CAJUNS—COOKERY CAMEROON—LANGUAGE Bread pudding with fruit, recipe 2359:41-42 Common words and phrases in Bamileke, Cat fish court bouillon, recipe 2879:3 Ervondo and Fulfulde languages 2969:87 Down-on-the-bayou gumbo, recipe 2534:34-35 CANADA—CHRISTMAS—COOKERY King cake, recipe 2359:43-45 Barley toys candy, rec ipe 2403:12-13 Plogue, buckwheat flatbreads, recipe 2879:4 CANADA—CHRISTMAS—DECORATIONS Shrimp and ham jambalaya, recipe 2359:39-40 Shrimp jambalaya, recipe 2879:2-3 Tree skirt, felt, ribbons, making 2740:14-15 Smoth ered po ta toes, rec ipe 2879:4-5 CANADA—COOKERY CALDER, ALEXANDER French toast, recipe 2460:27 Stand ing mo bile, mak ing 2529:66 Maple ice cream, recipe 2302:55 Pancakes with maple syrup, rec ipe 2261:30-31 —COOKERY CANADA—FESTIVALS Chi natown dragon cakes, rec ipe 2534:17 Can ada Day; maple leaf sponge art, pat terns, CALIFORNIA INDIANS—FOLKLORE mak ing 2262:94-95 Thunder and Fire, story and ac tiv ities CANADA—GAMES 2423:53-63 Acka backa boo game, how to play 2385:14 CAMBODIA—GAMES Beanbag pass game, how to play 2525:54 Angkunh game, how to play 2649:22 Borden ball game, how to play 2525:38 Handker chief game, how to play 2767:57 Broomball game, broom, ball, how to play Leak Pong Kaek (hiding mother crow’s eggs), 2328:134-135 how to play 2767:57-58 Catch a fall ing star game, how to play 2525:90 Muoy, pi, bey game, how to play 2385:21 Changing posi tions game, how to play CAMBODIAN-—COOKERY 2525:165 B’baw poat (corn pudding), recipe 2879:50 Drop the handker chief, how to play 2767:59 Ngiom (coleslaw), rec ipe 2879:49-50 Emer gency game, how to play 2525:22 CAMEROON—BEADWORK Empire strikes back game, how to play Beaded hat band, cardboard, markers, making 2525:143 2620:46-47 Firefighter res cue game, how to play 2525:170 Hat with a crown, cardboard, markers, making Hoopscotch game, how to play 2525:162 2620:46-47 I looked high game, how to play 2385:13 Hat with face or dan gling creature, card board, Ice floe game, how to play 2328:68-69 mark ers, mak ing 2620:46-47 Jumping the hoop game, how to play 2525:175 Liz ard from Cam er oon, card board, mark ers, pat- Kick the can game, how to play 2525:6 terns, making 2620:46-47 Moving musi cal hoops game, how to play 2525:193 CAMEROON—CLAY TILES Pattywhack game, how to play 2525:102 Pat terned tiles, clay, ob jects for im pres sions, Pin’an, how to play 2767:171 mak ing 2331:14-15 Sardines game, how to play 2385:32 CAMEROON—COOKERY Scoops game, how to play 2525:117 Egussi stew, rec ipe 2969:122 Stick tag game, how to play 2525:135 CAMEROON—GAMES Tcoskumina-a (sliding game), how to play Carry it game, how to play 2969:127 2767:59-60 Clap, clap, clap ball game, how to play Tihitpintowan (roll ing game), how to play 2385:28 2767:60

29 Two-person catch game, how to play 2525:93 Bio med i cal Equip ment Tech ni cian; in ter view, CANADA—HANDICRAFTS pro jects, sto ries, rec i pes, ac tiv i ties Leaf cuts, paper, paste, making 2407:24 2823:29-30 Candy Store Clerk; in ter view, pro jects, sto ries, CANADA—LANGUAGE rec i pes, ac tiv i ties 2823:31-33 Few ba sic words in French 2302:50 Car Fac tory Worker; in ter view, pro jects, sto ries, CANADA—NEW YEAR—COOKERY rec i pes, ac tiv i ties 2823:35-40 But ter tarts, recipe 2888:24-25 Car pen ter; in ter view, pro jects, sto ries, rec i pes, CANADA—NEW YEAR—MUSICAL ac tiv i ties 2823:41-43 INSTRUMENTS Child-Care Di rec tor; in ter view, pro jects, sto ries, Make music with spoons, metal or rec i pes, ac tiv i ties 2823:45-47 wooden 2402:12-13 Chil dren’s Book Author; inter view, projects, sto- CANADA—TOTEM ries, rec i pes, ac tiv i ties 2823:49-51 Com puter Ex pert; in ter view, pro jects, sto ries, Totem pole, cardboard tube, markers, making rec i pes, ac tiv i ties 2823:53-54 2460:39 Crea ture Ef fects Tech ni cian; in ter view, pro jects, Totem pole, paper tube, cardboard, markers, sto ries, rec i pes, ac tiv i ties 2823:55-59 mak ing 2686:26-27 Dancer; in ter view, pro jects, sto ries, rec ipes, CANALS ac tiv i ties 2823:61-62 Build a canal lock, milk cartons, tape, making Doc tor; in ter view, pro jects, sto ries, rec i pes, 2497:28-29 ac tiv i ties 2823:63-65 CANDLES El e men tary School Teacher; in ter view, pro jects, Dipped candles, wax, making 2440:51 sto ries, rec i pes, ac tiv i ties 2823:67-69 Eggshell candles, wax, making 2440:49 Fash ion De signer; in ter view, pro jects, sto ries, Flowery candles, wax, making 2440:48 rec i pes, ac tiv i ties 2823:71-73 Iced candles, wax, making 2440:50 Firefighter; in ter view, pro jects, sto ries, rec i pes, Molded can dles and lay ered can dles, wax, ac tiv i ties 2823:75-76 mak ing 2440:45-47 Folk Art ist; in ter view, pro jects, sto ries, rec i pes, Seashell candles, wax, making 2440:48 ac tiv i ties 2823:77-78 Water balloon candle, wax, making 2440:52 Ge ol o gist; in ter view, pro jects, sto ries, rec i pes, CANDY ac tiv i ties 2823:79-82 History of candy 2815:unp His tor i cal Build ing Win dow Re storer; in ter view, pro jects, sto ries, rec i pes, ac tiv i ties CANDY—COOKERY 2823:83-85 “Belly-guts” taffy, rec ipe 2815:unp His tor i cal Vil lage Ac tor; in ter view, pro jects, sto - Sugar paste, 16th to 17th century recipe ries, rec i pes, ac tiv i ties 2823:87-90 2815:unp Il lus tra tor; in ter view, pro jects, sto ries, rec i pes, Vassar fudge, rec ipe 2815:unp ac tiv i ties 2823:91-93 CAPE VERDEAN-AMERICANS—COOKERY Li brar ian; in ter view, pro jects, sto ries, rec i pes, Cachupa stew, recipe 2879:54-55 ac tiv i ties 2823:95-97 Canja (chicken rice soup), rec ipe 2879:56 Lob ster Fish er man; in ter view, pro jects, sto ries, Jag (rice and beans dish), recipe 2879:55-56 rec i pes, ac tiv i ties 2823:99-102 CAREERS Maple Syrup and Cheese Business Owner; inter - An thro pol o gist; in ter view, pro jects, sto ries, rec i - view, pro jects, sto ries, rec i pes, ac tiv i ties pes, ac tiv i ties 2823:1-4 2823:103-108 Ar chi tect; in ter view, pro jects, sto ries, rec i pes, ac - Mu ral Painter; in ter view, pro jects, sto ries, rec i pes, tiv i ties 2823:9-11 ac tiv i ties 2823:109-110 Art Teacher; in ter view, pro jects, sto ries, rec i pes, Park Ranger; in ter view, pro jects, sto ries, rec i pes, ac tiv i ties 2823:13-15 ac tiv i ties 2823:113-114 Baker; in ter view, pro jects, sto ries, rec i pes, Peace Corps Worker; in ter view, pro jects, sto ries, ac tiv i ties 2823:17-19 rec i pes, ac tiv i ties 2823:115-117 Beau ti cian; in ter view, pro jects, sto ries, rec i pes, Pi ano Teacher; in ter view, pro jects, sto ries, rec i - ac tiv i ties 2823:25-27 pes, ac tiv i ties 2823:119-121

30 Postal Worker; in ter view, pro jects, sto ries, rec i - CARIBBEAN ISLANDS—EASTER—COOKERY pes, ac tiv i ties 2823:123-125 Easter buns, recipe 2925:66-67 Prison Teacher and Di rec tor; in ter view, pro jects, CARIBBEAN ISLANDS—FESTIVALS— sto ries, rec i pes, ac tiv i ties 2823:127-128 COOKERY River Trip Guide; in ter view, pro jects, sto ries, Car ni val; baked ba nanas, rec ipe 2962:19 rec i pes, ac tiv i ties 2823:129-132 Car ni val; baked plan tains, rec ipe 2962:15 Sec re tary; in ter view, pro jects, sto ries, rec i pes, Carni val; Island sugar cakes, recipe 2270:21 ac tiv i ties 2823:133-134 Car ni val; Ja mai can jerk chicken, rec ipe Sheepherder; in ter view, pro jects, sto ries, rec i pes, 2962:17 ac tiv i ties 2823:135-138 Carni val; rice and beans, recipe 2962:18 Su per in ten dent of Schools; in ter view, pro jects, Car ni val; sautéed greens, rec ipe 2962:16 sto ries, rec i pes, ac tiv i ties 2823:143-145 CARIBBEAN ISLANDS—GAMES Train En gi neer; in ter view, pro jects, sto ries, rec i - pes, ac tiv i ties 2823:35-40 Limbo game, how to make and play Truck Driver; in ter view, pro jects, sto ries, rec i - 2882:20-21 pes, ac tiv i ties 2823:147-149 Mosquito one game, how to play 2385:34 Weaver; in ter view, pro jects, sto ries, rec i pes, Tootsie in the moonlight singing game, how to ac tiv i ties 2823:151-153 play 2385:38 CARIBBEAN ISLANDS—CARS CARIBBEAN ISLANDS—MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Tap-tap trucks, clay, cardboard, paints, making 2817:26-33 Carib bean drums, cof fee can, fab ric, string, mak ing 2817:46-51 CARIBBEAN ISLANDS—COOKERY CARNIVAL Baked fish with lime and orange juice, recipe 2603:20-21 Car ni val head dress, papier-mâché, beads, feath - Baked ground pro vi sions (veg e ta bles), rec ipe ers, paints, making 2259:16-17 2603:22-23 CARPATHO-RUSYN-AMERICANS—COOKERY Banana bread, recipe 2603:34-35 Pagach (meatless meat pies), recipe 2879:58 Banana curry, rec ipe 2603:24-25 Pierogy (easy bake turnovers), recipe Ba nana frit ters, rec ipe 2925:58 2879:57-58 Banana soup, rec ipe 2603:12-13 Tomato gravy, recipe 2879:57 Bean and egg salad, rec ipe 2603:26-27 CARTER, JAMES EARL (PRESIDENT) Ca rib bean menu 2925:26-27 Mount St. Helens, a rainbow eruption, making Ca rib bean sor bet, rec ipe 2396:54 2263:122 Ca rib bean-style rice, rec ipe 2925:50 Pea nut pic nic, mak ing 2263:122 Chicken and ba nana skew ers, rec ipe CARVER, GEORGE WASHINGTON 2603:14-15 Con duct a sci en tific ex per i ment, how to do Chicken in coco nut sauce, recipe 2603:16-17 2745:176-177 Co co nut cus tard, rec ipe 2603:30-31 Grow a sweet potato vine, how to do 2745:175 Co co nut milkshake, rec ipe 2603:42-43 Make peanut but ter, how to do 2745:173 Fish and shrimp bake, rec ipe 2603:18-19 Foo-foo plantain dish, recipe 2925:53 CARVER, GEORGE WASHINGTON— Fried plantains, rec ipe 2270:9 HANDICRAFTS Ginger beer, rec ipe 2603:40-41 George Washing ton Carver peanut magnet, Mango ice cream, rec ipe 2603:38-39 mak ing 2731:20-21 Pancakes with mangoes, recipe 2603:36-37 CASSATT, MARY Pumpkin soup, recipe 2603:10-11 Every picture tells a story game, how to do Red, yel low, and green salad, recipe 2738:76 2603:28-29 Tempera monoprint, making 2529:44 Rice and peas, rec ipe 2925:51 CASTLES—COOKERY Sweet potato and pumpkin pudding, recipe Haunted cas tle dec o rated cake, rec ipe 2603:32-33 2583:16-17

31 CATAWBA INDIANS—COOKERY CELTS—WRITINGS IN STONE Roasted corn, rec ipe 2311:26-28 Ogham stone, clay, cardstock, white paint, making CATS 2582:50-51 Language arts, poetry, hobby craft activ i ties CENTRAL AMERICA—MUSICAL 2511:13-16 INSTRUMENTS CELTS—ARMOR Bird whistle, clay, making 2331:19 Hel met, papier-mâché, gold and bronze paints, CENTRAL AMERICA—WEAVER mak ing 2582:16-17 Weaver; in ter view, pro jects, sto ries, rec i pes, Shield, card board, leather strips, plasticine, ac tiv i ties 2823:151-153 paints, making 2582:22-23 CEZANNE, PAUL CELTS—BOOKS How to paint still life like Cezanne 2738:90 Celtic border, cardstock, paints, making Seeing shapes still life, making 2529:48 2582:60-61 Sten cil ing Cezanne with col or ful rect an gles, how CELTS—COOKERY to do 2738:97 Oat cakes, rec ipe 2582:38-39 CHAGALL, MARC CELTS—GAMES Scenery mu ral, mak ing 2529:76 Board game, how to make and play 2582:40-41 CHALDEAN-AMERICANS—COOKERY CELTS—HANDICRAFTS Booshala soup, rec ipe 2879:26-27 Stained glass window, card board, colored cello - Flat egg and fresh herb pan cakes, recipe phane, pattern, making 2784:8-9 2879:26 Let tuce leaves with honey, vine gar and mint, CELTS—HOUSEHOLD ITEMS rec ipe 2879:25 Mirror, gold mirrored cardboard, clay, gold Zazich dip, rec ipe 2879:26 paint, making 2582:46-47 CHALK Pot, papier-mâché, paints, making 2582:36-37 Bright stick, recipe 2918:57 CELTS—HOUSES Clay chalk, recipe 2918:60 Round house, brown cardboard, dowels, Rainbow chalk, rec ipe 2918:58-59 plasticine, making 2582:28-31 Side walk chalk, easy, rec ipe 2918:55 CELTS—JEWELRY Side walk chalk, rec ipe 2918:53-54 Brooch, clay, paints, making 2582:44-45 Squeeze ‘n’ paint chalk, rec ipe 2918:56 Torc (neck jewelry), clay, gold or bronze paint, Window chalk, rec ipe 2918:61 mak ing 2582:48-49 CHAMBERLAIN, JOHN CELTS—METALWORK Big junk, making 2529:97 Celtic gob let, papier-mâché, plas tic bot tle, card - CHEERLEADING board, beads, paints, making 2259:12-13 Pom poms, pa per, mak ing 2407:56 CELTS—MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CHEROKEE INDIANS—BASKETS Harp, cardboard, colored string, paints, mak ing Chero kee and Ir o quois sten ciled bas kets, bas kets, 2582:52-53 paints, making 2350:14-15 CELTS—RELIGION CHEROKEE INDIANS—COOKERY Gundestrup bowl, plastic bowl, foil, making Berry cobbler, rec ipe 2480:82 2582:54-55 Blue dumplings, rec ipe 2879:59-60 CELTS—SYMBOLS Chero kee or Brunswick stew, rec ipe 2480:82 Pig, clay, balsa wood, me tal lic paint, making Corn and beans, rec ipe 2280:45 2582:56-57 Huck le berry bread, rec ipe 2879:60-61 CELTS—TRANSPORTATION Suc co tash, rec ipe 2879:60 Wagon, cardstock, balsa wood, leather strip, Wild onions and eggs, recipe 2879:61 paints, mak ing 2582:32-33 CHEROKEE INDIANS—FOLKLORE How the People Got Fire, story and activ i - ties 2423:68-78

32 Water spider legend, water spider on rock, CHILE—CHRISTMAS—COOKERY paints, pat terns, making 2350:37-38 Christmas bread, recipe 2396:64 CHEROKEE INDIANS—LANGUAGE Christ mas fruit cake, rec ipe 2670:60-61 Chero kee al pha bet 2280:79 CHILE—COOKERY Chero kee moon; Chero kee words for 2280:81 Avo cado and zucchini soup, rec ipe 2943:52 Chero kee word book, paper, yarn, making Beans with veg e ta bles, rec ipe 2670:45 2311:29-32 Corn packages, rec ipe 2670:50 Ev ery day words in Chero kee lan guage Grape zucchini quick bread, recipe 2943:53 2280:76-81 Mar i nated chicken, rec ipe 2670:42 CHEYENNE INDIANS—COOKERY Salad platter and dressing, recipe 2670:37 Buf falo bur ger, rec ipe 2281:58 Seafood salad, recipe 2670:36 Wild chokeberry pudding, recipe 2569:42 Stew, rec ipe 2943:52 Sweet corn wraps, recipe 2943:53 CHEYENNE INDIANS—GAMES Turn overs, rec ipe 2670:62-63 Bas ket game, how to make and play 2882:6-7 Hand or stick game, how to play 2569:43 CHILE—FESTIVALS—COOKERY Mocca sin game, how to make and play La Fi esta de la Virgen de la Tirana; Chilean 2894:18 quinoa salad, rec ipe 2670:64 CHEYENNE INDIANS—HOUSES CHILE—FLAGS Play tipi, ma nila folder, markers or paints, Chilean flag, paper, markers, pattern, making mak ing 2894:12-13 2671:23 CHEYENNE INDIANS—JEWELRY CHILE—GAMES Bear claw neck lace, clay, beads, cord, paints, Cielo, Luna, Mar (Sky, Moon, Ocean), how to mak ing 2840:10-11 play 2767:60-61 CHEYENNE INDIANS—LANGUAGE La Gallina Que Se Va (The Running Hen), how to play 2767:61 Every day words in Cheyenne language Uno, dos, tres game, how to play 2385:21 2281:94-95 Parts of the body in Cheyenne language CHILE—NEW YEAR—HANDICRAFTS 2281:95 Ano Nuevo, gold brace lets, maca roni, gold paint, making 2402:14-15 CHEYENNE INDIANS—MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CHILE—STATUES Namshim drum, cof fee can, paints, plas tic, Carved stone statue model, paper bag, paints, mak ing 2557:22 mak ing 2686:111-112 CHEYENNE INDIANS—SHIELDS CHINA—BIRTH CUSTOMS—COOKERY Cheyenne shield, wire, chamois, making Long-life noodles with egg, recipe 2963:13 2523:61-63 CHINA—BIRTHDAYS—COOKERY CHICKASAW INDIANS—COOKERY Birth day noo dles, rec ipe 2658:21 Pashofa (pork and hominy dish), recipe Long life noodles, rec ipe 2796:33 2879:62 Long-life noodles, rec ipe 2565:30-31 Pump kin cook ies, rec ipe 2879:62-63 CHINA—BOATS CHICKASAW INDIANS—DANCES Dragon boat, paper bag, patterns, making Stomp dance wear; shell shakers for girls, gorget 2934:153-156 for boys, making 2431:22 Junk boat, paper bag, dowel, making CHICKASAW INDIANS—FOLKLORE 2934:151-152 Baby Rat tle snake by Te Ata; ac tiv ities, art, po - CHINA—CHOPSTICKS etry, maps, crafts, foods, pat terns How to use chopsticks 2344:unp 2642:112-115 CHINA—CLOTHING CHILDREN’S BOOK WEEK Man and woman tradi tional clothing, patterns Ac tiv i ties, crafts, pat terns 2760:47-58 2642:55 Ac tiv i ties, pro jects, pro grams 2378:27-35

33 CHINA—COOKERY Lemon chicken stir-fry, rec ipe 2604:20-21 Al mond cook ies, rec ipe 2572:62 Lemon chicken, rec ipe 2924:22-23 Al mond cook ies, rec ipe 2873:57 Long life noodles, rec ipe 2345:unp Almond fruit float, recipe 2873:56 Long-life noodles, rec ipe 2565:30-31 Al mond ses ame cook ies, rec ipe 2743:51 Moon cakes, recipe 2572:64-65 Baat Bo Fon (rice pudding), recipe 2266:21 Mushroom and wa ter chestnut soup, recipe Bean sprouts with scallions, rec ipe 2873:53 2604:10-11 Beg gar’s chicken, recipe 2572:57-59 Noodles with ground pork, rec ipe 2604:24-25 Boiled dumplings, rec ipe 2873:62 Orange tea, recipe 2604:42-43 Braised mushrooms, recipe 2565:20-21 Pork with green pepper and pineap ple, recipe Canton ese sweet and sour pork, rec ipe 2266:17 2873:48 Canton ese sweet and sour pork, rec ipe 2585:15 Red bean soup, recipe 2565:34-35 Carrots with honey, recipe 2604:30-31 Rice pudding, recipe 2585:21 Cel ery and shrimp salad, rec ipe 2604:32-33 Rice, how to cook, recipe 2873:32 Chicken porridge, rec ipe 2565:32-33 Shrimp and pork dim sum, recipe 2565:10-11 Chicken stir-fry, rec ipe 2684:72 Shrimp with ginger sauce, recipe 2604:14-15 Chilled cu cum ber and ses ame salad, rec ipe Shrimp with hoisin sauce, recipe 2873:49 2572:37 Spiced roast chicken, recipe 2873:46 Chi nese cab bage, rec ipe 2873:52 Spring rolls, recipe 2565:8-9 Chi nese fish cakes, rec ipe 2604:16-17 Stir-fried beef with sugar peas, rec ipe 2873:45 Chi nese fried rice, recipe 2864:48-49 Stir-fried beef wraps with smoked tofu, rec ipe Chi nese menu 2873:28-29 2572:52-53 Chi nese noodles in pea nut sauce, recipe Stir-fried fish with mushrooms and cucum ber, 2585:17 rec ipe 2604:18-19 Chi nese om elet, rec ipe 2565:26-27 Stir-fried green beans and green onions, recipe Chi nese scrambled eggs, rec ipe 2604:12-13 2572:41 Chi nese tea, rec ipe 2934:110 Stir-fried orange chicken, rec ipe 2572:47-49 Chi nese white rice, recipe 2572:23 Stir-fried shrimp and red peppers, recipe Choc o late litchies, rec ipe 2604:40-41 2572:54-55 Chow Fon (fried rice), rec ipe 2266:13 Sweet and sour prawns, recipe 2565:16-17 Cold sesame noodles, rec ipe 2572:33 Sweet and sour tofu stir-fry, recipe 2572:42-43 Congee or jook rice porridge, rec ipe 2873:32 Sweet bird’s nest, rec ipe 2934:111 Don Far Tong (chicken egg-drop soup with scal- Sweet chestnut balls, recipe 2604:38-39 lions), rec ipe 2266:9 Sweet corn soup, rec ipe 2565:12-13 Egg rolls, rec ipe 2572:34-35 Sweet eight trea sures rice pud ding, rec ipe Egg tarts, recipe 2565:36-37 2344:unp Egg-drop soup, recipe 2585:11 Sweet red bean paste, rec ipe 2873:69 Egg-flower soup, recipe 2873:38 Tea, how to make, recipe 2873:33 Five-spice popcorn, recipe 2700:67 Three rice dishes, recipe 2604:36-37 For tune cook ies, rec ipe 2873:58 Tofu stir-fry, recipe 2604:28-29 Four-color soup, rec ipe 2565:14-15 Tofu with pork, recipe 2565:18-19 Fried rice, recipe 2565:28-29 Veg e ta ble chow mein, rec ipe 2604:26-27 Fried rice, recipe 2572:30-31 Veg e ta bles with oys ter sauce, rec ipe Fried rice, rec ipe 2585:9 2565:24-25 Fried rice, recipe 2873:42 Velvet corn soup, rec ipe 2572:27 Ginger and green onion noodles, rec ipe Wa ter cress soup, rec ipe 2873:39 2604:34-35 Wonton, recipe 2873:36 Gin ger beef with green beans, recipe Yel low ses ame noo dles, rec ipe 2381:unp 2572:50-51 CHINA—DRAGONS Homemade chicken stock, recipe 2572:18-19 Chi nese dragon, black poster board, paints, tem- Home made veg e ta ble stock, rec ipe 2572:20 plate given, making 2978:31 Honey chicken, recipe 2604:22-23 Egg carton dragons, pat tern, making Hot and sour soup, recipe 2572:28-29 2642:135-136

34 CHINA—EMBROIDERY Qing Ming Festi val; tea eggs, recipe 2769:39 Needle work purse, plas tic canvas, yarn, making Win ter Solstice Fes tival; tang yuan sweet des sert, 2818:36-45 rec ipe 2334:30-31 CHINA—FANS CHINA—FESTIVALS—DECORATIONS Paper fan, paper, mak ing 2686:49-51 Cold Foods Festi val; pinwheels, mak ing CHINA—FESTIVALS—COOKERY 2769:43 Clear Brightness Fes tival; al mond and ses ame Dragon Boat Festi val; bamboo clackers, wood, cook ies, rec ipe 2796:27 tape, making 2769:53 Cold Foods Festi val; barbe cued chicken drum- Dragon Boat Festi val; dragon boats, paper, sticks, recipe 2769:42 making 2769:54 Cold Foods Festi val; fresh spring rolls, recipe Honey comb paper crafts, making 2407:65 2769:40-41 Moon Festi val; candle holder, flour and salt Cold Foods Festi val; tea eggs, recipe 2769:39 dough, making 2586:35 Dragon Boat Festi val; charsiu roast pork, recipe Qing Ming Festi val; pinwheels, mak ing 2824:18-19 2769:43 Dragon Boat Festi val; dragon boat dumplings, CHINA—FESTIVALS—DRAGONS rec ipe 2796:39 Giant dancing dragon, paper, beads, feathers, Dragon Boat Festi val; mung bean soup, rec ipe making 2478:137 2824:20 CHINA—FESTIVALS—GAMES Dragon Boat Fes tival; sticky rice, rec ipe Lan tern Fes ti val; Chi nese shut tle cock, how to 2824:16-17 make and play 2769:18 Dragon Boat Fes tival; sweet rice pack ages, CHINA—FESTIVALS—HANDICRAFTS rec ipe 2769:56-57 Harvest Moon Festi val; moon cookies, rec ipe Dragon Boat Festi val; charms, fragrant bag, fab - 2514:23 ric, dried flowers, making 2769:55 Lan tern Fes ti val; crisp-cooked veg e tar ian noo - Lan tern Fes tival; Good luck char acters, red pa - dles, rec ipe 2769:16-17 per, paint, making 2769:11 Lan tern Fes tival; New Year dump lings, recipe CHINA—FESTIVALS—KITES 2769:14-15 Cold Foods Fes tival; kites, fab ric, tis sue pa per, Lan tern Fes tival; sweet rice balls, rec ipe dow els, mak ing 2769:44-45 2769:27 Qing Ming Day Fes tival; kite, crepe pa per, tis sue Lan tern Fes ti val; veg e ta ble sticks with pea nut paper, paints, making 2334:28-29 dip, recipe 2769:13 Qing Ming Fes tival; kites, fab ric, tis sue pa per, Mid-Autumn Festi val; moon cakes, recipe dow els, mak ing 2769:44-45 2824:24-25 CHINA—FESTIVALS—LANTERNS Mid-Autumn Festi val; red hard-boiled eggs, Lan tern Fes ti val; lan tern rid dles, mak ing rec ipe 2824:26-27 2769:29-31 Mid-Au tumn Fes tival; sweet rice balls, rec ipe Lan tern Fes ti val; pa per lan tern, mak ing 2824:28 2769:28 Mid-Au tumn Moon Fes ti val; five-trea sure moon Moon Festi val; moon and stars lantern, fruit cakes, rec ipe 2769:66-67 cans, sil ver cord, can dles, pat terns, mak ing Mid-Au tumn Moon Fes ti val; rab bit-in-the-moon 2883:78-79 cook ies, rec ipe 2769:68-69 Yuan Hsiao Lantern Festi val; lantern, making Moon Festi val; moon cakes, recipe 2478:135 2407:54 Moon Festi val; moon cakes, recipe 2659:11 CHINA—FESTIVALS—PRINTS Moon Festi val; moon cakes, recipe 2873:68-69 Lantern Festi val; New Year Prints, red or white Moon Festi val; sweet and sour soup, rec ipe paper, inks, mak ing 2769:10-11 2478:135 Qing Ming Festi val; barbe cued chicken drum- CHINA—FESTIVALS—PUPPETS sticks, recipe 2769:42 Mid-Autumn Moon Festi val; shadow puppets Qing Ming Fes tival; fresh spring rolls, rec ipe and the ater, oak tag, bam boo skewers, 2769:40-41 mak ing 2769:70-71

35 CHINA—FESTIVALS—ZODIAC CHINA—LANGUAGE Lan tern Fes ti val; Chi nese zo diac 2769:19-22 Chi nese words for family members 2701:13 CHINA—FICTION Learn to speak Chi nese 2743:46 Chi nese Mother Goose Rhymes by Robert Writ ing the numbers and counting in Chi nese, Windham; ac tiv i ties, art, po etry, maps, words and charac ters given 2478:136 crafts, foods, patterns 2642:110-111 CHINA—LANTERNS CHINA—FOLKLORE Glow lamp, pa per, glass jar, candle, making Activ i ties, finger plays, songs, rhymes, crafts, 2407:21 pat terns 2829:38-39 CHINA—NEW YEAR—PUPPETS Eyes of the Dragon by Mar ga ret Leaf; ac tiv i ties, Sun Nin, dragon puppet, red paper, making art, poetry, maps, crafts, foods, pat terns 2402:16-17 2642:133-136 CHINA—NEW YEAR’S DAY—COOKERY Lon Po Po: A Red-Riding Hood Story from Boiled dumplings, rec ipe 2481:30 China by Ed Young; activ i ties, art, poetry, CHINA—NUMBERS maps, crafts, foods, patterns 2642:137-139 Lon Po Po: A Red-Riding Hood Story from Count Your Way through China by Jim Haskins; China by Ed Young, ac tiv i ties, lit er a ture, activ ities, art, po etry, maps, crafts, foods, art, sci ence, po etry, so cial stud ies, web bing pat terns 2642:98-109 2435:35-45 CHINA—OPERA—MASKS CHINA—GAMES Cre ate an op era mask for your face, mak ing Calling the chickens, how to play 2767:61-62 2586:26 Chase me game, how to play 2525:143 CHINA—PAPER CUTTING Chopstick race, how to play 2658:15 Cobweb cut paper garlands, making 2407:53 Dragon game, how to play 2659:25 Pa per cut outs, pa per, pat terns, mak ing Drop the hanky game, how to play 2525:18 2818:12-15 Electric gate game, how to play 2525:26 CHINA—PAPERMAKING Go game, how to play 2926:20-23 Deckle and mold for making paper, how to do Juggling, spinning plates, how to do 2441:121 2494:21-25 Making paper, how to do 2441:122-123 Nine connected rings tangram game, how to CHINA—PUPPETS play 2382:21-23 String puppets, cardboard, thread, paints, making Seven Clever Pieces, tan gram game from China, 2818:28-31 how to play 2310:9-13 Shuttle cock, how to play 2767:62-63 CHINA—SCROLLS Spillikins game, how to make and play Painted scroll, pa per, paint, making 2882:10-11 2441:124-125 Sz’kwa, how to play 2767:63-64 Pic ture scrolls, colored paper, dowel, paints, Three pin tag game, how to play 2525:129 mak ing 2818:50-55 Tui-u, domi noes game, how to play CHINA—TANGRAMS 2310:26-30 Tangrams, how to play 2934:143-145 Under the leg game, how to play 2525:166 Tan grams, pa per, mak ing 2407:10 Zhua San Jacks game, how to play Tan grams, pa per, pat terns, mak ing 2818:32-35 2330:126-128 CHINA—TEA PARTIES—COOKERY CHINA—HANDICRAFTS For tune cook ies, rec ipe 2643:26 Huang-hua window flowers, making 2407:12 How to plan and set the ta ble 2643:24-25 Pinprick ing lamp shade, wrapping paper, making Oolong tea, recipe 2643:26 2407:11 CHINA—TEA PARTIES—HANDICRAFTS Wheat straw pic tures, paper, toothpicks, paints, Fortunes writ ing for fortune cook ies, how to mak ing 2818:46-49 do 2643:27 CHINA—KITES CHINA—TOYS Six-sided kite, paper, dowels, string, making Dough clay figures, clay, making 2818:16-21 2818:22-27

36 CHINA, ANCIENT—ABACUS CHINESE-AMERICANS—CHINESE NEW Abacus, cardboard, clay, brown paint, dowels, YEAR—COOKERY making 2789:30-31 Potstickers, meat pastry dish, rec ipe 2795:39 CHINA, ANCIENT—ARMOR CHINESE-AMERICANS—CHINESE NEW Ar mor, felt, sil ver card stock, sil ver paint, making YEAR—DANCES 2789:58-59 Lion dance, how to do 2795:33 CHINA, ANCIENT—COOKERY CHINESE-AMERICANS—COOKERY Red bean soup, recipe 2789:26-27 “Bow” Chi nese buns, rec ipe 2632:26 CHINA, ANCIENT—FANS Chi natown dragon cakes, rec ipe 2534:17 Fan, cardboard, tissue pa per, balsa strips, Chop suey, rec ipe 2359:83-84 wooden skewers, making 2789:44-45 Corn and egg dish, rec ipe 2879:65 Cu cum ber salad, rec ipe 2879:66 CHINA, ANCIENT—FESTIVALS—LANTERNS Fried rice, rec ipe 2795:9 Lantern, card board, red tissue pa per, blue and Hot chicken bu soup, rec ipe 2795:17 yellow cardstock, bam boo stick, mak ing Iceberg lettuce egg drop soup, recipe 2879:64-65 2789:60-61 Shoyu chicken, recipe 2879:66-67 CHINA, ANCIENT—HOUSES bones and rice chowder, recipe 2879:66 House, thick cardboard, dowel, paints, making CHINESE-AMERICANS—DOLLS 2789:18-19 Chi nese dolls, sticks, clay, yarn, fabric, making CHINA, ANCIENT—INVENTIONS 2632:21 Wheel barrow, cardboard, balsa wood, dowel, CHINESE-AMERICANS—FICTION mak ing 2789:34-35 In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robin son by CHINA, ANCIENT—JEWELRY Bette Bao Lord, ac tiv ities for art, mu sic, Necklace, wire, foil, making 2789:38-39 food, clothing and history 2478:106-138 CHINA, ANCIENT—KITES Lion Dancer: Ernie Wan’s Chi nese New Year by Kite, wooden skewers, pa per, dowel, paints, Kate Wa ters; ac tiv i ties, art, po etry, maps, mak ing 2789:52-53 crafts, foods, patterns 2642:81-83 CHINA, ANCIENT—MASKS CHINESE-AMERICANS—GAMES Dancing dragon mask, cardboard, tissue, making Chi nese chess, how to play 2795:28-30 2750:29-31 Pebble game, jacks, how to play 2632:22 Mask, clay, beads, paints, making 2789:50-51 Tangram puz zle, how to make and play 2478:130-132 CHINA, ANCIENT—MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CHINESE NEW YEAR Pel let drum, cardboard, bamboo stick, paints, mak ing 2789:28-29 Activ i ties, finger plays, songs, rhymes, crafts, pat terns 2828:50-51 CHINA, ANCIENT—PAGODAS Ac tiv i ties, pat terns 2755:71-90 Pagoda, thick cardboard, dowel, paints, making Chi nese boy and girl, patterns 2755:84-85 2789:16-17 CHINESE NEW YEAR—BANNERS CHINA, ANCIENT—PAPER CUTTING Red pa per banners, pa per, paints, making Col ored pa per, mak ing 2789:46-47 2504:10-11 CHINA, ANCIENT—PRINTING CHINESE NEW YEAR—CHARACTERS Print ing blocks, pa per, clay, ink, making Good luck charac ters, red pa per, paint, making 2789:48-49 2769:11 CHINA, ANCIENT—SAMPANS CHINESE NEW YEAR—COOKERY Sampan, cardboard, wooden skewers, paints, Al mond cook ies, rec ipe 2888:55 mak ing 2789:56-57 Can died wal nuts, rec ipe 2888:56 CHINESE-AMERICANS—BRUSH PAINTINGS Chiao-tzu dumpling, filling and wrappers, Brush paint ing, step by step, how to do recipes 2504:7-9 2795:49 Chicken with ca shews, rec ipe 2962:24 Cold sesame noodles, rec ipe 2962:22

37 Crisp-cooked veg e tar ian noo dles, rec ipe CHINESE NEW YEAR—GAMES 2769:16-17 Chinese dragon ac tivi ties, how to play 2755:87 Egg drop soup, recipe 2962:21 Chinese shuttle cock, how to make and play Eight-trea sure sweet rice, rec ipe 2888:54 2769:18 Festive sweet turnovers, recipe 2796:19 Dragon game, how to make and play For tune cook ies, rec ipe 2642:82 2755:80-81 For tune cook ies, rec ipe 2755:79 Tangram, how to make and play 2755:86 Fried rice, recipe 2962:25 CHINESE NEW YEAR—HANDICRAFTS Fruit salad, recipe 2888:59 New Year dragon, cardboard box, pa per, making New Year dumplings, rec ipe 2769:14-15 2755:73 New Year’s cake, recipe 2396:60-61 CHINESE NEW YEAR—KITES New Year’s cake, recipe 2565:22-23 New Year’s cake, recipe 2873:64 Fish kite, pattern, making 2755:78 New Year’s noodles, rec ipe 2271:66 CHINESE NEW YEAR—LANTERNS New Year’s noodles, rec ipe 2873:67 Lan tern rid dles, mak ing 2769:29-31 Nian-gao cake, baked recipe 2343:unp Pa per lan tern, mak ing 2769:28 Nian-gao cake, steamed rec ipe 2343:unp Pa per lan terns, red pa per, paints, mak - Orange slices with brown sugar, recipe ing 2328:121-123 2888:58 CHINESE NEW YEAR—MONEY Poached tan ger ines, rec ipe 2888:57 Red enve lopes for money, red paper, making Rice cakes, rec ipe 2888:53 2708:44 Spare ribs, recipe 2962:23 CHINESE NEW YEAR—PRINTS Spring rolls, recipe 2824:8-9 Steamed dumplings, rec ipe 2824:10-12 New Year prints, red or white paper, inks, Sweet rice balls, recipe 2769:27 mak ing 2769:10-11 Vege ta ble sticks with pea nut dip, rec ipe CHINESE NEW YEAR—ZODIAC 2769:13 Chi nese zo diac 2769:19-22 CHINESE NEW YEAR—DECORATIONS CHIPPEWA INDIANS—GAMES Banger, corru gated cardboard, beads, making Mocca sin games, how to play 2767:166 2407:77 CHITIMACHA INDIANS—COOKERY Chi nese zodiac, how to make 2755:74-77 Baked duck, recipe 2879:68 Dragon display, paper, patterns, making Corn soup, recipe 2879:68 2755:88-89 Macque choux (corn dish), recipe 2879:67-68 Dragon shaker, pa per, plates, rice, dragon pat - CHOCTAW INDIANS—COOKERY tern, making 2262:84-86 Banaha (corn shuck bread), rec ipe 2558:22 Happy New Year enve lope, bright red paper, pat- Banaha (corn shuck bread), rec ipe 2879:69-70 tern, making 2755:82 Banaha (cornmeal dish), rec ipe 2282:48 New Year ban ner and lan tern, red pa per, yarn, Tonshla bona (hom iny and pork dish), recipe mak ing 2755:83 2879:69 Yuan tan red enve lope, making 2407:44 CHOCTAW INDIANS—LANGUAGE CHINESE NEW YEAR—DRAGONS Every day words in Choctaw language and how Chi nese dragon, red and gold pa per, gold ribbon, to pronounce them 2282:89-93 pat tern, mak ing 2784:22-23 Dancing dragon, egg carton, crepe pa per, felt, CHRISTMAS paints, making 2778:8-9 Ac tiv i ties and pat terns 2753:21-36 New Year’s dragon, pa per, ribbon, making Candles and bells; activ i ties, finger plays, songs, 2407:87 rhymes, crafts, patterns 2828:42-43 Toy dragon, egg carton, paints, making 2658:29 Gifts; ac tiv ities, fin ger plays, songs, rhymes, CHINESE NEW YEAR—FICTION crafts, pat terns 2828:44-45 History of Christ mas 2877:98 Gung Hay Fat Chow by June Behrens, activ i ties, Santa; activ i ties, finger plays, songs, rhymes, crafts, pat terns, games, masks, puppets, crafts, pat terns 2828:40-41 mak ing 2329:72-75

38 Story times, ac tiv ities, an gel tubey pat tern, craft 3-D ta ble tree, cardboard, pa per, se quins, pat- in struc tions 2636:78-80 terns, making 2937:24-25 Story times, ac tiv ities, elf tubey pat tern, craft in - Advent box, little boxes, cardboard, gold paint, struc tions 2636:71-73 small gifts, making 2318:6-7 Story times, ac tiv ities, Santa tubey pat tern, craft Advent calen dar, poster board, felt, making in struc tions 2636:74-77 2335:54-55 The matic units, les sons, ac tiv i ties, art, po etry, Advent or naments, stitchery on felt, pat terns, crafts, pat terns, rec i pes 2320:97-128 mak ing 2803:46-48 CHRISTMAS—BIRD FEEDERS An gel or na ment, pat tern, mak ing 2753:52 Milk carton, twine, making 2335:56-57 Angel, foil, yarn, pa per, making 2722:36-37 Pinecone bird feeder, making 2923:32-33 Angel, paper folds angel, cat alog, gold glitter, rib bon, mak ing 2724:58-60 CHRISTMAS—COOKERY Angel, snack bag angel, snack bags, gold gar- An gel cook ies, rec ipe 2318:34-35 land, blue plastic wrap, making Brown bread, recipe 2888:243 2722:56-57 Candy cane hot choco late, recipe 2877:102 Angel, tissue box angel, tissue box, foil, me tal lic Choc o late sand wich rounds, rec ipe 2888:242 trim, yarn, making 2724:40-42 Christ mas tree cookie or na ment, rec ipe An gel; tis sue pa per an gel, mak ing 2335:8-9 2888:236 Away in a manger paper orna ment, pat tern, Christ mas tree dec o rated cake, rec ipe 2583:18 mak ing 2798:15-16 Christmas wreath cookies, rec ipe 2335:47 Berry-basket snowflakes, yarn, glitter, making Cookie dough for cut out cookies, rec ipe 2335:11 2888:233-234 Bi ble sewing cards, yarn on Styro foam tray, Cornish game hens, recipe 2692:17 mak ing 2803:56 Cranberry-ap ple tea loaf, recipe 2877:105 Born in a stable, cardboard tube, pat terns, making Eggless eggnog, rec ipe 2877:100 2799:31-32 Gin ger bread peo ple, rec ipe 2692:11 Candy canes, pipe cleaners, ribbon, making Graham cracker holi day house, rec ipe 2335:49 2937:22-23 Meringue hands, recipe 2783:20-21 Candy tree, cardboard, tinsel, ribbons, silver Mrs. Claus’s favor ite fudge, recipe 2335:48 paint, candies, making 2783:10-11 Mulled apple cider, recipe 2877:101 Candy-cane or na ment, mak ing 2335:10 Mulled cranberry ci der, recipe 2692:15 Cel ebrate His birthday, yarn balloon, making Pep per mint candy cane cook ies, rec ipe 2803:54 2888:237-238 Christmas candles, cardboard tubes, pa per, Plum pudding, recipe 2877:106-107 mak ing 2335:14-15 Rainbow salad, recipe 2692:21 Christ mas mouse mag net, felt, wal nut, mak ing Santa’s cookie fac tory truf fles, rec ipe 2335:35 2318:36-37 Christmas stitchery, burlap banners, yarn, pat - Spiced and iced gin ger bread an imals, rec ipe terns, making 2803:50-53 2877:103 Christmas stocking, felt, yarn, making Stained-glass cookies, rec ipe 2335:46 2335:26-27 Stained-glass cookies, rec ipe 2888:239-240 Christ mas tree card, pa per, pattern, mak ing Stollen, recipe 2888:244-245 2335:52-53 Sugar cookies made with colored dough, recipe Christ mas tree cen ter piece, pa per towel tube, 2857:18-19 paints, making 2335:13 Tof fee crin kles cook ies, rec ipe 2888:241 Come, let us adore Him, cardboard tube, pat - Truf fles, rec ipe 2318:36 terns, making 2799:33-36 Truf fles, rec ipe 2783:14-15 Cranberry and popcorn garlands, making Yuletide date logs and snowballs, rec ipe 2740:6-7 2877:104 Deer knob, felt, making 2335:34 CHRISTMAS—DECORATIONS Dove of peace, pattern, making 2753:79 3-D greet ing cards, making 2318:10-11 Egg-carton jingle bells, making 2335:12 Egg shell Santa or na ment, mak ing 2335:5

39 Elves; jiggling elves, felt, pom-poms, making Reindeer orna ment, craft sticks, yarn, pom-pom, 2937:14-15 mak ing 2400:41 Elves; pinecones, glitter, paints, felt, mak ing Rudolph and the gang, pipe cleaners, pom-poms, 2335:16-17 mak ing 2937:20-21 Felt or na ments, mak ing 2740:6-7 Santa Claus cha let and sleigh, card board, milk Gift-wrap gift box, pa per, making 2335:60-61 carton, cookies, candy canes, making Ginger bread house, clay, milk carton, making 2318:28-29 2884:62-65 Santa Claus face mo bile, pa per plates, fiberfill, Gin ger bread man, pat tern, mak ing 2753:67 mak ing 2923:28-30 Glory to God pop-out card, making 2798:20 Santa Claus’s cot tage, foil, cardboard, sugar Glory to God, cardboard tube, pat terns, making cubes, gumdrops, making 2335:20-21 2799:29-30 Santa or na ment, pat tern, mak ing 2753:53 Good news angel tree orna ment, making Santa sneeze box, box of tissues, felt, patterns, 2798:19 mak ing 2937:18-19 Hol i day cards, pat terns, mak ing 2753:66 Santa tissue box, tissue box, pa per, cotton balls, Ice can dles, dec o ra tions, can dle, mak ing mak ing 2722:20-21 2318:38-41 Santa, cone ta ble Santa, cone hat, trims, pa per, In ter na tional Christ mas tree, pat tern, mak ing paint, making 2722:30-31 2753:73 Santa, jumbo tri angle Santa, jumbo size poster In ter na tional greet ings word search, mak ing board, fiberfill, making 2722:58-59 2753:72 Santa, tall cardboard tube, making 2778:44-45 Jesus is born, cardboard tube, making 2799:28 Santa’s helper, felt, peanut, cotton balls, making Jesus tree, Christmas tree, making 2798:14 2335:4 Light for those in darkness, yarn-wrapped card- Shining stars, waxed paper, glit ter, making board tube, making 2803:49 2335:6-7 Man ger, ta ble man ger, sticks, felt, yarn, Smile wreath, paper, photos, making mak ing 2722:16-18 2335:28-29 Mo biles, card board, glit ter, mak ing 2318:22-23 Snowflakes, pa per, how to cut 2318:12-13 Mouse topper, pattern, making 2753:61 Snow storm in a jelly jar, glit ter, small toys, Move able gin ger bread man, pat tern, mak ing mak ing 2318:24-27 2753:70 Sock snowman, sock, yarn, fabric, making Move able rein deer, pat tern, mak ing 2753:56 2937:10-11 Moveable Santa, pat tern, making 2753:57 Spread the word bell orna ment, making Na tiv ity scene, milk car tons, yarn, paints, making 2798:21 2335:18-19 St. Nick sitting, felt, pom-poms, making Nativ ity scene, stand-up picture, pat tern, making 2335:24-25 2798:17-18 Stained glass pictures, pat tern, making 2753:62 Paper bag tree orna ments, mak ing 2748:54-57 Stained-glass shep herd, tis sue pa per, cel lo phane, Penguin gift box with penguin suit, making mak ing 2335:32-33 2318:30-33 Stained-glass window, paints, making 2937:8-9 Pepper mint candy in cookie cutter shapes, Stained-glass window, tissue pa per, making mak ing 2857:23 2335:30-31 Pep per mint wreath, mak ing 2857:22 Stars; puffy felt stars, felt, bat ting, patterns, Photo frame, poster board, wrapping paper, rib - mak ing 2883:38-40 bons, making 2937:12-13 Stockings, felt, how to make and deco rate Po man der, or ange, spices, mak ing 2335:58-59 2318:46-47 Pompoms and bau bles, making 2318:14-17 Story of the ginger bread man 2753:68 Pop-up Christmas card, yarn, tissue pa per, Tab letop tree, green crepe pa per, paints, stars, mak ing 2335:50-51 mak ing 2335:22-23 Rad i cal rein deer, pat tern, mak ing 2753:60 Three Kings, plas tic cups, tissue pa per, yarn, clip Rein deer ant lers, pat tern, mak ing 2753:64 on earrings, small bot tle, making Rein deer head band, mak ing 2778:40-41 2722:42-44

40 Tidings of great joy, cardboard tube, pat terns, Decoupage plates, paper, paints, making mak ing 2799:37-38 2748:48-50 Tree baubles, cardboard, tissue pa per, se quins, Jolly Santa toy, tissue tube, crepe pa per, making mak ing 2778:42-43 2335:42-43 Tree, bow tree, bows, felt, trims, making Photobox, box with lid, scrapbook papers, making 2722:6-7 2748:58-60 Tree bows, bows, glit ter, making 2724:62-63 CHRISTMAS—ORNAMENTS Tree, cat a log Christ mas tree, cat a log, se quins, Angel head, making 2318:21 glit ter, mak ing 2724:48-49 An gel or na ment, cof fee fil ters, craft bead, wig gly Tree, cone Christ mas tree, party hat, spar kle eyes, making 2723:62-63 stems, se quins, making 2722:19 Angel; hands and foot angel or nament, sequins, Tree, count down to Christ mas tree, metal cookie yarn, pipe cleaner, making 2723:46-47 tin, ribbon, yarn, making 2724:6-7 Bead and bell orna ment, beads, bell, pipe Tree, rag Christ mas tree, berry bas ket, fab ric, cleaner, making 2723:27 gold trim, making 2724:52-53 Candy cups, making 2318:21 Vil lage; Christ mas vil lage, col ored pa per, sil ver Christ mas bell or na ment, Sty ro foam ball, pa per glit ter, pat terns, mak ing 2937:16-17 nap kin, rib bon, mak ing 2723:42-43 Visi tors from the East, cardboard tubes, patterns, Christmas stocking orna ment, old glove, wiggle mak ing 2799:39-41 eyes, rickrack, making 2723:52-53 We have Seen His star, sewing on paper, yarn, Cir cle gar land or na ment, old Christ mas cards, mak ing 2803:55 rickrack, making 2723:36-37 Wreath of candy, making 2778:38-39 Criss cross or na ment, cor ru gated card board, felt, Wreath, Christ mas wreath hanger, wire hanger, yarn, making 2723:14-15 ribbons, pipe cleaners, making 2724:8-9 Dog biscuit doggie or nament, dog bis cuit, felt, Wreath, stick wreath, sticks, paint, trims, mak ing wiggle eyes, making 2723:22-23 2722:8-9 Feed the birds orna ment, pipe cleaners, bird pic - CHRISTMAS—FICTION tures, making 2723:20-21 Lit tlest An gel by Charles Tazewell, ac tiv ities, art, Foil ring orna ment, tissue tube, foil, yarn, making games, songs, crafts, patterns 2812:28-33 2723:34-35 Nine Days to Christmas by Ma rie Hall Ets, liter a - Gin ger bread cookie or na ment, gin ger bread ture, ac tiv i ties, art, cur ric u lum cookie cutter, ribbon, making 2723:40-41 2436:105-114 Glitter card dangles, making 2318:21 The Polar Express by Chris Van Allsburg, activ i - Handprint reindeer orna ment, paints, yarn, wig - ties and patterns 2325:36-48 gle eyes, making 2723:28-29 The Polar Express by Chris Van Allsburg, activ i - Nap kin-cov ered balls or na ment, Christ mas nap- ties, crafts, patterns, games, masks, pup pets, kins, Styro foam ball, making 2723:18-19 mak ing 2329:51-56 Pa per filled or na ments, clear glass ball, fancy pa - The Polar Express by Chris Van Allsburg, activ i - per, making 2978:50 ties, lit er a ture, art, sci ence, po etry, so cial Peace ful dove or na ment, cof fee fil ters, pipe stud ies, web bing 2435:103-114 cleaner, ribbon, making 2723:32-33 Po lar Ex press by Chris Van Allsburg, ac tiv ities, Photo locket orna ment, jar lids, photo, rickrack, projects, patterns, art, crafts 2822:114-115 mak ing 2723:60-61 ’Twas the Night be fore Christmas by Clem ent C. Plate or na ment, Christ mas pa per plates, wig gle Moore, activ ities, art, games, songs, crafts, eyes, trims, mak ing 2723:12-13 pat terns 2812:34-40 Poin set tia or na ment, egg car ton, se quins, paints, CHRISTMAS—GAMES mak ing 2723:58-59 Knucklebones, how to make and play Reindeer orna ment, old necktie, wiggle eyes, rib - 2335:40-41 bon, making 2723:56-57 Rein deer or na ment, pipe clean ers, felt, wig gle CHRISTMAS—HANDICRAFTS eyes, making 2723:16-17 Decoupage frame, wrap ping pa per, frame, Reindeer orna ment, tissue tube, yarn, bell, mak ing 2748:51-53 mak ing 2723:48-49

41 Reindeer treat holder orna ment, party hat, wiggle Corn meal crun chies, rec ipe 2888:130-131 eyes, felt, making 2723:24-25 Gorditas, thick tor tillas, rec ipe 2671:19 Salt dough dangles, making 2318:20 Mango strawberry sauce, recipe 2888:133 Santa-down-the-chim ney or na ment, match Pe can cin na mon cook ies, rec ipe 2888:134 boxes, felt, fiberfill, making 2723:8-9 Sopaipillas, past ries, rec ipe 2888:132 Snow flakes or na ment, plas tic bas ket, glit ter, CINCO DE MAYO—DECORATIONS mak ing 2723:54-55 Chiles on a string, pa per, string, making Snowman orna ment, ice cream spoon, felt, 2671:13 mak ing 2723:44-45 Oaxacan sun, dough, food col oring, yarn, Tin sel gar land tree or na ment, Christmas tree gar - mak ing 2671:18 land, sequins, making 2723:50-51 Tin art, patterns given, foil squares, making Tray of cookies orna ment, cardboard, foil, felt, 2671:14-17 rib bon, mak ing 2723:32-33 CINCO DE MAYO—FICTION Twin kle star or na ment, ice cream spoons, felt, glit ter, mak ing 2723:10-11 Fi esta! By June Behrens, ac tiv ities, art, po etry, Wreath orna ment, shank but tons, pipe cleaner, maps, crafts, foods, patterns 2642:90-93 mak ing 2723:26-27 Fi esta! By June Behrens, ac tiv ities, crafts, pat- Wreath or na ment, spa ghetti, food col or ing, terns, games, masks, puppets, making mak ing 2723:38-39 2329:111-113 CHRISTMAS—PUPPETS CINCO DE MAYO—FLAGS Angel puppet, cup, foil, pipe cleaner, making Mex ican flag, tissue pa pers, glue, mak - 2335:44-45 ing 2437:42-43 Christmas tree puppet, pattern, making 2753:65 CIRCUS Hol i day fin ger pup pets, pat terns, mak ing Ac tiv i ties, crafts, pup pets, pat - 2753:48 terns 2759:101-122 Rudolph puppet, pantyhose, pa per, making CIRCUS—FICTION 2335:36-37 Thumbprint Circus by Rodney Peppe, activ i ties, Santa puppet, pattern, making 2753:558 projects, patterns, art, crafts 2822:87-89 Snowman, cotton balls, sock, felt, fabric yarn, CIRCUS—PUPPETS mak ing 2335:38-39 Clown finger puppets, gloves, clown hat and CHRISTMAS EVE—FICTION shoes, patterns, making 2675:16-18 Christ mas Tree Mem o ries by Aliki, ac tiv ities, CITIZENSHIP DAY crafts, pat terns, games, masks, puppets, History of Cit izen ship Day, projects to do mak ing 2329:47-50 2813:6-9 CHRISTO, JAVACHEFF CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT—SCHOOLS Trans for ma tions, mak ing 2529:99 Globe, papier-mâché cov ered Sty ro foam ball, CHUMASH INDIANS—COOKERY mak ing 2528:19 Acorn pancakes, rec ipe 2915:17 CLAY CHUMASH INDIANS—GAMES Beadwork clay, recipe 2918:45-46 Ring-and-stick game 2311:77-79 Bread clay, rec ipe 2918:44 CINCO DE MAYO Carving clay, recipe 2918:43 Ac tiv i ties, crafts, cook ery, pup pets, pat- Flour and salt clay, recipe 2350:47 terns 2759:67-78 Flour and salt clay, recipe 2351:47 Ojo de dios, sticks, dowels, yarn, making Plasticine dough, rec ipe 2918:41 2759:70 Play clay, rec ipe 2684:129 Story times, ac tivi ties, Mexi can boy and girl Play clay, rec ipe 2918:39-40 tubey patterns, craft instruc tions Quick clay, rec ipe 2918:42 2636:34-39 Salt clay rec ipe 2507:38 CINCO DE MAYO—COOKERY Sand sculpt ing clay, recipe 2918:49-50 Biscochitos, ani seed cookies, recipe 2888:136 Snow clay, recipe 2918:51-52 Bread pudding, recipe 2888:135 Soap carving clay, recipe 2918:47-48

42 , GROVER (PRESIDENT) COLORADO—COOKERY Angler’s planning calen dar, making 2263:75 Anasazi bean dip and corny torti llas, recipe Lady Liberty foil sculp ture, making 2263:75 2534:19 Lady Liberty storage tube, pat terns, mak ing Beef jerky, rec ipe 2466:44 2263:75 Cherries in the snow, recipe 2624:57 CLINTON, WILLIAM JEFFERSON COLUMBUS DAY (PRESIDENT) Ac tiv i ties, play, props, pat terns, mak ing Make your own cross word puzzles 2263:130 2388:4-9 Peanut but ter and banana party, making Ac tiv i ties, pup pets, pat terns 2761:83-90 2263:130 His tory of Chris to pher Co lum bus Day Poem for a Presi dent, making 2263:130 2813:10-13 CLOWNS COLUMBUS DAY—BOATS Clown face, big patterns, mak ing Chris to pher Co lum bus’s ship picture, paper, 2759:114-115 cray ons, pat terns, mak ing 2811:11-13 Clown mask, papier-mché, making 2407:95 Niña, Pinta and Santa Maria, pat terns Para chuting clown, felt, fab ric, string, 2761:86-87 clothespins, wooden beads, patterns, COLUMBUS DAY—DECORATIONS making 2884:84-87 Sailboat, paper, clay, walnut shell, making CLOWNS—FACE PAINT 2539:44 Clown face paint, rec ipe 2918:116 COLUMBUS DAY—FICTION Hobo face paint ing, how to do 2952:10-11 Follow the Dream: the Story of Chris topher Co - Mime face paint ing, how to do 2952:8-9 lum bus by Pe ter Sis, ac tiv i ties, crafts, pat - Peeper, near white face painting, how to do terns, games, masks, puppets, making 2952:12-13 2329:15-18 COLLODI, CARLO—PUPPETS COLUMBUS DAY—GAMES Pinocchio; growing nose Pinocchio puppet, Sty- Colum bus Day search game 2813:13 rofoam ball, paints, making 2729:32-33 Co lum bus Day se cret mes sage game 2813:14 COLOMBIA—COOKERY COLUMBUS DAY—HATS Chicken soup, rec ipe 2914:52 Co lum bus hat, pat tern, mak ing 2761:88 Co lom bian feast, rec i pes 2924:30-31 COLUMBUS DAY—PUPPETS Corn meal pan cakes, rec ipe 2914:52 Fried green plantains, rec ipe 2922:51 Co lum bus pup pet, pat tern, mak ing 2761:89 Fried plantains, rec ipe 2303:51 COMANCHE INDIANS—COOKERY Fried plantains, rec ipe 2914:53 Pem mi can, rec ipe 2283:67 Ground beef sauce, rec ipe 2914:53 Plum bars, recipe 2909:15 COLOMBIA—GAMES COMANCHE INDIANS—FOLKLORE Los Listones (The Ribbons), how to play Legend of the Bluebon net by Tomie dePaola; 2767:64-65 activ ities, art, po etry, maps, crafts, foods, COLOMBIA—LANGUAGE pat terns 2642:129-132 Learn to speak Span ish 2303:49 COMANCHE INDIANS—GAMES COLOMBIA—MASKS Grizzly Bear, how to play 2767:166-167 Gold mask, paper, foil, yarn, making COMANCHE INDIANS—LANGUAGE 2686:105-106 Ev ery day words in Co man che lan guage COLOMBIA—NEW YEAR—HANDICRAFTS 2283:100-101 Año Nuevo, globos, papier-mâché balloon with COMANCHE INDIANS—PARFLECHE printed wishes inside, making 2402:18-19 Coman che parfleche, oak tag, paints, designs COLOMBIAN-AMERICANS—COOKERY given, making 2352:32 Arepas (white corn cakes), rec ipe 2879:70-71 COMANCHE INDIANS—RAIN DANCE Arequipe (cus tard dish), recipe 2879:71 Rain dance, how to do 2642:130 Co co nut rice, rec ipe 2879:71-72

43 COMMUNITIES—FICTION COOLIDGE, CALVIN (PRESIDENT) The Lit tle House by Vir ginia Lee Bur ton, lit er a - Hol i day gifts col lage, mak ing 2263:96 ture, ac tiv i ties, art, cur ric u lum 2436:75-86 Popcorn balls, recipe 2263:96 COMMUNITIES—UNITED STATES Shoulder pets, making 2263:96 Air port; ac tiv i ties, crafts, pro jects, songs, fin ger CORNELL, JOSEPH plays 2685:93-97 Portrait box collage, making 2529:94 An i mal Shel ter; ac tiv i ties, crafts, pro jects, songs, CORNISH-AMERICANS—COOKERY fin ger plays 2685:46-51 Cornish past ries, rec ipe 2879:72-74 Con struc tion site; ac tiv i ties, crafts, pro jects, Saffron bread, rec ipe 2879:74 songs, finger plays 2685:57-62 COSTA RICA—CHRISTMAS—COOKERY Fire sta tion; ac tiv ities, crafts, pro jects, songs, fin - ger plays 2685:28-33 Ta ma les, rec ipe 2677:22-23 Gar den cen ter; ac tiv i ties, crafts, pro jects, songs, COSTA RICA—COAT OF ARMS fin ger plays 2685:68-74 Costa Rican coat of arms, paper, mark ers, pat- Gas sta tion; ac tiv i ties, crafts, pro jects, songs, fin - tern, making 2671:24 ger plays 2685:108-117 COSTA RICA—COOKERY Gro cery store; ac tiv i ties, crafts, pro jects, songs, Black beans, hearts of palm and corn salad, fin ger plays 2685:86-92 rec ipe 2944:52 Hos pi tal; ac tiv i ties, crafts, pro jects, songs, fin ger Cartago corn cake, recipe 2944:52 plays 2685:40-45 Ensalada de fruitas (fruit salad), rec ipe Ice-cream shop; activ ities, crafts, pro jects, songs, 2408:30-31 fin ger plays 2685:103-107 Mega maca muffins, recipe 2944:53 Li brary; ac tiv i ties, crafts, pro jects, songs, fin ger Salsa, recipe 2944:52 plays 2685:23-27 Torti llas and eggs, recipe 2944:53 My home; ac tiv ities, crafts, pro jects, songs, fin - COSTA RICA—FLAGS ger plays 2685:6-10 Costa Rican flag, pa per, mark ers, pattern, making Park; ac tiv ities, crafts, pro jects, songs, fin ger 2671:24 plays 2685:34-39 Po lice sta tion; ac tiv i ties, crafts, pro jects, songs, COSTA RICA—OXCARTS fin ger plays 2685:17-22 Oxcart, shoe box, dowels, paints, making Post Of fice; ac tiv ities, crafts, pro jects, songs, fin - 2408:28-29 ger plays 2685:52-56 COSTA RICA—SCULPTURES Rail road sta tion; ac tiv i ties, crafts, pro jects, Pre-Colum bian clay figure, clay, beads, making songs, finger plays 2685:63-67 2408:26-27 Res tau rant; ac tiv i ties, crafts, pro jects, songs, fin - COTTON ger plays 2685:118-123 Cot ton boll pat tern 2475:9 School; ac tiv ities, crafts, pro jects, songs, fin ger plays 2685:11-16 COURBET, GUSTAVE Se nior Cit i zens’ cen ter; ac tiv i ties, crafts, pro - Pal ette knife painting, how to do 2529:36 jects, songs, finger plays 2685:75-80 COWBOYS The ater; ac tiv i ties, crafts, pro jects, songs, fin ger Ac tiv i ties, crafts, pat terns 2756:67-80 plays 2685:98-102 mobile, poster board, dowel, string, Town Hall; ac tiv i ties, crafts, pro jects, songs, fin - cowboy shapes, making 2523:9-11 ger plays 2685:81-85 Finding di rection, how to do 2523:33 CONNECTICUT—COOKERY Mea suring distance, how to do 2523:34-37 Dreamy creamy clam chow der, rec ipe 2534:20 Poke pouch, cham ois, felt, rawhide lacing, Lol li pops, rec ipe 2425:63 mak ing 2523:12-14 CONSTABLE, JOHN COWBOYS—BRANDS Cloudscape, making 2529:33 Design ing a brand stamp, block of wood, felt, CONSTRUCTION SITES making 2523:7-9 Theme unit on con struc tion sites; ac tiv i ties for COWBOYS—COOKERY math, social studies and art 2972:1-32 Beef jerky, rec ipe 2523:20-21

44 Chuck wagon beans, rec ipe 2488:57 Creole tea cakes, recipe 2879:52-53 Cowboy bean bake, recipe 2864:62-63 Okra gumbo, recipe 2879:53 Frijoles refritos, rec ipe 2523:68-69 CREOLES—COOKERY Fruit leather, rec ipe 2523:38-40 Bread pudding with fruit, recipe 2359:41-42 Ranch scrambled eggs, rec ipe 2523:93-94 Coush-coush (cornmeal dish), rec ipe 2879:78 Ranch-style fruit punch, recipe 2523:19 Gumbo Z’Herbes, rec ipe 2879:77 Sour dough flap jacks, rec ipe 2523:17-18 King cake, recipe 2359:43-45 Sourdough starter, rec ipe 2523:16-17 Red beans, recipe 2879:78 Vin e gar pie, rec ipe 2488:50 Shrimp and ham jambalaya, recipe 2359:39-40 COWBOYS—GAMES Turnips and pork ribs, recipe 2879:78-79 Mustang and cowboys board game, how to make CROATIA—GAMES and play 2523:85-86 Jack, where are you?, how to play 2767:65-66 COWBOYS—HATS Toothpaste game, how to play 2968:122 Big hat, fabric, string, making 2441:105-107 CROATIA—LANGUAGE Cowboy and cowgirl hat pattern 2756:74 Common Croatian words and phrases 2968:81 COWBOYS—PUPPETS CROATIAN-AMERICANS—COOKERY Cowboy finger puppets, gloves, cowboy hat, pat- Ajvar spread, rec ipe 2879:81 terns, making 2675:64-67 Dalmation baked fish, rec ipe 2879:80 COWBOYS—ROPES Spinach pie, recipe 2879:80-81 Knot know-how, how to do a half hitch, hitching Zgance (Depres sion dish, cornmeal mush dish), post, clove hitch and necker chief knot rec ipe 2879:81-82 2523:77-80 CROW INDIANS—GAMES Making a lariat, yarn, making 2523:75-76 Icbirikyu, how to play 2767:167 COWBOYS—TOYS CUBA—COOKERY Cork horse, corks, yarn, making 2441:108-109 Av o cado salad, rec ipe 2886:34 CRAYONS Baked custard, rec ipe 2886:60-61 Chunky crayon, recipe 2918:2-3 Baked eggs, recipe 2886:55 Fabric crayon, recipe 2918:6-7 Beef hash, recipe 2886:54 Popsicle crayon, recipe 2918:4-5 Black beans, recipe 2886:44-45 Sculpt ‘n’ color crayon, recipe 2918:9-10 Black beans, recipe 2911:51 Soap doodler crayon, recipe 2918:11-12 Ca rib bean rice, rec ipe 2270:19 Super-slick pas tel crayon, recipe 2918:8 Creole chicken, recipe 2886:51 CREE INDIANS—FOOTWEAR Creole sauce, rec ipe 2886:40 Moc ca sins, felt, thread, em broi dery floss, Cuban meatloaf, recipe 2886:52 mak ing 2311:99-105 Cu ban menu 2886:28-29 Cuban white rice, rec ipe 2886:41 CREE INDIANS—GAMES Fried plantains, rec ipe 2886:46-47 Sliding game, how to play 2702:22 Garbanzo bean salad, recipe 2886:32 Tcoskumina-a (sliding game), how to play Garlic soup, recipe 2886:35 2767:59-60 Garlicky shrimp, rec ipe 2886:50 Tihitpintowan (roll ing game), how to play Mango and papaya milk shake, rec ipe 2886:59 2767:60 Meat and potato stew, rec ipe 2886:36 CREEK INDIANS—COOKERY Moors and Christians rice and black bean dish, Corn pudding, recipe 2879:75-76 rec ipe 2966:25 Grape dumplings, rec ipe 2559:22 Rice pudding, recipe 2886:58 Muskogean shuck bread, recipe 2890:15 Yellow rice, recipe 2886:42 Osafkee (hot cereal drink), recipe 2879:75 CUBA—DOLLS CREOLES—CANE RIVER Cuban yarn dolls, cardboard, yarn, felt, making CREOLES—COOKERY 2817:16-21 Cin na mon pra line pe cans, rec ipe 2879:54 CUBA—FESTIVALS—COOKERY Creole meat pies, recipe 2879:52 Cu ban cook ies, rec ipe 2886:68

45 Fried yucca with gar lic sauce, rec ipe 2886:65 —CHRISTMAS— Red beans and rice, recipe 2886:66-67 DECORATIONS Roast pork, recipe 2886:64 Pa per chain for a Christ mas tree, paper, paste, CUBA—GAMES mak ing 2653:28-29 Color tag game, how to play 2525:140 CZECH REPUBLIC—COOKERY Cuban domi noes, how to play 2548:12 Bramorak, potato pancake, rec ipe 2653:30-31 El Cenconmigo (come with me), how to play CZECH REPUBLIC—DOLLS 2767:66-67 Gourd dolls, gourd, paints, making 2407:84 La tabla de mani picao game, how to play CZECH REPUBLIC—GAMES 2525:74 Name the ani mal game, how to play 2525:109 Contin u ous motion game, how to play 2525:189 CUBAN-AMERICANS—COOKERY Czech jacks game, how to play 2330:56-57 Black bean soup, recipe 2879:82-83 Double the fun game, how to play 2525:106 Picadillo meat mixture, rec ipe 2879:83 Fast est and most est game, how to play Puffed wheat batido drink, recipe 2879:83 2525:117 CUSHMAN, KAREN Friendly knockout game, how to play 2525:129 Catherine, Called Birdy by Karen Cushman; ac- Gates game, how to play 2525:146 tiv i ties, pro jects, read ing, writ ing, sci ence, Golden Gate, how to play 2767:67 social studies, food and art 2849:5-16 Shoot the duck game, how to play 2525:49 CZECH-AMERICANS—COOKERY CZECH REPUBLIC—HANDICRAFTS (pastries), rec ipe 2879:85-86 Ani mals from fruits and vege ta bles, making Mo las ses cook ies, rec ipe 2879:87 2653:26-27 Poppy seed cake, rec ipe 2879:87 CZECH REPUBLIC—LANGUAGE Varmuza pancake potato dish, recipe 2879:85 Common Czech terms and phrases 2973:86 CZECH REPUBLIC—CHRISTMAS— —GAMES COOKERY Golden gate game, how to play 2882:26-27 Va nilla cres cents, rec ipe 2973:126