CITIES: -TREK: Pacllón / TREK: Pacllón -Corralpampa / TREK: Corralpampa -Jahuacocha / TREK: ​ Jahuacocha / TREK: Jahuacocha -Llamac -CHIQUIAN -HUARAZ

DAY 01 HUARAZ / TREK: Pacllón

From the city of Huaraz we take the motorway to the south of Callejón de Huaylas, looking at the snowy peaks of the to the Querococha lagoon (70 km), from where we turn eastwards through the pampas of Lampas by a asphalted road to Mojon, where we took a detour by a dirt road affirmed towards Chiquian, accompanied by the first and fantastic views of the Cordillera de Huayhuash. A small stop in this picturesque village of Chiquian and then continue our way to the small town of Pacllón, beginning the trekking (3,350m), to install our first camp.

DAY 02 TREK: Pacllón - Corralpampa

From Pacllón we start the trek through the Cordillera Huayhuash. Our mountain staff will be waiting for us to start the trek with a slow ascent towards Corral pampa (4,200m) to install our first camp, having as background the views of the Mute Devil mountain.

DAY 03 TREK: Corralpampa - Jahuacocha

We follow the trek ascending step Yaucha (4,800m), where you can enjoy the most impressive and gratifying views of the Cordillera Huayhuash (, , Hirishanca, Yerupaja Chico, Yerupaja grande, , Siula, Sacra, and others). Then we descend to approach the beautiful lagoon of Jahuacocha where we will set up our camp (4,050m) in a pleasant environment, having as background the beautiful lagoon of Jahuacocha.

DAY 04 TREK: Jahuacocha

This day is free to rest enjoying the landscape. We could hike to Solterococha lagoon and base camp of the Yerupaja, near the glacier and then return to our camp in Jahuacoha; in addition from Soltero Cocha we could make a lateral walk towards Sambunya (4,750m) from where you have a splendid view of the Cordillera Huayhuash, and then return to our camp in Jahuacocha.

DAY 05 TREK: Jahuacocha - Llamac - Chiquian - Huaraz

This is the last day of trek through the Quebrada Huayllan. We follow the waters of the river of the same name, that leaves Jahuacocha lagoon between the colorful nature, ichu, quenuales and splendid views of Rondoy, Hirishanca, Yerupaja, Yerupaja grande. We descend by the new well-watered channel with a soft slope. We will have the sight of the Mute Devil mountain to descend to LLamac in this last section by a path of steep slope. We arrive at Llamac (3,300m) where our car will be waiting for us to undertake the return to the city of Huaraz. A small stop in the city of Chiquián and then we continue to Huaraz.


-You can access Huaraz, in comfort, from the following cities:

-FROM LIMA: By plane or bus. ​ -FROM TRUJILLO: By bus. ​


● All transfers in cities, at the beginning of the ● Food NOT MENTIONED IN THE PROGRAM. treks and vice versa. ● Sleeping bag. ● A guide who knows the route and the customs ● Tips. of the place. ● Entry ticket to the Huascarán National Park. ● Support staff (porters and camping equipment) during trekking. ● Ground transportation according to program description. ● Hot and cold meals during the circuit, indicated in program. ● Full board during the days of Trek. ● Two-person tents; bathroom-tent; kitchen-tent; dining-tent. ● Hot water for personal hygiene. ● Cook, tables, armchairs. ● Boiled and chlorinated water. ● First aid kit, Oxygen. ● Communication radios. ● Accommodation according to requested category and according to program.


-CLOTHING: Sun hat, mountain pants, comfortable and warm tights, cotton t-shirts, comfortable underwear, sweater (preferably antiperspirant), anorak or waterproof jacket, warm gloves, winter cap and change of clothing warm for the nights .

-FOOTWEAR: Mountain shoes (check that they are in good condition), sneakers or light shoes to use in the camp and a pair of sandals to take a bath.

-ACCESSORIES: Sleeping bag, sunglasses, water resistant bottle, flashlight (preferably headlamp), batteries, sports scarf.

-PERSONAL CLEANLINESS: Medium towel, small toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, antibacterial gel, towels or damp cloths, sunscreen and repellent.

-MULTIMEDIA EQUIPMENT: Camera and / or video camera, charged batteries (if possible bring 2 or more spare batteries), memory cards with available capacity, protective cover for cameras.

-DO NOT FORGET: Original passport, sufficient amount of prescription drugs, Peruvian currency (soles) for tips and small purchases on the trip.