FREE ECONOMIC ZONE "PANJ" THE Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of State unitary enterprise <> Investment Project

Construction of new railway line Kolkhozabad‐‐Nizhniy Panj‐Kunduz (IRA)

Dushanbe -2011year. Details

Customer : Free Economic Zone “Panj”

Physical Address: 734002 Republic of Tajikistan,

st.Bokhtar 37

Contact tel: +992 918 14 21 21 Rasulov Faizullo Hukumovich,

Mamadaminov Hasan +992 93 500 28 10

Email adress: [email protected]

INTRODUCTION The purpose of the formation of international transport corridors in the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan, is the efficiency of foreign trade transportation and providing guarantees for their implementation on the basis of international agreements and arrangements that foster economic security, as well as the involvement of national communications and increase transit through this, the efficiency of international regional trade. It is for this purpose. Republic of Tajikistan signed Intergovernmental Agreement on Asian Highway Network (AH), Intergovernmental Agreement on the Trans‐ Railway (TAR), the Basic Multilateral Agreement of Europe‐ Caucasus Asia (TRACECA), the European Agreement. As the Republic of Tajikistan is a member of organizations such as UNESCAP, CAREC, SCO, UN ECE, EEC, IVF, both for the development of transport and road sector of the country, has close mutually cooperation with international financial institutions such as ADB, IDB, EBRD, OPEC Fund, the World Bank, KFAED, and joined to the 5 international conventions providing for simplification international road transport, where the priority indicated by regional cooperation. In compliance with the accession of the Republic of Tajikistan and membership in these agreements and organizations. Government of the Republic of Tajikistan declared the transport sector as a priority economic sectors. In line with this, to reduce road and rail corridors crossing the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan, included in the AH, TAR, EurAsEC, TRACECA, CAREC, and IVF in line with international standards, a number of bilateral agreements providing for the improvement of existing and construction of new roads and rail routes in the territory of Tajikistan. In particular, the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan are 8 international corridors, and currently routes connecting Tajikistan and Afghanistan have a priority value based on the fact that a potentially attractive access to the ports of Iran and Pakistan depends on Afghanistan. Tajikistan is a corridor linking the People's Republic, Russian Federation, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan to the southern sea ports, which are accessed through the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

Following is information on the construction of the railway line Kolkhozabad ‐ Dusti ‐ Nizhniy Panj ‐ Kunduz (IRA), which provides access to Afghanistan, with further connections to southern ports. Current Project Status The existing railway network of the Republic of Tajikistan is poorly developed and does not provide a reliable, uninterrupted rail link central regions of the republic with the southern regions of the transit without passing through the territory of a neighboring sovereign state ‐ Uzbekistan. This leads to additional transport costs associated with the extension of marschruta and creates certain difficulties when crossing borders. Therefore, in connection with uvelichenishM volumes of international freight and passenger transit, as well as to ensure reliable rail link center of Khatlon in Kurgan‐Tube, with the border village of Nizhny Panj, planned to build a new l

railway bridge 700 meters long by 16.5 m scheme 6 h110m 16.5 m. The length of new railway lines in the area Kolkhozabad ‐ Dusty ‐ Nizhny Panj will be 50 km and 65 km further on territory Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to the city Kunduz.Dlya obespecheniyagruzovyh and passenger traffic in the village. Nizhniy Panj planned to build a railway station with a cargo terminal with an estimated cost of U.S. $ 2 million. It is also intended to cross the railway line will be more than 10 irrigation canals and waste.

The main technical and economic indices of the proposed railway line Kolkhozabad ‐ Nizhniy Panj ‐ Kunduz (IRA) Technical category proposed new w / d line ‐ 4

Construction length of all, including: 115 ‐ The territory of the Republic of Tatarstan km 50 ‐ On the territory of the IRA km 65 Steering deviation 0,9 %

The width of the subgrade 6 m

Minimum curve radii 600 m

Estimated volume of earthworks ‐ 3751 тыс. м^

‐ 73,2 million Estimated cost of construction / railway line on the U.S.dollars territory of the Republic of Tatarstan, including: Single track railway bridge, ‐ 20,0 million U.S.dollars

Construction of the regulatory structures of length 350 0,21 million m U.S.dollars Railway station with a freight terminal 2 million U.S.dollars

The estimated cost of design and survey works 3,57 million U.S.dollars

Project Benefits After completion of the new l