~ W 1112.5 W l1li­ w~~ W 22 . w W II: 1.1 ~,,~ ~ I~~


111111.25 111111.4 11111;·6 111111.25 111111.4 111111.6




JULY 19S2-JUNE 1953


For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D. C. - Price 35 cents

tteW T'tt'TT )., enTre ,i@ UPDATA 1981 COH'mm


Introduction '. • • • .. • • • • I!" • • • ...... • • • • • .. • • • • .. • • .. " • .. • • .. • • • • .. • • • 1

Volul!le of trad!J!g: Table 1. Annual volnme of trading 'On each contract urket, 1943-'4 to 1952-515 ••••••• 5 Table 2. Konthly volume of trading em all contract markBts combined, aver>ll 1934-.'55 to 1938-30. t'.mw,ally 1948-49 to 1952-515 • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • 7 Table S. l!onthly volume ot trading on each contract aarket. July 1952 to June 19515 •• • 10

Table 4. Monthly voluma of trlld1n& on pr1ncipallillU"kets, by i'tltnre. July 1952 to June 19515 • 12

Table 5. LargelSt annual, monthly, and daily volwne of t't-ading on principal marimts, from date trading data available through , 1953 •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • 17

Table 6. Largest monthly and dally volume of tl'lld:!.ng on principal markets, during the year July 1952 - • '. • .. • • • • • • .. .. • • • .. .. • .. .. • • • • • • ...... 18

Qpen contracts.s

Table 7. Annual average of month~nd open contracts em each contract market. 1943-44. to 1952-03 • .. • d • .. • • .. • • • • .. • • • • • .. • '" • • • • • • • • • ... 19

Table 8. )(onth~nd o:pen contracts on all contract Mrkets combined, averllge 1.954-35 to 19158-39, annually 1948-.49 to 1952-55 ••• • • • • • • 2.1

Tahl0 9. Plonth~nd open contracts on each contract market. Jilly 1952 to June 19515 • 24

Table 10. Jl1d....IiOnth and month~nd open contracts on principal markets; by future. July 1952 to June 1953 .. • • ...... 0 • • ...... • .. .. • • n • It 26

Table 11.. Maximum Ilpen contracts on principal markets fOll" long-time periods, am during

the year July 1952 - June 1953 • • • • • • • • fI • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. •• S6 llUtures p=icesl Table 12. Highel!lt and 10\'ll9st prices of futures on principal markets, b;y date and future, for long-time periods anding June 30. 1955 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 157

Tab.le 115. Closing prices '=In pr;t.ncipa1 markets, "'J 1\1tu1'8. ~nthly. July 195~ to June 1955 58

Table 14. Highest and lcnrest prices of futures on principal 1IlS1"'o!ts, lrJ date and futnre. during the year July 1952-Juno 1955 ••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 48

Contra?te settled by delivery'

Table 15. Contl'&cts settled b;y del1ver;y on each contract ~ket, 1>7 future, July 1952 to June 1955 ••••• .,. • • .. ••••••••••• " • • • . • • • • • • 41

COlIIDitments or reporting traderss

Table 16. Inng and I!Ihort cOlDitmenta of reporting and nonreportiD/l tradnrs en all contract markets combined, sem1month~. July 1952 to June 1955 ••••• • • • • • • • • • ~ ~9

'l'al:le 17. Inns and short c0l!l'll1tments at reporting and nonreportin8 traders, expressed al!l percentage of total open contracts. on !Ill con~act ll!&l"kets combined, sen:1monthly, Jul;y 1952 to June 1955 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 56

Issued I,.




Camnodity Fu'blres Stat.i8tics 18 publ:lshed annually by the CaomocH.ty Exchange Authorit1. This ad!tioD covers the .t.l.sc9l. year 1953 (July 19~ - June 1953) and presents the more important data (hi futures trading in eacbcoDlOdity covered by the Ct1!I!'4odiV Exchange Act. b statistics are c~DpUed b'cm reports required of uchange c~1ng members and large traders by regulations prOm mulgated under the act, and tran official price recar-dI!I; 'Or contract markets. Contract Harkets and Carmod:lt1es- A con"iiract market is one which has been licensed by the Secretl.iry of Agriculture pursuant ~ the COlIIIOOdiV Exchange Act to comuct trading in 0119 or lIIOre commodities far future delivery. During the fiscal. year ended June .30, 1953, there were 18 such markets, as tollows:

Chicago Board of 1rade New Orleans catton Exchange Chicago Hereantile Exchange New York Cotton Exchange Chicago OpeD Board of Trade New York Mercantile Excbanlr.' Duluth Board of Trade New York Prodnce Exchange Kansas Oity Board ot Trade Portland Grain Exchange Los Angeles Grain Exchange !I sto Louis Merchants I Exchange HeIphi8 Harchlmts Exchange San Francil!JCo Grain Exchange Clearing M80Ciation Seattle Orain EBhange Ifllautee Grain Exchalge Wool Associates of the N&v MiDDeapolis (hoain RJcchange York Cotton hehange, Inc.

Futures trading is authorized on one or more of the above.. named markets in meat, com, cats, rye, barlsy, .f'laxsesd, sol/bea.ns, grain sorghums, rice, cotton, milJ.teeds (bran, shorts, middl.:1np), butter, eggs, potatoes, 11001 teps, lard, tallow, cottonseed oU, 80ybeallt oU, cottonseed mal, and 80,t>ean meal. In the year cOV\­ ered by thiIJ bulletin, there vas no tutures trading on the Duluth Board of Trade,Loa Angeles (koa1n Exchange, Portland Qra1n Excbangej So Francisco (hoa1n Exchange, and tbB st. Louis Msrcl1ants1 Exchange, nor in cart.Un CCIIIDII)ditiss, D81a817, barley, Dd.ddlinga, rice, and tallov.

-T . '"':'taWdrY' Tttrt7f1 J@ UPOATA 1981 2 Clsssifi"tion of S;t&t1stics

The ccmmodity futures statistics presented in this bulletin fall .1nto five principa.'l clusea 88 follows. volume of trad:1n~ open contract.av futures prices, contracts setUed bY' del:lvery, and cOlJl'lJi12nents of reporting traders. Fran some of these classes, other 1nfonnation 18 derived. These derived data are commitments ot :r;-~ort,j.ng 'tl"adera as a percentage of open contracts, cOllllli tmenta of nonreporting traders, and commitments of nor.reporting traders 8.8 a percentage ot open contracts. In all. tables, zero (0) is used instead of leaders where the market TI&S open but there was no trading.

Volume of TradinG

Each clearing melber of each contract market makes a dally report of al~ purchases and sales ot commodity futures.. A compilation of these reports gives the volume of trading in each commodi.ty tor each market for each day. Since in each 1Z'ansaction there are tw parties, one on the buying side and one on the sell­ :L"lg Side, the aggregate of all. purcruwes in one trading session is equal. to the aggregate of all sales. Volume of trading figures are the total of either purchases or sales, not of purchases and sales coroined.

In some markets two units of trading are used, the round lot (for example, ,,000 bushels) and the job lot (for example, 1,000 bushels) • In such C&S98 the trading in both lots is combined.

Open Contracts

A tuturea contract is said to be "open- when it has been entered into and not yet liquidated by an oftsEl'tting iz'ansaction nor fulfilled bY' delivery.

The amoWlt ot open contracts for each cOlllOl)dity and contract market is obtained each business day bY' a tabulation ot reports made by exchange clearing l11.~ers. The aggregate of all long open contracts reported bY' clear'.ng members equals the aggregate of all short open contracts reportedlJ The open contract figures shown are tor one side only, not the long and short sides Combined. Where there were open contracts in both rOWld and job lots, the totals of open contracts include both types•

.1lftI'Tte __Meex: .,.4¥2. UPDATA 1981 J, 3 Futures Prices

Official records of contract markets are the source of the price information in this bulletin. Closing prices are shown by futures for the fifteenth and last day of each calendar month. Where no trades took place during the "close," generally the closing seconds of trading, bid, asked, nominal, or setUement prices have been used, and aloe so indicated. For dates Oil wbich closing ranges were recorded the price shown is the average of the closing rangeo In other tablesfl the prices shown are the highest and the lowest recorded during aqy trading session in the specified period.

Contracts Settle.ld by Delivery

A copy of each delivery notice is furnished the Commodity Exchange Authority by the clearing member tendering such notice. A delivery notice is a document prepared by the seller of a fub.1res contract by lihich he serves notice on the buyer that he intends to deliver on a specified day the commodity caJ.led for in the contract. From these delivery notices and frClll reports ot deliveries made by clearing members, the data on deliveries are compiled. The data show contracts settled by delivery for each c

Canmitments of Reporting Trader~

Any trader whose position in one future of arty' camnodity reaches an amount specified by the Secretary of Agriculture is required to report daily all his trades and positions in that COO'lfOOdity to the Canmodity Exchange Authority. In making this report he also has to show the clasSification of his pOSition, that is, whether speculative, spreading (straddling), or hedging.

The minimtml amounts speCified for reporting during the fiscal year 1953 were as follows s

Wheat, corn, oats, rye, barley, flaxseed,

soybeans • • • • • • 0 • • • • • 0 • 0 •• 200,000 bushels Grain sorghums 0 •••••• 0 •••••• 0 11,200,000 pounds Cotton 0..... 0 • • • 0 • • • 0 • • 0 • 5,000 bales Wool tops • 0 ••••••• 0 • • • • • • •• 125,000 pounds Butter" eggs, potatoes • 0 •• 0 ••••• 0 25 carlots

Cottonseed oil, soybean oil • 0 • 0 • Q • •• 900,000 pounds Lard, tallow ••••• 0 ••• 0 0 • • • •• 600,000 pounds Millfeeds (bran, shorts, middlings) • • • • 0 1,000 tons Cottonseed meal, soybean meal • • • • • • • • 1,500 tons Rice, milled •• 0 •••• 0 • • • •• 0 • • 56,000 pockets

~_Ct(i'$§'¥"'~tv~ ;@ UPDATA 1981 I, Daw on colTlllitmants of large traders are obtained f'rom these traders' reports. COIlll1tl:bnenta of nonreporting traders a:re derived by subtracting reporting traders' positions frOin the total. of all positions... Commi1;.roonts of nonreporting tra

l;:ttYttHittftdr' , , 'bj'itwr went). j@ UPDATA 1981 ~!'i 5

--.------,,----r------­ tI:I1t 194....7 1947-18 1948-lll 1949~O

Rlll1"" Ch1cqa_or_Ch1cqa OpeD-~_ or _ baabolo 1,'ml.9 l,8'7Z.t ,b,:w.2 ',885.0 8,294.l. S,!«.8 5.805.1 2,976.1 Z,65f.4. do. 89.1 U.6 !Z 21.1 1U.6 lDV.4 !ISI.8 111.1 66.8 48.8 He,l MI_poU.llro1DIIalhMcw__ Cit.,. _ ot ,.... do. 482.8 if 92.8 ~4.S 468.6 aev.1 eos.8 ll4l.tI 448.1 do. SSZ.O 262.6 II 202.5 au.O 652.6 489.6 6&1.7 1164.1 626,1 Dolatb_ot_ do. 24.1 1.6 if .1 o o o o o o __ llro1n~ do. 1.6 1.7 if .6 l.2 1.2 1.8 .6 .1 .6 Seatu. OrAD ~ do. 1.1 1.8 2.2 ~.4 4.0 7.4 .5 1.1 2.6 Total. do. 4,5lA.i '.102.0 I,fSO.S CCIUI lI1ll1oa ~_offrado 115.2 5,646.1 1,984.8 2,207.6 Chl_ Open _ or _ baabolo s,m., 2,&O!.& 2,m.o do. 1.5 lAO.a 117.(1 21.4 27.5 55.1 110.8 _pou. CIroln IxIII>&n&o do. o o o .1 o o o -. CiI.T Boord or _ do. 1.0 U.O 2.1 .1 (8) (8) 6.8 II1lBmabe CIro1o 1ta::!Jaoco do. .1 5.1 5.6 1.0 1.1 2.0 .8

Total. do. 491.5 111.6 5,'798.8 5,618.5

QUI! IIUJ.1OD ~_or1'rado baahelo 601.6 956.2 8."5.9 2.165~:J! 917.e 1,456.1 I,08G.5 2,182.7 Cb1eqo OpeD Board ot 1'rado do. 11.9 12.1 168.4 U.8 '.8 11.4 16,4 12.6 _poUa CIro1D lta::bu&o do. 1ll.1 lAO.S 192.0 tGII.l m.o lIJa.O 120.5 us•• m-..- CIro1D 1ta::!Jaoco do. 1.5 1.0 4.5 2.6 1.1 1.8 ad 2.1 'total. do. 726.4 1,090.2 Z,..se.8 5,905.0 1,176.1 l,6n.8 2,259.1 1,421.2 III M!.ll1OD ~_or_Cb1eqo Opau _ or _ baahela Z.88B.7 13/88.0 640.5 645.9 SS5.e 800.1 do. 169.6 171 .6 1.8 5.6 1.5 2.8 ~ OrIl1ll Ita::baDp do. lFO.S 0.2 21.1 56.8 59.1 28.5 26.4 U.S I!llft_ CIro1D IImhazlp do. 2 ..6 W .1 .4 .1 1.5 .8

Total. do. Zl.1 U5.~ 5IIl,6 n'.1 426.6 JOS,O

CId__B.IRmI01 Tndo IIUJ.1OD (8) __ as- Board or frado ba.!Iolo 24.4 41.5 ~ 15.1 2.1 D o o D o do. .6 .8 M (e) .0 o o o o o o Oro1D lta::h".o 20.1 .S I) _pou. do. " (B) o o o o o o Lao .....10. IIridD Ita::baDp do. o (B) o o o o o o o mlo Total. do. 45.1 (8) o o o D o 1IUJ.1011 baobolo 5.5 1,2 " (8) wee) 0.1 6.6 82.0 IIUJ.1D1l C1d__SOII!LIIIIot frado baoholo 5,587.4 2,8'71.9 CIW\Ip 0pIIl Board or Trade do. 18.6 18.7 MI.Dnonpou. Oro1D lta::heap do. u/ (B)

Total d~.

IlIIAIII SOIIGII1IIl __ CiI.T Boord of 1'1'0<1. W 686 6B CId_ Boord of Trado

Tato1 do. lIO

1.0 0.5 D

com:w n-.a..d _ r ... k c.\_ r:.cllup bale. 21,m 21,180 SB,0II1 65,891 65,652 4O,S61 ",U8 rJJ! 56,960 67,486 66,­ I!ft Orloau Cotton lta::bonae do. 11,- lLl,596 111,080 SV,IN ",5"0 20,154' lA,t!lZ iii! U,I18 16,OGt 25,ros Cb1eqo _ of Tndo do. ~-----9Z--~---S-7_+----~S,~25-6_+----.-5~,0?2--_r--2~,~ ~~~_ ~ 4!1-+~uI~__~~='~--~l,~S69~+_-=I~,58~S­ Total. do. SO,SSS 110,248 110,585 es,S85 52,697 1Dl1. TOIlS Ifool J.aooo1atoo or tl>o .... terk M!.ll1"" Cotton b<:hIap, IDe. __ 44.0 55.8 21.2 50.6 48.5 MIl 82.' 172.4 IR11'rIII J/ Cb1eqo ...... ,...Ulo I:zc""",,, Col'loto 25 5,'oe 21,517 16,522 2,iSS 5,186 B,U' ',272 ° 0 .... Y""k lilroanulo JIzAlbonae do. o 0 ° 155 549 1155 0 60 51 U Totol do. o 0 5,661 lI,066 17,117 2,iSS

Corlotoo 6,0111 40,720 154,910 124,975 90 ~i19 66,695 lA7,794 .89,418 lA5,588 do. 4 9 5U 45 ' ~9Z ~s 1,017 51' 0

do. 6,085 40,729 155,525 U5,oeD 91,1111 66,958 148,1111 9O,~ lA6,688 IOUTOIIIJ/ CId..", IIm:aDUlo IInhanp Corloto 1,568 292 510 182 U 6 56 III 2110 l,7Z0 11ft Yark IIorcoDUlo lta::bu&o do. 165 2111 5,Il4t 16,lA2 11,665 ',zoe 6,664 2,616 17,901 .lll,m Totol l,B88 518 8,W 2,827 18,lBl In,4CS

.iI'mtnrzrrrttmnM1MiW '.l~7 J@ UPDATA 1981 ~) 6

Yoar bectm1nl Jul:r ~\7 &DII ....ko' Qo1\ 19f_ 1944...5 l»fS04e ~7 19f7...& 19t8049 19t9~ lS5O-6J. lSSJ..62 lSSZ-Sa

_ YorkconoIlIUD _ ... tm OIL...... III.Ui... powIdo 1I.1t 1lI.t 0.8 W M.O 1,'7&.9 a,l9t.a ".5M.S Bb.to.... '.982.8 5.04$.8 iloIr Orlaul. Co\lOQ bcbaap <14. 0 0 0 0 0 1.5 ZOO •• iii 1.~'.5 11.9 .5

ratal <14. e.! 1lI.~ .11 M.O 1,47&.9 5.195.8 .,SM.7 ".1131.'1 7.8••7 8.050.3 80tIIW OIL 11 IilUie 0 0 0 yJ 0 .. 0.9 0 227•1 ~l.sn.o MO.t 5'12.7 Ch1eap-Y.... _ --~.of tnda P'WII' W ~. ------W1.9S1.tI I.us.e 2.6'78.0 Total ~. 0 0 0 •• .9 0 1tt7.1 5,sat.1I 2..'ftl5.8 5,a.a.7 LIRD IIUU... Ch1...... _ of Trade ...... 0.11 0.1 n/ 0.6 at 157.7 2.95S.9 s.su., 1.521.' 2,2l5.1 1,m.9 l,flA.l _ Cl\7 BID_ of Trade ,..... ­ 0 4.a 0 75.5 518.0 11117.0 558., .06.8 285.' ua•• 5\. ~ ...... ia' IbalboDp """"<14. .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 total do. .1 '.5 0 75.5 518.0 SS7.0 558,4 _.8 res•• UII.'

_ Ch;,lIJBlIt5 _ or Trade TI>oua&DII \000 0 0 0 61.' SOD.S 21l1.0 145.7 175.' 1&1.5 195.9 CO!"IOI:SIID CAL 11 ~...... \obc-" tbouaaad Cloor1.ac ""_loU.., tooo 0 0.1 0.3 95.9 us., 578.8 41'8.5 5815.8 5&1.9 VB.t SOl'IB&I ~ 11 Tb_ ~"""""ialbc-" Cl8u'1", ,,"_loU.. tooo 0 2•• 0 155.9 W.2 47'.7 ~.126.0 2.29Z..0 ~5t5M I.OSl.? ClWlqo _ of Trade do. ------_.1 _.2 1'0\0]. <14. 0 t.4 0 155.11 '12.2 474.7 1.126.0 2.292.0 1.9ft.iS 1.837.~

11 All \7po. of OODtoo..\o. 1/ Tra<\1Dc ...peadod """" llI, 19tG. ~v ~n_ ..,,,,,,, III. 19f1l. ,., 'I'md1a.a llodted .., lit ".....13. 19fe, to l1qu1daUOD oaq »> tIIo l»C6 Jul.l', lIop_r, .., _ hw...... _.U""..-...I Jul,T 51, life. ~ ..._ btp.\ 5•. 19t1l. 1/ tred1a&.".~"..... 15. 19&8. 11 !'1-ad1q ro_ ""1, II, lM6. 1/ lAo... _ 50.000 1Il0b01o. If Tr-... ro_ 8op\o8ha' ll. 19411. 1111 1'rod1"I ..._ 51pt..bor 14. IS... (Buepoadood .'u.. 25. 1945.) JJI TroII1JIc ...po- """" 1lI. 194IIolio tIIo 194e Jul,T _ 8op_ tuNr•• oal.r. W tnd1ac nope...s Aquo\ Itt. 1948, fu.\ tr&d1"l1n COIl'II, Jul,r U. 19t1l. W t'r8diD& ro_ ...... t sq, 1944. (~.pendad Ju... 25. 1945.) JII t'r8diD& ro_ ..,....\11, 1948. W t'r8diD& ro_d s.p-.. 15. 1944. (~.ponded Ju"" 25, 19f5.) W1'rod1"I .....-.,s ...... llI, llK8, 10 till 1945 Jul,T tu""'" enl.T. I!l t'r8diD& ..._ Jul,r lZ. 11148. W 1'rod1"I ro_ "..... 14, 1M7. W t'r8diD& ...... s Jul.r llI, 1'>48. !9f Doa"-Uoo .....-.\ ....lIIot .....t.ecI ..;, 1. 1968. J}/ tred1a& ...._ Apr1.1 n. 1949. u/ 1'rod1"I r ....ad Jul,r', 1»47. (~.ponded F.bru.~ 19. I94S.) u/ tred1a& ro_ Jul,r 1!9. 1948. (~.poadod FIobruarJ' Ul. 1945.) W _Itot r,>OD04 fa:" tr-...... s.p_ la. IS501 ....po_ 'ebruary 1&. lS51. u/ Trod1JIc be.... IIop\o8ha' 19, 19f4. III t'r8diD& .._ October I. 1948. u/ Tr-... be.... October 1, un. ut t'r8diD& be.... "..... 1, liJ4g. a/ Trod1JIc ...~ pri.. \0 _ opm1D& "" JUN&ry 27. 1951, ro_ iIorcb 8, 1951. 'f4J! tro.

WlfrttJ1fWtt(t5irfr*t'r_~ 1@ UPDATA 1981 ~:: 7

Table 2.-llanth:\T ~~ at tJol

UIIH Aq. Sept. Oct. Doo. Jan. reb. liar. fatal 1IIUl'V ~&r __... TII...and 19l11-65 \0 1958-al1 baabola

19411-49 do. 420,2« 416,224 500,689 265,2110 lII7,759 556,751 527,642 445,lII8 557,298 567,915 579,854 552,029 4,,514,895 1949-1iO do. 650,456 419,648 5'1D,805 245,657 295,826 264,142 256,759 229,861 564,287 lIIl,66B 587,167 569,520 4,201,964 1950-61 d>. 511,891 555,517 274,745 =,9Bl 516,557 5n,479 44B,'1D5 480,151 425,_ 4og,075 455,501 a89,148 4,676,71S 1951~ do. 445,028 4511,161 507,622 559,589 455,1196 590.282. 5158,49S S04,190 286,264 564,5ce 285,'720 578,145 4,M1,.69O l95t-05 do. 460,685 548,908 250,058 UB,B21 265,075 291,561 255,779 505,595 252,217 259,241 281,074 585.• 74a !,780,A4 COD S-:rar """"C. Thounnd 1954-65 \0 1958-89 bualwla 512,900 559,092 191,llB 194,812 210,550 197,515 115,555 95,760 124,052 187,101 15I1,5l11 130,045 2,525,650

19411-49 do. 419,585 470,566 592,425 265,551 580,610 500,686 249,774 594,7&8 254,052 209,046 172,644 168,620 5,678,278 1949-1iO do. 198,768 215,600 152,949 128,052 257,258 197,527 155,55B lOS,212 140,519 141,604 19O,a12 154,581 2,0lJ5,.400 19511-51 do. 167,570 161,829 142,816 162,029 242,71l'f 226,515 264,511 186,255 lBO,919 155,200 1!21,577 l!II,777 2,256,.588 1951-02 do. 174,556 162,774 24B,861 '-19,627 285,992 242,552 247,SIl'f 220,424 191,047 219,488 197,715 229,21B 2,639,689 19SZ-s5 d:>. 252,901 252,975 210.'65 256,608 228, !88 287,794 250,267 262,049 197,672 194,597 =,8lI1 506,659 Z,eU,2ot

OAfS 5'"7UT PSrap nou ..... d 1954-:15 to 1951'-:19 bualwlA 109,816 60,552 41.,140 48,95B 51,862 46,519 %9,919 45,.090 1!,592 58,0'Z6 65,112 749,013 19411-411 do. 250,558 112,951 110,899 67,455 100,= 74,660 88,050 113,635 66,«6 62,. 711 64,752 55,170 1,175,717 1949-1iO do. 151,492 99,275 62,102 51,155 59,4E5 e7,9~ 48,952 56.102 47,.129 85,117 158,159 205,585 1,068,.240 1950-61 d•• 167,a61 120,094 116,050 !59,724 151,005 157,145 119,259 144,551 149, 74~ 140,519 140,656 1.51,565 1,617,255 1951-1iZ do. 97,748 164,575 144,700 15!,126 255,220 199,279 250,260 225,596 201,045 215,952 199,741 177,5~9 2,259,,205 195Z-05 do. 164,1lO1 271,755 194,597 ISS,OEM 220,400 2l11,749 226,147 262,461 ,170,225 118,192 l5O,.

19411-49 do. 6,401 15,287 7,695 u,us 9.911 9,SE7 6,594 12,719 8,405 8,4~ I 18.40l. 12,756 125,564 1949-1iO do. 51,956 56,421 42,016 sZ,m 52,727 59,099 46,924 SO,201 45,015 60,656 I 1S,.Sst 43,.637 581,157 195O-1il do. 47,260 42,604 22,227 19,501 49,565 SO,590 ST,46! 74,6S5 69,.5lS 56,J.S4. 59,.449 57,255 576,2lE 1951-02 d•• 25,915 55,576 25,156 55,856 25,145 57,475 26,.219 52,107 57,481 44,069 52,102 52,912 426,587 1952-05 do. 55,494 52,567 42,394 52,851 45,.824 68,.546 61,020 56,821 60,654 71,W 69,945 100,259 705,044 IWIIn zI S..,-aar &YV'Ap Thouaand l.Qlll..,5 to 1938-:19 balhela 4,4Z0 2..559 2,5TS 1,426 721 1,.052 1,671 1,291 1,952 51,905 rLUSI!!II 5-,..,. a"rap Tboa.aaad 19l11-:15 to 1958-:111 ba.hela 625 2,%96 Z,257 1,589 1,M7 615 412 209 417 655 741 11,978

1948~9 do. 10 1 o 11 1949-1iO do. o 6 11 2 o o o o o o o 54 55 1950-61 do. 4 15 50 111 644 a12 1,500 558 4(2 544 e55 B7l 5,607 1951-1iZ do. B44 1,- .,412 5,694 5,= 5,0'/8 !,:516 :=:,924 1,852 4,685 1,476 5,851 40,926 1952-05 do. 1,661 4,4OB 5,245 Z,691 4,526 2,9OC 2.,013 5,121 1,155 2,669 1,289 2,561 32,059

SOYIII.US S..,..r ...... p y Thou....d 19~-81' to 19S8-5i tIl.tela y 1,482 4.518 3.911 2,80S 1,665 1,592 1,515 2,072 2,.265

1948~9 do. 6,920 11,917 SS,S9S 105,462 l.S4,374 190,851 220,659 257,071 179,075 154,500 159,654 119,021 1,,557,.665 194I1-1iO do. 150,577 251,577 226,522 lII7,640 525,027 277,eso 253,086 222,296 405,"4 402,658 427,277 554,St2 !,6lS,906 1950-61 do. ~76,854 2.83,757 216,8S6 396,426 412,BtO 274,673 255,852. 91,954 l6!,031 117,3'12. 179,80S 195,252 2,952,610 19S1-1iZ do. 155,008 126,98l1 195,894 SB2.,765 soe,e9S 282,805 291,4941210,505 226,795 202,045 258,565 515,614 2.,9S!,l.eO 1952-oB do. 227,027 270,859 2'19,088 55B,764 227,455 294,505 527,659 259,752 518,021 254,558 282,453 260,228 5,.S4E,.!29 ---+.-----r-----+------­ GR.I.D SORllIiUIIB lIUllon 194~9 pound. o o o (6) I (6) (6) o o o o o o 1 1949-00 do. o o o o o o o o o o o o 1950-01 do. o o I o 57 174 50s 455 421 574 547 2,509 1951-1i2 do. Zl4 461 15~ 47~ I 1,477 1,598 B55 901 775 1,041 554 555 8,651 1952-55 do. 425 ?! 58 79 40 12 6 5 5 o o 2 682

ThouNlld 1948~9 pound. 1,400 1,400 1949-1iO do. o o 1,690 o o o 80 o 80 o 2,.040 19W-lil do, o leo 920 400 o o 40 o o o 2,880 1951-02 7.1 do. o o Sill o o o o o o o o 520 ---~-----+--~+-----~---+'---+------~----r---r---r---r---r---r---~---- 5-,re&r • .,erace thou.Md lSlII-:l5 to 1958-:19 bola. ',221 3,,899

1948-49 do. 5,999 5,144 4,666 4,. 711 5,119 5,.608 4,.968 B,.E35 3,657 6,52.5 4.519 4,.434 65,385 1949-1iO do. ~,.205 2,9M 5,6'15 4,686 3,400 4,MB ~,.607 5.'"1 S,U4 4,551 4,501 6,155 52,697 1950-61 do. fi,917 7~SOEi 8,416 10,806 10,7.40 7,.567 7,170 - S,9?! S,.l!7 4.483 5,052 79,067 1961-1iZ do. 5.~6 5,682 7,845 9~213 11,659 8,170 ',255 9,880 8,126 8,572 6,67£ 6,715 94,BIl'f 1952-05 do. 6,168 7,495 8,.599 12,531 9,760 9,,~8! 9.006 6,685 5,978 S,6S4 5,.1l7 4,661 91,555 ---~=-L-ro~m--~~-----4----·--4------+-----f-----t-----1------+-~--+-~--t-----~---1-----1-- S..,.IlAr ."'race Thc..lsand. 15l11-:15 to 1958-89 powx!. r-___2_,_4OB__+-___1_,_~_S7_+---2-,4-5-2_r--2-,e-5-6_r--5-,79--5_+---2_,_5_17-+__2~,_7_46_+--5~,-02-8-+__2-,-57-4-+--~~,-92-0-+--5~,12--S-+___3,_5_92__+-__5~5,4_5~__ 1946-49 do. 2.ll0 5,230 4,630 2.,S75 6,045 " Des 5,310 5,700 W,lfS 4,585 2,E25 5,170 50,590 1949-1iO do. 1,560 2.,450 5,9SO 5315 4,3SS 5:110 S illl 4,5":'0 3,245 4,~E5 4,.e25 5,leO 48,290 1950-01 do. 7,2SO 10,715 8,590 6;905 8,560 9,725 7:425 -- 5.6S5 7,970 11,,225 82,7eo 1951-o~ do. 5,.850 8,455 19,640 25,750 15,7lll 10,595 14,955 16,.f'.20 13,020 lS,745 14,.420 lD,645 1'12,585 1952~5 do. U,lfO ll!,2OS 15,200 16,575 16,5lC 10,555 14, liS 10,870 14,965 li,730 10,220 B,725 154,910

~'"! 'f'"tettwt'fWf*t&f!;tft.,t' j@ UPDATA 1981 "I 8

.­ .-~". C_1t7 and 7"U' Unit Ju17 .b,. Sept. Oct. K"". Doc. Jan. l'eb...... &Jr. "1 JuDo Total. "-~- 1----­ ~.:; 19~-II5 to 198&-!9: Carlot. 1.sro 1,_ 1,546 2,281 2,as! ~,218 2.095 l,ses 1,278 SS7 1,0111 1,49! m,Olll

1948-49 do. 1,990 2,?.lII ~.SS5 '.117 ~,524 1,900 1,480 477 U8 1U 278 598 17,877 l!J49-60 ",a. 40l SS5 US 4211 621 ll8 119 11 111 16 45 n ~.'" 1950-51 i do. 69 59 88 56 65 151 268 SlII SOl 479 80Z 652 8,25a 11151-62 do. 74l 5~ 775 1,090 l,iI8O 1,_ g6S l40 255 l.t6 ~ 426 8,S68 11152-68 l do, 955 75~ 650 1,480 921 l,sao. 786 165 157 ~l n ~O 7,295 1000 V , 5-,...,. aftrap 1II~-II5 to 1II5&-!9: Carlot. l.U5 S,168 5.249 6.152 6,_ 5,2111 2,n5 1,565 1,416 2,951 2,911 2,_ 42,458

l!J48-49 do. 6.414 10,717 1II.8n 14,281 12,209 8,otO 2,494 l,5SS 2,_ 4,828 B,W 5.745 91,1111 l!J49-60 I do. 6,995 6,521 8,145 8,488 1.796 5,587 2,188 l,ll7 4.0Zl S,4Zl 4,745 4.9111 56,958 1950-61 i do. St,94.S 15.486 15,751 17,9Ol 14.149 10._ 6,~ 4,048 7,_ 15,898 2l.!27 14,401 148,811 1II51-6~ do. 12,919 9,716 11,899 9,556 8,877 7,587 3.901 5,891 8,144 4,755 6,474 7,_ 90,000 11152-6S do. 14,247 12,808 18,U2 17,482 1!.196 11,744 5,687 '.100 10,250 15,005 l1,v:7 12,145 145,588 ror.u

l!J48-49 do. 875 655 617 571 2,259 1,_ 711 625 7S6 426 ~ 844 9,%!lt 1949-60 do. 877 529 651 7'7S l,2n 1,089 585 166 79 96 51 6,692 11150-61 do. 15 21 52 51 25 12 46 1,006= 629 265 229 ~70 2,627 1951-62 do. 215 568 1,765 5,891 2,511 1,797 1,271 1,574 958 925 1,057 1,_ 18,181 1952-6S I do. S,OlB 15,_ ll,868 12,855 8,719 15,987 12,«0 14,815 15,126 9,689 3,582 2,'"\5 125,449

s-,.ar~OUI &..r&&'II Thcmaand 1954-115 to 195&-!9 J>OCDd­ ~,656 208,_ 177,942 168,5n W,942 191,754 211,656 245,040 205,558 189,090 145,010 179,082 2,222,406

1148-19 .. do. 107.940 202,500 2110,700 508,290 270,990 288,000 548,820 895,450 2n,4SO ~n,780 190.140 254,280 a,liS.8lD l!J49-60 do. 254,400 520,640 sao,960 287,520 889,120 814.970 M7,l00 885,640 455,100 861,920 576,900 640,880 ',534,680 1950-61 do. 725,660 692.520 658,200 776,040 951,840 589,500 694.,«0 155,900 560,500 465,860 ~;260 678,180 7.5l1l.700 1951-62 do. 566,280 5",800 590,180 442.UO S52,120 1,014,600 877,920 597,180 562,440 987,660 ~:540 562,880 '7.989.''120 1952-58 do. 592.OW 581,840 490,360 241.860 188,540 209,940 171,120 215,400 207,780 99,'12.0 f1s 5,760 156,120 5,050,280 SO!lIIWI OIL }/ Thouaand pound. 0 0 15,860 4,680 7,600 14,220 28,100 27,840 82,82C 57,000 58,260 227,100 1949-60 '" ',000 1950-61 do. 156,000 115,520 126,240 898,700 nO,260 562,080 572,100 1119,920 165,'nl) 157.460 ~06,100 194,620 5.552,620 1951-62 do. 114,600 74.460 106,200 240,840 ~0.200 554,840 _,520 ~lO,120 190,860 286,680 ~~,920 275,520 2,"1i5.1&0 1952-6S do. 181.740 2S8,920 254,040 819,980 510.620 M2.nO 245,860 230,220 247.680 200,940 l,9M 2S6,520 5.018.'120 URI) 5-,.ar &"er... Tbousand .19~-II5 to 198&-!9 pounds 99,560 lBO.MO 96,640 94,180 lOS,lBO 118,460 lO4,480 98,210 101,740 115,050 89,720 I 92,690 l,t72,780 1948-49 do. 293,200 512.520 «9,800 422,560 279,000 260,560 280,560 88~,4tjQ 225,440 214.880 5,615,nO 1949-60 do. 180.760 182,080 101.440 82.,010 86,'760 =,080 64,040 6O.UO 105,_ 115,640 06,6&0 257,720 l,Q1,400 1950-61 do. 47S,520 279,680 191,480 165.680 :130,120 195,SW 204,200 76,840 145,280 8!,560 ""-196,600 ~.=102,480 Z,2l!,oeo 1951-62 do. 99,520 78,440 84.840 98,eoo .1,~5,S60 115,760 lDZ.nO l2!I,760 lOS,920 128,120 12~,860 122,000 l,SZ!,880 1952-63 do. 118.560 156,120 191.960 150,160 98,760 124,560 65,960 90,080 105,160 S4,_ 65,440 121,_

ElLUl 5-rwar &'fer.,. 19M-II5 to 1988-119 Tons sS,seo 88,060 86,505 50,440 56,81~ 51,980 85,720 26,050 23,955 25.470 25,225 28,775 575,870 - 1948-49 do. 40,580 !4,200 26.CMO 36.270 41,190 52.520 25,400 24.,9SO 18,180 I21,180 14,760 U,OOO !!7,O5O 1949-60 do. 56,540 42,050 41,790 59.540 SO.560 59,900 55,670 16,980 24,090 19,200 14,760 17,620 558,580 1950-51 do. 46.350 45.6SO SO,340 50,560 40,230 45,660 ",190 50,400 ~7,060 \24,870 20,610 20,620 406,000 1951-62 do. 15.120 52,640 85.620 58,490 85,210 lB.990 22,890 17,820 21,240 19,200 14,040 16,250 205,590 1962-68 do. 21,_ 89,510 29,160 52,730 21,660 26,460 17,190 11,100 11,220 9,480 7,080 15,000 246,450

SIDITS S...,..ar _"race ! 1954 -115 to 198&-!9 T."" 10,710 12,055 1,050 7,nO 9,490 9,725 9,700 7,59'~ 10,795 I 9,780 6,60S 8,150 109,155 1948-49 do. 52,040 15,120 18,000 14,4-00 20,340 24,120 16,560 17,880 19,200 14,040 12,420 8,_ ~15,OOO 1949-60 do. 9,270 9.720 24,000 8,6'70 11,580 18,780 20,100 6,650 12,000 9,Me 8,100 5,040 145,7lIO 1950-51 do. 14.910 15,590 9,960 lS,OBO 18,630 lB,sro 16,860 16,2150 lB,660 ~",2£'O 10,440 8,640 179.670 1951-62 do. 4,920 12,120 16,200 14,280 18,960 15,190 15,780 12,180 17,640 10,200 10,580 12,840 1111,280 195:1-6S do. 20,810 16,770 20,7S0 24.750 15,050 19,850 20,070 14,870 18,990 lS,~O 7,560 6,120 1115,900

COT'IOIlSEED .u V 5-par .".rap 1954-115 to 195&-!9 Tona 62.• ~~ 77,460 66.540 72,360 52.,900 51,080 58,!OO 63.460 52.440- SS,800 57.200 56,&10 7OS,8m 1948-49 do. 28,600 46,400 S8,900 44,400 55,600 46,500 28,800 'Z".lOO 18,~CO SO,800 28,100 15.500 578,800 1949-60 do. 311.700 26,100 59,100 56,900 52,800 25,800 56,600 40,400 ~7.100 27,eoo 478,sao 11150-61 do. 64.900 61,400 68,400 65,500 47,80071,400 lJ'80061,200 54,700 54,700 28,4OO! 21,600 25,000 28,800 586,000 1951-62 do. 44.71)0 45,600 70.000 116,100 88,200 47,000 46,500 35.SOO 56'400 21,sao 17,000 16,000 584,900 1952-<;3 do. 12,400 1,200 11,400 19,6QO 5,f3(X) 9,SOO 4,200 9,200 9,000 I 5,900 6.000 4,200 98,200 - ...... ,-~- '"---­ -

~)iO"r '. emWtr *i'lI3 ,~@ UPDATA 1981 ~.~ 9

~tTazsd!"8.r Unit. JulJ' I q. Sotpt. OCt. 1IoT. Doc. J&J1. !\lb. liar. iJ.7"" lisT Juno Total somr,ur w.u. y ; ~ ToM 29,800 i 56,lllO 55,100 55,'100 51,000 51,200 50,000 55,400 511,900 24,900 27,900 S4,700 474,700 :mt9-50 "0. 45,900: / 58,900 S1,lIOO 91,700 Bl,6OO 99,800 94,900 127,600 99,000 161,000 125,lllO lOG,200 1.12B.OGO 1950-51 do. 126,~oo 128,lOG 126.900 tl8,2OD 255,300 249,900 281,600 158,400 lDS,lOO 192,leO tU,ooo .188,600 2,,292,000 1951-62 do. lU,9OO 1::7,eoo 252,000 565,60(1 eU,4OO 172,800 W6,lIOO lS9,5OO 51,lOG 14P,lIOO 7O,?OO 73,1500 ~.912.500 19SZ-5S do. 66,000 2.7,500 97,700 159,800 146,500 2S2.000 I 219,100 257,000 16&,500 172,500 lSe,5OO 190,200 1,857,900

~t &Ie TabLt 1, ror dates or 1Mtlll1raUon, eusp8!U'ion, and ft8U8pt.i.OU ot t.radlna during: U. JUra 1948-&9 thrOllP 1952-.5S. OId.sslO11 ot tile S..,.ar __qe (19S4-l55 t.o l!l~.a-Ml iMicate. tr_

co-.I1l;f GIld ..n:n Ulllt oIIJl7 ADa. Sopt. ~. loT. Doc...... Feb. liar. Apr. 1Iq June Total. ftl...._ Cb1__IIIIA1'ot TnM !I _lila 502,4115 224,540 148,611 147,&'/0 1'18,655 220,l2l. 115,692 226,557 182,226 182,OM 215,_ ..a,518 2,6W,.sa QUcaco Opea _ of ~ do. 5,_ 2,111 5.142 5,1<11 5,m 5,698 .4,674 4,452 5,592 .,M2 4,92' 7,5'16 48,751 .'",,-,"10__ Ci,1;f QrIl1Jl_ of~. T....s. do. 411,426 57,2'7D 48,2116 SII,5U SII,D2l 26,_ 51,871 27,'1211 52,105 Zi,555 28,427 47,'Q5 _,152 do. 108,181 65,198 ti,"S 41,100 47,175 41,072 <11,482 44,485 M,2116 52,811 51,lI44 QO,201 626,082 1111_0rIl1A QrIl1A __ -..... do. 22 24 Zi 62 54 57 59 92 70 12 27 111 626 _w. do. 101 551 "27 25 275 , 1 l!OO lSO 427 206 ~ 2,485 Total. do. 411D,685 548,_ 250,058 228,1121 265,D7I 291,S61 25S,779 S05,59a 252,217 259,241 281,07' 585,745 S,'I8O,5M

allII TIxIuaIMI ~ _ ct.!rodII loIobllla 229,605 229.691 206,6&9 252,244 =,tz1 _,221 226,968 256,861 195,555 182,115 l8l,OOO S05,591 2,772,995 CIU_ ()po:n _ "t !rode do. 5,144 5,196 5,019 2,881 1,955 2,676 2,127 2,700 1,752 1,791 1,755 2,5165 50,577 _Ci,I;f_ot~ do. 0 5 725 1,559 1,945 771 511 118. 585 6c

OA!S ftl_ 011_0 _ of TrodII baahllla l52,12O 241,l!O8 l8l,_ 154,_ 2Ol,ru 224,_ 217,517 250,974 165,0'18 160,5U 144,059 17S,71l2 2,262,641 Ch1caco Opea _ ot TrodII do. Bl1 1,067 1,205 l,lSO 1,062 1,165 1.m 1,474 807 916 625 655 12,610 ~.Gnlnbl:~ do. 11,497 ~,:t79 11,!IOIl 7,565 17,m 8.525 6.7lIl 9,842 6.197 8,61n 5.2SO 7,624 l25,809 1111_ QrIl1Jl ~ do. 167 :I 205 s.s 525 128 111 I 145 101 1M 96 2,115 Total. do. 154,601 271,755 194,897 165,084 220,400 ZM,1ti 226,147 262,46l 170,225 1'18,192 150,028 185,155 2,421,]72 an Q11"'Co _ ot T....s. loIobllla 51,~ 48,681 40,529 Sl,C611 41,284 ~.'ifi5 60.046 55,642 59,62' 68,975 60,796 106.488 600,117 O11c",o Ope _ or TrodII do. m 27' 248 600 255 510 164 ~9 149 216 165 $48 2,819 1l1""""POl1a Gnln _ ..... - 5,aM 1,588 1,_ 2,242 1,110 780 Sl9 sa7 1,841 B97 1,251 19,za5 do. S,'M 1111_.. Qra1Q _&I0I0 do. ss 72 29 as 45 55 ro 61 94 11 B7 152 825

Total. do. 55,.g~ 52,587 42,594 52,857 45,62C £S,MS 61,020 56,eu 60,654 71,105 69,945 lOB,~58 705,044

PUl5IIID ftl_ _old 5,245 2,691 4,526 2,_ 2,015 5,121 1,155 2,66a 1,2811 2,581 52,05 ~u. Gra1Q 1tII:""". 1,661 ',- SO'lIlDIIS ftloUOMd CM_ Boer

Total. do. 227,027 270,859 279,088 5118,764 227,455 284,505 527,659 259,752 lUB,lJ2l 254,558 282,455 266,22>1 S.M6J~

OR.\D SOIlOllll&5 1I1ll101l _ C1t7 Boer

TotAl do., 425 72 sa 79 40 12 6 5 5 0 0 2 682

_.. Ton:carrol Cottoll ___ bal.. 4,555 5,557 6,528 9,512 7,205 6,617 6,028 4,9U 4,226 4,289 ~J612 5,.m 66,21lS ... 0\*1_ Cottoll I!:rth_. do. 1,554 1,897 2,015 I 5,081 2,M2 ~J694 2,610 1,651 1,668 1,299 1,454 1,205 25,506 OIieoco Board ofTrodII -do. 59 59 58, lllll US 512 SOB 152 116 65 ~ 51 1,555 Total. cIo. 6,16S 7.4911 B,599 \ 12,551 9,760 9,665 9,006 5.685 5,978 5,654 5,117 4,SIn 91,555 WOOL TOPS t Il001 booclo_ ot __ Yon: ! I Cotton E:Icb&Qs_, bbc. poUlldo 15,160 12a2OS 15,200 I 16,575 16,510 10,555 14,115 10,B70 14,96S 11,750 10,220 g.725 154,910 lIITHR - Cbi_Q .."'....W. Iltctl.anc. I Sto..... Contrad carloto 949 7E5 647 j 1,472 I 921 I,roo 786 185 157 21 61 20 7,272 ... To.n: """,,,,,We -Iw>cQ Sto..... Cont.''''''' I do. 4 6 5 l a I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21- Total do. 95$ '159 650 1 1,480 921 l,SOO 786 185 1b7 21 61 20 1,293 !IlG5 ! Cb1eqo Ilne&ntll. ~. I ! JUtt!'1••rat.Qr Contnct. tC.rlota 14,247\ 12.W5 18,522 17,48t r 15,196 11.744 5,687 4,096 10,225 15,000 l1,U7 12,145 145,572 4 7 5 !'roob Contract I do. o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 Total. ! do. 14,247 12,WS 18,= 1.7,482 15,196 11,744 S,687 4,100 10,2W 15,000 11,127 12,1'5 145,5B6 I'OT.\TOES I 011_0 JHJ'C&OW. -bani. f _n ~rbaDlt:a Ic..rlo... 200 522 157 551 = 164 1411 e. BS 0 5 0 1,720 N.. Ton: 114t",,,,,Ule I!:rth.".. 1IA1.oe a...... I ! I Contract; 110. 1 ! do. S,a18 U,S07 11,711 112,= B,509 13,925 12,297 14,72Il 15,045 9,689 S,S57 2,74. I 121,729 Total do. 6,OlB 1!,e32P ll,868 112,855 8,7].9 15,967 12,_ 14,015 1~,126 9,689 3,562 2,745 123,449

~ COTTOIIS&'fJl OIL "nlouaand ft_ To.... Produce Escb_. pounda 591,740 531,600 _,S60 241,e6O 18B,54O 209,940 171,120 215,400 ~07,780 99,720 155,760 156,120 3,049,74.0 N.. Orl...,. Cotton Ezcl>.q~ do. SOD 240 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 540 .~f.----- Total. do. 592,040 531,840 4BO,S60 241,e6O lee,1I40 209,940 171,1~ 215,400 207,'/80 99,720 155,760 156,120 ~,o...~J280 --I-­ SOI8&IB OIL TIlOUUl:~ Roo lon: ProQ:,c. -bani. pounca 28,080 '36,660 51,520 1I1,200 46,680 47,160 56,960 2S,640 25,440 19,020 26,040 20,520 372,720 Cb1cOCO 90ard ot Tro.do ck.. 153,560 202,260 222,720 288,780 265,940 295,560 206,400 206,WO 222,240 181,920 215,940 216,000 2,676,000 - Total. do. 181,740 2118,920 254,040 519,9$0 510,620 542,720_ L._.245,560 ___ 250,220 247,680 200,940 2U,9S0 ~~,S20 3,048,720 ~. ,._._- .,..,-...---- ...~-. .-~ ...-.--... ._- .- - --'­

:"j9fjp 't rrifIIiMtttmHttW ,~" J@ UPOATA 1981 ')c\ 11

Tabla 8.-IIonth~ ",,1m.. ot tradinl! on each oontract market, Ju~ 1.952 to Juno 1958~dnt1m.d

CClIII'lOd1I;y and """ket Unit Ju~ AIlS· Sept. Oct. NOT. Dec. Jo.n,. Feb. Ilar. Apr. Iia,. June Total LARD Tbwsand Cbioqo Board Dr Trade pound. llII,560 156,120 191,960 150,160 9S,780 124,360 85,960 90,080 103,160 94,880 83,440 121,640 1,414,060 lIU!I _. Cit.)' Board or Trsde Totu!. 27,060 ~9,510 29,160 s2,'1l\I) 21,660 26,460 17,l9O . ll,lOO ll,220 9,460 7,080 13,800 "46,460


COT1'Oll9EC:l IlEAL :Ioapbi. IIorcbanto Exchange CUarinl! A..caiaMon Tone 12,400 1,200 ll,tOO 19,600 5,800 e,soo 4,200 9,200 9,000 5,900 6,000 4,200 98,200

SOIIlEAIII£AL IIoI11!'h1Jt IIerobant. Exchange Claarins A••ooi&Uon So;rbean "'&1 Contraot Tone 41,500 8,200 10,200 102,200 70,500 125,600 102,800 1SO,lOO 88,500 105.,700 77,000 119,700 981,600 So;rbean 110&1 Concon- do, V14,400 12,600 6,400 8,600 6,000 3,600 600 1,800 600 Y 400 - 50,100 trate Contract - Cbi.R.O BoIlcd ot Trade do. 24,700 4,900 15,000 51,200 72,400 100,400 113,300 126,100 74.400 72,200 81,100 '70,600 806,200

Total do. 66,000 27,500 57,700 159,600 146,500 282,000 2111,700 257,,000 164,600 178,500 156,500 190,200 l,8S7,900

y No tr&d1nI! in "Horth Pacitio C"".t Contract" during year end1ns June 50, 1958. On Ju~ 1, 1958, tradins susponded in tb1B contraot. V Trad1nj; bepn AIlilUot 4, 1952. Y Trad1ns dlooont1nued !.!l\Y 18, 1953.

:#fid''liV·'Y1t.,er'lbi'¥fjl!f«; ;1@ UPDATA 1981 12

AlIa. Oct. r~~. Jan. r.b. Apr.

1II!IU, CIl1cqo _ or Tnde (In thoUUl!dlo or buehola) 18~ JIJJ.T U,e1'7 - - 1852 s.p-.. 111,152 6O,U7­ 8,au------19~~_ 88,9Ot lll,lU6 82,ll!8 70,070- 68,888- 2&,005------Hl55_ M,1I68 l1,166 U,169 25,201 W,BBi 6'1,615 55,85'1- Sli,748- 7,662- - - - 1951111q 24,'IU 1111,"'" 29,120 lIV,02S 65,BBS 100,117 98,m 129,?1i8 96,1lB 68,?l!8- 19,57l- - 1855 .hlJ' l,5M ',820 15,6'11 2',9IU 52,ns 52,V96 U,n? 65,06'1 8i,US 9i,an lllI,.ze- 1855 '"op\

1952 JIJJ.T 8,761 - - - 1952 Sep~ 52,805 f9,6S? 8,688 ------lJlQ~- 8,812 26,005 40,'75 28,1'11 21,045' 2,789 ------1951l Ilq 1,542 1,857 4,1lI1l 8,552 14,818 28,052 81,Ose 25,'115 25,006 17,559 ',516- - lV5ll JIJJ.T - - 5 568 B&5 2,0l6 7,OSHI 11,541 18,285 18,281 1965 S~_r ------5 42' ',St.O 22,821 1951l ~e.bor ------60 1,896 fI,lIOl li54 Ilq ------eo Tot&! 48,.ze 6'1,279 CB,2114 se,525 se,on 26,409 51,871 27,729 52,lOS 29,65& 28,fl1 ',,:,495

II!I&I.!, _ Cit.)' Boal'd or Trade (In thoUUl!dlo a! to..bol.a) -----.' 181il JIJJ.T 11,61il -> - - -~ - - - llI52 S~r '111,500 29,265 5,820- - - - 11152 ~_r ------51,465 51,EU l!8,51? 28,465 27,064 6,685 - - - - 1855_ 2,265 1.618 1,961 2,874 ',825 7,064 ',290 2.796 '/97 - - - 195511q 1,605 1,677 5,262 6,6Z8 11,516 25,529 55,548 Sli,707 25,969 17.989 4,606- - '1955 Jul.J' - - 516 5,654 4,272 2,7l1li 8,644 5,980 7,488 10.611 17,S19 54,2211- 1955 Sep_r ------79 l,4lI2 2,8211 &2,728 1855 ~_r ------eo 2.579 6,186 18,014 1954_ ------551 5,2n Total. 108,187 68,188 4lI,475 41,100 47,115 n,072 n,482 44,485 M.lIIM 52.B'Il 51,944 80,201

CORII, Cbicaco Board. ot T....de (Ia tboull&llda or INaI\lla) 1952 JulJ' 29,119 ------1862 Sep~ 100,B56 61,785 w,se?------1952 ~_r 78,751 128,746 129,896 161,268 114,608 l!8,li86 ------1955 IIardl 11,557 22,'7.8 19,446 25,072 42,n5 54,9U 57,660 l!8,260 9,910 ! - -- 1951111q 8,595 16,701 24,m 52,766 75,685 148,254 1CB,21S 164,277 126,843 92,0:18 21,421 - 1955 .JIllJ' - - 1,879 7,ll!8 11,248 29,669 55,240 58,081 ' 48,209 56,5M lOf,6U I It5,se4 1965 S~\_r - - - - 5'Il 8,120 7,605 10,740 8,&17 ; 14,905 2B,074 1965 Doc_r ------2.,487 4,216 B,8:18 24,697 , ~,=, 1964_ - - 1 2,265 1 10,484 1964 IIq ------: 5,855 Total 229,655 229,691 206,659 252,244 222,427 28<1,221 226,_ 268,861 195,656 1192,115 181,000 J 505,591

OATS, Cbic",o Board at Trad. (In tbou.....do or bushels) 1852 JulJ' 15,798 - - - - - 1952 Sop\_r '9,188 55,150 U,7111 ------1952 __.. ------57,157 110,844 88,958 '11,010 75,29' 44,247 ------19S&_ 21,126 45,170 l!8,6l!8 55,694 59,5M 76,684 ?5,4l!8 79,017 21,626 - - - liS8 IIq 8,849 l!8,020 se,200 n,200 54,S57 00,147 99,702 112,199 78,960 36,686 60,791 - 1l1S8 ""lJ' - 122 2,199 6,162 12,556 20,690 60,641 42,101 42,655 b'l,177 58,646 64,235 1965 Sap\-" - - - - - 2,910 15,1W 1:3,152 14,145 I IB,9III! 25,277 n,1I55 186S~_ ------60S 5,820 ll,4S6 24,116 40,078 1954 larch - - 4,704 17,552 1954 IIq ------I ------.i - - 5,196 Tot&! 152,120 247,506 181,786 164,066 201,721 224,7l!8 217,517 260,974 165,07B 16B,514 144,OS9 176,182

RU, Cbic",o Board at Tr&<1e (In tbauundo of INahelo) 1952 Jul.J' (,659 ------1952 Sop\ubor 15,505 14,754 5,B44 ------1952 ~e.ber 9,947 21,748 19,405 12,460 12,891- 7,651 ------1955 I!arcb - - - - - Ii 15 60 - - - - 1955 IIq 1,995 It,2OS 14,566 lS,BSB 22,640 40,116 56,557 52,521 51,616 I27,275 B,25O 1955 Jul.J' I - - - 916 2,761 5,155 16,268 14,995 15,155 21,657 1 29,914 55,m l!8,151 1955 Sap\_bor - - - 2,868 8,479 7,lIse 6,551 10,095 16,101 59,540 1955 _e.ber ------1,695 8,754 24,0'11 1954 lIarcb - - - - - .,146 ------1---_._--­-- - Tot&! 51,884 48,687 4O,5e9 51,069 n,l!8( 66,895 60,046 55,642 S9,82i 68,975 68,796 106,488 ,.~'--,...,~ ---­

.:..tfM'1t:Wfrt'f'eWe'WYtt¥f_~ J@ UPDATA 1981 J 13

"". Sept. Oct...... Dec. JaD. Fob • ..... 'Pr. FUlSIED, 111_11. Ilra1A ltIcIwIco In -....so or buobelao 11152~ 116 ------­- ­ 1952Sep_ 1,111 t,m ~5 ------­ 1952 Doc_ 1,828 2,5lII l,lI1!8 2,786 461 --- -­ ­ usa_ lIZ 161 26. 1,122 1,5011 790 1,'75 lIZ - - ­ 1951 ...,. - lIZ 228 ..l6t 617 6&fo m 1,1110 au 1,1111 84 ­ 19sa~ - 1 I 21' lIB l6t BIll 615 720 1,200 195J s.p_ - - 76 '201 181 214 545 448 1159 1951_ - ---- 57 ttl ------_...... - - - - .-- - Total 1;1161 4,- 5,U5 2,6111 4,526 2,_ 2,015 5,12l l,15S 2,6611 1,2811 2,an--

1952 .Iul7 , 28,678 - I ------­ 1952 5ep_ 112,742 89,610 5~,&75-I ------­ 195210_ 58,951 117,2811 158,7112 I 155,_ 29,656 - ----­ 1951 .IamoazT i 15,862 28,200 40,525 J 93,MB 95,0111 112,554 &5,718-I ' 86,_ ----­&7,_ 1951 II&rch 8,722 11,596 19,525 49,095 45,108 157,146 I '10,174 - 1951_ I 2,_ 14,056 lB,496 57,5'72 54,718 61,609 104,862 1152,769 17',525 116,686 67,588-­ usa~ - 4,022 lB,550 19,416 24,155 56,781 41,511 1IO,80S 95,578 141,1102 141,219­ 1955 &D&uot. ------, - - 180 to 1955 5eptoober - - - - 1,Ssa 5,528 7,804 6,020 9,090 16,_ 51,_ 56,564 ,11155.0_ ------1,185 6,221 11,0114 16,"2 28,651 41,Bl5 11154 J&nuar7 ------200 5,756 12,188 14,_ 1954 llarah ------',848 7,m Total 225,590 266,810 2",525 &55,665 225,456 2811,811 =,- 255,705 515,056 249,258 277,264 261,BI!S

QRU~ SOR!lHllllS, _ C11;J Board or Tracie (ID II1ll1ona or powldo)

1952 Ju];r 201 lB52,3ep_r 195 50 16 1952 Doc_r 2 8 11 2

Total 52 11 2

COT'ION, ft.. Yort< Cottoo E>:cllaDio (10 tbouaauda or bal..) 1952 .Iul7 526 - - I ------­ 1952 October 1,575 1,554 959 127 ------­ 1952 Doe_r 1,420 2,097 2,851-\ , 5,67? i 1,618 105 - I -- -­ ­ 1955 Janu..,. - -- (1) (1) - - - - -­ 1955 r.b",..,. - - =1 - I -- (1) I -- - - ­ 19551951 _IIarab 510 691 1,070 2,550 ! 2,797 2,754 1,_ 1,177 24B 455 614 790 1,5&8 I 1,4'Z2 1,829 1,8&5 2,009 1,857 1,_-- 159 ­ 1955 Jul;r 258 409 519 910 817 I,m 1,582 1,045 1,204 1,625 1,_ 1,295­ 1955 October ll1Z 152 lB9 512 280 402 426 289 SS2 571 520 716 1955 Doeeeor 99 60 127 21~ 147 205 275 228 579 420 S46 684 1954_ 25 149 I 110 114 142 111 158 215 261 500 1954_ -- 12 69 81 59 74 145 1&5 245 - -- - ! I 1954 .IW.7 -- -- ; - - 1 4 14 54 58 110 1954 October ---- .- -- - - 12 17 52 1954 December -- -- 7 _. ~,-~-*--..­ - --­ '~';;m Total ',555 5,557 6,520 ;l---:;;w;--­ 6,677 6,020 4,922 4,228 5,612 5,407 ',289

COTTON, N.. Orl..... Cottoo lIzcll.onio (In tbaullADda or bal..) 1952 Jul;r 85 ------1952 Octobor 599 561 sot 55 - --- 1952 Dec_be. 50S 741 928 1,274 --617 19 - .-- - - 1955 II&rch 121 191 501 761 802 1,186 --907 S4S eo -- ­ 1955 ~ 120 187 2U 455 425 70S 842 775 726 -414 -­54 1955 .IW.7 68 157 179 549 sot 516 616 519 555 6lB B64 ­456 1955 October 45 51 59 106 94. 124 158 92 109 102 r~6 276 1955 Dec_r 15 29 28 eo 65 87 94 69 115 96 190 199 1954_ 5 55 54 48 57 1954 _ - - 28 47 41 86 86 5 14 16 9 25 20 - - - - I 50 105 1954 .IW.7 ------(1) (1) 5 7 18 69 1954 October ---- I -- - 2 6 22 1954 Dec• .,er - - 2 __- ~~-4------~~ ~ - --- - 1------"- - ­ ,­ Total 1,554 1,997 2,01& 5,061 i' 2,542 2,694 2,670 1,651 1,658 l,29Ii 1,484 l,2OS WOOL TOPS, Wool l ..oo1&tAts ot the New York: Cotton Exch&n&e, Inc. (In tnoueanda or pounda) 1952 Jul;r 1,5135 ------1952 October 4,470 5,205 2,670 2,120 ! - - - ­ 1952 Iloc_r 4,_ 5,890 5,765 4,920 , 5,!14S- 1,705 ------1955 IIArcb 1,645 2,550 4,535 4,455 ! 5,050 4,6SS - - - ­ ­ ­ f 5,770 2,850 1,650 1955 IIo,y 915 1,040 2,420 2,665 : 2,500 1,815 2,976 5,050 5,550 2,155-- 1,120 ­ 1955 Juq 250 1,045 995 1,510 1,915 1,020 5,225 1,905 4,070 2,865 2,855 2,110­ 1955 October 100 480 7ao 455 B40 6to l,6to 1,450 2,690 3,555 S,Sto 2,890 1955 Decoobor 15 195 US 660 1,040 480 1,825 1,275 2,0&5 1,645 2,020 2,090 1954 II&rch -- - 10 I Ito ! 245 465 sao 645 960 6SS 1,075 1954 ~ - - -- - I 15 215 150 265 545 lB5 275 1954 Ju];r - --- ! - --- 180 145 65 ISO 1954 October -- - - I -- i ------ISS Total 15,160 12,205 15,280 16,575 1 16,510 10,555 14,U5 10,870 14,965 11,750 10,220 8,725

,,'tirE' 21 :'b=rwf::~\ j@ UPDATA 1981 14

Aq. Sept. Oct. ...". Doc. oru. rob. liar.

usa 10""'" tiU 155 2~ 251 - - - ­ - 18sa Doc_ - - - - 5 - - - -- ­ - 1861 "-17 -418 188 IIiIl 658 1,092 os - - -- ­ 1865 II&rab - - - 6 205 SS5 165 118 - - ­ 1115110...... - - - -j~I ­ - - 20 59 21 61 20 .. to~ IH8 765 6., 1,'72 I 821 l,liOO 7811 185 157 21 51 20 ---­ lIISZ Sept_ 5,854 5,&91 l,4IlIl ------lNZ Octol>or 8,m ',ZJ8 1,IItS 2,2JO - - -. - - - - - 105210_ 1,588 2,276 7,841 V,OSS &,715 ------llIU Doc_ 162 1&8 1,027 6.1BZ 9,065 5,891------usa .I&Daar7 - U, 5?2 S,ESS 2,8" - - - - - 1965 Septoabu' - - -- ~& 2,U2 2,990 1,189 2.o,62l. 1,976 1,052 1865 October - - - - -" 121 1U 1,106 2,154 ',145 2,915 ',621 1865110_ .­ - - - - - ­ - - 2S6 206 172 Total l',2n 12,&0& 18,&22 11,482 IS,196 U,1" 5,581 ',086 1O,22a l,s,ooo U,121 12,145

1852 Joy_,. 1,456 ~,15GZ 2,217 2,111& 65B - - - - - 1952 Doc_ 650 1,2liO 1,220 1,6M 1,016 ­396 ------1865 .I&a>u7 1,141 2,'118 2,596 2,509 1,640 1,825 m - - - - 18sa ratm.ur 1,126 2,m 1,891 1,11811 l,40S 1,971 l,6U 424 - -­ - - - 1865_ 1,11a a,w &,W 5,467 2,891 6,S08 6,055 5,871 S98 - - - 1858 iprU 387 1,045 611 891 819 S,l65 5,814 7,SSt 6,648 1,658 - - 1865 ..., 25 112 22 16 22 51 122 5S9 ',ilO 6,710 2,m - 1965 110_... (old) - - - 129 121 us 2'15 220 160 276 196510_ (_) - - - - y'122 296 410 1965 Doc..,. (old) - -­ - - - lOS as - - 152 89 42 65 litA Doc_ (_) ------­ - - y' 21 4i 258 1964: J-..,. (old) - - - .­ - - 187 172 96 57 sa 11154 JazaU7 (.....) ------2' 105 106 547 U54 r.b.....,. (old) - - - - 288 65 57 11154 rebt1lur (_) - - - - - ~121y 59 71 251 1854_ ------481 181 6SS 195' AprU ------2&1 585 11154 IIq - - - ­ ------21 Total 5,818 la,SO'I U,1U 12,502 8,508 1&,825 12,297' 14,728 1&,045 9,_ a,557 2,745

COTTOIISIZD OIL, 11_ tori< Produoe Ela:lwlge (In tbouaancla of poundo) 1952 Joq 55,900 - 1952 Sep_r 110,520 128,520 sa,lIGO ------92,580 ------1052 Octobo,. 1SS,880 1&&,&20 ~~.~ - - - - 1952 lIo_r - J'..BSO 600 - - - - - 19521lo>c_ 11,460­ 1&1,100 129,540- 66,220 6S,58O 28,580------195a JODUarJ 190 120 120 260 1,740 - -­ - - - - 195&_ - - - - - 42,120 82,oeo 106,140 70,080 54,060 90,060 67,560 70,990 21,SOO - - 1855 III\)' 12,240 42,120 54,860 48,240 42,060 57,060 65,220 7.,580 85,100 as,58O- 19,500- 1865 Jul¥ 840 10,560 ~,060 18,600 25,100 &0,120 &5,SOO 59,520 67,990 4&,&20 87,660 68,580- 1955 Sop~ - 120 580 960 2,160 1,920 4,oeo 7,020 29,700 15,440 22,680 St,960 11155 October - 120 180 - 660 660 2,280 2,400 5,560 5,980 6,840 195& Doc_,. - - - SOO 1,020 S,SOO 5,580 18,790 17,100 1954 J0ZffJM7 - - - - 60 1954_ ------1954 _ ------600 1,260 6,400 ------5,240 Total S91,740 5U,600 4BO,58O 241,860 188,540 209,940 171,120 215,400 207,780 99,720 155,760 156,120

SOllII!AI OIL, Chic""o Board of Tl-...lO (In thouaancla or polC1do) 1952 J~ 27,120 ------1952 Aucwot 960 120 ------1952 Sopt..b.r 60,580 62,540 1~,260------1952 OCto"".. 27,080 47,400 48,01'.0 12,120------1952 1io.,6er 7,&20 9,900 15,l.2O 14,280 2,510------1952 19,690 - - - - - Dec_.,. 59,720 41,280 58,040 28,260 15,420 ------1955 JA1UW7 2,400 5,720 5,460 6,060 5,540 18,720 7,580 - - - - 1955 .."'" 8,700 25,500 SP,UO 7&,460 68,460 85,680 56,120 55,260- 24,540 - t955....,. 60 9,180 45,600 96,420 106,990 U4,I5OO 8~,&eO 100,090 10l,54O 81,240- 42,120- ,:gsa J~ - - 4,580 10,860 ",040 49,960 55,200 M,280 45,400 81,790 75,000 U6,_ 101,100 1955 Sop_r - - - 4,560 2,700 4,oeo 5,840 5,290 9,S60 17,400 41,160 74,580 1955 Octobe,. - - - - 2,160 1,200 480 1,500 1,140 2,480 12,000 1955 De.-..r - - - 720 5,940 7,690 14,700 11154_ ------1,200 5,890 9,240 1954 ....,. ------.­ - - - !!..580 Total 153,660 202,r.aO 222,720 288,790 26S,940 295,560 206,400 206,000 =,240 181,920 215,940 216,000

~wtf'nw ", ,t"1'.f',. ,'f!it'·! ;j@ UPDATA 1981 15

A.!I&. OCt. loY. Dec. Feb...... &pl'.

LtJID, a.1ca&o Board ot Trade (In t.boI1.IaD4o ot poaIIda) USl~ lS.tIZO ! - lfit.S

BIWi. I&nsu C1l;r Board ot Trade (Ia tooa) 1152 ~ S,4BO ------1152 &u&ut 7,080 5.670 ------1952Sep_ 8,2.'fO 9,690 9.210 ------1952 OCtober 5.400 7.470 8.510 12.tt90 , ------185210_ 2,0'10 6.590 1,800 9.500 6,000- - - - 1152 Dec_ ------2,750 5,220 2,280 ~,12O 7,140 5.670 - - - - - lJ5a .IauwirT 4.470 5.840 S,SSO 5.240 10,550 5,650 - - - - - 11511 Februal7 -­- 600 ~.720 5.000 4.200 5.880 7,800 2.840 - - - -­ lisa ...... - - - 1.560 eoo 2.8BO 5.240 5.960 1,240 - - - lisa &pr1l - - - - 560 1.680 1,200 2.8CO 6.420 4,560 - - 19sa 111\1 - - - - 120 I - 1.S20 840 600 2,880 2,680 - lisa ".". ------480 - 490 1,660 5,720 18SS .holT - - - - ­ - - 240 490 600 teo 4.090 lisa A..,.at - - - - ­ - - - 240 560 950 1,200 lisaSep_ -­ - - - -­ - - - 240 eoo 660 840 lisa OCtober -­ -­ ------1,080 e,MO 195a_ - - - - -­ ------1,520 Total 27,060 S9,SlO 28.160 52,750 21,660 26,480 17.i90 11,100 11,220 9,490 7,080 15,800

SHORTS. KaMu Cit)" Board ot Trade (Ia toas) 1952 .holT ',950 ------1152 .....,..t 5,000 5.650 ------1152 Septaobor &,840 5,050 6,420 ------1852 OCtober 5,000 1,110 5,510 6,560 ------1152110_ 2,260 2,910 5.240 5.190 4,710 ------1952 Dec_r 2,6CO 1,990 2,280 5,490 4,lCO 4.680 ------1955 J.....17 600 4,110 2.280 5.560 5.120 8,SlO 4,250 - - - - - liS5 Fob"....,. - - ~.ooo 2.400 720 2,400 8.760 5,480 - - - - 18sa ...... - - - 5.960 2CO 2,0&0 5,720 5,000 4.170 - - - 18sa April - - - - 120 1."" 5,000 4,680 8,$40 5.670 - 18sa IIq - - - - - 960 660 5.2CO s.1t8O 4,680 3,720- - liS~ Juae ------840 2,280 2.160 ~,95O 1955 .holT - - - 120 120 1,800 1955 A",oat - - - - - teo 480 - 840 1955 Sept_r ------­ - - - -­ - - 120 8CO 120 1955 OCtober ------120 19sa Ik._ ------120 Total 20,510 16,770 20,750 24,750 l~,O50 11,850 20,0'10 14.~70 18,990 15,550 7,660 6,120

corTOlISElm IIBAL. l!aphia IIorchaDta &1:ch.".o Cleariac ..sociation (In to...) 1952 .holT - - - -­ -- - - - 1952 OCtober 1,700 800 5.900 2.500 ------liS2 _oobor B,ooo 200 5.500 10.500 4.500 2,600 - - - - - 19s~ Jazm&r7 100 100 500 2.000 1,200 2,800 1,500 - - - - - 1855 IIarcb 1,100 100 800 S.BOO 500 2,200 1,400 ',100 1,700 - - lisa iIq 700 600 - 900 sao 5,200 2.900 1,600 1.000 - 1855 JuJ.:r 200 600 - 700 900 1,800 1.800 5.200 2,400 2.500- 19551931 OCtober__ "ill - - - 100 - - 200 100 900 900 ---- - 100 100 1.800 900 1.000 800 II1S. .I&ooIu7 ------1.100 100 sao 500 1954 IIarcb ------200 100 Total 12,400 1,200 11.400 18,600 5,800 9,500 4,200 9,200 U,OOO 5,900 6,000 4.200 "­

?:,·~·t'tWet'tff'·~"·' <'~trr 'r[rftttr,;, ~@ UPDATA 1981 16

AIlS. Apr.

liSZ Jul¥ 2,Il00 - - - 1952 AIICUa~ 200 1,000 -­ ------­ lII02 October 7,700 5,800 7,800- 14,toO ------­ 1952 Doe_ 25,.200 9,100 5,000 57,900 26,600- 15,100------­ 195& .IaaIw7 ',lOll 5,too 2,600 12,800 18,000 55,600 7,800------195&_ 2,700 6,000 2,700 29,600 17,800 l!/;I,lIlO JP,400 d,l!OO- 18,000- ­ ­ ­ li5&_ 600 1,800 "too 9,fOO 6,700 29,l!OO 55,700 ~,IIOO P,500 55,700- 12,6CO- ­ liA Jul¥ - 200 600 &,900 5,toO U,600 12,4000 55,100 28,700 C,800 25,000 17.500- lilA Aqu" - 600 1,600 600 4,000 9,100 8,4000 11,5O(f, 15,800 11,100 l1li,4000 19511 October - 100 2,000 l,lIOO !,too .,500 6,100 11,100 1955 Doe_.. ------200 5,600 7,fDO 7.lIOO 1.954 .IaaIw7 ------700 11,100 e.200 1954_ ------II/54 _ ------­ 600 100 14,4000 ------16,600 Total U,lIOO 22,600 22,100 108,600 ",100 151,600 106,4000 1110,900 90,100 lO6,lIOO 77,toO 119,700 ..,_-_~~r.... ------,~- ... --"'...... ~-..

1/ 1M. than 600 belo•• f' Tradinc in ·n.... cootra<:u bee... April 6, 1955, in 1953 lio__r ODd auccoe41ng futuro.. Tradini in 'old" cont.ra<:u _~. with _irat1.... ot r954 reb...... ,. futuro. y 1nclude. tradt"ll in 100000an ...al. c"""ontrsto contrAct, ""lob boS"" Augu.t 4, 1952J rllocont1....d Yay 1S. 1953.

·,{~"M"rttrrw*-"·'·ihtftt(o,. J@ UPDATA 1981 }:: 17

BosiJm1DI IArlut JUI' Y targ..t .,nth Larg..t dq c-411;r Unit - clat. y.... I.IIoUnt IIollth .l.t:mmt Dat. UouDt .._t a.1uco Board at Trade 1I>0UUDdbuabW JAIl, a, l.82l. 19211ool5O 16,5118,849 Jul,y 1928 2,452,109 Jul,y 20, 1955 165,09U IIimeopolJ.a 0ra1D EIrI:IwIc. do. J.... 5, 1821 1829-110 l,24!!,0II1 Jul,y 1929 188,177 Oct. 24, 1829 15,654 Ianoao Ci1;r IIoard at Trade do. Jan. S, 1m 19211ool5O 874,990 Jul,y 19S7 167,5~ Jul¥ 20, 1955 U,O'12

eo... a.1uco Board or Trade 11>_ bu.helo JUl, S, li2l. 192~5 7,&415,148 Juno 1927 855,290 Juno 10, lU27 72,129

oa\a Cb1...0 Board at Trade 'fbowI-..I buabo1o Jan. 5, 1m liJ48.-47 5,445,895 Jul,y 1_ 424.6;8 Ho9', lS, 19015 41,655 __ buabolo 19_ Cb1ca&o _ at T"­ a;,. Jan. 5, lilt!. &,6&1.125 !pro ~ 452,9SS IIq 24. 1944 29,777

Barll7 Chicaco Board at Trade TbouAndbuobW J.... 5, lUZ1 19S~ 58,6'11 "":IT 195& 21,992 ''''IT 18, 1855 &,705 ~l1o Ilro1n -1wII. cia. JAD. 5, lD2l 19S~ 1DS,277 Jul,y 1955 26,800 Jul,y 19,. 195& 2,650 __110 0ra1D bcIwI&. Tbou__010 nu._ JaD. a, lU2l 1841-42 42,014 q. 1841 8,"8 No.... 16, 1859 2,2.Dl s...r­ a.1uca _ at Trade TboueaDdbuobo1o Oct. 5, 18SS 1949-SD 1l.557,W1 IIq 1950 420,767 Dot. &1, lU50 &1.1lD6 -~ Ianoao Cit;( Board or Trade II1lUoo poDDcIa Oct. 111, lII44 1951-52 7,586 HO'f. 1851 1,&15 Apr. 50, 1952 lea R1ee I .. Yorl< ...... Ulo ~. 111011_ poDDcIa ohme1,l_ 195D-5l 2,881) Sept. llUIl l,6IlD Doo. 7, 1950 1,290

Cottoe I. Yorl< Cotton __0 _bal... q. 1, 1925 1UZ7-28 122,i4lI Sept. 1m 16,_ liar. 8. 1951 1.026 •• Drl..... Co""" ~. cia. ""C. 1. 1925 1921-28 45,674 Sept. lUZ7 6.785 reb. 4, 1MB 4S2 -Tope 'Iool Aae00lotu at tho I. Yort. Cotton -....•• IDa. -poDDcIa IIq 1. 1951 19~9-4D 164,8i!5· Sept. 1959 55,seS Sept. 22, 11159 2,870

Illttor Chi...o ...... tU. -.nc. Corloto Mar. ~, 1922 18110-&1 54,868 Oct. 1941 5J foS7 Deo. 14, li26 612

rae Cb1coco _110 ~ Corlo\a liar. 1, 1822 195D-5l 147,784 IIq 1951 21,OIiD Jul7 16, U45 1,917

Patatoeo _ Yorl< _110 ~. carloto Doo. 2. 1941 1952-SS m.729 rob. 1955 14,729 q. 22. 1852 1,UE Cot__ OU ... Yorl< l'ra41a. bcIwI&. 11>_ poazIIlo Ju. 2, 1&29 IG51-52 7,;82.7110 Doo. 1951 1,015,520 loy. 8, 1951. 87.6IlD

~OU ... Yorl_ poDDcIa Sept. 5, 1940 1950-51 1,571.040 10.... lJJ50 502,100 lIoy. 24, 1850 24.720 Chi.... IIoard at Treda cia. Jul,y 17. 1850 1852-SS 2,S78,OOO Hay. 1050 429,180 HoT, 16, 1850 45,780

Lard <211",0 IIoard o! Track TboUADd pounda hb. 1. 1928 1_ 5.615,720 ...... 1945 5l2,S20 IIq 22, 1941 ",650 I&DIU Cit;( IIoard or T"- T_ Jan. 4, 1952 1847-48 51B,DlD r.b. 1945 85,820 q. G, llUIl a,4UO 8horto I&nouC1V_arT..- Tona .lao..., 15152 1847-48 500,940 Jan. 19411 57,710 Jul,y 20, 1948 5,7110 -Co__ 1Ieal. IIooj>h1o -.bcbauc. C1euiJ1i ...._.U_ TOllO Jul,y 1, 1951 1941-42 88D,4OO Sept. 1841 162.800 Sept. 110, llUIl 18,400

~Iul IIo!opb.1o ..reb...\a ~. CleuiJ1i " ••aa1oUa.. Tone Jul,y B, 194D 185D-5l 2,_,000 Oct. IB51 288,100 hb. 14, li51 l1li,100

IKlBI Tho boC1m1III at the rA7'1od 1a tho cIa\a 'l1li00 tradlDi cIa\a oro tlrot • ..uobl.. _opt .. lnd1catocl bola., tho poriad tar _ .a_1;r -..I _at ....orocI 111 tho table 1a t .... th. ~ cIa\a obOllll to Juno 110, 1955. For a.rto1n • ...... uU.. ODd _N, ~ ..1.... at tradlDc t~uroo oro DOt .ft1loblo ontU tho tollall1al cia_, Ber117. lIimI_l1o 0ra1D bcb&D&" Jul,y 2, lUZSI 001-, Chi...a Boan! ot Trada, ~ 5, 19&9, cotton, II. Yarl< Cotto.. bI:bazIc. -..I 11_ Drl_ Cotton __" Datobor 1. 1957,11001 tapo, Il001 ...._1&t .. ot tho .. York Catton bclwoiI•• IDa., Sop-" 1. 19S5, .attollll_ aU, 11_ York Produce ___•• Ia_r 1, 19&9, lord, Chi_a IIoard at TrtIdo, "...... ,. 4. 1957, b..... -..I obart., hI>au Ci1;r !loud at Trod., Datobor 1. 11157, -..I .at__ MIl _ •.,- -.1. 1IoIaFbi' IIQn:bau\a -haut!. C1_rinI .....oa1oUOn, Doo_r 9. 194D.

~@ UPDATA 1981 18

lArIut _til lArI_t ~ c-d1t,r Oll1t -~ _til r .... Date '-"10 __ellI

1II1..t CII1ca&o Board ot Trade 195$ 4W,m- """" 16, 19S~ Sl,BSZ ~110 OrIllA /II.cIlozIi. do. """" 1V52 51,en AlI&u~ 23, 1952 .,.sv -.. C1", Board ot Trade _baabolodo. """~~ 1952 lOEI,187 .1g],J" 2, 1IIr.l 8,SU 00", Ch1cqo Boon! oC Trade 195$ 1505.61ll YObnW76.U5$ !O,70l _ buabola Dato auc..., Board or Treda """"Febnw7 1V6S 2W.97. F0bnw7 II, usa n,197 1Ir. Cb1eqo _ ot Treda -buh40 oI:me 1115$ lO6,.as o/w!a !O, lIISS i,680 PlaDoocI 1UDDoopol1o Qralo __a 'ZIIoaoaDd_baabolo baabolo 10_ 11152 ',526 110_ 21,11152 6liO 5oJbMD8 Ch1cqo _ ot Treda Octo..... lII52 asS,66& .Jmaaz76,1115$ 25,118 II11l1oD __ OrII1ASo~ -.. Cl", Soan! ot Trade oIol,7 11152 sa Ju4 I, lII52 110 Cot-too ... Iorl< Cottoo &Ja:b&zIc. Tbooa_ bel.. Octo..... 1952 9,&12 Sep-.-a,llI52 820 _ Orl..... CottoD __a do. October 1952 S,OOl Doc_ 10, lII52 285 Iloo1 Tapa 11001 AuocUt.. ot tile H_ Yorl< CottOD llo:b&Qso, lao. Tbooa._ pow>da October 1i52 18,515 lIo_or 20, 11152 t,67O a..ttor Cb1cqo IIorcaot11o __a CUloto Octo..... 11151 1,472 Doc_ !O,l952 218

Ia8 Ch1cqo IIorc&DW. ~. Corloto ~ 11152 lI!,SU 1Ilo_12,lV52 1,652

"'ta~.. ... Iorl< IIorclu>W. ~. Corlow r0bnw7 1955 14,728 Aucaot22,l11511 1,_ thoUUDd po _ CottocMHd Oil _ fori< Prodac. -....r. .t.acut 11152 551,600 Sept_ 26, 1952 5e,?ao TllOUII ___ _ Iorl< Produc. __a 5oJboanOU Doc_r 11152 41,lW Dac_ 25, IV52 &,460 Cbicqo Board ct Trade do. Doc_ 1952 295,5eO 1I!o_19,1II52 !O,840 Lard Cbic..., _ ot Trado TbouoaDd poundo Sop_r 11152 1111,960 -"",,"t 2V, 1952 24,840 _ Cl", Boord nt freda ~ fooo iquat 1852 5lI,5lO Sept_ lB, 1V52 ',200 5IIort. r...... 01", Soan! ot Trode TODO october 1952 14,750 Sep_ 2,1952 4,200

Cotw""e04 IIool ~lJI lhI_to -&DC. Cloor1D& UoocloUOD To"" OCtobOl' 1952 111,600 octa..... 2&, 1852 &,100

SoJbe&4 110&1 ~ IhII'C!11.DU kch&DC. Cloor1D& "'0010UOD Totul Dac_r 1952 lSl,6OO .JuDIO 2, 1II6S 15.600

~@ UPOATA 1981 ~>} 19

(£_0 ot _ COIl_to at _ ot __t.b) !I

t .... ~JulT eo.odJ.1f' ad _et. Ua1t UUo44 1844-45 lM6-4a ~7 lIM7-48 llI48-48 ~ 1II!iO-5l 11151-52 11152-55 iIIJ.Uco auo.... _~T~ _ala 40.0 ".6 ~ ~B.7 ~ 21.7 S8.4 el.4 62.9 S5.1 74.2 76.1 CIIJ.oItp Ope -..1 ot f"",,", do. .4 ~ .5 .5 .11 .6 .5 .5 .4 .S 1lI'a1A ~ do. 12.2 5.4•• 2.5 7.1 7.4 8.4 12.6 14.6 "_jI'lUII_ C1t;J -..1 ot 'ina ~ 2.8 U.5 DIl__ ot~ do. 11.8 8.S ~a.& ~ 7.8 111.11 20.9 12.9 19.8 18.0 18.11 m-kft_u. _____ -.. do. .8 .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 do. (B) (B) fI ~:J ~!:J (B) (B) (8) (B) (8) (B) do. .1 .1 .1 (8) .5 .5 .5 (8) .1 .2 foUl. do. 115.5 68.8 51.4 18.1 84.0 W.S 85.1 88.0 107.5 106.&

~_ot_COlI = .... C2l1cII&o Ope _ or _ \:oubala - ~ 11108 ~15.4 S4.a 52.0 67.2 48.9 U.S 65.5 65.9 WI ...... ,.. IlI'aiA __ do. .~ .1 .5 .6 .5 .1 .1 .5 .1 do. - 0 0 0 _ C1t;J -..1 ot fnd8 ~(Bi2 ~o (eJ 0 0 do. - 1.2 ~ 0.1 !!I 1.2 .5 .1 (B (B) .5 _llI'aiAbdIup - iE (8) (D! do. - g; W(8) (8) .1 .1 (B) (B .1 (8) fotal. do. - 21.2 15.6 sa.s /ill.!) 67.9 49.2 U.6 65.8 115.7

QlfS II1l.Uaa ~_otf"- -.u lS.7 24.2 48.0 40.2 se.9 26.6 Ch1cap Dpca _ or r..­ 24.9 41.8 62.S 76.9 do. .2 .2 .6 .7 .S .2 .2 .2 .5 "_poUI 1lI'aiA __• .2 do. 1.4 2.7 5.5 3.9 4.7 z.s 5.0 5.0 4.1 6.9 _0n1D-"" do. (B) .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .2 .1 Total. do. 20.5 2'1.2 U.O ".9 ~5.0 28.4 28.2 45.1 115.9 84.1

a.t__ill ot Tn4I II1ll1oa bIIIhIlI 42.1 Ch1cap Ope _ ot Tn4I ".1 ~lM - ­ ~ 2.9 17.4 12.8 9.0 16.6 do. .7 .9 ~ .5 - !!/ (B) .1 .1 .1 .1 1IlDDapou.._-..,.. do. 5.6 1.6 0.1 -O.B 1111_ 0n1D __" ~ .B W 1.2 1.5 .B .8 .6 do. .1 .1 Y (B) !!I (B) (8) (8) (B) - - (B) - Total. do. 46.5 46.7 20.6 .1 .9 4.1 18.8 IS.7 9.9 17.5

I1IUIt Ch1cap _ ot Tn4I II1ll1oa ...lIholJo 1.0 1.B 1.1 0.2 (e) 0 0 0 0 0 ~ Opeil _ ot Trede W 1I!I.DD..,u.. _ baIwIc' do. (B) !B) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 do. .7 B) !I (B) W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Loa ""oloo 1lI'a1A bdaaas. do. 0 (8) (8) 0 0 0 0 0 0 ?i9I 0 ToUl. do. 1.7 1.B 1.1 .2 (II) 0 0 0 0 0

IUIIIIIID 11111100 1Iimoapou.. Grain __" liuobolo 0.5 0.2 !I (B) - - W(B) (e) 0.4 2.1 2.2

SOYBIWIS II11UOD Q11cqo _ ot.f....s. ....bolo -- ~ 1.B 17.5 55.8 se.o 47.B U.2 Cb1coi;o Ope Boord or Tn4I do. - - .1 .S .S .S 1I1Duoopou.. 1lI'a1A -..,.. ------W .S

tIRUII SOROllUJlS II11UoD ra..... Cll.7 -..1 ot Tn4I pollDcIo !Y 15 17 7 2 (2'1) 0 lSS 8 a.tcaco Boord ot fi'ada do. - Y ~ 5061 ------~ SS 14 Total. do. ­ 15 17 7 2 (2'1) 0 118 599 22

RICK Y II11UOD III tori< lIorceW. 1bcbaIIc' ! pollDclo - - - - - !!I 1.5 0.6 0.5 0.1 0

COTTO. Thou.and I .... tori< CottoD 1I>IcIw>c. balo. 1,218 1,251 1,BS7 2,lS8 1,801 1,724 M_ 1lI'1_ Cotton __" 1,805 2,B17 2,940 do. SB5 407 780 B95 766 Ml 55l ~2'~1 715 589 Q11GA1o Board ot TNde do. 2 2 2S 18 2B 14 21 ~ SS 58 57 Total. do. 1,645 1,840 2,640 5,105 2,695 2,599 2,187 S,507 S,670 1,668

.. .,....." ..~ .~~- ,". -.~" -,.. _." "" -"--- .~ -~--~. ' ,--~- .. ~" -~.- .. -"' -" .---~-"-- --- 1IOOL TOPS 1001 laIo01ltlo ot t.b. N_ Ion. II11lloD CoUoD 1!zclIoq., IIIC. pouoclo 4.11 4.7 5.6 4.S 4.1) ~.6 4.B W 6.0 l~.g 14.6

arma~ Cbicaco IIucIDt1lJo aaco carlot.. 0 0 7 172 6aa 614 164 195 50S 562 "l'CIDtUo I.. torll.' I&obazlco do. 0 0 0 B 42 51 0 5 7 6

Total do. 0 0 7 180 7!11i 685 164 188 512 E87

!IlOII~ a.to.., 1I...... t1ls I&Ip carloto 454 1,187 S,eSl 4,166 2,667 2,509 2,511 2,818 2,216 1_, Yorl< IIarcoDW. -..,.. S,05B do. 1 2 15 25 6 16 25 26 20 (52)

Total. do. 455 l,sea 5,e46 4,211 2,675 2,526 2,514 2,661 2,258 5,018 fiiee'HtmeWp'ttbt?,w·y ttrt,'1<,: UPDATA 1981 (&n..... of 01'_ ""..-..ta at. _ at _ ....th).!l

c-cI1t;r __-' r..... ~oI!llT OaU ~ ~ lH5-46 ~ lM?-t8 1_ u.9-fiO 195O-5l. 1951-62 11152-55 l'UI'mcs~ CII1cap IIez'cuIW. • CUlota 1~1 as $ 2% 2 2 S 10 Sl lOl _ro",~~ do. 11 728 1,147 1,606 7511 5115 422 l,toi S,VlO Tat.a1 do. l.6t 158" 782 1,189 1.609 7511 &68 4S2 1,440 ',01'

COITOISJII) OIL lIUll... _rOt'llI'l'

JI1ll1cm _ rOt'll :sanruo~Produce • Cbi__ of frsdll powoda 0 0 0 1JY (55) 0.1 0 W17.1 ~e••s tII.7 24.' do. ------­ ~B2.0 110.1 128.11 fat.al do. 0 0 0 (BS) .1 0 17.1 166.& 1511.e 155.6

WIll lIUllco Cbi_lloaI'd.ofT..- 0.1 (SS) !y 0.' !!f12.0 75.11 87.8 6S.2 511.8 7'.7 111.2

IIWI IIIMU CUT _ at TrsdII -­t.ooIo 0 0.7 0 '.0 1!8.11 a •• a.1 25.S It.1t IS••

S!1)!!1'5 - TbOUNZ>d ...... C1t;r_atf~ to.. 0 0 0 S.2 17.0 11.' e.8 11.9 e.7 12.7

IIoIPda~~JC.. Tboue&Zld Clear1llC U8oc1aUoa toruo 0 0.1 0.1 7.2 a.7 24.S Sl.O 52.8 50.0 10.7

l!IlIIIU DAL IIIoa!>h1a lIorct.mt.a L • Tboueaod Cle&r1QI u_at1D.. to.. 0 0.6 0 12.1 26.] 1lI0.2 91.3 CII1cap _ of 'fndo 26.8 77.& 176.8 do. ------!y 211.6 42.4 fot.al do. 0 .6 0 12.1 25.6 25.1 77.S 175.11 l5lI.7 12S.7

~1wtffit)f'·'" ttwtttWiftftrfh j@ UPDATA. 1981 ~ .•~ 21

lNII-tII lllU-lO 1950-51 1951-62 19~

111(_ 111411-SO lVfOnSl 1951-62 196&-5a

1~ lD4ll-SO 1950-51 lD~ 1~511

~:tte''fHij>tttffttttf1t.w' 'j&"& i@ UPDATA 1981 22

•. J\al7 lu&. s.p~. Oc~. .... IIaJ ".... ~--!/ "-I---­ Iloc. " _ ~:.~~~ _~:_+~.

B/S,188 4,8'10 4,105 4,515 4,Vl1 4,16? 5.160 6,1115 5,llB 5,_ 4,085 5,$'11 5,110

5,145 4,9SO 5,518 4,985 5,lS1i 4,110 4,820 e,SIO 6,010 16,536 1',800 la,_ 11,810 10,641) 1',686 1 5Ii6 l8V

225 101 11 20 165 liZ 15 164 100 118 ... -~ .. - .

52Ii filiI l,la? 1,171 l,iS1 1,_1,665


?-!&etiittfflrrtct rMIse "WIIIMN' J@ UPDATA 1981 .~ ~------~------. COIIIlIIITt !U'\1J1115 23

Sept• Doc. Jm. Feb. JuDe ~..r_y ~f;TaDd,.... Unit .Iu4 .... Oct. -. .... AJr. :.ar CO'!'T01SIE1l IIW. Y 1948_ '!ami 24.500 !'O,,900 55,000 29,1!OO 25,000 28,000 !a,SOD U,IJOO .1%.100 19,500 25,800 28,500 24,525 19ti-liO do. 52,000 57,I!OO 56,SOD 56,4a1 51,I!OO 26,400 2S,400 21.400 29,200 56,'100 29,I!OO 27,000 n,on 19~1 do. 46,800 l1li,900 110,500 1!I!,5OO 1lO,I!OO 44,600 44,000 57,000 4O,SOD 46,1!OO 47,eoo 55,100 52,_ 1951-62 do. 57,100 00,400 14,000 58,200 57,800 !/!,400 52."00 58,900 59,800 4.2,1500 42,500 is,4OO G.(1S8 1952-6S do. I 25,500 25,200 21,SOO 9,900 ',100 5,500 5,000 6,000 5,100 6,Il00 e,!!OC 5,200 10,'7011 SO!!IWI IIW. Y

1948-49 'foDo 15,000 22,1JOO S5,1!OO iIO,l!OO 57,800 56,800 21,500 25,1!OO 2(),lOO 19,1!OO 19,100 28,500 26,Ul 1949-1iO do. 29,500 49,200 8S,1!OO 118,I!OO 81,000 85,'100 00,100 97.SlO 98,500 86,SOD 92,500 9O,SOD 11,542 19~ do. ge,8OO lSB,OOO 174,'100 199,1!OO 218,'900 19!1,'IOO 2l9,4OO _,500 191,500 192,000 In,'IOO 122,000 175,6150 1951-62 do. lO5,SOO 151,800 2.19,'100 2iIO,lOO 201,200 151,900 lSI,l!OO 156,000 146,1500 1.40,I!OO 11t,'100 llS,l!OO Vt lSI,eBe 1952-55 do, 86,Il00 'lIl,1!OO 78,~ 98,200 128,000 1~,5OO 154,1!OO 1"",100 12!;.COO 122,800 141,1500 172,400 ;J.f l2!.'708

lIJ1!:. S- !ablAt 1, tor clata. ot iDaucuratlon, ...penolon, and "'''''''!IUnn ot tradi'1r, durt".; tho ;rosro 1948-49 t/Ir""", 1952-55. !IIi••1"" or tho 5~ .YOtr_ (19S6~ to 1958-59) indica.... t.rad1ng not J1It Iv"",. For tho 1M!rt.tual. .._to 1neludod in the 5~ .....~.&e. see C_ad1f;T PUtur_ Stat.1Jltie. tor UAS-U or ••rUer 7f!8J"~.

~@ UPDATA 1981 24

UraU ..... Sap\• OR. loY. Doc. .lAD. Fob...... am&r ~ Jovd at 'fI'ada Y as,8U Sl,&11i 65,1125 1S,wS ~o,.._attnM 672 Kl W. Kl 8, 1O,U2 ~.--..Jovd of _ 1',41!2 ass ll,&60 __ Cit:/' 18,1518 ll,&ee 25,014 18,681 M 1 11 27 lSeattlo 0nW> J:mbaqe 160 m Ul 16& ----­ ToW


56,1" 2611

2,1101 ------~~~

so 562

S,_ ',286 .,5515 S,O&1 o o o 1 a o o a (5)

',061 5,068 5,651 .,159 S,051 2,9'10 S,6SO 5,910 5,Bai 2,9'10

t-? ..,,< --') fftttg••rmrfiftttf; J@ UPOATA 1981 " 25

'!'ablo 9.--lIontb-end oPe" con_ate on .aah contnct. ....let. ""l¥ 1952 to ""DO 1955-Cont.1l1l1td

ec-dit)" aDd ...... t. Unit Jul,y Aug. Sept. Oat.. Hov. nta. Jau. Feb. liar. Api'. IfoQ' June ft1"&g& Y SOIBIWi OI1" 'lhounnd Now York l'ro

~'l 'fhounnd ChiO&lQ Board ot Tr& AaBOC1et.tOIl To... 25,200 21,800 9,900 7,100 5,500 5.000 6,000 "5,100 6,500 6,800 5,200 10,'108 SO'fBlWf IIW. *-1>/110 IIol'Chante Ixohallae Cloar"", "aoa1et.tca SO)'bean lIoal Contzact 'folIO 66,800 45,700 48,000 69,100 67,500 ~l,1OO 86,000 87,700 76,500 76~800 87,400 112,800 74,700 5oJt>e&n IIoal Ccncon­ do. ye,1OO 16.800 12,700 10,100 5,000 5,500 2,800 '1.000 Y 400 .­ Y6.556 tzate Contzact. - - Chicago !!nerd ot Trode do. 19.700 16,800 16,000 26,400 50,400 54,400 65,000 57,600 45,900 46,100 54,200 69,900 42,450 Tot.&l do. 86,800 70,600 78,800 98,200 128,000 140,500 154,600 148,100 325.400 122.800 141,800 172,400 128,706

y In o""lUt.ing azmualllTOr&&e1 of lIontn..cd open contracte. ,.,arl¥ totelo ...,.., dlVided b7 12, altnough in ._ ...... te tbar...... 110 aon_ete Opell at. tile _Dd ot one c:r Il0l"8 IIOntha. r/ /10 tzad"", or opell e,mtraota 111 "Nortn Paaitie Coast. Contzaat." during ,.,or aDding June l!O, 1958. On ""l¥ 1, 1955, tzadlll8 lIU'pood8d in t.h1o a!llltrrACt. 'r/ 10.. then a.. carlot.. !% '!rnd1n8 bepn Augu.t 4, 1952. ~/ Trad1ns d1eeant.1D1ad !!aT 15. 1955. Y 9...,,,tn averlp.

J@ UPDATA 1981 26

Dec. III

_!, Chi""", -..I of T"- (In U>ouunda of buohelo) 11152 Jul;T 5,4127 ------l - 1952 s.pt_r fS,9SS 22,610- 16,7412 5,126 8SO ------11152 Dec_ 82,912 57,S19 42,lSO 411,76t .s,2~ 45,682 41,B97 $6,1'7 111,\82 U,265 2,_ \ - lIIA_ 19,172 2S,591 I 27,OSO 27,290 2'1,217 27,994 29,820 29,929 ~,S95 $6,190 58,209 , sa,1IeD 1961_ 7,229 15,642 18,758 20,474 21,161 22,_ 22,6$6 24,552 211,059 SO,19S M,274 1 52,491 l!15l\ Jul;T - - - 794 1,069 2,105 5,m 5,_ 7,215 10,106 U,65l1 ,I 12,755 1!15l\~ ------155 1,20S 2,!99 11151 Dec_r ------llI54_, ------liMlIa;r ------Total 96,474 98,882 lat,67B lllO.tll8 95,569 96,680 ll6,sea 95,B1' 94,B59 90,909 8'1,720 111,624

1952 J~ 265 ------lIIS2 Sopt.t.ber 7,496 7,SS! 7,854- 2,656 228 - - - - - lilAllIR _D8c_r 2,515 4,50! 5,745 10,274 12,1146 12,159- 10,841. 7,799 6,7M 2,555 218 - SOS 1,227 1,657 1,982 2,79!1 4,168 4,817 6,66S 7,820 10,454 U,672 U,610- lIlA Jul;T ------5 5 S05 22S lilA s.p_r ------111511 Dec_r -­ ------11164_ ------fotal 10,577 12,918 15,156 14,882 15,8'15 16,507 15,658 14,_ 14,559 12,774 12,195 U,7U

'lHEAT, lW>a&a C1q. Soar

tj~tfWtr1ft'~1;j. K9 UPDATA 1981 ~.\ 27

______FU_"'__re____~~ __J_&n__ ._15~I~J_&n __·_~_lJI __r__e~_1_5_1L_Fe __b_._28__ IL_~___·_15~I~~ ___·_~_l_IL-A_pr __._15 __ IL-A_pr __._!i)-JI __~______15 IL-~___~__ ~I_~___·_15__ ~I_~___·_!i) __ _

lIHEAT, Chieago 8lard or Trode (In tb>usande of busbela)

1952 JIllT 1952 Septeaber U52 Doceaher 1955 March 26,= 23, ll96 14,997 4,974 ~14 195~ ~ !i),MEl 29,456 27,102 29,264 ro,616 27,1195 23,655 11,215 4,741 1953 Jul7 15,291 1.3,717 12,lI!I6 14,148 15,467 15,165 16,679 16,4!i) 19,009 16,767 15,455 8,200 195~ Sopteabor 3,373 4,746 4,955 5,232 6,025 6,594 8,973 10,157 10,275 12,512 14,192 19,769 195~ Do.,..""r 1,113 1, !il6 1,9M 3,165 4,560 7,2~9 10,5.<;( 11,105 14,408 16,193 21,B92 lQ64 ~,'h 161 1,207 2,151 5,1118 7,849 10,651 1954 ~ 2,~94 5,615

Tot.al 60,746 55,552 55,609 54,304 56,714 51,~ 47,281 51,375 56,045

IllEAT, JIir,..apou. Drain Exchan&e (In thouoande or _ela)

1952 JIllT 1952 SOpta""r 1952 Doceabar 1955110), 10,822 10,091 7,497 6,225 5,lOS 5,801 1,955 485 1955 Jul7 443 546 1,006 2,163 3,196 4,009 4,411 5,202 ',905 4,524 2,172 1955 SOp_bar 5 140 lI!I6 72B 2,515 4,589 5,65~ 195~ Doc_ber 50 116 1,157 1,891 2.lI!I7 1954 ~ 80

Totol 11,265 10,S!7 9,297 8,883 8,lI!IB 8,306 7,950 6,182 6,5~5 8,555 11,004 10,192

IIIEAT, Una"" Cit)' BIard of Trode (In thaI'sando of bushela)

1952 Ju17 1952 Septabor 1952 Doc..bor 1953 uarch 2,094 1,949 1,486 745 135 1953 1101 6,997 9,209 11,246 11,284 9,852 7,673 ,J 3,882 1,494 1953 Ju17 2,426 2,298 2,635 3,423 ~,747 4,160 5,008 1 5,748 6,671 7,115 6,476 5,491 1953 Septea""r 49 lro I 656 996 1,613 3,455 9,561 1955 Doe..bor 25 40 1,409 1,609 2,517 4,009 7,OS7 1954 ~ch ~I 321 648 2,965

Toto! n,S17 15,~69 ( 15,452 13,759 11,922 12,252 11,695 10,770 11,566 14,788 25,074

CORN, Chleago BIard of Trad. (In t.howoando of bushels)

1952 Ju17 1952 Sept••bor 1952 [)eceaber 19S~ IIOrch 22,157 21, ssg 12,160 5,383 1,~76 1353 1107 40,736 40,780 36,45~ 57,863 36,509 31,665 26,717 9,514 2,272 195~ Ju17 14,617 15,824 16,457 19,691 21,671 23,560 25,604 31,610 32,~4 27,93~ 23,339 14,317 195~ Sep"""bor 2,040 2,287 3,119 3,760 4,214 5,036 6,487 8,055 11,075 9,655 10,327 14,176 195~ Docoaber lI!I~ 610 1,468 1,939 2,t89 3,746 4,6T1 6,695 7,272 10,165 12,092 1954 ~ch 66 1,563 2,679 3,926 1954 1107 710 2,663

Tot.al 80,150 80,632 68,999 68,195 65,709 82,970 82,754 53,916 SO,616 46,605 47,178 _____--'-___--'__.--1______.__. _ L-._..... ___.....l.~___

OATS, Chicago BIard of Trad. (In thousando of _ola)

1952 Ju17 1952 Sept_r 1952 _saber 12,595 1955 llarch I 56,lll r55'~-- -~=- 2,~~r .~ 1955 IIq 55,775 55,5SO 53,412 57,932 ~ 59,866 M,tn~ 28,845 15,559 5,621 1955 Jul7 9,845 9,906 10,849 12,205 14,805 15,515 15,345 20,512 22,1182 21,314 17,465 7,829 1955 sap_r__ 4,220 5,228 5,951 6,5SO 6,756 6,565 8,556 7,8'15 9,US 10,258 11,287 15,122 - - 220 1,572 2,865 4,652 5,456 8,155 9,IlOO 11,556 U,IIl7 1954 IIArcb ------2,454 4,4M 5,985 1954 IIq ------82 1,470 ____T_O_to!______~~~85~,~949~~-~+_-8-.2-,.8-.6-~-.-.f-'--••-7_8-~-4-9.5-_-4-~~;~-_ ~~~-- ~ ~~:M- ~. ~~_,2_04___ ..1._46_,_7_51._ _L_4_5_,_828_ __1_44_,_7_B2~ 45,091

m, Ch1cqo 60ard of Troda (In thoUllande of bushels) -19-52-Jul7----...·--_·~r-·-...:::.- ~----. ----~.-l----r-----,------r----- 1952Sept_r - _ _ _-- ...::.- _ --=- _ .::.-:. _ - _ __ _ _ 1952 Doo_bar - ______- _ _ ._ 195511arch -- - _____ =, 1955 IIq 12,8~ 15,059 12,905 12,455 11,617 10,161 B,966 4,327 259 1955 Jul7 4,145 4,419 4,994 5,549 6,554 6,912 B,412 11,491 15,246 11,948 10,878 5,745 1955SeptCllbor 1,829 2,014 2,568 2'802U 2,584 2,467 2,B52 5'26~45,329 5,978 ',715 6,085 1955 Doceaber - 415 669 1,772 2,198 2,905 ',B14 1954 llarcb 1,097 1,217 Toto! f--16-,-806---I--1-9-,4-72 20,256 1-"-2~~··· 2;'7~_.,-·_l_·9_~5s0_-_·_'··-,-_·20_:-_8,_4_5-,-_1_9'-'~751- 16,: 16,: 19,5811 15,B57 k ..__-'---__ . -..--­

....~@ UPDATA 1981 ~t 28

Doc. III

l8U~ 10 ------52 l!tpt'**" l,lN l,lto l,oes esa 55 --- I - - - ­ 52~ 1:\0 S20 5e1 1,_ 1,IIIIlI 2,1&1, 2,261. 2,022- 1,708 861 55 ­ '111!- 18 81 al las 1GO t'Il 420 1122 I 788 l,lIl9 1,270 1,ZW 18GIIII\}' 81 81 lifo 177 1M us 27fi 619 727 710 - - f lssa~ ------1 1 22 146 la55s.p_ ------57 1955~r -- I - -- - - ­ - - - -'~-, ------~------Tot.! l,5ao 1,491 l,7t11 2,S2S 2,262 2,8ar '- 2,876 2,875 2,775 2,861 2,074 2,212

laSt ~ B,tTa ------1962~ U,1t11 15,0&7- 8,111 7,892 8,817 ------l8UJo_ 10,662 1&,_ 16._ 18,ltl zo,m Z4,au 16,072 9,_ 4,601 - - - 1Hi~ 6,Q(M 7,IM 8.&sa 9,854 10._ 15,889 18,775 20,757 ~,154 18,6to 16,705 U,U7 1955_ 5,U2 6,0l

IH1~ U - - - - - I - ­ - - - - 1952~ 89 58 52 Z5 5 - I - - - 1 - (1)- - l.i52~ - - 2 5 5 I 7 10 I 8 I 7 , 5 - Tot.! 100 58 54 25 8 7 10 ., s (1) I I I 8 i I - COI'1'OII, II.. Jork Cotto.. lbrcl!aaIe (In thou_do ot balN) 1952 ~ 9 - - I 1952 October 5111 565 514 451 S26 U~ 8 - -! - U52 '*'-1" 712 189 8lB 85" 899 8110 B24 680- -4Bl US (2)tIl. - 11155 oIazaW'7 - - (2) ! (2) 11155 l1arcb, -557 -415 -459 -4IS5 -5M -652 744 840 -902 l,ll1t' 1,088 I 985 105511q 258 540 !Sf 5711 4U 508 575 n9 I 777 926 1,099 I 1,1:& Ulil J~ to5 Z28 242 254 295 ~9 I 416 562 6ZO 701 781 I '1B6 UO October 91 107 UB 1&0 152 I 177 i 195 I 229 I 262 2n 298 , "Z87 19551100_1" &5 65 57 70 89 110 I 128 158 186 , 215 221 19"_ 14 U 101 125 I 1&5 148 19M IIq - - - - - 2 ! 5 24 - - - - I - - - ~ 1954 ~ - - -­ ------1954 Octo!>er - - - - - i - - - - 1 - - - 1954 Doc_I" - - - - - j - - - - , - - - Tot.! 2,288 2,497 2,542 2,5112 2,756 2,B21 2,928 5,299 5,SSd I 5,502 5,878 5,605

COftOII, ... Or1..... Cott.oa lb:x:lwIge (In th",,_ ot bal..)

1862 ~ 1 I 1862 October 145 151 lar 100 B4 41 1 -, 1952 Docabel' 164 18$ 178 187 lB5 209 1119 157- -95 I 17 - 1 - 1958_ BB l~ UZ 115 128 140 188 192 210 I 252 245 -1117 1955 JIq 107 US lOS lOB lZII 144 161 168 172 ZOII 219 240 1115S ""IT 72 72 78 89 9B US 142 157 17a 20l 202 197 1051 October Z1 28 55 52 44 55 56 56 66 78 78 8S 1951 '*'-1" 8 5 16 18 21 28 5S S9 51 I 54 57 I 56 1854_ - - -­ - - 5 5 22 55 I 58 45 42 11154 IIq ------! 5 6 6 1954 ~ - I - - 1954 Octobor .­------1954 Doo_ - - - - - , - - - - - .­ - - - - , I =i - - - ToYl 6ll 621 652 65B 1585 755 786 771 I 798 I 8S2 852 B2l

tIOOL TOJ'S, 11001 ".oc1at.. ot tho H... York Cotton bchau&o, 100. (In tbou.1Ulda ot pound..)

1962 ~ 820 \ - - - - 1 - - - j 1962 r:loWber 5,560 5,2&0 4,B15 4,110- 5,555 2,IS2O 1,655- I ---- - 1952 Doo_r 5,100 5,805 6,295 5,1125 5,840 6,4115 4,585 4,145 5,585 I 2,095 -540 - 1115S_ 2,150 2,585 2,755 S,005 5,740 4,Z05 4,4&0 i 4,555 4,515 5,495 5,050 4,685- 1 ) I I I 1955 ILV 1,U5 1,to5 1,550 1,"0 2,5110 2,41S 2,1170 5,255 5,450 5,515 5,505 5,585 \ : i I 195~ ""IT 420 >i«I 685 9S5 1,220 1.4ZO 1,4115 1,705 2,070 , 2,650 2,790 I 5,025 I I 1955 October 85 US 290 560 610 770 855 , 875 I 925 1,140 1,250 1,590 II I 1955 Doc_I" 10 10 125 160 185 210 j 420 I 595 ! 780 1,050 1,070 1,185 1954_ - - - - I - I - 10 7. 95 ZOO 255 1954", - - I - I - - 1$ 11154~ ------­ ------I - - UII4 Dctobe,. ------I - I -- I - - - T<>tal. 15,410 15,410 16,475 16,275 17,540 17,195 1 16,410 I 15,100 15,ZOO I 16,020 14,405 14,020

..:IJiiII!iiI @ UPDATA 1981 29

Tabl. 1O.~ and 1I01l~ _ CODtnota "" pr1llc1pal __, b:r tIlture, JulT 1862 to Jun. 185!1-CoDtlIlatld


191iZ JulT - - laliZ Sept_.r ------.­ 181iZ Doc_r ------1851_ l,no- 1,218- -808 -II4Il ------185511q 7~ 085 1,115 1,2117 1,281• 1,286- l,on- -550 - 5 - - - 18511 JulT 19a 2U 279 298 2840 ata a/iO 581 827 -745 -7415 - 5IIl 1858lasa Septo.bor__'r 258 258 2M 1117 S58 C06 5fo8 elMS 764 822 921 1,017 ------n 68 210 Total 2,459 2,571 2,f029 2,557 1,827 1,ga6 1,968 l,!IO'7 1,1586 1,_ 1,726 1,788

,SOIBIUIIi. Cb1eaco Board ot trade (In tllG1>NIIde ot bUlhela) 1952 JulT - - - r ------l8IiZ Sopt_ ------ll1liZ 1Io...l>or ------18511J&ml&J7 2,7140 - - I ------1851_ 20,n2 17,050- 15,518 7,_ ',720 - .­ - - - 1851 IIq 20,555 21,758 21,t84 25,44/! 25,200 240,745 20.281 12,255 7,021 - - lIIsa ~ 15,ua 140,017 15,4014 16,'78 15,582 16,658 18,1104 10,4400 20,667 21,128 18,008- 14,0415- 1951 Aucuat - - - - 180 200 185 1955 Sopt-.r 2,528- 2,775 1,005 5,219- 5,545- ',059- ',.71­ 6,f002 6,azo 6,557 7,528 8,852 1955 HOnabor - 459 1,01'1 1,5n 1,9~9 2,790 6,2840 6,17' 9,112 8,418 8,658 195fo ~ - - - - - 200 .,­1,452 2,21' 8,575 6,455 7,641 8,152 1;64 llarch - - - - - ­ - - - a,617 4,800 5,~5 total 59,110 58,8409 62,258 51,4015 50,562 45,5SS '7,568 404,6'15 404,seS 415,8409 '7,4015 404,978

.. GRAIIl SOROillJl9, C1t,- Bot.rd of Trade (In 1111110... po1UIdo) x.:Pl8&II ot 1962 JulT 195211152 Sept_.r__.r Total 1-I 1 I I 1 I I I I 1 I COTTON, II.... York CottOIl ExcIwJg. (Ill thousando ot bal..) 1952 JulT ------­ - - .. 1952 October - -­ ------1952 Docoo.ber ------1955 J&ml&J7 (2) - - , - - 1951 llarch 621 675 452 -­ 221 -51 - - - - - 185511aT 1,ll9 1,166 1,226 1,505 1,2404 1,092-­ -625 -261- -18 - -­ - 1951 JulT 7940 651 665 885 090 886 961 1,046 958 -015 - 671 -212 1955 October 515 519 ~ 582 666 582 596 596 SIlO 596 foOO 459 1955 _oo.ber 266 256 260 294 552 5116 ~1 459 602 51. 5415 585 1964 llarch 180 188 195 199 211 220 222 268 296 526 M4 aaa 1864 IIaT 67 76 86 92 96 III 122 174 185 2Ofo 217 lUO 19540 Jul,r - 1 5 5 a 11 16 401 45 45 50 840 18641964 October__r - -­ - - - - 2 10 11 18 51 45 ------6 Total 5,652 5,662 5,457 5,567 5,186 5,100 2,1165 2,6840 2,4002 2,516 2,269 2,008

COTTON, How Orl..... Cottoll Exchang. (In thousands of bill..) 1952 Jul,y - - 1952 Octobor -­ -­ - -­ ------1952 __'r - -­ ------1951 llarch 161 166 97 68 10 - - - - -­ - 185& IIq 219 228 2400 2400 266 210 160 -­ 27 4 - 1955 Jul,r 200 19'1 197 195 200 224 255 220 208 172 - 15'1 -22 1958 october 80 78 84 95 95 105 108 105 98 ll5 120 125 1858 _o.bor 52 64 67 66 75 8'1 95 98 105 116 114 117 19540 lllarch 45 45 66 66 59 62 62 69 79 95 99 III 18540 IIaT 6 15 18 17 19 U 2.5 1!8 540 4. 49 74 19540 JulJ' - (2) (2) (2) 1 2 • 6 10 15 18 41 196419540 October__r -­ - - -­ -­ - 1 1 2 4 10 18 ------1 Total 785 785 757 725 691 712 6840 560 558 661 5407 511

IOOL TOPS, 11001 " ....iat•• or the New York CottOD lIxchange, Inc. (In thoWlllld. ot polUldo) 1952 JulJ' -­ - - - -­ ------1852 October - - - - - 1952 _ ...bftr ------1958 lllarch 4,555 4,O~S 5,0f00 1,880 960 - - 1958 I\Oir S,590 5,570 8,670 5,855 S,OfoO 2,675- 2,245 1,295-­ -550 - - 1955 Jul:r 8,625 S,750 5,9foO 4,215 4,075 5,670 S,290 5,S90 S,265 2,785-­ 2,050- 1,050- 19551855 october__r 1,625 2,020 2,4005 2,650 2,945 5,100 8,665 5,620 5,6400 5,875 5,875 5,960 1,550 1,825 2,100 2,490 2,645 S,OS5 5,115 5,245 5,610 5,570 S,455 8,'55 1954 Barch 505 ~90 560 595 670 900 950 1,010 1,110 1,170 1,290 l,foOO 19540 IIaT 95 145 150 210 255 260 500 260 275 275 290 576 1954 Jul,y - - - - 15 150 2~5 226 205 185 245 295 18540 October ------70 U5 ~ .". .... ~+ ~~" -­ ­ '~-'''' .. -. 1--­ - Tatal 16,2f.5 15,856 15,875 - 15,875 14,ro5 18,810 18,700 n,045 12,886 11,810 11,285 10,6400

-'~iimtrff'1n1S¥tJtj'",; @ UPDATA 1981 30

Doc. 51

1852.~ 51.5 604 61.4 6111 61.4 600 505 291 81 1851 oIeIaat7 220 1168 42'1 4112 &eO 652 818 l,04AI 1,101 I,m- -9111 - 40S 1955_ - - - 1 1 fi M 155 181110_ ------­ - - fotlal 155 II'IU 1,0&1 1,0811 1,17. I,m 1,519 1,sse 1,185 1,127 941 5S8

1852 Sopteabel' 1._ l,5IU 1.288 957 282 1852 Ootobor l,'lS7 1,791 1.1122 2,!07 1,918 1,291- - IIIIS - - - - - 1951 IIoftool>ao 88& 738 flU 1,285 1,597 2,lOIJ 2,00 1,404- - 475 - - - 18!it Doa.... 52 ?O 106 148 UlI SSt IIW 1,559 1,482 1,622- -S67 (a)- lIIe~ - ., 8 41 185 712 655 - - - $ 12 38 159 255 1851Sep~ - - - - - .1851 Ootobor ------26 7B 19U lIon8ber ------Totlal ',090 4,l.8$ 4,275 .,695 ',040 5.9S2 5,551. 2,774 1,991 l,Bt5 1,2" 9SS

1952~ 575 759 819 755 778 797 708 &'1' 578 - lilA 000_ 210 250 !OI. S28 U6 57S 4M sao flt:r/ -805 -911 - 1951 .Iunw7 410 5U 705 &eo 728 see 901 948 1167 m 825 8M 1958 '-'" 4Bl 641 IIZ6 688 1120 885 946 1,027 BII6 794 945 1858_ 768 98Il 1,208 1,506 1,51.5 1,577 1,711 1,970 I,m 1,7" 2.~ 1958 April 250 I50S S88 41. HS 575 679 750 785 8M 94!1 l,llr1 105l1q 8 18 so 48 59 -59 45 47 55 80 29 41 14155 110_ (Old! ------78 125 1858'0_ (now ------1851 Doa_ (old) - - - --, -- -- - 1951 Doa_ (n..) ------.1.854 hlmUT (old) ------1854 ,;1U1lW7 (...) ------19&4 hlIl'It&IT (old) ------IBM robl'lt&lT (n..) ------1854 IiIucII ------1854 4prll ------185411q ------fotlal 2,516 5,265 4,077 4,061 4,&411 6,066 5,257 5,657 5,665 4,662 4,557 4,742

CCIr'OOIISIIlII OIL, .... lork _ .. -ODie (In tbOlWlZlda or J>OUIIdo) 11152 ~ulT 4,600 - - -­ - - - - 19A Sept_r llB,152O 102,720 90,860 55,&eo- - - 9,000 ------19A Uotobe,. 94,690 89,760 72,540 74,220 A,520 18,840 1,920- - - - - .. 19A.o_ - -- - - 420 - - - l!lli2Doa_ 65,540 58,920 64,500 71,640- 70,&eO- 84,720 76,690 58,1120 48,790 28,260- 8,I!4D- - 1955 Jamu&rJ 560 560 240 240 IlOO IlOO ISOO IlOO IlOO IlOO IlOO 420 1951l1arob 55,540 &11,060 51.,120 61,740 68,790 90,260 94,560 84,560 82,(40 88.1SOO ",(50 85,020 196& ...., 12,Il00 15,140 20,590 27,Il00 52,460 (7,940 51.,490 65,400 57,120 5lI,I!4D 80,560 511,400 1965 ~ 5,060 5,060 6,100 8,290 6,640 6,_ 15,600 16,620 19,1iOO 27,420. 29,OCD &4,260 111558¢..ber - - 120 560 560 960 960 1,690 2,400 2,280 2,~ 1955 Uotober - - - - - 120 240 240 240 240 240 240 1965 Doa_,. ------­ - - - - 1954 Jen""'7 ------11154 lIarcb - ._­-­ ­------­ - 1954 IIq ------Totlal 532,700 507,Ol!O 294,960 219,720 248,620 2Sl1,S20 229,440 215,220 210,060 208,490 190,020 lBl,990

sotBIAIt OIL, Chicqo _ or Tradio (In tboUDallda or poUDda)

11152~ 2,820 - - 18A .l_~ ------900 -600 ------1952Sep_.. 45,060 42,420 58,160 19,920 10,920------18A UotobeJ' l7.lOO 20,460 25,040 21,000 15,480 9,640 5,940 - - 1952 lo.-or 8,280 8,540 9,720 11,560 8,100 6,620 6,160 5,720- 5,560- - - - 18A Doc_r 16,740 17,760 20,700 28,540 27,960 29,400 27,640 25,620 25,820 16,920- 7,020- 1115& Jaau&!7 1.900 2,400 2,690 6,600 4,eOO 4,960 6,100 4,920 6,120 6,060 7,740 1,500- 1955 lIarcb 2,640 6,'20 8,820 15,440 18,420 211,520 57,020 45,760 55,690 52,090 61,Il00 47,280 1855...., - 60 1,690 5,220 12,600 27,_ j9,860 70,1!9O 90,540 82,200 80,400 76,490 1951 ~ - - !BO 1,900 6,000 6,Il00 16,140 26,~ Z7..090 U,2BO 46,000 40,020 1955 Sept_bel' -­ ------3,000 2,760 5,240 6,240 5,100 195& Uotober - - - - -­ - - 240 1,62Q 1955 Doc_r ------1854 llarch ------1954 ...., ------­- Totlal 95.540 96,«80 105,060 100,690 104,160 lll,OOO 147,060 160,060 207,560 1116,790 194,940 116,700 --­ _. ....

UPDATA 1981 31

Jano SO,

lV52'~ - ---- ­ ­ lIISS oIama.u7 65 ------lIISS_ 201 167 118 6S 2S ------­­ 1951_ -- 7 IS Sl 86 42 42 411 15 Sl SO Total 266 167 125 100 M 86 42 42 45 S5 Sl SO -'------~-'------.- ­ lIDOS, Chi_o lIerc&DtU. E>z:lwIce, "I!atriierator Contract" (In carlotll) 11152 Sop\_ ------­ 11152 October ------­ --­ lila I...-r ------195tDoc:_ ------­ 111&1 J...... ,. 4M ------­ ­ lIISS~ 6IlI! 1,010 1,076 1,128 1,442 1,S2S 2,lBO 2,IWl 2,761 2,8111- 2,6114 2,1116 lilA ootober 1117 S86 Q& 475 628 746 9411 1,046 l,oel 1,246 l,W 1,_ 19S5_ ------61 101 lao 145 11K 2Sl Total 1,221 1,&46 l,4B9 1,605 2,088 2,5811 5,lBO 5,687 5,974 4,284 4,1&11 4,RB

I'O'rATOlIS, 1_ tori< Ilerc&W. ~., "II&1De Orvwn, CozItrAat Mo. 1" (In culata) 195t.~ ------­- 11152 Doc:_ ------­ -­ lII5a JIUI1I&l7 158 ------­ ­ ­- 11155 hIIrau7 1142 574 7 ------­ l6SBlIarch 2,2811 1,868 1,260 421 f:7 -- - - 19611 April 1,297 1,557 1,5115 1,719 1,660 1,062- 2 - ----­­ 19A IIq 61 75 1211 SS9 867 l,lM 1,544 1,1411 476 ­ lilA _ (olel) 157 1111 228 2SS I!2l see 455 4BII -60tl ­5&1 542 l6SBUo_ (....) -- - - y (5 l1li 2M &05 5211 en 11155 Doc:_r (01e1) 55 114 104- 116 140 --1110 188 1115 201 201 20B 217 lilA Doc:_ (....) ------yll U -&9 58 lSS 100 111M .I&nDar7 (aU) -- 65 167 216 2M 228 UII 226 225 Il1O t40 llI5( ""'11&17 (11ft) - -- - - 116 log 161 260 &9l 111M hIIrau7 (01e1) -- - - lOB -215 260 251 252 UO 286 111M hbruar7 (..... ) ------~~ 52 60 115 lSI lII6 lOSt_ ------&as 1585 t!4 460 5110 671 11154 A/lril ------1211 lIIII &54 40B 11154 IIq ------11 16 1,228 2,802 2,1170 2,861' 2,444 I,W I,sao Total 4,827__ L...... 4,1511 ___._L.... __5,586 5,057 B,lI27 CO!'fCEIXIl On., H.. tor\< _. Zlo:II&a&. (In tb_ at po_) 11152 JulT ------­ --- 11l52Septaber ------­ ­ 1952 Dotaber ------­ 11152_ ------­ 11102 Doc_r ------­ 1II5B Jt.1mar7 ------­ -- 1115a_ 71,140 85,700 51,600 20,830 5,580 - - 1II5111q 62,1140 Be,4OO 67,860 65,040 SS,8IIO 44,520 86,520- 21,780- 1,600- -- - 11155 JulT 15,760 86,1140 411,830 55,580 61,1120 67,1l@ 65,700 64,200 62,G20 58,760- 47,400­ 51,260- lilA s.p_r 2,8110 B,780 5,040 8,460 15,020 15,420 15,480 17,280 111,500 19,800 2B,580 211,040 11155 Dota..... BOO 600 1,:!60 1,1120 5,120 5,BOO 5,780 4,440 5,640 6,420 e~Z40 e,li4O 11155 Doc:_r 60 BOO 1140 1,140 B,06O B,480 4,aeo 7,020 10,520 lI,lBO 12,1160 14,280 111M J....,. ------60 60 60 60 60 lIIM_ ------600 1,440 1,620 2,700 4,260 111M IIq ------1,140 1,aeo total 175,OBO 177,720 170,580 15B,OOO 140,580 IM,IWl 128,460 115,580 105,OBO IIB,1I4O I14,OBO 97,420

SOlBIlII On., Chioqo Board at TracIlo (In tbaUIIODda of poUDclo) 1952 Jul,T - ­ 1952 .l_t ------­ ­ 1952 Sopto.ber ------­ 1952 Dotaber ------­- 1952 Uo._ ------­- - 1952 December ------, -­ ­ 111551115$ _JIlm&I7 5,000 ------­ 59,960 51,080 f:7,lBO 22,680 9,600 ------­­ 1115& IIq 7B,520 72,160 7l,B20 67,980 6B,1I6O 511,940 51,420 29,160 11,820 - 1115B .lul7 Q,280 41,940 42,480 42,780 45,140 46,800 44,100 46,0B0 M,720 55,1140 51,480-­ 156,040 11155 Sopt_r 5,BBO 5,700 6,2CO 6,420 8,860 8,280 10,500 14,700 14,460 17,640 19,800 26,160 1955 October 1,520 1,000 1,9110 1,1120 1,740 1,860 1,920 1,860 1,740 1,1160 2,760 7,260 19S5 Doc:_ ------1110 BOO 2,280 B,1I4O 5,280 6,120 7,740 10,920 1954_ --- - - 580 720 B,42O 4,0B0 6,120 S,Sto 19M IIq ------1,580 2,880 Total 164,760 152,700 149,700 lQ,780 125,580 117,180 110,580 96,580 91,_ 85,760 89,580 92,400

.~ff'f'rtHttjMtr::t1 "'W' ,4@ UPDATA 1981 32

UKD, Cbi...o I!oard ot _ (In tbOUlJOJ!da ot POllllM)

11152 oIuJ;r ~,a20 - - - 84,710 151,700 2J.,880- - - 6,1190 -­ - - - - lIIU~ eo,.oo . 1WI,4BO ------1952 OCWb.r 41,000 ",600 60,400 45,480 29,120 6,800 - - - 111151_ 17,0lI0 10,240 ",100 a5,800 .z,800 60,290 49,040 51,290- 8,800 - - - lII52 Il00_ 6,290 7,700 10,100 12,400 15,1510 2O,lI6O 22,

.1II\&a., IaDBu Cit7 I!oard ot Trade (In tons) 19151 ""l7 720 ------­ - --­ - - 111151 Aqa\ 4,440 4,080 1,200 ------lIIU~ 5,720 6,lEO 8,aeo 5,840 5,810 ------­ 1852 0aWb.r 8,900 5,700 6,500 6,900 7,560 6,590- 4,710 - - - - - 1&5& _ber 1,580 2,180 5,l14li 5,680 5,680 5,660 6,910 5,720 sao - - - lIIU_ 840 1,680 2,780 a,880 4,560 4,1l0 4,710 6,Oao 5,910 5,870 1,820 - lIlA .Iaaar7 - 900 3,600 4,200 5,450 6,Oao 6,Oao 6,580 6,870 7,440 &,080 l8A Jebruaz7 - - - 600 1,680 5,600 4,440 5,040 4,500 4,660 4,680 6,290 lIIsa_ - - - - - 240 1,200 1,200 1,520 1,680 2,160 11155 April ------560 600 1,200 lOSS ...., ------­ - - 120 120 120 lIlA "­ ------~ 11155 oIuJ;r ------­ - - - - - 11155 .lucan ------­ - - - 11155 s.p~ ------11155 Ootob.r ------11155_ ------Total. 15,270 18,850 25,010 25,570 27,100 25,llO 26,040 22,020 18,880 17,100 16,440 1l,B60

SIIOImI, _ Cit:r IIoanI ot Trodo (ID tons)

1852 Jol:r 800 195& ,,_t 2,760 2,B80 1,520 4,600 5,070 ------195&~ 5,160 4,470 1,500 ------1962 Ootob.r 2.6~O &,240 5,120 &,560 5,480 2,760- 2,160 - - - -­ 1952110_ 1,880 2,760 &,480 5,600 4,440 4,440 4,520 5,840- 2,460 - -­ - 1952 Iloc_ 900 2,160 2,190 &,&10 4,llO 4,590 5,910 5,&20 5,510 4,520 1,080 - lU65 Joauar:r - 600 2,.00 &,120 &,~ 4,520 5,400 5,040 8,Oao 6,&90 6,B70 4,600 1955 rcbruar:r - - - l,UD 2,840 4,200 4,200 4,200 4,440 4,820 4,440 1955_ - - - -­ - - 1,680 5,480 a,4BO &,480 5,840 &,480 1955 April ------120 120 1,440 1955 ...., ------­ 720 11155 ./au - - -­ ------­ -­ - - 11155 oIuJ;r - -­ - -­ - -­ ------1955 A_\ - - -­ -­ - - - - -­ -­ - - 1955 Sop_r - - -­ ------­ - - 1865 Ootober ------­ -­ - 195& .o_or ------­ - - - Total 15,500 18,800 17,580 18,060 1B,_ 18,760 2&.670 22,080 21,480 18,760 16,2&0 14,760

ctm'OlISlIID II!AL, 1I""I>hU _. lImh&age Cloorlng Assoclotion (In tons) 1952 oIuJ;r 26,100 (5) 19S2 Ootob.r 18,000 lZ,4OO 12,400­ 12,400 ll,400 7,700 7,000 (6) 1852 Dec_ 6,500 9,800 9,800 9,800 9,800 10,000 7,700 4,.00 5,600 2,.00- - 2,100- - 19Sa Joauar:r 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,.00 1,sao 2, sao 2,200 1,600 1,800 -600 195B lI&rcb 1,100 1,.00 1,.00 1,.00 1,500 1,.00 2,600 1,600 1,600 1,500 1,700 2,600 lUn...., - - - - - 600 1,100 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 11155 Jol:r -­ - - - - 200 700 600 600 600 800 1,200 1955 Ootober ------100 100 1955 Doc_r - - -­ - -­ - - -­ - - - - 1954 J&ml&r:r - -­ ------1954_ ------­ -- - Total 47, sao ~5,sao 25,200 25,200 24.sao 2l,aoo 20,tOO 9,900 9,000 7.100 7,500 5,500

~.-, ,- ...... -,. .. -_.- ...... ~----..­ - _--_.­ .­

'~J"'t'9t!W~~}~t" ,i@ UPDATA 1981 )~~ 33

UlID, Cb1cI-co _ of!ra40 (In thouaanda of poWldl) 1952 JulT - -­ ------1951Sop_ ------19$2Oc_ ------195Z1o_ - - -. - - - -­ ------1951lloc_ ------1955 -.,. eoo ------1915 ...... 5l,920 51,44/)- 28,180 17,1580 1,1t8O - - - - - 19AIIq 1!2,44/) &7,240 4D,zeo 42,4110 40,040 a.,l80- 26,1120- 14,1180 e,44/) - - - 1955 ~ n,ota 17,240 n,44/) 2(\,180 aa,coo 55,980 40,240 ",180 ",COO 87,580- 51,COO- 1e,OOO- 19A~ 4,040 7,800 1O,44/) U,6W 15,44/) 18,0lI0 n,4DO 26,720 28,1580 27,200 28,1180 58,440 un October - 1120 840 1580 1,0lI0 1,520 2,000 2,Il00 &,000 4,640 6,280 7,Il00 191510_ - - - 1520 COO COO 4110 1580 l,lZO 1,1180 2,4110 a,_ 1815 lloc-" ------180 1,280 a,l20 4,200 :oJ64 oIuaa!7 ------IlOO 1,000 Total 8~,O4O 85,640 100,880 99.980 91,840 9O,lZO 90,440 89,240 82,800 72,580 71,780 e8,580

1951 ~ 1951 i...,.n - _. ------1951~ ------1951 October ------1951_ ------1951 1*0_ ------1915 oIuaa!7 4110 - -­ ------19ftr...... ,. 5,780 ,&,240 880 ------1915_ &,4110 2,IIfIO &,000 1,040 1500 - - - - 1915 Apr1l 1,440 1,Il00 I,COO 2,840 4,800 &,780- 1,890 - - - 19P1Iq lZO 1,440 1,440 1,580 1,440 1,800 1,800 2,040- 1,440- - - - 240 240 240 240 - 1951 oII!:le - - 4110 4110 840 1.440- 1,1180 - 1955 JulT - - WI 240 - 240 800 720 720 840 1,1580 1,0lI0 19P &aauR - - - - - 240 4110 4110 720 840 1,200 1,1520 1955 Sopt_ -­ - - - - 240 eoo 800 800 840 980 1,200 19ft October -­ - -­ ------720 1,0lI0 2,840 195a_ - - - - ­ - - - -­ - - 1,200 Total 11,280 9,seo 7,950 e,720 8,780 8,640 5,860 4,&"A 4,1120 4,1180 8.800 7,44/)

1952 JulT 1951 A_t ------1952 Sop_ - -­ - - - - - ..:.. - - - 1951 Oc_ ------19fjZ.~ - - - -­ ------U5l Doc_ ------19ft Jo.-..uy 1,470 ------19ftrobrl!u7 4,200 2,840 640 ------18511_ 4,800 4,1520 &,980 &,000 4110 - - - - 195& Apr1l 1,920 2,COO &,580 a,800 e,1I8O e,lZO- 1,290- - - - - • 980 - - 19AIIq l,lJ!I!O 1,1580 2,840 ',680 ',800 4,200 2,280 1,1580- - - - 1955 """'" - - - - 240 720 980 2,280 2,180 1,920' 1,1180 - 19P JulT - - - - lZO lZO lZO lZO lZO 480 840 195& A_t - - - - - 240 240 240 240 980 980 980 196& s.p_r ------lZO lZO 840 840 980 19Sa October ------lZO 1955_ ­ ------lZO Total n,&60 10,_ 9,640 9,240 11,840 12,000 6,810 6,040 4,1120 &,840 4,140 &,000

carTOIIS!ID 1IIlL, IItII¢1a lIorcb...to bt:ban&. Clear1lJ& A.. oc1&t1on (In tone) 1952 JulJ' ------1962 October ------1952 Doc_r ------19Sa Jam1arJ - 1500 ------18sa_ 2,COO 2,100 1,800- 1,400- - 800 ------19sa ..., 1,100 ....:.!.,soo 1,800 2,COO 2,800 1,700- 1,700- 1,&00 800 --- - - 19ft JulT 1,100 1,400 1,900 1,900 2,100 1,700 1,Il00 &,500 a,500 2,Il00- 2,800- 2,000- 1955 October 100 loo 100 100 100 100 100 100 4DO 1500 600 1,000 195& Doc_r - 100 200 200 800 1,000 1,100 1,100 1,900 1,900 1,800 l,COO 1964 Jan....,. - -­ - - 100 800 800 800 800 800 IlOO 800 1964_ --­ ------100 200 200 200 T~tal 5,000 6,000 6,900 8,000 8,100 6,100 6,800 8,600 ~,SOO 8,800 6,700 6.200

) ~@ UPDATA 1981 34 COIIIJIlI'I'r !1J'!IJIi!S

Doc. 51

1952 Juq 29,lDO (B) ------­ 1952 "'&1>at 19,500 19,500 18,000 (9) ------­ 1952 Octobor 11,400 11,400 12,100 12,000 14,'100 14.'700 5,SOO - - - ­ 1951 Doceaber 16,000 21,900 22,000 25,100 25,900 26.600 2S,BOO 24,500 19,000 9,900- lDO ­ 1955 J ....orr 7,400 6,600 B,OOO 9,100 9.500 10,000 10,500 12,400 16,200 20,400 22,400 I 9,500 1955 IIarcb 4,500 ',000 4,000 5,300 5.400 6.500 14,900 19,500 ~2, '100 26,400 32.200 31.100 1955 JIoT 200 600 600 2.100 4.500 4,500 5,100 10,600 11,400 12,500 IS, BOO 24..000 1955 Jliq - - - 200 200 '100 1,600 5,400 4,500 6,"09 10,900 11,200 1955 !quit - - - - 600 700 1,000 1,000 2,200 4,000 4. ..200 1955 October ------100 lDO lDO 1955 Docellllor ------­ - 1954 JallUU'7 ------­ - - - -- 1954 llareb ------­ - -- ~ -- 11154 JIoT ------Total B7.900 66,600 66,800 58.BOO 1;0,000 55,500 61,900 71,800 76,400 77~EOO 86~500 B6,100

1/ I.e.. than 500,000 _ndII. Til bo... tlIan 500 be1 exchange at 4S lIP. cente por do..,n, pluG penalt7 ot 5 conte _ doaon. !I Trading in -new'I eontracta began April 6, 1953, in 1955 ND'YeMher and !J'.1ceeedina fut.ureo. Trading in ·old· contracts tann.1nate8 with expiration or 1954 l"ebro.... tlltu.... . y At. ~nd ot deli...... _iod 25,100 .""'" in default not inoludod in opon ccnt.racte. Order"" ...ttl.d bJ' _ ""chall&" at 87\1.50 por t<>n, plu. ponalt7 ot ~.OO por ton, Y At.nd ot d.li...... ponod 5,400 ton_ in default not included in open contracts. Orderel! ...ttl.ed ".y ti,. eJ e""Mnge at SSl.00 per ton, plu. ponalt7 at .~.OO per ton.

L.~i¥ft",'*jW\i1't'1tMtritiiftbtffz1j(ft7*, . j@ UPDATA 1981 J\ 35

"... U I .-. Sl I hb. U I rib. 28 I ..... 15 1liar. Sl I Apr. U I Apr. 150 I IIq U JIIDOUI """-150

1_ ~ ------lHl hIUto ------lHl onotoer ------­ lHlllocellbcrua __ ------­ - - - - - ua~ 1,400 - - - -­ ------.,'100 &1,lI0II fS,4OO 111,200 5,700 ------ua!hW' 25,'700 28,100 as,4OO &1,800 M,I5OO 158,000­ 211,100 10,1500 S,llOO - - 1JU olIIlT 1',400 U,&OO 22,&00 25,400 21,&00 25,1500 25,100 as,4OO as,lIOO S5,lOO 29,900- 18,BOO 1951,-t 8,Il00 11,000 10,400 11,lI0II 11,700 llI,lIOO U,&OO 20,1500 21,BOO 21,Il00 21,800 27,700 18511951 OCtober___ 1,Il00 2,100 2,100 2,200 2,&00 2,400 5,100 6,Il00 B,4OO 9,800 9,700 9,Il00 - - - - - 200 a,BOO 5,100 8,100 10,Il00 U,IIOO 15,000 18S.~lIM __ ------1500 400 6,BOO 9,BOO 10,BOO 18,100 ------IlOO 600 '700 8,400 18,Il00 19s.., ------, - - - 5,&00 14,700 ro\al 89,Il00 91,Il00 MoIIOO 90,&00 "','700 "',&00 ",800 711,'700 82,600 87,400 97,800 112,&00

, ::t8t5WftttftYlttM" t me -fi'i'tSi&:. })@ UPDATA 1981~'~ 36

Loua-tt. per1oc1a IDd1n& Ju.. 1955 Ye.,., Ju~ 1952 - Juno 19511 C_Q- IIIIrlaot Unit Boi1ml1n;Y ....nt Date "-mt Date _t Chicaco _d 'I'nlclo ot Thou_ ".lIlhello Ju~ 9, 1925 2&8,294 Oat. 16, 1929 105,568 lI1nDoapolU Aul. 1lI, l.a62 0ra1:>-.. do. Aug. 1, 1923 ",727 Oat. 25, 1929 16,468 Sept. 17, 1952 Kanau C1tT Boord of 'I'nldo do. Aug. 1, 1925 56.115 Ifoy. 26, 1952 54,010 Ju~ 19, l.a52 Coru Chioogo Board of Trade _bus"'1. Ju~ 9, 1925 120,172 JulT 19, l.a5S 92,525 HOT. 21. li&2 oatil Chicogo Board of Trade ~oand buahel.a Ju1,. 9, 1925 U.,527 ~b. 5, 1925 :we,614 /loy. 19, 19S1! lIlW ChtcaRo Boord of Trade ~oand buaholo Jul,. 9, 1925 54,471 !lor. 51, :wt5 21,520 APr. 22, 1955 Bod.,. Chiaaso Board of Trade !bouoand bua"'18 Ju~ 9, 1925 e,766 Ju~ 19, 1955 (2) - Fla:aeed NimwaflOU. arlin EBIIwwe 'II>ou....d buahe1. Aug. 1. 1325 5,550 Oat. 29, 1941 2,914 Oat. 16 .. 25, l.a52 80;rb0a!.. Chicago IIoo.rd of Trade !bou_ "'"",10 Dtc. 9" 1940 00,274 flay. 19. 1949 75,827 Dao. 26, l.a52 araiD Sor""",,, Kanau 01Q- Board n! 'I'nlde Mi1l1on powwI. Sept.19,19" 951 hb. 1, 1952 1111 Jul,. 1, l.a52 Rio. flow York lIIIroanU10 Exchanp ~.and pou!WI. Juno 1, 1949 1,440 Oat. 5-21, 1949 (2) - Cotton ... York Cotton S""...... !bou_ bolo. Sept. 50, 1957 5,'100 ~c. 16, l.a52 '100 !low arloane Cotton Ezeh..... 5, D.c. 18, lJJ5I do. Sept. 50, 1957 l,SaS Oat. 14, l!l46 861 Ilao. 10, 1952 Wool Tope Il001 All_late. or tho ... York Cotton Kxahmp. 1m. '!b.....nd pou_ Aue. 51, 1956 17,405 Sept. 26, 1952 17,405 Sept. 26, 1952 a.ttor Chioogo lIII.....'tU. Exch.... Corlot. !!ar. 1, 1922 5,455 Oat. " :wtl l,~ Oat. I!S, 1952 Ch1cogo lIIIroont1lo Exchq. !- Corloto Mar. 1, 1922 12,096 Juno 25, 1946 4,740 ADa. 28, 1952 l'I>teto.. lIaw York IIoroantlle EXllhonll't Corlote Doo. 2, :wt1 5,'/1)8 Hoy, 7, 1952 5,'108 'II:>Y. 7, 1952 Cot_dOU flow York Frodu.. Exchonp TlIQloand """ado liar. 11, 19U 584,520 JIUJ. lS, 1952 558,880 Jul,r'1, 1952 flow Y.,.1c Frodu.. Exchanp ~OU '!hou1llUld pound. liar. 17, 1941 152,200 NoY. ?S" 1950 85,900 Jul,r'1 lind Oat. SO, 1952 Chi_o 90ard of Trodo do, Jul,. 17, 1950 211,920 No,.. 17, 19S2 211,920 1i0'l'. 17, 1952 l&rd Chic"", Soard Trade ot nwusand "olinda liar. 17, l!l41 l!lB,95O Aue. SO, l!l41 154,120 Aug. 15, 1952 !!ran _. C1t,y Board of 'I'nlda l'nn.o Oct. 1, 1957 42,590 ROY. 20, 194? 28,1'/1) Sept. 9, 1952 Shorte ltansao C1 Q- Board or 'I'nldo Tona Oct. 1. 1957 26,540 Do•• S, l!l47 25,670 Oat. J.D. 1952 Cot_lIoal lIIIophi. Ibrchanto Exoh""P Cl.aorina AII.oolatioa Tono !lor. 17, 1941 BS.200 Sept. 20, 1950 50,400 Ju11!S, 1952 5.,.110.... 1Ioa1 IIIIIIJIhia ltorcbantll EXllhaq:e Claar1", Aoaoo1aUcm Ton. !far. 17, 1941 __L 226,500 Ifoy. 24, 1950 116,400 Ju... 26, 1955

Vt Yron tho tIM datil on open conl.raeto !rca tho 110_ ot clouing ..._,.. bs..... an1loblo. Y No open cont~aots dur1ns ~ ,..or, July l!l52 to Jun. l!l55 •

.~!¥'nt!1tff'f:ttiittiiaWm~lL ~@ UPDATA 1981 37

!ViOl! JI1&bo.t ~ tu.... Pri.. z-ut ~tu.... Prie. ~1:7 ,... Ual.t ­ bo~ I'I1blro tate Price ~te... tato Price _t Canto per bushel Ju1,. I, 19lA 1917 1952 Doc. Cld.c&&o Board at n-edo JIa,. 1117 ll, 1917 525 loY. 25,19112 u1/2 lI1JuJe.pol1a IIra1D IxIltaneo do. JuIT I, 19lA 1917 1117 JIa,. 12, lA, 1917 580 19S2 DIe. 1'.ac. 28, 1952 401/8 £

C.." Cld.caao Beard ot 1'rado Canto per "'_1 JuIT I, 1914 19.a lial" Jan. 18. lN8 270 5/4 ,19~2 DDe. DIe. Z:S, 1982­ 205/'

Dote Cld.ca", Board ot ~do Canto per ba.hol JuIT 1. 19lA lII48 !lit... Jan. 10.'-5" lSI48 lS8 1952 Dtc. _.5.1952 15 7/.8 I P7- Ch1_ Beard ot n-.

19~2 _. Ilt.rla:r CId...&<> Board of ~dII Cante par b1IIlwl Sort. 12. 1918 19" Dec. Dtc. 1. 1947 187 Doc. 15, 1952 26

f1uNed IIlnnoapollo Orain &la:hanp Conte per bushal Jul.., 2. 1920 1951 JuIT liar. 14, 1951 492 1952 Sort. JuIT 21. 1952 SO

So;rI>e&no CMt'alO 808rct of Trade Cante per buw1 Oct. 5. 1956 1948 liar. Jan. 16. 1948 441 1959 Doc. mS. 15. 1959 65 5/'

__ 011:7 Boord of ~dII tlra1I1 5ar~ Cecta per Sopt., 19. 1944 19.a !Ia:r Jan. 19.. 1948 4l1S 1944 Dtc. 1ioT. 21, 1944 lEO buodrad pound.

Rica low York lIorcanUle bchanllO hucdradDollar. __ per 110. 1 Long Drain Contract. •fune 1. 1949 1951 J~n. mI· 29-51. 1950 ll.75 1951 Oct• Sopt. 21, 1951 8.50

I (1951 liar•• Cot_ Ceet.s rer pound Jul:r1,19lA (1) 45.59 .luna 10, 1952 4.91 1_ York Cottan Il:zch..", (iIq'.Jul,. 1952 Jul:r (1951 liar., !_ CJ'laana Cott.oa_bonp do. JuIT 1., 1.914 (1.) 1.952 Jul:r .luna 10. 1.952 (1117, Jql:r 45.59 4.92

~Yopa 11001 Auoc1&_ ot tho _ York Cotton behan... Inc. Cents par plUnd 1117 16. 1.951 1951...... Jan. 2'. 1951 452.0 19!2 .". mZ. oil' 19~ 45.0

111\...1' Chi ..,o _Ule _~ Star... Coctract Ce:1te per pound ~c. 1. 1919 194B Jan. Jan. 16. 194.8 82.50 19S51'.ac. Doc. 1.4, 1955 lA1/8

!u1I C!rt1!S.Q.) ~antUa Emhanp I l!erH.pntor Con.....t Cente per doMn !ae. I, 1919 1921 J.... Jan. 29, ]gZl 64.00 19M. Jan. Jan. 80, 1951 10 sIB fot.atao. ICbiC&&O lIore&nt.ila ~ DollarD per 1952 _. ! _tlbr_~ bundred pounds Jan. 1, 1951 D.c. 26, 195~ 7.~S 1951 Oct. Oat• ." U, 19S1 1.tO "_ York Jlarcant.ila bonae I III1.ne OrCllm, Contract :10. 1 do. DDc. 2, 1941 1958 Ya,. Aug. 5, 1952 5.90 1955 Apr.(old) Apr. 9, 1955 1.80 Cot_d 011 1- lork I'rcdlca -CO Pr180 - You.. (llrwIa)y CentB per pound July 1, 1914 l.Q19 Octo , 1919 28.00 1.914 Doc. Oct. 27. 1914 4.58 I Oloadlablo Pr180 -.. Tou..CTanko) do. ria,. 8, 1980 L0491/a)' lI&y14, 1948 45.00 1.9112 JuIT ...,. 5, 19B2 S.27

So:rboan OU ,_ York Produco Bxchanll'l' t PrU>o Crude Cento per pound SeJ"t. S, 1940 1951 Kar. Jan. 31. 1951 21.80 1941 !Ia:r Oct. 9, 25, 1940 4.26 I Dlaachahlo Ilatill8d !I do. !loy. ?S, 194~ 1.947 liar. Feb. ll, 1947 51.00 1948 Jan. Ana. 5, 1947 1.6.00 Ch1caso brd o! Trade Crud. do. Jul,. 17, 1950 1951 liar. Jan. SO, 1951 21.95 1952 1I&:r Jrp. 21, 1952 8.62 Lard ICb1co&o Beard of Tr.de Cents per pound JuIT 1, 1914 1919 Jul:r , 1919 55.55 1952 Jul:r Juno 2, 1982 5.62 Bran ItIlnau C11:7 Board of Trade ,I DoU&ra per ton Jan. 1, 1952 1948 Jan. Jnn... 17, 1948 86.10 19&2 Doc. (5) 5.85 Shorta ICansall C1 tJ' Board of Tract. IDollars por ton Jan. I, 1952 l!:l4B Jan. Jan. 25. 1948 88.50 i 19S5 Jan. Deo. 29, 1932 6.95 Cotto__1 I , iIoftph1. IJorchanta E"han&e I CJ.ar1nS MIIOC!'"tion DollAr. per ten Jan. 15, 1929 .1948 Jan. Jan. 9, 194A 99.00 ' 1951. Oct. Oct. 5, 1.951 9.75 i S.,.boan Ileal u-.ph:1. !6trchl:nte E:mha~ ClA&r1n& osociation I'Ioll.are per ton July 8, 1940 1948 Jan. Jan. 24, 1948 100.50 1940 Oct. JuIT 8, 1940 17.00

11 On llnenl data. fica 1Ikrcb 8, 1951 through May 14, 1951. 'i/ Prior to DDceEibtr 26, 1951, coutr'act tor -Idaho RuIlMta.­ J~'!y/I Contnct IltnalDated 11&,. 7. 1950. fJ Contract suspended IIIrch B, 1950. On. Dlce.bar 20, 22, 25. 26, ROO 27, 1952.

~@ UPDATA 1981 38

DIto. 51.

1$52 ""4 - 1$52~_ 252 2M - 5/8 2M 2110 -5/" 251. 1/8------1$62 DIto_ 2571/6 240 2571/2 - - - - - 228 : I 240 1/2 257 S/. 2555/8- 252V4- 257 1/2 258 S/' 2" 7/8 2SO 7/S uss_ ,.40 5/' 2" 1/2 2451/2 2" 245 1/8 259 1/2 259 245 5/e 245 s/s 241 257 1/4 255 -5/8 1$55 IIq 240 1/' 2" l/S 248 2" 1/4 2451/2 242 241 7/S 248 5/S 248 S/4 ~1/2 240 5/' 2371/' 1$SS ""4 -- - 240 lis 258 5/' 259 sIs 259 1/4 245 2475/S 241 5/4 240 2&71/4 1955 SeptoabarD.c_ ------"­ - - 245 1/' 242 l/e 259 5/e 1954_ ------­ - - - 1954 ------Il&7 ------

19~ ./tl4 255 s/.,. 1$52 Sep_ 2a1l 2a1l1/S------1952 2a1l 1/' 2a1l -1/4 2S57/S- - - Doe_ 259 7/ea 2511 7/e 242 51' 240 240 259 - 2571/S- 2411/e- 242 s/e 258 - 5/8 258 1/f.b- - l$6Il1q 242 7/8a 242 5/l1li 2'55/8& 2" 5/Sb 2" 1/2a 242 240 7/8& 2" 1/2a 248 1/f.b 245 7/Sb 241 "l/S 259 -5/S 1955 ~ - - 2471/2A ~ 7/l1li 2" 5/S 240 1/' 1955~_ - ~ ------1955 DIto_ - .­ - - - - ­ - - - - - 195411q ------1IllIoU', _ cat,- Board of Trade (In oeate per _bel)

11l52~ 2251/' l$52~_r 228 1/2 251. - 5/4 233 - 1/2 254 l/e­ - - - - - 1952 Doe_ 2515/'- - - - llIS5 _ 2S! 5/S 255 5/' 237 sf' ZOO 2571/' 258 1/2- 254 7/S 2411/'- 2451/S- 2a1l -5/e 2&8 -5/4 - 255 1/2 258 sf' 240 S/S IU9 259 2a1l 5/S 2S8 l/e 2" 247 2421/4 242 5/e 2S8 -Sf' 111SS Il&7 254 7/0 2a1l 240 5/S 1!&9 258 1/2 257 7/e 257 1/2 2" 1/2 24.7 '6/e 2" 5/4 2" '6/' 259 '6/' 1955 ~ - - 254 l/S 254. 1/2 241 5/' 2" 1/2 259 '6/e 259 '6/' 2571/8 1955 Septoaber ------19550.0_ ------1954_ ------CORII, Ch1caco Board or Trade (In cente per bushol) 1952 ~ lSl 5/4 - 19~ Sept_r 179 lei 1795/4- 177 1/2- 17S -5/8 ------1$52 0.0_ 1701/2 174 7/e 175 5/' 17'6 170 188 1/'- 16~ 1/2- 165 -5/' 1671/'- 1&5 -5/' 1655/4- - 1955 llarch 175 5/S 17S 7/e 180 1/2 177 175 5/' 172 1691/2 170 1721/' 170 sf' 168 1/2 166 -7/S 1955 Il&7 175 180 lSI 5/4 17S 175 175 5/S 1705/' 172 17' 1/2 1781/2 1711/2 168 1955 ~ - 1761/8& 174 5/8& 171 5/4 175 1761/4 175 1751/4 171 1955S.ptellbe" ------1761/2 1741/8a 172 S/8 lei 6/8 19550.0_r - -­ - - - - - 1954_ ------1954 Il&7 ------OlTS, Cb1cogo Board or Trade (In aonte per _hell

1952 ~ 77 5/4 11152 Sopt_r - - - - 80 1/2 S2 S'1/2- es 86 -5/S - - - - - 1952 !loc_r S41/4 S57/e SS 1/2 S71/2 88 s/e ss -1/2 84 - 96 871/2- 84 - S/8 84 -7/8 - 195&_ S7. 68 6/e 911/4 90 I/O 90 S/S 86 1/2 86 1/2 S9 911/2 S9 86 5/' 82 -5/4 1955 Il&7 061/4 68 7/S 90 5/4 S91/2 S9 S65/4 S57/8 88 7/S 90 5/4 68 1/2 as 5/4 82 5/4 1955 Ju4 S71/f.b 06 S41/2 SS 1/2 87 87 7/0 86 84 5/4 Sll/2 1955 Sept.or ------s.u 82 1/4 19550.0_ ------1954 IIarch ------1954 ------Il&7 - -­ - - - -­ ------m, Cbiaqo Board or Trade (In oente per buobel) 1952 ~ 208 7/S - - - 19~ S.pt_~ - 211 1/2 207 5/4 2111/4- 1112 sis 1112 1/4 ------1952 o.o_ber 215 209 215 I/O 196 5/S 187 sIr! 195 -S/( 194 20S -1/2 207 - 1/4. 1118 -7/S 1lI17/8b- - 1955 llarcb - - l87n­ 1955 IIq 21Cb 2111/4 2155/6 - 200 6/8 2011/4- 1991/2- 197 - 5/S Z08 1/2- 2121/8- 206 1/2 199 -7/S 1110 7/S 1955 Ju4 202b 187 l/'b 197. 206 211 207 5/4 2011/2 lII2 7/e 1958Sept_r -­ - - - 1955 __r ------201 1/.,. 195 7/S 1954 llarcb - - - -_.­ ------. ------FLlISI!ED, 111=_110 Groin JW:bon&. (In cMto per bushel) r-­ -­ 1952 ~ 5990 - - - - 1952 Sopt_r 4011/2 "1l11/2b 415 - US - 1/2 401 ------1952 _.-bar 407 1/20 405 420 428 J/2 408 1/2 408 - 407 1/2 412 ­ 408 1/2 410 - - 405V2 - - 1955 llarch 415 1/20 409 1/20 426b 42Sb 4150 412 4111/2b 417 1/~ 416 1/2 4161/20 408 408a 1958 Il&7 428n 452A -­ - - 4150 415 416 420 4191/2 420 1/2b 411 411 1955 Ju4 - 422 42ll/2n 4221/2A 4120 USb 1955 Septaobor ------41' 1S550.0_r ------

4bbl'tlYiatlonJII IIbIi - bid price, "aft .. uked priceJ -nil .. DOIdnal prioe, 1181" _ lettleaeut price.

·"'~_ft:e1mW'iM'2We, .~@ UPDATA 1981 39

'I'able lB.~.:Ims p1"1C" CD pr1Dolpaluri:ot4, IJT tuture, .aiJIoDthl.7,·JulT 1962 to Juno 1955

"IBl!l!, CbiC8i!' Boord of Trade (In CtIDt. per _11) 1962 .raq. l8l5Is.p_ ------~ - - - - l8!i2 Doc_ ------189_ 151&/4- 2U 22a 1/4- 226 1/8 226 at' - - - - 1991h.r ell5 2Sl. 1/4 2261/2 2SO &/4 2SO S/4 224 -1/2 220 216 US 1/8- - 1951I oIIIlT 2M 2110 &Z4 226 1/' US 1/4 262 a/4 226 5/6 2U ?J.B 5/4 214 &/4 205 - lea -S/4 150 1/8 19$&~ 2115 &/' 262 11B 228 5/B U55/4 2115 5/B 22!l 1/4 226 1/2 222 5/B 21B 5/4 2CB 1/2 192 5/0 1951/8 199 Doc..,.,. - 2&8 1/2 262 1/8 2&9 5/8 258 5/8 2M 1/0 262 221 5/' 224 214 188 2CC 5/' ll1M_ - - - 2&8 2~1 7/S 228 219 5~B 205 S/4 206 1/B 1964110iT ------20'1 208 1/B _'1', IU.DDoojJoUo IIro1D 1Izchan&. (In cont. per _el) - l8l5I ~ ------1952~ ------1962 Doc_r ------1951IlIoiT 2&7 - 5/4 2115 1/" 262 1/4- 256 1/4- 2S7 5/0 2115 5/8& 256 1/4- 2115 l/B 256 1/2b - ua oIIIlT 2511/20 2af.I 2Sl.b 2115 2561/B 2&5 1/2& 2SS 1/8b 262 251 1/4 222 7/S 212 2145/8b- 19as.p_ - - - - IISl. 7/8& 2&l1/BD 229 l/B 22a 1/..... 214 a/4 187 5/4 208 196a 1!Ie_ ------262b 226a 219 200 S/4 2121/2 18MIIoiT ------­ - - - - 2111/20

1IH!o\T, IaDau Cit," Board at Trade (In cento per bushel) 1951 JulT ------1952 s.pt_r ------1952 Doc~ ------19SI_ 257 5/B 256 226 1/2 2555/B 262 a/O - 196& IIq U7 S/4 2&4 5/8 229 2&4 2sa 1/4 229 -7/B 226 - 225 -5/6 2261/B- -­ - 199 JulT 2M 5/6 2517/8 2211/2 US S/4 2511/4 2217/8 224 1/' 22S 219 208 1/4- 195 - 199 -1/2 1855 Sopt_ - - - - 262 a/..... 2&0 1/8 227 alB 2261/B 221 7/8 212 l/B 199 7/B 204 l/B 195a Doc_r - - - 255 5/80 262 5/..... 251 229 2251/4 2161/4 2051/' 2CB 1/4 18154_ ------219 5/1l 206 1/4 212

COIll/, Cbicqa Boord at Trade (In cODtll per _01) 1952 JulT ------1852 s.pt_r ------l862 Doc_ ------189 IIorcb 164 160 alB 164 155 1/4 155 1/2 - - - 18911q 155 1/2 1651/2 157 158 a/4 1595/" 151 - ·158 156 1/4 158 -- 1/4 - 1951I JulT 168 1/0 1655/8 1591/2 161 5/B 1621/2 160 1/4 160 S/4 160 160 1/2 1551/4.- 149 -7/a 1641/4- 18551955~ __r 1671/4 164 158 a/4 1611/4 162 a/a 1591/4 15~ S/8 1597/B 158 1/2 162 1/4 147 5/6 150 - 160 5/4 1&8 158 158 1/2 156 1/4 156 1/4 156 1/4 I5S 5/4 145 a/4 142 1/4 144 1/2 IBM IIarcb ------~Ui7 1/6b 1491/2 145 1/2 149 5/8 19M IIq - ­ ------1491/4 1511/4

OATS, CbiOll8a Boord at Trade (In cont. per bwohel) 1962 ""l,y ------1962 s.pt_er ------1962I)oc'-' ------­ - 186a .....h 811/2 61 7a 1/4 1S 1/4 741/2 ------196a IIq 60 5/4 795/4 751/2 74 1/2 74 5/4 701/2- 74 1/2 76 a/8 151/4- - - - 195n JulT 80 111 5/8 741/4 16 761/4 71 5/' 7a 155/4 15 1/2 101/4- 101/2- 125/4- 1965 s.p-.r 60 a/t 195/8 76 77 a/4. 77 751/4 75 5/4 14 5/8 15 1/2 697/e 105/4 721/4 1855 Doc_ - - 78 a/8 79 155/4 76 5/4 771/2 761/2 7a 751/2 74 1/2 19M JIarcb ------74 :&/4 741/2 151/4 19M IIq ------14 l/Z 751/2 . .--­ RIB, Cbioasa Boord at Trade (In cent. per bIlohol) 1962 JulT ------l862 Sopt_r ------­ - - 1852 Doc_r - - - - - 195& JIarcb 1811/4b- 1181/20- 168b- 1751/40- 17&1- -­ - - - - - 1955 IIq 185 5/8 182 ·7/8 1711 1/2 179 &/8 1791/8 168 1/2- 1651/2 151 3/4 1551/2------1855 ""l,y 187 1/8 184 at' 1751/8 181 1/2 182 1/8 172 1687/8 1615/8 158 1/2 145 -S/8 158 ­ lHO -5/8 1116& Sopt_r lea &/8 111S 1/4 1771/2 184 1/2 164 7/a 1751/4 1721/2 164 5/4 1611/8 147 S/8 140 1&4 7/8 19sa Dlc_r ------176 1/2 1681/2 167 162 5/8 145 5/' 1&1 7/8 19M .....b ------150 147 V4

PLUSEIID, IIinDNpoUo a..a1D bchqo (In cont. per buohll) 1952 JulT ------1862S.-r1962 __.. ------1951 JIarcb _1/2- a95 -a/4 585 - 1/2 592 - 8910------'­- 1951IlIoiT 409 m 588 596 88Sh 596 - 58S 578 -- &751/2- - - 189 JulT SII9a 6B6b 59Vb 8_ 585b 588 l/Z &81 S60 5680- a59 - 562 1/Z- 199 s.pt_ &10 4001 B91b 888b 596 SOOb a8'7 5821/2 5801/2b S72 562 1/2 566 1851 Doc_ ------­ - - 874 1/2& 5681/2 8710

'.';'­ ..".@ UPDATA 1981 40 COlIIIODITI fIITURI!S

Table le.-Cloa1ng prio•• on prlnc1palll&1'keta, lIT tIlture, .1BImD~, JulT 1952 to .runo 19511-Ccn1t1nu...s

Doc. Sl

sorBlWIS, Chicaao Iloard or Trade (In ooatl! por buabel) 1952 o/Ul,T a26 SIB 1952 s.pt_r I!OS 5/4 1500 1/2- 521 - 5/B Sl51/4- 1!O51/8------1952 80_r 289 7/8 2941/8 512 1/' l\O'I5/8 SOO 3/8 SOO - 2961/8- 2951/8- l!OO - 7/8 - - - 1955 J...... ,. 291 7/8 297 Sl5 5/8 1!09 1!O2 5/8 1!02 7/8 2991/8 SOO 7/8 SOS 5/8 1!09 -5/8 1102 -&/8 l!OO1/8- li55_ 292 7/8 298 515 1/8 1!O9 5/4 1!O4 I!OS 5/B SOO l/S 1!04 l/S 3081/8 1!09 1/8 1!04 1/8 l502 5/8 111511 JIIir - 297 1/2 Slll/' 1!08 5/4 !!02 a/4 1102 5/8 2991/2 1!04 1/4 TnT 5/S 1!08 5/S 1!05 7/S 1!O11/8 1955 o/Ul,T - - - - - l!OO 1/2 297 7/S 1!05 SOS 1/' 1!O55/8 1102 1/, 1!Ol1/' 19511 ~"",.t ------1115S s.p_r ------2981/2- 2921/2 fS7 &/.. 1II55110....ber - - - -­ ------19M J&DlIUT - - - -­ ------19M Jllrcb - - -­ - - - - - ­ - - -

ORAlN 5OROIIJIIS, lane.. Cit,. Board or TradAl (In cento per bundred poUDda) 11152 o/Ul,T 11152 Sept_ber 1952 Doc_

carrON, H.. York Cotton ExA:lango (In conto per povlI4)

11152 ""l:r 1952 OCtober 58.90 se.94 59.26 &8.52 1952 Doc_ber 58.88 as.86 59.20 as.52 1955 J...... ,. 55.&lD 55.0Ia 1955 r.b"...,. 1955 Jllrcb 116.47 57.80 58.81 58.72 59.15 as.66 57.18 116.74 55.87 55.44 54.n ~.7B 11155 JIIir ~.28b 57.15 58.65 58.54 58.96 58.55 57.11 15.81 15.14 55.82 14.67 14.20 1955 o/Ul,T 55.86b 57.08 58.09 &8.00n ~.48 SS.05n &6.80 116.60 IBM 56.85 14.90 14.66 1955 OCtober 64.4Gb 55.Un ~.OS &d.05n ~.15 55.860 55.05 55.08 54.74 14.86 14.152 14.U 11155 Doc_r 14.21b 54.68n 55.90 55.B15n 55.lIab 55.720 54.95 55.02 .at.74o 14.200 54.1& 19M Jllrcb 14.90 55.10, 54.140 I ~:~ 14.21b 14.1& 1964 JIIir 64.860 54.66n 14.140 19M Ju17 I 14.200 19M OCtober 1115' Doc_~ I 1"'­

COT1'OII, II... arl...,. Cotton ExA:lange (In cooto por pound) 1952 o/Ul,T 40.00 ------1952 Ootober ~.71 58.16 58.90 58.94 59.27 ,58.49 57.28 - - - - - 11152 Doc_r ~.50 57.95 58.86 58.84 59.17 58.60 ~.!14 ~.42 55.14 14.741> - 11155 JIIrcb ~.59b 37.84 58.80 58.68 &9.12 58.65 57.15 156.81 55.54 35.46 14<'12- 55.711 1955 JIIir ~.251> 57.65 58.55 58.49 58.97 58.54 a7.07 15.95 15.10 35.84 14.52 14.tII 11155 Ju17 55.Mb 57.08b 58.10 57.95 58.4.2 as.02b ~.70 ~.66 15.08 55.87 14.81 14.111 1955 October 14.1IIlb 55.07b ~.07b ~.08 ~.09b 55.86b 35.00 55.0ab 14.611b 114.65 14.28 14.17 1955 Doc_r 54.241> 14.SBb 55.82b 55.llBb 55.1121> 55.611b 54.95 55.0lb 14.?lb 14.m 14.2lb 14.1Ob 195' llarcb - - - - - 55.&5b 54.!IOb 55.00b 14.741> 54.57b 14.17b 14.2'1 1954 IIq ------14.74b 54.551> 14.111l> M.m liM o/Ul,T ------19M October ------1954 Doc_r ------lIOOL TOPS, Wool Aa.oc1&t.. or tho .... Iork Cotton -..ago, Inc. (In cento por pound) 1952 JulT 208.5b ------1952 October 200.1b 197.Ob 195.5b 201.5b 195.6 199.5b 208.Ob - - 11152 Doc..ber lS1e.5b 188.Db 1B5.6b 190.2b 185.5 190.61> 196.7 196.9 lIJ.!.6b- 196.7b 201.0b- - 196& IIaroh 1!12.5 185.5b 1711.Db 185.6 175.1b 180.5 189.5b li2.0 loo.Ob 1!14.7 197.Ob 196.61>- 1955 IIq 1911.Db 18O.Db 176.2b 182.61> 172.7 184.5 185.5b 180.5 186.6 191.1 l!I2.Ob 198.Ob 1955 o/Ul,T 18'I.S!> 17S.5b 175.5b 18O.Db 170.2b 152.5b 182.6b 185.1lb lll5.'b 187.61> 186.5b 182.5b 1965 October 185.5b 177.Db 172.Db 177.S!> 168.5b 18O.Db 18O.4b 180.Db l8l.1b 194.5b 18O.lb 111O.lb 1955 Doc_or 183.Ob 175.0b 170.Db 175.5b 186.7b 177.1b 177.Db 177.Db 178.4b 182.2b 18S.5b l8O.1lb 19M_ ------174.Db 17••4b l1k>.Ob 181.Db l8O.Db 19M IIq ------~ - 185.5b 19M Ju17 ------­ - - - 1954 October - - -- -­ ------

IJJ'I'TII!, Chic",o IIero&otUe &xcbani., ·Sto..... Co!1tract· (In cooto per pow>cI) 1962 No~ 72.10.. 71.10 75.75 74.25 72.1!O 71.55 66.08 67.55 67.85b -, 1955 January 72.50 71.50 74.10 74.70. 72.65 ?l.95 66.55 67.90 68.10 67.75 65.52- 55.40 1955 Jllrch ------66.500 68,500 67.55 65.06b 56.55b 196511.._r ------

;1iR!!fI1'W~_rtet,_ ,~@ UPDATA 1981 ~{ 41

SOIBlIAlIS. Chi_o Board ot Trada (In C_I per buoMl) lHllal¥ - ­ ------1II1i1 s.ptabv ------181i11o_ ------­ - -­-- 1811 oIaau)' 2M 1/4------­- lHI_ 296 alB 2M 1/8 288 alB 295 1/8 eoe 1/8 - - - ­ --- 11161 JIr,r 296 1/8 29a 1/8 282 7/8 284. &/8 !!Os alB 500 1/8 eoe 1/8 500 5/a SO! 1/8 -­ 11161 ~ tilt 5/8 281 281 &/8 2118 2l1li 7/8 284. 1/2 ao2 2981/8 295 5/8 2a'I -5/8 2885/4 2781/8 lIlA ..".... 2851/lb 280n 27.1/20 lIIA~ 2M -6/8 278 1/4.- 271 ------282 at. 281 1/8 280 5/6 2M 1/2 280 1/2 277 5/8 2n 5/8 261 1/2 282 1/2 1855 10"-" - 2nl/2 270 a/s 275 278 1/. 272 a/4 275 &/8 2721/4. 288 lis· 282 5/8 258 1/2 2.57 7/8 111M oIaIIIaJ7 - - - - 2741/41> 2771/4 275 &/8 2n 5/8 2655/4 2611/8 2511/' 18"_ ------268 1/' 2.84. 5/4 2.84. 1/4 OWII BOIlOIIJlIS. -.. Clt;r Board ot Tn&. (In coota per IIuDdrec! poW>do) I I I I I I carrOl.... Iork Cotton __a (In coota per pouDd) l8S2 ~ ------­ 1l1li OCtober ----­ ------l8IiI~ ------­ 11151 oIomaI7 ------­ 11155lHI _rlbrv&r7 ---85.eo.. ------52.94 5&.55 52.71 55.08 55.l1li ­-­ 1IIIa IIiQ' 5a.... 55.1Il &5.14 9.B2 55.89 55.28---- 9.21i- 9.82 - 111&8 Jul;J 58.74 8a.1M! 55.55 55.615 54.02 55.52. 9.48 9.78 54.10--- 9.82 55.50 88.l6­ 1IIIa OCtober 55.67 55.74 55.61 9.70 9.116 55.49 S5.52 55.aa 55.ea 55.77 a5.70 55.711 11161 Doo_ 9.n 9.81 85.68 55.77 54.02 55.&8 9.60 9.60 9.1J7 85.ao a5.eo 9.i8 liMlIarch 58.840 54.020 9.87 55.112D M.08 88.64 58.10 9.68 S8.i8 55.64 9.91 54.15 111M JIr,r 55.840 54.080 8S.V80 9._ 54.080 9.680 Sa.61 S5.61 9.114c 9.82 S5.BB 54.15 liM Jul;J - 9.B5b S5.180 9.72b 9.nb 9.4.Ob 5S.S1b 9.2e.. 9.en. 9._ 9.850 Sa.V5 1854 OCtober - -- - - 52.00b 52.S5b 9.00b 9.05 9.10 55.27 11154 Doo_r ------9.25

COl'TOII.... Orll1D1 Cotton __" (111 cmta per pooad) 11152 Jul;J ------­- - lHl OCtober ------l.B&2 Doo_ ---­ ------­ 11155_ 52.82 n.&:! 52.88 as.08 n.64------lHIJIr,r 9." 55.64 5a.08 n.50 9.V2 85.111 55.m- 9.78 - - - ­ 11158 Jul;J 9.76 9.86b 55.48 9.62 54.02. 58.28 ~.46 ~.76 54.07 a8.55 9.(7 5a.16 111&8 OCtober 9.77 9.76 9.n 9.8& 9._ 9.49 n.&lb 9._ 9.87 n.72 a8.66 9.78 11111$Doa_ 9.110 81.65 9._ 9.741> 54.0lb 9.e8 9.60 9.e5b 9.87. n.75 9.711 9.IIS lII64_ 9.11t &4.05b 88.8811 9.1IOb 54.02.b 9.55b 9.68b as.82b 9.117 Sa.88 Ill.BB 54.15 1154 JIa;f 1ll.D2b 54.05b 9.8IIb "'- 54.02.b a8.62b 1ll.8Sb 9.68b Ill.B5 9.82 9.1M! 54.111 lIIS4 Jul;J as.88b 9._ DB.88b DB.68b n.?Sb DB.44b DB.1I6l> DB.2.1b aa.6Sb DB.m 11$.61 as.9Sb liM OCtober ----- 52.75b 52.8Sb DB.1Ob 9.02b 58.0«1> DB.25 11154Doa_ =j ------­ 85.08b DB.2Sb

1IOOL TOPS, Wool "'oc1ltoo ot tbo In Iork Cotton _ ..... Inc. (In .onta per pooad) 1l1li Jul;J - --­------l.B&2 OCtober - --- ­ - - - - - ­ 1II1i1111&5 _Doo_ ------lIIII.5 1118.41> 1IIO.5b 1II2.7b 197.2 ­ - 1118& IIiQ' 1i8.1b 191.41> 188.lb 1112.41> 1117.0 lS5.Ob--- 1II2.Ob lIIt.8b 2OO.1b -- - 1119 Jul;J 115.Ob 188.51> 197.41> lDO.8b 111&.7 182.5b 1IIO.5b 185.Db 198.' 1117,Ob- 1112.&-­ 191.41> tva! OCtober 198.('4) lBB.lb 165.4b 189.0 188.E!> 189.8b 187.8b 1II2.Ob 1116.0 lIIt.6 189.& 181.0 11151 Doo_ 1110.411 164.0 188.('4) 188.E!> 191.7 187.51> 165.2b 189.11 198.8b 111.41> 164.11 188.41> lII64 .....b 188.01> l81.Db lBO.8b 184.lb 189.2b 185.1b 162.51> 187.5b 1IIO.8b 188.Db 181.5b 188.111 lII64 IIiQ' 185.1b lBO.OI> 178.41> m.1b lS6.8b 182.8b lBO.5I> 164.8b 188.41> 188.5b 171.2b 182.01> lII64 Jul;J -- - - 164.5b m.O'lI 178.2b 182.5b 188.1b 164.2b 177.01> 17V.8b liM OCtober ------176.01> 177.5b

1IlTrD. Chi_ 1Ie...... ~U. __•• "Sto__ Contrac~· (In ...ta per pooad) lll6I_ ------­- --- 1118& .IaDuu7 85.DO ------lD&a_ 08.751> 81.eo 81.1Gb 81.25 64.00 --- - - ­ -­ 19&11_ - - 60.00 5D.25 eD.50 I8a.00 I 82.750 I 82.261 I 82.lOb I 61.8&0 I 5V.G50 I 81.2.0

·"'.M?fttHtttettt,e."w: r' WI'it'dtt'_ J@ UPDATA 1981 42

lIIo. 11

1852 Sep~r 48.80 49.156 49.00 48.110 ".&5 lll52 October 49.lIS 49.72 49.l1li 47.12 45.10 .z.48- 40.00------19511lo_ 49.56 &0.00 &0.15 '7.88 46.05 4l!.48 40.15 41.11- ~- - - - 1852_..... 48.1Oa 48.5& 48.15 48.15 ".50 .z.D5 40.15 41.'18 46.IS 42.05- & ••- - US& .IaDIw7 &.T6 4l.55 4O.J.Il 118.45 110M- U5llSep~ ------".so.­ "'lOa 4&.00 ".50 44.10 ...fi usa October ------44.u. 41.8& IDsallo~ ------­ - - -

1952110_ I." ".1lI 4.12 G.77b son S.9l 1.88 4.l8 ".l!O - lW_...... &.7l1b 4.110 '.49 '.001> 5.9& (.10 4.05 ...as ...17 IIotll I ••- usa .IuIw7 5.82b ••78 ••78 '.110 4.08 4.27 4.14 4.lIS 4024 11.17 a.sa 5.$T- usa,.~ 4.OS 4.84 4.82 ••118 ••48 4.51 ".48 40llS 4002 11.48 1.118 Usallarob 4.l11b 5.08 6.011 4.52 4."'.l!O 4.n 4." ••81 ••&0 4ol8 B.IO I .. 1lIA_usa Apr1l 4.liI> 6.lIb 6.111 4.6Ilb 4.10 4.&0 4." 4.118 4068 4.­ 1M 1M ".1Oa 6.1111> 6.7Oa 4,11& ".76& 4._ 4087. 4._ a.GIia 18sa_ (old) - - - - - .. ­ ­ - - - - - 2.5110 2'­ usausal-!-l__ old ------uss--.. _> ------us. lazJII&I7 (old) ------us. "-u7 (-) ------us. rebtaa17 ~Old) ------18s.r.~ _) ------UW IIarob ------us. Apr1l ------19S._ ------

U52~ 14." U52~ 14.87 15.18- 15.55- 16.P1b- 16.88------U52 Octobor__ 14.71 15.1Gb 15.M 18.011 16.10 15._- 15••------ID52 __ - - - - - 18.201>- lS.!S.- --- - 14.10 15.59 15.84 16.18- 18.118 16.14- 15•• 16.2&b 16.27b 18.tob lG.e- 1D55 J...... ,. 14.7110 15.870 15.84a 18.1110 18.&&> 18.150 15._ ltl.llb 18.l5b 18.lib 16.180 18'­­ usa_ 14.82 15./iO 15.15 18.&4 18.,611 16.118 18;0IS 18.42 18._ 18.Ub 18.1S1> l8.n ID55 IIq 14.1Mb 16.S2b 15.711> 18.57 18.71 18.84 16.011 18.45 16.57b 18.aa 18.m 18./iO 1955 ~ 15.00b lS.5Sb 16.76 16._ 18.77 16.&Ob 16.C8 18.Ub 111._ 18.M 18.10 18.to 1955SOp~ - 16.201> 16.22b 15._ 16.Z6b 16.14b 18.00 16.11S1t 16M 15.95b 1955 October - - 15._ 15.2Ob lS.74b 15._ l6.7Ob 15.70 15.fOb lDsa __r ------Us.~ ------IDS. !lam ------Us._ - - - -­ ------

1~52 ~ 11.lOb -- - ~52 "'&uat 11.11b 11.56b 11.lOb - - 1~52 Sep~ 11.11b 11.41b 11.15b 11.58b- 1O.9llb------U52 October 10.80 11.09 11.08 11•.z 10.9Gb 10._-- 1O.11b - - - - - UU-..-.. 10.80 11.011> 11.06 11.56b 11.GOb 1O.D2b 10.65b 11.m- 11.65b- - - - 1aU JlIc_ 10.7Gb 11.0511 11.09 11.40 11.011 1O.9'7b 10.58 11.lOb 11.110 12.l6b- 12••- - 1855 "-17 lO.IIl 11.0llb 11.11 11.40 11.05b 11.00b 10.65b 11.07b 11.SOb 12.11 12.fOb la.lOb- l8S11Iarob 10.lllb 11.1Sb 11.22 11.52 11." 11.07b 10.62 11.1lIIb 11./iO 12.10 12.11 12.81 U55 III;T 11.18b 11.a2b 11._ 11.44b 11.18 10.70 11.07b 11.52 12.00 11.1IOb 12." lD5& JIIl,y - 11.401> 11.715b 11._ 11.110 10.70 11.OIIb 11.61 11._ 11.n 12.'" usaSep~ - - 11.011 11._ 11.9'7 11.401> 11._ 1$55U55 October__ ------I - - 11.201> U.tIb Us._ ------'T' ------us. I!.!iJ ------1 - - - - WID, CI11cqo _ U.87.. 11.2&b 10.72- V.SOb - - - - 18se October 11.tIOb 12.00 11.45 11.ot 11.01 8.64- 8.0IEIt------usz_ 11." 12.00. 11.61 11.1t1 e•• D.lIb e.57- 8.7&- - - - usz_ 12.1Ia 1I.m 12.". 11.45 11'Ub11.­ 10•• 10.65b 1O.lIIa 10.65& e._- e.lib- - US5 J&mW7 12.lh 12.e&a 12.m 12.(6 U.4II> 10.85 10.7Oa 1O.1IOa 10.57 9.1151> 11.22& 11.72<1- 1865 IIarob - 12.a& 12.71b 12.101> U ..61a 11.17 U.OO 10.100 10.117. 10.10 8.6'7a 10.17. 1961 IIq - 12•• 12.76 11.17 11.6Ob U •• 10.90 !11.11 10_ D.m 10.511> 1811 ~ - U..,. U.65& U.:O U.OOI> 10.17. 10.9'7. ~ n.so& USI~ - - - - - 10.66& 11.26& US& Octo_ ------USI_1951 __ - --­ ------18S. .Iaaau7 ------­ - - - - -

4"" tiWtHt t'tMt&'¥ jim: d@ UPDATA 1981 ... 0$3

.runo so

1.NI S40pttiIber - - - - _. - - - - 1.NI OoItoller ------1lIli21o_ ------1.NI Doc..t...­ ------lIIII ".,....,. ...11- - - ~ 1lI61~ ,'1.01 til."- G.06- C8•• &l.U- SO.iIi- &&.150- M.12- &2.72- 52.22- 5••20- 52.52 llI51I OoItober '7.10 til•• G.O& G." SO.1I6 G.iIi 52.21 52.2& &l.to &0.8& 52.82 &l.&& lilA ...... ------&0.110 SO.to G.to C8.11 &0.70 G.&&

liiIlo_ - 19R_r ------lHI ./&!lUz7 &.&&1> ------11161 FobrIwT &.to 2.6& ------11161_ &.M 2.80 2.M 2.18 2.221> - - - - - lilA April &.&8 2.eo 2.&8 2.28 2.22 1.&7 1.eBb - - - - - 1861 ..... S._ 2.BSh 2.60 I.DIb 2.&& 1.78 1.52 l.18 1.66 - - - 2.11b 2.Gb 2 9 :'8b 1.,"" 1lI1i1_ 101dl 2.&Sb 2.&2 t.tSb 2.0lb 2.02b 2.11b 2.0Ib 1.SOb llI51Ilo...... -- - 2.lIb 2.1111 2.21 2.10 2.02b 1.8Gb lilA Doc_ (old 2.72tJ- 2.6411 2.150 t.m t ••-- 2.&8b 2.12b 2.l.G 1.21b 2.lOb 2.00b 1.8&b lHIDoc_ (_ ------2.2Sh 2.m 2.m 2.m 2.lOb 1.1161> IBM ".....,. (Oldl - - 2.71b 2•• 2._ 2.m 2.221> 2.lSh 2.&& 2.221> 2.1Clb 1.USh llIM~(_ ------2.111> 2.&&b 2.411> 2.m 2.22 2.O&b us. r-..aq (Oldl - - - 2.79b 2.SOb 2.Mb 2.Il0l> 2.411> 2._ 2.l&b 2.07 llIMr...... ,. (_ - - - - - 2.tSb 2.t2b 2.&01> 2.U 2.1SOb 2.Ub 111M_ ------2.&8b 2.&&b 2.Blb 2.m 2.Ub 2.2& llIM April. ------2.71 2._ 2.48b 2.2&11 1lI54 ..... - - - - - ­ - - - - 2.&&1> 2.m

carTCII8IIIIl OIL, ,M.., York Produc. ~. (In .....t. per poUDd) 18&2 .all' - ", llI&Z s.p-.. ------' - - - - 1lI&21952 OoItober__ ------. ------lI&Z_ ------lilA ".....,. ------lHI_11161_ 18.8& 18.7Ob 180Ub- 16.7t!> 17.0.- - - - - 1lI." 18•• lS.o& 18.&&b 17.18 l'.SSh 17.18- 18.11Ob- 17.01- - - - llI6I ~ ,JtI.OIlb 16.02b 11•• 18.28 17.01 17.01 17.15 18.&71> 18.t6 18.11- 1I.88b- 15.'Gb- 1lI61~ 15.&1b 15." l5..IlII 15.&0 lS.lSI> 15.80 15.M 15.2lI It.&O lI.81 lS.81 14.1lI! 1lI1i1_ 1&.1011 14.m 14.6Gb 1&.1SOb 1&.791> 15.47 15.20 14._ 14.00b 1$.61 1$._ a.8Ob lHII Doc_ 16.00II 14._ 14.2Qo 14.98b 15.7Ob 15.1SOb 15.0& 14.80 11._ 1I.U 1I.28b 1I.71b 1954 ...... ,. 16.7Ob 15.701> 11._ 15.lSb lS.7Ob llIM ...... ------'­ ------14.6Gb 11.96b 11.40 15.28b 15.87b llIM_ ------1I.28b 15.811 sorBIAII OIL, Chi_a Boord at rredo (In aoot. per poaDd) 18&2 J1Ill' 1lI52 U&u' ------19&2Sep_ ------1lI52 Ootober ------1lI52_ ------1lI52_ ------11161 ".....,. 12.1SOb ------lISS_ 12.57 12.m 12.0. 12.80 15.1I1b------un ..... 12.15 11.m 11.80 12." 15.&5 15.t6b 11.72 12.01- 12.2&b- - - - U6l~ 12.1Ob 11.78 11.541> 12.14 15.&& 15.2&b lS.Stb 12.11& 12.19 11.87- 11.58- 10."- li'IlIlItp_ 11.581> 11.&&1> U.llb 11.7Sh 1lI.9Sh 12.641> 12.7t!> 12.1151> 11.1i8b 11.0. 11.05 1O.m liD OoItober 11.!Sb 11.10b 10.8Iib 11.&&1> 12.Gb 11.941> 11.9Gb 11.751> 10._ 10." 1O.47b 10.12 IllS Doc_ - - - - 12.1Ob 11.851> l1011Ob 11.5Gb 1O.88b 10.SIb 10.SIb 10.10 15M_ - - - - - "­ 11.7&b 11.51 1O.82b 10.Gb 1O.1i!lb 10._ 1954 ..... - - - -­ ------10.SOb 10.2tb

LIJID, Cb1cqo Boord at Trodo (In ....to per poUDd) 1852 J1Ill' .­ 19&2 Stp_ - - - - -­- - - - - llI&21852 __Oot.<.Jborr ------Ul52 Doc_ ------­ - liD ".....,. 9.&20 ------1lI61_ g.eS!> 8.07. 9._ 8.22- 10.47.- - - - 1961_ 10.2&0 &.500 9.9& 9.72 10.eat> 10."" 10.&21>- 1O.Gb- 10.72- - - - llI5S J1Ill' 10.57. 9.8Iib 10.atb 10.lea 11.221> 10.820 10.92~ lOoIIOb 10.921> 10.01ia- 9.00b- 8.116- 19EI Sep_or 10.8'7. 10.2' 10.6711 10.42 11.B&b 11.221> 11.50 11.200 11.& 1O.5Ob 8.m 9.22 19$1 Dotobor - 10.51. 1O.82b 1O.15Oa 11.,"" 11.57b 11.a7b 11.2&0 11.&00 10._ 9.40 9.5Sa 19&5I_r - 10.eat> 11.9Sa 11.2&b 11.&0 11.l5a 11.l2b 10.15 9.12 9.2&0 1961 Doc_ - - 11.57b 10.7011 9.70 10.02 19M ...... ,. - -­ ------9.8Sa 10.1Sa - ----


Table lB._loling pric.. oa princlpal II&l'kot., bT tutan, ._I1thl.T, J~ 1952 to June l~~tlDuod


BIWI, lana.. C1t)' Board ot Trade (In doll.... per ton) 1952 JulT 48.808 - ­ - 1952 • ...,at 49.10. 5O.SS. 58.00s - - - - ­ 1952 Sept_ 4II.2S. 61.so. 58.758 65.2S.- s..oo. - -,- - - - ­ 1952 October 5O.so. 61.9S. 56.600 55.so. 54.SO. 52.600- 56.10. ­ - - - - 195210_ 52.600 52.7&0 57.75. 57.558 - - - - - 1952 Dec_ 56.00. s..ss. 58.600 s..so. 65.10. 52.7S. 55.00. 57.70. 57.sea 56.S&O 56.001 57.7S. 58.6&0 58.so. SC.OOO- SC.b­ ­ 195& oIaDuaz7 - - 58.7S. f8.65a 56.7S. 66.55. 58.158 57.858 57.758 58.loe SS.!S. 52.00.­ 195& r.-.,. - - - 58.158 57.7S. 57.co. 58.so. 58.1S. 58.060 57.00. 56.51i1 s..O&o 1955_ - - - - 58.81i1 58.so. 58.8S. 57.7&0 57.6&0 65.1S. 1855 April - - 59.(0. 58.2&0 68.l5a 58.1S. 1955 ....,. ------­ ------s..oo. 52.(00 61.600 1855 Juaa ------­ - - - l85S JulT ------l85S -'''CUlt ------1115&Septa.ber ------­ ­ 1855 October ------­ 11155 .o....ber ------SHCRl'S, _ .... C1t)" Board ot Trw (In dollare per toa) 1852 JulT 56.1S. - - - ­ ------11152 Aucuat S..6&o 58.S&I 62.758 - - - ­ 11152 s.pt._r 56.sea 58.808 62.0S. 62.2S. ell.600 ------­ 1852 October 58.00. 58._ 62.00. 61.6S. 61.00. 6O.so. 6(.7S.- - - - ­ 1852 lo_bar 56.00. 57.600 61._ 61.408 60.600 60.058 a5.258 6O.8S.- 5O.We- - - ­ 11152 Doc_r 65.60. 57.600 61.150 60.808 60.158 59.70. 62.0S. 60,600 60.658 58.600- 56.6&0- ­ 1855 oIaDuaz7 -- 57.600 6O.7S. 6O.1IOe 60.00. 58.6S. 61.SS. 6O.so. 60.70. 59.COn 57.eo. 55.500 ­ 11155 robruatr - - - - 61.000 00.600 62.7S. 61.7S. ell.1&o 61.600 59._ SS.lS. 1955_ - - -- 65.(5<0 65.00. 65.700 ell.so. 60.76, 57.1IOe 195& April - - 6(.6511 62.7511 61.6511 58._ 195511q ------60.7511 58.2&0 1955 Juaa ------18SS J~ ------1855 A...,at ------­ ­ 185& Sopt_r ------­ 11155 October - - - - ­ ------185& lan.bar ------­ -­ - ­- -

CO!TIII5Eml IIEIJ., II""""u lIorch...to E

1952 JulT I v.!?OOb 1952 Octobar ~8.00b ~8.COb ~.COb ~8C.OOb YSO.COb ~8().00b ­ 1V52 Docr.aber rr.:~:rt: ~a.COb ~8.COb ~O.COb ~.OOb 79.75b !/BO.COb 79.00b YSO.COb-- yao.COb 77.511>- ­ 1955 Jan....,. 78.00b ­ ~8.00b faa.COb ~.OOb ~SO.COb 79.25b 7V.COb 79.COb 18.1iOb 79.2Gb ".1iOb 75.COb 1955 IIarcb 75.00b ~8.00b 8.COb ~.()()b ~.00b 79.25b 79.COb 78.1iOb 78.2Gb 78.SOb 7(.SOb 72.SOb 1955 IIq 75.COb !/78.COb ~8.00b ~.COb ~60.00b 79.25b 79.00b 78.2Gb 78.SOb 78.75b 76.1iOb 72.SOb 1955 JulT !/78.COb !l60.00b yeo.OOb 79.25b 79.COb 78.25b 78.COb 78.SOb 72.COb 71.COb 1955 October - - 11155 Dec_ ------­ ".COb 7O.00b 55.COb 1!.6.00b ~ J.....". ------11154 _ ------­ ­ IIq ------lSS. ------­- SOIBIWi IIEIJ., lI""I'I>u lIercll&ata B>ohaalo Cl_..... ".o.utioa (In dollare per too) --. .. .-.- - ..--r---­ lV52 JulT 8l OOb - ~ --- - ­ 1952 A"CUot t • ~1.00b ~81.00b - - ­- 1952 October !I~:~ ye1.00b - 81.20- 77.00b - --­ 1952 ¥,.:1.00b ~.00b ~1.00b -­--­ Dec_ 77.1011 SO.COb !/6l.00b ¥,.:1.00b ~81.00b 82.1Ob 6O.SOb 76.60b 7S.00b 7S.U S8.00b 1955 oIaDuaz7 76.4Cb 79.10 ~81.COb ¥,.:1.00b ~81.00b 82.4Cb SO.75b 78.COb 77.SOb 77.SOb 70.05b 65.00b­ 191511 IIarcb 75.25b 78.60 ~81.COb ¥,.:1.00b ¥,.:1.00b 82.m 8102Gb 79.0Gb 78.711b 78.60 n.SOb M.U 1955....,. ?5.Ub 79.00 ¥,.:1.00b Y,.:i.OOb ~1.00b 82.2Gb 61.00b 6O.SOb SO.2Ob 79.SOb 74.25 7O.Ub 1955 J~ - Y8l.00b !f81.00b ~·81.00b 82.SOb 61.75b 61.0Gb 80.2Ob 79.S5b 76.1011 71.00 195& Aucuot --- -- yel.00b 82.SOb 81.SOb 8l.SOb 6O.SOb 7V.SOb 74.711b '72.60 1955 October ------'72.00b 70.00b' 67.COb 6(.00b 1~ Dao_ ------­-­ 1IIS. J...... ,. ------19S._ ------­ ----- 1VS. ....,. ------

AbbreviationB' -hi' - bid price) ••-- und p-icsJ ·n· - noaiMl price) lie- - eetUe.nt rrlee.

1/ Exeba"", ..1Uns pr'100 .tt.oti..... ot la_bar 21, 1951, boo,d on O. P. 5. Conard Co1l1na Price Regulatioa. 'II O~ p. S...ilia!: pr'1oo. ,tfeoU'" on o""han", •• or Auguot 26, 195~. CeU1na rr1"'" .....,ftd llarah 17, lfl55•. !i' ElaIhanp ooUlng price erroou... AprU 2S. lfl52 t/troo'gh Septa.bar 29, 1952, booed on O. P. 9. o.noral Col1in1! Pri.. RegulatiODJ O. P. ll •••11in1! price m1..d to t87.00 per ton and ottooU'" on .mba"", •• ot Septeabar SO, 1952. c.tl1na pricee ...... d IIIlroh 17, 1955.

UOTZ, 'or datee on 1Ihich olollin« J"I.nIIt8II ftre reported, prioelJ ,.ham are IftI"I,lIl. 1Ihen tho t1l'tMath Dr end of a !IOnth 1811 on Suntlq or uchonne hol1cb)r, tho pr1... ohoom oro tor fir.t preoedina da;r on whlob there .... tradina.

@ UPDATA 1981 45

Juno SO

BIWI, I&Mu Clt.7 _ of Trado (ID cIollara per to,,)

55.S&' 58.1&. 51.5CII fi/).OOI 58._ R.7&. 51.1&. 65.500 R.850 57 •.a. 64.0Iia R.IJO:J 54.500 S5.1S5o 48.500 48.500 52.7&' 48.Il0l 47.001 4V.?&' 47.850 45.500 45.7G11 47.250 58.250 - 44.Il0l 47.7S. 48.458 44.SSa 45.Il0l 44 • .a. 47.Il0l 47.250 45.001 44.258 48.7&. 44.400 45•• 45.168 45.25a 44.25a 45.250 45.001 40.7&' 45.7&' 4S.1&. 41.250 44.25a 44.400 45.068 45.001 45._ 45.1510 45.250 44.25a 44.400 411.75. 45.768 44.500 ".258 ".7&' 4S.75.

SHORrS. lCaDau C1t.7 _ of TrIIde (ID dol.lora per toD)

18R .IulT l8S2 Aqut 18SlSep_ l8S2 October 18R_r li&:t Il00_ 1851-.,. 58.100 1951 rebru!7 58.?&' R.OOI 51.iOo 1851_ S9.258 S5.00I 51.25a 64.001 lNI4pr1l 1IO.l&. 56.500 5S.00I 58.001 48.500 ~.,&. 1851_ S8.'S. 58.500 55.1101 58.2S. ~.zo. SC.'&' 55.& 58.001 18D """" SI.OOI 55.7&' SC.B&' 51.500 51.Il0l 55.2&. SC.OOI 51.7&' li5l ""l.'r ~.500 49.500 SC.7S. 51.001 48.l&. 47.7510 ".250 li5l~ ~.258 ~.500 SC.'510 61.00. 48.000 47.758 47.208 1851~r 51.001 51.001 48.500 48.400 48.25a 1851 Ootobc' 48.000 li5S_r ~.OOO

can'OIIS!II:Il BAL, 1l00pbU lI.rchODta bdlaDc. Clear1DC boooloUoD (ID cIollara per toD) 181Sl ""l.'r - 19R October ------18R Deeoobor ------1951 "...... ,. 75.5Cb------1951_ ?4.71b 7S.00b- 69.SOb- 75.5Cb- 70.00b------1855_ 74.00b 7O.00b 67.00b 68.00 65.71b 61.71b- R.SOb- 56.00b·- 58.001>- - - - 1851 ""l.'r 75.SOb 70.00b 6S.5Cb 68.251> 68.00b 1IO.00b SC.SOb 58.75 58.71b 58.71b- 58.00b- sa.SOb- 1951 October 65.00b 54.SCb sa.OOb 65.00b R.SOb 57.00b 56.SOb 55.00b 1IO.00b S9.00b sa.SOb SC.OOb 1855 Deeabor 64.5Cb at.SOb 58.00b 65.COb 61.91b 56.00b 55.00b 56.SOb 59.251> 59.SOb 58.0Gb 110.75 1864 "...... ,. - - sa.OOb 65.00b 51.00b 54.00b 54.0Gb 64.0Gb sa.OOb 57.5Cb 58.00II 57.251> 1964 IIorab ------64.00b 64.00b sa.OOb 58.SOb 56.00b 57.101> 1964 IIq ------58.0Gb 57.SOb

SUIIIIAII BAL, ~ IIerohaDtII __a C1oor1Jlc ...ooiat1oD (ID dollara per toD)

19S1 ""l.'r 18R Aqut ------19&:t October ------1915l Doc_ ------1955...... ,. 68.75 ------19SI_ 70.m 6S.61b 61.SOb 65.61b 64.00b - - - - - 185311o,;r 71.70 61.4Gb 66.79 67.SC 67.00 65.40- 6'.05b- 64.0Gb 67.20- - - - 1951JulT 72.6Gb eo._ 56.70 68.25b 67.251> 64.21b 65.25 65.00 66.81b 66.21b- 65.21b- 66.00- 18S1 A",uatJ 72.71b 6U.COb 1WI.5Cb 66.S5b 66.00b 64.110 65.(1lb 65.101> 57.001> 105.4Gb 64.02 66.75 1851 Octo1>or 66.00b 65.00 61.00b 64.101> 65.SOb 61.0Gb 61.5Cb 60.0Gb R._ R.81b 52.SOb 61.251> 1951 Dee_ 56.0Gb 64.1Ob 61.0Gb 61.SOb 65.00b 58.0Gb 61.00b 5B.SC 65.001> 52.SOb R.SCb SI.1OI> 1864 ...... ,. - - 65.00b 61.SOb ' 61.00b S9.00b 110.001> &9.001> SI.OOI> 62.SOb 52.5Cb 61.001> 1854_ ------59.0Gb sa.5Cb 52.EOb 62.71b 52.SOb 65.SOb 1964_ ------62.SOb 64.10

@ UPDATA., 1981 46

Tabla lfo.-II1gheat iIIId lowest prl"". of tutures on pr1nolpol ....Iaoto. by doto and tIItura, during tbll ye&" Jul,y 3952-Juna 3958

II1ghast l'Iltures PriCCl I.oII'8st lUlures Frlce C~t7 """kilt Unit I'11ture Dato Price lUture Dato Prioa

_t Chioaco Board of Trado Callto par huahol 395S Va,. NOT. 12, 3952 24£1 s/a 395S Jul,y , 3958 167 ~:>OU. Drain ElIchanpo do. 3958 !la,. Oct. 28. 3952 2468/4 3958 Sept.. , 1953 1975/' Ia..... Clt7 Board of Trado do. 39SS 1Ia,. Hoy,. 12, 1952 2475/4 3955 Jul,y JunS 15, 3955 395 Com Chiaaso Board of Trade Canto par tuobol 3958 III,. Aug. 6 r. 7, 3952 184 1/2 3958 Dao. JuDo 17, 3955 140 5/8

Oato Chiaaso Board at Trads canto ror tusbel 39SS liar. Aug. 7, 3952 953/8 :lS5S Sept. Jl\ne 1, 3958 68 Ill" Ch1caao Board of Trade, Canto ror tuohol 1955 Ha,. Aua. 14, 3952 239 39Sa Jul,y June to, 3958 150 I!1nnoaI"U. Crain EDlbIIIIpo do. 1955 !/A,. !loy. 13, 19£2 204 1/2 395a Jul,y Juno SO, 1953 129&

FlaDee4 _apalio 0ra1n ElIcbll... Cento per tuobol 3958 liar. Aug. 28, 3952 455 39SS Jul,y JuDe 16, 39511 557 1/2

l!Io1I>eana Chio,"", Board at Trade Cunto poor tuob.l 3952 Jul,y Jul,y 28, 3952 588 3955 NOT. June lB, 3955 255

0ra1n _&buM lanea. Clt7 Board Trade Canto per 1952 Doc. at hundred pound_ 3952 s.p" Au,. 15, 3952 Sl9 1/2 Oct. 14. 395,2 2901/2

Cotton IIow York Cotton lIlmhanga Can to par pound 3952 Jul,y Jul,. n, 1952 to.t? 395S liar. Jan. 12, 1955 S2.15 IIow Orloana Cotton 1Ilmhango do. 1952 Jul,y Jul,y n, 3952 40.86 39Sa liar. Jan. 12, 19S5 52.10 11001 Topa 11001 AII.ooiat... at tba lin York Cotton lIlmhanga, Ino. Cant. par pound 3952 Jul,y Jul,y 24, 1952 217.0 39SS Doc. Sept. 4, 1952 165.0

aattor Chicqo lIo~oantll. 1Ilmhanga Storega Ccmtrcot Canto per pound 39SS Jan. Au,. 21, 1952 75.00 19515 No..,.. feb. 6, 1965 58.50 lIP Ch1oaco !IorcaDt1la lxahango IIefrigaratar Contract Cente par do_n 19S5 Sept. Apo. 27, 39SS 54.40 1952 Doc. Doc •. e, 1952 37.20 19Sa Jan• Pototoe. .... York IIorGaDW. 1Ilmhanga Dollere per *1nI Orown. Contract No. 1 hundred pounds' 19Sa' lIlT Aug. 5, 1952 5.90 19S5 Apr. (old) Apr. 9, 196!5 l.so

Cot_Oil lin Yark Froduoa ElIchonco Canto per pound 19S5 !la,r Apr. 15, 1955 17.58 39Sa Dao. Juno 15, 1955 1&.20

I\07bO&R Oil ..... lark Produoe ElIchanpo Conto per pound 1965 """. liar. 15, 195a 15.84 1954 liar. Juno 24. 19S5 10.05 Ch1oo80 eoard at Trade do. 1955 """. liar. 16, 1955 15.es 1955 Oot. , 19S5 9.92& -lArd Chi..... Board at Trade Canto per pound 1955 IIa7 Aue. 26 " 27, 1952 :US.OS 1952 HOT. /loT. IB, 1952 7.75

Bran lans.. Clt7 eoard at Trade Dollar. per ton 1955 liar. HoY. lS, 1952 59.00 3955 Jul,. . 19S~ 40.25 Sbarto Ianoao, Clt7 eoard of Trad. Dollar. per ton 3952 Oct. Oct. 16, 1952 66.25 1955 Jul,y June 29, 1955 44.00 Cotto_llaal Mcphie Uorohanto Bmhanpo Claarillll ...r;o1ation Dollars par t.on (1) (2) 80.00 1955 Doo. Apr. 22, 1953 55.55

SoJbaan lie&! 1Inipb1. lllrohanto IxahanlO Claar1Ds Aoaoo1atioD Doll..... per ton 1952 lito. Oct. 7. 3952 86.90 1956 Jan. Apr. SO, 195a 59.00

11 11152 Octobor and Do.._r tllture. and .195S JAmal')', IIorch. 1Ia7, anti Jul,y tlltura•• t' On Mvsral datel in Aupat. Septeabw, Oc:to....r, NOYNIber. and Dlettll.ber.

@ UPDATA 1981 47

c-d1t7 __ot rut.ure Uait Jull' '\1&. Sept. Oct. 10..-. Dec. Jan. reb. liar. Apr. IIa7 """" Total i:!i1_ Board ot Trade baahole 1,098 - 4,05S - - 10,B09 - - 5,821 - 5,797 - 25,0'111 1i1aIeepol1aCb:I.caco 0pICl 0re1II Board __ ot Trade do. ------do. 2e6 1,475- 1,681 - - - -47 - 5,461- - - _ Clt7 Board ot Trade ------do. 1,~ - 4,280 - - 2,821 - - 565 - 1,1145 - 11,051 ~1lra1.D-"". do. ------Seattl. 0re1II lzalwlao do; ------Total do. 2,185 - 9,808 - - 15,lIll - - 5,_ - 5,7811 - 59,597 ,ORII 'fbo",,_ Q,1ca&o Baud of Trade buohole 5,612 - 9811 - - 11,692 - - ",685 - 6,1126 - 211,684 ClliC810 0pICl Baud of Trade do. - - - - 5 6 _ ctt7 Baud ot Trade do. - - - - -l84 - 611 - 1Ill_ 0re1II _ ..... ------255 c.Io. ------'fotal do. 6,612 - 9911 - - 11,676 - - 4,665 - 7,000 - 29,942 OlTS 'lbOWland Cb1caco Board ot Trcde baabala 4,996 6,2411 - - 11,972 - - 15,507 - 4,057 40,560 CIIi_ OpeD Baud of Trade do. 6 - - - 12 1I1m_11. 0re1II _ ....a do. - 1,248 - 6,2111------62 - 1111_ Grain __a - - " ------7,6211 do. ------Total do. 4,975 - 7,601 - - 18,1111 - - 15,507 - 4,1111 - 48,0111 IllS _aUld Chi_ Board ot Trade buahole 1,157 1,554 2,641 5,940 9,452 Q,lcqo Open BoaT

J@ UPDATA 1981 48

- l'I1~ure c:o-xu.t.7 and urkot. OD1t. JuJ:r .."C. Sept. oat. II'OY • Doa. JaD. hb. JI&r. Apr. IIa;r .Jw>e 'fotooJ. SOfBIoUIOIL 'fbouland 1_ fon: ,_III l>IIoIwI&e poundo 3,800 5,840 2,840 800 800 48J 3,120 le,08O Qllcoao Board 'freda - - - - -! or do. 22,2eO 6!0 7,620 6,720 2,220 .,aso 2,700 - 11.280 - 11,460 - 68,180 'fotal do. 25,560 6!0 lS,2eO 9,560 2,2l!O 4,56(' 5,1500 - 11,760 - 14,580 - as,2eO Ul!!) ThouslDCl Cb1_ Board or 'freda poundo 11,120 - 16,520 25,480 52,8ZO 12,600 10,240 - 25,120 - 7,960 - lI58,l60 B!WI "-- C1t.7 Board ot 'freda 'fona - 120 1,560 5,000 2,840 2,280 2,250 1,560 1.1120 2,100 240 1,110 18,610 SIIlRrS lalla.. Cit.7 Board ot 'freda tons 840 1,680 950 560 1,560 2,070 5,550 1,650 1.580 5,400 1,000 '180 21,060 CCTTClliSIIIl GAL Ila!ph1s 1I0I'

!I Len than 0118 carlot.

r: 't?t"fflpWW"!:fWi . "C'I;t. 4@ UPOATA 1981 COIIIIllTr F11T1lIU!S 49

Table 16.-Long and .hart o_taonta or roportil1ll and nonroporting tradero on all oontract urkete caab1nod, .-....~, Ju4' 1952 to Juno 1955

lIonrt1por'~ing (1I1I&ll) Roportina (lar",) traders' C_taoDto V reported ... traders' speculat1.... SpeculaUn Date Total open IIodllina Total ca:n:tr&at8 and hodi1nc c-.itaoDto 81 Long or Long and short I Total ~ 1 (Sproading) Short Long Lllng Short Short Long I 1 Short 1 I Sh""t I tonal Long I Long I Short 1IIIEAT (In thouoande or ..,.lIo;la)

Ju4 15 lIIO,948 48,276 82,682 17,945 1,95'; 22,_ 22,_ 4O,M9 24,459 42,516 18,002 82,687 98,261 Sl U8,211O 56,74B 27,129 20,207 2,275 25,569 25,669 45,776 27,944 40,188 88,2BY 86,512 116,lIIl ~.t 15 158,OS6 52,429 27,844 19,669 2,f.-68 27,679 27,879 47,M8 SO,645 48,259 95,047 90,807 125,892 Sl 145,820 64,186 26,664 21,SS9 8,248 SaJt,.._ 15 26,867 26,867 48,205 50,m 58,478 89,045' 81,694 119,158 lII6,285 68,820 26,as5 22,442 2;824 22,lII7 22,lII7 44,679 24,961 27,8S6 94,459 72,415 109,400 so l.'5,2M 66,4M 27,879 20,821 8,2l11 24,2115 24,295 46,116 27,508 25,664 8O,M7 68,800 107,855 Oct.ot>or 15 lII5,_ 67,599 26,5110 2O,Ml 5,as5 28,'I8t 25,782 44,128 27,617 21,722 79,467 65,945 107,_ 3l. 129,499 67.:!U 28,851 16,557 8,181 25,_ 25,804 44,Ml 28,985 17,927 72,165 52,268 101,U8 15 127,429 68,826 29,495 17,227 2,795 27,026 27,026 44,268 29,821 16,850 68,ll5 51,lOS 97,958 so 120,161 64,448 28,048 U,697 8,768 25,4U 25,4U 40,m 29,182 15,1102 52,931 55,7lS 92,m ."'­tIoc_ 15 116,859 58,795 24,448 U,028 5,590 28,941 26,941 40,984 82,551 15,582 58,862 66,546 90,898 81 108,550 54,054 24,761 lII,587 .,156 28,815 28,615 40,182 80,= U,ll' 52,818 54,296 85,589 Janu"7 15 98,274 50,161 24,790 15,124 8,757 22,067 22,067 85,191 25,824 12,922 47,660 48,m 18,494 Sl 96,865 49,548 25,459 14,579 4,124 2O,5BS 20,586 M,965 24,710 12,554 46,716 47,519 71,428 FlItru..,. 15 85,979 40,558 24,604 . 10,257 5,168 17,980 17,980 28,217 21,148 17,209 40,229 45,426 81,875 28 80,471 88,420 25,168 ll,485 2,st7 lII,5SO lII,511O 24,965 16,077 17,086 59,228 42,051 56,505 lluch 15 78,MI. 55,717 24,8ll 9,588 2,&67 16,518 16,518 28,161 18,920 16,468 85,110 42,624 54,080 3l. 75,150 86,87l 24,188 8,556 2,722 17,198 17,198 25,565 19,910 lII,226 81,054 58,779 50,864 AprU 15 77,448 56,Oll 21,958 7,992 4,422 19,5l11 19,5l11 27,505 25,955 lII,982 U,555 41,457 55,490 so 70,198 52,127 23,409 6,660 4,780 17,810 17,810 25,970 22,090 le,101 24,899 58,071 48,789 1103' 15 64,995 29,650 19,772 5,916 4,775 14,595 U,595 20,509 19,588 U,8S6 25,856 86,M5 45,225 51 71,766 51,OSe 24,177 8,494 1,688 20,528 20,825 27,ll7 22,5ll lII,807 25,268 40,724 47,579 J.... 15 82,M7 87,582 28,227 8,025 2,559 21,690 21,890 2?,715 24.229 17,050 51,891 ",765 66,120 so 101,720 40,565 28,9l11 8,284. 5,_ SO,505 50,505 38,789 85,701 22,58B 59,106 81,861 72,807

l....rap 106,752. 49,909 25,955 lII,717 15,821 22,567 22,567 36,094 25,664 20,'169 55,lIIS 58,855 80,827

C(JUI (In thou""""" ot buohola)

Jul.r 15 56,502 55,829 24,910 7,ll52 8,949 9,571 9,571 16,50S 18,520 4,670 lII,272 21,118 51,592 51 56,61.' 52,752 26,058 B,644 7,207 9,972 9,972 18,616 17,179 5,245 lII,581 25,881 50,560 lu....t 15 52,115 34,977 2B,222 5,575 B,616 ll,748 ll,748 17,525 20,866 9815 18,527 27,lII8 as,89S 51 59,924 51,095 28,260 6,987 9,617 ll,m ll,079 18,_ 20,696 1O!766 10,918 28,851 81,6" So~r15 65,698 2B,786 50,255 7,924 ll,894 12,564 12,564 20,488 24,45B 15,424 ll,007 86,912 55,'86 so 64,M5 28,404 29,059 6,245 10,895 12,016 12,015 18,259 22,710 17,682 12,596 55,941 55,_ October 15 66,a75 29,198 27,589 8,415 8,979 12,876 12,876 21,291 21,855 16,586 17,451 57,877 59,286 81 80,148 42,791 26,957 8,8M 7,652 16,617 16,617 25,451 24,269 ll,906 28,942 87,867 55,2ll 1.,...lIhor 15 90,971 55,776 25,924 11,808 5,790 14,968 14,968 26,271 20,758 10,924 46,294 57,195 67,047 SO 89,750 59,058 22,440 ll,020 5,045 10,172 10,172 21,192 15,217 9,525 52,098 50,717 67,510 Dlcaber 15 86,950 52,767 21,470 8,723 5,891 12,250 12,251 20,955 18,092 5,2M 47,888 24,185 65,480 51 86,062 56,662 22,720 11,650 4,591 12,615 12,615 24,265 17,206 4,945 48,lII6 29,210 65,M2 Janu..,. 15 81,624 55,049 24,471 ll,517 4,742 9,410 9,410 20,927 14,152 5,64B 4S,ool 26,575 57,155 Sl Bl,925 55,426 25,4ll 10,691 6,565 9,990 9,990 20,881 16,555 5,Bl8 42,159 26,489 58,514 F.tru..,. 15 70,016 40,951 24.5.0 lII,858 2,lIIO B,855 8,855 21,698 10,485 7,402 86,221 29,095 45,706 28 69,145 8B,914 26,751 15,498 4,471 7,190 7,190 20,688 ll,661 9,541 51,751 50,229 48,892 llarch 15 66,649 36,5SO 25,216 15,955 4,425 7,968 7,96B 21,925 12,598 B,096 28,940 50,019 41,855 51 68,792 M,870 25,066 lII,14S 5,075 6,97S 6,978 20,116 10,048 8,806 80,678 2B,922 40,726 lJrll 15 63,458 85,525 25,ll6 15,054 S,370 6,521 6,521 21,355 9,691 8,578 28,861 27,9SS 58,M2 50 54,268 Sl,678 21,768 10,595 4,1102 5,189 5,189 15,782 9,791 6,80S 22,704 22,585 52,495 IIa.T 15 50,897 27,685 20,597 12,205 8,412 5,966 5,985 18,188 9,595 5,026 20,905 25,212 SO,SOO 51 46,787 24,018 20,442 10,082 4,870 6,195 6,195 16,277 ll,065 6,492 15,280 22,769 26,M5 June 15 47,492 21,705 21,212 9,886 4,531 8,490 8.480 18,566 lII,Oll 7,421 lII,252 25,787 26,218 50 47,4"5 22,116 25,286 10,520 2,668 10,865 10,865 21,585 lII,585 5,_ lD,676 25,529 24,209

,.,era,e 67,057 S8,54! 24,601 10,288 5,982 9,964 9,9&1 20,252 15,946 8,462 28,510 2B,7U 42,466

OATS (In thoull&lldo or bushola)

Juq 15 65,594 43,298 23,564 ll,155 2,107 8,556 14,521 19,511- 16,72B 2,795 25,M2 22,_ 42,OSO 51 80,456 55,555 21,556 14,555 2,770 8,570 16,149 22,705 18,919 2,598 40,201 25,105 59,120 August. 15 100,365 74,060 21,661 15,900 2,225 9,ese 20,lII5 25,758 22,558 2,565 66,844 26,505 78,702 Sl 108,514 81,665 22,266 14,5M 5,040 9,918 21,5SO 24,252 24,570 2,427 61,678 26,679 86,248 5ep.....bor 15 109,736 64,360 21,565 18,340 2,364 9,485 19,679 22,775 2.~,()IS 2,601 66,lI5O 25,876 88,118 so ll4,557 90,202 25,459 12,165 3,0'l4 10,915 21,489 25,100 24,5l11 1,085 66,565 24,lII5 9O,87B Oct.ober. 15 ll7,SS4 92,121 24,168 ll,970 2,125 11,890 22,894 2S~860 25,019 1,855 68,147 25,215 95,100 Sl ll7,589 92,661 27,457 11,182 1,932 12,505 24,540 25,787 I 26,872 1,141 68,780 24,928 90,162 )lcy.her 15 119,548 92,643 28,671 lI 10,815 2,266 14,124 26,329 I 24,957 28,595 1,968 52,282 26,905 90,eTI SO .120,228 91,247 2B,617 10,752 1,895 16,467 27,927 27,219 29,820 1,762 61,791 28,981 91,6ll Deceber 15 105,500 87,940 26,122 4,481 3,0155 11,712 25,217 16,195 26,252 1,167 52,926 17,S60 79,178 51 96,296 79,695 21,894 5,505 2,570 10.696 20,880 15,989 23,450 612 50,952 16,601 74,402 Janu&f7 15 90,982. 73,997 27,323 4,625 545 li,748 19,116 16,575 19,661 612 48,99B 16,965 68,659 51 89,246 71,152 28,0(7 5,145 2,501 12,357 16,112 i 17,502 18,4l11 592 42,786 18,_ 61,199 Fobruar1 15 82,299 63,266 25,617 5,065 1,042 15,2M 14,269 18,299 15,811 1M 41,571 19,055 56,682 28 75,092 57,778 22,188 4,665 1,525 12,007 14,572 i 16,672 15,697 642 157,201 17,514 52,901 March 15 68,959 54,052 19,314 4,571 1,996 10,054 12,629 14,425 14,615 472 85,080 U,897 49,645 51 64,665 49,291 17,206 5,786 1,275 10,919 1.',489 14,705 14,714 669 52,645 15,214 47,~59 April 15 59,889 "5,606 18,620 4,295 610 ~,926 12,696 14,221 lII,_ 62 27,968 14,285 41,269 50 50,783 40,164 lB,42S 1,541 1,082 9,071 I 10,564 In,612 li,646 7 20,7U 10,619 52,5t1O 11&1 15 48,949 58,225 17,096 1.960 1,004 8,764 9,874 10,724 ll,478 2 20,575 10,726 51,655 Sl I 46,728 M,~52 14,516 1,1\66 552 10,570 10,061 l2.,256 lO,6!! 240 21,"199 12,476 52,412 Juno 15 ~7,47e 52,561 15,94.9 4,225 278 la,6SO 10,775 14,PS5 ll,051 252 20,478 15,ll? 51,529 50 45,7al 50,341 1.~,S55 6,245 744 8,179 9,584 14,424 10,528 1,015 19,897 15,459 SO,225 I r----.--.... "- ~ '''"'---~ I-~-~-. .harllla 64,419 64,829 ~2.,lOl .-7,55G 1,775 10,907 17,205 18,465 18,978 1,127 45,540 19,590 62,519

J@ UPDATA 1981 50

Tabla 16.-IDns and ehort cOlBi_nts ot report1Dg and nonnportins traders an all contr.ct aarketa combined, sem.on~, Ju4 1952 ta June 1955~ont1n...d

lIonreport1Di (_ll) Reporting (large) traders' c-.t_nta }/ reported a.. traders' apeaulat1"1'8 SpeculAtive Date Totalo_ IladgiDg Total aontrac:ta and badgiDg cOlBit.:oanta y ""ng ar Total shartnnl,y I ~~ I IDnsI Short Long I Shart I IDns I Short I Long I Short Long I Short Long I Short

RlE (In thousands or buahaIn)

Jul,T 15 10,101 7,400 6,551 1,455 651 1,160 1,975 2,615 2,604 66 l,lt6 2,701 3,750 51 ll,169 9,544 6,824 795 590 970 1,750 1,765 2,330 60 2,015 1,825 4,M5 ,...,..t 15 12,767 10,954 7,912 1,015 985 740 1,459 1,755 2,424 58 ,2,431 1,815 4,855 31 14,253 ll,604 7,789 1,220, 684 l,!OO 2,129 2,520 2,815 ~ 5,6S1 2,629 6,444 Septaber 15 1~,65e ll,64S 7,7U 1,405, l,OS5 1,415 2,552 2,820 S,!B7 195 3,5S0 5,015 6,917 so 14,719 ll,955 7,065 955 1,157 1,729 5,148 2,664 4,305 120 5,551 2,784 1,656 ~r 15 14,961 ll,B65 7,46& 955 706 2,006 5,410 2,941 4,116 155 5,581 5,096 7,497 51 15,199 ll,Gn 8,09S 1,425 125 1,658 :5,626 5,28S 3,751 295 5,S55 5,518 7,106 15, 14,757 ll,217 7,764 1,670 1.'5 1,605 5,4S0 3,275 3,563 255 3,4S0 5,540 6,995 so 15,688 llI,043 8,l2l. 925 742 1,6S<> 2,901 2,555 S,643 90 S,924 2,645 7,557 15 17,604 14,971 8,SSS 425 1,243 2,158 3.875 2,583 5,116 50 3,951 2,853 9,069 - 51 20,387 16,662 8,422 925 1,851. 2,610 5,lOS 3,535 6,936 190 5,029 5,725 ll,965 "-T 15 19,277 15,663 8,4S! 518 1,025 2,721 4,216 5,299 5,SOl 115 5,495 3,414 10,'194 - 51 20,149 16,650 9,156 400 967 3,099 4,546 5,499 5,S15 0 5,670 3,499 10,983 Febnu7 15 20,941 17,162 9,959 315 766 3,464 4,777 3,m 5.~! 0 5,459 5,779 10,982 28 21,251 11,586 9,401 415 1,415 S,450 4,6SS 3,865 6,066 0 5,784 3,865 ll,850 ...... h 15 21,S50 16,289 8,&18 900 1,956 3,461 4,810 4,361 6,'46 0 5,756 4,S61 12,502 Sl 20,042 16,606 8,878 510 1'1016 2,926 4,360 3.436 L:,S76 0 5,789 S,456 ll,164 .lJrl1 15 21,235 17,718 9,106 465 1,264 2,997 4,256 5,462 5,520 55 6,609 5,517 12,129 SO 20,215 17,395 0,214 445 1,404 2,320 3,600 2,765 5,004 55 6,997 2,820 12,001 ~ 15 18,997 15,842 6,831 575 1,826 2,540 4,205 S,llS 6,031 40 5,135 S,155 12,lE6 51 18,518 15,469 7,119 402 792 2,552 4,257 3,OM 5,019 15 5,550 3.OtlS ll,399 June 15 20,055 18,490 7,371 201 552 3,544 5,106 3,545 S,6SB 20 7,045 3,585 12,684 50 16,309 1..'\,504 5,144 285 S95 2,532­ 3,891 2,785 4,486 20 6.679 2,905 ll,lE5

ATera.ge 17,274 14,1.S9 7,942 774 974 2,278 3,5SS 3,052 4.627 83 4,705 3,155 9,352

FLIXSEED (In thousand. or bushaIn)

Jul,T 15 1,359 1,358 EI7S 0 0 0 0 0 1 466 1 466 31 1,491 1,285 854 206° 0 0 0 206 0 0 637 ZOO 537 ""l\WIt 15 1,749 1,528 1,255 221 0 0 0 221 0 0 494 221 494 51 2,525 1,555 1,455 383 0 0 3~ 0 587 1,070 970 1,070 Sel'tnber 15 2,262 1.842­ 827 0 0 °0 0 0 420 1,435 420 1,435 30 2,632 1,990 862 0 0 0 0 °0 652 1,770 652 1,770 October 15 2,875 2,U8 844 0 °0 0 0 0 0 457 2,031 457 2,031 31 2,m 2,357 1,042 0 0 0 0 0 516 l,SSl 515 1,851 WOY_ber 15 2,715 2,201 1,145 0 0 0 0 0 0° 572 1,626 572 1,528 SO 2,651 1,979 1,206 0 0 0 0 0 0 672 1,445 672 1,445 December 15 2,074 2,O'IS 1,317 0 0 0 0 0 1 757 1 757 31 2.212 2,084 1,450 0 0 0 0 0 °0 m 762 116 762 Janu&r7 15 2,489 2,519 1,2!3 0 2M 0 232 0 466 170 790 170 1,256 51 2,571 2,OSS 1,142 0 294 0 232 0 525 5lE 903 518 1,429 February 15 2,429 1,151 1,105 0 526 0 252 0 I 558 698 768 698 1,526 28 2,537 1,481 1,056 0 546 0 252 0 57e 1,055 923 1,056 1,501 llarch 15 1,927 1,254 969 0 546 0 232 0 I 578 615 390 615 95B 31 1,995 1,249 751 0 556 0 252 0 588 746 576 746 1,264 AprU 15 1,959 SS7 731 359 317 0 266 359 585 793 655 1,152 1,238 50 1,807 845 1,233 576 320 0 255 575 573 388 1 964 574 !Ia,. 15 1,384 985 820 594 547 5 217 599 564 0 0 399 564 51 1,598 1,181 975 417 475 0 105 417 590 0 43 417 623 Juno 15 1,725 995 1,027 430 621 0 0 430 621 sao 77 'IlI0 698 50 l,7e8 571 749 422 510 0 0 422 510 795 529 1,217 1,059 t­ J."erage 2,155 1,590 1,037 141 187 (5) 93 141 290 422 836 563 l,m . --.-.-'--~- ,-­ - sortt;AH5 (In thousand. or bu.haIn) Jul,T 15 4O,M6 26,410 27,249 5,566 2,925 4,575 4,575 10,141 7~SOO :5,795 5,597 15,936 15,097 31 42,009 26.635 29,552 3,852 1,220 7,252 7,252 ll,l04 8,472 4,270 4,005 15,374 lJI,477 ""lUst 15 45,685 25,418 29,456 4,160 1,155 8,155 8,155 12,315 9,320 6,130 5,077 15,445 14,397 51 48,838 26,195 31,420 3,545 2,000 9,600 9,601 1.',145 11,601 9,500 5,817 22,645 17,418 Sept.oabar 15 52,'194 28,125 S3,6~ 3,920 1,740 9,109 9 t 71O 1.',629 11,450 ll,040 7,681 24,559 19,151 50 58,942 28,525 S8,2EK 5,582 2,765 9,420 9,420 15,002 12,l85 15,315 8,415 30,317 20,558 October 15 65,587 55,062 53,471 6,658 1,835 12,694 12,695 19,552 14,530 ll,113 17,586 30,525 32,116 31 68,972 40,147 32,677 6,525 1,899 L',M2 13,542 19,661 U,241 8,958 21,054 28,~5 36,295 Hans_ 15 66,606 3B,448 52,779 6,741 765 ll,850 11,050 18,591 lJI.615 9,557 21,212 28,158 35,827 30 58,229 38,004 M,Se! 1,490 330 15,470 15,470 20,P!i0 l~.eoo 9,205 19,826 30,165 33,526 'Dec_ber 15 72,476 42,427 35,121 6,585 2,475 14,802 14,002 21,587 11,277 8,562 20,078 30,049 37,355 51 71,900 41,267 56,531 7,360 2,090 14,271 14,271 21,631 16,361 9,082 19,088 30,715 35,449 JanU&17 15 59,541 53,866 52,952 6,260 2,020 8,360 8,360 lA,620 10,390 10,855 l8,OO9 25,475 26,589 31 57,093 53,547 !5S,OS4 5,669 1,710 7,601 7,601 lII,270 9,311 10,276 14,728 23,546 24,059 February 15 52,495 51,129 28,585 3,929 2,255 7,865 7,855 ll,795 10,121 9,571 13,689 21,355 23,810 28 5],,£=65 2B,939 50,540 4,664 605 7,921 7,921 12,585 8,526 10,141 12,592 2Z,726 21,125 llarch 15 50,835 27,551 29,647 6,944 59Z 8,199 8,199 15,143 8,791 8,141 12,397 25,284 21,188 51 48,615 27,602 29,292 5,719 969 9,046 9,046 14,755 10,015 6,245 9,~06 21,011 15,321 April 15 47,8'/9 28,233 28,674 5,714 544 8,626 8,626 14,340 9,170 5.506 10,035 19,646 19.205 30 44,932 28,062 25,271 5,759 2.198 8,425 8,425 12,184 10,623 4,Gee 9,038 lE,870 19,661 110,. 15 45,245 Z7,360 25,019 2,479 2,'128 9,510 9,510 11,989 12,238 5,896 7,988 17,685 20,226 51 47,_ 25,413 24,699 2,470 1,960 ~,1.."O 15,150 1.~,600 15,090 6,010 7,294 21,610 22,384 JWUI 15 47,65S 25,627 23,828 5,170 2,890 15,110 1.',llO 15,290 15,000 5,7~6 1,825 22,026 23,825 30 45,264 25,708 23,M7 2,580 2,435 15,845 U,845 lE,42~ If,280 I 5,1~1 :;,657 19,556 21,917 ATen-agQ M,ll4 30,830 W,40a 5,055 1,75~ 1.0,199 10,199 15,255 ~~~_J~~,029 ll,752 23,284 23,706

UPDATA 1981 51

Tabl8 16.-Lana and _horl. ooatt1 t:oenu. or reporting and noor_porting traders on all contraot ...,...... e" cOllb1ned, 8ClIiaonth4', Jul,y 1952 tc June 1953-Continued

Hon:reporting (_11) Reporting (wge) trador.' cOllllitaenu. 'J/ reported au trader.' lpaoulatiTlt Spooulati.... Dote Total open llodging Total contracte .~~&I ~ and Dhort Total .=~ I Snre>4~t J Short. Long Lana I I Short I Loni I Short J Loni I Shorl. Long I Short Long I Short IlRAIII SOOOH1JJll (In odll101l1 or pounds)

Jul7 15 m 28 so 85 45 0 0 85 45 (4) lB 85 6S U '10 26 40 ., 0 0 0 0 0' so so J._t 15 ", 41 24 22 2S 0 0 0 "2S 0 0' 25 25 25 Sl 42 24 24 lB 0 0 0 lB' 0 0 lB lB lB Soptabar 15 22 22 22 0 0 0 0 o· 0 0 0 0 0 SO 21 21 21 O· 0 0 0 o· 0 0 0 0 0 October 15 82 17 52 0, 0 0 0, 0' 0 15 0 15. 0 51 51 16 51- o· 0 0 0 0' 0', S5 0 55 0 ••nabar 15 51: 14 51 !) 0 0 0 0 0 57 0 57 0 50 51 18 57 0 0 0 0 0 0 58 14 S8 14 Do_ 15 16 16 15 0 0 0 a 0' 0 0 0 0 0 U 10 10 10· 0' a 0 a 0, a 0 a a a J8DlUT 15 11 11 11 0 a 0 a o· Q. 0 a 0 a U 9 9 9 a 0 0 a a 0 0 0 a 0 Fabruor:r 15 8 8· 8 0 0 0 O· 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 1 7 1 0 0 0 0 o· 0 0 0 0 0 -':1> 15; 1. 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 51. l. 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 April. 15 l. 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SO 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *T 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 51 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J\ma 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 2 2 2 () 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

J.wrop 24 12 lB 7 2 0 0 7 2 5 4 12 6

corTI»I (In thoooaDdD or baleD)

Jul7 15 2,948 l,'IlI8 1,892 m 57 S05 50S 616 560 594 506 1,210 1,066 U S,164 1,849 1,951 140 55 558 558 698 !i9S 617 614 1,815 1,207 Augut 15 3,2M 1,950 2,COl 145 48 525 525 666 51S 618 659 1,286 1,282 U 8,281 2.011 2,011 151 54 552 5lI2 6as 586 587 684 1,210 1,270 Soptaber15 8,46S 2.058 2,09S 163 46 594 594 751 640 648 'IlI0 1,405 1,310 sa 5,607 2,m 2,066 155 55 642 642 805 697 689 844 1,494 l,5ll Octobar 15 5,159 2.286 2,025 189 66 616 616 155 692 118 1,052 l,4'1l1 1,154 51 4,114 2.520 2,082 175 37 599 599 714 6S6 920 1,596 1,594 2,OS2 lonabor 15 4,198 2,640 2,070 166 45 518 518 625 8lf 1,505 1,558 2,]28 sa 4,592 2,11' 1,949 1B8 56 680 6sa 8lB 686 650 1,147 1,668 2,4S8 Dooaaber 15 4,579 2,8S0 2,094 217 51 611 611 '"928 662 921 l,92S 1,749 2,485 51 4.4.'14 2,776 2,011 209 51 SOL 601 8lO 652 888 1,851 1,698 2,465 JanuU)' 15 ",SSO 2,64.1 1,954 192 56 560 560 752 616 957 1,780 1,699 2,S96 51 4,851 2,727 1,892 197 53 479 479 616 582 928 1,907 1,604 2,489 Felr\11U7 15 4.253 2,681 1,950 205 92 C85 455 688 515 928 1,808 1,566 2,823 28 4,110 2,645 1,801 l5S 80 585 585 558 465 927 1,844 1,465 2,S09 llarch 15 5,904 2,579 1,155 172 50 8U 5n 50S S81 922 1,166 1,825 2,149 51 S,859 2,465 l,7ll 185 51 407 407 542 464 854 1,654 1,576 2,098 April 15 S.682 2,424 1,758 lU 46 822 S22 45S S68 805 1,556 1,258 1,924 80 5,2~1 2,079 1,590 118 S6 259 269 "7 ~05 722 1,362 1,169 1,667 lIay 15 2,962 1,999 1,508 166 25 261 261 4S5 292 550 1,162 965 1,454 51 2,901 1,928 1,521 155 16 525 525 478 545 495 l,OU 9'1l1 l,5T4 June 15 2,8S0 1,890 1,517 155 24 282 282 435 506 505 1,001 940 1,818 SO 2,542 1,629 1,282 1.'6 54 294 294 450 528 4as 952 918 1,250

Average S,672 2,299 l,esS 164 48 472 472 656 520 137 1,299 1,513 1,819

lICOL TOI'S (In thousands of pound.)

July 15 15,410 8,890 3,620 1,475 a 285 285 1,760 285 4,760 n,S05 6,520 n,790 ~1 15,410 9,000 5,415 1,615 0 90 90 1,705 90 4,705 ll,90S 6,410 11,995 AUgust 15 16,475 9,415 4,610 1,640 0 160 lSO 1,800 160 5,260 ll,645 7,060 11,805 51 16,275 8,915 4,785 1,650 65 280 280 1,910 545 5,450 n,145 7,860 11,490 Ssp_ber 15 17,340 9,695 5,100 1,850 SO ·445 445 2,275 475 5,570 n,765 7,645 12,240 5e 17,195 10,300 4,975 1,785 0 505 505 2,090 805 4,805 n,915 6,895 12,220 Octohsr 15 16,410 9,925 4,G~5 1,610 ~O 555 855 1,955 585 4,520 11,590 6,485 n,775 81 15,100 9,750 4,490 1,470 85 520 520 1,790 405 5,560 10,205 5,550 10,610 NoveMber 15 ! 15.200 9,590 4,560 990 50 560 560 1,550 590 4,060 10,050 5,610 10,640 sa 16,020 8,515 5,585 1 895 95 2,525 2,525 3,420 2,620 I 4,085 9,815 7,505 12,455 : December 15 14,405 8,250 5.440 740 95 1,470 1,470 2,210 1,565 3,945 9,400 6,155 10,965 81 14,020 7,790 5,285 635 95 I 1,410 1,470 2,105 1,585 1 4,125 9,1'10 6,250 10,135 January- 15 15,245 8,145 3,940 825 70 1,640 1,640 2,ot.65 1,710 4,655 9,595 7,100 11,505 51 15,855 8,585 4,255 1,095 70 1,145 1,145 2,240 1,215 5,210 10,365 7,450 11,580 fabnlar,T 15 I 15,875 8,105 4,7SO I 1,055 '10 97S 975 2,010 1,045 5,760 10,080 7,770 11,125 28 i, 15,875 ',045 4,470 1,185 40 715 I 715 1,900 755 6,950 10,650 B,EmO n,405 March 15 14,nOS 6,800 5,980 1,105 15 9l1Q 795 2,055 810 5,770 9,815 7,805 10,625 51 I 1.',610 6,695 3,915 1,490 0 890 765 2,580 765 4,135 9,180 7,llS 9,895 April 15 15,100 6,910 S,890 1,145 0 465 540 1,610 540 5,180 9,470 6,790 9,8lO 30 13,045 6,770 4,005 710 a 555 410 1,3OS 410 4,970 8,650 6,275 9,040 lIay 15 12,~55 5,020 3,455 950 a 570 445 1,520 445 5,195 8,455 6,715 8,900 31 n,810 5,210 3,235 945 0 535 410 1,480 410 5,120 8,165 6,600 8,575 June 15 11,285 5,045 5,'illS 1,010 150 375 575 1,585 525 4,855 7,025 6,240 7,550 SO 10,640 5,055 5,520 940 0 65 65 905 65 4,680 7,055 5,585 7,120

AYera&e 14,'12t 7,909 4,071 1,196 59 71.' 681 1,909 720 4,904 9,951 6,8l5 10,851

,"",!tjtjitfjl jP" t'#&1 ft m :tttre", ~@ UPDATA 1981 52

Repartinc (lArse) trader.' aollll1_nte 11 ",parted u, lIonre~ (_11) SpoaulAttft Total apeD trader.' opoaul&tt... lIodg1.ng Total. Dote long or Loll(! ond ohart caoizaoto Tatal ~:"~~&I ohort ~ (Spr.ad1ng) 1011& I lIhort Long I Short long I Short long I IIhort Long I Short long I Shart B1I1"rBR (III corlote)

Jul,r lIi '154 425 295 50 0 95 95 U.S 95 la6 366 sal 461 U 889 6I!S 294 50 1 1D'I' 1D'I' lIi1 108 201 56'7 S64 695 Aqut 15 1,060 612 268 62 0 101 101 165 101 225 698 388 191 U l,1D'I' 842 298 122 0 102 102 224 102 241 108 465 Bll Beptoaber 15 1,190 'Il!i 522 88 0 102 102 190 102 26'7 786 477 B6B 50 1,288 784 526 B9 1 106 lOS 204 106 3S0 8M 584 940 October 15 1,585 B55 SOO 77 0 101 101 118 101 292 984 410 1,085 ~ 1,845 B55 284 77 U 91 91 168 lS2 841 949 509 1,081 la_bor 15 l,l8S S02 221 19 58 l' l' 92 12 289 884 S81 958 BO 1,127 197 284 70 74 0 0 70 250 819 SSO 89S I)MeaI>or lIi 947 681 196 95 50 0 0 95 50 217 701 SlO 751 51 558 581 212 45 0 0 0 45 "0 lS2 296 1'1'1 296 JIIZSUUT lIi 296 212 165 0 84 0 0 0 84 54 37 54 71 51 167 lS5 lOS 0 84 0 0 0 84 32 28 52 62 h1:or'uu7 lIi US 98 58 0 58 0 0 0 sa 29 81 29 67 28 100 62 59 38 41 0 0 38 41 0 0 58 41 15 54 54 54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 51 5a 58 58 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ap1J. lIi 42 42 "2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 50 42 42 42 0 "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *7 15 4S 4S 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 51 SS 53 53 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Juuo 15 51 Sl Sl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 30 50 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '''''I'IIP 578 512 167 40 15 M 84 74 49 lSO 350 204 409

EOOS (In aarloto)

Jul7 15 4,080 2,918 1,225 651 88 455 455 1,104 521 0 2,5S8 1,104 2,851 Sl 4,l8S S,15S 1,495 455 66 558 5S0 991 604 S9 2,_ 1,080 2,888 blUot 15 4,275 S,096 1,508 458 55 151 1S1 1,189 796 0 1,996 1,189 2,712 Sl 4,695 S,S92 1,707 Ssg 161 957 951 1,296 1,116 7 1,870 I,SO! 2,988 Beptabor15 4,040 5,055 1,155 276 54 108 108 985 "3 0 1,562 985 2,505 50 3,862 3,081 1,998 S5S 147 512 512 925 716 0 1,245 925 1,984 Octebor 15 S,551 2,84S 1,121 242 322 285 285 501 56'7 1 l,04S 508 1,680 Sl 2,774 2,SOB l,Bl6 243 lS3 228 228 471 S61 0 595 471 956 lI.,.,.bor 15 1,991 1,158 1,701 250 23 25 255 2S 0 26'1 25S 290 50 1,845 1,652 1,547 l8S llS° 10 10 16S 125 0 115 165 298 Doc.bor 15 1,244 1,1'7 l,lBS 70 SS 27 21 97 50 0 21 97 81 51 966 716 879 250 5S 20 20 250 15 0 14 250 6'7 JonWU'7 15 1,221 846 1,176 380 29 15 15 575 44 0 1 575 45 51 l,M8 8" 1,226 416 84 58 58 414 122 0 0 4" 122 hbru&r7 15 1,489 998 1,382 448 62 45 45 49S 101 0 (1 49S 1D'I' 28 1,606 1,216 1,491 S44 68 4S 43 56'7 109 56'7 109 llarah 15 2,071 1,572 1,784 404 156 95 95 499 251 °0 S8° 499 26'7 31 2,519 2,109 2,221 840 20S 129 129 469 SS2 0 25 469 557 April 15 5,l8S 2,178 2,553 716 311 162 162 907 503 98 1'7 1,005 650 30 5,66'7 2,We 2,680 80S 525 310 510 l,llS 635 84 222 1,119 851 *r 15 3,974 2,S02 2,885 769 456 MO 540 1,109 176 68 515 '1,112 1,_ n 4,284 3,082 S,105 795 484 375 375 1,110 B09 82 S70 1,252 1,119 JUDO 15 4,159 2,151 2,921 8BS 400 S91 S97 1,280 797 108 421 l,S88 1,219 30 4,553 S,162 3,171 957 521 360 360 1,297 881 14 481 1,571 1,362

.lTerag. 2,980 2,215 1,884 458 175 287 26'7 743 482 22 6M 165 1,096

POTA'1'OES (In carlcte)

JulT 15 2,685 1,599 1,41>5 248 200 559 559 607 559 627 629 1,284 1,168 51 5,466 1,159 1,581 968 M6 493 493 1,478 689 241 1,036 1,711 1,6'75 Au_t 15 4,295 2,161 2,154 l,2S9 346 495 495 1,734 841 594 1,290 2,128 2,151 31 ',504 2,780 l,99B 596 575 494 494 1,092 869 432 1,457 1,524 2,506 Septa..,. 15 4,817 3,110 2,524 689 367 524 524 1,215 911 494 1,582 1,701 2,293 50 5,557 5,061 2,821 921 593 497 497 1,416 1,090 6'79 1,446 2,296 2,551 October 16 5,629 5,207 2,121 777 679 590 590 1,367 1,269 955 1,559 2,522 2,_ 51 5,961 S,126 2,841 766 1,069 6'77 6'77 1,655 1,946 1,102 1,268 2,755 5,214 Na'leaber lS 5,196 5,624 2,440 625 1,059 751 751 1,576 1,610 896 1,546 2,212 5,356 ro 4,154 5,529 2,151 292 9B4 657 657 929 1,521 496 1,102 l,4R5 2,623 Doa_r lS 4,452 2,758 1,916 410 961 83S 655 1,043 1,584 651 949 :,694 2,555 31 4,838 2,718 1,884 627 1.!OO 704 704 1,551 2.001 76'7 968 2,119 2,912 Jonu...,. 15 ',!!!I8 2,758 1,984 660 1,166 126 126 1,3116 1,894 754 1,070 2,140 2,984 51 ~.2S6 2,415 1,655 770 1,030 502 502 1,212 1,552 551 1,069 1,825 2,601 robruarr 15 3,~68 2,151 1,469 56'7 758 596 596 983 1,164 554 SS5 1,351 1,999 28 S.086 1,970 1,430 447 120 2]0 210 657 950 457 124 1,11' 1,654 l/arch 15 S,S5a 2,089 1,491 682 551 174 174 856 151 468 1,156 1,516 1,967 51 5,225 1,890 1,315 688 542 251 231 916 715 424 l,l!>5 1,345 1,908 A!"'U 15 r..902 l,eoa 1,274 650 504 ill ill 745 417 356 1,211 1,099 1,628 SO 2,970 1,849 ).,210 505 S09 122 11'2 627 451 494 1,329 1,121 1,760 IIa7 15 2,845 1,618 1,308 295 96 195 165 490 261 337 1,061 821 1,842 51 2,448 1,674 1,284 257 6 201 201 458 207 116 1,007 574 1,214 June 15 5,2(,6 2,282 1,571 415 114 325 325 740 459 244 1,256 964 1,695 30 S,SS4 2,426 1,784 52S 81 341 541 867 422 339 1,428 1,206 1,850

Average 4,009 2,425 1,829 610 578 441 441 1,051 1,016 SSE 1,161 1,586 2,leO

UPDATA 1981 53

~ 18.-Laq _ • ____nto or repart1nc _ ncnreport1nc traders OIl all .antrut .uato ._, oa1loaotbl;y. J~ 1952 to JUlIIII 1955~t1nuod

Rapart1nc (lar",) _.' • __to 'V repartoclu, lIareportlq (-.11) Spooulati'18 tradlOra' ...l'II1&ti'18 ''fotol IIlto 'fOUl. ... Lone _ lbar\ IIod&1lI& ...._to • -__bod&lllltorl .=~ I (SpreadinK> 'totol Laacl Sbar\ LIllI Short. I Short I-c Shart Short I Looal I LIIIIj - LIllI I

~ 15 888,060 W,600 58,T40 se,6l0 12,860 71,460 71,'60 11111,980 aa,8IW 29,680 lIlO,600 1119,580 216,820 51 607,260 :US,260 58,880 68,100 B,MO 80,960 60,960 1Z9,08O '69.600 82.9W 1'19,280 ~,ooo U8,880 Aucut lS 295,200 128,6lO 511,480 15,640 7,lAoO 61,800 61,800 . 1111,840 6~,1l4O 211,540 lS8,800 lM,880 255,740 51 tN,12O m.m 58,140 '78,820 10,740 51,120 51,120 121,140 61,\860 86,080 lSII,12O lU,lIOO 220,1180 lIIo~lS U8,820 98,040 48,1160 61,1120 11,400 6l,520 52,520 llAo,24O 81>,720 86,640 1116,140 160,180 1911,860 60 289,6lO 62,860 60,040 68,800 21,860 58,580 58,580 112,880 14,1140 44,t80 llAo,64O 156,660 189,4BO Octet.!- lS 229,440 61,900 45,Il00 411,1120 28,260 5&,400 58,400 lOS,no 61,660 44,220 lOI!,480 lAo7,540 lS4,lAoO 51 W,220 ?T,MO 45,940 44,860 25,820 48,120 48.120 118,000 18,440 44,680 115,1l4O la7,580 1611,S80 15 210,080 ?T,MO 44,000 48.860 U,420 44,_ 44,760 111,620 69,180 40,000 96~9W !lI2,UO lS8,020 80 206.460 71,400 52,580 44,1140 27,600 89,420 89,420 94,&80 66,'120 60,'100 101,160 1115,080 lTS,880 noo-ber lS 180,020 6O,9W 22,860 46.110 28,100 59,560 89,660 86,100 65,460 48.0e0 101,'100 129,180 1111,180 - 51 161,980 61,600 21,120 65,lAoO 28,920 28,260 t8,260 aa.4OO 57,180 81,080 lOS,680 120,480 180,860 J&IIIIAl7 lS 116,080 5&,160 18,660 48,000 26,560 27,660 21,660 75,860 54,Z40 45,660 102,180 121,820 156,420. 51 lTT,TtO 56.'100 20,280 49,200 25,MO 25,880 25,880 14,580 49.020 46.440 108,420 121,020 lS7,440 hllrllar7 15 170,580 60,'100 20,820 42,420 9,080 28,800 28,800 11,220 81.860 48.660 lll,900 119,880 lAo9,m 28 lS8,ooo 89.540 21,660 46,200 5.160 21,540 21,540 67.T40 26,'100 45,'120 104.MO 1111,460 la1,840 lS lAoO,580 !S,WO 21.600 50,400 2,880 22,880 22,880 Tt,T80 t5,260 51,860 98,TtO 104,CKO 118,980 51 lM.MO 29,200 24,420 44.160 29,280 18,240 18,240 62,400 ",6l0 48,020 62,'100 105,420 110,220 Aprll lS 128,460 24,080 U,540 65,740 28,440 15.060 lS,08O 70,800 48,600 88,Il00 ao,4Z0 104,400 105,1120 - 60 m,580 25,940 28,880 41,880 80,960 10,080 . 10,080 51.1160 n,04O 88,480 60,460 111,440 91,600 IIa7 lS lOS,08O 28,980 211,280 89,800 81,140 8,940 8,Il4O '8,UO 40,080 t5,860 88,120 ",100 TS,800 51 98,940 82,220 80,860 80,420 ZIl,160 7,740 7,T4O '88,160 57,600 25,460 26,980 61,8Z0 6S,480 :u.. 15 94,080 89,120 28,880 U,18O 51,560 10,920 10,920 86,100 42,480 111,860 25,Z20 54,_ es,'100 50 87,420 86,180 24,960 21,000 52,100 10,020 10,020 81,020 42.120 20,920 20,840 51,240 62,480

Awrop 187,942 67,607 54,181 49,870 21,865 &&,805 88,805 BS,5'15 55,180 S6,1160 97,9116 120,M6 l5S,lS5

SOIIIEAII OIL (In thounndll or pouDda)

J~ lS 125.280 69,120 18,960 21,900 86,180 11,100 11,'100 88.Il00 48,480 22,560 57.860 56,160 108,8Z0 ' 81 128,000 70,200 11,220 20,940 60,120 12,540 12.&40 58,480 42,660 19,520 69,120 52,800 lll,780 Au&u.ot 15 1II5,UO 85.260 lS,420 22,620 SO,18O 12,900 12,900 85,520 45,080 lAo,460 75,T4O ,g,9ao 119,620 Bl 152,240 76,980 la,980 19,860 19,740 14,160 lAo.16O 84,020 85,900 21,UO 94.860 55,Z60 118,260 IIIoptoaborlS lM,460 70,920 12,600 29,160 24.060 20,100 20,100 49,2oo 44,l6O lAo,280 T7,'IOO M,54O 121,860 SO 1111,280 72.500 111,080 59.480 85.220 lAo.580 14,560 54,060 49,800 10,620 74,400 64,680 124,200 October 15 1'15.620 95.880 10,600 50.280 ' 46,080 16.«0 111,440 66,720 62,520 lAo,nO lOS,800 ao,ll4O ue,szo Bl 212,460 121,020 7,980 64,&20 48.080 17,l6O 17,160 81.480 6O,UO 9.S60 144,240 111,440 204,480 _bar 15 289,620 1110,500 9,900 78,550 48.240 lAo,940 14,940 98,600 6&,180 111,020 1116,740 1l1li,520 UII,9tO 60 229,880 119,l6O lAo,64O 94.180 45,000 lAo,620 14,820 99,000 59,880 11,220 154,860 l,1O,220 Ut.'.O Deaea't:.r 15 225,140 109,820 12,850 &,6(0 46.800 16.920 16,920 100.560 6~,120 111,260 147,060 1111,620 21O,T80 51 006,580 87.780 18,950 15,120 51,240 22,920 22,920 98,040 74.1110 20.760 1111,450 118,800 187,620 January lS 1111,940 88,840 24,600 6S,UCO 41,520 25,860 28,880 87,540 11,400 21,060 96,240 108,600 187,640 51 178.880 62.980 22,680 50.580 '".04.0 2O,MO 20,540 70,920 M,880 24.480 91,820 95,400 155,'100 February lS 115.520 82.140 21,540 S2.2~,J 46,740 18.650 18.660 60,880 65,400 42.600 88,860 115,480 lSl,08O 26 166.880 71,520 18.650 25.520 42,480 20.580 20,580 44,100 6&,060 50,760 64,660 114,860 lAo1, '!'20

llarch lS lAo1.420 51,050 17,940 290 4.60 52.940 lI!,880 111,880 45,9W 49,820 ,",520 8O,l6O 110,860 129,480 Sl 1117.100 54.540 19,620 22.080 t5.660 17.520 17,520 59,600 48.880 42.950 74,100 62.560 11T,480 April lS 129,600 52,020 19,440 15,420 2.400 16.440 16.~ Sl,860 18,840 45.420, 91,020 17,280 109,860 SO 1111.400 45,840 17,880 111,200 4,51lO 6,940 8,9W 22,lAoO 111,820 45,420 82,200 67,660 95,520 IIa7 15 110,940 41,400 20,580 16,880 4.820 10.820 10,820 26,'100 lAo,640 42,940 15,120 69,540 110,860 51 100,020 45,020 22,620 11,280 4,800 ',52O 4,820 15,500 9,120 41,400 68,280 57,000 77,400 Juno lS 105,420 45,900 U,660 11,520 660 6,500 6,Il00 11,620 6,960 41,'100 TS,800 59,520 110,760 SO 105,720 45.620 19,200 10,080 6,120 7,580 ',880 17.460 111,600 ",640 78,020 112,100 86,S20

Aver.... 155.722 75,505 11,050 57,05n 29,952 15,010 15.010 52.062 ",952 28,155 98,7SO 80,217 lS8,692 - LARD (In thousands or pounds)

JulT 15 128,550 91,720 10,00- 26,720 5.160 5,160 5,1110 29,680 8,820 6,960 110,240 56,840 118,560 81 131,400 96,400 10,280 I 26,880 5,840 S,800 8,800 SO,680 9,MO 4,520 lll,480 85,000 121,120 August 15 1114,120 105.500 10,800 25,600 6,090 2,560 2,,560 26,160 8,540 4,560 114,680 50,520 128,820 81 122.640 94.960 14,940 18,000 4,480 4,680 4,880 22.860 9,860 4.800 &8,440 21.680 101,800 Sop_bar 15 116,550 90,080 15,550 17,540 6,240 5,«0 5,440 21,280 9,860 1,200 98,520 28,480 lOS,200 SO =.240 65.500 18.520 17,550 9,200 2,760 2,160 20,520 11,960 6,520 81,180 26.MO 95,720 Octobar 15 92.520 75.880 18,760 9,400 12.150 2,5aO 2.,560 11,960 14,720 4,680 59,040 16,1140 18,760 51 77,560 56,720 14,000 10.960 9,OBO 2,800 2,800 111,760 11,860 5,080- 51,680 18,9W 6S,560 JiO"f'eaber 15 58,560 44,000 14.940 5,880 6,520 1,680 1,680 7,560 8,200 6,800 85,820 lAo,860 45,520 SO 51.440 45,860 11,520 4.520 4,000 2.540 2,540 6,1160 6,540 6.500 89,480 111,550 46,120 Dil4a.biI!Ir 15 68.480 55,860 111,940 5.960 2,640 5,800 5,800 9,760 6,440 5,850 48,200 111,120 54,MO 51 76.680 66,200 11,000 8,160 520 4,520 4,520 12,480 4,540 0 65,040 12,480, 67,180 January 15 6S.040 69,720 9,560 12,550 0 1.150 1,760 14,520 l,T60 0 11,720 lAo,520 18,480 51 95.640 19,120 11.280 111,480 0 1,240 1,240 14.720 1,240 0 61,820 lAo,12O 62,560 FlobruL'7 15 100,960 85,010 12,000 11,200 0 1,720 1,720 lS,920 1,720 0 87,240 lS,920 88,960 26 99,960 80,560 lS'120 14.940 280 1.800 1,800 16,MO 2,080 2.960 94,760 111,500 86,640 llaroh 15 91,540 67,720 12,160 19,940 480 ',080 4,080 25,900 4,560 0 ",920 28,920 '19,460 51 90,120 61.000 11,560 25,800 1.280 2,480 2,4BO 26,280 8,760 640 74,800 29,120 78,580 April lS 90,440 54.840 10,750 22.520 1,280 2,200 2,280 24,800 8,560 800 T8,12O 25,500 19,860 80 89,240 54.280 10,240 00,800 2.120 1,'120 1,720 22,520 5,640 2,440 16,160 U,960 '19,000 IIo.;r 15 82,800 59,360 9,160 21,200 2,120 1,480 1,480 22,680 3,600 760 'ffi,040 25,440 7S,CKO 51 72,560 56,400 6,520 10.560 2,160 8,600 5,500 111,950 5,760 0 Ut,f OBO 111,960 6S,640 June 15 71,760 54.600 9.240 12,240 2.880 4,920 4,920 17,160 7,800 0 54,720 17,160 ' 62,520 SO 69.560 SS,960 9,800 8,200 3,200 5,UO 5,240 111,440 6,440 1,960 51,120 15,400 59,560

ATerage 92.SS7 70.992 12.124 lS.472 S,647 2,946 2,946 18,416 6,5~8 2,927 78,620 21,545 80,2111

'l'1Nitfer-'"Wt:'l""··nM n1&"'$Ur tr ittiJ­ ~~@ UPDATA 1981 Table lD.-Lone _ .hart oa.1_nt. or reporting and "onreporting trad.... on all contract ...,.kob oa.b1nod••...aonthl;r. JulT 1952 to JuDO 1955_ont.1nmd

Roport.1ng (larp) traders' oOllli:tments V reported as. lonnport.1ng (_11) Spoculatl:,,, _re' opoculat1'f8 1Iodg1nc Total. Date Total. open oontraota o:!t=zI ':=~T ~~~t Total. Lone Short Lon& Short Lon& Short Lon& Shart Lone Short Short I J J I I Lon&I IIWf (In tona) ''''IT 15 15.270 5.970 7.= 1.680 0 0 0 1.690 0 7.520 8.160 9.500 e.l!O 51 19.850 5.7SO 6.050 2.070 0 0 0 2,070 0 12.050 1lI.800 14.100 15,800 Aucuat 15 25.010 12.000 T.= 0 0 0 0 0 0 10.920 15.900 10.920 15.900 51 26.570 14.590 6,510 0 0 0 0 0 0 ll.790 19.960 11,'790 19.960 Sop_r 15 27.190 15.190 6,stO 0 0 0 0 0 0 12.000 20,MO 12.000 20.540 50 25.110 15.150 6.510 0 120 490 490 490 600 9,480 18.000 9.960 lB.600 Ootober 15 26.040 15.900 6,sea 0 0 0 0 0 0 10.140 19.690 10,140 19,680 51 22.020 11.250 6.600 0 0 0 0 0 0 10.770 15.420 10.770 15.420 .0-. 15 lB.990 8.610 5.460 0 0 0 0 0 0 10.590 15.550 10.590 15.550 50 17.100 9.050 5.280 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.070 11.820 8.070 11.820 1)0_ lD 16.440 9.270 7.690 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.170 8.760 7.170 8.760 51 11.850 4.520 6.960 0 960 560 560 560 1.520 7.170 5.570 7.5SO 4,890 J&OIlAr:r 15 11.290 '.900 5.550 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,400 5.7~ 6,4.80 5.750 51 9.560 5,400 5.720 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,960 5,640 :5,960 5.640 Fobruar;r 15 7.V50 4,200 S,690 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.750 4,260 5.750 4.260 28 6,'fto 5.540 4,140 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.590 2,580 1.S90 2.590 IIIrcll 15 6.790 5.700 1.470 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.090 5.510 1,090 5,510 51 6,540 4.520 2,400 0 a 0 0 0 0 1.920 4.140 1.920 4.lAO April 15 5,850 4.770 S,660 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.080 2.190 1.090 2.190 so 4.520 4.520 '.200 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 120 0 120 IDT 15 4,520 '.520 4.520 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 51 '.680 4,560 4.440 0 a 0 0 a 0 120 240 120 240 JuDO 15 6.600 5.520 2,640 0 a 0 a a a 1,080 5,960 1,080 5.960 80 7.440 4.560 5,480 2,760 0 120 120 2,880 120 0 5,840 2.680 5.960

.lnrage 15.794 7.716 5,090 271 ~5 40 40 511 85 5.767 8,619 6.078 8.704 ______·4 -­ " SIDlTS (In tono)

JulT 15 15,500 6.510 7.710 ',440 a 720 720 5.150 720 l,eW 5.070 6.990 5.'IlK! 51 16.800 2,760 9.000 4,680 0 480 480 5.160 480 8.680 7.520 14,040 7.800 Au&uot 15 17.590 5,990 8.760 4,200 a 0 0 4,200 a 9.590 8.820 15.590 9,820 51 lB,060 6.270 6.000 0 0 0 a 0 0 11,790 12.060 11.790 12.060 Sopteaber 15 18.450 5.190 5.520 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,260 12,930 15.260 12.9SO so lB.75() 7.580 5.960 0 0 120 120 120 120 11.250 14,670 11,5":0 14.790 Ootober 15 25.670 5.040 4.«0 a 0 a 0 0 0 lB,6SO 19.250 lB.65O 19.2SO 51 22.090 4.050 5.600 0 0 0 0 0 0 18.050 18.480 lB.OSO lB.490 Hoy_bsr 15 21.490 4.650 5.100 a a 0 0 0 0 16.850 18.500 16.850 18.500 so 18.750 5.510 2.150 0 0 0 0 0 0 15.2'0 16,590 15.240 16.590 Deoeaber 15 16.250 5.750 4.410 a 0 0 0 0 0 12.480 11.820 11.820 ~1 lA.760 2.520 5.280 a 0 a 0 0 12.240 9.490 1i~ 9.490 J&m1U7 15 15.550 5.5S0 4.860 a° 0 0 0 0 0 10.020 8.490 10.020 8.490 51 10.440 4.520 4.920 a 0 0 a 0 6.120 5.520 6.120 5.520 robruar:r 15 9.540 2.400 4.860 1.200 0 0 0 1.200 0° 5.94C 4.690 7.140 4.680 28 9.240 5.760 4.680 1.200 a 0 0 1.200 0 2.290 4.560 5.480 '.550 llaroh 15 11.640 6.900 2.520 2.040 a 0 0 2.()l0 0 2.700 9.120 4.740 9.120 51 12.000 8.640 2.280 2.0rl0 0 0 0 2.010 0 1.520 9.720 I 5.360 9,720 April 15 6.810 5.820 1.800 0 a 0 0 0 a 990 5.010 990 5.0lO 50 5.040 5.960 3.480 1.0eo 0 0 0 1.090 0 0 1.560 1.090 1.560 IDT 15 4.520 4.520 4.520 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 51 5._ 5.&10 2.640 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.200 0 1.200° Juno 15 4.lAO 5.420 1.680 a 0 0 0 0 0 720° 720 2.460 SO 5.000 5.000 5,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.4~ II 0 0

A.Yerage 15.061 4.659 4.577 B70 0 55 55 925 55 7.49f 8.422 8.684

'-----""­ _~~~29 1. ~"_r_ COTTONSEED It:AL (In tono)

JulT 15 47.500 15.100 28.000 10.800 8.400 5.900 5.900 16,700 14.SOO 17.500 5.000 Sot.2oo 19.500 51 25.500 10.200 15.100 5,600 4.200 5,900 5.900 9.600 8,100 6.600 2.100 15.100 10,200 August 15 25.200 10.100 15.000 5.600 4.200 S.900 S.9OO 9.500 8.100 5.600 2,100 15.100 10.200 51 25.200 9.500 15.500 5.600 4,200 S,900 5,900 9,500 8,100 6,200 5.600 15.700 11.700 Septabor 15 24.500 8.400 12.600 5.600 4,200 a.900 5.900 9.500 8.100 6,400 5.600 ll:,,900 11.700 50 21,500 7.100 15.200 5,700 4.200 5.900 5.900 7.600 8.100 6,600 14.200 8.100 Ootober 15 20,400 7.900 14,900 5,600 4,200 1,400 1,400 7.000 5,600 5,500 °0 12,500 5,600 51 9,900 9,900 9.900 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Koveaber 15 9.000 9.000 9.000 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 so 7,100 7.100 7.100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 December 15 7.500 7.500 7.500 0 °0 a 0 0 0 0 0 °0 51 5.500 5.700 5.500 1.800 0 a 0 1.800 0 0 0 1.800° a Janul\r7 15 5.000 5.500 5.000 1,700 0 a 0 1.700 0 0 0 1.700 (I 51 5.000 5.000 5,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 robruar:r 1$ 5,900 5.900 5.800 0 0 °0 a 0 0 0 2.100 0 2.100 28 6.000 6.000 6.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 llarch 15 6.100 6.100 6.100 0 0 a a 0 0 0 a 0 0 51 5.100 5.100 5.100 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 April 15 5.500 5.500 5.500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 6.600 4.100 4,900 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,500 1.700 2.500 1.700 IIa,y 15 7,SOO ",,500 5.500 0 0 a 0 0 0 2.800 2.000 2.800 2,000 51 6,300 4.000 5.900 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,SOO 400 2.500 400 JWle 15 5,700 5,400 5.500 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.500 400 2.500 400 SO 5.200 a.1OO "',900 0 0 0 a 0 0 2.100 SOO 2.100 aoo

'..,rage 12.596 6.658 8,908 1.916 1,400 1.117 1.117 S,OSS 2.517 2,725 971 5.758 3,468 - ----­ --'-----~-


Table 16.-IDns and ohart a-.i_.to ot reportil1£ and nCllU"Oport1n£ trader. an all contract urlcete .cabinod• ...u.mthl;t, .Jul3 1952 to .Ill.. 19511~t1nu.d

IiDrll"CporU", (_ll) Heportine (large) trader.' c~t.ent8 1£ reparted u, trader.' llpeculatiYa S..culat1no Data Total open Hodc1lIII Total contracts and hedc~ I.Ing or I.Ing and o\>art .-.i_nla r/ ohart anlo (Spreading) Tat&l.

I.Ir.c Short IDns Shart IDns Short IDns Short I.IIIII Short IDns Shor~

SOYIEAli IlEAL (10 tonal - ,---­ Ju:\,T 15 117,500 29,200 55,200 lIt,eoo 21,000 15,600 15,600 48,400 !14,600 39,900 29,700 88,500 641,500 Sl 86,500 22,200 4O,eoo 6,400 15,700 8,leo 8,leo 14,500 21,fI)O 49,600 25,700 641,leo 45,600 .6u&ust 15 as,2OO 22,200 51,900 5,500 14,500 8,600 8,600 11,900 22,900 49,leo 22,400 61,000 45,500 51 70,600 22,900 SO,900 5,500 12,000 9,400 9,400 14,900 21,400 52,eoo 18,500 47,700 59,700 Septeaber15 76,500 25,200 20,eoo 5,500 ll,!1OO 10,200 10,200 15,700 22,000 55,400 25,500 51,leo "',500 SO 7U,5OO 22.eoo S2.~ 6,500 12,500 9,700 9,700 16,200 22,200 I 59,500 23,eoo 55,500 46,000 October 15 81,500 29,900 53,400 11,400 4,500 9,SOO 9,500 20,_ ll!.600 51,900 !14,500 52,600 48,leo 51 98,200 40,400 58,900 1.8,200 5,500 11,500 11,500 27,'100 11,000 I 5O,leo 42,500 57,eoo 59,500 'onabar 15 lll,!1OO 46,500 54,SOO 18,400 15,700 11,200 11,200 29,600 2'.900 I 55,700 52,600 65,500 77,500 SO 120,000 57,400 50,500 23,2(1" 24,500 lD,l00 lO,leo 55,500 54,600 57,500 65,leo 70,600 87,700 Do.-r 15 140,400 54,400 SB,lc!OO 56,700 22,400 9,800 9,800 46,500 52,200 39,500 "10,000 86,000 102,200 51 140,500 49,100 lIt,_ 41,sao 27,600 15,000 15,000 54,500 40,600 56,500 65,200 90,600 lO5,eoo JanuU7 15 147,200 56,000 S8,200 51,400 26,SOO 15,700 15,700 55,leO 42,cxx> 37,roo 67,000 90,400 109,000 Sl 154,600 58,200 45,700 38,600 29,_ 18,000 18,000 57,400 48,500 39,000 60,400 96,400 109,900 l'et:ruar;r 15 148,400 51,900 33,900 52,500 29,600 21,AlO 21,!1OO 54,leo 51,400 42,400 65,leo 26,500 114,500 28 148,100 42,500 54,400 25,500 29,800 to,l.(.() 20,100 45,400 49,900 00,400 65,eoo lO5,eoo 115,700 IIIreII 15 129,leo 38,900 tv,soo 22,900 21,000 17,200 "17,200 40,leo 58,200 50,leo 61,400 90,200 99,600 Sl 125,400 59,100 50,000 18,500 12,600 18,500 18,500 S6,eoo 51,100 47,500 61,500 84,500 92,600 A;r11 15 125,leo '41,8)0 !I4,500 17,700 17,200 16,000 16,000 lIt,500 lIt,OOO 46,800 54,eoo 81,aOO 88,000 50 122,eoo 57,700 59,100 15,500 17,900 16,500 16,500 52,000 M,400 55,leo 49,500 85,leo, as,TOO 15 151,600 36.200 58,400 19,eoo 18,leo 24,100 24,leo 45,900 42,200 51,500 51,000 95,400 95,200 "':r 51 141,600 Sl.R>O 45,900 27,700 2S.'J'OO 54,200 54,200 61,900 59,900 47,900 55,!1OO 109,eoo 95,700 .1=. 15 157,900 27,fIOO M,200 I 24,500 51,400 50,600 50,600 15,leo 82,000 55,000 41,700 15O,leo 125,700 SO 172,400 24,400 51,100 21,leo 28,200 62,600 62,600 as,700 90,000 641,500 49,800 148,000 140.. 600

Anrac· 121,56' 57,865 56,246 21,262 19,617 18,592 18,592 59,654 58,009 45,850 47,112 as,504 85,121

Report.1ng traders are persona subject to reporting requ1re.,nta under the Co.aod.1tT Exchal\4" Act.. ~ DlTi'ftd by subtractins: reportinc tractare' coa:dt.ent.s troa t.otal open contracts. 1..•• than 500 bu.hele. ~ la.a t.han 500,000 pounds.

~@ UPDATA 1981 kl~ 56

Table 17.-La", NId ebort ___ of roport1l>& &lid llOanport1l>& trad..... up.....ed .. pe",..tece of tot.&l opeo oootnGu. OD all CODtnGt _u colllwml, • .-1ao~, Jul,r 1952 to JuDe 195a

I!8port1l>& (larae) ~rade...1 __u !I roport.etl ... IIoDrtrPOrt1l>& (..u) Specul&t1w Date Tot.&l opeo tradei'll' opeculatift JIodc1nc Tot.&l CODtn.cta &lid hodi1J>I Lolli or c_taoDte y ~"~I:)rt Tot.&l .hart 0DlT I I 1.0", I Sbort 1.0", I Sbort I LoOC I Sbort I 1.0", I Sbort z-cl Sbort z-cl Sbort

lJl 100.0 Be.8 24.8 lS.6 1.6 17.2 11.2 SO.B 19.1 U.S 1iII.' ao1 '7&01 51 100.0 &i.6 18.0 1'01 1.8 17.8 11.8 Sl.8 18.' m.5 61.6 60.' Bl.O 16 100.0 to.8 17.8 U.8 1.8 lB.l lB.l &0.9 1tO.0 m.a 5201 51102 82.1 al 100.0 ((.0 lB•• H.e 2.2 lB.' lB.' 55.0 1tO.6 211.0 61.1 68.0 Bl.7 15 100.0 48.8 18.1 16.5 2.1 lB.2 16.2 52.1 lB.a ItO., Sl.O U.l 80.1 &0 100.0 48.1 1tO.2 16.' 2.' lB.O lB.O 51.' ZO.4 1'7.5 59.4 50.9 18.8 16 100.0 b:J.7 18.1 15.2 2.8 11.8 11.8 55.0 ZO.7 16.S &i.6 48.1 80.1 al 100.0 51.9 21.9 14.1 2.5 18.8 18.8 S..2 22.t 15.8 55.7 48.l '18.1 16 100.0 52.1 211.1 15.5 2.2 21.2 21.2 S..1 25.4 15.2 51.5 4'1'.8 16.9 &0 100.0 55.6 2S.8 U.2 S.l 21.2 21.2 n". 24.11 15.D 52.4 48.' 76.1 15 100.0 51.0 21.2 U.l 4.8 2S.' 2S.t as.& m.2 15.& 50.11 48.0 '78.8 Sl 100.0 49.8 22.9 12.5 S.8 2'.6 24.6 81.1 28.' 15.0 49.1 50.1 1101 1& 100.0 51.0 2&.2 lS.8 S.8 22.5 22.5 as.B 28.1 15.2 49.5 48.0 14.8 Sl 100.0 51.1 26.8 1'.8 '.2 21.5 21.8 Be.l 25.& U.8 49.1 a.1I 11.1 Febn>ar7 16 100.0 47.2 28.6 11.11 S.1 ltO.e 20.8 5208 24.6 ItO.O 49.8 52.8 '71.4 m 100.0 47.8 Sl.S 14.2 5.2 16.8 16.8 al.O ZOoO 21.2 49.'7 52.2 68.'7 16 100.0 45.6 Sl.O 12.2 S.O 21.2 21.2 51.' 24.2 21.0 ((08 M., se.O 51 100.0 49.4 52.2 11.1 S.6 22.11 22.8 S..O 26.6 1'7.8 41.8 Sl.8 81.8 15' 100.0 48.5 28.' 10.8 5.'7 26.2 25.2 as.5 110.8 lB.O to.7 61.6 '71.11 - 110 100.0 45.7 S5.S 8.5 6.8 2'.7 2'.7 S..2 al.S ZO.l 55.2 S..S 811.7 lS 100.0 45.6 &0.' 8.1 7.5 22.5 22.& 51.6 29.8 22.8 S9.8 S..4 se.8 51 100.0 45.2 51.7 9.1 2.' 28.7 28.7 &7.8 51.1 18.0 as.l 68.8 66.1 U 100.0 45.7 Sl.9 7.a S.l 26.S 26.S 51.6 29.4 ZO.7 1B.7 64.a 158.1 SO 100.0 &i.7 28.' 8.1 8.1 &0.0 &0.0 as.l S5.1 22.2 as.S 60.1 '71.6 18.6 Sl.5 61.1 75.7 • 100.0 48.7 24.a U.8 _~~ 21.0 21.0 5I.B 24.1 "­ ..~> -­ ~> -­ CORII

Jul,r 15 100.0 62.5 ((.1 12.6 15.8 16.6 16.6 29.2 52.' 8.S 211.& 57.& 56.9 al 100.0 57.8 48.0 U.S 12.7 1'7.6 17.6 52.8 so.a 8.S 2lI.7 42.2 64.0 21.9 52.8 16.8 21.8 45.7 64.6 "_~ 15 100.0 55.a 45.' 9.0 IS.8 IB.8 18.0 Sl 100.0 Sl.8 47.2 11.6 16.0 lB.5 lB.5 sa.l S..5 18.0 18.a 49.1 !Z.8 Bopteaber l.5 100.0 45.B 48.0 U.1 18.1 19.1 19.1 Sl.2 S7.2 26.0 18.8 &6.2 64.0 &0 100.0 ((.1 45.1 9.7 16.6 18.7 IB.7 28.' as.a 27.5 18,S &5.8 64.8 October 16 100.0 45.7 41.S 12.6 111.' 18.2 19.2 Sl.8 52.6 24.& 26.1 &6.a 68.7 51 100.0 &I.t Sa.6 11.0 9.8 1tO.7 20.1 Sl.7 SO.S 1'.11 Be.1 M.8 66.4 lIo_r 1& 100.0 Sil.l 26.8 12.5 6.4 16.4 16.4 28.8 22.8 12.0 1;(1.101 to.9 75.7 SO 100.0 65.B 25.0 12.5 5.6 11.S 11.a 2S.~ 111.8 10.8 &6.1 84.2 75.0 Dac_ 15 100.0 n.2 2'.7 10.0 6.7 14.1 1'.1 24.1 110.8 8.1 54.6 27.8 75.1 al 100.0 86.1 26.t 15.5 5.8 14.7 14.7 I m.2 20.0 5.7 61.6 SS.9 75.6 ...... ,. 1& 100.0 67.& &0.0 14.1 &.8 11.& 11.5 2&.6 17.S 6.9 52.7 52.5 70.0 51 100.0 67.7 28.6 lS.0 7.8 U.2 U.2 26.2 1tO.0 7.1 51.4 52.a '71.' 'ebna&r7 15 100.0 68.5 St.8 19.0 a.o 11.9 11.9 &0.9 li.9 10.6 SO.8 41.6 6&.2 28 100.() 68.5 57.2 19.5 6.& 10.i 10.4 28.8 16.8 111.8 45.9 45.7 112.8 II&roh 1& 100.0 64.8 a1.9 ZO.9 6.8 U.O 12.0 52.9 lB.6 12.2 4t5 45.1 112.1 !l 100.0 64.1 Be.2 20.8 6.8 10.8 10.11 51.5 1$.' 11.8 49.1 45.a 6a.e lprU 15 100.0 &6.0 59.6 2lI.7 &.S 10.0 10.0 SS.7 16.8 1O.~ 45.1 ((.0 60.4 &0 100.0 58.t to.l 19.5 8.5 9.6 9.6 29.1 lBo1 12.5 41.8 41.5 &8.' IIo;r 1& 100.0 64.4 to.5 24.0 6.7 11.7 11.1 as.1 18.' 9.9 41.1 4&.8 68.5 Sl 100.0 51.5 n.7 21.6 10.t -15.2 15.2 84.8 211.8 111.11 52.7 49.7 68.8 15 100.0 t5.7 ((.7 ZO.8 9.& 17.9 17.9 as.1 27.4 U.6 27.9 54.a &5.5 """" SO 100.0 48.6 48.0 22.2 5.6 22.8 22.0 4&.1 28.5 B.S 22.5 &a.4 Sl.O '"riC· 100.0 &7.2 Be.7 15.S 8.8 14.9 14.8 &0.2 2a.8 U.6 111.& 42.B 65.5 .-----­ . Jul,r U 100.0 6&.0 as.9 17.0 5.2 U.7 u.a 29.7 26.5 '.5 as.6 84.0 84.1 al 100.0 68.B 26.& 17.9 S.4 10.' ltO.l 28.2 la.5 5.0 50.0 Sl.2 75.5 £_t 1& 100.0 76.8 21.6 18.8 2.2 II.' 20.1 25.6 211.5 2.6 61.1 26.2 '78.4 Sl 100." 15.' 20.6 15.2 2.6 9.2 19.8 22.t U~.7 2.2 56.8 24.6 18.& Bopt.ber 15 100.0 76.9 18.6 12.1 2.2 8.8 17.9 20.7 ZtJo1 2.' 6O.S 2lI.l 80.' &0 100.0 78.9 20.5 10.7 2.6 8.5 18.8 1tO.2 21.4 .11 58.1 21.1 '78.6 October 1& 100.0 '78.5 1tO.6 10.2 1.8 10.1 19.5 20.5 21.5 1.2 68.1 21.5 18.4 al 100.0 78.8 25.a 8.& 1.5 10.7 20.9 1tO.2 U.t 1.0 64.5 21.2 '18.7 Io_r 11 100.0 77.& 24.0 9.1 1.8 11.8 22.0 1tO.8 2S.9 1.6 52.1 22.& '18.0 &0 100.0 15.9 2lI.8 B.9 1.8 15.7 25.2 22.6 24.8 1.5 Sl.4 2'.1 76.2 o.o_r 15 lOO.O 8&.5 24.8 4.5 2.8 11.1 22.0 1&.' 24.9 1.1 5O.S 16.5 75.2 !l. 100.0 82.8 22.7 5.5 2.7 11.1 21.7 16.8 24.' .6 52.9 17.2 11.a J"""""7 15 100,0 :n.a &0.0 5.1 .6 12.8 21.0 lB.O 21.6 .7 e., lB.7 70.0 11 100.0 79.7 51.4 &.8 2.6 15.8 lB.l 18.6 ZO.7 .7 47.8 2O.a 66.6 robrDar7 15 100.0 76.9 51.1 6.1 1.5 16.1 17.a 22.2 lB.8 .8 SO.S 211.1 68.8 m 100.0 76.8 29.6 6.2 1.8 16.0 18.1 22.2 20.8 .11 49.5 2&.1 70.4 15 100.0 78.t 28.0 6.5 2.8 14.1 lB.S 20.9 z...& .7 50.8 21.8 72.0 Sl .100.0 7B.a 26.6 &.9 2.0 16.9 2008 22.8 22.8 .8 50.6 2a.7 75.4 .l.prU 15 100.0 78.1 Sl.l 7.2 1.0 lB.6 21.2 25.8 22.2 .1 415.1 2a.8 158.9 - &0 100.0 78.1 58.a 5.0 2.1 17.8 ZO.8 ZO.9 22.9 (a) to.8 ZO.9 65.? IIq l&. 100.0 78.1 S..9 '.0 5.a 17.9 1tO.2 21.9 25.& (a) 41.6 21.8 85.1 Sl lOO.o 7a.s SO.6 8.8 1.2 22.6 21.5 28.2 22.7 .5 48.7 26.7 68.' 15 100.0 58.2 as.6 8.9 .6 22.' 22.7 51.~ 25.S .5 45.1 51.1 66.4 """"1 __SO 100.0 68.B S..O lS.6 1.6 17.9 1tO.9 11.5 22.5 2.2 41.5 SS.7 66.0 100.0 76.8 26.2 8.0 2.1 U.9 . ZO.4 21.8 22.5 1.5 Sl.a 2a.2 '18.8

UPDATA 1981 57

Table 17.~ _ obert. __ ot .....~ ancI """"""rt.1III tra4ent, """r....d ... pel'CODtqO or tot.al. _ OCOItnct8, 00 all _\not __ CIOIIbtDod, HodaDsltllq, ~ IG52 to "..... a5ll-CoDt1zalod

-----,-----.,------,------'::"JIeport.--:7~.-('iarp) trodoro' __!I reported ... ~~(..u)~------.------_w------DoW ~..: trodo..,r:\.:=-U'" 1---;-I.q=-o:-:r::----r--Lo.-::~~~_s:":':!ort'2w~--.----T-O-~ t.t.al. --'"!I obert. ~ (op....u..) Short. Short.

~ '11 100.0 15.5 82.e It.' 6.5 U.5 a.s 26.9 0.8 U.S 26.1 17.1 11 100.0 tll.7 01.1 7.1 5.1 8.7 15.7 li'8 .5 18.0 16.5 56.9 &Rgwtt 15 100.0 G5.a 82.0 7.e 7.7 ~.8 U.S 11.7 .5 19.0 16.1 1IB.0 n 100.0 81.5 ".7 8.' '.8 9.1 15.0 17.7 .11 25.5 18.5 ...5 ~15 100.0 n •• 52.8 9.8 7.1 G.7 16.0 a.5 1.S h.l ZO.II t7.1 10 100.0 81.1 88.0 6.' 7.8 U.7 21•• 18.1 .8' 21.8 18.11 Sl.O OtItoMr 11 100.0 7G.I 69.e 6.5 '.7 15.' 21.8 19.7 1.0 21.11 ZO.7 50.1 11 100.0 70.5 55.t G•• .8 12.1 25.9 21.6 1.e 21.1 25.1 65.8 10_ 11 100.0 78.0 52.' U.S .9 10.11 25.2 21.2 1.8 25.5 h.O .,.. 10 100.0 85.1 11.8 5.9 4.7 10•• 18.& 18.5 .6 25.0 16.e 18.2 000_ 15 100.0 85.0 .a.5 2.' 7.1 12.5 21.0 1t.7 .5 21•• 15.0 51.5 11 100.0 81.7 41.' ••5 9.0 12.11 25.0 17.1 1.0 h.7 18.1 &8.7 -..,. 15 100.0 82.5 ".0 5.0 5.5 14.1 21.2 17.1 .8 28.5 17.7 56.0 11 100.0 82.8 .... 2.0 ..8 15.' 21.8 17.' o 28.1 17.' 81.5 r.laNu7 11 100.0 82.0 ".S 1.S 5.7 16.1i 21.8 18.0 o 28.0 18.0 52.5 _ 1528 100.0 81.a ".5 2.0 6.8 16.1 21.9 18.2 o 21.2 18.2 55.7 100.0 7G.8 41.' ••2 9.1 18.t U.S zo.4o o 27.0 ZO •• &8.' 100.0 82.G .... 2.5 5.1 1t.6 21.7 17.1 o 28.S 17.1 55.7 AprU ~ I 100.0 85.' &2.e 2.t 6.0 It.l ZO.O 16.5 .5 n.1 18.8 51.1 10, 100.0 88.0 to•• 2.2 7.0 U.' 17.8 15.7 .5 st.6 14.0 59.' IIq 11 I 100.0 85.' 58.0 G.6 15•• 21.1 16.' .1 52.a 15.6 64.0 11 100.0 85.5 sa.. ::~ I '.5 It.t 25.0 16•• .1 st.5 16.5 Sl.8 """. 15 100.0 82.2 58.8 1.0 2.8 16.7 25.5 17.7 .1 SS.l 17.8 65.1 so 100.0 82.8 11.5 1.8 I ••8 U.S 25.9 17.1 .1 41.0 17.2 68.5

1OO O 21.1 17.1 25.9. .5 27.1 18.1 64.0 __A_- __._-L__ _. _-'-_8._1_.8_...... __t6_._0___ __~_J __ .~:~. _:s:~- .. ' . -. --.~ ~-.---~.--~.---'------..-. ..••...,. - ... FWiSIIZD ~'1f1-100:0 "99.9 -"""""0;.,' n 100.0 86.1 51.' '~~·'I' --~o'-"l'-' -~-. ·T----··~::--I---1Tfi E~ JfT~E~ ~ 11. 100.0 87.' 11.8 11 100.0 61.6 51.11 15.2 0 0 15.2 0 25.1 41.. 41.fo I 100.0 a1.' 58.6 sa.6', s.p_r 11 . o 0,0 0 0 018.865.' 18.665•• 10 100.0 75.2 52.8 OtItoMr l~. 100.0 86.1 29•• ~ ~ g ~ ~ I g ~::: ~~:: ~::: I ~:: 11 100.0 82.0 58.5 ••_ IE 100.0 19.' U.S g I ~ ~ g ~ ',' ~ ::~ :::~ ::~ :::~ 10 100.0 7'.7 &5.5 o 0 0 0 fl 0 I 25.5 ...S 25.1 64.5 Ooo_r 15 100.0 100.0 85.S o 0 0 0 0 0 (5) 58.5 (5) 56.5 11 100.0 M.7 65.8 o 0 0 0 0 j 0 5.5 st.. 5.S st•• -..,. 15 100.0 95.1 69.5 o 9.' 0 a.5 0 1 18.7 '! 6.8 11.8 6.8 50.5 11 I 100.0 79.e .... o U.S 0 II 9.0 lOt ZO.S ZO.l 55.1 ZO.l 55.8 robroar7 i! II ~:~ !!:! ::: g ~::: ~ :::., ~ ,I ~:~ ~:! ~:! _ 15 100.0 65.1 50•• ::: :::: o 18.0 0 I 12.0 0 I 10.0 I st.a 19.7 .. 9 '9 7 11 f 100.0 52.0 58.0 o 17.9 I 0 U.8 0 I 29.5 I 17.' 55.9 57:' I 68:' April 15 i 100.0 &2.5 57.1 17.1 16.1 0 15.5 17.1 j 29.6 i to.1 55.5 !!.. 5,! ~1·.89 10 t 100.0 t6.0 6Il.1 Il.e 17.7 I 0 I 1t.0 Il.V I 51.7 I 21.5 .1 - • IIq 15 I 100.0 11.2 59.2 P.~.5 25.1 .5 I 15.7 28.8! to.8 0 0 2808 to.8 11 100<0 15.e 51.0 28.1 29.7 0 6.6-826.1 56.5 0 2.7 26.1 59.0 """. 15 100.0 51.1 59.5 2'.9 58.0 0 0 2'.9 I 58.0 ! 17.. ..5 &2.5 to.& 10 100.0 Sl.e u.e 25.8 28.& tOOt 15.6 t 28.5 ".5 29.6 68.1 &8.1 __A_--__._-'-_.l_00 __.~~ __75.11 _____48_._1_ ~~6.: .. '--_~_ .. ~5!______' ••5 . 6.~" -..-_-1~-.-~- ..-;1-.. --.·~--.~-6-,-+-..­.._-~-:-8-;t--26-.-~-,+'----._-_51~.-8~-


1 .. . 1::: r ;;;---fr=:flAu&un 15, 100.0 '~::57.8 _. f' .81.1.~i::" n~:::.~I: r" -~::2.8 ·'I-~~187:-:.':'~:, 1 18.8~:: 1"-~:!28.1 '1- :::21.2 11~::14.') U.6 ~:(&2.1 T:::~52.8 Sl I 100.0 ,55.6 a'.5 '.1 19.7 : 28.9 1 25.8 19.& U.9 48.' SS.7 5 100 65 s.p- 110 I 100'.°0 'I' 48 •• &5 ~!'.! &.5 1 18.' 2&.8' 21.7 ZO.9 1t.5 48.7 58.2 ~ • 9.5 '.7 16.0 I 16.0 25.5 I 20.7 ! 26.0 14.' 51.5 55.1

Ootobclr 1&: 100.0 55.5 Sl.O 10.1 2.8 19.' a ••! I 2928'.95 I:'. ~!.'12 I', ~~,.OO 26.8 48.5 49.0 51 I 100.0 ! 58.2 f .7.. 9.5 2.8 19.5 lft• • ~ _ SO.5 41.8 52.8 Ho_ 15 j 100.0 ,57.7 I '9.2 10.1 1.1 17.8 17.8 27.11 , 18.9 I It.' I n.9 &2.1 50.8 Ooo_r ~ I ~~:~ I :!:: ::~ ~:~ 5:: ~:! ~:! I ~:~ I ~:: 1. ~:~ ! ~:~ ~:~ ~:~ 11 I 100.0 I 57.' j 50.8 10.2 2.9 19.8 19.11' 10.0 21.7 12.6 26.5 &2.6 '9.2 ...... ,. ~ ~:~ I ::~ I' ~:: 1~:: ::~ ~::! ~::~ Ii ~:: ! i~:! i i::~ ~~:~ ~:: 1 :::~ reb..,..". 15 f 100.0 I 59.5 ".8 7.5 t.5 15.0 15.0 21.5 , a.5 I 18.2 26.1 10.7 t5.' 28 j 100.0 66.0 59.1 9.0 1.2 15.5 15.1 h.S 1 16.5 I 19.7 24.' ".0 to.1I IIaI'Ch i~ I ~:~ I :::: ::: ~:~ ~:~ i::~ 16.l 29.8 I 17.5 16.0 ~::~ !::: :!:~ ::ril I' ~Sl 100.0E~ :::'".1 :::Sl.. :::5.1 ::~••2 ~:~27.v 27.9~~! t 55.1~~~ ~~~52.1 ~~~12.8 15.5 *:~ :::...G '7.'E:~ "..... IG 100.0 55.8 50.0 6.6 8.1 27.& 21.5 st.l 5S.8 12.1 16.. 48.2 50.0 10 1-_1_00_.0_-+_66_.8_+__51_._II_.+-_5_.7_+__S_'_'-1I-_IO_,_8__,~1O_._8_ __58_.5_ _.~~+_~~~_.~._12_.,,'_II__,_s._2__+ __48_._'_ __A_-__._-'! __l_00_:~ __~_.o_ "-._56.~_ ,-__9._5 ___ '_~H.:. 18.~ ___ ,~.8_ ~.~_._ ..~.ll 14.8____ 21.7_L_.S'~_ ,--18_._8___

.:'.,idiwiit.;!Wff"iW'i'!,rf 'W !rUm::.. j@ UPDATA 1981 l¢ 58

~rt1!>I (wire) tradera' _~ !I NpOrtect u. IIonroporUoc (..:aU) Dat. Totalopc t.ndot"ll' opecul&U.. 8pea:.laU.. ooatTlOGta ADd bodc1al IIedc1IIC 'rota! -~!I La,. 01' I La,. - ebort I Total obort...,q ~) La,. I Short ~ J lib_I "'~__Short_J ~ I Short ~ I 5hoI't ",,. 1 lIbort

""l.T 11 100.0 2'.8 ".a 15.2 S8.B 0 0 15.2 &i.B (a) 15.11 15.2 65.1 11 100.0 17.1 51.1 62.11 0 0 0 62.8 0 0 42.11 62.11 42.1 iupat 15 100.0 51..1 46.8 ca.8 0 0 0 48.11 0 0 £lI.1 ca.1I £lI.2 Sl 1.00.0 67.1 51.1 42.11 0 0 0 42.8 0 0 42.11 42.11 42.11 ~I' 1& 100.0 100.0 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 100.0 100.0 1.00.0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OCtober 11 100.0 £lI.l 1.00.0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 ca.8 0 411.11 0 11 1.00.0 11.' 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 68.6 0 68.6 0 10_ 1.1 100.0 27.& 100.0 0 f 0 0 0 0 0 72.5 0 12.& 0 10 100.0 25.& 72.& 0 I 0 0 0 I 0 0 ".5 .21.6 ".1 27.& Doc_ 1& 100.0 100.0 100.0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 1.00.0 1.00.0 1.00.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 .Iamw7 1.1 1.00.0 1.00.0 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 100.0 1.00.0 1.00.0 0 j 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r.-..,. 15 1.00.0 100.0 1.00.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Z8 1.00.0 1.00.0 1.00.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 1.00.0 100.0 1.00.0 0 I 0 I 0 0 0 I) 0 0 0 0 11 100.0 1.00.0 1.00.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 &pru 15 1.00.0 100.0 1.00.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 10 100.0 100.0 1.00.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IIq u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "..,. 1& 0 0 0 0 0 ,) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 so 100.0 100.0 1.00.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

.t.~_ 100.0 10.0 n.o 211.2 B.' 0 0 28.2 8.' ZO.B 16.7 50.0 25.0

,­ ""l.T u 100.0 511.0 SI.8 I.B 11.1 ZO.II 1.11.0 ZO.l 17.2 41.0 16.2 11 1.00.0 SII.& 61..11 ... 1.1 1.1•• 11•• 22.0 18.1 18.5 18.' 41.5 18.1 .t._t U lOU.o BO.I 61.~ I ld 11.2 1.1.2 ZO•• 11.7 18.1 20.4. &i.? 18.1 11 1.00.0 61.S 61.a •••'.11 1.1 1.1.2 16.Z ZO.8 11.11 l1.8 ZO.8 18.7 H.1 S-P-I' U 1.00.0 59.' BO.' '.1 i 1.' 1?.2 11.2 U.8 18.& 18.1 U.1. 40.6 &i.' 10 1.00.0 18.6 51.' '~-I""T' 1.& 1.1.B 11.1 22.' 1.11.8 18.1 21•• 41.' 42.7 Detober 15 100.0 50.1 51.8 '.&1.1 I 1.7 16•• 16.' ZO.1 18.1. 18.1 28.0 &i.e 411.1 11 100.0 Gl.a 50.6 402 ! .8 1'.11 14.6 18.8 U.5 111.11 16.8 18.1 48.' lIu_r 15 100.0 @!.~ G.a S.8 1.1 15.8 15.8 17.7 14.8 1.11.' SS" I 57.1 50.1 10 100.0 61.iI ".& ld 14.' 140. 1.II.1 15.7 19•• 19.0 18.1 65.5 U 1.00.0 61..8 U.7 •••'.1 I 1.1 11.' !.~•• 18.1 1••& ZO.l sa•• sa.!! M.I 11 100.0 I 62.1 U.O I 401 .7 11.' 15.4 18.1 1'.1 19.8 40.8 '7.8 65.0 -- ~ 15 1.00.0 I 61.0 ".1 40' 1.' 12.11 It.8 11.1 1••e 21.1 41.1 88.0 65.1 Sl lOOoO 111.0 41.7 4.5 1.2 U.1 U.1 15.6 12.1 U.4 ".0 11.0 sa•• FebrurT 1& 1.00.0 61.2 U.' '.8 1.9 10.2 10.2 15.0 12.1 U.S 42.5 16.8 M.' 28 100.0 64.1 4I.a 1.1 1 1.0 8.' 8.' 15.1. U.i 22.6 SS.1 sa.2 ...... 15 1.00.0 66.0 ".8 1.U B.& B.I 12.8 8.8 21.1 "U.I.. 64.0 65.1. 11 1.00.0 64.2 U.I •••1.5 I 1.5 10.11 10.11 14.1 12.1 21.1 42.11 SS.8 M.1 &pr1l U 1.00.0 6&.' 47.7 1.6 1.1 B.7 8.7 12.1 lU.o 21.8 42•• 14.1 52.1 10 1.00.0 64.0 CII.1 5.5 1.1 B.I 8.1 11.8 8.' 22.1 41.9 18.0 51..1 IIq 15 100.0 61.5 50.11 5.11 .11 8.0 9.0 1,,11 9.9 17.' 111.1 1t.5 411.1. 11 100.0 66.' 52.7 5.1 .6 U.l U.I 16.5 Uol 17.1 15.5 sa.1I 47.& -. U 100.0 66.11 £lI.1I 5.' .8 10.0 10.0 15.4 10.B 1.1.8 SS.II 65.2 46•• 10 1.00.0 64.1 50.' 5.S 1.S U.6 U.II 16.9 12.9 18.0 18.1 SS.8 '9.11 .t.__ 1.00.0 62.6 50.5 '.5 1.S 12.8 12.8 17.8 1'.1 ZO.l 1&•• 57.4 48.5 -.-- '-----~---,

....."--,~ .1117 15 1.00.0 57.7 21.5 8.6 1.8 10.8 ".7 42.1 711.& 51 100.0 58.' 22.2 10.5 r~r-i:-8 .6 U.l .6 10.5 11.2 41.6 11.8 ~U&Uet. 15 100.0 57.2 28.8 9.11 ~ I 1:~ 1.0 10.9 1.0 11.8 10.7 42.8 11.1 51 100.0 &4.8 29.4 10.0 1.1 11.7 2.1 11.5 !lB.5 45.2 70•• ~ 15 100.0 5&.11 28.' 10.5 :: I ·~:X -Tf"d2.6 lB.l . 2.8 81.0 61.8 ".1 10.8 10 100.0 511.8 28.8 10.4 o , 1.8 1.8 12.2 1.8 27.11 68.' 40.1 11.1 Detober 15 100.0 1IO.1i 28.2 8.8 .2 i 2.2 2.2 12.0 2.' 27.6 68.' 1i.1i 11.1 11 100.0 64.6 28.1 9.7 .6 2.1 2.1 U.S 2.7 21.6 67.6 SS.4 10.5 10_ 15 100.0 65.1 10.0 6.5 .2, 1.1 5.1 10.2 S.8 26.7 86.1 18.8 10.0 10 100.0 55.t 22•• 5.11 .6 ! 15.7 15.1 21.S 18.8 25.6 61..1 46.8 77.8 1& 1.00.0 51.5 21.9 5.1 .7 10.2 10.2 15.1 10.8 21.4- 115.1 42.1 711.1 11 1.00.0 5&.11 21.' '.5 .7 10.5 lU.5 16.0 ll.'! 28.' 85.' 78.8 .Iamw7 11 100.0 55.4 25.8 5•• 10.8 111.2 U.l 10•• 62.11 ca.1I".. 74.1 :: I - 11 100.0 55.0 26.9 6.8 1~:: 1.2 1'.1 1.7 52.8 65.' '7.0 75.1 rebruarT 15 100.0 51.0 29.i 6.6 6.2 6.2 12.7 G.6 18.1 88.5 411.0 70.1 28 100.0 28.1 7.5 .1•• '.5 ••5 12.0 ',8 '5.8 61.1 5&.8 11.9 15 100.0 I "46.6.. 21.1 7.5 .1 6.4 11.11 5.5 19.5 67.2 5.' £lI•• 72.1 11 1.00.0 , ca.5 28.' 10.8 0 6.' 5.5 11.2 5.5 14.1 l1li.1 51..6 11•• &pr1l 15 100.0 50.4 28.' 8.' 0 2.5 U.8 2.5 57.8 68.1 49.8 11.6 - 10 lOQ.O 51.8 10.1 5.11 0 I.' '.1 8.1 10.0 1.1 18.1 68.2 48.1 ea•• ..., 15 100.0 I 4&.11 27.' 7.7 0 '.11 5.8 12.S 1.11 42.1 68.5 &4•• 72.1 11 100.0 ".1 27•• 8.0 I 0 '.5 a.5 12.5 8.1i 41.' 611.1 65.8 12.11 JIIDII 15 100.0 44.1 sa.l 8.Q 1.8 8.1 S.I 12.5 '.8 '1.0 62.8 &&.~ l1li.9 10 100.0 47.5 sa.l 7.8 I 0 .6 .6 8.& .11 44.0 66.8 62.5 66.8 .t.n..... 100.0 51.1 21.6 8.1 .1 '.8 '.6 11.0 '.8 SI.S 61.6 ".S 71.4

@ UPDATA 1981 59

Tablo 17.-Lo.,. _ obort. __te ot report.1II& _ lIOunportiDI trcdOl'll••_00<1 u pora..tq. of total 0_ contracte. on all contzoaet _oto _ ••-.....~. ""1T 19&2 to Jgno 1955-Cont1ml1d

Roport.~ (larco) tn.doro· c__ y""-rtedu. lounportiDI (0Mll) Totalopc tradero' opoculat.1ft _~t.1ft Date _ .....te _ bedc1al --- Redc1aI Total LallI or Le.,. _1IIort. _tamte!! Total abort oAlT (oproodl.OI) -!----­ Lelll! I Sbort Le.,. I Sbort ;.0.,. I Sbort La.,. I Sbort LallI I Sbort Le.,. I SIlort

~ 1& 100.0 &6.1 118.9 6.6 0 12.6 12.8 111.2 12.6 24.7 48.& 4!l.9 61.1 11 100.0 n.2 29.7 5.1 ,1 10.8 10.8 15.9 10.9 20.9 59.4 !56.8 70.& 15 100.0 68.4 24.8 5.9 0 9.5 9.5 15.4 9.& 21.2 6&.7 56.-~, 7&.2 ''''''''' ftl 100.0 58.0 26.7 U.O 0 9.2 I e.2 20.2 9.2 21.8 64.1 42.0 7a.a ~ 15 100.0 , 611.9 27.0 7.4 0 8.6 8.6 16.0 8.6 24.1 64.4 40.1 75.0 &0 100.0 57.9 2&.8 7.8 .1 8.5 8.5 16.1 8.4 26.0 65.8 42.1 ".2 OotobClr 16 100.0 ! 64.8 22.5 5.7 0 7.6 7.6 15.5 7.6 21.9 69.9 as.2 '1'7.6 11 100.0 , 52,2 19.8 5.7 5.0 6.8 6.8 12.& 9.8 25.5 70.6 5'.8 80.4 16 100.0 I 67.' ID.l 6.6 4.9 1.2 1.2 7.8 6.1 24•• 7••7 $2.2 80.8 110 100.0 70.7 20.8 0.2 6.5 0 0 6.2 6.5 25.1 72.7 29.& 79.2 15 100.0 i 67.5 20.7 9.8 5.5 0 0 9.8 5.& 22.9 74.0 $2.7 79.5 11 100.0 I 58.5 48.7 8.1 0 0 0 8.1 0 t&.6 51.5 11.7 61.ft - I JIIIDU7 16 100.0 79.7 75.5 0 12.8 0 0 0 12.8 20.& 15.9 20.1 26.7 -- 11 100.0 8008 52.9 0 20.5 0 0 0 20.5 19.2 16.8 111.2 37.1 r.1>ruar7 15 100.0 76.8 48.4 0 26.8 0 0 0 26.8 25.2 24.8 28.2 &5•• 26 100.0 62.0 &9.0 58.0 '1.0 0 0 58.0 '1.0 0 0 58.0 '1.0 1& 100.0 100.0 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 100.0 100.0 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 April 15 100.0 100.0 100.0 0 v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 110 100.0 100.0 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lIlT 1& 100.0 100.0 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 100.0 100.0 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 100.0 100.0 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 """" 110 100.0 100.0 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~. -.~---" ---­ - Aftna. 100.0 64.tS 29.0 6.8 2.6 5.9 &.9 12.8 8.5 22.6 62.5 !S.' 71.0

31117 15 100.0 ?t.9 $0.0 10.0 1.7 11.1 U.l 27.1 12.8 57.2 27.1 70.0 U 100.0 7&.4 !S.7 10.8 1.6 12.9 12.9 25.7 I 14.5 49.e 24.6 64.& A"""" 16 100.0 72.2 !S.1 10.7 1.a 17.1 17.1 27.8 I 18.( 48.6 27.8 64.9 III 100.0 72.2 S6.4 7.2 8.( 20.4 20•• 27.6 2&.8 >1.2 59.8 27.8 68.6 I S~r 16 100.0 7&,,1 42.9 6.8 .8 17.' 17.6 24.4 18.' 0 58.7 24.' 57.1 110 100.0 76.7 60.' 8.8 8.7 14.' 1••' 25.5 18.1 0 11.5 25.a 48.6 October 15 100.0 64.9 51.4 7.2 9.6 7.9 7.9 16.1 17.& (a) 51.1 15.1 48.6 III 100.0 85.0 65.5 8.8 4.8 8.2 8.2 17.0 15.0 0 21.& 17.0 154.5 _r 15 100.0 87.& 85.' U.5 0 1.2 1.2 12.7 1.2 0 18.' 12.1 14.6 $C 100.0 89•• 88.8 9.9 6.2 .6 .6 10.5 6.8 IJ 9.' 10.6 16.2 Doot.ber 1& 100.0 92.2 9a.& 5.6 2.6 2.2 2.2 7.8 408 0 1.7 7.8 6.& 51 100.0 74.1 91.0 25.8 I 6.5 2.1 2.1 25.9 7.6 0 1 •• 26.9 9.0 .Iam1u7 16 100.0 69.a 96.a D.I 2.' 1.2 1.2 $0.7 5.6 0 .1 $0.7 8.7 51 100.0 64.a 91.0 $0.8 '.7 4.S 4.& !S.t 9.0 0 0 !S.2 lI.0 robn&ar7 15 100.0 eS.8 lI2.8 lIll.l ••2 8.0 a.o 55.1 7.2 0 0 58.1 7.2 26 100.0 7&.11 9a.! 21.( 4.1 2.7 2.7 24.1 6.8 0 0 26.1 6.9 15 100.0 75.11 06.2 111.5 7.& '.8 4.6 24.1 12.1 0 1.7 24.1 15.8 $1 100.0 81.8 sa.l 18.2 7.9 5.0 5.0 18.2 12.9 0 1.0 18.2 18.11 April 15 100.0 68.4 711.tI 22.6 9.8 6.0 8.0 26.6 16.8 a.l 4.8 lIl.a 20.( - $0 100.0 88.0 76.8 21.8 8.8 8,( 8.( $0.2 17.2 1.8 6.0 $2.0 I 25.2 IIq 16 100.0 70.5 72.6 111.4 U.O 8.5 8.6 27.11 19.6 1.6 7.11 29.6 27•• 51 100.0 70.8 72.6 18.6 10.1 8.8 8.8 27.5 18.8 1.11 8.6 29.2 27.5 Jgno 15 100.0 66.6 70.8 21.B 9.6 9.6 9.6 $0.9 19.2 2.6 10.2 55.6 29.4 110 100.0 89.B 10.0 20.7 U.5 7.11 7.9 26.8 19.( 1.6 10.6 110.2 110.0

~. ~._~ ->C -' .. " ~ -~ --~-.- --,.---~. ~- ---.,-~ ...... -.,.-- .-- ...... -'-' . -.~ ...--- -.--­ " -- . . ... ­ Aftnao 100.0 74.S 65.2 15.S 6.8 9.6 9.6 24.9 15.6 .8 21.a 26.7 !56.8


""l7 16 lOU.O 5a.2 9.4 7.6 IS.6 \ 18.6 2a.0 21.2 2S.8 U.8 $1 100.0 6O.a 46.754.9 I 26.4 10.0 14.5 14.8 42.7 24.5 7.0 80.0 Au",.t 15 100.0 60.5 SO., 28.8 8.1 U.S U.5 4O.a 111.8 9.2 $0.0 51 100.0 64.6 I 46.4 n.8 ~16 100.0 64.8 52.4 14.& ::~ ~:: I ~:: ~~:: ::: ~:~ :::~ 110 100.0 57.1 52.6 17.2 U.l 9.5 9.5 26.5 20.4 16.4 27.0 October 15 100.0 &8.0 49.2 14,0 12.a 10.7 I 10.7 24.7 2S.0 17.5 27.8 $1 15 100.0 58.5 45.2 12.11 100.0 60.8 42.1 10.8 ~:: 1 i~:~ 1 ~:~ ~~:~ ::= ~:: I ~:~ _r 110 100.0 I 70.0 44.8 6.2 18.6 15.4 15.4 18.8 52.0 10.'-, 2!.2 Doc_r 15 100.0 62.0 4S.1 9.2 $1 100.0 56.2 &8.6 15.0 ~.: i:'~ I i:'~ ~~:: ~:: i::: I ~:~ JanU&l')' 16 100.0 56.5 a8.6 1&.6 $1 100.0 57.0 &8.6 18.2 r.b.....,. 15 100.0 61.& 42.4 18.9 _ 1526 100.0 65.11 48.4 14.6 100.0 60.7 44.' 20•• $l 100.0 58.a 40.8 21.S ~~16.8 ~I~~7.2 7.2 28.5~~ 24.0~:! lB.2~I~i S5.2 April 11 100.0 81.1 45.lI 21.1 10.5 5.lI 1.8 25.6 14.4 12.a '1.7 :Ill 100.0 a .• 40.7 11.0 10.' 4.1 4.1 21.1 14.& 16.8 44.8 lIlT 15 100.0 &8.7 48.5 U.2 5.1 7.' 7.4 18.11 10.6 12.7 40.1 $l 100.0 76.6 60.4 10.5 .5 8.2 8.2 IB.7 8.5 4.7 '1.1 ""no 15 100.0 69.8 48.1 12.7 S.6 9.8 9.9 22.6 IS.4 7.5 58.5 $0 100.0 &6.8 48.1 U.5 2.2 9.4 9.4 25.9 U.S 'ti.aa8.a ~-+---.+~-.- - --*----1---­ 100.0 60.4 16.2 14.4 11.0 U.O 26.2 - 26.4 15.4 211.0 ____-'--__-L__--!___L-_--l_~ ___ ~ d__ _.__ __-"-___-'--___

UPDATA 1981 60

Table 17-""" &lid obart. __ of "POrt.1JIc ...s DODJ'tIPOrt.1JIc tradanl. _"0<1 u perect.occ of total ope co"l.raoto. 0" r.n OOQl.raot _to _ ••_oth17• .!D17 11152 to ohmI 1II5&-CoDt1mlod

~rt.1JIc (lIrIe) tradanI' __to }oj "POrt.

SD'flIIAII OIL -'-r-- ..._-­ ,-~- r-~., ..~r_• J\alT 15 100.0 55.2 15.1 11.& 29.' 11.5 11.5 26.8 lIB.1 18.0 tII.2 ".8 84.11 U 100.0 51.1 11.1 11.0 2(.& 10.~ 10.2 27.2 at.t 15.7 511.2 tIt.1I IID.II '"",at 1& 100.0 65.1 11.4 16.1 22.a 9.5 11.5 26.2 81.8 10.1 511.8 58.11 88.8 51 100.0 68.2 10.1 15.0 14.11 10.1 10.1 25.7 25.S 16.1 8S.8 41.11 88.( s.p~r 1& 100.0 52.8 9.4 21.1 17.11 U.8 14.11 58.6 112.8 10.1 &7.8 47.2 110.8 50 100.0 52.8 9.5 28.8 25.7 10.6 10.8 a9.t II.S 1.1 Iit.l 41.1 110.5 October 15 100.0 1it.2 5.9 28.' 26.1 lI.a 9.5 57.7 S5.' 8.1 68.1 G.8 lIt.l U 100.0 511.11 5.1 50.5 to.a 8.1 8.1 68.' 1tS.( '.7 61.8 G.1 98.1 Io...ber 15 100.0 1it.4 4.1 52.1 20.1 6.2 6.2 68.8 26.1 8.7 69.6 4.5.8 115.8 50 100.0 51.11 6.' 68.1 18.6 6.5 6.5 G.2 26.1 ~,~ 61.6 48.1 n.8 Il00_ 15 100.0 fS.O 5.5 57.5 n.o 7.6 7.6 4&.1 28.6 ~J~ 65.11 51.0 1It.5 51 100.0 tIt.5 9.2 58.( zt.8 11.1 11.1 41.5 as.1I ;'1,<.1 1it.1I &7.6 110.8 o/amlOl7 15 100.0 G •• 12.7 55.2 zt.8 12.4 12•• 4&.8 57.2 11.0 50.1 87.5 111 100.0 tII.5 12.1 28.( 24.7 11.4 11.4 S9.8 58.1 lB.7 51.1 &6.'&S.5 87.1 r0bruar7 15 100.0 tII.8 12.5 18.4 26.8 10.8 10.8 211.0 57.2 24.2 50.5 &S.2 87.1 28 100.0 45.0 11.2 14.1 25.1 12.4 12.4 26.5 S7.11 50.5 50.11 &7.0 88.S ..reb 15 100.0 68.7 12.2 20.0 22.1 11.1 11.1 Slol 55.4 50.2 1it.4 81.S 87.11 51 100.0 511.8 U.S 16.1 18.8 12.8 12.8 28.11 81.7 Ill.S 64.0 80.2 85.7 'prU 15 100.0 4O.S 15.0 11.8 1.11 12.1 12.1 zt.8 14.6 5&.1 70.' 511.1 85.0 50 100.0 40.4 15.8 11.1 5.8 7.D 1.11 111.5 11.1 40.1 12.6 511.8 84.1 ... 1& 100.0 57.S 18.5 14.8 S.II 9.5 1.1 24.1 15,2 68.8 88.1 62.1 81.5 81 100.0 45.0 22.8 11.5 4.8 ••S ••1 15.6 9.1 41.( 88.S &7.0 17.' JuDe 15 100.0 45.5 25.4 10.11 .8 6.0 6.0 18.11 8.G 511.8 70.0 511.5 18.8 50 100.0 41.5 18.1 9.5 5.8 1.0 7.0 16.5 12.8 tIt.1 611.1 68.1 81.9

100.0 48.5 11.0 25.8 19.2 9.8 11.8 as.4 20.8 18.1 80.1 51.5 88.0 "'-_. I '.

Ju17 15 100.0 11.a 7.8 20.8 '.0 2.5 2.~ 2S.a 6.5 5•• &Ii.7 28.1 92.& al 100.0 71.4 7.8 20.4 4.' 2.1 2.9 2$.S 7.1 a.s 84.1 26.6 82.1 '-'t 15 100.0 77.2 8.t 17.S '.5 1.8 1.8 19.5 a.s 85.5 22.8 81.11 51 100.0 77.( 12.1 14.7 S.S 4.0 4.0 18.7 6.'7.S 5.8 22.8 87.9 Sep~r 15 100.0 78.0 12.11 16.0 5.5 2.1 2.11 17.11 8.1 6.1 70.11BO.' 24.0 87.1 50 100.0 78.a 16.1 15.S 8.2 2.5 2.5 18.1 10.7 5.1 72.8 20.7 8S.5 Dotober 1& 100.0 82.0 20.1 10.1 15.1 2.S 2.8 12.11 15.8 5.1 81.8 18.0 78.1 51 100.0 75.1 18.1 14.1 11.1 5.S S.8 I 17.1 16.5 6.6 615 •• 24.S 81.11 Io_r 15 100.0 75.4 25.4 10.1 11.2 2.11 2.1! I 15.0 14.1 11.8 80.5 24.8 74•• 50 100.0 7S•• 111.7 7.5 7.0 4.S '.6 12.1 11.8 11.5 88.1 2S.8 lIoo_r 15 100.0 80.11 20.2 8.7 S.II 5.5 5.5 14.2 11.4 4.9 70.4 18.1 78.8BO.' 81 100.0 84.1 14.0 10•• 5.5 5.5 15.8 5.8 0 80.1 15.11 88.0 .Iam1Ol7 15 100.0 82.8 11.5 15.1 a•• 2.1 2.1 11.2 2.1 a B8.4 11.1 88.5 51 100.0 84.5 12.0 1'.4 a 1.a 1.S 15.7 1.1 a 88.1 15.1 88.0 r.b.....,. 15 100.0 84.2 11.9 14.1 a 1.7 1.1 15.8 1.7 a 88.' 15.8 88.1 28 100.0 80.4 15.1 14.9 .5 1.8 1.8 18.S 2.1 a.o 84.8 19.8 88.9 IIarob 15 100.0 75.11 u.a 21.S .5 4.5 4.5 I 26.1 5.0 a 81.7 20.1 88.7 U 100.0 67.7 12.8 28.1 1.4 2.8 2.8 Sl.4 4.2 .8 8a.0 112•• 87.2 'prU 1& 100.0 11.7 11.11 U.II 1.4 2.5 2.5 27.( 1.11 .11 84.& 28.S 88.1 50 100.0 72.0 11.5 2S.a 2.( 1.1! 1.11 25.1 '.1 2.8 84.1 28.0 88.5 I!a,r 15 100.0 71.7 11.1 25.8 2.5 1.8 1.8 27.4 4.5 • 11 84•• 28.S 88.11 81 100.0 BO.7 11.8 14.5 S.O 5.0 5.0 19.a 8.0 a eo,2 18.& 88.1 JuM 15 100.0 76.1 12.11 17.0 4.0 6.11 6.11 25.11 10.11 a 78.2 25.1 87.1 50 100.0 17.8 14.1 11.8 4.6 7.S 7.8 19.4 12.1 2.8 1a.7 22.2 85.8 ,_" 100.0 76.11 lS.1 16.1 '.0 S.2 S.2 18.g 7.2 1.2 18.7 25.1 88.9

,: @ UPDATA 1981 61

Table 17.-LonI and lbor\ __ at NI>OI'UlII and DO~r\1II& trade.., ~ .. porcoats;. at total _ CODtnoto, OD all cootnDt _at. OO1II>lood••oallIGnthl.T. Jul7 1~52 to JUDe ~~t1onod

bpol'Ulll (lara') trod...' __to Y nportod g,

.~I'UlII (aall) Spooolot1ft ~Otal opID traden'_ hodc1ol~U.. COD_to 'fotol Looa or 10"1 and obor\ Totol Bodc1oI obor\ ow I (oiIl'Ud1o&) - lIbor\ Looa Sbor\ 10na Sbor\ LoDe Sbor\ Shor\ 10"1 SOOr\ Looal--V I I I I LoJIIT I

Jul7 11; 100.0 av.l .a.a 11.0 0 0 0 11.0 0 '9.V &a•• 6O.V &a•• n 100.0 a.v 110.' 10.' 0 0 0 10.' 0 60.7 69.6 11.1 6V.0 ...... t 15 100.0 52.5 110.9 i) 0 0 0 0 0 41.5 69.1 41.5 68.1 n 100.0 55.& I 24.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 ".7 76.1 ".7 15.1 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 M.2 ".8 ~r 15 100.0 55.8 j 26.2 ".2 ".8 110 100.0 60.1 26.8 0 .5 1.9 1.9 1.8 2 • ." 17.8 11.7 av.7 74.1 Octo!>er 15 100.0 61.1 2~.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 sa.9 75.6 sa.8 75.6 11 100.0 Sl.l 10.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .a.V 70.0 foB.S 70.0 10_ 16 100.0 46.S 28.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 64.7 71.2 64.7 11.2 SO 100.0 62.B 110.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 47.e 68.1 47.2 68.1 -.. 15 100.0 45.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 45.1 5S.S 48.e sa.a 11 100.0 115.5lie.' 68.8 0 9.1 S.O 1.0 S.O 11.1 60.~ 110.1 ClI.6 41.2 .-...,. 15 100.0 42.1 49.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 57.t 60.8 57.4 60.9 n 100.0 57.7 av.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 42.S 6O.S 42.1 60.1 hI>ru.r7 16 100.0 52.8 .a.t 0 0 0 0 0 0 47.2 sa.6 '7.2 sa.8 2B 100.0 18.& 61.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 20.& sa•• 20.5 sa•• ...... 15 100.0 94.1 21.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 15.9 78.5 15.8 79.5 n 100.0 70.6 56.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 28•• 6S.a 28•• 61.1 ~..u 16 100.0 1ll.6 i 62.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 19.5 17•• 19.5 17.4 SO 100.0 100.0 , 97.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.8 0 2.9 ~ 15 100.0 100.0 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 100.0 97.4 I 94.8 0 0 C; 0 0 0 2.6 &.1 2.8 &.1 .:... 15 100.0 95.6 to.O 0 0 0 0 0 0 16.' 60.0 16.4 60.0 SO 100.0 61.1 I 45.8 17.1 0 1.6 1.6 sa.7 1.6 0 Sl.6 1B.7 &a.1 ._0 100.0 55.8 I 1\11.8 2.0 .S .1 .S 2.1 .6 41.8 62.6 ",', 61.1 SIII/I!II Jul7 15 100.0 foB.2 57.) 52.9 0 5.1 &.& sa.1 5.1 15.6 17.0 51.8 42.8 n 100.0 16.' 55.8 27.8 0 2.9 2.8 W.7 2.8 52.8 4S.e 9!..6 .a•• 0 &a •• 60.1 77.1 60.2 ' .....t 15 100.0 22.7 48.8 28.9 0 0 0 21.9 11 100.0 N.7 sa.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 66.1 08.8 8&.& 86.8 ~r 15 100.0 28.1 28.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 11.8 70.1 11.V 70.1 SO 100.0 av.' 21.1 0 0 .6 .11 .6 .11 60.0 7B.1 60.6 78.9 October 15 100.0 21.1 18.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 78.7 81.2 79.7 81.2 n 100.0 18.1 16.& 0 0 0 0 0 0 81.7 8&.7 81.7 8S.7 lti 100.0 21.6 14.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 78.' 85.1 78.' 85.2 SO 100.0 18.7 11.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 81.1 99.6 81.& 88.5 Doc_r 15 100.0 2&.) 27.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 78.8 72.e 76.8 721 - n 100.0 17.1 &5.e 0 0 0 0 0 0 82.8 94.2 82.9 e:w.2 .I&ou.r7 15 I 100.0 24.8 sa•• 0 0 0 0 0 0 75.1 08.8 76.1 88.8 n 100.0 41.t I 47.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 68.6 62.8 58.6 52.8 r'bnar7 16 100.0 26.1 6O.V 12.8 0 0 0 12.6 0 82.1 48.1 74.9 49.1 28 100.0 62.1 60.6 15.0 0 0 0 15.0 0 24.7 49.t 17.7 48.4 ...... 15 100.0 59.1 21.6 17.5 0 0 0 17.5 0 2&.2 79.t to.7 78.4 n 100.0 72.0 19.0 17.0 0 0 0 17.0 0 1...0 81.0 28.0 81.0 ~ril 15 100.0 96.5 26.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 14.5 7&.6 14.5 7&.0 SO 100.0 79.8 6&.0 21.t D 0 0 21.4 0 0 n.o 21.t n.o ~ u 100.0 100.0 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 51 100.0 100.0 68.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n.l 0 &1.2 JUDe 15 100.0 !la.8 to.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 17.4 59.4 17.t 59.4 110 100.0 100.0 100.0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A__ -­ --;,.-~ 100.0 15.6 &1.6 8.7 0 .4 .t 7.) .4 67.4 66.1 94.5 66.5

Jul7 15 100.0 27.7 59.2 22.8 17.7 12.5 12.6 15.& 110.2 17.0 10.8 72.& to.9 11 100.0 to.& 59.7 22.1 16.6 15.4 15.t S7.5 52.0 22.2 9.a 69.7 40.& Auaut 15 100.0 to.l &9.5 22.2 16.7 15.5 16.5 S7.7 52.2 22.2 8.& 69.9 to.5 n 100.0 &7.7 51.6 22.2 16.6 15.& 15.6 S7.7 52.1 24.6 I 14.& 62.S 45.t sep_r 16 100.0 N.8 Sl.9 25.1 17.& 16.0 16.0 19.1 SS.& 26.S 14.9 66.t foB.l 110 100.0 SS.I 62.0 17.4 19.7 19.5 19.5 16.7 sa.D 51.0 0 66.7 IB.O October 16 100.0 sa.7 72.6 27.4 20.6 6.9 6.9 N.S 27.5 27.0 0 61.S 27.5 n 100.0 100.0 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lIo_r lS 100.0 100.0 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 110 100.0 100.0 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Doc_r 16 100.0 100.0 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 &1 100.0 67.1 100.0 I 52.7 0 0 0 62.7 0 0 ; 0 62.7 0 JIImII!7 15 100.0 66.0 100.0 N.O 0 0 0 ".0 0 0 0 14.0 0 51 100.0 100.0 100.0 0 0 0 0 .) 0 0 , 0 0 D hI>ru.r7 15 100.0 100.0 64.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S6.8 0 &6.8 28 100.0 100.0 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 100.0 100.0 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 &1 100.0 100,0 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ril 16 100.0 100.0 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 - SO 100.0 62.1 74,2 0 0 0 0 0 0 S7.9 26.8 57.9 25.8 IIq lli 100.0 61.6 72.6 0 I) 0 0 0 0 lB.t 27.4 lB•• n.t 11 100.0 65.5 91.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 56.6 6.1 66.5 6.& "... 16 100.0 69.6 9&.0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 to.t 7.0 to.t 7.0 SO 100.0 59.6 94.2 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 to.t ! 6.8 to.' 5.9 .""..... 100.0 55.5 ?l.9 15.5 11.& 9.0 9.0 24.5 2O.!! 22:0~ 7.9 46.5 2801

.:"W"i.*,tt"$'fi'1w··~'·r mftttm J@ UPDATA 1981 62

~rUJ>c (lul-) tradGw' __Y __rted ... ~(..u) ~ot.al_ \ndonI' epeculaU.. Speco&laU.. Date Total. ''''''\I'l10\0 _bqilll Loac or Loac ADd obort fotal. IIedc1mI oblort cmlT (op..-1JItI)

Short Short Short Lo~ Short Lo~ Lo~ Short Loac--V I Loac I Lo~ I _. I I SlIort I

~ 15 100.0 2'.8 U.S 29.S 17.8 11.6 11.S .o&l.t 29.' M.O 25.5 7S.t 54.7 51 100.0 25.7 47.5 7•• 15.9 9.4 D.4 18.a 25.5 S7.~ 17.4 76.S 61.7 ...... t 15 100.0 28.7 u.a 4.0 11.2 10.5 10.5 140.& 17.5 &9.0 28.9 ?a.S 54.4 51 100.0 &2.4 45.8 7.8 17.0 15.5 15.5 n.1 SO.3 48.5 25.11 67.' SS.I s.p- 1& 100.0 35.0 57.7 7.2 15.5 15.4 15.4 ZO.6 28.9 411.4 35.4 67.0 62.$ SO 100.0 29.1 41.2 8.5 18.0 12.4 12.4 ZO.? 28•• SO.I SO., 70.D SS.O October 15 100.0 as.5 41.0 14.0 5.5 11.4 11.' 25.' 16.7 59.1 42.1 64.5 &9.0 U 100.0 41.1 59.6 16.5 5.6 11.7 11.1 28.2 17.5 SO.7 45.1 SO.D lo_ II 100.0 41.6 SO.7 16.5 11.5 10.0 10.0 26.5 22.5 U.9 67.0 SO., 60.'611.1 SO 100.0 44.D 25.7 10.1 19.1 1.9 7.9 26.0 17.0 28.1 (D.S 55.1 11.8 Doe_ 15 100.0 1IB.8 27.1 28.1 15.9 7.0 1.0 55.1 22.9 28.1 (D.D Sl.1 72.8 51 100.0 35.' 24.7 29.4 19.7 D.I D.I SO.6 28.9 28.0 46.4 M.6 75.1 "-'T 15 100.0 lIB.e 26.0 25.4 11.8 10.7 10.7 56.1 28.& 25.5 U.S Sl.' 74.0 51 100.0 57.6 29.5 25.0 19.1 12.2 12.2 57.2 51.4 25.2 59.1 70.5 hbNU7 15 100.0 55.0 22.9 n.8 19.9 14.7 14.7 56.5 54.6 28.5 42.5 lIZ.'65.0 77.1 28 100.0 28.5 25.1 17.1 20.1 15.6 15.6 SO.7 55.7 40.8 45.1 11.5 76.8 15 100.0 SO.l 22.8 11.8 18.5 15.5 15.5 Sl.l 29.6 SO.8 47.6 611.11 77.1 51 100.0 51.7 15.0 14.8 10.1 15.0 15.0 29.6 2&.1 SO.S (D.8 68.5 75.0 .t.prU 15 100.0 M.O 17.9 14.' 1'.0 15.6 15.6 28.0 27.6 SO.O 44.5 68.0 72.1 26.0 - SO 100.0 SO.7 :U.8 !t.6 1'.6 15.' 15.' ] 28.0 45.1 40.1 69.5 68.2 ..., 15 100.0 27.5 29.1 15.1 15.8 18.5 10.5 35.4 &2.1 59.1 58.? 72.5 70.8 51 100.0 22.5 &2.' 19.6 18.2 lEt.1 24.1 45.7 42.S 35.8 25.5 77.5 67.6 J\m8 15 100.0 1'1",1 21.7 15.5 19.D &2.0 &2.0 47.6 Sl.D M.D 26.' 62.' 78.S SO 100.0 14.2 12.2 :I6.S 56.1 fB.6 52.7 28.9 05.8 Sl.6 lB.' - 18.' - 57.' 100.0 51.2 29.D 17.5 16.1 15.2 15.2 11.7 Sl.S :16.1 SO.8 68.8 70.1

_~T_~ .~,.. .-.--,.~ .._-'---­ .... ,-~" ... ,- --~"-.- . "'~.~--,--- ... .. _ ------'-- - .. ."~--- .. -"

1/ ~rUJ>c tradero .... _ oubJ...t to "-rt1D& ~ __ ~V -.,.. Act. ~ Dor1ftd lIT ou_tilll "-rUJ>c trIWIl'II' __to r... total. 0\*1 __• ~ f4•• thin 0.05 rer,:~nt.


:."i' ''''"&5z12"*' '''t¥atWirrinhftr$WW~ J@ UPDATA 1981 •

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