For release: Thursday, July 19, 2001 7:00 A.M. EDT


The disappearance of former government intern Chandra Levy and the revelations about her relationship with Representative have adversely affected views of Condit among his constituents. Most of the people Condit represents believe he has impeded the police investigation into Levy's disappearance and has asked at least one other woman to lie about a sexual relationship.

However, Condit's constituents still say he has done a good job as their U.S. Representative, and while a majority of voters say they would not vote for him again if he ran for re-election, only a third say that he should resign his seat now.

WHAT SHOULD GARY CONDIT DO? Resign 33% Finish his term 53


More than half of Condit's constituents in 's Congressional District 18 say Condit has done a good or excellent job as their Representative, even though their personal opinion of him is unfavorable. 16% describe his job performance as excellent and another 35% say he's done a good job. 24% rate his job performance as fair, and 12% say he's done a poor job.

CONDIT'S JOB PERFORMANCE Excellent/Good 51% Only Fair/Poor 36

OPINION OF GARY CONDIT Favorable 21% Unfavorable 35

As for the future, nearly two-thirds of Condit's constituents say his job performance has been affected by the recent news, and half say it has seriously interfered with his job performance. Almost a quarter, however, say his performance has not been affected by this.

This poll was conducted among a total sample of 1,001 California adults; including 566 adults in California's 18th Congressional District. The additional district sample was weighted to its proper proportion when combined with the statewide sample. Interviews were conducted by telephone July 16-17, 2001. The error due to sampling could be plus or minus four percentage points on results for the district sample and plus or minus five percentage points for statewide estimates.

Although most respondents don't think Condit should resign - at least for now - he gets relatively little support should he decide to run for re-election. 53% of voters in his district say they would not vote for him if he ran for re-election. Only 24% would vote for him in 2002.

VOTER PREFERENCE IN 2002 CONGRESSIONAL ELECTION Would vote for Condit 24% Would not vote for Condit 53

In 2000, Condit was re-elected with 67% of the vote in his district. The majority that would not vote for him in 2002 includes 42% of those who were part of that landslide victory just last November. While the sentiment for resignation is much lower, those in favor include one in four of the 2000 Condit voters.

Respondents in his district seem a little more tolerant than people statewide (and that may be because Condit's constituents have information about his record in Congress as well as the current scandals to rely on). Among all Californians, 36% say Condit should resign and 45% say he should finish his term.


Condit's constituents (along with most Californians) don't think Condit was involved with Chandra Levy's disappearance last May. However, it appears to be mostly because people aren't sure what to think rather than complete belief in his innocence. As of now, 31% say he was involved in the disappearance.

WAS CONDIT INVOLVED IN LEVY'S DISAPPEARANCE? District Statewide Yes 31% 31% No 39 24 Not Sure 30 45

Whatever his direct involvement, most people do think that he's done things wrong. 64% of his constituents say he seriously hurt the police investigation into Levy's disappearance by holding back information at first. 73% say it bothers them that he did so. 55% say he hasn't yet told the police everything he knows, and 60% say that he probably did ask flight attendant Anne Marie Smith to lie about their affair. Yes No CONDIT SERIOUSLY HURT INVESTIGATION 64% 22 CONDIT HAS NOW TOLD POLICE ALL HE KNOWS 21% 55 CONDIT ASKED SMITH TO LIE 60% 20


Condit's moral values are an issue with voters in his district. Seven in ten say that his moral values do matter to them when they evaluate his job performance. Nearly four in ten say Condit's moral values matter a lot.

But many people say that Condit's behavior - at least when it comes to extramarital liaisons - is not all that unusual among Members of Congress. In fact, two-thirds of his constituents and a majority of all Californians believe that at least half of all Senators and Representatives have had affairs outside of marriage!

HOW MANY IN CONGRESS HAVE HAD AFFAIRS? District Statewide Most 35% 30% About half 32 23 Some 19 31 Hardly any 4 4


Some of these responses are reminiscent of those given by the American public two years ago, during the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal. Then, while many Americans believed Clinton had lied under oath, in most polls only a third supported his resignation.

But public reaction to Clinton's scandals was sharply divided along party lines. That partisan difference is not as clear in this instance, at least in Condit's district. Both Republicans and Democrats in California's 18th Congressional District say Condit has done a good job in office, and neither party's supporters think he should resign. But when it comes to voting in the next election, partisan differences re-emerge. By 67% to 16%, registered Republicans say they would not vote for Condit again. Among registered Democrats, the margin is closer. 37% of registered Democrats say they would vote for Condit but 43% say they would not, including many of those who say they voted for him last November.

And while more women than men supported Clinton, that's not as clear here. If anything, women are somewhat more suspicious. In Condit's own district, women are more likely than men to say they are bothered a lot that Condit initially misled the public and the police about his relationship with Chandra Levy. Statewide, women are slightly more likely than men are to think he might be involved with Levy's disappearance.


Most Californians are following this story closely -- as are about three-quarters of those in Condit's district. Those following it very closely react more negatively to Condit's actions than those who are following it less closely.

As for the news media's coverage, by about two to one Californians say the media has acted responsibly in covering the story. Those in Condit's district also see the media as responsible, though by a slightly narrower margin.

CBS NEWS POLL CONDIT AND LEVY: THE DISTRICT REACTS July 16-17, 2001 q3 How would you rate the job Gary Condit has done as U.S. Representative - excellent, pretty good, only fair or poor?

CA CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT 18 ***** Party ID ***** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % Excellent 16 19 21 9 Pretty good 35 36 36 33 Only fair 24 24 22 26 Poor 12 11 10 15 DK/NA 13 10 11 17 q4 Is your opinion of Gary Condit favorable, not favorable, undecided, or haven't you heard enough about Gary Condit yet to have an opinion?

Favorable 21 19 27 15 Not favorable 35 48 31 27 Undecided 22 19 21 25 Haven't heard enough 21 14 19 31 Refused 1 0 2 2 q14 When it comes to conduct in one's personal life, do you think public officials should be held to a higher standard or to the same standard as you hold yourself?

CA Statewide

% Higher 43 53 41 34 44 Same 53 46 55 58 50 Lower (vol.) 0 0 0 0 0 DK/NA 4 1 4 8 6 q15 How closely have you been following news about the disappearance of Chandra Levy, a young woman working in Washington as an intern, and her relationship with Congressman Gary Condit? Have you been following it very closely, somewhat closely, not too closely, or not at all?

Very closely 39 40 42 34 30 Somewhat closely 37 40 40 32 39 Not too closely 16 16 14 19 21 Not at all 7 4 4 14 10 DK/NA 1 0 0 1 0 q16 Do you think this situation has interfered with Representative Condit's ability to effectively do his job as congressman, or not? (IF YES, ASK:) Do you think it has seriously interfered or not?

Yes, seriously interfered 50 59 46 45 54 Yes, but not seriously 15 12 18 17 15 No 23 21 29 21 19 DK/NA 12 8 6 17 12 q17 If Gary Condit was to run for re-election to the House of Representatives from your district, do you think you would vote for him or not?

*****REGISTERED VOTERS***** CA CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT 18 ***** Party ID ***** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % Would vote for him 24 16 37 18 Would not 53 67 43 48 Don't live in district (vol.) 1 1 1 1 DK/NA 22 16 19 33 q18 Given what you know right now, do you think it would be better for his congressional district if Gary Condit resigns from office, or do you think it would be better for his district if Gary Condit serves the remainder of his term in office?

CA CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT 18 CA Statewide % % % % % Resign 33 45 26 29 36 Finish term 53 44 63 51 45 DK/NA 14 11 11 20 19 q19 How much do Gary Condit's moral values matter to you in evaluating how he is handling his job as Congressman -- a lot, somewhat, not too much, or not at all?

A lot 38 49 35 31 Somewhat 32 31 35 30 Not too much 13 6 19 13 Not at all 11 8 8 19 DK/NA 6 6 3 7 q20 Do you think Gary Condit seriously hurt the police investigation into Chandra Levy's disappearance by holding back information about the nature of their relationship, or not?

Has hurt investigation 64 76 58 60 Has not 22 15 29 20 DK/NA 14 9 13 20 q21 As of now, do you think Gary Condit has told the police everything he knows about Chandra Levy's disappearance, or hasn't he? Has 21 19 25 17 Has not 55 62 48 55 DK/NA 24 19 27 28 q22 How much does it bother you that Gary Condit initially misled people about the nature of his relationship with Chandra Levy? Does that bother you a lot, some, not much, or not at all?

A lot 44 55 39 38 Some 29 30 29 27 Not much 13 9 17 13 Not at all 11 5 11 16 DK/NA 3 1 3 6

q26 Based on what you've heard or read, do you think Gary Condit had anything to do with Chandra Levy's disappearance, or not?

CA CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT 18 ***** Party ID ***** Total Rep Dem Ind CA Statewide % % % % % Yes 31 32 30 31 31 No 39 41 42 34 24 DK/NA 30 27 28 35 45 q23 Anne Marie Smith, a flight attendant, says she had an affair with Gary Condit, and that he recently asked her to sign a statement denying they had a relationship. From what you've heard or read, do you think her claim that Condit asked her to lie about their affair is probably true or probably not true?

Probably true 60 71 57 54 Probably not true 20 17 23 19 DK/NA 20 12 20 27 q24 Overall, do you think the news media have acted responsibly or not in covering these stories about Gary Condit and Chandra Levy?

Yes 56 60 53 55 60 No 31 29 35 27 27 DK/NA 13 11 12 18 13 q25 Now think about all the members of the U.S. House and Senate. How many of them do you think have had affairs outside of marriage -- most, about half, some, or hardly any?

Most 35 25 45 34 30 About half 32 39 32 24 23 Some 19 22 14 22 31 Hardly any 5 5 2 6 4 DK/NA 9 9 7 14 12

UNWEIGHTED WEIGHTED Total Respondents 1001

CA Congressional District 18 566 CA Statewide 443

Total Republicans 181 184 Total Democrats 210 203 Total Independents 175 179


CBS News Poll: Condit and Levy: The District Reacts July 16-17, 2001 6