March 19, 1991 Vowme Xvti, Issue 3
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? I Battere motorist released - Inland Empire The Other Side MARCH 19, 1991 VOWME XVTI, ISSUE 3 4 EDITOR'S DESK • D AVID G LICKMAN • Beyond the War, Bush, and Democrats. 5 A FAREWELL TO BLOOM • AI Bloom is returning to his "roots." 6 PESERVING THE PAST • B ILL KRAMER • The history of our history. ~ 8 CAMPUS RAPE • SARA S HEPPERD • The problem is closer than you think. <:1.) .........."'~ I ' RECOGNITIO ' OF WO~IEN'S HISTORY MONTH --0- JULIET HENDERSON • ~ 10 SHE, HE, IT • A Non-Sexist Language Policy. 0 11 WOMEN'S HERSTORY • P IERTER M. JUDSON • What's in it for HIM? ..........C.#':) c:: 12 POUTICAL SCIENCE? • A DENA C oHEN • Science as a feminist <:1.) ~ ..........::::::J 14 STAYING SANE • JENNIFER HoFFMAN • Mental health at the Colleges. ~ 16 FINDING A FUTURE • KAllE MARBLE • Seniors face the real world. <:1.) ...s:::.......... 18 MAKING THE GRADE • JASON SINGER • Pitzer's "different" grading system . 20 COMING OUT OF THE CLOSET • KAREN STEEN • Overcoming hippie- hypocrisy. 22 THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF HONNOLD • KEN DUEKER • Short story. 24 INTERVIEW: BENNY TRAPP • ToM M ILLS • From the inside out. -- 25 ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORTATION • KAREN SlEEN AND KATIE MARBLE 26 MUSIC REVIEW: NOVA MOB • BILL FOREMAN • The last days of Pompeii. 28 SPORTS SHORTS • DAVID STOLBER • Jim Palmer calls it quits ... 29 BOXERS: THEY DON'T KNOW WHEN TO QUIT • JOHN STEWART & ANDREW STARBIN 30 KNOW AND TELL • sARA SHEPPERD AND BRETT SPEER 32 TAKING SIDES •CHRIS DAVIS • Toward a politics of substance. 35 THE FLEXIBLE VOICE •TIM KOPPERUD • Whose penis is it anyway? 36 THE FLEXIBLE VOICE • SEAN fLYNN • Toward a purely political press. 38 THE FLEXIBLE VOICE • STEPHEN Y ERBISCAR • An open letter. When finished reading Cover photo by THE OTHER SIDE, please recycle Kristin Kasper The Other Side, February 26, 1991 • 3 FROM Beyond The War, The Other Side ~ .. ~P~Pw:Jpt. T H E George Bush, and ING -- p EDITOR'S ... Edil()f _ Dav1d Glickman DE 5 K The Democrats ..,.. Exccvlivt Edil()rs Jennifer Hoffman s I contemplated a topic for this editorial, I had several goals in mind Sara Shepperd K~~ Jason Smger ·-- ------IN--THE EAST do not talk about the war or its future ramifications; do not make a Weisbart mockery of George Bush's current world victory tour in celebration of ..,.. Smi()r Edil()r or the second time th1s school year. the College to change to th1s strength h1gher pos1t10ns th1s says something A Knstm Kasper and quality and has conf1dence that the about the quahty of Pitzer. a top administration offiCial has his "moral" victory; and do not agonize over the fact that the presence of a announced h1s deCIS IOn to leave school w1ll remam 10 excellent shape "Swarthmore went to extraordmary F means to choose 1ts new pres1dent, and strong democratic presidential candidate is lacking. ..,.. Pr()dllction MtmaJrr Pitzer. AI Bloom, Dean of Faculty, has and grow even stronger "It At's selectiOn speaks not only of his Instead, for Tbt Otbtr Sidt there are more pressing issues which must be Brett Speer accepted the position of President of is always positive for an institution Swarthmore College starting the to undergo change, Bloom believes. quality but that of Pitzer's. When a discussed. As the Claremont community knows, this newsmagazine has un ..,.. Pbor~rapby Editor This behef along with the attractiveness college is looking for the f10est person Paulme Yao academic year 1991 -92. Coming on the dergone a tremendous overhaulm the past year. In our first "new" issue pub heels of the dec1sion by President Frank of the pos1t10n of a Pres1dency m one of m the US out of over 3,000 poss1ble ..,.. Opmio11s Editor the highest ranked colleges 1n the other colleges and p1cks a Dean from lished on February 13, 1990 we established ourselves as a magazine with a Ellsworth to leave and become the Chns Davts Prestdent of the Independent Colleges nation were the major dec1d10g factors Pnzer, then that 1S excellent and speaks distinctive edge, combining a variety of stories with an attractive design. As m h1s dec1sion He has felt support and very well of us: ..,.. R.roittos Editor of Southern Californta, Pitzer as an the magazine progressed, the readability, diversity, and look of our publica Institution has some adjustments to posit1ve exc1tement for h1m rather than Bloom ielt that the attraCtiveness of Jenny Spitz any sense of d1smay from the bemg Pres1dent of Swarthmore was too tion continually improved. make, but at the same t ime beneflls ..,.. Sports Editor from the departureS. community 10 h1s departure much to res1st As a college pres1dent, Last semester we ventured into the dangerous world of color, and quickly David Stoiber Dean Bloom came to P1tzer fi,•e years Dean Ranslow lends such support by he feels h1s ab1lit1es expand 1n three ago after spending 12 years at stating, "Wh1le [Bloom's] departure will major ways F1rst, as president. he will realized that the "red" we envisioned is not the "darkish brown" that appears II> Adut11isi11g Managa Swarthmore; eleven as a professor of be greatly m1ssed, 1t marks the stndes ·have a much more form1dable 1mpact DougChun in the final publication. Mixing and contrasting colors has been another Ungwst1cs and Psychology and one as Pttzer has made as an mstttutton It has on a college as a whole. Secondly the learning experience (e.g. see last issue, center spread). But with time, we im ..,.. Copy Editor the Assistant Provost. In the time he been fortunate for us to have h1m for pres1dency IS a posn10n that 1S known well and cames tremendous respect and prove. Gretchen Sigler has been here, Bloom has shown the past f1v e years because he has excepuonal achievement in recrunmg helped create a legacy of strengthemng responstb1lny Lastly th1s status w1ll However, with all this success and encouragement from the community, ..,.. WriltrS commendable young faculty members the College's adaptabtllty to new make 1t poss1ble for h1m to have a we are getting scared. Next year, many of our most influential editors will be Tim Ahearn whom he feels will • ... prov1de a strong leadersh1p: The mark of a schools "substanual effect on the changes and ments IS not only who IS present 1n the of a sense of commumty graduating and/or participating in External Studies. Since none of the gradu Bill Foreman future at P1tzer by sustaining the Arnie Greenberg educanonal d~rection that the College faculty and the types of graduates 1t across all aspects of college l.fe and ating seniors are planning to be hall directors and, thus, part-time Tbt Otbtr Juliet Henderson was founded on... as these educauonal produces, but what faculty and staff even outs1de the college as an external Sidt staff members, we will be in a "personnel crunch" (a sophisticated term Btll Kramer objectives remain central to Pitzer's members do after leav1ng the representative to potenual donors and mstituuon. agenc1es. for a simple problem). Katie Marble growth .~ Thomas M1ll Paul Ranslow, Dean of AdmissiOns, Mr. Ranslow also believes that w1th While he feels it w11l be his toughest Furthermore, while our utilization of Macintosh computers is instrumen Andrew Starbin bel1eves Bloom has strong leadersh1p both Ellsworth and Bloom movmg to challenge to leave P1tzer where he has "so many strong ues; he also antiCipates tal (if not essential ) in the way we produce this magazine, the need for ncprri John Stewart qualities that are responsible for the Ken WeiSbart type of faculty attracted to Patzer. a great challenge in trymg to bnng the mctd Macintosh users grows with every issue. TravtS Wright "Everyone comes away [from working 1nnovauon, educauon and d1versny of So the point is: if you are interested in writing, photography, and/or pro with Bloom] excited, comm1tted and Pnzer to be earned over and adapted ..,.. P~tO!Irapbcr energized to work wnh Pitzer to to the structure of Swarthmore." duction for no:t ytar turn to page 34 in this issue, fill out the response form, John Kim .ncrease 1ts diStinction among other Max Sm1th, class of '91 and student and send it in. If you are a computer whiz (don't worry the staff won't give ..,.. Artist colleges,· he said. · His leadersh1p member of the Faculty Execut1ve you too much slack - I know!) join the information age, learn how to use a Christopher M1chno ability is evidenced in the type of Committee. believes that "P1tzer w1ll really mtss him. I don' t th1n k the Macintosh and Quark Xpress, and come work with Tbr Otbtr Sidt Thanks for faculty he attracts and the response of II> Faallty Advisor W ASC to our guidelines for the majonty of the student body realizes Jackie Levering Sullivan your support. educational objectives~ Last year the jUSt what an Important asset he has been WASC team commended the for all of us • Mr Sm1th is also the only 1M Other Suu is a publicatioo of lhe student member of the Dean of Faculty ·····•••····•·······•••••·•···•··••••••· sruderus of Pitzer College. The edi educational objectives plan as a model IOn reserve the rigb110 edit all maleri for other colleges to follow. Select1on Comm1ttee. ust a quick note to let o~r reader~ know Tbr Ot~" S,d~ has moved its office. al.s submiued. Address inquiria or All these positive aspects of Bloom's Thts senument IS also true for the 1etkn 10 The Olher Side, c/o Pitzer feelmgs of most of the admm1strauon No longer are we destmed to bve out our P1tzer JOurnalism years in a College, Box 247, OaremOOL, CA, tenure have served to build P1tzer m J 91711.