Peter Julian Inon Your Green Community Energy 3 Member of Parliament // Burnaby–New Westminster 4 Oil

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Peter Julian Inon Your Green Community Energy 3 Member of Parliament // Burnaby–New Westminster 4 Oil In this issue In this issue You’re invited to Peter’s 1 1 FederalCommunity Budget Expo 20132013 Peter’s Motion to oversee 11 EI benefits MPs spending approved 2 A message from Peter on 2 the Peter expansion in the House of the coal export capacity at Conservativesthe Fraser caught Surrey 2Docksmisleading Canadians on Senate scandals 2 3 Peter in the community 2 Canada can lead the way 4 Peter Julian Inon your green community energy 3 MEMbEr oF PArlIAMEnt // burnAbY–nEw wEStMInStEr 4 oil.. JULIAN PLAN TO OVERSEE MPs’ SPENDING APPROVED IN PARLIAMENT OTTAWA Peter tabled a motion in Par- liament that called for an independent body to be established by next spring to review MPs’ expenses. Parliament is one step closer to having a full legisla- tive overhaul of MPs’ expenses disclo- sure system after Peter’s Motion calling for an independent review and oversight passed in the House of Commons unan- imously on June 19, 2013. “the Conservative government now has a clear direction from Parliament and must cooperate to create an arms- length, more open, accountable and transparent MPs’ expenses system. Our motion calls for a fundamental review which would go well beyond just greater disclosure. It’s time to have a serious de- bate about this issue. We need to move beyond stunts and political games,” said Julian. dure and House Affairs conduct open and public hearings with an aim to replace the board of Internal Economy with an independent the nDP motion requires that the Standing Committee on Proce- oversight body. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Constituency Office You’re invited 7615 Sixth Street Burnaby, British Columbia th V3N 3M6 PETER’s 4 ANNUAL COMMUNITY EXPO OF GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS & SERVICES Telephone: (604) 775-5707 Fax: (604) 775-5743 FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY! Email: [email protected] on october 6, Peter will be hosting his 4th Annual Community Information Expo at the bonsor recreation Complex in burnaby. The Community Expo will provide an opportunity Website: for service providers from three levels of governments, various community organizations and non-profit agencies, to present information about their programmes and services. For Twitter: @MPJulian valuable information, please join us along with over 25 organizations to get information and receive handouts that will help you be aware of many services available to you. Parliamentary Office Are you interested in: •Community Safety •Immigration •Disability Tax Credits •Employment Insurance Room 184 •Neighbourhood Services •Health Confederation Building House of Commons Then this EXPO is for you! Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6 DATE: Sunday october 6th, 2013 TIME: 1:00PM to 4:00PM Telephone: (613) 992-4214 PLACE: bonsor recreation Complex (6550 bonsor, burnaby V5H 3G4) Fax: (613) 947-9500 Free admission. Toll-free: 1-866-599-4999 Refreshments will be served. Email: [email protected] Please contact Peter’s constituency office at 604.775.5707 for more details. Keeping closer eye on MP expenses In the House CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 the motion aims at creating an in- (b) invite the Auditor General, the dependent review of MPs’ expenses Clerk and the Chief Financial Officer and oversight system that would of the House of Commons to partici- MEMBER’S STATEMENT ~ Time for Canadians to eliminate the systemic risk of conflict pate fully in these hearings; get answers from this Conservative government of interest. Hearings are expected to Mr. Peter Julian (burnaby—new westminster, begin next fall. (c) study the practices of provincial nDP) : Mr. Speaker, in the words of the newly and territorial legislatures, as well as independent member for Edmonton—St. Albert, the “what we really need is an inde- other jurisdictions and westminster- Conservative Party of Canada has “morphed into what we once mocked” . pendent oversight body. these are style Parliaments in order to com- much needed changes and the Con- pare and contrast their administrative First, we learned of a secret $90,000 payout servative government must respect oversight; orchestrated by the PMo. now, we hear troubling allegations of a secret slush fund controlled by the the will of the House. I am very hap- Prime Minister’s Chief of Staff. They have improper py that Parliament has echoed the (d) propose modifications to the Par- Senate expense claims, a cover-up orchestrated by the wishes and support of Canadians to liament of Canada Act, the Finan- PMo, fraudulent election calls, Elections Canada trying take positive, genuine steps in build- cial Administration Act, the Auditor to remove two Conservative MPs and now allegations ing public trust and confidence in our General Act and any other acts as of a secret fund controlled by the PM’s former Chief of democratic institutions,” said Julian. deemed necessary; Staff, nigel wright. while our leader Tom Mulcair has repeatedly the motion reads as follows: (e) propose any necessary modifica- asked direct questions, the Prime Minister refuses tions to the administrative policies to give straight answers. no wonder the MP for that, in order to bring full transpar- and practices of the House of Com- Edmonton—St. Albert resigned; the Conservatives ency and accountability to House of mons; and have a “lack of support for transparency and Commons spending, the Standing open government.” Committee on Procedure and House (f) report its findings to the House no The Prime Minister can take the “air force run” Affairs be instructed to: later than December 2, 2013 in or- to Europe, but he cannot hide. The nDP will keep der to have any proposed changes asking tough questions because Canadians deserve to have answers. (a) conduct open and public hearings to expense disclosure and reporting with a view to replace the Board of In- in place for the beginning of the next – Peter Julian, MP, Burnaby-New Westminster ternal Economy with an independent fiscal year■ oversight body; nDP leader tom Mulcair grilled the Prime Minister’s office were • what changed between the • Pamela Wallin said she informed the Prime Minister repeatedly with aware of this arrangement.”– CtV time Stephen Harper expressed the PMo she had already been clear and straightforward ques- news, July 4th, 2013 his total, absolute support of forced previously to repay inappro- tions about who in the PMo was nigel wright and the moment he priate expenses – without being involved in the secret payout. He “the Conservative Party was ini- accepted his resignation just three asked to resign from the Conser- asked about the involvement of tially going to repay the money for days later? vative caucus. why did Stephen the Conservative Party. He asked Duffy from a Conservative fund.” – Harper claim he knew nothing about the involvement of the Prime rCMP court documents quoted by • which directives did Stephen about this? Minister’s lawyer. CtV news on July 4th, 2013 Harper give to his staff relating the Senate expenses scandal? Prime Minister Stephen Harper now we learn that rCMP court “the final Senate report … re- and his ministers willfully misled documents time and again contra- lating to Duffy’s expenses was • when did Stephen Harper first Canadians. dict Stephen Harper’s version of less critical than the original draft speak with nigel wright about events. rCMP documents about report, which is consistent with the whole question of the Senate Canadians deserve the truth the Senate spending scandal re- the purported deal between Duffy expenses scandal? about that whole scandal. they vealed in July shed some new light and wright.” –rCMP court docu- deserve answers about the extent on the contradictions, misleading ments quoted by CtV news on • Did the Prime Minister ask all to which the PMo was involved statements and outright lies put July 4th, 2013 PMo staff about their possible in- in covering up this possible fraud, forward by Conservatives about volvement in that scheme? they deserve answers about what the Senate expense scandal and “the documents allege that Wright role Conservative Party opera- the $90,000 cover up. recalls three staff members with- • was the Conservative Fund tives played in the cover up and in the PMo were aware of this used for similar payments in other they deserve answers about the we have a secret cover up, or- arrangement, including Harper’s cases? If so, which ones? low ethical standards of Stephen chestrated out of the Prime Minis- former special adviser and legal Harper’s office and top advisors. ter’s Office, and the Conservative counsel benjamin Perrin.” – CtV • How is it the Prime Minister’s Party was implicated and knew news, July 4th, 2013 lawyer knew about possible Canadians deserve better■ about it. illegal activity going on in the but many more questions remain PMo, and yet did not report it to “the documents allege that Wright unanswered, including: the Prime Minister? recalls three staff members within 2 Peter Julian, MP In our community Peter speaking at the Canada Day celebration at Queen’s Park in new westminster. Peter on Canada Day at burnaby Village Museum, seen here with Kennedy Stewart, MP (burnaby-Douglas), raj Chouhan, MlA (burnaby-Edmonds) & Kathy Corrigan, MlA (burnaby-Deer lake). Peter on Canada Day at Queen’s Park with Mayor wayne wright & Judy Darcy, MlA (new westminster). Peter with organizer, Guy black & Fin Donnelly, MP (new westminster-Coquitlam) celebrating 60 years of Cutting the cake at the Afghani-Canadian peace in Korea at the banting School in Coquitlam. Canada Day celebration in burnaby with raj Peter with Judy Darcy, MlA (new west- Chouhan, MlA (burnaby-Edmonds); minster) & retiring new westminster Sec- ondary School Principal, Mary bushman at Hyack Grade 13 Graduation. thank you Mary for your great service to new westminster! Peter with Steven Staples, Executive Director, rideau Institute, Peggy Mason, Peter at the Scandinavian Midsummer Fes- VP, rideau Institute who presented the tival in burnaby with Kennedy Stewart, MP Peter at the Sukh Sagar Sikh Temple in Queensborough, Rideau Institute Leadership Award to (burnaby-Douglas).
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