• .: ~h/l f .1,6::84. StuU,eBts Cast: B-allo#s In Gampl!lS Elections , . '. ' To. Reveal Women's BULGANIN MAY . BE PURGED Gr~ups Winners Today Only 1,684 SUI students turned out at the poUs Wednesday to choose See Page 2 next year's leaders in thc all-campus elections it was revealed when aU the ballots had been tallied late Wc:dnesday. 248 students were poll I watche~s. The 1957 count was 3,200. S.lIy K.y H.hn Lund ----- I Charles Schmidt. E3. , Charles 'd' S -.tj ,City. Student Council election ·, . t t \committee chairman and eharles 5 Krause. A3. Slater committee mem- : M•, arT,e u en ber suggested two reasons (or the ,~n ' swer ' /'5 St,·'/ I: AIO :~a:a~~d:~e~~dins~at~( ~~ . ' I' I ' IV the nearest polJlOg place.

~ By JACK JONES Ian education is a good investment. ,. St.ff Writor Chester I. Miller, chief of Student Serving The State and the People of Iowa City .' The married student rent pro· 1 Health said most of the members test committee remained firm in of the advisory board probably their opposition to the $10 rent in- had to borrow in order to finish Established in 1868 - Fivp Ct>nts a CoPy Member of A soclated Press - AP Leased Wlr and Photo Ser"ice Iowa City. Iowa. Thursday, ~h. rI. 18111 crease for barracks housing Wed- school. nesllay after hearing explanptions I Dormitory Advisory Committee and arguments 10 favor of the rent members attending the meeting' increase by members of the Dor· were: T. M. Rehder, chairman; nlitory Advisor~ Committee. Walt- , Loehw!ng, Huit, Miller, Eugenia er F. Loehwmg, dean of the F. ,Wh,tehead. professor and chair- Davo -' On Wobbly Course- Ed Graduate Colle~e. told the married Iman o( home economics; and Fltzslmmon. MIz..,inslcy student committee and members Gladys Scott, professor and chair. of the Student Council present thllt man of women's physical educa. 2) less campaigning was done 01\ the advisory committee would tion.. the part of Individual candidates , consider all of the suggestions and \ Jolliffe presented the financial \th1S year. \ comments which were brought up ,figures of SUI housing and ex. Schmidt said the highest percent­ at the meeting. '\Plained why SUI charges more age of votes were concentrated in 'Richard Clark, G. chairman of rent on temporary housing than the colleges other than Liberal \ the married studen( committee, other Iowa state supported schools. \Arts. The College of Law had the said. "We are gratified this ad· I William Teter, LS, Student Coun. best turn-out. 'vtsory board wa'S willing to listen cil president; Rod MUler, and John , Succ ..,ful c.Midato, In Wed· rmy a to our position. I want to say our "Bud" Ellis, 04, married student " ..d.y'. ·ol,ctlon. w.... : CtImmittee wants to inform the representative to Student Council STUDENT CQUNCIL M ,1 B· t * *' * * * * * * * 'I advisory board that If married explail)ed tfie Student Council's M Ioct Stude ts 00 5 U I I II tIkIdel'lt housing cannot be provided position. Teter asked ~he board to T:rl V to 4~4 . n , 9 pm en SU S LU d wig · more cheaply than $85 per unit a help with surveys to better de. • 0 - month plus electricity. we will termine - married student opinion, H.I Purcoll, M2, Hampton. 322 M d I "SU II H R d firmly oppose using the $10 rent both town and barracks. votes; Goo .... York, M3, Iowa City. II a e n I as eeor er ' increase to build such housing. The married student protest 309 votes; Loon.reI FI.nder, Ll, "'Our fl\milies will continue liv· committee was: Riohard Clark, G, Iowa City, 263 votes. ' lOW POWU 1 ing in the barracks ~d quonsets 204 Finkbine; Frank B. Nelson, By JERRV KIRKPATRICK OSCILlATO. 1St IIOt w.ithout a lease if necessary. We I L2, 120 Central Park; Robert Bos· SI!NIOR CLAS$ M 'D" S n a e I e ate willing to sign a lease at trum, G, 1020 Finkbine; Linwood Tot.1 Voto - 2'·... St.H Wrltor oy .e oon $52.po" He said this would be the' IFredericksen. G. 917 Finkbine; JOIn TOPllko, A3, Orange City, U.S. satellite Explorer III, carry· lOW "own I sland of tbe married students liv· · Jack Hols, G, 320 Finkbine; 150 votes; Donny Jord.n, AS, Cedar l ing instruments built by the SUI to ~X~I~~~I~:::~nP:-:.~~~ lU.HSMITlElt Life Story Placeclln illg In barracks housing until a Cbarles Halsey. AS, 516 Finkbine; .... I cI suitable conclusion can be rea en· Charles Scbermerhorn, G, 171 I Physics Departmcnt. was officially .tmosphere in • few d.y,. I Congre.. iona Recor ed. Riverside Park; and David Jones, ' reported in orbit four hours aIler M.I. Gen. John B. Mldlri., "I hope to encourage buddln, . "Only one member of the mar· G, Riverside Park. Ilaunching' at 11 :38 a.m. Wednesday ho.d of tho Army balll.tIc millil. acienUsts to follow III the footsteps ried student group. Robert N. E. T. Jolliffe, ~Ul business man· - making a total of three success· progr.m... 1eI tho ..tolllto w., 'COSMIC ."y of Ludwig and Van Allen in meet,. BoStrum. G. gave' a dissenting , ager, explained tbe difference in (ul U.S. satellite launchings. I.unched on • wobby cour.. , .nd lng the great cbaUenae of the opp,tion. He said in view of tbe rental rates between Iowa State I ,.ve tho bulloMII.pod moon • EXI'UIMEHf ' " i~(ormation wbich. came out of College and SUI are largely a mat· George H. Ludwig. SUI graduate moximum lifo .. two w.ek ••nd space aae. the meeting he (elt the committee ter of building sites, wage rates student. designed a tiny tape reo ••Id It mI,ht I.,t Itut two doy.. This was the closing statement should investigate and further dis· and building plans. He hinted there Icorder which Is the only Instru- of Republican Representative Fred ' th bl Dr, Richard Porter, satellite ' Schwen&el as he prelelJted a sum- cIISs e pro em before making a were other reasons but said !Ie ment in Explorer III not in El\plor· technical chief. said the satellite is mary of the life of Gcor"e H. Lucl. definitc stand. could not speak for ISC. • Rodney Miller. L3. married stu. Loehwing said both the advisory # Tom EJ:!nn, er I. deviating from the planned orbit. wig to be printed In the Congrts' dent council representative, pre· board and State Board of Regents Oblinger , Physicists said the recorder will Tho ••toliito will .wlng ., 1. lonal Record. sented to the advisory the Student Ibased their choice of building plans Rapids, 144 votes; Don Mullonbtr,. enable them to receive data re- clo.... 100 mil" to tho o.rtflln 1 LudwIg, SUI Ifaduate student Council's stand. He said the Uni· on the lowest possible cost to the AS, Newton, 144 votes; Sally Hahn, corded dUring tbe entire Orblt. l ift orbit, which me.nt It will be In phyalCi. at· versily must consider the need of ~tudeQt. AS, Cedar Rapids, 1~ votes. They bave received onlY ' a rilinute dr.... d ctown by tho e.rtII'. Italned national reo th ~ studeQt bel.llr~ building hous· He said everyone concerned • _ ~ .. _ or sp o!~ per orbit of &x~ I ,r~vlty. coanlUon wilen 1M: mg. rT~e pr6posed Hawkeye Apart- wit/l the decision to build Hawk· I ' UNION .oARD I. I r &slgned a tiny ~nls -.¥i1ich would p~obabIy rent eye Apartments spent a lot of t~c ... LIIINvr.1 Art. HI Thoy .ot tho Incl'N'O In data to ' ever, thc battcry would have ifI' rm.ccoagnrdeetlrC lnctlaUdedP, e At $85 ""I' month, would not m""t 'eonsidering every possible aller. .ot. oto - UI l' r- ~ ., _1' be recoh,oct a. high a. , .. rtimH' much longer life. " In instrumentaUoD 'thc oj needs of married students nayv at their disposal and felt I Farron . , • " wanting low cosl housihg. be said. ' their 'dec1sion was t~e on!!! which A2 ottumwBI .,. ·r., ~~ •• fro,!, f=1Ip1_r 1.1, • Tho r.dio fn E.';~""' · . tr.~~ (or ExplorerJ 11 ~ :T/le Increased rent of $10 would .provided · the best for the least voles; K.y tuad, ...l'he liirst orbit o( Explorer 1lI mittocl continu.lly, witt) ucl1 Of and m. be all unbearable burden on the money. IA2 Dixon Ill. 3b4 too\r. 12~ minute, according to cal- tho dot. 1M' wfII .. It,W' oid of- ,I The tecor d e r already strained (inances o( the Loehwing said, "The meeting has vot'es' 'S.~dr. culalioos- (rom -6ignals rcceiVL'd. r.",o of receiving , ••tlon5, wUl increase the , . d d I k . . amount o( cosmic l1Jarne stu ent, C ar said. bcen profitable in that we have BiortNum A 3 Ludwig was at Cape Canaveral. The SUI co mlc ray apparatus ray data trans- LUDWIG ,Two of the advisory board memo sat down together and shared in· CI'ncl'nnat'I' , Fla for the satellite launch'ng lid rd I I ' I " I a tape reco cr are t Ie on y In· THE ARMY TODAY RELEASED ttli. ~omparlson .kotch of tho Ell' mllted by 100 times. The recorder. bers ~uggested the st~dent borrow formation. . .300 vote;. ·D. Wednesday. He has been at the Jet struments which will draw power only two and o~ .. -" Inc".- llIoney to I!Dance hiS education "Perhaps th s hid' h e bpIi L . C I plor.r I, I.ft, .net tho Explorer III/ right. which It .hot into orbit w1tt1 •....,...... ,.. . I S ou av een Fltz,lmmon, A3 ropu s on ab 10 a i(ornia and at (rom lhe hlgh·power transmitter in • , acro s. stores data durin" ...- ,,- M L Hult SUI dean of stUdents Mne oon b t at 1 t ' . • Jupltor C ",1,,110 .t C.pe Can • ..,.rol, Fl •. Tho two IOtollito5 .... • UIU .- ., • , ~ . s er. u eas we now , Boone 398 votes ' Cape Canaveral since the first of Explorer Ill. I tI I fo ... _ hour orbit and plays it all back said. borrowing to finance have a starting point." Ect . Mo.vin-Ly·, F b kin th t illt • most Idln CI ..copt r",", m.,n.tlc topo r.cordlr In tho Explorer ~ - e ruary wor g on e sa e e Cosmic dust guages and ther. III. Thi. tiny momery unit _ m.de by SUI', Goor,. Ludwig _ c.n to receivers on eartIa lD aaIy AYe * '. * * A3, Ames, 382 Sar. instrumentation. mometers are wired to a second ,tore up Inform.tlon on c.. /hlc ray ••nd, on r.dlo comm.nd, tron,. seconds, votes; Tom Oblln. Schlndl.r James Van AlIeD. chief of In· low·power transmltter. I mit it back to o.rth. -AP Wlrophoto Schwenllel said the aucceu of ,.r, A2; Grand Junction. S59 votes. strumentation on the Explorer The _ thermometer instruments , SUI acientists such as Ludwl, are BOARD OF STUDEN satellites and head of the SUI Phy· were designed by the Air Force's 0 - S d ( o I testlmony to the eCfectJveneu 01 PUBLICATIONS sics Department, left Iowa City at Cam.brldge Resear~b ~nter pri· U· tgolng ent ouncl our educational sy.tern In develop- Tot.1 Vote _ 1,614 2:30 p.m, Tuesday (or Wasbington. marily to check englDeerJ~g design tu ing young men who seek to learn. , He was with Army o(ficials .Wed- o( the satE:llite. The enUre 1,200-word aecount 01 (0110 Vo.r Torm) nesday when the satellite was ' Lodwl"'1 I"e was ...... In the The recorder uses .005 ioch of A - t R t I • U' ,...... u John D. Iv.",. Ll. Dilyenport, la~~;:t~~sistants expected Van AI. tape cach se~nd , Thus 36 Inches of' gains . en ncrease M~ P~ I~~ ~ 300 votes. 'len to coritact them followln~ the ~pe wllJ record two hours. Ived s of 0 .. ' k tea r:; (Two Vo.r T,rm) laUl~hing but, no wbrd had (been When a receiving station sends ".The outgolD' SUI Student Coun- pose to the Board o( Regents th*t ' :cellen:' to ~t aI"; ItepI . ' 'receIved late Wednesday when the the proper radio (requepcy signal I ell, at Its (inal meeting WedneSdaY ', the present plan be abandoned and IJf tecltaoIa.!eaI nIrIalaturiuUoD 'P.ul H.,.nlOn, 01, Clinton, 693-' physielsts-le(t'the physics building. t.<\. start thl! recorder. a Spring r~ Inight, P.UbJlCized .a reSolutioP which a plan. similar in cost to the on,l.n dur1pc Jt57.1I' ~"1"'f" votes; and hr. khlnclllr, ,M, Mrs, Van,'Allen said he bad I not wlDds the- tape as the datil ' Ml'rw.es pre!lentect at a Wednesday operation at Iowa State be drawn The eertUkatetf,f'eamed f Nevada. 645 votes. " called home either. ' transmitted. n is then 'ready to reo , afternoon meeting of , Student Iup . ' • fee or Winning candldlltes In the three The new sabill1te Is identical to cord whcn.the transmiSsion Is fin· -COuncil representatives, and lead- The Council arrirmed the ca~ =~III .~" :~ women's organ~tlons will not be Explorer J[ which was successfully ished. cra of the newly formed married I d~y 0(' PaUl "agenson. Dl CUn· n n and DL1fIIF .... • , released \InW during a recognition launched March 5' t6 the p1aDned The receiving stations are 10- stuIWnt. housing org~nlzation with ton, for a two year term ~p ,the e ..... _ • ....:_..... ' dinner to be held -this afternoon at altitude. but the . 5O-pound final cated In the southeastern Vhlted the University Dormitory Commit· Student Publications Inc.• Board '1'" award ~u ~ by aD lD- Iowa Memorial Union.· . rocket failed to Ignite and put the States and western South America. teer of Trustees' dependent Jl'ClUp f'e.Jftlentin. fa. . Total votes in these organiza'l satellite in orbit. The stations (arm a line from The resolution cited the Univer· Signs advcrtising Hagenson's dllltry. educaUon. the military ud lions were: Associated Women Explorer Ill. which was launche-l Maryland to Chile. Isity's policy on the proposed mar· candidacy for the post appeared gO~~~=.t.job 01 "mlniaturldn." Students - 629; YWCA - 121; and with an Army Jupiter-C rocket I These stations are the onJy ones , ri~ student housing project . as . in two campus buildings. This is cosmic ray Inltrumentatloa 10 It Women's Recreation Association -I identical to those used (or the (irst which can cause the recorder to missing the need of the mamed prohibited by the rules (or the would fit within a amaD sateIIite 76. . . two satelli~es, raised the "moon'; begin transmitting cosmic ray in. students. election drawn by the electlon II cte.cribed ODe of the DAVID JONIS PRESENTED 211 form I_ttor, W.dnosd.y .fternoon I u blaeIt approx.imately 200 miles above the (ormation stored by the inslru· The Council recommended that committee (or the StIMlent Council. of IDtematioaal T. M. dI ... of auignmenta the \0 Rohder, ctor dormitory .nd dlnln, iervlcu. Rohder earth reaching an estimated speed men!. the Univeu/ty make a reappraisal Hagenson stated that he knew no- Geophysical Y.... wid tIIoy would be given (Ireful co".ldor.tlon. Tho 'Iotton ttlo ,.kI of 18.000 m.p.h. Stati t th . Is hi h of the present plana for building Ithing o( bow the posters were The geiger eounter. tape record- ..nor. would rom.ln IIvlnt In tholr b.rr.ck, but ytOuld not .Ign I W Weather • ons . a ~ er POf m E I c married student housing and pro- placed in tbe bulldJnas· er. and UIOei.ted clrealta bad to I.... ' Incorpor.tlntl 'tho $10 Incre.... J_, I•• repre.. nt.tlvo fOf' Th• ..toliito I, .n ...1 nc h..on, are recel vlng signal 5 rom xp or· ttl. marriod student hou.lntI rent proto.t ,roup. -D.lly low.n Photo The first w.rm d.y. of spring tube,' incho. in dI.meter, It er I will record information trans· (uncltoa for weeks and witbItaDd by Jorry Gold.toln. may Will be looked upon ••• ,1ft _Igh' 31 pouncls. mitted by the low-powcr radio in Concert Was Good _ shocks of beiq rodIeted Into Signals (rom Explorer III were Explorer HI. None of this informa- I 1space. ---" from on hlth, but It h., preved tion is from SUI instruments. ' Nothelng Speel-a' Mr ...... Mrs. G. II. LadwlJ ., ' F recorded at the University of nun· Bpt TiI"'- ~Yed a ...... &.1 ... r I' 1:45 ~ be quito. Wlrry fOf' low • •Clty ois Observat""'" at p.m. Wed· Every part o( the tape reconler: -. • ...... ~ . Van AII en d .erme d motho Y' J except Cor tiny hall bearin"s, a tew J tillite lallDChIn, allDOUllCe1netlt ,., '.un n. nesday abOut 'two hours after it .... , WedneacJay from their lOll. ... I At ....t tit.... c.... of ...t was ,launcHed, The signal wu de- screws and the metallic tape. i~lf. '. _ By Orchestra and,cholV~ .....at · Cepe CaaavnI; Fla, . • 1 ' 1,11 " 0- .'p" o,tn't· E t r oS' beys. r.",'", In ... from W. to · ' scribed as low and Weak. It' was were manu(actur~ and assembled . J ' I 'TII8~ ... prUMI ,","'. ..: M " Isa p ,ling n e prl e 31h yo.rs, h• .,. been reperttd to detected on a ' lre<{uency of 108 in the SUI Physics Building. * * * * * * on an Mallie paper rocket .. low. City police In tho I•• t 41 megacycles- I- Ludwl, porsorutIIy ",.. , a JOHN JANSSON. Robe H . the ailver trim. Only II (ew hours after UIC announcement of the launcWng of the Tt!~ sianals were -d,tected as the ,Ioctrfc.r COMtCtIens .nd flMI y rt umlslo!l, as was ' On the COftI' .... "Gear,. t·· U.S. satelllte Explorer III. the chl\lrman o( tbe Van Allen SchOI~ShiP ~rs. Fortll!'.t.ly, .n thi'ee sat'ellite.orbitedllow over aouthern ntOmbilot, with -elf Freund IIIcI Revlow a.. reI ' Member IchOrus' "Laud ate Dominus" - aD BouUe ADnowIc:e SuccenW .., d d 'to I h t th tit 'd 10'- ~n -- lou d .nd - T as Jo ph .. .-.&1__ '1 ~_ . .a.. ominus, dark, repetition of solemn La,,_I.I_- , ...... ill" . '" un cxprcsse as n s mcn a peop e were no more conc rne .... ,,- -... n 'w· ex. . •...... ntI In tv.. Cen •• " '~1 Ch, ...... Orch.. l. Ipraise ' 1;;;'-tbeuvu.... • • • ~ abollt the cdycaUon of (uture scientists. fumtd to their nispectlv,o moth- SUI will" c,onUnuc to be the. cen· 1,101 man-Mun on tho dovldl. ·· Pe. ,l11li" .r.. le.e 1iI" ... art...· ., 8IIDOQQCeIIIeJA wp~ . Paul Frantenburg, Jr .., chairman of a commiUee of seven Conrad, tcr (or processing cosmic ra:Y ;data ~.:~e:.. : ...... :.,::.. ~ ..:i:~: .:.~: theBradebms, unfort.unlltely, was ~ol "La!lDChlal Site P..... Cali- Iowa. mcn who cstablished the fund In honor o( Professor James Van ',,.. '(rom the ,~xplorers. They built (ive ldentlqal record- ."".It... " ... ; ...... Da.", I>&rI. /. ep, meanmgrul '!xpresslon . fomla; Blut Off Time aDd .Date I . Allen, head or the SUI Physics Department. said to date the fund has 'Tho mercury In low. City I. THE RECORDER desi"ned and ers. The first was launched in Ex- I.... . It could have been. Evcn though 7:M p.m.. MardI lI, JIll; TD&al totaled "just under $500." .lIpected te re.ch tho w • •,.In .. plorer n. 1\ o ....u "'q.'.'" ...... , .. 1I,.h... the words were Engusb, the ling· Weight Put In OrbIt IM'VeIl ,.,... built by Ludwig In the SUI physics Three I'dentl'cal I'nslruments .... ,·st 17.'.'" .r r ...... 8knlDlh ers to be unable to un.!l-rstand -; .... Name r_ "I_I.. "This h as be cn a vcry disappointing enterprise," said Franzen· .....y... hl,h prellure ..,.tom IUU I ... · "" .,..... --no_.' ...... burg in a telephono Il\terview. "All of us on the committee had eer. Olltond!- ..lIthw.reI from tho laboratory weighs only eight be available to be Included as part Space Jlmltations keep the reo them and project any (eeling. The en LudwIJ. talnly hod hoped (or better responsc.'· , .... ounces and is two and OIIe·half of U.S. salellite Instrumentation. view o( last night's concert at a lenors and basscs were precise, Ludwil expJaiaed the "ru" .... Money for the Van Allen (und Is ()elng recelv(.'