
The Mission – Peace. Plain and Simple. All we want is peace in the Middle East. Peace is our goal. We seek not just an end to the violence, but true and lasting peace. Idealistic? Yes. Impossible? No. As Jewish youth, we can do anything. A letter writing campaign is the best method for us to be successful in our mission.

The Reason –We want our brothers and sisters in to be safe, free from terror. We want to stop hearing news reports and reading articles about more deaths, more injuries, and more hatred. The reason for this letter writing campaign is clear—we will not stand idly by.

The Approach -Many lobbyist groups such as Religious Action Center of agree that letter writing can be one of the most effective methods of lobbying. Through NFTY-YOFI, we plan to send an onslaught of letters to Congress and the President to thank them for past support of Israel and urge them to continue to support Israel through the condemnation of terrorism as well as financial and military aid. Some Congressmen have admitted that as little as fifty letters can sway their opinion on a particular issue.

The Reward - We're not talking about a monetary reward. You should know that by sending a letter to Washington, D.C. urging support for Israel, you are doing a mitzvah. By expressing your own support for Israel, you are supporting fellow Jews. You help strengthen the worldwide community of Jews, K’lal Yisrael, and everyone is happy. You should do this; it takes almost no time.

The Steps to Action

There are a few important steps that must be taken to write a profound, meaningful, and all around effective letter to a member of Congress or the President. Once you've completed the following steps, you can put your amazing letter together!

STEP 1: What do you think?

 Ask yourself the following questions to figure out how you will express yourself in your letter. Write them down on a piece of paper and remember to include it when writing your letter.

 How do you feel about the State of Israel?

 How do you feel about the People of Israel?

 How do you feel about the Land of Israel?

 Why do these things matter to you?

 What is your hope for the future of the Middle East?

 Why should Jews support Israel?

 Why should the United States support Israel?

STEP 2: What does NFTY think?

The North American Federation of Temple Youth, NFTY, has established several viewpoints on the State of Israel. The following is a quick summary of NFTY's most recent resolutions concerning the State of Israel.


 encourages participation in all Israel programs

 is committed to ensuring Israel 's security

 views Israel as the international center of all Judaism

 stands united with all Jews, both Israeli and Diaspora

 is committed to education about Israel

 views Israel as the Jewish homeland

 views Israel as central to the strength and survival of the Jewish people

STEP 3: What does the URJ think

As the parent body of NFTY, the (URJ) has also taken action in support of Israel . The URJ has recently adopted two resolutions on the subject of Israel.

The URJ:

 stands in solidarity with Israel supports Israel 's campaign to combat terrorism works to counter falsities and biases of the news media works to create dialogue about the ongoing conflict continuously organizes solidarity trips to Israel calls upon Yassir Arafat to choose terrorism or statehood encourages an active American role in the Middle East supports an eventual Palestinian state, next to Israel praises President Bush's continued support of Israel, and encourages more U.S. support for Israel urges the halting of settlement construction

 rejects the theory of "moral equivalency"

STEP 4: How is the U.S. involved?

NFTY-YOFI is centered around writing letters to United States political leader NFTY and the URJ feel that the U.S. must be involved in helping Israelis and Palestinians to negotiate a stable ceasefire and eventually a more permanent peace agreement. Generally speaking, the United States stands behind Israel The United States:

 is Israel 's greatest ally gave $2.8 billion in foreign aid to Israel last year believes in and supports Israel 's right to exist supports a Palestinian state supports Israel 's war on terrorism urges the Israeli Defense Force to use restraint condemns suicide bombings (homicide bombings) condemns all attacks on civilians

 recognizes Israel as the only democracy in the Middle East

STEP 5: What are we looking for?

As mentioned before, we are looking for peace. We want peace. We believe that by urging Congress people and the President to actively pursue more involvement in the Middle East Peace Process, we will see positive results. The following are some phrases and ideas you can insert into your letter about our mission: We want:

 peace United States involvement because it is vital a Palestinian state and a Jewish state living side by side diplomatic relations with Israel to be a top priority a rejection of "moral equivalency" a clear message to Arafat, condemning terrorist actions

 a condemnation of all anti-Israel rhetoric

STEP 6: Why us?

When change has occurred in history, it has been the result of youth action. It was the youth in the Warsaw Ghetto who took action to prevent the deportation of hundreds of Jews. It was the youth who took action in the streets of America to ensure that racism was overcome and that civil rights were upheld. It was the youth who settled the land of Israel and built it into the beautiful state that it is today. It h always been the youth. We are at a vital point in Israel 's history. Israel 's survival is at stake; we must take action to ensure that Israel remains a free country for all Jews. All takes are one letter and a stamp. We must do this; Israel needs us now.

The Art of Letter Writing

Read the following lists to get some ideas of how you can phrase your letter and some other key information. The goal is to send an array of letters to Washington, D.C.

Who you are writing to:

 the U.S. President the U.S. Representative for the district both U.S. Senators for the state

 If you are an individual working on this project, you should write to the President, your Representative and your two Senators.

What you are going to say:

 include ideas from STEPS 1-6 speak from your heart represent NFTY

 represent all Jews in call for peace

Notes about writing to the government:

NFTY is one of the largest and most successful Jewish youth organizations in the country. That does not mean, however, that your congressperson has heard of you. Tell your addressee who you are, what NFTY is (or what your youth group is), and why you are writing. Congress people love to hear personal stories. Although being Jewish having a love for Israel is enough of a personal story, mention whether you have been to Israel, if you have relatives there, or if you wish to travel there. Mentioning current legislation is a great tactic to show that you are involved and paying attention to this issue in Congress. Although it is not vital in a letter, it helps. For information on current or recently passed legislation on the subject of Israel. Handwritten letters are most effective because they give a sense of passion in what the author writes. Make sure that there is passion in what you write. The most effective letter is one that moves a Congressperson to tears. Although we are no expecting this to occur with every letter, it is certainly possible as long a letters are written passionately. Congress people will be turned off from letters that include mechanical errors. Have an adult advisor or a friend proofread your letters before you send them. Advisors should also check to make sure that the content is keeping with NFTY and the URJ's position on Israel. Letters should look as professional as possible. If you can, get a hold of NFTY stationery or your synagogue's stationery. Sign your name as you would any other letter, but make a note if you have an elected position. (For example: Hannah Goldberg; President, NFTY-ABC or Adam Cohen, Social Action Vice President, DEFTY.

*You might want to spell out what NFTY or your youth group name means) For Congressional addresses and general information, log onto the Religious Action Center's legislative center at

How to Run NFTY-YOFI as ATYG or Regional Program

We hope that you will consider running NFTY-YOFI as a program. After all, that what it's intended for. Obviously, you can distribute these packets and ask people to write individual letters—not a problem whatsoever. But as they all say, POWER IN NUMBERS—so do this as a group program. There's lots of v to do it. This program can take anywhere from one half-hour to three hours-up to you. Here's how:

I. Kick everything off with a speech

A. Get someone who knows the issues and who has strong feelings kick off the letter writing program with a passionate speech. B. Include ideas from NFTY-YOFI.

C. Make it a true call to action.

II. Split up into groups

A. Gather in groups (3 to 12 people)

1. Read through the packet as a group.

2. Stop along the way to discuss certain important points.

B. Event leaders/chairs should distribute information about the following to each group (e.g. where they stand on Israel). Assign a specific category to each group.

1. U.S. President 2. U.S. Representatives

3. U.S. Senators

C. Based on the region or temple youth group, choose Senators and Representatives from your state(s) or district(s). For example:

1. NFTY-NYC would write to Senators Chuck Schumer and Hillary Clinton.

2. NFTY-SoCal would write to Senators Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein. 3. NFTY-TOR would write to Senators James Inhofe and Don Nickles (OK) and Senators Phil Gramm and Kay Bailey Hutchison (TX).

D. A region obviously cannot write to every U.S. Representative fn the state (except for the few states with Representatives at Large), but you should write to as many as possible. TYGs can write the U.S. Representative of the district in which their synagogue lies

III. Leave everyone with a serious message

A. The program does not end here, etc. B. Education is vital.

1. Educate yourselves, your friends.

2. Read the real news (,,

C. Combat ignorance. Correct people when they mention incorrect facts about Israel. D. Write letters to media networks (CNN. ABC. CBS, NBC, BBC. CBC, FOX) E. Pass along packets.

1. Get the Board of Trustees of your synagogue to write letters 2. Get your and/or Cantor to write letters.

3. Get your parents to write letters.

If you are in need of more information, please us know. We can provide you with more accurate and specific information on current and recently passed legislation, information on individual Senators and Representatives, and lists of "vital" Senators and Representatives (the Congress people whose votes we need badly). We can also give you information on getting in touch with media news sources to request that they focus on giving unbiased news reports. In truth, if you are looking for materials to write a fun interesting, and most of all effective program about Israel , let us know – we are eager to help.

Sample Letter to Congress #1

Month, Day, 200X TYG Name/NFTY Region Your Name Synagogue Street Address/NFTY Regional Office Street Address City, State, Zip Code

Senator (full name) / Honorable (full name) United States Senate / United States House of Representatives Washington , DC Zip Code

Dear Senator (last name) / Representative (last name) This is a call for peace in Israel . We ask you to stand up and join your colleagues in the House of Representatives and the Senate to affirm the importance of the State of Israel. The executive administration's early policy of non- involvement in the Middle East was very destructive. Only now is the United States beginning to see that we cannot isolate Israel . Silence signals tacit approval of violence and terrorism by both radical Palestinians and Israelis. Silence is a signal that we in the United States are concerned only about our domestic well being and h abandoned our concern for the international community. Silence is a dangerous policy. We are the North American Federation of Temple Youth. We are made up of 21 regions stretching across the entire United States and into parts of Canada . Our involvement in United States politics is centered in the Religious Action Center (RAC), the Washington, D.C. branch of the Reform Jewish movement. Rabbi David Saperstein directs the RAC, and both he and the president of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations (URJ Rabbi Eric Yoffie, are strong supporters of pro-Israel legislation. We would like to thank you...we urge you... (include points about positive action you senator or representative has made). On a more individual note, we are disappointed that you—we urge you... (make suggestions about how your senator or representative could help). Your current responsibility to us, the citizens of the United States , is to be informed a to act. Do not allow the passive attitude of the Bush administration to silence your ability to so. On the issue of the Middle East Peace Process, President Bush has stated, "The fundamental question is: will (the) parties take steps to peace — concrete actions that will help build the confidence necessary so that peaceful, loving countries can say this cycle of violence has been finally broken?" These parties, namely the Palestinian Authority and the Israeli government, both need the help of the United States to take these steps. Through certain legislation such a the Middle East Peace Compliance Act (MEPCA), Congress can send the Bush administration very clear message, that President Bush's involvement in the Middle East Peace Process is vital and must be even more so increased. We urge you to do the following: Israel needs money in order to continue defending it; borders. The United States can show its support for peace in the Middle East through continued legislation that will provide Israel with more, or at the very least continued financial support. Statements of solidarity reaffirm the United States commitment to Israel, a democratic nation Everyday in Israel mothers are forced to worry about whether their children will return home from school each day. They are forced to worry about whether their husbands will return from work. One Israeli mother wrote: "Today and tomorrow I will attend more funerals. I will express my condolences to more grieving relatives in more shiva [mourning] houses. Worst of I will look into the eyes of my children and see confusion, anger, fear, and a mature sadness no child should ever know. My neighbors and I will talk in quiet, strained voices and ask each other 'How can we change things? Why doesn't anyone seem to care?' " Now is your chance to show this mother and the entire

State of Israel that we do care, that we can change things, and that we will change things. Our/my sincerest thanks, Your Name

Full Name of Temple Youth Group/NFTY Region (and position)

Sample Letter to Congress #2

Month, Day, 200X

TYG Name/NFTY Region

Your Name

Synagogue Street Address/NFTY Regional Office Street Address

City, State, Zip Code

Senator (full name) / Honorable (full name)

United States Senate / United States House of Representatives

Washington , DC Zip Code

Dear Senator (last name) / Representative (last name)

The issue of fear is one that plagues us all. Almost everyone suffers from fears of something. We fear that our homeland, the State of Israel, is in serious danger.

By "us," we are referring to an entire movement of Reform Jewish youth who feel strongly about Israel . By "us," we are referring to both the youth and adult leadership of our organization, the North American Federation of Temple Youth (NFTY). By "us," we are also referring to the men and women who lead our entire movement, namely Rabbi Eric Yoffie and Rabbi David Saperstein.

This is a call for peace in Israel . We are hoping that with this letter, you and your colleagues will realize that the issue of Israel cannot be put on the back burner. We ask you to stand up at this very moment and tell your colleagues in the House of Representatives and the Senate just how important the State of Israel is to your constituents, the constituents who will be voting in the next election.

The United States and Israel have always been allies. The two nations have consistently maintained diplomatic relations since Israel 's creation in 1948. We gratefully applaud the members of the Congress for consistently supporting the Israeli right to existence through condemnations of anti-Israel rhetoric, support for the Magen David Adom, and the condemns of Palestinian terrorism. We anxiously await as more pro-Israel legislation is proposed and passed.

We would like to thank the members of the Congress as well as past Congresses for their continued support of the State of Israel. However, now is a time that more action needs to be taken. Israel is a small community country. Many of us have felt a unique connection to the 1 and people, having spent between six weeks and four months in Israel, sometimes touring, sometimes studying. The entire morale of the country is lowered significantly following national tragedies. In the United States when a soldier dies, flags are placed at half-mast and their story is on the news. in Israeli when a soldier dies, the entire population is thrown into a state or mourning. The fact is, the people of Israel, our people, have incredibly low morale. They need indication of support from the international community. We ask of you. Senators and Representatives, to please initiate legislation that would send a statement of solidarity to the democratic and free State of Israel. It is so crucial. Furthermore, Israel has suffered devastating financial losses since the Al-Aqsa Intifada began on September 28th, 2000. In order to defend their borders, their people, and our history they need more financial support. We call upon the members of the Congress to immediately propose legislation that would provide more money for Israel to use in its struggle against terrorism and other attacks.

In general, we ask you to support, vote for, and co-sponsor if possible any pro-Israel legislation. However, immediate action is necessary. Through certain legislation. Congress can send the President Bush clear signs that he must increase his involvement in Middle Eastern affairs. Many of us feel that because of President Bush's lax approach to the Peace Process, t violence has worsened. One Israeli mother wrote: "Today and tomorrow I will attend more funerals. I will express my condolences to more grieving relatives in more shiva [mourning] houses. Worst of all, I will look into the eyes of my children and see confusion, anger, fear, and a mature sadness no child should ever know. My neighbors and I will talk in quiet, strained voice and ask each other, 'How can we change things? Why doesn't anyone seem to care?' " Now is your chance to end the fear and convince the Israelis that we do care, that we can changes, and that we will change things.

Our/my sincerest thanks,

Your Name

Full Name of Temple Youth Group/NFTY Region (and position)