(Non-Dungeons and Dragons Online) Jump

Eberron is a world of intrigue and swashbuckling adventure, were industrialized magic has started to pull the civilized world out of the medieval technology level it has stagnated at. Lightning rails provide magical transport between countries, messages are passed around the world in an instant through the speaking stones of House Sivis, and even common goods are produced with exceptional quality and speed thanks to magewrights who work magic into their craft. Magical bloodlines form the basis of trading monopolies and thinking constructs now walk among the natural humanoid species. The continent of Khorvaire has only recently emerged from the century long conflict called the Last War, a succession crisis that split the kingdom of Galifar into several successor nations. The war would still be raging, if an unknown arcane accident (or attack) had not completely annihilated the country of Cyre in a single night, transforming it into a mist shrouded wasteland of mutants and wild magic now called the Mournland. Not knowing what (or who) was responsible, the warring nations laid down their arms, but few believe the peace will really last. Already intelligence agencies, mercantile Dragonmarked Houses, religious cults, and secret societies jockey for power, information, and resources that will give them an edge in this new age of peace or the next war that likely waits beyond it. All the while, dragons and fiends, ancient beyond measure, engage in their own intrigues and push agendas beyond mortal ken.

To the south of Khorvaire, past the elven island-continent of Aerenal, is Xen'drick, where the cursed ruins of the broken giant empires of 40 thousand years ago still hold secret treasures. To the east and west is Sarlona, the original birthplace of humanity, now home to an insular and xenophobic empire secretly controlled by psychic monsters from the realm of nightmares. On the opposite side of the globe is Argonessen, the continent of dragons, where great wyrms kill all humanoids who dare disturb their century long meditations. Even on Korvaire itself there are ruins dating back to the goblinoid empires and the Age of Demons, just waiting to be explored.

Will you help shape the face of Eberron in this time of change? Or will you unearth the ancient secrets of civilizations long past? You have 10 years to make your mark on history. Take these 1000 choice points to help you on the way.

Background Adventurer- Wandering heroes, mercenaries, explorers, and tomb robbers infest Khorvaire. Whether they're delving into trap filled ruins in Xen'drick, solving crimes in Sharn, or rooting out Cults of the Dragon Below in rural Aundair, Eberron offers plenty of opportunity for those with a stout sword arm, keen wit, and the bravery (or recklessness) to take on the world.

Soldier- The Last War created generations of soldiers. Whether you enlisted in your country's army, got drafted, signed up with House Deneith as a mercenary, or became a guerrilla warrior in your home's fight for freedom, you saw the horrors of war first hand. You may still be an active duty soldier, dispatched to fight for your nation and defend its borders. Or perhaps you were discharged when the Treaty of Thronehold ended the war, or just deserted when the war became to much for you, and now you must find a way to use your martial skills in the world outside the military.

House Member- The economic powerhouses of Khorvaire are led by the thirteen Dragonmarked Houses. These houses were forged from families who were experts at particular skills, travel, animal taming, or healing, for example. Over a thousand years ago, Dragonmarks, mystical tattoo-like birthmarks which grant magic powers related to a particular trade, began to appear within these families. Discovering that Dragonmarks were passed down bloodlines, these families organized into the Dragonmarked Houses and bargained with the kingdom of Galifar to establish economic dominance over their areas of expertise, relying on both their inborn powers and the invention of magic items which utilized an heir's Dragonmark to produce magical effects cheaper and more easily than normal spellcasters could. Now the Houses wield as much influence as some countries, and even if not every blacksmith is a member of House Cannith by blood, all but the lowest quality or most criminal ones are licensed by it.

Agent- The Last War is over, and now is the time for the powers that be to advance their agendas by more subtle means. You are an agent for one of these organizations. You may be a member of a national intelligence agency like the Royal Eyes of Aundair or the King's Dark Lanterns of Breland. Or you could be a missionary or holy warrior for a religion, whether you're an inquisitor of the Church of the Silver Flame or a hidden devotee of the Traveler's secret Cabinet of Faces. Alternatively, you might serve a conspiracy like the Aurum or the Order of the Emerald Claw, or you could even be a pawn of the timeless conspiracies of the rakshasas of the Lords of Dust or the dragons of the Chamber, used by your masters to push the Draconic Prophecy towards their inscrutable ends. Regardless of who you serve, you well practiced in carrying out clandestine plots and gathering follows to advance your schemes in the shadows.

Origin Khorvaire is only two years past the end of a century long war, and nationalism runs high. Where you come from is much more important than who you are. A human from Aundair might think changelings and goblins are mostly thieves, but he'd still happily share beer with an Aundarian half- or even while he spits on another human for being Karnathi. In addition to your background, choose an Origin which represents the culture your background most identifies with, getting discounts from both. This doesn't necessarily control where you live, as an elf who stays devoted to the Undying Court and the ways of his ancestors would be represented by the Aerenal origin whether he grew up in the jungles of Aerenal itself or in an elven neighborhood in Sharn.

None/Drop In- There’s no place in the world you can truly call home. You may be one of the Mourners, the refuges of the destroyed nation of Cyre, or perhaps from a minor barbarian tribe of Xen’drick. Or you could have no history in this world at all.

Adar- The lightning shrouded mountains of Adar have always served as a place of refuge, so when rebel spirits from Dal Quor, the plane of dreams, contacted one of the nation’s monasteries, the monks allowed the spirits to possess them. Now Dal Quor rules the empire of Riedra, controlling the whole continent save for this one region. Adar is a nation of rebels, devoted to spiritual warfare against the nightmare spirits who keep them caged within their home.

Aerenal- A small jungle continent between Khorvaire and Xen’drick is the home of the elves. Founded by escaped slaves fleeing the destruction of the ancient giant kingdoms, Aerenal is the home of the Undying Court, the only active divine force in Eberron. Aereni culture is based around tradition, ancestor worship, and necromancy, as the elves spend their long lives in preparation for transition into eternal Undying forms.

Aundair- One of the successor states of Galifar, Aundair is noted for its culture and education.

Breland- Another part of former Galifar, Breland is large and diverse. It holds Khorvaire’s larges city, Sharn, which also serves as the launching point for expeditions to Xen’drick. King Boranel is well loved, but his children aren’t viewed as competent to succeed him, and so some talk of ending the monarchy with him and creating a republic to replace it.

Dargun- Long ago, goblinoid empires ruled most of Khorvaire. They were ultimately shattered by an invasion from the plane of Xoriat and subjugated by human explorers. It was only during the last war that goblinoid mercenaries from all sides turned on their employers and seized part of Galifar as their own new nation. The country is only barely civilized and the Llesh struggles to keep the warring tribes obedient to his laws.

The Demon Wastes- A barren wasteland on the northwestern edge of Khorvaire, the Demon Wastes are inhabited by nothing but tribes of barbarians. These tribes worship the bound Rakshasa Rajahs or serve the free Rakshasas of Ashtakala directly. The mountain passes are guarded by tribes of Silver Flame worshiping who prevent anything from leaving.

Droaam- The land of western Breland has always been filled with monsters, but during the Last War a coven of hags called the Daughters of Sora Kell organized the various tribes into something resembling a nation. Though not officially recognized as a country, they maintain a rough order over the diverse creatures who live here.

The Eldeen Reaches- The rural, wooded land of west Aundair broke away into their own nation. The land is now ruled by sects of druids, primarily the Wardens of the Wood. It is also the ancestral home of the shifters and where they are most common.

Karnath- Another of the Five Nations of Galifar, Karnath is a nation with a proud martial tradition. Over the course of the last war, it turned to the cult of the Blood of Vol for help, spreading that religion and using its necromancy to supplement their armies with intelligent undead. The king is secretly a vampire, the original king who helped start the Last War by rebelling against Galifar’s normal succession.

The Lhazaar Principalities- Off the eastern shore of Khorvaire are an archipelago of islands inhabited by pirates and merchants. The loose confederation of somewhat legitimate sailors was barely controlled by Galifar, and has declared independence during the Last War to resume their historical role as pirate lords.

The Mror Holds- The ancestral homeland of those dwarf clans exiled to the surface, the Mror Holds are now controlled by a council of clan elders and serve as the home of dwarven culture in Khorvaire.

Q'Barra- When the Last War destroyed Galifar, an idealistic nobleman and his followers retreated to the wild jungle lands of Q’Barra. There they founded what they consider to be the true continuation of the combined nation of Galifar. Their towns are now a mix of idealists, criminals on the run from the rest of the continent, and explorers out to plumb the jungles for ruins and riches.

Seren- Off the coast of Argonessen are the islands of Seren. There dragon worshiping barbarians live, guarding the holy land of their living gods from those who would despoil it.

The Shadow Marches- The orc clans have lived primitive lifestyles in the western swamps of Khorvaire since time immemorial. Long ago, an ancient black dragon appeared to them and taught the secrets of druidic magic, founding the Gatekeeper sects that fight aberrations to this day. But since the invasion by Xoriat, many orcs have started worshiping those very monsters instead. As humans explored Khorvaire, they began to intermarry with the orcs, eventually giving rise to the Dragonmarked House Tharashk, who are the closest thing to a government the region has.

The Talenta Plains- The ancestral homeland of the have barely changed in recorded history. They are still the home of nomadic, dinosaur taming tribes who live simple, traditional lives

Thrane- Once one of the kingdoms that made up Galifar, Thrane was changed forever when the Rakshasa Rajah Bel Shalor nearly escaped his bindings. The paladin Tira Miron was contacted by the Silver Flame and sacrificed herself to rebind him. This act caused the creation of a zealous new church devoted to the Silver Flame and the fight against supernatural evil. During the Last War, the monarchy gave up control of the country to the Church, making Thrane into a theocracy.

Valenar- A minority of elves believe in embodying their ancestors to allow them to live again, rather than keeping them in the material world as Undying. Because the original ancestors were rebel soldiers fighting to free the elves from slavery to the giants, these elves are very martial, devoted to replicating the glorious victories of their patron spirit. Called into Khorvaire as mercenaries, they seized part of the land for themselves. Valenar is host to roaming warbands who are merely training and waiting until war starts again so that they can recreate the legends of their ancestors once more.

Zilargo- The homeland of the gnomes, Zilargo is a quiet, neutral nation which is notable for its scholarship. Intrigue is everywhere, blackmail is common, and a network of secret police monitor the population constantly to ensure peace and safety of the nation, but the gnomes consider this a more civilized solution than the brutes of other nations who solve problems with swords and fireballs.

Race Your age is whatever makes sense for your race. Your sex is the same as in your previous jump, or you can pay 50CP to switch.

100CP Bugbear- Bred by the ancient goblinoid empire of Dhakaan for use as slave and elite soldiers, Bugbears are large and powerful hairy hobgoblins. Today they rule the Marguul tribes of Dhakaan or else serve as soldiers in other tribes.

Free Changeling- Centuries ago, a sect of Traveler worshiping Doppelgangers received a divine vision telling them to breed with humans. The results were miraculously a new race of grey skinned humanoid shapechangers, rather than the more Doppelgangers. Now Changelings live throughout Khorvaire, living as thieves, actors, and prostitutes or else pretending to be human.

Free Daelkyr Half-Blood- Sometimes, the corruption of the Daelkyr seeps into an unborn child, causing it to grow a symbiotic twin. These symbiotes are small but clearly alien creatures that bond to the half- blood’s body. They can be regrown, but half-bloods require symbiotes, whether their own or otherwise, to avoid sickening and slowly wasting away.

200-400CP Deathless- Undead call upon the negative energy of Mabar, sucking life and light from the world to grant themselves eternal life. However, within a manifest zone to Irian, it is possible to keep the souls of beloved ancestors from the grasp of Dolurrh through the devotion and veneration of the living. The elves used this to form the Undying Court out of the greatest of their kind to ever live. You are one of these deathless elves. For 200CP, you are an Undying Soldier, a powerful fighter with the ability to smite evil like a paladin. For 400CP, you are instead and Undying Councilor, an intelligent and powerful creature with a variety of magic powers and a touch which can inflict a draining curse on the evil. Alternatively, you may belong to the small Hammerfist tribe of dwarves in the Demon Wastes, who maintain a small number of ancestors in a similar fashion. The only differences between the two are aesthetic.

100CP - The drow were created by ancient empires of giants, who bound shadow magic to elven slaves in order to create a race of spies and enforcers. When the elves rebelled and the dragons destroyed the giants, the drow stayed behind while the other elves fled to Aerenal. They now consider themselves the rightful rulers of Xen’drick, living as barbarians among the giant ruins and worshiping the scorpion god Vulkoor. Drow have resistance to magic and a few minor magical abilities related to darkness and light.

Free Dwarf- The dwarves once lived far underground, until twelve clans were exiled to the surface after a failed rebellion, locked from the home by magical wards until they atoned. Ironically, by the time they were allowed back in, they and their wardens discovered that the underground kingdom had been destroyed. Now dwarves live mainly as miners, bankers, and crafters with the other races of Khorvaire.

Free Elf (or Aquatic Elf)- The elves were originally slaves to the giants, until they rebelled and fled to the continent of Aerenal. Elves live stratified, refined lives of devotion to their ancestors and the study of necromancy, though some have integrated into the human civilizations. Some elves underwent mystical rituals to become amphibious in order to colonize the sea floor around Aerenal, and you can choose whether to be a regular elf or one of these aquatic offshoots.

400CP Giant- Once, the giants ruled the largest and most powerful empires ever seen. They learned magic under the tutelage of dragons and worked wonders never seen since. When the Quori of the previous age attacked, they used powerful magic to permanently push Dal Quor away from Eberron, causing the dragons to fear what they were capable of. When their elven slaves rebelled, they prepared to unleash that magic again, but the dragons intervened, destroying their empires and cursing the giants so that each generation would be weaker and stupider than the last. Now the various giant races live brutish lives in the ruins of their ancient homes. You can be any type of canon giant that isn’t notably stronger than a Storm Giant.

Free Gnome- A race of short humanoids with faint magical powers, gnomes are known as cheerful and scholarly, though privately they’re very fond of intrigue and blackmail.

Free Goblin- Bred by the ancient hobgoblin empire of Dhakaan to serve as scouts and spies, goblins are short, ugly creatures. They often live menial lives as laborers or thieves among other races.

Free Half Elf- Called “Khoravar”, the half elves descent from the meeting of human explorers from the east meeting elven explorers from the south on Khorvaire. This intermingling lead to a new people who are common through human civilizations. Modern Khoravar are mostly the result of two Khoravar parents than to pairings between elves and humans.

Free Half Orc- As humans reached the Shadow Marches, they began to interbreed with the orc tribes, leading to halfbreeds who were weaker but smarter than the native orcs. Today half orcs are common among the Marcher tribes.

Free Halfling- Originally a nomadic culture of dinosaur tamers, halflings have been accepted into human civilization and often become normal citizens, or thieves, throughout Khorvaire. Free Hobgoblin- Hobgoblins once ruled Khorvaire in a martial, atheistic empire. When Xoriat become close to Eberron and the Daelkyr invaded, goblinoid dominion over the continent was broken and they were eventually driven back to the mountains by human settlers. Now they live mainly in tribes that are only loosely allied with one another in the new nation of Darguun.

Free Human- An expansive, versatile people, humans originated on the continent of Sarlona, where they are the most common race. As the goblinoids lost control of Khorvaire, humans moved in to seize the land, becoming the dominant force of that continent as well.

Free Kalashtar- Dal Quor, the plane of dreams, goes through cycles of light and darkness. Some of the native Quori spirits were throwbacks to an earlier age and fled their evil brethren. They were taken in by monks from the country of Adar, permanently possessing them. As the monks reproduced, the quori spirits spread through all their descendants. Now each Kalashtar has a faint connection to a quori, a soft voice in the back of their mind that guides them, as well as a subtly inhuman beauty and a talent for psioinic powers.

Free Kobold- Kobolds are a species of small, reptilian humanoids who live in mountains across Khorvaire. They claim to have been born from the blood of the progenitor dragons and are divided into tribes between the Iredar (who claim descent from Eberron and tend to develop magic of binding and defense) and the Irvhir (who claim descent from Khyber and tend to develop magic of darkness and corruption.)

100CP Lizardfolk- Lizardfolk have lived in the jungle of Q’barra since before recorded history, guarding the seal of the Rakshasa Rajah Masvirik. As the line of black dragons who watch over the seal was corrupted, so were many lizardfolk. Now the jungles are home to struggles between the Cold Sun lizardfolk, who hold to the old ways and try to guard the dragonshards of the region from theft in order to strengthen Masvirik’s seal, and the Blackscale and Poison Dusk tribes who worship Masvirik and seek to free him. You can be any of the three subspecies: the standard Cold Sun, the larger and stronger Blackscale, or the smaller and nibler Poison Dusk.

100-400CP (Discount Droaam) Monster 100-400CP - Various powerful but barbaric races carve out small places for themselves throughout Khorvaire. These species have never formed great civilizations the way the humanoids have, yet some manage to survive on the fringes of society as mercenaries. Others have recently been forced together into the new nation of Droaam. For 100CP, you can be a Gnoll hyena-man or a hulking Ogre. For 200CP, you can be a winged Harpy, a powerful Minotaur, or a regenerating Troll. Or you can be any kind of true Lycanthrope, choosing your animal form from any predator and any humanoid race as your base form. For 400CP, you can be a Medusa with their petrifying gazes.

Free Orc- Orcs are a strong but unintelligent people who live in the wilderness of western Khorvaire. They are divided between belonging to the druidic tradition of the Gatekeepers, the Cults of the Dragon Below, various Rakshasa Rajah cults, or to the cult of the Kalok Shash, their term for the Silver Flame.

100CP Sahuagin- There is a master race, one so strong and intelligent they make the humanoids look feeble and stupid, one which one day will rise from the waves to conquer the land. This race is the sahuagin, among whom even their stupidest members are only the equal of an average human. The sahuagin live in the ocean around Aerenal. They worship Shargon and mostly prey upon humanoids, but others consider humanoids to be their degenerate cousins who became weak after being lured to live on land. Some sahuagin mutants have four arms or look exactly like aquatic elves, and you can choose to be either a normal sahuagin or either variant.

Free Shifter- The descendants of the humans and lycanthropes, shifters are hairy, feral looking humanoids who are capable of temporarily manifesting a single animal trait each. Shifters were persecuted by the Church of the Silver Flame during the Silver Crusade against the lycanthropes, and so most have poor opinions of the church.

Free - Warforged are a kind of golem, but also much more. They are living constructs, made out of a combination of metal and roots which cause them to count as partially alive and partially artificial. Warforged were created as mercenaries by House Cannith and were created en masse to support the armies of the Last War. Warforged were officially granted citizenship and freedom with the war’s end, but most know nothing except war and don’t know what to do with themselves now that they have neither masters to obey nor enemies to fight.

200+CP Undead- Magic allows corpses to be raised as undead, and some people, for reasons religious or practical, choose to become one of these creatures. You are one of these. Choose either a lich, mummy, or vampire. You are this kind of creature even if you wouldn’t normally qualify, such as due to not being a powerful enough spellcaster to become a lich. Perhaps due to an experimental necromantic procedure like the one that allowed Erandis’s mother to raise her from the dead as a lich.

Choose another non-Warforged race to represent what you were in life. You must pay that race’s cost + 200.

Starting Locations Roll 1d8 for your starting location. You may freely choose to start anywhere in your Origin region instead (Drop Ins would start in either the Mournland or Xen’drick) or pay 50CP to choose anywhere on Eberron.

1) Sharn- Breland’s famous City of Towers is the largest city in the world. Situated in a manifest zone to Syrania that holds structures up, the city is a collection of gigantic towers, rising so high that those who live in the lower levels are cast in almost permanent shadow. Sharn serves as not only a center of commerce and culture, but the gateway where expeditions to Xen’drick normally launch from. 2) Stormhome- This island technically belongs to Aundair, but has been given to House Lyrander as an enclave. The House has transformed the once barren rock into a lush island. The island’s official neutrality turned it into a hotbed for spies during the Last War, and it continues to be one even now that the war has ended. 3) Korth- The capital of Karnath, Korth is a huge city of ancient and looming buildings. The king’s court is here, as is the Tower of the Twelve, the seat of the Dragonmarked Houses’ collective magical research organization. 4) Flamekeep- Flamekeep is the of both political and religious power in Thrane. The cathedral of that houses the physical representation of the Silver Flame itself stands here, over the spot where Tira Miron and a couatl resealed the Rakshasa Rajah Bel Shalor. 5) Rhukaan Draal- A ramshackle goblinoid city built in the ruins of a Cyran town, Rhukaan Draal is the capital of the new country of Darguun. It’s the safest place for outsiders, as here Llesh Haruuc’s grasp over the fractious goblinoid tribes is at its strongest. 6) Pylas Talear- This port city is the hub for contact between Aerenal and the wider world. It has the largest non-elven population and enclaves for the Dragonmarked houses. The elves here are somewat less insular than they are elsewhere on the continent, thanks to their constant contact with the shorter lived races. 7) Stormreach- This small town is the last bastion of civilization on Xen’drick. The only residents are explorers from Khorvaire and Sarlona intent on scouring the continent for lost treasures and dragonshard deposits, or else criminals who have run away from civilization entirely. 8) Free Choice

Perks Perks are 50% off for their backgrounds. 100CP discounted perks are free instead.

0-600CP Heroic- The people of Eberron are not made equal. A soldier can languish as a grunt in the army for years, never becoming more than a low level warrior, while a true prodigy can gain a dozen or more levels of fighter in the same span. For free, you have enough power to be a moderate expert, not nothing truly exception. You’d be perhaps level 5 in one of the most powerful classes like cleric or wizard or a few levels higher for proportionally weaker classes. You start with the kind of exceptional stats a PC would have, and you’re free to choose any combination of classes or prestige classes you can qualify for. However, you’ve probably reached your peak and won’t be able to push your limits much more with only power from this world.

For 400CP, you’re instead level 10 or a bit higher for weaker classes. This is the amount of power that an elite soldier, the leader of a crime ring in a major metropolis, or the high priest of a country might have.

For 600CP, you’re no more powerful than above, but you have that ineffable heroic quality that allows you to push your limits when it really counts. By game mechanics standards, you would have your own pool of action points. What’s more, you’ve got the potential to be one of the strongest beings to ever live. With effort, you could quickly grow into the low epic levels, the kind of power that only a few people over the course of centuries will ever have. And with more time, you can keep growing. Some day, you may be the peer of ancient fiends and great wyrms.

Adventurer 100CP Explorer- Before you get to all the fighting and spellcasting, you actually have to make it to the ruins you intend to raid. You’re an expert in the regular daily activities of leading expeditions into the wilderness, from navigating and firemaking to gathering safe food and setting up secure campsites.

200CP Canny- Not every cloaked figure offering you a pouch of gold in exchange for a “simple” job has your best interests in mind. You’ve got a sixth sense for when clients are hiding something from you or if they’re intending to double cross you and leave you for dead while they make off with the relic they hired you to find. You’re also adept at turning the tables on them, setting up your own triple cross.

400CP Aberrant Dragonmark- Beyond the regular 13 Dragonmarked bloodlines are the randomly appearing blessings of Kyber. Instead of swirling tattoos, they appear as birthmarks of welts or rashes in forms that vaguely suggest dragons, and instead of the constructive powers of normal Dragonmarks, Aberrant Dragonmarks grant powers of destruction, madness, and corruption. But for buying your Aberrant mark here, your power is not the degraded kind of modern Aberrants. No, you receive the kind of power not seen since the War of the Mark, on par with Halas Tarkanan’s earthquakes or the Lady of the Plague’s ability to spread disease. After this jump, the physical appearance of the mark is optional. Your mark will continue to function regardless of species, but if your race is anything other than Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Half Elf, Half Orc, Halfling, or Human, you must take the drawback Pawn of the Prophecy to reflect the fact that your kind have never been Dragonmarked before. Likewise, you must take Pawn of the Prophecy if you take any other Dragonmarks.

600CP Swashbuckler- Some might say that a man with a sword can’t match the powers of magic. They’ve clearly never seen you in action. You’ve got the kind of heroic willpower and fortitude to shrug off curses easily, to say nothing with your absurd battlefield instincts and creative use of the environment. You could have a chandelier crashing down on a wizard and disrupting his spell faster than he can mumble his arcane words or handily duel dozens of weaker minions. Everyone can benefit from this, but obviously the less martially inclined you are the less useful it will be.

Soldier 100CP Commander- Any two bit thug can swing a blade, but the Last War forged you and your men into a real fighting unit. You know how to keep the ranks disciplined and organized under your command. You’ve also learned how to keep morale high and inspire your fellows to not flee at the sight of a unit of Warforged bearing down on you.

200CP Battlefield Maintenance- You may not be an enchanter yourself, but you’re at least familiar enough with the magical weapons of modern war to keep them in working order. You’ve got the skills necessary to keep magical machines like airships or your warforged comrades repaired.

400CP Unit Drills- Wandering mercenaries might just rush forward, every man for himself, but you’ve got the expertise to drill a group into an efficient, coordinated whole. Under your instruction, the fighters will shield the casters and archers as they rain down devastation, the vanguard expertly dodging their own side’s fire as they take advantage of the enemy’s distraction. Together, your soldiers will be much more than the sum of their parts.

600CP Guerrilla Warfare- From the Eldeen rebels to the hit and run tactics of the Valaes Tairn, the Last War saw its share of asymmetrical warfare. Whichever side of those tactics you were on, you’ve learned them forward and backward. You know just how to whittle down superior forces through small raids. With a small part of four to six, you could easily take out a full complex of enemy soldiers, sneaking in to deal maximum damage with each strike before slinking back into the shadows.

House Member 100CP An Honest Trade- You have an expert level, but wholly mundane, skill that would be sufficient to make a good living as a worker belonging to or licensed by a Dragonmarked house. You may be a blacksmith or a singer, a horse breeder or a translator, an innkeeper or a doctor. You can choose to be a bodyguard, but this would only give you a skill at intimidation and basic weapon and armor proficiency.

200CP Dragonmark- Dragonmarks are birthmarks which look like lines of blue, green, and purple forming an abstract image of a dragon. Each one offers a few supernatural powers following a single theme and can be synchronized with dedicated magic items to perform even greater feats of magic. You may choose any Dragonmark, either a Greater Mark or a Mark of Siberys. The difference between the two is that the Greater Mark will three different powers of varying strength as well as a bit of mundane skill, while the Mark of Siberys will offer one very strong power. Your mark will continue to work regardless of race, and you may choose to guarantee that your children will inherit your mark, though the strength of their mark will vary as normal.

See the notes section for details on the different Dragonmarks. If you choose a mark that is not normally available to your race, take the Mark of Death, or purchased another Dragonamrk, you must take the Pawn of the Prophecy drawback.

400CP Baron of Commerce- You have an excellent business sense, honed by years of experience serving with one of the Dragonmarked houses. You could easily make a fortune for yourself thanks to your stunning organization and negotiation skills and you are especially well versed in the economics of one of the industries managed by your House.

600CP Industrialized Magic- Some people might look at a family with the magic power to place magic identification sigils and see a fancy way to sign their work. You look at that family and see a way to establish an international banking system backed by their forgery-proof deposit slips. You are a genius of finding practical, economic uses of supernatural powers. You are also adept at creating magical items to enhance inborn magic skills, so that they can be used not just for themselves but for the good of your customers.

Agent 100CP Dead Drop- As a secret agent for shadowy masters, you’ll need a clandestine method to communicate. For that reason, you’ve studied codes and ways to secretly get messages to and from your allies without arousing suspicions.

200CP Infiltrator- You’ll likely find it necessary to hide your true affiliation. Luckily, you’re highly skilled at pretending to be utterly innocuous, or even loyal to another organization, while secretly working towards your real agenda.

400CP Pawns and Cat’s-paws- You can’t do everything yourself when running clandestine operations. That’s why you’ve become a master at finding recruits and disposable pawns. Round up some discrete thugs who will work for gold, ambitous experts who can serve as sub-bosses, mosnters who can be cajoled into guarding your secret lair, maybe even some cultists if you are (or want to pretend to be) the religious sort. You’ll have enough mooks to staff a whole dungeon in no time.

600CP The Master Plan- This is a world where demons and dragons wage secret wars over prophecies centuries in the making. If you’re going to compete, you’ll need to possess the same facility in long reaching and complex plots. You’re able to quickly come up with devious and subtle plans to achieve your ends, full of contingencies in case some meddling heroes see through your secret plot.

None 100CP True Neutral- Something about you gives off the impression that you’re for hire. If someone has a problem, odds are that they’ll think of you as the perfect unattached agent who could be bribed into helping them unless you’re openly portraying yourself as part of an enemy faction. With this, you’ll likely never want for dangerous, potentially illegal, work.

400CP A Light for the Homeless- In the few short years since the warforged were left without a purpose by the end of the Last War, the Lord of Blades managed to forge a cult of thousands in the Mournland based on his message of warforged supremacy and the annihilation of organic life. Much like him, you have the skill to gather up the lost and dispossessed and turn them into a devoted force to be reckoned with, just by offering them hope and a purpose. Adar 100CP Ascetic- Life in the monasteries of Adar is a constant siege. Days are devoted to the rituals of the Path of Light and vigilance against Riedran invaders. You’ve learned to adapt to this harsh lifestyle, staying centered and disciplined even without luxury.

400CP Sheshantol- To the rest of the world, the Inspired are beautiful and charming leaders who united the warring kingdoms of Sarlona under their Path of Inspiration. Only the kalashtar know that they are the evil spirits from the realm of nightmares. Thus the Sheshantol, the shadow watchers, must conduct their crusade against their evil cousins in secret. Like them, you know how to wage a war against evil in secret, eleminating your targets while leaving no evidence behind for those who could not understand the necessity of your actions.

Aerenal 100CP Right of Council- One of the Ascendant Councilors of the Undying Court has agreed to offer you aid. They are ancient and wise, having much experience in nearly all areas thanks to thousands of years as a deathless godling. Even after this jump, your ancestor will answer your prayers by giving you their council.

400CP Deathguard- Aerenal culture teaches that Mabaran necromancy selfishly sucks life energy from the world to prolong the existence of the undead. In order the protect the world, the elves of the Deathguard range through the world, hunting down the undead and necromancers to halt their foul arts. You have learned their methods, and are an expert at tracking and fighting the undead.

Aundair 100CP Educated- Aundairians are noted for their education or even bookishness. You, too, have a broad education on a number of academic topics.

400CP Arcane Congress Researcher- The Arcane Congress was founded by Galifar as the empire’s greatest repository of magical knowledge. As one of the congress’s members, you have a world class talent for researching new applications of magic. Alternatively, you can choose to be part of The Twelve, the Dragonmarked Houses’ research organization.

Breland 100CP Cosmopolitan- Breland prides itself on being open minded, accepting diverse people from the elves of Aerenal to monstrous workers from Droaam to even a delegation of sahaguin priests. You’ll carry a bit of this spirit with you, and find that others are somewhat more willing to tolerate you despite your culture or race.

400CP Parliamentarian- Breland has granted its legislative powers to a parliament of elected politicians. You’re an expert at winning elections, playing politics, and the actual business of running the country. You could easily be elected to parliament, if you haven’t been already, and could handle yourself well there.

Darguun 100CP Difficult Prey- Darguun is a dangerous land, where a banner of safe passage from the Llesh is necessary to avoid attacks from the goblinoid tribes, unless they’re one of the smaller number of rebel tribes who specificly attack travelers affiliated with the Llesh. You know how to carry yourself well in this kind of warrior culture, giving off a vibe that commands respect and makes others more inclined to seek weaker prey.

400CP Glory Reclaimed- The Dhakaan empire ruled Khorvaire for thousands of years. It took an invasion of powerful outsiders from Xoriat to finally break them into a fractious lot of savage tribes. Llesh Haruuc has taken the first steps to restoring that ancient empire, carving a portion of their land from the human nations of Breland and Cyre. Like him, you are a master of motivating others to reclaim what was once theirs, organizing your people to restore the glory that was once theirs.

Demon Wastes 100CP Ghaask’kala- The Ghaash’kala tribes have guarded the Demon Wastes since time immemorial, stopping the fiends from leaving this cursed land. Whether you’re one of their number or have faced down the rakshasa patrons of rival tribes of demon worshipers, you’ve become an expert at fighting demons and other evil spirits.

400CP Descendant of Dust- You are no mere mortal, but a half-fiend, born to be a pawn of one of the rakshasas of Ashtakala. You have wings and claws, are somewhat better than your base race in most ways, a slew of resistances, and repertoire of magic powers that will expand as you grow stronger. In addition, you have been schooled in the art of manipulation, able to casually tempt and beguile others.

Droaam (Note Droaam has a discount on the Monster race instead of a 400CP perk) 100CP Diversity Through Tyranny- Long have the various monster tribes squatted in their individual territories, but the Daughters of Sora Kell forged them into a facsimile of a country. You share their skill, able to organize diverse species and cultures towards a common goal.

Eldeen Reaches 100CP Woodsman- The natives of the Eldeen Reaches were frustrating for invaders in the Last War, able to melt into the forest to set up ambushes. Like them, you are very experienced at both living and fighting in forests, able to run rings around outsiders.

400CP Duidic Sect Initiation- The druids who rule the Eldeen Reaches are divided based on their philosophies on nature. You have learned the secrets of one. The Ashbound consider arcane magic unnatural, and you have a resistance to arcane magic and training in fighting mages. The Children of Winter revere the darker side of nature, and your nature-based powers are stronger when they create cold, death, or disease or control vermin. The Greensingers recognize the other planes as also part of creation and are highly skilled at negotiating with and working alongside fey. The Wardens of the Wood are the most iconic druids on Eberron, and you are skilled at helping civilization and nature coexist peacefully.

You can buy this perk multiple times, undiscounted, to gain initiation in other sects.

Karrnath 100CP Strategist- Karrn the Conqueror founded Karrnath in his unsuccessful attempt to unite all the humans of Khorvaire and his Analects of War are still studied by strategists to this day. You are a student of his teachings and have become a master of military strategy.

400CP Seeker of the Divinity Within- The Blood of Vol cult is considered bizarre or even blasphemous, but they proved indispensible for Karnnath in the Last War by providing skeletons to till fields and intelligent undead to fight in the army. You too share their ability not only at necromantic research but also at selling the idea of widespread necromancy to the population at large.

Lhazar Principalities 100CP Sea Legs- Ships are very important in the Principalities. You’re an old hand at sea, both able to sail and an expert at maritime combat.

400CP Legitimate Sailor 400- Everyone knows that Lhazarites are pirates, but they still never lack for customers. You too will find that people are far more willing to overlook your crimes when it comes to trading with you.

Mror Holds 100CP Dwarven Work Ethic- The dwarves are no layabouts, as the giant mountainside carving of Lord Mror in the Ironroot range attests. You share their capacity for toil, able to keep working without respite or boredom.

400CP Aurum Concordian- The Aurum is a fraternal organization originally created by wealthy miners from the Mror Holds. It is now spread throughout Khorvaire, accepting anyone with wealth or influence. The members, called concordians, work to use each others’ influence to help enrich each other. As a member yourself, you’re well practiced at using money to influence society and to social climbing through favor trading.

Q'Barra 100CP Jungle Warrior- You’ve had long experience living in Q’Barra’s widerness. You’re able to easily live in the jungle, and against outsiders you will be a terrifying force to combat, able to seemingly melt into the green to strike when they least expect it.

400CP Fugitive- Many of Q’Barra’s immigrants are criminals fleeing justice from civilized Khorvaire. You’re not only practiced on evading capture or escaping prison, but if you leave the area, you’ll find people much less inclined to try to pursue you to your new stomping grounds.

Seren 100CP Dragon’s Servant- Dragons are dismissive of the weaker races, but they can understand that they have their uses, especially when it comes to you. Dragons tend to view you as someone they can use, if they have any goals or desires at all, rather than as an annoying invader or a potential snack.

400CP Dragon Totem Ritualist- The Dragon Totem Rituals practiced by the Seren barbarians are able to temporarily grant them some of the power of their draconic gods. Not only are you uniquely able to perform them for any color of dragon, but you may ignore the normal prerequisites and do not need sacrifices of Siberys dragonshards.

Shadow Marches 100CP Cultist of the Dragon Below- The Daelkyr and their creations may be warped, but they are not all inherently evil. Even if the clan elders feed themselves to a gibbering mouther in order to live on with their descendants forever, they aren’t hurting anybody. You are adept at helping the mundane and the eldritch coexist as peacefully as possible in this way.

400CP Gatekeeper Initiate- The Gatekeepers are the oldest druid tradition in the world, taught by the ancient black dragon Vvaraak to protect Eberron from unnatural threats. You have learned their ways, becoming an expert at fighting aberrations against the natural order. You have even learned the mighty rituals with which they bound the Daelkyr within Khyber.

Talenta Plains 100CP Hunter- You are a hunter, able to track prey across the wilderness and take it down. Those same skills could help hunting people through the wilds as well.

400CP Dinosaur Tamer- The iconic image of the Talenta halfling is a wild hunter seated upon his trusty clawfoot’s back, riding down a threehorn on the windswept plains. You share their affinity for dinosaurs. Not only are you skilled at taming and riding dinosaurs of all kinds, but they’re naturally inclined to like you, almost recognizing you as one of their own, allowing you to quickly build bonds with your scaled friends.

Thrane 100CP Sanctified- Sometimes worshipers of the Silver Flame fall short of their faith’s ideals. Still, they are on the side of light against the darkness. You count as morally good and pure hearted for the purposes of powers and items that require such, regardless of your actions or intentions.

400CP The Silver Flame- The Silver Flame was created by the couatls’ sacrifice to make a force capable of containing the Rajahs. You can call upon the Silver Flame’s power to harm or exorcise evil spirits. And if you can find souls willing to sacrifice themselves, you can spark new Silver Flames on other worlds. These flames can bind spirits like the Rajahs are, though the more powerful the target, the more power, in quantity and/or quality, the souls will need to be effective. These flames will be able to empower divine spellcasters in other worlds, allowing the natives to become clerics or paladins.

Valenar 100CP Horseman- The Valaes Tairn are known for the quality of their horses and their skill as cavalry. You are both an expert house breeder and trainer as well as being quite experienced at mounted combat.

400CP Ancestral Embodiment- The Tairnadel elves believe their ancestors can live again through the emulation of the current generation. The Keepers of the Past have identified the ancestor who has chosen you, an unprecedented event if you are not an elf. Whenever you repeat actions like those of their life, they will guide and empower you. Most ancestors were rebels against the giant empires, or elves who emulated those original rebels, but there were also ancestors revered for their skill as magicians, leaders, or artists. You can freely decide the details of your ancestor’s legend.

Zilargo 100CP Master of Intrigue- Gnomes are a naturally curious race, which is why they are renowned scholars and journalists. It’s also why Zilargo is mired in webs of blackmail and monitored by an extensive secret police force. You are adept at not only surviving such an environment by keeping your secrets close to your chest but also digging up dirt on others.

400CP Elemental Binder- Khyber dragonshards are uniquely suited to binding magic, a fact which has been exploited to create a class of magic items which work through binding elementals as power sources. These items range from armor that works better in water to the giant airships operated by House Lyrander. You are a not only schooled in elemental binding, but elementals tend to like you, making it easy to coax bound elementals into obeying your commands for purposes such as piloting an airship.

Items Items are 50% off for their backgrounds. 100CP discounted items are free instead.

Adventurer 100CP Adventuring Equipment- You’ve got a set of hardy clothes, a tent, lockpicks, ten foot poles, and the other mundane trivialities of dungeon delving. Damaged items will be replaced in one day.

200CP Magical Arms- Thanks to the widespread use of crafting magic, low power magical weapons are quite common. You have a couple of weak magic weapons and a magic set of armor, with a minor enchantment on them.

400CP Dragonshard Mine- This plot of land is supremely valuable, though you may not be able to tell at a glance. On the surface, you’ll find geodes containing the red crystals called Eberron dragonshards which are used in the construction of many magic items. In the tunnels underground you’ll find clusters of dark crystals called Khyber dragonshards which are used in binding magic, especially elemental binding. Both kinds regrow rapidly when harvested. And the spot seems to attract the falling golden crystals called Siberys dragonshards that come from the ring around the planet, which are used to enhance Dragonmarks or craft psioinic items. Altogether, this place could make you very wealthy through its resources, especially as Eberron shards normally do not grow on the same continents where Siberys shards fall. After the jump, you can keep this place as a warehouse attachment or place it in future worlds.

600CP Manifest Zone- A manifest zone is an area where one of the outer planes’ nature permanently leaks through onto Eberron. This produces uncanny supernatural effects that can sometimes allow truly impressive feats of permanent magic. The most famous manifest zones are the ones containing Sharn, whose connection to Syrania allows the gravity-weakening magic used to make a city of towers, and Aerenal, where a manifest zone to Irian has allowed the creation of a divine court of ancestors sustained through positive energy necromancy. You may choose which plane your zone if connected to and what effect it has. This will become either a warehouse attachment after this jump or can be deployed into future worlds. The planes you can choose from are:

Daanvi, the Perfect Order Dal Quor, the Region of Dreams Dolurrh, the Realm of the Dead Fernia, the Sea of Fire Irian, the Eternal Day Kythri, the Churning Chaos Lamannia, the Twilight Forst Mabar, the Endless Night Risia, the Plain of Ice Shavarath, the Battleground Syrania, the Azure Sky Thelanis, the Faerie Court Xoriat, the Realm of Madness

Soldier 100CP Uniform- You have a uniform for the army you served in. This could be a set of armor or a clothe uniform for a wizard, as appropriate. This also includes a well made but mundane weapon.

200CP Eternal Wand- Eternal wands are designed for constant use, especially during military campaigns. Rather than the normal fifty charges, an eternal wand can be used twice per day. You have an eternal wand of any spell of fourth level or lower you want.

400CP War Regalia of Galidar- The original War Regalia of Galifar was forged for King Galifar I to commemorate his conquest of the Five Nations. This full set is highly protective and allows you to inspire your allies’ attacks when worn together. It consists of the Crown of Cyre, which allows you to project auras that improve damage, charisma, or healing, the Breastplate of Thrane, which protects against mind-affecting powers, the Mantle of Breland, which allows you to transform into a bear, the Greaves of Aundair, which improve speed, and the Scepter of Karrnath, usable as an enchanted greatclub that frightens enemies it strikes.

600CP Mobile Fortress- A marvel of modern magical engineering, the Mobile Fortresses were giant fortresses staffed by thousands of soldiers, ready for deployment across Khorvaire during the Last War. Perhaps House Cannith made a sixth, or perhaps you saved one of the ones which were otherwise destined to be destroyed, for you have been given command of the gigantic floating building and its inhabitants. The fortress floats at only two miles per hour, but during emergencies the speed can be increased. The soldiers it comes with are mostly low level warriors with a few more powerful lieutenants and all count as followers.

House Member 100CP Dragonmark Enhancement Item- From simple crystal that allow the user to call upon their dragonmark more often to the Speaking Stones that House Sivis uses for long distance communications, the Dragonmarked houses have turned to magical engineering to increase the potency of their inborn gifts. You have a copy of all the canon items that enhance one of the dragonmarks.

200CP Wealth- You have great wealth, enough to live a comfortable life befitting a noble or one of the merchant princes of the Dragonmarked houses.

400CP Airship- One of the most iconic items controlled by the Dragonmarked houses is this wooden ship surrounded by a ring of fire from a bound elemental, allowing it to soar through the sky. Perhaps the Lightning Rail is more common, but you’d have little use for an unmoving railway. You instead own your own airship.

600CP Creation Forge- During the Age of Giants, the ancient Quori created the first warforged as undreaming hosts to keep them safe from the change of the age. The Creation Forges they used were later studied by House Cannith, who created their own version. Perhaps this is some strange prototype, as it has the ability to create new warforged even without the Mark of Making. With that mark, it can also be used for mass production of other kinds of items. A word of warning, the Treaty of Thronehold made the operation of one of these installations highly illegal.

Agent 100CP Grafts- Mages have learned to replace lost organs with even more powerful alternatives, leading some to even have their bodies intentionally replace healthy limbs with these magic grafts. You’ve got a full set of canon grafts from warforged to deathless to even plant based, and instructions on how to perform the surgery to install them. You can optionally have some installed on yourself to start with.

200CP Warforged Titan- These gigantic, hulking golems don’t have the intelligence or free will of the most advanced warforged, but they still work as terrifying combatants. A sort of mini-boss to guard part of your base, one might say. 400CP Secret Base- In order to carry out your more clandestine activities, you’ve set up a secret base. It may be in the remote wilderness or hidden in plain sight within an otherwise innoucous part of a city. It contains a variety of traps and rooms to house whatever minions and treasures you’re likely to need as part of your agenda.

600CP Eldritch Machine- Eldritch machines are the dreams of would-be conquerors and evil masterminds made real. Each one has a unique but devastating effect, capable of destroying cities and reshaping the political landscape with each firing. Examples include raising all nearby bodies as an undead army, driving everyone mad, or launching deadly blasts of necromantic energy, all in a radius of miles around the target. You can define the exact effects of your machine, but you always have the knowledge of how to operate it and will receive, every month, enough rare and exotic magical fuel to fire it once.

Companions 50-300CP Import- You can import or create companions for 50CP each, up to 300CP at which point you can import/create a full eight. Companions receive 800CP to spend.

100+CP Canon Companion- For 100CP each, you can make any canon character into a companion.

Drawbacks You can gain a maximum of +600CP through drawbacks.

+100CP Always a Twist- It seems like nothing can ever be simple. The artifact you were hired to find is part of a secret doomsday machine. The guide you hired was the psychically controlled slave of a Dreaming Dark agent who led you into an ambush. The cute woman who walked into your office was really a changeling out to frame the real woman (and you) in a crime. The Aurum concordian who hired you would rather kill you than let you live knowing the details of the job he paid for. You constantly run into these kinds of twists that feel at home in pulp or noir thrillers.

+100CP PTSD- You are haunted by nightmares of the things you saw and did during the Last War. Alcohol or drugs may be able to numb the trauma you feel, but being a drunk presents problems of its own.

+200CP Pawn of the Prophecy- The Dragons of the Chamber and the fiends of the Lords of Dust have monitored the Draconic Prophecy since the beginning of history, fighting for control of the future. You are apparently a vital part of it, as both factions seek to manipulate you into fulfilling, or failing to fulfill, different parts of the prophecy. As long as you don’t obviously start working for one or the other, neither will want to kill you, but both will want to control you and lead you into dangerous situations for their own inscrutable ends.

+200CP Wanted- You’ve done something to earn the ire of a powerful group, who have put out a bounty on your head and want you killed. This group could be a government, a Dragonmarked house, or one of the conspiracies such as the Dreaming Dark or the Order of the Emerald Claw.

+300CP Bindings Undone- Khyber is the home of many bound monstrosities, and the world quakes at the thought of them being unleashed. You may choose to unleash all the Daelkyr and their servants, which will surely cause them to swarm the surface and begin destroying and corrupting life. Alternatively, you may choose for a single Rakshasa Rajah to be unleashed. Each overlord is much stronger than any Daelkyr and warps reality according to the nightmarish themes it represents. For example, the Wild Heart caused lycnathropy to become much stronger and more virulent, necessitating the Silver Flame’s lycnathropic purges, just by having its bonds weaken without getting fully free. However, it’s still just one creature instead of an army.

+300CP The Next War- No one really expected the peace to last, and now war has returned to Khorvaire. Nowhere is safe and every country is taking part in the fighting. Worse, whatever faction destroyed Cyre by turning it into the Mournland (or someone who stole Cyre’s weapon designs if Cyre accidentally destroyed itself) is sure to strike again if you don’t intervene to stop them.

Notes Alignment is much less strict in Eberron, so feel free to ignore it when making your build. The one exception to this is paladins, which are consciously designed to be pure good in a setting where that is rare, but see the perk Sanctified instead.

If you want hard rules on Heroic, you get 4/9/20 levels + 1 for each tier your class is on the standard tier list. So you could be a level 5/10 wizard or a wizard with a soft cap of level 21, for the same price as being a level 9/14 monk or a monk with a soft cap of level 25. Fanwank tiers multiclass builds and prestige classes. Almost any canon 3.5 prestige class fits in Eberron.

It’s possible to have up to three Dragonmarks. One through your normal build with Heroic, and one each through the Aberrant Dragonmark and Dragonmark perks which have additional backing to work as different races and control how they get passed down to children. Taking multiple dragonmarks though any method forces you to take the Pawn of the Prophecy drawback, which grants points as normal.

The Dragonmarks are:

Death A mark that was hunted to extinction by the elves and dragons. Its powers were never defined, but it is said to have had powers revolving around communicating with the dead, creating or controlling undead, or putting undead to rest.

Detection Half-elf only Offers powers related to detecting or sensing various things. House Medani runs the Warning Guild to provide guards and sentries.

Finding Half-orc and Human only Offers powers related to tracking down objects or people. House Tharahk runs the Finders Guild to which houses detectives, guides, prospectors, and treasure hunters.

Handling Human only Offers powers to control, empower, or summon animals. House Vadalis runs the Handlers Guild which includes animal breeders and handlers. Healing Halfling only Offers powers related to healing. House Jorasco runs the Healers Guild, which provides healing in a world where priests consider their divine magic too holy to be sold to unbelievers.

Hospitality Halfling only Offers powers related to creating or cleaning food and shelter. House Ghallanda runs the Hostelers guild which contains inns and restaurants.

Making Human only Offers powers related to repairing or creating objects. House Cannith runs the Tinkers Guild which repairs objects and the Fabricators Guild which manages all kinds of production.

Passage Human only Offers powers related to speed, flight, and teleportation. House Orien runs the Couriers Guild which transports packages, manages caravans, and operates the Lightning Rail lines, a kind of magical train.

Scribing Gnome only Offers powers related to long distance communication, translation, and secret messages. House Sivis runs the Speakers Guild, containing translators, notaries, and mediators as well as instant long distance communication

Sentinel Human only Offers powers related to defense. House Deneith runs the Bladesmarks Guild and Defenders Guild of bodyguards and mercenaries as well as the international police force of marshals.

Shadow Elf only Offers powers related to disguise, spying, and darkness. House Phiarlan and House Thuranni both control guilds that provide both entertainment and carnivals and, to the right patrons, spying, theft, and assassination.

Storm Half-elf only Offers powers related to controlling the weather. House Lyrander runs the Windwrights guild of sailor and airships and the Raincallers guild of farmers and magical rain makers.

Warding Dwarf only Offers powers related to creating traps, alarms, and defenses. House Kundarak runs the Warding Guild which runs Khorvaire’s banking as well as offering security and trapmaking services.

A generic jump by GenericAnon.