Key focus How to get involved Proposed Another key focus of the District Plan is: The proposed District Plan can be viewed online at

Improvement of water quality in our lakes, rivers and It may also be viewed in hard copy at the Council Civic Centre, the streams. Library and City Focus. Your feedback on the proposed District Plan is invited until 18 January district plan This will enhance and increase the leisure use of the district’s many waters, providing more opportunities for swimming, camping, 2013. The easiest way to give feedback is online at fishing and other outdoor pursuits. or by completing a feedback form available from the Council Civic Notified 31 October 2012 Centre, Library or City Focus. If you have any questions please see a Policy Officer at the council or pose a question online at: planning/planning-enquiry

Helping to implement the district vision

Shaping our future together

Contact Details Rotorua District Council Live, Work & Play P: 07 348 4199 Mitigate the effects E: [email protected] How the Proposed District Plan helps of nutrient runoff W: our community live, work and play

Shaping Rotorua

Shaping Rotorua Live Work Play

The District Plan aims to improve Rotorua as a place The District Plan encourages sustainable economic Protecting and enjoying our district’s world-renowned to live. growth throughout the district. natural resources. Rotorua is home to 68,900 residents. Due to its increasing The District Plan recognises the need to promote investment in Rotorua has a reputation as ’s “playground”. It boasts popularity as a place to live, our population is projected to grow to Rotorua’s key economic drivers: tourism, forestry, wood processing, world-class tourism attractions, and dining, retail and entertainment more than 74,000 by 2016. We need to prepare for this significant and the geothermal and agricultural sectors. This will involve options. Rotorua’s extensive natural features create a perfect expansion. initiatives specific to each sector and the development of business environment for outdoor activity, offering an array of adventure and leisure activities. The proposed District Plan aims to create a compact and innovation zones to promote them. Please see the “Invest and city, while respecting residents’ need for privacy, do Business” brochure for more. usable outdoor space and enjoyment of world class A key improvement goal of the District Plan is to views. strengthen a vibrant, strong and compact city centre. A key point of difference from other regions is the range of The District Plan aims to encourage a vibrant, lifestyle options the district offers – including inner city, traditional modern centre for residents and tourists alike suburban and rural residential living, many with lake views. with more commercial, entertainment and retail options. An array of adventure • ‘Permitted baselines’ have been introduced to the CBD, limiting the need for resource consents when building or renovating – so and leisure activities The District Plan is: development will be encouraged. Strengthening a vibrant, strong and compact city Another key goal is to enhance a productive rural centre by: economy. • Creating a central entertainment hub, facilitating the development of further tourism accommodation near the lakefront and • Mindful that Rotorua is a largely rural economy, the District Plan encouraging more restaurants and alfresco dining. aims to balance the needs of the working rural environment with preservation of its natural assets. Farming and forestry are • Allowing temporary events to be held in most zones and providing permitted activities in most of the district, although there is a guidelines for high use reserves such as Rotorua International focus on enabling changes in land use and land management Stadium and the Energy Events Centre. within the catchment. • Providing a management framework for high use green space Both light and heavy industrial activities have been provided for in areas such as the Government Gardens and Kuirau Park. the proposed District Plan. More geothermal plants are expected, The District Plan is providing safe and attractive and the plan provides for these and the heavy industry that they Protecting significant landscapes by: residential spaces by: will make possible. • Maintaining over 800 hectares of reserves, gardens and parks for community use. Within this area are more than 110 public • Clearly defined residential, non-residential and tourism zones to The District Plan aims to ensure development occurs provide certainty to residents. reserves with a wide range of amenities, playgrounds and walking tracks. • Maintaining a high level of residential amenities. in a planned, • Protecting the many outstanding natural features, landscapes, • Future residential development zones including: volcanic plateaus, geothermal features and indigenous Road, , Kaharoa and . sustainable manner ecosystems. • Increased leniency towards carports and garages on residential that maintains the natural and cultural environment. sites.