“We Need a Palm Sunday 2018” Matthew 21:1-11 Tuesday Bible Lunch March 20, 2018

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“We Need a Palm Sunday 2018” Matthew 21:1-11 Tuesday Bible Lunch March 20, 2018 “We Need a Palm Sunday 2018” Matthew 21:1-11 Tuesday Bible Lunch March 20, 2018 Introduction: Over 2,000 years ago, Jesus road a young donkey down the Mount of Olives, crossed the Kidron Valley, then into Jerusalem. We know that ride as Palm Sunday. It is called Palm Sunday because John’s gospel tells us that the people took branches of palm trees (John 12:13). The Bible tells us that when Jesus rode into Jerusalem “all the city was moved” (Matt. 21:10). • The CSB says that “the whole city was in an uproar” (Matt. 21:10). • The KJV and the NKJV says “all the city was moved” (Matt. 21:10). • The NIV says, “the whole city was stirred” (Matt. 21:10). It is rare today when anything “stirs” a city. When something does “stir” a city in a few days people forget and move on with life. T.S. In the Palm Sunday story, we see some things that can stir a city today (Matt. 21:10; Mark 11; Luke 19; John 12). 1. A city is stirred when Jesus is present. * Bible scholars tell us the population of Jerusalem at the time of Jesus was about 80,000 people. * At Passover 2.7 million people (Josephus). * Every adult male Jew within 20 miles of Jerusalem would come to Passover. * In addition, Jews from every corner of the world would come to Passover if they could. * The city would have been packed with people. Illustration: Some were stirred because: 1. They did not understand (Jn. 12:16). 2. Of the miracle of Lazarus (Jn. 12:17-18). 3. The Pharisees were stirred because so many people were following Jesus (Jn. 12:19). Application: Jesus is not going to ride a young donkey into Houston. There will be no repeat of Palm Sunday. 1. A city can be stirred by Jesus’ presence through His followers. How? 1. By what we say outside the church. o We talk about Jesus at church. o We sing about Jesus at church. o We need to talk about Jesus outside the church. o Not in a “Bible in your face” way, but in a natural way. 2. By how we live outside the church. o Christians should not only say so, but live so. o How we live, treat people, do business, and help people can stir a city. o By living in a way that Jesus is present wherever we are. Illustration: Start at home, then work, let it ripple out. Conclusion: As recent as yesterday a long-time friend said six words that illustrate what I am talking about. (To hear this story, listen to the message on the church web page www.fbp.org. .
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