Present: Cllrs David Robertson (Chairman); Charles Bowen; Mrs Ros Gough; John Robinson; Michael Constable; Frank Freeman and Roger Ongley.

In attendance: WC Mrs Bridget Wayman; Mrs E Young (Clerk)

Apologies: Cllrs Ray Gentle and Dr Jim Caughey

17/49 DISPENSATIONS (both pecuniary and personal) WITH REGARD TO THE AGENDA SHOULD BE MADE IN WRITING TO THE CLERK AND CHAIRMAN BEFORE THE MEETING (Localism Act 2011) There were none and the book was signed and dated by the Chairman

REPORTS; WC Mrs Wayman reported:  Council’s budget had been approved and there would be a 6% increase in Council tax  Parish Stewards had been asked to fill in potholes – normal duties were suspended for the time being.  Residents may be asked for their ID in order to use the recycling plant at

PUBLIC QUESTION TIME: No public were present at the meeting

17/50 MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 13TH FEBRUARY 2018 (already circulated) Council asked that item 4 be amended to include the letter from Mrs Lorraine Cooper. This was agreed.

17/51 MATTERS ARISING (if not already on the agenda) (a) Cllr Freeman asked for a vote of thanks to the tractor drivers and others who had cleared the roads in the snow. All agreed. (b) Dates for 2018/19 Council meetings were agreed (c) Council took note of the road closure of C309 Tokes Lane/Kinghay, and on 22nd March 2018.

16/13 PARISH REPORTS 1. PLANNING; Cllr Robertson reported: A planning application for work to trees in a conservation area: 18/01810/TCA Peacehaven, High Street, Hindon. T1 Cypress-fell; T2 Beech tree crown raise to 4.5 metres; T3 Beech tree remove stem at 6 metre fork. At a meeting of the planning committee there was no objection to this application. approved the following applications: 118/00857/TCA The Old Bakery, High Street, Hindon; Beech tree crown thin by 30% and crown raise by 10 feet. Approved on 26/2/18 18/00989/TCA Toms Cottage, High Street, Hindon; Apple tree – fell; approved on 28/2/18

2. Highways: Cllr Freeman reported: he had thanked the Highways Authority for their swift action in clearing the snow. People had cleared their frontages, particularly the road to the Surgery. 1. Water table had gone down 2/3 metres and no springs have been bubbling up. Cllr Freeman to keep a close eye on the drains at the Lamb and outside the Angel. 2. Speed watch: Police Inspector Brain would be meeting Cllr Freeman on 21st March outside the Village Hall at 3.30 p.m. together with a number of the speed watch team.

Minutes subject to approval at the next Council Meeting Clerk to the Council: Mrs EA Young 2 Ladydown View Tisbury SP3 6LL Tel No. 01747870528 E mail: [email protected] Page 1 of 4 HINDON PARISH COUNCIL

3. The SID has been repaired. We now have our two SIDS working plus one from WC 4. Parish Steward is busy mending potholes so cannot attend the village at the moment. 5. Extra litterbins: Council proposed to empty these once a month. Cllr Freeman to obtain a contract estimate from ID Verde. Action: Cllr Freeman

3. SWWAB: Cllr Robertson reported the next meeting of SWWAB will be at the Nadder Centre on Wednesday 21st March 2018. Prior to the meeting information on the proposed Stonehenge tunnel will be available and any brochures will be distributed to Councillor after the event

4. Rights of Way: Cllr Bowen reported: 1. The contract tenders for maintenance (mowing) of parish ROWs have been issued and clarification of scope has been given to one of the potential contractors. This activity is in the hands of the Clerk. 2. Hindon 15 byway: This remains open and I am unaware of any further complaints. 3. In general, paths have suffered from the wet winter but, apart from this, are in good condition with hedging completed.

5. Village Hall; Cllr Robertson reported the Hall continues to operate in the interest of the village and there are no outstanding issues.

6. Community Safety Group: Cllr Freeman reported he had attended the meeting on 28th February. The Police advise car owners must not leave handbags and valuables when parked at beauty spots. The Great Litter Clean Up to be on 22/23 March. Cllr Freeman to check the date. Action: Cllr Freeman

7. Recreation Ground: Cllr Mrs Gough reported: The playground had been inspected and is in reasonable order for the time of year. A meeting took place on Tuesday 6th March between David Robertson, Michael and Katherine Nimmo, Ros Gough and Martyn Edginton, to resolve the problem of footballs hitting the Nimmos fence making a noise and the problem of balls going over the fence into their garden. Martyn made a number of useful suggestions and it was decided he would remove the post and rail fence, which is now very fragile and put a deer fence (wire) in front of the Nimmos fence to stop the balls hitting it. At the same time he will extend the height of the wooden fence with posts and netting to increase the height by some 3 feet. A quote for this work would be given to Council He hopes to undertake the work before the end of March and will liaise with the Nimmos. Cllr Gough also reported Caroline Leatham has asked to use the Playground on 24th March from 10 a.m. to 12 noon so that donkey rides can be given as part of a charity morning for World Horse Welfare. The providers of the donkeys have hard hats and the necessary insurance.. DR and RG have given their permission. Any mess or disturbance of the ground will be made good by CL.

8. Allotments: Cllr Dr Caughey (in his absence) Some essential maintenance needs to be carried out on the allotment fence posts and the overgrown vegetation that overhangs the fencing and runs from the top of the Nook down towards June Cottage. The work scope and the quote have been looked at and agreed it should go ahead. The quote is for £300 and this will be taken from the budget for allotment maintenance of £350.

Minutes subject to approval at the next Council Meeting Clerk to the Council: Mrs EA Young 2 Ladydown View Tisbury SP3 6LL Tel No. 01747870528 E mail: [email protected] Page 2 of 4 HINDON PARISH COUNCIL

9. NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN: Cllr Robinson Following the drop-in session on Saturday 20th January, material for the various elements that go to make up the Hindon Neighbourhood Development Plan document are being produced and will be discussed with the Steering Group at a meeting to be held in the week beginning 19th March. It is proposed that the up-dated Draft and the Consultation Draft will be forwarded to members of the Group for their comments but that some of the ancillary papers will just be circulated for information to show the overall make-up of the documentation being produced. These latter elements which will include the SEA, Conditions Statement and other hearings, follow standard national technical requirements rather than reflecting the needs of Hindon specifically. A meeting was held by Cllr Gentle and Cllr Robinson with Jeff Bishop and a specialist adviser, John Davey, on Site Selection process and alteration of boundaries. His report is due at the end of this week but his initial views were in agreement with ours although we might have some comments about the inclusion of smaller sites for modest “windfall” development. His report when agreed, will form part of the SEA (Strategic Environment Assessment) which Wiltshire Council has informed us is required.

Good progress is being made and we are still on course to make the date of June/July to forward the first draft of the Neighbourhood Development Plan to Wiltshire Council.

17/53 FINANCE as at 13th March 2018 Deposit a/c £13,028.09 Treasurer’s a/c 4,023.68

(Ring fenced) Legacy a/c 3510.87 Clerk’s a/c 1575.79

(a) To accept the Assets and Risk Assessment papers: Council agreed and the Chairman signed and dated them (b) Payments already approved:

1321 pv45 Mail and Print (NP)` £140.40 1322 pv46 Fellowship Club (NP) £140.00

(c) Council approved the following payments:

1323 pv47 EA Young salary January to March 18, Scale 21 (£10.363 x 20 x3) £621.76 1324 pv48 EA Young exes January to March 18: Tel 10.00; Postage 5.04; travel 10.0; cartridges £34.00 £ 59.84

17/54 CORRESPONDENCE Papers were collected by the Chairman to be distributed as necessary. Date of the APCM Tuesday 10th April 2018 in the Village Hall at 7.00 p.m.

Any item for inclusion in the Parish Council meeting must be notified in writing to the Clerk for consideration of acceptance in accordance with the Parish Council Standing Orders at least 7 days before the meeting. Notice of the next meeting will be posted on the notice boards at least three working days prior to the date of the meeting. The Minutes of the Parish Council are published on the Parish Notice Board and on the web site.

Minutes subject to approval at the next Council Meeting Clerk to the Council: Mrs EA Young 2 Ladydown View Tisbury SP3 6LL Tel No. 01747870528 E mail: [email protected] Page 3 of 4