Weekly Newsletter Issue 471 Business for week beginning 22/01/18

Notice of Appointments

Friday 12 January Minister of State with responsibility for the Irish Language, the Gaeltacht and the Islands and Chief Whip, Joe McHugh TD, announced the new members of the board of Údarás na Gaeltachta. As per the Gaeltacht Act 2012, four members were nominated by County Councils wherein there is a Gaeltacht region. The rest are chosen through a Public Appointments Service process.

Previous Chairperson, Anna Ní Ghallachair, was reappointed to the position following a competition facilitated by the PAS. Currently, she is Director of the Languages Centre in the National University of Ireland, Maynooth.

Those appointed on the foot of County Council nominations were: • Séamus Cosaí Mac Gearailt is a previous board member, and County Councillor, and was nominated by Kerry County Council; • Seán Mac Congamhna is a County Councillor and was nominated by Mayo County Council; • John Shéamuis Ó Fearraigh is a County Councillor and was nominated by Donegal County Council; and • Séamus Walshe is a County Councillor and was nominated by Galway County Council.

Those appointed following a PAS competition were: • Ian Mac Aindriú, previous Board member; • Eunan Mac Cuinneagáin, previous Board member and Regional Manager of WESTBIC in Co. Donegal; • Debra Ní Shúilleabháin; • Seosamh Ó Laoi, previous Board member and County Councillor; • Siobhán Seoighe, previous Board member and Irish Language Officer at DCU’s Office of the Chief Operations Officer; • Mary Uí Chadhain, Finance Director & Company Secretary at TG4.

Wednesday 17 January A new Director has been appointed for the National Museum of Ireland. Ms Lynn Scarff will take up the position in May 2018. She will take over the role from Dr Raghnall Ó Floinn, who has served as the Museum’s Director since 2013.

Ms Scarff is the current Director of the Science Gallery, a post she’s held since 2014. She is also a founding member of the Gallery. She has a wealth of experience in leading public engagement campaigns. She also serves on the Board of the National Museum.

Rewriting the rules for the digital age

A number of converging issues are driving the need to “rewrite the rules” for HR.

The workforce has changed. It’s more digital, automation-savvy, global, and diverse. As a result of disruptive technologies and demographic changes, organisations face a radically shifting context for the workplace, the workforce, and the world of work.

This, along with rapidly evolving business needs, offers an opportunity for HR. Now is the time for HR to reimage its talent, strategy, and practices. HR can leverage new platforms, processes and tools to develop the workforce. From cognitive tools that can be used in recruiting to attract talent, to on-the-go learning that can be accessed anytime, anywhere – the opportunities are endless.

As outlined in Deloitte’s latest Human Capital Trends research, there is a unique opportunity for HR to help leaders and organisations adapt to technology, help employees adapt to new models of work and careers, and help the public sector as a whole adapt to and encourage positive changes in society, regulation, and public policy.

On Wednesday 31 January, Deloitte’s Vicky Menzies will cover insights from Deloitte’s research and analysis on Human Capital trends, and what it means for the Irish public sector in 2018 and beyond.

Find out more about PAI’s HR Conference 2018 here… PAI Annual HR Conference: Leading cultural change through HRM Wednesday 31 January Radisson Blu Royal, Dublin 8

Leadership through challenge and change in the public sector – supporting cultural change with effective Human Resource Management

“In the context of the changing environment, HR leaders and practitioners face many challenges in sourcing, developing and managing a diverse talent pool. Strong leadership, communications and engagement are critical to the success of managing change in the public sector. An insight driven approach to using HR data is a key topic in the HRM field, and the need for greater diversity, inclusion and wellbeing are also topical themes. This conference, which brings together a diverse high-profile mix of experts and speakers, will explore these interrelated themes, in order to explore how leaders can implement cultural change though effective HRM practices.” —Conference Chair, Sile O’Donnell


Chair: Sile O’Donnell, HR & Training Consultant Keynote Speaker: Oonagh Buckley, Director and an Adjunct Assistant Professor in Trinity General, Workplace Relations Commission College Dublin

Vicky Menzies, Senior Manager, Public Sector Georgina Corscadden, CEO Peak Connexxion, & Human Capital at Deloitte Leadership Master Coach & Master Trainer

Dave Barry, Director Talent & Transformation, Oisin O’Gogain, HR Director, Aon Ireland Fastnet Talent & Interim HR Leader at BioMarin

Rosarii Mannion, National Director for HR in Dr Sarah-Jane Cullinane, Assistant Professor in the HSE HRM and Organisational Behaviour in Trinity Business School

John Ryan, CEO, Great Place to Work, Ireland This conference is sponsored by At Public Affairs Ireland

On the Blog Respecting the dignity of asylum seekers – Ireland’s ‘right to work’ dilemma Jennifer DeWan Read here Dealing with Employees with Family Commitments; Maternity, Paternity and Parental Leave Claire Flannery Read here Crafting the Ideal Fit: How Job Crafting can help Employees find Meaning in their Work Dr Sarah-Jane Cullinane Read here The NATO-EU “war against neutrality” Dr Karen Devine Read here The Power of Data in Joining HRM Dots: Strategy, Talent & Analytics Dave Barry Read here Brexit and Irish State Aid Vincent Power Read here Training Management of State & EU Funding for the Public Sector Applying for and winning grants from Irish Government Agencies and the European Union is the lifeblood of many entities in both the commercial and not-for-profit sector in Ireland. Where funds awarded are not managed properly, and where compliance suffers, the organisation can suffer and even face ramifications.

This two-day training course provides a governance and financial management toolkit that ensures attendees leave with the knowledge and skills to win grant aid, then properly manage the drawdown, spending and controlling of any money received.

It helps organisations put in place proper arrangements for ensuring the funding received is used for the purposes intended by the funding agency, and that proper records and reporting structures are maintained.

Wednesday 31 January and Thursday 1 February. For more information, or to book, click here.

You can find us on... This week in Dáil Éireann

Tuesday 23 January Wednesday 24 January

2.00 p.m. 10.30 a.m. Leaders’ Questions (FF, SF, LAB, RIG) (32 mins) P.Q.s: Oral – Minister for Defence (90 mins) 2.32 p.m. 12.00 p.m. Order of Business (30 mins) Leaders’ Questions (FF, SF, LAB, I4C) (32 mins) Motion without debate: Motion re. Proposed approval by Dáil Éireann for a Directive 2013/33/EU 12.32 p.m. of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 laying down Questions on Promised Legislation (30 mins) standards for the reception of applicants for international protection (recast) (back from Committee) (Department of Justice and Equality) 1.02 p.m. Taoiseach’s Questions (45 mins) 3.02 p.m. Taoiseach’s Questions (45 mins) 1.47 p.m. SOS (60 mins) 3.47 p.m. P.Q.s: Oral – Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht (90 mins) 2.47 p.m. Topical Issues (48 mins) 5.17 p.m. Private Notice Question (if any) Topical Issues (48 mins) Private Notice Question (if any) 3.35 p.m. Private Members’ Business (Fianna Fáil): Motion re. Shortage of Teachers (120 6.05 p.m. mins) Government Business: (115 mins) Technological Universities Bill 2015 - Report and Final Stage (resumed) 5.35 p.m. (Department of Education and Skills) Government Business: (4 hrs 40 mins) Companies (Statutory Audits) Bill 2017 - Order for Second Stage and Second Technological Universities Bill 2015 - Report and Final Stage (resumed) Stage (Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation) (Department of Education and Skills) Companies (Statutory Audits) Bill 2017 - Order for Second Stage and Second 8.00 p.m. Stage (Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation) Private Members Business (Social Democrats-): (120 mins) Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Bill 2018 - Second Stage 10.15 p.m. Dáil Adjourns 10.00 p.m. Government Business: (60 mins) Statements re. Report of the Joint Committee on the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution (resumed) 11.00 p.m. Dáil Adjourns

Thursday 25 January

10.30 a.m. P.Q.s: Oral – Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade (90 mins) 12.00 p.m. Leaders’ Questions (FF, SF, LAB, SOL-PBP) (32 mins) 12.32 p.m. Questions on Promised Legislation (15 mins) Motions without debate: Motion re. Proposed approval by Dáil Éireann of the Planning and Development (Amendment) Regulations 2018 (back from Committee) (Department of Housing Planning and Local Government) Motion re. Proposed approval by Dáil Éireann of the Planning and Development (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2018 (back from Committee) (Department of Housing Planning and Local Government) Motion re. Proposed approval by Dáil Éireann of the Planning and Development (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulations 2018 (back from Committee) (Department of Housing Planning and Local Government) 12.47 p.m. Weekly divisions (43 mins) 1.30 p.m. SOS (40 mins) 2.10 p.m. Government Business: (4 hrs 50 mins) Intoxicating Liquor (Amendment) Bill 2017 [Seanad] - All Stages (Department of Justice and Equality) (to conclude within 2 hours 50 minutes) Companies (Statutory Audits) Bill 2017 - Order for Second Stage and Second Stage (Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation) Statements re. Report of the Joint Committee on the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution (resumed, if not previously concluded) (to commence not later than 5.00 p.m.) 8.00 p.m. Topical Issues (48 mins) Private Notice Question (if any) immediately following Topical Issues 8.48 p.m. Dáil Adjourns This week in Seanad Éireann

Tuesday 23 January Wednesday 24 January

2.30 p.m. 10.30 a.m. Commencement Matters Commencement Matters

3.30 p.m. 11.30 a.m. Order of Business Order of Business

4.45 p.m. 12:45 p.m. Motion regarding EU (recast) Reception Conditions Directive Statements on Galway 2020 European Capital of Culture (Department (2013/33/EU) – Back from Committee (Department of Justice & of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht) Equality) 3.00 p.m. 6.00 p.m. Statements on Agriculture (Minister for Agriculture, food and the Private Members Business: Life Saving Equipment Bill 2017 – Second Marine) Stage (Senators , Robbie Gallagher, , ) 5.00 p.m. Private Members Business: National Minimum Wage (Protection of Employee Tips Bill) 2017 – Second Stage (Senators , )

Thursday 25 January

10.30 a.m. Commencement Matters

11.30 a.m. Order of Business Motions regarding Planning and Development (Amendment) Regulations 2018, Planning and Development (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2018 and Planning and Development (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulations 2018 - Back from Committee without debate (Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government)

12.45 p.m. Statements on Mandatory Reporting (Minister for Children and Youth Affairs)

2.00 p.m. Statements on the British-Irish Parliamentary Assembly (Committee D) Report on Childhood Obesity (Department of Health) This week’s Committee Meetings

Tuesday 23 January Wednesday 24 January Housing, Planning and Local Government (Joint) Health (Joint) CR3, LH 2000 11 a.m. (T) CR3, LH 2000 9 a.m. (T) AGENDA: Consideration of Planning and Development (Amendment) Regulations 2018 AGENDA: The implications of Brexit for the Health Sector (resumed) [Officials from the [Minister of State at the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government] Department of Health]

Communications, Climate Action and Environment (Joint) Justice and Equality (Joint) CR4, LH 2000 11.30 a.m. (T) CR2, LH 2000 9 a.m. (T) AGENDA: (i) Detailed Scrutiny of Waste Reduction Bill 2017 [PMB] [Deputies Eamon AGENDA: Detailed Scrutiny of Equality (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2017 [PMB] [Equality Ryan and Catherine Martin, Bill sponsors] [Representatives from Convenience Stores and and Rights Alliance and IBEC] Newsagents Association] (ii) Meeting Ireland’s targets under the 2020 Climate & Energy Package [Officials from the Transport, Tourism and Sport (Joint) Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment and representatives from CR4, LH 2000 9 a.m. (T) National Offshore Wind Association; SSE Ireland; Tipperary Energy Agency] AGENDA: (i) Unopened motorway service stops; (ii) Reduction in the budget for maintaining national roads and (iii) Tolling issues (M1). [Representatives of Transport Infrastructure Justice and Equality (Select) Ireland] CR2, LH 2000 1.30 p.m. (T) AGENDA: Judicial Appointments Commission Bill 2017 (resumed) [Minister for Justice and Children and Youth Affairs (Joint) Equality] CR1, LH 2000 9.30 a.m. (T) AGENDA: (i) The August 2017 Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) Inspection Agriculture, Food and the Marine (Joint) Report on Oberstown Children Detention Campus [Minister for Children and Youth Affairs] CR1, LH 2000 3.30 p.m. (T) (ii) Update on the Affordable Childcare Scheme and related matters. [Minister for Children AGENDA: Roles, responsibilities and key programmes of Bord Bia in addressing topical and Youth Affairs] Irish and global issues [Chief Executive Officer and Director of Quality Assurance and Origin Green from Bord Bia] Agriculture, Food and the Marine (Joint) CR3, LH 2000 12.15 p.m. (T) Education and Skills (Joint) AGENDA: European Court of Auditors’ Special Reports on ‘Rural Development Programming’ CR2, LH 2000 4 p.m. and ‘EU Support to Young Farmers’ Roles’ [Mr. Kevin Cardiff and Mr. Janusz Wojciechowski, AGENDA: Private Meeting Members of the European Court of Auditors]

Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach (Joint) Future of Mental Health Care (Joint) CR3, LH 2000 4 p.m. (T) CR4, LH 2000 1.30 p.m. (T) AGENDA: Progress made regarding resolution of the Tracker Mortgage Redress issue AGENDA: Primary Care, Recruitment and Funding in Mental Health Services (resumed) (resumed) [Mr. Bernard Byrne, Chief Executive Officer, Allied Irish Banks] [Representatives from the Community Healthcare Organisations - Areas 7,8 & 9]

An Ghaeilge, an Ghaeltacht agus na hOileáin (Comh) Public Petitions (Joint) CR4, LH 2000 5 p.m. (T) CR1, LH 2000 1.30 p.m. (T) AGENDA: Úsáid na Gaeilge i dTithe an Oireachtais [Peter Finnegan Uasal, Ard Rúnaí, AGENDA: Public Petitions received Seirbhís Thithe an Oireachtais] Budgetary Oversight CR2, LH 2000 2 p.m. Thursday 25 January AGENDA: Private Meeting Public Accounts European Union Affairs (Joint) CR3, LH 2000 9 a.m. (T) CR1, LH 2000 3 p.m. (T) AGENDA: 9.00 a.m. (i) Business of the Committee AGENDA: European Court of Auditors Annual Report 2016 and the European Union’s use of (ii) C&AG Report 2016 public funds. [Mr. Kevin Cardiff, Member of the European Court of Auditors] Chapter 11: The National Property Revaluation Programme Appropriation Accounts 2016 Vote 16: Valuation Office [Officials from the Valuation Office and The Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government] 2.30 p.m. Private Session

Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach (Joint) CR2, LH 2000 9.30 a.m. (T) AGENDA: (i) Scrutiny of EU Legislative Proposals: Schedule A: (Priority Propos- als) - COM(2017)706 [Administrative Cooperation in the field of Value Added Tax], COM(2017)792 [Date of application of Member States’ Transposition Measures] COM(2017)824 [Strengthening fiscal responsibility and the medium-term budgetary orien- tation in the Member States], COM(2017)825 [Financial Envelope of the Structural Reform Support Programme and general objective], and COM(2017)826 [Support to Structural Reforms in Member States]; and Schedule B: (Non-Priority Proposals) - COM(2017)593, 659, 666 and 724; and (ii) Draft Report on the Proposal for a Council Directive on a Common Consolidated Corpo- rate Tax Base (CCCTB)[Mr Alain Lamassoure MEP]; and Draft Report on the proposal for a Council Directive on a Common Corporate Tax Base (CCTB)[Mr Paul Tang MEP]

Housing, Planning and Local Government (Joint) CR1, LH 2000 9.30 a.m. (T) AGENDA: (i) Scrutiny of EU Legislative Proposals: Schedule A: COM (2017) 772 on a Union Civil Protection Mechanism (ii) Update on Rebuilding Ireland – Action Plan for Housing and Homelessness [Minister for Housing, Planning & Local Government].

Dáil Business R160 5-Storey Block 10.30 a.m. AGENDA: Private Meeting

Employment Affairs and Social Protection (Joint) CR4, LH 2000 10.30 a.m. (T) AGENDA: Labour activation (resumed)[Dr. Mary Murphy, NUI Maynooth]

Implementation of the Good Friday Agreement (Joint) CR2, LH 2000 2.15 p.m. (T) AGENDA: Legacy Issues (resumed) [Independent Commission for the Location of Victims’ Remains: Mr. Frank Murray, co-Commissioner; Sir Kenneth Bloomfield, co-Commissioner; Mr. Geoff Knupfer, Senior Investigator]