"l NATIONAL HOlJDAY COUNI'Y ROAD FUNDS VENILE COURT 1 3L l'.-VS.SES fJUIKTLY IN s ER BIBLE SCH PlD BUT FEW STRIDES EXIilOIIED BY MONEY HBERS PROFIT FROM MASON AND VIOINITV •l FItOM .'yIOTOIJ TA.XES S FAi CLUB MER SESFRIOAy NIGHT MADOFDIl/ORCFEV Tho funds of the lngham county Nearby lake resorts drew many road commission are richer b.y N- .A. hundreds to tbcir boliday ocicbra- J'AIfENTS l.A.\" IN HOME TIlAIN- PUIiIJC EXEIJCl.SES AT IlIfJH .IUXK RIMDES GET SLKilIT MAIJ- .'i;ill,167..12 by reason of that much SAVINGS OX VV.ED COST PAYS tions vvedncsday. Senator lIoflin lNO CUARCEI). SCIIOOL ANXOUNCKD. oix niS(;LOsi!:o. rcccived rccently from tbc state KXPEXSK SHOWN. of Alabama, was thc attraction at bigbway department as this coun­ Jackson whcre he addressed large .Must. Not; I.,cavc All 'I'o Sclioul And Valiie Of Viicatinn I.iiilc Instrnctlon Odils ..Vlxnit lCven l^nr Iliippy iyIiir- ty's portion of thc wcight and gas­ Mncli I'^iiie Young Stuck rroin Pure Cliurch lf Yonfh Is 'I'o III' Sav«ii crowds on the fair grounds. Ball ls ..\ppariMit T(i ..Ml Will) .Afliiiid rbigi! Acciirillng 'I'o Ii'igiircs Dis- oline tax collccted by tiie state and games at Pleasant Lake and at IJreil Sires IJeiiig Reared On Frnni Crlnn; Wave. Scssious Here Dally. clnscd IJy CiMinty CIcrh Ivi'citrifs. apportioned to thc several counties Mi; n I bc rs III p I<'a rri is. Athletic field hero liad their adher- of tbe statc. .'itS.'j,018.00 vvas re­ Judgc Louis B. McArtbur of tlic ants. Those wbo possess cottages Closing exercises for tbc vacation Notvvitbstanding almost, a record ceived in May and ij;55,5.19.42 came at iocai and north Michigan lakes A total saving of §170.00 was made probate court was tbe speaker at tbo biblc school, bcing conductcd at thc breaking niontb in tbo number of to tbe county trcasurcr on Junc 2V. sought freedom from the heated by one member of the Mason-Ingham .lune meeting of tbe Alaiedpn Farm­ scliooi building as a joint effort liy tbc marriage licenses applied for at tlic Maintenance of existing county city vvhile golf bugs found the ncw Dairy Hcrd Impr ovenient Association ers Club bold at tbe liomc of James three ciiurchcs of thc city, will be oiricc of the county clerk, cupid is but bighways is financcd from this course sonth of Mason thoir mccca. last year as a result of the associa­ Ilulott, Saturday last. Mrs. Mabel bcld at tbe bigli scbool auditorium on a few paces ahead of tlie divorce sourcc and from thc surplus it is No serious accidents arc rcported tion work according to tbo annuai re­ Roote acted as bostess. Judge Mc- Friday evening of tbis week at seven- court for tbe six montbs ending Iunc tho custom of thc county commis­ and outside of a barrage of fire- port of Coe F. Emens, Jr., tester. Mr. Artbur spoke on bis experiences as tbirty. lSxliibits of the work accom- 30. ..Vccording to the records of the sion to construct additional mile­ crackers and torpedoes the day in age of gravel roads over and above Emens found the member fccding a judge of tbo juvenile court, declaring plisbod by thc 130 children enrolled circuit conrt there have been fiied a town was unusually quiet. tbat provided for by direct tax ap­ grain mixture tbat cost JSI.OO a ton. that tlie most important question lie- will be on display in the corridors and total of 241 bills of complaint in di­ propriated by tbc supervisors. No This !j;i7.00 saving on thc ten tons of fore tbe people today is that concc.u- in the auditorium and the Inspection vorce actions as against a total of .199 announcement as to added mileage grain used totaled the !iil70.00. The lng tbe welfare of tbe boys and girls. of the public is invited. Parcnts of applications for marriage licenses bas tbus far been made by tbe cows produced even higher on the From tbe experience of tweive years the children arc urged to attend the filed. road Board. cheaper grain. Another result of the in charge of tbe county juvenile court exercises and the public is cordially .June is recognized as the niontb of division, tbe speaker gave many in­ association was the sale of 59 un­ COUNTY SEAT DEALERS invited. yveddings, Whiie the month just pass­ profitable cows to the butcher because stances of tbe gravity of tbe situation Vacation bibie schools liave become ed has not been a record breaker in asserting tbat tbc ordinary citizen has of their records. Mr. lSmens also re­ an established institution in many this respect it is among tbe leaders. but siigbt knowiedgc of thc scope and ports among the tvventy nine members. CREDIT EXCHANGE communities, this being the second June of Ibiii holds the record for all 113 calves and young stock being importance of the juveniie court be- attempted here. Under the direction time in this county, 178 iieenses hav­ cause but iittle of tbe facts arc pcr- raised from the best cows; all mem­ AFFlLlATK WITH LANSING AS- of Miss Bernice Root of Hiiisdaie, the ing been issued in that month. In mittcd to reach thc press, lt was SOCIATION FOR PllOI'ECTION. bers using pure bred sires; 185 acres stated that the juvenile court does not school has provided excellent religious U^l there were 141 and in June, 1928, acres of aifalfa and 220 acres of sweet instruction as weii as a means of pro­ there were 1.18. For the six months LARGE NUMBER PLAyERS clover on members farms. look upon the chiid as a criminai to Phtn Is Of Advanf;iige To Th()S(! Who be punishcd init seeks oniy what is viding wholesome recreation during a ending June, 1927, 540 licenses to The result of improvements showed Pay KIIls, Expect«di I'o Lessen season which otherwise often ieads to marry were issued from tbe office of EXPERTS PRONOUNCE LINKS deemed best for tbe cbiid. Between Loss Of Had A<;ci»unf>i. AiVIONG BEST IN STATE. in the association average 8,932 lbs. '100 and 500 cases of juvenile delln- serious misdemeanor. the county clerk of Ingham county as of milk and 335.9 lbs. of fat for 291 Tuesday morning a representative compared vvith 33G issued during the qiiency comes before bis court each Tyventy merchants and professionai I'Tiig KiiIsIng Ceremonies Draw Early cows as compared to tbe average of year, tbe speaker asserted. of the NEWS visited the schooi dur­ first six months of 1S28, a failing off men of Mason have formed a local Holiday Crowd To Witness 8,722 lbs. of milk and 33L6 ibs. of fat ing its opening dcvotionai period. of Z04 or nearly two-fifths. .Iust what for tlie 260 cows last year. Mr. Em­ "A case of delinquency is first im- branch of the Lanslng Credit Ex­ OITichd Cluh Opening. About fifty of the older boys and giris has been the deterrent applied to tbe ens points out tbe tact that all but partially investigated by the county change and hereafter will co-operate gather each morning in the auditor­ marriage market. Clerk C. Ross Hil­ tvvo of the old members from last juvenile agent,'' expiained the judge. with this association in the matter of More than one hundred fifty play­ ium for a song service, driiis, scrip­ liard is unable to explain. year increased thcir average product­ ••A psycbopatbic clinic conducted i)y extending credit. Tbe L,ansing asso­ ers vvent tne rounds at tbo Mason ture readings and exercises. At the In the ratio of divorce to marriage, ion 22.2 ibs. of fat per cow._-The alienists from tbe i

Vtllt It on roar bMrt Fin tliT faith fo no man't Ionia News whose editorials sent out under the guise of a service rendered •ltevc; Iiut tliou not two as AM tnrr iv )• th* Ixtt by the Michigan Press Association were paid for, according to evidence, at iw Kt tk« rMT.—Bio*rnD. cyo of tlitna own ?—Oarlyle. the rate of $150 per month. The whole affair is deplorable. It strikes at the life of an organization which many have devoted years toward building up; it places certain editors in an extremely unfavorable light; it will do more to antagonize thc public against utility companies than their good INGHAM TY NEWS will advertising can possibly overcome. The publishers of the NEWS are more than happy that their editorial columns, crude as they are, are at Publl.licd every TliurBilny ntternoon tn lh« Olty ot Mn.jon, least of homespun texture and dictated neither by indolence nor improper influence. Oounty Sent of tnKtinm County, MicliiKnn. —O— V. J. BROWN & SON, Publistiora Speaking before the convention of the National Editorial Association, IUcmtior ot MiclitKiin rien..! AHSOcintton recentiy heid at Memphis, an Ohio editor said this: "Too many small towns are tiying to be Chicagos. The average town has yet to realize what a SUItSOItll'TtON ttATt.:S (I'liynbtc in Advance) Oo« yenr ln InRltnm, Eiilon nnil Jiictfxon Counties tlM tremendous asset it enjoys in being small.'' Recently a man who has lived Six Monthfl ln tnnlinm, Eaton nnd Jacliiion OounticH .v» severai years in one of our great cities yvas in Mason for a few days. His laree MontliH In tnttlinm, Eaton Jinil .tncl<»on Coiintiea M enthusiasm concerning the advantages of a small town yvhere residents dare OuUWe''f£nmrEn'ton nnd j'ackson Counlica fn u" S. 2.00 Alt paporB mniied outside tlic U. S. one year .-— know and associate yvith thcir ncighbors and where true friendships and decent reiationships may be estabiished was refreshing itideed. Realtors ' ~ AnVKIlTISING HATEs This Man Says YES! Display advertlslnR rates on ninilicntlon. , , , ,,. ,, will never wax yvealthy from profits gained in a sober community where BuilneiiH locnln and rcadlnit notices on first nnil local pngca, 15o B line. No rendlnR or bualness advorUslnn less tlinn 25 cents. values are measured not by population but by the quality of its citizenship, Card of Tlinnl.,. but some day men may learn to apologize for the bigness of their town and gUT at the first adverse yvind he will come down to earth. Obituary notlccs of 125 vpords free; more tlinn t25 words or obituary poetry, one cent 5 word. , . , not because it is small. Anyone without a saVings account is in a precariOus No charges for birth, death or mnrrlnRO notices, notlccs of reunion. —0- Announcements of entertainments where ndmlsBion Is charged or ot any plan to ralie position, regardless Of how serene his outlook. funds must bo paid In advance at rejfular rates. A teacher in a Grand Rapids theological school has been ousted from

Entered at the Postoffice at Mason, MlchlKan, as second-class matter. his job because for the second time in ten ycat-s he had attended a moving Interest from date of deposit to date of withdrawal on picture show. It looks like the Millcnnlum is yet a long ways off. SaVings accounts. —0-- Psychiatrists et al Speaking about teaching respect for the law, we might mention that Sunday newspapers of the week held an interesting study in contrasts. section regarding premature Fourth of July celebrations. For more than Michigan prosecutors have been holding a convention in Lansing. Their a week celebrants in Mason have made nuisances of themselves and so far Dart National Bank Bcasions have been marked by hard boiled demands concerning punishments as has been learned not one officer of the law has taken notice concerning Under National Supervision for offenders against the law. Capital punishment, the whipping post, uni- it. Either the law should be repealed or some degree of attention should be versal finger print registration of ail persons, and many other drastic meas- paid to its enforcement. Even Sunday, church services were not free from (Sis ures were proposed in thc discussions. Judges, lawyers, police heads and disturbance from this sourcc and if the community escapes the penalty of many others participated. Prosecutors demand more vigor on the part of serious accident it will be providential and not due to caution. police officials and police officials demand swifter trials and more certain

punishment. They will come to Lansing again next winter in a body to Grover Cleveland, former president press tbeir demands before tbe legislature then to be in session. is dead at Washington. \ew Bathing Shoes Reading tbe proceedings of tbe prosecutors' convention and tben turning WISE and Frank H. Freshour of this city was to anotber column more prominently headed, one learned tbat almost married' Saturday at Eaton Rapids to OTHERWISE Miss Blanche Rorabeck of that city. simultaneously in Detroit and Cbicago, two funerals were held—onc for Fifty Years .Ago. Mike Dipisa, gang leader and gambling bouse operator in Detroit, and the ivionday the thermometers register­ With Cap and Belt other for ''Big Tim'' Murphy, notorious underworld character of Chicago, New toast: lIere's to your new car. ed 96 and Tuesday overcoats were in Prosecutors have declared that'psycTiiatrists are needed in pubiic schools May yours and mine never meet. order. I I I To Match to detect tho young criminal before he gets started and save him if possible iJansville expects a glorious fourth. Sometimes it is better to admit de- and the world from tlie menace of his career. We are yvondering just how One of the largest loads of beer ever feat before wc are completely knock­ hauled out of this city went there a psychiatrist is going to teach youth the straight and narrow or how ed out. yesterday. teachers or parents even are to train the young mind into channels of [ [ [ Commencement exercises were heid $1 to $2.50 honesty and thrift when funerals such as the two mentioned are featured as Isn't it a sbame, yvhen at the end l^'riday evening at the Baptist church. of a hard day's work we iook back front page news and when a city turns out to do maudlin honor to dcs- Orations hy Edwin Brown and Elmer and see how "little has actually been E. Dresser were particularly fine and The ice in nearby lakes has peradoes such as the world has not known untii tliis era. accomplished. drew much praise for both their com I'ollowing Dipisa's bier from his 1525,000 home built in a respoctabio part ; ; I position and delivery. /itlally melted and the bathing- of Detroit to one of the city's most exclusive burial sites, were automobiles Anyhow you have to admit that Our Delhi correspondent has an in Tom Hoflin lias done the best he could teresting ietter in this issue defending beaches arc noyv yvell filled. NeyV making a procession more tban a mile in length. A fifteen piece band played to put the pain in campaign, so far his opinion that the village shouid dirges and it took eight automobiles to carry tbe flowers sent by admiring as the Democrats are concerned. t r ; have a licensed saloon instead of beach styles call for bathing- members of bis gang and addle-pated citizens of Detroit outside his gang. sending money out of town to other Dipisa is known tbroughoiit Detroit as a gangster, gambler, bootlegger, One way to cut down campaign ex­ towns where iiquor is legally sold. shoes yvith belt and cap to penditures yvould be to have both par­ gunman and underworki bandit. Among those yvho attended the funeral Justice Fred Day assumes office ties nominate nothing but Scotch can­ today succeeding Squire Hammond match. We have them. Be pre­ yvere dozens of notorious crooks, hijackers and other denizens of boot­ didates. wno has held the office seven years. legging circles. ! I ! pared for swimming-. Buy your Over in Chicago the body of Big Tim Murphy lay in state at his home So live that you can get sick and while all through the night thousands wended their way to gaze upon the be delirious without later worrying Choose New Site beach shoes here today. face of the noted bandit. E.\-state representative, ex-mail robber, ex-convict over what you said. For Farmers Day and gang leader—his funeral attracted more attention than would be ac­ [ t [ Among the books yvith unhappy corded the best knoyvn banlter of the city. Literaliy thousands of floral LOCATION FOR MEETlNG WlLL We Give S. & H. Green Stamps endings are chec!k ! booksI . BE IBE.A.L. pieces, many of them sent incognito, were heaped about the casket which A pedestrian should always have contained the remains of the man wlio had spent a life in preying upon himself under control. DEUEL & WILLETT society. And yct society paid its tribute to the leader of an organization ! I I East Lansing, July 2.—A new site has been chosen for the annual sum Shoes Hosiery formed to make society its prey. Most advice seldom gets any far­ ther in than thc eardrum. mer Farmers Day meeting at the Is It any yvonder that youthful crimes are on the increase? Adven­ r I ! Michigan State College July 27. It turous youth is thrilled at the spectacle and seeks tlie easy road to fame and The world is your oyster. Don't hurt will be an ideal location for thc big generai meeting in the afternoon and cash. He scorns the advice of those yvho tell him of the pitfalls in thc yourself opening it. ^ more conveniently located to the ex paUiway of the criminal and scoffs at the admonition of parents and Burning your bridges behind you perimental plats, the livestock barns teachers aiike. isn't so bad if you can swim. and the demonstrations and contests Proseciitors may demand more strict layvs. Police officials may rave I I ! yvhich will attract the interest of the visitors during the morning. MICHIGAN BELL at trial delays. Judges may urge more severe penalties, and psychiatrists Lots of lips just made to kiss are made over again just after. A platform for the speakers and may theorize—but tbe glamour tbis generation has thrown about the crim­ entertainment features will be erected inal and his unholy profession outshines it all. I I ! on one bank of thc Red Cedar River TELEPHONE CO* It is pieasant to think of the Garden Step to any neyvsstand and lnspect the cover pages of current popular near the farm lane bridge, while the of Eden, without taxes, reformers, audience will be seated on the oppo reading. Pick up any city daily and note front page headings and feature working hours or relatives. site bank which forms a natural am- stories inside. Read the titles to movies featured at second class houses. I ; I Long hair, says a yvoman's page pitheater and affords ample shade Long Distance Rates Are Surprisingly Low Psychiatrists, judges and prosecutors—and parents yvill do yvell lo turn note, wiil comc back slowly, if at all. 'Ihe front campus of nearly 100 acres their attention to these.evils before nishing to the legislature. Bobbed young ladies who are trying and the shaded banks of the river For Instance: which form ideal picnic grounds will —O— to grow it already knew that. I I I of course, be available to the visitors ; Taxes—Direct and Indirect It's all right to talk about cheap as usual. politics but they're never cheap when New and unusual forms of enter­ According to figures just made pubiic, something more than three- you have to run in a primary. tainment and contests are being ; ! I planned for both the morning and aft­ quarters of the sixteen miiiion doiiars '.o be distributed among the school Well, the pacifists have made some ernoon programs. Among the dem districts of the state by the 1928 apportionment of the primary school fund success in reducing the amount o^ onstrations, the use of the combine has been paid over by utilities companies. This sounds like good news and armor. The corset seems to have harvester is expected to be one of the fir the result of very astute legislation until an analysis of the matter is made. about passed out of pubiic life. most important due to its recent use ; I I in the state and the general interest $J 25 "No one will question the sound principle involved in the collection of taxes What has become of the good old- in more economical methods of har­ from corporations and no one will waste any time in sympathetic regret fashioned political days when the edi­ vesting in Michigan. that tbe state demands and collects tribute from these sources for the tor of the official Republican organ Valuable and interesting informa­ pr less, between 4:30 a. tn. and 7:00 p, m. support of our public school system, but if any regard such collections as and the editor of the official Demo­ tion, the result of experimental work You can caU the foilowint poind and talk for TI4REE l^INUTES cratic organ wouldn't speak as they conducted during the past year yvith being all to the good, a cursory examination will suffice to set them aright. for the fate* ihowB. Rates to odicr<|>aiati are proponioaatcly passed by. livestock and crops, will be revealed As an instance, on tbe last day of the fiscal year, June 30, the Micbigan I ; ; hy members of the college staff who From MASON to: Bell Telephone Company paid to the auditor general the sum of $2,453,300, will be stationed at strategic points Alpena, Michigan sLlo It is not hard to pick tomorrow's to explain the work and the practical Boyne City, Michigan i lo ljeing the levy made against the property valuation of the company at the great diplomat; he's the kid selected application of the findings. Charievoix, Michigan 115 average tax rate for the state against real and personal property. Accord­ to call on the old lady when the $1.50 Cheboygan, Michigan 1 25 ing to a statement made public by officials of the company, this amount baseball drops oyer the fence into her Gaylord, Michigan 110 constitutes a charge amounting to $4.32 for each telephone in service dur­ premises.-—Detroit News. III Northwest Bunkerhill Mackinaw City, Michigan _._ 1 25 ing 1927. Added to this the telephone company has paid or must pay to xne United States will not get into Petoskey, Michigan 115 Kentiand, Ind. _ 115 the federal government a sum which added to the state charge amounts to another war until there is a new gen­ Mrs. Nancy Curry of Mason, was Indianapolis, Ind. '95 eration tbat never had to salute a in this vicinity for a few days calling .$5.68. To bring the matter home, the householder whose telephone service Canton, Ohio 120 second lieutenant. — St. Augustine on friends. haa cost him $21.00 per year may figure that $5.68 or 27 per cent of that Dayton, Ohio ~" 1.15 Record. Mrs. Lizzie Rice Is confined to her amount is for state and federal taxes against the service he leases. bed now and gradually growing The nrtcs quoted above arc SuuUm-to-StaHon Day rate*. clTccfivc It is shown by the company that the entire net earnings of 137,500 weaker. from 4(30 a. m. to 7:00 p. m. Bits of Ancient History telephones is required to pay its Michigan taxes alone which statement if V. M. Curry of Ann Arbor, visited Evening Statioii«»Statton rate* are effective fran 7rt» p. m. to Gleaned from News fllei of his uncle, A. Potter, for a few days. correct puts the utility companies in close competition with the overtaxed 8:30 p. m., and Niglit StatitmHo-StatUm ra.'fs, ft30 p. m. to 4i30 yean put. The family reunion of the remain- a. BSu farm except of course for the fact that a utility company is permitted to ing children of the late Benj. Green A StatUtMo-Station call la one that i« made to a certain telephone pass the charge along to the consumer and the farmer has no such and wife of Stockbridge, was held at Ten Years Ago. rather than to Mme penon in particular. that place Saturday, June 30, on the opportunity, Matinee races are being held today lawn of the town hall. There were in If you do not know the number of the distant telephone, give tht • The purpose here is not to build up an atmosphere of sympathy for the at Quickstep park. A feature of the attendance 61 of the relatives. A fine operator the name and addreu and ipecify that you will talk with utility companies but to prove that indirect taxes have a way of hitting day will be the sale at auction of a time was enjoyed by all. The folloyv­ ''anyone'' who answers at the called teliephone. 25 pound ham, the proceeds to be giv­ A Perionlo-Person call, because more work is involved, costs more back at the consumer. What is true regarding telephone operation is ing officers were elected for the com­ en to the local Red Cross chapter. ing year; President, Mrs. Martha than « StationHoSuuion call. The rate on a PenotKcPemm equally true of railroads and others. It is easy to finance the functions of According to a statement issued by Moore of Detroit; vice president, W. call is thc samc at all hours. government by the indirect method. It is not so easy to trace the cost to the Ingham county war board Ingham Stone of Jackson; secretary and Additionai rate fai/oniMtiati can be secured its finality. was the first county in the United treasurer, Mrs. Arthur Williams of by calling the Long Distance operator Mason. —O— States to go over the top in the war savings stamp drive. As Mason was Mrs. Carrie Green and children at­ Since the foregoing was written, evidence given in utility hearings at the first precinct in the county to go tended the family reunion at Stock- over, it follows that thia city heads Washington has brought to light a situation closely touching the affairs of bridge, also Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bet- the list. Cher. the Consumers Power Company and the Michigan Press Association. The A daughter wn-t horn to Mr. and The Sunday guesf.s of Mrs. C. NEWS is grateful Indeed that neither the above nor any editorial which Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson at the Orr hos­ Green were: Mr. and Mrs. Ed Coon- has heretofore appeared lu this column has been taken from the canned pital on Tuesday. fer, Mr. and Mrs. James Moore and material circulated hy.the press association or by any public utility infor­ Twenty Years Ago. son, John, of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. G. Wiiiiamston celebrates with mati­ Patrick of St. Johns; Wm. Patrick of mation bureau. The editors who have used the stuff because they were too nee races and a ball game. Lansing; and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bet- lazy to write their own are entitled to no pity in the distressing situation The bronze tablet at the entrance Cher and children and Glenn Jacobs FARMS WANTED of Grand Rapids. in which they now find tliemselves. The earlier editors learn this lesson to the court house, payment for which If you have a farm you Would like to sell or exchange for the better will be the standing of the country press. The officers of the has caused much dissension upon the Miss Bernice Green returned home part of county supervisors will now after a week's visit with her sister, other property write us giving location and we will call and Michigan Press Association, if they have betrayed the trust imposed in tbem be paid for. Judge Wiest last Mon­ Mrs. Howard Bebm, of Rives Junc­ see you about it. No obligation on your part. by tbeir colleagues, will deserve the denunication they will certainly receive. day sustained tbe supervisors in tbeir tion. As for the Coiunimera Power Compaay, tbe prestige built up by good lervice action allowing the claim at |7S.OO, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Behm and 2 Address in the eommunltlefl In wbicb they operate baa been given a Mvere Jolt by Mrs. C, J, Wbiting and tbree sons were callers of tbe latter's THE MINER COMPANY daughUrs spent tbe past week at Ea­ mother, Mrs, C. Oreen, Sunday eve­ tbe diiclotureii made concemlng paymcnta made to Editor Kelster of tbe Box 144, Lansing, Miehigui ton Rapids, • ning. INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1928 Page Three

ing, attended a class party of the Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Potts of Mor- with Red Cloud, famous Sioux war­ Okemos school seniors at John Dietz, rlce, were Sunday callers at Mrs, rior. Most of the scenes were taken HOLT Saturday evening. Carrie Chapin's. in Wyoming on historical frontier Mr. and Mrs. A. B. lCeesier and son spots, giving the picture magnificent and Mrs. J. Hammond spent Sunday backgrounds both from a scenic and at Ora Andrews, Dewitt. Others pres- Town Line Road a historical angle. Over a thousand cnt were Orson Ramsdiii and Mr. and t real Shoshone and Arapaho Indians Mrs. Miics Ramsdiii and daughter of from the Wind River reservation ap­ If It's Standard WEDDINGS MARK END Ciiesaning. Mrs. Jesse Wheeler and daughter pear in thc picturc. McCoy, an • Jake Niebling is seriously iH. Doris from Rose City, are guests of .idopted member of thc Arapho tribe, Miss Ruby Hammond is attending Mr. and Mrs. R. Sherman. 'was able to persuade tbe Indians to OP IE AT HOLTsumme r school at Ann Arbor. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Xanders spent enact the many important roles with If your fixtures are Standard fixtures you can be sure that thc week end camping at Morrison wliich thcy were entrusted. TWO lllJSlNKSS CHANGES »lADE Lake. A simple talc, appealing and vvell your plumbing is modern. You need not yvOiTy over costly AIlK .\NNOlJNCi':D. Mrs. R. Sherman attended the i DuBoIa Neighborhood | told* is "The Little Ycllovv House,'' West Side Club picnic at Long Lalce featuring Martha Sleeper and Orville repair bills. The plumbing will outlast the house. :\lany Arc J'Ianning .Vaiiufion Trips near Ionia, iast Wednesday. i Caldwell, vvhich comes to the Pas- Over Nafiiotiiil ifoilday, Norflj Mrs. Artbur Everett wiii entertain Sec Doug Fairbanks tonight! wl lime next Tuesday. It's a story of Cemitry Lures Tourists. tbc Mapie Grove Mission Circie on Lorenzo Lay of Cbicago, spent a the average American family, of the Inursday, Juiy 12. Members are If your fixtures are Standard you knoyV you have received day witli bis son, Jobn Lay, and fani- spoiled young daughter who thinks to asked to bring guests. A quilt will A quiet wedding was solemnized ily, last week. Ilnd happiness by leaving the little be given away. the most for your money. The quality is high but the cost last Saturday at tbe home of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hayhoe and home, of Pop Milburn, an amusing old Mrs. Sam Beal of East Delhi Ave., Will Curtis and Mr. and Mrs. Jess Mr. and Mrs. Will Beeman from rascal, of Ma Milburn, patient and is low. •when tbcir daughter Mabel was mar-; Curtis and Loris spent Sunday with California, who have been visiting his self-sacrificing, and of the joys and ried to Vester Mock, Rev. Paul Boo- Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hayhoe. Thc oc­ sister, Mrs. C. Prichard have gone to sorrows that come to them, Our clagb read the ceremony. casion was tbcir second wedding an­ Chester, to visit another sister, Mrs. heroine finds the great world offers Mrs. Mock is a graduate from Yp­ niversary. Carrie Whcaton. little real happiness for her,-and fin- If you do not eRjOy the possession Of Standard fixtures silanti Normal and has taught sever­ Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Otis visited at Mr. Clayton and family spent Sun­ ally learns by painful experience that al years in the Lansing schools, and Jobn Lay's, Sunday cvcning. day at Mt. Pleasant at the home of tbe happiest piace of all is back in the call at our showroom and yve yviil be pleased to show you Mr, Mock is a graduate of Michigan Mr. and Mrs. Wourt Every and Mrs. Holmes sister. sheiter of the iittie yellow house. State College and is teaching at Les­ Joyce spent tbe week end with Mr. the latest Standard products. We'll also gladly tell you the lie. They left for an extended east­ and Mrs. Claude Upton and family'at "Hello Cheyenne!" is Tom Mix's! ern trip. Standish, Michigan. latest action drama, promised here low cost for which they can be installed in your home. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. l

Ilidt I'n!.sIiy(;i'riiin Ohnrch. Tlie Communion of tlie Lord's Sup- per will be observed in the Presbyter­ Fresh Beef Liver, Home Killed per Ib. 15c ian Church next Sunday morning at 10:30. The pastor will speak on "Keeping the Heart." Tbere will be special music by the choir. The Sun­ ASOk day School will meet at 12 o'clock. "Pure Pork" Charles P. Andrews, pastor. Sausage, per Ib. 15c Nortli llolt Methodist Chureii, Rev. Carl Ertel, pastor. Sunday school, Mrs. George Froed­ Half or tert, SupL, at 9:30 jx. m. Morning Worship—10:30 a. m. Smoked Hams, wa'sl^'^c^^^^^^ lb.25c sermon subject: Practical Religion. The one and only Doug in the greatest picture Fourth (Quarterly Conference Thursday evening, July 12th at 8 of his liVely career! o'clock. No preaching, conference only. All members are expected to Prices, 15 and 35 cents Pure Lard, Home Rendered be present and bring reports. per b. 15c Sunday and Monday

Okemos and Vicinity "SPOILERS OF THE WEST" Tim McCoy and Marjorie Daw iii a stirriilg Picnic Hams, Home smoked The Okemos Child Study Club will per lb. 18c meet with Mrs. Ruth Stillman, Tues­ story of frontiel: days. day. Program will be: Roll call. How I punish my child. A vocal solo by Tuesday—Ladles Free Mrs. Howard Hammond, A paper by Mrs. F. L. Blacklegs. Child life in Plenty of Chickens and Veal the home, a reading by Mrs. Nora "THE LITTLE YELLOW HOUSE" Whiting. Ma.rtha Sleeper in an appealing story of modern life The Okemos Campflre girls returia- ed Saturday from spending a weelt' at Collegians—Al Cooke Comedy--Reogram8 Hags & Cattle Wanted! "^'VT.jr '•'^'^-^ Crystal Lake. Mlss Beth White of Reading, a former member accom­ panied them. They were chaperoned Next Week Friday-Saturday by the Misses Muriel and Oustina E. 0-SMITHj Manager Barr of Mason. TOM MIX in "HELLO CHEYENNE" iProf, and Mrs, G. C. Wliite of Read* Page Four INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1928

Several from the Free Methodist ning by the serious illness and death church attended camp meeting at North Aurelius Union Church of her aunt. Miss Hattie Dillon. vvitjiamston, Sunday. LESLIE Rev. W. B. Hftrtaog, Pastflf. ' John Speer, yvife and son Hugh Saturday, June 30, Miss Josephine By Mrs. Ralplr Blackmore called on Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mc- Townsend entertained members of the Ciung, In thc Dennis district, Sunday June party who are direct descend­ afternoon. ants of Nathan and Paulona Han, Worship at 10:30. Sermon, ''When j Sec Doug Fairbanks tonight! yvI Solomon Builded His Temple.'' 1 James Manning is having his house ' Six mcmljcrs of tbe lCappa lCappa l

sons of Farmington, B. H. Field and from Montreal to spend the summer wife of Onondaga township, visited in' England, Belgium, Holland, Ger- Member Federal Reserve Banit H. C. Stockvvell and daughter and many and France. Chas. Kirby and vvife of Leslie, Fri­ day evening. Mrs. C. ciellinger and Mrs. H. South Leroy Howe gave a party for 3 birtbdays ! Saturday cvcning at the club house at Eaton Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. Jolin Risch and Dor- Isaac Russell of Lansing, visited his rance attended a family reunion near brother, James and wife, part of last Howell, Sunday. week. Mrs. James Donal called on friends James Russell and yvife visited a in WebberviUe, Saturday. brotber Robert near Vermontville Morton Ricc made a trip to Tru­ SUCCESS IS NOT A Sunday. fant, Friday. Jobn Freeman and wife, C. Croy Mrs. Floyd McConnell is quite BIRTHRIGHT and vvife were at Big Cedar Lake, poorly at tbis writing. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Donal vvas ANNOUNCEMENT OF OUR Clarence Aldricb, wife and tvvo at Mt. Clemens and Pontiac on busi- ness onc day the past week. Success comes from effort; froln action; from sons of Farmington, visited B. H. l''ield and vvife Friday evening. Tbey The embroidery club met yvith Mrs. vvere enroute to his farm at Torch Pauline OesteHe, last Thursday, ANNUAL dauntless persistence. It is a clear case of self- Lake, near Traverse City. Mrs. Nellie Stowe of Webberviiie, visited her brother, F. L. Monroe, and lnanaglng. Don't throw away your chance. Make family, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Oestcrle vvere WilkiIis Mentorial July Clearance a thorough inspection of yourself and Oil up with t near Hovvell attending a family re- union, Sunday. enthusiasm. Deposit your dollars with us, that Word was received here Tuesday See Doug Fairbanks tonight! wl WILL BE MADE NEXT WEEK thnt Chas. lIolland and wife of Ea.st Martha Loder vvas home from the you wot'k so hard to earn, pay all bills by check. L'.iusing, formerly of this place, are T. B. sanatarium over the vveek end tne proud parents of a baby boy. This i)lan better enables you to save the odd ends and the l!'ourth. Watch For It! Miss C. M. Wilkins returned from of your income and accumulate them into a lump Miami, lt'lorida, recently, vvhere she Williamston spent the vvinter. 1 Visit our BaI-gain Basement sum. Mlss Lucy Lake of the State Health Department, visited her sister, Mrs. Announcements bave been receiv­ Mary Viges, Sunday. ed here of tbe marriage of Miss Fran­ Herbert Anthony fractured a bone ces Hubbard, formerly of this village, Bazaar and Dry Goods In his vvrist one day last week. to Edward Hilton Yost, an attorney H. H. SNYDER, Prop. Mrs. Kirk and daughter Belle of of Detroit. Thirty-six immediate rel­ Lansing, called on Miss C. M. Wil­ atives of the two families attended kins, Saturday. thc wedding at the home of the bride C. H. Guile is repairing his barn. in Ann Arbor. At high noon, June .^7, 1928, the bride was given in mar­ riage hy her uncie, William H. Mor­ I WebberviUe ! ris of Ann Arbor, Rev. Dr. Merle H. Anderson of tbe First Presbyterian —THE— church read tlie impressive ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Levvis spent the FoUovving a onc o'clock'breakfast, tlie GOODYEAR vveel: end at Bay City. bappy couple left for a motor trip FIRST STATE & SAVINGS Mrs. Agnes Wickman left Friday tbrougb Montreal, Quebec, the Ad­ Makes It! for northern Micliigan where shc vviil irondack mountains and the east. BANK spend thc summer. Later they vvill take thelr residence We Stand Behind It! L. P. Williams, Andrcvv Williams in Detroit vvhere Mr. Yost enjoys a and Merton Rice spent lt'riday witli lucrative practice as an attorncy-at- We'll sell you a loyv-priced tire that's so MasoiI, Michigan Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Webb at Trufant. law. Artbur Taylor and family and Mrs. Gertrude Cantvvcll of Detroit, high in quality tiiere isn't any doubting The lliiuk on the Corner mother of Clio, spent Sunday witli ovvncr of the "Matilda Ilat Shop" that it's a bis sister, Mrs. Russell Wade. * stock here, has closed the shop and Albert Hart Imd tlic misfortune to moved tlie goods to another town. REAL BARGAIN! dislocate bis siioulder vvbile working Mr, and Mrs. A. l^osenbrooic and Ilamniond & Ellis, barbers, will move at tbe Detroit creamery onc day last Stockbridge son Clivo, motored to Freemont, Ind., tlleir barber shop from thc Sneitzer A Goodyear Pathfinder is loyy'-priced 1 week. t last Sunday to visit relatives. building to the building vacated by George Dills is still quite ill. simjDly because Goodyear puts eVery- Mr. and Mrs. i^euben Crites and Mrs. CantvveH. vv. S. Tiicnipson carried mail for cliildrcn of Ovid, spcnt Sunday in Tliose wbo attended tlie Belle Oak thing it can in ])urchasing and manu­ church homecoming Sunday from lIenry Ilcying last week who was tak- tins place. facturing power into this good-looking, long-wearing cas­ ing bis vacation. Tlie No. 2 scbooi held tlieir fourth North Holt ! here vvere; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Smith, itev. Grant of the M. E. cluircli annual reunion last Thursday on tbe I Mr. and Mrs. James Fisher and ing. And we pilt our reputation behind it and offer you wbo has been in tlte bospital for school grounds. A delicious potiuck daughter, Eva McGee, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Will West from In­ everything you want in the way of service to make it a some time is very low at tbis writ- dinner was served at noon with William Cox, Mrs, Ida Royce, Miss dianapolis, Ind., visited at George ing. plenty of ice cream. The afternoon Garnet Roycc and Inez C. White. money-saVer for you thf'oughout its long life. Tbompson's last vveek. Miss Bernice Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Hayner are was spent in visiting and playing Tbompson accompanied tbem home away on their vacation, games. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Thonipson of for a vveek's visit. Detroit called on tbeir mother here Earl Pitt is much better at this LOOK! last Sunday. vvriting. West Aureiius I Mr. and Mrs. Ted .Iones spent Sun­ Carl Ostrandcr is spending part of I 30x31/. 01. Cord $ 6.75 tlic Slimmer vacation with his par- day at Pleasant Lake. Mr. and Mrs. T, Hass of near Ad­ ents here. Robert Squires is camping at lilight 29.\4.40 Balloon 7.70 rian, called on Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Point Lake vvith his parents this 31X.5.25 Balloon 12.95 vveek. Bickett, Sunday. WHEN YOU Division No. •) of tbe Presbyterian Frank Lambert received nevvs of Lott District Aid Society vviil have an ice cream 1 tbe deatb of ills nephcvv at Everett, HAVE Your size at equally low price. Both Sunday. EOcial Saturday afternoon and eve­ ning, July 7, at the home of Mr. and FINISHED balloons and high-pressuIe tiies. Sec Doug Fairbanks tonigbt! wl Sydney ilobertson, bis mother and Mrs. Leiningcr Hatt. Ice cream and A family gathering was hcld at tlio Robert Squires visited relatives near cake will bo served. Come and bring SHOPPING honie of Mr. and MI'S. F. G. Arend Ludington, last week. COME IN—SEE THIS MONEY-SAVER your friends. last Saturday. Those present were Leta Stickncy vvas homc over Sun­ Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wallace started ly'Ir. and Mrs. Carl Jacobs and son of day from her work at Eaton l^apids. Saturday morning to motor to Iowa. Fowierviiie, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Arend Richard Eckliart is sick vvitb Tiiey were accompanied by Mrs. Wal­ aud children of south of Mason, Mr. measles. lace's father. A. A. Howlett & Co. and Mrs. Ben Arend, 2 children of lrrank Bunker and family spent Alaiedon atid Mr. and Ryou Sunday at Alva Smith's. Mason, Mich. Wicgman and children of lIolt. Mrs. lia Lambert of Lansing, is visiting -1 .Arend's brotlrers and families of Lan- ber cousin, Rutb Baumer, Ibis week, Meadsville sing and Holt, aiso an aunt and un- Mrs. Gay Kendall is taking carc of cle'and family of Ohio, thc latter Mrs. Pearl l^earson, near Eaton Rap­ staying for a sliort time. ids, vvbo bas been sick several days. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mon­ Mrs. L. Clements entertained her Mrs. Lucy Robertson ate Sunday roe Wednesday, June 27th, a littie lbrother and family last Saturday. dinner vvitli her son, Frank and famiiy daughter. Mr. and Mt-s. Harry Rummins of on Lansing Road. Orville Cosgray and family wei'e Alaiedon, visited his parcnts last Sun- Harry McGrath and daughter of visitors at Fred Galley's last Sunday. day. Detroit, visited friends here Sunday. Dan Patrick is cementing his covv stal:>le and doing other repairs on his Mr. and Mrs. VVm. Binkley visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Halsey and Mrs. Wilcox vvent to St. Johns, Saturday barn. their son and family al- Leslie, Sun- to visit their aunt, Mrs. Lyon, yvho Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Lennington are day. fell and broke hcr arm recently. now nicely settled in their nevv home Harriet Binkley, wlio is staying Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Fowler of Holt, at 802 Michigan Ave., Monroe. They Visit the Fountain at the yvith her sister in Lansing, yvas homc recently visited the latter's parents, visited their friends here Sunday. Rexaii Store over tlie week end. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ncithammcr. Wm. Mulholland and family enter­ Liggett's Fruits and Syrups Grovenburg 1 Four Town Corners 1 tained friends last Sunday. ! Lloyd Cox and famiiy of Toiedo, O., Served Exclusively at spent Sunday yvith his brother, Fred Ray North and yvife of Lansing, Mr. and Mrs. Will Cnrr and Mrs. and wife. The Fountain at spent Sunday afternoon at Charles Roy Parks spent Tuesday in Lansing. Miss Jennessc Blossom, former The RexaU Store. Franklin's. Joe Icites and family of Jackson, teacher in the Dansvillc school and Mrs. Lyal Bordner is at the home vvere Tuesday visitors at .I. Ickes'. vvell known in this vicinity with two of her parcnts, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Frank Mullen is spending several other young ladies yviil sail July 18, Ilait. She is improving in health. days in Detroit. Mrs. Flora Whitney called on Mrs. Mr, and Mrs. VonDette of Saginaw, Mrs. Mary Thompson of Dansvillc, Ed Slaight one day last week. spent part of last week with Mrs. spent Wednesday with Mrs. J. Ickes. Carl Neithammcr and Geo. Blythe VonDette's brother. Jay Coburn. Mr. and Mi's. Edd Mullen yvere Lan­ and family of Lansing, spent Sunday Walter Leseney is working in Lan- sing visitors, Tuesday. with tlie former's parents, Mr. and Longyear Bros. Clayton Collar and family ride in a Mrs. Chas. Neithammer. Mr. and Mrs. Howard North enter­ nevv Pontiac sedan. Mrs. Hattie McKinnen is •spending Mason, Michigan tained tbe following guests last F. P. Dean and Grover Dean and some time witb her son in Iowa. yveek. Mrs. Mable Hartenburg and family of Lansing, were lt'riday visi- baby of Wbceler, Mr. and Mrs. Frank tors at Kdd Mullen's. Dunston and family, Mrs. James Clayton Collar and vvifc drove to Rowland and two cbildren and Mrs. l^t. Wayne, Indiana, Saturday and re- Doris Hursfall all of Clarkston. turned Sunday. Their daughter re- Tbe banquet served liy the Chris­ turned vvith them for a short visit. tian Endeavor Society at the time of Roy Parks and wife were Sunday the young people's rally netted them callers at Jim DonaIs, near Wcbbcr­ over .1115 for tbeir missionary fund. ville. Build While Clara Doris Richey is spending ten Edd Mullen and wifc spent Sunday days at Camp Warren, S. S. Training afternoon at Pleasant Lake. School, near Benton Harbor. Miss Grace Forfchncr of Norwalk, Mr. and Mrs. Richey and family Ohio, is spending several days with spent Sunday afternoon in Bath. Miss Verlee Collar. You Live Massey-Harris Hay Loader Jay Coffee and family spent Sunday with his mother of Fowierviiie. Loading from the windrow is the purpose for Which this Onondaga I loader is designed and it has every feature that successful South Aurelius alnd North windrow loading requires. The Weight is light, the capacity Mr. and Mrs. Garengcr and son and nPHAT your memorial may fulfill the is large, it works rapidly and it draws easily. It supp ies in Mr. and Mrs. I. Reece of Howell, were Onondaga callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ideals which you would like to every respect the tJemand for an efficient Windrow loader and Will render, in the saving of time and labor, a service June Elliott, Sunday. Mrs. S. B. Davis attended the Gunn Mrs. Jennie Ferris, Mrs. Agnes schooi reunion Saturday. perpetuate, build your own tribute. of inestimable value. Struckman, Mr. and Mrs. W. Struck- Miss Harriett VanHorn of Mason, man and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Giass- visited her cousin, Mrs. Goldia Snow A few of its many features are its simplicity of design, ner of Lansing, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin and famiiy the week end. Struckman of Jackson, and Mr. and ability to handle big, substantial loads, positive elevation, George VanHorn of the BuBois We will assist you in secuiing Mrs. George Smith and children of Neighborhood, visited his daughter, convenient hitch, and the faculty to handle the hay gently. Cambridge Junction, visited at the Mrs. Goldia VanHorn, and famiiy, a design twhich incorporates taome of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Childs, last Sunday. See it in operation. week. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ancil and fam­ your ideas. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Doane and ily of St. Louis, visited his sister, Mrs. T. M. Lyon of Mason, and Mrs. Mrs. F. Bellinger and family oVer the Aiiie White of Eaton Rapids, visited week end, also a daughter of Mrs. J. B.DEAN at the bome of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bellinger, Mrs. A. T. Brown and fam­ Stone, Sunday. iiy of Beaverton, Michigan. Ford Sales and Service George and Vern Cook of Detroit, Mr. King and mother of Jackson, L. L. KELLY were Sunday callers at tbe bome of visited their son and brother, Vern Mr. and Mrs. Asa Moore. King, at Clayton Snow's, Sunday. MASON Miss Bessie Beauchamp of Leslie, George Covert and wife entertained Is visiting at the home of Mr. and Detroit friends over the week end. Mrs. Henry Breckenridge. Clarence Aldrich,, wife And two If you want to buy or sell, use a Classified Ady. Page Six INGHAM COUNTY NEWS. MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1928 The Passing of the Old Soap Kettle Classified Advertisements "HE?!

For Sile

FOR SALE—Two buckleberry marsh- Ies, 6 and 12 acres., B. L. Mansfield, 712 l^rudden Bidg., Lansing, Mich- jgan. 27w2p

FOR SALE—Si.x ewes, one witb iamb by side. .'i;3Q.0O for tbe buncb. Ar- tbur Deyo, .1 miies east of Mason on Bricicyard road. 27wlp

FOR SALl!>—Used and new mowing macbines at bargain prices, bay loaders, dump rakes and binders, three good uscd grain binders, three wagons and two hay racks, potato sprayer, four tractors and tractor plows. F. J. Dolbee & Son. Phono lAureiius 100.1. 27wl What Woman Would Exchange This—for This?

TOR SALE—Severai cows and hor- lIE light of the moon in March, soaps, selected at random, yvere re. 'scs. F. J. Doibee & Son, Aurelius a sassafras stick and a huge cently offered for analysis to a chem­ phone 1004. 27wl T iron kettle used to be three ist. Not one of them yvas found to important items in the ceremonial of measure up to the quality of standard FOR SALE.--Consoie type Victroia. soap-making. Time has not changed soaps. Even for ordinary laundry pur­ lAlso 9x12 Axminster rug. Mina the moonlight and the sassafras trees, poses most of them failed to meet tbe Brotherton. 27wlp but what has become ot the old fash­ tests required by manufacturers for FOR SALE—Cherries. Sprayed fruit. ioned soap kettle? Long ago It was tlieir products. Place your order this week. Mrs. traded to thc itinerant "junk man," or Seven ot the samples had noticeable Frank Shopbeli, phone Aureiius lt was painted turkey red and placed amounts of free caustic alkali, amounts 1112. 27wl on tbe front lawn as a flower urn. In suflicient to roughen and redden the the latter role It can still be found oc­ skin and to cause an eruption on any "FOR SALE---Seven room house in casionally—but in its original role, skin that is susceptible to alkali. Four Mason. Eiectric lights, bath, largc well, hardly ever! Jot. Cheap for cash. I will con- ol^ the samples contained appreciable sidcr terms if dcsired. Ciifford Ak- Even In remote rural communities amounts of unsapanilled fat; that is, crs, Adm'r. ZTwip most women no longer make their own thcy were likely to become rancid and soap, for thc homc maker has found leave a disagreeable odor ou clothes. FOR SALl3—8 acres oats on lCcrns tiiat thc soap manufacturers sell soap 'Ihirteen of tho fifteen samples con­ farm and 12 acres yvheat on Gee. at such a reasonable price and make it tained noticeable quantities of soda Ocobock farm. Just beyond county so much belter tliau she could make ash whicii is undesirabie for toilet use garage on Cedar Ct. Purchaser has it. Instead of wasting timo and going or tbe yvashing ot delicate garments. two-thirds for harvesting and to the trouble of saving fats for tho ln tho light of this analysis it is threshing. D. P. Whitmore, Speciai Adm'r. Epps. Estate, 118 E. Oak soap foundation and thou standing small wonder that women have aban­ street. yvl over a hot stove stirring lye and melt­ doned tho soap kettle and its trouble­ ed fat together in tile soap kettle, she some and Inferior product for the In­ FOR SALE—Alfalfa and mixed hay stocks up on ''bougbton" soaps. expensive and uniformly satisfactory by the load or acre. Chas. Dar­ Hero and tlicro, however, the tradi­ soap brands tlmt are so universally row. Phone 210-F2. 27wlp tion of thc soap kettle boUls some wo- accessible. The soap kettle makes a nian who (louts economy of timo and plctnresque flower pot. • In that guise FOR SALlS—^Dry cows, priced to sell effort and continues to make hcr own. it is more than an ornament, ft is a or will trade for fresh ones. F. VV. Fifteen samples of such home-made syniboi of -.voniau's emancipation. Launstcin &. Sons. 27wip

FOR SAi^E—Four good used Ford trucks at bargain priccs. Also onc Harhord Sees Radio Building good Fordson tractor. Coleman Chevrolet Sales, Inc. 27wI First Permanent Democracy l-'OR SAljE—Fourteen acres of liay or yvill let it be cut on shares. Floyd NOTIOI.; 'ro CON'rKAOTOKS. 12(1 roils, liiciice smilii Mil aad 2-1.: Cady, pbone 50G Aurelius. wl 1 UO-r DOtWiE'. t KtJOCtiED .iH\ iiiiiiw (•(iiR.r(..lL. pavoMii.iit ill till! Cily nf rods. tlii.iu'i. wesl 1-0 riiils. llieiH-i. Says Brondcnsting Spells Death of Miisdii. tiinham Counly. t'riijei.l iM 1133-32 iKirlJi Ml! ami 2.3 I'INIS UI place of licgiiiiiiiig; FOit SALE—Four lots and bome of CciiU. 1. also Ihe eiusl 1-2 of Ihe siaillic.iist l-l of tlir; Mrs. C. L. Casterlin on East Elm DcIti.ngoguc and Mob Psychology ' .-rt 111 -nJP I .Soniwi |iri.(ip()«als will lie received liy l.'nuik 1.'. Ifog- crs. Slate Highway Commissioner, at the same batii, gas, newly papered and time and place for the construction of the painted, on a good lot. Must be Central 2(l-feet of Concrete .I\ivcmeiil. seen to be appreciated. Cheap for Specifications ami iiroposal blanks mny lie obtained at the olfice of Iho Cily Clerk, at M. E. R. Time Table cash. See Mrs. lt'loyd Felton, Lan- llie aliove address, at Ihe olfice of the licsi- - sing, Mich., 911 Wisconsin Ave. ilent Engineer. U. tl. Havens. 808 Central Central Standard Time I'hone 26274. 27yvl Slate Hunk ttldg.. Jiickson. Michigan, anil at tlie State ttigliway Dciiartmenl. tjinsing. Micb­ Cars leave for Lansing in tbe morn­ igan. t'laiis may tie cMiiiiined at the above ing at 4:25, 5:50, 6:50, 7:50, 9:50, FOR SALE—Cows. Louie Ocobock, addresses, but wiil iie furnished only from 11:150, and in tlie afternoon at 1:50; one miie north of Mason. 27wlp the olfice of the Oily Clerk. Mason. Michigan, and the Ijimsing olfice of the State Highway 3:50, 5:50, 7:50. 10:15. tieimrtmcnt. Returning cars leave Lansing at •FOR SALE—Good moyver and quan- A certllicd check in the sum of Five Hun­ 4:25, 5:25, 7:25, 9:25, 11:25 ami in the tity hay at Aifred Robinson farm. dred (SnOfl.On) Dollars made iiayable to thc CJity Oicrk. Mason. Michigan, must accompany p. m. at 1:25, 3:25, 5:25, 7:25 antii JS. A. Densmore, Adm'r. 26-tf each [irojiosal. 9:30. The approximate items are as follows: GENERAL JAIMES G. HARBORD Cars leave for Jackson in the morn.- FOR SALE—Pure bred Holstein h\il\. 370.8 cu. yds. excavation—earth. t.'i.JO s'li. yds. concrete jiavemcnl—S-iii. unif. ing at 5:02, 6:02, 8:02, 10:02, and in Born August, 1927. Ready for ADIO'S greatest contribution to violent afllrmatlon oft repeated, the 2328.5 Iin. ft. eiirli and gutter. the afternoon at 12:02, 2:02, 4:02, light service. Waiter R. Carvcn, tbe world will bo to supply the mystery of personal magnetism, a gift .Iri Iin. ft. Jt. tl. header netaii 7. 6:02, 8:02 and 10:05, Bell phone. 24tf means of building permanent of leadership and the mechanism ot «.l Iin. ft. header. Detail fi. R 't'ho right is reserved lo reject any or all lemocracles, according to Generai contagion h.ive syvayed croyvds in all NOTICE TO CONTHAOTOKS. liroposals. lames G. Harbord, President of tbe ages. Concrete pavement, Oity of MaMOii. MiciiiK-iin. Ma-son, Michigan, July 2, UIL'S. For Rent Soaied iii.oiiosuls will lie i.eeeive Bii. yds. concrete pavement. 7-ln. unif. a point 1.17.5 feet west of thc west line of 80 Iln. ft. concrete header. Detail 6. Jelferson avenue to the east line of South wth your own hoe. Ervin Neal. CARD OF THANKS--We wish to Mason, Michigan. July 2., 1928.^ Lansing street, returned by thc Board of As- 1Near Canaan school. 27wl sessora, be rcccivwl nnd placed on file, and thank our many friends for the 27w2 J. EZRA WIilLSH, Olty Clerk. DR. CARL J. FOX, D. V. M. that the clty clerk bc and is dircctcil to pub- WANTED—Man to drive milk truck kind acts extended us during the NOTIOEI jisti a notice of thc review thereof by publi­ LESLIE, MICHIGAN cation ln two successive issues of thc Inghimi sickness of our sister, S. J. Dillon. To properly owners on East Maple and and work on farm. Coleman & Ctounty hiews, in ucconlnncc with section 13 of Large and Small Animal Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dorris, Mr. and Barnes streets anil others who mny bc inter­ Whipple. Phone 18-F13. 27wlp Ohapter XXfV of thc Ohnrter. Mrs. A. H. Diiion, Mr. and Mrs. ested, your attention ls callcd to thc foilowint! Telephone No. 105 resolution adopted by thc Oommon Council Ilcsotved, further, that the Oommon Council W.ANTED—Women and hoys to weed George Pryor. wl July 2nd. 1928: . meet at the council rooms on Friday, the tSth day ot July, 1928, at 7:30 o'ctock eiustern carrots and onions. Truck will By Alderman Pry— „ , standard time, for thc purpose of reviewing IN 'MBMORLIM Itcsolved by thc Oommon Oouncil of thc Olty leave Jack Williams store at 7 a. m. said assessment roll. ot Mason that the siicclal assessment roll for Clyde L. Kinnison. In loving re- Dated July 2, tl)28. i Friday. 27wlp paving East Maple street ln said city, from a membrance of our dear husband and 27w2 J. E. WELSH, Oity Otcrk. point forty.flvc feet east of thc cast line of DR. D. C. MOSHER rWANTED—25 acres of hay to cut. father, who passed away one year Jcflcrson avenue to tho east lino of Barnes MORTGAGE SALF.. Dentist street, and for iiaving Barnes street from thc Also 200 acres of grain to cut. F. J. ago, Juiy 4, 1927. Default having been made in the tci.ms of south line of Maple street south to and con- Oh, how we have missed you a certain real estate mortgage whereby thc In office occupied by late Dolbee & Son, Aureiius phone 1004. nectlnK with thc present pavement on Ash power of sale thcrcln contalncd became oiicra- C. E. Henderson More and more each day. street, returned by the Board of Assessors, bc tlyc, miHle by M?P»P O. Ou«|y', Jr. and Hettlp WANTED—Toolmakers, first class And world and home seen sadder received and placeMd 1-8 rods louth of «4.tf Albert Hywery, Wayifi'Barlcer, ip ' bert Baldwin; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd JOinsvllle. V wlp PtSSBpTtir of f«|»t.. ,i7„4 tht northwtat cvrner of ]|t«tion it thtnci'tait 4:fj • - Prescott, - 27wlp INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICH., rHURSDAY, JULY 5, 1928 Page Seven

Girls' Camp Planned LOCAL NEWS IBeautifuIJIinericaii Jfomes By Religious Council Selected by American Arcliitects Award Committce Saturday Specials! MISS ABAMS AND MISS MINTY See Doug Fairbanks tonight! wI WILL ACCEPT Al'PLICATlONS. Dr. G. W. Williams is spending tlto Palmer's Grocery Tbc second annual Camp for Inter- week in.Canada. mediate Cirls will be held next week Large Corn Flakes 10c Coffee cake and cinnamon > rolls. at Camp Mettamiga, tbe V. W. C. A. Good Potatoes, per peck __18c Mrs. H. N. Ilatniiton. 27wI Camp at Pino Lake, under tbe direc­ Mrs. D. E. Watts spent several tion of tbo Ingiiam County Council of •2 All Bran or Shredded Wheat 25c days last week in Chelsea. Rnligious Education. An.y girl from Pahiler's Fresh Roasted COfl'ee 49c Mrs. Rose Bobnet of Cbicago was 12 to 16 years of ago is eligible to at­ thc guest of ber father, J. C. Bohnet, tend tbo camp, wbicb is under com- Peanut Butter (made yvhiie you wait) per lb. 25c Monday. potent Christian leadership, and is 2 cans Peas, Corn or Toliiatoes 2!5c planned along tbe same linos as the Mr. and Mrs, Raipb Dariing and various religious educational camps Walnut Meats, per lb. SOc family were Sunday guests of Mrs. for older young people. JIattie Webb. lodille Salt or 4X Sugar, 2 fov 25c Tbe program for each day is well Mrs. l^otta Cook of Flint is spending planned, and contains both education 2 lbs. Good Ginger Snaps or Fig Bars 25c a few days with ber daugbter, Mrs. and recreation. Foiloyving the set­ 10 bars Kirk's Flake Soap 39c L. J. iIendryx. ting-up exercises, breakfast and camp iriangie Sunday scbool class wiii inspection, there wiil be classes in first 1 carton Matches, large boxes 29c meet at tbe bome of Tbomas Royston aid, sewing, studies of great hymns 5 lbs, Sugar 33c Friday at 7:30. and Bibie study. Dinner and a rest Ciarence Haugh has accepted a po- hour wiii be foiiowed by games and 3 bunches Pvadishes 10c sition as salesman with the N. S. Da­ recreation, and after supper, there vis Motor Sales. will be a vesper hour and campfire. Wanted to buy any quantity Of Eggs, yvill pay The leaders are to be Miss Marguer­ The Misses Virginia and Pbyiits 27c per dOzen, cash ite Kirker of Holt, Miss Veiva Mlnty .lewett of Detroit are visiting Mason Residence of H. H. Rogers, Southampton, L. I. of Mason, and the Misses Leah and relatives this week. Hall's High Grade Milk, per quart, regular 10c lWONG all tbo palatial homes Interior temperature from the begin­ Ruth Lambertson of Lansing. The lat­ Mr. and Mrs. A. • McDonald are wbicb adorn the rolling acres ning to the end ot winter. Mr. Rogers, ter young lady, who will have charge Whipping Cream, COttage Cheese, COld Meats, spending several weeks at their cot­ whose fortune dates from one of the of magnlllcent estates on Long of swimming instruction, holds two Fresh Fruits and Vegetables tage in Good Hart. Island, tbo maximum cf"llvabillty" earliest petroleum successes, was tbe medals for life-saving, earned within Mrs. D. Lee Ware and sons spent a lias been reached In the residence of first of the yvealthy Long Islanders the past year. The camp begins Mon­ few days with Mrs. Dora Eidred of to adopt automatic' heating, which has day morning and ends Saturday aft­ Henry H. Rogers, father of the former V. L. PALMER GROCERY Onondaga, hist y'eek. since beconie practically unlversal on ernoon, the total cost being $7.00 and Countess Salm, who recently married Mrs. Cora Robertson is spendin the great cstates. transportation; one dollar is the reg­ i'hune 69 Forenoon and Afternoon Delivery Mr. Arturo P. ilamos, a wealthy Ar- istration fee and the remaining six the yveek with Mr. and M>'s. C. L. Interior arrangement of tho Rogers Sentinian. dollars pay for board and room for Palmer of Battle Creek. house ls unusually spaclous, but the the six days. • • Mr. and Mrs. C. J, Wbiting spent Tlic house is set in a broad lawn, homo has been wldely copled by Each girl is to bring simple cloth­ the Fourth with Mr. and Mrs. Lyie which, liowever, is clipped close only small-hOHSc archllccts in aii parts of ing; a warm sweater, knickers and Hartley at Pleasant Lake. In the Immediate vicinity of tbc buiid­ tho country, who have adapted its blouses, bathing suit, and toilet ar-^ The L. A. S. of thc M. E. churcb ing. Tile roof is of warai rod tiie, and finely mouided iines readily to the pur­ tides. Bedding is . furnished, but will mcct witlt Mi-s. Pearl Rayner thc house Is licated by an automatic poses of smaller residences of the towels are to be brought by the girls. Wednesday, Juiy II. at 2:30. oil furnace, whicli maintains an exact bungalow type. For the ciasses, each camper is to Miss Beatrice Scripter ieft Tuesday bring notebook, pencils, Bibie and Vlf ASH DRESSES! for a tour in the upper peninsula, needie and thread. Cameras, smaii wberc siie yvili spend a yveek. musical instruments, and books may $1.00 to $5.98 Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hunticy of Forty Thousand Miles of Classroom bo brought, also. One giri fi'om Mason attended tbe Detroit were week end guests of tbe A College Puts Out to Sea in a Sliip All Sizes latter's fathcr, J. C. FingciIc. camp last year, yvith the result that this year nine giris from ber Sunday Tbere will be a regular mccting of schooi class are planning to go, and the American l^egion at Patriotic Ilaii Hot weatiier brings the de­ have through their own efforts raised Tbursday, July 5 at 7:30 P. M. nearly all tbe money necessary for mand for cool, comfortable Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Scltacffer and their expenses. Sunday schools are dresses—dresses suitable for family of Jackson, wei'e guests of especiaiiy ut'ged to enroll their Inter­ .Mrs. Jennie Barker, Wcdncsday, mediate girls for tbe camp, and any the street, for motoring, for Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Fowler Sr. wore scbool official, parent or girl in this thc summer cam]5 or for wear witll Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Fowler Jr. vicinity wbo is intercstod iu tbe camp and famiiy of Pontiac tile Fourtii. may secure furtber information from about the home. To meet this Mr. and Mrs. Carl Plank and two MISS Veiva Mlnty or Miss Ethel demand We have i)urchased Adams. daugbters are enjoying a two week's the largest stock ever. We vacation at Stronacb near Weilston. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Swcaringen Kellogg Band To have every size. In beautiful and son of l-,Rnsing wet'c guests of layvns, dimities, rayons and Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Bordner Sunday. Play In Charlotte ginghams. Mr. and Mrs. Frank l..oositig and five chiidren of Redford, arc visiting SPLENDID CONCEIJT AIlIlANGED tlic latter's sister, Mrs. J. C. Weiis, FOR SUNDAY TllEKE. They're easily Washed and

" 'kr. and Mrs. L. N. Cook of Grand Residents of Charlotte and others jthe colors al-e just as good l^apids visited at tbc bome of tlieir in the vicinity recail with pleasure after a Visit to the laundry as uncle, W. H. Taylor, over tbe yveck the conccrts givcn during the iast tyvo jthey are when neyv. See them end. School diiys were never likc this! A deck cl.iss on tlie world's first "college .nfloat".- years in Charlotte by tho well-known Mrs. E. R. Jacobi and daugbters, Jhe Stciim.'ihip Rymlam. 50 piece Keilogg band of Battle Creek. here today. Marian and Helen, of Detroit spcnt a The unusual interest and appreciation few days iast week witb Mrs. Jennie COl.l..EGE on thc liigh seas? No cruise undertaken in 1920 established sliown by the people of Charlotte at Barker. less! Three liundrod and sev­ the fact that tlie education of travel these concerts has made it a distinct pleasure for W. K. Kellogg and the Miss Winifred Loveless of Battle enty-live young men of college could bc combined witli classroom Kellogg Company to again send the NEELY Creek is caring for Paui Nussdorfcr nnd preparatory school ago wlll set study. Wlieii she sails in thc Fall, it band to Charlotte for a concert this during his illness. lIe is sloyviy im­ sail from Neyv Vork next September will bc as a permanent institution. proving. year. This has been scheduled for 19tb with paper, pencils, a college fac- Courses are given in all college ans T. E. Nussdorfer and son, Edwin geles, have arrived in Mason. They Lambs offered are common and and daughter Ann of Urickville, Ohio will visit friends and relatives In this sheep are scarce. 47c were week end guests at the home of part of Michigan for several weeks Best lambs $12.50 $12.75 Creamery Butter, Mr Mrs. M. A. Bement. Mrs. Nussdorfer before their return to the west. Fair lambs H.OO 12.00 who has been here for several weeks Mr. and Mrs. B. L, Barnes and two Sheep — 5.00 6.00 n f« ei n '-"8®' will remain indefinitely,: ., children of Petersboro, Ontario, called Hogs v/rdll^wSj Sunkist Brand, per dozen 49c Sheriff Hugh W. Silsby, County at the home of Mrs. Franc L. Adams Hogs are bringing slightly higher Drain Commissioner Lloyd R. Doane Monday morning. Mrs. Barnes will prices: C^#iM r*l^*^£j Quick Naplha,Makes and Deputy Sheriff Harry Reinhart, be remembered here as Miss Clara Mixed $10.75 yvith their families left Saturday for ^Oap ^nipb, Cleaning Work Easier 20c Mullenhagen, who taught in Mason Yorkers 10.90 a ten day outing at the Silsby-Rein- high school from 1903 to 1906, and Roughs 8.25 hart cottage near Steuben in the Up­ was active in social and church cir­ Pigs 10.50 r'/x'f'P^ia "Ou' Special" Brand, Expertly per Peninsula. cles here. The Barns family, who Lights .-1 10.00 38c Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Peters and son were enroute to Petoskey to spend VU11CC, Blended and Always Fresh Edsel and Mrs. Clara Kennedy of their vacation have resided for some Enid, Oklahoma"; have beeen spend­ years in Petersboro, where Mr, Barns V%nAi /ft^^xif 3 ^^^S^ Bunches, Fresh and ing the past few days vvith Mr. and is an electrical engineer. ' K^QlSned, Crisp, Fresh Daily IOc Mrs. J. G. Bohnet, enroute to their See Doug Fairbanks tonight! wl bome after a trip to Washington. Plates That Fit Mrs, Kennedy will remain in Mason n d f rr Uoc 6 ^•"8e Boxes, a Special JL ICltCnCd) and Lansing for the summer. Methodist Episcopal Churcli Snyder Value for Saturday 2Sc The Eden L. A. S. will meet with William Ray Prescott,/Minister $10 and up Mr. and Mrs. Bray on' Wednesday, Artistic ln Appearance July 11 for pot luck supper. Chair­ Guaranteed Perfectly Satisfactory man of programb Mrs, Wells. Topic, 10 a. m. Morning worship. Sermon In Every Respect. ''Nutrition.'' Music in charge of the by Rev. W. H. Corbet of Lansing. Extracting for Plates Disenrotli sisters. All are cordially Anthem by the choir. No Fear of Pota Model Food Shop Snyder's Grocery invited. Bring your own dislies and 11:30 a. m. Churcb school. silver. All ttiose who bave not given fS:30 p. m. Union Vesper service on Dr. Fred Waeeoner f |iono 17 Mornlnp and AHernoon Dallvory Phono 12 eggs to the Bronson hospital, and the court house lawn. Address by would rather give money come pre* LcflBM*;. Andrews of .Albuquerque, MASON, pared to do so at this meeting. New Mexico. Office north .oil Ctourt Hotise.. WE ARE PROUg OF OUR HOME OWiy STORES Page Eigilt INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1928

vertise for sealed proposals: and Dorothy of Grand Rapids, spent Mr. and Mrs. Elmer .Otis, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Wiider and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hoyt, Sunday. (a) For paving East Maple street the week end with his sister, Mrs. C. Mrs. Ciey Foreman and son Robert Jean spent Tuesday evening with Mr Mrs. Winfred Hammond and Rob­ Council Proceedings in the City of Mason, from a point Wiicox. were at Lansing, Monday. and Mrs. Eimer Otis. ert of Okemos, spent Wednesday with forty-five feet east of the east iine of Mr. and Mrs. True Martin and Mrs. Mrs. Cley Foreman was at Wii­ Mr. and Mrs: Frank Everett and Mrs. Catherine Otis. Jefferson avenue to the east line of Weston and Mr. and Mrs. H. Mann iiamston, Friday. famiiy spent Sunday with Mr. and Gaylia Hart, Rutze Glynn and Lu- Mason, Micb., Junc 26, 1928. Barnes street, and for paving Barnes called on Mrs. F. C. Kendrick, recent­ Cley Foreman and Elmer Otis vvere Mrs. Will Blancbard. cine Showerman received their sev- Council met in special session and street in said city, from the south iine ly. in Mason, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Oesterle visitcd eutb grade certificates. was called to order i)y Mayor Ken- of Mapie street south to and connect­ Fred Huffmyer took a load of Iambs nedy. Present; Aid. Bakcr, Fry, ing vvith the present pavement on Ash to Detroit for E. Scripter and F. C. IIarding, Harrison, Rouse, Salisbury. street; Kendrick, Monday. I By Alderman Harding— (b) For paving West Ash street Theresa, lIattie and Margaret Seel- = j Tbis councii, pursuant to notice to in said city from a point one hundred hoff spent Sunday afternoon at home. I all persons Interested, having at a and fifty-seven and five-tenths feet Mrs. R. M. Huffmyer of Lansing, rneeting thereof, beid at the common vvest of the west iine of Jefferson Mrs, E. Scripter and Mrs. Earl Grable ciouncil rooms December 5, 1927, con-avenue to the east line of South Lan­ callcd on tbeir sister, Mrs. F. C. firmed the plans and specifications re- sing street, excepting, however, the Kendrick, Sunday. liurned by tbe city cngincer for paving center tvventy feet of such pavement Lavina Scripter spent a part of last yVest Asb street in the City of Ma- in length, to be constructed by the vveck in Lansing. son, from a point l.'J7.5 feet yvest of State of Michigan; Kenneth Huffmycr of Lansing, lihe west iine of Jefferson avenue to In accordance vvith tbc pians and spcnt tbc wcck cnd with his cousin, iliQ east iine of South Lansing street, specifications on file in tbc officc of Hovvard Scripter. and having at said time established the city engineer, proposais to bc ro- the portion of said city deemed to be ;;eived until nine o'clock a. m. central specially benefitted by sucb improve- standard time on Monday, thc six­ nients, and further action in said mat­ teenth day of July, 1928, at the office t FII. Dist. No. a Whratlield j Better than ever* w\ ter having been deferred untii tbis of the city clerk in said City of Ma­ time, and the State Highway Depart­ son. ment having decided to construct tbe See Doug Fairbanks tonigbt! wl Each proposal must be accompanied cpentcr twenty feet in length of said Mr, and Mrs. Reno Mitchell and either vvith cash or a certified check pavement. Allce spent Saturday at R. D. Glynn's. winning even areater success in the sum of ,'?500.00. Beatrice and Greda Otls spent Wed­ Now, therefore, be it furtbcr re­ The right is reserved to reject any nesday evening vvith Gayiin lIart. Ever since it flashed into thc surance of higticst quality solved tbat the estimated e.xpense of and aii bids. Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Coiiar and field, Pontiac Six has been a construction wttly its numerous said improvement, including all drain­ The foregoing resolution was duly Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Perkins, supported by Aid. Baker and was history-makinKcar. Andtod.iy, age structures, is ,$1.1,773.34; that the Charlie Otis spent Sunday at F, E, notable enj^inecring advance- adopted by tbe following vote: Yeas Pontiac Six is winning even estimated expense of constructing the Coiiars. menls, it provides style, comfort, 5; Nays 0. center twenty feet in length of said Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Otis and famiiy fireater success—because today's pavement, to be constructed by the long life and smooth six-cylinder On motion council adjourned until spent Thursday evening at Percy Pontiac Six in countless ways is State of Michigan, is $6474.08; that performance, such as never be­ July iDCh, 1928. Wilder's. a better car than its famous the estimated expense of such im­ J. E. WELSH, City Clerk. Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Otis, Mr. and fore Were available at prices as provement in pubiic street and ailey predecessors. Mrs. Ciyde Otis of Mason, Mr. and intersections, exclusive of the center low as $745. Ride otice—and Mrs, Muriel Otis and Chas. Otis of twenty fect to be constructed by'the Combining the ma.sferly beauty you will a^ree . . . here t.v value Lansing, were callers at E. C. Otis, State, is ,?2451.86, vvhich shaii be paid 1 Northwest Ingham j of bodies by Fisher and the as­ that cannot he matchedl by the city out of thc spcciai paving Sunday. Misses Alice, Marion, Catherine and fund, raised for that purposc; that thc 2-Door Setinn, $745; Coupe, $745; Sfmrt Roadircr, $745; Phaeton, $775; CahrioleU Fiorence Carr of Rodney, spent Sun- remainder of said cstimated expense, Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Foster and $795; 4-Door Sedan, $825; Sport Lanifaw Sclason IM ed and filed. Mrs. J. Seelhoff and Harold called Holt 55 Moved by Aid. Rouse and support­ on E. Scripter and F. C. Kendrick, ed by Aid. Baker tbat Jas. R. Herrick Saturday evening. bc paid .iiI.OO per day for balance of Mrs. Carrie Wilcox attended the fiscal year. Yeas 5; Nays 0. Carricd. Cady schooi reunion Saturday. By Alderman Fry— li'rcd Gilford and Lawton and friend Kcsolved by the Common Council of tbe City of Mason that the speciai as­ sessment roll for paving West Ash street in said city, from a point 157.5 feet vvest of thc west iine of Jefferson avenue to thc east line of Soutb Lan­ sing strcct, returned by the Board of Cemetery Memorials Assessors, be received and placed on INGHAM COUNTY LOSS tile, and that the city clerk be and is Granite Marble directed to puljllsh a notice of the re- The above picturc shows the ruins ol George M, lleiavan's Iarge barn in Loelie view thereof by publication in tvvo Bronze Township, lngham County, after thc destructive cycIone of Aug. l3, l926. The succcssive issues of the Ingbam Coun­ force of the ''twIster" struck the harn .squarcIy, compIetely wrecking it, hut not ty Nevvs, in accordance with Section hitting tile silo, whicii was left standing. The total insurance was $L725.00, 13 of Chapter XXlV of tbe Charter, No Agents to Pay—Buy Direct, Save $ $ which amount we paid promptiy. Resolved, further, that the Com­ mon Council meet at the council rooms on lrriday, thc 13th day of C. W. BELL July, 1028, at 7:30 o'clock eastern This Company Paid 4,583 Losses During the Year of 1927 ,standard time, for the purpose of re­ Wiiiiamston, Michigan viewing said assessment roll, This means that the property Of 4,583 O\Vner,s yvas in the Way of a cyclone, '.rbe foregoing resolution was duly and Wa.s either WhOlly destroyed or damajjed. These pl'Opei-ty ownel-a felt supported by Aid. Rouse and vvas adopted by the foiiowing vote; Yeas just as safe about their property not being destroyed as you dO this minute. 5; Nays 0. But no One can tell WHEN a cyclone is going to come, Or WHERE it is go­ By Alderman Fry— • ing tO strike. The WISE thing to dO, and about the ONLY thing you can Resolved by the Common Council do, is to BE PliEPARED for it. of the City of Mason that the speciai assessment roil for paving' East GETTING AHEAD Maple street in said city, from a point If yOur property should be in the Way of a cyclone this year, or any time forty-five feet east of the east line of in the future, and your buildings are destroyed or damaged. We hope We —is just a matter of saving some of your income. Jefferson avenue to the east line of s may have the pleasure of PAYING THE LOSS. You'll get your money Barnes street, and for paving Barnes street from the south line of Maple Since 1889 we have been helping folks to "get ahead''. May PROMPTLY too—because THAT'S THE WAY WE DO BUSINESS. street south to and connecting with we help you, too? the present pavement on Ash street, Your savings invested with the National Loan and Investment returned by the Board of Assessors, Michigan Mutual Windstorm be received and placed on file, and Company earns that 'Che city clerk be and Is directed to publish a notice of the review 5% AND MORE Insurance Company thereof by publication in two succes­ HOME OFFICE—HASTINGS, MICHIGAN sive issues of the Ingham County Resources over $13,000,000 Established 1889 News, in accordance with Section 13 of Chapter XXIV of the Charter, Write for Full Particulart or see one of our Local Agents Resolved, further, that the eo/amon Sllyg Rational JCoan ^ council meet at the council roonts on ornoBBS Friday, the ISth day of July, 1928, at Vice-Prestdant Beeretaty-Tnanret 7:30 o'clock eastern standard time, Zi, W. Sunday, Hastlngs for the purpose of reviewing said as­ KnpgBtmpttt fflomyanit Ony B. Orook, Bastings B. A. Parkei; Haittafi sessment roll. DIBB0T0B8 The foregoing resolution was duly 1250 Griswold St. Detroit II. B, Spencer, TpsUaatl Olara 0. Tborpe, Kalamaioo John 0. Sebolldt, Bay Olty supported by Aid. Salisbury and was Detroit's Oldest and Largest Savings and Loan Association JeioIne Barmon, Lndlngton B. A. Parker, Bastings BarrlsoD Dodds, Wait Biranea adopted by the following vote: Yeas W. P, Oreen, RlUMai* Orr a, Stanley, Indian Blver 5; Nays 0. Under State Supervision W. a Uonsteln, OWOMO Tni Knoper, HndionvlUe Ony B. Oiook, Baattngs Ohaa. B. BofbH fnlxinta* By Alderman Fry- P. H, FIELD, Mason WM. H. JOHNSTON, Lull* t. S

who wiii sow ten acres each of Har- ed against the "hot dog friend'' and of his niece, Mrs. John Chase, Sun­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wheeler. Elton Daniels has gone north to digan alfalfa. ''barbecue broiler'' to extended to the day- J. L. Hulett and daughter, Mable visit a friend. "The object of thc campaign'', says "gyp" vegetable Marketeer'' from the Harry Langham is having a nice Root, of Island Corners, called upon Mr. Hansen has moved his family Mr. Wclls, ''is to promote growing of city. lot of strawberries. the W. E. West family, Sunday. in the Aldridge residence. our best alfalfa seed producer. There Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Angell and Robert Griffith spcnt last week will be a contest among counties in Arlo Angell wcre in Jackson on bus- with Franklin Otto in Ovid. this campaign. The crop must be Calvary Gospel Chapel incss, Saturday. North Okemos Mr. and Mrs. Archie ljcach of New seeded before .July 31 and mustbeof 1 t York, arc visiting relatives in this vi­ Wesley Wigctuatt, Pastor Mrs. Arlo Angell entertained her Micbigan or Utah Certified Hardigan t mother Saturday. cinity. •seed. Any seed crop then grown can Mrs, Emma Leach called on hcr The Baptist and Methodist Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Clare Bldwell and be eligible for reinspection by the Services in hall above Howlett's cousin, VV. D. Angell, Sunday. schools yviil picnic at Round Lake, son spent the week end on a fishing \iicbigan Crop Improvement Associ­ store Sunday, July 8 under auspices Mr. and Mrs. Alton Gehringer call­ Saturday, July II. trip. ation. Also to get the highest score of Pilgrim Holiness church of Lan­ ed at Charles Smith's, Sunday. A speaker from South America Mr. Niebling, 79 years old, under­ each field must bc limed if necessary sing. Sunday school at 2:30. Song will deliver a message to us at thc went an operation at tho Sparrow and must be fertilized as recommend­ service and preaching at 3:30. Vou Methodist church this Sunday at hospital last Thursday. ed' Ijy the soils department, M. S. C. are cordially invited to worship with { Northwest Stockbridge 1 11:45 p. ra. Miss Catherine Grettenberger of ''Nothing is required that should us yvhether a member of a church or Miss Ahce Daniels is spending Peri-y, visited at the home of her not bc done in any good alfalfa pro­ not. Our aim—"To be a blessing.'' some time at Duck Lake near Albion. uncle, J. O. Grettenberger. gram,'' added Mr. Wells. "The seed Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Perrine and wilt cost more per bushel, but since Fay Townsend were in Dctroit Sun­ the recommendation for summcr seed­ ( Baptist Church Notes day. ing is five or six pounds per acre, it t .Stanley James Keldsen, Pastor Herb Swan has a neyv Chevrolet. costs less per acre than Grimm or Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cosgray Common. Also besides being our spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. surest seed producer it has shown a Sunday services, 10:00 a. m. Com­ Nathan Lantis. higher hay yield in Michigan than munion Service. Sermon, ''Fading Lena Earth returned home from any other variety. Faith.'' Dearborn Saturday. Those interested in this crop, are 11:30 a. m. Sunday school Mrs. William Knight entertained advised to get in touch immediately 5:30 p. m. Uunion Vesper Service. her brother and family last Sunday. with Mt-. Wells in order that seed may 6:30 p. m. Young Peoplfe's service. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lantis were be ordered. T. C. Maurer, head of Leslie callers Wednesday. the Farm Bureau Seed Servicc, has TME "MANO MONARCH- OF r»A.Na, LOUIS promised to furnish a supply of seed t First Presbyterian Church « to all those vvho enter the contest xtv iiw.ai nm m TO (?» wmoowsn f Rev. George A. Percival, Pastor f Douglass Territory HWH tm$, «TO|i RHOtO) TO AM) iq HB early. >t«lll6VU^ HEJCHT. nm lATOA MOoON mn. or tooAV, AOM uoim TOHE X 10 a. m. Morning worship. Com­ See Doug Fairbanks tonight! wl CAMiM» nr .VEAUNC Novary' fuoa w: Watch Out- munion service. Miss Doris Valkinburgh, Victor AmsA,smiitm AS SWWN W ume» 11:30 a. m. Church school. Marsh, Miss Venessa Dewey of Jack- The Wayside .5:30 p. m. Vesper services on the son, and Don Snyder of Mason, spent Market Gyp. court house lawn. the'week end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. BIndeir Improvements Vickers. / The Community L. A. S. will meet By ErWin Greer, President Greer I Christian Science Society | at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Y®6S Will Want College of Electrical and Automotivc Frost Thursday, July 12. Tlic grcflt success of the New John Deere The Turnip Trades, Chicago, III. Mr. and Mrs. True Martin, Mrs. lTIl tlie turnip wc come again It has probably happened to you. over Aseitine's jewelry store Weston called on Mr. and Mrs. Leo Grain Binder—its widespread popularity- W to a plant native to tlte leniliet'- It has happened to me. And it hap­ Sunday morning at 10:30. Subject of Glynn Sunday afternoon. is thc result of remarkable improvements in ate regions, growing wild in one of its pened to the motorist who sent me a lesson sermon, ''Sacrament.'' Mr. and Mrs. George Shrum and grain binder construction. All the essentials .seyeriil forms iu Sweden, Engiiind, neyvspapcr clipping, with thc com­ Miss Ethel Thyer spent the week end so important to you—capacity, durability, mand: "Sic 'cm, Greer!'' Read it and Cornmny, lloiand, l''iniiiiid, Donninrk in Windsor, Ontario and Detroit. be on guard, follcs. convenience of Operation and light draft— nnd, prolniliiy, in Sllieriii. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Backus called Out in the country there is to be on Leo Glynn and family Monday eve- you'il find in the Calll)llge.S, cnltlviitcd for Ilieir OBITUARY found tbe wayside fruit stand, yvith its mng. leaves; caulillower, liir its lliiw(!r colorful wares stacked in tempting Miss Carmen Shrum is spending LlgM EmnSng sliilic, nnd nipe. wliich is grown for thc rows that lure tbe motorist to stop some time with friends in Windsor, oil tliiit ciin lie extracted froin Its and invest a few pennies. Tbe tem­ Hattie Dillon was born in Eiiza- Ontario. Deere seecls, are uii species (if tile .same ptation to buy is strong', even tbough betb. New Jersey, May 15, 1SC2, and the buyer may realize that frequently genus lis tile tnriiip. \Viien tlte t'oet passed away at tho homc of her sis­ f"..i..i.ii....-...... y or lower pnrt nf liie sleni is liesiiy, ns tho wares are not "frcsh from the ter, Mrs. George Pryor, June 29, country," but are really ''stale from t NfiI-thcast Lansintr Toyynship t is true of turnips, tile seetl is tint 192S, aged 60 years. Her childhood Coine in nnd see tbe im­ Operate tlic improved bundle t.,2 city.'' days were spent in Elizabeth, where proved ilexiblc capncity elevn- carrier—tliis is a real labor- nhiindiint nor worth the Iroiihle of The Ladies Aid met at the hall last lt is a wcli-lcnown fact tbat many her father, Abraham Dillon, died iu lors tluit liandlc tbe c::treinely naver. • Worlc tlic gear-con- pressing for oil. Oil the otner irind, of tbc wayside stands offer yvarcs tbat .1873. Two years later shc moved Tbursday afternoon for a program liglit; cx!::T. liLOVy crop equal­ trolled reel—notice how quickly the sleiider-roeteii viuIelies prniiuco arc far from fresb. Tbis bas been with her mother, Harriett Dillon, and and picnic supper. ly v.'..'.: v.'-.l.hout \.';,c!.c and with­ and easily it can be sliiftcd. large qnnntltles of seeil, Tims liie demonstrated time and time again, family to Ilolt, Michigan, where she Thc next Grange meeting yvill be out: ciQi^'_;in(;. This reel v.'iil not whip, sap or sliiipe of tile root deieriniiies tile eco- lt bas been discovered tbat in many lived until her mother's death in 18913. held at I^otter Park Saturday evening bind in any of its operating July I'lth. Nol.;.:c how csiEv it is to oil IKIIIllc ll-Se of tile [linllt. cases the stand is merely a Sunday She then moved to the home of her positions. tills nevv ijinder to prevent adjunct to some little city business, sister, Mrs, George Pryor. Shc lived Wm. Brown who owns the old Fair- Ancient European illngullgeS llii v.'e.ir, iiEli'cen the draft and re­ Tlic John Deere lCnotter is and that thc Sunday alIair is merely a there and with her other sisters and banks farm just over the county line, lmve niiiiies for tlio turnip, wiiiie nil duce repair c;:pen'.e. U.ss an simple, durable and accurate, ''trap'' to get rid of the stale fruit, is seriously ill with little hopes of his of the iiniiies applied to it in lnllill, brothers until the time of her death. ordinary oil can; tbc oil reaches lt does a better job of tying vegetables and other ''country stuff" recovery. over a iong term of years. Ciiinii, lUKi Iiipnn iiiivc tile modern She always had a frail constitution every ber..'i:;g. left over from the city business. and spent many years of invalidism Mrs. Celia' Walter has sold five ring Ilnd only mid to tile evidence that act-es of land near the high bridge Tbcse arc only a fcw of the Or, u that is not the casc, the yvay- which she bore witb great fortitude lnnpect thc new non-clog­ numerous binder improvements in Asia tile plant iiiis been iiilroiiiiced. and a new house is being built there. side mart buys its yvares from tbe and patience, believing tbat all things ging sickle that: results in buiit into thc John Deere— Mrs. O. Plummer of Wheaton, III., Old works nn liotiiny ln Cliinii nnd city yvbolesaler and in a ''flivver'' work together for good to those yvho cleaner cutting, less wear and improvements that save time, lndiii conlnin no mention or picture truck hauls the stuff to the country believe in God. She gladly welcomed is spending the summer with her easier replacement of parts. li bor and grain. of tlie turnlii ln ciiitlvntlon or wild. as a bait for the city motorist yvith a the final summons. She leaves to brother, Roy B. Moore. W. E. West attended the funeral of Tlii. Iislit-running binder ts on dt.pIay at our .tore. De Ciindolle gives four conclusions craving for "fresh countt-y vege­ mourn their loss, two brothers, Sam­ his uncle, Wm. H. Coss, last Monday, rcgiirdltig tlie Brasslca or turnip spe­ tables''. uel J., of Bancroft, and Abraham H., In justice to tbe honest yvayside who was nearly ninety-three years of cies, ns follows: L Tlie brnsslcne yvitb of Lansing, and two sisters, Mrs. "marketeer'', yvho is really a small Henry Dorris of Alaiedon, and Mrs. age, and had been a resident of Bath flesliy roots were origiiinlly ntttives A. A. HOWLETT & CO. farmer trying to add an honest penny George Pryor of Aurelius, a number township over ninety years. of teinpernte Europe; 2, their cultiva­ to his perhaps otherwise meager in- of nieces and nephews and a host of At the Peony show last week West Mason, Michigan tion wns dilrnscd in Europe before, come, it must be said that invariably friends. ) & Son won three first prizes, one sec­ but in Asia, after, tlie Ar.vnn inva­ the wares he offers for sale on his ond and three thirds. They have won sion of Europe; 3, tbe primitive, slen­ roadside stand are fresh and worth first on best Seedling Peony two der-rooted form of bnissicn nnpis, the price he charges. Bunkerhill t years in succession. called brasslca canipestris, or of tbe It behooves the city motorist, Miss Esther Wheeler was married Saturday morning to Eimer Randell field, liad frotn tlte beglnnlng a more therefore, to be more discriminate and 1 At this Stole You Get QUALITY SER^ICTl thus buy his "fresh country vege- See Doug Fairbanks tonight! wl of Reed City, at the home of her par- extended range, from tbe Scandinn- tables and fruit'' from one who really Mr. and Mrs. Travis are still visit­ vlaii peninsula towards SliiGria nnd has these commodities for sale and ing their daughter, Mrs. Williams. tlic Caucasus. Its cultivalion was. not from the ''highway highbinder'' Mr. McFadden has sold his farm to perhaps, introduced Into Cltinn and Ia- witb vegetables "stale from the city'', Mr. Sares of Detroit, yvho has taken pnn, tiirougb Siiicria, nt an epneli which he is trying to unload on a possession. wlilcli appears not to be mucli earlier guillible motoring public that takes Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Phillips and tliiin llio Cnicco-lloman civiiization. his already yvitting wares at their Dee Dunham visited their father, ln tlic lust place, lie says, turnips owner's valuation. William Dunham, Sunday. spread lnlo .soiitliwestern ..ysln at a Let the "war" that has been declar- Elmer Brooks of Leslie, was a guest period inter tiiiin tliiit of tbc lleiirew Do You Want This civiiizntion, ns tills vcgetiiliie seems to lmve iieen known ninnng tiie Ileiirews. fi- 'Ilic turnip iins 11 nniiie of ils own in prncticniiy nll of tlie old European Brush Set tongues. 'I'lie turnip is cnlilvated so easily nnd spreads so readily ilint it may Summer Meat Specials 1)0 found in a .semi-wild stale nl- mosl anywliere in Europe today in spots were it lias escaped from culti­ vation, 'rbere is abundant evidence, FREE hoyvever, tbat it also grows in an actu­ FOR SATURDAY ally wild sfnte In tbe many regions ni- , ready enumerated atid is a true Ettro- with the Famous pcnn. Best Bologna, ftesh, well,seasoned, per lb. _ 22c Small Frankfurts, highest quality, per lb. __ 25c

SWIFT'S SELECT BEEF You will like this new idea in brush sets. The Mt comes complete with wail rack, hooks and screws ready to That Mason people appreciate Swift's Select Beef is prov­ hint in your kitchien. There is t hriish for every i?ur- The pose. Well made of very t>est materials, and just like ed by our increasing sales. It costs a fraction more per those you have aiways seen iuid wanted. On this sale you can get these t>rushes alMwlutely FREE, with the ONLlfiroii pound but it's money well invested because it's always ten­ Sunbeam lroiy—the best iron money can buy. with all these features der, tasty and Wholesolne. Order a roast or steak today. % Non-breakable TROUBIE PROOF plug encased in steel--cannot crack or crumble. The ONLY plug that holds cord to iiide and out of way when ironing. Bif outsUfl air-cooled spring «l«Miyf assures perfect contact. . City Meat Market Air-cooled handle—the large air pasaages'in Sun- a• beam handle and handle straps let cool air in, pushing heat away from hand. ONLY the Sunbeam, F. J. McPRANGLE, Prop. has this handle. Phone 293 30-year all-over heating unit that was left on elec- 3• trie current day and night for a year and a half and did not burn out. This unit covers the entire bot­ tom of iron from point to hed, and hence saves much time and effort in ironing.

Patented art steel fireproof case in which you can 4• put your iron away hot after ironing.

Lumber for Every Purpose YoM get the $7.S0 SUNBEAM IRON an4 the $3.00 BRUSH SET Growers Of Hardigan cedar Shingles, Asphalt Shingles, Roll Roofing $10.50 Value Alfalfa Are Wanted Johns-Manville Asbestos Shingles Both for $%S0 COUNTY AGENT WELLS SEEKS Tht nfuIar orlee of tlie Bun. Fence Posts, Lime, Cement, Building Supplies twain Iron IfH.SO. U.OOBnuli Only $L00 down - $l.00 monthly TWENTY FAIti!»ERS;. 8ft ftvcn FKBB with no ln. crcMt tn prtct. Ptrcproof est* A campaign is being carried on in ir $1.00 more. .Micliigan by the, Micliigan Farm Bur­ A Complete Building Service eau Seed Departnwnt for the purpose of increasing tlie:allhttber of Hardigan alfalfa seed, growj^ri; A call is being issued to Infhain. farnaen l»y; Agrli -Bak^r Uiinber Compaiiy cultural Aflat ^:G.':Welit^ Jr., to if tbere titt tweiity ramM the ^ Page Ten INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICH.. THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1928

whom WM referred the reiiiiest of Sherllf Sils- 616 O. yv. Rnndntl 33.70 33.70 In payment of the claims as recommended by hy to e.Nchango tho old niotoreycio for a now 617 tngham Oounty News .. t75.75 175.75 tbo Committee. Sup. Avery secoiuiod tho mo­ White Oak I ono, would rocommond that lie be authorlicd 018 Ihling Bros. & Evorard Co. I'.'8..I8 128.48 tion. Tho roll was cnllcd and tho various Sup­ to make said change. 010 Gregory. Mayor & Thorn. 28.-1.1 28.44 ervisors voted as follows: Yeas: Avery, Oar- Signed: Coo. Jtagamicr, O. S. Thorburn. C. 620 Fin.'; Mfg. Co. tt.SO 3.50 voii. Christopher, Doxtader, t''erguson. Field, Hagainior, Hanna, House, tvlock. Lehman, Junior and Russeli Hartsuff are tt. Monger. 021 Merriii Proctor 2-1.10 2.1..I0 After some discussion it was moved by 0'J2 Doubleiiiiy Hros. 77.-13 77.-13 Lovejoy, Marshall, MeComb, McKalo, Moore, visiting tbeir grandparents, Mr. and Sup. ttaganiioi. and seconded tliat tiic roiiort 023 yv. A. Biackmore (iioid Monger, Murray, t'hillips. Potter, Rumsey, REDUCED TIRE PRICES Mrs. Fred Hayhoe, tbis week. of tho Cominittoo be ailoploil. After remarks for an O. K.) 37.80 Sawyor. t.'auneo, Smitb. Tliorburn. Tragor. Ty­ ior. Vanltiiren. Warner and Chairman Temple- jFred Gifford and son Lawton of by Sups, t.'erguson, Phillips and others Sberilf 62-1 Gertrude Arend 5-1.00 5-1.00 Silsby took tho Iloor and e.\plalnod tho situa­ 025 t.\ E. Soarl 80.20 s0.20 Ion—30. Nays 0. So a majority of all the Grand Rapids, visited Mrs. Carrie tion, aail tho agreement which ho enleiod inlo 020 Daniel S. Mcvis -1.00. .1.00 Siiiiervisors having voted Iberotor, tho reporl 30x,3"/2 .Tackrabbit . $ 5.50 Wiicox from Friday until Sunday of with tbo Salaries Committee, at the time his 027 l.'reii Mariiuardt 10.3(1 10.30 was adopted and the claims wore ordered paid. la!st week. olfico was piaced on a saiary. Sup. Potter then 028 'rhe Doige Co. 15.00 15.00 Tbe Committee on S.ilnrios then submitted .30x31/2 Buffalo 6.45 stated that it was ids opinion tiiat they shouid C'iO t.'raiiklin DelCloino Co. „ 15.58 15.58 the following ameiiilcd roiiort in regard lo a I Mr. and Mrs. Fred lIayboe and have some dolinile price ia tbo report boforo 030 Dudley Paper Co. 00.85 00.85 now mntorcyele for tho Sherilf's department; 30x3!/» Dunlop 9.15 tbeir daugbter and Mr. and Mrs. Har- adopting it. tto thereupon moved that tiio 031 Mickclson-tfaugh Ca. 33.7-1 .'13.7.1 To tiio Honorable Hoard of Supervisors. old Hartsuff and sons spent Sunday mailer lie referred back to tho Salaries Com­ 632 Kiilamiuoo State Hospital 21.72 21.72 Gonllonion: Your Saiurios Oonimitteo, to inittoo. they to got a definite price for tbe 033 t'mil Eddy -. 7.00 7.00 whom was referred the reiiuest ot Slieriir 29x4.40 Dunlop 9.15 at Geo. Mitcbeli's. now iiiotoreycle. 'l'he motion was seconded 03-1 O. t''. Pease Co. 11.30 11.30 Silsby to exeliaiigo tiio oid motorcycie for a I Mrs. James l3arnbart and Frank and carried by the following vole: Yeas 110; 035 E. L. Davis -10.50 .16.50 now one, would recommend that ho bo auth- 29x4.40 AublIln 9.15 Barnhart and wife entertained reia­ Nays II. 030 Callaghan & Co. 7.00 7.00 ori/.eil to niaiiu said change, tho cost not tn Chairman Tempicton tiion appointed tho 637 John Chick 22.70 22.70 exceed $200.00. 29x4.40 Corduroy __ 8.00 tives from Cieveland, Obio, last Tues­ foiiowing committees for reviewing the as­ Oils J. M. Hcwilt (heW for Signed: Geo. ttagnmior. G. S. Thorburn. day. sessment rolls: [.ovojoy and Phiiiips; Iranna investigation) 3.5-1 O. M. Menger. Comniitteo. and I'otter; Tyior and Christopher; t.'erguson 030 Floyd Turrell '28.00 28.00 Slip, ttagamier moved that thc report of, tbe 29x4.95 Dunlop . 10.75 and Mctvalei yviirner and Tragor; Miwro and 6-10 State Mutual Cyclone Ins. .1.50 .1.50 Coninilltee be adapted. .Sup. Tliorbiirii sec­ ttiigamier; Menger and Smith; ttouso and 6.11 Oscar Nichols 22.50 22.50 onded tho motion. Considorablo discussion 29x4.95 General 10.75 t^ Whipple's Corners ] t.'aimce; Carven and McComli; 'I'liorburn and 0.12 (lorslino Rimciman Ou. •-. 75.00 75.00 followed and Su|i. I.'erguson moved thai tbc Avery; Uuinsey and Doxtailor; t^iciii and Mar­ 6.13 Emory Pratt Co. 2,-15 2..I5 matter bo referred to tho Ways and Moans 30x,5.77 Dunlop 16.00 shall : Sawyer aiul 'Loiiman; Murray and fl-ll Daniel S. Movis 2.00 2.00 Coinmiltee. to be taken ini by them al the Van Huron. 0t5 Mich. Childroiis Aid Soe.. .102.05 .102.05 Oetolier session. Tho motion was scconileil I Clifford Bates and vvife were Satur­ 'I'herouiioa there being no further business 0-10 yVindaor Lantis 32.00 32.00 anil after further remarks tho roll was called, 30.\4..50 Corduroy 9.00 day caiicrs at Albert Aseltine's. to come iioforo the Hoard at this timo, it was 6.17 Woo. Marshall (leiillemeii; Your OommitKK. on Mileage and nian Teniplclon—2i). AliBont—.Scheper.s—I. MASON, MICH. It was Ihea moved by Su|i. Potior and siiji and supported that the bill of w. A. Hlaek- Per Diem beg leave to report as follows: ll waft then movoi hy Sup. Sawyer that Mr. ported by Sup. Tyler that Iho resolution be 5C. A. t.'aum.e be .seated iin liie Hoard for tho iidopl.ed. After coiisideralile discussion ot tlio .day in place of Sup. Scheperji who wa.s ali- niatter. the roil was called and the motion ' Twp. or yvnrd Supervisor .hiral. Tbe motion wa.s seconded and carried MItcs Anil. Diws Aint. Total was carried and the resolution adopted by the Alaioiioii, F.. A. Tyler . !ind Mr. t.'aiiiice was seated as a niemlier of 111 $1.00 1 S5.00 $0.00 fiillowing vote: Yeas .'Id; Nays 11. Aureiius. John Avery H ^ Phones t-be Hoard for the day. Tiieroiipon the report of tlie Ooniniillee on 10 1.0(1 1 5.110 0.0(1 Huakorhill. Cbarles II. Murray l..i]uali7.jit)oii was presented as follows: 30 3.0(1 1 5.00 8.00 DAY 140 v'lUii. t.ciimaii tlieit moved tiiat inasmiii.ii as llellii, Clitude Monger printed copies of tbo proceeiiiiiKS of the Hoard To the Itoiioriilile Hoard of Supervisors. 10 Mill 1 5.00 0.00 Ingham. Tlionms II. Hannn . NIGHT for Ibe May meeting hail been mailed to each 12 1.20 1 5.00 0.20 (Jeiitiomen : Ymir Cnmmillee on Eipmrr/.alion Lansing. Roy li. Mooro SnjicTvifior, Ihe miuules bu consiiiereii read 31 3.40 1 5.00 8.40 72 lespoi.ttully Difers the following reporl: Leroy. Archie fj. House nnd approved. Tbe motion was secoiiileii and 48 4.8(1 1 5.(1(1 0.8(1 07S University tlospilal lli.s.SII JOS.SO Leslie. Ferris H. itiinisoy jiroviiiled. 20 2.00 1 5.00 7.00 1170 University llospitiil .'lO.OO IIO.OO Locke, wm. II. Lovejoy A conimunicatiun from Ibc Secretary of. the liSII University tlospitnl fiKM,'; 510.1.'! 7(1 7.00 1 5.(10 12.(1(1 Meridian. John R. t.'erguson 26 •2.00 1 5.00 7.00 .Micbiiciin A..i.ioci»lioii of tieKisler of Deeds, li.SI Universily Hospital lll.Oll 13.00 f)nondaga, Ouy O. Doxtader miiiesliiiK Ibo Hoard of Suporvi.sors tn semi 30 3.00 1 5.00 8.00 liS2 Simrrow Hospital 70.011 07.50 Stoekbridgo, Mattiiow l.eiiman •i:he Inghnm County tiegisler of Deeds to the 40 4.00 1 • 5.0(1 0.00 0S3 Sparrow Itosiiiliii Sr.OO S.1.00 Vevay. Waiter R. Carven ^ •annual convention lo be held In St. .tohiis. •1 .40 1 5.00 5.40 OH.l Sparrow Hospitai - -lO.iiO .10.50 yVheiitlield, Shnriie A. Waraer — '.Michigan, on .tune 'JStb and 2!lth, was then 10 1.00 t 5.00 0.00 O.sn Sparrow Hospital - sl.OO .S.l.OO yvhito Oak, Freii Marshaii iread by the Cierli. Thereuiioii Su|i. tianna 32 3.20 1 5.00 8.20 (i.Sfi SI. Lawrence Hospital — .';5..';o .W.SO wiiiianistou. I.". I'. VauHuren moved that the communication be received anil 30 3.0(1 1 5.00 8.0(1 0S7 Sparrow Hospital ls2.0ll 1.S2.IIII East Lansing, H. A. I.'aimce placed on llio. Siiii. I'liillips secoiidoii the mo- 32 3.20 1 5.00 8.2(1 I'iSS St. Lawrence Hos|illal ... 3S.5II il.S.OO East Lansing. A. R. Sawyor Lion. After some discussion tile motion was O.sn St. Lawreuco Hospital ... 0,S.5O OS.50 32 .'1.20 1 5.00 8.20 WINDSTORM INSURANCE oarried hy the following vote: Yeas HO; Lansing Oity, E. I). Klock 28 2.80 1 5.00 7.80 OOO Sparrow Hospital - Iil.50 5S.50 Lansing City. yVin. 1.:. Triiger Nays 0. no I St. Lawrence Hosiiital ... 50.00 50.00 28 2.80 1 5.00 7.80 Lansing Oily. Win. .It. McKale 26 2.00 1 5.00 7.00 'rhoreuiion tiie following report of the Sal­ Signed: E. A. 'rylor, J. It. t.'erguson, Oeo. tjimsing City, Geo. Hiiuaniier is your protection against aries Committee, to wliom was referred the Itagfuiiior. Ooniniitiee. 20 2.00 1 5.00 7.0(1 Lansing City, S. I'ottor 21, 2.00 1 5.00 7.0(1 matter of a new motorcycle for liio Sherilf's Tliercmioii it was moved by Sup. 'rylcr and Lansing Oity, Frank Clirlaloiilier Doiiarlinent, was rend by the Clork: supporlod that tbe report of Ihe Committee lie 20 2.60 I 5.00 7.on t.ansing City. Max A. Templeton 20 2.00 1 5.00 7,00 WIND DAMAGE To tbe tlonurablo Hoard of Supervisors. iidoiiteii and tiiat tiio Ciork be iiuthori-/.cd lo Lansing Oity, A. It. I'liiiliiis flentionien: Your Salaries Coinmiltee, to draw bis warrants in iiaymeiit of the claims. 28 2.80 1 5.00 7.8(1 Lansing Oity, A. J. Smith 28 2.80 1 5.00 7.80 ARE YOU PROTECTED? Let us show you how cheap it is Lansing Oity. wm. It. McComli 20 2.00 1 5.00 7.00 Mason. Ist ward. Charies •Field 2 .20 1 5.00 5.211 Twp. or yviird Acres Valuation as Assessed Tot. Vnliintioii Till. Vnluntiim Ma.son, 2nd ward, d". S. Thorburn .20 t 5.00 5.20 Assessed Itoid Estule t'ersoniil AH Assessed As t..(|unllzed W. E. C. McCowan, Insurance 125 Ash St. W. Aiaiedon ..2,'I.O()2.,S0 $ 1.580.500.00 S 100,2501.0, 0 S 1.002.750.00 $ 1.002,7511.00 $227.00 Aurclius .22.00S..H 1.308.015.011 111,515,.0 0 1, •170.530.110 1,.170,530.00 .21,01:1.00 05,^17 5, 00 tliiiikerhill 820,525.00 805.000.00 805,000.00 more for $37.80 not aiinweii. and bills for ,22,001.00 210.850,.0 0 Respectfully submilted: Mntthew t.ehniiin, Itolhi 3.712.533.00 3.032.383.00 3.032.383.00 coal furnished aaiiitariimi, lie iiaiii by the ,2I).;)50.00 71.070 .00 ft. 0. Doxtader, Charles Field. Committee. Inghnm 1.IG0.080.0II 1,2.11,050.00 Clork. as aoiui as they can bo sent lo the 13.50 l.M 250,32.1 .011 Sup. Avory then moved that the roport ot Liinsiug 'I'wji. 7.875.575.0(1 8,1 25.00().»O .8.125,000.00 Sanitarium Hoard for okeli. The molion was ,21.110.80 257.0.10, ,00 the Commitloe bo considered read aad adopt­ Leroy 1,872,025.00 2,120,005.00 2,120,005.00 carried on roll call by the following vote: ,22.150.07 203.210,.01 1 ed. Tile motion was seconded. Tile roll was •Leslie 2.100,001.00 2, t53.30l.00 2..I53,30.|.00 Yeas 30; Nays 0. 1, 52,550 .00 1.330,5511,110 • 1,330,550.00 called and the various Suporvi.sors voled aa Locke 'rboreupon the reiiort of the Conimilleo oil FUNERAL DIRECTORS ,20,788.02 2.837.520.00 200.000,,0 0 3, follows; Yeas: Avory. Carvon. Christopher, Meridian Drain Claims, was read hy the Clork as fol­ ,22.703.80 1.2211,035.00 .15,150 .00 1.272.385.00 1,272,385.00 Doxtader. I-'ergiisoii, Field, Hagamiei', tiaiina. Onondaga lows ; ,22.158.70 1,501,015.00 283.500,.0 0 I.7S5.J.I5.00 1.785..I.15.00 ttouso, Kloek. Ijohman, Lovejoy, Marshall, Mc- Stoekbridgo Your Committee on Drain Claims, lo whom 10,0211.!M 1.307.200.00 J (18,07.1 I .-175,275.00 l.-l7.-,,27.5.00 Comb. Mctvalo. Mcngor. Moore, Murray, Phil- VOGT & CO. Vevay .00 has been referred the following claims, beg 1,21.1,0.15.00 85,075 1.300.020.00 1.300.020.00 Ii|is, t'oller, ttumsoy, Sawyer, l.'aunee, .Smith, Wheiitlield .00 leave lo report as follows: \vo bave carotuUy 23.018.00 1.2111.350.00 05,550 1.28-1.000.00 1.28.1,000.00 Thorburn, 'rragor, Tyler, ViinHuroii, Warner While Oak —... .00 examined tjic claims, and recommend tlieir ai- Day and Night SerVice 18.81-1.00 2.510.275.00 .125,238 2.07.1,513.00 and Chairman Templeton—30. Nays 0. So a yvlllianiston .00 inwanco as follows: 870,300.00 135,.ll,'; .00 1.01.1,715,00 majority of all the Supervisors having voted Mason, t ward No. Ciiiimant Ciaimod Allowed 272,220, .00 1.-I10.1.I5.00 1..I10,l-l 5.00 Ihorofor. tlie report of tiio Oomniittee was Phone 356 Mason, 2 ward 075 Lloyd R. Doane $123.00 $123.60 adapted. I.iinstiig, t ward .. 111,130,185.00 2,127,010, ,00 12,258,005.00 'Signed: John Avery, A. J. Smilh, Matthew 'rhoroiipoa there tioiag no fiirther liusiness Lansing. 2 ward .. 20.0.|7,.IOn.OO fi.021,1175,.0 0 32.000.37.'i.OO 32.000.375.00 I.obmaii, Comniitteo. to come boforo tlio Hoaril at this timo. Sup. MASON, MICHIGAN Lansing, 3 ward — 10,1 •10,525.00 5,.180, MO,.0 0 21.020.07-1.00 Sup. Avery tiieii moved that the report of Cliristoplier moved that tlie Hoard adjourn Lansing. -I ward — 810,001 ,00 17.003.3-11.00 17, 'Uie Onnunitteo lie aiinpted and that tbo Olcrk until tho first Monday in Auguat. 'rhe motion Lansing, 5 ward — 10,010,825.00 1,588,1 •10,0, 0 12,537,005.00 12,537,005.00 bo auUiorl'/.pd to driiw his warrants in pay­ was soeoiided and carried. Accordingly the ILiinsIng, 0 ward .. 20.1 10.725.00 17,55.1.820, ,00 37,701,5.15.00 37.701.5-15.00 2,.I.S.I,5,S0. ment of tho oiaims. as recommended by the Cliairman declared the Hoard adjourned 1111- J.ausing, 7 ward — 8.300,025.00 ,(10 t0.78.|,005.00 10,78.1,005.00 .1,000.200.00 51,.175, .1.120.705.00 Coinmiltee. Sup. Sinilh .seconded the motion. Ul Monday. August 0. 1028. nt 10 o'clock a.m. Lansing, ward .. ,00 •1,120,705.00 3,007,005.00 1.11,020. 3.,S08.08.5.00 The roil was called and the various Super­ C. ROSS HILLIARD, Ciork. E. l.iiiising. I t'rec ,00 3..SOS.i)S5.00 3,170.031.00 110,2.10, 3,281,171.00 visors voted as foliowa: Yeas. Avory. Carven, MAX A. TEMt'LETON, Chairman. If you want to buy or sell, use a Classified Adv. K Lnnsing, 2 t'rec .00 3,281,171.00 Christopher, Doxtader, Forgu.soii, Field, Hagii.- mier, Hanna. House. Klock. I.eiiman. Love­ Totals for County .330,802.01 $150.1-10.203.00 S30..I02,008.00 $105,033,201.00 $105,033,201.0(1 joy. Marshaii, McComii. iNIcKiilo, Monger. Mooro. Murray, Phillips, Potter, Runisoy, Saw­ yor, I.'iiiiiice, Smith, Tiiorbura, Tragor, Tyier, Uehpeciruliy submllteii: S. A. yvariier. M'. II. Signed: fi. S. Thorburn, V. J. Christopher, VanHuroii. yVnriier and Chairman Tonipieton— Hanna, Win. L. McOonili. Roy H. Moore, H. A. .1. Sniilii. Cnmniitlee. 30. Nays 0. So a majority of aii Iho Suiior­ A. t'liunco, (leo. Hagamier, Committee. Thereupon Sup. Tiioriiurii moved tiiiit tiio visors iuiving voled Iberotor, the report was • Thereupon it was moved iiy Sup. Monger iiail rojiort of tiie Committee iie i)do|ilcd nnd Ibat adopted nail the claims were ordered paid. ' supportcii that inasmucli as tho viiliiatioiis Iho Ciork bo autlioriv.od lo draw his warrants Tho Committee on Justice and Coroner wore i.ipiali'.'.oil as nssossed tiiat tbe reporl bo in iniymont of tiio claims, as recommeiuicii by Claims then presented Iho following report: uonsldorod .road and. ,adoiitod. Tiio roil was the Oumniittee. , Sup. Smith secuiiilcd tho mo­ Your Oomiiiitteo on Justice and Coroner i.iilleit and the niolioh was carried and the lion. The 'roll was called and th6 ' various Oiaims. to • whom has boon rotorrod tho fol­ Auction Sale! report adoiited by tho foiiowing volo; Yeas .Suiiorvisors voted as follows: Yeas: Avery, lowing clalma. hog leave lo report ns follows: ilO I Nays 0. Carven, Christoiihor, Doxlador, i.'orguson. Field, Wo have carefully examined liio claims and To Settle the Estate of C. L. Casterlin, I will sell at Public Auction at the place on East Thoroupon the Oommlttoo on Public Health Iliigamior, Hnnnn, House, ICIock. 'I.ohman, recommend their allowance as foliowa: Claims prosontod the following report; t..ovojoy, Marshall. McCoi'fib. MoKale. Monger, No. Claimant Claimed Allowed Elm street, on Your Committee on Public ttoalth Claims, Mooro, Murray, t'hliliiis. Potior, ttumsoy, Saw­ 703 Olty ot Lanaing $200.25 .$200.25 to whom has been referred tho following yer, Faunce, .Smith, Thorburn, 't'rager, 't'yior, 704 Mich. Dept. ot Health .. 25.00 25.00 claims, bog leave to roiiort as toilows: we VauHuren, Warner nnd Chairman Templeton 705 O. S. Davenport. M. D. .. 25.00 25.00 Iiavo carotuiiy o.-ciiniined the eliiiins nnd rec­ —30. Nays 0. So n majority of all tbc Sup­ 700 Miiton .Shaw. ,M. D 25.00 . 25.00 ommend their allowance as follows: ervisors liiiviiig voted therefor, tho report was 707 Emily L. Ilollistor 170.30 176.30 No. Claimant Claimed Allowed adopted and the claims wore' ordered paid. 728 Emily L, llollister 136.00 130.60 SATURDAY, JULY 7,1928 070 University Hospitai $tG0..13 $100..13 Tho report ot tho Committee on Oeneral Signed: F. H. Rumsey, A, H. Phillips, yv. ri77 University Hospital 32.00 32.00 Oiaims was tlicn presented m follows; R. Onrvon. W. H, McKalo, E. A. Tyler. Oom. Commencing at 1:30 o'clock, sharp, the following described property: ns roconiinonded by tho Oommlttoo. The roll Your Commitiee on dciicral Claims, to whom Sup. Riimaey then moved that tho report of was called and tho Suiiorvisors voted ns fol­ has been referred the following clnima, liog the Oommlttec bo adopted nnd thnt tho Clerk lows: Yeas: Avery, Carven, Christopher. Dox- leave to rojiort as follows; Wo have carefully be authorized to draw hla warrants in pay­ tador. Ferguson. .Field, Hagamier. Hanna, exnmincii the claims and recommend their nl- ment of the claima. na recommended liy the Small Heating Stove Quantity of Canned Fruit House, Kloek, Lehman, t.ovejoy, Marshall. Mc­ lowiuico as follows; Committee. The motion wns seconded by Sup. 4 Mattresses Comb, McKalo, Mcngor, Moore, Murray, Phil- 587 yvooil and Peck - $ 75.00 $ 75.00 Fhilllpa. The roll wim onllcd nnd thc vnrioua Feather Bed, new Kitchen Stove Some Fruit Cans Hps, Potter, Rumsey. Sawyer. Faunco, Smith, 588 Claudo AuaUn — 38.62 38.62 superviaora voted ns follows: Yeiui: Avery. Tliorburii. Tragor, Tyler, VaiiBuron and Chair­ 580 A. U. Ball - 75.00 76.00 Carvon, Christopher, Doxtndor, Ferguson, Flold, Quantity Of Quilts Kitchen Table Many Books man Toniploton—30. Nnys 0, So n majority 500 City of Liinalng 52.00 62.00 Hngnmior, Hanna, House, Klock, iLchmnn, Marble Top Stand of lill the Supervisors hnvlng voted therefor, 691 Frank E. Horrlck 17.30 17.30 Lovejoy, Marshnll. McOomb, McKalo, Menger, Oak Bedroom Suite Small Cupboard the report was adopted and the claims were 592 R. D. spoor 16.70 18.70 Mooro. Murray, Phllllpn, Potter, Rumsey, saw­ Walnut Dresser Wash Bench 2 Hat Stands ordered imid. 593 Gregory. Mayor & Thorn. tt.7B 11.76 yer. Faunce, smith, 'Thorburn. Trager, Tylor, 2 Clocks Thereupon ' tho report of the Commlttoo on 594 Dr. L. N. Yorkos (held for VanBurcn. Warner nnd Chnlrmnn Templeton Oak Bookcase All Cooking Utensils •Contagious Disonae Clnlms wim rend by the further Informntlon) t4t.00 —30. Nnys 0. So n mnjorlty of all tho sup­ Couch Some Pictures Cierk ns follows: „ , ^, 696 IL. E. Snllabury 13.78 1.').78 ervisors having voted therefor, thc report of 6 Rocking Chairs Your Committee on Contagious DIsense 696 Wlllard Blunchnrd 12.00 12.00 tho (^mmttteo was ndopted nnd. the clnima Feather Bed 2 Mirrors Clnlms, to whom bns lieon referred tho fol­ 697 J. 0. iLowls ... 18.75 18.75 were ordered pnld. Desk Chair 698 Addrcasograph Co. (not al­ Hard Coal Heater lowing clnlms, beg leave to report as follows: Thereupon tho roport of tho Oommlttec on Morris Chair Lamps Wo have carefully cxamlnod tho claims and lowed) -„ 5.28 Sherltt and Oonatnblo Clnlms was road by tho 2 Oak Beds and Commode recommend their allowance as follows: 599 J. G. Wells '. 164.88 154.88 Clerk na follows: 6 Dining Chairs Plenty of Carpets No. Clnlmnnt Claimed Allowed 600 Davld S. Peart 78.t7 78.t7 Your Commlttoo on sherllf nnd Constable Walnut Chest fifl2 City of Lnnsing . I28B.90 »289.90 601 Royco Co. 19.00 19,00 Clalma, to whom hns boon roforred the fol­ 2-bumer Oil Stove 3 Feather Pillows ' «93 City of Lansing,- 627.47' 627.47 602 Doiibledny, Hunt, Dolan .. 44.72 44.72 lowing clnlms, beg lonvo to report as follows: Large Cupboard 1194 O. A. Cook, Dir. .. . 290.50 '290.50 603 Stnndnrd Oil Co 25.00 25.00 Wo hnvo carefully cxnmlned the clnlms nnd Curtains Quantity Dishes Hall Rugs «95 St. I Lawrence Hospital — 192.25 192.25 604 Mlch. School Service Co.. 15.98 15.98 recommend thelr nilownnco na follows; 096 Sparrow Hospltni J08.25 108.25 605 JoaopK W. Planck (not No. Clnlmnnt '' Clnimed Allowed «97 0. A. Oook. Dir. 6.46 6.48 ' Rilnwcd) ,1.00 708 Clty of Lnnsing j.tmM $158.05 «98 Miilvin E. Biirlow .85.50 '• 85.60 608 iVandoi'voort Hardware Co 3.20 3.20 709 City of iLnnalng .;. 43.70 43.70 TERMS CASH m Sparrow Hospltnl .;—..;.'-.; 54.00 54.00 607 Oornolliis Powoll .. 80.60 80.60 7t0 Olty of ILnnalng 276.50 278.50 100 Pnlmor & O'Donnoll 10.00 10.00 608 Harold Mond 12,30 12.30 7tt Goo. H. Boarup 30.45 30.45 701 J. P. Lemon, .M. D. — 21.00 21.00 609 R. S. Rlggs 52.40 52.40 7t2 Hugh W. Silsby 27.83 27.83 102 A. 4 P.. Tea Co. —1—... 44.51 44.51 610 Walter Cai.von. ot al., .. 15.80 16.80 signed: 0. H. Monger, John Avery, R. B. 721 Dr, Di.A.OalbriiUh-C;.-"; 51.00 ' 51.00 611 Otia BleVBtor Co. 5.16 5,16 Moore, ,E. D. Klock, W. B. Tragor, W. H. 8.04 612 St.. hawrenoe Hospital 4.50 4.60 W. CASTERLIN, Adm'r 722 CItas. Foster 8.04 Lovejoy, Committee. - MRS.F. 728 Mrr Nina B.„Hllllanl . 1.48 1.48 61S James Hodge 27.80 27,80 Thereupon Sup. Menger moved that the re- 724 Unslng.Olty BoipItal .... 42.00 42,00 614 Keith iLang.....: 12,00 12.00 port of the Clommtttea be adopted and that Mr& L M. Blandiard, Clerk

ByOiborne Tlie Home Fires Burn THE FEATHERHEADS 1(1 by Mt«i<(n Nt»il«i«r I'M**.) lbflColl«^ Kkldi«»>2: MUMOT! WlRltfHTl r WHI MAKS UP OH SIT IT \ K Trim AHVl»llK)fr HOW tONfl DO MM UMNT Vouft MINO--ANO WWM.KUV-TtlU I CAN Bf vam M\\X m To tWE IMDIMdy lav To iMpnovF p.v THIS WINS.'' OM IT /•• ICftMOtClWSy AN8U)E»*C

rfew.lkicldies.tbis IS a bologtJfiy sausaeCe, which like tiTC lasp- bcn'y.is aned iblGrvmt,3nd ie tbe symM of HOKUM

Uhit did folks mMr)


Kenneth R. Hoffman, Lansing 21 BOAKn OK DKTBniVIINATION. IIEAKING OLAIltls. OASTEHLIN—OCT. 21) BUSINESS CARDS SLATS' DIARY Gladys M. Hiiliard, Montcalm Co__17 Stale of MichiKiiii. The Protiate Court for state of MichlRan. Tho Probate Oourt for BY ROSS FARQUHAK Ihc Oounty of tiiKham. the Oounty of tiiKham. PIIYslCIANs Murray D. Bishop, Lansing 29 Plates That Fit tn Ihc Mutter of thc Homer Slicct Drain. At a session of said Oourt. helil nt Ihc Pro­ Gladys L. Hartford, Grand Rapids_23 A rictltlon havinK tioen filed In naiil Oourt bate Olfico In tho Oity of Mason, In said coun­ T. C. BUSKIRK, M. D. OlTice corncr JefTer. Friday—Pa is very witty sumtimes hy tlio Oounty Druln Oommb.sloner of Kiiiil ty, on the 20th day of June, A. D. 1028. .on and Maple. Hours 2 to 4; 7 to 9 p. m, Oounty for the iippolntment of a Hoard of Do- Present. HON. L. B. McAR'tTlUR, Judfic Oalls iiromptly attended to. Phone 367. in his liter moments. He was tayvk- Icrnjinallon to nHcoruiln and iletcrmino the of Probate. ing tonite about t Pray Neighborhood { $10 and up necessity of the said drain, and Euxcnc Tyler til thc Matter of the Estate ot FRED yV. mister Mcdonald nf Alaiedon township. OharlcH tt. Murray of OASTBRLIN, Deceased. FUNEKAf. DIItEOTOIts Artistic, in Ap|>earance Itiinkerhlll township, Claude Menucr of Delhi It niipearhiK to the court tliat time for pre­ who is skotch. and Guaranteed Perfectly Satisfactory VoKt & Oompany. Phone 3ti6. Day nnd nteht lownshlii, Matthew t-.ehman of Stockbridgc sentation of claims iiKainst said estate should acrvice. Ambiilnnce. Mason, Mich. 8yJ be sed that evry Mr. and Mrs. John Harmon visited in Every Respect. lownshbi. Ferris Rumsey of T.eslle township. he limited, and thnt a time and place be ap­ time mister Mc­ their son, Mr. and Mrs. Boyden Har­ E.\tractlng for Plates Charles r'leld of tst yvard. Olty of Mason, anil pointed to rocolve, examine and adjust all mon, Saturday. I.'rcd Marshall nf While Oak township. Sup­ claims and demands aKainst said dcccase. lfl2S. at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of $137.41, and no suit nt law havinK been by and before said court: instituted to recover said debt, or nny pnrt Tbirsday—Ma & Pa a»"ent on speck­ sing Office of the State Higliway De­ hereliy appointed for the exiimination and ad­ of said days, for the purpose of examlninK tt Is Ordered, That creiiitora of said dccons­ thereof, notice ia hereby Riven that on Friday, justment of aii claims and licmnnds anainst and ndjiislintr said claims. od are reiiuired lo present thcir claims to said ing terms noyv after the remark pa partment. AuKust toth. 1028, nt 10 o'clock In the fore­ said deceascii. Dated June 2Sth. A. D. 102S. court at said Probate Office on or lioforo noon of aaid day. Eastern Standard Time, at made at tbe supper tabel tonite. Pa A certified check in the sum of Five tt is I'^iirther Ordered. That public notico HENRY TRUE. the 13th day of Octoiior, A. D.. lO'iS at len tho Wesl front dnor of thc Court House In lole Unkie Henry tbat tbe oniy time Hundred (.$500.00) Dollars, made pay- thereof be KIVCII by puiiiication of a copy of EP.NEST JAOKSON. o'clock in the toreiiixiii. saiii time and jiluco Miuson, InKhnm County. MichiKan, that lieinK tills order for three successive weeks previous 27w.t Commissioners. beiiiK hereby appointed for the examination he had tbe last \vird yvitb ma yvas ono of the placea of holdinR thc Circuit Court to said day of hearing, tn Ihe InKham Cnunty and adjustments ot ali ciainia nnd (leniand.s for aaid county, aaid niorlKaKce will, by virluo wen he agreed witb her. Ma resent­ News, a newspaper printed nnd circuinted in MORTGAGE SAI.E. aKiilnat said deceased. Hiiid counly. L. H. McARTHUR. of tho power of sale contained in said mort- ed tne remark so sbe yvas qwiet for Default haviuK tjeeii made in the conditions tt ia t.'urlher Ordered. That piiblio notico (A true copy.) JudKC of Probate. RiiKC, ami in pursuance of thc stauilc in such Spectacles, Eyeglasses nf a real estate mortRiiKe whereby the power Iheroof bo Ktvon by publication of a copy of tbe remainder of tbe p. m. O. A. Ot.tNTON, RcKlstor ot Probate. 'J.lw.l of sale tborela contained liecamo operative, case made and provided, sell at publlc auction to the hiRlioat bidder on foroclosurc of said this order for three succeaslvo weeka prevloua made by Mrs. yVilllam D. (Helen) yVllson tii to aaid day ilay of hearinK. in the Inghnm FtNAL ACCOUNT. KUlEUt.l.:—JULY t7 Wal.son S, Rceilor and Mary R. Roeder, dated mortRiiKC, the lands therein doscribed, or .so >LVRIUAr.E LlCKNSES. and Lenses much thereof as shall bc necessary to satisfy Oounty News, a newspaper printed and cir­ Stiile of MichiKan. The Probate Court for October Hll, lillSl, and recorded In tbo tnKham aaid debt at thc time of said sale, toKother culated in said county. L. U. McARTHUTt, thc County of tnKham. County. MlchlKan. RcKisler of tleed's olTice on with all loKal costs, said lands lieinK described A true copy: Judge of Probate. Of all the shapes, styles, sizes, At a session of said Court, heid al tbo Pro­ Novumlier 12. inill. in lilier 200 of morlRaRes Robert T. Hiiis, Lansing 25 as follows, to-wit; Thc east '/i of the nortli- O. A. OLIN't'ON, bate OlTice in tiie City of Mason, in said coun­ on paKO ItlS and duly assiKued by yVatson S. makes, colors and materials. They are west '/i, also thc north 40 acres ot tiio south­ RoKlater of Probate. 2.tw.l Olive Wctmore, Lansing 20 ty, on the 2ntb day of Jiiao, A. D. 192S. Rcedcr and Mary tt. Reeder to Charles Wielanil like tbe neyv "Ford Car"—As good as by an nsslRumunt dated January 21), 1020, and west '/(, all on section 13; Also the soiithea.st Leonard N. VanAlstine, Lansing —25 Prcsonl: HON. L. B. McAR't'HUR, JudKO Vl of the northeiust '/i of the southeast y,, and HEARING OLAIMs. DeCamp, 0OT.6 the best and better than the rest. It's of t'rotiato. recorded In said RcKlster of Deed's office on lda L. Runciman, Lansing IS the north Vj of tho northeast Vl of the soutii­ Stale of MichiKan, Tho Probate Oourt for In tbo Matter of the Estnte of ALVtN G. January 2li, 1020, in libor 20.t of mortKaKcs on what you get for yvhat you pay that's oast all on secuon t.l. All In Town 2 tho County of luKham. tvRtEBt.E, Doceaseii. liaKc 72. upon which inortRaKc there Is now Elmer M. Patterson, Lansing 54 north. RaiiKO 1 cast. InRham Township, InK­ At a session of said Court, held at the Pro­ yvorth wbile. A souvenir for everyone Lee L. McNoiir havinK filed In said court claimed to lie due for principal and interest Adeline M. Bright, Ionia IQ yvho visits cur store during the holi­ the sum of Forty-four Hundred ElRht and no hnm County, MichiKan, And also thc cast % bnlo OlVice in Ihc city of Mason in tho aiiiil tils final administration account, and his peti­ of tho northwest '/i of section 17 in Town 2 Oounty, on tho 6th day of Juno, A. D. t028. tion prayiiiK for thc allowance tiiereof. and for 100 Dollars, and thc sum of Twelve Hundred Arthur J. lvent, Wiiliamston 50 days. A free consultation so that you North, RanKC 2 East, yvhito Oak Township, Present. Hon. L. B. McARTHUR, Judge ot the assiKiiment and distribution of the residue Sixty-six and t2-t00 Dollars for taxes paid on Daisy Jobnson, Ithaca "lS InKhnm Oounty, Michigan. Probate. can get acquainted with your needs. of said estate. mortKaKcil lands as provided for In said mort- KiiRc. maklnR a total debt of FIfty-alx Hun­ tn thc Mater of thc Satntc of Nelson De­ All eye trouble solicited. It Is Ordered, That tho 17lh day of July, THE FIRST STATE AND SAVINGS BANK Ciifford Kermit Jones, Lansing —24 dred Seventy-four and I2-t00 Dollars, and no Camp. Deceased. A. D. ltl2S. at ten o'clock In the forenoon, at OF MASON, MIOHIGAN. Evelyn Vilar Crane, Lansing 18 suit at Inw hnvinR been brouRht to recover It appearing to thc court that time for. .said Probate OlTlcc. bc nnd Is hereby appoint­ - By L. O. yVebb. Prealdent. tttk 0, S. BUSH said debt, or nny part thereof, notice is hereby presentation of claims againat snld estnto ed for examlninK and nllowinK said account MortRagce. Paui Kenneth Bickert, Lansing —29 Riven that on Saturday, September 22, tfl28, should bc limited, nnd that a time' nnd placo nnd hearhiK said petition ; A. A. BERGMAN, Attorney for MortgaRce. Heien Agnes Kennedy, Lansing __..25 Optometrist and Optician Mason at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, he appointed to receive, examine nnd ndjust Business Address, Mason, Mich. 20wl3 tt Is Further Ordered, That public notico (Eastern Stnndard Time) at north entrance to nil clalm.s and demands against anld dccenacd Forrest L. Shields, Lansing 30 thereof be Kiven by publlcauon of u copy of Olty Hnii BuildinR on West Ottawa Street, by and before snld court: this order, for three successive weeks previous Gleima D. Knapp, Lansing 20 LansinR, InRhnm Ctounty, MiehiRnn, (thnt APP'T. OP ADMR. EI'PS, JULY 10 ft Is Ordered, Thnt crcdltorfl of anld dcccnn- to said day of hcarlnK, ln the InKhnm County beinR onc of thc plncea where the InRhnm cd nrc required to present thcir cinlma to said Forest W. Silsby, Webberviile 21 News, u newspaper printed and circulated In State of Michigan, The Probnte Oourt for Oounty Oircuit (Jourt la hcld) anid nsslRncc court nt said Probate OlTice on or before CARS WASHED anid county. L. I). McARTHUR, the Oounty of Ingham. CereiU A. Stark, Wiiliamston 18 will, by virtue of thc power of sale contnincd At u aession of anid (Tourt, held at the Pro­ thc fith day of October, A. D. 1928, at ten (A true copy.) JudKC of Probate. I ln anld mortRnRe nnd ln purauancc of the Kenneth R. Loomis, Farmington _.26 at FORD GARAGE bnte OlTice In the Oity of Mnaon, in aald o'clock in the forenoon, said time and place MARTHA THAYER, i statute ln such cnse provlded. sell nt public being hereby' appolnteROBATE OF WIl/L. ARMSTRONG so much nn mny bo necessary to satisfy thc It Is Further 0rdcrc

f^ I An Evening With the Spirits • July Specials at By RING LARDNER |

To tlie lWltor: PARKHURST'S Tiiu otlior l'. M. tliey was ii iiuttcb of us nil in Voiikors taiitini; about terriiiie spirits .vou got anuittd N. V now dii.v.s and l * "''- Anotliel' neyv lot Of yvomelVs and misses house parly name llerli .--ays ttc k'tew where :l'rocl1 Pl> RED, ORIbN tbe structure yviii lie visiiiie for "She niiist of forgo! my name'' say.- AND BUCJi IxOIIC IIOWtr,S till WHtfE SWRI IS ALSO 01 RAyON rADRtC AI IIIK RipHr, SHE li SHOWN wbARINO .V SPORtS LN$KMI1I I, Of wOOl AM) bloclcs. Tlto site was forniorly tluit of .lack in my oar. RAVON yVEAvli AND INDICATIjS HOW RAyOMS. UM'I) lO GOOD ttlUTt WITH tlie Cliicago and Niirtii \Vostern lliiil- ''Siie is a bcautifui Spirit" says OTftlR It'iV"''' ""HE LNMMItlH IS BftOE IN 'tONIJ WlfH A UUCi ANO OREKN HA.N6KFRCIIII1F ANr> CIirrN l-fn KAI. SHOES ARIL WHIII ItID ANIJ wfly Conipnny's piissongor station.'l'lie Medle. BROWN OXtJOHDS hulldlng will extend 72.t foot on K\n- A long about tills time l got rest, zie ftreet, .')77 foot on tlie rlvor front Blrd's-eye View of Chlcago's New Business District Carrying Out the Clty less for a sinoke and begin rattling ii and 324 feet on yVolls street, wlth a Beautiful Theme ln Which the Mercantile Mart Will Be a Dominant Factor oigiirelte paper and a new spirit Jones have returned from their noirth- wbaiiged me on tlio knee cap with a diagonal frontage facing Orleans and Among the largest tenants yvill be the North Leslie ern trip. mogaplione and says what have you Franldin stroots, lt will be set bnek wholosale and manufacturing sales de­ shows may bc hold from tlme to tlme. Mr. and Mrs. Lantis and Mrs. Tom got thOt'C. from tlio rlvor nliout SO foot to nc- partments of Marslntll Field & Com­ As the plans arc worked out, tnany Clements spent Sunday with LaVerne ''That's Brlglit Eyes lalkliig'' says cotntriodate n broad upjior level drlve pany. other features may be decided upon. Jack Roosa of Lansing, is spending Clements at Holt. Within rooont yonrs Chicago's cen­ Modle. "Slic wants to know what .VOU Mr. and Mrs. John Dunsmore and cxtendlng ft'oni Wolls to Ernuklln, Tlie Tlme Saver for Merchants. a few days with his aunt, Mrs. Helen mnln entrance of tlie Inilldlng will tra' business district has bcen devel­ have got." Lacy. D. F. Harris.and wife were Sunday Every jidsslblo faclllty will be pro­ face tho rlvor and tlio drlve. oping northward across the Chicago "Tell her I got a sore knee'' i says. Mrs. Howard Prichett and daughter callers at Henry Dunsmore's. vided for the comfort and convenience The Millville Sunday school picnic The Morcbnndiso Mart wlll have a river. East of Statc street, along ''Be seiIous'' says Bright iSyes. of Detroit, who have been visiting at of fhe retail merchant, who under one C. R. Hasbrouck's the past week, re- will be held at Pleasant Lake, on July total Iloor space of about .i.OOO.OOO north Michigan avenue, Cass, Rush VVell they yvas u lot more of thetu roof will he able to see hundreds of turned to their home Sunday accom- 14. square feet as compared with slight­ and other streets, this development that give us ull the latest news from linos, thus saving time and money by panled hy Esther Hasbrouck, who Claud Clements and wife were at ly loss than 2,000,000 square feet, has reached Impressive proportlont, Over Thcrc like hello dear and hello doing in a foyv hours yvhat ordinarily will spend the week there. their cottage at Patterson Lake, Sun­ evidenced by more thnn twenty larffc there and hello, mamma and flnci) which is thc floor area of the Furni­ would take him dn,vs to accomplish P. P. Backus accompanied his day. buildings. To the yvest of State sfrceL Medle came to und turned up thc ture .Mart, the next largest httilding. On all floors of thc Mart will be daughter, Mrs. Chas. Lacy, and hus­ Dee Wilcox and family spent a comparable development Is tifider Sunday at Fowierville. Each of the eighteen main floors yvill great corridors, yvith nil the appear­ lights and we ull shoved olt to 58 SL band on a motor trip to Manvllle, yvny. "The site of the new Merehsn. Mr. and Mrs. John Pringle enter­ liave an area of more, than 200,000 ance of boulevards, more than (ISO "Well'' suys Uoi'b. "Did you have Tenn., to visit Perry Lacy and fam­ square feet. dise Man is In the direct pnfh of thia a brother thai got killed ayra ago?'' ily for two weeks. tained a company of friends Sunday feet in length, on either side of which evening. Within the walls, of this huge nttw ttorthward tnovetnent. ''No'' I says "But I know a man thot Minnie Ingaiis was in Mason last will he the shops displaying their var­ Charles Fortman and wife enter­ edifice the retail merchants of the In the neyv rlvor district where the ha* a brother Edward ihaf ought to of Friday. ied lines—^veritable ''business streets." tained company from Waterloo, Sun­ United States, Canada and foreign Mei'clmndlse Mart Is to be located, Mrs. A. T. Ingalls and mother, Mrs. These great corridors wlll be Impres. been killed B yrs. ago but what about day. mnny great buildings have Keen erect­ Belcher were In Jackson last Satur­ countries will be able to see, under sively treated architecturally and wltli that dog story?'' ed, nnd others soon will be begun. day. one roof, hundreds of lines of the the large space available It wlll bi> "Well" he says ''i'urt of It Is true. Tlip Builders' Building, the Engliieers' Homer Snyder has moved his fam­ world's best merchnntjlse. The manu­ possible to house thc selling activi­ We use to have a dog once and he u.se Building, the Chicago Evening Post ily to Lansing. facturers' exhibits wlll Include lex- ties and warehousing of many allied to bark." W. R. KENNEDY, M. D. Building, have been completed dppo- tiles, ready-to-wear, toys, laces, gloves, concerns on one floor, thus ntfnlnlni? Then Mrs. Jack from Youkers balled Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat slto the new Mart on Wacker Drive. corsets, mllllncr.v, sllvDrwnre, glass, fhe ndvonfnges of concentrated group­ Jack out and yve all thanked Llcrli la office of Dr. Henderson The ncw Chicago Daily News Build, Dart District rugs, knit goods, hosiery, shoes, men's ings. for taking us to where they was noth wear, fancy goods. ^Itort goods, art and lng and tho great neyv opcrii house Eyes tested, glasses fitted The facilities for handling merchan­ lng but beautiful spirils and he says II antiques, jewelry, trunks, toilet articles, of the Chleiigo Civic Opera (iompany Saturdays from 9 a, m. to 12 a. m. dise yvithin the building yvill embody .vou want'the bad kind you can fio lo n The families of Thad and Claud liouse furnishings, ofllce equipment and nro helnc oonsfrucled on the river lSwl tiie best and most modern achieve- Medle evil. Clements, Charles Godley and Dallas ficorei of other merchandise dliplaya. three blocks south. m by IBs tletl syndicate, inc.)'