RESTORE DISCIPLINE TO THE CLASSROOM David McLetchie, Scottish Conservative British General Election Campaign Manager, says: "A member of school staff is attacked every 10 minutes. This is not right and it has to change. "The Conservatives want discipline restored in every classroom, in all of Scotland's schools. "School staff should not have to cope with verbal and physical abuse on such a scale. They must be given the means to restore discipline. "It is time that persistently unruly pupils are removed from mainstream education and taught in separate Second Chance Centres until they show they can behave. "Teachers should be free to teach and well behaved pupils should not have their education disrupted."

RESTORE TRUST IN POLITICS Speaking in East , Annabel Goldie MSP, Scottish Conservative Leader, says: "People everywhere are rightly furious about the expenses scandal. Politicians from all parties let Britain down. We now all have a responsibility to do everything we can to restore that trust. The Conservatives are committed to bringing greater transparency to the system of MPs' expenses and allowances. Taxpayers have a right to know their money is being used sensibly and correctly. " has led the way by apologising and by sorting out the expenses scandal. Conservative candidates all across Scotland have signed an expenses pledge to be totally open and transparent with all their claims and to publish them on‐line. We have to restore trust in politics and Conservatives are committed to making that happen." Conservatives candidates across Scotland have pledged: To publish online details of all of my personal expenses incurred as a Member of Parliament. To publish online details of all of my office expenses incurred as a Member of Parliament. To publish online details of all donations of than £1,000, in line with Electoral Commission rules. To appoint a local firm of auditors to approve expenses accounts at the end of every financial year. To open up the unedited expenses claims to newspapers at the end of every financial year. Never to claim for food. Never to claim for furniture or household goods. To meet all tax liabilities ‐ such as Stamp Duty without claiming them from the taxpayer. WE BROUGHT BACK THE BILL Speaking ahead of a visit to the Conservative target seat of East Renfrewshire tomorrow, Francis Maude, Shadow Minister for the Cabinet Office, says: "There are 1,000 more police in Scotland, thanks to the Conservatives. "The SNP were ready to backtrack on their manifesto promise ‐ but the Conservatives forced them to increase police numbers by 1,000 as the price for us supporting their budget. "Neither Labour nor the Lib Dems wanted to increase police numbers and both voted against it. "It was the Conservatives who fought to make Scotland safer. "It was the Conservatives who brought back The Bill."

Scottish Conservatives pledge £10m for cancer drugs are today committing up to £10m of NHS spending for a Scottish Cancer Drugs Fund. This proposal mirrors action taken by the UK Government to provide up to £200m per year for England and Wales, to increase access to cancer drugs recommended by doctors. The pledge follows revelations that there are at least 18 cancer drugs available to patients in England and Wales, which are not available in Scotland.

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