494 ADDITIONAL ll'SS., 21,661- 21,666. AODI'l'IONAL MSS., 21,667- 21,SL

19 Apr . 116~, at f. 13 ; and a letter· from Lieut. Fraucis Hutcheso n 21,667. CO\'its <>fre ports of t.be-at~(e of t;'Uvemwcnt of Q.uebec, in to Ca.ptain Tbom,u, Var)o, &dminititrators; P,en$1oola., 1 Oc.t 1766 , 17-62; an{! of Three .lll\'er:J and Mont;rea.l, i11 l 763; rendertd by th E) al f. 14. l'•por. Oblong Quart,.,. r~J)(:ctiveCo ..·en1ors, Gener.1liiJ,untti Murra.y, Sir H;.llpb Burton, 21,661-21,892. 1'bo official corrospon deu<'O and papen of Lieut.­ ond Hou. Tboroas Ga.ge. Paper . .Folio. Geuerol Sir Frede'rick Haldimand, K.B., commanding o.t v~tious p06t.sin ?forth America. and afterwards Goveroo·r of the ProviDce 21,668. Tiv.?

21,662-2 1,665 . Co&KW'Olfl)~C&o f General R•ldilhaod witb Oencxa l Predt l'i(ik $.mytb. C.bicf Ju.1.c6 ot NEW )d'11flr l$&Q. lbmHron, lSth Rfitt. : Hon. 'l'hom~ Gago, Corumandc-r-in-Chief in North Ameri<:a, on J-,ri'ly: d~t Petth •At:a.boy, ~ Aug. Amboy, u )fo y, 1774, r. Ha. milital'y ;\fairs; 1758-1777. In fou r vo1umee. Original letten:1 1r.a. r.6t •. Skphcn r • .A,tye, Deputy Jlfllo-o Ad­ and drafu:, written during General l:laldimatul's oomma.nda at tho Colooet&!mud Ck:..•elaud: Urun.swtd,, ,.«aUt; Awb.>y, 2s Jtfoy, 1n4, t. following pfa.oe!I::- 6 0:; 1..1n s. r.s t. H S. Pap<.,, Foli o. 21,662. Vol. I. 1J'hree Rivore, in Lower Canad~; 1758-1766. At tho end of tbi,s volume ar<>somo letters from Gooc.r~lGo.go to Colonel 21,671, 2.1,672. 0,nRl'$f'ON.OR~CE of Genera l R.lldimaod (IUd BrigtJdier• 'Witli:lm 1.'ayle·r, Ac-Ling lbig1.1dier-Genor-J.lttt Pcosa.co)a; Flo ri da, ,,, General 1J'ayJer, Comm;l1.~dc.ror the Forces in ls'lorida, vdth Yt\riou.'I 1766. ,..I (,,..,~ pen,oua, and other papers 1el~tiui; to Indian a.fflirs; 176~1'1N. 1 21,663. Vot. II. Pen .. cola,; 1706- 1768. ~ Two vo)umea. Paper. Fol io. 21,664. VOL, III. SI. Augustino, Fmida, 1769- 1770. 21.671. VOL, J. 1. L(>l,t.orsto BrigadicT General Tayler, fro1n- 21.66.6. VoL. IV. Peni(t..001.aAnting Coroma11d~r-iu.Chief during t-he a.bsence 13 AUg . 176(;, $p<1n. J. 8, 03. 17GG-Apr. li'67 , ft 27, H, 70, JOO, l?ra1.lt!4t'()lQllett ~ ).{ol,iJe, 17 J1.1t1ie l7G6, of Genera.\ Gago. 1 102,1 10,202. f. H>. WiJliMn Ir,i:nt; llobile, Aug .--Oc:t. PApcr. Folio. Oh, $tullrl, l>cputy Superintendent f">f 17CG, ff. 3~, 7!$1 BS. 21.666 . CORREZSro.N'DE~C-Bof Oe:oea-al llllldimand witb- Indian Affaii11: Mc.bile, J uui:, 17CG­ Li,cul•, J(lbo Rltcby; F(lrt Toml,,«itcbr, 1 . BrigadiorMGenora.lJ ohn Stanwix, oomma nding tbcOamp. Gc>vernor'g Ma, . 1787, 6. 11) '90, 188.. &pt.. 17GG--.M31. 1761, ff. i'l• IOt, 112, Jt.lQ ('M G.irtnlllly; Mookoloaste, •rowu, 123, lv.8, 172. lsland, »oor J\ow Yo r1,, etc.; Aug. 1756-Mar . 1708. 28 June, 1766. E . Up,dt'rt\ Cc.mwie1111ty(<-¢ tJ1~Ch.c,. '2.Lie.ut.•Co1onol James Robert60ni New York, e.tc..1 Doo. 17S7~Jan. Jamee N('oble;SO Junt, 17Gt'l,r. lS. 1.&WNation: Yon Tc.rnbc-ckb1,2.8 li7S. DA.11oi;.il Clark ; J.fobi.h1,18 Julr, 18 Oet. &pt. J7G6,f. 00. 3. Major,Goutlda.; Pea.aotJb., 20 July, 17~ :Eliai, l)uro.fotd; HW.ile, i ~ 1700. 4. Lieut. ,Geueral Bou. Jam ee Murra y, Oovt:rnor of Quobeo: Jnn. ,. 21. r.U 4. 1762-Mar, 1775. JM»b Blac-kwell; Pcmaa.cot., '23 J utr, Joeepb Garro•; Pcr.uia.ooJa.Jfui . 1767, Paper. Folfo. 17CO,t.25. a. 130, 1s1. 111.

mu...S€LLl'1'1 496 ADDITIONAL MSS., 21,671,21 ,672. ADDITIONAT.ll:ISS., 21,673, 21,674, Utui . Willi.am Pi(;rio: KiDpto•o, '2 JkClleaChi8ll!IOJ:m: >fobile, H )[a.r. 1767, >Ju .. 1767, f. Hif,. (. IO(). J uhl:l 1'hooiu_ Dr:puty 80}l\."'rinknde-11t. l);).-IJ 'l'nil~ to P~·tcrCL.cater, UoY«Mr J0etpb Prioc, Aui.scl&tlt8urg~ to the rcw th• MiiWlliir,pi, to Hoo. Jot,n P, Reil1; 17 Mar . 17671 t. 201. of Flflrido,. dat. UU,lc:•ta.lJaabic, Uru.rii..l; t'ort 8 11•:r. 17&7. £. w(;,t I,. Butei Gh nut and P. Chau.vet:Colon,; 01mp• Stuin e.t1d .000 Crnega A111out.ga; lao. 177-1,tf, 110, 176- I 183. r" bellt.o,rn : a-.d-,f . US. 1-'ortHuk,., °">c· 1771, tt. 27, 3~. _,, I 2. Addl'~1msor the Hou~ of .AS&emb1ytt1 Sir J~unc&\Vrigh~ 2. Let.t,ers: 1o General Haldimand, when commanding in ~ ,r 11l ,I Yo from- ---- Govern or of Georgia; 9 Mar. 1774, Jr. 22:7, 229, Hoo-. Jolin Slaart . Suptriotend<>ui or Cb.. Stuart., l>@puty SupEtiut.c:ndaentof 21,673. CoRit&.V'08D&SCr: ot Gencml Ila ldimand, chiefly with Gover ~ lildian Ji.&i.ra for tbo Soutbe1u Di~ [11db1lAff'11.i.tt: Pen1111.00la., Aug. 1707.. tiil':\ or N~1;.nAme,i.ce,; (,'L.IU'k&Wwn, &-pL liG9. F.,,g ar:td Fr. tt'.237, »Onl of the Provioooe: of Norrh America- fl.ncl other Colonies: 1765- ~(,;,, Ju . 17(;7-Aug . 1768, ff, 133, 2!9, 254, 25-8,266, 2&5,308, SlO. 1774, 1'bc.re are original leu.ors frorn- ns.212, 2,1. 222. !H •· zn. 209. R,,tien F.ic-toor; l•e.tu000l-, S AJ)J'. 1768, O(orgo) 1ohnatoh~ Gr;Yertl()I-q( We11t Ltetit. J'oho t-:tfot, IAeut.•O~w~rN'lr or Wed John Rit.ehy : Fort Tomblgbte, f. 2i9. Florida; 13 Jt1,D , li07, f. 4. ~ Jtin~ 1'707.. 1\lnr, 17-08, ft, 210, Flot:idA {?); Petaaolo., Apt. 1769, fr. llNpafo de b, CAut7$.l8; Hobi.J~ d~, !fo.otfon Dr. 'hyk1 ; $. A.ugttMi~ 1 Aug, 297. fl'. 8, J5, 'l7, 21>,81, M, !Ji, if, 46, 52, rlda: Pt.:1$0018, 1771 ...J77 f, tr. 138, 1767, , . 230. !16,tiO,SG. 08 Ill , 12i , John Dr.idle1: l'ori P11.omurt, 11 Dec., !H, 1 H2 , 228, 2GJ. Bri.gadieMJt:ner&I William T•yl~; $. 1768. t 30:J. Ltwt. -ColoMl JOOo ltd.d: New l'Otk, .Augo~t!tle, Al)g, l767 AFeb. 1;os, ff. Oo-irge J•flH!e B.tu~. Gol\Vn(lrc,f J.lcr.-!-ft,..,, G1.."0rg~ P:t 1)' 1.1.: St. ~;.ugoetin(l 1$ J'.>6e.• 1 June.1767, t. It), 2.'13,23:S, 2 60. 2'71,2'iJ. 1 mudo1.;8 )h. 1. 1773, r. HO. 1768, f. 306. Robert Colli11,Oeputy &creiw,-, de.; 'fbolllM llutchi1J.ll0n,Go,e t1:10tof M...,. l{y, cummanto118VMlo, Ohl. Rcgl. : Pen . Ao!l4po)is, 6 J'uly, 1?7~ O'.170. 6, Ch. Stu:ut to Montford Browne , Licut.-Gov ern or of Wcat Florida; euool~ 1168, ff. SO,102, 115. .-\d3m C-1n11,inght.m, Dtputr•C.Cmmt,. Moblle, 14 Mar. 1767, f. 192, C,pta iQ Ato.hth.ld Rtu:nilton; Pel.'IUl-1J&.cola, «.e.,J768 .. Willilllll Try on., Go,.erno, ()( th& State town, Superinier ,dc.nt. of Jndia.u. Affairs for t.be Sollthero District of ,1 f l7i2, .tY:st., 7~ l22, lU-137, 11;11, ufNf.wlo tk :Sept..-~ 1778,ff. 200~ ; 1?-70-1774. 'With numeroul encloisur~ . Th ero ,,, l.iecut. Georgo Phyn, tle't Rt-gt.: MoLOe, 207, 212-216, 2'21) 22~, t·l3, 10 .&!at.17(;8.J . 67. an also lette rs to Ge nttal lialdim~nd o.nd orhtt1f frcuu- Copt$in AdoJph\14Ocnv;:J ; Crown Poiot., 1 Ot.ptairi P7"1, VlgD(,le,:Pooa.ooJa., 17 68 1 18 Sept-.1773 , f, '211. Cb&rlU; S'luai1t. ~J)Uty 81.11)('rint&ideent. Sit Ja.mc-, W1igh t, &rt., Co,,-erooror fl', 78, J 04, 1.08. o1 India.ii Aft'aiJ•; Mobite, 1770-177¼. Oaptatn J ohn C•Td,-o: Q11ebcc~23 &pl (;(J()rgio,: Sava nnah, 15 J;.'t1b-., 10 Mal' , J OEC!J>b Ai.1.1.man:H-0biJe, 30 Jllll.e. 1768, 1773, t. 217. Fr. t1.odR,-,9 , a. '• 24, ~. ~~~ 2H, 117i, if... 200.,2Sf. f. 80. 27~ J/1"81~11L€gsc,, Go"i:tn~r ot N<>v•SrolJA; John ) foultrit 1 Litut. •Govtt1Uir; St R(lgt,r lfope £11.f:ll&oo:,Lieut..•Oon;roor R11.llt1it, 81 Df)c, 1118, 2JJ. FilzC.oucor• } 'ort Cbarlt.Ue,. 8 nay , t. A\lgvsli.ne-,l 6 F eb. 177f., C.204: , of Jt.mt.fot.: 176~ tr. S.'2. lOO. Sit Jame. W~bt. Be.rt., G1>,eroo,o r nn,r.n Wm.uun Ogilvy, Se<:retaryto Roo. John. J'oho Br,.dlcJ: For, l.'>&0mum,JG &pt. It , Ooorg1a; Sanunah, 18 Apr. 177+, , J1 P(.i4;irCl1ee~r,Goveniott,/W~t FL:)rida: St uarl; C.b.arlut.owt1,Apt. JT'it, 1f. l7G8, r. 100. (. 27~. P~ , 10 N'ar, 1111, r.2a . 259, 261. l'•pcr. Folio. Jobn 1'bomN, DcJ)uly $uperi owraJeflt - Bollsud \o Fte.tu;oi.sMo Ue-r~ lmxat fot the. Mh:ai.Wppi; Fort B-\iot., 1171.,. au Pulemt:nt de Oubei.cho~ du. S. 1;73, ff, l7, }2, 61. GJ, Lou.ii, s M~r.1110. Fr. c.a 21,614. LETM;R--l!IOOKor GeMral fhldimand, ct>mma.ndingin Flori, ltAc: 1768- 1770. P•p0t . Folio. 498 ADDITIONAL MS$., 21,81~21 ,878. ADDIT IONA L MSS., 21,6'111- 21,883. 499 21,876. Lvnus and p&p~rt, relating chiefly to Ordnanoe atr1&.ir,at Ns.g.,., N ... Y.. ., u ,_ ,m I lloldi....d: i.;.g.,.. •~m•, "· P•ct:IO)la. duri11g Oeneral Baldimand•1 comm•nd in Florida: l 76fr f.. 167. l? l - J80, Ul3. Lkot..,()l)loaol J'. Bmit.b to OdOnll The a..uwt t., Major TbotnMI MOQc./cilf•; 1773. The louon. whiel, at& p1iooipa.Uy ~ddn.'t!M;<\to Gencr~I I Mw. 171t, t 181. 111.ldimand.aro from- At the tn d of th• volutno $,J"O oople1, or ordort 1tnt to 1' iagArn; 1174- <'ff!IQfPJc.hoat.oce-.OoTCrao:.tofWt.:iFl•i. Cap11f:i Ed. Croflotl: ren!illc()l•, 13 Ocl. 1778. Paper. FoUo. rida : f'cneacol11.,Ju 1u1-, 1765, ff, l8, ,0, J7tl9,t .11. JoLa Will~ Adjv.Wl1.t Aflillery: 0.ptaia J . Soowtt.EIIJiNer; N- Y•k, SU,879. 0o}l.1UPOIIDJ:~" of Oooer&l n.td i.lJ)and with MNMr,IJ.Dugh Ne • V« li, H M&y, 1766, f. tt. 1771-17731 ff. ltlt, 143, 146. 1219. aod Alexande.r 'Wa11~ , of New York, a nd Georgo ROia and Otay. D11YidW ll.1tg-h, Coot,mla,.nry ft( Wttt L.feu&.John Engt.Dffir: P!. IM, !09. M9ut(<1rt ~ J.,kur..-Oo"'unor of Ben, Pc.111;3 Oct. 1772, f. 151l, lll ,880. u&tTIIM from MAjor Francie Rnkb...,n , or the~ R,gt., to W•l Florida : f'enaM.o)(a.7 J-.:a. 1768, Pettr Obettkr.Oo­ At the eod or tho volume are p1•n• the city and fo1t. of or Ptnuc:oi.. OKcf d.iabttnt.mut• made in tho pub-lie .en;oe,.)- 1 tmd t.o the ironwor k• in thfit di• frict.; prinoipAlly during Oo11eral /l dur ing Oe.noral Ualdi wand' ia commAl)d at Poul!Qcola And St. Augut• Ilaldi,oaad'• command; 1715()-1767. Papu. Folio. Uno in Florida.; l 167-1773 . Papot. Folio. 21,682. P ... .. or tho prooooding,, of courts-morli al hold al Ray'• 21,8'1'7. Rsff. 1'..oHo. 1too.,Oo.- e-mor of We-l Ylorid•; Pen.flcol•. 13 Dec. nae, ff. 122, 12-4;- .Mnjor R1-17S, 17~, 182 ;-LiouL J. Dcputy•Adju lant,-Oen(lr&I Ricllard Mt.ltland: Sir Willian, JohD• Felli>&m,28th Reg1.; Ti-d•mp, 1773, fr. 182. 174. aon, But. ; and General Sir Guy Catletoo, GoYemor ot Quebco; P&.per. Foll(). 1759- 17H, Tho (ollowirig 1eU~n a)IIC)oc;c ur :- 21,883. Guu,L Oa1>1llSaad i .. truetiODt iMuod by Gonual Hoo. Tb omfUIGage, Coo.lmaod er•in-Chi•f; Blob,r d Maitlnocl, Dopu,y-.t\dju~ Major AM'S, l>uean \o Kajar Wakmi; ~-t&ir, T.fl<>•er,En~eet; Ne• Y0tk, fanl•G• nertJ; Colonel Jam.. Robertaoo, Bar ....,k-lt .. ter Oooon,I; Foo. Oaw-10 1 ~ J\l.~e. 1702, r. 1G. u M,u-. 1100, r, 121. Swo\161.Shhiland. a w.~DA.l'J : 2$ 1hr , ~ Prtd trie.k ll.1,IJiu:la.nd\o Li,wt.. Jamte M.umy, Oonrnorof Qqebte; and GoorgoJobNtone, Governor liGS., . 70. Ol!looe1 P Sa.lib. «aaHdtltg ,, of Wtlit Fl orida; 1?63-1777. With eig-natvre,. Paper. Folio. 500 ADDl1'1ONAL )(SS~ tl,88'-21,687 . ADDITIONAL M8S., 21,888- 21,607.

21,884. J . Cop;,, of GoT•m01eut LmM1ctiona to tho Otlioo of On!­ Jto\iotOotdoa,O:maattt..,y:Oot\- , 1778, I &bmt Uu.rrowt•aoilJ , ~l~r : Bu- ...., .. . , Q,,ebec; 1771, f. I. ll. 284, SIS. --, 10 Joly, 1?7G,I. 2n 2. 'freaaury Mi.out&i ngu).&.ting military UJl'f'D.IH io America; 1784- P•por. Folio. 1767. !. 9. 3. Ru]tfl a.nd direetio09: for the go-.-ernmenl- of b&rr&oka in O,mada., 21.688. LEl>OUo! CODtiDgent•atnllta ('Uted by Ge ..... 1 Raid;. maw!, hoJding the chiot ooromand l11North Arneri<1a; Juno, 177$­ ;.oued by General Froc!ericlt Jlald;ll>&lld,Gcr,omo,- of Quebec Jw,., 1774. Paper: Folio. (1777 ?J.r. 13. Paper. Polio. 21,88~1,800. 1,,.., of warranta g,-anl"'1 by Genera.I llaldimarul, holding t!M eb itf coauna nd in North America., tor cont.ingen.t. and 21,885. Co•11,iof aooounto and po,pen rebring to u,., or Loag 1 r...,.. ~ -tr1M>rd~~1n1-._cxeenM.t; 1773-1774. 'l wo•o1u.mc._ Paper. Folio-. lle&do•, iD lw-yland, b.longmg to General llaldima.nd; 1766. Paper. Qoa.rto. ll,89L 1!8oa:rPT-DOO•!or pay0>0nts mado by ordor of Gouerai ll•ldi• tnsnd, holding t.he ohiof (J(U:nma.odin North America; 1773-1 n◄• 21.886. Joou.u..a of voy.ges 11nd ~xploring e.xpedition.e in "tarioue , , , "'< Paper. Small Qoarto. parti of North America ; 17 50-1773. 'l'b.o(oUowb ,:g m&f>Ial"ld plan• oocnu:- 2L,892. C.1.111...lCOOOttr or Major Fn ncis llo.tcbeeon, P•110.uter- LOthe

1. '!'he &Dd,bold;og U.. chief 3. Th& Ouabaoho. from P01iitVinoeot to the Ohio, LieuL Thom.u eo,,,. by oomm&ndinNonh Amorioa; Juno, 17i 3-Sept 1714-. Pa.per. }"olio. Butcluo1; :1768], I. 33. 4. The oountry round Quebec. ai:bowi.ogthe pofiit..i~naof the E»gliib 21,694. Co,,•:riof let.Ion lrom O..neral Haldimand, bold;ng tho ohicl and Fr~nch antuee in the e.opgemen\ btfore Queboo during t.b& command in North Amorica, to John fWbiu$0n, Soorctary to the Fl'Cnc.haiego iu 1760, and • larger plt.n of tho ICUD6 ha.Ult>) Treuory; Jtlly, 1773-July, 1774. With eocl-reo. Paper. Folio. a.Gs, s1. 5. Th•oouotry roond Oollton and 1''ort Detroit. fr. 70, 72. 21,894. CoRJU!/lrosoucBof General Ha.ldim111d,boldu,g tho chief com­ a. '.l'hofort,_ or l'iU.burg, f. 73. maocl in Nonh America, with [William LoggoJE:,,1 of Dorlmou!h, 7. DuporhiOD or forc. 1.. ,0 of aboenooto Gooeral Raldimaud, t 116. !'aper. PolM>. 21,887. 111...,..L..._WBO.. pape,., ..gimental returu, ord•rs, oecountA, 21,898. Coum,oico~cg of Otneral llaldimaural t;ir JeO'->ryAmhtrat; Whit ehall. 20 &pt. 1116, £ 127; by tb6 following pertoo1 :- and Lit:uL...Oe..otral Bdw...-d Ba"oy ; Quota.nd, 24 Sep t. 1777, C.141, PApo,. Folio. U..L no.- a .. u,, ...... ,.1.q.,,,­ Bb,1776. 1"r. L ~ !Tit, I. 120. Ji&-,.. So., ud A iki-..ce, r.Mf'(bi,ate; S..OkYilloJ.s ...... ,;.., of Su.to; [WillilUO W;Jdmao llarriogton] U..t. Taoauai, lhat.ebi "4; R4tCIClitr.. Lon.don, 1776, fr. 263-275. 29-2, 108. Visoounl Barringlon, &cr.tar1•t-Wor; [John Moolol!") Earl o( 0oL 1171,tt. lSO, 1!18, ao..au. S...dwieb, John Boller, •• d s;, llugb P•Ui"'r, Lord• of th& Adm;- )-• I I C

502 ADD('l'IONAL MSS., 21,698- 21,707. A00(1'10NAl, MSS., 21,708-21,116 . 503

ralty; and tho Scorotariee of the Minieten . 11bere are ~tr,o the Bo,rd~~• _,__1780- 1781, ,ignm.. ~.!!l~ ~i~ Secre~r j,~Jt::.W11,r [WiJ1iam \\ 'iJdma.u Ba.1·ringt-00J, 21,698. 0oPlF.S of le Usrs, rrow the Mini.atera to Gonora.1 Si, Ouy c.tJe, . ''Vibconnt Barrington; Char)etJ Je.nld1t$0n (flf!o.rwan:'1$ l-}1rl of Ll\'e r• ton, Governor of Quaboo; 177700 1779. Paper, FoJio. pool) ; Th o.m(M)Townibe nd [ftftctwardc, Visc ount Sydn oy}; Sii· 21,699, 21,700. R»a,m!K of officiallotrors of Geo.era! Sir Guy Carleton, Georgi!>Yonge, But.: &nd C.OloneJ Hou. Richard Fit z..P.atrick ; Oovcrnor of Quebec:; l 77G-1778. Two volume,a. J?;1per. Folio. 1778-1786. Paper. Folio. 21,701. Ooru:s of ordon and i ru;~ueti ontJ from the English Govern• 21,709. Ti~rrl'll:ta to General H"&ld.imand~O ovomor of Quebec, from.- m&nt to General Frederick Baldimand. Go'Veroor of Que,bee; 1778- I. T ho Lord• of th• Admiralty (John llootagu ] B.rl of s;.mrwrch ; 1779. Papor. Small Quarto. Jiihn Bullor;[ W'ifniof';'ii,ighan J &rl of Li,burne; Henry Penton ; Jtobor, Mau: Goorgo Dorby; Bamber G•ocoignc; Ron. Cbarleo _ 21,702. Com.s of lelwrs from General Halclimand, Governor of Quoboe, Francie Grevillo; ao.d[ Richotd llowc ) Viscount (•ftc rwardo farl ] - I -~- Lo~ Cl•~ ge [Sac\:rulo J Germain, Secretary of -~tale; John Bowe: 1778-17ES. /LIl • &binsoo , Soei'ei;;y to the •r,.... ,y; aoi'' I &ndwich, Fir&t Llatingto . Paper. ~olio . "Riob.rooud, 118~. 3. Tho Navy Offloo; •ig.,aby Ad,uir•I Sir ChArloa Middloton, &rt . 21,703, 21,704. LP.l'l•~.. 9.)>J!lLordGeofl,'!. ,L~k.till~} O.,J:lil!li_n(aftor­ [aftet wa.rdt Lord B:uhamj, Comptroller, Sir John William& and warda Viscount &ekv ill.e Secretary of Sta.10,a.nd Vlilliam Knox, l JiJdwQrdBunt, Sun·-oyon1~and othe-ra; 1780 a.nd 1781. bia A.ti.eistant&eratAry, toGeoeral H91dima.nd,Govo rnor of Quobeo; 4. Colooel [afte.rwarpean.&crota rioe of t.ht> ~1iniiteni, and 21,712. R..r.taSU:Ko f lotten tu Ge;.nc.-al Haldima.nd, Governor M William Pollock, Clork of tho Oro-em.for tho Pro'9inco of Quebec, Qu~bec, Crow tlut 1~~·,r ,_; l 78S-l 1f 6 ;-the. B1Jard -0£Trade : l 7A0, and Alexander Da,\•~n. one of the- Lcgis lativo Council of Queboo; 1781 ;- and i llc 6td:na,1ce, Navy, and Admirilt.y Offic~; l179-l 782. l 782-178". 'l'bo ,,9,..lure of Gsorge lll. ia &f!ixodI() an order, 1•aper. Small Q1.1,3r1t). f. 50. Paper. Folio. 21,713. Co.Pu::s<,{ ininisteri~l letten of appointment to the various 21,706, 21,707. Lnm• fromthe T,.,.. ury to Geuenl Ha.ldim&nd, comul&udi held by Of.meral U~ldiwand; 1762-1780 . !' ape~. Governor of Quebec, ,i~ by tho ,ucceasivo &creta.rie6, J ohn Octavo. Rohioe.on, Sir Orey Cooper, Bart-., Richard Burko, Georg6 ll.:,ee., and Thoma• Steele; 1777- 1786. There aro also loltoo! from the 21,714-21,716. RIJQ1Sn'llof let.tor• from Gonerol Haldimaod, Govo,uor of Quoboe,-lo tho Engl ieb--- Mini•try. Arroogcd in cbronologioolorder, 604 ADDITION Al, MS8., 21.n7 -2 1,72$. ADDITIONAL )JBS., 21,'1118. 606

iu ,11,.. volnlllto: Vol. l.,1778-1780; \' ol.lL 1780-1782; Vol llL. Oclooel-Lollou;O.,,..., O.p1aiQV...i~ Rs, 2ht Regt.. ; For~ ti82,...t18t. P•fl(lt• Folio. 29 July, 17$0, r. 36, P•11.row&.1767,d', IM , JS$, 1.57. ll•jor .l:l. de )(uua.r ; O.~ 1750, O&f,kio Jou Re.: LoGdoa..!i 3f.a.r-. 2I,717, 21,718. Rri:113n• of leltors lo tho Mini&1ry £tom Oe .. ral £ 31-41. 1161, t. lt1. Ra.ld.icoaud..wboo Oo•un.or of Q,u,bec, 1778-1784-; and aftt.1 IJi• JAmH :i.rtyriek; Ob.nocil Rffo the l'roTi-, or Quebec; aud by 8. I'. -· ,_,, - to r,,, Adut,lral Wnthun Pt.fry; Ja.maiell.. 1767- / ~ ~ R. B. Lemoult, Adjut.u>t,Gooeral; 1779-178~ PAper. l 'olio. Ju lr, 1762. r. c:o. ~ J . IHuy•N; Tbtt1 Rhe:n.. li62-- 1741,It 171, 2'YI,!09, ..,,_ 176$. Fr. ._ $S, 71, 7$. 21,72~1.72 4. RIAl1S?,:a or mieoelwiooua letlora lo varioag pono1t,. - )brqui..: New Or'6•aa. 17$7..-l'tG&. - AQl..lod:Quc,bcc , 'll S et 171$2. Fr. Y,. If. !?$, 303. froa> Oeoeral Ualdimand, Oovemor of Quebec; 1778, 1788-1786. ,.... 0. If~•: Ke•~ 1761-179' 'l'brce volumes. Paper. Folio. ... -....i O,.p,ilJo, 2~. "8$, B. __ ; ll•ll/u, I ld•y,1766. f. 3. i;,io, \S !ult, 1759, (f, ~ 27. phlo., I S.p<. 17116,t 100. l ll,317 . Un1a.d14:tl'-Ot.1a e.l (Oeorp Augu,4Wt) 0.,W0 Wahe, BllllhorfwJ.; C..pbd:!n _._ u-; 'Pl,i!Ml,lpbi■, 17etl-17Gt, C.pt.alD 8,wod &11'-Dd ; Qu4iboo.!0 \ 't.coc:nl U0<9e; }'o,t l'.4.-lld C..p, N~ U J•l1, 17.st, t. 29 ff, 108, IW, 122, 170, 2'211,Z!jil, Ja.o. 1708, (. 210. • Jur~ 176' r. 10, IOapWQ Alll\o Maclea.ot: Ca.mobet ort 0, ll'llluriA; &le.CW)'"• 0~ l:lee,4,, O.pi,aiaS.lr DMil Kt.lb, R_N', ~. J. Appf, &cN &a.ry: Lake 0~, --, Nt.g..,-. Jta.17,175' .. 31, SJ. qwu....._ ,s o.e.11$1. r.110. bl.ilt.e •· Leno, .. (.rtu•ud• Oonr­ Jl1~l161. Y, . .. It, U, l~ 11. 19, Major W. Bor,q ; N.,..._ 24 ,hit1, Strge11,ol, Ta1»11tO tt : Moutn.•I, 21 lu , oor ol JN-ll'.lal~): J a.a..Jca,. 7 Yeb. 11, 23, S7t. $89,390 , li~t I, 31, 1767, f. U7. 11,18,t 221. 506 ADDITIONAL MS$., 21,728, 21,729. ADDITION AL llSS., 21,729, 21,'130. 507 0-.tooel w . .Op.I; Wt!~IO'l'er,io \ 1btic1i, C. J, 11C.iWo; 'Ne,w O,leu~ 22 Joly 20 Feb. 1768. r. t:al. 1768. F,. (, 315. J-amej Orant, GoTemor (JI i!a,~ Florid$; Lie-ut. llcn. Piloi; SI.-. Aug'CL6tio~,JO f / St.. ,A1igostit:te.,J 77 0, tr. HG, 168, (¢Qetll,I JNnta Adl'llph"& Ou,ghwn; l\f.ej«'rhomaa Whih:o.o,e: S . Augustino, J.'8.1,1n1 1 r. 229. WioWr Fll:r&:io; .New 0r-le&llf, 27 ,July, &linMl-rgL,1168 1 tT. 233, 38a 17G8,tr. 322:,U2 Copt11ln WiUiOJh Oo~iog; St. A11gt1► 7'/ John Rot11; li:t.linbu.ttb, 22: l't:b. 17C$. J.meg On.y, Su.rg()On2161 Ileg-l.; Mo, 171(1,f , 151. tin~ 20 .fulr, 1771, r. 2t5, t, 2". l)ije, 8 Aug, l7G8,, f, 8~H. Ol_pU.:luAreb . Bamilt;i.)I):New York. 2!'.I Oaptahi YulJya.m(ls.; f.o.odoo., 2 .r\1tJr. Au g. 1770, r. 100. Lii.-u1,J~ Wr:igbt: Fort $. ).t*r).:•e, Lo Cbe\.111llt:rd e Noyau: J,oui,til.oo., 18 1770. 11'. f. 248. 1.,. Perraul: N-.:wOrtenn, .S Sc,pl. 1710. Apehc.bl;), H Mar. l768 , r, 24:), Aug. 1768, Fr. f, !HS. 1 ltf•jor AJ,;,.zi:rndct Mackt1:1.zW,~ BL Augui.. '1 I rr. r. 162. Pierw. A, SitiooU; l?or; S. lt'.odt't. l5 J• •i1ic- Durad~; New Ocl~ 20 Avg. ti.ce, 1771, .tr. U<>,26$. )(a,. 1768_,,. 24?'. 0&M'rlll J11,mo, Adolpl1US1011ghtoc1; liG& Fr. t, $,(fi, John !l:lMI"; Ja~ka., 8 OcL 1711, f, ....-:---;;,, &1iob1.1.rgbi,19 Sept. 1110. 164. 1 Lieut. Jnm.t.iUoucl1()r; Cbarl~••i, r.te., C..ptaln Alao Ottrd,,e.r-:•• rreet-0n," Pfoultri0, J.,tect.-Govemcof'(of~ ':1I Aoilrew R~f'll6fc.td: St. Ai.l,g-o;!tine.,21 Lloot, Joho 'l'bomaa; P~~ola, 13 l!.'van Je0ee : New Ot l (lt.oe, It Sept. F1o:rid~): St Auguetine, Ueio. 1771, Ap1. l1t".8,f. 2.38. nc~ r.soo. Oct. 1170. f. 17-t. ff. 2&1,266 , ~ (He-,: Ne,w OrloonEri,1768. }'T. It. Os))l~ta W. On-o'ff'8.lli11, 001nmAt1diogtho Lio ul •Cioloncl M-.u,i 0$ 0-ut; 81. Au• ..) Ca11tdo Willi&tt:a Jenkin. ; SL Au~ •• Ou"cl&h:1ve:" Pe~o i. H1nbour, :a. m. '291. w.. us1. Uri(!,1 Oc>LJ7G8, t. $64.. gtt~lioo, 1771- 1772, ft', ~. 2$5~291. Ptrter f'r&ticklyn; Ji.ma.ie11,,l!'i Mar, I'i"68. l'J'70-l77J, tt. 179, 186, IM. De faGau.tn1it; ( J771] . .h-. f. 27t. ,. 27S. Jllrocf Gra.ot1 Gvl'er·nor or £Ae1 Flori.u,10 Sepe,1713, t, 301. P. Rot'bo~ ; Ritlffll aut. ChWo...,177 1• J.,,n.11~ . r. L Captaitl William &,y: Ctr,•,fort. Ptt:i• / / Rq;t.: Cbaik!etowu and SL A ugri,i:• Im. F,. lf. 201. 210, i<:J, 233, l\fajot Jam°" Chi.seotrn: Cb&l'leetowo, tilM!',1?69-1111. tr. 48. ii. 7$, l 27, 86(:0lali11.rOOu.r, IH't, ff.~. $14, 1769, :'i,1, U, S!.t 2.'iO,'M2, ts(J, 262, 289, '299,30t. ft'. 1\H, HS , 100, 17S. l8&, HU, 20f, 218, Lieu.l ~'hOtUM HukbW. e; l>r<:9qtt.' hlc, ftt• Jul)'tic$ A.. Mc.Pberll()D;Peoaaoot.o,, 25 Uw.1. Cbful~ Willi11.lll6:Cbs:a;leetown, 2"..)(J,225. ek , tn2, If. $0'~ 312. F eb. lTil, r. 202. 2:8 hb,r, 1169, C. 9. JohllForbet; Suobnry,ac., 17ti9,tr.S-2.,!18. Genitrril l1ii;:oo Ant111troog; l .00000, 3 ti\ Sower, 1':nginet>.J';Ptil'.l.SaCO!IL, ttt., J . l.ori~t, Snrg<:i>o:Mohl.le •nd Pen• Ma.jor 'fh(l£z)8e, Wbituwro; Cbarl~wn, Nov. 1712, {. 308. ~ota..J76Q-J770, tr. IS, [email protected]. l77J, ff. 200, 208,253, 2o~·. 23 Noi-. 1700 f. 96. - - Pollock; New Orl~n, 1 l Dec. tm_ Jobn O;.mW; Pen--«1J11,,9 June, 1769, 1 Jaoob lUtt.ekweU; P~la, 1771, ff', r.au. Or. Nath. (;QUoo: Cb.,;r.k:E:totu,.13 l)eo. 210. 215, I. 1~. li'G9, f.. lOi, t u Cbe'i"Sllet dt Noye.u; .. 4, F,. r. !H9. Cllpuhl PotrieklnnOil; f'coeaoola, 176~, lf.Eo.ry Skynne.r; St·, At13t1Jt.iue,2 l l&r, ff..22, 26, $8, 69, 102. 1110, r.111. 21,730. Vo1•. m. Letton1 of 1773, with .w:me otb6til to officers at 0..Jita.in'l'boma.& llodg90n; Charl-011town 1 N-; t>{l(l~ la.12M.at.1?71),f.JJ:), ]leQd-qu..-tore, ftom- 22 J'uJ.y, 17C9, r.24, ' f"Olie.mOli.f100; P~lit., tt hbr. Cap\afo W. ComqJlt., e<>mll)8.odint Captaio 1'hom8.$Vallo: St.. "-ugllaloe, Daniel Dul11.0·7; ACUl&))O-~'Pe1>. -No"·· , 1170, r. ll~. ~ u ,e O ~!Vlda.lupe:.. l•-0oe&e0JaHiu • 2i July, 1769,t 28. ti'. It, 166, 219, 288, a~. :n& J~ J ooo11:p..,~o4t, H MIU, 17'70, bo1tr,21 Jan.. :i ll11r., tr. l, H. Ll111ut.'rhoo:aaa f'~bl:o; Che.r~towll ,. 117. O1p,tL,.inJtlm.ea (;l'l)ndMJttr; Ki1>g-.d4wn, .J, 1 Colo0el Dudley 'J't,Wl)lf!r; l\fontree.J, 1769- 1172~ ff lY.l,38, ¼1, W, 82 IW,, St. Viooc~t; A11ti.gua, I )far., I~ 1 Captsia Ed. Crofton : Pema«ila, ,u., l(>P if. S, lS , 65 10:0 160, J,m.-Uec., ts, 1 1 A.ug.• tl 12:,21 3, '78, Sf, 89, 100,, 10(;, !U7. 1770, tr, 121, lS.S,1:13 1:,e.,lSS , 190. 211, 2~, 3-1.0. 398, Hf. Lieul WUli&Qa Saodrord., 31st Rcgt. : 1 uro. P. ltochon : 10 liar. Fr. f. 10. Williom P~®; St, AUf,•u.tinc, 16 .6.pr. Licµt, John Ce,mbr.l: Pco1M1,00,J11.,J'an.- Ce;ptatn ~1Q.u.el HoUe.ud; Porwmoutb, St. A.ugu,tino, H&J- 11'70,«. !M:, 170 . 1?70, f. 1.23. vl­ J ' Ap.-., tr.5, SS. N6w Uo.mpahlro, Mar.- Nov , 20, Cap't&in Tbo.l»M. Fih.heroort.; Port 1 it C-Olon:elW. B)'td; Willia~11$hu1g.20 C11p1•iuJ, lf . .P,e..,o,t: Henni~g'C', 12 47 l'i.a, 125, SS8. Royel, J9.!Mioa_11 Aug, 1769,f. 36. Apr. 1770, r. 12~. lf(lb. Fr . f. 1. 1 lit.Dry Simpeon, P$y1J)(U.ter, SJ,t ~-; Major 01:Q, Eib,.;tklgton 1 St. 'Vintecl, .,,, C.ptaio Robttt-t C1Ukett : Pens.oot... 1 i\/1CQ.J.ooel John Mann110ll;N ew York, 17 Mar.- Oct., tl'.22, aUe; it ._Ca.p tu.lo Btuj,uu.LlsOt .,11pcn~; f'"bil11-lonel lf;i urir.,e Carr; St. A.u• Williuu•, l'l J ul'7, r. 1$'1. ' pbiA, 28 Oc:L.., f. 358. n:i.i~ ·-fi,eoi;n,} ; Quolxc, :JO "'Ot!o., gu$tirltah1ll'l'al'lcii, Hu lcheeon; Animpolitl. ,. , 21,731. Vol.. IV. Lottors of 1774,-1777, from- tJ<,~lr hoit, Ap.,,.. NOT .. tr. ff, 6$, 86. JS(;, 2t J uJy, r. 110. 23:0,200, 8-Ja) 362.. J. Stepbeo,oo; l>eD.U.nuamoud: QQCboo,17 74, U:.13, Doo..,tr. 7:1, 76, ao,117, 135, HI , H$ , Yo1k., Aug .• lf.cuor Ooorgo liihc~o; SL \' in• o r.zoo. 92, 159. eont,l'TH , tr. )J S, IG8, 197. J $8..20-l-~ 2'l 1, 229, 2·H. 2S(I, ~2, 2n, °-'fWio John Cn.wfurd, 26th Rqt .: :; .J M.ajo.r a Be.i;Qct; Detrcit,,lO Jan.177!, CAr,CA.i.o Rooort. Mel..t!r<.1th;C~~ Wil. 83G,S50, m, $80, tos,n&. • 20. Mootrt•t\l, 13 Aug., f. '20&. , LiiE-U'L•Colood A~~ndt.r LcaU~ 61th ColonelO. Cbristiti; Lt)ndon,N ew York, f. 15. li&lll.H . Apr. 1774., f.117. C.plt.in C. i'ordrce; S. AugU£Wl.e,1774. Lieu l..Qolonl!il Dudley Tf:n1pID i M!>t:'I• ltcp;t.; Ca.st!$ Willi1uu, .1un~O.c.. 1 '23 Attg.1 26 Nov., ff. 2'.!5, at!G, ff.18, 176, HU, ~50, 3-04, 3st, 406, 411;, G~'l;umcr,Deputy i'•yroastu; 1-h,li• tJ ~ i'f. 17, 39, 11, 09, 7$. t.Nlal, l i7 {. Jf.127, 133., 165, li0. Major J, Me.n.h; Dublia, C~ 0Ml1c fa.'t, Aug. oJ No•., ff: 2SS,S70. 0. pteill. Willi&m Comptoo. GSth RegL: C,,_rlte Auiu i~; 0:JWep\ohie, Ci Mar, 1 l77t, lS1. 18 JUUL\ 25 Sep~.(1 . ~!), 278. Capt.e,il\ WHllSlm de I& Pl.a«),Oomm:a.t! d- 1 <tu., 1774, tr. 19, $8. r, Admital J(oho] Moobgu: Do6ton. 21 ant at Crown Point 1.1od'l 'icond<'•; f\J '­ CoJond V-.1.etiiiooJon re; Qu-cbco. 17i4, William Will iams, Adfo& Commte11ary; 1uu-. f, 9!1. Scvt.-J>oo.,tt . 2.-1a,2.Ss, 211, 2'94,2-J1, fl. 23, SS, $7, GI, GS.$9, !IS, 125, 1$1. 1)1:~lu., 7 )11.11,11'if.~ f . HJ7, M.jor l~a.c Bllwiltoo , 18th Regl ; 3$6, 002, 37G, i.00. . 161. Capt.in Ootin Orb.ham; Pc»-«>!a, 10 lfoy, ti14.. r. HI. 1"1 t'hiladelpbl-. JUO<,ff, 97, 39. lJ-',jor Uwry C"ffJrdoo; Pbiladolph.io,, ·f It 1 C. p,lAirlWilliAm de i. PJ.or.,coa:uwutdi rig 1 • Tbu1n11.."1Willing; Ph.ilade.lphlii., J u.o6- 3 &pl ., f. .. , •• at T~ u3~ 11. t.nd Ormvn P<1it1t ; CapU..lo J~m Ocude.n: Qve.~ 12 :M.t,y, J\dy , «.102, 113. 1.7&. AJc-x.. w. 0. ButOtlLr: ''Zep hp,'' Pt;~ I I ldajc)z A.fottu:ider DloJuon ; P enaaaola, Johnt A.nt.igu11,,lC J un~ 177f . Fr. Alas.and~r Melt~: Pitt•burg. 3 July, 2s S.pt., r.295. 17741tr. 53, )39. t.178. i , 133. Major 'l'hOOlM Mttagl"l\ve, 64th llest ,; A.cl. Ch•D>ier; Wu Olli<».London, 28 R6T. Robe.rt Newburgh , Chaplah i, l?woe\ G. Cbriel.i(t: Montrtal, An- 177.f, f , lSZ. 610 ADDI'l'IONAL MSS.• 21,731. ADDITIONAL MSS., 21,731,21 ,732. 511 LiGut. J. J. EUM; Loodon, 6 .,\ug, 17'7f, Lic.ot.-Oel\era1 Edward l-J-.rwiy: Dt/ll, , . 1$7. et4, ln6, ff. 2e.,,2'7&. 282 . d. Major Tsa.ae· Hamilton to lfajor- l\loucrieft'; Philadelphia., Z Apr. 1774, /°?,1, 1 'IDtnry Elli.a; Loudon, 20 A11g. 177-f, '1o3i·gu I.mOOrtdo Tn.yt~rreo&; 28 No• . f. 100. f. UH. 1776. Fr. f. 27f . ij. He rbert Mun11U1r-;Chii;o lhun ~ 20 July, 1175 ;-snd ll-jorr<1Haldi .. 'l'homu Wmi.ng : J>b11ad6lpbUl., 1174, C. de, S&.lga,: Dun,..i~ ""'•itn6- -17i7. r,. ..,.,t a:103. ]9~. ma nd ; Q.uebeo. 17i7 ;- to Anthou,y 1''ranchi lfaldio.Hu1d, ff. 222, F.-. tr. 27S, 278..909, t¼&. 322, 329, 331. Oaplafo JMI_~ .81'tbUl: Pent.1<:'0!a.,12 Ueut J . ~t; Portsmo11th, ml Dec. boo. 177-1. Fr. f. 201. 1716, Fr. f. 28-f. f. Capta.in)Iu.n.Jacobs; .. Amazon." Queboo,2 Oct 1'176;-Major A. (t.-..1 Dr . Ot:tJrg~ Drown : &,lo11, 2' J'l.lnt, C11.pbio l>(h.'illerick] Drtlnn; ~ndoo, Gordon ; State n lalaoil, 27 Afar. 1777 :- Watson aud Rusltleigh; 111:;1 r. •us. 1776- nn, tr. 285, 28'1. , 27 Mar. 1777 ;-C o.pW.1nF. Skinner; St.a.t<;nIslaof6va.t : Kiog8kii:i, J&1uaica, 20 f. 279. 232. '.\l.r. 1717. Fr. f. ~. h. Jam(l8Porteo u~ Commi-$83.ry,t.o Captain Foy, Secretary at Quebec; :/ut C..pta.fo P . Oowntn-llo; Loodon, 18 Au:; . V4pt.l\ic Job.o 1,obou, OOlhTtegt. : King­ Montroal.. 177('}-1'177,1!. 280,2 89, 29S. 1773, I, 2$-t. ~kn>,J!l,-ialali, 27 ~l&r. 1777, f, SOS. i. Capiain Sam.uol Mo.ckn.y to Ctiptain Lo lt.teter, Oeputy-Adjutt\l)t · (f,. t. Ce.p~iu Thotbl\$ Horne; Landoo, 1775, Gtoc'1i.l J . do Dud€; St,. .l$llle.i'tr. «c., ff, 236. !?iO. Jffl. .,..,., ft'. Sl(), !JS7, !W-3. G:enernlat Quebeo; Mont-roal, 1 Dee..1777, f. aGs. J;ieut..John Seb .. l~; oo board Lht-"Pr• Lioot.-Oen.e,al Jolin 0$.llhig, Qo~c-nl(I, k. (.ieot..-Colonel J. lf'renoh,31 6t Rogt.1 to Briga.Or. Folio. 117~171'1. l'r. ff. 2.i8:,00'7,32G,M7. Ju ly, 1717. l'r. f. S.1S, J. &u;,ur: A\'.::cehea 6 Jo.u.c, 1776, )IAy dt" RomairunOlh,.-.,:KircblMg, 11 Fr. r.25 5. Aug, 1'177. f,~. f. 34$. 21,732. Vor., I. !. Lotte,. of 1778-1789, from- Dri.w:unottd; Lood(ln, 2G &:J)l 1777. ,.1 ot Quet.e; Adelphi Tc-trnec, t,t.c., bridgt; 6 .Apr. 1778. Ft-. I', ·12. Vi,$oo,u-otIfovr«:) : Ucekfltld, 9 &pt,, t. S.5$, i. 2!19. 1n8,..J189, If. ,i, 67, 2&, asa. - Doorti.ngtc:,n; Towtr, (10 Apr . Le.Commande11r d e MUnstc,r : Sch!ff'c,o. C'<>loot1lB. S:nOh: (AmeriCII..,1778). r. G. 1778), f.4¼. Vient &ldi.ooand [nepbow of 1M001» 1,e:1'$,, No\·. 177r. F'r. t 360. lfoj,>t &uo,~1 Uolt.od ; New 1'0lk. lla• mlJ: Qlltb::ic, li"1G... 1m , i.T.2C1, 2(:7, WilliaMl Pollock, S«rctary: WLiU!Jdll, Mt.one. 4 Valtti~; 141 V(t,ltrio, 2i' Ko.,, llfu,SlJ11n.,19Qe\. 1ns , tr. ll), l3'7. 17'1$.. ln&, It. 48, r..:3:,'297. 1:139!357, SG,2. 1117. Fr. r.:t,/.i:.l. T,m-,J de Moo l :tl)y; AloMreel, 11 l'"cb. ,Judg~ Jo b,t FrtUi<,r; London, Moobeal, 2. Mi~ laneous lett.&ra:- ins. Jl'r. r.13. 21 Apt.17 78, ll0e-t.1 77tl, lf. SJ.3:i(i. 0. T()f)"llll,UOOO; Thf\)(t Uivcra, 24 Feb. Sir Clifton Wintri.ogho.m, Ila.rt., M,D. : *·Jam<:\ .lfonleo, Oxduuce Offloo. H• liftt~, to Co1one1 (Otbo] Ha.f1'.lil­ 1778. Fr . r. 11. Do,·er St.rcet,~ Apr. 177S, f. S!t. ton, <:orom:.wdiugin Nova. Scotia; 6 Jao. 17H . f, 11. (:opb)io. C. &l)t. Oouroo1er;. Sorel, IS --G.a.too100: Abh:igclconSt..n:,nt, !!O Apt. b. C,ptain John Crawfo rd~ 2.QlbRogt.; Montreal, 15 Jan. li74 ;­ MN-. 1778-, Fr. f. 21. 1778, I. 00. C..ptain Benj. Chapman; - Philadelphia, l8 ,Jtn. 1774;-Lieut. ­ Dr. Ue:rreri.tclJwaodde G1-eug: H Alar. Ooocral Comte de llwltl; 1173. F,. 1778. Fr, f. 29. Colonol Otho Hamilton; Ualifax, 2 Apr. 177~;-and Dan iel 1f. (;6, 69, 183. Major futiW Uutchellon; l'hilad:etpl1i1L, <'.<,,lone)C. Cl1tiatie; Lo.o,Joo,1778-177(>, l>ulan.y: ADnapoli$, 11 May, l7H; - Addre&S()(}to Major ]Tan cis de., 111S--tn 9, tr. 31, 55, 26:ii. It. 61, 211. H utcbC6()n,Mi I itary ·Secrotai·y at New York, tr. 21, 2!, 111 l 4.'l. 1 1 - Polic,, Doyoo do (Wte t:1$; Lt.u­ Pet¢r ~rAM?-r; Ptr~i, D(tlJ'" GApc, H c.Akn. lfa 'cullagb; PMsacoh, 26 llir . li7-f, to Lieut. 'rhontttlj eaonc,27 M.,-. 1178. 1i'r. I. 91. June. 1778, r.11. Hub:l.hing ( with answtt ], f , 98. ~ Pror,,N!Ofll~ 'l'rw.yWN!ot; Lawanri o,,28 Majot William Dunbar; ll'»'l~l, 1778- Mt.r. 1778. Fr. r. S!J. 117911r. 13, m. 612 ADDITIONAi, MSS., 21,732. ADDITIONAL MSS, 21,73Z. 613

Bnplier.oe...t Allu )bclean; Qt:,t. lk;t. ; Mont~. 1718,.17791 ff, 131, ColociclN°tf'O\i So~tre : )fl)tlt 1e,J, 1779. F.d• N'll William Gra1. 8'..uf ot Mo.­ bee.J'ut1, 1778, ff'.-;;;, 8S, ii~. Fr . a:, 1l0, tit. Si:S3...... , 1779, I'. .... a», ffi, ,00, Judge Ed••rd f¼tttbou.-, NhD.ln!al, u .... , ... -u.. Joel.- ol c...... Uwt.-Oc:Mn.l ~ ,M'l;l'J,tiroag ; h • 0-. r,tftiri J, W, 11', J)('S 8.i.trt-•: De11JC1M'k J778---1179, ff. 17. I~ H9, I.,. ffl, PloN: )J.oo'-'Ml, lffl--1779. E"f49. nersS tred, 15 MM, 17701 r. ~HI. 81.l"Mt,23 Ap,r. 11'1!.I.JI,. f. 301. 319,S~ , 06, awl J?r. ft. US, JG!), 8~1. ii:1:;. J°"ph B,t,oboio : llloolNol, IS Ma,. Coa>o.-'ooenofl lw p_.. at _.,_\fflll : Dr. ltobort Kno1" lne ptet(;:r o{ Uoept. 1 c.pta lo Piettt Pool.ta: Mil iot • 8. J► t tto . 1779, Fr. ff. 807, S'17. I.UI ; 2 17111, 1m.. " · 11.w"-l. ,.a,. t. ..,ti \ h Uca~ 18 Oct. li78. Fr. -- ~(»no; HooircaJ.1 18 ltar. 1719. 'l'bf QUGboo : Gllat , 1ffl , 79, r. J $$. Fr. t. t22. ,.so, Judge W. Owen: HOC'.llrC$1aocl Que~. E~ DcaMM )I~111pll : llali:£.:r, a ...... ,, s.m,, p,ful . McAlpu,, j\Qlh Regt. , O~ri..,.l'MJf.tn:et Adolt•hll• Ouptoo.: - Mo»Ugoy: 11,d. J?,. t. SJII. ld7 , 1'1i8, f. 14. St M~e, 1i Ocl. 177A• t 1'14, l:tdiob'1/c.b, !'J )(e.r . 1771>,r. 231. ltu .'nou:IMCb-..it1HM1op&x,u.,C,.~ Com~d~St . A11hdt0• Qachoc,12:July, &:hu,d We.tc.: Si. Jobo'-, 28 Oet.1778. ».j«-OflM'".l V.,l~\ulit J«tU: Loo­ 1.., Suh l!Agl.; Soni. mo.•·..., 17?8 Fr-. C.86. (. 1$1. cba..ti )h.r. 1no,r. 231. <1& C.pu,lo S-. Wlllo,, tll> H,gt.; Q•oboe, Owl"' Blab. Su,gooi, 5ilb lt<'gt.: C•p lll.io 'l'bomllt BuM1bln1: Lo.Mino, IC.Cauiplon : (1179). Fr. t. 3tl). ff('.., 1778-17'\'0, tr. 92. 89t. !;,)rtt1ll6, 1778• !7'11\ ff, 1~ 159. HI, 1& Ma.,, 171'9. f. t3:S. co-.. nn.i.«11] o.b ot - ...... f'et@t Jhw : Hlllifu., 1$ Aus 1171., U5 Lord A)c«ooo rl".l"e"T[afluwvdl FA.rt K..O.; Whitkb..U., J'uoo.17i\f, l. 391. tK . Ve.•• 0Qfy Dc.wd e, ; M~. t778- or &n•rley); AudJey Sq1.a.re,30 lla.r . O•plM.tt .Ao~w I~ 3hL RtgL : $o..

Jol.'8 Peu.111:tl Aug. 1118,l 08, l 77'J. Fr. fl. 1~7, J.11, 1881 US . 1i79, I. 231. rtl. o,1-1: Plaot&-Olwo· Captain frao1:t, Le )l<t rt; Alo;lbtal, ,,,._ w. ot rn..r, Awe. ma. DM. 177& Fr. L 16S. brr.. I Apr. l7'ft. f. 2t3. H Jun o. 1779. JJ'r. I, 31(). f. )00, P. La Croix, Cl1imnf7 Jnr1pee∨ Mn• • nobt rt Jl1,1Dt(>r;Locdoo, 1'7'79, W, 2!7, ,Ll,uodo, lll.o-11; &,NI, JO J..._ C.Ol0nel Wi lli•m Roy; Loodoa,ti A~ . trial, 2S .o.e, 1n&. Jlr. f. 16.\. 1$1.,U. 131. 1m, r. 3t.t. 111, f.U.-Z. ku 0. 0.11~ : ~I DiN St. [Frtderi t k) UINI Nurth (allet11'11rde U~i.-Oot01~ J •miWab b're11ch; St Tbec.doat. PrcYOet; New Y«k , t9 Ai:ig. J•ph, Mt>llll'el.1,27 UN, 1778. E'r, 'ENI of Gllil(1>td); Londoo., S Apr. Jobo'it. 21 Juoe-, 1779.t Zt--4. 117~, (, HH. t 167. 1712,t. !tt . P. Lirl""'- CbWJ•ti&ice of Q:atbtc,; Lo111- Major-OEMLer· 1779. ,.,. •. f. 31'~. U. . UotDM do Gre,- (•~•rdJ Lord - de&.•• : 11..4. Fr. f. 179. c~mc-,•l "r tbt, Ordo•r1Ct1): t..mdoo,8" M.IU'le de lfoot.igu1; Jul 7, 1170. W1olvtDgbM11 ). Seo.rd)! ry COLMd O, Dr. llf'rteo-.:Lv"nd; "·"' >'r.r. 181. 6 J\pr. 11'79, t t». .1·,. r. sm. Oc-noi.it:1; Whitehall , 7 $(!pt. 177~ I. - d• lloDtao,lAt:r: Jilebt.i-1, ! JH t..-.o-,.i Sit Jc,1,o...,..,.._ Bon.; .UC.t..-Ooloael Jleer, C..khrcll; •u 11:foo. Ill. 1ffl. Fr. t. 16$. ll&r1fwJ &root , & Ap r. J7?9. l. i:i1. l.io d1t l.$lUOO, 17 A1,1g. 1779, Jt'1.

J. MrJt.&; St• York, 10 Sept. 17i8, Cbr,rlkr de 1Atbiol}rt11 61.a: Vcmthtuil, (!huh• Jcnkiolon (.rt.e,wu~ F.-.rl or r.an. ,. 116, tk. 11;9. y,., ff', 100.UIS, tit. Li...,.,'1.-....,,•• -Wu: ,-. s-, nm.. i,....,.. 0..,...,. S.po­ E<. C-se O.pri: ( lmJ. l'r , r. A. B~ Ueot.~ ol ~°"' G A-p,, 1779, f, l>I>. ncu_,..\ l'b&p(tA. I gft1,l,-l doM~hlu.l; 111, J:S.ooti•:Oovem.ntr1t R~ , Ha)jfu:, t ftiUL Oha.rl,... 0,.1, 31tt lleg1 i St. 6S • • 1179. F,. t )~l. AogeUq1.1eLiootol: 21 &p l, 177&. Fr, 10 ftb. 177', I. 19t. Joh.ta'""7 Apr. li'79, t 181. B.olioi1B->Jlo Xithol.u i H &~ lr.t, L 119. lllajor "l"bcimMFan-: Qoebr0,, 10l" tb., (looirgo Rot•: Ooodllii Stred, 9 Apr. f. SB:I. Lieut. Jobo Downi:n.g,R.A.: &. Joint••• 28 Apr. 17'it, t:. 196, ,OS, l 779, f, 'lG3, n . 1 hmlloy, Su,ieoi• k> the gurtiec>nof 2$ S.pl 1778, (, 121. JQbn ~llina: Q.u.ibo4). !9 f,'.t,. 17i0, Br[g,.4iu,Oeooal ••m.-T•rllr : Lon­ )(c;alftal : • ()d. 1779.,r. '88. JOul.f-.l,177!1 . Fr. 1<>110'11,Ott.. 1110, tr. a~.!\~. Capt.fa D(tedoriek) Drcitrm; Oulonn'• J770. P,. t. 20f. ff. 283, 803.. Job> Do11 ...i ...... , --~ O:<. -. s Oct me.,. 12'1. (J t'6rt!) Lotd Am.Mnl. ~t. ~ WIUiMII Klioa., 8ectet.,y; Whtld:.U, 1719, II. ,oo.406. t'.dn,td Hs.mk)S; QU4boic,8 Ott J7i8, of tlie OrdMDCt, bd Com,.1uder-h1, 111&1 ft". t9 1 b, :ru. Lu;,ui. AJeuGt.J,c Sommld; Sl. Jo.epb t.119 . Olli-el; Whhth-1111, 1179, G'. 208, 216, Ll,caL..O.... r-.I WlUi.uo Amlicnl. A.djL­ Nou."ts. &.~ 18 Od . 11"79. F, ,. iot. C• pta.la A:oclff-wPub, p..,,_..w,, ~ - Gmtni; "lt-1..~wiwJl,!OArr, 17Tt,r .t9$. 614 ADDITIONAL l!SS.• 21,182, 2l,7S3. ADDl'rIONAL MS

Lie•t. UIKhlu -..:1.ea 'l. 8filb Bq:1.. ; Ooloo,I J. ~; °""'I'..., Oo,t, JujM Jr.dl.-oAdolpbu 1B1.ni1ti, ftlb Rort,: William Pol*lr, -ere,~ry ; Wbilcball, :Ila, .• Ap,. S>, 98. Sl. taw ·rw\ 1$ /l 1)r., I. HIS. !l On. 1'779, L ◄OJ.• lifo-:1Mtt.l, II) No;, , l710 , f. 421, r. ColDl)t}0tJlfg.0gih f• : Lolldoe.,18Apr ., ll•jo, W. Uiq.bltt., 53rd lltg'L; Foe.dl ; CW.UH Gey~ x.,.,..... Dun.bu: Mont reM, 4 Nov. 1179; to Capt!U.n llat.bew~ eoc:retary to !O Mu" r. GO. Dooriro• t.cu)gwlo: Monl.N!&l,22 w~,. o.. orai Raldi--,d, tr.aa&, H 4. JtoOOd Uo.o~r: Londo..t3 M•l'-, t U.. F,. t. UC. h. Edward Will ia.m Oray, Sheri tr, to Lieut. -Oo~ernor Cn.maht or Ccm:nt Vttlliaa Evet.,n: -61,Jam6t'• 011<1rgel'ow11•11; ){oo.t.n»J, 23 MILy, r. 11.9. Q,,e1-: A!J>oueal, 1779, tr.3b3, 31,9, 309. P.i.o., 2' Mu . I. Gt. c.i,...,,ci..i.o....._,11111°".; o.tJ., Qiplaln Loo.Ii Oh,.ieir; Oertblar, Mot, i. Hugh W•ll••• to Major Datt; Now York, 2& 1779, f. Oct. ,oo. 26 Mu.,I . GG. J•• F,. If. 1~ J)i. L F. S. Debiovre, Surgeon; MObtr6al1 l Nov. 1119; and EMig n ll&P 'f'boaa., raac,e; Qkhte, '2GMai .. Major Jc.ho N1,frl)f; Mal &y, S Juoo, DUlloaOMaodougall : Sault de Rooolel, 18 ).OT. 1719; to Drigadier­ I. 08. t. 1,$i. Goneral Ma<>leu,. Fr. and ~. ff. ~11. 420. Leooa.tJ Smalt: t.onc1oo.~ .Mat., r. 'iit. J'll; 16 Apr. 1778, r.4 8. J. TawweU; Quebc,c, 20 J~ 161 A,k u 11(kr JtJHoo aod Oo.: Moottce,) 1 t m. Anawer to the 16em.uri.tlof O.pt&in Jobn M.Midoonoll,by Drig&di.-r­ Mat , 0.,.. ft 'it, 9t, I", t&l. c.,.wa&am..a.81«1.°'Mlbl)',2SJoar., ,. 16$, Oonef\\1 AIJA:n Ma.cloan; Mooc.real1 21 Doe. 1779, f. 434.. llugh W&!laoi,; N'o,.. Yotk, Mar.-Rej)t.1 ff: 76. 130.918. Un:,.,,._ MMOrt11t:ltoe\tt'a.1, 19 Jen,e, IG). Joaq,11 Q,aM-.d; 1dontrfal 1 2 Apr. Fr, I. 21,733. VOL.l[.-1 . Loitotil lo Oontral R~ldimaod, hia IC7, 1'ym111i.r • 1 Jul,. p,,, r. 167. Get1-01'N;S Apr,, H A~ ... d".$>1 Jr,. Ueut.-Odoo,6 Ap, , f. 88. .M-.jot Willu:!i OU:ftbu: M•-.utnal, tt ColoMINon6"et1rt: Moot?Ml, lu.- Majw-Oeow.t Edward Maxwell; Dub-- 0,-.l Hoo. n.-, (>,go: Ponlt,od Inly, t, 177. D.c. Fr. It. 7, 1~0, 100, 256, 27{. lia,. IB Feb., r.tt t>I~ 6 Apr., a:90 , 1H. P. Oejc&o,I.Ai. J .P. a.t Otttoit ; St Vie­ x..s,.,,.,. CeUdlll ~; M~ t Jdgt Bwttl dt RQUtUlo; Trof• RI- C.lo.,I WW. &7: 1-1,,a, 1 .lp., ~ t8 ,htJ', Ji"'r. t. 181. J'•l>, FT. I. 10. titrff. ~0 Feb, Pr. t. t9 . (96 . [Jefrery) Loni At11b~fl:l,Lielilt,•Otoeral Co.LoorlJ.&..rgorn.; ~udCor lr, l,__Piolaya.od P. Fori-titr; ldcmtretJ, eoi...1ci..,,_O'U...; i:...too.Upr . « U.. Ordor.no.: WJukbM I. s ADK., l"eb.-Aug.• a. 12, ~ 214, 13 Feb. F,-. t. "· t 100. r. is,. V•uN B . D. .MtcbJ : Metre.!. Feb.- IOU H~b : HonUeel, ltW.--Oet,, Le Comted• Bruhl: Loocloe,U AJII'. Unt.. O~ t,ir Joba B\U:gOr-, ()c:L '"'"r. ff: H, 07, 219, fl , 83, 170, ~ . Fr. t:. 106. J3arL: Ue, tford Strw i, 6 Aue .• f. 181. 5l6 ADDITIONAL MSS., 21,TSS, 21,134. ADDITIONAL MSS., 21,134. 617 DoNlht:t.' Ma.rtoUbe; ?doonlteal~ JO At1g., r. 189. lte11'. 'l'ho111~ Clu,r1'8t Bcelop Soot&; Sorel, 12 OQt., t. 237, Cha.Jl(WOouJ d (a!_,...rdli Sit Cb•r lee Robort Hunt.er: T..oodoo, 9 Apr. 1781, l.e Cc.~t.eDupl'C : JJ11ilUn,12 A.vg. p,., Lieot. J'obn ~lgaroo, Kii:ig-'11 Goold 3fof'8'n, Batt.) , Jttdge-Ad vo-­ J() Mar. 178~ ff. 93,375 . £ l!H. RetitDl!nt; Que~, 13 Oct,£. 2-11. c. t&-Oeoer.i : Borto O""rda, l7 Feb. - o. Colga,w.rd,( 1~81). F,. un. DfflOk Wat.t-.n: ~n, J~ Au(;;,, f, l781. llod 23J •u. 1782. JI'.2:9, $3 6, 203, B,igad:ier-Oeocn.lflcncy We.taw Po• cH: (WUIU.1nLe~ Bui of') D•rtmou1h; Moot,e&l, H Oe,., r. 2113. ludtt, J . Fr&IJ(lr;M oo~.t. Feb. l'nJJ .. Lobdou,l'i AJ}r, l18l. Pr. f. 10..'>. F'. 'Ut>re.l,Cti?C d& ~rlesbourg ; 23 Atig, lllayci.fc- l'kuriulc ,n t; Bouchcrvi.l.k, IS Ji,.I), 17$2.,tf, 31, 48, 1901 !WO,20G., 30J I J'r. I. 201. Judg.; li:.it•11:rdSout.bouae. ; Jloek,u;y, 10 Ott. Pr. (. it$. :uo.$2[), 834. Ai,r., We4tm!'Wlicr, 30 J®e 1781, If. 1 Judge J. Fta11ct; Montreo), AuK. and A. St. AodJ.!; Mal 11"7,16 Oct., f, 24.7. Bn&su Do.nuo llac00U3a.llt'8ftb Reg&.: 109, 152. Doc•• !t. 2 3ff, (, 216. C.phl,io T1l0,uo.a&,ott; Moo&:,9:1),Nov . 1 (Jei!ory ) Lord ,),Ill.bent , Licut...C~oouJ 11.od Dt:o..,tr. teo. 270. t85, 487. oft.he Ordo~ooe; ~itebtJ.J._ 23 Apr. Gco.i:.ttslJamee Robe.ru.on, Oo?emor or - L<>pc,iiare: .Booeb~mll&, JS Nu.... Cap&A1nW. Pblll ip,; New York, )tar. 1781, 20 Apr. 1782, ff. ll3, fl9. Nflw \' ork : 10 Sept., t 220. F~. I. 262, 1781, if. tt, H . l.c:,rd Ad...ti, OOf'OOll-i.(lft)a of .Altu.ndo r, Veuve Do Muy l>e!We; &o chcnill o. - Roohcbb-ve; New Y«k, Ii Dee. ( Lieot.-G@tl8t8lH oll. Robert Moork,l2 R. ll e.lUta:1; Alber»adc, Street. 16 ~r . l8 S.p L, t. Oi<. °"• Jttajor-Oot'itnJ A(~udir .w} Pre,,~,; F~. t 268. lltn , r. 52-. l'..64t&met, 2f ..:\pr, 1731, r. 117. ll~ard l)oble; Mootrllfll, Stpt., Oo.L, WatllOQa.nod Re.eb1vigb : London. M:o.r. ,r. 22&,26( . Lieut. Wills Orofta. S4t.h negt.; Moo­ Otp~.ln Slr T-1.«naa W"Ue.oo D-uulop, t-teeI . t9 'Ooo.,t. tao. 1781-1111.r,1782, ft 00, 00, :369. But.; Loodoo,2 1 Apr. l?-81, f. 119. Lieo t. Cbatlet GNly• Shtltegt.; QueOOC, GooerM HOil. Thome.a 0 11.g•; Ponl o.ttd 20., .. r.m. Ol;ptaln ~:go },(ueDoap)J. $4th Regt . Gt mmU [J ot,!) C,a;;upbtiU)Earl or 1,oo. (~ iah): 4: 283, ~8~. Pla.cf\ ~ 1tt'.e.t.178 1, r.'5S.. doun; J,00'100.,1 May, 1781, f. 12~. U.vt. B . Hucban, Sid ~gt .; Q'!Wboc, Be:looor Oela.fontaine; &uc:he.n-iUo; -,.(1., W. Kooi;, 660:retary: Wb.itob•ll. l\lw .... Diu•hl Riggfoa ; SL Aodtttw' • 'l'o ._.n, 7 9 Oct. r.232 .. Fr. r. 2.-87. Ju ly, 1781, tr.60 , 178. 1~ . M11.f,I'i'81, f. t,:?7. J~ D"-.-kleun1 Surgo,o 8Hb R@gL; Cot, M.ait, eod Co.x: Cr1:ig'a Cow-t, 2.1 9 t. 231. Pi':re Felii de lk rcyo; t1.d . .J·r. tt.289, &ben t Melvill: Loi.tdoo, 11 May, liSI, o.,., m. Mu. l 78l, f. o2. f. 120. Ven e Oury Desaunit-t ; Hoot.real.,Oct. Cho~ta De Flewy De CbamW1Rut WilllAio Pollock; Whitehall..Mru.11 81- Lteut.-OolocelH ,•011 ll op,o,Hth Rest ,: a.nd Dee, Fr. ft'.2.$6, 278. 1 A.ug. 178', ff, 6<, 01, 107, 180, $0$, ~ 24_'-b>.; n.(l. Fr. t. 291. Portielot:itb, 22 Mat, l'i'Sl, r. 13$. 520. 2. Mie~lla.noou.s,lottors :- Ot!or~ ~; C-OndW.t.Siroot~ Ju.&o, O~o .Alt9opp; Koo.trMI, 22 MN . ns1-Ja1 • 1782, tI. 4(11, 51¥1. a. St. George Dupru to Brigadie~Ge.neral 1tfodca.n; illontreil, S Jan. 178J, t. 66. 1 ,as, F,. f. a. CotoooJ{ alkrwarda OeC1era1)G(a.brfo1J Leonard Slhelt : toodo11tti ltu. l':ilt , Obrietie; ~ r;iligu'-t 3 Jtm f) 1781,.».?­ b. Robc1't Rogers to -- Rosa; X..keover the 0. Po'r'Cage.20 Mar .• f. 59. r.es. bt.d~ SO Apr. 1782, ff. JS,, f·U. F . 1..ouit, Reeior of SL Pierro; 26 Mar, c. 1' . Dejean. formerly ,J.P. at Dotroit, to Major d&Peyat&r; St. Vin­ Capttd.n John M~: S JitU'\ Jffl, oonu.. , 28 Jul y , Fr. f. 18 3. 1'781. Fr. f . 70. f. lfl. Tbe or M'Obtl'(l8J:;29 ~ .1781, J~ Oolo.nal&bc 1t P.tiagk,Cc,m.mat1diin.tat 21,134. l'OL. UI.- 1. Lett•"' to General llaldimand, O.. ptain Ro­ f. 72. St. Jobn'.i, Ncwloundla.ud: 11 JaJ.OO, O)l: New Yo,k, 2July, 1781, Li eut . .A.Jebibald Mclaln,e: &:,r~J.7 Ja tt . (WUlie.m \VUdmat1&rringt.oo] Yt>,,xrut fill&. 1 AP". 1?81. Fr , t. ?8. 3 Nov. 17S2. Fr, ff. 15¼, $f3, 1181, r.s . J!lizabetb H..,,be, : lMl,don, 2 Apr. C.p te.io David Porix._ Sith Rogt.: B1min,p:in; O.nodttb Sqti~re. S Feb. Eliulietlt Andrewa; I.& Sum,1iioo, 10 1781. t Dec. 1782, ff. 21. ~- 11-81,r . so. July, 17S.I, (. J:SS. Cbatoblr, 14 Jan. 118 1, r. 7. Majoc 'l'homa• Fau:ooe: Qu.ebee, Feb. Ueiut..,Giln~,.t Wi1Ho.m Amber. !; Ad­ John Cb\\lmc ,11, P• ytu"'8W!r $3rd R~gt . ; C.ol()(lt\lNe~~ Sov.tro; )fon lt o,J, Jan.­ 1781-May. 1782. f1. 2:S, JOS.-U7 tCt, jalf.ot~Gen.er&l.'e.Oflke. 4 4pr ., Herr... Sorel, Ill J11Jy,J78l . t. IB'Z. Aiw. 1781. Fr. ft 0, lOl. 1 (Ofd Strte", 11 .&.pr. 1781, 83 93. i69 . a. 1 Lieut...('..oloa(•l J'[a.m.ei] )lu.r,b: No,, - L11Baudl(;.f; Si. Aru~ 23JR.B. 1781. M11,jor John Sme.ll: 5 Apr. 1?81. [, 85. 11,. r. JS,. A0t1 00:t,loo; St, Sulpioo, 12 Fob. 1781, Yutk, Julf, 1781-0cl 178~ tr. 164, r. 2s. Captalo Jaco.eeBar~t ; Lo111Scm,S Apr . $..'JS,$66 , C•p4&1nD11:rid Al tu.a.de, Grant; &rel, 1781, t. $1. 25 Jao. 1781, r. l5 . - - De Nln,nille: ChMZ:1bl1.H Feb. Gener.I J1.~• R«ief'UClrl; New York, 1781, Fr . t. 27. Ma;o.,~l "&hrard Mu weJI; Dub­ July, 1781-0l.-t. l78t, ff, 166,170,536, lU,. 6 Apr. 17&1, t. 81>. 568. 518 ADDITIONAL MSS., 21,734. ADDITIONAL M.SS.,21,734 . 519 Hugb WMIMio; N~w York, July, 17tU. No•. l7 M, 25$, 3lf7, 473 fff, 51 ♦• tr. tt. 1 1<18,n2 . 549, 571, M9. Lieut. G, Fearon, Sht R~gt.; Quebec, Co.pte.hiP. Min.chi11,~la neg,.; 'l'c:,,:ro 2.5 Mu. 1782, 383. Lieut.. WUHa.u:iFJ'a$6t: Y411>.IU'~2$ t\ihjor J ohn Naime : Jilonlte•J, 27 Oct. r. llou,,e a.cd lfont.tte.t. July, 1782, a. J 1.1lr , 1781, t. 176. li81, f. 238. Li~t .-Co}()i:»olJ. ltrooch, SJ.& 8.egt.: {93, !I~. Chitoo.q Ukb~ 25 Mer. 1732. (. 38,S. Lk:u,t. Ot.-n.1d J,-.foc-,i7tb Rtgt,.: Fwt Cltpl#.in Wtlliam J-0hndon, 3let Regl.: l3cn.}"tninltrobia.he:r; M uultell\ 14:July, l.etoo ult, do., :\u g.- Oe~. 1181, ff. 18!, Geoora.lSi.r Guy CB.:rleWo;Pommootb, Cbatcau Riebte, 00 Oct. 1781, 178~ i. 497. 189, 202. r. 2tio. 6 Apr, 1782, r.103. Lieut wm.s Ot-0-fi,,Stth Begt.; Quelx.-c, I,if,llL U.ob(rl Da.l.tettby, $,ltl) ll.e-gt..; E•~ilign &Joh.rd Wilmer, 531d R(:gt; 18 Nov. 1781, (. 2.Gi. Dr. Jeao Philippe Du llo1: Dnu1twick, Cbamb.11,Ju.Ly, Aug.1782, if.,Ot, S28. Qu,ebee, 1 Aug ,[1 781), 186. 9 Apr. 17tl2. '/i'-r. 407. t Tttw. Johll St\W't; Moz,t,eal, 28 N1>,.. ~ t. Lieul Ft-,rtl,A- F. Beckwith; Sore-I,2S FA111·udWilliam Gny, SlieriO'; )Coo.­ l781, f. 200. Judge P[e&e:tJt'aue.t; QllCOOO,12 Apr. Jul3, 1782, t. SH. 1782, Fr. f. 411. mo ), 13 Ati.g, li81, t. 19t. C'urgeoon . lfcOau.siaod: 8 Dec. 1?31, Captain W'iUi:•m. Wood, !lii.h Regt.,; St.. .P(tttt ] Frater : 20 Aug. 1781. f. JOS. ,. Z':3. Liillll •Olll'A'lel A. DllndA-9,8th R&g:~; ,folui•e,July and D..e. 1782, tr.513, 15!>1• M. J'ohn111>n,Lieut. ,-Gow!loor ofIUinole: Q:oeb@c,15 Apr. 1782. f. ¼13. DAt'OQdo Bind:u, Auft rian l\fint,t.e:r io &. Goor~ D1.19ff: Mootrtia.l, 30 JW.7, Pt.II a.fall, il Aug.. J7 8l, t. 202.. Sa.woy ; Hawbowg, 10 ~ J7Sl, n,, Adm.Ull.lSlr Rlcha,ro Hu.;h~: South • 1762. 1-7. t. SH.. Jobn Adt.ir: [1781), f. 204. f. r,9, 11.mpkon, 19 Apt. 17(n, t. 415. HAjot Je.w~ Uog.be-sc:tlootree.1, l A,1.1g. (G00:,g13Hr 'tulcnell, Ou.I.&ot] Mor11.i>gu: Lfoui. H. A rde.o, $4.thRest .: Mor.bee), ( ll< U""-.) T[bom,. ) •ro•osh<• d (aft,r ­ 1782, r. 616. JO Sqa. 17&1, r. 208. w&.nuVi&00u1 1t-SyJooy). &cret$r7•t• 20 Dec.l7Sl, St. J4bn 't, J Ja.o. l782, Eiieign YNM-1; 'btootree.J,l A~ . 1'7St. War; Al~marl" $U'(!d, 2l Apt. 1782, - .Diftb~m.t:.uJ~:L1>t1.gm:~.1iJ 1 l7 8-ept. 1.f. 280, 807. Fr. t $13, , . 421. 1781. Yt, (. 2 11, llicwd Oobie; )fontreal,20 Dec-.li8l ­ llfw. ... -O r:anch oceoiJDool~bn lt: John Watta ; London, 23 Apr. 17$2, Capt.h, Jolul An:it1., 70th R~it.: Spa. i No.,. 17~ tr: 282,322,350,526 , 675. ~octre&J, S Aug, 17fl:Z. b),, t. Mt. t. 425. r;ii,h.IHver, 11 Sept. 1781, (. 213, Em,mucil )(alb.in,; Hambul'g'h,21 Dec. tbu,: -'.l'b.r.Lemo ine OeeJ,dnt.So.p6rleuro Captail\ Aot()inoLan ouette, and Enaign 1781, t. 281. O.pt..io William CliUein: Quobc-c.2:-t de l'Mf.-W gi~n. l; )fol)t..m,l• 18 Apr., 27 MAy,1782, It 427, 467. Joeeph MOft$O,o ro u~Militia of &.ti­ - J.{ubat,. Pr~IN; :\fof1w!nl, 21 Oto . Aus. 1182. Pr. r. r,oo. .Regt. Loo,. er.an: 17Sept. 1781, li'r, I. 21s. 1781. F,,, t. 286. M, jor Oharlea Lumm, 44,b ~ DorotbCt\ltlarteilbe; ltooir($~ tl) Aug. d011,25 Apr. l182, f. 4.Sl. Major-Oet"IE'ral 'fwm~ C.lli.t¼e.;Q~ hf•j<>t Ob:r. OuJtoo; La.ct1onAJ1>,Dec. 178.2, f. :5,~2. L, Ma.rcl,;md; Q:u(lboo,.to Apr .. 25 ,foly Sepe., l7~1- M61, 17S2:, ff'. 217, t!IO, 1781-{Apr. 178'2], tr. 28S. SH , S48,999. 1 Hugla ud Mn.aadtt W(I.Ueeae: Ntt• t :5$ 1782. f;'r. ft. i33. 600. 389, t 05, 409, 429, ◄4!>, 1 !~9, - Chorritt, Cu.rt ,la S. l>euiit; (1781). York. 25 A.ug. 1782, r. S3-5. (<;3. Fr . f. W-2. A.rt.bur Davl~n: Mu1,tre-al, Ap1.-Xo1". Willi11.mOwn mer Powoll; MYDtroo.l, Or. )h.l..oe; Que bee, 21 Se[Jt 1781. Vwn-LoV~od.ry:-.4. Y,., l~. 1182, "· JOS,564, $73. ~ Aog. 17$".c!,r. MO. 0.,,,,. I, 219. Captain Glllet de 0'1t,ndmoot; Deauo,e, P. .Mt.rtel, Pretro; &rd, 18 Mu. 1781. David Gn.nt; Quebec, 12 &pt , 1782, Enaigu O'Svlli,·at1) +fth RCJCt,.: Sept.. P,, ,. 300. aoApt. t,81. Fr. r. .f-00.. r.6ts. mu. r~. tr.222., 2u. -- CharU~:r de Lotblntero• Jib; Vau­ I:hip,tior ll(enc-1) Wataoo.Powell; Ni&- AJt.M-t T.>a.oieJ OmlOCr: V~nuoe-, 16 L-ieut. Au,:u..."WaOr~to; Tbroo Biveu, dnuJl, Ja.n.-Oet. 1762-. F,,-, tr. S.t!?, 8"~ 3 nta.y, Qu~ S Oto. 1782, S•pl. l 78'i. Fr. (. $-18,. 25 Sept.. 1781,t. 22t. 1t 443, :;$9. '23, 303, Soll.558. 'l'odd Md MoUill; Mo11lnlt.l1 19 Sept lJoot. L. blac.Le11.1),84th Regt. ; O.We­ .)a~11 Sell; ChA01bl7,I0Feb . l~f.$t6. Lowi:s Cba.1ier~m; Qi,eboc, Ma.y. 178'2, l7~~ f. 550 . ga ltloo. 28 Sept. 1781, r. 228. \"4.:u,-e-- Le.fontaiofl Oeloow-; noo . «.us , '-'3. Oa.ptaio &muel Stoel: Cb.am.bl7,22 C1tpta.iu0. $t. Ch.h, ~9th Utgt. : St. c~i.llo. 25 Feh, 11'8Z. Er-. f. l:162., Oo:,oni Sir Jotiu Durgoyne, Oa.tt.; l£trt.­ ~Jll. l7ij2, t. S-:t2. Ocnie..00 &pt. 11a1, r. 290. 1'bfJmae Du.an; Q.ue~ ~ Ja.c. 178'?, Cord Sncet, 7 Ma.y,178:i. t. 451, O..pta.io Gec11ge~UN!, 53rd. flegt. ; Sorel, Williimi R11,odfidd; 8111.lifax,S Oet. r.1"-1. Captain "Fl'$0Cit Machy, 99tb >.; to Oei. 1762, I. MO. J7lH, JOSept. 1782, ff, ~2. 5H, 8pti.1.1illl:;ITo,ro, J &ma.ioa.,22 Ma1;,1782 , Simle Y.a-d., 1'eb. 1782, f. 47.S. Ro. 'I'bo~ Chad~ Ile.lop Srott; Md llir. !732.. Fr. If. 8.58,$71), Sorl'J, 21 Nov. 178:2, f. ~ - Oeorge Grt.b.am, 9\:t7ge(lo', mate, Htlt Son?l. (k;I.. 1781-Jur.tt , 1782, ff'. 236, El.he . Pi.lot: Bldefo,d, a Mu. l7i2) Plt • ~\11.lo Edward Abbott; Fo.rtSL J(jhu, tto.202, SJG,ssa . •11. me)Qih,10 Jol.!, 1780, it 981, f~5. Rfg't.; Wort ~JG11, UJ J~ 1782. 00 Doo. J 782, f, 603. t. 4i7. Jl'cr,linand BrtW.ard, Pn>tre; Nicolet, lf.ajor A. CatopbeU, 29Ui Ikgt..: !\too~ 12 O«. J78L, JY. f'. 2$8, ll4'ld1 12 Ma.t. J78:2,f. 371. 0.ptn.in D. Dreho,; Ell. Joh.a·~ Oct.­ Lklut,•{fflntnsJ lioorr Ra~Ulon; f.®. 2. Mi.Booll&Deollbleaters :•- lA-c. 1781, tr. 2'18, 2001 271, 277, 290. doo , 13 Me.,,. 1782, t. S73. • · -- Portier, Curi of St. Oun, to Colonel St. Leger, 34Lb Rogt.; Ve:ul'(I Dufy D•WJier: Mootre. l, Oat (Hugh) Eotl PM:r (allu •onu bd 18 Jan. 1781. Fr. f. II. l78l - S'o,-, l782, Fr. ff'.2S3,SS5.r>St , t>ute of ~ ortbumbo?Wld]; Oroavea»r b. l'. Corbin to Captain 'l'wi88; Sorel, 15 Mar. 1781. Fr. f. 54. M11.}0r Willit.1n Dunbar: 20 <>et, 171U, Sqe.wo, 20 M..r. 17&2..r. S77 . r.m. Jaoob Jo,Wln; Monh~.al,22lw.,8Julr, o. Captain Walter B·utleir to Major L8rnoult, Adjotant-O&ner aJ; Rc.bcrt E1Jioo;&tooircal, rlc. , Oct.11 81- l'i82, ff. SSl,'189, Queboc, 6 May, 1781, f. 123. d. Aleund cr Schw to Richard Dobie; Queboc, 4 June, 1781, f. 1a9 . 520 ADDITIONAL MSS., 21,734, 21,735. ADDITIONAL MS$., 21,736. 521

• · En,ign Arohd . .Mollone!l, 84th ll-Ogt.,to O.ptain M. Fruor; Sorel, Eul of Oulldf'Onl).$«.rei&.ry of Sia~; 20 Juno, 1731, f. 147. 178!3, 20 Jolt, J7Sl. Fr. tr. 153, Wbit.ohaO, 19 Apr. 1783, (. 79. 508. f. Dr. J.m,. Fishor to Dr . A. Mabano; Quebec, I July, 1781, f. 160. Oeocral F.,dw, MaU1e1r; Bub&d~ 20 C.pt,.in Luo Sebm.itl; St. P-111090~)5 g. O~nera.1Jatnei &borhson to Ja..meelfeyrick, hi.1;a.gent; Ne¥.' York, A~:r. 1783, f..8J, Ju ly, 1783. Fr , t. 15$. 26 July, 1781, f. 174. Mt.jot Joha Smoll; Bt.U!u., 2S·A~., JtloCObJordau; Hon~,. 1763, 1?8:l,ff , o Sept;. 11ss,a. ss. 231. J:.9, 2'17,27~ , $st,, h. R<>v.T. 0. rt Soott to Lieut. -Colonel Bar ry St. Lcgor; Sor-cl,13 TL(,q:i-, Aio11lie; ~iwbee, Z1 Apl', 1783, Oct. 1781. f, 242. Aiil-biba.Jd Mol.Aioe; Queb,,;c, 18 Jul,-, 14 Oct. 11&1.ft' . 8!>,~fl. 176..'l,t. lGl. i. Lie-ut..J. Hil1, 29th Hegt.; Montreal, 4 Dec. 17&2; and Aza1iah Oerae.rt.lJo. Houetooo ; Edinbugb, 2f - Obat.elUer; M.ootl'OO.l,28 JuJy , 1";"8$. Pritehar1. Lieut-Oolorll)) Willt&.w Boud6o1d. ~ llugh Wal !MXl; Aug.-Oot. 178{\ ff. l'ro, m. Simon MoTa,•fa,h to Oommi&M.ry-Gc.noral Nathanael Day; Quc,bcx;:, puly-Qurkfra)Gl!t()r..Oooet'al ; lhlil'ax, 187, 21S, 2M. 25 &p~ 1782, f . .Sbf. I~ lliy. 1783, f. 103. Wil.li$m PoUoclr. 81'lCftbry: Wbi~i•U, Chu* OiJQo.: lllt.liCu. 18 MAJ, li83, li83---178l, ff.18.S, ts7, S15, m , 401, 21,7M. Vo1.,.1 'V.-1. L(lttora to Goneral lla ldimand, hit secretary, f. 105. fl$, 457,479, S03, 518, !120. Major M.1.dhewa, aod to othot8; 1788, 1784, from- Aleuad,o Du.me.a:SL 'lto.wioe,24 Mey, WWiam B11.JArd: N4w York, 8 Aug, 1783. Ft-. t. 108. --Cha.suer~ l.otbioj~"°' Bit: Vau- Cbs,u,, Gia.11.rca.;.Dfont rtt1l. hfar,...()cL 1r,3. r.1s9 . 4reuil, 2 Jan. 1783, Fr. (, J. Mii.jQr l>[ic&nick) BrohlQ; 28 Ma 1. Hon .Oeor~ At.1iUtua North [sfterwim.ls 17M:. .t,. ff . $,5.70, 167) 229, 253. Q.iwbe;,, t(, C11.pWoJ...,,mo-tbe: Detroit, 8 Jo.n. 1783, 178S, 15 Oct, lffl 1 111, Eliui. Pilot; Bidekitd. 21 Ma.r.J7SS, f , 56. Srd £tu1 or OuilrordJ: Wbitob.aU, 8 8 &--pt. 1784. Fr. ti. 8, Hi. ~~- Aug. l'i8$. f . 191. OootgtiRoee: Oooduit Strtiet, 1783-l78i , V.p(&ia I'. Mfocbi.Q; St. John'a. SO Ban.p John Prinsle, &4:tbReG-t. : Carl• ff: -i(), 83, 83-f. David ColiMn: ~cw York, 10 Aug. 17$3, Cool&J~r.id, 17 ,Jan. 1183, t. 5. )h,y , 1784, f. 113. f. 103. Colonel Ne•eu Se:veiit.n);MOlrlreeJ., 1783- C.pt&in M.aleolia Ohl.set, 8-'th ReG't,.; Lieut.. Tbcno11ot1Hollier, 20th >. : St. 178-l. Fr . O'.t2,J00.11U,30S,S07,•03, J . G. ChM~tt1e da Livy: Qncboc, u C..rkfon I~and, Jan .. 1788-Jan. l78i, f81. Jo,b~•, 31 May, 17$3. r. llS, Aug.1733-. Fr. r. 195. ft'. 7I ~$ ) 338.. Ittt. Boile.\t1; Cb«Mub1t, l June, 1783. Robon Hunter; l, c:mdoa_27 Mt.l'. 1?83, --ll~: ~ootreal, JS Aug. 1783. Fr. r, Jl?. F,, f. 197. V. Jauta:rd; Q~ 8 li'tb. 1783. Fr. f Apr. J;S•. It. f. ,. U. ◄0$1, Lie.u.t.-Oenciul Tbcu;u Clt.tke: Quebt,I\ O~llmdA~mG~oo;~~ Ooorg, AJJ,opp; Qw,brd) .AQ'.l.berst: Wbit-Ohidl, IS June, 1763, r. 130. &mutl Hake; New York, 23A1.13.178:$, John Wt.Ue i l.QOdon,M1.1., A.pr. J-783, 0€b~l\l Hoa. ll(~nry) S[eymour) Coa­ 178S- 17St. tr. 13, 15, 37~. H2. tr. 62, 72. f. 209. war; I.oodoo, ll Juno. 1'783.f. 182. [Gooerd] J. Jllldi; l i::b.-Aug. 1783. Cbadcie Oou.ld fatle,,ward.f Sir Owlet Eo11-ignSt.mud MeKi.r: Bt. Miehel, '!7 Fr. IF. l7, SS, 19?. Co.bin M&ta;:illk:r; 'l"roi.sRMUee, 1$ 1783, Fr. 2JI. Oould M.orgari. &rt.), Judg &AdYo­ ~ug. t. J t>11. A. G~y; Uoot.rt&I, 8 Mar. 1188, June, 17SS, Fr. f. 134. e:11il~Geue.~;Horec G111Uda_31 )18.l', Capt.lo. Bouchtrti&; {A~,1783} Fr. ,. 19. 1783, ,. 50. A. Dup1'; I.a Prt.lrle, 18 J1;10~ 1183, I. 21S. Fr. t. JSS. Philipe Rochehl•"$; QoeJx-e, 17~ [GCll>rge (If O.pWn W. Cb-.ml.~ R.N,; Deptfo,d, BmdeneU) Do.k& .fttout.ga; Job lk.u.ko; lilontrMl, 17$3, 118t, ft. 171H. Fr. If. 21. S2, 64, 02,:i91, 8U. T.(lt1don, z Apr . 1783, r. 5& 8 &pt.. 17~ Wolaix,u.rn,(),). War...,iet, J\!dge Ed ...,.,rd SooUioo=!(I: Monheal, l9'1, 16$, 2l7, 405, 473, -i85, 19 Ma7, 17$t, t·. 221,46J. Cliarle.i B~e._ G6nieon 6u,geon ; Mon­ Caph .hi f'n:kocis Le llaiet:T8; Nlllp,J'&. J783-J78i, B'. 2r,, !J8, 122. Sta, 512, trecJ, 3 Apr. 1783, f. ti0. ~W1.1>tH for Ut1.wioi1>gihoclt\im& Z July, 1783, t 139. S>3. R.obe:rt; tml.llli; Mont.reel, ck., 1783- Qt l.or• liAU; Li~lo'a Ion Heida, ; Ci.plain CoUo°'i:urOOll. M-Onll'tAI,UC., Je.m~ Oraat: Quelwo. 3 Ju ly, 1188, Sept. 1783, (. 223. 1784, ff. tie:.100 1 lH, lfS, 163, 203, l.1*1. Mu .- Od .. 178.'3,ft'.. 27, m, 2f~. 20.5.219, 2.15. 237, 257, 2~9. 263, 21~. Hoo. C{ht.rlca).l {nin.ci.s) Grt•Ule(too of Laoome St. Lue; Moat.n.-.J,'1 JQ.11,1783. Cot, Mair, aotl Cox; Cra.ig'11 ()oc.u~ 289, 2&7,322. Sis, 360,.$32. t.ho :Earl or Wa..rwtck:J;War...-kk llO l( olr. 1783, f. 29. /,'r . t. 147. Cude , 9 &pl. l7SS. f. 233, Ot.oerJ Jiunlle Robertaob; Ne,,, York, Rov. Tho.'trl.N OhNk.s Be.lop 8ooU; Jotl(!plaG ,eea..,ood,Ser~aati7tb Regt.; 11 Apr, 17!1$,t . 68. Goorgt Cbrii1i.a.oHaak '-'I; Bo"'I, 13 &pt. MciDt(($J, 20 Ma:r. 17"83,f . SI. &rtl, 178!\ li8i, tr. 14.9,2!9 1 516,657, 11ss. ow. r.239. Robert R.a.lhleigha11d Co.; Loudoo,1C Ml:9, Mojor-0,menl G[-.br-lo,l)Cbti:.U-ie; &t­ Apr. l 783, (. 73. 599,617. Lieut. Wal~r Soth~la.od; 1£:i~trc&l,18 llajor A. P. $k6M); St..J~bn'a, «k.. J 1,1l7- 1183, ,. bo.d~ Loi:ndon, ~ •• 1783-178{, It. S3, Joaepb Judgo , 16 Apr. 1783, 11. S.pt. z.a. r.. &:pt. 1783, ff'. 1Sl, 17'., 24,J, 128,18 1, 3711 407. fll, S20. !if6. . f'Ptodtrict) Lo,A North ( •~wa.ni. - P6cbmbault; M:onttee.l,21 Sqi,t., $L Gtorgt l>upn!~ H oot.n:ol, lf Jo.lJ, 3 Nov. 1783. F,., tr. it~. 2e.S. .t.OOITIONAL ll SS., 21,735. Al)OIT IONAL MSS., 21,785, 21,700. l'1imet S1rnl11gton.: Montrotl, 2 Ch-:L lhjor &•ue1 Hollaod: Qt11;:b((!..U Oct. - Porli• , Carl of SL Owl: 19 Veb. O.pb,iJ, ""4,, w - • 09tb Boc. tCt., 10 M:•r.. 30 A1.1a... t ()(:.1.1181, tl. (ia6, 56-1. Mule Dufre•nt d4 kocbe~.,. (l i'M). Viooeniw: ( 18 Oc'l.17631 r. 201. 10 Aug. 17U, fl , 300, S28. T),. A(d .. J -: )lo0_.,9 s.,,,. Fr. t i13. Tboou,• Ouaa , JuJ,cf' : (bl,obe(-. i:t Oei. J q UllACC Dtl'KtOl'I..zo Hu .• Fr . t $GO, Dri:-dt1:,• OrJl(f'a) A Hu M.ld£-&•: A. 1'u.mbo11: Cbu141lloD,t SO'I, 1763. ~ 8doil. 2'1 u., , 17ft , ff. Y' ft6,., Je1ba. 81.uut: MoottNl, G Oct,. Crmt r, llte'11-,ySk ef~ Ii l'lov. 118-1, lN. 8b0. 467. 17lH, t. ;$73, t. 623 Owe11Jlowu , fud itlO Ocperlmetlt: Mon, Gcoei,11 WUU•ta Ttfft ; 1/1~ Har:.­ Jth. H•J . ~-001"m:t0t et Ot\ rolt; eom.. Du.pn!: Qoel,-, , 1$ N'o~. \ 1$,. lruJ , 17831 J;Sf , ti 903. )ft, 61...... Jul7, 17&~ !f. 393, !t .. <,t, $10, 9 Oct, 178l, (. 57S. "· r. 020. (J(.m.llll.Mooenof Lb• P...c.: Mo,,ttt al. P. Ouy , J.P.; lt oo&.re-.1, ZI Nor. 1783. HfM.el de nouvm.. I.I.I; Moatrct.J, 11 Oed.rd , PJh1• 61lf"rleut; Orav', Oi- 2i Nov. 1783, f. :m. J Apr. 11ili, If. IO?'. 8$7. Oet US¼-. 1"r. f, 617. 1'~\4Ur Vk!&ir&•O'ol ral; l,.e.lra.il1e, .JM!loM841.Mfl.alld: St. J9t,a•,_ 28 NOT, _.._...., ~.. llanbal; Qoeloeo, Lfeot. fMmood di, l:{oenit : Que'bec, 1-4 rrf uo l> l.rc(Ulllt ot ili'!' 8e1aina11: 1783, r.110. 10 Apr-.1791, f. 4_13. 0«. 11st. r, r :.oo. QQtboo.,1 G '\' ..,- 11M. Fr {. W, M•Jor Tbotn11• b'•uoe•: Qittboo, t Oee. l.ie•t . A. )JoA.lt.a; &. JOU'-, Apt . )l aj(w A. C~pl~ll, tlkla itct,: Mm• 0..ptain 1..ool• Q()ftt1'•J; Que~ !O l783. t !UI. 111, , «.t l:'t.ut. tre.l, 18 0,:,(.. 178t, f. 601. NOT, 178! . Fr , (, uae. O.t1hin Wflltf.m 1'wi.,.; 1-DQ.d<>fl, etll,, Gcn,er11,ICharka Roloarotd; l.<>ado~2 1 Pere Oha.ah; Qut.\:.tfCt21 Od. 17M. CJ,:,od U...,, Hopo ; Qum- l'h6pib l *'l\,m.i: Que~ e Deo. 11i!3. J.-l'bllo, ,O.,,_S._: Q"'*• -- ~a.t-d ; 2. )1-)', 1753, Fr. f . 116. Ooori.o :.It-lie. th; 14 .Jnlt, 1i83, (. 200, F-,, f.317. 17 A pr-.1781• t. -f!l. c ..pu.1.n Fnu w;ols l'•Je.t; U Mey, 1783. llilejQI' n. M&tbe• • : 7 O« . l'18'.( $19. Capta.10J«illtll klki; ll Onltt .. , 8 Dee. Captain ThOIOU &rro ,r, GOi.b Rtgt.; Fr, t lOO. G-eot~ Roee.~ '-> lh• Tff»!ury; 1783, l ir.O. Q,,tbio, • lby. 1791,f. t. 121. Ca.pt.Jo a. Bm • De ltld l,100\. Robtrl 118:l, H, He-pt. 173-l, Fr. j[ 32,t, ML not11ol;Ottal ~ St~ 10 ll aJ, Oai-•Sccwut, ; I A•l• 178!, t 17J. JohOltoot: 7 JuJr, li8t, ,. :-,cu. 0 . 'roa~ ; T~ BMC,-,. ti Oreo. 1784, r. •••· lo 1;a. Fr. f, 816. J•10tc Walluit; Sort!. 10 May, 178¼, 21.138. Voi. V .- 1. Letl•n lo Geuor•I Bald;maod, afl,ft .. 28, 1118,t ~, IGI. Major n...- 8oot1; Lo"'", t'l J.., ~•o. Oc.&.1784. Gig . Mid.Fr , «.i0,t.71 , Jobo Strei tell (i.Ddl> Jt r. A11u o:l)d0,, • na,. r. 23. Ao• \,'lr,ct. f;puknt; 0.1J1ttt,\cbie, t7 :m. .SSI,S.S. LoodOo. 1t J..., nil>.r. e. -(J'aL:l""-l[bN>

L"=•t. A~• 0'"'6; Bni••kk, a.,. Dutldl. 19 lu11ei 171!$.f. 100. J.t..jor Robert M.•Lhc•._~ to ~taio A. A.tti.tltoa& ltb ~: ITil$-.17S6. F,. tr. 8<.78, 197. - Mootaolfler ; t\t.Qotft\eJ. S J ul,, ~ hrq &r..t. ve1:1.1,n, •· ~. htaj,»'-Oooerd [Jam.t,,J P •Uiiloa; HW 1785.. Fr. t 109. l7b6, 1187, tr. 20(5,21!1,...., 2$, 2fr2.~t...... S!IS. - Col....i A. !;. Do I'.,...; P1,-at1,, Geoenil Jtlo:M!t :8(11,ertll()II; - - ' - (l76'i t 38. To11brid,:• 2.St, 262, t7?..282, !Sf, SOI, 320. W. f••brie,, ltt'n\to.11: OouooilO!Bce., W tll', 178.;, 1786, ft. 111, ~10. A:aoe ~; 0f9l:nhlll Gron, !i JQM, ,t )u.r . 1187,(. 2'9, $ Mu. ll'b;leh&ll, 178$, t :Jlt. Sboollnd .. J )16.u: ~ is Ju.tr, 1786, Pllli-. 1 Mar. 17t7. Fr. a:::O.'\, Oeoc&&( 1781),Harcliof: , __ e; Llada'• loo._27 M".r. B eary Oa1leD66r:1.MaJvn , 10 Ht.". !'785, (, 117. t91. 178$. t. 'll . 1"• .&l•ia, A;e-1 tit .. a.ct.; o,.,. U t1t\,•01;1Jcral J. B. 0c. l loHet; 8\. O~al Ri.ed.oec1: Iltwwl•iek , 1 Apr, K.;o, A11g,PTC!ft'IIM : !'(,...,,Tork. tt H.tt.t. I.Jin,II Jilly, 178:>, f. Ill. J~ S--.blioY~ 8Jo», 17S4.1-r. 1787. ,~ f. !9T. J'l'Ss, Pb,IMWlphla, Ht Atag, l7$7, C.pWo 'l'Lo- 0.,...... ,.1; 1-loo, t~ . L,k:ot.. WilU1m de Forb«k; Mu ­ .t·.,_.a.od Y,. a:•s. au. 13 l oJJ,I~ r. 12S. Veuve .NlcolioUO Gola1: N~ H) June, bowf, d<., l787. • · w. 309• C..pta.ioTb.oar.u Rutcilu.n,: New York, Ool(lflel lt. Oooldu; Jtsel4lt, 2t Aug. 1786.. l"r. t !«I. llajor P. Hant.er, t,Oth 'ft.ect.;Uali!t.1, l2 !lila1, 1'18). t ta. 17115.f. It?. Jwl,.,P&rle, ,m. D, A{4-) Mabo.. , J-: Qoeboe, 1186. t. m .. 8l< - Yoog., l)ut.. flee.....,.•~ Fr. ti.•• , t7. 1785wl 7$7, fl'. 182, 1&3, 11i, 187, tH, Be,, . Le.• WI 09ffl'J; Uptoo Wamm. w., ; 20 Sept. 1787, t 8211J. J&Qttee 'l'er rou: TN>lne.-x, t Ap. 178$. Ht, - ~ Im, ISi$. 11 Aug . 176$. F,. t. 220. ll.cewud Ogiltio: Argyll Stree&, 1787, "'· .. $1, .., !13. F. ll•mtOO; N«soo T'lace, 2~ 0c.t.1 73.i, n. J'o.doa: l,..orJ, ~•• Rem4e­ «. 3~ St, 1. 37S. J\ol..on HU111er: lUug'a .Arme Yard, t 13-f, ..,._DOCr'•OfBot. Ii Al.lg, 17'°' t 1tt. [Tb91DM de Orey] Lorcl W&laJnghe.ali Apr. 1785, t: ~ 0 I. 11-.k.hme De.too.odoraecl. Jlfr.. Falr­ Willlaui f'oUoc'k, Mc:r0W1: WbitchlN.l, Wl:od«w, 1787, ft. :337,8,$0.. ()a.p11.wiLiaw. GWICOJ' : Q1,1c:boc, 178,S- <:bild; Qur:.lw.o,2'70cL 178.S. Pt. t 1$6. 14 Aog. (17aG).t '28. u.., A. _, .. - ..... 9 0.,. 17~7. Fr. 0'. S7, HO, H 9, ~ tit, J"'l- c-llod: Q...,_a ~ ... rm. S. C'handlcr; Quebr.c, 178$.1787,tr.too, 11s1. r. m. 2,6, au, 317, S6t. Fr, t 112:. 131. Oof,WoThoau F..... : -o.-, Senr-.i-1 to Out J t11.ld1t WUUaiu.,; F,ilioootb aod Q\14- 18 (17i"l] . ,. 813, (Oor.,:o) Roa;e, -r,.... AM d• n....gD"': - 22 Beyt. O.t. WfJ1J: o,., Oeo,.,p &t.t, 10 •pr. Nfl,, 116)--1187, I: U7 , 1,1, 162, 177, 176G. Fr. t 288, 11cinlio.a.d d4 M.iuN: l{.,,..0-. 19 0oL 1783, (. $9. ~ - C.plab Q. ,. ,,,_., llonl>ary, 12 1-m. r.S!,2. -Mb,ma,: Loudoa, l7~ "I,. tt. U•tt.1• Rou,ilJe.,41,; Mou.,,~t.'7 N'OT. Doe.1186, Dubll.o, 11 l)oc.1787, 1f. 166. - Mao.d.M:Y• ardoa. ~9 Oct. 1187. £3, ,,._ J':'SS. Fr. t 161. Fr. l3>L C1pf1.in1'~ De l.tootrond: l' ol)t..1• Chcwiillcr de 1.'r•1tom1•: H,li De.lo., .A11r U.r, lialdimt.od (nepbe.• of -Foraerei; LAueaan., a Not. 1781. b1--. 2:L7, 178$ F,. l. S$. IS 17~ f't. ,. 0oo.. us. 111bU JD1ttuy: BoJIOOno•. 26 ,Tui, trc6l, 8 No•. 1787, r. SG2. Charlot~ C--.cd; Wut&IWlMt':,, 17 ll n1.ltt t(o1k:J: ,..Af,, f. ISO. l7f1, (. !'Mi. May, 1785. Fr. f. 11. '8"4 Ne-pc..n(flll,)INi luJ lo Lord Sy@fJ, Ca,I &.Go do Balow; Loodoo, 30 aod •~ U~l't!W'J fcn 2·. ComtA>Lo1 i to Colouol Muller: G,...t Pullene7 SIN<>t.22 June, May1 I':", f'. 75. War]: 1785, ti. 185- 171. 1185. Fr . f. 106. CiolQ..DClUe ort C&IJwe.U: IJ.tl.oo&, 5 4. "-- · 8th ll(gi_: 8,1-,, 3. Dill of uchaoge signed by (Ouy Carlew,] Lord Doroboster; 17Uft.77. -=-•.• 1780, a: J7tl, i.U., .1.-, ~boo, ! Jan. 1787, f. 283. - O(ch:roo.btutt; Moot.ru.l, 13 Jan., M.aJo, Edaa l>wofotJ; OU4ord·• ·r~l'\,, llb.S. I',. I. 19. nae, , 11 • ,u. 21,737. Voi. VL-Lellert of l78S-179 1, from- 61,epbeo Coltt(lll 1 aoorc&i.ry; Boo.rd ot (ll,ptaio Oo1tlio11bdoGlol•MQbtrg: lstllftk• Tn.do and Plaolatiooer. Wbik.Mll, •t.~ C Fe b. l7elS F, . (. UU, Dr. A(Jat0] '.\111o\xl.o0. Jud."1 or Qui~ ; Kent}. ,~. 1788-J'iOO. tr. 1, 19.. l!H, JQMi. J•IJ, IT&.\,C. SI, US, Tbci1A114A1c100; Q11~ 16 Apt, 1786, Woodlkld,. 1'183-lilH. f . l, 21, 70. &1~ 10$. 21t8.Ml . Jczdgo J ollo Fruct: Moolhtl, Jiu:ae. f. 189. 83., ut, 1'2. 1'8, 14!, 161, 1~, 2ot, Colonel n 11orthlll1t1.7Oun: )la :mil.l e&. Oc-L118"6. Fr, l'.$3, IS8-. (Jt..,ry) Lon.l A&Ohtt.t,,,O:muaa and4.r-.l.o• 2,s.. 2a9. 2s1, 28t , 2110,~91, s'l.5. m, 27 Jaa. 11• ""· r. 11. Major Johr.i 1\o., :IUb lle i;t.; LoG1lcln, Clllef: Wblt.:htlll •.oJ Mootr~. 174Mr­ 128, 33$. su. sn J&cl>OI BoN: ,~1,.nu, «. u, ~o. H Ju;oe, 178,.\, i'a.lOIOG.tla,10.C. lTIIT, J181. C. l~ 2", S70 l.,M(lt. ,6.UJC"'l,~10-.o11: A l.>N'dtiecl,J.o. 32. fl'. 17,l'l f . C.W,n! G(&.l.ir~I) Cluiitl6 ; Lel«.IA:t 1788, ft S, 9 J.ula WW ...... Solittk:lr-OeilUM 6l 001.oo~IJoh. Boo. MuJ.letd ' A weolJ! ngu,e: ~u.a.r•, t lle, J. 178G.t. l!U. loll\imB<,bm M.atbdU'IU,Ddu• h)• 6.):f. ~ Uan01'NI: OblbOva, W, ...... t OS. JS M:111 l'iflG. f. 201. Cb.lei': G,.J\oa 8'l'Mt. IICIC!irUI(t. 1788. l'1 f. • · 52G ADDl'l'IONAI, MSS., 21,737. ADDITION Al, MSS., 21,738-21 ,758. 627 G(l'D.i'raJG.[ab ticl) Chrii1Ue; Montre al. &':'16.igu Jeo,e.11Peach ey: Ni11gali\, J I 11s.s...n89. tr .~. 168, 213, m. J Ull(\ !789 , t. HO. Ann Oudwt!. I; Bt:llnont, 18 Oct. 1790, C.1pt$io Ru'1Ul.oo; Yv(!rdon, 18 t'cb. - de Tl1t}'IOtt(ln9: L1una.n1,e. 5 Apr. Riw. F. ll{ o\'iUt1: Oautcabur:,, 1789. F, . t. 323. Jj9 J. :,.·,. f. 360. t: nsa. e,,.. ao. 1t H2-.,1 97. A.htrcd Oll'rke, l..iait..-Gtt-r¢roor of Qu~ Reor-y Ilollan r): !Hirling, 24 Apr. 17!11, L ioi1t.-Gai.trol 'tbom&11C larke : PolMid - J3ourgi!i<)iil;Sr.. Ciergo,. I July, bco; 20 N'<>"·1790, f. !HZ. I. ~09. . J788. 33. Street, l J tu)l,-. t. J; -f:$, Ff'. f. JOO. ~e:xand&:r ])a~n ; LC:oo.doo,2A D,e,c. -'T' l'tJ.ftbfoy; G, 21,138. lbtftrr&S of th& Council Quebec; 30 Ju.ne. t77S-21 July, 1so. '206,274 , s:zu, aso. 'fr, t. l'i8 . 178f . P&por. Folio. Otptal .U 0tl'.ltr$J; 1788 .LouU, Mo11trea.l, J~ pb Urnot : Niogara. 14 Aug. 1789, Bud )700. Fr. Jf. !i2, 72 331. 21,739. MrsoTts or tho Council •I Queboo; 11 J'au. 17711--29 Apr. 1 r.m. L784.. l"'l\per. Fol io. L. de RQCde,-do Dltripur: : 8.irclihitim, K. Cb$ndler: Qneboo, 2-i A.ug. 17S9:, Aug, li$$. Fr. f. 5t. f. l.SS. - &'tt ry; Mcee, 2 &pt, 1788, Fr. 21,740- 21,742. l!EorsTrn of l•tter, from tho AdjutAnt-General's Offico ,. 56. Oap,ll.tnll.<'aj. Wiekh4a:i. GOib rtcgl. : a.t Qt\oOOC; 1778-l 783. Thi:eo volur.ncs. P~por . Folio. Niaga.ra, 1 $opt . Ji'S9, r. lSG. Jaqu e. Ta-rol.lX : M.oudOD, 1768- 1790. CM!ot PHJ1cllcdy; MaJW:i.U8'3 &pt. F,. if. .58. 10$, 259. 21,743. Or,lfBJlA.L0RJ)2'll5 ha1ued by General& Oa.rleton and Hn.Jdiw.1nd, 1760. R"· f.. 188. Govern.on,: of Quebec; May, 1776-July, 1783. PapeT. Quarto. l.ie-Jt.-Co!cinel WIiy.me«; Le.(mtnlt, S L. Ma1>drot; Y11od.on,1189. lf.190, S.;pt. l78$. Fr. f. 00. F,,,. 231, t. by J. Ilemm~h~d, Rflcteu:rde • F.gU!lai!i; 2l,74i. Gt:,;ut.a.. OnD'&t'7,tri7 . F, . f.211. the army in Canada; 1778- 1784, 'l\v o volumss. Pap.lt , Folio. (t'h(ln:u,,11de Ot~y ] l,ord Wt.1.t ingb au:i; Maj(lt Potriek Muna.y,~b R(,gt. : .De• Wtndtor, 18 Oet. 1788, r.6$ . troit. 2e Oct. 1;e9. r. rt"t1~ 21,748. A8$TRA.OTof warrunt., iS$ued fol' t he ordinary service of the C. do & l.c-n.,: 0Me\'8, 17$9. 1788, A-, Le CoruW DuJ)fC;Qu~bee, 10 l,,'"ov, Ji'&-9. :).rtny i n Oa.n.ada ; 1778-1784. Pa.per. Folio. ff . 89. 91. 109, 113~ 11$, 119. Fr. t, 233,. Cofottd Jc,bn llouoacU: .N~w Yorl, 21,'149- 21,753. R6:0t$Tl:U\ uf wartalltl:I iMUed ror the extr:.i.ordfoary 1 M:a.j or Semuel lwJLu1d; Qoob(oe..10'Nov. -~Ja.o . 118!), t; 93. 1760, (. 235. &Ot'\'icoof th e army in Oa1u.da; 1778- 1784 . Five ,•olm»t.-.i, Pitper, Ueuc . Fredlc. 1>e Vo!I, eot>i Rqt, Ll ~uL Job:o Ke.Wey, 60th.!!_gL : 1) ~11- Folio. (nephew of GeooEll'l\l ll aldiroand]; bam, ~oDoo. 1189. r.~ Qnt boo, SI. Johr,•~ tt<.., 11~ 1791, ABSTRACT of P. Plh~ r ; \",~dot\...de- ., 1700, 1791. 21,'154, warrants isi.uQC)f or the extrao rdinary lfervioo of Fr. «. 00• J2~ lSO, 1'2, 2'l9, 225, the army in Canada; 1778- 1784-. Paper. Folio. 21t,, a:13. Fr. fl'. 2'48. 2G2,360,, nlclmr1l P ec; 1778- 219, 2$3, 30l, $JS, 321, 331, 31.6. r.6, Ue-u.l.W . BaD3; Moottt-,il, ~ A(lr. 1190, 178-l. )Vith a fow encl◊eurce:. Paper. l:.,oJio. .6,. Wilde-,m()'.l,f, MllJ'Ot of m«u:ic: 11&'$ f. 25$. t111d 179l . Fr. ft . 107. 8S5. 21,768. Rt01srBn <>f com~,;:pondenoowith tho officers , - Btti.rcu)d (n,ephew of Gt>11et0.1B.111· ir.270,21).5.. Micbilim.ackinae,J 778, 1779; aud at Niagara , 1777-1783. Paper. d.ima.ndJ: .OU~. de ., 1789-170!, J~,. C.C•t..iu Alaa!ldOr Fr aiser; SpillN!ad, Folio. ft'. 117, 130, H~ 280, S62. 30 June. 1790, f. 292. - L.ew.ofoe ; NA.1.ioY,lO !.\lay, 1789. 21,757. 21,768. CoaRtsFQ!'o!Ol:?iCE of G6neral Ra.1dimaud with offioere Fr. J'ob.n Fred.le. Holland: Uytonaloo6, !8 r. m. Jui,. 1790,r. 299. oommandiug at llfo.hilimackinac; 1778- 1785, c.iz.:-M ajor A{rentj R«l.>4:r\Dttvitlere : Nllfiey lt May, 1789. p,., r. 121. 1 Mn. A(nne} Pret

from. QQptain John 11:om))NIOo. and Lit-ota. D[aniel] MUC6.T ud aialing of aooounia.. return-' u>erob.ant.1·Jett@,rs, etc. Among tht\ G(oorg•J Olo,. .. , 8th ~t.: C1pWn Alexander Grant. R.N.; signtt.t.uros iro tho80 of Oolooel1;1Guy Jobnaon 11nd Sir John John,:,r.n, l.lrigadi•r•Genotll.llJ[ •nry] IV•t.on Pow•ll, Niagua; Liout.,Colonol &rt .; Caplalno Ollbort 'ri<>e,J..,.ph Brant, and W. JohDltr,n; TI,nry llot», Uth Rogl,Aailalilli to th• t;p~• P...i, er C.oada. 21,7"71,2.1, 712. Lm,;M &om J.,ieut. . C0Jor1ol ,John Campbell, Superin­ I.II,.~--Carleton hland, Oa.wego,0.weptcbi~ Detroit., NiAs-.ra, tlo.; tcod(\ot ol lndiQo A.Jfuira. awl from othor offioer. or th• atD& 1778-1782; o:maiathlg of corre,,poode.nco of Oenen.l .H.ldimaud dep,rtme.nt.; 1718- 178'4. 'J'here at13 so'VenJ Jett.on from Ca.ptoin with C.pllin D(iederick] Br&hm[60th llegl.}. hi• Commi•.iooer to Alomndor 'lfraser, ~ptt1Sn J().'leph Drant, &nd Jame. Sta..nle.yGod­ inquire into the &ta.t.eof t b0 Uppt; r l'04l1. Papor , F olio. dard. With enclo.u-ret:. Two ,·ohnn... P•pcr . Folio. 21,780-21,763. Lrn-cu writtei, m 17;?-17M b,. tbe officer• OOID• ill,7'13. fa.,,,... from Gooeral lf•ldi ... nd t,o Liout.-Colonol John ma.uding11tNiag~ra.. \Ii,. :-L ieut..-Oolooe.l)fa .son Bolton (8th Uegt..]; Oampbell, and olhorof5ocr• of the Iodian Department; 1179-1783. l'lov. 1777..S.pL 1780:- Brigodi.,,-Geotnl Huu-y W1toonPc ,reJI: P•por . Folio. SepL 1780-Sept. 1782;-Liout.-Colon•I A. Dund .. [8th llegt. ]; Sept..-Nov. 1782;- Brigadic.r-Genonl Allan l(aelecu,: No•. 178.2- 21,T14...CoRRtlPO!'frUct of General D1-1dhoa.odwith Lfont.-Colone.1 0ot. 178S;-Lieul. -Colooel llobtrlHoy .. (:Htl\ Regt.J: Oct.1783- l>.lniel Clt.tt8, of tho Tudio.n !MpartmPnt; 117~1784. Pt1,J)6r-.FoUo. J•n. 1784 :-•od Liout.-Colon•I A(ront) S(obuyler] do l'ey1tor (8th ~gt. J; Ja..o.-Oet, 118-6... In four .-o)u:maa_containing the )oUerl 11,175. Coausro!fOI-J'CK of Genera l Juldimand with ll.rigadior-Oenoral d11"'1u followo:-Vol. I. 1777-1780; Vol. II. 1781; Vol. lll.1782; Sir John John~n. Bart., of U,o Indian J)epari.uwnt; J7S2-'78f. Vol, IV . 1783, 1784 . In tho last vulumo OCCU1' two origio .a.l lcUen Among lbe eocloeun,e 1re original lot.tu, from Ooorg<>l!OM>, Secre­ fzom Gtntnl George Wuhio.gton; 11.. dq1>1rtcn, X•wborgb, tary to tho l'reMury, f. hS; (',. plain Colin O.Unpher. Folio. G<>nor-1oOndiau AffiliN; 1782, 1783, Papo,-. $moll Quart,,, < 21,78~. Co.. f.Sro••••aot 0••-1 llaldiawid. and bi1 aetrela,y, 21,ffl , Coaa►.MONTJK~CB of Genoml IlaMimand with tbo I11di~n lte8i .. llbjc>r Robert M.,,thew., with Maj,,, [1rtorward.e Li•nt.,C,looel ) clentt., Captain Luc Sch.mid.al Y~m••k• and St . .Fr&n9'>i1:Captain J J ohn Butler, comm.0,ndi.ng the corps or Ranger&: a.nd with otbe.r Ile1t.ol de Rou.-ille_ al St. Fn\~W; P~N.1Gin.ult, at T-1t1Joono o5cenJ, prindp&lly ai Kiag,n; 1177-1?'8• ~ lAttert from the fol­ J.orolte; ond Lfout. Will• Crol'to,34tl\._>., •t St. Fr.>~oio: 1771- lo"1ing porJSOOIoceur :-C"'p tai.ns 'Walter BuLlttr, WiJJMlmC'aldweJI, 171'!1-. Wiih Q.QC)()IUJ'ff,.rap-r. -F olio . • od J. AfcDoce.11.. o f tho 11&.ugera:Capt.in John Jobnaton~ t 2'6j; Captain Gilb.rt Tice, f 300; ll "'.i<>rW illiam l/olla, f. 308: C.pt4in 21,T18, Co.,.,11 or direcUona to r.lr. t•tllycrow bow to wnducl h).9 Fr•nci, Lo M&iilre (8th l!cgt. ], O.puty- Adjutant-Oeneral, IT.338, inquiriea into the, roan.ot.1• and cuaton• of the Indian nation&, pu. 3i0: Capt1iu Jooeph Bnu,i, r. 39$; LieuL Geo~ Armmoog (8th ticula:rly 1ho Cha.eta"••; ancl (rev(lnfog the v<>lume)nf ~ letter Regt.], ff'. 401- 406: •nd others. With onclol\Jr... Paper. Folio. giving a 1ket.ch or th• natun.l and ciTil hi.t.tory of the St.ate or Pe:00.yha.nia.. raper ; u·mt.b oen,. Sw.•11Quarto. 21,786. 'Rltli1sraa of tb6 cm-n:9p0odcoee of G-ene.nl lLldimand wjth Colonel Guy Johnooo, Superinl-Ondent ot Indian AIJ'aird; 1779- Zl,779. B...... er mMlin:;o. , ...... 1peeeh.., d~. relali•g lo th• t 7SJ. PapESCICo r th• $41))0; 1778-1783. With eo­ 21,'180. Coaal51011i0Cl(C:£ofOt.nfnl HaldiOlhd wit.h office.rt corum&nd· cloeurc.. Two v·olumea. Pape.r. Folio. ing &t Oilwe.~t.ehio. r..'11.:-En&·ign J(onea l>uviis. of tl10 3l.&t nogt.:

'2117891 21,770. J>uus relatiog to Indian atlairt; 1777-1188; con• Sept. l 778- M:.i.y, 1719 :-C aptain Aloaandt.)r Fruar ; Ma.,--&pt .1179:

'/ I , , 111 r't, 530 ADDITIONAL llSS., 21,'181- 21,787. ADDITIONAL MSS., 21,787-21,190 . 531 -a:nd Captain Daniel Robo1·t&0n, 84th Ilegt . ; Sept. 1779..July , M•jor John Boes, 3-l\.b l{cgt.; Jan. Major Joh» Adolf'!li~llamtl, $;i tb Regt.: 1782. .At tho end of th<, volume i s o. lette,,- from Li<-,ul..Walter 1781- )la.r. 17~ S utlt or1:m.d; and a.l&Oa few retun\S, dated 1784 . l'a pcr. l'o1io. Nav. 1762-hte.y, 178f.. C..pt.ain Wi'Jlial'J\ ..\llC!tU.1)1, 3-Uh Re(;:t. ; C..})ttl,Ul Jtla.lcobn Prue,, 84th "Re.gt., A(>r... $ept, 17.1.12. 21,781. Rmtsr£R of ih& corro.,pondonco b6lween GoMra1s Sir Guy io t.h tll.ieeoc&ot IUa.jor Harrii._, 'in Cttpta.inJl\mca M:cDonoe.ll, Rop .1 lwg:i­ 1783. Carleton and Huldima.nd and thtntoft.oding 17&1. l'hilipe Roelteblave, COfrll'll,AAdio:M: the l¼kcr, IJ1e hbjocWilllrun lfo11.aell,29tbRe(;t., r, 019. ()Lpt.QlbR(fobtmlJ D[eroas<;r) Urooult, Ulhwi~; 1778- 178-t, "'0.Jd.-eJ J," ff'. !n, 3-1..3. OA.piainRi.clu11dDa"i~S3 rdH~.r .a2 1. .Jl4_.R~gt... Co:.»moodMi,: nw. Lhrrn.rd Abbo i1, J.,icut.-O~". r.m. S(¢buylet) de. Pt!)'ti4>f°, 8th Regt, J. D. Oou.rcyQIU, 8Wi;Con. tr. 207, 23..Q, Major :Robert Hoy-c11. 34th R.egt.,,. 3'27. O:,mw•nifaot; 1779.-.1783, 2-l!l,:![)1,337. c,.p1ai-a Du.,-id Al na.nde:r Grant. 6-Ub 'l'bcro aTe a.1$0mi.tcellanooll.$ lcttera from- t.ie11t..l'(nu1cii!IJ1Je.mbomg~84t h >,. R1>g:t,,r. m. r. 2C9. Lo\WJChenll ier, Qf& J~pb; 1180. Licut.•Color,cl ,T,:ihJI,MootgornC-)')', Com- D. -8-umQ(lr;Cla:n.mon~ r. :mo,. Lic11L Il(unipbi'$y ) Arden, Ror--!ne­ J. SbE.rwood: Sl John'•, r.93$. C..rMi-oA..ltcR<,e, t ndian D<:p(ll,po.snm. ~1ad n.otor.For 1Olatk; llli.no-1-.GJulJ, gtmcnt of tfo~ Y().rk,t 2$9. Ce.ptai:o Thomu Aubrey, ~d ot.hcr 17$0. tieut. &muel Wtt;He.r Pt\."'Otiea S-ltb Cbru·b Goold {$;ft&rwa.rd1:1Sir 0. Gould l~gt., r. S59, 1 <>ffiooraor the f.7th Rcgt.: 1779, . 1;$2. Jl\m~ Olatk, ne.nal sforekctpcr, f. 315. \Vith eno lotJure$. $urgoon 0£>0rgoAntbor,,; Oc:it.roi',.5 J AO. CapU.i.nHont}' llird, 8th Regt.: D1)-iW\t, Paper. Folio. 178(). 13 b-ttg. 1782. or Norman M<:Ltod [T,owo Major): D-c- Ca1,t.in A~n d<-POtaol R..N. ; Nil\• 211788. Comra lottel'Rfrom Goner&ITTaldimand to offioorr;command-­ 1 Lmit.G ,Jan. 1780. gun, l i8f ; 1ut~l

officora con11~.\~ding at O.rl&tOI)Ie1and, Oawego1 a.rid C-atarn.qui; ,.. ,.; Jan. 1779-0et. 1781 ;-Brigadier-General [J, W.J l)o Spuili; 178l-1783. Pnper, F'olio. Aug. 1781-}."ov . 1782 ;- a.nd Br-igadier-GenorAl Barry St. Leger; 21.785. 0o&nf;$F0~7>Eh'd:or Goneral Haldimaud ,ritb llajo r John RoSa:1. OcL l i82-Doo. 1784. Thorc Rl'8 "l,;o au:i.ong tho enclo.,mca mi1;Ctl­ fano:>us letters and doomnente from- 34th Regt.1 comman,ling a.t Oswebro,elc..; 1782, 178:l. With enolo-­ auroa. Ptaper. F-oJjo, c~(l.ill J U1't~Sl•8't'V.'00d; St.John's, 1718. C1tple.in J . Aedw&on: Col.cl\t1du T.ac, C11.ptain Jti-eho.rd.Bea0t0ft, 211.b Regt.; 30 Oci. !'ilU. 7 $cp(. J778. 21,'186. Oo1mr.s...oxo~CEof Gen6ral Do.ldim-lU.ldwith Major S~muol Cbpt(liiU Of!Qrgo Lutrl) (&kb ~gt.]: RCM, Su r\'oyor-Oenera1. John Collin&, tJut,'eyor, and lf.:.~jor ,fohJl lAeat.~Colm1el )Jaaon &Jlton,&b :Rogt.; H Dee. 1781. TI068(34th Regt.J, corom.11nding tho poat of Chtatl\(t'\1i; in 178-3 17&1, .Ni~ura. 31 May, 1779. Ja.w{'tlJ)t11tot Jolin 1\t~mb Monll'ffll, U Sept. Ca-ptuinOoorge 'McDoutall, &Uh Regt...: C-pt.aio AltJ.And(!.1Fr~. Md1 Re-gt..; New Vork; 20 Oct. 1781, M.ay-JuJy, 1779. Nov. 1779-Doo. JTF(I. 1781. Two volome:.;. P~per. Fc,lio. 632 ADDI TION AL l!SS ., 21,791- 21,798. ADDI TIONAL MSS., 21,798-21,800. 633

21/l9L Oitn:.i;of lencrs of Oenuml llaldima.nd to offic-er.\loomroanding c:bp,t.alo De.'l'ioll {2!ltb ot lllont""'l; 1778-178i. P, 1,er. Fofo. lloiot, 30 Oct. 1781. Re.gt.] ; l~ort s,.Jol)n, 1782, 1783. 0. Ji>W.uD[avid) P.i.wl.ltlll [Mtb Hegt.,]: )tAj,or John Na.i.rn.e,.53:J &gi.: ble aux 21.792. C.01rnli8 1'0!'-DE:iCB of Ge-nt.nl R'aldimand with officer,, com­ St. Jobn'e. 1 Nov, 1781 . Soi.r, 17$'2,1783 . maudiug nt b l& aux Nohe; 1778-1783, tlt~.: - Major Cbristopber 'l'bocooa Ftt:ema.n; 1\fot~trta.1,26 Ntw. Ml).j)•11.lbt. Rc;l• 0.piafo. Qruln] J(ohnJ F rtol!(IIU (24th 21,798, 21,794. L"'1'•BS to Gdior-GcuomUl(cnry J Rog~ S~,·e:oa; St. J ohn's, 3 J•o . l7S2. Major Willam lt:oucll ('2".Hb Hegt.]: Wat&>n Powell; Sept.. 1778-0ot. 1'180;- Majot Ohr i6topher Ctn·l&­ CaptoJ.n Wnlkam })orthwtolt, ft.A. ; 26 61..Jotm'~:; l"'eb.1783, ar.r.1782. Or.~ Smyth; St. Joho'e, 1785. ton [29th R.gt.); J.n.-Nov. 1780;-C.ptain Willi•m Monwll , ~in Willi•m Norto11 (44th ~gt .J; Olpbi.o Willlll ,IU 'l 'wW: Isle Hlt. Noix. 29th Rog!-; Aug.-Oct. 1780 ;-1,\•ut. -Colonel D•tt')' St.. Leger [34th 29 Mu . 1782'-. 7 Mar. 178:J, R.gt.); Nov. USO-Dec. 1782; •nd .lfajor Arohibo.ld Campbell, 29th Lieut. RteharJ R ougb lc>D: Cs.ohnAwop , 0.1►t.a.i.Q 1rbowae ll'11'.8i't.UJyn..li.a.t Ul.'gi­ Regt.; Doc.178 2-0ct. 1781,. Among tho cnclbo'a. If J1100, 178-l. Royal N•vy; 1178 -1783, "" · - 8 M$y, 1780. William l,lu.U (.J\e.rw-a.rd.GtttM'I (t) i" Oapialo .RicbMdPttlreoo, ot \he " Oa:r- Major-General PhUippo Schuyler (of I.be A.meffl$n ,u•mr); ble Noix. Capiain F. J. ff11rtweJJ.oC tho" Bru.ne;" au 1(1,,[ld1'77tl tb6 AraeriCfln1m n7J. Senator~to Gtn .. 20 Jtnw,, 1781,. r 1781. ral Waahiugton; dat. Al be.n1, 1$ July, C11-1>tAio.A:o.g1.18 tu.s Heney, ot tbti "-Vi • Cii.ptt.ioRobert Wall-.,r: Qoobei; G {kt. Alou.ntle" Ct,mpbeU: A:lontru l1 11 Oet.. 178L 17$i. per :" ins. 1779. 1781. C.p,o..loSkctlin Uli'lllidge. of the "'Tri, Cuptflj11J ohri .Tngtisior Ult c, Pandot~ :" Tw o volume,,. Paper. Folio. ton ;" Sept.. 1178. 1781-1783. IJeut . H . Child; l0Apr . 1779. Ad<11imlHon. l\obt-tt Digby: w tx,IU'd 21,795. CoPnts of le:UensfrotU Ocnoml llaldim&ndto officers command­ Oapt&in MaJn. Ji\()O~ or t.bo "Oe­ th&•• &ittrdam," 2 Veb. J78'l. ing a~ Fort SL Johu'•; 1778-1784. Paper. Folio. S..ooo:·• 1779, C;aptain JaUlw Worth, ol th(I ••A"' i•t.• Oapiaio Hugh RobllUOl'l,ol tb., .. G~­ $000 :" 1182. l. L•rnu 21,796-21,798. lo G•ooral Holdimand from offiooro com• dal()us»;'' Se.pt,.1770 . Cnptain. W. ~ ll, of the ''Hl!&l.u;" monding at Sorel ; 1778-178,, .;,. ,-Lieut.-Colone\ Barry St. Leger Ooptain 1ltor1 D-.ner, glhe lltonawiclt Troop•]; Sept . 17~, 1781. mule:"' t2O t t. 1782, AdO).tl'lllRltM.td FAw•rd~ Oo \'tn1<» tlf Capl.$hl Cba.rlea Dix.00 ot tb&., 1781-Au g. 1783. 1 DtaJro; " N@'Ntoood.la.nd; 1780. 10 NOY. 17~2. 2. Lotte"' from- C.ptru:o.811,0.11.Mi l Or-.vtie,c,f tho" Daiiae ;,. Lku t. Joho Sbtl(>«lte, of lbc ">Llry" Oclonel Deo. Jo.,eup: 9 Nov. 1778. E11i1lgoP.o.lph Gore [Silth Rc;t .] : Nl(i. • 1780. ttt.rupoJt: I j &pt 1783. 11 OnpWn&berl IA!f.ke; 8 No,. 1778. gara.. 2Ci~i.g. 1781>. OapLalnTbomM l'riogle. of the- DaiJa~ Capt.1iu Jomuban Fi.w.koo,, c.if 1he. Oapte.1:nwuu.m S*"•oon::un-.r1d inc tho DrigMJicr , Ocoe,..J lleorr Wi1Liloo h a;" 1781. ·• P~ lyt¢;" 17 Oe\..17S3. "P4UJ t' 21 July, 1779. Powtll; 20 Sepe. 1780, C.p ~ :0.vid Phi~: Spaoilh 8iver , C.))t.in Dhloolm li'ra.a,er, &itb 'Regt. : li(ui.cbOOIIC>n)l>o:nlop , 63rd lttgL; JXU· 14 .Tuly, 1781. 17$1. Ji't,t, With c ncl0$U1'('8, l';ipcr. Folio. 634 Al)DlTIONAl, MS:,,, 21.801- 21.806. ADDITIONALMISS., 2 1,807- tJ,809.

21,801, 21,802 . LtrntRB fl'Ollloftio6raor the PJ'Ovinoial Navy of Cana da; 21,801, 21,808 . O)aJl.QroKn'11'CE of Geueral UaMimand with LieuL .. 171tr-l'i8"· 'l'bo gre&t.o.r uu.mbcr •re wri.Ucio.by C.apl-ainWilliam o.... nera.l Sir He-n:ry Clinton, K.8. , and Licut,,Gao•~l $1_..G uy Chun.hen, comma»ding the na'fal foroc,gou Lako Cbtur,p1e.iu;1178- Curle1on, K.D. (&fto1·wtrd1JLord Dorcbotter]. Oomruam.lE!r$in Chid Juu&, t183 ;-contiuuod by Captain J. lluruet.t. bia 1Uoceuor.to in America; 1117- 1183; a.nd al-',) with otbor offioen t>tr,•iug in 6,pt. 1788: aod b7 C...plaio J<>iu>Scl,auk, Commi61ioner or 1he Ai:uer1c:a, m.:- L•k .. ; 1778- 1784. l' hero •re aloo lott.,ro fro m- Litut..--0.-,nt.r.l lf.. Sir William. Uo-we_ M'•jtr.Otoaal J.aa ~: 1':'80, LR. (•t\uwffl1 VilocNn\ llo • c), 1781, J&rDOtGra;ot; Qaek, 5 A-C - 17i8 ud ()a.ptafa Ale.under GrM\ t'OOUDl.ndttlg 1 1•1.4tCwalt- ,.,,..., _,.i..,., ~t ol Ni:• York; 1179. )l "Vor,,Otnt.nll Wm. '1):ron: Sept. J'J79. M. Mot;:ub. SfcN:ta.trLO Sir 001 Carlo­ JM1lt'11 A.odnii••· C!OCQZQCltl.dn ot Ute i'ott ''eogcieno.o, Su. to of Yonnoot : "U.ald imand; " OuLct.oa LIJ~Qd,SOcl. as.,,, mo. 0-.,tfll Ka~: l7it; 1780. * :11'2t 170. 171i. Adam"M~ atm. ..~• ; 1780- Xa;o,-0-eatral Baroo daBJ.ode,c,I;1180 , f.Af:!flt•Gcnerallie toe.Ltrg; l7R2. U... P.td,t ~7; Quobo<,!2()ot. 1783, 1781. llrlgMl.14r-O.eci,,ra.l Alur«I Ct.rloo; iO B,lpd.lff~ 1.tland : a, Aug. 111l'l.. JT.8. 0..'t'id Allpo: Oil.' LiliiWd, ~ Scpl. J• C.pt<,loA ...... U..-..7,R.N.; Q-. 1780. ftf• )'.1780, be,.\ 12 "NO't,(1778] , 0-pllUD Job.aM&lr; Quebec, 'l1 A!lf, 'l'wo ,otum~ Paprr. Foliu. CapWn 'Jamt,11AU.OU : Piuo1 Jaland, 1181. t 0te 1711. (.'lAwtot Onrot uJ c.UM:r•;Q•lioc-. lt 21,809. t.un118, ch iefly to 0eD6ffl 11altl imand, from Ooveruon: of Of6oen (I( Ibo .. ~ ;" 0..rlo&on JQ!WI, l 781. Xova.Sco,ia.,(lffict.re CQtUnwidiog at Ualilar.and 04.htt-.; 17i7 -17M, b1ata-:l, 24SVcb. 1770.. Fr. Adam l_;ymblaruer : Quebec, JS J~ .Lit•t C~wrat.c( u.. ..&meu':' Id~ . Ulll, ria.:-

aoJ J- IT/9. T,, 1,,eut.-Oolooel Samuel f'lotcl 1tr 1 OOOt• 6i, Ch,(lrl,t1 'Do,u,glu,&.rt. Ooco~ t.te11t. Cotlfr~at Coono-,.l:l..P.A.. ~­ Robt.rt Mc.h111,wrgeol'.l: Sc. .Sobn't, h? DW:ld~ PQl:'t WllfffO, U.S. : 2 July, GD UL• !""on.II Aaet:kaa Stalb; F(rl lfup~ ..,_ 17,.,0.1783 llw , l'rnl. l'nlL 1771 aod 178$. Dfl&"aJ1ilr•Oenol'll( J, W.] 1l. 8p("t,l,: O. '1""1;a&.M;Ur, Cciloool otllhlid•; Troll C•pte.in J&GM;11ll'r oti~; SL Joh11'11, 27 AdcoinJ il(ardott] Arl,,u.\Ju1ct.t,eut. ­ Bert!Uar, 2'J J11.-.e1780. RMh -01, UStltfo.r. 1179 . l'r . ··•1112 . (i01'01ICII' ct. NOft Scol•: 1$ Aq. Ca~• Job11 Hat~. K.inj.JW.11ger.,; Lieus Ralph .W..; SI. lobo'-. 19 Apr, J'n.ocioBmnt ; o,,.,_,~ tt Apr, 1782, 1'778, llo.ll(n, 21 A~- J'i80. 1719. Y, . Jo i.a Hall ; Uati.&1.1.,1~.A\lfr . 1778. Cot,<,JoT,,_ U..t,op. R.£ , C..,. AJ1t.1.. uller8blolda; $oret,20 lb.y, 1779. UtQL..()Qlot'..ol.IJiMe, Cluk. co~.ndlng ~ Epo ,._, ; Ualllu, --.cdAnt ol P'Grt Q.io,~•: Penoben..-t, Caj,l&l• ll. 1..r.,.,.: C""- i...t, ot -"'-'ch(!~ U.S.; I 1- 1718, l &;pt. 171$1, 1r.t•l7tll , Fr. 1782. Admiral Sir llicba,J lltChet, 136n.. E:.. ip S(am.•.. )W(aill"f) l"Ml\!N. Silk W1ll"'110RieliA t1; Aug ... Scpt. l7i9. Jloc_tr SU"e~: Crowo 11\)(ei,ir.l A11g Lft'-~"cni«d No"-&ciocb; 1178- 'Regt.: llahr..,x, Hi Jllly1 17~1. Cape.In Jlidwd r.ear T-.. fl lk n~ 17$1. Olptn.i.o fi:ir A(1)dNWJS{o11.pe)}hD.-Oed• ..reu, :"" 1779-11@1. lf~j,x-Ocineral -~, de BtOOcacl : J . Monk, AU01t11ey-C-._...,al(of Qtae­ &rl, tLN ., Lkd.-0,.,,"-...... ,t •' :s.,-. Robt,,BlMtkoct; Cron l?oi..llt,1 7i0 IIWd El=~..._, Stpl. 178'. boo?): Q-, tt Sept. 1m. 6eoLt6: l71:H,1782. 1761. Tlt.oc.. J't.a.or».TOYD K,y,t' ; Qtw.ke, l.k,1!,·Cc.~I J (IIICp)l Oc:rtb.. ::o: ).. OI L ?1flij01• J(o-ho] Skhu:ier,'10IJ1 ilQ(t ,. Com,. S. ~. Jt.N •• Qcebeo, !l ik(M. OS.,,.,1783. <;uMbt-rlt.nd,.$ ()cl J 778. .._..n,IJl Fort O~cc: P,aobiioot,. 1m. .&'JC'dicir-otenM l'rud.t M-.ck:.-::i; 2'5 )lay, 118!, With oncburea. T-.-.ovol\1.IDe& Paper. Folio. lh,lifu , 1i78-J'780 , Major-Oenem)J[arue. J P,1\cr90111;UaJI .. ue ,n.-Cc:itonelJNDt.1.iu (al'l,; ,.,.·aNI• .\l ajOt') O, 8 t•d• 178t. l'"rovincial Kary of Ou,.ade,; 1718-1784. Pap0T, Folio. ool1M, RF.A. lw:;t~ ~11,Hog Uri.,-adtOl·Ctu .nJ Il&i._ ~~f)J f{J, F0t1. Ho.re: 1,ro..1;&t... ,r...-d) li"ox_i A,g.. Pad;,. ~ & pt. M ISCIJ.U81!001 d<., 21,BCa.2 1,806. .,.po.., roport., -i.. remrnt, FbUlip Callbi..-k, ().iwrniuldar•fo~Chit( 1783. relating to tho l'roflnciol Na-.,. of Canada ; 1776-1784, 'l'wo oCSt. Johu'a 1-.!aod; 7 Jut1, 1no. John .t'~ .-.11."t'QI:lf.alit.x. l:J Od.. volume,. Pv.per. Folio. ~ t"n:,ckh n, Sorenu~& d 1':8l. Jt Ja u, l'i'St. fodian Aff'111r,i.n Nova i3c,;it1(l;1?70, MajOM.h•nt'n l A1cMli•ld Q.,MJ>bell, 21,806. ()ol'CES or tho oom,, ,,ondonoo between Oenerola Roliljmand 1180•• Go-.-c-ruo:rot Jamaka: 16 0d. li~ aua Sir Ouy C.• lecto11,Oow1,oa.u de.r-ln~Chlof of the Army io America ; t.a.~ ....I ,h.llo C..11-itobcU,i-llh Ltes.t. ~11.1,1.cll>.-n11y Stri,t; 11..r1 17&2,1783. Paper. Swall Quart<>. Rcgt.; Jl"vrt Ou t111i;(', 17l$0. J78:3, )fo.,..~·, rtr,. 2d Oct. t7tl3, 2 Jau. ns1 . 636 ADDITIONAL MSS.,21,810 - 21,812. ADDITIONAL MSS., 21,813 -21,8 20. 6S7 ~jOI•fhn.cral Joho Oanlpbtilli llaUtax, John Diokinton, Oo•e:rnw 1ta of lotter• from Gene,ra) H~ldjroand to the officeTSof the 17$1. ••00.(io Coloa.el h,ac Melchior): Lieot,.O:,Jonel John Small [$tt;b llogt); 9 P."b. 1784, Gorman Logion.!..wit,h re,tu:ruis, de.; 1770-178 3. P~per. F olio. IIalilaz, 17S.. 21,814. Co&Rl:Sl'ONJ)&sccof Ocnoral Haldim&nd wi th offioo,. oU~ !'aper. Folio. neent in Ca.na,da.: 1777-1'783, t'it.:-f'..aptain .John Ml\rr ; 1777- l7 797-Ca.piai'ii ·,~liUiarn Twiss; 1778-1783 ;- oud Liout. James 21,810. COF11.Sof letter& fro01 Gooeral Daldimand to Govornom of OJe.,ie, 1770, 1780. With enolo,uros. Pap«. Folio. Kova Scotia and of5.C$NI commanding at H•lift.x; 1778-1784. 21,Sl/J. REru••• from th• ()ffi.., of Engin..,-e at Quebec; 1771 - 178!. Folio. Paper. P&por. Folio. 21,SU,21 ,812. LRTT&Rs,principally in Fre,..l, to Genera l Raldiman,1, 21,816. Co6.RtsPO.NDH~·c:e of General Haldimand with f.1iet1t.-Colo11el from offioors of the German Legiou io Can:i.da; 1778-178-l; tiit. :- ).f.J\' •t f!'orbos Macbean, li.A., and with elcrh in tho Ordnanc6 Depart- ( ·' JQent of Canada ; 1778-1784. '\Vith returns and 01Jclo6ut~s. f 1aper . JMg•lior-Oe-oetal Rawlet1'8opb.t'; 17?8- CapQ,in ~OdJdt; Q.ucboo,22 Jbl)·, }l"'olio. 17$1. 1781, O&ptain Charle, TunderfelcH; 1778, ~ptai.D J. Martin: l:3t'CI.Dtt18titt,22 M'A) ', 21,817. Rtt 'tfAS$ and remain of ordnance and o rd~o,.oco slorea in 17~ Nld 178<. 11s2.. Ca.uada; 1779-1784. P&por. Folio. Drige.d.ierJohaon Gw:ttiv d'Ehm1.ktook i D.rigoo.U:r-Oene.rdde Looi: 17$'J, 1763. 'l'broo :Riv-er,,177$, 1779. Ueu.t. A,. .B.cb; POiot Lari 6, 19 July , ii 21,818. L.-rTF.1"to Ocnoral liaJd;,uand and Me.jor Mathows, hi. ,ccre­ -&jor-Ge::ier.,1 Daroo de Riod-,IIQJ.;8 1782. tary, from office:re o[ th6 King'i Royal Reg.iroc.ntof New York : Oct. 1778 1 s Apr. 1782, 173.3, 178"1. Lica.t, Br. do Se.b..S-alllk-1; ( AlAg. 1782) 1776-1783, 111.s.:- B,lgadir.r--Gene.ral (J. W,Jde Speth; awl 2 July, 1783. 1178- 1780, and 81 July, 1763. (' Lteut. •Coloool Sir JOOo.Johcll()Q, DA.rt,. , C.pt~o. John Mun.~ If. 83G,~ 8. MAjor (}(;orge PQ)u80b; 8 Ml£:. 1782, f( r..;.k-JM,~'- ,Maj"otJan:u,-Or&y,aodo.ptain Ro~,t Colonel 0. d& Cremboo.rg; 1778, 1789. J'IUI.Gi1788. Co.pw.inW(lUia.m ] R(c:dfm-d]C"'" ..tor d , Lk:ai,-0.,IOJl.fllCb!Utiau JuliWl Pru­ ·wl. Leake: p;u,tim. I, 3GG, O>looel de ltongao: La.V•ll.rie, 2-tDoo. .I - • CtJ)tAlo Willi&m llori&on. f. !!82. t.ori\18; 1778--1780. 1782,lZ Mi,,. 178$. O.pt&inAD.8~ l!cDoneU. f'. $67. ~ .,-.,,,,., ;/ . C.1pt&inP . 011.'7,tt 29-2,364, S8S, Lieut,·CoJonol T. W. wt &rn~; 1778 .. Colonel Leoti; 1';'83. 1 Lio1.1t. Jenae )fan, t. 37J. 1781. au(l 1 Aug, 178$. • _ A . 11-;}r &e -.-. Jobu Stout., CbApl11.U11 fl.. 296, $HI, Lfou1. A.llun ilhodooitl. f. S75. Captain Gott.lieb doOlt1iffooberg; Me.y, Jt' >1 ,v- 826,331. Chpwo Anlo1De Aug4:; 23 Mar. 1170. 17~Apr. 17$i. ' Oh11,,}NA1.1&ti». ~ . r. 1\94. 4., '/ C<\>lo.l•J, Aod_., £ 313. Lioo.t...0:,,k>no.l Pe:d.lulln,d do Blur:1or: Capt!UOB1.1gget: 1783. d~ Lie-ut.P(•triek) l.4oga:o,r. 4-0(;. / lt>-'u:/ &v. John Dat7, Cbap.b.in, ft. s:1,,320 , llootxc:M,2 JM1. 1701), Captain F'. t,. de Scbo≪ 1783, e,1 . s-i~sss . Lleul &too G<>Ul<>b ~ 4• BeT. 0. C. Kaup, ebaplaln; 18 Ju l)', 7 7 lwil..1.(icu;.teiu; U A.QI. 1760, 1783, 1783. ff,!<(, ' J .An.ongthe enclosure• a.re letten from Lieuts N•th. l:fillycr (of the 178'. 011,pteioPique,; 11 Aug. 178$. ,. Jg'tde Ba~h()(lpf.al; c..r1 \'OJl hh.nlcfdd~ f'oluntoor ; NiA.,. King's Royal Regiment. of New York; 1779-1783. Paper . Foli o• 1780-1783, gar-, 11 Nov. 1788. OoJoooT. a £. Ton.Seit; n.o.nr•., !> Ltoul,•Genenl M. c. ZIU'1l:tnb.;D:Wg , 21,820. CORA.f.Sl>ONmn,cr.of Gener.al Daldim,.od wiili LieutA ~olonel May, 178J. Gt,. 3 .Fcb. l18t. o_., Robert Uog~r., a.nd Major Jamee Rogore, oom.ma.udingt.ho Royal GttDCflUtc:uyphau.i,en ; ?ifuw York, 20 Lieul. BlllOCl!Wmood ''~Wt® ~i3: &ngi\ri jn Canada; 1779-1784; with lettor& fl'Qm ilie officer&of July, 1781. Quebee, 7 July, 17&a, tho &\tXleootp,9 and ot.hen, CV. : - There aro also l6tter.s from.­ Cap1Ai.oOILll.iel BeeilOnott. f . l7. A(b-..ah1trt1]Cuy ter, Wpc,etor of Lo7al• Oaptato John .Lc>l)ga~ ff . 2f, 42. Feooncode l't6toommts, -r-,,,.,Coun, Cba.1'108Q(uWe.0 1r1eJ F[e:td.iuodJ> Dull;e iflCt, «IJ..; \((lotroal. 25 Nov. 1782, e.illortot~ Dttke cl BruD1wick; $1 Litui. M'.i-ebael8rt1llb, r. •U, f. 1~2. ot Bni,14..-iclc-Luoo~g : I Ap.r. Do,-,,ld Breabnridg&, ICsurt.s. 'J'wo ,·oluiD<.1$.Poper. fi"oJio~ Papor. Folio,- 5S8 ADDITIONAL ll8a, 21,821. ADDI'l'lONAL MSS., 21,821- 21,822. 539

21,821, 21,822. L£11'BBS from officers of tho Loy•U.ta in C.,nad,, anol J ohn Oroen,t1t tho Lo) •ili 1d11: $t. Jahn'•, C1oplBfoW(ilU iuti) Cl1Q.lUl,cr.[PN'ITiudal othore, prineipally add,....oo'lo GonofuTli:aJdimana; H78-178i, 31 Ju ly, 1781, f. 270. :r;11.vy); $.t. JoL.n'a, 18 1''00, l7$'2, Two -vohunee. Paper. Folio. f.,foui. "D&vidJ~ of fh~ Ll>)'&llata: I. 859. Voo.:h~~ , 19 A.ug..llSl, r. m. Re\•. Job.u Stu~n.: MOilt~I, B M1u. Abraham Wing; I&le aux NOU, 17 1782, f. 367. \ 21,821. VOL. I. Letters 0£ 1178-1782, from- Sept. mu, t. ~us. Oepw.io Fro.ucb Ro;d,

11.fo.Alpin,60lh Regt., c-omma.ndiog a. 1780..Sept..1782 1 ff. U.2,237 ,3:n, 3!)8, 1781, t. 323. Liout. J . Ferg-aaoo,Pa)m.asU:r, King'6 CO'l'4 of tb.-0 LO}>•li1te; )ray , 1779,.., 4.05. Bcnju;lu. Po.ttcraoa; St. J&m'•, tu.., Rangdll, f. $8$. July, 1780,1)cW£"'- Rtv. Jobo llry.a.: St.. Joho't, ll Oet. 7 Jon., 1 k'eb. 1782, Jr. 830, a-ts. 4:vi. $ihed<,r; s,. Job t1'&1 2:0 Juuo, l!aj or Joa1n Naif1le, 8-Ub Reg\., .-uper- 1780-8 Dco. 1781, W. Ht, 105, 18lt.. Lieut. l&o.ooMa.n , junior, ()f th e. ~yol-­ 1782, t.002. iokud.iog the Luy~: 17i~l7$Z, 198, 321. is,ta; Vttth~ra, 2!t Jal). 1782, f. SS.:i. s. JCd)E$,e tc.ht Los1•li$lll; 26 Aug:. 1782, J.'IMl'im. Jolll) l'ht,t~; SL Johu'~ 2.2 Oct. 1780- c.Jeb 01'8¢n; Mt>11ttce.l,28 JAu,, 22 lii;h. r. 1.00. '( Oe.ptai.nJohnW.Moyera.(ofthc&nger•J: 29 Ju:ne, 1762, ff, 162,27 1, 30-J. 1782, ff. 811, ssa. Cla\ad11,,. 1'riJtcU; !St. JobJt\1, 15 *''"· J\lly, 1179-Jun,e, 1782, ff. 21, 3l , 186. C.~ , .Roy&.1 BegimCflt Roger Stim:oa; St. ,Job0'11,G J."'eb., 15 1'182.( • .f{)f. ~ 180, 28t-.23), 287, ~, 31-f,M9, of Now York: Cto1'1'nP<>iot, 2.5 Oct. Out 1762, ff. !15(),ilf . 3&t. 1780-SQJuly, 1781, ft'. 15-f, 167, 169, J.ob.oOrom.mond: Quebec,8 July. 17r.>. 202, 23!, ~8. I, l. 21,822. VoL. ll. LeLtc .. , dated 1788, 1784, from­ r. 25. 6£mpeonJmne: Vorchett"' 2 Doo.1780, \10I • \ Captlljn Jobn H•tfi~lcl. ot the Rangtli; f. 113. Ma.jo,r Edy.•a.td Jt:asup, 0011un11,11di1lg& OApC•.iuA2acbb Prl~h~; $t. Juhn "S; ~ 12 No.. l1?9 , f. 83. Li~uta. Job .n nuwra:od JQbll WU.01.1-,or c(lrpt, orLoyw.ll4t,;Nontrco.l,t:U'., 17 83, 178:l, 17$,1, tr. GS,G7 , t.\7, S:76. &mue) Petry; Quebec, 8 Hal. 1790, tho Lbyalhta • V'6r'Oh~ 3 Doo. \'18'1, pa.atim. S'oth!miel llolmc11; St.. Jobn'a, 2-7 July, t, 61. 1'180>20 l!'ob. 17SJ• tt.17J, ZOO. Jacob Oklb; Moot.real, 1783, 1784, If. 3. 1783, r, GS. Rb(:11ei~r Jt'ff!P, of th e LoytlJ.ista; CBpt&in Bus ·h Mun ~ of th& Loyl:\l- H8, 8-Jtt S•~ liOJI.C)fe.n., jull.Wr: )lootrc.111, 21 Avg. Qae.~ ete., Ap-. 1780-.Mt.r. 1761, ist.: BertbiN", sco., 7 Doo. 1180--'1 Willirun Ma.rah; St . J ohn'e. 1183. l18l, 1783, &rel, 17 .lto.y, 1'18-1, if. SJ• Jl(&4,tlm. Nov. 17$2, ff. 117, 2&4:,300. ,00 . 6:.7, 7"'470, 108.100, 109, 181,3 07, $09. !';7. Samuel Adame, Loya~ Ageot; $t. J9fl),e., Drodtha.w ~ Der-lbi~r, $ Ji1,n. Major A(rthlba.JdJ Oampbfsll (2$1b John F~, l.oreliii; Y~~-o Ulock~ Johe'._, tk., 7 Ap?'. a.0d SOAug . 1780, l'TIU~ f. 192. lkgl]; Twolf.He Point, 18 Feb , 1183, ho~ 2,8 Aug, 1783, f. 87. ff. 69, 107. Majur Mdwa.td J«1811p,001n1»audfog a t. 15. Eb. Natl.haw.; Moolreal, .1 Si;pl 17$3, Ot.pto.tnJ (U61Uil) Shon,ood, of the LornJ.• ()(ll'ptl ot L>yali,;:ls: St J~o.._, f:l.e., 0.µC.iDJ[wltu,JSh....,ood:Loyd ll1"':k- f. SS. i.a\8; St. Johu'e, de., 1780-1782, JI'.. 1781, 1182,pa.Mlrll. b.ollaic,ttc., 17$.\, 178-4,po:#im. OepWQAleuod.cr White; Sor-0t, 3 &,pt, 7:l, 105,125, l!lt, t20, t2.2.1..'Z(l, ◄ 29, G~hoi» ~oc;:h; Soro!, IS JaJi. 1761, V O..pWDJob,nW. MoJ1:J•(o{tboltaog('r.); 17~21 Apr. 17$1, tr. 8:.l,200, 2i.S. 4SO. f. J!n. &. .J.OOn',,Apr. 1783-Apr. 1781·, tr. 21, Robert S,nilh.: l:foutne.l, 9 Sept., S Oct. Lie.ut.. llon,y }tu.Her (of 1,h(I L)ynlliti); C-,ta.io Jam(l, T\r.o.bnridgQ (ttf iOO U2 , 297. 1788, O'. 92, 112,. St. John'e, JO Ma1, 1780, f. 7G.. RangeN]; St. Joh.o'a, 9 Feb., 1 Oet. C•pt.o.iolwbcrl L~o; Osw..:go,19A.pr. John &t~ ·ry; ~is.gara, 13 Svpt. 1783> Mar)' ){cAJpin (oiridow o( Mlljor l?Sl, ft ?00, 303. 1783,ltc:mtrul, 8Ja.n. 178t, ff. 31, 1:SL ('. 1()0. MeAlpln ) ; M:oa\Nlel, ~ Jul r. J7S0, ()dpt.in J(m. Jooe,,, or lhe Lota.li.t.,i ; &.moel Wright; SlJohn'ill, S l!ay, '1784, l'tudolpbmRllwtnau; Monbe11.l,10:~pt. r. 97. St. John'-. 28 Feb .178 1, t. 219. r.a9. 1m.t. 101.. b:-ail Ferg'UtOQ:St. John',, 3 Aug. a.nd l.ieuL ,0:,)ooel John Pe«!t', of toof,c)J'al• Johll St.eYea.oo; Mont.teol, lS M..y,U &mucl AdaJJ'lf, M>ro.Jitt Agttd : Ma• !I No'f. J780. «. 101, JGl, i11-t,: St. J~on•-,de., l7SI, tr. 2-lJ, Juoe, 1183. fr. 40) 53. chi.ch&,• Oct. 17$3, r.no. Lieut.. Niel Rlo ; Longueil, 17 May, Oi.pl,uin Bugh l)Junro, c,f the Loyaliit.t; i$t {?) ; :llont~, G Aug. 1780-18 O.patu few, D1wnwoocl, of lh♦ LoJ•l • 1788, f, U. River du Chene, so Oel. 17$3 JOll~)- ► Juoe, 1?8 1, ff. 103, 1$6,,2$1. i11ta:St. Juhn'e, ~u.,2.8 F&b., SO Aug. &•.Oeor,;c:Gillnaoro; St..Johu\1,20.May, 118{, tr. Hf, 127, 24;9. OapW.in'J' .1t-0rd,bey,ol'.r; Monl.l-3, l'I~, 1781, O'. 22:3, 288. 17€$, f. ts . Lieut.-Oolooel JobJt Morri$ : Ili,ror St.

30 Aug., lf St.pt. 17801 ff. 109, 126. &njemtn Bolt; St.. J ohn•., l:i Mliy, U.jor J~I) N&t:rno,~3td >.; lalc Ch9.me, 1 Nov. 1783, r. 117. Lieut. Wi.lli&mFnec.a:, of tho Loya.I.hie: 17811 f. 2t_1. n~ No~ 2~ Nelf, 17831 f. i7. Jr,i,bo Ou.cyn; ltoom:'al, 19 Nov. l7831 Y&lll181,bDloekhouae, Sept. 1780- Li4::llt.•Colou~Jobu 00.mpbtll (74th n.e..-J...,p(ofU...Loyali.o") : R;m I, 110.

Jun~ 173J, if. 121, 1931 236, 2.19, Rt..gt.J; Mo11beal, 3 Jun~ )7S1,f . 2-l~. du Chene_.22 J une, 1783, f. 51. Lieul John Ferg'll,i()o{of r.be&ogm]: 251. S\Cpb~o '1'1ttle; &rel, etc., Jl JuJy. l3 Ebcnact Allen; $bclbom, ,4., '¥1 JuQt; St. J◊b.11'1t Doc, litl3, 8 Julf, 1781, 1,ieut. (?) 'f'homoi, Man, qf U~ l.o)·••'· AIJ8. 1781, ff'. 2LS. 275. 1788-15 Aus. 178t, jJ. SO,29J, SS-2. it. 1'21,1~ 31:>. i&t&;St.. Jvlu ••-. 27 Sept-.1780, f, 138. WHUtua Tyler; 81. J1,ohn'g, 14 J111y, ·rLOW1$~ ; Jilonf.tffl.l,20July, li8$, SttpJu;u Tutt\.,; ?lhichk:00,lJ n«. Ji83,

O.ptoln Aw-l>h Ntebat\l; Cb..,Wy, 1731,f. 2GO. r. 63. 26 Apt. 17841 ff. 1'2J, 251. ADl)ITIO)IAL !,{$$., 21.828- 11,831. 5U 54() A.lJDITIONAL ll!SS.,21 ,822-21 ,825,,,. c..pwM John Jd'0Do1tell; llootffd , 11 Peter v11,nAl11l,ht,e: ,ljo rel, 10 Apr .... l .o.nt.'ey, Jnsptttors of Loyalimin Canada; 1181-17$4. J;,ag.and F,. Dec. l783, 12 Ap. 171,t-,ff: 129, ~ 7Jatee-, 178-l, «.2u.i7~ .~ ~ With • fe,w enclo•Mu·ee,nd l_&tt.en from Loyalist.a. ra.per. Poljo, Suga,,< S..•I (:'dftll, Kina'• C.ptola w,111... M«uoo,,ot Iii• Loru· ~ f.+r( , u/ .14 ~f,M, h,-,, ('A;_•r Mr h.Jn ,t J14 R1.0~ ;S&..Jobn'a.l'>,Tan171H,f.H4. ! l11.t: lloolr c!\11 Apr. 17&!, ff, 2!6. '&HI, 21.826. R ,-ru 1t11111, a«ountt, etc., relating to th&Loya)ista in Cal)ada; Majr,r Jllr,,8.Gray, ol U11 lA1•H.at1: llon­ Job.a JoUEi~ LI.ti Ci.apC.a.l.tH,tl..oyaJ&o 171~17~5. Paper. Large Folio. tttol , 8 Ju.-$ Ap<. llSi. If. It), 20.;, Ra.-,,d• Che-. 1, Apr. na -11 t. 217. 211827. Maa·n::r.•&OtJ-4.ro~ur-na, acoonntt. de .. Nlding to the Loyalil\t. CILptafa Aogwi MclX;m,ll: !font.real, C..,lt.ia""~· lietJry llulli.r : $\. Job.O'f, to a.Ottot-hc.r pro Tintial CO'l)I ecrving in Am•ric.; 1i76-1784 . Paper. 13 Ju. 11&-t, l 1-Sa AfW. l?at1 l 'l-1). Qs..ip J:b Oode£roy] John >f7a.t: Qi.:eb.:~ 19 f•b . l7'&l, Patr k lr 81117,b; Sottl, ~ Jaot. 1781, d• Ta.nnanocmr, Colonel of Militia "t Thr.» Rhon1-, tmd oth~n; f. 111. lttoG,:111!1, J6'iab °'6 11:M.u:hiclL-. 23 Ptb., ll )t..r. Be•. John \)o ty; &-nl11 O..,.W• Jclm 1l1U1JO; Atetmphoo, ~ Alltu M.cDo,,.lt.I.o,-liJI; l(,.ttt,J, No•. 17i8, r. 10. Rivih('tl, I ◄ May, 1780, r. HG. Fe:b. 178§, t. 116.. tCJJ uly, l71'H,f. :528, s,. 0.1,ge: 21 reh. 1110, f.. tt . JG11tpb ~Uo: ~ l'Jlt)IWer•, 10 Jaeub L11.0Sfoi,b;Allcntoo. StaW otV er­ Ce,ptain 'ftwti.M 011.0l,tf-.Jl,.IMO Boy.I 1.laill.C. Nc-.ry; 1'ree. Ri"'°' 17:$- 0..e. 1780, t !21. -~ts•·•·,m. ,.ns. Rcc'.JDeD\ ot New l'e... Cbrim .. Wev, of Ille Lofalial,: (I Aug, 1784, t. 3:,0, Lt;11i1lif~ ba ,"1, late C.pwio or t\fUJt.Li: 13 F•b. 1781, r.~ 11. St. J c,ho'A, 2 M..,.,.,aio Juot, 17&&, Aioundtz Ca.mvbeU:)loe.tr_..1.16 Au, . n.u..c.n,. tt 1u,, 1m. r. -1,. IA Chen.Jin de T-oe:,a'>ffCJ';Trais lt J8S,2S:,, ~ 311. liiH, t. S3$.. S~MOO BeU,a;Je dtt CbeoteGla; Troll Jli,ii:r8 1 1S May. l76 J, t 219, Regu ?-~TUI; 81. Job.'t. 16 W.., ., Li,i:,11t.B11.roo G{_ou)ob] qbrttien] di, Rl•U•."'8.2ft Aug. 1779, t. 18, Ltf'ul Ri,oliteln ; Troit JUyi.aw, 21i

Y8 ~f~ li8♦, tr. l!U, 856, B4ltzcn.st,Jn (of thti Ot ·rm1ui Legiion}: J. l)ro ,.,,.; Tb.tee l:Ul'ttt. l'1 6opL l'i'T'J, llay, l11U0 f. m_ G~ Smytb, Suta«IU: St. J-Obo'a.I ~ ~a.r&q•l, 18 A•ty 11U. P, . t3a. f. 8$. J. ld:, Tm111ucoo,; Trd1 Ririt.;t()I , 15 ll v ,• H &pl, 17M, W,tol,90S,3t'1. C&j:iklRJob I.la~: Scul, 00 Aiq , IMl'lll-Oi>lonel Cre11tet, of the Alls. June, 1181, 2.? Oc.l, l78i . ft' i.ji, 821, J1UD«,Jo1uJl!(ln,Prll'lll t or t~ Loy11.li!fl,; 178·1,t.. Sa&. Ima; 'rroll lliTM,_ :i No•. li70, O, ....,_eanece::r, llit: Twat R.h-i..rcs.. ~a.11b'ebe, S Apr. li&t, f. 21 l A«blbald )(""""""'1~ U..L I• .. SIik tN. 118s.,,.. 1781, I. 2':5. J~p~ u ...~; If~ • Apr . a,,...;Xoom,al,JO 8$.1m. t :lU ricrro 01'1.ll'lel,M nUN! de P o;:lO; ll itOt S., 1111el Sill;., Ct&Ott~ Tom:uaooia,; Troit RhRl:8, ltlt ,-.u·Noli_ Apr. Ilk.«. tlS, tM. f5lI LoJol• ,. o,.. 1m, ,. 100. ms, tf. 308, i1a. tn. lat.); t. Chloo, 14.1Oct . 17&1,f. 30-1, En,iaa Jl(•mpbN!f] Ard.m; Th~ N. l,Lo1d: 1'~ Riter-, ~ &pt. 118S, C1111tMoWiJ lw'ti Fraaior,1.1'6 of th&Loral• )b jo, a-,,,.,.1 ll ollaob 'l'r.Tertf, Utt, If. tl9, f$S. B. b1UDD¢r: fl.d., t 4QS. &to.ehklht, 6 MaJ, J 780, f, 14 2. •·"- t. :St:s. Paper. !folio. 21,823. (:o,io of lel..,, from O•..,..J llaldimaod to offi«r• c,f tho \; ' 'L<>faliAtl; 1779-1783. P•per. l'olio. 21,831. llJ ,0 1:1.unous I)'\IHlrarelating lo t h() Ca.03dj1U"LMilitia.; 1775- 118.f ; U,,cludiog l•t1er1 from­ 21,8U. Couwc»o&.sa or OtMnl U.ldimaod wilb Coo""1 Gugy, - ~b1Wlt, 1n911eet.or o/ lil i1i~1•; l,kt11t.-0111t»1ctU o-orr Cald•ell, «,,11:1° Seigneur of Maohicho, relating to tho Loyaliate th ore; J?7tt- 178Jl, l.o•-.g™'ull. llt-., 2-!SAug,., 2 Nov. 1778, 1uaruliog Uio 1Jrili.1b MIiitia ; JW. a. 10, 17. ui,cct, !:CA.17i,t..178f., II. SI, ff, 63. Priocipal.ly io l~

Vf9n- De lh -y J)di.Je; ~Uo, -- 0..,.rt.et - \ 1tit.h cncloror• Eng. Q.ndFr. Papi)r. fl"'olio. 21,833. Ml~ return~ and pt1p<'til rC;1'1.ting to t ho Brititih and 21.836--21,838. Len su mm, Capb,n J .. t,.. Sher"'ood and Dr. 17i6-Ji8,4, Oum.an troop. se..rving in CanJda; Vapiir. Foli-o. Ot.."Orge t;rnylh, Onnmiu:ioncr.1 for tho E.1.<:hango of P ri8011Cr111 10 U\lne:ral Uiil.dim11nd; 1717- 1734. 1n three v olofflt&.- A:wong tht 21,834; 1.1;..,.-rcst.,from officora(If tho Britii h an ny, ptittonen, nl' w:~r, 1;;_,_:- )1ajor-.General U.ron de Rled~i; Lu:ur.uenoral Sir J~hn f>n¢l06U.1•ue 1.att.ra from U.. rollowiog per$>n& :- lh•,g~yne, &tt..; lt. jor Oent:ral \\ illio.m l"b1llipw: Licnt.- Oeorge 21,836. Vor,.L :- Vu11auooy, Agt..: ]lo,.., EdwtLrd J3rudenell ; Uajot Ool..i S.- &«<.d ( A- A,..1 ); ,~ C1utr; Mo.!'jt r~ aeit,20 Henry ll un •• 6~nd ~l.; d4t. C.mb ridg& near , 1778. Fort Stark, 1 &,:pt, 1~78, t. 1. Jul1 , n~u.t. 120. With .rtluana. Paper. li'olio. C,q,1a.inClet0tot Ooa.cili.o.; 2:l OeL l77tl. &f11jorJ~pb l"~,.; OC'lboMd -.:11c.•c.,1. F,. l 8. v,a,• hlF, l7i!1. ff 1!7 0 1,0, lff . 21,835. CoRll~l'O!(out,; of Gentn1 Haldim&od witb 'l'Viou• otrioert J ohn Ch~; l'at &1.-M.I, 29 Ang. J.Jtut. B. Uhw::keU: on triJp; t1.._1q..,..,., St.-fJ• l: Willla.rtlf.bur;. l-la.,. \780, ,, • •• ft'.:;.~,2.11. 1181,It t7, IO. 1<1<..._._p. II Sq, . 1181, t 22._ ff ll, UI. Colt., I Ira A1tca. ouo (,I

~ , ... JWli•l l:thao Al~ (ACIE':fi,,u,&r. 11811 f, Ill Apr ,-&pl. 1181. W, IS9, t:;..,,S)l, 1782. r. 2C8. \'Wit); a..tleloo, ~ llS0..1163 1 ff'. ll, [Willi .. , Al<-uadt r, Mlt-,ry-ledF'-'l.tl o l] &Jomon Wil t(ln : May-Nuv. 1782, tr. A. U, JaoobL~o1Rn1th: Q\ICb"",Ju .ly• od $Urllng; S.lOtogn. I N'_ov. l7~l, f.1 2:,. 111,>l!S, {09, Ne,,.. 17@1,,ft' . 2':0 .f~ •US. 3", ... ··~ 352. 1 ~I ~ t•'5fGausl•oor1.Srd 'Ne• \' qrk U. E. L11til'rS.b; ~t•IMngh, Apr, l1cl3. X. J<,,Jtwpl, Fay; Jkoolagloo, 9 liar, J• ?ars Ur('ali:eruidgo;Q1;1c~ . 2 .&.,1~. B~~ t: ~ t 'S ,,.. I~, ,r. 110, ''°· 1782,{. 180. 11s2, r.200. C.M Join, ll aooock , Go"ct'l'IN 1.)r Mil.SM• A, MoAllao: oo boo.rdt.b o "Mm&, .. 18 "•'Yc;.-.,J.,.: 1.s.u..t.lD , • -' 113-n~ Ut~r;i l l'l,. SOhuy\er; &:a1.tnp, de ~b•• «~: I),,~._ 17:-.U•r. L7b3 , l IV. N•1, 1152,t "'lS. t. !'JI, ADOrI'IONAL MSS., 21,841, 21,842. ADDITIONAL MSS., 21,838- 21,841. Jo.ha Odo; Qow• Nnt. 21 S4ipL l77i\ OJu.hliOl fkldwi-.,, t-ufll(vrd, SO X111, ~ C"llltk:Dd,ea, (,kmi.mc,r ~ ti~ •.• J{noult.:>n: Q.,wbcc.!,H Serl 1182. L 8G. 1719 1 t. I Z'.t ~la.W or \'e-l"lb"'1t: Arline-, 5 Ao1 . f.3'0. Hat; (llwol • f. JAN L B.kllt.rd l~\Koa ; C. rt.uoa 1.­ Or. T..uoo Smph: 81., John'a, tG J""° O • n o.c. 118!, tt. t98. 45,:. @:) J..od, t ; l,iJa.l Dl,oe,kboun,2 Not. 1778, f, 91. 1119, t. 184. \ ift'l. t. -tM. J1.1W11 O'N-1 ; Sent. 21 ~l 171f. Acliicl Sbtnrood; F~ Schuyl rr, tl r.~t. Juoe.. 1779, (. 187. 21,838. ''oi.Ill. :- Major .A(na t) i{tboylc:r} d., PtY,U~ P.,J·fttJ. Wiu.ar. OraJ; )fuu.U't'IU., 8 1<,qo c.it1><>- cn--J: o.. ..i ' Major Jo.cpl, l!'ay; St. J ohu'a. 4 Sept. (8lb fks't.); Ml()hi.hmalciufM'* Zl OClt. Jl1l1, 1119, r. HG. 178J. ti&. Iala, l J .. 1. 1783, t I. t. 1'1'78, f. 06. Ce,pl.r.i• lAac Sclmtd: ...... n, ~ C:C-ii.; ,J. roten ; Qbl:liiA 22 hlar. 118¼,f,m . ~ GTN:ld1-. 1 J11.a. 11i.\ Ori.gdk'r• Oflrlert1 tlt!fl')' W~&oonPowtll; Jul)', 1no. ft,. f. IS,. wa1;..,. 8-IK-pbtrd.: AJao,, ts Apr. r.2 . St. Joba'11, 7 N°O'f, 1778. 10 J• M, Ut11L~I S.r lJC!llry Oink,., l\.n ; £o,ign-., Smytb: {' J•n . •78.Sl ,m, ,.21s . 1713 I[, 10'?, l2&. (,June, 1179). t, l tta. C..pWo Aaria,h Pri\Ct.ud ; SL lob"-. 1 1.10 Ot.p.t.lo O • .Lawe: Uffl.bii&r. 7 Y.-..b. J,caa.&fl':lat& Douiaticiad. , VttMOf 1C'(,ei•1-c I.Gk• Kl:w,ohoo ; IAral Blj)t\MMae, 10 d(t., H M~y. 2 J111'e, 178fi, ff. 2GO, am. r. u,. Ile RooliM'(lbt(iu, \\.l::11111Jalo( t 'rau-·e Jo.n.. 19 Ap.r. 1'n3S., tr. 1$. ltO . N, lll[Mi6): HtbtoDt l'l Apr . 11'19, L C•p•l~ to procb....Uo.,): N, .... 6- ... Wrigbt: •~ Olocl, n._ 1Ato M•11, jUA,; Sclil-0:l,J7 ){ay, 178-l·, .... pmt., !10 A~ . 1700 , tr. 200-2:00 . SO Ma.r, l?83, r.t>i. r.tb.j)r '- ?i•uw, &ttd hie N'•tbl,- W•it; .U,,.Wi!),NG"f',1;ss, ft'.27°' .. Re-&'L; •UA Noll, 13 Apr. 1783, ,. 137. 2'18. 21,812. Voi. 11. :- Jolua ~; O&stklcn,,., )I.,.Jj~ 1.\.81111:U>N'; JM , 178 1 (7), f. :JJt. G. ~w-: N"n Turk, !3 .Mar.1179, 0,11gbo11w.-g3,®, May, l78t), ff, 101, f, 11-l. C:,l'lfttl U.rfJ' 81., X..i=er; -.d , t S$$. r. o. 10-l. c.oi-t Ila Alla: SWbun. H J11l7, Joho St""'t; -.L , r.838. OripJSrtr-Otntral m•,.,r,-"'•taon 1''~·11; ,,aowDaaey-; Newbutf, 2 J une,;, 17~0. 1 17lt3, I. I00. Jobo Pat\mlm ; AJJ...(. n•. SI. Jo-111)._ t 4 )tu.r, 6 lhf, 1'710, I: 15, r. 1~ I 1 Piper. Polio. .. ltbooo«:r J~p; Qoobeo, 30 A11-g. t780. ~lJl!llll Jllehard H eOiMif. Jllh'loi:f llll1- r. 1 19. 21,839. C:O.iuof letltn from o_,-.1 ll•ldimand tn Caplain Ju•tu• Wi0b ~ ~tsA,., . 1119. Yr. r.,f. WilllamJobrmo.-,jun., Uou t, q( JDJ.i~r,a: 61,orwood ••d Dr. Oeo•g• Smyth: 178-0-1783. Paper. Folio. WAIi.er Eln1be.rla.11d,Ro:,u.l ltegim.c11t.of Wia.lootin, 17 Sep&.171W. f. l!IC. :s.. Y"tt ; l't,i,1\ Ml Fe:r1 'l! 11.aJ. "t1:loJw,1 .A-ylor; Cbukel"•t.1, 10 Ot...-1. 21,&40. n,.,,.,~• of loiter• to O.p••in M•lhow,, ,oorttory to Oenon,l lr,tl , f,!r.:J. 178ll, t. J36. ltaldimMW, from Capt.a.in J1l•la, She.r•·ood, ou r,ec~t aervioo; J.,._ W-. WUe: C..11.tin'lb\1,tl &tpt. ILOlc!:o.8<-h~la4y, Hi~t. 17801 r.l~S. ~ 11h0, 1781. Paper. Folio. JT70, f , U!i. Johll Stu.ut: &btnec,a;J1 1 No\". Olh• ClaQ.tt)i; SL Job•' .. 7 Nov. n,:i, (, HS, 21,841, 21,812. P.t..-EU or aooret intolligonQOof the atl'&in of the r.~ ... T'(atriekJ Ue,1,7, 00t'tffll)f GI 'V~• : United SW.tee, and relating to A.morican pri11»H"'!, tU.; 1775- °'""""J( ..... 1 ...... i: s,. JMi.d•lll C!f Lt-. ikp'""C IIO. l~f!oll.Uftl (;o)dadl J Pf-nitl)'l•1'riiA : penoM: - J~ &1Joc.eL, llot\on , 'f'i J une. 17'70. ..i;ootuiu; Jun•. 1760. Ao;. 178J. 21,IIU. VOi. I. :- F,, ff,&. •· 188, 183, ffl, t:l. Wdliam Oillilfl11d; 3 J 1,1.1)0, 1775, f. 2. IC.pt 11.io &ml . MNKa7 ; ltoottw, lS JO!lef>llDo VAh1a(1. Fronr11 Coa!tul ia 'l'bomu J obullOft; 1'brce filvtra. ~ .Ju~ U..tJ ll&J: Tk.ood,csog.., 1$ Aui,. l'71e:, Xt1, lffl, f. M. &Ile $C.,C6ot lt.-cbD.lrlY : 3 .l•lJ, l':81. f, 100, 5 Ap-1, J'n7 , ff'. 9, 48, Oolor,clTboma.t (>,letoo; ...... f. M 1m.r.cs. 0..pt.tlU W• ll11r Hui»n Ru:sch' fur . c~~' o~. Mti cth«., P'l· I lb)H Ja Gray,Royal Rq:imt11t (,/ Ne... 11.;.,Ch ri"-,ph<>O., l<;"")Cto,k (001a • ot ~o; 16 [ l1SOJ. •--a.odin;fa \ina.in;..): C.,O\P,TIJJt~ Atho.oJ ~; :I Oct.1 lS NOT, ~ Str John Jobnt00 , &rt. ; Mou - Oovuu{)"J- i' t-h. l77G, ft. 23.25. trffl. to Apr. 1771).t G& "Fr. r. 10. l•l•oJa, 10 Au: , 1781, I. 2211. ~r-Of'Ofnl Alu,, Mc:o..g,..11: C~13 Jaeto• Slaionl-ood;At. Jo,hri·,, C,,lncw:1JACcJb Klctk[A~ 81.'ni.-t-]; .lo. Btdt: Dig l11ami Hj.-c,J 2l A91;. UllM'4ln.nc!r1,l'tt lflld.U, It ,fRo. 1117, II Ju lJ, 1778) 1.1 -1. l'•l;it1M, 17 .M.a.r,5.A) ,r. 1780, fr.81,8'.t. 1181,t.H!J. f 29. t k,at,,. Willi Ctona, 3tlb Rtgt., lndit.t1 c:.1,t:):i.1:1 Alu.udw .PriWl'r: Ouk:Wa N 1<..,,.,.p (Pa11o1oo); Cooo.1• f;cyt. A.11,ty.Way,,o: Tit-ondcrt1ga. ~ ...~b. 'Ike dtot: EiL li'f't.o~la. A-: . 1118- l~b.bl11 !0 A1w t7SO, I. 1:1:1, HSI, t, 23-5 17i7, t 38. Ji:me, 1T.9, tr. ":'&.18.130 . Ov,llln('I Jr. Y\iblJcr (Amcric, n ffldeir]: Jobnfl'~;S,..Tol:itl-,2t&tpU1Sl,f .~ ADDITION AL llSS., 21,843, 2.1,844. ADDI1'f0NAL Ml,S., 2l ,844, 21,84.).

J_,i.,.ut•Coltiadlkajl.min WiJ'-COWIW.bd· riodal ec.c,caol Nn YCU:: t NM . Lieut. Clun 161 8t4wvt, 7-Hh ~,.; 3 W' tn Ametka; 11J'1rnnt•re; l'bO., . tn.; ,,.,fliti11 u,. Atoi. o{ Yumoot: 1115, f. 292. A pr. 118G.l Hl8. .i.1p1,;., !$ x. 1, mo, ,. "' b. 21tSept. t181, r. 2:ss. 8-,ia.mlo &yd.>r, 10 May, lffl. ~ - -Art1»00 (t'): PMliadtilpl 1-, J Jan. J~ Lo,cU : l'd.ibdelpW,.. 11 Apr. llaje.]; Vlu~Dt- 1 :2 Aug, John. 'l'ruell4'1,tl; 21 0cL 1181, t 1m, .m. Fr. t. ~OS. mo. 1,. r.m. 21t. Dtr,j•mh11..oo•: Ki"P '~, t'l Mu.1770 , Kior w mi..m.: &atoa.10 x.,. 1m. B. A.otill : a.4. l--'r. t SO$ l>r. Ooori;e ~r,1yll1: s,. Jolu••~ 2 J11ly, ,. "'4. I.Im. Sin,J.OnMott •.Jf: .Mootn-a.1, 1780, 1181, 17ll2,, ts$ Ovlo!ld Job.. S11ydtr; Ktnpll)l'I, Apr , Capla ln ~bedl e (AtoeMW1 Serrin) ; w. 861. 863, S'l0-31!1.

Al,111,Yo.tot, JUft,, Pmikh,._1, nC tlwl l'ro­ 11;9 .. Apr. l780, ff ~01..tOO, S1tl. MdiN, Juoe, 177t . P,. tt. too, 0-lh . )hlcalf; 11.ontrte.1, Sept. 17811 f'apCl'r. Folio. 211, 21s, m, il:3. 11a16, 1182. -0.Yat.t.r, Fn.,ehc:.ont;Dottloo. Cl«Deot OONC11n:Ritter Pa,ad."'10,er.o., 21,84.3. PAt"A:t,t.

1783: cornr,ri1i,1g returns and potition.!._2f' pri~11 1 drQfl4 or F. U. De La Motte_. J'rQd ~•"TF; 28 :P,..-1),tt1100: ""'- Fr. r.stt. l<.m.cr1 f1·vm Gcnor-ol Oi1Mimawl,and original ldLera f.l'Om­ Joly, t OcL 1779, I',, II', 211',"'2, WllllalO W1Ui-.:1.. {prl,iono]: 1781, 6 Ii. Ferro; .M.irlebJ.,.,98o-p&. 1'1'1U , Fr-.r. 222. -10t.tG6. wmu Jco~ l'½•OO•>JPib&l: Mon• 'lt1om~Job11110n(ptltorW"rJ:' l'b11:ell iu,11, ~ J--All!&n. «llliUllndl•I 1M Litn-Oe-«1r&1 Uoe . Jt,tr1otJif11rN1t,Oo­ WOOi,'l7 )lay , t; ,o. f, 2~ 11811 l7S2, • • 17G. 29$, f&l. Jndt.A1M1,Xtwtom. 0~: ) hoh .lM. ".,.....,,ofQu •~ ; ~ N'" 1760.t . -lO&

J 0:,1111c.rnrbe1,I, pri:lt;Du: '"" Qi.-nb1f, -- nor,.l\id o-dt-Ci\mp 1,o Colontl do 1.. ()rl 11191 «.127. 128, t:SI, 2'. L O--..looa,t1flbe~; l• Aug. 00 Oci 1760, 0 Jall. 1781, ir. 90, HJ , !Wm@; (17111). fY. t. ti!>. --P.U..; • •'-• t2$7. 11e:s,ttto . Ca.pt.a.in 0..,. ta~. 0.C-wary ol JUchud llul'l'&J, CMoi»iMl)' f,f P,J .. Loulo XV .. Kl•g of l"n- &04 OC!OfP 1hn.uaJ; St.. J-..n• • 1"'hee. PrilOftCn: Mootret1I, 1780, 17811 If. 11~ .ooer.; Qu,t,llf,e, 17ft. J78.\ tr.292.238, {t'.li .... FrtftQOi,)Doe do C"'4Mal: 2-i Mar. 1700. f. 414. l:rJ, 1-r2,20.1 us, "2. r,o. m, Sin, u1. 11'-s'lud1110&;2a )"e.b,l70~ t. 260. NatbilUl.l OoAi.i\: 8-.4, 1m ltt-t, ff. ~ Q...odler: 6L Jotiu·~ l .I>c!t. N11,fh:w1,ll olmt& [11riao.....,,J; SL.J obt1'•• (C,...i. IAul,) C... .. do lloiol Q,... t tS. ue. 11.so.r. 12:2. 1l May, nu, ti.,-~ m. DlflliD(Prt.flC:1:,Pre.ide:ut or th& ~!Tl<)• 1ltt1tc;Ido ltov•ill" ; llooirMI, 20 Aug. ,r. 111G,168, 111, no.181, 191, m. C.plaio ~.- s.,,,h c.,.;.o...J: rlcao COlig:rc•; q.-to.nt: Ut.1l7, lffl , 11iU. Fr. I. fU. ''lil!IIIIJOS1acy (ptif(Jll<:r); M.onltt:11, 181 Queb«o, 10 )fu, , .... , r.~7. t!GG. JO!tph Uo•l.td: Moio\real, 1770 .. J78J, July, liS I, 28 A5,1rlib. ti. no," ' · • Oen~ra.1H ou .Uo Oat~ P,o ,dent. /\~ Ir. 07, · ~ 4'7.S.,f7'1 , ·~ *8:9. l,.aptT. Folio, rl-.all" u Oln: 171'~b.1778,fk7, l!d••rd Will a121, o,.,; Maritn.I. 1779, OontMJA.kunJ r11Ger1ud, FrtDC-L Mlnf, . 1780, -t.U.4.51., iM, •~. t6t, f.63. 2L844. 21,84.5. PAPEM rel,bng IO fil!tt..f!rl.oncrJ and au,pectod per .. a. l;OOl!I in Canad.A; 1775-1184; ooml•rising dcpo-11itk>n.a,r:ut.moria1" 91,845. Voi. IT.,- dr•fla.. aod ~a,rloia1 pape.r• ~Dd leUeN t,kon from prieone-n. Tho orig111al l0Ue.r1 aro - 0..id )&:vn,7 ; K.Mba.Ji~ ti Ma,., Drl1ldlet-O<:ff c,.1 D;i .td WON!kr, oom­ 1m, r.•· .lXl6'ndiosat Mootttal; 1,~ 1176: 21,844. Yoo. L :- J . UliDrd : Loftdoo.8 Apr . 17';9, l. 18, eipa.19.M.lf.fll.$3. John [lforny]. t:arl or Uuomort. Oo­ aa.odiu.gioVlr_,Wll; $.pl. l'ifl,[No-r . Jolin B...d.ley: Londoe, 5 May, J'719, Fl twy M~J>lct., P,lat.or: Monttto.l, 'f€ff'll.,IOf VlfSl11ia, t.ip,.hltt;2J1JQf\ 1780). tr. 115, 11'7, !17, r.20. 171&-17$1. r, , I': 5'), ~I. 83, 1$, li-'N, f, 92. (,.. J)lt.i.•Rob.rtGeot~tooa:IJU.Mlttg Ar · 1-.e Walbr; 1.,,oadoo,8 )f.,y, 1779, V11,l,i:11UnJau t11ird (p.rh1ooor)1 Quebtt, t>...i,;,k R""1: Will~ It 1... lill«J h1 Ull."DOit:F aU, r;f Obi<>t25 ,, 22. 178~ 1782, .. 19,~l. 8'1- 1)1t. A[ttoLJ 1771.(. 9'3. &111. 1770. f. 119. ll•Jo< ll(n•,,..J Dor..,.... , .Jolanlift_llOOtl. 1 Prt'Qdn, l-.....:w.Je•t or lbt "" (el ~-- O,km): 11 s.r,,. 1778, A.pl-,171:!0, tr. 1~ 1$7, LlouL-O>loo

f>tiUndelphli,. 26 Mar. 1779, I. 107. begilldwc 1 3 A pr. J7$0, ti., 19.t, - &,&'f: PhilM1.t(I Jti,-ar&i 177&-1760. ~enme, !183. Ir. $.:12.3 ·U, M6. 11. 1~. 2-IS,2$0, 2!i7, 2Gl, 26S. Captain l)(iederttk) nr~bro: &rel. etc, O.i'"1n Joho Be.roC'a; Sorel, H July, WHJitU.t'.lGil.I : St Di~rihot.l:111:...Lan o, .tr, 1783,f. Im. Michel !:M:e2ell.OO; 8 Apr. 17'i9. Ff', 1763, 11".366, S70, 37i""'OSO,30(). hb. (t.m I. tl7 . tr. 161, 205. Mllj-Or-01:uno.l DaW>o da Jl.io.:~1 ; Pa.per. Folio. J!(«torJ 1Ibooplith111JCl'\1:mahf, Lfout.• Sowl, :22Ju.oe, 1783. Fr. f. 372. Oo,.~ O! Quebc~ 'lZ Aug. ,ua. Fr. Jame., J!i&ber, S«rg<,oo; Q~beo, Jon(:, 1783, ff. 9$2, S8t. 21,849. RllTUll•-.o~nd othor J)Qpors rol•liug to the Qu~­ f. 18$. miu~ter•Goo.eral'aL~ent at Quoboc; 1778--1783. Paper. lj;)roo de Orotbeil : 1:,d. Ft-. r. 202. Cb"valiar St.. Ou1'4; aifnotrea.t, l'ii3. "FoliO. - - Fr. tr.iH , -tt6, 4$2, 45ti. Juiie'j,b O:imo; 17 St-pt, 1780. Fr. f. -- OeelmlAbtt.ult;2!i Aug. li83. Fr. 283. f.ti7 .. 21,850. Reru•••• account., and other papo,s ,.Jating lo the Dcp,.rt.­ Hri£1Uii:-:t·Gon«-l Rauc he oplot: J3.e. Ocdor A[daniJ Mo.bi.Inc; Montreal, .at1eoc1r, 8 Feb, 1781. f. 23-S. "'••t of Captain !l(iederick] Tirebm, Barrackm••rer-Oeneral or J',. Supc.1783 , 1!. 4,SO,452 . &l:w-W Wlllio.m Gray: MoctN?el, 29 Qneboo; incloding a tew lott01B from Richa'rd :Murray, Deputy. Juoo, l7W, f. 2S:), Alc:s!1ndtt ll~ine; Cil.tli.le, J'rl&, Ji7$ , It, t84, •so,<92, ~03. Barmokmaetor..-Genet-a.l;KoneJm Chandler; Thotnt1.a;Cba -ndler; Chari" onJ Ja.C\juee Oi.G.Hon:lfoobnl, Alox&.Ddel' Fisher; and other- offlCQl'aof that department; 1771- '\\'illiam Wibl)n: Pit4burg, d4l., J7i5, 17Rl. Fr. ff. 265,,2G7, 26 9• 273, 275. 1785. P•per. Folio. l71 6, If. 188► Lieut. ..C okmel J. n,o\Vn fAme:ri~o Sa· ~lo. 1.'pb: BtUn,e; Fort Pitt, 8 Oct. 1775, vl,00.):Pflt•~ldll, 29 July. 1780, f. $. r. tS9, 21,85L CoRRKsroso:c;,.•¢8 of Oettef'al TI.1ldimaod with Natb:\niel Day. Colootil U...rry SL Legf:r: !St. Jol:w'a, M.11.y,1781 -, ff. 287, 288. Ooorge M~~. Supednt.en.ient or CommUl&'Lr,t"_•Genera.l of Quobee; 1778-1784. Among th e c.ucfo. l.ndia:n&fw tM tJo.ited $tQli3$; Lower f:IUJ'O."J&TO letieTSlrom - lfajor Jabo1 l)ritcha.r,:1 New Yotk 1 Sli.a.-oc&eTowo , 1776, ff. 43'8, 519. l(t:g:\meot: w.d. , t, 296. H~ra.ry C.Ueoder: Quebee, 28 Sept. J&.ll'lekFraia; Piti.sbwg, 11i(l r.ZOO . J&.mt, Sir>gClf, Dc~u(y Cnoomhary; 1 1?78. t Apt , li79 &: lt, 82, - - ilt1)' , At~dc-Catnp to G1lood :Oa l:pbraim Oo1.1gla.a,:KHaJ..25 Nov. Oedffll, 2J Apr. 17$1, (. '2U. 326. 1 1'78, i )'eb. 17&0,f!. 28, 107. 1762. .Jlr, r. 517. Simoa MeTaVU:b; Queteo. 1781. tr. ~ 3, noon&.?G.11.tu.Nt'Qucb.€ [prboaer ); ,t.({, William Sbw; Mootre!ll, l5 Jan. 1779, )lichae1 Cle.pt.ll; l-'ott &.ndolph, J11,o, 2.15. 342. a: t. ~•. F.,, £. 1717, t 5)1, R. Doilca.u; Choo1b1y,8 ~. J'1(U. Fr . c.d'rr . Bit.Dey,A Wisf.rit Oommi~a17; r.2(11. At the ond of thi11 volume are somo a_pcc.ime111,of Ame.rican paper St. Jobn•~ If Apt. 1780, I M°IIJ',)';81 1 John Scban.k [PMVinci~ Nuy J; Q11e• woney. Two volume.a. Paper . Folio. tr. 158, 330. boo. s 4pr. 1,a2, r.z-n. Joho J.tha7; Mj)otnal, 12 Jone, 1780, George AJbo1:,p: Que~ 27 May, 1781\ 21,846. JounNA{,of <.:oloncl Auguat i.u lfottin de 1&.&Imo, lnt.peotor 30 At13'.l 7&f, 11'.1 67, 35!. (. SIG. ~laud, N'~U Mcl..e.0 ; Oe.rletoo 22 Joho 01$1gitl Oepnly•Cmnmiu :u·y-Gene• of Cavalry in th& Ame.ri<.·anto rvic e, prisoner of \\'ar; dQt. 13 May. Juo~, 1'780, f, 16.?. f'tll: Qu~hoc.1783 1 Hlff, ff. 337, :J.57, 1719. Fr. Paper. Ootavo. Jotw A•k.io; Michili:u:iaeki0&6,20 July, 36:-,,967. 1780, t 178. 21,847. Poeii;n-bOOi.:containing morooranda, taken from a tebel pfi . Ti..rnMby UIOQo.rd:Ni~•l"ll, 19 Aug. Jamit; McOUl; Hont.rceJ, 29.Aug. 1780, 178-l,t. 3ttl. roner; May, 1779. P&.per. Duodooimo. f. 17$. Joho li\ugoeoo; c»ttnqui, 1 Ott. J6'.rl• Or:iDt; Q.uebcc, 10 Apr. li8I, 1781, f. 863. 21,84.8.Cor.•wo,oEOr. Folio. &. Otlel"b"ODt.ip~, ◊f lb.c MillUa; Moo­ Cr!Ug'a Coo11, 11 Apr . 1782, r. trml, '27 Doc. 177$. Fr. r.60 . t19 . 21,853. lfo sT"HLYn~unN.s of.._.p~v isio~J!!.u,¢ from, and in store in W1lli.&JnOorn~r l>O'llf'ell,attorne y: Lieut ..-Co-loQel Ir.o.r,- Hop~, A("lfog. ~o~rul, 6 J1u;1, l18l, r.134. t!le CotnmU1$1\'fiat m~z.ine.t.J of Ca.n.ad&; l 778-1783. P~pvr. Qoa:teima.stet-Oaneral; Qoo~. de., Large Folio. ~, llair, Mld Cos, IUmy • agi1ut11; 1783, fl', 009, SU ,

21,BM.2 1,865. CoN1 '1.NGBST aud current 00:C::oun.ts,wit h oLhor Paveni. 650 ADDITIONAL MSS., 21,858 - 21,862. ADDI TIONAL MSS., 2U83- 21,866. rulnt iog to the Corun\i.stsariat of Cb.ua.d•; 1767-178 5. Two ~-oluruc$, Papor. l.argo Folio. BontLvonture, l778, ff. 2.5, SJ ;-Robert Adauu; Oonav,:mture, I0Jnno, 1779, f. 4S ;- GeorgeOodde•; p;o,do, 3Jao.1784,f. 108; 21,858. bvo1cm..QLJ:argooaa_nd l•llen of odvicc of •l<>ros•hipped to -Charle$ Robin ; P•"PCb;ac, 1784, If. 118, lU , 126 ;-J. 11. Dourg, C.oada; l 77!l-H8-1. l'aper . Folio . PrGtro ~ Rtatigouch, 1184. Fr. ff. 128, 136; and othex-a.. Paper . Folio. 21,867. CormESl'O~I.E.XCtof General .F!a}dim&ndwith Dr. Hugh Alc1- 1uul1:.r Keouody, Inipector, au,l ,vm~mBarr, Pur-.,.eyor, of Hos,. 21,863. 0oRR8$PONDgsca of Geo.•ral fJaldimaud -.i 1h Jam.. )look, pit..."\lis,in Ca.iHW.u.;1'178 - 1784; together with rohtrns and accou rll8 Att.ornoy-Genoral of the f'rovfoea ofQ uobeo; 1118-1 '184. PaP13r. of i.be gr.inoral hoapital a.t Tbre~ Rivers, a.nd the bogpitals at Folio . 1 Quebec, ?tfoutnn1l1 ct.c. l1hero are al.w letters from- 21.864. I. LErTBR.S,de., tif Poter Livius, Chief Ju.stioe of Quoboo; Dr. Robort Koox; .Montteal, 2i Juoo. D:r. Ado.in Mal:coo, Jud~ ; Quebeio. 12 1777 , 1 778J 1. 1778, (. 1>. t CXit-. 1782, r. 2 ta. 2. 0ol1'06poudonceof Gonoral H>ldimand w;\h Dr . Adam M•bone and 1•~nne}1 Colo, A tray SUJg858, 21,859. PAnues IUl.dacoounU't of the Reooi~or•Gunoral'& De­ 1 (Ur:atlc] Lel>b.ncB n.bu.ty: U OeL 1760. 1779,f . IS. par-trocnt) Quebec; 1777- 1768, 'l1here are a f&w originu l Jet!Ctil I Fr, tT.99, JOI. lifll.i61 de Roovill(l1 Juds~ of Common Captlttlo Fruc.is L> .Maia1.r&; )lo11fr($) iutorape.rrsed,cbiefty from William Grant. l.Xtput.y•R~cei,·er~Genera), 1 lile:'IB; fltout«lal (17'79). Fr. r. 19. I de., J7S0, It'. 97, 108, 118, o( etc.; Q.ud TholnM Dunn, P11ymo.s1,or locidi::ntal Contfog(.;ncio~, Dr. A{dam) M',&b.oe,J OO~ ~C Common , Ma,~ri~ \'nJlt!$ O..:c.au; Kontrt:ol, and a1ao [roin Captaio &lward Abbott, l..ieut. ..Co\'1,roor of St . J.>leae,t Qu&bee; l'broo RhOl'l!,.28 I 28 Dtic.1780, F r. r, 131. Aug. li'79, t 21. J Vinooon e, Vof. l .1 i. 16; H .• f; 102 ;-Jo.nk-in WilliQmS. Soli oitor• Lkiut.-Ool.ood UOilff Caldwell; 13¢1- Genoral of Qttebec, Vul, II., f. 16,5 ;- Jobo lViggl~ wortl1 and Philip C.1pWn tuo Schmid; Yumlbob, lG ¥iA7, 1 mont, 2S J ,me, 11si, r. un. 1780. Fr. f. 29. )).:!.a.:ra:Audit Otlicc, .Londou, Vol, U., tr. 284--300 ;-Brig~dfor­ Co.pt.Ain Jo-ho Seba.,lc [Provinei.al ?itajor J•b i2 f'ti(chartt, New York fte.Jt• Nny ); Qu.obce.29 .Tuttt,l71H., f. 19!), Geueral Allan llao?can, Vol. II., t. SOJ ; ll.lld other&. 'l'wo TOhun.es. mont : Pough.toepatt\8J une, J7SO,f.l}0, .t•a~r. Folio. J(olJn] l<"'rt'$¢r,,Ju'1g e nfC<>mrDO.nPIW$; Major Cbt. Carltt-JC: Chambty, el4., Maulre,.I, 178-1,178'. J.7', ff. 238, 2H. 17$0, tr. Sl, SJ. ffl, 21,860. Cnn.l!&il'O:ut .~-Po!itma.tb IltS'&,; F(ro~UIJ &by. of tbo LegialaU,·e 1777-1782, ff. 400-479 . Amooi tho <:nclol5l.ln:iuroa few letters fo,m St. John's. 13 Aug. 1780, f. SB, Cou:ncl:l; Queb.6c. June, 158.:5, Fr, tho "mat tl'CS do poate ;" aud from Capt.Un Job.n JJaruf;!gA~QiSt.mt­ Fred. .Pelloo.(eon of the priaon,;r}: «. 260, Ut.. 1 P. Fr. t. es. cbiliDl&OkullM]: l«idoo., ,.a., i. 273. lou i• JWli!Omm.e: Quebec, 1780- 21,862. Connl1JPO}iDK~C£of Generol Haldima.lld with Ala.ju, Nicbo1M *·, .lcnkio Wil1Wo8,Clerk of the, CoObcil; 1782.. Fr. ff.17,8 1, 170, l8Z. Q(l(ll.,,ce,9 No,,. 17&6-,f; 27S. Cvx, Liuut.-Oo\ternor, a11dl'elix O'Hara.. Ju dgo of C()mrucn Pkoa Pa por. FoJio. uf Gabpoo attd iL1$dopit.nde.oeics; with t11cJ.:ie1,res ~1~J rolums; liH-li6 6. 'l'hcro ari&a'IM:, odgin:U lett ers t'.rom Willia.lit Swi th,; 21,866. Lim,,os of Piom, Roubo.ud, a Jc••;t., cl,;efly ad Ck.lli1ll'.l, 3. Forms of OOlbiniWona, adv1~R4:.:o., by Goncral Elaldimand of Y~ri,(;ua $,·enh1, print!i­ llrJgw:lJ1a!'r•Goncta.1 St. I.ege t, on giving up the oouu»and of th6 I,ally 1"\ltn.tmgto tho ca~ of tho Hon. John Cc>chrano. Agent to tho fol'oe&in the provinooof Qucbeo; 16 Nov. ·17M. Pa.per. Quarto. He.mittent of Publie b-!oney i n Conn.rut.; 1778-J 7d4. Papor. Sma.Jl Quarto. 21.882. 1. FoJUd$of wa rra.11bl, oommi&iiOD&,p:u;sea, tic., uaed in Canada; 1777- 1786, f. 1.. 21.869. Cornts of tbc COrTC$p(mdcncec,f General ffaJJim~nd with the 2. Li,sts of offioors employod io varioua de.part.meub in Canad&; 1783, ffon. Joh•l Coch.tanc o.nd David Gordon, 4.~nts to th~ Remit.ttlrs of l , ~f.W , Vublic Mm)ey; ~nd of other J~pen l'Clat.h,g to money t.raD..it\Ctfons; Paper. Folio. 1770-L78 ~. Pupor. Folio. 21,883. 1. PAPl:88 conoerning tho tt,nurea of "F<>y et Homago" iu 21,870, 21,871. Comu:sro~n13:xnof Ooncra.l 1IaJdima.nd with the llo u. Canada; 177 1-1 784 . Fr. f. I , Jol 1u C~h ranc. «gent. to M(.~rs. lfatley and Oruml'uond,Rerui ttel'8 2. Papers relat iYe to tho Uatony of Longuo.i.ls. nd other ~~gneuries in. of Public Muaey: wi ih othe1· p.apo.rarehative to tho proS4X:ut.ionof Ca.oa~, with legal opioione of J am.cs Jtfonk, Att1.1rney-Ot nt ml of tJ10 ~,ue ag(lnt, on accounL of his fipoctafatio:m: with tho publio Que.bee, Ju dge :P. Pti.net, and Mr. Ougnet, ba:rriuter; 177S-l78Z. money; 1'779- 1784. !utcri.pet'lSOOaro lot ten from J~.fo~ •-.s..Dtun,­ Fr. an d E"l7. f. 40. mond and Jo.rdan,agent.,, Vol. I. , f. t; Mesisn. 11.nl~y and Dl"\lm­ S. i\fomori;dfi from th(!._QQ:n"ft)nts of uun,ga.t Montroo.l and Quebec, etc., mond : Da:,'id Ootdou, Agent; aud Jf3m05J Monk. A,Uorney,Gonerol oonocrning the <.1Foyetllom ago"a.ud - tho ••Q.uiot;" 1781. P r. of Quebec. Two volu10.u. Paper . Folio. £ 9-1. Papar. Folio. 21,872. Col"Jl~ of t.h6 rrooeedingg in tho,trl:Jito f Ge.nCJ'l\l1Ia1d imand again.st tho Hon. John Cochr:Lne; 1770- 1184. Pa1>cr. Folio. 21,884. YAU.JJ. tw x of fiefs Gndaei gneurieJ. in th6 di&trict!1of Montreal and Qu.ebco; 1781, 1782, Poper. Lai:go Folio.

21,873. 1lh;Mor.u 1.$ addrc$OO.d to (icncnd tlaldiinand by officure :mil 21,885 . M 1SCl!LLANEOUSpl\pe.-., chleJJy rolatiog to Conado; 1777- 1787. 4'.>lJ.icr1;1of th e umy; l7'i8-l78~. Paper. l•'uHo. Aruong tho &ignaturea tLat occur aro thoee of l'(a.trick ] Tie·JJry, Ou,-et'nor of Virgi11fa, f. 11 ; o~ct cl Gt:orgo Clinton, Govcroo r of ADDITIONAL MS$., 21,886- 21,897. ADDITIONAL ~!BS., 21,898-2 1,905. 550 Now York, f. :'-t3; and Tboll).68 Jetr~non, Oove.rnor ofVhgini.a (an.or. warda President of the Unit.oo State.a], r. 75. Paper. Folio. Oratl.;,l.nus Uagallu11, P.R ., and now mfLdo into Euglish by (Colon61] 21,886,, L1sr of pJaos, cbje11yof pl&c,elJin America. Paper; xvmth C[harlc•J o K(elJy], •·"- 1692}' A histo,y of tho oonqu.,t of ccmi. Quarto. lr,land by William III., Ibo namo• of pereon• and plaoes being o•p-ed by pS<,udonyc1•. Wilh • gloooary. Paper. Folio. 21,887. GENBfl ,U, inventory of Ocnore.1 ll a]di.mand's papora relaliug to Canada; 177~1784 , Paper. Octavo. 21,898. Couunoss from va:rioua early English hi$totiana , relating to the orown, auooesgion,and pre.rogat ivo: said to be in the baodwr itini; 211888. llfVE.NToRJU and indo1:0e of General Hald.im.aDd'a papera of Sir Christopher Hatton, B~rt., of Long Stanton; l\'l'iU.en at tho rcating to Canada; 1773-1784. Paper. ~'olio. beginoit,g of tho xvn tb century. S,. A.ad. 11[S. 15,573. Paper. i.~olio. 21,889. PorvAT• momorandum-booka of General Raldimaud; 1766- 1?78. Paper. Duodccirno. 21.899. "lN►'O);OuztoN do los ~\lc880fj do Aragon en loe aii.08 de 1500 21,890. P&1v,u-'dia;;)r tho samo for Jan.-l'eb. 1786, and Apr. ­ y 15~1 ; por e&Utia de An.Mnio _Perez, f:OC?(,ta.rio do Etitado que f1.18 Aug. 1790. F,, Paper. Octavo. dul S. Rey Dn. Phelipo M)gundo.... . Por Lupercio Loo1.,a.rdod.., Arg(i.llaoJa..Seoreto.rio quo fu<)de la .&mpor~t.rfaMaria do Au.slria, 21,891. Ptu-VATa ~a..rf or the, aan;io for l'tcb.- M.ay, 1786, ond Jan.- Reina do Dooru.ia.y Vngrii. , Cb:roni.11ta ruaior dol U.ey N.S. on fa fone, 1787. ~per. Quarto. Fr. Corona do A.ragon; e.9cri(&, i.nstancia de loe D iputadoe dcJ Royno 21,892. P•1v;Te diary ,/f the •am• for May-Doo. 1789, and Feb.­ do Aragon, de c:i..t.eaii o do 1604." Paper. Folio. Mar. 1790. lfC: Poper. Doodecimo. 21,900, I." H,.'l'CRIAM omorablo dol Principe Don Carloa, hijo primo­ 21.89·3. REJ.SO~JJan d use• of tho GOOJ'giaoCAlonda.r- , and of Octavo genito de! Iley D. Ph•lipe IL do E.poih;' f. 1. Computation or Natu.ral Aritbm~ttc·; by tho R-0v. Hugb Jonoo. 2. "Ad ieioneg de Aul.or Anou)•mo a la Historia «i,Dtoceden.t.e,"(. 80. M.A., ll.inis~r of Jameotown, Virginia. Paper; X\'IUlh cont. 3, "Di ~oul\90d e la ViJ.a. del 111•0 y Rev- &iior D. Martiu Poruz do Quarto. Ayola, del orden de &utiago . Anobi$po do V~1encill, bast& 0<,;ho 21,894..."~AL'\'S1s logica libri primi .E1emcntoru m Eucl.idiat" tf.r.,; dill$ a.u1eequo muriese (156-GJ. F.oorit<>por el mistno Se.iiorAr.lo · bia.po," cu.,f. 97. "ln,noq uone [Fr &neker in Frieal a.nd), 1747, 1748... Paper. Folio. Pa~r; tru.nsc.rfbed by lJ'anci.sco Xavier do Santiaf,."'OP alow.arclit; 1100: Fot;o. 21,895. lliTH.XM.t.TlCU treatise on the parabola, cllip1>i1,aQd hypor ... 21,901. Autou~, io Loan, wjth notes, A tratJslation by Dr. 1'bomaa bo1a; iu (breo boob . Jr. Paper; 'Xvmtb oont }101io, Greav~ , of Corpna Christi Co1leg:c, Oxford, Ittader of Ara.bioin 21,8$0. LttTic,.s r~fating to the famiJy of JtUnoe Stuart., the Old 1637. It cootaina Chapter, 1- 29, 80. and 81 ; and it1 10..id to b::, Pretender, 1726-1716, from- io the handwriting or tho tran1:1lator. Paper . Qual'to. 1. W[i1liam) C[o»nook) iO Timon Connock; St. Oel"main> 14 Jan. 21,902. T1o.u:sandpoom.s in Pol.ish1 f.1·z. :-"Th&li'idd lor a.mltho&gg•1 ·.. &nd l 1 Feb. 172G>and 26 ~by, 1'127, ff. l I S, l 1. 2.(8faiM Ilenr'i d& Corto?) &roo d6 WUIUJ of Ori,,.e.,l MSS. 4. C.,Joool lJ{aniol] Ob,yoo [aelf-•tylod 4th Vi>oount O'B,ieo] to M. do llouloguo (Intendant of ~'inanoo); Paris, If Oot. 1728, 15 Jan . 21,904. .. Purn1 .o iu Mooumenta Brit&nniC(l," A prefaoo to a ,~ri('S 173-0, 14 Mar.1745. Fr. ft".13- 15. of trao"rnx1 or th6 dettruetlon of Oyprue, contain~ ing the l~t war, and conquest of that kingd om; written originally circo 182S. Folio. Tr=/en-ed /....,. 1/wStat• Paper Oif= in ~.}rind: by PL.ilota,e Phylo¥y})f()e) trans.lated iuto Latin l>y 21,906. PArtJlS relu.ti,ng fo thu Lranscripliou of the M.onume.ut.a Ori.