India Update at November 2019 GMI Coal Subcommittee Meeting
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India Coal Sector Update to the Session of the Global Methane Initiative (GMI) Coal Mines Subcommittee 7th November, 2019 Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Methane Initiative PresentationPresentation outlineoutline . India’s energy scenario . Coal: Epitomizes energy in India . Development of CMM: India’s Perspective . Development of CBM/CMM: CIL/CMPDI’s Endeavour . India CBM/CMM Clearinghouse and other Endeavors . Conclusion Global Methane Initiative India’sIndia's EnergyEnergy ScenarioScenario .• India isis one of the fastest growing economy ofof the World which representsrepresents 1818%% ofof the World population,population, with about 2121 %% proportionproportion ofof the populationpopulation isis livingliving belowbelow the poverty lineline.. .• The GDPGDP growthgrowth ofof India isis hoveringhovering overover 77%% andand isis forecasted to increaseincrease furtherfurther.. .• India isis facing anan uphilluphill task to meetmeet everever-increasing-increasing demanddemand for energy to sustain the economic growthgrowth.. .• To meet these need thrust isis also onon thethe developmentdevelopment of coalcoal basedbased nonnon-conventional-conventional energyenergy resourcesresources ii.e;.e; CBM/CMM/AMM/VAMCBM/CMM/AMMNAM etcetc.. .• Coal playsplays a dominantdominant rolerole in sustainingsustaining economiceconomic growth and energyenergy budgetbudget ofof India Global Methane Initiative Coal:Coal: EpitomizesEpito1mizes EnergyEnergy inin IndiaIndia .• India’sIndia's total Coal reservereserve isis aboutabout 319319 BillionBillion TonneTonne .• India is the 33rd largestlargest coalcoal producingproducing countrycountry after China and USA with the coalcoal productionproduction ofof aboutabout 730730.54.54 Million Tonne (MT)(MT) inin 20182018-19-19 (Coal(Coal IndiaIndia LimitedLimited contributioncontribution:: 607 MT)MT) .• India targeted to increase the Coal productionproduction upup to 11.0.0 Billion Tonne by 20242024-25.-25. .• StudiesStudies suggest that CoalCoal will remainremain the main sourcesource ofof energyenergy supply inin foreseeable future inin IndiaIndia.. ✓ around 5656%% share inin meetingmeeting India’sIndia's total primaryprimary energy requirementrequirement;; ✓ 7272%% share inin powerpower generationgeneration.. Global Methane Initiative Coal:Coal: EpitomizesEpitomizes EnergyEnergy in1in IndiaIndia …..... .• There isis ambitiousambitious programprogram to increaseincrease coalcoal productionproduction inin coming yearsyears particularlyparticularly from UndergroundUnderground MinesMines which will resultresult inin enhancedenhanced methanemethane emissionsemissions due to coalcoal miningmining operationsoperations;; .• CaptureCapture andand gainfulgainful utilization of MethaneMethane isis on prioritypriority atat GovtGovt and IndustryIndustry levellevel underunder Clean CoalCoal DevelopmentDevelopment InitiativesInitiatives.. .• MethaneMethane emission from coal miningmining inin IndiaIndia isis a mattermatter ofof concern which isis aroundaround 11.2.2 BCMBCM annually as perper US EPAEPA estimateestimate.. Global Methane Initiative DevelopmentDevelo:pment ofof CMM:CMM: India’sIndia's PerspectivePerspective DevelopmentDevelopment of CMMCMM isis aa prioritypriority area bothboth at GovtGovt.. andand IndustryIndustry levellevel:: • HarnessingHarnessing and gainfulgainful utilizationutilization isis targeted for environmental benefits, minemine safetysafety and gettinggetting muchmuch neededneeded additionaladditional source of clean energyenergy;; •• MinistryMinistry of CoalCoal ((MoC)MoC) has mademade CMPDICMPDI aa NodalNodal AgencyAgency for developmentdevelopment of CMMCMM inin IndiaIndia;; • IndiaIndia CMM/CBM ClearinghouseClearinghouse established at CMPDI inin associationassociation with USUS EPAEPA && CILCIL underunder the aegis ofof MoC isis facilitating commercialcommercial developmentdevelopment of CMMCMM since 20082008;; •• GovtGovt.. ofof India,India, MinistryMinistry of CoalCoal hashas permittedpermitted exploration andand exploitation of Coalbed MethaneMethane (CBM) from areas underunder coal mining leaselease allotted to CoalCoal IndiaIndia LimitedLimited (CIL)(CIL).. Global Methane Initiative DevelopmentDevelo:pment ofof CMM:CMM: India’sIndia's PerspectivePerspective • The PolicyPolicy framework for EarlyEarly MonetizationMonetization ofof CBMCBM issued inin April, 2017 byby GoIGol which providesprovides marketingmarketing andand pricingpricing freedom to sell the CBM atat Arm’sArm's LengthLength PricePrice inin domestic marketmarket;; • InIn partialpartial modificationmodification of CBM Policy’Policy'1997,1997, MoP&NGMoP&NG hashas issuedissued revisedrevised notificationnotification onon 8th May,May, 2018 regardingregarding consolidatedconsolidated terms && conditions for grantgrant ofof exploration andand exploitation rightsrights to Coal IndiaIndia LimitedLimited (CIL) and itsits subsidiaries from coal bearingbearing areas for whichwhicti theyth,:l\f possesspossess mining leaselease for coalc-n:::111 as::a~ itit isis deemed leaselease underunde ORD Act andand PNGPNG RulesRules andand grant ofof PMLPML for CBMCBM developmentdevelopment;, • InIn partial medication ofof CoalCoal MineMine RegulationRegulation Act(CMR), 20112011,, GovtGovt.. of India issuedissued revisedrevised CMRCMR Act,Act,2(l172017, whichVi..1...:-1... includesincludes ChapterChar._ __- XVIvv1 “Extraction"Extraction ofof MethaneMethane from Working CoalCoal MinesMines or Abandoned Mine”Mine".. Global Methane Initiative CMMCMM DevelopmentDevelopment inin BCCLBCCL Area,Area, JhariaJharia CoalfieldCoalfield && ECLECL Area, RaniganjRaniganj CoalfieldCoalfield 1. Pre-drainage of methane in Moonidih UG mine (BCCL), Jharia Coalfield . Pre-drainage in Seam XVIT has been planned to recovery methane to enhance safety, coal production and gainfully utilization of gas; . A Pre-NIT meeting is proposed in last week of November-2019; 2. Jharia CMM/CBM Block (BCCL Area): . BCCL Board has approved the Project Feasibility Report for a CMM/CBM block of about 24.32Sq. Km for Commercial development having CBM resource about 25.2 BCM; . It is proposed to develop this block by engaging CBM Developer (CBMD) where CMPDI to implement it; 3. Raniganj CMM/CBM Block (ECL Area): . ECL Board has approved the Project Feasibility Report for a CMM/CBM block of an area of about 57Sq. Km for commercial development having resource of about 3.93 BCM; . It is proposed to develop this block by engaging CBM Developer (CBMD) where CMPDI to implement it; Global Methane Initiative CBM/CMMCBM/CMM developmentdevelopment inin otherother CILCIL leasehold/commandleasehold/command areasareas . A block of an area 60 Sq. km has also delineated in Sohagpur Coalfield under SECL with resource of about 1.07 BCM; . Potential Block delineation is under progress in North Karanpura Cf, South Karanpura Cf, Bokaro Cf and Jharia Cf under CIL command areas and CIIP assessment has been undertaken by CMPDI; . CMPDI is also working for prospects of CBM/CMM in North-Eastern region; . CMPDI-CIL is also exploring possibilities for simultaneous extraction of CMM/CBM and Coal in its command areas; . Identification of abandoned UG gassy mines in CIL areas has also be undertaken for AMM Project. Pre-feasibility Study for AMM in Raniganj Coalfield (ECL Command area), Bokaro Coalfield (CCL Command Area) and Jharia Coalfield (BCCL Command area) and Workshop on Case Study Global Methane Initiative IndiaIndia CMM/CBMCMM/CBM ClearinghouseClearinghouse . Established under the aegis of US EPA and MoC and is functional at CMPDI (Ranchi) since November, 2008 with an aim of development of CMM/CBM in the country; . It showcase opportunities of CBM/CMM development in India and facilitate training programs; . USEPA has extended its support upto 2021; . Four International Workshops have been organized on the development of coal based non-conventional energy resources in India i.e; CMM/CBM at Ranchi (Jharkhand), India. It includes International Workshop on “Optimum Utilization of CMM/CBM in India” organized jointly with GoI, CMPDI, US EPA & GMI on 24th -25th April, 2019. Training on Reservoir Simulation for Project personnel and an International Workshop on “Pre-mine drainage” is proposed during January - February, 2020. Global Methane Initiative ConclusionConclusion . India is continuously making efforts to extract CMM/CBM from its coal mining areas to combat the climate change issues; . Development of CMM from mining areas will lead future mining safer; . GAIL is laying gas-pipeline under URJA Ganga Project to complete by December, 2020 which will provide infrastructure to evacuate CBM/CMM Produce for optimum utilization; . Extraction and Utilization of CMM/CBM resources will bridge the gap between the supply and demand of energy which is environment friendly will contribute towards the country’s energy budget; . Resulting energy supply will be more affordable and sustainable; . ONGC, IOCL, GAIL and CIL have joined hands together for the development of CBM/CMM; . India is taking all efforts to make coal mining sustainable to environmental, social and economic dimensions. Global Methane Initiative .