PEACE Info (March 3, 2020)

− Ethnic Armed organizations committed to the Nationwide Ceasefire agreement negotiating with the government for upcoming 21st Panglong − Tensions Between Tatmadaw & KNU Remain High Over Road Construction − Wa Army Says It’s Willing to Work With Govt to Hold Voting in Its Territory − Myanmar Military Postpones Armed Forces Day Parade Over Coronavirus − RCSS Withdraws From Camp After Burma Army Clashes − Fighting Continues in Between Myanmar Military and RCSS − Loilin IDPs forced to flee just after returning home − Artillery shelling destroys 24 houses in Myanmar’s Rakhine State − Fierce Weekend Fighting Kills 11 Villagers in Myanmar’s Rakhine State − AA cuts Paletwa routes, worsening food shortage − In anti-drug push, Tatmadaw raids drug factory in Shan − Cabbie tips off police, passenger busted − ထ�ခ��က�လ�ယ��သ� �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ�လ�ပ�ငန��စ��မ� မ�မ���လင���သ� အလ�ည��အ��ပ�င�� − တပ�မ�တ����င�� အပစ�ရပ� အဖ���မ���အ�က�� တပ�ပ��င��ဆ��င�ရ� အခက�အခ�ရ���န − "ဝ" �ဒသမ�� �ရ���က�က�ပ�� က�င��ပ���င��တ��မလ�� − “ဝ” လက�နက�က��င�အဖ��� ဌ�နခ��ပ�တည�ရ��ရ� ပန�ဆန��အပ�အဝင� “ဝ” ထ�န��ခ��ပ�နယ���မအတ�င��ရ�� �မ ���နယ��လ� ခ�တ�င� �ရ���က�က�ပ�� က�င��ပ���င�ရန� �ရ���က�က�ပ���က��မရ�င���င�� UWSP ထ�ပ�ပ��င���ခ�င���ဆ�င�မ��� �ဆ������ − "ဝ" �ဒသသ��� �ဒ��အ�င�ဆန��စ��ကည� လ�လည�ရန� UWSP ထပ�မံဖ�တ��ခ� − ကနန���ဒသတ�င� တပ�မ�တ����င�� ရ�မ��န�လက�နက�က��င�တပ�ဖ���တ��� ပထမဆ�ံ�အ�က�မ� တ��က�ပ���ဖစ� − မ��င��က��င��မ ��� နယ� အတ�င��ရ�� စစ��ရ��င�မ��� �နအ�မ�က�� အစ���ရစစ�သ��မ��� �မ�����က� − �က��သ��- မ��င���န�င� က��လမ�� ပ�တ�မ���က�င�� ခရ��သည�မ���သ���လ�ဖ���ခက�ခ� − တပ�မ�တ��ရ�� နယ���မရ�င��လင��မ� အရပ�သ���တ� ပ��အထ�န� − က�တ�ခ��င��မ ���နယ�ထ� ပ��င�ရ�င�မ��မ��ယစ��ဆ�၅၃ ဘ�လ�ယံ�က���ထပ�မ�


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Ethnic Armed organizations committed to the Nationwide Ceasefire agreement negotiating with the government for upcoming 21st Panglong monnews | 3 February 2020

The Ethnic Armed Organizations who have signed on to the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA-S EAO) have been negotiating with the government in preparation for the Union Peace Conference- 21st Century Panglong (Fourth session) scheduled for April 2020.

Photo- The meeting between the government and NCA-S EAO (Photo: NRPC)

“The upcoming peace conference will be precise, and [we] will not be able to spend as much time as at the previous conferences. After discussing with the government, our ethnic armed groups will share topics to discuss at the conference with the public,” said Nai Aung Ma Ngae, a spokesperson for NCA-S EAO

The parties have been reviewing a three-step agreement intended to build a democratic federal union that will be signed at the peace conference.

Nai Aung Ma Ngae continued, saying “this conference is more like practicing top-down communications. Previously, the bottom-up approach was used where opinions from lower-level were discussed through the levels to the top. We cannot do it in this conference due to time limitations.”

The conference will focus on agreeing to a framework for the implementation of the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) that includes 51 previously agreed upon principles.

The event will also discuss a step-by-step plan, and identification of priorities post-2020 election, according to government representatives.

The last Union Peace Conference – 21st Century Panglong (Third Session) was held from July 11 to 16, 2018. Out of the five major sectors discussed at that conference, issues related to the political, economic, social and land sectors had been approved, but no agreement has yet been reached in the security sector. nationwide-ceasefire-agreement-negotiating-with-the-government-for-upcoming-21st- panglong/ ------

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Tensions Between Tatmadaw & KNU Remain High Over Road Construction

By Network Media Group | Tuesday, March 3, 2020

A contentious road network under construction by the Burma Army, or Tatmadaw, in Karen State has caused extensive fighting and the displacement of thousands of Karen villagers.

Tensions in Mudraw District (Hpapun township) remain high after the Tatmadaw deployed more troops to areas controlled by the Karen National Union (KNU) Brigade-5.

Tatmadaw leaders say they need to expand and connect a road network to transport rations to their bases. They claim the upgraded transportation routes will also bring much-needed development to the area.

KNU general secretary Padoh Saw Tah Doh Moo doubts the Tatmadaw is building them for development.

“They (army) used excessive military forces in our area…we don’t believe it’s operating under a developmental agenda…if it’s a development issue, we have to discuss chapter 6 of the NCA (Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement),” said the KNU general secretary.

According to chapter 6: “Planning of projects that may have a major impact on civilians living in ceasefire areas shall be undertaken in consultation with local communities.”

Padoh Saw Tah Doh Moo said that Snr Gen Min Aung Hlaing, Commander-in-Chief of the Burma Army, was asked to stop the road construction.

“He told us they have to construct it. They’re manipulating the NCA and implementing their policies whenever they want, rather than solving disagreements through the NCA,” Padoh Saw Tah Doh Moo told NMG.

The KNU will continue to discuss stopping it through the NCA, the general secretary said.

“We don’t have huge expectations but we believe in the NCA.”

Meanwhile, the Tatmadaw is sending reinforcements.

“They’ve expanded their military presence in the area around the road construction,” Padoh Saw Tah Doh Moo said, explaining that three strategic military columns, including at least seven battalions, have been dispatched.

Clashes have broken out between Htokalokee and Bawkyolae villages, located in Lay Phohtar village-tract in Dwelo township.

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The KNU signed the NCA on October 15, 2015, with seven other ethnic armed organizations (EAOs).

Currently, there are ten EAOs that signed the NCA: Karen National Union, Chin National Front, All Burma Students’ Democratic Front, Karen National Liberation Army-Peace Council, Pa-O National Liberation Organization, Arakan Liberation Party, Restoration Council of Shan State, Democratic Karen Benevolent Army, New Mon State Party and Lahu Democratic Union. ------

Wa Army Says It’s Willing to Work With Myanmar Govt to Hold Voting in Its Territory By Nan Lwin | 3 March 2020 UWSA troops take part in the armed group’s 30th anniversary parade in Panghsang, the capital of the Wa Self-Administered Region, in 2019. / Myo Min Soe / The Irrawaddy

YANGON—The United Wa State Army (UWSA), Myanmar’s largest ethnic armed organization, said it would collaborate with the government to organize voting in its self-administered zone later this year during the country’s general election. Most of the area was unable to take part in previous elections due to security concerns.

The military-drafted 2008 Constitution grants the Wa region self-administered status. Known as Special Region 2, it comprises six townships in northern and eastern Shan state; , Mong Mau, Pang Wai, Nah Parn, Met Man and Panghsang ().

In the general elections in 2010 and 2015, voting could not be held in four townships of the Wa self-administered area: Panghsang, Mong Mau, Pang Wai and Nah Parn. At that time, the Union Election Commission (UEC) announced it was not in a position to hold free and fair elections in the areas.

During a meeting in late February in Panghsang, the capital of Wa region, with U Hla Thein, the chairman of the UEC, and other government representatives, Xiao Mingliang, the vice president of the UWSA and its political wing the United Wa State Party (UWSP), promised to join hands with the election commission on implementing the procedures necessary for holding the 2020 general election in the group’s territory.

U Hla Thein explained the electoral process in detail to the UWSA leaders.

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The meeting was also attended by UWSA deputy commander-in-chief Zhao Zhongdang, Vice Secretary General Bao You Yi, Vice President Zhao Guo-ann and other members of the group’s Central Committee.

UWSA liaison officer U Nyi Rang confirmed the discussions to The Irrawaddy, saying, “We will need to wait for the details of the process for collaborating with the government to hold the election.”

“We could not hold the elections in the past because there were no pre-negotiations and preparations [between the UWSA and the government],” he said.

The liaison officer added, “When it comes to basic preparations, all the voters in our area would need household registration certificates and national identification cards.”

According to the UWSA-owned Wa State TV, UWSP Vice President Xiao discussed Wa region’s future plans, comprising eight key points, with the UEC representatives. U Nyi Rang declined to reveal the details, however.

During the meeting, Xiao said he expected Myanmar State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi to visit Wa region during her administration.

“We invite her to observe and offer her guidance to us,” U Nyi Rang said. “The leader of Myanmar is our leader as well.”

The Irrawaddy has learned that the invitation was made by Wei Hsueh-kang, reportedly the UWSA’s southern military commander, who is on the US State Department’s narcoticswanted list. The department is offering a US$2-million (2.85-billion-kyat) reward for information leading to his arrest and/or conviction.

Wei met with Myanmar peace officials in December in Yunnan province. Speaking through an interpreter, Wei told Myanmar officials that he had thoroughly studied the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) process. To the surprise of the delegates, he extended an invitation to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi to visit the Wa capital. Speaking in Chinese, Wei said that if she agreed to visit, he could promise that all obstacles to acheiving a peace deal would be resolved. He also said he closely followed Myanmar’s daily news, including political and economic developments.

Wei claimed to hold the key to the peace process in Phangsang, and spoke of his willingness to use his business empire in Wa region to boost Myanmar’s sluggish economy. He even mentioned that when Myanmar faced a currency crisis in August 2018, he would have been prepared to offer assistance if asked.

The UWSA celebrated its 30th anniversary in April last year, and invited Daw Aung San Suu Kyi to attend the event. The State Counselor did not attend the ceremony, but sent a message to the event.

While it already operates independently with no interference from central Myanmar authorities, the UWSA has long demanded official status as an autonomous ethnic state.

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A political analyst familiar with ethnic affairs on the China-Burma border, U Maung Maung Soe, told The Irrawaddy, “The Wa’s policy is they want to build good relations with government, while at the same time they want to keep their autonomous status.”

“The move [to cooperate on the election] is possibly aimed at legitimizing their demand to establish Wa as an autonomous ethnic state,” U Maung Maung Soe said.

Founded on April 17, 1989, the UWSA signed a ceasefire with Myanmar’s then military government—the State Law and Order Restoration Council—in the same year after splitting from the Communist Party of Burma (CPB).

It also founded the UWSP and the Wa State People’s Government. Since then the UWSA has quietly grown into the largest, best-equipped ethnic armed group in Myanmar with an estimated 30,000 troops and 10,000 auxiliary members, according to Myanmar Peace Monitor.

The UWSA has five divisions deployed along the Thai-Myanmar border and three divisions on

the China-Myanmar border.

Since the ceasefire deal in 1989, there have been no clashes between the UWSA and the Myanmar military.

The UWSA has not yet signed the government’s NCA. The group serves as the chair of the Federal Political Negotiation and Consultative Committee (FPNCC) alliance, some of whose members are still fighting the Myanmar army.

The government has pressured the UWSA to sign the NCA, however it and other members of the FPNCC want the government to amend some parts of the agreement first. voting-territory.html ------

Myanmar Military Postpones Armed Forces Day Parade Over Coronavirus By Htet Naing Zaw | 3 March 2020 The 74th Anniversary of Myanmar Armed Forces Day Parade in March 2019. / Myo Min Soe / The Irrawaddy

NAYPYITAW—The Myanmar military has announced that it will postpone Armed Forces Day celebrations until further notice due to the coronavirus outbreak, which the World Health Organization (WHO) recently declared a global health emergency.

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Armed Forces Day, which falls annually on March 27, commemorates Myanmar’s armed struggle against the Japanese fascists in 1945. This year’s celebration is slated to be larger than normal in honor of the holiday’s 75th anniversary.

The Myanmar military said it would plan the 75th anniversary “diamond jubilee” celebrations only after the WHO and international community declare that the disease is under control.

There have been no confirmed COVID-19 cases reported in Myanmar.

“Large numbers of cases were reported at the same time in South Korea, Iran and Italy. Myanmar faces the same risks, regardless of time and place,” said a statement from the Myanmar military.

On Friday, the Ministry of Health declared the coronavirus an “epidemic or notifiable disease” under the Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases Law.

The law requires anyone who falls sick with the virus to report to the authorities. Failure to do so carries a punishment of up to a month in prison or a fine of 30,000 kyats (US$21). The relatives and employer of someone with symptoms are also required to report immediately to their nearest clinic or hospital.

The ministry also advised people to avoid mass gatherings.

Every year, the military marks Armed Forces Day with a parade in Naypyitaw. The military chief, senior military officers, foreign military attaches and their families all attend the event and hundreds of military personnel take part in the parade.

The Myanmar military previously said that it would invite former military chiefs to the diamond jubilee event, including Senior General Than Shwe, who has not appeared in public for years. Former Commander-in-Chief and National League for Democracy Patron U Tin Oo was also invited to attend the event.

Meanwhile, the Public Health Department has denied the cruise ship MV Silver Spirit entry into Myanmar as part of coronavirus prevention measures. The department said that it made the decision due to concerns that the ship, which departed from Singapore, might have entered countries where the virus is present.

Worldwide, the death toll from COVID-19 has reached over 3,000, most of them in China, and the number of cases has passed 90,000, spread across about 70 countries.

Translated from Burmese by Thet Ko Ko. parade-coronavirus.html ------

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RCSS Withdraws From Mong Kung Camp After Burma Army Clashes By NANG SENG NOM - March 3, 2020

The Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS) has withdrawn its troops from its military camp in Mong Kung Township in southern Shan State, in what representatives of the armed group describe as a gesture to end three days of clashes with the Burma Army.

Photo by RCSS military camp in Mong Kung Township

Government forces and the RCSS began fighting in Ham Ngai village tract on February 27.

Maj Kham San, a spokesperson for the RCSS, said that Shan troops withdrew from Loi Tung camp near the village tract on March 1 after a meeting took place between leaders from both forces.

“They discussed the current clashes between the two forces. We withdrew from the camp because we didn’t want a cancellation of peace negotiation talks,” Maj Kham San told SHAN. “If our troops withdraw from there, [the Burma Army] won’t come in. If they don’t come in, there will be no clashes,” he explained.

On March 1, the Office of the Commander-in-Chief of the Burma Army reported on its website that the Burma Army had informed the RCSS’s liaison office in Kholam that its military columns would be patrolling the area to follow up on reports of drugs there.

The letter from the Burma Army reportedly stated that if RCSS were present in the area, the needed to withdraw.

Photo by – ၸၢႆ�ၸၢမ��မ��င� | refuge

“As far as I know, they gave a letter to our Kholam liaison office about a [government] minister who was having an official trip to the area and that our troops should avoid the area. That’s all it was about,” Maj Kham San told SHAN.

During the three days of fighting, some 300 locals in Ham Ngai village tract fled to area monasteries to seek refuge. They all reportedly returned to their homes on March 1 after the clashes ended. ------

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Fighting Continues in Shan State Between Myanmar Military and RCSS By Lawi Weng | 3 March 2020 Restoration Council of Shan State troops on parade at the Shan State National Day celebration in , Shan State on Feb. 7. 2020 / Nyein Nyein / The Irrawaddy

Fighting broke out in Shan State’s Mong Kai Township on Tuesday between the Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS) and the Myanmar army, despite the ethnic rebels’ recent retreat from the area.

Sai Sam Murng, regional lawmaker for nearby Keysi Township, told The Irrawaddy that fighting broke out around 11 a.m.

“We heard gunfire for about 15 minutes,” he said. “Fighting has broken out every day. When the fighting in Keysi goes silent, then we hear it again from Mong Kai.”

RCSS spokesperson Major Kham San told The Irrawaddy that the small battle Tuesday morning broke out after the two sides met each other while traveling. He added that military tensions in the area increased after the Myanmar army stepped up its troop deployments.

The RCSS, also called the Shan State Army-South (SSA-S), said they withdrew from their Loi Twan Hill base on Sunday as they hoped to end the fighting with the Myanmar army, but the group reported that the army then fired artillery shells into Shan villages.

According to an RCSS video on Facebook, the group killed at least four Myanmar military soldiers and seized guns and ammunition.

The recent bout of fighting began on Thursday when the Myanmar army attacked an RCSS base on Loi Twan Hill, in Mong Kai Township, according to RCSS spokesperson Major Kham San. Lawmaker Sai Sam Murng said the fighting has escalated since then and displaced over 300 local residents.

Myanmar military spokesperson Brigadier General Zaw Min Tun told The Irrawaddy that the RCSS had attacked military troops on Friday and denied the RCSS’ accusation that the military attacked first. The spokesperson was not available for further comment on Tuesday.

The Myanmar army has suffered causalities, included some fatalities, but the spokesperson did not say how many were killed or wounded.

The RCSS also said that before the fighting began, the military informed them that its troops would be in the area in order to provide security for a group of Shan State ministers traveling to Mong Kai, as well as to launch a renewed crackdown on illegal drugs.

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“We saw it as [the military] just coming to attack us, but they gave some seasons,” Maj. Kham San said.

The RCSS major said that the current fighting is not the fault of the RCSS because the group must defend itself as the Myanmar military ramps up its troop deployments in the area.

“Our stance has been very clear: we will continue to meet with them, but we will fight back in self-defense,” said Maj. Kham San.

There are now 200 internally displaced people (IDPs) in Mong Kai and over 160 in Keysi Town, most of whom are staying at Buddhist monasteries, according to Sai Sam Murng.

“Those IDPs will problems with food if they have to stay a long time at the monasteries,” the lawmaker said.

The RCSS signed an initial ceasefire with the Myanmar army in 2011 and joined the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement in 2015. The ethnic armed group is involved in ongoing peace negotiations with the government and the military but fighting has periodically broken out in Shan State between the two sides, due in part to the fact that there is no clear demarcation of each group’s territory. rcss.html ------

Loilin IDPs forced to flee just after returning home Published 3 March 2020 | Si Thar

TAUNGGYI- As flash fighting broke out in Loilin District, Southern Shan State, yesterday afternoon, victims from Mongkai Township had to escape from their homes, according to the locals.

Battles between the military and and Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS) occurred again in Kyathee on March 1st and 2nd.

“Some victims taking shelter at their relatives in Kyathee Township didn’t return home. However, 107 war refugees sheltering in Phat Nan monastery went back but an artillery fell into a village in Mongkai Township. So yesterday afternoon, all of the villagers fled back to the monastery. We don’t know exactly the amount of soldiers. A clash also occurred in Kyethee Township yesterday morning. But, it wasn’t for long,” said MP Sai San Mein from Kyethee Township.

Due to the fighting between military and RCSS since the beginning of February 27th, over 500 villagers flew to Hamngain Village in Mongkai Township and Kyethee Township.

Although they returned back home in the evening of March 1st, the fighting occurred again yesterday evening. Page 10 of 39

So, they had to escape again from their villages.

The military announced a statement on March 1st that they carried out a regional operation aiming to combat the drugs. If the RCSS wouldn’t follow the agreement, the military would carry out the security affairs as needed.

Likewise, RCSS announced on February 29th saying that they would review the decisions of Union Peace Dialogue Joint Committee and the Joint Monitoring Committee. ------

Artillery shelling destroys 24 houses in Myanmar’s Rakhine State Khin Myat Myat Wai 03 Mar 2020 A policeman stands guard in a remote outpost in Rakhine State in January last year. Photo: Nyan Lynn Aung/The Myanmar Times

Artillery shelling in Rathedaung township in northern Rakhine sparked fires that burned down 24 houses, but there were no casualties, residents said.

People in Kyauk Tan village had fled their homes, fearing more attacks, said U Thaung Shay, a villager whose house burned down.

"My house burned yesterday when an artillery shell hit it,” he said. “Now we sought help from other villagers to clear our destroyed homes.”

He accused the Tatmadaw (military) of firing the heavy artillery in retaliation for a mine explosion in nearby Tharzi village on Sunday that injured troops.

Daw Khin Saw Wai, Pyithu Hluttaw (Lower House) MP for Rathedaung, alleged that on Monday, two Tatmadaw vessels fired several artillery shells in Kyauk Tan, damaging 10 houses.

"The hluttaw is busy discussing the constitutional amendment bill,” she said. “Even if I submit a resolution about the incident, I don’t think they will table it for discussion.”

Rathedaung town in northern Rakhine has seen intense fighting between the Tatmadaw and the Arakan Army (AA) recently. Kyauk Tan, one of the epicentres of the clashes, has about 3000 people in about 540 houses.

But Khaing Thu Kha, AA spokesperson, denied there was fighting in Kyauk Tan and Tharzi villages since Sunday, although there was a clash in the area the day before.

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"The clash happened in Tharzi on Saturday. The Tatmadaw found an excuse to fire at Kyauk Tan," he said.

Efforts to reach the Tatmadaw for comment were unsuccessful.

The Rakhine Ethnic Congress, a local civil society group, said that fighting between the Tatmadaw and AA since November 2018 had killed over 100 civilians and injured over 100 more.

It said the fighting had displaced more than 130,000 villagers in Rakhine.

Comprised mostly of ethnic Rakhine Buddhists, the AA is fighting for autonomy from the Myanmar government. - Translated state.html ------

Fierce Weekend Fighting Kills 11 Villagers in Myanmar’s Rakhine State 2020-03-02 Arakan Army soldiers pass through a field in western Myanmar's Rakhine state in an undated photo. Photo courtesy of Arakan Army News and Information

The bodies of two ethnic Rakhines and one Rohingya Muslim civilian were discovered Monday in Mrauk-U township in western Myanmar’s war-ravaged Rakhine state, a local relief group said, following two days of clashes between government forces and the rebel Arakan Army that left 11 villagers dead.

The Rakhine Ethnics Congress (REC), a group tallying the number of civilians displaced by armed conflict in the state that intensified in late 2018, told RFA’s Myanmar Service that the bruised bodies were found under a bridge near Shantaung village after a battle near Myaungbwe village on Feb. 29.

“There are bruises and dark spots on the bodies, [and] it looks like they were beaten,” he said. “We found gunshot wounds on one, and another had cut marks on the neck.”

Tun Thar Sein, a lawmaker from Mrauk-U township, said whichever armed group took the civilians away and killed them should explain why they are now dead.

“Some said these civilians were taken by the military after they were interrogated on the street,” he told RFA. “Some say they had been taken from their homes. The authorities

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concerned should provide an explanation of what happened — if they were still alive while in detention or died during interrogation.”

RFA was unable to reach either Colonel Win Zaw Oo, spokesman for the Myanmar’s military’s Western Command responsible for Rakhine state, or Myanmar military spokesman Brigadier Gen Zaw Min Tun for comment.

Area residents said the fighting began after a landmine planted by the AA exploded when it was triggered by a military convoy on Feb. 29.

Seven civilians were killed in the same day, including two who died of heart attacks, they said.

One villager who saw the three bodies under the bridge said one was that of a Rohingya.

Another corpse was discovered on the farm near the village on Sunday, bringing the total death toll to 11, residents said.

AA spokesman Khine Thukha accused Myanmar soldiers of taking away the three civilians and killing them.

The REC said a total of 15 Rohingya and three Rakhine villagers were injured during the fighting near Myaungbwe village, while six Rohingya and seven Rakhine villagers are missing.

Both Muslims and Buddhists live in the village.

Unilateral cease-fire extended

On March 1, the Three Brotherhood Alliance of ethnic armies — the AA, the Ta’ang National Liberation Army, and the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) — announced that they were extending a unilateral cease-fire for 25 more days to help create a peaceful environment in the run-up to general elections in November.

They also said the extension is meant to implement peace talks to enable them to sign the government’s nationwide cease-fire agreement and to provide collective assistance to overcome the coronavirus outbreak.

The TNLA and MNDAA are active in northern and eastern Shan state and oppose the Myanmar Army’s ongoing military operations in territory they control.

In a statement, the groups called on Myanmar forces to immediately end its attacks on them.

“The Myanmar Army is urged to stop all of their one-sided offensive assaults against the revolutionary organizations of ethnic nationalities immediately and to sign a truce agreement with the revolutionary organizations of ethnic nationalities as soon as possible

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by showing [the] political will to carry out negotiations and [a] cease-fire declaration,” the statement said.

It also said that the three rebel armies will take defensive action if they are attacked by government soldiers.

Dozens of civilians have died in fighting in Rakhine state since December 2018. The REC estimates that about 110,000 villagers have been displaced since the beginning of the year.

A brutal military-led crackdown on Muslim communities in Rakhine in 2017 left thousands of Rohingya dead and forced more than 740,000 others across the border and into neighboring Bangladesh. United Nations investigators have said that the violence was carried out with “genocidal intent,” though Myanmar has denied that charge.

Some of the 600,000 Rohingya still living in Myanmar, including tens of thousands who reside in internal displacement camps, have been caught up in hostilities between Myanmar forces and the mostly ethnic Rakhine and Buddhist AA, which seeks greater autonomy in the region.

Reported by Phyu Phyu Khine for RFA’s Myanmar Service. Translated by Ye Kaung Myint Maung. Written in English by Roseanne Gerin. 03022020165526.html ------

AA cuts Paletwa routes, worsening food shortage Sai Wunna | 03 Mar 2020 A woman with a child strapped on her back walks in a village in Paletwa in 2017. Photo - EPA

The Arakan Army (AA) has blocked all transport routes leading to Paletwa township in Chin State, worsening food shortages caused by nearly a month of fighting between the ethnic armed group and the Tatmadaw (military), a leader of a local civic group said.

U Kyaw Nyein, chair of the Khumi Affairs Coordinating Council (KACC) and a resident of Paletwa, said that over 100,000 people in the township are running out of food.

“Some have only rice porridge to eat,” he said. “The health and morale of the people are worsening. No government assistance has reached Paletwa.”

Residents cannot leave the township as all water and road transportation has been cut off by the fighting since early February.

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“We must have food. We are very distressed,” said U Soe Htet, Chin’s minister for Development.

On Saturday, AA fighters set alight a 12-wheeled truck transporting petrol for the Kaladan Multi-Modal Transportation project.

“There are 600 sacks of rice in Sami town for Paletwa but we can’t move them,” U Soe Htet said. “A 12-wheeled truck was set on fire 13 miles from Paletwa, and the same thing would happen if we sent our fire truck.” He said that over 1100 bags of rice are waiting to be transported in Sittwe but no river ferry will hazard the journey to Paletwa.

U Kyaw Nyein called on the Tatmadaw to use helicopters to transport food to Paletwa.

On February 19, the AA said it would allow limited transportation of goods to the area if it could first inspect the vehicles or vessels used.

Paletwa has over 100,000 people in 388 villages, according to the Township Development Committee. – Translated ------

In anti-drug push, Tatmadaw raids drug factory in Shan Swe Lei Mon | 03 Mar 2020 A portion of the narcotic drugs seized in . Photo - Myawady

The Tatmadaw (military) raided a suspected illegal drug factory and seized over 80 bags of methamphetamine pills and drug-making paraphernalia worth K38 billion (US$26.69 million) in northern Shan State, it said in a statement.

The illegal drugs and paraphernalia were discovered in an abandoned building in Kaungkha village of , according to the Tatmadaw’s True News agency.

Troops occupied the village from Friday to Sunday following a tipoff about the illegal drug facility.

They seized 51 bags of WY and R brand meth tablets, six bags of 88/1 meth tablets, and 25 bags of meth tablets without labels. Troops also seized 158 gas stoves used to refine narcotic drugs, a tablet-making machine, and other paraphernalia.

The area is known as a major source of synthetic drugs in the country.

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Last Thursday, government forces and the Restoration Council of Shan State clashed near Hokhe village in nearby Mine Kaing township. Troops were patrolling after receiving reports of illegal drug activity, when they came under attack. The skirmishes lasted four days, and both sides suffered losses.

The Paris-based Financial Action Task Force included Myanmar on its “Gray List” last month over the country’s failure to effectively curb money laundering related to the illegal drugs trade, among others.

Myanmar is the centre of opium and synthetic drug production in Asia, and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) said in a report last month that the illegal trade generated billions of dollars annually.

Being included on the list means Myanmar’s financial activities would be subjected to more monitoring. It might also affect access to loans from foreign institutions, such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.

The UNODC reported that while opium poppy cultivation had declined steadily in the country, the production of synthetic drugs such as meth had soared.

It said despite the decline in opium production, organised crime still earns an estimated US$1 billion annually from the trade.

The UN anti-crime agency said organised crime takes advantage of conflicts in the border areas to carry out their operations. ------

Cabbie tips off police, passenger busted Bangkok Post 03 Mar 2020 A Myanmar woman who was arrested with 16,000 methampetamine pills is presented to reporters at Phon police station in Khon Kaen province, Thailand, on Monday. Photo - Bangkok Post

A telephone call from a taxi driver led police to arrest a Myanmar woman with 16,000 methamphetamine pills in Phon district of this north-eastern Thailand province on Sunday, police said.

Pol Lt Sommat Manthaisong, the Phon police deputy superintendent, told reporters on Monday that Pornpot Buaphueng, 33, a taxi driver from Nakhon Ratchasima province, called police late on Sunday night.

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Pornpot said he was being paid 10,000 baht by a Myanmar woman to take her from Nakhon Ratchasima to Chiang Mai.

While passing through Phon district, Khon Kaen, he became suspicious of the woman. He noticed she was clutching a suitcase to her side all the time, and he smelled something strange that he suspected was illegal.

Pornpot asked a friend accompanying him on the trip to call police. The woman was unaware the call was about her.

Police stopped the taxi while it was still in Phon district. A search found the woman’s suitcase contained 16,000 meth pills and coins of different denominations totalling 6942 baht (K316,000).

The woman passenger was identified as Nako or Moei Ly.

At Phon police station, the woman said she had quarrelled with her Thai boyfriend, identified only as Sayan, and decided to leave him and go back to Myanmar. Nako said she and Sayan had lived together for three years and earned a living selling meth in Nakhon Ratchasima and nearby provinces. They got the drugs from a Lao national identified only as Sak.

Police were looking for Sayan in Nakhon Ratchasima, Pol Lt Col Sommat said.


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မည�သ�က အ��မ�က��ဖင�� ပစ��နသည�က�� သ�တ���မသ��က။ သ�တ���သည� သ�တ����ပ�ရမည��အခ�န�မ���က�� �ပ��နရ�ပ�� ရ��သ��� မည�သ�လ�သည��ဖစ��စ ရ�က���ပ��နရသည�။ “ဒ��ပမယ�� �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ�မရ��လ��� က��န��တ�������ရ�ပ���တ� မလ�ပ����င�တ� တ��စ��က����န�ပ�။ ဒ��ပမယ�� ဒ�က��လ�ရလ��� �ပ���ပ�တယ�” ဟ� သ���ပ�သည�။

(ဧရ�ဝတ� အဂ�လ�ပ�ပ��င��ပ� ၏ At Shan Army HQ, Another Twist in The Tale of Myanmar’s Fragile Peace Process က�� ဆ��လ����အ�င� ဘ�သ��ပန�သည�။)


တပ�မ�တ����င�� အပစ�ရပ� အဖ���မ���အ�က�� တပ�ပ��င��ဆ��င�ရ� အခက�အခ�ရ���န

By �က���ခ | 3 March 2020

အစ���ရ��င�� တ���င�ငံလ�ံ�ပစ�ခတ�တ��က�ခ��က�မ� ရပ�စ��ရ� သ�ဘ�တ�စ�ခ��ပ� (NCA) ခ��ပ�ဆ��ထ���သ� အဖ���မ�����င�� တပ�မ�တ�� အ�က�� �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ� �ဆ������မ�တ�င� တပ�ပ��င��ဆ��င�ရ� က�စ� အခက�အခ��ဖစ��န��က�င�� တ��င��ရင��သ�� လက�နက�က��င� အဖ���တခ����ထံမ� စ�ံစမ��သ�ရ��ရသည�။

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ရ�မ���ပည��ပန�လည�ထ��ထ�င��ရ� �က�င�စ� (RCSS) ကလည�� JMC အဆင��ဆင��၏ �ဆ�င�ရ�က�မ�မ���မ�� သမ�သမတ�က��ခင��၊ တန��တ�ည�မ�မ���င�� တရ��မ�တမ� မရ��ပ�က �န�င�က�င��ပမည�� JMC အစည��အ�ဝ� အဆင��ဆင��တ�င� ပ�ဝင�တတ��ရ�က�ရန� သ�ံ�သပ�မည�ဟ� ဆ��က� စ�ထ�တ��ပန�ခ���ပ�� JMC အစည��အ�ဝ�မ���တ�င� ပ�ဝင�မ�က�� ရပ�ဆ��င��ခ��သည�။


"ဝ" �ဒသမ�� �ရ���က�က�ပ�� က�င��ပ���င��တ��မလ��

�ဝမ�ထ�န�� | 2020-03-03

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UWSP က �ရ���က�က�ပ��က�င��ပ���င��ရ� ပ���ပ�င���ဆ�င�ရ�က�ဖ��� သ�ဘ�ထ���ပ�ခ��တယ�လ��� UWSP ရ�� လ�������ံ� ဆက�ဆံ�ရ�တ�ဝန�ခံ ဦ�ည�ရမ��က RFA က�� ��ပ�ပ�တယ�။

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UWSP က �ခ�င���ဆ�င�ပ��င���တ�အ�နန�� တပ�တ�တည��က �က��စ���တ��စနစ�က��မလ�ပ�ဘ� ဝင��ရ�က�ယ����ပ ��င�လ��တ��

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UWSP ရ�� ထ�န��ခ��ပ�မ��အ�က�က နယ���မ�တ�မ�� �ရ���က�က�ပ��က�င��ပ���င�ဖ��� �ဆ�������ကတ�က�� ဝမ��သ�တယ�လ��� " ဝ " က��ယ�ပ��င�အ�ပ�ခ��ပ�ခ�င��ရ�ဒသ၊ မက�မန���မ ���နယ� �ပည�နယ�လ�တ��တ�� က��ယ�စ��လ�ယ� ဦ�ည�နပ� က��ပ� ပ�တယ�။

“�လ��မ ���နယ�မ�� �ရ���က�က�ပ�� ထပ��ပ���တ�� က�င��ပ���င�မယ�ဆ��ရင��တ�� က�န��တ�� ဝမ����မ�က��က ��ဆ��တယ�။ ဘ��ဖစ�လ���လ�ဆ���တ�� အ��နည���နတယ��လ။ အခ�ဒ�မ�� မလ�ပ�တ���ဒသ�က�တ�� သ��အသံက��လည�� က�န��တ��တ��� သ���န���ထ�င�လ��� မရဘ���လ။”

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UWSA က လ�ံ�ခ�ံ�ရ��ပ�မယ�ဆ��တ�� ကတ�ကဝတ�ရမ� အ�ဒ�နယ���မမ�� �ရ���က�က�ပ��ကက�င��ပ�ဖစ�မ��လ��� လ�တ��တ��လ�ပ�ငန��စ���တ�က�� �စ�င���ကည���နတ�� ပ�င��လင���မန�မ���ရ���ဆ�င� က ဦ��အ��က��� က��ပ�ပ�တယ�။

“အ�ဒ��နရ��တ�မ�� �ရ���က�က�ပ��လ�ပ�မယ�ဆ��ရင� အ�ဒ��ဒသမ��ရ��တ�� အဖ���အစည��က လ�ံ�ခ�ံ�ရ�ယ��ပ�မ��ပ���န��။ အ�ဒ�ကလည�� ဝ�တ��ပ�မ��လည�� မ�တည�တ��ပ��။ သ�တ����ဒသမ�� �ရ���က�က�ပ�� လ�ပ��စခ�င�တယ�ဆ��ရင� က�န��တ��တ��� လ�ံ�ခ�ံ�ရ�ယ�ပ�တယ�ဆ��ရင� �ဖစ�တ��ပ���န��။ သ�တ���က လ�ံ�ခ�ံ�ရ�မယ��ပ�ရင� �ရ���က�က�ပ�� မလ�ပ� �စခ�င�ရင��တ�� ၂၀၂၀ မ��လည�� �ဖစ�မ��မဟ�တ�ဘ��။ �န�က�လည�� ဘယ��တ��မ� �ဖစ�မ��မဟ�တ�ဘ��။”

၂၇ ရက��န�က ပန�ခမ���မ ���က ��စ�ဖက��တ��ဆ�ံပ��က�� UWSP ဘက�က ဒ� ဥက�� ဦ��ရ��က�မင�လ�ံ ၊ ဒ�စစ��သန�ပတ�ခ��ပ� ဦ��က��က�က��ံ�တန��၊ ဒ�အ�ထ��ထ�အတ�င���ရ�မ��ခ��ပ� ဦ��ပ�က�ယ�ရ� ၊ ဒ�ဥက�� ဦ��က��က��က��အန�� တ��� တက��ရ�က�ခ��ပ�တယ�။

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အရင��ရ���က�က�ပ���တ� မက�င��ပ���င�ခ��တ�� �မ ���နယ� ၄ ခ�မ�� �ရ���က�က�ပ��က�င��ပ�ဖစ�မယ�ဆ��ရင�လည�� ဝ ပ�တ��တ� သ� ယ����ပ ��င����င�ခ�င��ရ��လ�မ��မယ�ဆ��တ�� ယ�ဆခ�က��တ�လည�� ရ���နပ�တယ�။

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“ဝ” လက�နက�က��င�အဖ��� ဌ�နခ��ပ�တည�ရ��ရ� ပန�ဆန��အပ�အဝင� “ဝ” ထ�န��ခ��ပ�နယ���မအတ�င��ရ�� �မ ���နယ��လ� ခ�တ�င� �ရ���က�က�ပ�� က�င��ပ���င�ရန� �ရ���က�က�ပ���က��မရ�င���င��UWSP ထ�ပ�ပ��င���ခ�င���ဆ�င�မ��� �ဆ������

Published 3 March 2020

“ဝ” လက�နက�က��င�အဖ��� (UWSA) ဌ�နခ��ပ� တည�ရ��ရ� ပန�ဆန���မ ���နယ�အပ�အဝင� “ဝ” အဖ��� ထ�န��ခ��ပ�နယ���မ အတ�င��ရ�� �မ ���နယ��လ�ခ�တ�င� ၂၀၂၀ �ပည����စ� အ�ထ��ထ��ရ���က�က�ပ�� က�င��ပ���င��ရ�အတ�က� �ပည��ထ�င�စ� �ရ���က�က�ပ���က��မရ�င���င�� “ဝ” �ပည��သ��စည��ည���တ��ရ�ပ�တ� (UWSP) ထ�ပ�ပ��င���ခ�င���ဆ�င�မ��� �ဆ������ခ����က�င�� သ�ရသည�။

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ယခင�က အစ���ရထ�န��ခ��ပ�မ��အ�က�ရ�� �မ ���နယ���စ�ခ�တ�င�သ� �ရ���က�က�ပ�� က�င��ပခ���သ��လည�� ယခ�အခ� “ဝ” အဖ��� ထ�န��ခ��ပ�နယ���မအတ�င��ရ�� �မ ���နယ��လ�ခ�တ�င�ပ� �ရ���က�က�ပ�� က�င��ပ���င�ရန� �ဆ������ခ���ခင�� �ဖစ�သည� ဟ� UWSA �ပင�ပဆက�ဆံ�ရ�တ�ဝန�ခံ ဦ�ည�ရန��က ��ပ�သည�။

“မ��င���မ�၊ ပန�ဝ��င�၊ န��ဖန�� ၊ ပန�ဆန���ပ���န��။ က�န��တ��တ��� UWSA ထ�န��ခ��ပ�နယ���မအတ�င��မ��ရ��တ�� �လ��မ ���နယ��ပ��။ အရင�တ�န��က�တ�� အစ���ရရ�� ထ�န��ခ��ပ�မ��အ�က�မ��ရ��တ�� ��စ��မ ���နယ��ပ��။မက�မန��ရယ� ဟ��ပန��မ ���နယ� ��စ��မ ���နယ�မ���တ�� က�င��ပခ��တယ�”ဟ� ဦ�ည�ရန��က ��ပ�သည�။

၂၀၂၀ �ရ���က�က�ပ�� န��ကပ�လ��ပ��ဖစ�သ�ဖင�� �ပည��ထ�င�စ��ရ���က�က�ပ���က��မရ�င�က “ဝ” က��ယ�ပ��င�အ�ပ�ခ��ပ� ခ�င��ရတ��င��အတ�င��ရ�� သတ�မ�တ�ထ���သ� �မ ���နယ��လ�ခ�တ�င� �ရ���က�က�ပ�� က�င��ပသ������င��ရ�၊ �ရ���က�က�ပ�� ပ�ဝင�ခ�င��၊ �ရ���က�က�ပ��က��ယ�စ��လ�ယ� �ရ��ခ�ယ�ခ�င����င�� မ��ပ�ခ�င�� စသည�� က�စ�ရပ�မ���က�� �ပည��ထ�င�စ��ရ�� �က�က�ပ���က��မရ�င�ဥက�� ဦ�လ�သ�န��က အ�သ�စ�တ� ရ�င��လင����ပ��က��ခ����က�င�� WSTV ၏ သတင���ဖ�� �ပခ�က�တ�င� ပ�ရ��သည�။

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ထ����ပင� လက�ရ�� အမ����သ��ဒ�မ��က�ရစ�အဖ���ခ��ပ� (NLD) အစ���ရလက�ထက�တ�င� NLD �ခ�င���ဆ�င� �ဒ��အ�င� ဆန��စ��ကည�သည� “ဝ” က��ယ�ပ��င�အ�ပ�ခ��ပ�ခ�င��ရတ��င��သ��� လ��ရ�က�လည�ပတ����င�ရန� �မ���လင����က�င��လည�� ဦ��ရ��က�မင�လ�ံက ��ပ���က��ခ����က�င�� သ�ရသည�။

“ဝ” က��ယ�ပ��င�အ�ပ�ခ��ပ�ခ�င��ရတ��င�� �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ� တည��ဆ�က�မ� ��စ� (၃၀) �ပည�� အက����ရလဒ�မ�����င�� �န�င� ��စ� (၃၀) အတ�က� " (၁၀) ��စ� စ�မံက�န��" ၊ �သ��စည��ည���တ��ရ�ပ�တ�၏ �က ���စ��အ��ထ�တ�မ� ရည�ရ�ယ�ခ�က�၊ UWSP/UWSA ၏ ���င�ငံ�ရ�ရပ�တည�ခ�က�မ���က��လည�� ဦ��ရ��က�မင�လ�ံက ��ပ��က��ခ��သက��သ��� သမ��င��အစ�� အလ���က�င�� “ဝ” က��ယ�ပ��င�အ�ပ�ခ��ပ�ခ�င��ရတ��င��၏ လက�ရ��အ��ခအ�န��င�� က��က�ည�မည�� အခ�က� ရ�စ�ခ�က�က�� �ရ���က�က�ပ���က��မရ�င�ဥက�� ဦ�လ�သ�န��ထံ ဦ��ရ��က�မင�လ�ံက တင��ပခ����က�င�� သ�ရသည�။

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အဆ��ပ� �ဆ������ပ��သ��� ဗဟ���ပ�လစ�ဗ������က��မတ�ဝင� ဗဟ����ံ�အ�ပ� ဦ�လ�က��လ���၊ ဗဟ���ပ�လစ�ဗ������က��မတ�ဝင� ���င�ငံ�ရ�ဌ�န� ဌ�နမ�� ဦ�ရန�စ�မ��ပင��၊ UWSA ဒ� စစ�ဦ�မ�� အမ�တ� (၁) စစ�ဆင��ရ��ဒသ က�ပ�က��ရ�မ�� ဦ��ပ�က�အ��က�ပန��၊ UWSA ဒ� စစ�ဦ�မ�� ဦ�လ��လ�င��အ�ယ� စသည�� ထ�ပ�ပ��င���ခ�င���ဆ�င�မ��� တက��ရ�က�ခ�� ��က�င�� WSTV က သတင���ဖ���ပခ��သည�။

၂၀၀၈ ဖ���စည�ပ�ံအ��ခခံဥပ�ဒအရ ရ�မ���ပည�နယ�ရ�� ဟ��ပန��မ ���နယ�၊ မ��င���မ��မ ���နယ�၊ ပန�ဝ��င��မ ���နယ�၊ န��ဖန�� �မ ���နယ�၊ မက�မန���မ ���နယ�၊ ပန�ဆန���မ ���နယ� ��ခ�က��မ ���နယ�က�� ခ���င���စ�ခ�ဖ���၍ “ဝ” က��င�ပ��င�အ�ပ�ခ��ပ�ခ�င��ရတ��င�� အ�ဖစ� �ပ��န��ထ��သည�။


"ဝ" �ဒသသ��� �ဒ��အ�င�ဆန��စ��ကည� လ�လည�ရန�UWSP ထပ�မံဖ�တ��ခ�

By ဇင�လင��ထက� | 3 March 2020

���င�ငံ�တ��အတ��င�ပင�ခံ ပ�ဂ� ��လ��ဒ��အ�င�ဆန��စ��ကည� (Myanmar State Counsellor Office) ၊၂၀၁၉ ခ���စ� ဧ�ပ� ၁၇ရက�က ပန�ဆန��တ�င� �ပ�လ�ပ�သည�� UWSA က�ပ�လ�ပ�သည�� �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ� ��စ� ၃၀�ပည�� အခမ��အန��တ�င� �တ��ရသည�� ၀ စစ�သမ��မ��� / မ����မင��စ��� / ဧရ�ဝတ�

အမ����သ�� ဒ�မ��က�ရစ� အဖ���ခ��ပ�(NLD) ပ�တ� ဦ��ဆ�င�သည�� အစ���ရ လက�ထက�တ�င� �ခ�င���ဆ�င� �ဒ��အ�င�ဆန��စ� �ကည� အ�န��င�� “ဝ” �ပည�နယ�သ��� လ��ရ�က� လည�ပတ�ရန� ဖ�တ��ခ�လ��က��ပ��၊ ထ��အတ�က�လည�� လ�လည�မည�ဟ� �မ���လင�� ��က�င�� “ဝ” �ပည� �သ��စည�� ည���တ��ရ�ပ�တ� (UWSP) ဒ� ဥက�� ဦ��ရ��က�မင�လ�ံ က ��ပ�သည�။

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�ဒ��အ�င�ဆန��စ��ကည�က�� “ဝ” �ဒသသ��� အလည�အပတ� လ��ရ�က�ရန� �မ���လင��သည�ဟ� UWSP ဒ� ဥက��က ��ပ�ဆ���ခင�� မ�� ��စ�ဖက� ဆက�ဆံ�ရ� �����ထ��မ� ရ���စရန� �ဖစ���က�င�� UWSP ၏ လက�နက�က��င� အဖ����ဖစ�သည�� UWSA ၏ �ပင�ပ ဆက� ဆံ�ရ� တ�ဝန�ခံ ဦ�ည�ရန��က ဧရ�ဝတ�သ��� ��ပ��က��သည�။

“အစကတည��က က��န��တ���လည�� လ�ဖ��� ဖ�တ��က��ထ��ပ�တယ�။ လ�ဖ���လည�� က��န��တ��� �မ���လင��ပ�တယ�။ ���င�ငံ�တ��ရ�� �ခ�င���ဆ�င�လည�� က��န��တ���ရ�� �ခ�င���ဆ�င�ပ�ပ�။ လ��ရ�က��ပ��မ� ��န��က��မ�၊ အ�ကံဉ�ဏ��ပ�မ��တ�၊ အ�ပန�အလ�န� ယ�ံ �ကည�မ� တည��ဆ�က��ရ� က�စ��တ� အတ�က�လည�� က��န��တ��� ဖ�တ��ခ�ရ�ခင�� �ဖစ�တယ�” ဟ� ၎င��က မ�တ�ခ�က��ပ�သည�။

ဦ�လ�သ�န��အ�� UWSP ဒ� ဥက�ဌ ဦ��ရ��င�မင�လ�ံက “ဝ” �ပည�နယ� �သ��စည�� ည���တ��ရ� ပ�တ�၏ �က ���စ�� အ��ထ�တ�မ�၊ ရည� ရ�ယ�ခ�က�၊ “ဝ” �ပည�နယ� �ပည�သ�� အစ���ရ၏ ���င�ငံ�ရ� ရပ�တည�ခ�က�မ���က��လည�� ��ပ��က��ခ����က�င�� UWSA ထံက သ�ရ သည�။

“တ�ခ�� အခ�က��တ��တ�� မသ�ဘ��။ အဓ�က ���င�ငံ�ရ� ဦ�တည�ခ�က�က�တ��၂၀၀၈ ဖ���စည��ပ�ံ �ပင�ဆင��ရ�၊ က��ယ�ပ��င� အ�ပ� ခ��ပ�ခ�င��ရ “ဝ” �ပည�နယ� အ�ဖစ� အသ�အမ�တ��ပ��ရ� စသည��ဖင���ပ��။ အ�ဒ�လ�� သ�ရပ�တယ� ” ဟ� ဦ�ည�ရန��က ဆက�လက� ��ပ� ဆ��သည�။

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ကနန���ဒသတ�င� တပ�မ�တ����င�� ရ�မ��န�လက�နက�က��င�တပ�ဖ���တ��� ပထမဆ�ံ�အ�က�မ� တ��က�ပ���ဖစ�

By �အ�င�က��လတ� | 3 March 2020

စစ�က��င��တ��င���ဒသ�က��၊ ဗန���မ�က��မ ���နယ�၊ ကနန���ဒသမ�� မတ�လ ၂ ရက��န�က �မန�မ�တပ�မ�တ��န�� ရ�မ��န�အမ����သ��တပ�မ�တ�� (SNA) တ���အ�က�� ပထမဆ�ံ�အ�က�မ� တ��က�ပ�� �ဖစ�ပ���ပ�တယ�။

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ကနန���ဒသမ�� ရ�မ��န�အမ����သ��တပ�မ�တ�� (SNA)က ၂၀၁၉ ခ���စ�ကစတင�က� ဆက���က��က�က�ခံတ�၊ လ�သစ�စ��ဆ�င��တ��တ���က�င�� �ပည�သ��တ��က��မ�� သ�သ�သ�သ� သတ�ထ��မ�လ�တ�လည�� �ဖစ�ပ�တယ�။


မ��င��က��င��မ ��� နယ� အတ�င��ရ�� စစ��ရ��င�မ��� �နအ�မ�က�� အစ���ရစစ�သ��မ��� �မ�����က�

By Nang Seng Nom - March 3, 2020

Photo by �ဒသခံတဦ�

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Photo by �ဒသခံတဦ�

RCSS/SSA ��င�� အစ���ရ တပ�မ�တ��သည� ဟမ��င��င���က��ရ�� အ�ပ�စ� အတ�င��ရ�� လ� ��င�တ�မ�� �တ�င���က�ဘက� တ��က�ပ��မ����င�မ�သ����ပ��ဖစ��သ��လည�� လ� ��င�တ�မ�� �တ�င� အ�န�က�ဘက� က�န���ည�င� ဖ�ဆ�� �က��ရ��ဘက� တ�င� ပစ�ခတ�မ�မ��� ဆက�လက��ဖစ�ပ����န��က�င�� RCSS/SSA ��ပ��ရ�ဆ��ခ�င��ရ��သ� စ��င��ခမ��စံ က သ�မ��သံ�တ��ဆင�� သ�����ပ�သည�။

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By Nang Seng Nom - March 3, 2020

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