Inside: Lounging on Let it blow, Likiep — page 3 let it blow, Ocean BQ opens soon — pages 4-5 let it blow Peek in on the power plant — page 6

Feb. 10, 2004 The Kwajalein(Photo Hourglass by KW Hillis) Editorial Letters to the Editor Make your Valentine’s Day special To submit a letter: Keep letters to less Guys, whether it’s long-term relation- than 300 words, and keep comments to ship or a new-found romantic interest, the issues. Letters must be signed. We this Valentine’s Day is no time to slouch. will edit for AP style and, if you exceed That special lady wouldn’t hear of it. the word limit, space. Limit one letter Trust me. She talks to us, among other every 30 days. voices we hear. Send your letter to: The Hourglass, P.O. Box 23, Local; or “But Jim, I haven’t shopped. The jazz [email protected]. band thingy is sold out. I get seasick on the catamaran, and I am to bowling what Gary Coleman is to the NBA,” you we have just what you need to know say. about good Valentine’s Day movies. On the Cover: No problemo. It’s the thought that And if you don’t want buy, how about a Jay Donnelly windsurfs with Mer- counts, sort of. It all comes down to romantic evening in with a rental from rie Beth Schad (not shown) off of presentation. Tape Escape? Just remember to say, North Point on Tuesday evening. You see, one year I got the girlfriend, “The tape is a rental, but I’m sold on The recent brisk winds have and present-day wife, a baseball glove your love.” brought windsurfing enthusiasts to — by itself, not that romantic a gift. But Our local video store currently carries North Point after work. when I said, “I used to play catch with such modern-day classics as “Sleep- In other weather news, the island the guys, my brother or my dad, but I less in Seattle,” “Notting Hill” and “Bridg- saw the hottest January on record want to share that with you, now,” the et Jones Diary.” The keys here, guys, is and the fourth driest this past month. gift took on a whole new meaning. anything starring Meg Ryan or Hugh RTS Weather’s Kris White talks about She married me anyway, but made Grant = Happy Valentine’s Day movie. last month’s weather on page 5. me join a men’s softball league. We also found classic romantic com- Out here, Macy’s and Macy’s West edies such as “Adam’s Rib,” with Spen- Correction: have flowers and some terrific gifts, and cer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn and In a Feb. 6 story, “Students get a hold of again, anything can be romantic. You just large collections of Doris Day — the lessons in community ed.” the Hourglass have to be creative about presentation. Meg Ryan of her day — and Bob Hope misidentified Leah Simpson in a Obviously for the big spenders, you films. photograph with the story. The Hourglass have your jewelry, crystal or perfume. For music and unintentional com- regrets the error. But anyone can do that. For the same edy, pick up “Blue Hawaii,” or any Elvis price, what about some new speakers? movie for that matter, or better yet, “The “Every time you hear the surround Pirates of Penzance,” starring a very Marshallese Word of the Day sound, think of it as my love all around young Kevin Kline and Linda Ronstadt, jump – ekake you,” you say. back when stars used to date the gov- For the more frugal, how about the ernor of California rather than BE the latest DVD? governor of California. Priceless stuff. The Kwajalein Hourglass Oh you like movies? Good, because And isn’t your lady priceless? Commanding Officer ...Col. Jerry Brown Public Affairs Officer...LuAnne Fantasia Buckminster and Friends by Sabrina Mumma Editor ...... Jim Bennett Assistant Editor...... KW Hillis Graphics Designer...... Dan Adler Reporter...... Jan Waddell Circulation...... Jon Cassel Intern...... Krystle McAllister

The Hourglass is named for the insignia of the U.S. Army 7th Infantry Division, which liberated the island from the forces of Imperial Japan on Feb 4, 1944. The Kwajalein Hourglass is an authorized publication for military personnel, federal employees, contractor workers and their families assigned to USAKA. Contents of the Hourglass are not necessarily official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department of Defense, Department of the Army or USAKA. It is published Tuesdays and Fridays in accordance with Army Regulation 360-1 and using a network printer by Kwajalein Range Services editorial staff, P.O. Box 23, APO AP 96555. Phone: Autovon 254-3539; local 53539. Printed circulation: 2,000

The Kwajalein Hourglass 2 Feb. 10, 2004 Feb. 10, 2004 The Kwajalein Hourglass Likiep vacations offer undistracted relaxation Part three of a four-part series on nearby getaways for Kwaj resi- dents. By Jan Waddell Reporter Set in a remote location Likiep Island, just north of Kwajalein, is considered a true get away. “I found it to be a wonderful relaxing place,” said Jamie Rowe. “The island has a lot of natu- ral beauty, a place to go and get away.” Touching down on a coral and grass runway in the middle of the coconut plantation immediately lets the visitor know they are not on Kwajalein anymore. “Just get away and get off the ‘rock’ [Kwajalein],” Rowe said. Getting there The flight to is ap- proximately 45 minutes on Air which flies from

(Photo by Jamie Rowe) “The island has a lot Children play on the beach of Likiep. Offering no restaurants, phones, TV or Internet, the of natural beauty, a island hotel gives residents the perfect get-away for those who want to simply relax. place to go and get Sights Going to Likiep is like camping Some of the sights on Likiep are out. You take everything you want away ... It is a very the deBrum home, built in 1905 to eat with you. There is no restau- different experience.” by Joachim deBrum, the coconut rant. He suggests frozen meat and plantations, the taro pits, the coral water unless you want to drink — Jamie Rowe paths and the Community Center catchment-water. built by the Japanese in the 1920s. Plantation Haus guests have ac- Kwajalein to Likiep on Tuesdays deBrum House cess to the kitchen 24-hours a day. and Saturdays. The deBrum House is not a mu- Rowe explained visitors can cook Round trip airfare runs $154, seum, but all you have to do is ask their own meals or they can ask said Lelani Alfred, travel agent. Joe deBrum and he will open the the staff to cook it. Reservations can be made at Air house for visitors, added Rowe. On occasion, the local island Marshall Islands Monday through Things to do people will share their catch of the Saturday from 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Visitors can fish, go crabbing, day. Culture learn how to catch lobsters or just Language Likiep Atoll is home to around sit back and read. Both Marshallese and English 500 Marshallese with a land mass “If you get hot, you can jump in are used. of just under four square miles the lagoon,” Rowe said. Currency and around 163 squares miles of Diving and snorkeling: According to Rowe, it is best to lagoon. The snorkeling is excellent and, take cash. U.S. currency is used. The people are extremely friendly according to Rowe, the water is Electricity and hospitable, Rowe added. even clearer on Likiep than on The electricity is 110 volt with the Rowe suggested visitors bring Kwajalein. standard two-prong outlet which is some sort of gift such as chocolate, The Plantation Haus also has generator provided. candy or instant coffee. dive tanks that can be rented. Information sources According to Rowe, instant cof- Amenities Likiep Plantation Haus is the fee is huge on Likiep because they There are no phones, TV or Inter- hotel on island, Alfred said. have a generator for electricity, and net connections on the island, but Reservations can be made by don’t run it when visitors aren’t the Plantation Haus does have air contacting the local Republic of the there. conditioning. Marshall Island’s office on Kwaja- Fishing tackle and hooks are also “It is a very different experience,” lein. appreciated. Rowe said. (Some information for this arti- He also said anytime is a good He added there is no hot water cle was obtained from http:// time to visit Likiep, except for ma- in the shower but the water is still jor holidays. luke-warm. JDB_Furn.html.) The Kwajalein Hourglass Feb. 10, 2004 Feb. 10, 2004 3 The Kwajalein Hourglass Renovated Ocean BQ offers suite floor plan By KW Hillis Assistant Editor A 14-year effort to upgrade bachelor’s quarters reached a conclusion Saturday as Marty Olson, Corps of Engineers Con- struction representative, turned the newly renovated Ocean BQ keys over to D. Flynn Gideon, KRS Housing Office manager. Now, 23 tenants, four of which lived in the Ocean before the renovation, will move in the first part of March. “We’ve already made assign- ments,” Gideon said, explaining that, other than the returning four residents — a fifth resident is PCSing — the assignments were made by a lottery drawing among 56 BQ residents. The 19 selected met the USAKA requirement that they had lived in their current room for at least a year. The Ocean was the last BQ on both Roi and Kwaj, with the (Courtesy of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) exception of the Pacific BQ, to The renovated Ocean BQ rooms offer residents a living space and separate bedroom, along undergo a major renovation. with the kitchenette and bathroom in all other BQs on Kwajalein and Roi. The BQ renovation effort started with the Palm. In the ’90s, on resident to install their own mi- when she arrived, then to the Kwajalein, the Tropics BQ was crowave and a BQ refrigerator will Sands BQ, which with laundry built for the first time and the ex- sit beside the sink in a space big rooms only on the first floor made isting Sands BQ was removed and enough for an apartment-sized it difficult for her to carry her then rebuilt from scratch. refrigerator. laundry up and down two flights The $1.8 million renovation “We will put the same refrig- of stairs. Although she likes the began just a year ago, and con- erator that is in the other BQs,” size of the closets in the Reef, verted the two-story BQ from 20 Gideon said. from what she saw when she was open bay rooms with a commu- At the far side of each room are “able to peek in” one day, she will nal bathroom on each floor to 23 a bathroom and a bedroom suit- enjoy living in the Ocean. rooms, each with private bath and able for a single bed, although a In addition to the obvious separate bedroom. double-bed could be put in there, changes to the rooms, contrac- Olson said during a walk- Olson said. A pocket-door disap- tors recoated the outside of the through of the building with the pears into the wall between the building with the same coating Hourglass and Jerry Arrington, bathroom and bedroom and both that has successfully protected San Juan Construction project rooms have doors to the main building 704, located right on the manager. room. ocean for eight years, Olson said. Olson explained that two of the The bedroom and any mess Contractors also installed a fire extra rooms were formed from can be closed off from visitors, suppression system, a new mas- space previously used for the he said. The main room is big ter antenna and a new air condi- communal bathrooms, one up- enough for a couch, chairs and tioning system installed, among stairs and one downstairs. The an entertainment center. other things. third room, upstairs was put in Rose Gilbert, who currently lives After the final inspection by the space previously used for a in the Reef BQ and won a room in USAKA and KRS personnel on Sat- “duct chase … that cooled the the new BQ, said she has a few urday morning, a few minor items second floor,” he added. reasons for wanting to move. remained on the list for a final The rooms, each 361 square “I like the cupboard space in tightening or adjusting including feet, except for one on the second the kitchen and I like the idea the installation of two medicine floor which is just slightly bigger, of closing off the bedroom,” she cabinets just received to replace all have a larger front room with said. “The shower stall is also a two that were broken in shipment. kitchenette. The kitchenette is set lot nicer.” “They are doing the final punch in the corner of each room with Gilbert, who has been on island list and we plan to start installing drawers and cupboards on each for four years, was assigned to a the furniture Tuesday morning,” wall. A shelf is available for the temporary trailer near the airport (See RENOVATION, page 5) The Kwajalein Hourglass 4 Feb. 10, 2004 Feb. 10, 2004 The Kwajalein Hourglass January posts hottest and fourth driest numbers By Kris White Computer model forecasts run month in the . Nor- RTS Weather Station by the National Oceanic and At- mal precipitation for the month is A new year, another month and mospheric Administration suggest 3.73 inches, which would actually another record goes by the way- that this trend will continue for at be wet compared to last month. side. least the next few months. However, an inspection of pre- After experiencing the hottest Following a rather wet Decem- cipitation records suggests that November, and the second hottest ber, Kwajalein finished the month February may be drier than nor- December on record, Kwajalein of January on a dry note. The total mal, as well. For every January follows up with the hottest Janu- precipitation for the month was .8 in which less than 1 inch of pre- ary on record. The average tem- inches, the fourth driest January cipitation fell at the station, and perature for the month was 83.3 since precipitation records began there have been six of them, the F, which is 1.9 F above normal. in 1945. The driest January oc- following February has experi- The previous record was 83.1 F curred in 1977 when the weather enced rainfall below the long-term set in 1953. station received only .48 inches of average. In fact, five of those Feb- The high temperature for the precipitation. ruarys passed by with less than month was 89 F, which occurred The other two dryest Januarys one inch of precipitation too. on the 28th. occurred in 1973 and 1998 when Don’t be too concerned about The low temperature for the the weather station received .52 the dry weather though. Remem- month was 77 F, which occurred inches and .66 inches of precipita- ber, we just finished a rather wet on the 4th and the 25th. tion, respectively. December, and a near normal Sea-surface temperatures in the Normal precipitation for the year for precipitation. Also, the region continue to run above nor- month is 5.12 inches. most recent long-range forecasts mal as well. Data analyses show On the other hand, the wettest from atmospheric scientists at the that sea-surface temperatures in January occurred in 1951 when University of Hawaii call for near the vicinity of the central Mar- 15.66 inches of rain fell on Kwa- normal rainfall here in the central shalls averaged 1.4 F above nor- jalein. Marshalls through the rest of the mal for the month of January. Typically, February is the driest winter months and into spring. Renovation caps 14-year remodeling effort ... (From page 4) Gideon said, explaining that much of the furniture is new, some from Johnston Island, and some not used when the Reef and accompanied housing were furnished with new items. “Some people had their own furniture, so the pro- vided furniture was removed,” he said. Currently, there are some rooms available in other BQs, but Gideon expects that to change. Unac- companied people currently living in trailers must either move to a BQ room by March 1 or lose their meal card. Alan and Marge Metelak, who are both on unac- companied contracts, will move from a trailer into the Ocean. They had put their name on the BQ list because they didn’t want to lose their meal cards and were surprised when they were both selected during the lottery drawing. “We would rather stay in the trailer, but that doesn’t appear to be an option,” Alan Metelak said. “One of the main reasons we decided to [move to the Ocean] we want two rooms next to each other, so we hope that will happen. The Ocean looks like a nice facility.” After the four previous tenants decided to return, some unaccompanied people who were selected to fill the remaining 19 rooms turned down the room, so Housing went on to the next person selected, (Photo by KW Hillis) Gideon said. Byron Brown, USAKA acting Housing manager, checks “We drew all 56 names … The remainder of the the faucets in one of the Ocean BQ bathrooms during the people were placed on a waiting list in the order final inspection before the keys were turned over to KRS drawn,” he said, explaining that the system was the Housing. fairest he could devise. The Kwajalein Hourglass Feb. 10, 2004 Feb. 10, 2004 5 The Kwajalein Hourglass Partial power outage demonstrates system design By Jan Waddell Reporter A recent power outage on Kwa- jalein resulted from one of the seven power plant engines regis- tering a problem and then shut- ting down automatically to avoid damage, according to Ed Black, deputy manager of Public Works. The remaining engines online at the time were unable to meet the total power demand, so non-criti- cal areas were shut down, serv- ing as an example of how the island’s power system works. The island is divided into sec- tions of residential, light indus- try, heavy industrial and criti- cal need, he said. When power consumption exceeds the output, areas on island shut off based on the level of critical need. The power plant system is designed to shed, or shut down, less criti- cal feeders in the event of a mal- function or overload of the plant (Photo by Jan Waddell) engines. Frank Andaya, floor operator checks the display board next to one ofthe Once the engines have been engines in the Power Plant. shut down mechanically, it takes a manual operation to turn it serve,” Black said. about 10 minutes. Then each back on. During last month’s power out- feeder has to be manually closed “There is a man on the ground age, four engines were running. to restore power back to the ar- making the intelligent decision,” At 3:30 p.m., one of the engines eas that were turned off. Black said. started to have a problem, so Black said the engine shut He added it takes human capa- it was dropped off-line and the down resulted from a flaw in the bility to restart an engine. This power plant started running a piston ring and liner area of the way, both man and machine are three-engine configuration, which Caterpillar engines on Kwajalein. protected. is enough to meet the island Krohn, who previously worked Normally, three engines run 24 needs, according to Jerry Krohn, 25 years for the Caterpillar fac- hours a day on Kwajalein, and Utility department manager. At tory and 10 years for a Caterpil- produce around 12 megawatts of 8:30 p.m., engine number five lar dealership, spotted the prob- power. Average usage on Kwa- dropped off-line, which caused lem and negotiated repairs by the jalein, at around the peak time shedding of non-essential feed- company on four of the engines. of 1 p.m., is approximately 11.8 ers and the partial island power Caterpillar mechanics, sent by megawatts. outage. the manufacturer, recently com- During mission configura- “The [engine] that tripped off, pleted the work. Krohn’s negotia- tions, the power plant runs four we don’t touch,” Krohn said. “The tions saved the government and engines to ensure power in case [power plant personnel] has to the company hundreds of thou- one of the engines malfunctions manually start the standby gen- sands of dollars, Black said. during the mission. An additional erator.” Two engines are currently down engine runs in “spinning re- According to Krohn, this takes for major maintenance; another engine is scheduled for major Hourglass Advertising maintenance, and the other four engines will have regular mainte- Friday’s ads are due by noon nance later this year. Wednesday and Tuesday’s ads are Window on the Atoll: If there is another power out- due by noon Friday. All ads for a age, Black recommends residents Operation Flintlock, stand by and power plant crews given resident must be less than 50 60th Anniversary will fix it as soon as possible. words. We will combine multiple ad If, however, there is a concern, submissions, where necessary, or the numbers to call are, 53550 edit for style and space. All AFN programming is during the day and 53139 after subject to change without notice. working hours. The Kwajalein Hourglass 6 Feb. 10, 2004 Feb. 10, 2004 The Kwajalein Hourglass Wednesday, Feb. 11 Time Channel 9-AFN Channel 13 - AFN Channel 14 - AFN Channel 17 - AFN Channel 23 - AFN Channel 35 - AFN Atlantic News-Sports News Sports Spectrum Direct to Sailors 12:00AM The Late Show Good Morning America Good Morning America NBA Then & Now Movie 12:30AM Boston Celtics Muhammad Ali (continued) 1:00AM Movie: at Movie: Headline News <:15> 1:30AM The River Cleveland Cavaliers Ali Tonight Show <:45> 2:00AM Headline News Headline News with Jay Leno 2:30AM World News World News NBA Late Show with <:45> 3:00AM Movie: Early Show Early Show San Antonio Spurs David Letterman 3:30AM The Adventures of at Ebert and Roeper Access Hollywood <:45 4:00AM Pinnochio Houston Rockets Rocket Power Movie: <:15> 4:30AM Fairly Oddparents While You Were 5:00AM Bulletin Board FOX News Live FOX News Live SportsCenter The Simpsons Sleeping 5:30AM The Cosby Show 6:00AM Good Morning AFL J.A.G. Movie: <:15> 6:30AM America Orlando Predators Flubber 7:00AM at The Practice 7:30AM Tampa Bay Storm 8:00AM Dragon Tales Headline News Headline News Then & Now ESPNews 8:30AM Wheel Of Fortune Inside Politics Inside Politics Muhammad Ali Headline News 9:00AM Dr. Phil ESPNews Movie: Today 9:30AM Oprah Winfrey <9:46> Headline News Navy/Marine Corps Totally NASCAR Ali 10:00AM Lester Holt Live Lester Holt Live Around the Horn 10:30AM Guiding Light <10:35> Pardon the Interruption 11:00AM General Hospital<11:17> Headline News Headline News SportsCenter The Practice 11:30AM NBC Nightly News NBC Nightly News Ebert and Roeper 12:00PM Bulletin Board NCAA Basketball ABC World News NBA Tipoff Rocket Power Headline News 12:30PM Judge Judy Alabama CBS Evening News NBA Fairly Oddparents Wheel of Fortune 1:00PM The Newshour at Newshour Detroit Pistons The Simpsons Dr. Phil 1:30PM Kentucky with Jim Lehrer at The Cosby Show 2:00PM Sesame Street NCAA Basketball Hannity and Colmes New Jersey Nets Ally McBeal Oprah Winfrey Show 2:30PM Michigan State 3:00PM PB & J Otter at The Newshour NBA Star Trek: NBC Nightly News 3:30PM Scooby Doo Illionois Toronto Raptors Next Generation Judge Judy 4:00PM That’s So Raven Headline News BET Nightly News at Tactical to Practical Tactical to Practical 4:30PM The Amanda Show ESPNews Nightly Business Phoenix Suns 5:00PM Jeopardy Larry King Live Larry King Live Suicide Missions Suicide Missions 5:30PM Access Hollywood Inside the NBA 6:00PM Bulletin Board Newsnight Newsnight Movie: Movie: 6:30PM The Cosby Show with Aaron Brown with Aaron Brown Totally NACSAR Murphy’s Romance Murphy’s Romance 7:00PM Smallville Paula Zahn Now Paula Zahn Now SportsCenter 7:30PM 8:00PM Movie: Nightline Nightline NCAA Basketball Rocket Power Jeopardy 8:30PM Chocolat Pardon the Interruption Your Corps Colorado Fairly Oddparents Headline News 9:00PM Hardball Hardball at The Simpsons ESPNews 9:30PM with Chris Matthews with Chris Matthews Missouri The Cosby Show Headline News 10:00PM ESPNews <:15> O’Reilly Factor O’Reilly Factor SportsCenter American Idol 3: The Parkers 10:30PM The Tonight Show Best of the Worst The Simple Life 11:00PM <:45> CNN Daybreak CNN Daybreak NHL American Idol Extreme Makeover 11:30PM The Late Show <:45>

The Kwajalein Hourglass Feb. 10, 2004 Feb. 10, 2004 7 The Kwajalein Hourglass Thursday, Feb. 12 Time Channel 9-AFN Channel 13 - AFN Channel 14 - AFN Channel 17 - AFN Channel 23 - AFN Channel 35 - AFN Atlantic News-Sports News Sports Spectrum Direct to Sailors 12:00AM The Late Show Good Morning America Good Morning America New Jersey Devils Tactical to Practical The OC 12:30AM Access Hollywood at 1:00AM Movie: <:15> Philadelphia Flyers Suicide Missions Headline News 1:30AM While You Were ESPNews Tonight Show 2:00AM Sleeping Headline News Headline News NCAA Basketball Movie: with Jay Leno 2:30AM World News World News Alabama Murphy’s Romance Late Show 3:00AM Movie: <:15> Early Show Early Show at with David Letterman 3:30AM Flubber Kentucky Access Hollywood 4:00AM SportsCenter Rocket Power Movie: 4:30AM Fairly Oddparents Memphis Belle 5:00AM Bulletin Board FOX News Live FOX News Live College Gamenight The Simpsons 5:30AM NBA Fastbreak The Cosby Show Movie <:45> 6:00AM Good Morning SportsCenter American Idol 3: An Affair to Remember 6:30AM America Best of the Worst 7:00AM NCAA Basketball American Idol 7:30AM Michigan State 8:00AM Bob the Builder Headline News Headline News at Tactical to Practical ESPNews 8:30AM Wheel of Fortune Inside Politics Inside Politics Illinois Headline News 9:00AM Dr. Phil The Hot List Suicide Missions Today 9:30AM Oprah Winfrey <9:46> Headline News Your Corps 10:00AM Lester Holt Live Lester Holt Live Around the Horn Movie: 10:30AM Guiding Light <10:35> Pardon the Interruption Murphy’s Romance 11:00AM General Hospital<11:17> Headline News Headline News SportsCenter American Idol 11:30AM NBC Nightly News NBC Nightly News 12:00PM Bulletin Board NCAA Basketball ABC World News NCAA Basketball Rocket Power Headline News 12:30PM Judge Judy Virginia CBS Evening News Virginia Fairly Oddparents Wheel of Fortune 1:00PM The Newshour at Newshour at The Simpsons Dr. Phil 1:30PM Duke with Jim Lehrer Duke The Cosby Show 2:00PM Sesame Street NBA Hannity and Colmes NBA Dharma & Greg Oprah Winfrey 2:30PM L.A. Lakers L.A. Lakers My Wife and Kids 3:00PM Baby Looney Tunes at The Newshour at The West Wing NBC Nightly News 3:30PM Jimmy Neutron Houston Rockets Houston Rockets Judge Judy 4:00PM A Walk in Your Shoes BET Nightly News Ken Burns Ken Burns’ History 4:30PM Blake Holsey High Nightly Business Nightly Business SportsCenter History of Jazz of Jazz 5:00PM Jeopardy Larry King Live Larry King Live Ken Burns Ken Burns’ History 5:30PM Access Hollywood College Gamenight History of Jazz of Jazz 6:00PM Bulletin Board Newsnight Newsnight Ballroom Boxing Movie: Movie: 6:30PM The Cosby Show with Aaron Brown with Aaron Brown Horatio Hornblower Horatio Hornblower 7:00PM The Parkers Paula Zahn Now Paula Zahn Now SportsCenter 7:30PM The Simple Life 8:00PM Extreme Makeover Nightline Nightline NHL Rocket Power Jeopardy! 8:30PM Pardon the Interruption Army Newswatch San Jose Sharks Fairly Oddparents Headline News 9:00PM The OC Hardball Hardball at The Simpsons ESPNews 9:30PM with Chris Matthews with Chris Matthews Detroit Red Wings The Cosby Show Headline News 10:00PM ESPNews O’Reilly Factor O’Reilly Factor American Idol Friends 10:30PM The Tonight Show SportsCenter My Wife and Kids Good Morning Miami 11:00PM 60 Minutes II 60 Minutes II The West Wing The Bachelorette II 11:30PM The Late Show NBA

The Kwajalein Hourglass 8 Feb. 10, 2004 Feb. 10, 2004 The Kwajalein Hourglass Friday, Feb. 13 Time Channel 9-AFN Channel 13 - AFN Channel 14 - AFN Channel 17 - AFN Channel 23 - AFN Channel 35 - AFN Atlantic News-Sports News Sports Spectrum Direct to Sailors 12:00AM The Late Show Good Morning America Good Morning America L.A. Lakers Ken Burns E.R. 12:30AM Access Hollywood at History of Jazz 1:00AM Movie: Houston Rockets Ken Burns Headline News 1:30AM Memphis Belle SportsCenter History of Jazz Tonight Show 2:00AM Headline News Headline News Movie: with Jay Leno 2:30AM Movie: <:45> World News World News PBR Bull Riding Horatio Hornblower Late Show 3:00AM An Affair to Remember Early Show Early Show Tampa, Florida with David Letterman 3:30AM Access Hollywood 4:00AM SportsCenter Rocket Power Movie: 4:30AM Fairly Oddparents Court-Martial of 5:00AM Bulletin Board FOX News Live FOX News Live College Gamenight The Simpsons Jackie Robinson 5:30AM ESPNews The Cosby Show Movie: 6:00AM Good Morning 60 Minutes II 60 Minutes II NASCAR Nextel Cup American Idol Out of Africa 6:30AM America Series My Wife and Kids 7:00AM FOX News Live FOX News Live Gatorade 125 The West Wing 7:30AM Races 1 and 2 Cinema Secrets 8:00AM Bear in the Big Blue Headline News Headline News Ken Burns’ History ESPNews 8:30AM Wheel of Fortune Headline News Inside Politics of Jazz Headline News 9:00AM Dr. Phil PGA Tour PGA Tour Ken Burns’ History Today 9:30AM Oprah Winfrey <9:46> Buick Invitational Air Force TV News Buick Invitational of Jazz 10:00AM First Round (JIP) Lester Holt Live First Round (JIP) Movie: 10:30AM Guiding Light <10:35> Horatio Hornblower 11:00AM General Hospital<11:17> Headline News Headline News ESPNews American Idol 11:30AM NBC Nightly News NBC Nightly News 12:00PM Bulletin Board 4 Quarters ABC World News NCAA Basketball Rocket Power Headline News 12:30PM Judge Judy NHL CBS Evening News Wake Forest Fairly Oddparents Wheel of Fortune 1:00PM Newshour Colorodo Avalanche Newshour at The Simpsons Dr. Phil 1:30PM with Jim Lehrer at with Jim Lehrer Clemson The Cosby Show 2:00PM Sesame Street St. Louis Blues Hannity and Colmes NCAA Basketball Charmed Oprah Winfrey 2:30PM Louisville 3:00PM 101 Dalmations ESPNews The Newshour at The X-Files NBC Nightly News 3:30PM Hey Arnold! Charlotte Judge Judy 4:00PM Pokemon Headline News BET Nightly News NCAA Basketball National Geographic National Geographic 4:30PM Jackie Chan ESPNews Nightly Business Gonzaga 5:00PM Jeopardy Larry King Live Larry King Live at Lava Hunters Lava Hunters 5:30PM Access Hollywood San Francisco 6:00PM Bulletin Board Newsnight Newsnight College Gamenight Buffy The Buffy the 6:30PM The Cosby Show with Aaron Brown with Aaron Brown Totally NASCAR Vampire Slayer Vampire Slayer 7:00PM Friends Paula Zahn Now Paula Zahn Now SportsCenter Iron Chef Iron Chef 7:30PM Good Morning Miami 8:00PM The Bachelorette II Nightline Nightline NASCAR Nextel Cup Rocket Power Jeopardy! 8:30PM Pardon the Interruption Headline News Series Fairly Oddparents Headline News 9:00PM E.R. Hardball Hardball Gatorade 125 The Simpsons ESPNews 9:30PM with Chris Matthews with Chris Matthews Races 1 and 2 The Cosby Show Headline News 10:00PM ESPNews O’Reilly Factor O’Reilly Factor Charmed The Simpsons 10:30PM The Tonight Show That 70’s Show 11:00PM Fox News Live Primetime SportsCenter The X-Files Survivor: 11:30PM The Late Show All-Stars

The Kwajalein Hourglass Feb. 10, 2004 Feb. 10, 2004 9 The Kwajalein Hourglass HELP WANTED holes two and three on Kwaj golf course, two deal. Call 53367W or 51280H. weeks ago. Call 54536. KRS has the following on-island job opening. COMMUNITY NOTICES Unless otherwise noted, call Alan Taylor, FOUND 55154. KPD WILL hold a bicycle auction Friday, 4-5 p.m., WATCH, with pink wristband and frame, in alley at the police station. Questions? Call Sgt. Burdine, PATIENT SERVICES COORDINATOR. by Palm Street. Call 51061. 54448. Kwajalein Hospital. Full time. Processes, verifies health insurance information, pulls and SPEEDO WATCH, blue. Call 54952. U.S. ARMY Kwajalein Atoll is recruiting applicants for (two) one-year intern positions. Meals and prepares medical charts. Maintains medical WATCH, at CRC gym, Jan. 31, after 7:30 p.m. exam forms and doctor’s schedules. Answers lodging are provided, plus a $200 per week volleyball game. Call Craig, 54801, days, or allowance, part of which goes into a college phones and directs calls throughout the 51269, evenings. hospital. Strong customer service, computer fund. Applicants must be: Interested in a college and communications skills required for this FOR SALE program in Public Affairs, Protocol or Foreign fast-paced position. Affairs; a citizen of the Republic of the Marshall WINDSURFING PACKAGE: F2 Stratto long Islands; high school graduates; fluent in English ELECTRONICS REPAIR TECHNICIAN. board,(great intermediate board), two fiberglass both verbal and written. E-mail: david.coffey@u Macy’s. Part time. Repairs TVs, DVDs, VCRs masts, one Hale clamp-on, light weight boom, For more information, call and audio equipment. Job responsibilities one Windsurfing Hawaii tie-on boom, three North 55325, 329-5002 from Ebeye/, or 805-355- include coordinating a quality, time-focused Wave excellent sails, one Neilpride sail, harness, 5325 from U.S. diagnosis and repair process. Applicant straps, windsurfing bicycle trainer, Marker Sylth should have technical training in electronics short board (older board), all for $700. Call Jeff, ON OCCASION, KRS Kwajalein residents have and experience in electronics repair. Submit 59942. been informed by certain Queen’s Medical Center application or resumé to Paul Divinski, Retail departments that they could not be scheduled or Office, 53308. PCS SALE. Track lights; two adult bikes; one would not be accepted as insured patients. These child’s bike; two snorkel vests; two lawn chaise; departments were incorrect in their statements SUBSTITUTE TEACHER. Provide supervision dishwasher; wall mirrors; Barbie comforter with as a result of internal miscommunictions within and instruction in the absence of the regular curtains; aluminum fishing cart; window blinds. Queen’s. This issue has since been resolved. classroom teacher. Organizational skills Call 52302. StayWell continues to work hard, ensuring and structure are a prerequisite. Teaching smooth operations with Queen’s and paying certification preferred, but not required. PANASONIC 20" flat screen TV, model CT- claims promptly. Should you experience any Childcare clearance required. 20SX12DF, like new, $200; two-drawer wood filing issues similar to this, call Diane Morris at cabinet, $50. Call 50782. Kwajalein Hospital, or Bill Bossany at StayWell USAKA/RTS has the following job immediately. vacancy.For job information, call Cris PCS SALE. Queen-size box springs and mattress, Foster, USAKA/RTS Civilian Personnel, 18 months old, $350; TV, $100; assorted throw EOD PERSONNEL will conduct explosive 54417. Applications must be completed on rugs, large and small; four ladies’ formals, size disposal operations on Illeginni Island, Thursday, line at, or USAJobs 8-10; assorted clothing; assorted bedding set with Feb. 20, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. They will be destroying at Southwest pattern; microwave, $30; crock pot, $5; WWII munitions. A safety exclusion area with mixer, $5; kitchenware; glasses; large selection of a radius of 4,000 feet surface to air is off limits PROGRAM COORDINATOR, GS-0301-13, VHS movies, $5 each. Call 52389H or 53400W. to all unauthorized personnel throughout the USAKA Directorate for Business Management. operation.Questions? Call 51433. 24-month overseas tour with transportation SONY 21" color TV with remote, $150; Panasonic and housing agreement. Announcement No. microwave, $45; Sharp Carousel 11, $75; KRS HEALTH benefits open enrollment officially SCBK04614797 at CPOL website. Closes Kwaj-condition bike with high handle bars on closed Jan. 31. No further changes to your benfit Feb. 12. pole extension, $30; plastic storage containers, elections will be accepted. Employees who were $1 each; 9' x 12' piece of Astroturf, like new, off island during the open enrollment period GENERAL ENGINEER, GS-0801-15, Reagan $50; Cuisnart coffee maker, hardly used, $25; or those who have a qualifying event, may be Test Site Technical Director. 24-month canvas dive bag for travel, $25; bolt of piping for granted an exception with proper documentation. overseas tour with transportation and housing upholstery, pillows or window treatments, $15. agreement. Announcment No. X-LW-04-5986- Call 54826, and leave a message. ROMANTIC VALENTINE’S CRUISE is Saturday, RD at USAJobs website (external candidates), 6-8 p.m., on the catamaran. A steak or chicken open to all U.S. citizens. Closes Feb. 13. KAYAKS with vests and paddles, from Australian dinner will be served along with gourmet desserts. company, low mileage, $375 each or $700 for $25 per person. 21 and over only. Sponsored by BOEING COMPANY has the following both. Call Karen, 51391, and leave a message. CWF and the chapel. To buy your tickets, call the vacancy: BOY’S 12" bike, Kwaj-condition, $20. Call 52427. chapel, 53505. TRANSPORTATION and ADMINISTRATIVE ENTERTAINMENT center, 46"L x 19"W x 34"H, DEAR PARENTS: There will be a meeting for ASSISTANT. Part time position. Transports parents and community members to have the TDY company executives and employees, tinted glass doors across front, adjustable shelves, looks new, $150; Panasonic LX-K700 opportunity to comment on both the proposed and assists with lodging, baggage handling Social Studies and Visual Arts curriculum, and island familiarization. Maintains inventory multi-laser disc player, great for karaoke, plays give kinds of laser discs, 3" and 5" CDs, 5" CDV, Thursday, Feb. 26, 7 p.m., at the high school of bicycles and assigns/returns bikes with library. Copies of the proposed curricula can be TDY personnel. Assists with clerical and 8" and 12" single and double-sided LDs, with 4- 12" karaoke discs and two microphones, $700 checked out from the education offices for review administrative duties. Receives, sorts and before the scheduled public meeting, Friday, Feb. delivers official business mail. For more job value, selling for $400. Call 53640, before 8 p.m. details, call Perry Hammons, 54724. KIPLING duffle bag, $75; Island Snow Hawaii Join Café Pacific for a President’s WANTED backpack, $20; new Quicksilver board shorts, $35; eyeglasses case, $5; all aluminum frame Sun Day Brunch, Tuesday, Feb. 17, SCUBA DIVING weights, 10 lb. and 8 lb. sets, bike, men’s, blue, one-speed coaster brakes and 10:30 am.-12:30 p.m. for integrated BCDs. Call 54536. plastic fenders, available Feb. 28, $100 or best Menu will include: offer; two pairs of denim jeans, one Calvin Klein * Barbecued ribs * STURDY bike cart in good conditon, to 33W, 30L, $25, one Ralph Lauren, 32W, 30L, $25. * Charcoal broiled chicken * transport scuba gear and stuff. Call Paula, Call 51475. 53571. * Baked beans * VEXX GAME for X-Box, unopened; Harry Potter * Niblet corn * HOUSE-SITTING arrangement for visiting game for Playstation 2, unopened. Call 51061. * Au gratin potatoes * mother and daughter, both adults, May 11-June * Biscuits and honey * 2, or any portion thereof. They are reliable and INFANT BATHTUB, $5; Fisher Price Kick ‘n Play will take good care of your home. Call Lynn, bounce chair, $20; doorway jumper, $15; Carter’s * Creamy coleslaw * 51618. play mat, $15. Call 52757. * Mom’s potato salad * *Grandma’s apple and peach pie * LOST FIRE PROOF digital/key lock safe, large enough * Hot cherry cobbler * to hold documents, jewelry and money; exercise Families welcome BLACK BETTINARDI putter cover, between equipment: abdominizer and free rider. Willing to

The Kwajalein Hourglass 10 Feb. 10, 2004 Feb. 10, 2004 The Kwajalein Hourglass STUDENT MUSIC recital is Thursday, Feb. 26, in the fall, call the elementary school office, ATTENTION RESIDENTS OF 7 p.m., in the MP room. Performers may pick 53601. KWAJALEIN AND ROI: up registration forms from your music teacher or Dick Shields. ENERGY CONSERVATION tip: Even though you Letters will be mailed soon to don’t pay the bills, help save electricity by turning notify you to pick up your IF YOU HAVE a child who will be turning 5 on or off lights in unoccupied rooms. before Oct. 31 and will be entering kindergarten new 2004 telephone book at your post office box.

20. Questions? Call the high school principal, 52011. SUBMIT YOUR photos for the 2005 Kwaj calendar at the Retail Office, Tuesday thru Saturday, 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., until March 10. Photos need to be in digital format with a minimum of 300 DPI. Main calendar themes are: recreation, commemoration of the liberation of Kwajalein, underwater flora and fauna and and celebrations. KWAJALEIN SPORT FISHING Club’s annual dues collection and key swap is Sunday, Feb. 15, 8-11 a.m., at boat lot 42 (tug parking area). Alternate day is Wednesday, Feb. 18, 5-7 p.m. THE IOWA TEST of basic skills and the Iowa test of educational development, will be given for grades 7-10, Feb. 10-14, at the high school. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, the Driver Education route will be bordered by Nike Street on the north and south out to and around the runway. The hours of operation are 5-7 p.m. on weekends. KWAJALEIN COMMUNITY Band Concert is Thursday, Feb. 19, 7 p.m., in the MP room. NEXT GENERAL Kwajalein Scuba Club meeting is tomorrow, 7 p.m., in CRC room 6. Questions? Call Harry, 52479. UNACCOMPANIED VALENTINE’S: Bring your friends for an evening of Bunko, Saturday, Feb. 14, 7 p.m., in the REB. There will be music, prizes and light snacks. Wear something red. Sponsored by Island Memorial Chapel. Questions? Call Lydi, 54223.

Present your input on the items you would like the Retail Merchandising and food stores to carry at a meeting tomorrow, 6:30 p.m., in the MP room.

The Kwajalein Hourglass Feb. 10, 2004 Feb. 10, 2004 11 The Kwajalein Hourglass Sweetheart Relay set for Monday From Staff Reports Kwajalein Running Club will host the annual “Sweetheart Relay” Mon- Jump day, in honor of Valentine’s Day. The race is a handicapped, four- Around mile, four-runner relay race, ac- Kindergarteners cording to Bob Sholar, KRC presi- Victor Harris dent. With teams of four members, and Aubrey each runs a one-mile loop. Corbett help their Pre-race check-in is between 8:30 classmates pop and 8:45 a.m. at the starting line in 100 balloons on the lawn area between the Library and the 100th day of Brandon Field. Gun time is 9 a.m. school for the year. The entire The race begins with a staggered school day start. The team with the greatest was filled with computed handicap, based on age activities involving and gender, starts first. All other the number 100 teams start at computed delays, including reading prompted by the official starter. “100 Hungry Because of the staggered start, Ants,” counting the team to physically finish first 100 foam hearts will be declared the winner. and decorating All participants will receive fin- 100 crowns. isher certificates. KRC will provide post-run refreshments. Registration forms must be turned in to Bob or Jane Sholar at Qtrs. 123-C by Saturday. For more informaiton, call 51815. (Photo by KW Hillis) Military plays big role at NFL Pro Bowl in Hono By Donna Miles the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine and south sides of the stadium. American Forces Press Service Corps and Coast Guard, also par- Sunday was designated “Military WASHINGTON — Representatives ticipated in the coin toss during the Day” during the Pro Bowl Football of all five military services in Hawaii game’s opening ceremonies. Festival with a military challenge received a special honor this week- A joint-service color guard topped competition and a performance by end as they took to Aloha Stadium the opening ceremonies, with 16 the Navy band at the Kapiolani Park in Honolulu to participate in Pro sailors carrying NFL flags, and an F- bandstand planned. Bowl activities Monday. 15 Eagle fighter jet from the Hawaii The NFL donated 400 game tick- The NFC topped the AFC, 55-52, Air National Guard conducting a ets to service members, and 21 NFL in an offensive game that brought flyover. Rock bands from Pacific Air players were scheduled to make together the NFL’s all-stars. The Forces and the Navy’s Pacific Fleet visits to troops to recognize their military’s all-stars, service mem- entertained spectators while they contributions and express appre- bers and volunteers of the year from stood in line for tickets at the north ciation. Weather Courtesy of RTS Weather Sun • Moon • Tides

Tonight: Partly cloudy with a slight chance Sunrise/set Moonrise/set High Tide Low Tide of showers. Winds: Northeast at 18-24 knots with Tuesday 0709/1858 2215/0951 0637, 5.0' 0034, 0.4' occasional higher gusts. February 10 1846, 5.5' 1234, 0.7' Tomorrow: Partly cloudy with a slight chance of showers. Wednesday 0709/1858 2306/1033 0711, 5.0' 0103, 0.6' Winds: Northeast at 18-24 knots with February 11 1919, 5.1' 1311, 1.1' occasional higher gusts. Temperature: Tonight’s low 80° Thursday 0708/1858 2359/1117 0749, 4.8' 0135, 0.9' Tomorrow’s high 87° February 12 1957, 4.5' 1354, 1.4' February rain total: 1.91” Annual rain total: 2.71” Annual deviation: -3.57” Friday 0708/1859 /1203 0836, 4.5' 0212, 1.2' Call 54700 for updated forecasts and sea February 13 2044, 3.9' 1451, 1.8' conditions. The Kwajalein Hourglass 12 Feb. 10, 2004