Document:- A/CN.4/168/Add.1 Nominations to fill vacancies, List and curriculum vitae of candidates - Note by the Secretariat

Topic: Filling of casual vacancies

Extract from the Yearbook of the International Law Commission:- 1964, Not in Ybk

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NCKINATIONS TO FILL VACANCIES Addendum, to the note bv the Secretariat

List and curriculum vitae of candidates

List candidates

The names of the follovinb candidates have been submitted f-;r the seats v.iicli have become vacant iclloT,rin¿' the of Kr. André Gros and kr, Luis Padilla ïierv^ as judges :.f the International Court of Justice: l/.T. I/,atine-.;Jaftary, Ahroed (Iran)

l.\Tr Quintero, Cesar A. (Panama)

}úx , II e u t e r} Paul (France) kr. I-.,uda, -J':se ^¿aria (Argentina,) II

vita^ of candidates

Y - Hr. Ahr^ed (Iran) ^/Ori^inal text: English/ Born in Teheran en 24 January 189?.

T Professor, Faculty of La «7? Teheran University, since 1935 (International Public Lav, Criminal Law and Civil Code), r/Ieiober of the Permanent Court cf Arbitration in The Hague since 1937.

Professor? Academy of International Law at The Plague. President of the National Group of Iran in the International Congress of Comparative Law. Lier.ber of the Iranian Acader.ry since 1938, rCerober of the National Cor-inittee for UN3SC0. Li ember of the International Law Ccr

3.64-5831 /CN.'t/168/Àtld.l ^e 2

BACKGROUND: p o1 i t i ca1 career Minister of Justice (1936-1939). PririG Minister (1939-1940), Member of Parliament (1947-1949). Senator frun Teheran since 1950. President of tue Senate Lav Conniittee, Diplomatic career Director of the Treaties and the League of Nations Departments. Le¿'al Adviser to the Iranian Delegation to the League JÎ Nations (1928-193Q), Legal career Î.Ienber of the Supreme Court. Director-General of the Ministry of Justice. Legislation Active xjaI"fcici2&ticn in drafting r^any projected codes of law" and internationp.,1 conventions, including the Civil Code (especially the section concerning private international law), Civil Procedure? Criminal Code, etc. President of the Ministerial to Study Amendments to be submitted by Iran to the Dunbarton Oaks Proposals. Publications Suppression of Capitulations in Persia (Paris, 1930), Study of Civil and Commercial Procedure (2 vols, ) League of Nations. Economic Independence of Persia. State Economy in Iran, Précis of Private International Lav-:. Collected Lectures on Various Aspects of the United Nations. Social activities Secretary-General of the Iranian Association for the League of Nations. President of the Iranian Association for the United Nations since 1948. Director of the UNESCO International Seminar (Teheran, February 1950) to introduce Teheran High School Teachers to the Study of the United Nations. Executive Director of the National Celebrations of United Nations Day and Human Rights Day. Participation in international conferences, including the Assembly and Council of the League of Nations, the Security Council of the United Nations, the Interparliamentary Conference, International Conferences on Criminal and Comparative A/CN.4/168/Ádd.l page 3

Law* International Economic Conference. Plenary Meetings of the Federation of United Nations Associations. International Ghandi Seminar for Peace in New Delhi, etc. Fo r e i gn 1 an gua¡ ¿ e s French, English, German, Arabic. Studies at the Universities of Teheran, Paris, Lausanne and Berlin. Training at the Courts and Tribunals of Paris, Geneva and Berlin,

uO - Mr» César A. (Panama) ^/original text: Spanish/ Born in Panana, on 11 March 1916. Studies and academic degrees Bachelor of Law, University of Panama; Master of Science in Foreign Service, Georgetown University; Doctor of Law, University of Madrid. Public at i on s Principios de Ciencia Política, Panama, 1952; Los Decretos con Valor de Madrid, 1955j Los Canales Internacionales, Panada, 1957; Las Reformas Constitucionales de 1956 (of Panana), Panana, 1957? La Autonomía Municipal y su S stru c tur a E c on or.ii ca, Panama, 1956. Positions held General Secretary of the University of Panama, 1942-1945? Vice-Minister of Education, 19^5-1947; Professor of the University of Panama ( and Constitutional Law), since 1944-j member of the Council on Foreign Affairs of the of Panama, 1955-1957; Ambassador of Panama (Deputy Permanent Representative) to the United Nations, 1957-1958; member of the Panamian delegation (with rank of Ambassador) to the Conference of Foreign Ministers of the American held at Santiago, Chile, 1959; member of the Panamanian delegation (with rank of Ambassador) to the Conference of Foreign Ministers of the American Republics held at S*ui José, Costa Rica, I960; Ambassador of Panama (Deputy Permanent A/ÇN. ;/l68/Add, 1

¿epresentntivc) to the United Nations. 1961-1963. Chairnan of the Sixth Committee ivt tiuj Sixteenth session of the Unite••:"". Nations General Assembly; Chairman of the Panaminn ¡loielation at the Eighteenth session of the United Nations General Assembly»

ii'euber of the Panama International Lav Association, lías the Vascc Nunez de Balboa decoration.

iiEUTEPi - Mr. Paul (France) _/Ori¿inal text: French/ Year of birth - 1911. ^lH£ii^__¿£__2iiuil¿ (1936) and abrégé (.1938) in law, later Professor of Law; lectured in the Faculties of Law at Nancy, Poitiers, Aix-en-Provence and Paris (1951) in that order; Professor at the Institut d'étude politiques, Paris (1953). Lectured at the Acjid^LrLe^de droit internatjumal (1952) and at various institutes and universities in France and abroad. Deputy Director of the office of the Minister for Information (1944), and later of the office of the Minister of Justice (1945); Technical Adviser in the office of the Minister for the Armed Forces (.1947); member of the Governing Body of the Ecolo nationale d'j^Tz^inist rat i on since 1945; member (since 1948) and Vice-Chairman (since 1953) of the Permanent Central Op i un Board. Deputy Legal Advisor to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (1948); agent, deputy-a^ent or counsel in various cases before the International Court of Justice, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, the European Court of Human Rights, the Franco-Swiss Conciliation Commission, etc; r.ienber of the arbitral tribunal in tiie Lac Lanoux caso (1957)? cember of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (1958); neriber of the European Nuclear Energy Tribunal (Convention cf 20 December 1957) (I960); member cf the Supreme Court of the Principality of Monaco (i960); nember of the arbitral tribunal in the case between France and the United States concerning the Agreement on Air Transport Services (1963); member of the Franco-Ethiopian Conciliation Commissien (i960) and of the Conciliation Commission between the Netherlands and Sweden (1963); Associate Iviember of the Institut de Droit international (1963). A/CN.4/168/Add,l page 5

RUDA ••- Mr. José Maria (Argentina) /Original texts Spanish/


hÎ2K^S£RS£l^Ii£^m Professor of International Public Law at the Faculty of Law Social Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires (by competition), since December 1959# Professor of International Public Law at the Coliege of National Defence, since 1961* Professor of International Public Law at the Army Centre of Advanced Studies (1961) Course on "Argentine Foreign in the XXth Century" at the College of Mexico, August 1963. jjniver_sity decrees: Lawyer - 1949 - Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires. master of Law (in International Law) , New York University, 1955* Course in Sociology and at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, New York University, 1955® Course in Comparative Law at the Academy of Havana.

_P^_gjL^tjLQi3^_hLeld.: Assistant Legal Officer in the Codification of International Law Division of the Office of Legal Affairs of the United Nations (1950-1955), Head of Courses of the Institute of International Law of the Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires, 1956 (by competition). Minister for Federal Intervention in the Province of Salta (May-December 1956), Positions held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worships Counsellor at the Argentinian Embassy at La Paz* Bolivia, January 1957-February I960* Representative to the XIVth session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, September - December 1959a Representative to the XVth session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, September - December I960, Representative to the XVIth session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, September - December 1961* Representative to the I«L»0« Conference, Buenos Aires, 1961* Representative to the XVIIth session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, September - December 1962« Representative to the Vlllth Consultative Committee (Organization of American States) Punta del Este, 1962. Head of Cabinet to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship (1960-1961)* Rapporteur of the Legal Committee of the General Assembly of the United Nations, 1962 President of the Argentinian Delegation to the Argentino-Bolivian Commission, February 1963* A/CN.4/168/Adda pago 6

Argentinian delegate to the Conference on Consular Relations^ Vienna, 1963# Member of the Drafting Committee on the Convention on Consular Relations, Vienna? 1963* Representative to the XVIIIth session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, 1963, Chairman of the Sixth Committee^ General Assembly of the United Nations, 1963* Publications;

a) "The Caracas Conference", Demos, Vlllth year, No*28? p,70. b) "The power of the General Assembly on security and political questions11, Review of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, Xth year, Nos» 45-46, Septe~Dec* 1956, pt 994, (Buenos Aires)* c) "New developments in the Jurisdiction of Territorial Waters", idem, Xlth year, No, 47v p. 159c d) "Study of possible immunities for ships belonging to ", Doc* 66 of the Xth Interamerican Conference of Lawyers* 1957« e) "Collaboration in the book "From the Panama Congress to the Caracas Conference, 1826-1954" by F« Cuevas Cancino, which received second prize in a competition on the occasion of the Xth Interamerican Conference of Caracas• f) "A Political and Legal Study"; "The United Nations"; "Cordillera", Bolivian Culture Review - June 1959, No. 5, p. 59. g) "The Codification and Progressive Development of International Law", Lecciones y Ensayos, No» 7, p. 35# h) "Immunity of ships belonging to Governments", Argentinian Jurisprudence, year XX, p, 70* i) "Jurisdiction of the International Court", Argentinian Jurisprudence, February 1959? year XXI, No, 33, j) "The Development of International Public Law by the International Court of Justice", Revista Juridica de Buenos Aires, 1958, No. IV, p. 97* k) "Relations between the U.N, and the Organization of American States concerning Peace and International Security", Revista Juridica de Buenos Aires, 1959, No#III-IV. l) "The Conferences of the South" Lecciones y Ensayos, No. 21/22, m) "Our position in the United Nations" Revista de Defensa Nacional, No«2 (Buenos Aires), 7?) "The Berlin Wall", Jurisprudencia Argentina, 31 December 1962» o) "The Security Council", Course on the United Mations, Rosario, 19619 p) "Reserves on Multilateral Conventions"? Revista de Derecho Internacional, Rosario, 1963» q) "The General Assembly8. Composition and Procedures", Lecciones y Ensayos, No« 27* r) "The Evolution of International Law", Revista Juridica de Buenos Aires* A/CN.4/168/Add.l page 7

"Our position in the United Nations", Army Centre of Advanced Studies? May 1961* "The Security Council", Faculty of Economic Sciences of Rosario? June 1961» "The General Assembly", Faculty of Economic Sciences of Kosario, June 1961, June 1963* "Africa and Latin America", Escuela de Comando y Estado Mayor, September 1961• "The Progress of International Law", Students Union of the Catholic University of Argentina, September 1961; Association of Lawyers of Corrientes, July 1962* Decorations Order of Condor of the Andes, of the Bolivian Republic, (Commander), Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, (Commander).

A/CN@4/l68/Addel Annex page 1


Communications submitting the__ names of

Letter from the Permanent Representative of the Argentine Republic to the Eurogean,.Office of the United Nations, dated 6 May 1964

.... I have pleasure in communicating with you with reference to the which the International Law Commission of the United Nations will hold during its sixteenth session,, due to begin on 11 May next here at Geneva, for the purpose of filling the existing vacancies in the Commission « In this connexion, I wish to inform you that the Argentine Government decided, at the appropriate time^ to propose Ambassador Dr« José Maria Ruda? Legal Adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Argentine Republic, as a candidate for the vacant Latin American seat on the Commission* As will be seen from the enclosed _curriculum vitae, Ambassador Ruda possesses qualifications which make him fully suited for the office for which he has been proposed by my Government, by reason of his tenure of the Chair of International Law at the University, his work as Argentine representative to the United Nations General Assembly and his position a£ Legal Adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Moreover, I venture to point out that, since the establishment of the International Law Commission in 1947, no Argentine national has ever been nominated for membership of the Commission* I would request you to bring this communication to the attention of the distinguished members of the International Law Commission. /CN«4/lñ8/Add,l Annex pags 2

Note verbale from the Permanent Mission of Iran, dated 28 April 1964

The Permanent Mission of Iran to the United Nations presents its compliments to the Secretariat of the United Nations and has the honour to inform that the Imperial Government has decided to nominate His Excellency Professor A. Matine- Daftary, Senator and former member of the International Law Commission, to fill the casual vacancy which has occurred in the International Law Commission due to the election cf some members of the Commission to the International Court of Justice. Although there may be considerations on the part of some of the members of the Commission to allot this vacancy to regions other than Asia and Africa in spite of the fact that these two Continents until now are under-represented in the United Nations organs, the Government of Iran feels that the candidature of Professor Matine-^aftary should he considered by the Commission even though it is only for the remainder of the Commission's current Five-Years Term. This would not be an unprecedented decision. Professor Matine-Daftary, in the last election of the General Assembly lost the membership of the Commission by one vote only owing to the fact that on the eve of the elections, new -Asian Candidates were allowed to be nominated; as a result of the sudden change in the situation votes for Asian Candidates were forced to be divided. Professor Matine-Daftary served during five years regularly and uninterruptedly as a member of the International Law Commission to represent the Islamic Law and Middle Eastern civilization on legal system. It is hrped that the members of the Commission will take into account these considerations for filling the casual vacancy at the forthcoming session or If such a vacancy should occur in the future. A/CN.4/168/Add.l Annex page 3

to the united Nations dated 11 Fehrueury 1964

*.« . I have the honour to send to you herewith a letter in which I am informing the Chairman of the International Law Commission of the French Government's decision to nominate Mr® Paul Reuter as a candidate for the vacancy in the International Law Commission caused by the election of Professor Gros to the International Court of Justice» I should be grateful if you would transmit this letter to Mr. Eduardo Jimenez de Àréchaga» A/CJ.4/l68/Add.l Annex page 4

Lettgr_ frommth9 M^LsJ^r_ÎOT_ForQi^^A£t.alTaL of., Republic of Panama., dated 23 December 1983

, * *a Since a vacancy open to a candidate from a Latin American country -will occur in the International Law Commission on 5 February 1964 ? my Government wishes to inform you that, in accordance with established practice^ it has decided formally to nominate Dr* Cesar A. Quintero, Ambassador of Panama, as a candidate for the post . The responsibility for making the choice rests with the International Law Commission under article 11 of its Statute; and I should therefore be glad if you would transmit my Governments proposal to the members of the Commission, which I understand, will have to fill the vacancy at its next regular session, in May 1964»