SUPPLEMENT No. 3 Το the CYPRUS GAZETTE No. 3648 of .15TH OCTOBER, 1952
SUPPLEMENT No. 3 το THE CYPRUS GAZETTE No. 3648 OF .15TH OCTOBER, 1952. SUBSIDIARY LEGISLATION. No. 449. THE ELEMENTARY EDUCATION LAW. CAP. 203 AND LAWS 22 OF 1950 AND 17 OF 1952. ORDER MADE UNDER SECTION 73. A. B. WRIGHT, Governor. Whereas-on the report of the Director of Education it appears to me that it is desirable to compel the Town Committees and Village Commissions for the Greek-Orthodox Schools of the towns and villages mentioned in the first column of the Schedule hereto (hereinafter referred to as " the Committees arid Commissions "), in their respective towns and villages, to provide, erect, repair, extend, improve or develop the school buildings, premises, playgrounds, yards, gardens or teachers' dwellings, as the case may be, particulars whereof are given in the second column of the said Schedule (hereinafter referred to as " the premises "): Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers vested in me by section 73 of the Cap. 203 z Elementary Education Law, I, the Governor, do hereby order that the * °^ *95o Committees and Commissions shall in their respective towns or villages provide, erect, repair, extend, improve or develop the premises. SCHEDULE. Nicosia District. Town or village. Particulars. Argaki Extension of, the school building. Astromeritis · .. Repairs to the school building. Evrykhou .. .. Repairs to the school building. Kaimakli Repairs to the Girls' School. Kalopanayiotis Repairs to the school premises. Karavostasi-Xeros Repairs to the school latrines. Khrysidha Erection of new school. Lakatamia, Pano and Kato Repairs to the teachers' dwellings. Latsia Repairs to the school premises. Loutros Erection of a teacher's dwelling and repairs to the school building.
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