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May 2004 Mforum

Information for EADS Military Aircraft employees and customers

Tornado head over heels – the signature A400M deep in the valley – measurement range at Manching automatic flight control system Page 12 Page 06 Mforum_ILAmai04engl 29.04.2004 14:28 Uhr Seite 2

022 Mforum Special Edition May 2004

CONTENT The Mforum competition Many thanks for all the entries to our Programs competition in the last issue – over 150 03 Flight instructors for Eurofighter readers took part. Please keep sending us your comments, suggestions and ideas on 04 Simulation systems for Mforum. Eurofighter training are The winner of the Eurofighter model is interlinked Mr. Bohlen from Schortens in Northern 05 Eurotraining study completed Germany. In this issue, we’re giving you a chance to win the book “On the Wings of 06 Low-level flight control system Time” – a chronology of EADS – and a for the A400M Eurofighter model. Just tell us on which Opening hours page the complete picture of the small 08 C-101 Fleet sets record: Daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m section shown here appears. 176,000 flight hours Trade Visitors: 10 – 13 May Trade Visitors/General Public: 14 – 16 May 09 Environmental protection from the very beginning During the exhibition days for trade visitors flight demonstrations will start approx. at 10 Air data system for the X-31 12 a.m. During the exhibition days, which are accessible to the general public, flight 12 Tornado goes head over heels demonstrations already start at 10.30 a.m. Further details regarding the flight program 16 ILA 2004 can be obtained from the Internet as well as from publications prior to the event. Technology ILA 2004 on the internet: 14 Aeroelastic effetcs – new concepts for aircraft design and

The winner will be drawn from the correct entries. The judge's decision is final. Masthead Mforum Contributors to this issue Please send your answer by e-mail to Information for EADS Military Aircraft employees Nicole Geffert (gef), Serena di Martino (sdm), and customers Hans-Jörg Liersch (hjl) [email protected], by fax to Publisher: EADS Deutschland GmbH Photos: EADS Militärflugzeuge, Walter Wolframm, +49 89 607 – 22455 or on a postcard to Military Aircraft, D-81663 Munich M+W Zander, EADS Heritage MM6-Kommunikation, EADS Deutsch- Editorial representative Mforumcan be found on the Intranet: http://intra.m.corp/ Wolfdietrich Hoeveler, Head of Communications as well as on the internet: land GmbH, EADS Military Aircraft, Editorial Staff Design, production and print D-81663, Munich. And don't forget to Manager: Daniela Bommer (dan) entity38 AG, Isartalstr. 44 a/RGB, 80469 Munich [email protected] Layout: Stefan Steitz include your address (work or private). Wolfram Wolff (ww) Reuse of texts requires the express permission of the editorial staff. The final date for entries is June, 14, Issue 2/2004 2004.

UK chief of air staff flies Eurofighter Sir Jock Stirrup, the United In a 63-minute flight, Sir Jock took the aircraft Kingdom’s Chief of the Air Staff, has become through its paces, experiencing speeds of the latest RAF pilot to take control of the Air more than 900 mph and demonstrating Euro- Force’s newest aircraft – the Eurofighter. On fighter´s much admired handling capabilities. 30 March, Sir Jock (right) made his first flight On landing, Sir Jock expressed his own delight on one of the four jets in service with 17 (R) at flying the aircraft, commenting: “I have Squadron – the RAF’s Operational Evaluation been looking forward to it for a long time and Unit, which is bringing the aircraft into service it was hugely impressive. If I had a message for at BAE SYSTEMS’ Warton plant. Flying with RAF personnel it would be ‘if you can get on Sir Jock was Wg Cdr David Chan, Typhoon – get on it!’” eb Commanding 17 (R) Squadron (left). Mforum_ILAmai04engl 29.04.2004 14:28 Uhr Seite 3

Mforum Special Edition May 2004 03 Programs Technologies Strategy and Goals History Miscellaneous

The first Eurofighters were transferred on April 26 from Manching to Laage.


IN APRIL, THE FIRST future Eurofighter three courses, which have been given the ab- of theory, instruction using functional models, flight instructors of the German Air Force and breviation SIPT (Service Instructor Pilot Trai- training sessions in the various simulators and the Spanish Air Force completed their training ning). At Getafe, the second course to instruct active flight hours on the Eurofighter aircraft. at EADS Military Aircraft at Manching – in four further pilots of the Spanish Air Force is The requirements profile of the Eurofighter cooperation with the Bundeswehr Technical on its way. The Spanish and the German Air can hardly be compared to the aircraft types Center WTD 61 – and Getafe. The first flight Force itself will further train these pilots to be- flown up to now, not only as far as flight per- instructors are therefore “ready for take off” come instructors of the future Eurofighter pi- formance is concerned but also in terms of on the Eurofighter, the combat aircraft that will lots. The instructors will teach at Fighter Wing handling the integrated systems. Eurofighter be their workplace for the coming years. A to- 73 “Steinhoff” at Laage near Rostock and at calls for increased system management capa- tal of four pilots of the Spanish Air Force and Squadron 113 of the Wing 11 in Morón de la bilities. This was reflected in the focal points of ten German Air Force pilots were trained in Frontera (Sevilla). The SIPT course consisted the training. ww/sdm

Getafe: training on the Eurofighter In Germany, the first Eurofighter flight instructors have completed their training in was very important. Manching. Their training curriculum included ten flight hours on Eurofighter. Mforum_ILAmai04engl 29.04.2004 14:28 Uhr Seite 4

044 Mforum Special Edition May 2004 Programs Technologies Strategy and Goals History Miscellaneous

FROM COMPUTER PROGRAM TO HUGE DOME SIMULATORS A multinational team at Manching is interlinking simulation systems for Eurofighter training facilities

EUROFIGHTER IS AN ADVANCED Such integration is a complex task since the AIRCRAFT of the new generation and there- entire Eurofighter weapon system with its fore requires special facilities to ensure diverse functions and capabilities must be optimum training of future pilots. The dome reproduced in the ASTA simulation. The work- simulators for training the pilots of the share in the software development required Eurofighter nations are meanwhile taking for the purpose corresponds exactly to the shape at EADS Military Aircraft in Manching. task assignment in the program, e.g. EADS A multinational team is working on the inte- Military Aircraft is responsible for the simula- gration of these full mission simulators, each tion of the flight control system, the communi- of them as tall as a house. These installations, cation system and the Attack and Ident sub- referred to in short as FMS, are the last link in system. In total, about 50 individual simulation the facilities that have been developed for systems must be interlinked into ASTA, Eurofighter training and are being integrated including programs for projecting the land- at EADS Military Aircraft as Aircrew Synthetic scape in the dome simulator. EADS Military Aircraft has assumed the role of Training Aids (ASTA). “host company” for the ASTA integration, i.e. EADS Military Aircraft is coordinating the de- the seven simulators required for develop- The ASTA team that took up quarters about a velopment and production of in total eighteen ment and integration will be set up at the year ago at the Eurofighter System Support full mission simulators, nine interactive cockpit Manching site. Two of these are full mission Center (SUZ) at Manching is currently focus- training systems with the respective dome, simulators, the other five are cockpit trainers. ing its attention on linking the soft- and hard- four relocatable cockpit trainers and numer- A reference system designed similar to a full ware for the interconnected training aids for ous support facilities. In the main integration mission simulator will also be constructed at future Eurofighter pilots. This involves all phase at the Manching ASTA Joint Integration Manching for testing modifications and devices required for training mission pilots in Facility (JIF), over 100 employees from the the Eurofighter squadrons. All elements must Eurofighter partner nations Germany, Great be integrated, from the computer-based Britain, Italy and Spain will be working as a THE FIRST COURSE training aids, cockpit trainers and interactive single team. FOR ASTA EXPERTS IS pilot stations through to the complete mission UNDERWAY simulators. The first course of training for ASTA In March, the trainees who will later be the expert operators and maintainers operating personnel began in mid- of the ASTA facilities received information about the dome simulators. March at Ottobrunn. The 16 partici- pants from the four partner nations will subsequently be in charge of the simulators at Coningsby (UK), Morón (Spain), Grosseto (Italy) and Laage (Germany). The course lasts 18 months. Participants will be specializ- ing as maintainers, operators and in- structors. Maintainers are technicians who service the facility itself. Opera- tors create, for example, mission scenarios and prepare the debriefing of the trainee pilots. Instructors, final- ly, devise individual training schedu- les for future Eurofighter pilots and monitor their progress. On March 22, the course participants visited the ASTA simulators at Manching. Mforum_ILAmai04engl 29.04.2004 14:29 Uhr Seite 5

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EUROTRAINING STUDY COMPLETED Twelve air forces currently evaluating the 5,000-page report

IS A JOINT INTEGRATED TRAINING SYSTEM structure and possible locations for a training for fighter pilots in Europe feasible? Upon the center were assessed. An important point was request of twelve air forces, a multinational in- the analysis of the four alternative models dustrial consortium has analyzed all aspects of proposed as training aircraft, including the Eurotraining and summarized these in a study. Mako HEAT (High Energy Advanced Trainer) The result is a 5,000-page report, which the solution offered by EADS Military Aircraft. In industry presented punctually to the custo- sum, the conclusions should give an indication mers on 6 March. as to whether and/or how future pilots of combat jets are to receive efficient and cost- At the end of March, the industrial consortium effective training in Europe. consisting of Aermacchi, Dassault Aviation, EADS CASA, EADS Deutschland and Saab, Work on the study Advanced European Jet supported by further companies, presented Pilot Training (AEJPT) took more than a year. the study to the twelve air forces at a meeting The twelve interested nations were kept con- The ITD cockpit trainer has already held at Venegono in northern Italy. The re- stantly informed and their suggestions were been set up for Eurofighter training spective national evaluations are expected to taken into account. To enable the different air at Fighter Wing 73 at Laage. be completed by June. Following that, the air forces to evaluate the extensive study, these forces involved will exchange opinions on the agreed on the use of a special software tool. study. The industry is reckoning on a result of This sets the numerous criteria that play a role upgrades. The ASTA facilities themselves – the consultations in the course of the summer. in Eurotraining in a hierarchical order, also modeled on Manching – will be erected at the giving percentual weighting to the parameters respective wings and squadrons of the Euro- For this study, initially the training systems of the individual levels. The results will set the fighter nations. These ASTA simulators in the currently available in the twelve countries course for the further development of Euro- field will be complemented by the software were assessed. Then the training require- training. The AEJPT not only marks an impor- integrated at EADS Military Aircraft. ments for pilots of fourth- and fifth-generation tant step towards the training of future fighter fighter aircraft were examined. Aspects such pilots but will also strengthen cooperation The basis for ASTA was laid in a contract con- as training curricula and equipment, infra- within the European defense industry. dan cluded between NETMA and the Eurofighter consortium in April 2001. The development of the software and production of the compo- nents for the simulators began immediately afterwards. An important phase in the ASTA program was completed in summer 2003: the so-called Critical Design Review (CDR). The hard- and software for ASTA was conclusively defined in consultation with the customers through a complex evaluation of all systems and components. The main task to be accom- plished in 2004 is the interconnection of all components to form a consistent cross-site training system. In addition to the ASTA inte- gration work, the simulators will be set up at the respective air wings and, step by step, the software programs supplied from Manching will be installed. Industry and air force person- nel will work hand-in-hand at the military bases Laage (Germany) and Morón (Spain). The contract tasking the industry with custo- mer support for all facilities was signed in December 2003. dan Twelve nations take part in AEJPT: Austria, Belgium, Germany, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. Mforum_ILAmai04engl 29.04.2004 14:29 Uhr Seite 6

066 Mforum Special Edition May 2004 Programs Technologies Strategy and Goals History Miscellaneous

DEEP DOWN IN THE VALLEY: A400M AUTOMATICALLY FLIES THE IDEAL ROUTE EADS Military Aircraft is developing a highly efficient low-level flight control system for the German A400M transporters

THE GERMAN A400M AIRCRAFT will be expanded capabilities and is to be integrated through the valleys. Here, the “Rolling Stone” equipped with a highly efficient low-level into all 60 A400Ms ordered for the German algorithm – a name derived from the course a flight control system for their tactical missions. Air Force instead of the standard low-level rolling stone would take through the valley – is Using this so-called Terrain Masking Low flight control system. The prerequisite for used to include the achievable flight perfor- Level Flight (TMLLF) system, these transpor- developing such a low-level flight control mances of the A400M and energy manage- ters can fly extremely low – in good visibility at system is know-how, in particular in flight and ment aspects in the calculation. To enable the only 150 feet – and are thus protected against guidance control systems. EADS Military aircraft to fly the optimized trajectories, EADS enemy threats when passing through hilly Aircraft has comprehensive experience in Military Aircraft have developed a special terrain. The lower an aircraft flies, the better it both areas (see box on page 07). autopilot, which is linked to a flight director can exploit the natural cover provided by ele- and an automatic thrust controller. vations. In poor visibility, a flight altitude of The purpose of the TMLLF system is to reduce 500 feet is possible when an automatic flight risks on missions over enemy territory. This is All the information required for the planning achieved on the one hand of a safe route is collected and processed in THE HEAD-UP DISPLAY SHOWS through improved processing such a way that the crew can immediately A “TUNNEL IN THE SKY”, and presentation of the tactical recognize how the TMLLF system is directing situation compared to the stan- the A400M around hazardous areas. The THUS ENABLING THE PILOT TO dard configuration and on the functional features of this low-level flight con- INTUITIVELY GRASP HIS ROUTE other through a consistent pro- trol system are in harmony with the general cess chain that builds on this and A400M cockpit design as well as the philoso- control system is used. In extreme low-level extends from route planning through to steer- phy behind it, and must be adapted in such a flight, the crew can control the aircraft ing the aircraft along its flight path. The sys- way that the crew can work well with them. manually, while being aided by flight control tem operates autonomously, automatically There is a digital map showing the hazardous information from the TMLLF system. The planning the optimum route. In doing so, it zones and safe routes and also a navigation standard configuration of the A400M equipp- calculates how dangerous territory in which display showing the optimum route through ed with general automation only allows flight the A400M is visible to enemy sensors can be the terrain on a 3-D map. To heighten the down to a level of 500 feet. The TMLLF sys- circumnavigated. The system then lays down crew's terrain awareness, there is a terrain map tem, which is being designed and developed the optimum flight path, adapted to the topo- provided with color coding, which enables a by EADS Military Aircraft, offers considerably graphy along a route that snakes its way better estimation of how close the aircraft is to Mforum_ILAmai04engl 29.04.2004 14:29 Uhr Seite 7

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EADS Military Aircraft can look back on long study, an algorithm was developed for the perience gathered in flight guidance and years of experience in the field of automated optimum vertical flight control of heavy trans- control, for which EADS Military Aircraft has low-level flight. The first investigations into port aircraft (“Rolling Stone” principle). The system design responsibility in the Tornado low-level flight based on digital terrain data mixture of lateral and vertical accelerations and Eurofighter programs, is a further impor- started back in the year 1986. The LATAN was taken into account, with the values already tant factor in the successful development of (Low Altitude Terrain Avoidance Navigation) determined by the flight control system as the Terrain Masking Low Level Flight System. system was flight-tested up to 1994 and, in- maximums being included in the planning The TMLLF System was concretized in 2001. stalled in the Tornado, demonstrated that from the beginning. The two methods are still The top-level requirements were laid down terrain-following flight based on a terrain data- being used today, in the work on the A400M. after consultations between Airbus Military base was possible and promised operational S.L., the Federal Office of Defence Technology advantages. The flight was planned and car- Supplementary to this, from 1995 on, impro- and Procurement (BWB), the national user ried out exclusively using a terrain database. vements to the flight control displays in low- and EADS Military Aircraft. In May 2003, the The military certification authorities allowed level flight and the military navigation system European procurement agency OCCAR tasked trials to be conducted using LATAN down to RAPIN (Reliable Autonomous Precise Integrated Airbus with the construction of the A400M, at heights of 200 ft above ground level. Parallel Navigation) were developed as prototypes. the same time ordering the TMLLF for the to this, in 1992 work started on an improved The planning algorithms, low-level flight con- German aircraft. In the spring of 2004, EADS low-level flight capability for FLA, the Future trol, improved displays and RAPIN were tested Military Aircraft was finally able to clarify the Large Aircraft as the program had been from 1998 to 2000 on the ATTAS test bed of conditions with Airbus Military S.L. ready for dubbed by the customer. In the course of this the German Aerospace Center DLR. The ex- contract signature. eb

EADS Military Aircraft has built an A400M generic simulation cockpit to enable the fastest possible develop- ment of the TMLLF capability.

System), which lie within the responsibility of the ACMT MIT (Military Integrated Team) based in Ulm. The team in Ottobrunn, mostly consisting of members of the Aircraft Systems center of competence, provides the engineer- ing expertise as well as skills in functionalities and system design for definition and proto- type development of the interfaces to the other aircraft systems. Further tasks of this the ground. The pilot can intuitively grasp the control calculations in a realistic scenario. In team include transforming the developed flight path by consulting a head-up display, this way, the system design can be checked functions into flight software, which is imple- which shows the route ahead in the form of a and the further development laid down at an mented on specially dedicated hardware. “tunnel in the sky”. These functions have been early stage, before the actual validation takes developed as a result of the operational place in the Airbus simulators at Toulouse. TMLLF is not the only EADS Military Aircraft requirements laid down in conjunction with This means that the development work can be share in the A400M. The Business Unit is also German Air Force pilots. carried out in a much more efficient manner. responsible for the navigation system, which operates on the basis of a terrain database. In Long before the first A400M takes off, it will This process runs in close conjunction with the addition, EADS Military Aircraft provides a be possible to simulate the first Terrain Mask- Aircraft Components Management Team significant portion of the A400M's airframe. ing Low Level flight. EADS Military Aircraft in Systems (ACMT Systems) of Airbus France The rear fuselage and the cargo door of the Ottobrunn has built an A400M generic simula- located in Toulouse. ACMT Systems defines, A400M are developed in Ottobrunn and built tion cockpit (Munich Generic Transport Simu- develops and tests all systems of the A400M in Augsburg. These are two extremely chal- lator) to enable the fastest possible develop- and provides the formal test environment for lenging components since the cargo door and ment of the TMLLF capability. This cockpit, TMLLF verification. Sole exceptions are the the associated ramp – the latter a French com- which is very similar to the original, allows the DASS (Defensive Aids Sub System) and ponent – must be capable of opening in mid- engineers to test the screen displays and flight M-MMS (Military Mission Management flight to enable airdrops. eb Mforum_ILAmai04engl 29.04.2004 14:29 Uhr Seite 8

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Representatives from EADS and the Air Force Academy celebrated the record.

STAYING POWER AND RELIABILITY: THE C-101 FLEET SETS NEW RECORD IN SPAIN Training aircraft reach 176,000 flight hours

THE SPANISH AIR FORCE C-101 Aviojet June 1977, when the first prototype carried wing. It is a single robust component with an basic training aircraft broke an historic record out the inauguration flight during an act advanced profile for enhanced strength and at the General Air Force Academy on March 12: presided over by HM King . low aerodynamic resistance. All these charac- the aircraft, called E-25 Mirlo, exceeded teristics result in excellent flight characteristics 176,000 hours of flight, thus overtaking the The production contract for the first 60 units and agility. Good proof of this is provided by training aircraft Bücker, named after its was placed in July 1978, and in 1980 the the “Patrulla Águila” aerobatics team, whose designer. The C-101 Aviojet fleet has now Spanish Air Force acquired 28 additional basic spectacular demonstrations of the C-101's logged up the most flying hours in the Aca- training aircraft. During the same year CASA capabilities are renowned. demy. 176,000 hours means approx. 7,000 delivered the first four units to 793 Squadron days – or 20 years – of flight. at the General Air Force Academy based at Today's C-101 differs from the original aircraft San Javier, Murcia. because of several important modifications, The history of the C-101 is quite including the installation of more long. The aircraft was designed powerful engines, the replace- almost 30 years ago to satisfy the ANOTHER RECORD-BREAKING FEAT: ment of metallic parts with Spanish Air Force requirement to THE FAST DEVELOPMENT OF THE C-101 carbon fiber components and the reduce the training hours with incorporation of the Head-Up operational aircraft such as the Display (HUD). Mirage III, F-5 and Mirage F1 and to replace Students of the Academy are familiarized with the T-6 Texan and HA200 Saeta that were the C-101 during the fourth year of their Since the beginning of the program, EADS starting to become obsolete. They needed a career, provided they have passed several Military Aircraft in Spain has manufactured new training aircraft with all the available tech- theoretical subjects and have participated in a 151 C-101 aircraft, which are operated not nology, improvement and enhancement capa- selective flight course on the E26 Tamiz. After only by the Spanish but also the Chilean, bilities, and an optimized cost-efficiency ratio. 140 training flight hours on the C-101, the Jordanian and Honduran Air Forces. To date, CASA responded to those demands with an student qualifies as a Spanish Air Force pilot. the C-101 has logged up a total of more than innovative and at the same time simple design. This is the stage when the pilot can specialize 461,000 flight hours. sdm This aircraft was to become the first trainer to fly fighter aircraft, transport aircraft or heli- designed by the Spanish Industry, albeit in copters at the respective Spanish Air Force collaboration with other companies like MBB, centers at Wing 23, GRUEMA, and Wing 78. the predecessor of Dasa that with CASA is now The flight capabilities of the C-101 play a merged into EADS, and Northrop Grumman. decisive role in preparing the pilots for transfer to the operational conversion units (OCU). The C-101 program received the go-ahead in 1975, when a first contract was signed for the The C-101 is a single-engine, twin-seat aircraft production of four prototypes and specific with an elevated rear seat that provides better structural elements. CASA project offices at visibility. A main design feature is the straight Getafe and Seville cooperated in the develop- ment. This and the test process lasted less Spanish pilots have trained on the than two years – a remarkable record – until C-101 for three decades. Mforum_ILAmai04engl 29.04.2004 14:29 Uhr Seite 9

Mforum Special Edition May 2004 09 Programs Technologies Strategy and Goals History Miscellaneous

ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION The hydraulics test facility is located in a room equipped with an elaborate FROM THE VERY BEGINNING leak detection system. The oil quality Environmental compatibility in the development of military aircraft is constantly checked.

SEPARATION OF WASTE, reduction in the scope of a research project, investigations are amounts of paper used, collection of recycl- thus being made into substitutes for metallic able materials – all measures that benefit the and polymer finishes – resins, for example. environment. But environmental protection The initial trend: instead of a global substitute at EADS Military Aircraft goes far beyond this, material, there will be different substitutes in particular at the Ottobrunn site, where from component to component. research and development activities predomi- nate. The so-called eco-audit, first conducted How suitable are fuel cells for on-board power in 2002, confirms the special commitment of generation? This question is being dealt with this site to environmental protection, which by predesign engineer Mario Hertzog along plays a prominent role in all phases of aircraft with colleagues and the Corporate Research development and also in the test facilities. Center. “Modern aircraft require more energy, for example for the operation of sensors,” he In the material- and energy-saving design of says. Here, the use of fuel cells is seen as an aircraft structures, for example. Among other environmentally friendly solution since they things, the research efforts concentrate on only need hydrogen and oxygen to produce special lightweight designs achieved through energy. Oxygen is provided by the surround- the increased use of carbon fiber composite ing air. As far as the hydrogen is concerned, (CFC) materials. “Here, we can draw upon a Hertzog says: “One approach is to find a way patent of our own,” says Claus Hamm, Special of drawing hydrogen from kerosene via a Adviser in the Surface Protection and Non- reformer.” Metallic Materials department. “The VAP technique is a resin infiltration process that But from the future back into the present, allows CFC components to be produced in an where the amount of electronics aboard energy-saving way.” Components produced in modern fighter aircraft is growing all the time. this way will act as sidewalls for the flaptracks And the associated environmental problems of the A380. are not being forgotten. “We are increasingly installing electronic systems of modular But environmental protection also involves the design,” explains Dr. Herbert Klenk, Senior selection of ecologically compatible materials Manager Embedded Computing. “Whereas and surface finishes. “One of our aims is to previously a complete unit had to be replaced, achieve the greatest possible reduction in the nowadays just individual modules can be use of cadmium and chromates in corrosion substituted.” This reduces the amount of elec- protection,” says Horst Haslach, Project Man- tronic waste and also the customer's con- ager for Technology Management. Within the sumption of material. A further improvement: Continued on page 10 Mforum_ILAmai04engl 29.04.2004 14:29 Uhr Seite 10

10 Mforum Special Edition May 2004 Programs Technologies Strategy and Goals History Miscellaneous

Continued from page 09 more and more special equipment is now free The use of hydraulic oil ensures that the test of heavy metals. facilities run smoothly. “It is the oil that makes MAJOR ROLE FOR our test rigs one of the few facilities here on ENVIRONMENTAL The biggest contribution to protection of the site that are subject to special environmental PROTECTION AT SITES environment is currently being made by protection measures,” explains Wolfgang Sigl, modern simulation processes. Aircraft noise Senior Manager Integration Facilities. “To pro- Protection of the environment is an and exhaust emissions are avoided by con- tect the ground water we have, among other important issue throughout EADS ducting more and more flight tests and trials things, equipped the rooms with oilproof floor Military Aircraft. The Augsburg, Man- as simulations, in particular for specification surfaces and an elaborate leak detection ching, Getafe and Ottobrunn sites are and verification purposes in the equipment system.” And, it goes without saying, resources certified according to the environ- and system development phases. At Otto- are used sparingly. “We check the oil quality in ment management standard DIN EN brunn, there are flight simulators and test rigs our laboratories. As long as the oil does not ISO 14001. In addition, the German available for such tasks on the hydraulics and exceed a set limit, it is re-used,” says Maximilian sites also participate in the EU’s Eco- flight control systems. In “virtual flight tests”, Schrödinger, who oversees the operation of Management and Audit Scheme flights are carried out on the simulator and the the flight control and hydraulics test facilities. (EMAS). system test rigs are fed with the flight data One of his tasks is to instruct staff who use the from the simulator. In this way, flight tests are test facilities in all matters relating to environ- simulated under near-real conditions on the mental protection – from the proper sorting of test rigs. recyclable materials through to correct behavior in an emergency. gef EXTREME MANEUVERS DOWN TO THE LAST DOT Target-oriented: EADS Military Aircraft's development of the flush air data system, FADS

IN FADS (FLUSH AIR DATA SYSTEM), EADS Military Aircraft has within only seven years developed a completely new air data system and subjected it to practical trials on the X-31 experimental aircraft. Along with the so-called VECTOR program, the FADS trials ended in April 2003 with the spectacular world's first ever thrust-vectored automatic short landings at attack angles of up to 24°.

Research on the new air data system had begun back in 1996. The aim had been to de- monstrate the feasibility and suitability of an air data system that is integrated flush with the outer surface of an aircraft. Working together with the company Nord-Micro, EADS Military Aircraft developed for this purpose a mini- The team with the X-31 in Patuxent River. sensor comprising twelve individual tiny sen- During ILA 2004, the experimental aircraft can be seen in Berlin. sors that can be integrated into the nose tip of an aircraft. The sensors measure the surface Mach number, altitude, angle of attack and manner. ESTOL stands for Extremely Short pressures at various points around the nose tip angle of sideslip. Take-Off and Landing. The team from EADS and from these values they calculate all the Military Aircraft pressed quickly ahead with parameters needed for modern flight control: And the right test bed for FADS was found, the FADS project and in May 2002 there was a too: the X-31, which can cover extreme flight premiere: the first takeoff with FADS integrat- A mini-sensor with maxi performance. envelopes during post-stall maneuvers. This ed into the nose tip of the X-31. aircraft was reactivated in 2000 for the German- American VECTOR program conducted at This was crowned with success: in the stepwise Patuxent River in the Federal State of Mary- flight test campaign proving the functional land, USA. VECTOR stands for Vectoring capability of FADS, with the correct and reliable Extremely Short Take-off and Landing Tailless calculation of all air data parameters in the ex- Operation Research. The X-31 having demon- treme flight envelopes. The range covered strated its extreme maneuverability in the was from extremely low dynamic pressures at early nineties, in this new test phase there low flight speeds (Mach 0.2) and very steep followed the so-called ESTOL flight tests, angles of attack of up to 70° (post-stall regimes) which the FADS trials supplemented in an ideal via the conventional flight envelope for normal Mforum_ILAmai04engl 29.04.2004 14:29 Uhr Seite 11

Mforum Special Edition May 2004 11 Programs Technologies Strategy and Goals History Miscellaneous

Spectacular landing maneuvers were performed in April 2003.

jets of a roughly 4° angle of attack at, for up to the expected flight loads without damage Even if a few development steps are still example, Mach 0.85 through to the transonic or defect. necessary before FADS is mature for series Mach 1 and supersonic Mach 1.2. production, the system already displays a Building on the experience gathered from the development status that may be judged as Not only was the air data sensor itself developed first test flights with FADS installed aboard an close to that required for series production. but also a new FADS computer with real-time F-4 Phantom over the years 1997 to 2002, the Through this project, EADS Military Aircraft capabilities for deployment on the X-31. This decisive flights were conducted without fault has successfully demonstrated that it is possible unit, which was based on commercial-off-the- in the years 2002 and 2003. FADS delivered to develop a complete new air data system, shelf components, had the task of processing extremely precise data, both in the conven- including the hardware, algorithms and soft- the raw pressure data supplied from the twelve tional and in extreme flight envelopes. Even ware, within a space of seven years. FADS has pressure sensors by the FADS in the nose tip. though the FADS model tested is merely a proved its full functionality and the reliable This FADC (Flush Air Data Computer) was prototype, it already operates to degrees of and accurate calculation of all air data over the capable of making parallel calculations simul- precision that are typical of present-day air whole flight envelope, including the supersonic taneously using two different algorithms for data equipment available from the industry. range and extreme flight attitudes. eb/dan air data determination and saving these to- gether with the uncalibrated raw FADS data from a test flight. In this process, for the first STEP BY STEP: THE WAY TO PRECISION time neuronal networks were successfully used in addition to the previously developed Start of a study on the development of a conventional algorithm. Through a kind of Flush Air Data System (FADS) 1996/97 self-learning pattern recognition these features Development of the FADS Demonstrator A and provided an extremely fast and quasi-automa- first flight trials on the F-4 Phantom 1997/98 tic FADS calibration. Thanks to this process, in the course of the flight trials it was possible to Project funding by the German government 1998 – 2003 very quickly adapt the calibration to the X-31's Start of the VECTOR program, within the scope of which the more increasing flight envelope and to immediately advanced FADS Demonstrators B and C were developed 2000 test this on board. First flight of the most advanced version, the FADS Demonstrator C, on an F-4 Phantom October 2001 The main system components FADS and FADC had been thoroughly checked prior to their First flight of the FADS Demonstrator C on the thrust vector use in flight. There had been tests covering controlled X-31 May 2002 sensor hysteresis, electrics (including testing First post-stall flights of the FADS Demonstrator C January 2003 of how the sensor head heater may influence First transonic and supersonic flights of the the sensor electronics), vibration, lightning FADS Demonstrator C on the X-31 March 2003 strike and electromagnetic compatibility. All the items of equipment were more or less First flight of the FADS real-time computer FADC on the X-31 April 2003 “hand-made” unique units, and they all stood Mforum_ILAmai04engl 29.04.2004 14:29 Uhr Seite 12

12 Mforum Special Edition May 2004 Programs Technologies Strategy and Goals History Miscellaneous

TORNADO GOES HEAD OVER HEELS Modified outdoor range enables optimum positioning of antennas

BACK IN JUNE 2001, one of the world’s most powerful facilities for measuring the radar signature of aircraft was brought into operation by EADS Military Aircraft at the site of the Bundeswehr Technical Center WTD 61 in Manching. The main features of this RCS Outdoor Range (RCS = radar cross section) are the turntable capable of lifting maximum loads of 75 tonnes to a height of 13 meters, re- flector antennas measuring two by five meters and a variable measuring distance of up to three kilometers. Particularly the lifting facility now enables a further use of the installation: the realistic analysis of antennas on the origi- nal aircraft.

For the developers this signifies a quantum ments by employing several new radar warn- called positioner – had to be designed and leap as previously measurements could often ing antennas that work in different visual and constructed. This not only enables the Tornado only be conducted on individual antennas frequency ranges. To guarantee protection to be placed on the installation and rotated by under laboratory conditions. This meant that from all directions, they are mounted on the 360 degrees or pitched at 28 degrees as before: the positioning of antennas on the aircraft was vertical fin as well as the fuselage underside of in upright and inverted flight attitude it can also usually determined by empirical values. The Tornado. be tilted by up to 90 degrees around its lateral correct functioning of the solution selected axis. The Tornado rolls head over heels! then had to be tested in extensive flight tests. Since the “lifting platform” of the RCS facility at Manching had already proved its worth, it What sounds lightweight in theory is in fact a Within the scope of the national TDASS stood to reason that it should also be used for complex installation that weighs 44 tonnes (Tornado Defensive Aids Subsystem) program more accurate measurements of the radar with maximum ballast and can still be control- to enhance the performance of the Tornado sensors. However, before the entire suite led to an accuracy of under a tenth of a de- self-defense system, EADS Military Aircraft is could be “illuminated” – i.e. exposed to radar gree. The installation's own weight limits the for the first time pursuing a different path. waves – in undisturbed conditions over large size of the objects to be analyzed through RCS This update program incorporates improve- angular ranges, a special mounting – the so- measurements. At an elevation of 70 degrees Mforum_ILAmai04engl 29.04.2004 14:29 Uhr Seite 13

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A Tornado on the Manching signature measurement facility. Testing started on April13th. The measuring will probably be finished end of june.

they may nevertheless weigh up to 20 tonnes. experience in verification techniques over a Because the number of antennas in an aircraft Even at 90 degrees, the weight may still be 15 period of more than three decades. They are increases from one generation to the next and tonnes. This makes the facility by far the most firmly entrenched in an overall concept of also established aircraft types such as Tornado powerful of its kind in Europe and the only technological competencies that embraces are being fitted with more and more sensors one to combine radar signature verification the development of stealth concepts, the under upgrade programs, these capabilities and antenna installed performance capabil- camouflaging of components and objects, the will continue to gain importance in the future. ities. In addition, the extended fre- Expertise is also called for outside quency range now covers frequen- THE ANALYSES SET NEW STANDARDS the military field. For example, cies from 0.5 to 40 GHz. the electromagnetic characteris- IN MEASUREMENTS tics of the single-aisle Airbus Several measurement cycles of 12 A319 have been determined and, days each are envisaged for the current performance of signature measurements and more recently, the interior of the four-engine measurement campaign. The Tornado will be the development of an efficient electromag- long-haul A340 was analyzed. In this case, the on the turntable twelve hours a day. Degree netic simulation. In particular simulation allows task in question was to ensure that a proposed by degree, the aircraft is moved and illuminat- large, complete equation systems with over wireless LAN – a radio network for laptops – ed in thousands of single steps in the three four million unknowns to be solved by the fast could also be operated without interfering frequency ranges highband, midband and multipole method for the purpose of antenna with the airliner’s electrical or electronic lowband. In this way, the wavelengths of field analyses. This enables the major char- systems. Due to the large number of objects in potential enemy radars are covered. During acteristics of antennas, e.g. their mutual com- the passenger cabin of a commercial aircraft, these trials, the positioning of individual patibility or interaction with the aircraft plat- the somewhat complex shapes of seats and antennas is checked to ensure best-possible form, to already be determined at the design hand luggage compartments, as well as the performance during Tornado's coming years stage. Jürgen Kruse, Head of Signature Tech- diverse materials, a simulation by the finite of service. The measuring distance plays a role nology, observes: “EADS Military Aircraft difference method with tens of millions of un- here. Far-field conditions can be provided. masters the whole development chain for knowns was necessary. Further customers This means that the radar beam strikes the ob- antenna positioning, from simulation through who profit from the antenna analysis expertise ject head-on, as in a real scenario. to measurement.” of the Bremen team include the German mili- tary and civil air traffic control authorities. However, several other advantages of the modified facility at Manching make a signifi- Whether the tasks are civil or military, EADS cant contribution to the overall result. The Military Aircraft occupies an excellent position conducted analyses not only set new stan- for tackling the challenges of the future. The dards in measurements carried out on actual next steps have already been marked out. All aircraft, but also in terms of cost-effective- active and passive antennas of the Mako High ness. For example, no more than two persons Energy Advanced Trainer (HEAT) and Light are required to operate the outdoor range and Combat Aircraft (LCA) have already been perform measurements. By comparing this simulated. And in Manching the interferences with the costs of several flight campaigns of a between the individual antennas of Tornados twin-jet fighter, an idea can be gained of the have already been measured. hjl savings to be made. And this is not even allowing for the fact that a pilot's control of his aircraft in flight is nowhere near as precise as the settings that can be selected on the lifting platform.

The responsibility for the campaign lies with a EADS Military Aircraft masters team – which is working in Bremen – from the the whole development chain Engineering section of EADS Military Aircraft. for the positioning of antennas The team has continuously broadened its – including the measuring. Mforum_ILAmai04engl 29.04.2004 14:29 Uhr Seite 14

Mforum Special Edition May 2004 Programs Technologies Strategy and Goals History Miscellaneous


The EuRAM wings are tested in a wind tunnel.

structure is to be exploited in innovative design concepts in order to ensure optimum efficiency for different flight conditions and loads. The aim is to increase the performance and investment value of an aircraft.

EADS Military Aircraft carried out preliminary investigations in 1995. Subsequently, a con- sortium of 15 partners from nine countries was formed. Since 2002, this consortium has developed a number of concepts within the scope of a project funded by the European Union. Five partners originate from research facilities, from universities and from the industry respectively. The project, which at EADS Military Aircraft is coordinated by Johannes Schweiger, is due to run for a period of three years. THE STRUCTURE OF AN AIRCRAFT is not ditional weight, with consequent limitations completely rigid; it changes its shape in flight. to the flight envelope or performance. 3AS is investigating three groups of design The net weight of the structure, the fuel concepts. Firstly: active elastic deformation of stored in the wings and aerodynamic forces all Aeroelastic effects are as old as powered flight the structure using new types of control sur- cause deformations. During flight, the wing itself. The Wright brothers intuitively took face that generate the desired aerodynamic tips of a long-haul aircraft are distorted by advantage of elastic wing deformation to characteristics. Secondly: elements of variable several degrees, but even the smallest de- additionally control their aircraft via the roll stiffness in which aerodynamic surfaces, for formation can dramatically affect the aero- axis. In subsequent aircraft, aeroelastic insta- example tail units, are installed. Thirdly: dynamic qualities. This aeroelastic behavior bility increasingly became a problem. The structurally integrated elements of variable was hitherto seen as a disadvantage, since heavier and faster the aircraft, the worse the stiffness. structural deformation can have a negative aeroelastic problems became. effect on the aerodynamic characteristics. In order to cater for the widest possible spec- This, in turn, may reduce the effectiveness of Aeroelastic phenomena cannot be prevented. trum of aircraft, these concepts are being control surfaces or tail units. This insight is the starting point for the investigated on four aircraft types: a four- European research project “Active Aeroelastic engine wide-body transporter, a commuter At high speeds, the structure is endangered Aircraft Structures” (3AS). 3AS intends to jet, a high-altitude unmanned aircraft and a by so-called flutter instability. In extreme cases exploit precisely these aeroelastic reactions small remote-controlled model aircraft. To a the strong forces that emerge in fractions of a to improve aircraft performance. The first large extent, the 3AS team is making use of second are capable of destroying the structure. European project in this field is now focused existing configurations, previous theoretical These phenomena must be investigated on investigating new aircraft designs – already studies and aeroelastic wind tunnel models. during the design of an aircraft. The solution is a subject of research in the USA for many usually to strengthen the material of which the years. The interaction between external aero- A major partner in wind tunnel tests is the structure is composed. This results in ad- dynamic forces and the elastic behavior of the Russian TsAGI Institute, which has developed Mforum_ILAmai04engl 29.04.2004 14:29 Uhr Seite 15

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The aeroelastic behavior of the EuRAM model is analyzed in a wind tunnel.

Picture below, right: A multi- national team is researching aeroelastic phenomena.

and approved almost all Russian-built aircraft ed with the aid of control surfaces to achieve In the last few years, work to develop con- over the past 80 years. The Moscow institute optimal aerodynamics,” says Schweiger. Due cepts with variable structural stiffness has also provided, for example, the aeroelastic wind to deformation, the effectiveness of conven- involved so-called “smart” materials. Used tunnel model of a wide-body aircraft and sup- tional ailerons on the trailing edge of a wing is structurally in aircraft, these materials do not plied the partners with the respective analysis reduced as airspeed increases. In contrast, the remain simply passive, they can be actively de- models. The final tests in a large wind tunnel control surfaces developed by 3AS, located formed, similar to a muscle, by the application at TsAGI are scheduled for 2004. on the leading edge of the wing, deform the of energy – for example electrical current. wing thereby increasing the force exerted. Among other things, the aim is to enable the The 3AS wind tunnel model was built to a structure to actively assume control functions. modular design, enabling not only new design In general, the aeroelastic effects intensify However, only rather meager results can be concepts to be tested but also allowing the with increased airspeed – in a both positive achieved with “smart” materials. The reason tunnel to be employed in future aeroelastic and negative sense. A further 3AS concept for this is that the lightweight design required experiments. The European Research Aero- being tested by EADS Military Aircraft has the for aircraft construction necessitates rigid elastic Model (EuRAM) is constructed to a advantage that it is highly effective even at low structures and materials that can only be scale of 1:10 and has a span of 5.7 meters. speeds. This concept is being tested on the deformed to a limited extent and with an Previously, no models of this type – or even EuRAM vertical tail surfaces. The conventional extremely high expenditure of energy. the accompanying analysis data – had been tail unit with rudder, rigidly attached to the The so-called “Selective Deformable Structures” concept pursues a different path. Here, the appropriate geometric configuration of struc- tural components simultaneously enables substantial deformation with low energy expenditure as well as effective transmission of force. This would allow the control surface function to be integrated into the wing struc- ture without the occurrence of kinks or gaps that would disrupt the aerodynamics.

In the autumn of 2003, the 3AS partners sub- mitted their interim report to the EU in Prague. available in Europe for joint research projects. fuselage, has been replaced by a smaller tail It was evident that the concepts under investi- The modular wind tunnel model permits unit consisting of one surface only that is gation have the potential to considerably simultaneous testing by several 3AS partners. attached to the fuselage in a manner that improve aircraft of the future. Some concepts The first test phase in the wind tunnel con- allows it to twist. To ensure that its effective- could already be implemented today and firmed theoretical findings and identified the ness in terms of lateral stability and controlla- tested in flight, while others may require improvements that may be expected. bility is identical to that of a large tail unit, its detailed investigations and development mounting provides for a variable degree of work. All of these new concepts will doubtless “A focal point of research at EADS Military stiffness. This optimum configuration genera- make a valuable contribution towards meeting Aircraft is the design of wing concepts in which tes the required force at all speeds. the oldest challenges encountered in aircraft the elastic deformation of wings can be adjust- design. eb Mforum_ILAmai04engl 29.04.2004 14:29 Uhr Seite 16

As of April 2004 to Berlin for the event. Eurofighter and Mako mock-ups from hangarthe Aircraft of the German Museum in Munich X-31 will be at the open-air display, having been brought the public. This year, the experimental legendary aircraft and competencies to both trade visitors and members of will Aircraft displayprograms, its litary projectsimportant from today, tomorrow and beyond.” In Berlin, EADS Mi- aerospace products with the “trends and technology the organizers, the Airshow will present state-of-the-art in Berlin 2004 is looking toILA the future. According to ILA 2004 IN 2004 BERLIN ILA EXHIBITS TRENDS AND TECHNOLOGY FROM TODAY AND TOMORROW 2 1 3 Entrance, Services Entrance, Services International Exhibitors Space Flight ance at ILA 2004 in Berlin 2004 alongside ance the at other ILA Business security. will Aircraft make EADS Military a joint appear- The EADS will stand focus on the topics of defense and and land at Fighter in Wing 73 Laage near Rostock. feld will come from the German Air Force. It will take off year in which the toaircraft be seen over Berlin-Schöne- treme maneuvers in display.the flight This is the first Me 109 and Ju 52. The Eurofighter will its show ex- off will be on display alongside historic such aircraft as the 4 6 5 International Exhibitors Conference Center Career Center Press Center, Education and display. UCAV (Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle) will be on Tornado, Mako (wind tunnel model), the X-31 and a scenario. In addition, 1:8 scale models of the Eurofighter, realityties. The cockpit virtual is integrated into this lation) an offers insight into network enhanced capabili- the NETCOS facility (Network Centric Operations Simu- Business Unit's exhibits. With its interactive workstations, The Mako simulator will be one Aircraft of the Military Units within the Defence and Security Systems Division. 9 8 7 International Exhibitors International Exhibitors International Exhibitors 10 12 11 Helicopters General Aviation International Exhibitors