Question on notice no. 8

Portfolio question number: 8

2018-19 Budget estimates

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee, Defence Portfolio

Senator Dean Smith: asked the Department of Defence on 29 May 2018—

1. Please advise on the composition of regular and reservist Australian presence in over the last 10 years:

(a) Composition of 13th Brigade and command structure.

(b) Why is 13th Brigade's Commanding Officer based in SA and not WA?

2.Please provide detail on factors that have impacted on the composition of regular and reservist presence in Western Australia over the last 10 years:

(a) Are there recruitment factors?

(b) Are there retention factors?

(i) 13th Brigade was the largest or one of the largest reserve units in the past - what factors lead to the decline in numbers?

3. Please provide Army recruitment numbers for each year since 2008:

(a) Applications for Regular Army by State/Sex/Age on Application

(i) General Entry / Officer Entry

(b) Applications for Army Reserve by State/Sex/Age on Application

(i) General Entry / Officer Entry

(c) Successful candidates (Regular Army) by State/Sex/Age on Application

(i) General Entry / Officer Entry

(d) Successful candidates (Reserve Army) by State/Sex/Age on Application

(i) General Entry / Officer Entry Answer — Answer attached

Senate Standing Committee Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade

Budget Estimates – 29/30 May 2018


Department of Defence

Topic: SSCFADT - BE - 29/30 May 18 - Q8 - Army presence and composition in Western Australia - Senator Dean Smith

Question reference number: 8

Senator: Dean Smith Type of question: Written Date set by the committee for the return of answer: 13 July 2018


1) Please advise on the composition of regular and reservist Australian Army presence in Western Australia over the last 10 years: a) Composition of 13th Brigade and command structure. b) Why is 13th Brigade’s Commanding Officer based in SA and not WA?

2) Please provide detail on factors that have impacted on the composition of regular and reservist Australian Army presence in Western Australia over the last 10 years: a) Are there recruitment factors? b) Are there retention factors? i) 13th Brigade was the largest or one of the largest reserve units in the past – what factors lead to the decline in numbers?

3) Please provide Army recruitment numbers for each year since 2008: a) Applications for Regular Army by State/Sex/Age on Application i) General Entry / Officer Entry b) Applications for Army Reserve by State/Sex/Age on Application i) General Entry / Officer Entry c) Successful candidates (Regular Army) by State/Sex/Age on Application i) General Entry / Officer Entry d) Successful candidates (Reserve Army) by State/Sex/Age on Application i) General Entry / Officer Entry


1a. The 13th Brigade is a direct command formation of the , the primary Army Reserve organisation of the Army. The Brigade consists of a headquarters, two infantry battalions, a logistics unit, a signals squadron and a light cavalry squadron. One of the infantry battalions includes an engineer sub-unit. The artillery sub-unit in Western Australia remains located at and was placed under command of the 9th Regiment in January 2018. The internal structures of these units are consistent with units of the same types in other Army Reserve Brigades of the 2nd Division.

The size of the 13th Brigade is a reflection of the population base available to support it in Western Australia.

There are approximately 950 Reserve and 75 Regular Army personnel serving in the 13th Brigade.

1b. The Commander 13th Brigade is an Army Reserve appointment. Based on the merits of Army appointments and skills required for particular senior roles, it is common for senior appointments across the Army Reserve not to reside in their duty location. The current Commander 13th Brigade lives in Adelaide and regularly travels to Western Australia for his civilian employment and Army duties. On average, he spends one week each month in conducting Commander 13th Brigade related duties. While not residing in Western Australia he is in regular (daily) contact with his Brigade Staff and is enabled by phone, teleconferences, video conferences and email.

2a. The location of Australian Regular Army units is based on Government policy, the requirements for training and deployment and the need to support Army families. The regular Army posture in Western Australia has not changed significantly in the last decade. Recruiting factors are not normally a consideration for the location of Regular Australian Army units as units are filled with personnel from across Australia.

Service in the Army Reserve is usually focused on the local unit or formation and engenders loyalty to the local unit by the local community. The structures of units of the 13th Brigade are built cognisant of the likely level of recruitment from the Western Australian community. Outside Perth, Regional Force Surveillance Units employ personnel at differing levels of training than the general Army Reserve to ensure a sustainable workforce. The Regional Force Surveillance Units also base personnel in Perth to support people who fly-in and fly-out of the Pilbara region.

2b. i) Any decline in numbers of Army Reserve personnel prior to 2000 would have reflected national trends and are not necessarily isolated to Western Australia.

Since 2004, the 13th Brigade has maintained a posted strength at around seven per cent to eight per cent of Army’s total Army Reserve force. The 13th Brigade (along with the in South Australia and Tasmania) is relatively smaller than east-coast Army Reserve brigades due to the differences in population base.

While the number of jobs in the 13th Brigade has been reduced since 2008, the number of Army Reserve personnel serving in the 13th Brigade has increased. This is a common observation across other Army Reserve brigades. Reduced Australian Regular Army

personnel numbers in 13th Brigade also reflect changes made across all Army Reserve formations, as the Army Reserve has become more adept at self-administering, conducting its own training and generating capability for operations by its Army Reserve personnel.

3. The figures requested are attached.

FY 17/18 data is as at end May 2018. All other data is complete FY. Due to the broad range of data requested, the response has been separated into several tabs.

Dates of birth in application data is dependent on the candidate entering the data correctly. In some historical cases there have been input errors or blank dates of birth, which creates an automatic error on their application.

Data relating to enlistments captures the candidate age at the point of their enlistment/appointment and not the age at application as requested.

Data relating to state is based on the recruiting centre each candidate attended. There may be some cases where candidates live in one state and their nearest Defence Force Recruiting Centre is in another state.

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FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 Grand Tot Full Time 3766 3567 3405 3405 2625 2789 3462 3185 3368 2786 35698 419 396 409 409 364 349 408 356 322 433 400 4265 F 65 70 76 76 69 72 83 80 75 108 94 868 M 354 326 333 333 295 277 325 276 247 325 306 3397 3347 3171 2996 2996 2261 2440 3054 2984 2863 2935 2386 31433 F 288 259 262 262 205 332 467 408 382 646 621 4132 M 3059 2912 2734 2734 2056 2108 2587 2576 2481 2289 1765 27301 Part Time 2207 2056 2387 2387 1280 1206 1034 1001 1162 1567 1587 17874 302 304 342 342 227 203 179 122 143 302 235 2701 F 55 56 57 57 26 33 39 22 32 69 55 501 M 247 248 285 285 201 170 140 100 Ill 233 180 2200 GE 1905 1752 2045 2045 1053 1003 855 879 1019 1265 1352 15173 F 308 242 262 262 110 99 84 90 167 187 160 1971 M 1597 1510 1783 1783 943 904 771 789 852 1078 1192 13202 Grand Tote 5973 5623 5792 5792 3905 3995 4496 4341 4347 4935 4373 53572


FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 Grand Tot Full Time 29329 27418 20688 21463 31390 39249 35151 3 15 36862 32205 30737» GE 23391 22200 16707 16497 23676 30164 26875 25732 28675 26146 240063 Female 3093 3684 3108 2957 7081 8062 6249 6485 7813 9904 58436 Male 20298 18516 13599 13540 16595 22102 20626 19247 20862 16242 181627 5938 5218 3978 4966 7714 9022 8188 7831 8033 5945 66833 Female 1604 1448 1223 1493 2711 3383 3170 3077 3163 2271 23543 Male 4334 3770 2755 3473 5003 5639 5018 4754 4870 3674 43290 Jlank AOE 3 63 88 52 154 114 474 Female 1 22 26 13 55 32 149 Male 2 41 62 39 99 82 325 Part Time 13783 16040 11487 12173 11960 14954 14453 14090 12872 12235 134047 GE 11561 13431 9366 9824 9632 11746 11599 11543 10634 10206 109542 Female 2229 3194 1931 2222 1929 2969 3288 3676 3383 3682 28503 Male 9332 10237 7435 7602 7703 8777 8311 7867 7251 6524 81039 OE 2222 2609 2120 2349 2328 3188 2831 2528 2192 1987 24354 Female 606 784 627 696 702 1142 924 1035 858 827 8201 Male 1616 1825 1493 1653 1626 2046 1907 1493 1334 1160 16153 Blank AOE 20 23 19 46 42 151 Female 9 8 4 19 16 56 Male 1 11 15 15 27 26 95 Grand Tot 43112 43458 32175 33636 43350 54203 49604 47705 49734 44440 441417