1 I p e

I S THE SUN TUESDAY MAY 28 1901 gtoruw Cntrinflc5 fit G A rtn1CllLLI DRFEDIXO FAF31 fOLD Third Rteg Clorcr Stakes for twoyetrold Ollleii- HAD WEATUKS PRETESTS fAIL NEWS OF THE WHEELMEN MUD HORSES TO THE FRONT 1JOOO guaranteed 0 e furnongs Ill Mary Worth Ill Joajtllatlon Moored In Outer Doycrs Are Sold to Be a Syndicate of ncilcin Mdy Ilrliornaln ir Chirrup I li llolvrond Ill Newport Men- Stallion Ill I anui IIZ bow Arrives nt MAJOR TAVIOR TVItXS TItS TAttlCS- GALLO AWAY WITH THE 112 eMnh- niaSCLP Step Onward lit Tchuli NKWTOIIT May 7Tho Cup defender OV JACQVKIIX The most prominent han breeding STAKES AT OMVrSKMtT- lit II- 110 rATClIOGVE knees Stakes for threeyear Constitution did not lease her to- ¬ llthment In this section thnt of John Fourth nttf 1 mnnrlnit old added one mil and 7n yards The Amcrlrnn Wins Hath lUau Fnslly and He- ShuUi Parkvlllc on tho Coney Wind a Shot Dcf The Khymch ItO day tho Trviitlivr prcventlni It vai musts it Tftlltboat iplol till Odd liic11 Itt Th RDjBif Irs reives a Koiulnc Ovnllnr 31tn Sot In sold The buycrn Tl to- 1 n Illace IM nnd this tnornlnK nnd Mr Dun- Buulovnrd has bern lire at 1 to 4 U 1 Flfico DrlTeMar r Dr Barlow II The threatonlnt Will Not lie I he 118 MAlloon IM- joint Slundlnu Still 0 C A sold to be u syndicate of Wrffrn men the Pa rider I can did not cnro to run any risk nl wetln MakM a Mew Itecord for Tratknoth 1 VltellKJit Ii Oautnma °J Allotted to Compete In IrTlnctonOIItlborn whose Intentions tine plnrw In V Clover nd Sombrero AUo Win Col II Sadie R 1 the iwIK Thero was senreely nfl wind awl rrirnrdaii iir otter Sweet nddn M- Janice what little tliero was from tin north- ¬ In yester- ¬ doubt Tine m was negotiated by E C weather wn as disagreeable rtiwFortwbyearoli S700 iddfd cnni arm weatlivr prevailed Iarls Though the FIfth iclllnj so It would been Miiiply a In Fltwrnld but the pritv l ntt known Mr City Saturday racing Ate furlongs east that have day anti Major Taylor beat Jnsauclln yesterday as It was on tho y ri-> IDT C no < rnMd 07 matter of drifting about If the yacht had col their return match colored American FlUgmld M tint buyers ronlrmplnt for fully SOM enthusiasts- 1 I U- I lIe mm a t attrncted ollaren 7 luffnllo way Early tine moor tnlnlng thn rounds in the prrwnt form end yet the 7Ptwilljon KJ 8 ten under this ninrntnir champion completely turned tho tables on The track was a muddy river talent Ions wing tin In hope re the an Sixth Kor and upward Inc buoy which hnd been put down for tho the Frenchman h winning two straight inn fcr rncnR the of profitable day Inasmuch nir I bad a rather S70J one mile and 70 yards It tIne I vlvliitf tho cildtlme harneul- lr heavily supported added Constitution In llrcntons Cove Light lients and o tho title to the championship Interest llilu styles two favorites and throe Carbuncle Ill Kamiw Ill IM hoiifto Department wits shifted to it point ot Is iorucs According to onn of Shultsn men at nile I narbara Krletclile Ill Xanlnf I the ones Inure open ACv victorious second choices veto Ilalloon 7 I arid yacht now I the talilo tho property Is to lie cut up Into oil was the Them Ill west of Uml the I Tho distances at which tho men rode were only stake event on tho card fit building lots Tine nfl moored nt nearly the fame place as wits tine samo IM In race II kilometre salo will not Interfere vlth throeyearolds and upward I the former Putchoeue for I2IWK1X SCWX occupied by defender two years ago tho proinlnruc rf Mr 8hult as n horse at a- threcQuartor of a mile fieijutor nAtTt tho end ono anti onethird kilometres but tho for 1901 t about to the I breeder hut will remove one of the rOOst con thta Cot Paddcn was an Will The reason for shlftlnc the nonrins contests differed In tint thero was n single Timothy P Sullivan Withdrawn From All EnaoRemtnti and will bo easier spicHius place of interest on road be win poli- ¬ outer harbor is that It much pacemaker for the men for two of the throo ti If vehicles tatcrist rou our display of favorite and the Tammany Probably Never hare Asuln tst itt Pnik nnd Tone Hnnd- F oddson I to gut under way In all Uiiuli of winds than laps except wcro no confident that ho could not No details Intro been received Mr HIiiiltM hues a summer rocldnnco at- lies styles just received will repay a visit ticians II Mnckays celebrated racehorse e si FIr Clarence If yacht was up In cove whero thorn C A poured n tidal wave of money the tho thosj In a irtof cablegram to flu N Fordhnin ned a tock farm nt Iort Ifttft You arc rdially invited to call nt our ware lose that they Da will probably never compete n nln I breeding wholly No- Himself star are always a number of ynchts and itenerallr officers which slId thnt Taylor won both heats Ills interests will now le Into the ring Newton Dennlnsrtoni yesterday th t ho had I to I ito lIttler Instouil of beIng rRcmn vher cvtty facility for acquiring infonna of his It was discovered n score of coal barges Thero Is also moro easily Taylor recelvcil a rotiiilntf ovation divided however was not overlooked because wn with- i between thor anti Ilrooklrn will be at your ccrvicc lie exhibition of vehicles ila broken down and consoquntly water In tho outer harbor I phuii voars Innd tioi recently good work and tho layer offer of llio has for I drawn from nIl his engagements In tho It not probable lImit there will be nny Contenting Taylors first race with Jaccjuo rnnrk pointed to with prIde by for pwire end busimwi is the most complete in tie world do Contend I li 2 was hungrily mapped up ¬ land and 6 to llrooklyn Hindlcap llanastar was cut be attempts to vpeel tto lin un May in a porv nal letter rotolvod It comprise bOUt ncres of B pticc where vriiclo stylet vhcre new ideas first 030 oro at indo for some dots ill X nl Parkway to Con oriiiutc Hultillopochtll and llnindy Smash and the top of the heel more cyclist now In 1arlB- I ucroiin from tho Brandy tween the fetlock yacht her trliN nt first Mnat moro for tho front nn Amerlcnn Ishnd av nui crossing Kn t Lost fippsir utd wlwru time original ideas of those who desire their 0 j ong The start was fair wound I I Hnt utrfpts odds of his near hlndfoot and when the I < ruhnlmj- siys wn luuky I went looklnz for Eighth Knot Kist Tenth running away with piiriio o of to tlnB the standing end vehicles built to order nre worked ou with tine utmost eire ofgre 8ma h with Downlne up wits It was decided by both Mr Jaerjuelln motioy but could not mind a bit The On tine liotilovnnl nr Ocean ark ins It lead Him- ¬ rl tlns and to net thlnas properly stretched In dnFlcnnted the property liiii ond skill It is intended not only for purchasers sifci3 what looked like a commanding Mnckiiy and Trainer lull that It would bo French racing Itourlllon IaberjacJc idI- along behind Tint ext mu BiaMlieud rtmnors havo bren put rim I frontage of 2BJO feet onuu seers one alto welcome self and Col Tnddon tru8 led useless to keep tIne horse In further training on yacht which should any pos- ¬ DIll others were all backing Tuylor nnd they H nn 2700 feet ruIning Coney Inl others tho It extends In tho flying slush so far ahead of the Danastnr U asixyearoldchestnut horso sibility the topmast bill kiln Men from took till Juequclln that wura IMiml avenue There Is n onemlio trot tine doing till bets 01 thn they never had a chance to get up after Blessing was brought by the nrol tire on th Jlnding money- track trite and stables that Basket Carriages that by Fnrandole Io thlnrtt thut have beoa found nccosMiiry- offered They said It was lllto will ncmmmodatn nearly ItO horses on tine of a mile S I the first quarter his Western owners lo 8arnto n In 1S whore nnd huiiwrs tire to be placod on the > of I havent seen thorn sno It wilt bitterly place Tint anti the training aravrry popnl rat present an two lengths prop- ¬ Tine one nhown I At the turn randy Smash had tho late William II Clark purchased him tho tender Mount Morris In which to ill cold annul Taylor looked frozen In the nee of W K Works Is on In the cut Eli having gotten free lice In Metropolitan the club topsnll performance of erty Inns l ixn vory fuvurubly re over Himself the latter wins beaten inn Out heat Taylor sot Into tho straight In front will Brandy In ism later Handicap tho Constitution yesterday morning It Is said unofficially that Mr Bhut colveil Liy our trade thU sen hra from the favorite Hut Downing let tut and appeared o cut elf Jaerjuelln The old Inn Then h bicHrne noted I reason of his victory slui went up the bay Its as Prudence Inland retiln Clarendon run Wo iiro innlilns o- to the outer rail as 1 Smash swerve almost In the Handicap of thnt p8r nnd 111 of an hour is rewarded n a Frenchman put forth a burst of spend rind which used as n quarters for sonic of tio 3- A bar will ErfnteruuDberofstylM C ti3 came Into tho stretch which permitted month later Banastar was mida u favorite sIgn that tho boat Is going to a wonder seemed angry ho put hits lingers to his men wino run the liar It ic lead After t was a wait nt th nailed for inodclled for a residence of llailnti fnrrui Himself to iak th for the After olosoliauleil rue illstunci nose nut ias o Huu bio prices pre thin tluin over a gallop for colt which post hn was left and ht Jockey Danny Mnher is over ten tnllei ninth tills wiw dono with viillmi mm to wiiero you fine term formerly the property of Hiram yiur for it cent ten francs set Howe Wino on It known before linn r2 won lengths Tho time lilJ 45 woe tut down for It notjiini but lower sails sAt ThU nficrnnun IInd I cLod viien you w rt hers ran belt lailet for was remarkably hat under the circum lianastur did not appear In a race ngnln n rain set In proventlns tiny work on to hnr e lovers for n generation To it the liixuiH < ut ri re j must tall at thin City truck Ho thn hr r < reared 8t Port werosrnt lobe tour two or four until boat It was e rll II K I Ulau Chctr for ieiL- things oometlniM Ixiiight sub of Sir by Cor-¬ announced on tine fncU by Trainer that had been at the Clark Tho 70foeter Rainbow owned Mr tine irviriktoiiMflbuin- broken nod trained fUKniyttf K m with in the flfth b H Macka who S tel maravcr of inn Cheney VIIUnin i litmlt the mart uter go wrong WM vividly illustrated horses for JIOono Clarence n lII Ynndcrbllt hero at oclock 01 men not in- John ruiniilui Ilnskft Cor- u hart never In tho care of Trainer Charles yacht road rici tiat tint entries li the drIvIng puMIc ThMu event for that the horse this nfteriioon in low of the steam Kootl etiimlliig witii 1 C A und oilier ti ert Wacor llaolict J- won HOOO The dlstnnw WM one ml o F Hill In the Metropolitan Handicap this Mlrn the Pnlnbowi tender The two tie ore now In the inbliH a mimbcr of Liwi i- f men win nuvo > under tcnsure In other and yards and T K llnnastir was not eon < a possi- ¬ ynoht loft Titv I hnd t Thursday nt html f by yearling of them the get of txwnt tiny Aelnt van won nt h road m et will bo rejected tilt referee lies performer The bility by the general yet he nnil wero hero tIne following 1 III to The property often been the I cinch Toboggan li Iitman This the latter buyer iti STJDEEAKKR Broodviy Cot as n The odds He also captured nliht Xothlris hid been henrd from them win mean such men n louis Hleman wino muted ns The inc Prince St New York positive that i no iinrrnnr would Handicap and last was nnd was reputed to be headed by a man named Moore CUCli worn Just ni books Irice their departure there sent was dlriqualiiiej niter finishing llrjt lu the t win opened their a for th Itrooklyn Handicap In imon lno exprossscl about their safety year una F J Apgur hu in vcn thl pro- ¬ lown race of last r with 1 to 3 agaInst him at litter event he wile cut down in Ir Vnnrterbllt hero Snlllr who tuifuvoruhiy under me 0 or tlie In- to ¬ cnino hibited price was play enough calm the game yet ran tIne distance with charac- expected to find the t I learned officials In connection with the fault charged D4MVA IL lift a cut to I to 4 Ijuieetnan teristic Bamepess- on up the Sound tho MIrage hail Is wore at five nnd writ against Hleman Mike journey anotiicr- 1 cii the only other starter ttio troublo with her sleorlnu near nnd mini to on HIM proscribed li tourney and Apeur- All National I Games rmtponed for the = lIe icot ssre I ibo while I tm mOnt tens was of At Lexington That Balljhoo Key nnchor repairs acre mrdo havu tic entrance but the start which In front Iteportcd J Same Old Itfnion of ho nut lie right to reject entries is covered till I For a quarter of a mile had Hill Start In American Derby tho stand of by the following practically Tine only baseball that took place In n big nla- to take tho mud the fet both Tilt TKir OF IXDKFXXnEXCE- mukes tins absolute All questions led by a hood LEXINGTON May 27 Hiram Steele referee In Tine If rivatis man wliiiti may tins und are not covered ti league yesterday was the American hr- LF period titter which the latter hard ger E Maddens Hamburg Crownlnshleld 1jpecHthe float to for this of John neslftner tho foregoing rules small bo decided by elements ore still ut odds with the Xnilornl- L IAYS JMQuinbyCo oh took the lead t tt by Rhymer states that Is not nt tl lie Heady for 8111101 on Saturday I Inc referee z nt uion the back Farm Lengiie end the Xatlorals fnto ye te rday tile 4 wai out Madden farm It I reported hero that tin Another of news oncTllln tho Jo- stretch where Wnllabout ran neclc nnd neck May 17 Preparation for the benny was frowning heavens nod saturated ro incs CARRIAGE BUILDERS c got into tho horso has ben shipped to and will raeu ii that In case of II rain It will eni with the As thc 1m tm- confidently believed that Iho be a starter In tho American Derby trial trip of the Independence turn now belnc probably postponed until Saturday al Tine postponements yesterday bring tine 61 63 WOOSTER ST HEVMRK N J stretch it was 1111 u thing hunts licun ilonn- ICC on win but Spen- This afternoon n was rntMUil nor grand total of unplayed games up to thlrt all and Our Rhymer would come mud till bifnre Jbe raei lint heel run through tliei om St cer to the whip could not RRSnTS OV OTlirR TRACKf to tow the sloop down to liostin Light whim f and over lulu of mud seven a third as many games ns have bourn mAke excu lv iy Some tcttombte legend thriven hard by on torrents rain hind carriages m fine repair frI the and she Ii fully rendy to KO Into commission 1 hI iiintigeiuent certainly dc enr irndlt In the West yesterday tine skies mr- IL length In front In iM phed deny finished At fur tIn nt rut effort to keep tins historic SEASONABLE rosy CARRIA5IS Ce hal piclousl > for the publlo which will probably be next Saturday Th were not so lachrymose three rival lenene sport event clean and that II l < lieltiit appreclateil- I lue raco for t at live CnirAQO May 7 lla lnornes opening was n taking with the by rrnwil good despite a tug Confidence1 has been chartered as tender is evident by the fuel that I hue manufact- ¬ games place The STIU7E5 Foil Wal- eductions in point marked a rood and tOn w D Tcltphont 559 Newark furlongs Tho chetrlcss day The rate wan von for the but as he Is now undergoing urers of tlm American llicydo Company downed the Mllwaukces easily enough the J4EPT1M ii uum ii Sweet 3 to 2 rairer Kiuon CARRU6ES- 4 of value were lover bj at M to I and S C Illldretn won about urn giving support by prizes 1 a to l Hrmoso repairs another boat maul to be aiibotituted dinnnu Orioles fell victims to Ohlcaios iiiEs Jack D Mund II to and LioJlce pla > him to show principally It was u yeMerrtajr h JSnoo lne tle Fllrl new entrl were received and through tho medium of Corrlcks Klt 4 set Ilalma- made until ready Crownlnshlld I Julius mnrt first Mart Whitneys foraifr tralwr has since she is Dfslsner and everything gIves promibi ut u race us She 1 near up ettlnn these clo o U- edged pItching which has been consistently turf nt U to came his suerrssful cAmpaign on ire Pane toast aid saul tills Afternoon limit lit fully exp ctcd line as any ever thin Cu calculations Shaw toolc him out In front ulll be some time before curl a price Is laid aralnsi o ifi ii the i at Vary Moderate Prics1 to tho brunt her first trial Saturday The lode of tho fame of the Irvington Detroit The American lonkuo results and where ho nodt und neck with Sweet another of Illldrelhs horses Summary give nixt In the BROOKLYN JOCKEY CLUB mile rmoso 100 Mllliurn is found tho chancier of standing tin Clover and Iaodlci for n ouurtor of n First Ilsre Six fiirlonirsH Meade If riot then It would be on Mondnyor Turs It Is because of tho hills thero 50 I won Bessie Maeldln 10 Domlnlck 7 to 10 ronro Itself HIS IIACfCS TOI1AY AT P S- Tben Laodlco felt buck a llttlu and Neither lo Indepen- ¬ tim AT UILWAf KKE 33O 5PC eo Set kept second Money MUss loo iCoburn 7 to i Ihlrd diy Uilnian reinnrked that tho nice to ciimu that it is certain winner If ITnlnslruve F 14U St N Y at 1241 100 Pu- One went Into third Smart Ic IT I 1 ready In a II rliler of iiliUli unit endurance and one who ESTABLISHED 1859 rbrCan l 3 V Jl Ilrooilvn lermlEiis ol th- doc- Clover by a head for Time 11V dence could be KOtnn season fur ¬ a a 7 1 8 9 5 In front of Sweet Second Race One mile 104 Seei- Hhuiild innlio his mark As it tunic win- Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 srWsf via th Avf KITalrd every nlnutS un DdomH he tie 2 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 is her tho latter 107 WtnlcfleldI I < haHn Tliurtdny If bed everything nt the way Munnd BloS won Uncle Toni oto f ord- ners of t he nice hal made their to Pjircrs m tho front and beat Jack Do now he referred to Is tt lu cycln racliig although un- ¬ llauerles Hank and Sparks and Ltaliv cal length llonoi iiCoburni 7toMhlrd Time 147H Atliintlc work What ttiliiihIe Pin Third Itar Steeple rhfiM1 fftoit eouweHfeVyT- known before I Iii vent The ruco lias be- AT CHICAGO k the gaff anti tins bow rose two shunts tire were four horses In the second lolf S3 Slater 4 to 3 won Krnnd 14ft tloulllnni hy of pncl Iho r- hOrtifltit portintitt3oad I ° eninn rlnnsli rensou its nil n it race a ItWO handicap threeyearolds- 4 to 3 road Snllust 15a ihlllsoni 7 to 2 third fllll nt Inwl y s and nltliouitli the gilT i of amateur t bin t DalUmort 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ono fr a number unknown hun 870Cb- oil and upward at mlo and Time 121 IIHIIIIIII the boom U nut untIe ready I from It mm bieh i IKT In cycle racing lfAiro 2 3 0 0 3 1 1 0 10 11 W in In Yernal to There was a contritions tip circulation Fourth Hal Stakes life futlonrsAbe- In will tliipi IKMU tom u IMtterlra Dunn and RobInson Putlrrsca < expected that lnwloy send tlrli- So other coursu ever lii loinu etd W K 124 7 to in won Fd Austin IIS- < Iii anent Dick ter tia rranli Cohort nver S tmt II on Thur cliv twenlyllveitiilp road conte t that I a o Sullivan 11 tt i Sid- ¬ iDomlnleki 7 to 10 ttrond Fddle llusch 121 J from wtin 113- JJ quickly from three to wa n t t II t lasting opened Wciodi 3 to i third Plme rnifj Ill put ini rail nlluvud liter complite lt iiuscle iiervn and AT DETROIT ney and Kin liramble equal I lit work on the lanai today The putter Ii nen start It tho middle Frank Kramer ElfIn flare Ote mile 10X Coburni feru itli It F at S to 5 Tlm former I favorites 2 to I won 103 Dnvlsson 25 lo I second bolxtny Iwen made mutt i the hacko II yemule courw mid ride from end to enl 0 0 0 3 0 I I 0 jl j 18 3 THG 11 5 tho to twos while Hill Daly Ktranitst hi RIUES to latter lint Wlakfleld 3 to I hunch I in water hunt neither tlil- < covering the hardest halt thnt toward Ir Detroit 0 0 0 I 0 1 0 1 2 4 7 1 Simpson The tnknown J third Time nboi hot mu Matt was the outsider nt tens 141 ire tope tln xhrniulM- viiiKtni six times nml tine oilier half four liftlltrlM OairlrU and Clark Ullltr and Uudoit f the running us soon us tho liiiio nir cit Rochester Sill Itcee One mile ant a nuarterKnlRhl- havo been turned up Only two of tho main tillleH At Clereltnd Wet grounds TRIED AND TRUE fell to a Read start Kins Ilrnmblu 10 iSee to tIn Hannerel ton sun i t be opltiivl to cliarUltv Fins record for tIne course hsu not been TUB I1KCOII- Lucno close up 107 riLinin the Iii and Sidney were however Wlnkfleld1 2 to second Ire Klnj J Ucxxls- II Tho- I rot cit stint whon Montn Scott no1- In which fn tei them to plilte lM DItr Pee I th that order for half a i2lo third Time 20s In u professional made tine heroic rid III i hour- Hramhin led ltorhi stcr vork of lilt riciiers so fur the Ihiest ever CMi TT i vtnt Chits IT 1 Crnr- F I mile Then Klne lit In rind Hhoilili- s ininutiM ru Ulie course at 714 a head in front of Malt nifii ii n thl harbor ncinit ChttMO It 8 Polon II II 8M rut by a neck the liitirr At St lout with ou present is in better condition ihin has Detroit IS s tf M- with Sidney Iucns a ltnitli bnrk Miniparo favorably that tine lon II rjl Cletelaiul us ii ST May 27 attendance at this turn t11 suveral Thero Is only one WMbtnctoa 14 B 03 Mtlwaukr 11 8 81- I They in thi rite Fair Stttlt the Ion < elicit lillY feet whero new 8 iuiladelphla 8 17 IIas Matt lark i rounds was only Mir The weather wa decidedly Tlie work In the cabin Is tnt yet completed bad about Dilllraore u tso jj manner and then cold and mere tat ring luritely In flu Ii lute been < to tin In a washout > furs evldnce thete ar till some ill t ge to stunt I the turn so swiftly that hi was loadlne by a nnd Is I o Summary will This to make trouble for tho riders itno when was reiichod Roch- ¬ Islieil upon th i deck Tlm raving rail New York State League PERCEfor the Coasecutlve Season neck stretch 20 104 wagon l One tolls and yards Ieicll t It I n- hut a test days of travel over It will THIRD ester was second there a nwk In front 7 to I won I U M 2 to be ftteil Trout or Uoincfilay era Inn IS Carbrry iKatl Ollrlen vTiioc1 l ed Inchf- Imtirove it No Pain 1IE MUST THINK WELL OF D of Sldne Lucas and J went to tho I second Mldlan lid iFoueoni 20 to I third Time lmpo n ral nbmt tl ree youths ImVe crofi IT t t lie tit k will tI eil e of For week tint ambitious been v whip on colt with enough vigor to 14 fr aol run nlonc flu lint ii Hi- training ilv course for the event 011 hurt on Fir pit nintf f- f loc with nmc iii lit the lnt Second nice Pour end a half furloncs Jlimt the iiterwnv either day which will I tn ihirteenlh nniiual Conncctlcnt Ic r yards Sidney 103 I Enosi ft to I won Marl merIt 102- iMlKC tjie anvss deck covering Ituwn In one hundred Iuenx less of and will lie run Inn 111 or txliine U i H SULLIVAN BEDELL DUE very and In n iKuhni a to 1 cMtid Monte Illmyar 100 ONell- plnce- rill All camel jMtfocd on arrouot of ruin BROSLa i the rail cnino fast too enl o peculiar fall lu connection with this rare wee out n beau hx Hnrhi > Iitlo tinted 1 IMP Tlm harbormaster nt Newport will be- Iii Uace Ifta ossl S to- that the winners of it nlinnxt Invariably In of thirteen to KO to tbofr hlrd title mitt Snrner nulled to lornto n whore tine licHiin tIn pot for C w n Dennett 107 second Iiavn been riders who tire familiar with Eastern Ixatar- and many other CrakaJacks ride the PIERCE up- ¬ Farmer il Miller Mo5 I the third for thrpevearolrts brat can have plcntv of r om to swlmr on jl wonie llmo- ste Aloerl F Iiewe > l 7 T OTIrleni IS to 5 mini dar course nnd have trained for ward nt raN furloiiK onlv three nurses md a can buoy of reuulntlnn site will be beforehiinl Th nice II as inaugurated on A ToreEtoMontre 3 Toronto I k4 lot Time tim thought Imnt I hits H At other were to hnvo more than an ordinary Fourth hate Six furlongs Duelist 110 n Hued put down the lies in Itt rhor May Jo I U and Ins teen rmiovcry Ieroratlon nilfstuln- SO WHITE HEAD RACERS ggQ I it chance Gold Lriek opened favorite hut 3 to I won Illlre nil 1lartblerireri 3 lo 8 second Chip v iIi bo anchored In the middle f the Day since It Is really older than that elate itt receded a point In he ns I tInt ttint thera Van 101 r uUrlrm 4 to third Time nhnfl nnI Iii tho ii rth and ti ferrl Indicates because II was nil outgrowth of >Tr league of cal I I plunges both 1In ¬ trrn A Thing Beauty anti a Joy Forever were on Sinister and Marirn 114 nit fur from the unntl1 works Mr Crov n II nerles of tweiityllvii India road races be- lit vials way to the t Dnrn F a Fifth Ilnee cire mile and an Chappanus- pays In Omaha Omaha I on- eight inslileld that tho preliminary trvlnc tween clinIc At Conraio prices 0 i 100 I0 MeCnnm 3 to won Guide Hock 103 KSRSUS S printer sToitcti to cbanitwri St as T 434- 4 to shot bolted and little Thompson nnd If ehfinirefi nml refnirs are neces- The of the first Irvlneton- At S PaU flty S 4 iirNrn I T- ort winner St till V St rw York llrilfoid Aye IJrooUjn losing control the filly ran away two ketti 4 to second Amelia Strathmnre 07 J sary tine ii will at or Mnrhc- was Wllllniii F Murphy of tlm Kings A MI WKlK ll3St Joe 5 Mlcnfa ls 4 IStllh 1JSa Vi i I tent nmhT Milhurn a il O2 llriinil Nt > Ii nnd was withdrawn It was n hard d even third Time M H high irk liiid whicliever tine mot bandy when roimtv Wheelmen ll rode n wheel 5V I race for half a Then Maruriviatn a Sixth llacrseicn furlonifsIrlsh Jewell ICS Charlie mil cl ftrisei r 5 won Tuskarora 10 iMranni sails art Et ved nnd hi lint tier of rUtrblll Today ww i noted Shaw on his beck ti i It rnnits WwW mud 4 to i second Sue Johnson 1 3 T Ollrlcnl s in t fUlfil ii Iii llfth At that limo took from tlio others and won cnllv- n 1 thou an hiur aril Inlf for tho b t NATIONAL lKAOCE a ay lengths Th third Time 127 Shamrock Topm t Gaff nod Main ItlicclnE morit three from Mnlster tim ns to cover the course In isut thin safety 51 at York Club 113 15 the bust record for tine rider louis Net at nrooilyn- Your Country Newport Are All Right nnd the high wheel mixed on the course and Ctlragott Dotton Cincinnati at track Green II Morris turned out an Im- ¬ Al by r I ilu began to lowered nearly every tlio May to TJIB Stjv- tulle AUKHICAK IBAGl1- IB s pressive winner of sixth race for maiden ONrlNNAVI weather wits cold with fffdul Ctlt linwuh I not ahvaj convenientand 27The tlr Ittliadeiphla IiSt rolds at live innings In Sombrero- rain thrratentrir dul a larce cmmd took adtantane SofTHAMlTiX May 27 lIne salvers who i to bn noted but n few of the per-¬ at Ililvoni leulllncre al Ciniagc bi- ¬ by of Xewjxirts day o true admlnAlon It thai at Drtroll lioMcn at dont use it much A Star Hubv Ia were lat Mmrrary time who I inn vi distinguished tIom yes Waititnctca llMtlnnd- i Flr > l MX a nosy N cnn Inane be n encnced In reeovcrinit spars formers r ten starters of whirl Sombrero wins a widely Hare and tail furlorirs mill in ycnrs will I B STrKN ITAOfE- will you in 11 n Akeri J to i 107 11 over tin other seen in cycle take there u harked favorite The summaries non Dr Ftnnii noll and tackle of Slnmrnrk II which were lout I M tin 15 I Mcuini HU I Hi rac tide spring Alexander of Prorldrrre at VcrrrMft llnrilud at ¬ to Calwcan liiaurtarcp 3 lo ¬ i less itie and vith more com- irll a rctn nrtsT HACK third Time 127 In thu nccMmt to tine chnllenirer have dis- Iliirtfori who won tlio rae in i sos and won ot aTomIc Ilofhislfr at liuflalo- plrtr e jul- L by SID In l n ISDS nnd luoo Is now For twoyearold1 Fubsrrlptlon nf rarn Second lOire Knur flfloll Mary Orc covered that tine topmast was not broken and tine tint OTIIKI cAiirs- fort than the cars If you 11 14 Il it M i 4- ur with 1700 nddfd flu r lurlongs 1n I Jaclisoir 7 tin 2 won I eArl Han 102 iVasL n i lonul Iolloning fill 11 Charles had I e j1- in gaff rare rifes > Crocs vi jfofcetcwn nt AVrrrfstfr- ¬ I II r ulx fluid W Smllhs cit I Hivrii tluvfr fcy Kstirr Kilty 10 lon II in 2 1nrt Florence 102 tint the and math rigging Intact lie finished first In ISH wad lol would avoid all cycle wor I t curd iTmiirri Ilell nnio Uelseynn v a vnunt 1nlon at Alliance lA lIar ISiililir- tow Clovtt 107 iOiloril i- t I lane o M Is ell- a I 0 In third di a professional and Ims Harvard s mown at Cambrlds- ri i c i Ili I itnou of llfnnlnBtoas b I Muca 110 Race Mx lo ries got a I I i Nfton f ncl Third Itler Hurt Ion Challenge Coniraltleeof N Y V C Vlll nieces stingiiMied liiinself on Edgar nn tn III i Mir 01 rut t i 1 e f flullmiin- 2 n Hall I to won Imjierlallil 102 ililekurits Velsor won last your has sinN taken Os I vrr n rc I I Julius hr r Smart Set 110 I o 3 S a Today Fltlkrhmani Call to econd Foncila to third Iauson leltrr to track racing tIlairbill Notts I 1 if rp trty th- a Ii on nl r I Modlcf and xmnrr run la the tl tune IIT 4 h f JM I iis i i Tho from Thotnan W Lawson lit Tune Fourth Hare one mile Ails Well 103 l tack latest letter Tine Boston Amfll n league tam has rtlfiurj I OBO- 2 ennuI 2 11 3- HARXKS 4 to liming ThrrMo to Sweet Clottr lo son 7 5 Ton Vnime Henr ion ilndaylto i to lh Chnllentro Ccimmlttee of tho Now IVTI TIll HOKfrS Pltctirr lirllum lund KiilirMrr Jones 7 to 10 Jack Mm1 to I end 4 to I M 5 4 I 1 JNY 5I ml Ir ia Smart wrrni HiMin IHI to third Amftlcin IMIIIIIJ SPORTING GOODS CO- Srt 3 lo 1 and 4 lo S Laodlrr n lo i and 5 to I Nf lint r York y C will b dlscupRfil nt a meeting llfrnt IxAcuf avrriffj show Time I47S- Speedy Anlmnlt In Tntnlnj Oklahrms- Ijijol lr d with a ptrcrnsagr o t I nil One Hure even tiThing Tony I urn tt that Ml and Mertf j t ao St Nr v York Ffth llralil ICS which Is to be held nt 11 oclock hIs rn at Letlngton second icith 4C7 SECOND C V won Sara ciampBI Ynnncstrrs in 1at j J itC lure Nrtrvaf20lo iltaltlstei < In till letter Mr Lawson says he will flub tuna =o Handicap for thneryer olds and upward SIOOO- even feconrt Old Phil 7 W Valllns 7 to tllrd- Ins prrvfiitrd Ihrf Saturriay tomes In sue = of t1 light harness horsn are nrt tOe tnc f acldrd one and a lutlmiit- Ttrpp l3Tj charter an Interest In hi yacht Indppond- Losers rS im Mr incline alibi Antilles lie lIds c Ijx- Si tti Seven Wilson n n in out of way Okla- ¬ In A front pIece in tV ImrJ lurk lirlTilr J ilrs H Hoihes th lloriifNtcr by Polomac Rire furlonzsHva lit person persona agreeable nvire rule that Im hiE I 1 to I won 103 ipatton1 cticn to scum or Time old vlnld itfll 4 ino Dab i Jclisoni Atlantm in- feel > es are being am niece my rnrrinl avmcc e- tar oils 22 year Trreliable homa Territory hor trained Thompson llros rh r Sidney Lucas 4 10i- to i second tirardmj II IU3 Walton 10 lo I third to thin cninnilttfio No member of the Chnl- nril will drop 1 or Mtfr l rn < ixisnn sunlit 2- 132 tM reason on trnrlts McCuf Time lem1 Cnmmltteo would elk nhout the mat- ¬ to race toflrand ircult marks uncut his phfnrmnnl stick work Full Roadsters 35 t XV C s b r Matt SlTipHin 4 3 tine Kenticlty Ibb IMdlrtrnan ter mutt the it her metnhcrH of th cltib nc 0 I irnvos trnlner loeateil Thf teem bAlling Jivrragc cf tine Ilnicklyna Is cit Klai nramtlf aUo ran Tent Soles I I St Iced t inc letter was rat hor mv- < n rplendld 20 Kfplrr le iil the hanirl n t n Light Roadsters 40 llnv 25- rii ecl at iit ine where track has b en avetsce ¼ Itt Wonderly rode two at Oravesend yesterday It Sri S Ivinl what of 410 Sijrli a One bMIrr nj Kcllry has a Ins Elerfn In 1 1 lo S- Irrers ilvlnir nml to titulnrtand rrovd 60- OR Or frr High Bttllntr anti liochestfr II lo < built on the fair ground irnvn lice a of only 20J so far 3 I I 5 2 Simp- I II Trrny and ton lrrrl ran their Mr Inwion niormt It wn nurecd that 1 an lo Sldnrir IMM to end to Malt rrnlch 1 est of anJ wirk- i apt take down a good por- ¬ craJr nnterrtl V son 2 to I and 3 to Kins lirsmble- rare at Motels Park tiny member f would lio agreeable Ftiblo and tj Mitlhfwvia Is a rrrat piir fr theme l i nn rtouM- money Among th horcos I free f asking In any rubber of thf- the fourth race at Oravesend Him- to the 9 and Mr Lnwson has lienn- tion of thn are ortliit siHa player ivlin ficiit hint Wfrlr atalit Ie nunship tire i Tiiinn iiAir- MIr yesterday Hill I by F lat Ill C ennui I of In 1hft If Nnrval I dont a wliir hr lime anyt on KU < I i tine oU self the tinnier was run tin to J 23Ti A Aste Infirmel that earlier letters fruit lli lnr still ccrfuy The low rrc is result Sclllns for thtffyear and upward JTOOartdf- I Dnwnrd did tint cll tile fact inhere nil thlait that llu l hail r IKII than anyhnriy Ititu Then the owner Newtin Dcnnincrtin bid an eim- Comnmlnre ledynrd Kverv om hopes hat lie n nf an at1vjnlaii we In the usi- datoul sis furlong S5 W C Ualy stepped In and the nd will bo In was but will rnei her this year ever ftfp d lnti lIt t n S K b e by bit tectircd cull tlie piiilenii entirid Mcrtnvhte MarjraTf a I itt I down t lit n r gas In factories for S2il- teM C with t oust itlit Iutn and Columbia- bun well entereil line I vr fonKkfv says IIP u fd to play a dpppr The Stores cJ Vj of free natural our Mount non S l l iSlmwi i n t Oral Rambler > W I will bo sport In class niiarler of trlle i road cart a few l ns titan anylnd iyslikp I A Ffatlifntimcs br f MaIM ot OTonnori 2 IAJI Thnrsdiy at Morris Park r alv > n nnd tint thr gw the trotted aid Asli your dealer crwrltr our New York ot- V I enpturer line ago in ncond aol how morn h itO And hint rrramd tie that the 941 Eighth Jvanuc tin n b Jiidt rdrll r Ion ilialji 1- tarn at tl n last rare from CJuld 1irk- thIs 1- day lialtin Uiik nnarSGth J ilbtss sis ever liefore SlM Is a I lund > HTTP lid I Dllllonalrr old lnk onnlf i r r Jlls- th favorlt The event wit rIll hirses that hut tint thnn aliMln yeit tir th bell Brooklyn DORNN L CO won 7 1 11 ill in rixtcen stunts n ior was behind to neuter lirst M P whpn lop flint II limncf firrfnwoort 1ilnA J Miirnlhrn Mark T aln and fpin inestuatlnri It Im lcen 1rhallrngfr the Canada Cnp teen lied old and IMII Teliphoi 167 llroail ICJ llroad St N T Lady ran In found that Ventura win A race In March inno In- for money Other good cties In tho trill ilcldent line IaIi and Eighth floes Krrr alio thf onlir nnmd Ior F fie inS ran away two ard was ulthdravn- iBllfornla tine value beinir 4n excess of the nhnte ToroNTo Ontario May 27 The Slbblclt- turn rooter formerly cf Not York its been linIng the nil M i i amount The stewards of the Westehester i l n t Puncture Proof Tires llaif i Itaelnir- Cup Ijidv fioliinrld MSV lacing n hay mate hut leather Out R lr stOre Jilnlru the rnntnii 299 iletting to I clint n to r to 2 AsvirUtlon hnve the matter under mn lili atlon dcxlsncd chnllenger for tine Cnnndi wai- Mr ha Iv ni drains of FFS t one r >e > I lal FI1FK- Trite Marirralilr < eovereil n mile In 2 lIt ne iwrfr Tnrt l rtcr- Inr Alt in the Amnirrn rzrr in rrp cvnrnniiM let 1 1 antI yevterday It was they hi i frf i and 4 to 5 ilalnwr to arcl to WiinMI call that would nnt only tine vnrds of Cnpt Andrews 1fl h s hv rliruf- IniMllitall rlplitrcn rf tip trrr Tilamird Vim Aoihe- Judtf urn laiinehed at J1R1 htte Iarlo Anlfes IriiUP Unilj nit uiri1 to 1 S to I Dlllloaiilrr 1 to t lUsquillfv enl hint vjtjll also tate Ml IMZUP hn frni l l V 11 7S > 81 0 and anil euro kli ass rot t aIn sill Th- cy llallsUirm I oil Titan s liy hues AmcTlrun liyrrit have heiur Knn A C Mil < r7r r H I Inly tinnuuint or tad If Kd her builder this afternoon Jnn OSOOOO ten a f tacit W to anti M In Comilr 12 to I nnd I In I the pliHilvpnl Peters n ch in b Ashland II ilnm I thin soil jljyeil m the Naticnal League last can rrinilin I cog ll lie VIIT 5000 Dicycles 5M99- 1 Mr Ri to I and u lo Jils lirfcnucod tn t owner of doll IJicli t into wai bid houirhl was named Invader she toot tine water l s nv rljltt tine Chatiniont mil uhlln- to boit Illeliiiicinl lined rio h Mcriudys liinillr- rm Ilitwrrn d- 1 I by will llnrn Warnrr liiirijr clrvint 2 11 unit forwa c stud 20 Kdn1 tfltn nnd Kin Marollirn 1 In lank Iarrnll WM probably be allowed l y HUM W Mens anne lat i cut 4 till Mln Rrncefully and greatly plensnd her Imlbler ilim Mctntor ch In I KarVn the I M vi r IPW fiv Itw I I I lo retain the mil unlan illicit purlin ran brOiler cruD III I unviiril is o tour irpial U d tirade etc end 6 la Mark Tnalii inn tn and W Krrrj I In ill p y ihi ClnriinB exr li inn i i iooil lee I I Uk n Ion Iliimn In ili or yminic lnl ri e i I I r cat shn ij line un nepl easel Mtrbrr line A WITH tOO I an SO lo moo In > I I i nirvriK- lAd lo r ut nile I h Sehrel liltl h ly- nf a hat I i i Unliliti Tim JplTrios- cMii I nil i n mmlnl of design unit work in fl T IliUlt MiBoifil linru IRlrlrr niur unite In n few hlvon aid rrii ni I iili l e Jl ty Gas 1ot hurt ttAi n i hn Arcut MIIe Minutes Couffir Vciiml al umrt hut h I l ScafeJight Oil or Lamp 5179 fl nil fie prettiest that liv riirvr rrnrnllv on iswil- nlnon Inter arnvd In his City va taken raft 1imsliin ch e rUnll Aflilriok L 11 I S- L t KMkr for rnrolds nrd- lillllinl champion JojA pr er null Air fill phnnff nf j in find fiidlnic utter NlufletItug CiTfi a s fvi 5 SohrOnt The Patchouli threej Spains fon turned nut hero h nun > lnryoimrsprs- that ycMi inn Tiilni lllllv MrilUrn cc it I ISO nci with I a jcllliic uri tend rvrral olhr lrrilirillimrrl tOtter IN not fspffllrir iiir ore illanrr H l en Twin heal Thin 1 UTiwird lies ird allow wood Imprc nlon loaf In I round than Im flenvcr tie former tiumdii tie rr I mall a nlcht hn Ktl n K < t ISC ha- I tnrrs about kls fuilonr- Cup clmllcncer tune will carry nbmit elihty Ureat lee of preeoeion peed have Fume M l tk KirlK In rfponf lo a spntinu Uuiilin nnd Homan of ilii 811- till livnil rr n1 Iumpi 3f p I of 300 tIne nursin- i SI Il- Ncnlon lirnnlnzlims h v IJmMlf ty IHmvar- first block points of match cnnvn- been seen at the Ieslngt trick this as in i lilMffi I like tine tnwn stud the people 1Kranrl < n dirtnr f 51 nn fth feet m r i irrr cii Allilillc Clilli hlil long with rl > > < tilt i t o ute 4 VVllcllr 3 ilirlv i at Dnly At a linll yenrlrii are In training for W > will nnt by nn t r fltv- I liitti Ora MorntnK tnr Mauri1 orncirmy- Tho of the Cnnidlan Vneht liatt loeii inlsi Itt nIcene You gIm > O- V T rh c mainly Smuli S 07 Down inoiilvri lie n itnoni will nnlirp Mr IOT tlit dna ititti ii liil nIt Hunan matlo- lWIJIIS CVt 2 IMrk Row opp P S mania nem Ort to mi Club hnve Hie Krent conftdetic In thn there thin can ila Iihtutnn hue prtty nirnu huwi ih Ir to I Ing 2 Xervon caued Il Ill vitli Will i n pity mind Tii Ic first bismiAii cit ho I The report which luivo bein lu hvan stahlf ar rfrclrnt wonl nn olfir JAW forth M heid T H Suii an Ilk i Ceil raddin J 110 iimll l i mnrrumr we a ici i grunt frecnicncv end the yoimc Anierimn- nulol ling till y lxpedllion hut would lie I lul hh fithrr nt thr nolnl- circulated tlint Mu have to conrclo a durIng July nr AuRiit or mMnt of TCloivlinfl ailnis- man 3 iornpletecl string of mail t bent on ijunlity slu 1 out of Fnxln- nl clrnlh anil lif tnt flee tdefll tn II Incline lit lfntyohe lutr Miill < And alw rent In tbr nncr MorniliBlar lOt time nllownnrn to the defender nre iltifotiniled- cl HH llnorhtl Colcnd M it a till to Dnnrmfl nf line Irnportiiiiiv iun no far lh Ullrr- tam uI leaving tint Ppanlird nt s Tlio > M expert doplnrr It will take two or thru el Axtll frank hmlnrx minirrr rinrln- rn rneM S 2H breeding l tr I inn WAH null bird hy ronvrriiMl Th Mrif 1 12 4 weekB for he vlll b ready lo tnko trial linuil The there and nll lrinltaii rstenlay ii i iriltcr 5ntr will dart BOWLDWG ALLEYS the final Fcore speaks well for the IIIIv I tine NeW VorL Irani unilil not pins vi to 3 iiml 1 tn S Hlitrrir 12 to I end of work opins tho lleavir th trnlaht wilUforined find one of swam for JirlH oust at olinik Lhuic wlti I from NAII tic iirnplrr iv tn ri merit I vo 3 tonltlrcrifI Srash to i cOil out Col of is IIP fell linlilnd nt Iho start tine i the fast steppers of hi nge HiU niile of tine lion with nilit wr- m iiro siibfoiindntioH noiseless IrOn Iiridn nrtl if o If XMh is AMlunn In wfcrn tOil Ilmiim t c luicjiin if ho mcart- In to I 3 to 2 Ilultllororfclll I to 1 rd 1 to When lin once not ink stroke ho llocky Mointnlno Ivnnss thin cult n Nrv Vor t l VLINi AlLKYS I contel Si IMtoifrlpM Ilene- in ClnrinuMr nM Hincrnlt Vr nin rrqurn ii Contend New jerk Inn r nt the blaclt il o liy rxpedltion out of a King Wliltc lo Iglt Itnhlin nt TrUw Miidilin ticked tin line clnverly Xlrli Vminit nit I Se gun him r Con hut iitnl on upper lloor- p began to play balk iramn II MUirler In eecind tlfrrriiiui niy llrTll < mllm liar 47i lat York tho Cal uttett lit Ijnth t llnl trim with run of 21 nnd 30- II the New mil rcvivcd tlm nor anti week nnd nray yearling bv Clay King 1ulloaitig ruujuly it CO- I For tlrrryrarnils ncl Ttrn JICCO I not n rapid executor ii flu i hi inothoi- May 27 lir Nrtw ItAVnv Slat liarnttTll o siiirsv irAiui ciirMrii ore mllr And 7n yards Ortiz liil nKililA The ivy rain Francis StrotiR tepppi nn eighth In r7Arthur Jr I dim t know siiot lien I win lipin N- I lnlmillr to that of i i CluirlFVon H 0 tine tIer milrrflrlilir nt tr Vale or not ir tlh Ate ii nil llltll C l Ceorsi lownn rio of tho seeiincl Tbe youiigstcri represent cut 1 1 t F Dwvrrs r Vnllaront ly rtamius- I Ti cu tndnydd not prevent the orinlnar uirlil nIne ba t XMI > rtl- line ihiiin1H ilmt will uin lung ii tug > not tlm fl kIn tin ut the in fort cream of iroorl lir llmr nre Mrnngly tutu I tern rn on toFu hn to 10S iwondcrln I fur ex- ¬ the l I e v I Vlcllf St Ilor o which Is the tenth open air unil II douMful If st lll it lie to Uv wlih FrIar loiiii rr Iilittt mil niun gut tnu VHITI 1 lull he rat holds tine show anil welt with trotting Ir Ur ririiiANT I T Monnhulls b r Thf lihynir 111 2 tc cnrroinnd t lller endnwed the < A I will know 12 lit St- f iSrnirr well nt nil Annplntlnn- bo- trim niriln lhl vnMm vrrk nun nr till ltlil to Ih ii imty Mil t bur ror SMI J B ch c Ijintcman IOS ilnriatnan 3 Ivory hall huneheil tlinni That hibition of tie Iliilideliilila itisiinil Their future development off a tin cit litIIK 1ndrtftis ct In a Mnliril lir ami an 011 rnlien may lucre ilio light will rouii off hums r wnit Academy Tim I nit M rh tin F clld not ntH of liN upr- j ri a 4 iv nlllll1 with It lr I Wlilin tho uni gin g went usual here klIlllnl tnn to lmnrn P ht uiDillilon Ilr la a Junior In line I u il INK tli San KrnnrUro A JIOIVIIM AT 10 A n H j Petting I rven Vallalnul I 4 lilth run win due ii the HIV rlolh on porch of n o n tliil C Aiir roil Tin lo aid lo and omllir tn roadh iu ntrili M dawn only gi ten i to I I 2 Ijinrrrntin- nu Thw- stern only a few nn hand to wltries I Srnlr will a puree of jsw fur itun lull ii ou line Iryinrr and In with n ilfllalo play rniio hf periiri few dnys iiiri five who lire well tutu oldtinier nn1 Jiflrli i II Vnild I ii ten in I KJtTH IIMT mntch will l o enlnt nrnl li for n- tIll dl iliy in Iho t nnnhu run rinij In class known t i the litiul nun nnd dill world of to Denver Til Slirtln und Jiio Udlcult SIr n Jlnnnn MaUe nf pr1u and n kldo hot Suniinarle In < S nd fir Xevv ork and wh till love a focI lintel loltitti For maIden ifHinroIrt bit nrlnrri1- V for linn hnfn iltiblnfirr I never nnnle him Fight at Trlifo- I II I C I 4 o o n R were converting tn etch 01cc cold mnn p llutiy- Meurnln stat 2 I r hub I ml th r They were Iloioa- Grren Morriss rh Somtrrro lit fitir Sew c ito r i layel an latin ii n I New T Mnnneor 1 nn mucus to plvi SINJO Ion i t I rx 7 7 r 1 n I T n f I P 11 i iiiri 1erkin Andrew 1 i her I tin a ffrey Jnv Charles Hcli lictwi i to bo C f eu I U TiKnrra 112 11I I I 0 J f rIs herr Ouch 1 ThiM Iron set piritcl bldJins 1 O o r icial to- part Van Nest s liiiau- Diiys M Front 1 cm- ITii Mriovirn gin uh got it- n I MrC br i Shnndunflrlii 112 iiliill 10 o si o is o Mn T AlesniidiT nutS nke nnd T K bert n of tho vol fiithnll elcvrn It P It rrrns ir v I thee contest lOt wren Dcinor Til Miri S 2- n n 5 curs J I 2 nrcl H- > nu tdi l inlxwl till tide wi Ihiii flu hf 9 mini- Itch L lni li nIT tin belnic beaten member of etwonil nnd nil S Mr eveiilmr nt tin n- alinr n o n II r 4 0 enrrled ecoml hv Tnurnlne hei n hl Hilly nt l iizht- t I ch r frnlnsubi iliniurinnni A U o r ifi 5 ro have nnd driven horses I hurt ut g lit niiv tlinii tin Mirtlcn riil irr hinvywi J Midrn Hi orlr n n j7t- by W I s Kdward W C Whit td oonfirrnro vvlii Srhwnppe- t give ennui lon Its Snlloni Jam p Kralliie The II t 0 r I fl 5 II i l i f II llklm Sir the afternoon liii drove behind Onliiiti Malincer vlll lluliliin fw JOK Wnlrnit VI u tlin t tml i G tines nUll wellbred lfrl of niiitch CrvDloiiwni unit un also J ci o A i 0 Tntf if J avrrncr lt14- iiey Hiiifllit won nrnnite rllilon diKiiiMed horse tutu of thn- wn nml rnrl nf i Inc I Hanord llnnri Ile o I nf- looked on while the Ilirrnril rcRirillni rtrrnntenirnti fur nrlvlliiriH to I hu in r 84 o r- v mvued TrcilcricK I Meven IM i hi uan njroid to It cnmf oil i Ii ran In tine uTd hlcn run u IM < younger lIght lit mv rim ciprn i i u did tho spending Mr u- iilr r lurIng namTlnif I a- ttMfi S II In I IlnnnrilViile fotinll guilt nn Nov 5 iitcl to 1111w Al bunt with Mnilil- fi r ni I IVfcrff Kmlloaiiit Iorrnbirs- received tIe giuur however in ii n liilv cr t whui w nnty Pair of Ami MI MIHJ fi u I I 0 2 ennui PV II omtrirn tn l and the won ens addle cln s the > Jnrkrrsl- I rut I > < nl Cc mlur lug Thi itt g suns merely I nit In < I in Id a fmliii otto until- tlftllnz n I nren r by Olreetori I how lii lm i will i t n ti I 4 I M Iialntyn- Jug that ein cii n p lat for In H K l Hmi- I I 7lor ShsnilonlfldfiIn Mat 2 10 I IVnlniili lo lguri iriiinnently ladv son nnd e b vinous nr hut nn underst incline le- 1rifivir ii iirilay mils wrh t tacro1 WHI hll very fa they t rich leech foil iinon llo invr ititio thn > i t 7 S I to I I In I I vtnn I ir niii r tin San A ml In HrUlori nnd Ilvr Vntlois hiKvn lit 1r 1ann peod MII Mr fiiifrey oVovo n nirillnt tlif fll Ills of the mini renrl o Ilioiiilii I lie Inmtilh th riin iiititvi of rrmit I i s I I I I HM Rino Mr- < fr oct crld > MnUn orai n h 100 to l nml in Katlnr is to nr1 N V May bv Vrn ii wim run 111 Mr Iatil l ii nt u ore Mnild niltid lhi If eu lm tisrvA 2TA hanlfoistt lierken lnfr un jllni t in nil e of lohliil tinv r o liilfnriilniii I Tine V i to t 2 to 7 to I II I until Men her rout tlm trot oh but JiiTrlr rnfiifiil cciiimit hlnM lf Tin on r u nu H u t to Hartford nrd liners c II lMInuM n stIll nnd lrltlicw McClnnr- purf for tin hIs I of lnepi bf tween tcninK rrpre ertlne chnrnpion ins In did rmt nil and 1 to 2 Crypuwvr1 no to cOil Jo to Illc Mrr- Brim ecniid Mr W I lotiiinn Mire 1r of will T e nt ran vlicli II li would nnd Minlilii k i Col- tie n rifre tnrn I nff r n iinan i of TorTto Holnrt Thiin w 4 TIlt o nil New jorlnr rai nt tuj wlth a an iil I Tli prosrninmii for liIHwf the Vtlvernt nIl I third hive for m veril fllditfil nt thn him N iniiiitivK of Himn llciniiin IlK todiv smuts t Inc s us- car rr porrcr of M i 11 on In a heavy In in In tandem 0 CIt lug Vnr lty glum wn ill < iTrir nt cinplipil IN I huM IIICT Imndtrap or all ages t BU s pnvfii Uobirt Iliirpus friiit eii snn- il nnt i I lo rliilrnnl rii rdiii4 I Illzhtilitht nro W I Wliitmy who had etileieij Kitchener- know whi will ret in rn Ktst a 1 SIX a in Ilie Tornnto tIlt reciriUni the rlinicn of timer Fur 1 iininint and fivnri 7i aIded nlniil furlongs ruin thi ni i roniviut CrxTin May r new 8 gi itt lin Imrlt In nix ixitorN ti rniv OS- inn t hull In tutu nnd Di pair gut th rll line iure M lime inlcii work or n uv In u ilny will I jsli 11 Udy nf VAlky Interenlleclto In Inerosce Kjln tirnn 11nli Fred Wood f Ioson net oil I iin ir few llumnn tr I tif of ibe Mav sill inorith nm nil nt son R- Mr J hiiullfiil H in t to vore Tcrotito- hon Rockrlllo Centre Comiry Club In Unit rnpnrity haul fill the tinier vn < rpnrilinr pull off Hi tied nn lrly 4 hI Ii Ollvrr I birt < among lumpers- Ja leI mv future pinit irrn I wns no hor the A P t nit hut ¬ wo uint- i I i Jolil fan il iuuuHi t C liv wit ii II live itt mu ti nftcr th There jtiI T Thin ccjiipo 0 n ng ccirnell r will prob- toil for hIs rluli n ti iored IT I I Shirn finn hat Ii 4 belcro- etitcri I In the nen t nine unit ably Ixt ins Ojeetwl > WOM- ttntid rnt hloaco II ret will Inn l li lien Vlklnj tic iil irrl nilcleil two more ch I i iniMHiires 2ii yurds- ehosen Yll t a twiin tu rut liir < I nine Te I to count inn could fhmv lutu and v lllllv Hridy who is I lucre II a Fur tiirfevcnr tldi an upward VI1 tine flr < t nl for llohnrt hen over femci only iVrln1 wnniin lo full mem Itieraujr he nt II practice eaul lowpll itrd tuck MorTntt of thlciiit i li threw h I I un I hi nldeotii M ice irvau I don t know I nrliHiu Ioii ndilid one wile and 7 yaMi- wnnneil to tic work nnd nit with Inca ltt is l he foriniil tuilcu hog will he held on gaines nni ncilin aftir nat r Itilif st h knorkil mil Mutty Mi- iT ij 101- both tenths n took rwcond tnt bolt 0 nrfnlri now I until Knliruloltir rtr ln lualcma i s I of play ronmlnoi- Marion Mirln ncui I I il ivrhniin tills on hIre to oIlier night nt TIT ami IIM- ten Icnrth tiit > 1 llnwitlH ml in til mliute lion went to Haiti ants nni r- LolanUo IH I Armor 13 prIze The other two rill hay 4 31 r clout know wlmftt f I It whioh would score to out the hohd the Daieliitl naililniton Inrk r Today nm Just Tliurslon ii clnvnr lti rwi iilit hoC Anlmunty 15- lTI certain I 4 Iuk I to un ni sri re Lucky Star 7 1 more oxhittt ire rfPlJrd nt I Juslrloi dented rom cl cx 104 to Drwilyn vs rittsbtirg Adn 3e arid xrft that lloth tire for twenty ro n J wl illtlloon Tore Oltourke li to manage him In I corns otf the open air