
Imagine a humanity that knows horoscopes. We do.

0Hh1Http://www.scoop.it/t/sign 1

Integral Astromagical0F 2 3 4

Solutions 221F /162F /673F

2Hhttp://gumroad.com/tarant8l Live your REAL horoscope Copyright © 2014 by Klaudio Zic. First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2014

3Hhttp://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrolog y The Academic Zodiac is Copyright © 1972 - 2014 by Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission from the Author. The Academic Zodiac is privately owned © 1972 – 2014 by Klaudio Zic. VIP Services


2007 Venus in 2012 Uranus in Cetus 2014 Venus in Scutum 2015 Venus in Hydra 2016 Saturn in Ophiuchus 2017 Venus in Pegasus Mer c ur y 2001 FP185 Equator Lilith Pallas Typhon C/2011 L4 PANSTARRS 1996 AS20 2000 CO104 Nephthys Corvus Rhadamanthus2002 FY36 Venus 2002 DH5 2002 GB32 Sun Serpens 2003 CP202008 SO218 Ceto 2005 EO302 2004 NE32 Undina Ra-Shalom (MPO 57621)

Deucalion2004 PR107 Huy a Libra 1999 KW4 LINEAR (MP Ophiuchus 2002 GZ32 Sphinx 2000 FZ53 IapetusTitanRheaTethysEnceladusDioneSaturnMiHyperionPhoebe mas 2002 CA2492004 GV9 2010 EK139 2006 KZ39 E Centaurus Hor iz on Cer es SE 1999 JV127 Hor iz on 2005 VJ119 Varda 1999 HD12 2006 RH120 2004 CJ39 1996 AR20

Vesta 2001 BL41 2001 XA255 Pholus Cy bele 2007 JJ43 2002 KX14

Lovejoy Lupus Equator Quaoar Hylonome Eunomia Hyakutake 2002 MS4 Ixion C/2004 Q2Siding (Machholz) Spring Ecliptic Scorpius Galactic Equator Viewed from: Local time: Field of view: Magnitudes: 31.0 31.2 31.4 31.6 31.8 32.0 Ottawa, Parlaiment ON (CA) 13:52:00 90° 00' 00" Single star 75° 42' 00" W 2014/10/22 Azimuth: 118.3657° Multiple star 45° 25' 00" N JD 2456953.08 Altitude: +03.7949° Variable star

#OttawaShooting #Astrology ascendant #Ophiuchus with #Saturn prominent past #UnukAlHai #ISIS #Devil #star #2015shift

What is wrong w/ yr #Tarot? NATAL SKY OR FATAL LIE? #horoscope #QuarterSky #ZodiacShift #Wicca #Astrology #Ophiuchus #Ofiuco #magick #NWO


Everything? Touché! Your “tarot” is not tarot at all: not even resembling one. The Tarot is an initiation system.


The often misquoted Aleister H. Crowley of course had no initiation, thus not even a notion what Tarot would be – or ascendant set – or horoscope. This otherwise brilliant writer was nevertheless confused in a world where even Sun sign was mystery. He of course paid dearly for it, along with his “followers”. The various alleged tarot decks as available at the time assumed 12 ascendants and thus to be regarded of diabolic nature.


Besides being a complete initiation, thus unspeakable of even to the few eventually chosen; the Tarot also covers the whole of the sky, not only 360 angels or all planetary spirits. Due to the presence of more than 1008 planets, this Tarot – when ritualized in the form of drawings, sigils or cards: is called the 1008 Tarot or the Tarot of the Illuminati. 1622

The complete Tarot when ritualized such as e.g. Through evocation sigils on cards, hosts all 1008 planets within respective – thus 88 – parts of the sky. are included as well. Special parts of the sky may be seasonly active such as presently Witchallow and the Dark Flux.


So what is wrong with your horoscope? Mostly whatever is with anyone’s: everything.


Gemini was last time seen at east 5000 years ago; yet some insist on Gemini ascendant. This folly denies not only precession, but naked eyesight as well. Anyone can clearly perceive 16 ascendants rising over the eastern horizon, and yet their brains are frozen in default mind not only since the first time the zodiac was published online in 1972, but for more than 5000 years from this date. Nowadays when they conjure Gemini ascendant a legerdemain, Gemini remains unseen at east0F , also because it is seen at north. That is to you’re your horoscope has 90 degrees of error as concern ascendant. Besides various nonlinear misconceptions, 90 degrees seems to be a tolerable mistake of no great importance since one special nincompoop even calculated polar star ascending in the USA horoscope: one wonders what kind of programs match adequate lack of brains. What is rising at east instead at the time of your birth? Cetus.


There has been a 13 Sun signs rumor. In fact the number is 16.


The so-called astrological programs don’t determine Moon sign at all. The Moon is e.g. presently in Auriga.


Suffice to say that Venus is in Hydra - yet again.


The Sun does not determine the zodiac: it does so only within a flat naïve mind and therefore unacceptable simplistic model of the solar system. It is therefore out of the question to assume 13 constellations only – note that these have nothing to do with some equal divisions at all – even as provisory zodiac or God forbid ascendant set. On inspection, the zodiac has 22 constellations.

a For those rare aborigines, cacti and skunks who will actually look. SYNASTRY

Is my Venus in Hydra compatible with her Mars in Cetus?


We have already seen that “astrologers” besides having no idea of Sun signs, have even less idea of lunar zodiacs. Now, what is wrong with all house systems? That Neptune is not in the 7th house, no need to divorce on faux pseudo-astrological advice. Death, bankruptcy and divorce happen in many ways. One of them is the house system. The number of houses of error has no limit as zodiacal or ascendant shift. Therefore three houses of error go unnoticed as the astrologer recites from cookbook with clients candidly agreeing in all.


We already stated that astrologers are quite incapable of predicting full Moon. Now, about zodiacality. When the Moon is seen in Corvus at Madrid, Spain observatory, it does not necessarily make it corvine for Buenos Aires, Argentina. Those who can not even conceive the position of the Moon will hardly understand – even harder explore - this point.


In extension, the horoscope hosts 67 constellations, with and as host. The qualification of Eris into planetary status would have us a 43 constellation zodiac – the st b August 1 20051F X Zodiac. The disqualification of Pluto from planetary status reduced the zodiac to merely 22 constellations. Satellite Moon was included for the occasion.


A small faint constellation has been arbitrarily given immense importance to the point of tacitly proclaiming perennial Age of Aries, while the Sun is in Cetus for spring equinox.


There are some zodiacal constellations that are unable to rise at east for the , namely many constellations vaguely sketched as “zodiac signs” don’t rise at east. Nobody you know has a “cold Capricorn” ascendant. Aries does not rise at east and so don’t Libra, Cancer Scorpius and many others. E.g. Virgo, Pisces and Aquarius do rise at east – but even so are surely miscalculated as your ascendants.


Sidereal Mars equals tropical Mars. Mars is Mars, the one and only. Sidereal Mars is tropical Mars – there is no difference to point out because there is one Mars only. Therefore the asinine division between an alleged sidereal or – even worse – tropical c astrology exists only in a wiki mind2F . That tropical astrology is the worst junk there is goes without saying, but many will not know that alleged sidereal has absolutely nothing to do with any real sky – it is sidereal by name only – the fraud is precisely selfsame.


b 1st sale. Eris was hosted within terabytes of publications on the site, including extensive research with long animations. c Default mind: “stupid” in the original. Wiki will persistently refuse to incorporate scientific data until understood, accepted and d thus imposed by “all”. That is to say, Ophra3F knows better. Only when 6 666 666 666 damned souls accept a single truth all together now, will it appear as truism on any wiki. From then on, it will be regarded as matter-of-fact. Until that date only Barabbas is legal and well-accepted in all shops world wide. That is to say: it pays to be born in order to conform. Give and take the orders. Never question authority. Any authority at all. Never.


One can forget about aspects since the astrological program does not work with any real planets at all. It was not made in order to render your natal sky. It is here to tell you your natal lie. Natal sky or natal lie?


So, your ascendant is Gemini? It is clearly not. Why not? Because it was visible at north at birth. Do programs make mistakes? Humans do. Gross conceptual plus mathematical errors persisted for 500 years in order to make you believe in your alleged Gemini ascendant. There is no such thing as Gemini ascendant for the past 500 years, so you're not anything special. You just could not know that in humanland, a 90 degree error goes unseen: precisely! The whole of the sky goes unseen even when allegedly observed: no one ever observed the eastern sky for the past 5000 years or so. Get a firm grip of the obvious. There are 16 ascendants at east. Everyone can observe the personal guardian angels as rising at east. Stay assured that anyone speaking 12 ascendants has no idea what he is talking about while he has surely never seen any skies at all: most nincompoops posing as astrologers never even knew that there is a sky at all: all they see is asinine clients. People buy everything – as Woz pointed out; thus, something even the right thing. d Default mind. We of course never saw the show and never will. The idea is that there is an all-accepted thing like hollow Earth, 12 ascendants or Santa – something that everyone is capable of believing in because it does not exist.


While everybody is expecting ascent for the Age of Pegasus; the Antichrist may lurk from the longest zodiacal ascendant – Hydra. What is ERA HYDRAE or Era of Hydra? The twin peaks ^^ of the Age of Pegasus as reversed in the wake of Age of Scutum? The present Aeon is predominantly determined by Uranus in Cetus. Its peaks, wakes and ricochets are mainly riffled by Venus. Venus has unleashed an uniquely wild behavior, where it performs figures as never seen before. When is it that Venus was last time seen in Scutum? Nobody knows. The majority may still ever think that there are 13 zodiacal signs or worse: some backwaters will ostentatiously keep to the 12 ascendants superstition. As long as no one cares to take a look at the skies, swindlers of all kinds will repeat the selfsame 12 – 12 nonsensei for people who don't really care for birthright, spirit, astrology or timely success at all. While 12 remains for losers; 13 is equally deceptive as the Sun does not in the least determine the zodiac or ascendant sets at all.

#2014shift Venus in #Scutum #2015shift #Venus in #Hydra #2016shift #Saturn in #Ophiuchus #2017shift Venus in #Pegasus

#DwarfPlanets #Sila-Nunam #Tekton 2002 AW197 #Jupiter #ISIS #Astrology #WW3 #jihad #Bible #prophecy #Armageddon #Apocalypse #Illuminati #NWO

Let us resume the events for mid-October:

• Tekton 2002 AW197 enters Sextans. This of course means several important things on a global scale; especially in warring areas: namely, Tekton – permit us to call it such – gained Alaska to the USA; it may redefine a border or two these days as e.g. as ISIS is pushed to and fro by female Kurdish. • After aligning with the Diamond Planet – see recent issues on

5Hhttp://gumroad.com/tarant8l – Jupiter congresses with Sila-Numam.

• With the Blood Moon eclipse at our back, we greet divorce between Saturn and Unukalhai – with at least some major evil out of the way, finally some goodness may gain ground – Tekton permitting!

NOBODY #NEMO #RTRRT #Zen #yoga #Illuminati #NWO #meditation #illumination #Advaita #Vedanta

#Zodiac = 22 #Ascendants = 16 #Horoscope = 67 #Astrology #ZodiacShift #AcademicZodiac #ZodiacFact #tropical #sidereal #Vedic #Jyotish #NWO

• The zodiac counts exactly 22 constellations. • There are exactly 16 ascending constellations as rising at due east – the ascendant set aka guardian angels of the horoscope. • There are 67 horoscope signs when Eris and Pluto are included “as planets”.

2011 WU92 EquatorEcliptic 19992005 DE9 UJ438 2005 EB299 2000 CR105 2004 DG77 2002 RN109 1999 XX143Athor C/2012 S Corvus 2000 JZ15 Crater 2004 XP14 P/2013 P5 Nemo Apophis Sila-Nunam GanymedeEuropa(MPECCallistoJupiterIo 2005-Q02) 2013 FY272013 FZ27 2004P/Shoemaker-Levy XZ130 Isis 9 2003 UY292 Varuna Sextans 2004 XY60 2003 UA118 Osiris 2002 AW197 Cancer W Orcus Khuf u Nephele W Hor iz onNW C/2010

P/Halley 2003 AZ84 (MPEC 2005-Y06) Hydra 1996Juno PW Eclipti19c Cac us 2002 AA29 Antlia Canis Minor

2002 TK301 Equator Galactic Equator Viewed from: Local time: Field of view: Magnitudes: 31.0 31.2 31.4 31.6 31.8 32.0 Fiumestate 15:57:23 90° 00' 00" Single star 14° 26' 44" E 2014/10/01 Azimuth: 270.0000° Multiple star 45° 19' 38" N JD 2456932.08 Altitude: +00.0000° Variable star


The damnation of 444 sums itself up in the 12 faux ascendants as humanity was naively convinced that the zodiac is a wheel as made of 12 “animals” rising at east. Anyone can take a simple naked-eye glance and see for oneself that such things as Aries, Gemini or Cancer do not rise at east: Taurus being visible at east for a few minutes only; during the day. Therefore not only the zodiac as perused by superstition all over the planet has always been false, but there is no such thing as 12 signs rising at east: in other words: both your Sun sign and ascendant are false, and so is the rest of your alleged “horoscope”.


Why is triple threat an abomination? The magus will understand and thus shun the vibration of triple death on all three levels: especially in times when Saturn makes its last minimum with Unukalhai in midst of an eclipse; the Devil’s star being strongest towards the end of its long saturnine conjunction. Ever heard of VIA COMBVSTA?

444 #Damascus #Syria #ISIS #Hydra #NWO #COBRA #2015shift #Kalki #WW3 #SHIELD

Virgoween #Sun in #Virgo for #Halloween http://bit.ly/1r9tNpI #ZodiacFact #astrology #SunSign #Ofiuco #Ophiuchus #ZodicShift

TAKING THE SUN OUT OF THE ZODIAC may already be considered as classic publication and manifest; namely, the idea is a sound as celestial harmony: even in India said star is considered maleficent – where apparently true self analogues with the Moon. A local dichotomy of cultures issues as typically Tamil vs Vedic or Shiva vs Krishna. It is not helping that the Earth-Moon system is additionally populated by auxiliary moons, so-called Apoheles or Earth's 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th moon and so on. The Sun being the last consideration in a horoscope is nevertheless useful such in gold transactions: a metal of which the Vedas speak in a most vulgar as well as derisive fashion. Among the 500 directions or mathematical methods in prediction, null are known to “astrologers” of all times – typically assumed as the past 11000 years or so; which we casually address as history. Jahveh admonished the Levites against Chaldaean calculi versus an assumed sky. Elsewhere gross error such as non- linear 90 degrees or o are considered tradition. As one does not go against tradition, one never corrects error: the stars being swept under the carpet in order to maintain the rule of the novel high caste. The result is wars: something happening galore even in Krishna's own and especially Shiva's times. Since past summer, we are able to calculate the horoscopes for e.g. Prahlada Maharajah on some astral planet unknown to man, much as Krishna's Friday entrance into the groove. The technology we refer to is of course signed NASA JPL. It peruses mathematical integration – among other methods and tweaking for e.g. nutation - in order to approach relevant results. Cernuous is the tree of knowledge along with its invisible aethyric branches – or space between them. As to the Sun in popular horoscopes, it travels 16 stations, Sextans including on behalf of Sextans New Moon. The other unknown stations – at least in a newcomer – are of course Orion, Cetus and Ophiuchus. Oh, and yes, the Sun does not determine the zodiac at all – the planets do.


The ascendant set shift is seen as the precession o the avatars; thus the twin Age of Hydra marks a complex set of avatars; the Age of Pegasus sees Kalki as Hayagriva – the bringer of the zodiac - visiting France – just like Nostradamus erratically did predict?

9-11 #2015shift Heil #Hydra Who cant predict the future – cant change it #2016shift #RTRRT #NWO #ISIS #Illuminati #COBRA #NewMom #EBOLA


Apart from ascendental avatars or guardian angels of the planet, a set of zodiacal and extra-zodiacal avatars is due. Thus, apart from the present Grand Aeon of Cetus III, several minor periods are mapped along with pertaining avatarship. Material over- abounds through 45000 publications along with myriads of net articles on the subject, as actual avatarship is bound to Scutum, Eridanus, Cetus, Pegasus and Hydra but also less known zodiacal ascendants and classified phenomena.


From traitor, trading one's soul; etc... today at noon, a red car passed by the village drugstore: since now, it is traditional that a red car passes by said store every day: no one will keep an eye and as for whoever who dares check upon tradition: we always have feathers and be two men. Go away, stranger: we have our lores and stick to them and whoever questions them is welcome to ride the rail as adorn with traditional white feathers and bitumen.

#QuarterSky #ZodiacShift #AscendantShift #ZodiacFact #AcademicZodiac #Astrology #Ophiuchus

#2014shift Venus in #Scutum #2015shift #Venus in #Hydra #2016shift #Saturn

in #Ophiuchus #2017shift Venus in #Pegasus 6Hhttp://bit.ly/1tXpca5

Welcome the #AcademicZodiac: the first zodiac for the planet. 7HHttp://lulu.com/astrology

υ For the first time in history, the planet has a zodiac, the Academic Zodiac: a fully scientific, thus precise tool: when Moon is in Corvus in Madrid, Spain, it does not say necessarily so for Buenos Aires, Argentina. υ Which are the 22 zodiacal stations? Cetus, Orion, Hydra, Sextans and so on... υ Standard examples include Alixe with ascending Moon in Cetus – meaning her ascendant is Cetus; which is also her Moon sign. Mercury is in Sextans and Venus in Orion. Her stargate Pluto is in Serpens Cauda as sitting atop the ascendant of the USA. Venus in Scutum 2014 transits her own natal Juno in Scutum. Her horoscope is one of a circumspect nun with Neo out-of-the-matrix wits: precisely what being a female “voodoo avatar” is about. Her conspicuously documented horoscopes come in 250 pp as well as 1500 pp format. υ Australia owns its own specific skies which are not only upside-down but have absolutely nothing to do with e.g. London, England. υ The 16 ascendants as rising at east are always visible by naked eye from all over the globe. In other words, one can observe one's own Guardian Angel in order to e.g. Come into contact with one's true higher Self. The demoniac faux ascendant is thus banished to the detriment of foul doctrines, alleged grimoires and pseudo-astrology. υ Which are the 16 ascendants? Eridanus, Orion, Monoceros, Canis Minor and Hydra are some... The ascendants represent true Guardian Angels. υ Observatories should address the 12 ascendants for what they are: fake. υ Perhaps more than 8000 years ago some good-hearted simpletons assumed that the zodiac always rises fairly at east. While this naïve simplicity is not acceptable at all, it was perchance plausible to the masses at the time and dim purpose at hand. Did the higher caste nevertheless know and peruse true horoscopes? Egypt, larger China including Tibet and Sikkim probably did. υ It was thought until a while ago – by the naïve masses – that the zodiac had 13 stations. It's 22. It was also thought that said faux zodiac was rising at east. 16 are the ascendants for the current epoch and the zodiac surely never rose at east at all. υ The matter of the zodiac was cleared as set online since 1972. From then on, nobody can claim to be misinformed as concern zodiacal stations and ascendant set: since the parameters have been publicly known through 45000 publications, myriad of net articles along with copious graphic representations galore. υ Some obnoxious pseudo-astrologers even got their own real horoscopes published along with analyses and death time – to the . In that way Hayagriva planet disposes of filth – in time due. υ Two formats persisted through astrological praxis; namely the Outer Lodge 250 pp format and the Inner Lodge 1500 pp format. These were standard formats. Of course 250 pages would seem to more than suffice analysis but praxis teaches that even 1500 pages are never enough. All 1008 discoveries are embedded within the horoscopes; thus 1008 Tarot. υ Were there any fairly successful attempts at determining zodiac and ascendant sets? It would appear that the already quoted larger China area made some progress in that respect: also – the Egyptian initiates worked towards an even larger trans-galactic scheme. Apart from “primitive” aborigine tribes, true mind survived through e.g. Mayan cosmology. Surely a priest would be aware of e.g. Venus in Hydra – however locally categorized. Finally, one can not but at least mention the Cherokee, Hopi and especially Navajo peoples for their contribution to zodiacal astronomy. In some respects, NASA JPL would be rather useless to us without the aborigine experience. That goes particularly for Oceania, Australia and South America. The Academic Zodiac is not exactly Maori cosmology but it does host, nurture and curate every cosmology on this fine aborigine planet. υ Whether we do welcome 16 instead of merely 15 Sun signs is matter of practicality as Sextans makes a workable 9-11 New Moon. υ Standard Sun sign examples include avatar of truth Sai Baba as born with Sun in Libra on November 23rd. Witchallow fans will recall that the Sun is still in Virgo for Halloween. υ Ophiuchus is known as popular ascendant - as prominent e.g. in the horoscopes of that voluptuous TV star Kim Kardashian - paradoxically also featuring our somewhat sinister North Korean Kim as well; HRH novel Prince George – to abdicate? -; the pope – who shares an Ophiuchus Sun sign as well, pop artist Justin Bieber and many others. Ophiuchus is thus one of the 16 astrological ascendants also known as the Guardian Angels of the horoscope. We of course refer to true natal horoscope and therefore real natal sky. υ The new interviewed discoveries are neatly packed as delineated within the 1008 Tarot. υ The RTRRT future-changer is embedded within the Academic Zodiac system in order for every initiate to change circumstances on the go. υ E.g. A newly discovered “” is interviewed as inorganic being upon or even before its own discovery.

Virgoween #Sun in #Virgo for #Halloween http://bit.ly/1r9tNpI #ZodiacFact #astrology #SunSign #Ofiuco #Ophiuchus #ZodicShift

ν Halloween is the magical time-space when Witchallow - as ascending in Eridanus - challenges the Sun from below: a dark universe entering our own. Somehow a truly powerful witch would know the gap and thus act as beneficent multiversal avatar.

ν Hayagriva brings the zodiac right on time for our own universe to witness the intrusion of another down the ascendant of Eridanus.

ν Another magical time has been known as the Illuminati May Day: where one can join the sinister company of Witchallow native sir Mordred, Adolf Hitler and the Illuminati.

ν Is the new universe beneficent to ours and omniverse at large? There is a hole in your horoscope.

ν There is a hole in your life. It appears as blank because about to be filled with a new universe from within. What fills that vacuum around your neurons?

ν Is your clash with the Void predictable? Witchollow is subject to all 500 directions; said techniques being means of mathematical prediction as unknown to “astrologers”. Astrology is predictive – thus scientific – theurgy also known as astronomy.

ν Much as a star, the new planet is interviewed not unlike Dante would Nessus or Castaneda an inorganic being. Said interview forms the body of the delineation. The 1008 delineations for the planets linger as adjacent to the Grand Tarot. ν Interviews are available for comets, dark planets, centaurs, our auxiliary moons, dwarf planets and an ever growing variety of unfathomable objects that for the standard part of every horoscope: the 1008 planets.

#2014shift Venus in #Scutum #2015shift Venus in #Hydra #2016shift #Saturn in #Ophiuchus #2017shift #Venus in #Pegasus


e Eris 0 altitude W in Cetus NYC + Osama Moon χ1 Orionis4F = 9-11.


For over 5000 years Gemini never rose at east. This unknown phenomena is called precession. Unknown? Only to man. Animals and plants never make neither zodiacal nor ascendental errors. They simply peruse silent knowledge, whilst man's so-called ratio errs and errs over and over again; and that over simple things, indeed. e.g. When the Moon is visibly rising at east, aborigines see it; little animals and plants feel it – but man grabs a mobile device in determining that said visible Moon will “rise in 20 minutes”.


In trivial human business affairs, satellites obviously stand for “friends” - more properly defendants that are perused – often deployed – as shields. From other planets? Dwarf planets, comets, Apoheles, main belt comets, centaurs and whatever is out there as classified or otherwise relegated accordingly.

• While Nessus lurks as dark archangel – patrolling for Dante his own stellar perimeter - the satellites are still not lounging behind A'sTz ChIIM. Evocation may require the knowledge of new aethyrs. • In a way, while centaurs connect the systems as archangels of the aethyrs around and through the Tree of Life, them satellites merely deflect attacks from e.g. comets – or fail to. E.g. Both Mars and Jupiter linger as victims of their own poor choice of satellites. • Considering vintage comets five times larger than Jupiter, this system will need more than mere satellites in order to survive fairly intact. Satellites may therefore be regarded as e Meaning Moon in Orion – a zodiacal position as utterly unknown to astrologers. outdated shields redux from an incipient battle among the gravity systems of novel planets before saturnine time. • Much as every object - out of the 1008 we peruse in daily astrology – a satellite may form the center of a given horoscope analysis – in fact there is documentation galore on said subject as published on the site: a Phobos-centric horoscope coming as handy in fear- centered psychology or even RTRRT clearing- preparing to change a given futurity by magick intent. • The most reliable – among the 500 – method in directing a satellite is the secondary angular direction.


What does an astrologer not know? In essence, he knows nothing. First to be noted – albeit less f significant5F – said astrologist does not know Sun sign. Sun signs are of curse easier to compute g than e.g. Moon signs or ascendant ephemerides6F ; and yet – not a single astrologer on this planet ever knew Sun sign. E.g. Sai Baba was born on November 23rd with Sun in Libra.


The Aspectarian is a directional device which blends and combines with the Tarot, I Ching and Sabian symbols. It was written around year 1984. It is used to determine the quality of the direction. The present Unukalhai Moon Mars Saturn rains are therefore designated as #6 in the Aspectarian with the Moon below Saturn.


h If an astrologer knows nothing, how does he perform his art7F ? He does not. Among 500 directions – divinatory techniques – he knows none. Thus, he can not predict. At best, some

f The position of the natal Sun is the least important factor in a horoscope. g Of which the astrologer has never heard. h Said Art would normally include evocation. i losers will dabble with “transits”8F . It is not that they can't predict 9-11 – they can't predict Full Moon. To be noted that pseudo-astrological backwaters go also by the absurd name of non- predictive astrology: that is a car that does not drive, a plane that does not fly.


Disinformation is being fed as we speak through myriad magazines, web sites and TV. Not a single word is true and thus the public gets appeased. In a world as pumped with disinformation, people meekly chose to convey. Human capacitors serve as relays for the j matrix of lie. Can man be saved? Not at all, since it is in the nature9F of humanity to choose Barabbas over Jesus.


Who are “astrologers”? Mostly self-proclaimed random folk which is not only unable to predict next 9-11 but is also almost deliberately unaware of their own Sun-signs unawares. The most infamous – thus best-selling people who wrote about Sun-signs never k knew their own! They died10F not knowing their own Sun-signs; and are thus considered legends. Their expertise lays in an infinite capability of repeating selfsame erroneous assumptions over and over again - along with an equally infinite accompanying naiveté on the part of their wrecked public. Next 9-11 happens even when predicted since lobbying superstitious people won't allow for information to flow.


i This is the 501st direction as perused along with e.g. Ascendant ephemerides or a Cruithne transit in order to determine the second of the already calculated event; namely astrology is about calculation, and so is e.g. I Ching, the book of directed astrological precession. j Not (merely) Devil. k They did not even know – how to compute - the time of their own death!

The power of disinformation is so immense that blind humanity never noticed that e.g. Gemini did not rise at east for over 5000 years now! When “astrologers” speak of “Gemini ascending”, Gemini is northwards – therefore removed by 90 degrees from east where it does not rise.


Charlatans can count on the naiveté of their public in publicly assessing such nonsensei as polar star rising at east for the USA. The ascendant of the USA is Serpens Cauda. The problem with “astrologers” is that they never know when they said something stupid since they peruse idiotic programs that actually do show the polar star as rising at east!


Taken for granted superstition is. There is nothing like 12 ascendants at all in any real sky but it seems convenient to keep default superstition running till the end of the world. As amounting error amounts, discrepancy leads to dichotomy and ultimately to wars. Death is the price of superstition. When will next 9-11 occur? People will never ask those who in turn never knew their own Sun sign and there'll be no reply. The exact prediction will be engulfed by claims of relevant stewardship over stars one never wanted to see at all.


Destroying the circus. For over 7000 years, people have been naively believing in all kind of nonsensei. Faux prophets galore mushroomed everywhere. Did even lord Krishna know his own natal ascendant? According to tradition: no.


What is the circus? The circus is a make-believe as made of 12 signs: the popular thus erroneous zodiac. 12 signs don't make any zodiac at all, and they surely never account for any ascendant set.


Albeit Gemini can be seen at north when expected to rise at east: quite an impossible sight for the past 5000 years or so – people will insist on their faux creed. Because it's easier to deny what is obvious? Because they were told to conform? Because to deliberately err is human? For 5000 years no one even took notice of the precession of the ascendants. True, larger China and Egypt did make some effort, but that was simply not good enough!


The sky is the proof but humanity ostentatiously refused to take a single glance at the sky. They'd see dozens of ascendants there but instead they reduced them to 12 of which many were never seen to rise at east be generations.


Why do people appear to believe in stuff that everyone knows is not? In Woz's own words: “People buy everything.” Because it is easier to just move along with the crowd: any crowd? People are eventually ready to kill on behalf of a half-belief. Such popular superstitions often form as religions as proposing quite the opposite from original initiations. As the result, people will gladly kill the very thing they were supposed to revere with joy. In their own confusion, they pick thousands of superstitions which are easy to believe in since nonsensical.


People delegate thinking to something else that we could call default mind – the mind of the world or wiki mind. People prefer something else – anything else will do – to do the thinking for them. They will believe in any nonsense “as seen on TV”. The WWW is nowadays organized to misinform e.g. in the form of various wiki and social media, where the loudest nonsense takes precedence over relevant data. People are told to do things by repeating the selfsame mistakes AD AETERNVM. Why review when one can repeat?


There is no Internet nowadays. It was switched with a net in which everyone shares – that is – repeats. People are not very good with data as abundantly proved over the past precession cycle. Nowadays things like precession are evaded by the majority. In order to destroy native cults, a fixed – mostly London-based – universe was installed over and across the real stars. Thus, in Australia, the local sky is completely ignored – the selfsame nonsensical horrorscopes that people buy in London are overimposed any real thus aborigine skies. That is stellar colonialism. Of course, the colons do not even know that their skies went wrong.


Who made errors? The ruling classes of course did. It was easier to rule upon simpletons by imposing faux stars, thus confusing issues – th better to fish out gold out of popular mud.


How did we destroy the circus?


When thievery becomes tradition, said tradition is a lie. It is a cover-up for a variety of basic lies that were meant in order to further confuse the further degenerations in order to better rule upon them. One who does not know oneself is lost and anybody following upon any traditional path at hand of course is.


In order to reinforce tradition, fraud was perused. Thus, an absolutely nobody as alien to any initiation, Masonry, magick, the Tarot, evocation, zodiac or ascendant set: Aleister Crowley – was towered as model over a rabble of quibbling pseudo-occultists. The man never knew one's own Sun sign; never ever dreamed of an ascendant set and of course had not even a vague idea of the Tarot initiation series: an ideal nincompoop upon which to feed the next degenerations of illiterates.


The whole matter of the magick zodiac was presented in an “as if” atmosphere. It must have looked to the average loser that something like e.g. Golden Dawn actually knew something about zodiacs, magick or ascendant sets; where in truth they were equally lost as the man in the street – even more, of course. At least the man in the street never dabbled too deep into any superstition at all. The airs that people with absolutely no knowledge of anything gave to themselves was amazing: they even sold titles to each other. Thus, e.g. an average chap that was quite unable to determine east was entitled the title of “magister templi”. Not that the Boy Scouts would do much better, but they at least don't claim any avatarships over some unselected Germanic races.

67 horoscope signs 16 ascendants 22 zodiacal stations

8Hhttp://lulu.com/astrology Venusian zodiac Scientific lunar zodiac 16 solar stations 1008 dwarf planets Centaurs Comets Dark planets Chimerae Future-changing RTRRT 1008 Tarot initiations Centaurean sigils Chthonic sigils Dark planets in evocation Next events: Sun w/ New Moon in Sextans, Venus in Hydra, Saturn in Ophiuchus


#Zodiac = 22 #Ascendants = 16 #Horoscope = 67 #Astrology #ZodiacShift #AcademicZodiac #ZodiacFact #tropical #sidereal #Vedic #Jyotish #NWO

• The zodiac counts exactly 22 constellations. • There are exactly 16 ascending constellations as rising at due east – the ascendant set aka guardian angels of the horoscope. • There are 67 horoscope signs with Eris and Pluto included “as planets”.


Are there dynamically compatible horoscopes? Probably not at all, except against initiates who are fairly above said astral domain, that is approaching third attention. Their “ascent” is nothing like faux promises of some collective mental shift, which never happens at all.


l Even fairly compatible11F natal horoscopes are incompatible as time ticks by, namely in direction. So-called “astrologers” could not know about directions since at best they trample around the ecliptic alongside transits, which never helped them much in basic prediction, such as in the case of 9-11.


Eris 0 altitude W in Cetus NYC + Osama Moon χ1 Orionis = 9-11.

#Saturn in #Ophiuchus #2016shift #Venus in #Hydra #2015shift #VenuSign Venus in #Scutum #2014shift Venus in #Pegasus #2017shift


When was Saturn in Ophiuchus for the last time?

5 Which one is your true natal ascendant4F ?

6 7 8 OPHIUCHUS – USA5F , Prince George, Justin Bieber and Kim6F Kardashian reptilian ascendant7F . MONOCEROS – Angelina Jolie as spiritual leader. l In using an absurdly coined phrase. m HYDRA – Aleister Crowley, Kalki12F . SEXTANS – Vatican, Russia – the NWO Masonic conspiracy ascendant per excellence. CANIS MINOR – foxy George Bush. n ORION – Dalai Lama, O5IRIS13F . o SERPENS – Italy vs USA – where Italy is head14F while USA wags its rattlesnake tail. TAURUS – A rare quarter an of chance for market investors and general luck.


How does it kill? Venom and treason – cloak and dagger – in cases of Mars – Venus - Neptune afflictions: espionage backstabbing. Saturn and Uranus by fatality. Even towards suicide with no Lovers’ Leap to romanticize with Mars - Saturn afflictions. By pacing the path to hell with good intentions with Mars square Jupiter. Examples abound.


m Kalki has a triune ascendant, the man with three ascendants: the other two are foxy Canis Minor and Monoceros. n The #RTRRT of #immortality. See also #O5IRIS o Tail is CAVDA while head is CAPVT. She is looking for an ideal partner, not being quite ideal herself: a classic. But this baby has Venus conjunct LILIT VERA on her 5th house cusp as squared with Neptune on her 8th: whatever relationship she forms with be subject to immediate betrayal, where she betrays even the subject of betrayal and so AD INFINITVM.


The following treatise will explain to some perfection why the path to hell paved with good intentions is. Note that hell proper is for the initiate only, like Dante or Castaneda, thus we peruse it fairly figuratively.


When will lovers quarrel? This is easily predictable as relationships tend to break here and there and that very often indeed. E.g. a simple martial transit as squaring the ascendant of any relationship horoscope will produce unbearable tensions along with hate. ns – the couple in question will of course have no conscious idea of what is really going on – this is geometrical as well as psychological hell – a series of hits below the belt!


Also, reportedly they enjoy knowing the proper times to play the stock market. Somehow, pleasant events do appeal along with their timely reports and luck strike.


In order to produce a relationship horoscope for the purpose of dynamic synastry, one peruses real sky, thus predictive astronomy. As such process was never automated; it requires some skill on the part of the operator or operatrix.


In poor words, we know exactly when and even why the relationship will break or produce positively negative results. This is mainly thanks to mathematical methods that we call “directions”, and secondly thanks to evocation, that is, the discussions that magi have or had with planetary spirits. Planetary delineations do happen this way: e.g. one talks to Vestalis and Vestalis talks back: a planet – even hypothetical or obscure – will sometimes contact said magus even before its own discovery.


Vexation in love is due to wrong choice that leads to fairly right partners and vice-versa the right decision which leads to wrong partnership. That happens due to dynamic aspects in the real skies of which astrologers know absolutely nothing at all and will continue to do so.


Examples abound. Typically – a short introduction to a Synastry Aspectarian would state three types of aspects, of which e.g. Saturn – Uranus forms fatal relationships – unfairly impossible to avoid even in an advanced initiate.


A list of worst aspects will classically include Venus square Neptune, Mars square Jupiter, Mercury square Jupiter and so on – for obvious unreasons.


Treason is easily calculable by direction. It takes a second to know – by memory – when treason happens.


Because it does. Treason happens often, every minute – in fact – to the chagrin of our tendency to embellish it all, relationship including. Mind it that one is in love with archetype, not real person at all!


Whatever happens may be more or less complicated in time. Namely, strong attraction can be established even by negative aspects, but when positive aspects abound – the negative pone lurk! Thus, Venusian harmony is disrupted – in time – by whatever lurks there.


Whatever lurks there is legion: namely, all sorts of negativities lurk even within the so- called positive aspects. It is impossible to find a dynamically compatible horoscope – not even on the astral realm. However, society has invented manners, culture and mores in order to asphyxiate sincerity for the purpose of prolonging itself through whatever was falsely called tradition – the enemy of any Astrology or relationship proper – even royal p one15F .


p See e.g. on royal wedding and Venus in Cetus.

Nowadays; much as ever; even royal families are completely misinformed – if informed at all – about their own dynastic horoscopes. Thus, the ascendant of the USA is Serpens Cauda.


Much like every shoeshine boy, butcher or florist can instantly tell the day and possibly minute of your next marriage – by memory – so the future can be changed comparatively easy in perchance five minutes or less. These future-changing methods are known as RTRRT or Real Rime Reality Rendering Tools.


As there is advantage in knowing the future times before changing them for good, predictive Astrology is still valid. One of the most precise directions as invented by ourselves years ago is the secondary angular. In that respect, all 1008 planets are perused, thus adding to not only prediction in a prediction, but also to sophistication.


Perhaps most people that overheard about astrology would have been made to think that the so-called faux Sun-sign – both east and west – is something important. It is not. The Sun will prove perhaps the least important in any analysis, to the point that a rather serious treatise as entitled “Taking the Sun out of the Zodiac” was written but in a light spirit of mockery towards general credulity.


Even if the Sun-signs were important, no astrologer on this planet would know how to determine the Sun’s zodiacal position at all. That is to say, neither you nor your astrologists know where the Sun is, was or will be. That even more – much much more – of course, goes for the Moon. As concern the ascendant, do not even bother to guess one: you are completely lost. A question: when the Sun is in Orion and the new Moon in Auriga, can Orion ascend at sunrise or moonrise sharp? That settles it.


As exemplified through countless presentations, anyone can predict by memory in from raw data. It is e.g. comparatively easy to know the times of your next marriages, even to the minute. Not only your shoeshine boy, florist or butcher can perform: even you can – and that without any astrological knowledge or even talent.


How many Sun-signs are over there? 15? 16? While said issue is rather irrelevant to Astrology, it would be rude to assume 13 Sun-signs only; and of course utterly stupid to insist on 12. Sextans, Orion and Cetus complete the story.


Superstition. Arbitrary 12 Sun-signs. Alleged 12 ascendants. Sidereal-tropical nonsense. Ayanamsa. Non-predictive guesswork or even sheer lack of such. Tradition. Solar returns. q Mercury retrograde. Transits16F . Void course of the Moon. House systems. Chaldaean r superstition17F . Colorful gibberish. Prejudice. There are indeed many things that Astrology is not: most of them; especially cheap escapades as promoted by ex defaulters.

Rom 12:2 And be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.


Eris 0 altitude W in Cetus NYC + Osama Moon χ1 Orionis = 9-11.


How is a horoscope done? It is never done: said field is too vast to be accomplished in one lifetime. One lifetime is not enough in studying a single horoscope. A horoscope can not be described in 15000 pages: our standard format. Much as the skies are vast and unexplored, so is the horoscope. Whoever thinks oneself as defined by say a Sun sign is a fool: nobody is defined by Sun sign. No devil is.

What is Astrology vs whatever #Astrology is not | #AcademicZodiac #ZodiacFacts #Ofiuco #Ophiuchus #astronomy #NASA #ZodiacShift #horoscope


q The so-called transits are merely one among hundreds of directions – often completely misunderstood or misinterpreted. Proof? 9-11. r As banished by Jahveh unto the Levites. The holy guardian angel is the eastern ascendant. The ascendant set of course slowly changes with precession. The present set is marked by 16 constellations, many of which are completely alien to popular superstition. E.g. Hydra is the ascendant of Aleister Crowley, Serpens Cauda of the USA, Ophiuchus of Kim Kardashian and Justin Bieber, Monoceros marks the prominent birth of Angelina Jolie and so on. The ascendant is therefore unknown to “astrologers”: you surely noticed that there are too many experts in default eloquence; people who excel in every New Wage discipline for lucrative purposes: for entertainment only. It must be much more entertaining to get to know one’s true natal horoscope instead. So let’s get down for some real interstellar business here!


The true zodiacal position of your natal Venus and actual Venus. The actual position of Venus in Scutum spells circumspection as Venus forms a loop or circus high above Sagittarius. Scutum is neighboring on Serpens Cauda, the ascendant of the USA, as in forming a protective shield for and from said nuclear force.


What do we mean by “pseudo-zodiacal chaos”? Your horoscopes don’t suffer from “merely one sign” of offset: they are offset by up to 7 signs or – more properly - constellations. As to the ascendant set: Gemini e.g. does not rise at east – it is seen northwards when your program has it allegedly ascending at east: Gemini does not ascend s at all for the epoch at hand: no one you know is18F “ascendant Gemini” and that goes for Aries, Cancer, Libra, Scorpius, Sagittarius and Capricornus as well. Taurus ascends for 5 minutes only. India failed to notice the precession of the ascendants, thus living the mess of tradition. India never failed to notice that the Sun represents faux ego and is thus

s Has an, is in possession of an… t exempt from horoscope analysis19F . The Sun with its 16 stations is comparably unimportant u in most practical20F horoscope analysis – that is: directions.

67 22 16 EXPLAINED

If there are 22 zodiacal stations and 16 ascendants, how come that the horoscope signs amount to 67? The answer lies in adding Eris and Pluto to our calculi. Moreover, not every ascendant is zodiacal. At the time when Pluto was planet, we had more than two v dozen zodiacal signs. Eris doubled the zodiac. Now 67 being explained21F , let us consider 16 solar signs. The Sun being the least important element of the horoscope is often w neglected in predictive calculi22F . Mathematical directions mostly deal with sphere trigonometry projections – meaning accurate predictions. Amateurs as perchance perusing “transits” were quite unable to predict e.g. 9-11 – or their own death, for that matter… The directions predict events. Thus, at the time of 9-11 there were many alleged astrologers on the planet, perhaps more than 5 as declared per continent, but none of them x y knew how to predict23F – thus hardly making them astrologers at all24F .

Eris 0 altitude W in Cetus NYC + Osama Moon χ1 Orionis = 9-11.

#Astrology #Tarot #Numerology 67 #horoscope signs 22 #zodiac 16 ascendants #ZodiacShift #Ophiuchus #Ofiuco

t See Taking the Sun out of the Horoscope. u Mathematical directions mostly deal with sphere trigonometry projections – meaning accurate predictions. Amateurs perusing “transits” were unable to predict e.g. 9-11 – or their own death, for that matter… v Partly, the 43 X Zodiacal stations were published back in 2005- first sale Aug 1st. Eris is the most delineated planet with over 13 GB of publications online still, including animations – animated X Zodiac – and abundant X Zodiacal scans. w Directions. There are some 500 predictive methods also known as directions, or mathematical predicting methods. Normally, only mountebanks peruse transits. x The 500 directions went completely unknown to mountebanks who at best most ridiculously attempt at “transits”. y There is no such thing as “non-predictive” astrology. Since every human life can be accurately predicted by memory by shoeshine boys, there is no reason to entrust one’s own life to time wasters.


There are 67 horoscope signs.


There are 22 zodiacal stations.


There are 16 ascendants.


z aa 22 and 16 are related25F to the Tarot26F .


There is no tradition in the real sky. The skies are changing. To deny real natal skies unto one is to commit demoniac offense against personal angel guardian. No one can deny precession unto you, not even your ruler. Kings come and go, so does the ascendant set change. There is no such thing as 12 animals rising at east – never was and never will be.


z Of course related to the 22 tarot initiations, of which 3 or 4 – perhaps 5 - are fairly available to the rare individuals, who would attempt at and submit such an arduous lifelong self-initiation. aa Also I Ching and many things – see Aspectarian.

You are serious about your own horoscope; knowing that business issues, excellent health bb and married life depend on accurately displaced stars27F . Astronomical precision means cc dd that you are in good hands28F . Instead of perusing superstitious material29F for the masses, your natal data are processed with the help of ultimate technology such as the recently updated NASA JPL HORIZONS system.

#Kalki #Yuga #2014shift #Scutum #2015shift #Hydra #2017shift #Pegasus #Aeon

1 #RTRRT Real-Time Reality Rendering Tools | Instant #magick self - #initiation 2 22 standard zodiacal stations of the #AcademicZodiac. 3 16 ascendants, also extended Sun-signs. 4 67 horoscope signs. 5 Among the 16 observable eastern constellations for the current epoch. 6 More precisely Serpens Cauda. 7 c/o Korean Kim! 8 Share this reptilian ascendant – where Serpens Cauda is bordering on this configuration.

bb An allusion at directions. The directions, some 500 of them, are mathematical methods in astrological prediction. Our latest contribution is the ultra-precise secondary angular direction. Patients have been having healthy organs cut out on account of pseudo-astrological advice. Ascendant Gemini turns out to be Pisces or – more precisely – Cetus – that alone offers a 90degrees offset in your horoscope. All horoscopes on this planet have been miscalculated for the past 500 years. Presently there are up to seven signs of non-linear zodiacal offset, which turn to be a deadly warning against perusing any sky that is not the real one. Which is yours? Which sky is yours, indeed? We deal with the real one. Divorce happens by direction whenever two incompatible as well as miscalculated horoscopes meet. Bankruptcy has its timely day and minute, whenever miscalculation, superstition and fraud set in. Also, 9-11 had its precise minute. Of course fraudulent posers could not calculate it at all. Firstly: they don’t even know that there is any calculation to be done. Secondly: they have no idea of the position of the planets: any planets at any time; and thus have nothing to calculate at all, even if they knew that prediction is about certain methods of calculation – the so-called directions – some 500 of them. cc Meaning NASA JPL. dd That includes toy programs that e.g. spawn “12 ascendants” – something that will never happen in the real skies and never did.