Metropolis Planet June 6, 2012 Section: Page 7 Noel Neill comes home to Metropolis By Larry Thomas Ward a devastating fall at her home, fracturing are essentially over, as such activity is comfort and leisure. She continues to en- Editor’s Note: Many readers know her left hip, which left her in tremendous now impossible. joy watching television — including old that Noel Neill as the “First Lady of pain. episodes of The Adventures of Superman Metropolis,” but many may not know Her road to recovery was a long one, As with any older adult, she also suf- — reading fan mail and offering witty Larry Ward, who is Neill’s manager and going from hospitals to rehab centers, but fers from other physical ailments, re- conversation with her new neighbors. friend. Ward, who is cently most notably, some serious den- She also recently enjoyed reading the now a resident of Me- tal concerns which will be ongoing for latest Superman book by Larry Tye and tropolis, has accom- some time. tries to keep up with all things having to panied Neill at every Noel’s last public appearance was at do with Superman. Superman Celebration a comic book show in Tucson in May At the age of 91, Noel is fi nally re- she has attended. 2011, and her last outing was at a gather- tired, with no plans to make any future — — — — — ing at a private function held in her honor public appearances. In my 2003 biog- with friends on June 30 of last year, also Fans wishing to write Noel can do so raphy of Adventures in Tucson. at the following address: Noel Neill, P.O. Of Superman actress At this time, Noel’s life is one of Box 181, Metropolis, IL 62960. Noel Neill, I wrote that while Noel had lived in California most of her adulthood, Metropolis, Ill. was her true second home. As a frequent guest at the annual Super- man Celebration, Noel Support the advertisers in was always moved by the generous warmth this special section showed by both local residents and visitors alike, and she always throughout the year. vowed to return to the city of Metropolis for a longer stay, and in a non-guest capacity, She never quite made that journey…. until now. It can now be of- fi cially confi rmed that Noel has fi nally re- After a Hot Day at the turned to the Metropo- Noel Neill has fi nally returned to the Metropo- lis-area permanently, lis-area permanently, having recently relocated Superman Celebration come having recently relo- from her home in Tucson, Ariz. At the age of cated from her home 91, Neill is fi nally retired, with no plans to make in Tucson, Ariz. any future public appearances. She is pictured with us! As readers may re- above at her last public outing in Tucson on June call, Noel’s last offi - 30, 2011. — Photo by Mike Goldman ® cial public appearance Try our Blizzard in Metropolis was at 401 E. 5th St. the 2010 dedication of the Noel Neill/ she did eventually recover well enough statue at the corner of Eighth that she can now walk, but does so slow- Metropolis of the month! and Market streets. ly and hesitantly, and with a cane. 524-5454 Less than a month later, she suffered Her days of touring for weeks on end

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