Final Report Minister Greg Melchin’s Mission to New York and Washington, DC June 25-July 5, 2006

Overview: For the first time in its 40-year history, the prestigious Smithsonian Folklife Festival featured a Canadian jurisdiction – . The Folklife Festival is an annual event that attracts one million visitors to the National Mall in the heart of Washington, DC.

From June 30 to July 11, more than 150 Albertans proudly showcased our province’s performing arts, cuisine, aboriginal culture, and technology at the festival.

Leading up to the Smithsonian Folklife Festival Premier led a delegation of 10 Alberta Cabinet Ministers, which included Minister Melchin, on a mission to Washington for Alberta Week in Washington. Minister Melchin participated in a number of significant events including Alberta “Energy Day” in Washington, DC.

Prior to arriving in Washington, Minister Melchin was in New York for a one day Energy Investment Conference organized by ISI Group Inc.

Mission Objectives:

New York • Continue to build upon the positive energy relationship between Alberta and the U.S. • To discuss and highlight the tremendous growth occurring in Alberta’s energy sector and opportunities available to investors.

Washington • Support and enhance the profile of Alberta Week in Washington (June 26-July 1) and the Alberta exhibit at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival (June 30-July 11). • Use the profile Alberta will have in Washington to reinforce our key messages in the U.S. • Take advantage of Alberta’s presence in Washington, DC to expand the number and quality of contacts with key U.S. decision-makers. • Promote a well-rounded view of Alberta, one that accurately portrays the richness and diversity of our geography, culture and economy.


June 25 Travel from to New York

June 26

The Minister’s day began with the Energy Conference: Focus on Alberta, organized by ISI Group. This 4-hour roundtable discussion was moderated by Mr. Mike Rotherman, Senior Director of ISI’s Integrated Oil Research Unit. The audience consisted of over 100 portfolio managers and analysts from major investment funds in the energy sector.

The conference agenda included a presentation from Minister Melchin, as well as senior officials from energy companies with operations in Alberta (TransCanada Corporation, Nexen Inc., North American Oil Sands, and Air Liquide).

The Minister gave an overview of what is currently happening in Alberta’s energy sector and about further development of the Alberta Energy Hub, labour challenges and infrastructure initiatives. The company’s presentations focused on their core business, the role each company will play in the expansion of Alberta’s energy production and/or infrastructure.

ISI Group Inc. is a New York based broker-dealer specializing in economic research, policy research, quantitative research, company surveys, client projects and investment strategy.

In the afternoon, Minister Melchin toured the Ravenswood Power Plant expansion project operated by KeySpan Energy. The expansion is a 250 MW natural gas-fired, combined cycle cogeneration facility commissioned in 2004. This expansion is the first major generating unit commissioned in New York City in more than a decade.

KeySpan Energy is the largest distributor of natural gas in the north eastern United States, serving over 2.6 million customers in New York, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire.

June 27 Travel from New York to Washington, D.C.

Minister Melchin participated in Premier Klein’s meeting with Senator Pete Domenici (R-NM), Chair of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. Discussions centered on Alberta’s oil sands and the province’s growing role as a safe and secure supplier of energy to the United States. In addition, Alberta’s keen interest in working with the Administration to investigate and create the partnerships envisioned in the Energy Policy Act of 2005 was also discussed. Premier Klein extended an invitation to Senator Domenici to visit the Alberta oil sands.

Following the meeting, Minister Melchin attended a Congressional reception in honour of Premier Klein and the Alberta delegation. The reception was sponsored by 49 members of Congress who served as honorary co-hosts. More than 350 guests, including key business leaders in the energy sector, Alberta partners and sponsors, Congressional staffers, and members of the Canadian-American Business Council attended. Ambassador Wilson and Premier Klein addressed the audience. The reception was an excellent opportunity to network and introduce Alberta Week in Washington to a distinguished group of U.S. Congressional and business leaders.

June 28 This was “Alberta Energy Day” in Washington.

The Minister’s first event was the Alberta Economic Forum: A Public-Sector/Private- Sector Dialogue on North American Energy Security, held at the Canadian Embassy.

The two-hour event was sponsored by the Canadian American Business Council and included an audience of 120 influential Canadian and American politicians, senior US military officials, energy industry leaders, and business executives.

Minister Melchin provided opening remarks about Alberta’s leading role in North American energy security and concluded the roundtable discussion by identifying strategic policy priorities to focus future cooperation between Alberta and the United States.

The Public Sector/Private Sector Roundtable consisted of 22 individuals that included Brigadier-General Gregory L. Gillespie, CD, Deputy Commander, Land Force Western Area; Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah); Murray Smith, Minister-Counsellor, Alberta Washington Office; Honourable Gary Lunn, Minister of Natural Resources; David Bairrington, Senior Vice President, Oil Sands, ConocoPhillips Canada; Red Cavaney, President and CEO, American Petroleum Institute; and Alex Pourbaix, President, Energy, TransCanada Corporation.

Other topics of discussion included the impact of energy market dynamics on North American business, energy supply as a component of North American competitiveness, and the challenges and opportunities related to increasing Canadian oil and gas production.

Later that day, Premier Klein was accompanied by the Alberta delegation at a State Department luncheon hosted by U.S. Assistant Secretary of State, Thomas Shannon. Building on the day’s theme and discussion at the Energy Forum, Premier Klein’s keynote address reinforced Alberta’s role in North American energy security.

That evening, Minister Melchin was part of the Alberta delegation led by Premier Klein that attended a reception honouring the Smithsonian Board of Regents. This event provided an excellent opportunity to raise the profile of Alberta to 650 prominent invited guests. The evening featured an award to the Smithsonian Board of Regents honouring their work to promote Alberta-US relations. The Premier donated an aboriginal art piece to the Smithsonian Institution.

June 29 Minister Melchin, met with Daniel S. Sullivan, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, US Department of State. Also in attendance at the meeting was Murray Smith, Minister-Counsellor, Alberta Washington Office. The purpose of the meeting was to reinforce with Washington decision makers Alberta’s role as the top supplier of stable and secure energy to the United States. Minister Melchin continued to talk about Alberta’s vast oil sands resource and Alberta’s keen interest in working with the US Administration to investigate and create partnerships envisioned in the Energy Policy Act of 2005.

That afternoon, Minister Melchin met with and made a presentation to the Western Caucus. The Caucus is a bipartisan group of Members of Congress working to enhance the relationship between Canada and the United States. The Caucus’ focus is on border security and commerce, energy cooperation and tourism.

Minister Melchin has met with Congressman Chris Cannon, Chairman of the Western Caucus on several occasions. Minister Melchin was pleased to meet with the other members of the Caucus to continue to explore ways that Alberta and the Western U.S. can work cooperatively to address energy issues. It is important to build on the many ties that connect Alberta to the Western U.S. – people, investment, oil and gas pipelines, exploration technologies, and electricity transmission grids.

That evening, Minister Melchin, attended the City of Calgary’s premiere event in Washington – the Yes, It’s Calgary reception held at the Canadian Embassy. The reception built upon relationships with senior officials from U.S. national organizations headquartered in Washington and promoted Calgary’s convention facilities to meeting planners. Minister Melchin is the MLA for Calgary North West.

June 30 Premier Klein, along with the entire Alberta delegation attended the opening ceremonies for the Smithsonian Folklife Festival. The event was sponsored by Encana and included the Alberta sponsors, Ministers and officials who had contributed to the success of Alberta Week in Washington. The Deputy Premier noted that the week had gone extremely well and exceeded her expectations of the impact Alberta could make in Washington.

That afternoon the Alberta delegation was treated to an official tour of the Smithsonian Folklife Festival site.

To end the day’s events, Minister Melchin attended an Alberta Foundation for the Arts event, broadening Alberta’s contacts among the Washington, DC arts community.

July 1 Canada Day at the Folklife Festival

On Canada Day, Minister Melchin attended the Canada Day Pancake Breakfast organized by the Government of Alberta, the City of Calgary and the Calgary Stampede. The event, held on the grounds of the Canadian Embassy, was the most successful Canada Day celebration ever at the Canadian Embassy, attracting about 4000 expatriate Canadians and American friends of Canada.

July 2 and 3 Toured the Folklife Festival site and met with many of the Alberta participants.

July 4 Independence Day Celebrations – Minister Melchin attended a reception co-hosted by Ambassador Wilson and Enbridge at the Canadian Embassy. The reception was attended by numerous influential American and Canadian guests, including the Chair of the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. The event featured performances by Alberta artists including Calvin Vollrath, Asani and the Alberta Ballet.

July 5 Travel day - depart Washington, DC for Calgary

Delegation: Honourable Greg Melchin, Minister of Energy Glenn Shepherd, Executive Assistant to the Minister