pound son (Melvin born Dec. 28. MAINE CENTRAL, or to bap- Collins), mont, spent a tew days last week with for He that longs to be generous, and haviug nothing "Buttered day and night the Jsm. when came to John to be Jan. 8. A. their brother Alvin. torment, of else to sbe the loveliness she sees Itching pile,. BUREAU, baptized that day John said to Him give, gives Nothing helped me until I INDUSTRIAL here and there that is free to all. If she saw WEST Mrs. Maud Higgins and used Doan's Ointment. It “1 have need to be baptized of thee HANCOCK. daughter cured me perma- me in my blue dress she’d very likely tell me Natalie and Mrs. Velma Haynes have H°n‘ JOhn Garmt' MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD and comest thou to me" So there Henry Miles, wife and children were gone Girard, Mayor, it was just the color of the sky yesterday to Bangor for the winter. Ala.—Adel. must have been some increased recect of William Miles and wife. revela afternoon, and not think of it in connection guests PORTLAND. MAINE. J*»- 1. M. tion of Him to John after _ the baptism, with my fading complexion stall. That is Mrs. Mary K. Batter is spending the when ttie heavens were the I a rare opened, what call fine impersonal attitude, as winter with her son George in Sebring, BLUBHILL FALLB. Spirit descended like a dove and light- as it is tine. Florida. Fred Colomy is night watchman on tbe ed upon Him. and flip Father suid Edward Graves, who has been in the B jot b bay. from heaven. "This Is my beloved Sou. In a personal letter “Aunt Mary” Eastern Maine general hospital, has re- A P- Nevin is in whom I am well (Matt. writes: “I tried the ‘poor man’s cake’in enlarging the garage at pleased*' turned. M B. and we liked it much. Airly Beacon. Ill, 13-171. What a eoutrast between your column, by tbe ““ Jan. 8. E. H. S ’17. obUi.n?!1 of natural plent foods Par- John who bare record "This is the Son j»°- !• CBUMB8. ■lEATwifh k7 Anifn*1 Fertilizer* made out of BONE. BLOOD and of God" and the devil who said so Worms Kanily Removed. “tur«l »“d effective. They enrich Coustipatiou Makes You Dull. the^Uth® mo? soon afterward “If thou be the Son Mother, if your child whines, is fretful and lnl,ur.B bl* cropa every year without the use Tb it (1 listless, of potaah.potaah See no^li*our ?nd cries out in sleep, he is probably suffering rangy, oppressed feeling gen- Thin—And Five Cento! dealer or write for our of God" (Matt. iii. 17; lv. 3). When erally results from The iu- free booklet of 1916 results. from worms. These parasites drain his vi- constipation. Don’t Miss This Cut out this with and more to testiuesare clogged sod the blood becomes slip, enclose PAIMENTU * we are well pleased Him in tality make him susceptible seri- 5”'cent' A Co rims Sheffield POLSEY FEKTOIZEB Mass. ous diseases. and kill and poisoned. Relieve (his condition at once Foley Ave.' CO- fUrf—, whom Father is well then Quickly safely Chic»Ko. Ill-, writiugyour name ami address the pleased remove the worms vour child’s wiih Ur. King's New Life Pills: this geotie, from system Nearly. You will receive iu return with us, if with Worm Killer. This nou-gnpiug laxative is quickiy effective. A a trial the Father is pleased but Kickapoo pleasant package containing s and laxative in tablet form relieves dose at bedtime will make you feel brighter Foley Honey Tar not receive Him aa Son of God candy quickly coughs, colds, and we do the trouble aud child Get in the morning, (iet a bottle to-day at your pJSS'trn? croup; your brightens up. Foley Kidney Pills, and Cathartic Tablets.— •e cannot be saved. Kickapoo Worm Killer at yoar druggist, 26c. druggist, 26c. Moore’s Drug store. and rorXTY NEWS daughter, who wan near him, “I fee later »u to become tbe fatber-la-law a little THE COMPLETE fltttfttMaUKt* ditty.” Almost immediately b it tbe ‘upstart Corsican.' expired. Dr. Brown GOULD8EOHO. waaaixty-aeven year “On this occasion tbe emperor of tbe LETTER ol Ha WRITER! age. leaeea a widow, and tbr* French drove a hard > Grace and La; again bargain, M ire* her Young are at children—Louise of Boaton, Gertrude an hat this time Ills antagonist bad no The following twggettion for “Thtdom- bouts- Cbarlea of Orland. ilternatlve. for the Austrian army bad ptett BnMne* Letter Writer for Mr and Mra. Globa Bickford are J*D- *• vis- __Spec oat sustained tbe crushing defeat at 19t8," by jL. Parker Nevln, It going Children Cry for Fleteher’s iting here. The EAST BU LLIVAN. VVagram. vanquished uatton was the round* of the pirn*. Lord, of forced Mrs Prospect Harbor, It em- O. H. to give up Sulzburg, a portion Hanna it brick to Ton Model Mo. 1 Quoting Price for Seodw. at T. T. Young's. banting "f upper Austria and extensive terri- ployed Pond station lor abipment. In Smith Manufarturing Company,. Mr. oard. In addi- Rochester, from bia Gentlemen: recent severe operation, in tl tion, Francis was compelled to relin- , Mra Maude Davla was the week-end Bangor hospital. quish that share of the booty which Referring to your letter (see Postal guest of ber mother, Mrs. Liasie Foea. had fallen to Austria In Regulation, p. 128, 44) of the Mr. McFarland, of North Head, Gran the third dis- pp 2Sth,. ■Mias Vera Leigbton of Bar Harbor la memberment of Poland we ( k. corporation organized under the' Manan, who ia visiting hia daughtt (1796). visiting ber couain, Geneva Leigbton. “One of most laws of certificate Bled Mrs. Daliaa Hanna, ia ill. the pathetic scenes ever Ohio, lu the Mias Minnie Handy lain West Goulds- witnessed within the walls of this olllce of the Secretary of New York Elwood Wilbur came from the U. of The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which baa been horo, employed by Mrs. R 8. Sinclair. palace erected by Marla Theresa was Statei. New York> beg to advise you to spend the holidays with hia In use fur over over 30 has parent the final hour In that we oau the of years, borne the signature of Huldab Andcr on and Mies Mr. the li.e af tbe un- quote price (20 (see Gtbel and Mrs. L. E. Wilbur. — Due de United States Revised Laws and has been made under his Young are at Mrs. Silas happy lielchstadt, son of Na- Statutes, per* visiting Young’s. Mrs. Addie Pineo Havey la spending ti poleon and the Austrian archduchess of 1914, sec. IS> per ton, carload lotas “Ml supervision ahum its infancy. Henry Wood of Bangor spent the holi- winter at G. H. Hanna’s /4UCJU4Z while Mias Bali Marie Louise. The 'Eaglet,' as he was (see Interstate Commerce Ruling 258; Allow no one to deceive yon in this. days with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. T. is “ attending high school, boarding at Mi called, sfog Just twenty-one when he see al

9 Bum Xtatrant A FOX. ^ ^ TORPKDOING OV COLOMBIAN. CUNIHWG OF *iro«nrof~~ 's~'~ (gUBtoorth American * ♦ $t)t and fiavafi B. H. Richardson, *ae of th* Crow, • POULTRY PICKING* ♦ CLOSE ELECTIONS. It Finally Faalad a Huntar OOXBZTZO* Now Vial la It Us worth. ♦ ttla Own Had Skin. ♦ — LOCAL AMD POLITICAL JODMAL ting In autumn, raniHD B. H. Richardson arrirad bare Friday * Milk Is • good food for hens. ♦ One dark, foggy morning AFTHWOON from New York to spend a lew days * Give them all win drink ♦ a Youth* Companion corra- «VBBT ylDKHDAT night they Events Decided a writes AT his who is with bar * and will not ♦ Many Great by waa In on# of our with wife, staying they only lay well, apondent, I banting Bictwt MM But ALLAWOJtTH. HAIM A. Hr. and Mrs. Krasst Franklin. * but will In a strong, vigor- ♦ 1 aaw a large rad at la Um Stats parents. keep Narrow western state*. Buoksport, of Mala*. at *k# ■t n> Margin. not of Mr. Richardson has seen soma rather * ons state of health. ♦ come down a low hllL He did doss bualMoa o* Doe. tf, nit. OO. fox HANCOCK COUNT! PUBLISHING sines he left Boston * Do to winter more fowls ♦ waa about exciting experiences not try see me, and wujn he fifty RDBOUROBS. and in tbe Columbian, tor than bouse will ac- ♦ I Loans and W. H. Tirol, Editor Manager. Oct. tt steamship * your properly HISTORY MADE BY ONE VOTE. feet away I fired.. To my disgust dlsoouuts.$149447 M St. Nasaire, Franoe, land Genoa, Italy. * commodate. This Is one reason ♦ and 1 Immedi- Moaerlptloa Prloe-*MO a year; apparently missed him, Total loans.. M8487M oenw lor three If paid left with horses for Franoe, * for failure with ♦ Down moBus; 30 monlke; The ship 1,800 poultry. let go the other barrel. Note* aad bills redis- In advance, 73 and 3*> cents ately KTletly *1 30, a ol Iron and tor * Ducks should be fed little ♦ counted.. IttMlM * roots. AD ar- and cargo steel, copper very Several I nets nose In the Life of Our and after * few wild kicks respectively. Single ooploi In he went, Overdrafts, an seen red, are reckoned at the rate of *8 pet The Colombian arrived in Bt. Na- * whole grain. have no crop, ♦ I was rearage! Italy. They Nation, Notably In the Hayee-Tilden and struggles lay very stllL veer. zalre Nov. 3, after an uneventful voyage, * consequently the food passes dl- • when 1 noticed that U. 8 bonds deposited to Re lee—Are reasonable and will ha Presidential Contest, a Single Ballet about to reload secur* cfrcalatlon Advertising with the of a alight Are in the * to the and must be ♦ (par on exoeption rectly gizzard was very light. .. made known application Turned the Scales- one of the cartridges value) $1940000 after-bold on Oot. 27. They landed 1,300 * In a form to be more easily dl- ♦ I had loaded U. 8. bonds pledged to to ahou Id be-addressed Instantly I rerpembered. cure U. 8. titlBlnre*communications lost 200 tbs ♦ depoeiu (par orders made horses, having during trip. * gested. There have been close elections a brand of to. mil all checks and money pay many five blue shells with new TalaB):v. r-r-v. mbdoo •ole to TH* Hancock Codntt Pcblishino remained there forty-eight * Don't overlook the ♦ Total U.8. bonds.—- They only emptying in the cities, counties and states of this no more shot 1 MLOOom* Co., Ellsworth, Maine. powder, but having Bonds other than U. 8. hoars, Hlfen cleared for Genoa. * drinking fountains during frees- ♦ well as In the nation great nation, as had put them aside. In some way bonds pledged to secure On Nov. 7, with a heavy sea rnnniDg and * lng weather. ♦ class the postal saving* $490 00 at large Itself. In- the latter had been mixed In with the oth- depodta a. a subma- they Securities othc r than U. 8. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1817. in a gale of w ind, at 11.40 m., * The incubator can do the hatch- ♦ contest Ws the most TUden-Hayes To my surprise both the empty bonds (not includlag on about as well as the and • ers.' rine showed up their port bow, * lng just hen, sensational. In that memorable elec- were stockslowned unpledged, 177,175 48 shells that I drew from the gun Total securi- two miles and fired a shot serose * can control it much better ♦ bonds, as to the atti- distant, you tion the result turned upon the single If any doubt existed also blue. ,17° “ them. After cruising around the ship and * than you can the old Biddy. ♦ member of the Stock of Federal Reserve Sheriff Wescott on the en- ▼ote of the fifteenth the shells and then at tude of tbe submarine set signals ♦ X looked at bsnk (80 oent. of sub- looking her over, * electoral commission, who was chosen ! per forcement of the it ought the and my amazement grew. scription). 1,800 "tt liquor law, which were understood to mean “dis- ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ fox, of houae by four Judges of the suprejpe court shot had miss- Value banking (If to be bis olear-out and and tbe could see why my first unencumbered)...,. 1M88 70 dispelled by missal.” She then disappeared, Our abounds with Instances history second bad Equity In banking house.. a forceful statement in a communica- ber course. ed, but not why the proved 14.881 Columbian continued upon Furnitureabdfixtures .... In which the course of events, has turn- that both itoavS elsewhere in this issue. 2 tbe was over- effective, for I was positive Real eetate owned other tion published At about p. m., ship ed upon single votes, and some of contained only I than banking house. sm is delnres that and hauled again by another shot across tbe WINTER PROFITS cartridge* powder. He rum-shops gamb- GET them may be conveniently selected him Net amount due from ap- end were set went oyer to the fox and turned reserve agents la must ship’s bow, signals upon from the made proved ling-houses go. compilation by Speaker He otter reserve eities. 48 u which were understood and over with the end of the gun. 98477 28,877 tbe sufimsrine for one of lec- Net amount due from Clark his Chautauqua nerve “launch a boat and seemed as as a rag. What banks and hankers. meant bring your FROM THE POULTRY tures. limp 7 285 34 The inquiry into print paper prices so Outside checks and other papers to ns.” A boat was launched end he must have to lie there quietly the federal trade com- Oeneral Jackson was elected major cash Items. 87 98 instituted by first officer and four rolled him about! It seemed Fractional nick- in charge ot the men, of Tennessee militia one while 1 currency, mission has into the hands of general by els nod cents. 117 50 passed started for the submarine. Tbe sea was wives can do much to In- that he could be pretend- 31s a Farmers’ majority. Without that one vote he Impossible Lawful reserve In vault. the of A mass wind so that no department justice. so heavy and strong pro- crease the production of eggs during could not have fought the battle of ing. and with Federal Reserve of and testimony, and a could be made, and it waa feared I took a circuit to the left and Md bank 24,72041 complaints gress winter. The flock will respond to in- New Orleans, and politics would have Redemption fond with D. from several times that the boat would not re- a where I could watch treasurer and large number of secret reports been different for a of a cen- behind stump, 8. due telligent care and feeding, says the quarter from U. 8. treasurer. the commisson’s field force of inves- turn. Finally they managed to get back, him. Five minutes I waited, but there 2.900« American All the poor tury. and tbe submarine nnderstood that Agriculturist then five more have been in the at- they Van Buren won the was no sign of life: Total. 848M47W tigators placed and all but a few roosters )lartln presi- could not reach ber in sneb weather. pullets he was LIABILITIES. hands. For several his defeat one vote minutes, and I decided that torney-general’s be marketed. It does not dency through by Tbe sob marine then gave orders to fol- should pay dead. But as I was rising to stock in.. weeks of officials on the confirmation of his nomination really Capital paid 850,00000 department justice an of to or hens that are In- was Surplus fund. 4.900 00 low her course at approximate speed keep pullets my feet I noticed that bis head have been in consultation will not be- as minister to England. Undivided profits. $11,997 22 frequent three miles an hour. They followed her ferior In size, because they in the direo- John C. Calhoun, as vice president, slowly moving, turning Less current expenses. In- with the trade commission on the sit- before a flock terest. and taxes all night, and at 9 s. m. Nov. 8, after the gin laying spring. Only ri.>n nw I bad tnkeu. The next min paid.... 2,79805 P.499 17 cast the deciding vote which gave to notes oat- and are understood to have of such size as can be Circulating uation, had been examined, tbe sub- comfortably was on his feet. ship’s papers Van Buren what Calhoun never got ut inn- clever animal standing. 49 49500 under serious consideration the orders to abandon housed should be maintained. A hen- Ntt amount due to banka early marine gave ship. He saw me as 1 raised my gun and for himself, although -his claims were and bankers.. 3.58511 nr. IB MU house 14 by 30 feet will accommodate institution of grand jury proceedings, niVUKIVBUU, OUglUCCi, not Inferior A sprang behind a log. l-’rom ttie log be Demand deposits: was on at the and after turn- only about eighty birds, and if these Individual deposits sub at which indictments charging viola-' duty time, lost the reached the shelter of some rocks, and Edward Everett governor- Ject to check. .... 143 90390 ing the ship around with the engines so are well fed and given sufficient venti- tion of the criminal Bectlon of the ship of Massachusetts by one vote, and l saw him no more, which in truth Certificates of deposit life-boats be lowered on lation and combined with exer- due In le>s than SU 11 that the might light, more It days. 3,003 law will be asked. that took him out of the list of avail- pleased me tfum disappointed Certified checks. the lee side, he shut everything off in the cise, they will give a greater return 12 50 ables for the presidency. me. Cashier’s checks out- engine room which might cause serious than 120 birds in the same quarters. standing. 3 36 The Governor and Prohibition. inomas H. Benton was elected to United States 4.70*21 went on took his life-boat The of eggs depends upon deposits.... trouble, deck, production No Sentiment For Jack. ... Governor in his the senate by a single vote. The loss Postal savings d posits 3,412 47 Milliken, pre-elec- with men and rowed to the Nor- proper feeding and the ability to force Total d um 1 de- thirty have Not every one Is imbued with senti- tion came out and of that one vote not only would osits. 155,073 5'» campaign, plainly wegian Balto, which had a German prize Fred Jane, cost him his career of thirty years, ment, as this story tenches: Other Vme deposits. '98.314 26 unequivocally for the enforcement of' crew in charge. Total of time de- but would have meant the loss to the the writer on naval subjects, used to the prohibitory law, though he oan- After all boats were clear of the Colum- posits 190 314 20 | senate of one of Its, strongest and most tell of an old gentleman, nn enthusi- didly admitted that he did not know bian, the Germans set off two bombs in Toial. #462.467 It famous memliers in a most trying era. astic member of the Navy Ifcague. who how he would it about. He has the ship, one forward and another aft. OF MAINE bring One of the great characters of Ameri- visited Portsmouth und looked at Nel- These were not effective. They then fired Hancock »s: — I. ParkerS Ken- much to this can never /TAT* evidently given thought history might have emerged son’s Victory, lying in the harbor. A cashier of the shove named a torpedo into her, just aft of midships, nedy, bank, matter since election, and as was ex- from obscurity. The old no swear Hist the above -U'em-nt 1 was no visible bluejacket passed. gentleman solemnly at p. m. There explosion, is true 10 the beat of my knowledge and be- his expression on this matter Henry Clay cast the deciding vote in seized him and to the pected, only a spout of water seventy-five or 100 jiolntcd Victory. lief. Paekku 8. Kennedy, <’a*hier. was one of the features of the constitutional convention which know whit that means, Subscribed and sworn to befose me bis 6th prominent feet in the air, and the ship showed no "D'you ship his admitted Kentucky to the Union as a my man?" he exclaimed. day ot January, 1917. inaugural message. signs of sinking for fully one-half hour Wilkv C. Conarv. slave state. If Kentucky had entered tee Public. He asks the legislature to give the She sank stern first in fifty-six minutes, “Bather," replied bluejacket "It’s Notarj the Union as a free state it is hardly Correct—Attest: chief executive of the State the tools with the stars and the old tub they bold courts mar- stripes flying. Pascal P 1 doubtful that Missouri would have tial In.” Giiaiorr. to make his efforts for enforcement The American crew remained on the Albert A. Lowell. J Directors. done the same, and it is conceivable Ht K. Goooins. 1 effective. He recommends the Balto the night of Nov. 8. This ship was adop- that there might have been no Mis- ready to be “touched off” upon the ap- tt&btrtisntunts tion of a constitutional amendment souri compromise, and perhaps even no Sioutre, pearance of any ho tile craft, having Atgat giving the governor power to remove war between the states. bunks placed in all four hatches. At a sheriff for canse after notioe and The Walker tariff passed the senate Bankrupt's Petition tor Discharge. about 8 a. m. Nov. 9, they were transferred In tbe matter of and the enactment of a stat- by a dingle vote. Taft lost the vote of hearing, by lifeboat to the Swedish ship Varing. RECOMMENDED BY Ajithub L. Robinson, lln Bankruptcy. ute the same in the Idaho through a tie in the precinct of Bankrupt, ( conferring power At about 1 p. m. the Balto was blown up Boise. If one more man had for To tbe Hon. Clarence of the Dis- case of voted Hale, Judge county attorneys. by the bombs,and sank in about thirty trict court of the Unites States for the Taft Roosevelt would have lost con- BEST AUTHORITIES Given this power, there is no minutes. Diet ictof Maine. ques- trol of the state. L. ROBINSON, of Southwrst The submarine overhauled another tion but that Governor Milliken wonld .:! of tho of Hood’s ABTHU.RHarbor, in theeountyof Hancock, aud There Is at least one case in which a Ingredients State of in said district, exercise it to about real Norwegian ship, the Fordalen, that, after- Maine, respect- bring pro- vote was the entire election. At Sarsaparilla and Psptiron Pills. fully repreasnts that on tbe 9th day of noon. and sank her with a before single hibition in Maine. “It is torpedo The barred variety was the origi- October, last past, he was duly ad- necessary,” the primaries for the Prohibition nomi- of dark, the crew of the Fordalen coming on nal Plymouth Rock, and to it right- Every one of the Ingredients of judged bankrupt under tbe acts he “that local be says, every official fully belongs the title of the pio- nation for judge in SclfuyllflU county, ieotfi Sarsaparilla and Peptiron Pills Congress relating to bankruptcy; that board the Varing. All three crews stayed baa duly surrendered all his property and with the enforcement of the neer of American fancy poultry. Pa,, one vote was cast There being ■i recommended by the highest au- charged on this and at 5 a. m. rights of and has fully complied overnight ship, There were two other breeds of iiorities—the U. S. the property, law should know of no other candidate or voter, Richard Pharmacopcea, with all tba requirements of said act-, aud of that, regardless Nov. 10, took to the lifeboats and started fowls produced before the Barred ’it; "Ho y of the U. S. and the tbe orders * hie bank* H. Koch was unanimously chosen. A of court touching supposed local sentiment, his failure for the shore. Plymouth Rock—namely, the Dom- American Dispensatory. miss id said to be as as a Ti'e medicinal used In Wherefore he that he may be decreed to do bis will Mr. Richardson’s boat took and inique and the Java—but at that good mile, substances prays duty faithfully bring six one- tbe oourt to nano a full from all time neither was bred to anything and under some conditions one vote is Hoot, s Sarsaparilla Include roots, by discharge and certain half hours to reach miles debts provable hla es ate under prompt punishment, in- shore, thirty like a fixed as were the bar! r.. herbs, berries, etc, and those against standard, as good as a million. said bankruptcy sots, exoepteuch debts aa are dismissal from distant. After following the shore a few Barred Rocks. The Barred Rocks used Peptiron Pills, pepsin, nux, cluding public offioe. a excepted by law from aaoh discharge. On the other hand, majority^ of iron, celery, gentian, etc. d. lwifl. The present method of with miles, they found a suitable landing-place were first exhibited at Worcester, Dated this Uth day of pooember, a. dealing in 1869, and struck 100,000 may be worthless, as was ac- They are indicated, these authori- Atraoi L. Robinson, at Camarinas, a small fishing village on ’Mass., they pop- this situation is tedious, bungling and ular fancy Instantly. The picture tually the case in Indiana. At the gen-' ties say, in such diseases and ailmenta Bankrupt. the northeastern coast of Spain. There as scrofula, rheumatism, dyspepsia, expensive.” shows a flock of Barred Plymouth eral election in November, 1900, a pro- being no means of communication there, Rocks neuralgia, nervousness and debility. Order a* Notice Thereon. posed amendment that “the general as- When Hood's u. after three days the crew left for Coruna you buy Sarsaparilla District or Maine. Nostrssu Division, H-« sembly shall by law what and Peptiron Pills you are buying o* COUNTY GOSSIP. automobile, houra prescribe Ob this tth day of January, a. d. 1917. by taking nearly eight good medicines. Get them today. is— the hens to exercise. If the floor of the qualifications shall be necessary for reading the foregoing petition. It to reach there. At all druggists’. 200 doses $2. Ordered the that a hearing hr bad Rev. W. H. Rice of Lamoine has admission to law to all courts by coert. kept After in henhouse is 'covered with a litter of practice upon the same oa the l(th day of February eight days Coruna, being un- In sain an accurate record the past year of the straw six to inches and the I of justice" was submitted to the elec- a. d. 1MT. before eald court at Portland, able to obtain a passage home, they set eight deep 1 at 10 o’clock in ineforenoon; and that proceeds from bis poultry, and is anxious tors. Jot Suit. district, out for Cadiz by rail via Madrid, where graiar scattered over it, the hens will notice thereof be published in the Fllisorth to learn if anyone has made a better be forced to search for it. This will Nearly 100,000 more votes were cast American, a newspaper primed in ssid dis- they made a stop of one reached and other He started with day. They Roadster, in flrnt-elus condition. trict, and that all Known creditors, showing. January 1,1916, exercise. for the amendment than against it. in at the said Cadiz, on the southeastern coast of Spain, promote healthy BU1CKnewly painted, nil new tlren. — f. R. persona Interact, may appear fifty pullets. They cleared tor the year, But it did not receive a majority of BILVT, 81 Franklin time and and chow cause, if auy tbry Nov. 23, left there Nov. 27 tor A variety of grain is necessary. street, RUsworth, lie place, should after all bills were an aqd Alger- have, why the prayer of eald petitioner paid, $169.33, average mixtures of wheat and bar- the votes cast for presidential electors not be ciras, which is within view of Gibraltar Equal oats, In granted. of $3.39 for each hen. The manure, worth and governor. The supreme court held bnrgalnn wood saw outfits, eat And Tt la further ordered the court, that On December ley fed in the morning, with cqrn or and by all 8 they returneckhy boat to SPECIAL,°®“w*-k','°sene saaoline enslnes, the elerk shall send by mail to quite a little sum, is not i ncluded in the that it had not been carried the con- electric water deputy and Cadiz of and grain again in the afternoon, has by llghtins plants, plants. Scad known creditors of said by way Tangiers Morocco. | for circular. It will savs copies petition above figures. stitutional for the you money. Tnoair- this order addressed them at their places of sailed a ration. From three majority required Pisn IfscHiwi to They from Cadiz Dec. 13 on the proved splendid CoMrsmr, Portland, Maine.' residence ss listed. to four of and ratification of a proposed amendment. Hale, A YANKEE STORE IN KANSAS. Spanish steamer Alicante, for New York,, pounds grain morning Witness the Honorable Clarence That was a case where an actual ma- of the said and the seal thiieof. there evening are for a flock of from Judge Court, Among the attractive show-windows arriving January 1, after a rough required at said district, jority at the polls lost in the courts. EoaLet Bangor, northern division of along the street is the one on north and stormy trip. forty to fifty birds, but hens will also on the gih day of January a. d. 1917. aide.tbe entrance to “Yankee Hill’s’’ book Thera would be no end to the prece- ud- Clerk. Mr. Richardson says the 8tatue of Lib- relish dry alfalfa or clover hay and stain tenement of three rooms, fL. 8.] William M. Warbbm, Deputy store. All ages and of dents the value of a with all conrenlr complexions also or If the man- regarding few AN nets; partly furnished: A true copy of and order thereon. dolls—all of the of erty never looked better to him in the mangels rutabagas. * petition gentler sex, course— votes if the search were extended to L‘"r*1 ”™t’ Blld«* Attest:—William7M. Wabbrs, Deputy Clerk. and heart’s delights from some five years he has been from the gel is nailed on the wall about two and MunhSjjrtfc”1* toyland, sailing One will suf- on a Christmas tree—a real of one-half to three feet from the foreign history. example state of displayed fir, port New York. He has had enough of floor, STORY house on Union subscriber, residing out of the from the state of where fice to show that the count of the votes street. ApplyJ of Maine, Christmas the “war the chickens will exercise in to Conn Maine, to wit:—Cerrie E. Shepard zone,” this being his second trip. get pick- TWO McKsmuk, Ellsworth. THB oi trees grow. It was sent Mr. Hill by his is as important as the of them. Boston, county of Suffolk. Commonwealth Be was a ing at it For feed a mixture casting she Bister, Miss Helen C. Hill of East Sullivan. says it sad sight to see a fine protein Massachusetts, hereby gives notice that of In 1911 the Monis ministry fell in has been of the lest George calls it “tub,’’ of course; but it is large American ship go to the bottom. equal parts linseed oil meal and Jctnalt Jftlp EBantrt. duly appointed executrix r-roll the r-r a.—Catdwell France because it was thought to be in will and testament of fir-r; (Kansas) Mr. Richardson is a native of bran, over which has been poured boil- Phippe- OSCAR A. of said BOSTON, Newt. a minority of fourteen when in fact it you wunt s SHEPARD, late burg, Me. He has been the ing water, will be found to give splen- pines that offers you clean* enjoying pleasant, work deceased, and given bonds as the law did results. bad a majority of 1B-e. According to DO year-round at fair pay di'>;c“’*■ skating on Leonard lake during his stay from the start—end n chance for reel ad■ and that ahe has appointed Hannlba. Corttaponitnct, the rencement Hamlin of of H*“ he Skimmilk that has soured will contemporary cablegram: if yon make good? If you hare ct Ellsworth. In the county here, which says is some better than prove in sa d state .-— i xne crisis arose over an Ishai a grammar echool eda cation wc can cock. Slate of Malts, her agent an interpellation giro submarines. excellent drink and will practically yon at oner as of Maine. All having demand! Sheriff Means Business. dodging regarding the attitude of the government employment clerk In onr sob- perhone d’r'rea meat scrlption deportment—end a chance to rice against the estate of eald deceased *'e replace scraps. as to the chief command of the in to and all in Elmwobth, Jan. 8,1917. army If yon here a high echool education or better present the seme for settlement, the event of war, and the official list we can glee the debted thereto are to make payment To the Editor of The American: STATE SUliONS. you same etart and nn eren requested showed 23* votea against the government better chunce for the tdare. We teach immediately. Get IneUbator* oar r.r. In order that there may be no misunder- Ready. and 224 In favor. employees typing, atencll catting, edeertiee- Cabbib R. BHnraKD News of Now la the time to ment end letter a. d. 1917. In to the legislative Interest to Han- look after incu- M. Monls waa still on a aiclc aa writing, proof reading, etc. January 9, standing regard matter, I wish bed the Thle assurer __ the ambitions ones either a to announce to the of cock County Readers. bators If yon use them. Those used result of an accident and hts colleagues chance to that people Hancock make good pay on a boons beats or fTiHR subscribers notice The decided on resignation. elst tobecome hereby give county that I stand for the enforcement legislature convened last Wednes- last season should be thoroughly over- aBdnrntudlea for some of the X they have been duly appointed executor! The curious fact has now been brought good enentire positions. If a chance of this of the last will testament of of law. day, both branches organizing by tha hauled and trays, etc., well washed “r* and to light, however, that at the moment of “ "'It* fully about of S0UT3 election of the candidates aa nominated and A »£“•J>'* ADOD8TA R. W008TBR, late ■Bum-shops and gambling houses will be disinfected. little formaldehyde the fateful division there was consider- in the HANCOCK. cloned Than will be no republican caucuses. Tha various put In a saucer In the egg chamber able on fusion in regard to the votes for up. ups and in the of Haneoek, State of Maine, State officers were and county downs or playing of politics with the sleeted aa nominated and doors kept dosed for a few hours against. in the \A number of deputies announced that issue. Where then is evidence joint republican caucus. will do the trick. If the Incubator Jlelp CSUmtdL ssrasd'af liquor to their names had appeared on the wrong jeuarMai warrant no matter when it Thursday, in convention of Senate and shorn of of the wood- it, hits, pros- signs shrinkage division Hat. An official rectification was ecution* will be made and sentences House,Governor Millikan was as the tew dlreete. All barmi Jail inaugurated work a coat of plain varnish win bo Made, with the result that ao far from agent persons demanded. with appropriate and delivered demands the estate of said deceasM exercises, having been defeated the against settle- his inaugural message. Both branches useful. The same will apply to brood- government are desired to the same for I shall stand on my own feet and run had the narrow majority mentioned above. present then adjonrnedunttlTueadav. ers and brood coops. It pays to attend ment, and all indebted thereto are requeiten my own business, and will pursue the Though this be to make discovery may the payment immediately. _ ... the last as the first month to these matters before the machines M- Wooerna, same policy of Keep Our Hodles Wans. source of much personal satisfaction to Rama my administration. are for then there Is the Carl R. Pure, rich, red blood is a neoeeslty in the needed, generally ex-premier, it la, of course, too late CSUnttO. Woperaa,Batcutori. Respectfully, to affect the fate of hla production of animal heat. It our I no time. ministry. Jaa. a, liir. Wi» w. Sheriff. hasps _ Whboott, bodies TLASN8 warm. Ws all kadw very weU that These are cases merely of misadven- A wanted—Hancock, Pineal Banin. Washington and when the arteries that A Aroostook ootsusn Oatairh Cannot be Oared carry it to a limb are Feeding Oats to Hens. ture in the working of the machinery 8u“- *• d«lu—a«: bound or tied, the of the limb is with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, ss they can- temperature Many termers have trouble in tend- of voting. The cases of malicious falsi- sg^sgg the disease. Catarrh immediately lowered. nut raaoh the seat of ing oafe to their hens, so they leave fying of popular sentiment are too nu- is a blood or constitutional disease, and In There la a in 8HABIBOLOIK81 MEETING. suggestion this that, at this r»'» of all order to cure it must take internal rem- time them out of the grain ration altogeth- merous to record.—New York Times. ;»rs kinds Wo menu- l-oea yon of year we factors and annum meeting of the Bllewortb Hall’s Catarrh Cure it taken inter- especially, should take T°. skins can pay blgkeet oncer. held o» edies. er. The fowls eat the other grains and Ask lor Met. * Building Association will be and sots upon the blood and Hood’s Sarsaparilla, if our blood is price Billsidb Dm fioosn.* The o®ce« nally, directly impure, State ana January 19, U17, at 7.99 m.^at the Is not let-the oats lie. Since oats are a very Cause Not Cure. French Sts., Bangor, Me., p. Eli* mucous surface. Hall’s Catarrh Cure impoverished or pale. Hood’s Sarsaparilla the aasoctetton li the Tapley block. a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one ; makes the blood in nutritious and the worth, Maine, for the following for good quality and quantity. cheap poultry food, Wayward Son—But, dad, yefc should purposes- m of the best physicians in this country 1. For the election of a board of seven It has an record for birds should be to eat them. make allowance for the years and is a regular prescription. It is uuuqnaled radically and taught follies of youth. >otins. rectors. of the best tonics known, eombioed composed permanently removing blood diseases, scrof- By feeding the oats first and waiting Father—Huh! If it wasn’t for the al- 9. For the election ef an auditor. |U with the best blood acting directly ula, caution 9. To ace what action the shareholderswi poriders, rheumatism and oatarrh, and giving until are' eaten clean before lowance you there’d be noticbT of ns on the muooua surfaces. The perfect com- they up get Has folly.— take in to the strength and tone to the regard amending by-laws of bination of the two ingredients I* what pro- whdle system. It is rest of the ration Boston Wile. Date O. Bamilton. left to the giving the the fowls Transcript. bed haring institution, pertaining charging asoh wonderful results in curing ca- a scientific combination of herbs I My my end board without Inst canes duces roots, barks, premium on loans. .... hnli. free. will soonr learn to like them and to eat »u persona arc bui' tarrh. Bend for testimonials, and other medicinal snbalances that have £IAro’?°Vio"' hereby for- 4. For the transaction of any other * O. bidden In trust her on my as r. J. CHHNHIf CO., Praps., Toledo, been them any time with or without other Before employing a line word find a aocouot, I shall neas that may properly come before 7Se. long used by successful physicians. Get pay aoac of her bllla after this date. Sold by druggists, price for Take Hall’s Pill* lor lttu-day.-Xdet. grains. place it.—Joubet 1“1X0,1' W. Secretary- nmily constipation. | North O. Tavist, I Sedgwick, Man Deo. iluu.* Ella worth, Maine, Jan. 9,1917. • / 4 III III '. •' BxamlnaUoo ot the blind, 4600 OBffMW. HANCOCK COUNTY. •fcctWt incidental expenses, 136 8S '■ ntfMT. MIU. —a»P»wk h mm turn high atweei,* Insurance, 304 80 ~ or THOSE HOT CAKES * TREASURER AND FiMdi T, if lad REPORT typ^rrlMr, 91780 '* Doyle Friday at hie ill of Maps* ', loot oa aft* of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Stenographer, 68 37 Sfate street, aa IWeee James Bwaeaey of BarHarbor la work Boad sssesal weeks. notices, |N # lag tor kia Ibtbar. Are r IN A*CH AL *TA«DIBa YOb YAW YbAb— Indexes, 9959 They Net America's National Mr. Doyle wae bora la Ellsworth Sep- Margaret Bazhton of Inkewood it work- ', or Ooonty bill ot ooata: tember 6, UN, the son ot the late Barthol- mimmaby *xr*nDirv*m»— commissioner^’ and Best Dish? t<; log for Mrs. IUmj Moots. Criminal act omew and wilt. As a man RATBMHT. Iona, gg gp Doyle young boro JAIL v wina and light Jersey cloth still Aowtalbbwj aaO & !• Barns Medical examiners and 284 88 ha waf employed In tbs shoo store of the inquests, \ figures In to Green Lake witk thetr team to \ largely spotting garments, late B. H. and gone of the Afenta cruelty to animate, 19015 Barden, Inter aa a travai- The mnoil report ooonty oom- u HOW TO MAKE ALL BATTERS. this kilt skirt and half length coat are work. H. children, 91190 ling eboe salesman. Ba was also at dif-. mlsaloners-W. Sherman, Howard fl. Basel who mat Cbrlatom at Salaries ot olBcan: latent times employed ae en assistant foeo- MoGown, Moor and M. L Allen-with report* ot at North ot aaan In tbs Fine Tree shoe and aa home, nes returned to has aobooi County Treaaurer Blaiadall and Sheriff Judge probata, 1,10000 Qrlddlaa Arc Important, and Cold factory foreman of tbe polishing room in tbe Ells- Weymouth, Mate. Sllaby baa been completed. Bagteterot probate, 1/10000 Waathor Demand* That a Tabic- Clerk hire, worth hardwood factory. For asTerul Hillard Bcboppee kaa moved kia Oraw Tbe report ebowe a net rtanwaaa in re- goo 00 •poonful of Shortening So Added to Register ot deeds, yaara ba was In business oa Water street, Into the DeWttt boom. Ha kaa live source. of $2,786.61 againat a daereaae in 1,800 00 Give to Your Clerk Richness Flapjack*. In tba Supply Co. For tba past tsama hauling gravel to bo need aw the 1915 of $87142. hire, 1/WM10 Count/ Clerk ot two yaara ba bad ooadnoted Ufa Burnham road in the One Item alone, tba Otter Creak morder courts, 2,100 00 We might call hot cakes an Ameri- spring. store on Blau street, wbieb coat tba ooanty about $1400, Clerk hire, 00000 can national dish. The cheapest lunch case, Mr. Doyle married, October 13, 1313, accounts for the larger part ot the defici- Sheriff, 1,00000 room, railroad dining room or most ex. NORTH- LAMOIME. Coant Miss Kate Bornbam, who survives him. ency for tbe year. j treasurer, B00 oo pensive hotel serves the omnipresent Eugene Walls, who baa bean employed Be leaves also one sister, Mrs. Annie M. Another item,wbieb could not County commissioners, 2,260 00 grlddlecake in varying degrees of ex- In near Moose bead mat properly Smith the woods lake, Judge Ellsworth man cellence. of Ellsworth. be included in tbe nabareeaof the county, court, 800 00 witk an accident wkiek neeeaaltatert hie Recorder Tbe funeral was held af tba boms Sun- but wbieb probably will come to tbe Ellsworth man court, 400 00 TO the woman In the home, special- to the for two weeks. He Bev. P. J. of- going hcapital Judge W Hancock mun one who own day afternoon, Flanagan county by reimbursement by the Bute, court, 50000 ly does her work, all bat- it now with kia mother, Mrs. Roland Recorder W Ban mun ter mixtures bfe somewhat of ficiating. is $2,200 for salary ot Jadga ot probate tbe court, 100 00 seem to Garter, for recape ration. Judge Bar Harbor past two year*. man court, 1,000 00 a bother. 8be dreads the smoke at- Recorder WILLIAM I. MOCAUTOBT. Renben Garter, who hae bean 111 of grip Tbe legislature two-yeers sg6 passed an Bar Harbor mun court, 000 00 tendant on frying, the long time re- Haneock William 1. McCartney, cmc of Ells- several weeks, la oat afeln. set providing for tbe payment of judges county bar association, 500 00 quired to prepare a plate sufficient for worth's nonagenarians, died last Wednes- Janll. .O of probate by tba State instead of by the Supreme court bills ol ooste, 1,087 08 the family appetite, and she Is apt to Qrand day at tba home of bis son Woodbury, on several oountiee, and made appropriation jurors, 828 72 allow the head of 'the house to seek hls Traverse Water street. LA KOINE. to cover tbia. Bnt la tbe general salary Jurors, 1,884 08 cakes elsewhere. Mr. McCartney waa nearly ninety-two Mrs. Lorenzo Kingman has bean quite bill which fallowed, and therefore super- Constables, serving venires, 182 82 out noimng, li wen maae, is bo Court years of age. Be was born in Nova Beotia ill of grip. seded this act, tbia provision for pay- expenses paid by sheriff, 827 47 wholesome and sustaining as the hot February 10,1826, and came to Ellsworth of aalariea of tbe ot Auditors and referees, 378 40 cake on a cold Batters of Mrs. Bhirtey Holt and son Ellis will go ment lodges probate morning. He married A A Lord, service rendered sixty-eight yean ago. Mary tbis week. Mrs. Holt will by tbe State was overlooked, and tbe Judges, 15 00 all kinds are extremely simple if im- to Waterville ol court Woodbury of Lubec eixty-seven years ago. counties were therefore to Expenses stenographers, 96 38 portant points in stirring and making visit ln'Boston before returning home. obllgod pay She died four re ate yds ago. them ea before. Stenographers quity hearings, 81 00 them are noted. Contrary to the nsnal Lorenzo in with For fifteen be was in Kingman, oompany loan and yean employed the It ia th it this matter will be Temporary interest paid, 4,060 00 custom, it is better to sift the flour Hsrrii Turner up a saw mill on probable Qnnt lumber mill as sawyer, working in is, setting th* and into the liquid than to pour the liquid Gore lol near Davis’. adjusted by present legialatnre, Total expenditures, |10,80213 the Woods winters. Later he worked In the Augustus tbe county reimbursed to tbs extent of into the flour. Add the two very slow- Jan. 8. H. H* Cash in treasury, 10,537 01 Ellsworth yards aa ship-carpenter. He ly to avoid lumps. Beat over and $2,200. leaves pne eon, Woodbury. over with a large spoon or The total expenditure* lor the year, not 151,13914 perforated whip. Allow the mixtul-e to stand including a temporary loan negotiated RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES. long enough so that the flour may swell and NORTH SULUTAN. and paid daring the year, were $36,802.13. Resources. Cash in Deo the mixture not be unexpectedly too Mn. Clyde Robertson wee in FnDklin The expenditures in 1915 were $33,379.44. treasury, 31,1916 “,|10,537 01 thick. If we notice the dSft hot cake alter her'little sou Kermtt, who The ceab balance this year is $10,537.01 Unpaid taxes in townships, 420 42 Friday Due for expert in various restaurants we will has been visiting hie grandparents, Mr. Vinol Creates Strengtfi The balance Irom the proceeding year was stenographers in pro- Says see that he pours the batter and does end Mrs. Lorenzo Bragdon. N. $12.322.88. bate court, 65 47 Rosary Hill Home, Hawthorne, T< not it. Yet few women have raw COUNTY TAX. Due from State account supreme spoon Rev. Richard Moyle gave an interesting ■—“I have need Vinol for many followed this common sense and with! judges’ expenses, 224 27 plan talk Sunday evening on Billy Sunday. down, weak or emaciated patients County-Treasurer Blaiadell’s report woman was so weak stick to the old, Inefficient method of Jen. 8. H. benefit. One young shows all the county tax collected. of and ill she could creep to my door Total resources, f11,237 17 ladling the batter instead pouring it. hardly Amherst, $11571 Orland, $43193 The important thing about the mix- forbid. I supplied .Vinol to her liberally Liabilities. Theory and Practica. her. Aurora 68 79 Otis, 7891 ture is has de- and in a month I hardly recognized Due on bills of costs al- the griddle. Custom Here is a from the collec- 96612 good story She was her color and Bluehi'l, Penobscot, 372 56 creed that It should be soapstone, but strong, charming lowed by 8 J court 51 45 tion of a German school inspector. The her cheeks rounded out.”—Mothzb M. Brooklin, 84671 Sedgwick, 349 55 aluminum Due on bills of costs al- there are both and cast iron O. S. D. Brookaville, 417 61 Sorrento, 202 83 pupils weie being exammed ou tbe sub* Alphonsa Lathbop, lowed com- and iron griddles which give excellent We Vinol to the 1166 46 S W 49 by county of A was guarantee sharpen Bucksport, Harbor,605 results. The Important thing Is to JEUSliK UP TO DATE. Ject personal hygiene. boy aid enrich the blood 686 78 appetite, digestion, Castine, Stonington,825 74 missioners, 75775 have the griddle the right tempera- asked. "What have you to do in order and create strength, 335 84 529 04 of maroou wool jersey nattily set off Cranberry Isles, Sullivan, ture before the batter is laid on it. to keep your teeth souud and white?" Also with of white knitted. Geo. A. Parcher, Druggist, Ell-worth. Deer Isle, , 638 28 Surry, 258 39 Total liabilities, f *127 20 Tile should never strips wool, “Clean them." was the griddle be washed, prompt reply. at the stores in all Maine Towns 180 06 Swan’s 264 02 Net Dec 97 The mufller collar is interesting, as are leading drug Dedham, 1, resources, 30,1915, 11,109 but wiped with paper or towel. Scour- “When ought you to clean them?” East brook, 10132 Tremont, 433 79 COMPABATIVE STATEMENT. the fastenings of the coat. ing with salt will sometimes prevent “Morning, noon and night.” "What attocfisenuRte Eden, 7322 85 Trenton, 133 66 Net resources, Dec*30,1916, 11,109 97 From we can sticking. supply stores are to he cleaned with?" "With 2540 26 108 30 Net Dec 61 they Ellsworth, Verona, resource*, 31.1915, 13,857 secure a little holder for the fat or TATTED EDGES. • a toothbrush." "Very good. Have you Franklin, 472 63 Waltham, 10613 griddle greaser which will help us in 674 36 Winter 545 89 Net decrease in 1916, 2,758 64 a toothbrush?" "No. "Has your RAW FURS Gouldsboro, Har, the somewhat untidy task of greasing Directions For Medallions to Make a si^.' father a toothbrush?" sir.” We raw furs. Send them to us as we I Hancock, 442 41 Long I Plan, 51 32 The report of Sheriff Silsby, as approved the Scarf. "No, "Has buy griddle. the full market value Lamoine, 233 21 62 00 by^The commissioners, is ‘as fol- your mother a to'othbrusb?" "No, sir." pay 9S^fco Plan, county While many of the prepared pancake Use size 5 thread in ecru or linen. “But how do know about the use 85 74 No 33 61 00 lows: Number of weeks’ board of on you ERNEST C. DAVIS, Licensed Fur Mariaville, flan, pris- Hours the market are excellent, the Presume you are using linen for your Buyer Mt. 2684 73 oners for 317 17-60 against 437 31.75 of toothbrushes then?" "\Ve sell them, Care of Fuller-Cobb Desert, 1916, addition of a tablespoonful of shorten- cover. Use shuttle and ball. P. 3 d Company s, sir.” in 1915. Number of prisoners committed increases the of the cake. Rockland. Maine 19 ing delicacy 5 p, separated by 2 d s, 3 d s, close; $24,816 the aS in 1915. during year, 36, against 47 Mixtures of milk are also more tender, turn Venus of Milo. Amount assessed on towns work, chain 2, d s, 6 p, separated The various offenses which were for| they uud a griddle cake 4s like other cakes— 2 d turn to center It is said that the base of the famous as by s; work, join p. Cushman above, $24,81619 committed were: Albert N. if you can't make it of the best mate- of Venus of Milo, with name of Amount assessed on unin- ring and repeat. Here is a pretty the the sale intoxicating 2 is Illegal liquor, rial it not worth while. Eggs will edge with medallion to match which sculptor upon It. was destroyed for the corporated places, 1,200 66 3 Electrician and Contractor Larceny, give it more nourishment and make it makes a attractive scarf. of a of France Timber and grass on re- very purpose deceiving king Intoxication, 18 more attractive looking. Waffles are served lands, 35 32 For Medallion (Using Shuttle and Into the belief that the statue was more Electric and Fixtures Breaking and entering, 3 because Supplies particularly nourishing they Balli—P 5 ds, 1 p, 4 ds, 1 p, 2 ds, 1 ancient than it really is. 4 are a rich batter. The cake la Ellsworth fiO.UOl VI Assault, egg hot large p, 2 ds, 1 p, 4 ds, 1 p, 5 ds and Estey Building, 1 Rape, nutritious because it combines milk, turn work—ch 3 1 2 • TREASURER’S REPORT. close; ds, p, ds, 1 2 and when Forgery, flour, eggs sugar, especially P, 3 ds, turn work ; P 5 ds, joint to first \|\ Kl V K 1.1ST Following is a summary of the county Re-committed, 2 eaten with some kind of As it sirup. •p, 5 ds, close; P 5 ds, 1 p 5 ds,'close; treasurer's soil commissioners' reports. M 1 has a and fat con- Ellsworth Steam order, high starch, sugar turn work, ch 3 ds, 1 p, 2 ds, 1 p, 3 ds, Hancock Connry Porte. Laundry Receipt*. tent it Is an excellent food to resist All KMs sf Lasniiy Wort. NAPHTHA CLEANIN8 26 repeat three* times;, Join end of last ch Southwest Harbor Sid Jan 2, sch Lizzie Balance in Dec. 86 treasury, 31,1915, (12,322 winter cold and keep up the body’s to first V—mode. Lane. New York for Cafais called for and delivered Tbe county commissioners’ estimate of Goods Municipal tax, 1916, 376 34 I energy. 81d Jan 8, sch Rkod* Holmes, Apple River, ot the tor each Edge—*P 1 ds, 1 p, 6 ds, 1 p, 0 ds, 1 N 8, for New York Special attention to parcel post work Plantation road probable expenses county sour taxes,1914-16 24,81619 The milk mixtures made with 0 1 8 Bass Harbor—Bid Jan schs Charles C ot the years 19X7 and 1918, alter deducting p, ds, p, ds, close;’turn work, ch1 8, H. B. ESTEY & CO., Fines and coats, 1,378 33 sour milk soda are than N 8, for New J Proprietors lighter Lister, Weymouth. York; ... flues and and. 3 ds, 1 p, 2 ds, 1 p, 3 ds, turn work; State Street, Ellsworth. Me Fees of ofBoers: estimated reoelpts lor tees, Howell Leeds, St John. N B, for New York oonnty those made with ordinary milk be- 5 costs, is ds, Join to p on large ring; 5 ds, close; Register of probate, 668 60 (27,420. cause in sour milk part of the protein P 5 ds, 1 p. 5 ds, close; turn work and BORN. Register of daeds, 1,79090 Is already digested. But batters with tic. Ch 3 ds. 1 p, 2 ds, 1 p, 3 ds, turn IRA B. HAGAN, Jr. Clerk of oourte, 388 77 OUR ECONOMIC HOUSE. either sour or sweet milk are whole- work; P 5 ds. Join to p on small ring, BARBOUR—At Deer Isle, Dec 10. to Mr and Interest on 186 38 some and easy to make If and deposits, thought 7 ds, joint to third p, mode 7 1 Mrs Emery J Barbour, a daughter. Civil Engineer, It Ba as a Sta- ds, p, Tax on unincorporated 306 28 May Rebuilt, Railway common sense are used. BILUNGS—At Dec 29, to Mr and places, 5 ds, close; turn work, ch 3 ds, 1 p, Stonington, Land 20 tion Is, Whilo In Uso. Mrs William J Billings, a son. Surveyor. Temporary loan, lean stamps, .3,999 2 1 ds. p, 3 ds, turn work; P 5 ds, join BROWN—At Ellsworth, Jan to Mr and Mrs Fees, Bar Harbor man. 9 62 Sometimes, when 1 think of the 8, court, to 5 P 5 1 6 D Brown, twins, a son and daughter. It THE INEVITABLE JAR. p, ds, close; ds, p, ds, close Ueprge George I Soper, expenses road growth of our economic system. Deer Dec to Mr and Mrs ELLSWORTH ME. P. 0. Box 7 and tie, turn work; ch 3 ds, 1 p, 2 ds, EATON—At Isle, 29, FALLS, 5 80 seems to me as If, leaving our law Just John F Eaton, a son. bearing, 1 turn P 8 to of the Ths Kind of Container You Are Al- p, ids, work; ds, join EATON—At Deer Isle, Dec 28, to far and Mrs F L Mason,settlement oases, 1,160 00 about where it was before any liquor small p; 0 ds, join to third p, mode on Prescott J Eaton, a son. Commission JHerrtjantg. B F Jordan, State 20 00 modern inventions or developments ways Needing. overpaid road, 1st ring; 8 ds, 1 p, 5 ds, 1 p, 1 ds, NORWOOD—At Southwest Harbor, Jan 8, to Boxes sold, 7 70 took place, we had simply at haphaz- For cold cream comes this fetching Mr and Mrs Lewis A Norwood, a daughter. etc, close; turn work, ch, 3 ds, repeat from State, highway department, 18 81 ard extended the family residence, add- jar of creamy glaze set off with a band STAPLES—At Brooksville, Jau 4, to Mr and star. Mrs Norman Staples, a daughter. [Alice. | 16 60 ed an office here and a workroom there of yellow tulips and daisies growing inquests, THOMPSON—At Deer Isle, Jan 6, to Mr and and a new set of rooms there, a son. imp. Stats roads, 2,48111 sleeping Asbestos Mats. Mrs Howard A Thompson, built up higher on our foundations and TRACEY-At Sound, Dec 24, to Mr and Mrs Total The convenient disks of mefnl bound Charles A a son. reosipta, (61,13914 out little lean-tos on the side until Tracy, put asbestos, plain on both sides or cov- WEBBER—At Ellsworth, Dec 28, to Mr and we had a structure that had no char- Mrs a son. JBspenditwes. ered on one side with thin metal, are Benjamin T Webber, [Lawrence acter whatever.' Now the problem is Andrew.] Repairs on 119 91 a boon to as make It oourfhouse, ( housewives, they WEED—At Deer Isle, Jan 2, to Mr and Mrs to live In the house and yet change It at Jail, 29 86 possible to simmer with security. Al- Charles E Weed, a daughter. WANT YOUR we are architects In our time, Court house furniture and sup- Well, most Invariably, however, the first time WHEELDEN-At Ellsworth, Jan 4, to Mr 192 46 and our architects are also engineers. and Mrs Harry L Wheelden, a daughter. FARM PRODUCTS plies, of contact of the asbestos with gas | Martha Annette.J Jail We don't have to stop using a railroad furniture and supplies, 9080 flame or heated stove top results In Live and Board of terminal because a new station is be- Eggs, Dressed, Poultry prisoners, 1,12248 filling one's house or apartment with -a MAKKIKD. built We don't have to stop any Clothing for prisoners, 29 86 ing “reek” as Of pun gently scorching pa- Veal, Apples, Potatoes of the of our lives because Medical attendance tor prisoners, 36 00 processes per. In order 1o avoid this incon- BABSON—BLACK—At Brooksville, Dec 80, by Prices, Shipping Tigs, Dressing, Packing we are rearranging the structures In Bev G N Miss Clarissa C Babson to Lighting court hones and Jail, 128 66 venience let the Dew asbestos mats be- Pierce, and Shipping instructions, etc., s nt re which we conduct those processes. Herbert G Black, both of Brooksville. Water supply court houae and jail, 83 63 fore going Into use remain for several Is to EATON—HASKELL-At Deer Isle. Dec 2, by Wood for 63 73 What we have to undertake sys- Rev Miss Jennie Eaton to court bouse and jail, hours either in a tightly closed and w George Smith, Coal for tematize the foundations of the house, Vernon Haskell* both of Dee Isle. court house, 607 90 well ventilated oven or else on top «f DToftesionsI Carts Coal for then to thread all the old parts of the EATON-CONARY-At Deer Isle, Deo 8, by Jail, 28092 the oven, under the lids of the back of Rev John H Wales, Miss Vesta M Eaton Co structure with the steel which will be Telephone serviee, 26666 the stove, where the direct up chimney Frank B Conary, both of Deer Isle lTctinTsc ot t In modern fashion, ac- GRAY-SMITH-At Dec detective agency, Guy Small case, 1,288 64 laced together ON HU TOILET TABLE. draft will off odor. One Stonington* 29, by SFSOIALTY HAoit OF I carry thg Rev G P Sparks, Miss Elizabeth M Gray to 60000 commodated to all the modern knowl- TYPEWRITING, ACCOUNTING AND Janitors, good baIcing will generally make nil Brnest R Smith, both Stonington. y and elas- GENERAL CLERICAL WORK. Stable repairs, 1060 edge of structural strength in a rich green Held, however restrict- end of the trouble, but If the inside of Agent Union date Deposit A Trustee., el i-nrt- and then change the par- ed. and and, for furnishing Probate and Surety Bonds land damages, 276 00 ticity, slowly The design has both beauty /the oven be chosen for the purpose DIKD. the let In the light Agent Oliver Typewriter, typewriter supplies Express, and 27126 titions, relay walls, usefulness. take It at a time when no food Is to postage telegrams, Cor. Mala and Water Sts. (over Moore's new Improve the Drug Printing, binding and blank through apertures, be baked or roasted In It/as otherwise BERDEEN—At Stonington, Jan 8, Mrs Cor- Store). Ellsworth, Me. until a generation delia A 81 11 Rooks, 1478 72 ventilation, finally, Cake. one's cake or souiBe may absorb the Berdeen, aged years, months, will Snowdrop 18 days. 0*- violation law: or two from now, the scaffolding Rtveetigation of liquor Beat three eggs, using lightest color- scent of scorching. BROWN—At Orlsnd, Jan 5, Dr Charles W and there will be the Balance 1916: be taken away ed yolks; add a little cream or milk and Brown, aged 87 years, 4 months. DR. CHARLES B. DORON whose noble 0«orge B 00 family In a great building Rub four ounces of butter CARROLL—At Southwest Harbor, Dec 81, Clark, (24 flavoring. Chocolate Sauce. W 4 OSTEOPATH Oil architecture will at last be disclosed, Mrs Rebecca Carroll, aged 72 years, Wilson, 8680 Into half a pound of flour, stir la four One square chocolate (bitter), one months, 14 days. live as a com- Specialties: Nervous Diseases, Paul W 43 78 where men Can single of mix N Earl D form- Soott, ounces sugar, by adding the cupful sugar, one taiilespoonful butter, CARR—At Concord, H, Carr, Diseases of Stomach. as In a perfected, Otis, aged 82 years. Henry M Smith, 34 00 munity, co-operative eggs and milk and stirring thoroughly, one-third cnpfnl boiling water, one-half erly-of beehive, not afraid of any CHANDLER—At Bneksport, Jan 8, Mrs Helen Treatment and Appoint- John J 34 80 co-ordinated then scatter in a on Carter, but lightly; teaspoon- teaspoonfu! vahUta. Melt the choco- P Chandler, aged 78 yearf, month, 28 daye. ment, in Ellsworth Fridays. _16316 storm of nature, not afraid of any arti- ful of baking powder. Turn the mix- late in a saucepan over hot water, add GLOSSON—In Roxbnrv, Mass, Jan ft, H Alice, Address, Pearl Bid*., Bangor, Me. Investigation, 1916: storm, any Imitation of thunder widow of Charles H Olosson, of ficial ture Into a greased cake tin, put Into the butter and. pour the boiling water formerly Telephone 1M6M. Res. USSR °*orge E Clark, (78000 that the foun- Sedgwick, aged'68 years, 2 months, 88-days. and lightning, knowing a reduce the after on to 1 011 hot oven, heat a lit- gradually. Bring the boiling CONNERS-At Bar Jan 8. Mrs Alfred Wilson, 348 60 down to the bedrock of I Harbor, dations go tle while and let the cake bake point, then add sugar ani boll for fif- B Conners, aged 78 years, 98 days. who he does not Paul W 686 08 whenever grad- The merchant says Boom, and knowing that minutes. When cold add the va- COUSINS—At Stonington, Jan 4. Ethel B John l principle ually. When cold coat with sugar teen believe in nevertheless Chrter, 300 82 can change that plan Cousins, aged 4 years, 1 day. advertising, they please they a few at nilla. If not sweet enough add more M Mng, Inserting snowdrops Jan 6, Francis T a over his door and deaer- Henry Smith, 183 00 and accommodate It as they DOYLE—At Ellsworth, places sign 8 A again Intervals just before serving. sugar. Doyle, aged M years, 4 months. Brmgdou, 1896 to the aluclng necessities of ates his window. The sign tells the John D please GROSS—At Deer Isle, Jan 1. Julia B. wife of Tracy, 7 36 Freedom,” A O 88 8 4 where the merchant is their lives.—"The New by Overskirts That Ripple. Gross, sgtd years, months, days. vasser-by Bakod au Gratin. Jan 4, Frederick T President Wilson. Potatoes Sometimes the overskirt is HOMER—At Bnoksport, located; the attractive window invites Turnkey: well ripple Homer, aged 82 years, 4 months, 20 days. Bake large potatoes until done, him in sidewalk. ad- J H dropped from the hip Instead of being LAMPHER—At Bnoksport, Jan 6, Velma, In- from the That’s Kaoomber, 710 00 cut lengthwise, scoop out, mash well, Softly. gathered at the waist line. In making fant daughter of Mr and Mrs Mott Lam- vertising, and good as far as it goes, bounty roads, 74086 Speaking add butter, a little milk or cream, salt pher, aged 4 months, 22 days. declared a frock which combines two mate- State aid in 97 “I’ll demand a Jury trial,” up William hut it doesn’t go far enough—it doesn’t plantations, 2,716 and pepper and whip until fluffy; re- McCARTNEY-At Ellsworth, Jan 8, W rials—say serge and plaid silk or plum I McCartney, aged 91 years, 10 months, 24 Judge Hancock man court, 18 76 the lawyer. with get the sidewalk. An advertise- fill and sprinkle grated cheese. colored mohair and days. Ipyond W C Co nary, rent of 10 00 would be better to re- pussy willow—yoke' ment carries the offloe, "Perhaps it Put back In the oven for the cheese to 8WAYZE—At Washington, D C, Jan 8, Mrs in the local paper sign OP and sleeves are of the silk, bqglce and La- Cunningham, rent of offloe, 4 00 It in a manner,” suggested Lillian McFarland Swayze, formerly of and window to the homes ot pro- quest polite melt and brown slightly. These pota- or skirt of the wool materials; the Town of 2 fear I'm a tri- yoke moige. Bluehill, 00 feminine client. “I with a and them / Maine his toes served roast of veal are a ripple overskirt of silk and the skirt TRACEY—At Boond, Dec 24. infant eon of Mr spective customers, pulls Registers, 9 70 Courier-Journal. and Mrs Charles A fle guUty.’’-Louisville real addition to the meal. beneath of the wool woven stuff. Tracey. from the home to the store. / Ice for oounty buildings, 80 00 l^tNattaai Etpr Urttafc r VTY NEWS to tha wadding mnreh from Lohengrin CO played by Ralph a Smith, another oonalo vuuxm«nii wh»w«. Hnneonk L»b,r Co. 4M *» waa ohanaing in Hirooci m. hlliWrt of tha hrida. The hrlda « M- *- BLUBHILL. Utkrmuttf matr oommlmtowom begun • a gown ot whits tatfrta stilt' aad georgette Do ever have Charles Emery, » • you Land Co, taxman MU* Gladys E. Mackay la teaching la 'She carried a bouquet ot whits E * Bing Unpaid hmduultaated la the town* ! crepe. Henry Frsntiss, ■xokavUkb In theoouaty at Bnckfield. oarnatloos. The bridesmaid waa Miaa ■ Hancock ,* ftBSr&BB&Sla. d im Frank Hinckley. am trna nth at Orsember. tag John W Htnch, 10,l$t ***• Mt*> at the la re- Lila Severance, ot East Orrington. the “blues”? I»D mam tha commissioners tbao- senior class academy A county IM of taan oa The K H Greoly. fTTHB tnllawias teal tatat*., and oordasce with ahapter IK of the pablle non-xatdeul nwaara la (or a to be in abort Barbara Smith, daughter of, Ur. A H E Hamlin and X tba ton. 2 1 hearsing play given That feeling often Sweat Mela* far the year a. 4. IMP, afaraaald. for the waa flower Beu- discouraged barley Gideon Joy. Brookarllla year weeks. Mra. Arthur Smith, girl. (rat made aa annnal in the month JJJ J4JJ JJJ to BO for col I notion two comes from a disordered stom- Inspection C Vey Holman. milted for tala t0„J' j af September, a. d. 12ML at all the county roads JJJ *JJ *JJ Mto day of has been vis- ben of a ooaain of the Minnie Bos* Holman, M 7$» tkr April. Wit. remain, Mrs. B. T. N. Bliss, who Oagood Barry, liver. Get In tha unincorporated townships and traou aotlra It karebe that ach, or an inactive Fred W Ayer, aad given It aald ESi Robinson and groom, was beat man. Beatrice Smith of land In said county and haring thereupon JJJ MJJ JJJ Internet aad art not iting her parents. Dr. wits, and to Nash A Bewail. *710 with ehargoa prerion.u in shape made aa estimate of the amoant needed MJJ «JJ ao of waa ribbon-bearer. The ser- your digestion B • paid, math the real ontale taxed ot returned home Saturday. slrgie ring them in so ns to be safe aad con- Robert Walker, JJJ JJ Bangor, pat repair Herbert B Bobbins, 4 eufflcient to pay tha amount dan waa Her. the bile venient lor do nearer J* therefor, t.! for Bos- vice performed by Edgar Cousins, acting properly—then public travel, hereby eluding internet aad ohargua. will be Miss Edith Chase left Friday the Sac Bribed anineorporated mu Brewer. Delicious refreshments were the “blues” vml You span following wS without farther aotloa at pablle as sten- of disappear. tracts af land in said county fi&SftttUr JS is anetioTS where she has employment tewashlp* aad the town hoax in aald town,on tha Bret J," ton, six friends ot the bride. will soon be if take of emissive af water aad land re- *■ Industrial served by girl cheerful, you Hancock, »» day in Fah.aary, WIT. U* o’clock a. m ographer at the Woman’s served for ass, for the above named ia a of Brewer public jum The bride graduate high of aad said road* Union. purpose putting keeping 30.04, »4UAM *«m«s and has boats of friends. The in for tha a. d. 1*17: and also for school, repair year of £•« Merton Emerton, Nor- on State roads, io We hereby Lincoln C. Bre,Jon. of ot Joseph Barton, ia in tbe permanent improvements appoint Name owner, doaorlptioa lncTd i2 groom engineering department accordance with IK of the public Frsnelio. u spot to nuperlntead the «»- man Arthur Gray, chapter dl- property. A eta Gray, Joseph Gray, ot the steam owned by Hon. laws af ISIS, ns follows, to wit: of the sold of J4.40 noder oor yacht Aria, pOndilure off Maine OoaR Granite Co, or George Hughes, Clarence Monroe, Charles Upon township number raven, south di- rectiuu upon t • roods in the western part aaknown, Edward H. Blake, of Bangor. nt the com at ox and graalX qearry at Sbntn BOTHAM'S vision, we ssasas the sum of «30.i« for the re- noi township No. to. commencing John William Saunders, Brookarllla, Parker, Parker, and Mrs. Cousins will be at home to in said ss In ot No. 0 end extending to n an> Mr. pair of roads township provided line township Horace Green, or nnknown. the Snow and Hollis Stover left laws at Maine tor marked “A” .trailing on the northern Lewla Benjamin friends after Jan. at chapter MS af the pablle stoke Green at North their many 1, Sorry. and desirous of State aid aide of aaid road In aaid townahfp No. W; tha plaee Bieokarille, u a for N. J., to be em- the ysar IMS; being Richard Wllklae, or unknown, houte Thursday Petcock, for of the State road ram ol gHtof aaid aaaeaament together with permanent improvements lot at South Brookarllla, ._ in and storing ice. we raise aad amount received from tha State la to be ployed cutting la said township, hereby appro- tbe Walloon or EAST OKLAND. PIUS la addition to said amount regularly tbe State road in said town* Blackley, aaknown, priate expended upon Albion Blodgett helra. or rtlaed and for the care of high- ■hip u directed by tbe State highway oona- nnknown, ronrr installation. George Snow broke bis leg recently. the remedy for life’s appropriated one nodtvidad half ot the Albion people’s ways and bridges In said township, the sum mission. act of as In IK of the pub- wt as- Blodgett property, ,, A. Garfield G. A. and the Henry Dunbar baa a crew lumbering on common ailments. They Site provided chapter Upon township No. 10, eastern part, Ed. Howard,or nnknown, land at James post, R., lic laws of IMS. Said sssrssments amoant in the of roads Cape sess the son of #106.10 lor repair Bonier, » relief held a installa- the Eugene Gross lot. on the stomach, nil to the snm of Valuation OXf.TXS. of a,, woman’s corps joint thoroughly $130.10 In said township os priTided in cbspter 180 W. B. Srorna. Bate of taxation four mills on a dollar. And and Collector tion at the hall Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mra. James DsBocher have liver and and soon reg- tbe public laws of Mains for tbe year I960; of taxea of the town cf post bowels, os assess eaoh of tbs several im- Brookarllla. hereby upon being desirous of State aid for permanent Doc. la, W1B. Dinner was served at noon. gone to Orono for a short visit. ulate and strengthen these im- owners nasted In the following list, hie re- of the State road m said town- therein set down of said provements The officers were installed by spective proportion ship, we hereby raise and (appropriate in ad- following Alla Wood har returned to West Penob- organs. Purely sum as COLLECTOR'* NOTICE OP portant vege- of fallows:— dition to said amount regularly raised and SALE. Past Commander S. P. Snowman: Com- and scot, after a visit with her sister, Bertie table—contain no harmful No. Vslu- appropriated for tbe care of highways Unpaid taxee on land* attnated In the town of mander, fi. S. Osgood; senior vice-com- Nama of owner. acrae- atloa. Tax. bridges in said township, the sum of $00 as Penobehot, In the county of Hancock, for tha Churchill. Whenever you feel lWi of tbe Ians of drugs. aasionrr awnsna. provided in chapter public year Wit. H. G. Herrick; Junior vice-com- amount in all to mander, Mrs. Aurilla has to Bine- a few doses will 1914. Said assessments Higgins gone despondent Emerson Preble, III SIB S IS Bats of taxation, fifteen mills on a following Hat of taxee on real rattle mander, 1. W. Bowden; quartermaster, M* IM $164.10. hill to tbe winter with her Wllmot Smith, US dollar. ol non roe Ideal ownera. In the town of P. H. ad- spend daugh- IN Valnation, $10,840. THE J. H. Morse; surgeon, Staples; R V Smith, ISO 771 Penobecot, for the year 1X11, committed tow ter, Mina Parker. 1M jutant, 8. P. Snowman; sergeant major, Make Susie I. Smith, IN t*0 No. Vain- for collection for mid town, oa the anth dor Jan. 1. M. Things Jackson A Tracy, IOC SOS im Name of owner. acres, ation. Tax. of May if IB, remaloa unpaid; and notloe li P. P. sergeant, J Tt B4 1» that If mid Stinson; quartermaster Ruby Tracy, Cberryfield Lumber hereby given taxea, intereat and officer of the A. R. Car- 94 06 chargee are not pxvlonely paid, an ninth d A. Sanborn; day, Meade is after a serious illness. u Co. *108 $6,270 $ Boy out, no sxan su L 50 190 1 >0 i the real relate taxed aa la auRelent to officer of the Emerton; look Charles Wooster, par tha ter; guard, Henry amount doe therefor, Arno Perkins is very ill of pneumonia. Brighter Hon-nnsiomrT ownnns. George Downing, ISO 880 6 70 Including Intereat aad Herbert R 80 00 90 charge., will be mid at public auction patriotic instructor, Dority. —o Salt of Amt IMUm la At World, Kben astate, N 100 M Robert Walker, at Ashley 00 Town ball, in .aid town, eame are: Nettie of is h 25c. T N 200 K Fred W Ayer, 980 *400 90 (the being the The officers of the relief corps Jones, Brooksville, visiting ^verywbara. hot**, 10c- Fletcher Wood, where the laet Walter A Smith, 1M <00 1 to WL Robertson, 26© 600 9 00 place preceding annual terra Mrs. G. W. senior vice- at Maria Meade’s. 6 86 of mid town waa held) on the President, Butler; Oolia Baker ettate, N IN (4 Woodbury Small est, 166 190 meeting Brat 60 120 1 so Mo de/ of February. If i?, at f o'clock a. at. Mrs. B. S. junior vice- Mrs. Mary Gray is at home from a visit GREEN LAKE. O F Baker, SO 140 «4 Aaron Wooster, president, Osgood; 0 in Penobscot. John C McFUul, NS 1000 40 Name of owner, deecrlption of Mrs. Mary A. Peters; treasurer, Mrs. A. E. children visited in 4,162 $10440 $16610 Tag on president, Dyer and Rockland A Bockport real eotale. real eat Mrs. Abbie S. Mrs. Everett Dort has an to Lime Co, ljg 2.400 in We Lincoln C. don, of Billings; secretary, appointment Bangor recently. hereby appoint Brag Geo M Warxn eat. of lot No 90, John H 2d, 17 IN 72 as to tbe ex part Sadie T. Mrs. S. P. work at the Brook Tracy, Franklin, agent superintend R a, value dlls Snowman; chaplain, Craig hatchery. Charles C F A Jerome Baker, IN DO 128 of me sum of $105.10 under oar di- ftp) Smith and Everett Uoogins of pendi.ure Warren P Hooper, Geo Veasie farm conductress, Mrs. Nettie John A Peters, rection tbe rosdt in tbe eastern of Snowman; Homer Dunbar and Ernest Snow are Hancock have teams upon part and land bouant of Cvrua M hauling wood for C. Henry W Cushman, No. at a stake Leach; Leach; Mrs. Sarah assistant said township 10. commencing aleo laud bought of Wm G Connor, guard, Daria; hauling box wood for Henry Dunbar. E. Scribner. Charles J Dunn, marked “A” on tbe north aide of aaid road value f 1.200. 3110 conductress, Mrs. H. T. Sargent; assistant Howard B Moor, 2,200 4 400 17 M and extending to the west line of Cberryfield; Mary Cotton spent Sunday with her B. A. F. M. F W Goodwin, 7.5N 15,100 60 40 1. W. Bownnia, Collector of tinea for guard, Mrs. W. L. Stover; press corre- Chapman, accompanied by tbe sum ol 960 of said assessment, together tba who is laid with Frank P Noyes, 250 600 2 00 with tbe amount received from tbe State, is to town of Penobecot tor the rear toil W. brother, George Snow, up Perkins, spent Saturday and Sunday at SO 20 spondent, Mrs. E. Mayo; patriotic Frank Johnson, 25 be upon tbe State road in said Dec. 20. 1919. a broken 00 expended leg. Mr. Chapman’s cottage. William Hill. 75 IN as directed the State highway instructor and musician, Mrs. F. P. Mer- 1 30 township by Frank 8 Libby. IN 200 commission. NOTICE or FOICECLO IKK Mrs. Helen has returned from West Jan. 1. S. rill ; color bearers, Mrs. J. B. Bettel, Pickering William R Martin, 12 78 10 No. 22. middle division, we 130 200 80 Upon township Sadie L Shapleigb. of Mrs. W. H. Mrs. Brooksville, her school on account Edward O’Brien, aaaessa the sum of $108.75 lor tbe repair of Surry, £. C. Barrett, Horton, closing N Hancock county, Maine, bv her mort- George Dyer of Bangor spent Sunday Thomas Perry,; IN 200 roads in said township as provided in chapter WHEREAS of N IM N gage deed dated April 17, a. d. 1912. and re- Carrie Hinckley. whooping cough. JF Plummer, 150 of the laws of Maine lor the year with hit brother, A. E. Dyer. M IN 72 public corded in said Hancock county regis of 8. S. Everett Smith, 1909; and desirous of State aid for tbe ry j Jan. Jan. 8. M. 5 N 08 being deeds, in book 469. page 94, conveyer to Ostler Mist Alms Merrill of Holden a of tbe State road in spent N permanent improvements Orav. of said So ry, a cert «|'i lot or parcel of aaid we raise and appro- LLLE. few last week her 400 IN township, hereby land with the bull-iings aitaat-o iu SARGENTV SEAWALL. days with fatber. Alonso Smith, 700 in addition to said amount thereon, priate regularly in Mid and State and ooundfd Helen W Smith and raised and for the care of Surry, county Miss Jennie E. Grindai has returned Mrs. Florence Hadlock Charles Johnson has a crew 1 0* appropriated bigb and described as follows, to-writ: No has gone to catting Louise H Whitten, 135 270 and in said tbe sum of tberiy j 60 100 40 ways bridges township, and etsterlv land of the heir* of the late home from Massachusetts. Florida for the winter. wood for Bacon A Robinson. William Sperry, aa in 130 of tbe by $2Wi provided chapter public William O. westerly land form- John A Peters. laws of 1913. Said assessments amount in all Treworgy; by L. for Miss Mae B erly owned by Koeweil Q. Swell; and south- Irving Nevells left Thursday Cushman Pomroy of West iremont Sbute of East Holden visited Howard Moor to 9908.75. Rate of taxation, eight mills on a Alexander O erly by the and runniog.back there- Boston. has R. E. at L. P. McUown’s Hagerthy dollar. Valuation, $38,594. highway, employment with Newman. recently. Henry W Cushman from two hundred and twenty fe-t: being Charles J 600 4 00 No. Vain- formerly the homestead o' the itte John M. Mis6 Vera N. Warding, who is teaching Muse of visited his Friends of Mrs. Harold Cole were Dunn, 1.0N Joseph Rockland, Isaiah Tracy, 5 30 08 Name of owner. acres, ation. Tax. Merrill. Reference is here made to deed from at Rock is a to learn wood, spending few weeks sister, Mrs. George Doiliver, recently. grieved of her death in Bangor, 105 210 84 02 Fred W Ayer, 346 690 6 62 Nettie J. Easterbrook to Arno W. Kmr.dittd 20, 1904. and recorded in Hancock with her parents. where she went for treatment, at the age John 8 Young and Cberryfield Lumber Sept. reg- ^Misses Margaret Doiliver, Hazel-Mel- Lewis Kidder, M 2N N CO. 4.425 8.850 70 80 istry of deeds. In book 411, pag 210, and to ill of She is survived deeds therein referred to And whereas the Walter H. Sargent spent lirt week with anson and Agnes Ward have returned to twenty-four years. by Mark Frost heirs of, 320 640 6 12 Total non-residents, 14.878 929*96 9115 98 Mace Mid Gray, on the fourtu U »y of Octo his C. her husband and three children—Clifton Albert E eel. 820 640 6 12 Oatley parents, Capt. Benjamin Sargent Castine normal school. Total residents, 690 a*02 18 21 Whitcomb. ber, a. d. 1916, assigned and rausferred said W. and Haynes and wife. H., Roy Ruth Louise; also by her A Whitney, 6.(87 12.174 97 39 mortgage, together with the notes aud ebt Mrs. Fred Thurston, who has been with to me as father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Totals, 15,068 982,298 912919 10,400 15.600 124 90 thereby secured, the undersigned Miss Flora L. Bowden has returned to her mother a few weeks, has returned to 222 19 by bis deed oi assignment « f that date will Grant of Mt. Chase. Mrs. We hereby appoiut B. V. Smith, of Steuben, and wherma the condition of said her in Although appear, school Bull, Mass. her home in as agent to superintend the expenditure of Mc&inley. Cole had lived here but a 21.897 $8,6*4 $318 75 mortgage baa been broken, aud remains short time, the sum of 929.19 under our direction upon Velerious V. Black is at home for the Dec. 31. T. E. D. broken, now, therefore, by reason of the moving here from Aroostook county, the »oads in said township No. 7; the sum of We hereby appoint- Herbert T. Silsby. of breach of the condition thereof. 1 claim a of said with the winter. her 9100 assessment, together Aurora, as agent to superintend the expendi- foreclosure of Mid mortgage and hereby give Robinson has genial disposition won for her many amounts received from the is to be ex- Joseph gone to Boston State, ture of the sum of $lut».7S under our direction notice of my intention to foreclose the same. Mrs. Azor C. is her friends. was State road in s.-id Dodge visiting where be has Interment at her former pended upon the township upon the roads in s»i township No. 22; the Hairy E. Con sky. employment. the State commission. sister in Mass. as directed by highway sum of $.*00 of said asses-ment. together with Fbbd L. Mason, his Watertown, home. Dyer Brook. number south divis- Ry attorney. Miss Mitchell of Bernard has been visit- Upon township eight, the amounts received from the 8iat». is to b Dated January 8, a. d. 1917 Jan. 8. we ssaess the sum of 984.94 for the re Mrs. Sarah E. Billings is spending a 8. ion, expended upon tbe state road in said town- ing relatives at G. V. Young’s. of roads in said township aa as directed few weeks pair provided ship by the Sta e highway com NOTICE or rOBBCLOSI UK with her daughter in Brockton, in chapter 150 of the public laws of Maine for mission. Alexander Ward has to SEAL COVE. AddieO. of the t. wn Mass. gone Bangor to the year 1909; and being deairous of 8tate aid No. middle Farrell, Upon township 28, division, we of cf Hancock aud finish his studies at Shaw business The for permanent improvements of the 8tate assess the sum of $120.40 for the of WHEREASTremont, county college. “I-sryman Minstrel Co.” gave an repair State of Maine, hei deed dated Francis Dow, of Njrth Brooksville, is road in said township, we hereby raise and roads in said township as provided in chapter by mortgage Miss Ora Newman entertainment at the hall in addition to said amount October 24. 1906, and recorded iu Hancock his spent her vacation Wednesday appropriate regu- ISO of the laws of Maine for tbe year visiting grandparents, Capt. BaOson raised end for the care of public Maine, of deeds, book 434, with her was served. The affair larly appropriated 1909; and being desirous of State aid for the county, registry and wife. sister, Mrs. Herbert Farnsworth, evening. Supper in said the -*44. to Ida 8. Bartlett 'then of highways and bridges township, improvements of the State road page conveyed at Ellsworth. was managed Norman and mm of aa in 190 of permanent the town of St. Oeorge, couufiy of Knox and by Townsend, $120 provided chapter in said township, we hereby raise and appro- Miss Agnes Kane has to East the laws of 1919 Said assessments State of Maine) now of Mt. Desert in s*id gone Jan. 8. was a success. About was realized. public priate in addition to said amount regularly T. E. D. f35 in all to the sum of 94. Valua county of Hancock, a certain lot or parcel of Blaebill to teach. amount 9204 raised and a, propriated for the care of high- Dec. 30. N. R»ie ol ten mills on a land situated In the town of Tren>oat afore- tlon,*920.494. taxation, ways and bridges in said the sum BUCKSPORT. % township, said and bounded and d* scribed a* follow*, Miss Ruth Sargent has returned to South dollars. of $100 as provided in chapter 180 of tbe pub- And we assess each of the to wit: on the east side of the Frederick T. Homer died hereby upon lic laws of 1918. Said assessments amount is Beginning Hadley, Mass., where she is Thursday at T. W. has moved several owners named* in tne Mst. town road at the southwest corner of John H. attending Walls his family from following all to $220.40. Rate of taxation, five mills on the borne of Sis Mrs. bi» therein set down or Robinson's land, and follows said town road college. daughter, Albert to their here the respective proportion a dollar. Valuation, $44,080. Opeechee cottage lor sum ol as follows: rods and aix (6) feet; at the of said 9904.94 southerly eight (•) Jsn. 1. Him. j Lowell, age eighty-two years. winter. No. Valu- thence ten (107and one-half (**) rod* __ No. Vain- easterly He Name of owner. aerta. ation. Ta*. to a stake on the and east aide of a well leaves betides Mrs. Lowell, one other -Name of owner. scree, atlon. Tax. sontb NORTH CASTINE. Jan. 8. N. Cherrvfield Lum of water; thence with the Mrs. Pannie two 100 09 northerly, parallel daughter, Page, grand- Hiram B Archer, 9900 94 ber Co, 160 89 180 first mentioned line on said town road eight David 69 999 2 69 Dodge is at home from Rockland. children, and one gnat Howard C Fletcher, William N Nssh. 5^)1* 10,024 8012! (8) rods and six (6) feet to the southwest corner -granddaughter, BAR HARBOR. William H Rankin, 10 170 170 thence all of William N Nash, exr 4,106 8,210 41 •$ of the Mid John H. Robinson's land; Charles who has been em- Bucksport. Lorenzo Z Fletcher, 64 100 1 00 Hodgdon, Mrs. Alfred E. Conners died Whitcomb, H-tynes following the said John H. Robinson s south Wednesday Iris D Fletcher, 116 990 190 and ployed in Portland, is home. Helen, wife of George died * Whitney, IJ.7M OT«* 11ns westerly to the place of beginning Chandler, evening at her|home on Mt. Desert street, containing (66) rods more ~898 91,174 91176 eighty-five square Miss Annie L. Dan bar has resumed Mondey afternoon, Jan. 8, after a abort her death but three after 21.M0 $44,000 tmm or less, with the buildings thereon, and being occurring days owvnas. the same the said Ida in the Emerson illness of Besides her hus- xox-tMiDiiT We Herbert T. premises deeded me by teaching district. pneumonia. that of her A. E. Conners. hereby appoint, o4 S. Bartlett And where- husband, Capt. Albert F 978 669 6 80 Aurora, u to by deed off even date. — Bnrnhan, agent •uperintend the band, she lemves four ct ildnn Mn. expendi- as the conditions of said have been Miss Annie B. Conner left to re- Mrs. Conners was born in Steuben in 1841. Whitcomb, ture of the sum of $1,0.40 under onr direction mortgage Friday Haynes and remain therefore, by Annie Hsnden, Mn. Nellie and Jt Whitney. 9*88 8,188 6166 upon the road. In Mid Ho. the broken, so, now, •nme her school work at East Winn. Hagertby lownxhtp M; reason of the breech of the conditions thereof. William Davie, 81 81 88 •am of $100 ol eeld aeseetment, with William Chandler and together I claim a forecloenre and Mrs. W. of,Bar Harbor, BJMurch. 840 1*80 1680 the amoonte received from t e la of sold mortgage, 8. Bridges of Penobscot is vis- State, to be this the revised Louis Chandler of Bucksport. abhetiiscmctita- Calvin P Thomas expended upon the State road In Mid town- give notice aa provided by iting her Edwin at statutes of Mains. Ida 8. Bastlht. parents, Cspt. Ordway and John B Lit- •hip directed by the Bute highway com- and wife. tlefield. 1.419 2*10 19 90 mission. By her attorney R. Fcllxx. ATLANTIC. Heryey Kingman, 87 174 1 74 It ie hereby ordered that a Hat of townahlpa Gno. Howard Gordon and wife of O M 1*89 2*04 2804 thc Jannary % 1917. Rockland Mn. Ven has been Klttridge, foregoing aneeexmente thereon be ___ Harding visiting John O Whitney, 500 1*00 10 00 published In the Elleworth American, a spent Christmas with Mrs. Gordon’s COLLECTOR*! NOTICE OP SALE. her pannte, N. B. Truk and wife. PROFITBV THIS MaryC Austinest, 1.196 2*80 9980 paper printed In the connty where the lande of parents, David Dodge and wife. Oaaper Frasier, 10 90 90 lie. three week, succeeairely. the last publica- Unpaid taxes on land situated in tbe town Napoleon Tnek end wife have gone on Charles J Treworgy, 880 700 7 00 tion to be within three monlhe from the dole Oouldsboro, In the oonnty of Hancock, for Mrs. Fannie Hutchins 90 of aMesament. Marshall, who a to Portland. Don’t Waste Another Day. LH Brown, 40 80 tbs year 1916. trip H B 409 .90 0 82 Elleworth, has been visiting her Mrs. Alma Hamlin, Maine, December 11, lgta. list of taxes on real estate of sisters, 975 1,160 1160 following or Miaa Amy Joyce, who epent Christmas ACHagerthy, w. H. 1 Co. non-resident owners in tbe town Perkins and Mrs. Edith left When an worried Linwood 28 80 80 Snnnnair, Comr’x THB Grover, last yon by backache; Brown, H. B. Moon. Oouldsboro, for tbo 1916, committed to with her pannta, Walter Joyce and Linwood Brown and J for year week for Maas. wife, By lameueea and and bladder M. L. me for collection, for said town, on the ninth, Lynn, kidney Mrs William Brown. 00 190 190 iuu, I Hancock Co. has nturned to Southwest Harbor. day of November. 1916, remains unpaid: ana Jen. 1. l. disorders— L F Giles, 90 00 00 in- _ notice ie that if said taxes, Misses Doris riiMB subscriber hereby given Raymond Tomy. Tortey Don’t with an hereby (ires notice that terest and are not experiment untried Total 0.089 919*18 919918 charges previously Mabel and Lida Smith non-residents, ••'po,Bted Bdm,BlBlrB- much of the real eetate taxed as is aufrciesi SURRY. Staples have m- medicine. Total residents, 8H 1,179 1179 tfc to pay tbs amount dus tbsrefor, lnclud ng to- turned to Southwest Harbor school. GEOBQE-OOUSUTS. high Follow Ellawortb CHARLES E. late ol ELLS- terssc nod will bs sold at public people's example. Totals, 9*97 990.494 9904 9» PBTTINGILL, charges, the Austin Joyce left Dec. for Use Doan’s Pills. WORTH. a notion at Town bones, in said towr A wedding of interest to 30, Norwood, Kidney We hereby appoint B. F. Jordan, of Wal- same the last p ced- Ellsworth and In the of being tbs place where R. L, when he teaches. Mr. Ellawortb tham, as agent to superintend the expendi- county Hancock, deceased, no bond annual town of said tow/, was Surry friends took place Joyce spent Here(j testimony. being required. All ing meeting Saturday evening, ture of the ran of 994.91 under oar direction pertone having demands held) on tbs first of March, •»“**»* a week at Christmas with hie Verily' it if yon wish? egeinst the estate of said Monday Dec. 23, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. pannu, npon the roads In said township No. 8; the decease! and*, 9 o'clock a. m. Levi Joyce and wife. Mrs. T. F. Grant Ells- sum of 9199 of said assessment together with tl1* ■■■*•,or settlement, and William George in East when McCarthy, Bt., nilif*? Indebted 7 thereto Orrington, the auionnte received from the State is to be nr* requested to makeman* Names of owners, description of Dec. 30. J. E. M. worth, says: “1 hare need Doan’a Kid- real €,t their only daughter, Ethel was upon the State road in said town- payment immedlnuly. real estate. May, expended Jan. 3, 1917. * ney Pills on two different occasions ship aa directed ,by the State highway oom Plobucb M. Pnnivoiu. esi, married to Kaymood G. Cousins, of tor Hillard and Joseph Smallldge Surry, COREA. mission. land known aa the dam lot, in the kidney disorders and they oertaiuly upper^ presence of the immediate family do, Upon township number nine, aonth divis- 69 a, value $190, *284 The and wife have as subscriber n-r and close Baptist pastor moved represented. My bock bothered me. we assess the son of 941*8 for the re- hereby gives notice t»*« friends. The rooms were taste- ion, THB Mna. A ea T. Btsyws, Collector of into rooms over the Ray aton. I bad a doll pain across my pair of roods In said township as provided in •*£•- 1916 fully decorated, the living room and 'din- kidneys and 189 of the laws of Maine for Azasrs* for the town of Oouldsboro for tbs y^r it made me miserable and restless at chapter pnbllo Dec. room Walter who is on the the desirous of State aid DORA M. AREY. late of BUCKS tt, 1916. ng being in toe Christmas Yonng, employed In tbs year 1909;.and being PORT, colors, night. morning, I felt tired and for of the State la the while the minionary boat Sunbeam, Christmas permanent improvements county of Hancock, deceased, and parlor, where the was spent worn out from road la said ws raise and bonds as oeremony loss of sleep, A friend township, hereby given the law dlroot*. All ger- STATIC OP MAINE. with bis in addition to said amount eons performed, was decorated in green, pink family. advised me to nee Doan’a Kidney Pills appropriate regu- having demand* against the relate Habcook ss. and I a raised and appropriated for the ears of said deceased are 2, 1917- and a got supply from G. A. Pareher’a larly of desired to present Trensnrer's office, Jsn. white, evergreen being used profusely. The Paula gave Ires entertainment at and bridges in said township the ‘be enras lor cepocit Drugstore. Il was no time before the highways settlement, and nil indebted HE following is n true list of bank The wedding party stood under an arch the Baptist church Christmas Re- sum of 979 as provided In chapter 110 of the r*|B**Ud *° mBk* books uncalled for night. trouble disappeared. I gladly recommend lawe of1919. Said assessments amount Pbjment l2? representing of pnblie 2SJ2tl.lT transferred to me B. A. Blaiedeli. former evergreen. Mias Flora B. a freshments wen served. All a ui ail to 9119*2. Bate of taxation ten mills on by Smith, nport Doan’s Kidney Pills.” jnn. *,1917. Cnaaue A. Anar. county treasure, under and in compliance cousin of the a dollar. Valuation 911*68. 19U bride, sang, “O, Promise good tima. Pried 60c. at all dealers. with 179 of the public laws of Don’t simply No. Vain- chapter Me.” The bridal party entered the room Jan. 1. S. SUt.of.LnA ask for a kidney rented}— get Doan’s Kid- Name of owner. aeree. ation. Tax. TH* subscriber hereby gives notice that Afflt H H B M,P°1“Ud —W BoUU UU BMid.nce **■! Klghty-Seven Years Old. ney Pills—the same that Mrs. MeChrthy ■ Greely, tnitrl* of What TeDogos Had Colds. Hamlin and Wal- the?estate of*** Moom O. Buck. t11'3 H. H. bad. Back.port, Adams, Springfield, Mo., writes: “I If want a medicine that Fostar-Milbarh Co., Props., Buffalo ter 88 PRANK P. lata of Tho*. tod, had a yoa cough givn BCroeeman, 8*98 94*88 949 COOMBS, PRANK LIN Stanley, Oraab.rryI.le., ,>°2 severe attack of kidney trouble. Iam sad tan aetloa In 'N. V. Nash A Bewail, 680 1009 Margaret Tarn.r, EU. worth '*2 87 quick bawling colds, nought 1*99 getting old, years. I tried different treat- or croap, get Poley’e Homy ana Tar. It heals Bnaker Brothers, 90 199 1 99 meets, out none did me eo BamaMBo^. »g much good ae Inflamed membranes in throat, chest or Bverett A Wentworth, 488 970 9 79 pvi-d F°« HU.” Kidney j°tey Kidnl/Plll. bronchial tabu; breaks up tight Edward 8 Bowen, 2*09 8*12 M19 H.ttl. B. D.tU, Barry, r‘S build up wettoMd oongbt, kidney., help rid the loos tea phlegm, stakes breathing eeaiar, stops ONLY th« UM for Baaaal B. Fraatky, Brooklin, blood onuild. nod poison, nnd reUev. bind- in POWERFUL settlement, Bad all indebted >;} tickling throat. Contains no opiates_ W Hljm PIMM 40 B dor trouble.—Moore’s Drug 8tore. r*qi”Ud im- *• «4 «« 3 We hereby appoint Linooln C. Brandon, of miaisUly** BUaaH. Franklin, a* agent to the ex- Jbii. t» ItiT. Emily Sargent, Mi Dmrt, “J MEDICINE WILL END sapedatond L. Coombs. David Cmatl.., ,0‘2 penditure of the enm of *41-61 under onr di- BarrtrtSawyer, gMtrtiwmqtto. rection n the roada la aald EH.od.Txm, Baakoport, JS pon towaahlp No. B. B, I*" tha earn of of aald »«hso»ihsr Joy, BlUwortb, P; PM aaaeasmeut, together HP®® hereby ftYss nodes that Trexurer with the aatoaat racaired from the Btata, la to B. F. WnoooTV, County b* expanded noon tha Stale road la mid olthaVJJ^Sdtrir^ss??,*- _Banooek Mnnty. aa directed' tba State th*< RHEUMATISM towaahlp by highway ALBERT W. GILLBY, lata of aaraay *iva notice oommiaaloa. ISLESFORD. FpBB.abMrlb.ra X they ban boon duly appointed .dmioU It matters not whether yon have bad ORANBBRRY I8LBS, tratoro ol Upon towaahlp number tea, western In tb. ootato of part, the county of no agonising pains from rheumatism for wo aaaaea tba sum ol Haaoooh. *74-40 for tha repair of *h* JOSEPH M. BIOOIN8, Into of BLLBWOBTH, TheRichest 30 yean or for 30 roada said aa «* «*M will. All Plant Foods distressing twitchings la township proeidad in chapter p.inonsM1|SSn7^1.1*d bJAmanda ‘?rB1* *AH U the of doooMcd, Bhen me and ISO of tba lawn of Main* for tha haring againat tha estate of county Haneook, weeks, is strung enough pnblie year «tvan bonda m tho law dlraolo, iU P'.'1? aad “* mighty and powerful enough to drive IMP; being dtplmaa of Btato aid for par- for settlement, and an vine demand. tho MtaU of xm maaant improvement* Of the Mat* rood al^ln3.bUd*th.rJ»o*ai. agalaat rheumatic poison* from your body, and la •MMd arc doolrea to proMnt tho .am. aald w* raiee and »r« * abolish all or back. towaahlp, hereby appro- Jan. t, 1917. Vann an, and nil l.d.btod thereto misery, money priate la addition to * of the public give* notion that II. 101 A. ium H. I take a half teaspoonful once a day for two law* of 1*1*. Said aaaaaaments amoant in all “•eu,rt* ! you should know that at last to PXM.40 Bate of taxation sight mills on a ofthelSiSn?SSltaJiiS2?S«*a daya yon dollar. Valaatlon MARY R. lata ’Mum NOTICE, have a pa*API. JORDAN, of obtained remedy that will conquer ELLSWORTH, tr A VINO contraolod with iko City of El»' No. Vain- of no V* rheumatism. L“ *?•««»»»» Hancock, deceased XX worth to and care for tbo.. Name of owner. acres, atioa. oapport Tax. mends PcSo« hTriSj d“ m»y n.ed MototanM flve beg« For over five years throughout America against the estate of said dariaf year, " A Campbell * Oo, M p 1M p 14* are desired «--7TTrrqdeeesaed nlnt J.o. 1, MiA and dre reoid.oM Bbeuma has been prescribed by broad- to present the same local the® r/aiKir. Joel Blackley, M 1M 14P msnti and ail Blloworth, I forbid all tru.tiog LOWELL poroono minded and has released thous- Indebted thereto are •“ physicians OharrySaldlLambar requested on my account, n» there U plenty of room ands from and Oo, *14 an at the 0>tj agony, pain despair. um Jan. 1,1117. Minin T. accommodation. to oaro for thorn | McFablabd. Farm hoax. Amos B. MitobmU- 1 ■" : «.!i'-e.-iB1.. — Burglar* would '.l' ~ii "'■■i'lirM ■ tfj-'fftt never think of look- but In phwe of It • quit* —ft hat b>« tor It he news. here." beard Me moth* luillnt Ugbt «u right In front of hlo copMy COUNTY NEWS ■ey In a low tone. ■ "Oh. Robert, aren’t vide, (taring eyes, and ha heard a votes VICTORT FOR j : •;■•■■-— a they beautiful! And Routed you’re each a not at all pleasant or kind, though It BBOOEUN. caps Hsa | dear to (Ire them to me!” abe added. was low. saying: 'Don't yer make a Oram eat Me bet week Eugana Jordan has gone to Mow Jersey, And Augustus leg Bobble, again quite wide awake, noise, kid! Not a sound, or I’U"- The while la the wood*. whom bo baa employment tut aa tea Christmas ■aw bla working mother bold up to the light a nn Urns. finished threat was quits as terrible Mrs. H. M. Pease ead Mlse Esther are THE CMUDUHS j string of very pretty beads—very, vary as If the had Into minute burglar gone rlsitiag Mrs. Pease’s mother at Isles boro. Georgia Jordan and family are visiting pretty beads. Robbie thought, for they particulars of what he would do. But Tala HU fflriwaa WMl In Burglar jj sparkled in the Mias Iren* Walls left Thursday for Hargvntvilte. light very much as be that anusuai light In front of his ayaa IWl m lUaa".—Haw Mala RaOIA. bad seen Bates oollege, after spending the holidays Several bare have Oiled theirtea-houses. some dewdrops sparkling in and the voice had completely unnerved Saved His: the at home. Tba tea ia not of vary good quality. How Bobby’s Toy [ sunshine away back last summer- Robbie, and he had ho Intention of sparkled wltb such beautiful little Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Fly* have ar- Mias Grace Hutchins of Boston, is occu- * Beads making a noise—In fact he couldn’t Motber’a Pretty flashes of bine and violet and rived at Palatko, Fla., after a stormy trip bar father’s cottage [ orange bare made -ono If he had tried, go pying of two weeks. I and crimson that yon almost wanted to Thecatobea of amalta at Balt have when the burglar whispered hoarsely, pond JAMBS RAYMOND PBRRY '! ■hut to Mrs. Elmer Laaoh several J B> your eyes keep out the dazzle. '‘Where’s them sparklers bid?” Bobble spent days bean vary light tboa far. ■ I The of lost week at North Sedgwick the gnest of by Jam** Raymond Parry. string beads must have been was speechless. For another Instant Farris Sawyer baa a small ertw chopping Mrs. Edward Anderson. 5Copyright A— a_a_a_a_a_a- J_a. a_a. a a a a something very nice. Robbie was sure, the bright light stared him in the face on the Smith lot. for his mamma’s exclamations of B, B. Lorvey was soiled to Southwest pleas- and then wavered away and wandered David and Blwin Dyer am chopping ure when Harbor lost weak the death of his But, after all, not forgetting the they were handed to her off over the room. by wood for John Blake. horse as as he from the tree bad attracted his notice mother, Mrs. Bebecoa Carroll. rocking charger, gentle “I don't s*poee the kid knows,” Bob- itre. Jesse wbo for Gray, baa been visiting or the belt snd sword— a moment In spite of the lively ble man Now Was men and left here was spirited, heard the mutter. Twenty-three boys in ia home. stunt Sambo BlnebiU, that gilt bllted, bright hladed affair— was at the time perform- the time for him to reach for his gun Thursday tor Landing, N. J., where they George Consina has bought s wood lot the fascinating air gun that would ing. He had seen the bead* sparkling and send the but will have employment during the lee har- or burglar scampering, of Frank Bell. mar- then and had be shoot crimson tipped Uar*s with thought would like to sword and gun were quite forgotten In vesting season. have Nelson Bleak baa ire re- velous accuracy: not forgetting, indeed, some Just like them.-They would the fearful fast luatfctf’Of watching the Mrs. E. K. Tapley, who has been spend-' of the many look tied around the an bit boose. any delightful presents, pretty speckled wandering beam opilight and the dim log a week in town, returned to Isleabotylr pairs the fact remained that quite the most charger's neck. His mamma had pat fgure behind it. into-tMa corner and Monday, acoompania& by her daughtdf^ Otis Gray, wbo baa ill, is on the them round her euchantlng thing Christmas tree neck, and they had that the beam fell, the speckled char- Mrs. Orrln Green. MR. JAR. J. ROYALL gaining slowly. was the wonderful dancing fiddler. He looked very fine there, and they would Jan. 8. G. The many friends of Miss Martha Stan- S.S. "Boston ”, Central Wharf. was harely a foot high and propor- look fine round the speckled charger’s ley will be sorry to learn that she is ill in Boston, Mass., April 26th, 1914. tionately sieuder. but for all that be neck even if hb neck wasn’t as round WALTHAM. the hospital at Newton Lower Falls, Mass., "For three years, I was troubled with w as a very lifelike little manikin. And and white and pretty as mamma's. So Mr. and Mra. W. B. Hastings have closed where she was operated upon two weeks At times, the attacks tin- v y he could dance and fiddle was for a moment Robbie was Just a bit Constipation. their home and gone Booth for tbe win- ago. would be a union! H!s fiddling was panto- envious. Then be hnd looked back at very severe, accompanied by ter. Mrs. Edith fell on the ice last The little violin which be held Phillips Disxinesa and Violent Headaches. I uiuie. Sambo, manfully scraping at the fiddle Mr. and Mra. Haste m of Monday afternoon, and broke a bone in Baymond so lovingly against his neck and which and dancing to his silent tuue. and his took medicine and laxatives the whole her left arm. This aocident at Marhtea, are guests of Mr. Haslsm’s so with his happened he acrai>ed Industriously envy sllppeJ away. Sambo was worth time, but as soon as I discontinued the Alden K. Haalmm. an unfortunate time, as Mrs. Phillips it father, bow made no sound, but his dancing a hundred strings of beads, and papa bowels would refuse to L>. D. P. of the Bebekah lodges in this treatment, my Mra. Charles W. Jordan ia spending the was quite the real thing, even if It was hnd given Snmbn to him Instead of to move. Last I went to Montreal district, and all iustaliations come this October, winter with ber brother, Howard Gitea, in a kind of shuBle Instead of the “light mamma, so mamma to have the ought month. ■nd there heard of‘Fruit-a-tives*. I Jamaica Plains Maes. fantastic” kind. All you had to do to beads, and he was she'd glad got them, one were so The Parents-Teachers’ association met used box and the results Mr. and Mr». S. sre make him fiddle and dance was to but a little sorry for her that she Benjamin Willey in the school that I bought two dozen & at wind up a spring tucked sway some- hadn't got a Sambo Instead. Sambos high building Saturday pronounced employed by Crosby WiUey Amber-t, evening, with a good attendance. Several boxes. I continued using ‘Fruit-a-tives* for tbe winter. Mrs. wUl cook in where under his little coat, and off he must cost a great deal of money, Willey as questions were duscussed, among them and noticed a decided I tbe boarding-house. would go as lively you please. though, and papa, rich as he was. improvement. “hot lunches” for pupils who live at a reduced the dose from three a Bobbie at once named the dancing couldn't be expected to buy two Sam- gradually Mr. and Mrs. Marcos G. Strout of Bri d- great distance. These are a fiddler Bumbo, because Sambo was the bos for the same Christmas. So it had meetings day to one tablet every three or four ford, wbo have spent a month witb Mrs. of a fiddler who In great benefit, as parents can keep in touch Stront’a Mr. and Mrs. W. H. reputed name dusky been only u passing shadow for Rob- days until the twenty-four boxes were parents, often came on his street with the work done in the schools. have returned borne. summer up bie, so light anil fleeting that It had finished when my physical condition Kemp, fiddle and anil a with song shuflly scarcely dimmed the brilliancy of the was perfect”. JAS. J. ROYALL. There will be a public installation of dunce to catch the of the JOINT INSTALLATION. iienuies pe- Christmas tree at all. 50c. a 6 for trial 25c. officers of Court Snyctlc, I. O. F., Jan. 13, The installation of Brooklin box, $2 .GO, size, ruinous youngsters u wen nig mere, ms joint lodge at Fox’s ball. Coart Wilson A. uut now ltohBle was more certain At all dealers or sent by Fruit-a-tives Deputy Christmas Sambo was uot l.O.O. F., and Center Harbor Rebekah little nearly than ever that the heads must be Googins will, be installing officer. lle- was held There limited, New York. us dark ns the big summer but lodge Monday evening. Ogdensburg, Sambo, so- choice, else his mam- freshments will be served. cthlng very was a attendance. hr was dark nevertheless—after large The officers of unite ma would not he so about particular the Odd Fellows were installed Jsn. 1. L. the style of a sun browned Italian. His by D. D. hiding them away from robbers. Hardison land, operated by Mr. Darres garments, too, were gaudy anil in keep- G. M. W. A. Alexander of Ellsworth, as- “1 know where I’ll put them," he sisted D. D. G. M Frank o( New Hampshire, was burned Friday NORTH BROOKSVILLE. ing with tlie diameter. He tiad quite by Call^nf Ells- is a severe loss to Darres. heard her say as the box lid snapped in a manner. night. This Mr. E. W. Perkins has moved into the house shaking dark eyes—this little manikin worth, Very pleasing down and shnt in the beautiful beads This installation was Mrs. Leonard with ho of W. A. —au I s» well had Ids maker done his followed by tbe Clarke, daughter recently purchased Garno, -’’in the fireplace, right down In this Alice is her Mrs. known as the Aaron work that when Sambo got to scraping Rebekah installation, Mrs. ^Stanley, Lenore, visiting daughter, Jones place. corner. There! And this spray of hol- acting D. D. P. assisted Mrs. Pettingiil, at Bar Harbor. and 'lancing you had a droll sense that "8UKX, 1 THOUGHT 'TWAB BOMB OHlt” being by Harry Young, who has been on the ly thrown over it quite hides the box. Neva Bridges as grand marshal. beneath his crimson waistcoat a tiny Friends of Irvin Rollins and wife gave Mexican border the past three months, Mo ’.uirglar would think of Into relief and A feature of the was the hur-inii heart must bent. lie was that looking ger suddenly coming evening pre- them a house-warming Friday evening, is visiting bis father, H. D. Young. tliio for It. And tomorrow. Robert, then disappearing as the ray rested on sentation of a past noble grand collar to useful lifelike, you see. and presented them with several Jay Staples has bought the Charles .'■> t must put tin in hi the safe deposit It a moment uml then passed on. Mrs. Anna Herrick, the retiring noble articles in house Though Hobble belted h's sword on furnishings. Staples place at South Penobscot. vault. It’s too valuable a necklace to 'a' hid ’em in the who with the at he let it unnoticed at hts "Moight fireplace,” grand, responded following 8. Echo. once, hnng Jan. Stella Lord is at home for the winter. kee p here i:i the house. the and Rob- verse: side, i.nd, though lie kept the air gun .'peculated burglar softly, original “Just look in Robbie! He's bie's heart sank. The beads REACH. Glen Hamilton has gone to Bar Harbor. close by him, he gave It lint scant at- taken his pretty A HAPPY NEW YEAR. sword and gun to bed ivilh him!” she would be lost after all. Estelle who is Bos- tention, so busy was he winding up the is a Happy New Year Marian Bates of Stoninglon is with Mrs. Bradeeo, attending man whis- A and watching Kauiho tlddle and added, coining nearer the cot. “Why, "Ah! What's that?” the To members, friends, and all; M. P. Eaton. ton university, was at home for the holi- spring I bid a greeting you'ie IIwake, dearie, aren't you?” she pered sharply. Something by the fire- you hearty days. dance. Whether the little heart under To-night in Odd Fellows.hall. Arthur C. Annis is spending a few s.nlii I. the crimson vest lebollcd ut hav- Then she bent over und kissed i.lace Imd clicked in the stillness—a Jan. 1. C. dually for health and weeks with bis parents. F. H. Annis and li'.tu a second a click like that of a happiness, to work so hard on Christmas eve— good night—such beau- sharp revolver, and His we ing I hope that shall all see, wife. SOUTHWEST HARBOR. of all nights—or whether for other and tiful, beautiful inuniiim she was when swiftly the beam of lantern sought And prosperity in oar lodges, This year, iu F, L and T. MiSB Etta Torrey, who is teaching in sl.e got down close to kiss him!—and the spot. At tire same instant Rob- MEMORIAL RESOLUTIONS. more mechanical reasons. It is a fact the with her after had smiled into each other’s oie's the of is for Franklin, spent holidays Whereas, The reaper has again entered that at last, after ho ng freshly wound, they eyes caught dimly gleam always A To be happy and gay; parents, 8. F. Torrey and wife. our chapter, and taken from us our brother eyes and she had luld her soft cheek a raised weapon in the other the tired little tiddler refused to budge. burglar’s Smile whenever you can. Miss Anita of James Fernald, and his for one delicious moment hand. It will drive sorrow away. Torrey Roxbury, Mask., Shake him as you would, not a serai* against as a mourn few Whereas, We, chapter, deeply she ui:d went and it was is spending a weeks with her parents, would he give to hla l ow or a shuffling pa|«i out, Robbie's gaze followed to where the for the pleasure the loss of a faithful, devoted member, and dark Pis It to us all D. W. Torrey and wife. to his feet Robbie viewed him ngain. But the durk was very trembling beam rested. Whether, hav- givej sincerely sympathize with the family of the push To meet friends and members and whatever to be Miss Mildred who has been with reproachful eyes. ulce nothing afraid ing heard the burglar mention the fire- To-night in this hall. Torrey, departed, therefore, earnest “You wound him too of. Afraid ! Why, there was his faith- and knowing the concealed Jew- visiting her aunt, Mrs. William Bampson, Resolved, That we extend our sym- probably up place also for promise ful gun where he could his •t is home. pathy to them, sending them a copy of these tight, Robbie.” Hr. Wallace. right lay els were now in extreme peril, Sambo Pis Ot blessiugs this year, Rockland, explained also baud on it! It was on It this If we to others resolutions; very had concluded it was time for him to try help D. W. Torrey, jr, spent the holidays And briug them good cheer. Resolved. That a copy be sent to The Ells- minute! Anil was Just beyond his take a hand in the or whether with his D. W. and affair, parents, Torrey wife, worth American for publica tion, one placed trusty sword! And right there by the for oilier and less sentimental for year nineteen-sixteen, to Ellsworth reasons, Yis Gone like the returning Saturday. on our records, and our charter be draped for bedjiost waited the speckled charger by others; it Is certain lie had become an actor Let’s try harder this new one Miss Martha G. Knight spent her va- thirty days. to flee with him if To aid sisters and brothers. .ready necessary. in the scene, for, with a click of his cation with Levi Knight and wife, return- Julia LbmonT, And over there on the stand- John J. Carter, mantel, wound up string, oh' he had started, for nonsense ing to Derby, Vt., Thursday by way of was ns true a sen- Nis That gets into one’s Vesta 8. Carter, ing guard, Saraho, and there on the mantel in head, where sbe will visit her up high Ami this is some of mine, Boston, brothers, lln l rs ever a noiseless fiddle! Committee scraped ,.ie wavering 1 g!it of the Ionium he Ti: ugtn up while in bed. Dr. C. L. Knight and R. N. Knight. S> there was at all to be nothing wus iiidiistri. u.- .y at his Jan. 8. L. scraping away tor everyone are afraid oven if it was dark. And LIng-ring Cough* Dangerous. of, notch "s fiddle and Ei- From far and from vigorously shuffling near; Get rid of that tickling cough that keeps there* were such sweet In his 1 wish you blessiugs abundant SWAN’S ISLAND. thoughts his dance. awake at and drains through grotesque In the coming New Year. yon uigbt your vitality mind now that there would huve been F. F. Morse is in Portland. and energy. Dr. King’s New Discovery is a The burglar uttered a relieved little visiting balsam laxative even for whatever pleasant remedy, autiseptic, no room for feur if there had been some and effective. It soothes the irri- laugh. “Sure, I thought 'twas Wis Kind deeds that do Edward is at home from Portland promptly yon Joyce and kills the anything to be afraid of—thoughts Robbie heard him mutter. The To make others tated membrane cold germs; one,” happy, for a few days. cough is soon relieved. is danger- the There’s a blessing for you. your Delay wherein the speckled charger, u the Dr New at once. mau stood for moment watching Charles lake has purchased a gasolene ous—get King’s Discovery sword and For years it has been the favorite- faithful gun and trusty droll a on his fea- for Year nearly fifty manikin, grin rough boat from J. C. Harmon. for croup, coughs and colds. re- Yis The one that's gone through; remedy grippe, even the genial Sambo himself he moved toward the flre- Get a bottle at 50c. tures. Then Let’s take down old Mr. and co-day your druggist. In calendars, Mrs. Cilvin Stinson have gone treated Into the background, while And pat up the new. pluce again. to Boston for a short visit. was the foreground, very near, the uuu ll ciiuiiUL w UBseiieu innuivcij for the years. vision of a face with the ten- Mrs. Stevens is ill at the home of her lovely the presence of the burglar and the Eis As they come and go, God for all Mrs. Charles Lake. derest and most beautiful eyes looking now Thanking blessings daughter, peril of the pretty beads caused He sees tit to bestow. Into li's. So had he dropped to dreams the heart of the faithful Sambo to burst Mr. and Mrs. Guy Welch spent New- is another page again, forgetting the dear toys in the l ut a Year’s week with Mrs. D. E. Burns. with emotion, certainly strange So pure and so white; love for his mamma. ANY dearer Let’s make CHEST thing happened, for just as the burglar good resolutions, William J. Freethy and Miss Hester COLD And on it we will write. MAY Ho awakened a second time to be- was again stepping toward the fire- Kent were married New Year’s night at BRING hold a very different vision. At first place the silent fiddling ceased, and for refreshments the Baptist parsonage. They left Tuesday Ris In the banquet hall, he almost believed it was one of those was a buz and whir and vibrant on a to Portland and Boston. there To be served a little later wedding trip Bronchitis or of which he had To one and to all. Tonsilitis horrible nightmares twang as if n dozen clock springs had Jan. 8. s. more one or two bad not than during suddi iily started to rattle and hum in Nineteen-sixteen has The gone, PATRIDGE COVE. irritating, tickling cough his short life. But even while nlmost unmusical chorus. Something in little Nineteeu-seventeen is here; affects the Again I wish you all lung tissue and believing it was one he knew quite well Sambo's bosom had given way and re- Mrs. John Preble and children of A Happy New Year. wears down nature’s that It wasn’t. He knew It was a man 'ensed the coiled springs that controlled Sullivan have been with her father. power to A banquet followed tbe installations. —a real, live, dreadful man—standing and it was these that were mak- Wilson Eaton, who has been ill. Mr. resist disease him. Jan. 8. Une Femme. germs. Eaton is now much better. there within a foot of the bed and flash- ing n wild tattoo as they unwound with ing a queer little beam of liglit around a rush against wall and tiling. The HULL’S COVE. Word has been received of the death of "on, i;OBERT, AREN’T THOSE BEAUTIEPL 1 the room. The light liehind the lantern commotion had not ceased when there Mrs. Lillian of ou AND TOC’BE SUCH A DEAR TO GIVE Miss Maria Hamor has been visiting her Swazey Washing! IX t. Them Mill” was so dim that Robbie could scarcely was of some one She was the of to the sound bounding uncle, Robert Hamor, in Bangor. daughter Ever.-a mm a man at but make out the face of all, out of bed in the next room, and, with Addie McFarland of this All x scorn “Just place. leave him tilt morning. Perhaps that Mi9« Myrtle Camber of Nicolin visited that only added to_ his conviction a half smothered or 111, the burglar turn- press much sympath. for the>. he'll he rested then and to dance at Mrs. Frances Brewer’s «-- ready the face was and he to the window recently truly horrible, ed uud fled through There was a i: the some more. It’s time little tots were pleasant gatherin g knew well what the man was and which lie had climbed. Edward Humor has moved his family very home of Henry Bartlett one evening •bet! now.” into the down-stairs tenement of his what he was there for. And now I’obbie boasts to proudly recently, when about fifty friends ami Robbie the sit- Mr. and Mrs. EMULSION Reluctantly accepted hadn’t lived all his little life tbo other little boys on his street, al- bouse, formerly occupied by uation. Robbie neighbors met. Dancing and games, suppresses the the in- He wished that among other new Frank Hamor. cold, allays a what beit a little sadly iu spite of the In city house without knowing with music and singing, were e» joyed, Presents might lie one that carried with how the Jan. 1. Anne. flammation, steadily removes the i was. True, he had never seen Sambo his father bought him, after whicu cake and coffee were “ burglar vi. irritation and Permission on Christmas eve to sit his life to save his rebuilds the resistive one Before, but Charlie Stuart had told old Sambo gave up WEST FRANKLIN. Jan. 8. Hubbard. •P ail night. When have a Christ- beads. power to prevent luns trouble. you him last week about one Chariie’B mamma’s string of pretty mas ,ree only Frank Thompson of Eden was a visitor only once a year you ought was SCO rl S has done to father had seen, and be knew this at R. H. Williams’ last week. more have It for the whole of one night! Harsh physics react, weaken the bowels, one because Charlie had said they car- Stars Twinkle. for bronchial troubles than •t was pure waste of time and Why Miss Eugenie Coombs wrent to Bar Har- cause chronic constipation. Doan's Regnlets money with them. more t" ried those queer little lights The twinkling of the sta-s. ap- bor last week to visit her sister. operate easily, tone the cure consti- any other one no to bed and leave it, still all stomach, medicine. And now this one had come for those parent than real, is an effect produced pation. 26c. Ask your druggist for them.- •-shimmer, with candles not half Canfield Fullerton of Ellsworth is haul- It contains no alcohol. yet sure of It, waves of Advt. pretty beads. He felt quite In our atmosphere upon the Scott burned ont. before the clock even ing pulp wood for S. S. Hcammon. a Bowse, Bloomfieid. N, j.16*10 t>ecause of what his mamma had said light. It is due to currents and strata •truck 10! But that was one of the 1 Gerald MacKenzie, Eirena DeBeck and when she put the bo* In the fireplace— of air of different densities, intermin- ways of the world. Grownup folks, Arthur Urann have returned to the U. j that no burglar would think of look- gling and floating past each other, like papa and were nice of M. mamma, very j there for It Robbie wondered If through which the light passes to the ~very nice ing Indeed—because they'made | would think to. But of It Is seen more in warm weather Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Smith have returned the this burglar eye. Christmas tree for you and loaded for hadn’t his In cold, and near the from a visit with their son at Northeast * •t j course, he wouldn’t, than horizon with dancing fiddlers and i one Harbor. speckled mamma said particularly that more than overb nd. chargers and swords and guns and all1 and they The same effect may be seen by W. B. Clarke out a large carload of the wouldn’t? Still he' might, got rest, but for all that they didn’t his mam- -a window over a hot were nuch pretty beads, and looking out of hackmatack knees, and is shipping them understand economy In such matters, like them so much. radiator or at a candle he'd on either from Franklin Road. •ml ma had seemed to when he grew up and made Christ- should find a hot stove—one must look It would be a shame If he side of The portable mill on the George S. mas trees for his children It should bo and them off and mamma through a body of high heated air at a *n all them carry night affair. There were some The flame will be seen Worth Attention of Women. should never see them again! candle flame. matters he When feel that needed reforming, and for his gun. to waver and quiver. The various lay- you too tired to work, wake up Robbie reached softly weary, have backache or pains in sides, when would see that reformed when at different densities they got wasl And there, Just be- ers of air are you suffer rheumatic twinges may be he grew Yes, there It you up. And then sud- and In motion. sure the kidneys are disorder d. FayShel- It. was the sword. hurg, All, Mo., writes; “I had kidney trouble Robbie roused when his father yond a again beam creep- Rapid twinkling of the stars is two did me g'< d until •ml denly he couldn’t see the years. Nothing any mother loftly entered the nursery of of weather. I got F iley Kidney Pills. Two 50c boxes cured and down and round the room, sign change “half hour later. ing up me.—Moore’s Drug Store. —— “This quantl has nothing to do with Millards. It la abort yoia. Herbert SHOPS AND PLANTS has constituted himself your cham- pion, understanding that Elliot Insalt- ed you." FAVOR INDUSTRIAL nsric^i “I have that said thought myself," Marian, paling. “A duel will surely follow.” BETTERMENT WM Malian looked at me with a fright- I I ened that excited my pity, expression I A of Southern knew that it was no time to in- Storg | but I Persons Long Ago dulge In anything but action. I Im- tetiwly Aid Wtlfin Plus if | f pressed -upon her tV ■c’erslty of her preventing any fu ♦ r trouble be- ioa Fir tween her two suitors. During our Ewjf Oascrip Bg F. A. MITCHEL conversation It came out that she had | | made a choice between all her suitors. EopHyns. two in This William Including the question. I was the My granddaughter Marian was my she revealed to me, though confided it to. She favorite of all my descendants of her only person she PHILANTHROPY NOT INTENT. loved Elliot Walker. Thinking she generation. What was the cause of needed I told her that I my feeling for her Is hard to specif. my support, would go with her to see Herbert Ken- She was Marian Whitlock, and there Comfort and Contentment of the worthy. She made no reply for awhile Tell was but one Marian Whitlock. It was to ibis proposition. I could see that Workers Considered Paramount not that she was a strong character, a. straggle was going on within her, for she was not. She was not only I was as to Just what it • but ignorant .... heedless, but blind to the result of her ■?$ FLOUR was. she rose. of dollars have H Presently Hundreds of millions heedlessness. Hut she was lovable. In- do T I asked. “What are you going to been tl>e past decade deed. she was loved through her faults expended during “I am going to see Herbert.” for those rather than her good qualities. At by American manufacturers “Do wish me to go with youT" be- least I, her grandmother, loved her on you forms of Industrial betterment, in “Xo. grandma." that account half of employees, that are generally This was the first Indication of Marian used to tell her grandmoth- ns plillnnthro! i or beyond the I saw In her. and It was some ■.•lasse-J er more about what was going on be- strength mere requirements of laws and con- left me. and later I heard tween her and her young men asso- relief. She tracts. on the walk. ciates than any one else. Why she did her pony phaeton gravel neconi mauuiacuirera—mu me/ me for her return. this I don't know unless it wag be- I walled anxiously in the vast majority—aa are the decent the cause I realized and therefore sympa- When she came I saw by expres- people of other classes—are opposed to had not suc- thized with the conditions under which sion on her face that she grinding child labor, and they strive to she labored. Candor me to ad- em- compels ceeded in her object. pay a living wage to all of their mit that she possessed traits which had “Well?" 1 said Interrogatively. ployees. They go mnch farther than shown themselves In me when I was “I went to Herbert's house." she that, as a study of American industry her is more than age, and it probable said, “called him out and we had a will show. They devote time, money that she inherited them from me. conference on the veranda. 1 told him and effort to provide every possible While I endeavored to her out of guide I had heard that bo and Elliot had had supplementary means for promoting t the effects of her indiscretions I never tlie -m altercation. I Inferred that lie had the convenience, the comfort, lectured her for having been indiscreet and of cen Elliot hiss me and me resent the health, contentment happiness I realized that indiscretion was a trait of the families of >ct. I begged that he would not con- their workers and born in her and was not likely to be few manufacturers -tltute himself my defender. He re- employees. Very eradicated till she had grown beyond to that he had not done so, but ad- consider such work or expenditure the age when it would lead her Into plied he and Elliot had got into be philanthropy, but, rather, a ne es- trouble. mitted that sary feature of their business. While a quarrel from words that had passed Marian used to come to me in a light motives l»e as altruistic us relative to Elliot’s act. their may hearted with her but ijetween them way perplexties, those of the average of mankind, t’icy [ then admitted that I had encouraged one day she gave evidence that what find that It is goo.l, from the busii ss me. she had to tell was of a serious nature. Elliot to kiss point of vie'V, to promote as far ns “Grandma.” she “I have “He looked much surprised ana said, gone very possible the welfare of their employees. and done it now and no mistake.” i-ained at this. I knew that his con- Industrial betterment pays. child?" I had from Elliot to me. “What is it, asked. tempt passed Industrial betterineut means an at- “You know Elliot Walker?” told him that since 1 had exonerated I tempt to provide the best kind of work- “Yes.” him to Elliot I should expect apologize ing and living conditions, and it im- well, Elliot and l were the mu- he have in to Elliot for anything might plies the co-operative responsibility of sic room, I at the piano, he a After turning said under misunderstanding. the wage earner nnd the employer in over the sheets." some thought he told me that any wo- bringing those conditions about nnd in She pause-l. I gave her time. man in such a case, to prevent trouble improving them from time to time. It "Elliot bent lower and lower over would between two of her men friends, is not a dole to be handed to the wage my shoulder. I suppose I should have was sin assume the Maine. There no earner, but is a token of that spirit of moved, but I didn’t.” in my doing so. The affair had gone mutuality which, under right condi- “Well?” too far to he smoothed over. I argued tions, should |>ermeate Industry. “lie kissed me." with him for some time, hut could get A thorough description of industrial I refrained from comment on this nothing out of him. Then I came bettermeut activities in the United and waited for the denouement. States would require more space than “I don't know what it was that away.” “You must see Elliot. The one who Is contained in the most voluminous prompted me to act as I did. I was is the one to encyclopaedias to be found in the li- certainly not offended. I had expected has given the challenge braries. Indeed, volumes mirlit la- when I didn't move that he would kiss offer the olive branch." written about the welfare work of a me and should not have thought much “I have seen Elliot. The challenge j ^^thisflourisbesfLB««J single corporation alone—the National of him if he hadn't? It was not that had come from Herbert. Elliot having Cash Register Company, for instance, i I was prudish: it was—well, 1 don't struck him. Eliiol apologized to me Y I1"—— or the International Harvester Com- DA» BhKZR know what it was, unless It was Old humbly for having kissed me. He ad- pany, the United States Steel Corpora- Nick got into me. But I arose from mitted that the set ns in the billiard the tion, Cheney Brothers, the Curtis Pub- piano, looked daggers at him and, room had been concocted to keep my HAYNES & C W. QRINPAL lishing Company, the Bethlehem Steel WHITCOMB, turning, started to leave the room. name out of the He would >__C, quarrel. and What was Company, the American Telephone my surprise to see Herbert gladly on my account put a stop to it, Telegraph Company, the Eastman Ko- lation will be followed by an entertain* Kenworthy standing in the door of the but could not refuse a challenge with- V) dak one of the COUNTY NKW' ment and refreshments. TNTY NEWS music room. I Company, any leading Elliot and had not out 1 icing disgraced." been aware of his railroad companies, the principal banks, Horace Haskell, who has been employed approach, and he “And as the matter stands the two of a host of other had seen the whole Wanamaker’s, or any CASTINE. as fireman on a Pennsylvania railroad, is SBDQWICK. performance.” men will meet tomorrow morning?” concerns which has activities his “What did you do next?” I asked developed Mr. end Mr*. visiting mother. OBITUABT. “I so.” F.W.Vogell spentWedues- suppose of the sort There is hardly a concern in anxiously. dey and Thursday Bangor. Wallace Haskell, and wi e left Thursday Mrs. H. Alice Cloaaon died Friday, Jan. The ease was a knotty one. The in the country doing business on a fair- “Why, you see, I couldn't very well William Steizer ot Bath the week- for Springfield, Mass. Mr. Haskell will be 5, at ber home at 304 Heaver street, I could see out of it was for spent that I had only way ly extensive scale that has not initiated in say encouraged Elliot to end with his sister, Mrs. Beales. employed an aeroplane factory. a abort illness of to choose between the two men. Koxbury, Mass., after kiss me, could I?” Marian some form of industrial betterment for Mrs. Joho Webster left last week tor Frank Greenlaw and wife, who have pneumonia. “Go on." She might tell Herbert that she loved its employees. The honors do not go to where she will several been here on a visit to relatives after three but I dohbted if this would the Boston, spend Mrs. Cloaaon waa born in Sedgwick “And I couldn't say that I was not Elliot, pre- larger companies exclusively either,' weeks. years’ absence, left f >r th.-ir home in of vent a that had become a for of the smaller business units Octooer 7, 1848, the daughter Janies really offeu*.'d." meeting pub- many York Mr. Hellers ot the Mew Thursday. and Harriet Cunningham. She “What did you do?" lic matter and with which she was not have developed this side of their ac- Bangor theological dray the at the Con- Jnlia E., wife oT A. O Gross, died at her attended school at seminary, “Why, I went on out of the room.” known- to be connected. It would tivities to a remarkable extent Natu- seminary occupied pulpit Bucltaport church home on Mew Year’s day, after atidf soon after went to Bos- "And didn't go back?” probably save Elliot from injury, but rally It la easier for the larger corpora- gregations! Sunday morning. many graduating, months of illness. Mrs. Gross was the where later she waa married to “Yes, after a few minutes.” this would not be fair to Herbert tions to put highly trained specialists Dr. Goodwin, tor many years a summer ton, branches of only child of the late Capt. and Mrs. Edward of Mr. Pressy “And what did you s„y?" “The only hope I see to prevent this in charge of the various resident of Castine, died last wefck at bis Syl- Preasy, Koxbury. vanus U. Haakell, a woman of culture and died in and aba married Charles H. “Nothing about what had happened. meeting. Marian.” I said, putting my industrial betterment work. home in Hartford, Conn. 1802, refinement and, until her a worker Cloaaon of and made ber I began to chat with Herbert, while arms about her, "is to tell them both The fundamentals of industrial bet- Jan. 8. G. illness, Sedgwick, again for the betterment of Elliot sat much terment are observed In turn is rung the church and home among friends in Maine. Mr. Closson looking very embar- that you love Elliot. That would, I NORMAL SCHOOL MOTHS. rassed." pleasant, sanitary, safe working condi- society. She had a moat pleasing person- died- In 1908, and aha had aiooe resided in think, dispose of the matter. Herbert The winter term s opened with|U4 pupi ality andwaa always a woman of influence Boston. Bhe leaves Neon “Oh, Marian!" would withdraw his tions. Educational and entertainment on* brother, challenge." Former students and friends ot the in the town. She will be I was aware that these two features, facilities for study and recre- greatly missed, Cunningham, of West Medford. Maes. young I could feel her shiver in my arms school will be interested in the ex- following not only by her but her men were rivals for Marian’s favor. ation, special opportunities for tbe family by neigh- Mrs. Cloaaon waa u member of Columbia at thlg alternative, but she said noth- references to the work of Miss Mary Rich- We were of thrift and bors and friends. She was a charter mem- southern persons, and In the she told El- ercise provisions tending chapter, O. E. 8., of and oi Har- ing, though later qie that ardson, taken from Bend, Oregon, papers. ber of Harbor View Sedgwick, south our men are hot blooded. to remove the dread of and to mitigate chapter, U. E. S. She riet M. Roslin- Her- liot bad made her no Miss C. a woman Durrell Rebekah lodge, proposal. Mary Kicbardson, lec- besides her bert had seen Elliot tbe sufferings occasioned by sickness, leaves, husband, who recently to Kenworthy Wal- The now turer dale, Maaa. In life aha waa ever ready day was ended, and noth- of considerable note throughout the returned from the ker give Marian what disability or invalidity are matters hospital, a son, Frank She has appeared to be ing had been accomplished. I deter- East, will be In Bend, December help, doing good for ita lake. an which which next receive attention. Well 2, coming A. Gross) and a daughter, Mrs. Phil D. Insult, she could only resent been called to a reward which must be mined to leave Marian free to act for from Spokane as the fourth speaker of the Haskell. as a woman. If trouble between lighted, well ventilated and otherwise Funeral services were held at the herself till the last minute: then if she Community lecturers. hers. young men did and safe res- the house, conducted Kev. o. J. not result then I was pleasant working'places, by Gup- Mon- did not act I would endeavor to force Miss Richardson achieved an enviable till. The The funeral was bald at the home no Judge of human nature. All this taurants, reading rooms and libraries, floral offerings were many and her to do so. We remained in the reputation in the East as a speaker while day afternoon, Rev. (Seorge A. Mark, cf Hashed through my brain, and I said rest rooms, emergency kits and hospl beautiful. Interment at Mt. Adams. same room through the night without a member of the faculty of the Castine All Souls Roxbury, officiating. to Marian: tals, club rooms, assembly rooms, gym Jan. 8. Kkx. church, disrobing. After 12 o'clock I fell asleep normal school and as chairman of the de- Slaters of the Rebekah lodge contributed “Did your two visitors show naslums, lockers and bathing facilities, any on a lounge. I was aroused at dawn partment of education of the Federation NORTH LAMOINE. to the aervioe. “Lead Kindly Light,” animosity toward each other?” recreation grounds, bonus and profit by Marian. of Women’s clubs. OBITUARY. “Beautiful Isle of “None whatever. housing accom Somewhere”and“Cros9- But, grandma, I sharing plans, special The \.uiue, sue saiu. She is vice-president of the library sec- many friends of Mrs. Lillian Mc- iug the Bar” were lung by the Apollo have heard aiuce that which leads me modations. facilities for tbe purchase Without asking her where we were tion of the National Educational asso- Farland Swayze will be grieved to learn of quartette. Burial wea at Cedar Urove to fear"— of homes on easy payments, discounts to 1 went with her. 1 ciation and of the sec- her sudden death at “What?” go knew. She' In the purchase of goods, industrial secretary library the hospital at Wash- cemetery, Milton, Meaa. knew where the meeting would take tion of the Inland Eihpire Teachers’ asso- ington, D. U„ Wednesday, Jan. 3. Several “I have bees told that this morning and other educational classes, lectures and we proceeded there. Since ciation. years ago she married Clerk were billiards place, for entertainment or Instruction, mol- Swayte, a ris- ORLAND. they pla ring together at Elliot had not proposed to her I could A double basket-ball was ing young lawyer, and went to the club and Elliot Herbert ing pictures, excursions, field days game played Washing- Mre. Rhode of charged not see what she ton to Perry Stubbs died pneu- would do. We .wait- committees in Emerson hall The reside. Two boys lovely were born with shoving up points that he had medical attendance, safety Friday evening. monia at the borne ed an hour a short to the third one Monday morning, Jap. 1, distance from tho for nccident and fire sick- Castine Independents defeated the E. B. them, not living, and for not made. Herbert called Elliot a prevention, of her where field and saw whom she brother, William B. Perry, finally one party come and funds, N. S. boys a score of 80-21. The latter gave her li(e. and Elliot struck hlin." ness, disability invalidity by she had Stubbs liar, on to It, then other. She was in lived several years. Mrt. tfie The seconds insurance or benefit associations and team showed marked in her usual health, and I did eot ask to hear more. 1 improvement enjoyed waa born ago, any were engaged at Christmas with her here aeventy-aeveD years thg preliminaries are some of tbe team play and general knowledge of the family, which meant knew well ttrnt the young men would pensions customary the of Barham and Nancy when Marian advanced, I following In so much to her as she was daughter not bllliilrds features of industrial betterment work, game this, their second game. The a.devoted wife play together after what her. and (Vilas) Perry, both of whom ere favorably the variety of which has no limit. girls’ game, between the Reds and the mother. During the years she lived had occurred except for a purpose, that remembered by the older citizens. 1“ “What will stop this afTalr?” she Tens of thousands of lives are saved Blues, teams selected from the normal here, she was well and favorably known, to make it N wile of purpose being appear that asked. a eerly womanhood ahe became the inch and hundreds of thousands of school girls' basket-ball was won having sunny affectionate a different cause from the year squad, disposition, (or real one had was and Cent. Albion Stnbbe ol »nd There no reply from either. lesser accidents by the after a her loss will be felt all who Buckeport, resulted in an are prevented annually Blues, well-played contest, keenly by animosity which would Marian kdew many years want to aea with him, visiting asked all to withdraw except through the accident prevention cam- score, 19-10. The most noticeable features her. doubtless lead to a duel, their object many and several the principals. and feature of industrial better- of the game were the offensive of After moving to Bar she united foreign porta heving to Marian's paign play Harbor, ol being keep name from be- “I can think of with the thrilling experiences. Alter the death only one way to ment. Harding, the goal shooting of Csreelon Episcopal church, and waa a de- ing involved in the affair. her huebend she came to Orland to live stop It,” she said. “1 love one of you The Eastman Kodak Company In five and the strong defence of the two Blue voted loyal member. “What have you heard since?” I ask- Will She with her brother William. Her health gentleman. you both agree to years reduced the accidents in Its guards, Treworgy and 8haw. The coach leaves besides her husband and two ed of Marian. was until She had a bright, anxiously shake hands if I name the one I love?” over 75 cent annum will now disband these two children, a lather and E. good recently. by per per teams and mother, E. Mc- a “Nothing.” At this were all Farland sunny disposition. For many years they attention. Then flimitshrough a progressive safety campaign. organize a first team to play against and wife, now of An burn, four if sisters and one member ebe f doubted Marian foresaw what Herbert nodd<*d an and Elliot teams from other brother, eU of whom have of the Congregational church, assent, The Pennsylvania Railroad In ten schools. Margaret the would be the probable result of all followed. heartfelt sympathy of a large circle of did much to the interest and months decreased the serious Injuries Dolliver was elected captain of the school irienas. promote and I dreaded to tell her. Never- "The welfare of wiU be much this, one who kissed me,” said of Its over 63 team. the chnrob, and 33,24\shop employees per Jan. 8. y If she did not Marian miaeed. Bhe a friends, and theless prevent a meet- and covered her face with her cori! by the installation of de- Jan. 8. B. had host'of safety will be com- ing between these two young men and bands. vices and by tbe constant Instruction of sincerely mourned in the LAMOINE. held at one of them killed the other, she being Elliot .started for her, but I was too the workmen in due caution. munity. Funeral eervioea will be exercising DEER TBI.B! A drama, and dance for the her life would for him supper will be given the home afternoon. responsible act, quick and carried her away. As a result of Its safety campaign the the Wednesday Dr. who by grange at the new grange hall next be blighted. The duel did not take place. There United States SteetCorporatlon reduced Tewksbury, recently returned from a visit to la ill of Wednesday evening, Jan. 17. If “Marian,” I said, “you must go at Is a sequel to this story, but it is a serious and fatal accidents In Its various Camden, grip. stormy, TRENTON. first pleasant evening. •nee to Herbert Kenworthy and tell long one. Elliot wag a long while in plants bv 4(1 per cent since 1006. Each Maurice Gross of the University of A. C. Jordan and family, of Northeast him that it was your fault that Billot gaining Marian’s consent to marry him year 2,"00 of the men employed by the Maine returned to school Saturday. Harbor, spent Christmas with bis father, That kiss kept him from another for would have been The mailorder house i§ B. F. children kissed you.” corporation escapewbo Harbor View chapter will install its advertising Jordari. Mrs. Jordan and I can't!” more than a year. '•'•urcd under the conditions remained “Oh, grandma. previous new officers next Tuesday. The instal- for a weak. Jan. 1. Mat.