1 Mapping The Midwest Future Improving Transportation Competitiveness

John Spacek, Vice President (Planning & Development) September 29, 2014 2 What is an Inland ? 3 Creation of CentrePort Canada Inc.

• A unique partnership among governments, business, labour and the community created the vision of development.

• Province of passed legislation in 2008 creating a private sector, for profit, corporation called CentrePort Canada Inc. with a Board of 15 Directors.

• CentrePort Canada Inc.’s mandate is to:

– Manage development of the ;

– Market the inland port;

– Act as a one-stop shop for investment activity. 4 CentrePort: Canada’s Centre for Global Trade

CentrePort Canada offers 20,000 acres of high-quality industrial land, adjacent to a major urban centre and the Canada-US border, with on-site access to tri-modal transportation options. It will incorporate live-work-play components.

CentrePort Canada Inc. is a business, logistics and development facilitator.

5 At the Hub of Key Rail and Highway Corridors CentrePort Canada is connected to important global markets: • Asia Pacific Gateway – Trans Canada Corridor – Northwest Corridor • Quebec-Ontario Gateway – Trans Canada Corridor – Windsor/Detroit • NAFTA Gateway – Mid-Continent Corridor – Eastern USA Seaboard – Mexico • Atlantic Gateway – Halifax Port • Arctic Gateway – Air Polar Routes – Marine Polar Routes 6 The Centre of Development

Port of CentrePort is ideally Churchill Alberta Oil Sands positioned to service the Manitoba Mining & resource-rich regions of Fort Hydro Developments McMurray North Dakota, Ontario, Thompson Saskatchewan, Alberta, southwestern & northern Manitoba & Nunavut. Saskatchewan Ontario “Ring of Potash Region Fire” Thunder Regina 356 mi CentrePort 438 mi Bay

Williston North Dakota Bakken Oil fields

Note: Distances are in road miles

Shipping to Williston from is 20 to 50 per cent cheaper than shipping from other regional cities including Chicago, Kansas City, Oklahoma City, Denver and Houston. Winnipeg is also significantly closer, reducing shipping times by up to 75 per cent. (Cost comparison for Canadian trucking company shipping LTL for 1,000 and 5,000 lb pallets) 7 CentrePort Canada’s Location

• Operational since November 2009.

• Anchored by the James Armstrong International Airport.

• Located in the northwest quadrant of Winnipeg and the RM of Rosser. The boundaries for the project are Saskatchewan Avenue to the south, the perimeter highway to the west and north, and Brookside Blvd to the east.

LEGEND CentrePort Canada CentrePort Canada Way Industrial Areas Railway Yards Existing Economic Clusters

Aerospace Cultural Transportation & Financial Services Distribution Tourism Advanced Manufacturing Agri-Business Transportation Bio-Life Sciences Energy & Environment & Distribution ICT

Winnipeg Tourism InternationalEducation Airport Aerospace & Financial Services Agri- Advanced Cultural Business Manufacturing ICT Education Advanced Manufacturing

Education Energy & Bio-Life Environment Sciences Potential Primary Cluster Allocation

Perimeter Highway Logistics/ Distribution Education

Centrepo rt Canada Manufacturing Logistics/ Distribution

Brookside Blvd Brookside Tourism &


Springfield Rd


Keewatin St Keewatin Insurance/

Sturgeon Rd Sturgeon Financial

Red River



Day St Day ICT

Winnipeg Internation Univ. of Pandora Ave al Airport Winnipeg Transcona Yards Manufacturing

King Edward St Edward King Downtow

n Dugald Rd

St James St James St

Marion St Logistics/



Yards Distribution Plessis

Fermor Ave Perimeter Highway Perimeter

Corridors Blvd

Bishop Grandin Blvd Seasons Bio-Life of

Tuxedo Sciences


High-Tech Univ. of Agri-Business Manitoba St. Mary’s Rd Mary’s St. High Tech

Bio-Life Waverley Rd Waverley

Pembina Highway Pembina Bio-Life Science Aerospace Agri-Business Manufacturing

Page 9 10 Key Investment Sectors

6 key investment sectors that best leverage CentrePort Canada’s competitive advantages:

1. Agri-business

2. Composites

3. Mining/ Energy

4. Biomedical

5. Regional Distribution (Retail/ Manufacturing Components/ Goods)

6. E-Commerce

*Examining sectors in greater detail to determine CentrePort’s strongest competitive advantages


CentrePort Canada: Canada’s Centre for Global Trade

Contact: John Spacek [email protected] 204-784-1300
