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Mathematics People NEWS Mathematics People renamed to honor the late Maryam Mirzakhani. It honors Guth Awarded exceptional contributions to the mathematical sciences by a midcareer mathematician. It carries a cash award of Mirzakhani Prize US$20,000. Larry Guth of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has been —From an NAS announcement awarded the newly named Maryam Mirzakhani Prize in Mathematics “for developing surprising, origi- 2020 AWM Prizes Awarded nal, and deep connections between The Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) pre- geometry, analysis, topology, and sented several awards at the Joint Mathematics Meetings combinatorics, which have led to held in Denver, Colorado, in January 2020. the solution of, or major advances Erika Camacho of Arizona State Larry Guth on, many outstanding problems University was honored with the Lou- in these fields.” The citation reads: ise Hay Award for Contribution to “Guth has made spectacular contributions to many areas Mathematics Education “in recogni- of mathematics, including systolic geometry, analysis, and tion of her leadership and contribu- combinatorics. He has developed surprising, original, and tions as a mathematical scholar and deep connections between geometry, analysis, topology, educator.” The prize citation reads: and combinatorics, leading to major advances or solutions “Dr. Camacho has a passion for men- for many outstanding problems in these fields. His accom- toring, especially the mentoring of plishments include the introduction of a new cell decom- underrepresented students. Her men- Erika Camacho position of Euclidean space, writing the authoritative book toring begins with her excitement for on the polynomial method, and creating a new induction mathematics based in her research in on scales algorithm called the Bourgain-Guth method.” mathematical physiology. This research involves develop- Guth received his PhD from MIT in 2005 under the ing mathematical models that describe the interactions of supervision of Tomasz Mrowka. He held a postdoctoral photoreceptors in the retina. Dr. Camacho brings graduate position (2005–2006) and an assistant professorship and undergraduate students into her research and also finds (2006–2008) at Stanford University. He was assistant opportunities for students with other researchers. professor (2008–2011) at the University of Toronto, a “She created the Applied Mathematical Sciences Summer member of the Institute for Advanced Study (2010–2011), Institute and has codirected both this institute (2004–2007) and professor at the Courant Institute of New York Uni- and the Mathematical and Theoretical Biology Institute versity before joining MIT in 2012. His honors and awards (2011–2013). Through these institutes and her other men- include an NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship (2006–2008), a toring programs she has impacted over 600 undergraduates, Sloan Fellowship (2010), the Salem Prize (2013), the MIT including supervising the research of 89 of these students, School of Science Prize for Excellence in Graduate Teaching with 30 receiving conference award recognitions. (2015), a Clay Research Prize (with Nets Katz, 2015), the “Through her work Dr. Camacho changes perceptions. New Horizons in Mathematics Prize (2015), and the AMS Her own story is an existence proof that someone from an Bôcher Prize (2020). He was named a Simons Investigator underprivileged and Latina background can earn a PhD in 2014 and is a Fellow of the AMS and of the American in mathematics and be a successful mathematician. In Academy of Arts and Sciences. He is the author of the book over sixty-five plenary and panel presentations, she uses Polynomial Methods in Combinatorics. her story to inspire students to persevere and succeed in The prize, awarded by the National Academy of Sciences mathematics. Beyond presenting, Dr. Camacho meets and formerly called the NAS Award in Mathematics, was 730 NOTICES OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY VOLUME 67, NUMBER 5 Mathematics People NEWS with attendees individually afterwards to learn about their stories and give them advice based on their own interests 2020 MAA Awards and passions. By inspiring more women and members of The Mathematical Association of America (MAA) awarded underrepresented groups to continue in their mathematical several prizes at the Joint Mathematics Meetings in Denver, pursuits, she enlarges the scope of what we see as successful Colorado, in January 2020. mathematicians.” Camacho received her PhD in 2003 from Vladimir Pozdnyakov of the Uni- Cornell University under the direction of Richard H. Rand. versity of Connecticut and J. Michael Among her many recognitions are the SACNAS Distin- Steele of the University of Pennsyl- guished Undergraduate Institution Mentor Award (2012), vania were awarded the Chauvenet the Outstanding Latino/a Faculty in Higher Education: Prize for their article “Buses, Bullies, Research/Teaching in Higher Education (Research Insti- and Bijections,” Mathematics Maga- tutions) (2018), the Presidential Award for Excellence in zine 89 (2016), no. 3. The prize cita- Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring (2014), tion reads in part: “Pozdnyakov and and the American Association for the Advancement of Sci- Steele show the remarkable utility ence Mentor Award (2019). She tells the Notices: “I grew Vladimir Pozdnyakov of bijections by considering seating up in East Los Angeles, the fourth of five children, where I assignments on a bus. Everyone has was taught by Jaime Escalante (of Stand and Deliver fame). I a designated seat, but all except the enjoy spending time with my husband and three children.” last passenger take seats at random. Margaret Robinson of Mount Then the final passenger—a bit of a Holyoke College has been named bully—boards, not only wanting his the recipient of the 2020 M. Gweneth own seat, but demanding that each Humphreys Award for Mentorship subsequently displaced person finds of Undergraduate Women in Math- his correct seat as well. What is the ematics. According to the prize cita- probability that the first person to board will need to change seats? tion, “Margaret Robinson has been J. Michael Steele a mainstay of caring and thoughtful “The authors obtain the answer teaching and mentoring for many via a brute-force combinatorial argu- years at Mount Holyoke College, ment, but then find the solution in an easier, more reveal- Margaret Robinson an institution whose mission is to ing way by making elegant use of permutation cycles. The educate women. Her focus is not authors then use bijections to derive even more surprising and beautiful results including the mean and variance of just on the top students but on making a meaningful (and the number of cycles in a random permutation. This well- joyful) mathematical intervention for all the generations crafted paper, which introduces the reader to the theory of of learners that have crossed her path. As one student put permutation patterns, flows naturally and easily, providing it, ‘she saw me in a way that no mathematics teacher had a journey that is interesting and insightful. This bus is before.’ Her impactful involvement in the Carleton Summer available for all—professor and student alike—delighting Math Program and the resounding response from a range of the rider with the simple power of bijections.” former mentees speak to her effectiveness and her ability to Pozdnyakov received his PhD from the University of forge personal connections.” Robinson received her PhD in Pennsylvania in 2001 under the supervision of J. Michael 1986 from Johns Hopkins University under the supervision Steele. He is currently professor of statistics and director of Jun-Ichi Igusa. Her honors include the Mount Holyoke of the Applied Financial Mathematics graduate program at Faculty Teaching Award (2010), the NES/MAA Award for Connecticut. He tells the Notices: “I’m an enthusiastic soccer Distinguished Teaching of Mathematics (2012), and the player—an old one.” J. Michael Steele received his PhD MAA Haimo Award for Distinguished Teaching of Math- from Stanford University in 1975 under Kai Lai Chung. ematics (2013). Robinson tells the Notices: “My favorite He is currently professor emeritus at the University of quote (that I tell my students and children) comes from Pennsylvania. Steele and Pozdnyakov were jointly awarded The Once and Future King by T. H. White: ‘“The best thing the MAA’s Carl Allendorfer Award in 2017. Steele tells the for being sad,” replied Merlin, beginning to puff and blow, Notices: “I’m now retired from teaching, but I am still in- “is to learn something. That’s the only thing that never fails. volved in writing. I am also passionate about languages … Learning is the only thing for you. Look what a lot of and language learning. French is in focus for the moment, things there are to learn.”’” and most recently it absorbs four or more hours of my day.” Aubrey D. N. J. de Grey of SENS Research Foundation —From AWM announcements and AgeX Therapeutics has been awarded the 2020 David P. MAY 2020 NOTICES OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 731 Mathematics People NEWS Robbins Prize for his article “The Chromatic Number of the across the United States, as well as in Panama, South Korea, Plane Is at Least 5,” Geombinatorics 28 (2018), no. 1, which Japan, and Holland.” addresses the question, What is the minimum number of The 2020 Deborah and Franklin Tepper Haimo Awards colors needed to color the points of a Euclidean plane so for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Math- that no two points at distance exactly
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