1. NAME: KEHLER, Michael D.

RANK: Research Professor, The Werklund School Of Education, University of Calgary




Degree University Department Year

Ph.D. Michigan State University Teacher Education 2000 M.Ed. University of Western Ontario Educational Studies (Curriculum) 1992 B.Ed. Queen’s University at Kingston Concurrent Education Program 1985 I/S Divisions, English, Geography B.A. (Hons) Queen’s University at Kingston Sociology 1984


Date Rank & Position Department Institution 2017-present Research Professor Werklund School of Education Univ. of Calgary 2006-2017 Associate Professor Faculty of Education U.W.O. 2000-2006 Assistant Professor Faculty of Education U.W.O 2001-Summer Assistant Professor Faculty of Education Mount Saint Vincent 2000 Assistant Professor Faculty of Education U.W.O. 1998-00 Instructor Teacher Education Michigan State Univ. 1998 Instructor Teacher Education Michigan State Univ. 1996-00 Instructor Teacher Education Michigan State Univ. 1993-97 Instructor Teacher Education Michigan State Univ. 1993-97 University-Liaison Teacher Education Michigan State Univ.

4. HONOURS,AWARDS, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: 2019-JAN Queer Studies in Education and Culture-Scholar Spotlight Gallery 2019 Recognized as Queen’s University Top 50 Influential Alumni in 50 Years. (Fall) 2019 Federal Government of (Canadian Embassy –Iceland) $1,000 #MeToo: 2018 Designated-Status of Women Canada- Advocate for Gender Equality 2016 Teaching Excellence Award, Graduate Programs, UWO 2014 Recipient of the UWO Faculty of Education-Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award

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2014 Recipient of UWO Faculty of Education-Travel Research Grant ($3,300) 2012-13 Nominated for Faculty of Education-Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award 2012-13 Nominated for UWO-Award of Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching-WS2205 2012 Recipient of UWO Faculty of Education-Travel Research Grant ($3,700) 2011-12 Nominated for Faculty of Education-Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award. 2007 Recipient of Faculty of Education Internal Research and Development grant ($2,500), University of Western Ontario. 2004 Recipient of SSHRC Travel-Internal Competition ($2,000) University of Western Ontario 2002-03 University Student Council Teaching Honour Roll Award of Excellence 2002 Nominated for the Bank of Nova Scotia, The UWO Alumni Association and the University Students’ Council Award of Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching. 2002 Recipient of Ontario Principal’s Council Research Grant ($7,000), University of Western Ontario 2002 Recipient of SSHRC Travel-Internal Competition ($1,500) University of Western Ontario 2001-02 Recipient of the UWO Faculty of Education-Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award


A) UNDERGRADUATE COURSES TAUGHT: 2020-Winter EDUC450 Diversity if Education-University of Calgary 2019-Winter EDUC450 Diversity in Education-University of Calgary 2018-Winter EDUC450 Diversity in Education-University of Calgary 2015-16 WS2205G Making Men: A critical studies of masculinities U.W.O 2013-14 WS2205 Making Men: A critical studies of masculinities. U.W.O. 2012-13 WS2205 Making Men: A critical studies of masculinities U.W.O. 2011-12 WS2205 Making Men: A critical studies of masculinities U.W.O. 2005-06 ED64 Q/S Transformative and Critical Pedagogies U.W.O. 2000-2011 EDUC 5208 Theories in Teaching and Learning-I-S English. U.W.O.

B) GRADUATE COURSES TAUGHT: 2020-Winter EDER684/787 Critical Pedagogy-Contemporary Themes U of C 2018-Fall EDER684/787 Critical Pedagogy-Contemporary Themes U of C 2015-Fall GED 9200 Social Context of Education U.W.O. 2013-Winter GED 9678 Diverse Traditions in Education Research U.W.O. 2012-Winter GED 9678 Diverse Traditions in Education Research U.W.O. 2011-Winter GED 9628 Masculinities and Schooling: Images U.W.O. 2009-Winter GED 9628 Masculinities and Schooling: Images U.W.O. 2007-Winter GED 628 Masculinities and Schooling: Images U.W.O. 2006-Winter GED 626 Theories of Gender-Theories of Curriculum U.W.O. 2005-Fall GEDU 557 English Teaching: Current Issues U.W.O. 2005-Winter GEDU 628 Masculinities and Schooling: Images U.W.O.

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2003-Winter GEDU 626 Theories of Gender-Theories of Curriculum U.W.O. 2002-Fall GEDU 689- Masculinities and Schooling: Images… U.W.O. 2003-Winter GEDU 628a/b Masculinities and Schooling: Images… U.W.O. 2002-Winter IR&R Masculinities and Schooling: Images … U.W.O 2001-Summer GEDU 6156 Visiting Scholar-Literacies & Difference MSVU 1993-97 TE 501 “Teaching to Diverse Learners” MSU 1998-00 TE 801-803 “Professional Roles and Responsibilities” MSU

C) GRADUATE SUPERVISION: Successfully completed In progress Doctoral Thesis 2 Master’s Thesis 8 Post-Doctoral Fellows Directed Research Projects 3 Total number of Ph.D. Committees served on = 7 Total number of Master’s Advisory Committees served on = 3 Examiner (M.Ed.) 16

Internal Examiner Mukherjee, Mohana (2019) PhD. Educator Perceptions and Experiences Responding to Students and Online Harm: A Comparative Analysis, Sociology-Oral Comprehensives, University of Calgary. March 2.

Vorhies, Andrew (2019) MA., What Role Does a Male Teacher Play in the Relationship Female Learners Build with Mathematics in the Early Elementary Years?(Werklund Education, March 11.)

Saska-Crozier Sarah (2016) Ph.D. Gendering Social Innovation: Exploring how social innovation might advance women’s rights and gender equality. (Women’s Studies, Western, July 11.)

Ingrey, Jennifer (2013) Ph.D. December, The Public School Washroom as Heterotopia: Gendered Spatiality and Subjectification. Dec.3.

Lapointe, Alicia (2012) M. Ed. Straight Allies: Combating homophobia and interrogating heteronormativity ‘straight’ on.

Swain, Stephan, (2012) Ph.D. Spectacular Narratives of Masculinity in Mixed Martial Arts. January 24. (UWO, Kinesiology)

Miller, Tyler (2012) M.A. Composing Arche-Writing: Reading deconstruction to Theorize a Writing Class Without Opposition. January 27. (UWO, Theory and Criticism)

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Hughes, Jeanette (2006) Ph. D. Poets, Poetry and New Media: Attending to the Teaching and Learning of Poetry.

So, Margaret (2003). M.Ed. When the tables are turned: The language proficiency assessment test for English teachers in Hong Kong.

External Examiner Euverman, Susan (2019) Ph D., Narratives of Gender Identity of young men: Education, family and community in a northern BC single industry town, Faculty of Social and Applied Sciences, Royal Roads University, Victoria. February.

Kahn, Tauhid (2018) M.Ed. Young Men’s Experiences and Views of Sex Education in Bangladesh: A Foucauldian Discourse Analysis. Brock University, St. Catherine’s, ON, July 12.

Calcaterra, Katie (2018) M.Ed. How is Sexuality Perceived in Today's Campus Culture? An Exploration of the Sexual Scripts of Heterosexual Emerging Adults as an Ontario University, Schulich School of Education, Nipissing University. February 2.

Gray, Sarah (2017). Ph D. Biological Differences or Social Constructions? The Entanglement of Sex/Gender in Health and Physical Education, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education, University of Toronto, December. 1.

Romanin, Steve (2013), M.A. M(e)a(t)sculinity: Invesitgating veg(etari)an mens’ understandings of masculinity. Brock University, St, Catherines, ON. May 15.

Lao, Grace (2011), M. Ed. An Exploration of Male Adolescents’ Body Image Perceptions. Brock University, St. Catherines, ON. Dec 1.

Burns, James Patrick (2011) Ph.D. “I guess it was pretty embarrassing when I couldn’t do a pull- up:” How six young men experience and understand their masculinities. George Washington University, Washington, D.C., U.S.A. June 11.

Savage, Glenn. (2006) M.Ed. Silencing the everyday experiences of youth?-Issues of subjectivity, corporate Ideology and popular culture in the English classroom. Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia.

Titles And Topics Of Last Five Theses Supervised And Completed:

Fowler, Teresa (2020) PhD. Living with/in a hyper-masculine paradox: Examining adolescent white male athlete disengagement in school, (Supervisor), April 2.

Cassidy, Jacob (2015) M. Ed. “What about the boys” in tights?: Beyond the “boy crisis” and into the literacy potential for superhero fiction.

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Watson, Anne, (2012) Ph.D. “Men to the Rescue”-The Influence of Male English Teachers on Boys’ Literacy Achievement. (Co-supervised with W. Martino)

Malins, Pamela. (2012) M. Ed. Addressing gender and sexual orientation in the elementary health education and English classroom: A focus on teachers’ pedagogical practices.

Watson, Anne. (2007) M.Ed. More than just a ‘boy’ problem: The nature and authorization of school- based literacy practices. (with Wayne Martino)

Birtch, Tiffany. (2006). M.Ed. Straight talk from a gay male high school student.

Titles And Topics Of Last Five Theses Supervised IN PROGESS:

Titles and Topics of Thesis as an Advisory Committee Member:

Elliottt, Sandra (2020). Ph. D. Trauma impact on working class men, Social Work, Carleton University. Ottawa, ON.

Symons, Kathleen (2018-19) M. Ed Behind the curtain: How boys’ performance of gender impacts their schooling experience. University of Lethbridge, AB

Rickwood, Greg, (2012). Ph.D. The perceived influence of teacher beliefs on physical activity opportunities in secondary schools. UWO, ON

Guiney-Yallop, John, (2008) Ph.D. Out of place: A poetic autoethnographic queering of identity within communities. UWO, ON

Morris-Ninham, Paula, (2009). M.Ed. Apocalypse in Anime: Shifting boundaries of conflict and desire: Human machine interface and beyond.

Greig, C. (2002). M.Ed. Masculinities, reading and the ‘boy problem’: A critique of Ontario Policies. UWO, ON

Somerville, Stacey (2000). M.Ed. The teacher as writer: Gabrielle Roy. UWO, ON

Supervision of IRR Students

Cassidy, Jacob (2014) “What About The Boys” in Tights?: Masculinities, boys’ education, and the role of superhero texts in literacy learning. January-April, 2014.

Fuchs, Travis (2014) LGBTQ+Inclusivity: Pushing boundaries in the science classroom. January-April.

Cacihas, Wendy (2013). Adolescent literacies and gender theories.

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Titles and topics of last Five Directed Research Projects Supervised

Sheahan, Katie (2009) M. Ed. One administrators’ response to the boy problem.

Graduate Student Mentorship Opportunities-External Grant Funded Research Assistantships Agency Year Chris Borduas Gummy 2018-19 Theresa Fowler Gummy 2017-18 Jordan Gentile SSHRC 2015-16 Sarah Halabi SSHRC 2015-16 Eric Smiley SSHRC 2015-16 Anne Watson SSHRC 2008-11 CIHR 2011-12 Andrew Colgan CIHR 2011-12 VI Vo SSHRC 2011-12 Alicia LaPointe CIHR 2010, 2012 Alfred Masinire CIHR 2010-2011 Ryan Edwards CIHR 2011-12 Jacob Cassidy CIHR 2014 Ronnie Ali CIHR 2013 Farzaneh Khosrojerdi CIHR 2013 Terry Loerts SSHRC 2010 Clare Leaper SSHRC Graduate Student Mentorship-Teaching Assistantship-Internal-UWO Teaching Assistantships Course Pamela Malins EDUC 5208 2012-13 Anne Watson EDUC 5208 2011-12 Carol Ann-Lane EDUC 5208 2013-14, 2015-16 Rashed Al Haque EDUC9200 2015 Molly Francis WS2205 2016 Nicole Ephgrave WS2205 2014 Jacob Evoy WS2205 2012 Sarah Saska WS2205 2013 6. PUBLICATIONS


Books authored: Books edited: 3 Chapters in books: 13 Articles in refereed journals: 20 Book Reviews: 4 Articles in refereed conference proceedings: 2 Technical reports: Abstracts and/or papers read: 1 Presentations at professional meetings/workshops and others: 91

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Podcasts, Webinars 6 Performance: 2 Submitted manuscripts and/or work in preparation: 1


Books Co-Edited:

Kehler, M. & M. Atkinson, (Eds) (2010). Boys’ Bodies: Speaking the Unspoken. Peter Lang.

Steinberg, S., M. Kehler, & L. Cornish, (Eds) (2010). Boy Culture: An Encyclopedia. Greenwood Press.

Martino, W., M. Kehler, & M. Weaver-Hightower, (Eds) (2009). The problem with boys’ education: beyond the backlash. New York, N.Y.: Routledge Press.

Chapters in books:

J. Cassidy and M. Kehler (2018) “Holy gendered resource, Batman!”: Examining the broader application of comics and superhero fiction beyond their restrictive relationship with boys and struggling or disinterested readers. In B. Guzzetti, T. Bean & J. Dunkerly.(eds). Literacies, Sexualities, and Gender: Understanding Identities from Preschool to Adulthood. Taylor & Francis.

Kehler, M (2018) Examining Boys, Bodies and PE Locker Room Spaces. In Michael Kimmel & Michael Messner (Eds), Men’s Lives (10th Ed). Oxford University Press.

Kehler, M. (2016) Behind locker-room doors: Knowing why some boys “stay away from each other” (pp. 155-168). In W. Lehmann (Ed.) The Sociology of Education in Canada: Contemporary Debates and Perspectives. Open University Press.

Kehler, M. (2016) Examining boys, bodies and PE locker room spaces: “I don’t’ ever set foot in that locker room” (pp. 202-220). In M. Messner & M. Musto, (Eds.), Child’s Play: Sport in Kids’ Worlds, Rutgers University Press.

Kehler, M. (2014). When boys talk about their bodies: How boys learn “that persons useless” (pp.55-69). In S. Flory, A. Tischler & S. Sanders (Eds.) Sociocultural Issues in Physical Education: Case Studies for Teachers, Rowan & Littlefield Publishers.

Kehler, M. & M. Atkinson, (2013) Examining the (em) bodied boundaries of high school locker rooms. (pp.112-130). In R Brooks, M. McCormack & K. Bhopal, (Eds), Contemporary Debates in the Sociology of Education, Basingstoke, UK; Palgrave Macmillan

Kehler, M. (2012). Who will “save the boys”?: (Re)examining a panic for underachieving boys. (pp.121-130). In B. Guzzetti & T. Bean (Eds), Adolescent Literacies and

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the Gendered Self: (Re)constructing Identities through Multimodal Literacy Practices. Taylor & Francis.

M. Atkinson & M. Kehler, (2010). Boys, gyms, lockerrooms and heterotopias. (pp.67-84). In M. Kehler & M. Atkinson (Eds), Boys’ bodies: Speaking the unspoken.. New York, N.Y.: Peter Lang.

Kehler, M., (2010). Negotiating masculinities in PE classrooms: Boys, body image and ―want[ing] to be in good shape. (pp. 143-165). In M. Kehler & M. Atkinson (Eds), Boys’ bodies: Speaking the unspoken. New York, N.Y.: Peter Lang.

Kehler, M., (2010) Why boy Culture? In Steinberg, S., M. Kehler & L. Cornish (Eds) Boy Culture: An encyclopaedia. Greenwood Press.

Kehler, M. (2009) Boys, friendships and knowing “It wouldn’t be unreasonable to assume I am gay” (pp. 198-223). In W. Martino, M. Kehler, M. Weaver-Hightower (Eds), The problem with boys’ education: Beyond the backlash. New York, N.Y.: Routledge Press.

Kehler, M. (2008) The read and mis-read bodies of boys: masculinities and critical social literacy practices. K. Sanford and R. Hammett (Eds) Boys, girls, and the myths of literacy and learning. Toronto, ON: Canada Scholars Press.

Kehler, M. (2007) High School Masculinities: Unheard Voices Among “the boys”. In B. Frank & K. Davidson (Eds), Masculinities and Schooling: International Practices and Perspectives. London, ON: Althouse Press.

Reports Kehler, M., T. Fowler, C. Borduas (2020) Masculinity, Violence, and Privilege: An examination of ongoing challenges within hockey and sport culture. Prepared and submitted to the National Hockey League-Melissa Parnagian, Brian Blake, Paul LaCaruba, February 18.

Performance Kehler, M (2018) Hearing Youth Voices: Inclusive Spaces for All. Curated an art exhibit in collaboration/partnership with Calgary Board of Education showcasing the works of 40 students from Twelve Mile Coulee School whose art reflected on gender, sexualities and safe spaces in schools. Calgary, AB, Rocky Ridge YMCA. Open Space Art Gallery. June 13.

Kehler, M. (2016) Sex Education, Youth Culture and the Voices We Missed. Curated an art exhibit showcasing the sex education art productions-works of 45 students from Central Secondary School and Banting Secondary School. , London, Ontario. May, 5, 2016

Papers in refereed journals:

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Waling, A., L. Kerr, A. Bourne, J. Power, M. Kehler (2020, June) “It’s nice to be appreciated”: Understanding men’s engagements with sexting and practices of sending Dick Pics to women". UNDER REVIEW

Kehler, M. (work in progress) Isn’t that a girl problem”: Boys’ bodies and the discourse of denial.

Kehler, M. with U. Chaudhry (2018) Body building or building bodies: Improving male body image through Health and Physical Education. What works? Research Into Practice, The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat. April.

Kehler, M & J. Cassidy (2017-Autumn) A literacy landscape unresolved: Beyond the boy crisis and into superhero fiction. Boyhood Studies: An interdisciplinary journal, 10(2) pp. 37-59.

Kehler, M., & M. Atkinson (2015) The space between: Boys, bodies and negotiating research subjectivities in physical education. International Journal of Men’s Health, 14(3), pp. 276-289.

Burns, J., & M. Kehler (2014) Boys, bodies and negotiated school spaces: When boys fail the litmus test. Culture, Society and Masculinities, 6, (1), pp. 3-18.

Watson, A. & M. Kehler (2012). Beyond the “Boy Problem”: Raising questions, growing concerns and literacy reconsidered. New England Reading Association Journal, 48, (1), pp. 43-55. Atkinson, M. & M. Kehler, (2012) Speaking the Unspoken: Boys, bullying and biopedagogies. Thymos: Journal of Boyhood Studies. 6, (2), pp. 166-185.

Kehler, M. (2011) Locker room-low-down: Symposium is a launch-pad for addressing boys’ body image. CIHR Intersection- Newsletter. p.14, December.

Kehler, M. D. (2010) Boys, books and homophobia: Exploring the practices and policies of masculinities in school. McGill Journal of Education. 45(3), pp. 351-370.

Watson, A., M. Kehler & W. Martino (2010) The Problem of Boys’ Literacy Underachievement: Raising Some Questions. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 53, (5), pp. 356-361.

Kehler M. & W. Martino (2007) Boys, literacies and schooling. Introduction in Canadian Journal of Education, Special Issue: Guest Editors, M. Kehler & W. Martino, Boys, Literacy and Schooling. 30, (2), pp. 401-405.

Martino, W. & M. D. Kehler, (2007) Gender-Based Literacy Reform: A question of challenging or recuperating gender binaries. Canadian Journal of Education, Special Issue: Guest Editors, M. Kehler & W. Martino Boys, Literacy and Schooling. 30, (2), pp. 406-431.

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Kehler, M. D. & W. Martino (2007) Questioning masculinities: Interrogating boys’ capacities for self-problematization in schools. Canadian Journal of Education, 30(1), pp. 90- 112. Kehler, M. D. (2007) Hallway fears and high school friendships: The complications of young men (re)negotiating heterosexualized identities. Discourse: Studies in the cultural politics of education. 28, (2), pp. 259-277.

Kehler, M. D. & C. Green (2007). Men, masculinities and ethnography. In the International Encyclopedia of Men and Masculinities, 1 vol., eds. M. Flood, J.K. Gardiner, B. Pease, and K. Pringle. London: Routledge.

Martino, W. & M. D. Kehler (2006). Male teachers and the ‘boy problem’: An issue of recuperative masculinity politics. McGill Journal of Education, 41, (2), pp. 1-20.

Kehler, M. D., K. Davison, & B. Frank (2005). Contradictions and Tensions of the Practice of Masculinities in School: Interrogating ‘Good Buddy Talk’ Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 21, (4), pp. 59-72.

Kehler, M. D. & C. Greig (2005). Boys can read: exploring the socially literate practices of high school young men. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 9, (4), pp. 351-370.

Kehler, M. D. (2004). “The Boys” Interrupted: Images Constructed, Realities Translated. Education and Society. 22, (2), pp. 83-99.

Kehler, M. D. (2004). Masculinities and resistance: high school boys (un) doing boy. Taboo. 8, (1), pp. 97-113.

Frank, B., M. D. Kehler, T. Lovell & K. Davison (2003). A tangle of trouble: Boys, masculinity and schooling, future directions. Educational Review. 55, (2), pp.119-133.

Book Reviews: Kehler, M (2018) What’s wrong with modern men? By Jack Urwin. (A Response) Literacy Review Canada, June,

Kehler, M (2018) Goran Gerdin, Boys, bodies, and physical education: Problematizing identity, schooling, and power relations through a pleasure lens. Routledge Press, Boyhood Studies: An interdisciplinary journal.

Kehler, M. (2012) Mark McCormack, Promises unfulfilled: The reclining significance of homophobia? Mark McCormack, The declining significance of homophobia: How teenage boys are redefining masculinity and heterosexuality. DOI: 10.1007/s11199-012-0254-z Sex Roles: A Journal of Research. 67, (467)

Kehler, M. (2011) Eric Anderson, Sport, theory and social problems: A critical introduction. Abingdon: Oxon; Routledge. PHENex, 3, (2), pp.1-2.

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Kehler, M. (2008) Alvin Schrader and Kristopher Wells. (2007). Challenging Silence, Challenging censorship: Inclusive resources, strategies and policy directives for addressing Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, Trans-identified and two-spirited realities in school and public libraries. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Teacher’s Federation. Canadian Journal of Education, 31, (1), pp. 268- 272.

Encyclopedia Entries Kehler, M. D. (2010) Television: An image of boys. In Steinberg, S., M. D. Kehler & L. Cornish (Eds). Boy Culture: An encyclopedia. Greenwood Publishing.

Kehler, M. D. (2010) Grunge fashion. In Steinberg, S., M. D. Kehler & L. Cornish (Eds). Boy Culture: An encyclopedia. Greenwood Publishing.

Kehler, M. D. (2010) A close shave with masculinity. In Steinberg, S. , M. D. Kehler & L. Cornish (Eds). Boy Culture: An encyclopedia. Greenwood Publishing.

Kehler, M. D. (2010) From boys to blue jeans. In Steinberg, S., M. D. Kehler & L. Cornish (Eds). Boy Culture: An encyclopedia. Greenwood Publishing.

Kehler, M. D. & C. Green (2007). Men, masculinities and ethnography. In the International Encyclopedia of Men and Masculinities, 1 vol., eds. M. Flood, J.K. Gardiner, B. Pease, and K. Pringle. London: Routledge.

Papers in refereed conference proceedings: Kehler, M. D. & B. Frank (2003). Boys and masculinities: Negotiating the contradictions and tensions of the practice of masculinities in schooling. Hawaii International Conference on Education. January 7-10, Honolulu, HI.

Kehler, M. D. & C. Greig (2004). The Literate selves: Reading or misreading the textuality of high school boys. The Eleventh International Literacy and Educational Research Network Conference on Learning. June 27-30, Havana, Cuba.

Presentations at Refereed Academic Conferences: Gerdin, G., Pringle, R., Kehler, M., J. Andreasson (2020). SOJUST – Educating adolescent boys for social justice: the role of schooling, physical education and sport. Paper accepted at Gender and Education Association International Conference. University of Calgary, June 15-18, Calgary, Alberta. (Cancelled-COVID )

Waling, A., Bourne, A., Power, J., Kerr, L., Kehler, M.(2020) Sex, masculinity and sexting: Understanding men’s sexting practices, Paper accepted at Gender and Education International Conference, University of Calgary, Alberta, June 15-18. (Cancelled-COVID)

Kehler, M. (2019) Perpetrator Accountability, Paper presented at #MeToo: Moving Forward, September 17-19, Reykjavik, Iceland. University of Iceland and the Icelandic Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers,

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Kehler, M. (2019) Mobilizing Men, Masculinities and Movements for Change in a Post #MeToo Era. Panel-Preventing gendered violence in the #metoo era: What teachers and teacher educators can do. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association (AERA), Toronto, Canada, April 5-9.

Kehler, M. (2019) A changing manscape: Resisting heteronormativity within team sport culture. Panel -Gender and post-truth politics in education: Shifting Masculinities. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association (AERA), Toronto, Canada, April 5-9.

Kehler, M. (2018). Sexual silence and a changing manscape: Moving boys’ bodies from the margins into the Ontario Health and Physical Education curriculum. Paper at CSSE, May 26- 30, University of Regina, Saskatchewan.

Kehler, M. (2018). Isn't that a girl problem?: Boys, bodies and the discourse of denial. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association (AERA). New York, NY, April 13-17.

Kehler, M. (2018) The Curriculum that Frames Us: Sex Education and Adolescent Male Body Image. Paper presented at Hawaii International Conference in Education (HICE), Oahu, Hawaii. January 4-7.

Kehler, M., & J. Cassidy (2016) A literacy crisis unresolved: Beyond the boy crisis and into superhero fiction! Paper at the Association for Research in Cultures of Young People. (ARCP), Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, British Columbia, October 20-22.

Kehler, M., (2016) Seen or unseen: A shifting gaze upon adolescent male bodies. Paper presented at the Sport and Society Conference, University of Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 2- 3. Kehler, M. (2016) Isn't that a girl problem?: Boys, bodies and the discourse of denial. Paper presented at Moving Forward: Schooled bodies, identities, sexting and the curriculum that frames us-International Symposium. Western University, London, Ontario, Canada, May 22-25.

Kehler, M., & J. Cassidy (2015) “What about the boys” in tights: Beyond the boy crisis and into superhero fiction! Paper presented at the Literacy Research Association, Carlsbad, California, December 2-5.

Kehler, M. (2014) (In)visible spaces: Adolescent boys navigating the embodied spaces of high school locker rooms. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Men and Masculinities. Izmir, Turkey. September 9-11.

Kehler, M. (2014). Glocalized adolescent masculinities in Health and Physical Education: Missing bodies and discourses of denial? Paper presented at Men, health and wellbeing: Critical Insights, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK. July 7-8

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Kehler, M. (2013). If I could speak: Adolescent bodies, boundaries and the lines that divide us. Invited Plenary Speaker for Critical Youth Studies: The future is networking, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta. May 30-31

Kehler, M. & M. Atkinson (2013). Boys, Body image and locker room spaces. Symposium paper presented at the American Education Research Association (AERA), San Francisco, CA, April 27-May 1

Kehler, M. (2012). “Years of it has led me to my poor body image”: Boys, bodies and locker room silence. Paper presented at the Young Masculinities: Challenges, Changes and Transitions, (The British Sociological Association), Imperial Wharf, London, UK. Nov 2.

Kehler, M. & M. Atkinson (2012) Bodies without Voices: Masculinized Spaces and the Unspoken Places in PE classes. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association (AERA). Vancouver, BC, April 13-17.

Kehler, M. and J. Burns (2012). Boys, bodies and negotiated school spaces: When boys fail the litmus test. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association (AERA). Vancouver, BC, April 13-17.

Kehler, M. & M. Atkinson (2011). “Smacked Across My Man Boobs:” Why Some Boys Leave Physical Education and the Locker Room Behind. Paper presented at the North American Sociology of Sport (NASS), Minneapolis, MN., Nov. 2-4.

Kehler, M. (2011) Adolescent Boys and Body Image: The struggles of “knowing I’m not built for gym class”. Paper presented at the International Symposium Speaks the Unspoken: Boys, Bodies and Body Images in Health Education, Ottawa, Ontario, June 6-8.

Kehler, M., M. Atkinson & K. Wamsley. (2010). Bodies without words?: Seeing and hearing adolescent boys in grade nine PE classrooms. Paper presented at Innovations in Gender, Sex and Health Research. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Toronto, Ontario. November 22-23.

Kehler, M., (2010). Boys with(out) bodies?: Speaking the unspoken. Expert at CIHR- Cafe Scientifique- Alternative Bathroom Scales-Food for the Mind...” Breaking the Mold, breaking the silence: A national conference on body image. Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, Nova Scotia. November, 4-5.

Kehler, M. D. (2010). Negotiating masculinities in the PE classroom: Boys, body image and “want[ing] to be in good shape”. Paper presented at Athens Institute for Education and Research: Athens, Greece. May 22-27.

Kehler, M. D. & M. F. Atkinson (2009). Bodies in the Shadows: The Locker Room as a Masculine Heterotopia. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for Studies in Education, (CSSE) Ottawa, Ontario, May 20-25.

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Kehler, M. D. (2009) Negotiating masculinities in PE classrooms: Boys, body image and knowing “I will never be the captain”. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association (AERA). San Diego, April 12-18.

Kehler, M. D. (2008). Boys, bodies and body image: Questioning the unquestioned bodily practices of high school boys. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE).Vancouver, British Columbia, May 30-June 4.

Kehler, M. (2008) Literate subjects, homophobia, and “helping the boys”: A conceptual questioning of what holds up the mask of masculinity. Paper presented in a symposium panel at the American Education Research Association, New York City, March 24-28.

Green, C. and M. D. Kehler (2008). Ethnography and masculinities research: Seminal beginnings, current and future challenges. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association (AERA), New York City, March 24-28.

Kehler, M. D. (2007). Gender-Based Literacy Reform: A question of challenging or recuperating gender binaries. Paper presented at Literacy Without Boundaries, International Reading Association, Toronto, Ontario May 13-18.

Kehler, M. D. (2007) Boys, bodies and locker room banter: Questioning the unquestioned bodily practices of high school boys. Paper accepted to the Canadian Society for Studies in Education. (CSSE), Saskatoon, SK, May 26-29.

Kehler, M. D. and C. Green (2006) Is that you or simply me looking back on myself?: Exploring unexplored masculinities in ethnographic research. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association (AERA), San Francisco. April 8-11.

Kehler, M. D. (2006). (Re)Examining the complicated textuality of high school masculinities. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association (AERA), San Francisco, April 8-11.

Kehler, M. D. (2005). Safe schools and unsafe spaces: Re-examining the policies and literacy practices aimed at “helping the boys”. Paper presented at the National Reading Conference (NRC), Miami, FLA., Nov. 30- Dec. 3, 2005.

Kehler, M. D. and W. Martino (2005). Boys and literacy: Interrogating which boys and which literacies. A workshop presented at the “Unlocking our Children’s Potential: Literacy and Numeracy as a Foundation” forum sponsored by The Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC) and the Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat, Toronto, Ontario, November 24-26.

Kehler, M. D. (2005). Hallway fears and high school friendships: The complications of young men (re)negotiating heterosexualized identities. Symposium paper presented at the Canadian Society for Studies in Education, (CSSE). London, ON, May, 2005.

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Kehler, M. D. (2005). It wouldn’t be unreasonable to assume I am gay”: Boys, friendships and negotiating what it means to be “normal”. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association. (AERA). Montreal, April 11-15, 2005.

Kehler, M.D. (2004) Readings and Mis-readings: What happens when boys do and undo boys? Paper presented as part of a symposium panel organized by the author for the National Reading Conference (NRC), San Antonio, Texas, Dec 1-4, 2004.

Kehler, M. D. and C. Greig (2004). The literate selves: Reading or Misreading the textuality of high school boys. Paper presented at the Eleventh International Literacy and Education Research Conference. June 27-30, 2004. Havana, Cuba.

Kehler, M.D. (2004). Masculinities and Resistance: Boys Undoing Boys. Paper presented at the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA). May 5-8, 2004, Porto, Portugal.

Kehler, M. D. (2003) In and out of the shadows: (Re) Constructing the researcher self among “the boys”. Paper presented at the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association (CSAA) conference. May 28-June 4, 2003. Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Kehler, M. D. & B. Frank (2003) Boys and masculinities: Negotiating the contradictions and tensions of the practice of masculinities in schooling. Paper presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Education. (HICE) January 7-10, Honolulu, HI.

Kehler, M. D. (2003). Both sides of the desk: Conversations with women vice-principals and high school young men. Paper presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Education (HICE) . January 7-10, Honolulu, HI.

Kehler, M. D. (2002). A Tangle of Trouble: Boys, Masculinity and Schooling, Future Directions. Paper co-authored and presented at the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association (CSAA) conference, May 29-June 1, University of Toronto, ON.

Kehler, M. D. (2002). Contesting gender: Interrupting masculinities and knowing that “you can’t just be yourself”. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE). May 25-28, University of Toronto, ON.

Kehler, M. D. (2002). Resistance to “the boys”: “Fags,” “freaks” and “backward thinking.” Paper presented at the American Education Research Association (AERA), “Validity and Value in Education Research,” April 1-5, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Kehler, M. D. (2002). Flirting with masculinities: “Shooting the shit” and “good buddy talk.” Paper presented at the International Conference on Conversation Analysis, “Ethnomethodology: A Critical Celebration.” March 20-22, Essex, UK.

Kehler, M. D. (2002). Masculinity Unmasc-ed: Counter-sexism and the cost of being unlike “the boys." Paper presented at the Gender and Society Seminar Series, sponsored by the

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Centre for Women’s Studies and Feminist Research at The University of Western Ontario, January 31, London, ON.

Kehler, M. D. (2001). Old Picture, New Frame: Repositioning High School Masculinities. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE). May 23-27, Quebec City, Quebec.

Kehler, M. D. (2001). The Boys Interrupted: Images Constructed, Realities Translated. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association (AERA), “What We Know and How We Know It,” April 10-14, Seattle, Washington.

Kehler, M. D. (2000). High School Masculinity: Young Men Making Decisions for Social Change. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association (AERA), "Creating Knowledge in the 21st Century: Insights from Multiple Perspectives," April 24-28, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Invited Keynotes and Speaker Engagements:

Kehler, Michael (2020) Keynote Address: Mobilizing men, masculinities and movements for change in a post #MeToo era. Alberta Teacher’s Association-Women in Leadership Summit. March 8-9, Edmonton, Alberta

Kehler, Michael (2019) #MeToo: Masculinity, misogyny and the power to be unlike “the boys”, Queen’s University –Faculty of Education, Kingston, Ontario. October 18.

Kehler, Michael (2019) Women in Engineering Summit 2019, #MeToo: Masculinities, movement and the allies among us. Schulich School of Engineering, UCalgary, September 28.

Kehler, Michael (2019) Government of Alberta-Human Trafficking Invitation to Round- table consultations, Edmonton, Alberta, August, 29, Federal Building.

Kehler, Michael (2019) Engaging boys and men as agents of change in #MeToo: Powerful, pitfalls and possibilities. Gender and Education Association (GEA), Portsmouth, UK, June 24.

Kehler, Michael (2019). Speakers Panel-Engaging Men and Boys. Women Deliver, Vancouver, Canada. June 4.

Kehler, Michael (2019) “Feminism and Challenging Toxic Masculinity” panel discussion. The Power of Voice 2019: A conference to inspire and empower Immigrant youth, New Central Library Performance Hall, Calgary Bridge Foundation for Youth, April 27. Calgary.

Kehler, Michael (2019) The shifting manscape: What happens when millennials do gender? A dialogue-Dr. Barbara Risman (University Illinois, Chicago) and Dr. Michael Kehler.

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A collaboration hosted with Sociology and the Werklund School of Education, Research Professor in Masculinities Studies. March 20.

Kehler, Michael (2019) Man up: What does that even mean? Examining mental health and the pressure to be men. University of Calgary Mental Health Strategy, funded event. March 13.

Kehler, Michael (2019) Idea Igniters: Gender and Equity. How do the worlds of gender and Education intersect? Wednesday, February 27, New Central Library, Performance Hall, Calgary. AB.

Kehler, Michael D. (2018) Reimaging Gender: Equality, Education and the way Forward, Canadian Women’s Foundation, January 24, Royal Vancouver Yacht Club. Vancouver, BC.

Kehler, Michael (2018) Developing a Strategy to Engage Men and Boys on Gender Equality. Invited Expert to Present and Address Masculinities Research. Status of Women Canada-Committee for Parliamentary Secretary Terry Duguid, Ottawa, September 28, 2018.

Kehler, Michael (2018) Developing a Strategy to Engage Men and Boys on Gender Equality. Invited Round Table Contributor. Status of Women-Canada, Terry Duguid, Parliamentary Secretary. Toronto, ON, August 28.

Kehler, Michael (2018) Reimaging Gender: Equality, Education and the way forward. Canadian Women’s Foundation, June 21, The Glenbow Museum. Calgary, AB.

Kehler, Michael D. (2018) ReImagining Masculinities Conference, Keynote Address: Are Men Talking?: (Un) learning What it Means to be a Man after #MeToo. University of Victoria, May11.

Podcasts, Webinars

Kehler, M. D. (2019) Rethinking Masculinity. University of Calgary. April 2, University of Calgary. Webinar-

Kehler, M. D (2018) In that Moment, You’re Scared: Boys and Hazing. Podcast- boys-and

Kehler, M. D. (2018) Peer Review podcast, Men and Masculinities in the post #MeToo Moment. May 3. University of Calgary. Podcast-

Kehler, M. D. (2018) Men and Masculinities: Rethinking the Rules that delineate masculinity-a conversation with Michael Kehler and Wali Shah. Online Training to address Human Trafficking. May 3, 2018.Webinar-

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and-masculinities-rethinking-the-rules-that-delineate-masculinity-a-conevrsation-with-michael- kehler-and-wali-shah

Kehler, M. D. (2018). What is the Future of Gender in Canadian Society? , London, Ontario, April 9, 2018. Podcast-

Kehler, M.D. (2018) What Does It Mean To Be a Man? The Gaytheist Manifesto. February 27. Podcast-

International Speaker Series-Co-ordinated, organized, funded.

Kehler, M. D. (2019) Open Doors, Open Dialogues: Lads and locker rooms. #MeToo: What happens when we engage boys and men as advocates for change? Michael Messner (University of Southern California, USA); Carrie Paechter (Nottingham Trent University, UK); Michael Kehler (Werklund School of Education) April 11. Calgary Central Public Library, Calgary, AB

Kehler, M. D. (2019) Exploring masculinized spaces: Lads, locker rooms and homophobia Richard Pringle, Monash University, AU, Goran Gerdin, (Linnaeus University, Sweden); Michael Kehler (Werklund School of Education), Feb. 28, Werklund School of Education. U Calgary, Calgary, AB.

Invited Engagements:-Non-Refereed Articles, Presentations, Position papers Kehler, M. D (2020, May ) The Conversation-Beyond the Locker room: Coronavirus is an opportunity to teach boys about toxic masculinity. locker-room-coronavirus-isolation-is-an-opportunity-to-teach-boys-about-toxic-masculinity- 136605

Kehler, M. D (2019, Nov. 18) “Myles Garrett, Don Cherry and the changing nature of the Sports boys club”, The Conversation. thechanging-nature-of-the-sports-boys-club-127286

Kehler, M. D (2019). Masculinities research and the sociology of education. Henry Wise Wood Secondary School, Grade 12-Sociology-Psychology. April 18.

Kehler, M. D. (2019) Boys, men, and masculinity in the age of #MeToo, Red Deer United Church, February 2, Calgary, AB.

Kehler, M. D. (Oct, 10, 2018) The Conversation, Masculinity should not be defined bythe Kavanaugh hearings. The National Post, should-not-be-defined-by-the-kavanaugh-hearings The Conversation 104551 Oct 10.

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Kehler, M. D. (2018) Invited Guest Speaker Panel-Fashion and its role in constructing and deconstructing gender. Let’s Talk Fashion. January 18, University of Calgary

Kehler, M. D. (2018) Masculinities: We are what we learn. University of Calgary Homecoming Speaker Panel. September 8, University of Calgary, AB.

Kehler, M. D. (2018) Engaging boys in men n a post #MeToo era. Cardell Theatre, Calgary, AB, June 25. The Power of Next. (Women’s Organization promoting the Advancement of Equity)

Kehler, M. D (2018) Re/mis/readings in a sea of heternormativity. Calgary Board of Education, Professional Learning Network, Twelve Mile Coulee School, June 13.

Kehler, M.D (2018) Rethinking Masculinity: Looking for answers in a divided manscape? A response to “The Brute Within”. June, Literacy Review Canada.

Kehler, M. D. (2018) Invited Guest Speaker-Panel member The Mask You Live In-Panel Member. Alberta Health Services, Cochrane, AB. May 2, The Cochrane Ranch House Theatre.

Kehler, M.D. (2018) Invited Guest Speaker-Panel “What is the Future of Gender in Canadian Society-Panel Discussant, London Public Library April 9, London, Ontario.

Kehler, M. D. (2018) POV-Are men talking: (Un) learning what it means to be a man after #MeToo. UCalgary Alumni Magazine. March, 31. Spring/Summer 2018. Pp. 24-26

Kehler, M. D. (2018) Awkward?: Shifting masculinities and engaging boys and men as allies in a time of #MeToo, #TimesUp. Edmonton, AB, Feb 1-3.

Kehler, Michael (2017) Men in the mirror: examining masculinities and media images in teen life. Calgary Board of Education. John Ware School. Grade 9 classes (4). December 14.

Kehler, M. D. (2015) Being a man: Body image and knowing where to change at school? East Elgin Secondary School, Boy’s Conference, Aylmer, Ontario. October 14.

Kehler, M., (2015). It’s more than flexing that matters: Bodies, boys and locker room anxieties. Invited speaker to Hope’s Garden-(Eating Disorders-Non-Profit Organization), London, Ontario, April 1.

Kehler, M., (2015). Look at me flex: Boys and body image. Public lecture provided- Classes without Quizzes Series, Sponsored by Western University, London Public Library, March 4.

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Kehler, M. (2014) Boys to the front of the line again?: Re/examining “the boys” debate -- The University of London, Institute of Education, London, UK, December 11, 2014.

Kehler M. (2014) Invited Guest-University of West of England-Centre for Appearance research (CAR), November 27.

Kehler, M. (2013). Literate subjectivities: The contradictions of policies and practices framing boys, books, and homophobia. Invited speaker at the Centre for Literacy and Reading Instruction, The University at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York, October 18.

Kehler, M. (2012) “Years of it has led to my poor body image”. Goldsmiths, University of London, UK, Oct 30.

Kehler, M. (2012). Boys, literacy and a global response to the “boy crisis”. Gayle Zeiter Literacy Development Lecture Invited Speaker. University of Nevada, Las Vegas, October 19.

Kehler, M. (2012) Research on Boys and Body Image. University of Nevada, Las Vegas. October 18.

Kehler, M. D. (2012) Years of it has lead to my poor body image: Boys, bodies and locker room silence. Institute of Education (IOE), The University of London, UK. May 23.

Kehler, M. D. (2011). This is me in grade nine: Boys, bodies and knowing if I fit. The University of Western Ontario, School of Kinesiology, March 28.

Kehler, M. D. & K. Wamsley (2011). Navigating the Jersey Shore. Talk delivered to The University of Western Ontario, Faculty of Education, Seminar Series. March 2.

Kehler, M. D. (2008) Boys, masculinities and schooling: Addressing the “moral panic” and moving forward with young men. Invited speaker workshop with the Avon-Maitland District School Board. Professional Development Workshop, April 28.

Kehler, M. D. (2008). Invited presenter to Sport Canada and the Sport Canada Research Initiative (SCRI) Advisory Committee, November 20-21, Gatineau, Quebec.

Kehler, M. D. & W. Martino (2005). Boys and literacy: Interrogating which boys and which literacies. Invited speaker to present a workshop at the Upper Grand District School Board. Learning Fair, August, 29-30, 2005.

Kehler, M. D. (2005). Invited speaker for the Ontario Provincial Advisory team addressing Boys and literacy issues. Delta Chelsea Hotel, Toronto. February, 2005.

Kehler, M. D. & W. Martino (2005). Invited speaker to present a workshop “Addressing masculinity in the English classroom”. Boy’s Literacy Symposium, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Sponsored by the Ontario Ministry of Education, Hilton Hotel, Toronto. January, 2005.

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Kehler, M. D. (2002). Multiple Conversations: Pro-feminism, men’s studies, and the theoretical practical problematic of taking pre-service education men too seriously. Paper presented at the Faculty of Education Seminar Series at The University of Western Ontario, April 12, London, ON.

7. RESEARCH INITIATIVES: Teaching and Learning Grant Application (SOTL), Schooling masculinities in a #MeToo era: Disruptive practices, transformative pedagogies in gender and education, January, 2020, $20,000(Non-funded)

Alberta Community & Social Services, Voices of Action, Alberta Men for Change, Nov, 2018, 217,000 (non-funded)

8. RESEARCH FUNDED: Term Principal Co- Total (Start Date) Investigator Investigator Grantor Grant Title Amount External 07/01/2020 Gough/Kehler SportAllies 85,000-PoundSterling(145,000 CDN) Athletes for Action: Masculinity, Allyship and Inclusion 01/2020 Kehler Calgary Stampede Foundation $5,000

07/2019 M. Kehler VP Research GC3 $5,000

05/2018 A.Bourne A.Waling, J. Power M. Kehler Body image, health and sexual risk taking, and young men’s engagement with online dating $47,250

11/2017 C. Bertsch Kehler QM-UCalgary $254,000

09/2017 Nicholas Ng-A-Fook(Ottawa)KNAER- Learning and Leading for Equity Knowledge Network (LLEKN)$975,000(3 years)

10/2015 Kehler J. Ringrose SSHRC Schooled bodies, identities, 25,000

04/2014 Kehler M. Atkinson CIHR Seamless lines.. $9,989

10/2011 Kehler M. Atkinson CIHR- Internationalizing 25,000 bodies: Body

09/2011 Kehler M. Atkinson Cafe Scientifique CIHR $3,000

09/2010 Kehler M. Atkinson, K. Wamsley CIHR 25,000 Speaking the unspoken: Masculinities...

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09/2008 Kehler M. Atkinson, K. Wamsley SSHRC- Healthy Bodies, boys,body image $111,000

08/2002 Kehler Ontario Principals’ Gendered Interactions $7, 000 Council Internal-Faculty of Education Funding 05/2017 Kehler FOE Homophobia-team sport5,000 04/2016 Kehler FOE Rowing upstream: $2,500 09/2015 Kehler FOE Travel grant$1,000 03/2014 Kehler FOE Travel grant,$2,960 10/2012 Kehler FOE Travel $3,700 10/2007 Kehler M. Atkinson, K. Wamsley SSHRC-UWO Healthy Bodies, boys,body image $3,716

9. OTHER SCHOLARLY AND PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES: Editorial Consultant: 2014-2016 Editorial Board Member-Oxford Research Encyclopaedias-Education. OTHER: 2020-Apr. Invited Tenure Review-School of Art Institute of Chicago, Tenure and Promotion decision for Dr. A. Greteman. Assistant to Associate Professor Review. 2020-Jan Invited Reviewer-University of Iceland-Tenure and Promotion decision for Dr. Jon Ingvar Kjaran-Associate Professor to Full Professor. 2020-Jan. Invited Reviewer-University of Iceland-Tenure and Promotion decision for Dr. Brynja Halldorsdottir-Assistant Professor to Associate Professor. 2019-Sept. Invited Book Reviewer-MS Clearance Read-Palgrave MacMillan Publishing, 2019-June Invited Book Proposal Reviewer-Canadian Scholars Press 2019-Jan Invited Routledge Taylor & Francis Book Proposal Reviewer 2019-Jan. Invited SSHRC Grant Reviewer 2018-Dec. Invited Scientific Committee Member-Tackling Discrimination-Visions of gender equality in sport. 12th Annual meeting-Transnational Scholars for the Study of Gender and Sport. University of Jjvaskyla, Finland. 2018-May Invited Guest Reviewer-Sociological Forum. 2018-Apr-pres Editorial Board Member, The Journal of Bodies, Sexualities, and Masculinities 2018-Feb. Invited Reviewer-Canadian Journal of Education 2018-Jan. Editorial Board Member-Journal of LGBT Youth 2017-Sept Invited Research Proposal Reviewer, Policy Wise (Calgary, AB). 2017-June Invited Reviewer-University of Alberta-Tenure and Promotion decision for Dr. Kristopher Wells. Promotion to Associate Professor 2017-March Invited Reviewer-Newcastle University, UK, Tenure and Promotion decision for Dr. Chris Haywood -Promotion from Senior Lecturer to Reader. 2017-Jan. Invited Committee Member-Big Brothers-Big Sisters of Canada-Mentoring Boys Working Group. 2017 Invited Member-Prevention of Violence Against Women-Western Programming

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2016 Invited Presenter and Consultant-Boys and Body Image-Thunder Bay District Health Unit, August, 2016. 2016 Invited Grant Reviewer-Research Foundation Flanders-- Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen,(FWO, Belgium) for Dr. Sergio Villanueva Baselga (Spain) 2015- Research Member-Collaborator with Dr. Catherine Taylor, University of Winnipeg, RISE-Respect, Inclusion Safety, Equity. 2015 Guest Reviewer for Journal of Gender Studies 2015 Guest Reviewer for European Physical Health Education Journal 2015 Invited Guest Reviewer-Psychology of Men and Masculinity 2014-present Reviewer-Journal of Sociology and Anthropology 2014-present Editorial Board Member-Culture, Society and Masculinities 2014-2016 Editorial Board Member-Oxford Research Encyclopedia in Education- 2014 Invited Guest Reviewer-The Australian Education Researcher, January. 2012-present Editorial Board Member-Thymos: Journal of Boyhood Studies. 2013 Invited Guest Reviewer-Sociology of Sport Journal, July. 2013 Invited Guest Reviewer-Gender and Education, April. 2013-present Editorial Board Member-Masculinities: A Journal of Identity and Culture. 2012 Invited USC Speaker at the Montreal Massacre-White Ribbon Memorial Ceremony. Dec 6. 2012 Invited Guest Reviewer-- Language and Literacy 2012 Invited Committee Member—Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Planning, Dissemination and Knowledge Translation Supplement Funding Opportunities (PD-KTS), July. 2012 Primary Investigator-Organizer—CIHR funded grant meeting –London, UK— May 25-June 4. 2012 Invited Guest Reviewer for In Education 2011 Invited Guest Reviewer for Sociology of Sport Journal 2011 Invited Committee Member—Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Planning, Dissemination and Knowledge Translation Supplement Funding Opportunities (PD-KTS), July. 2011 Organizer-Primary Investigator-International Symposium Speaks the Unspoken: Masculinities, bodies and body Image in Health Education. June 6-8, Ottawa, Canada. 2010 Invited Expert Panel Member-CIHR-Cafe Scientifique-Mount Saint Vincent, University. Nov. 5, 2010. 2010 Invited Guest Reviewer for the International Journal of Inclusive Education. 2010 Invited Guest Reviewer for Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education. (Aug) 2010 Invited Guest Reviewer for Children and Society Special Issue-Bullying: The moral and social orders at play. (July) 2010 Invited Committee Member-Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)- Gender, Sex and Health, (December). 2009-present Editorial Review Board Member-Culture, Society & Masculinities

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2007-12 Editorial Review Board Member-Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy 2007-11 Editorial Review Board Member-Youth and Society 2009 Invited Committee Member—Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Boys’ and Mens’ Health, October. 2009 Invited Committee Member-Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Operating Grant: Gender, Sex and Health, May. 2008 SSHRC-UWO Internal Peer Reviewer for Drs. Aparna Mishra Tarc and R. Simon, Pedagogy of the unthinkable: teachers’ learning from family narratives of war, October. 2008, 09 Invited Reviewer-Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 2008 Reviewer-York University Tenure and Promotion decision for Dr. Susan Driver- for Promotion to Associate Professor. 2008 Invited presenter to Sport Canada and the Sport Canada Research Initiative (SCRI) Advisory Committee, November 20-21, Gatineau, Quebec. 2008 Reviewer for the American Education Research Association (AERA) (San Diego) 2008 Invited Committee Member-Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Emerging Team Grant: Gender, Sex and Health, September. 2008 Invited panel speaker to the Faculty of Education “Tips for writing a successful research application grant”. 2008 Consultation-Minister of Education-Safe School Action Team-Four Points Sheraton, London, Ontario. 2007 Invited Committee Member of the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) for Boy’s and Men’s Health 2007 Invited consultant for the Ontario Women’s Directorate (Toronto) addressing engaging men and boys in the prevention of violence against women. 2007 Guest Reviewer for the Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy 2007 Invited Reviewer for the University of Ottawa Press 2007 Invited consultant for The Policy Research Initiative (Ottawa) regarding research on the issues with “the boys” in Canada. 2007 Special Issue Co-Editor for the Canadian Journal of Education- Boys, Literacy and Schooling 2006 Guest Reviewer for the Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy 2006 Reviewer for Youth and Society 2006 Chair-Panel-”Curricular Body” American Education Research Association (San Francisco) 2005, 06 Guest Reviewer for Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy 2005, 06, 07 Reviewer for American Education Research Association (Montreal, San Francisco, New York City) 2005 Discussant for Canadian Society for Studies in Education (London, Ontario)– Multi-paper Session--Gender and Education, (CACS) 2005 Discussant for Canadian Society for Studies in Education (London, Ontario) – Roundtable. 2000-05 Member, Canadian Society for the Study of Education 2004, 05 Member, National Reading Association 1995-08 Member, American Education Research Association 2005, 06, 07 Reviewer for Canadian Journal of Education

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2005,04, 03,01 Reviewer for Journal of Curriculum Studies 2004 Reviewer for the Alberta Journal of Educational Research 2002 Reviewer for Men and Masculinities

10. MEDIA ATTENTION: 2020, May 26, Brian Bourke Radio 570 News, Covid isolation and masculinities. 2020, May Masculinity under a microscope: Boys impacted by gender discrimination, body image and toxic masculinity. Alberta Teachers Association. The Learning Network. 2019, Dec Shiva Chopra, Can men be feminists? Vibe Radio 105 FM. 2019, Nov 19, Kitchener Today with Brian Bourke, The changing culture of sport masculinity. 570 News, Kitchener, starts at 1:02.39-1-24.32 2019, Oct. 7 CBC London Morning Radio One- Bro culture thriving on university campuses. 2019, Sept. 26 CBC-Trends-Jason Osler-The Rise of Men’s Self Care, 2019, Sept. 19 Calgary Herald, Opinion: Men and Boys can be allies for gender equality. be-allies-for-gender-equality 2019. August 22, Amanjot Sing Pannu--RED-106.7 FM-Engaging boys and advocates for change 2019, August 19, The Morning News-Global News 770 with Gord Gillies-Engaging men and boys in feminist work. 2019, August 16 Calgary Today-Dave Rowe-770 CHQR Radio-Government funds men and boys engagement 2019, August16 CityTV-Feds to engage feminist and pro-feminist men engagement. equity-programs-ahead-of-election/ 2019, August 16 CBC-Government announces funding to engage boys and men 2019, June 14 Heather Marcoux, Millennial parents don't want advertisers to sell them gender stereotypes, Motherly, parents-dont-want-advertisers-to-sell-them-gender-stereotypes 2019, May 30 Maija Kappler, What We Can Learn From The Time Moby Thought He Dated Natalie Portman, Huffington Post, consent_ca_5ced793ee4b0e32947a3b8e1?0lc 2019, April 10 Breakfast Television, #MeToo: Engaging boys and men as advocates, allies for change. when-men-take-action-to-make-change/ 2019, April 9 Why wont some men cry? , Laval University-Impact newspaper. 2019, March 7 CJSW Radio-Man Up: 11:03 campus/episode/20190307

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2019, Feb 28 Calgary Sun, Montreal Gazette, U of C panel to discuss the inner workings of locker room culture. panel-to-discuss-inner-workings-of-locker-room-culture Montreal Gazette panel-to-discuss-inner-workings-of-locker-room-culture/wcm/2fcca7df- 3224-467c-8292-bfb9fd7b2536 2019, Feb 26 Breakfast Television, Sport and Masculinity. 2019, Feb 23 Global News-QR770 -Zack Hewitt--Idea Igniters: The evolution of gender and Equity. newstalk770-calgary/ •The audio time is: 7:00 a.m. (to get to your interview, pull the red bar so that the timecode reads 50:28) The audio time is 8:00 a.m. (to get to your interview, pull the red bar so that the timecode reads 06:38) 2019, Feb 7 Langara Voice newspaper, Campus Gender Forum Brings All the Boys to the Room. the-boys-to-the-room/ 2019, Feb 1 Jane Chamberlin, Is there only one way to be a man?: Rethinking masculinity in an age of gender fluidity. UToday, Calgary. 2019, Jan. 24 Did Gillette miss the mark with its toxic masculinity ad? Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania 2019, Jan. 20 Hundreds brave cold Calgary temperatures for 3rd annual Women’s March, Global News, annual-womens-march/ 2019, Jan. 17 Professor of masculinities studies applauds controversial Gillette ad studies-applauds-controversial-gillette-ad 2019, Jan. 16 Gillette’s MeToo Inspired advert-Ryan Jespersen, 630 CHED News- Global Edmonton, praise-outrage-over-gillette-s-metoo-inspired 2018, Dec. 2 YWCA, Vancouver, #Redefinemasculinity 10156235933434563/?type=3&theater¬if_t=page_post_reaction¬if _id=1543847741951774 2018, Nov. 20 CBC Tackling the Culture of Toxic Masculinity. 2018, Oct.15 The Gauntlet conversation-with-dr-michael-kehler/ 2018, Oct 1 Radio-Canada International- 2018, Oct. 1 CBC Morning shows across Canada-Masculinity, gender and the Judge Kavanaugh Hearings. Thunder Bay –Superior Morning, London Morning, Quebec AM, Winnipeg Information Radio, Saskatoon Morning, Edmonton AM, Calgary-The Eye opener, Vancouver-The Early Edition, Daybreak Kamloops, Regina-The Morning Edition.

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2018, Sept. 28 A. Nicholson et al., Canada celebrates first-ever gender equality week, but who knew? The Calgary Journal, canada-s-first-ever-gender-equality-week-but-who-knew.html 2018, June 26 Soraya Roberts The Fred Rogers We Know. Hazlitt. 2018, June 18 Brian Barth, Good Men: Inside the all-male group taking on modern masculinity men-inside-the-all-male-group-taking-on-modern-masculinity The Guardian. 2018, June 16 660 News, Art Exhibit Embraces Youth Voices for Safe Spaces. 2018, May 31 Guillermo Tupper, Cómo es ser hombre en la era Del feminism? En medio de la ola de manifestaciones, los expertos debaten sobre el rol de los varones en la lucha por la igualdad, el futuro de las relaciones de género y las claves para generar un cambio cultural. ¿Es la masculina la gran revolución pendiente del siglo XXI? El Mercurio (Chile) la-era-del-feminismo/ 2018, May 9 Patrick Gibson, A new look at what it means to be a man. Cochrane Times. means-to-be-a-man 2018, May 3 Amy Tuckers, The Mask You Live In-Masculinities, Cochrane Eagle mens-mental-wellness-20180501 2018, April 26 CTV News-INCELS- Unravelling masculinity 2018, April 26 660 News, Black Masculinities. 2018, March 12 Christina Cerqueira, Masculinity and guns AJPlus Twitter: 2018, March 1 Callie Wright-What does it mean to be a man? Podcast-interview mean-to-be-a-man/ 2018, March 1 Gordon Gilles-770-CHQR radio news-with-gord-gillies/what-does-it-mean-to-be-a-man 2018, February 29 Calgary Global News- metoo-university-of-calgary-researcher/ 2018, February 29 Brody Thomas-Calgary Metro-Men can have body issues too: Research explores body issues in the age of #MeToo. explores-masculinity-in-the-age-of-metoo.html 2018, February 28, Calgary radio host accuses Hedley’s Jacob Hoggard of sexual misconduct. jacob-hoggard-sexual-misconduct/ 2018, February 28 The National Post-- pmn/boys-to-men-calgary-lecture-series-examines-masculinity-in-metoo- movement

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2018, February 28 Bob Weber-The Canadian Press. Boys to men: #MeToo movement prompts Calgary university lectures on masculinity. movement-prompts-calgary-university-lectures-on-masculinity 2018, February 3 CBC=French news-Edmonton. pour-denoncer-racisme 2018, February 3 CBC News-Edmonton, “It’s all about being allies”: defining masculinity during the age of #MeToo and #TimesUp. awkward-summit-1.4518832 2018, February1 The Gauntlet-Ashar Mormon-U of C Professor researches what it means to be a man. it-means-to-be-a-man/ 2018, February 1 570 News-Kitchener-Mike Farrell Radio Show-Masculinities Professorship 2018, January 28 Tahirih Foroozan, 660 News-U of C research on masculinity integral to #MeToo movement. masculinity-u-c-integral-metoo-movement/ 2018, January 24 Alberta Primetime 6:00/11:00 news. what-it-means-to-be-a-boy-and-a-man-1.3774389 2018, January 23 Brad Wisker-630 CHED 2018, January 18 CBC National News interview with Suhana Merchand: 2018, January 18 770 CHQR Radio interview-Danielle Smith: with Dr. Chris Haywood 2018, Janury 18 Global News digital story: groups-applaud-university-of-calgary-for-shining-spotlight-on- masculinity/ 2018, January 18 Global News Radio-CHQR-Gord Gilles-Masculinities in Education studies-at-the-university-of-calgary 2018, January 16 Stephen Hunt-CBC-North America’s first masculine studies program hopes to spur talk on being a boy and a man. to-be-a-boy-1.4489432 2018, January 16 UToday-Masculinity speaker series delves into gender, equity and education speaker-series-delves-gender-equity-and-education 2018, January 16 CBC News digital story: to-be-a-boy-1.4489432 (link included in Academica Top 10) 2018, January 15 CBC TV, News-Rethinking what it means to be a boy, a man. (Begins at 13:30 of the news).

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2018, January 15 CBC Radio, the Homestretch, #MeToo and Rethinking what it means to be a boy, man. homestretch/segment/15493373 2018, January 10 Tina Shaygan U of C community express frustration over school handling of convicted sexual assault offender, The Gauntlet, U of C. 2017, October 27 Julia Lipscombe , How do we raise sweet, young boys to be kind, respectful men? Edmonton Journal 2017, October 23 Janet French, Catholic school districts want their own sex-education curriculum, Edmonton Journal news/catholic-school-districts-want-their-own-sex-education-curriculum 2017, October 11 Learning to let boys be boys, Campaign 201, Progress report. 2017. 2017, October 4 Gavin Jenkins, MEL magazine-Axe Throwing is everywhere right now. 99c8c9ff6601 2017, Sept. 28 Genna Buck, An innovative approach: Avatar games used to teach sex-ed to tweens. Calgary Metro, sex-ed-to-tweens.html 2017, Sept. 18 Taylor Hohn, Shattering the Stereotype, Ball Bearings Magazine 2017, July 25 CBC-Morning Show-Sexualities and change rooms 2017, July 24 CBC Noon show-Pool change room rules: Changing Alone? 2016, Sept. 27 Kathryn Boothby, National Post, Raise a Reader: Online world brings literacy to life for boys b9bb-f3c10c72e81c.html 2016, Aug. 9 AJ+ Al Jazeera Media Network, Men’s bodies and the sexualisation of Olympic Male Athletes (738Kviews) 2016, June 3 Owen Jones, New Statesman, “How to be a man: the quiet crisis of masculinity, June 3-9 2016, May 30 Devon Peacock, AM 980CFPL-Moving Forward and where to from here? 2016, May 25 106.8 The X (online story) International Symposium provides Voice to Youth 2016, May 25 London Free Press, Jen O’Brien-Teachers, researchers talk about sex, p2 2016, May 18, CJBK-News talk 1290--The Live Drive with Andy Oudman, Sex Education and Moving Forward 2016, May 12 Johnny, XFM News, Sex Education and the Voices We Missed. 2016, May 12 Cory Habermehl, Western News, 2016, May 3 Gary Ennett-CBC-Sex Education and the Missing Voices 2016, April 8 The Insane Side Effects Men Will Endure Just to Keep Taking Viagra endure-just-to-keep-taking-viagra 2016 Jan. 20 XFM News. Are we “feminizing” social issues? 2015 Sept. 2 CBC-Afternoon Drive with Bob Steeles-Back to school and Boys’ Anxieties.

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2015 April 20 Spice Radio, Burnaby, BC. 1120 AM –Steroids, boys and body image. 2015 April 17 CBC On The Coast-Stephen Quinn-Boys, steroids and body image. 2015 March 9 106.9 The X-Male body image and boys in school 2014 Apr. 29 “The Masculine Mystique”, The Advocate. mystique-how-bullying-connects-steroids 2013 Jan. 3 Global Television-News Hour-Changes in Male Body Image ml?v=2322918583 2012 Dec.4 Western’s White Ribbon Campaign, Tuesday, The X, 106.9 Fanshawe Radio. 2012 June 21 Researchers asking why boys shy away from phys-ed, Shobhita Sharma, The Londoner, Thursday, p.21. Londoner/londoner_0621_vp/2012062001/21.html#20 2012 June 16 Seeking solutions to body image issues for boys, Paul Everest, body-image-issues-for-boys/ 2012 June 13 Bodies with Borders, Radio CHRW 94.9, Emily Stewart. 2012 June 13 Bodies with Borders: Boys and PE class. Radio 98.1Free FM 2012 June13 Body Image hurting boys, St. Thomas Times Journal, June 13, 2012. 2012 June 12 Why boys aren’t participating in PE-Cafe Scientifique-Radio CJBK, The Biggs Show 2012 June 12 Bodies with Borders. CBC Radio Morning. 2012 June 11 Why aren’t boys participating in gym?, Western Press Release. 2012 May 24 Letting boys talk about body image, Joshua Freeman, The Londoner, p.30. 2011 Nov. 29 Boys education—so what can we do? CBC, Radio Canada International. 2011 Nov. 28 “CMEC-Boys losing ground in science.CBC Radio One, Across Canada withToronto, Edmonton, Kelowna, Yellowknife, Cape Breton, Calgary. 2011 Sept. 27 Child Obesity in Canada 106.9 The X, Alexandra McAlpine 2011 July 12 Why stay at home dads divorce? 106.9 The X radio. Chelsea Vella 2011 July 2 Why create a boy zone when not all boys are created equally? . Michael Kehler, Special Invitation-Column. 2011 June 20 “Disturbing stories about locker room environment, Josh Dehaas, boys-avoid-gym-class/

2011 June 16 Body image not only a girl problem, The Londoner, p. 35, Josh Freeman 2011 June 11 Out to lunch? National Post. Tamsin McMahon. 2011 June 8 Conference “speaks the unspoken” about boys and their body image, Vancouver Sun, Janet Steffanhagen

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2011 June 6 Macho culture turns boys off gym, study finds. National Post, A6. 2011 June 6 CBC-Ottawa-Boys and body images, Alan Neale 2011 June 6 CBC Morning Programs-Across Canada include interviews with: Tim Belfor (Que.), Lisa Laco (Thunder Bay), Bernice Hillier (Corner Brook), Leigh-Anne Power (Gander) , Joslyn Oosenbrug, (Yellowknife), Markus Schwabe, (Sudbury), Rick Cluff, (Vancouver) 2011 June 5 Locker-room culture turns boys off physical education, Matthew Pearson, The Ottawa Citizen, A1. 95410/story.html 2011 May 31 Boys, bodies and body images, 106.9 The X, Chelsea Vella 2011 May 26 Boys left out of body image conversation, Western News, p. 8. mposium_launches_conversation_about_adolescent_male_body_image_%26_physical_educatio n_20110530447530/ 2011 May 24 CBC RADIO NOON-Halley Cottenham-“Raising a genderless child” 2011 May 10 CJBK-Mike Stubbs-Why don’t boys like PE? 2011 May 5 “Ontario Morning” Kerry McKee-Revisiting Findings from a national study raises concerns for body image among boys. 2009 October Popular Science Reporter Tom Nick Cocotos “Scrawny or Fat Boys Don't Like Gym Class” 2008 September CBC Radio One—“Ontario Today” Back to school: Is there a gender gap? Call-in talk show. 2008 April Gym Study Reveals Concerns: Some boys are wary to talk of their reasons for not being interested in phys-ed activities. The London Free Press. 2008 April Study to Probe Boys’ Phys. Ed. Fear. The Montreal Gazette. 2008 April Why Boys Fear Physical Education. United Press International. 2008 April National Study to Examine Body Image Issues of Grade 9 Boys. The StarPhoenix. 2008 April Why High School Boys Dodge Gym Class. Science Daily. 2008 April Why High School Boys Dodge ‘Phys Ed.’ Medical New Today 2008 April News Talk 1290 CJBK, Stephanie Vivier—Boys, Body Image and Physical Education. 2008 April Rogers Television Cable 13, Jeremy Rogers—Boys, Body Image and Physical Education. 2008 April Radio Fanshawe 6X-FM—Boys, Body Image and Physical Ed. 2008 April News Talk 1290 CJBK, Al Coops—Boys, Body Image and 2008 April CBC Radio One 99.1 FM, Matt Gallaway—“Here and Now” Boys, Body Image and Physical Education.

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2008 April CBC Radio One Saskatchewan, Garth Materie—“Blue Sky-Wide Open Radio” Boys, Body Image and Physical Education. 2008 April CBC Radio One, Wei Chen—“Ontario Morning|” Boys, Body Image and Physical Education. 2008 March Researchers Study Why High School Boys Dodge ‘Phys Ed.’ 2008 March A-Channel, Jan Sims—Why High School Boys Dodge ‘Phys Ed.’ 2008 March Grade 9 Boys Reluctant Gym Participants; UWO Research Asks ‘Why?’ 2008 March Researchers Study Why High School Boys Dodge ‘Phys Ed.’ 2008 March Why Do High School Boys Dodge Phys-Ed? Western News, UWO. 2008 March Researchers Study Why High School Boys Dodge ‘Phys Ed.’ 2008 March Boys in High School Dodge Physical Education. Hypography: Science for Everyone, 2006 November Boys and Girls at B.C. School are in a class by themselves. Globe and Mail. 2006 January Boys-only, girls-only classes prove to be ‘a model for success’: Separating the sexes means…” The Ottawa Citizen. 2005 June Does Division Add up? A London high school tries all-boy and all- girl math classes to see if good marks multiply. London Free Press 2005 June Work-to-rule affects society’s view of teachers. London Free Press 2004 May The Ottawa Sun. 2004 April AM 980 Radio, George Clarke-“The Focus” Male teachers, boys, achievement and schooling. 2004 April The New PL, Television interview re: Minister of Education call for more male teachers to increase achievement levels among boys. 2004 April CJBK-1290-Radio, Steve Garrison-Interview re: Safe schools Policies. 2004 April T.V.D.S.B. Public presentation re: sexual Diversity and Safe Schools.

10. SIGNIFICANT UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATIVE DUTIES: University 2019-2020 University Task Force on Relationships-Committee Member. University of Calgary, Alberta. 2017-present Student Non-Academic Mis-conduct Hearing Board Member-U of C. 2012-15 Faculty of Social Sciences-Promotions and Tenure Committee Member 2009-10 University Senate Committee Member-Western University, Ontario Faculty 2019 Faculty of Education, Tenure and Promotion Committee-Alternate, Werklund School of Education 2018-19 Research Advisory Committee Member, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary, Alberta.

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2014-17 Faculty of Education-Promotions and Tenure Committee Member (Alternate), Western University, Ontario 2013-14 Faculty Seminar Series Co-coordinator (with Immaculate Namukasa) 2013-14 Research Committee, Western University, Ontario 2013 Research Committee (Jan.–July) Western University, Ontario 2011-12 Associate Dean Ad Hoc Selection Committee 2011-2012 Appointments Committee, Western University, Ontario 2010-12 Ph.D. Admissions Committee 2009-11 Student Council Faculty Advisor 2009-10 Associate Dean Ad Hoc Selection Committee 2008-09 Promotion and Tenure Committee 2008-10 Appointments Committee 2007-08 Sabbatical 2007 Associate Dean Adhoc Selection Committee 2006-07 Graduate Studies Subcommittee 2006-07 Appointments Committee 2006-07 Research Committee 2005-06 Member, Appointments Advisory Committee—English Language Arts 2005-06 Graduate Studies Subcommittee 2005-06 Preservice Subcommittee 2004-05 Appointments Committee 2004-05 Faculty Seminar Series-Co-coordinator 2003-04 Academic Policy Committee 2003-04 Research and Publications Committee 2003-04 Preservice Program Committee 2003-04 Faculty Seminar Series-Co-coordinator 2002-03 Member, Appointments Advisory Committee—English Language Arts 2002-03 Research and Publications Committee 2002-03 Secretary-Faculty Council 2002-03 Academic Policies Committee 2002-03 Faculty Seminar Series-Co-coordinator 2001-02 Research and Publications Committee 2001-02 Preservice Subcommittee 2001-02 Representative-United Way Campaign 2001-02 Member, Teaching and Research Unit on Women in Education (TRUWE) 2000-01 Member, Advisory Committee—Physical Health & Education Review 2000-01 Member, Teaching and Research Unit on Women in Education (TRUWE) 2000-01 Member, Sub-committee—Graduate Studies Signature:


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