80 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Monduv. Feb. 13. 1984

BUSINESS J.C. Penney leads list Ford makes of real estate owners a comeback FTC gives conditional OK to Texaco-Getty merger page 3 ... page 18

'commission’s deadline for initiat­ By Thomas Ferraro man. A news conference was In announcing the decision, an that Getty now supplies to inde­ violated a previous agreement it ing an antitrust suit in the case is United Press international scheduled for later today to FTC spokesman read a statement pendent marketers in California had to buy Getty. Pennzoil has filed provide details of the agreement. that said in part "the FTC and the Rocky Mountain states. suits in several states, but thus far 12:01 a.m. Tuesday — the end of a 10-day period in wMch Texaco bad WASHINGTON - The Federal Commissioner Michael Pert- conditionally approved Texaco. Texaco's main goat in seeking to all but one have been unsuccessful. to submit additional documents Trade Commission gave condi­ schuk cast the only dissenting vote. Inc.'s $10.1 billion aquisition of buy Getty is to expand its oil Pennzoil’s sole remaining suit, requested by the FTC. tional approval today to what The proposed consent agree­ Getty Oil Company by provision­ supply. seeking $14 billion in damages A federal antitrust expert famil­ would be the biggest corporate ment, reached last week between ally accepting a consent agree­ The FTC's vote was whether to from Texaco, is awaiting action in Rain, fog tonight; , iar with the case declined to Manchester, Conn. merger in U.S. history — Texaco's the FTC staff and Texaco, is now ment with Texaco." accept the consent accord tenta­ a state court in Houston. predict what the FTC would planned $10.1 billion takeover of subject to a 60-day period for The Washington Post, quoting tively or to file suit against the A hearing is set for today in U.S. cloudy Wednesday Tuesday, Feb. 14, 1984 ultimately decide but noted the Getty Oil. public comment after which the FTC officials, reported over the venture now challenged in court by District Court in Providence, R.I., commission, under the Reagan — See page 2 Single copy: 254 By a 4-1 vote, the FTC tentatively FTC is expected to make final the weekend that the proposed divesti­ one competitor, Pennzoil Co., and on a suit filed by a small Getty administration, has seemed to approved a consent agreement order. tures included the sale of two a small Getty distributor in Rhode distributor that also seeks to block The FTC's announcement of the refineries, one on the East Coast Island. the acquistion on antitrust ease enforcement of antitrust anrhpatpr Hrralb that requires Texaco “ to rhake certain divestitures and to take conditional approval was released and one in the Midwest, and the Texaco is the nation's third ' grounds. laws. other steps to resolve the agency's just an hour before the opening of sale of a Getty-owned oil pipeline in largest oil company. Getty ranks Getty and Texaco struck their This concern was raised Wed­ antitrust concerns," a spokesman Wall Street. California. 14th. Many consumer groups con­ original deal Jan. 6, three days nesday at a congressional hearing said. Under the consent agreement The newspaper said Texaco tend a merger would violate after a preliminary agreement examining a recent FTC decision The vote by the commissioners Texaco was permitted to begin would also have to guarantee antitrust laws and escalate prices. was reached between Getty and to tentatively approve plans by was taken at a closed-door meeting immediately purchasing Getty continued daily delivery of approx­ Pennzoil has sought to block the Pennzoil. General Motors and Toyota to and announced by an FTC spokes­ stock, an FTC spokesman said. imately 100,000 barrels of crude oil merger, arguing that the deal Under FTC regulations, the build a new line of cars together. Andropov buried; Averages are rough guides Compare itemized deductions thousands mourn It is no more than filing this year will be • If you weren't in common-sense curiosity picked out for an audit. business, had less than Take comfort. to compare ti. .deductions $10,000 of total positive By John lams November 1982. "The death ol Yuri Andropov has The odds of your being income and filed on Form you’re claiming on your Y o u r United Press International Tens of thousands of mourners, brought deep grief to the hearts ot chosen out of 100 taxpay­ 1040A, .35; if you didn’t 1983 income tax return some of them weeping, packed Red the Soviet people. He devoted all M o n e y 's ers, depending on your file on Form 1040A, .98; with the national aver­ MOSCOW — With a final kiss Square to pay their final respects his strength to the cause ol the income and business sta­ from $10,000 to under ages claimed on returns from his widow and a eulogy from to Andropov as his coffin was party and the people. W o r t h tus. are overall very low. $25,000 and if you used filed in 1982. The following the new Soviet leader calling him a removed from the House of Unions "... Farewell dear friend and On'"the basis of 94 itemized deductions, 2.45; averages, prepared by the Sylvia Porter "glorious son of the Communist where it had been lying in state for comrade, your radiant image will million returns filed for if you used the standard Research Institute of Party,” President Yuri Andropov four days. It was placed atop a gun always be with us.” said Cher­ 'Blincomes, theoddswere deduction, only .57; from America, are rough was buried today in Red Square. carriage drawn by an armored nenko, wearing a dark overcoat only 1.55 out of 100 or 155 $25,000 to under $50,000, guides “ since the aver­ The whole nation came to a halt personnel carrier for the journey against the cold and' flunked by out of every 10,000 returns 3.97; $50,000 'and over, age for each state can for five minutes of silence as to the red marble and granite tomb Defense Minister Dmitri Ustinov filed. This percentage 5.68. vary according to the Andropov, the leader of the Soviet of Lenin. and Prem ier Nikolai Tikhonov. rises as your income • If you were in busi­ slate's own tax struc­ ble contributions of $670; As it is no more than Union for just 15 months, was laid Funeral music, including Chop­ Foreign Minister Andrei Gro­ rises, both as an individ­ ness with gross receipts tures. But the averages average interest deduc­ normal curiosity to com­ to rest in a tiny cemetery reserved in’s "Death March " and T c h iF X myko also delivered a eulogy, ual and business. under $25,000, 1.68; from can be extremely helpful tions of $2,887. pare your deductions, so it for the most revered Soviet heroes. kovsky's "Fifth Symphony,” was calling Andropov a man of "bound­ Out of every 100 taxpay­ $25,000 to under $100,000, to you for two reasons: With AGI of $25,000 to is no more than normal Andropov, who died Thursday of piped through loudspeakers. A less dedication to the great cause ers, your odds of being 3.97; $100,000 and over, UPI photo 1. While the Internal $30,000: average medical- concern to wonder kidney failure at the age of 69, was huge portrait of Andropov and of communism " and a man who audited are: 5.94. Revenue Service is close­ expense deductions of whether the return you’re buried following a pageantry-filled huge flower wreaths sent from "devoted everything he has to Pallbearers led by Konstantin Cher­ mouthed about what $672; average deductible coffin bearing President Yuri An­ state and m ilitai^ funeral service around the world were carried in serving the people." nenko (left center), Befense Minister standards it uses to pick taxes of $1,983: average led by Konstantin Chernenko, his the procession. Chernenko, speaking in a taiter- dropov across Red Square. Andropov returns for audit, it must deductible contributions former rival and successor as Across the nation, live minutes ing voice and stumbling over some Dmitri Ustinov, Prime Minister Nikolai was buried in a cemetery between the use as one factor whether of $697: average interest Soviet Communist Party leader. of silence were observed by people words, used the occasion to touch Tikhonov (with armband) and Foreign Lenin Mausoleum and the Kremlin Wall. the deductions you claim deductions of $3,122. Hundreds of world leaders, from all walks of life. In the on foreign policy and Soviet Minister Andrei Gromyko carry the are abnormally high. A v­ With A G I of $30,000 to statesmen, members ot royalty capital, people on the sidewalks relations with the United States. erage deductions will be $40,000: average medical- and dignitaries attended. stood motionless while cars, taxis "Y u ri Andropov did a good deal one guide. expense deductions of Chernenko was scheduled to and buses pulled to the side of the to consolidate the international If your deductions are $605; taxes of $2,496; meet after the funeral with Vice 'road. positions of our country, to in­ far above average, your contributions of $834; in­ GIFT WRAP President George Bush. It will be "A glorious son of the Commu­ crease the defense capability and return will be a red flag terest, $3,483. (These and Bush, Chernenko meet re Sere You Moneyl" FREE the highest official contact with a nist Party, an outstanding political combat might of the country, " for audit and you'll have all following figures are _404WjJJJddleTgkej_AtJTieJ^^ Soviet leader since the vice presi­ iigure, a person of great s.aul and Chernenko said. to justify all deductions. averages for deductions dent met Andropov after the kind heart has departed from life, " He did this in the cause ot peace. MOSCOW (U PI) - Vice Presi­ succeeding Andropov, his lormer Soviet Ambassador to the United Can you? on 1982 returns.) funeral of Leonid . Brezhnev in Chernenko said in his eulogy. Chernenko said, "The Sov iel Union dent George Bush met privately rival who died last Thursday alter States Anatoly Dobrynin. The 2. If your deductions With AGI of $40,000 to I '^CANOI«» ___ will continue its policy of peace, a with the new Soviet Communist 13 months in power. otticial motorcade then drove to (except for medical ex­ $50,000: m ed ical e x ­ lasting and just peace tor all Parly leader Konstantin Cher­ It was the highest level meeting the House of Unions, where An­ penses) are much below penses, $553; taxes, nations, big and small.'* nenko today five hours.after the between a Soviet leader and a top dropov is lying in state. average, you must re­ $3,211; con tributions, In a hint that the Soviets might tuneral of the late Soviet President U.S. otlicial since Bush hud an Surrounded by a ring of U.S. and check your claims. Have $1,079; interest, $4,282, be prepared to resume nuclear Yuri Andropov, a U.S. spokesman hour-long talk with Andropov after Soviet officials. Bush bowed si­ With AGI of $50,000 to UPI photo you overlooked some arms talks with the United States. announced. Leonid Brezhnev was buried in lently in front of the ogen coffin items you could legally $75,060: m ed ical e x ­ Chernenko said, "W e are also The meeting between Bush and November 1982. Bush said he came before expressing his condolences deduct? Are you aware of penses, $676; taxes, reiterating our readiness lor talks, Chernenko was the highest level to Andropov s funeral "to symbol­ to Andropov's son, Igor, and Thermos gearing up all the claims you could $4,400; con tributions, but for honest talks on the basis of contact between the two superpow­ ize my nation's regard for the daughter. Irina. make? Re-examine the $1,567; interest, $5,586. equality and equal security." ers in more than a year. people of the Soviet Union and to A Soviet honor guard placed a More than 93 million Americans are expected to go picnicking return you're preparing With AGI of $75,000 to Chernenko and the 11 other The leader of the U.S, delegation signily the desire ot the United huge wreath bearing the inscrip­ with great care! $100,000: m edical ex­ members of the ruling Politburo arrived shortly alterward at the States to continue to work for this year, according to a National Park Service survey, so tion in Russian, "from the people The information below penses of $859; taxes of carried the open casket the final U.S. ambassador's residence lor a positive relations between our two of the United Stales." among Thermos, one of the largest manufacturers of picnic coolers, is is merely from a statisti­ $6,637: contributions of steps from its bier in front ol news conference to discuss the countries. " hundreds of other wreaths in the gearing up. Technician MyrellaTriana checks the cold retention cal table. You can use the $2,512; interest, $8,3i2. Lenin's Tomb to the cemetery meeting belore flying to Rome. Continuing a conciliatory tone huge hull. capability of some of the coolers being produced at the deductions given to you in With AGI of $100,000 to between the mausoleum and the Bush originally had planned only toward the Soviets set by President the official sales tax table $200,000: m edical ex ­ Kremlin wall. to meet Chernenko at a reception Reagan lust month. Bush said. Bush later met with West Ger­ Thermos plant in Norwich. in the instructions to penses, $1,260; taxes *1.95 t«^*29.50 Andropov’s daughter, Irina, and following Andropov s funeral but "The desire -tor peace and good man Chancellor Helmut Kohl at Form 1040 — but you $10,013; contributions, Chanol 5 OPIUM son, Igor, walked with the casket the U.S. spokesman announced relations that President Reagan the German Embassy, a meeting cannot use the numbers $4,807; interest, $12,170. Fancy Candy but Mrs. Andropov nearly col­ that arrangements hud been made and 1 have enunciated will survive scheduled for Sunday in Bonn but from the unofficial table You will find yourself in lapsed while viewing the body for a tor a private meeting. us us they have Chairman delayed because of the funeral. Import expert helps in this column. You can these breakdowns! Check final time before the cortege left Bush flew to Moscow Monday tor Andropov, " Kohl, who said he had an claim only the actual your deductions for 1983 •m m the House of Unions. the Andropov funeral with "And they will. I pray, bring us "intense' ’ talk about the arms race amount you paid. against the averages for m •RUSSELL STOVER When the procession reached the delegation that included Sen. How­ and those after us together in and East-West relations earlier Note: Most of you '82 returns with the warn­ •GANDY CUPBOARD graveside, Tatiana Andropov, sob­ ard Baker. R-Tenn., and Assistant common purpose with the Soviet Monday with East German Com­ rind official answer should be reporting a ings heeded. You can use bing uncontrollably, was assisted leadership." he said. Secretary of Stale Richard Burt. munist Party leader Erich Ho- lower medical-expense these averages for your / / i m to the casket, leaned forward and BOSTON (UPI) - Are is absurd especially Chernenko was elected Monday The delegation was met fit necker, also said he hoped to sit against some quota prob­ deduction than the aver­ own advantage. Do so. /H A U T q £ \ kissed her husband on the frog legs fish? While it’s where toys are con­ FINE PERFUMES as general secretary of the Com­ Sheremelevo airport by U.S. Am ­ down with Chernenko while in lems, which occasionally age claimed by ta'xpayers forehead. unlikely you’ve given the cerned," she said. munist Parly of the Soviet Union. bassador Arthur Hartman and Moscow, can be solved by tinkering on the returns filed in 1982. When it comes to ap­ and subject more than a pass­ with Customs classifica­ This reflects the unfavor­ Monsoon ing thought, Mary Wright parel, the money can be tions, said Ms, Wright, the able law change on 1983 "Monsoon" is a name m to MK) ^ makes her living deter­ substantial when deter­ Contract sets marriage rules Boston partner of Mandel medical expenses. The for seasonal winds (de­ FINE CULOGNES mining the official answer mining if an article is of an and Grunfeld. new 5 percent “ wastage” rived from Arabic "mau- to that and other odd ordinary or ornamented They convinced one rule should bar deduc­ sim,” a season). It was SIANTKISS questions. nature. The duty on most company, which found the tions entirely or slash first applied to the winds OyHERSHEY The "official " answer ornamented clothing runs annual quota for its wom­ Sssilco Catholic teachers must obey church your medical-expense over the Arabian Sea, i m in Ms. Wright's line of at 42.5 percent, compared an's blouses from Hong deduction. which blow for six months I0M6TM ROTOTRAC work is what the U.S. with 21 to 32 percent for RAZOR Kong filled, to switch the Taxpayers with ad­ from southwest and six Customs Service says. more ordinary items. Rtf- By Sarah E. Hall "This has always been a very "Parents entrust their children "except as it may interfere with buttons from the left side justed gross income months from northeast. %S9M She advises clients im­ Ms. Wright says the *2 9 “ Herald Reporter strong issue between the associa- to us because we are committed to the teacher's responsibilities to, to the right. (AG I) of $20,000 to $25,000 The term has been ex­ rag. tM .ts Sale porting products into the difference once prompted tion and the Diocesan School upholding the standards and and/or relationships with slu- The woman’s blouse had on returns filed in 1982 tended to similar winds in $3981 United States on how to some creative designing Price At five Catholic high schools in O ffice," said Thomas Dickau. values of the Catholic faith, " the dents, and/or the school." became a man’s shirt average medical-expense other parts of the world. get out of scrapes with by a company that wanted Greater Hartford, a new contract union president, in a phone inter- Rev. Henry Frascadore, assistant The new side letter clears up the when the buttons were deductions of $756; aver­ Monsoons are strongest SAVE 420. Customs and keep their to keep a stitched letter, provision requires that teachers view Monday. "We feel it may superintendent for secondary once-gray area of teacher mar- placed on the right side. age deductible taxes of on the southern and east­ duty fees as low as its symbol, on a back obey the inarriage laws of their mean violation of a person’s civil schools, said today. huge and remarriage, That may have affected $1,718; average deducti- ern sides of Asia. possible. pocket of the jeans, but their marketability, but • 1 M church or risk losing their jobs. rights." Frascadore dismissed Dickau's East Catholic Principal William An attorney who used to not have them socked with they were allowed in the The mandate is one of four "side He said he knew of no teacher the complaint that the administriftion Charbonnneau said this morning work as an import special­ a n ornamental country under the new letters," or additions, to the hotly new regulation will atfect imme- has. in effect, placed teachers' that that it makes sense for the ist for the Customs Ser­ classification. classification. ROBERT J. SMITH, Inc. contested 1983-86 teachers' eon- diately but nonetheless, he was lives under24-hour-a-day scrutiny. educational arm of the diocese to vice, Ms. Wright said The company cut the "That (type of ma­ tract. It was drafted by lawyers for alarmed at its implications. He said there's no reason to believe uphold church teachings, many judgments ranging letter into the pocket so neuver) is becoming more rag. 4J f both the Diocesan School Office "To a certain degree, it's an the administration would abuse from the esoteric to the the stitching was needed and more important be­ I MSURANSMiniS SMCE •too. >.4t and the Greater Hartford Catholic invasion of our private lives." he the new rule. XHE SIDE LE TTE R reads: to keep the material to­ Education Association. added, "The Diocese of Hartford Dickau, however, said the ques- "M arriage of a Catholic teacher downright absurd can cause quotas are the way smiths! 1914 J have a huge impact on a gether. making it a func­ the world is going,” Ms. It holds special importance for .1® learn to separate the tion on many teachers' minds is which is not recognized as valid by company and the retail tional part of the garment Wright said. The prospect teachers at East Catholic High individual away from the school "What other parts of our private the Catholic Church shall constl- 4 prices of its goods. — not a decoration. of warehousing a product School in Manchester, where four system from the individual in the lives could cause the same type of tute due and sufficient cause for There are 10.000 import "D o you know how that is turned back on OLYMPIC SAVE 4.66 SAVE 5.96 were fired over the past several school system. ” termination? " termination of the teacher's con- classifications, among much money that quota "can have a great 649-5241 years for breach of Catholic He cited the long-standing tract and employment and such them the one that decides saved?" Ms. Wright TEAM marriage laws. The last teacher WHILE DICKAU CONTENDED "rights of citizenship " clause in termination shall not be subject to impact on an importer's 65 E. Cnntnr S trM i frog legs are fowl, not fish. asked without answering. cash flow. The technicali­ FIAM M fired argued before a state arbiter that students don’t necessarily the existing contract as a arbitration. ” Mnnchnslnr, Cl. VITAMIN More predictably, it has Companies importing ties and the timing get MYiUMEC ISs-" I " e i . that her marriage to a man of a know the marital status of their "mumbo-jumbo of words which Non-Catholic teachers in the been determined that tote clothing also run up very complicated." iiXL±m different faith in a non-Catholic teachers, school administrators gives us no rights whatsoever." Catholic schools are not affected bags are not shopping ' $ « n R ceremony was not cause for insist that teachers must follow That clause says the personal by the new rule as long as they bags, but luggage. termination of her contract. She church teachings to set a good life of a school teacher is not uphold the marriage laws of their "There are a lot of gray SAVE ON AN INDIVIDUAL RETIREMENT ACCDUNT (IRA) INVESTED WITH SAVE ON lost. example for students. grounds for disciplinary action own church, Dickau said. areas, a lot of room for TAXES TAXES discretion,” Ms, Wright MSB IS AN INVESTMENT IN MANCHESTER'S FUTURE. f a g _ Please turn to page 10 said. "In many cases it JjMIT 1 mg.gg.ia (the difference) can add Impeachment hearings proceed ------up to millions and millions • HIGH RATE’S FIXED N .1 1 J 5 a I" insije Today of dollars," SNiPriMTJI RATE w im o e HARTFORD (UPI) — A special hearings on whether to recom- handling ol the $35 million dollar In the unlikely event • FULLY INSURED LtuMlR. RtMt *Z00 I Harald photo by Twquinlo you might walk into a House committee today rejected a mend Kinsella be impeached until estate of an elderly West Hartford »> iwo*s. J loctions 10.50% last-minute request for dismissal the state Supreme Court rules on a woman store to buy a “ toy” rat, • INVESTED LOCALLY *1.99 tfFicnvi FINAI Town hall under siege and voted to begin hearings in the challenge to the constitutionality The committee will recommend 2 the length of its tail might • CAN BE DEDUCTED ANNUAl YlilO COOT have a lot to do with the 3 0 FREE 30 FREE first impeachment case in Connec- of the proceedings. m the House whether Kinsella « « The Manchester Municipal Building is under siege in price. Six inches is the ' FROM YOUR 1983 INCOME 11.231% w H h t o o 5.99 ticut histoi>. The committee, equally divided should be impeached. The House Cio»im«i,Vi9 WITH 100 dividing line between the SAVE 2 . ^ anticipation of the battle of the bargains on Saturday, Deputy House Speaker Robert between Democrats and Republi- will then decide if he will face trial Comics...... s classifications of humor­ when shoppers are expected to invade Main Street for a F r a n k e l, D -S t r a t fo r d , co- cans, was created by the House by the Senate and possible removal Entortoinmoni...... ij chairman of the select committee, last year to investigate Kinsella's from office ...... * ous items and animal Presidents Day sale. Th,e one-day sale .should please figures. I OUR INTERE5T IS THE GREATER MANCHESTER 8BEA i o y e i^ le d a request for dismissal conduct and recommend to the full as the committee prepared to ooinkln**...... ’ 2 Ms. Wright said" clo­ even the most patriotic of penny-()lnchers, as Main Street of the impeachment proceedings House if Kinsella should be the first begin its hearings, Wade made his PMpittaik ...... j thing and toys comprise ■tog. 10.es merchants shoot down prices. The sales promotion, against Hartford Probate Judge person impeached in Connecticut. last-minute effort to have the Sports...... •' ^ .[ isli? MANCHESTER STATE BANK Member FOIC UMITR Jaines H. Kinsella. The House voted the investiga- proceedings dismissed, citing the Ttitvision ...... ,....$ some of the jtra n g e r Equal Opportunity which has become a tradition in town, is being The committee then voted 7-0 to tionafterKinsella wascensuredby Wtoth^r...... classifications. "Customs 1041 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER • TEL.6464004 RBQ. 11.9S 1.39 sponsored by the Downtown Merchants Association. reject another request to delay a judicial ethics council for his Please turn to page 10 •••••••••••••••••••«*« i - MANCHESTER HKRALl). Tuesday. Feb. 14, 1984 MANCHESTER HKRALD. Tuesday, P\'h. 14, 1984 - 3 Spacelab specialists begin training . x ! J.C. Penney leads Manchester astronauts to fly on the first and a biophysicist. Bill A. Williams messages being sent to the brain By Gino Del Guercio about a person's relatiwship to his United Press International mission. NASA hopes two payload of the U.S. Environmental Protec­ In Brief specialists also will be able to fly on tion Agency. environment. The payload specialists will The Spacelab 4 mission will also CAM BRIDGE. Mass. - Four the second mission. real estate owners perform 24 separate experiments, include experiments to watch the Bookmobile to continue scientists who are candidates for Among the scientiststraining for designed by universities and re­ fertalization and growth of frog J.C. Penney, the town's largest is listed to two places. two positions on a space shuttle the mission is Robert Phillips, a Even though its driver is resigning at the end of search centers from around the eggs and plant seedlings in weight­ Others listed more than once and Spacelab flight set for January veterinarian from Colorado State taxpayer, with a total assess­ this week, the Manchester libraries' bookmobile world. The space sickness experi­ less conditions and test the body's their combined totals are: 1986 gathered at Massachusetts University, who at age 57 would be ment of $19,805,340, is also the will continue to be operated by a substitute ments were designed by re­ reaction, such as blood flow, to Downey E. and Dalene and Hudson Institute of Technology'this week one of the oldest Americans to fly driver, a spokeswoman for the Mary Cheney searchers at M IT and McGill space flight. largest in assessment on real J., $4,903,350. to begin training for space sickness in space. Library said today. University in Canada. While at M IT for the week, the estate alone^ a check of the Geri-Care Nursing Center. experiments. ■'I'm very excited," said Phil­ No decision on the hiring of a permanent While at MIT, the group was four mission specialists will be $2,699,860. The Spacelab 4 mission wilt be lips. "This will really give me an Manchester assessor’s records replacement for driver-librarian Thomas Harney introduced to a special sled that introduced to their experiments, Wilder, Joel B., trustee, et als, the first dedicated entirely to . opportunity to expand my field of shows. will be made until librarian John Jackson returns tests the body’s ability to sense will be given demonstrations of the $2,646,010. biological experiments. Its labora­ expertise." from a leave of absence, she said. acceleration without visual or equipment and will have early Penney's total real estate holdings in John Hancock Mutual Lite Insu­ tory cargo will include rats, Phillips said he never expected However, it is assumed that the substitute auditory clues. Dr. Laurence R. medical measurements taken in town are assessed at $11,363,680. rance, $2,781,880. monkeys and frogs, the flight that he would every fly in space. 'T driver will operate the bookmobile in the interim. Young, director of the M IT Man- preparation for the flight. Below is a list of all owners of Raymond F. Damato, $2,234,610. specialists said Monday. always assumed that I would be too Harney resigned after five years on the job to Vehicle Laboratory said the space property asssessed at $300,000 or more. K L I Associates. $1,183,950. Because of the large number of old." he said. take a position with the U.S. Postal Service. sickness experiments are an ex­ No traffic jama The list contains 99 accounts and Lydall Eastern, $1,351,490. experiments assigned to the mis­ Millie Fulford, a former assist­ tension of experiments performed In 1979 there were only 20,000 amounts to 12.8 percent of the total Estate of Alexander Jarvis, sion. the National Aeronautics and ant professor of biochemistry at January fees $14,052 on the first Spacelab mission that passenger cars and 12,000 com­ Grand List. $1,093,000. Space Administration is consider­ the Veterans Administration Medi­ UPI phots mercial vehicles in use in the Real estate represents 79.3 percent of Broadmanor Associates, $3,124,880. The town collected $14,052 in fees on 165 permits ing dividing it>into two separate cal Hospital at San Francisco, also ended in December. The experiments are designed to Republic of Togo, which is on the the net taxable list, personal property Andrew Ansaldi Jr., $614,230. in January — down almost 50 percent from the flights, with tne second to come has been selected to train for the The full 121-foot length of the space shuttle Challenger- represents 9.9 percent and motor Gulf and Western, $718,840. same period last year, according to figures about a year after the first. flight as well as a cardiologist. Dr. test the conflict theory.,of space southern coast of west Africa. The sickness, which holds that motion country is slightly smaller than the shows in this picture made last Tuesday by astronaut^ vehicles represent 10.8 percent. Frank A. Mark, trustee, $1,979,590. released by General Manager Robert B. Weiss. Two scientists called payload Francis Gaffney of the University sickness is caused by conflicting In the list, some owners are listed Here is the list ol property owners The largest chunk of the fee revenue came from specialists will join four NASA of Texas Health Science Center, state of West Virginia. Bruce McCandless while making his spacewalk. more than once. Penney, for instance. with assessments of $300,000 or more: 23 permits for alterations and additions. Another $5,640 was collected from three permits for Leading taxpayers miscellaneous work. Weather Last January, the town collected $28,855 in fees Peopletalk Name Property Net from 149 permits. J.C. Penney Co. Inc. 1339A Tolland Tpke. $8,635,210 Today’s forecasts Squire Village Associates 20 Spencer St. 3,616,470 Tax assistance available Connecticut, Massachusetts and Downey E. & Dalene A. & Hudson J. 1 Downey Drive 2,981,870 James E. Quinn, IRS district director, has The best of the British Rhode Island: Today widepread General Electric Co. 61 Chapel Road 2,777,880 announced that there will be a Volunteer Incorne 1339 Tolland Tpke. 2,728,880 Tax Assistance (VITA) site at Lincoln Center in David Bowie, who just recently topped even the log persisting along the south coast J.C. Penney Properties Inc. through the day. Remaining Manchester. Princess of Wales in the popularity poll conducted Broadmanor Associates 346 W. Middle Tpke. 2,465,620 Trained volunteers will provide help to people by Madame Tussaud's wax museum. Sunday was mostly cloudy elsewhere with the First Fiscal Fund Corp. Et Als 205 Spencer St. 2,417,230 completing their basic Forms 1040, 1040A and named the No. 1 British male artist for 1983 by the chance of rain west portion by mid afternoon. Highs 40 to 45 along the Beacon Hill Associates 1160 W. Middle Tpke. 2,034,070 1040EZ. They will also advise people on lax British Phonographic Industry, the British music credits and deductions (or whi' h 'hey may be coast. SO to 55 inland. Tonight rain Southern New England Tel. Co. 52 E. Center St. 1,895,070 industry's governing body. eligible. He came in ahead of Paul McCartney and new and fog. Lows 40 to 45. Wednesday Misac Corp. 8 Rachel Road 1,761,130 rain ending west portion during the The Lincoln Center VITA will be open on singer Paul Young. Michael Jackson won the best Monday and Thursday from 6 to 8 p.m. through afternoon. Highs in the mid to / \ Schnier, Charles 1129 Tolland Tpke. 1,704,200 international artist and best album awards. The April 12. awards were made at London's exclusive upper 40s. Geri-Care Nursing Center of Manch. 345 Bidwell St. 1,429,230 Maine: Becoming partly sunny Anyone planning to visit the V ITA site should Grosvenor House. Geri-Care Nursing Center of Manch. 333 Bidwell St. 1,270,630 bring with them their tax package, their Boy George was on hand, as was Young, who except remaining mostly cloudy near the coast. Highs in the 40s Basser, Harold & Kaufman, Myron L. 210 Spencer St. 1,219,830 prior-year tax return, forms W-2, and all other lax was named best British newcomer, and Annie Pioneer Recovery Systems Inc. 120 Hale Road 1,207,670 records concerning income and deductions. Lennox of the Eurythmics. who won as best north to near 50 south. Foggy tonight with a chance of rain or British female artist. 203 Progress Drive 1,181,460 drizzle north and drizzle or occa­ Prudential Ins. Co. of America Zinsser backs plan sional rain likely south. Lows Iris Realty Ltd. Part. 579 W. Middle Tpke. 1,159:160 mainly in the 30s. Occasional rain Frank A. Mark, Trustee 21 Tudor Lane 1,086,990 Sen. Carl A. Zinsser, R-Manchesler, said that or drizzle Wednesday. Highs in the' Talcottville Development Corp. 3 Tolland Tyke. 1,041,990 Gov. William A. O'Neill's proposed $5.5 billion Qllmpses 40s. Cloudy with rain developing Oakland Heights Ltd. Part. 360 Oakland St. 1,008,120 transportation plan will provide needed repairs to New Hampshire: Increasing local roads and bridges, but falls short of the Elizabeth Dole, U.S. secretary of transporu- cloudiness today. A chance of rain Cloudy this afternoon with a 40 percent chance of rain developing.' East Village Condominium Assocs. 424 W. Middle Tpke. 999,120 assistance needed by towns to maintain their tion, will keynote a lunch Thursday in New York south late in the day. Highs in the Highs in the lower 50s. Southeast winds 10 to 15 mph. Tonight rain roads. City celebrating the lOlh anniversary of Glamour All smiles at the wrap Wilder, Joel B., Trustee & Et Als 340 Broad St. 998,050 mid 40s to low 50s. Foggy with and tog. Lows 40 to 45. Easterly winds around 10 mph. Wednesday "Towns are very dependent on this aid, but magazine's Outstanding 'V'oung Working Women Downey E. & Dalene A. & Hudson J. 2 Downey Drive 962,480 Sylvester Stallone and Dolly Parton arc all drizzle and occasional rain tonight. rain ending in the afternoon, remaining cloudy. Highs In the mid to unfortunately the amount appropriated in recent competition. Highland-Manchester Assoc. Ltd. P 122 Sycamore Lane 949,340 smiles as they addre,ss the media at a gala wrap Lows mainly in the 30s. Occasional upper 40s. Today's weather picture was drawn by Heather Hassan, a years has fallen far behind the rising cost of Christopher Reeve, Vanessa Redgrave and party on the 20th Century-Fox set of their movie Marilyn Court Associates Ltd. 40 Olcott St. 942,650 resurfacing materials and the rale of inflation,” Wendy Hiller open tomorrow in Guildford, rain or drizzle Wednesday. Highs fourth-grade student at St. James School. Herald photo by Pinto ’Rhinestone." in the 40s to near 50. Zinsser said. "Local governments must maintain England, in "The Aspern Papers." three weeks Lydall Eastern Inc. 615 Parker St. 908,550 Stallone plays a New York taxi driver and Dolly Vermont: Breezy and unseason­ 15,500 miles of roadway, compared to the 4,000 before the play opens on London’s West End. 153 Tudor Lane 892,600 is, of all things, a country-Wlpstern .singer. ably mild today. Rain likely this Filling the potholes Frank A. Mark, Trustee miles that state government is responsible for," Stallone even tries his hand at singing in the afternoon. Highs45to 55. Southeast Society for Savings 1129 Tolland Tpke. 859,000 movie. winds 10 to 25 mph. Rain and log Ed Bhiler (on truck) and George Smith work to fill ruts and John Hancock Mutual Life Ins. Co. 140 Progress Drive 830,180 New teen support group tonight. Lows 35 to 45. Cloudy and potholes in pavement at the Manchester Shopping Parkade. Wilder Joel B., Trustee & Et Als 324 Broad, St. 819,670 Twenty-lour-year-old Steven T. Davies has cooler Wednesday. Chance ol Freezing and thawing have created the annual problem for started a support group (or troubled teenagers Damato, Raymond F. 166 Homestead St. 799,180 showers. Highs in the 40s. drivers throughout Manchester. which meets every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m, in the Georgia-Pacific Corp. 776 N. Main St. 760,940 Mahoney Recreation Center. Long Island..Spund: Winds will Hartford Distributors Inc. 131 Chapel Road 746,130 Martha Doiron, leader of Manchester's drug About life with Elvis be gusty southeast to east 15 to 20 Ivy Manor Associates Ltd. Part. 167 E. Center St. 742,470 and alcohol task force, announced the formation knots today shifting to northeas­ Linda Thompson Jenner, who was Elvis John Hancock Mutual Life Ins. 41 Progress Drive 699,160 of the new teens-only group at a recent terly 10 to 15 knots tonight and PZC receives plan Presley’s live-in girlfriend from 1972 until shortly Community Services Council meeting. Many northerly 10 knots Wednesday. before his death in 1977, says life with Presley was Weinberg, Robert W. 432 Oakland St. 674,860 adolescents who are trying to quit their drug habit Visibility will be frequently drop­ Fen-Crest Associates Ltd. Part. 565 Vernon St. 662,780 have trouble making new friends, and the group a lot more complicated than marriage to her ping to less than 1 mile in rain, present husband. Bruce Jenner. Courthouse One-Manchester 30 Tolland Tpke. 633,580 helps fill the need, she explained. drizzle and log today and tonight. for office condos "Bruce is a normal, down-to-earth person, and Davies, who has a bachelor's degree in Visibiity improving to 3 to 5 miles Pillowtex Corp. 49 Regent St. 629,950 even though women are certainly available to psychology and experience in youth counseling, is Wednesday. Average wave heights Purdy Corp. 586 Hilliard St. 627,640 him. he's not a runaround. He doesn't opt to be a Plans for a 27,000-square-foot office The four-lane road currently carries a nurse's aide at Manchester Memorial Hospital. — 3 to 5 feet today and tonight. / cheater," she says in the current Redbook. complex on West Middle Turnpike have about 17,500 vehicles a day, including Chapman, Gardner 337 Oakland St. 613,200 peak hour traffic of about 1,000 trips, "Life with Elvis was much more stressful. He been submitted to the Planning and MIP 16-A Corp. • 169 Progress Drive , 612,500 Zoning Commission for approval. "which is lower than the theoretical Open house at Cheney Tech was a runaround, and he had a lot of insecurities Satellite view KLI Associates 166 New State Road 600,540 and drug-related problems that were difficult for The office condominiums, which peak of 2,100 trips," Holmes said. An open house will be held at Howell Cheney Extended outlook would be known as The Hilliard, would The Hilliard complex would generate Rogers Corp. 24 Mill St. 588,130 I me to deal with because I don't even drink." Commerce Department satellite photo taken at 4 a.m. EST shows Regional Vocational Technical'School Wednes­ be located on a 2.53-acre parcel on the about 100 additional trips at peak hour, KLI Associates 220 N. Main St. 583,410 day from 7 to 9 p.m. for parents and friends of She also said, "A s much as anything, 1 felt Extended outlook for New England layered frontal clouds with embedded showers extending from the Thursday through Saturday: north side of West Middle Turnpike he said. members of the freshman class. maternal toward Elvis ... There's no need to feel eastern Great Lakes through the Appalachians and across the Auger Corp. 90 Progress Drive 549,630 material toward Bruce, though." near the intersection of Adams Street, A date for a public hearing on the Following opening ceremonies in the audito­ Connecticut, Massachusetts and Southeast. Thick frontal clouds stretch along the Rockies and curve according to the plans. The complex plans will be set at the Feb. 21 meeting Central Conn. Coop Farmers Assoc. 46 Apel Place 544,810 rium, visitors may tour the academic wing of the Rhode Island: A chance of showers through southern California. would contain a total of 27,536 square of the PZC. Damato, Raymond F. 106 New State Road 544,710 building and confer briefly with classroom Thursday, clearing Friday, fair feet in two buildings which could be In other planning business, Christine H J M Realty Co. 186 Adams St. 539,110 teachers. A tour of the shop area, with parents Saturday. Daytime highs in the 50s divided into 56 office units. Sammartino has applied for PZC Wilder, Joel B., Trustee & Et Als 334 Broad St. 528,190 reporting to shop areas recently chosen by their and low 60s Thursday. 50s Friday A special exception is required from approval to add walkout basements to sons and daughters, will be the highlight of the Show was based on Martha and 40s Saturday. Overnight lows 29.77^ 30.00 the PZC because the plans require six units of the Bigelow Brook Estates Thrall, Elmer M., Estate of 40 Glen Road 515,750 program. in the mid 30s to mid 40s Thursday BZINO-y-t'' more than 60 parking spaces. condominium development on Adams Liistro, Paul & Helen 385 W. Center St. 502,550 The program will conclude with refreshments Shirley MacLaine based her performance in MINNE/ STON Street. and in the 30s Friday and Ssturday. The developers, known as the Hil­ John Hancock Mutual Life Ins. 8 Progress Drive 475,990 served in the cafeteria at 8:30 p.m. ' 'Terms of Endearment" on Martha Mitchell. Ms. liard Group, propose to furnish 108 The basements would be added to MacLaine once spent three days in New York Vermont: Chance of rain Thurs­ parking spaces, including five handi­ units 12 through 17 'of the 17-unit Damato, Raymond F. 226 New State Road 459,470 with the beleagur^ wife of Nixon administration YORK 180 Olcott St. 451,420 ECHS students on taxes V day and Friday. Chance of showers capped spaces, according to a letter complex, if the PZC approves the Empire Tool & Mfg. Co. attorney general John Mitchell. He was jailed for Saturday. Cooling trend but still supporting the application from engi­ modifications. The basements were A handful of students from East Catholic High his" part in Watergate. unseasonably mild. Highs Thurs­ Heritage Savings & Loan Assoc. 1007 Main St. 450,630 Sophia has a friend AN FRANCISCO neer W. Donald Holmes. originally prohibited under conditions School will participate in a special program Ms. MacLaine said of Mrs. Mitchell: “ Shewas day in the 50s. Lows in the 30s. Holmes said that the stretch of West outlined when the final site plan was John Hancock Mut. Life Ins. Co. 260 Progress Drive 447,890 Sophia I^ren holds a Cabbage Patch Doll given airing Wednesday on Connecticut Public Televi­ very commanding, self-involved, funny, hospita­ Highs Friday 45 to 55 and Saturday V>. COLO^ Middle Turnpike in front of the site approved by the PZC in November. Lydall Eastern Inc. 580 Parker S t., 443,390 to her by an admirer during a dinner where she ble, warm and ultimately fragile. 1 thoroughly sion, Principal William Charbonneau said this in the 40s. Lows both nightsHS to 35. LOS ANGELES ^•ATLANTA could accommodate the additional "The PZC will consider the modifica­ Whiston, Merrill J. 50 Harrison St. 431,270 was introduced as the special creative consultant enjoyed her and she dug me, too. So when I got morning. trips generated by the office complex. tions at its Feb. 21 meeting. Damato, Raymond F. 19 Henry St. 431,250 "Understanding the I.R.S.,” featuring a for William Island, a residence and resort this script somehow Martha Mitchell flashed in Maine: Chance ol showers LOWEST question-and-answer session with area high community located on the Intracoastal Water­ my mind." Thursday. Clearing Friday. Fair TEMPERATURES Cooper Hill Apartments Assoc. 1 Goslee Drive 430,080 way in Florida. Saturday. Mild. Highs 35 to 45 Police roundup school students and a tax expert, will be Ms. MacLaine, in Dallas to receive the 1984 22 „ 20 3 2 MIP 9 Corp. 275 Progress Drive 429,000 Sophia is helping plan the Mediterranean USA Film Festival Master Screen Artist award, north and 40s to low 50s south. Lows O R L E A N S .,.^ •, MIAMI broadcast from 9:30 to 9:50 a.m. on Channel 24. Manchester Sports Center Inc. 24 Adams St. 422,220 Village, the Island Club. She will maintain a called it unlikely she would ever work for brother in the 20s to low 30s. Hartford. Pat Sheehan, WFSB-TV anchorman, Lta §M O . will moderate. residence in Miami with her husband. Carlo Warren Beatty, a perfectionist as a director. As Savings Bank of Manchester 923 Main St. 419,750 Ponli, and their two sons. Sophia was heard to she told him, "1 just might do it if you'd go less New Hampshire: Chance of Man charged in fight Buckland Road Corp. 275 New State Road 415,990 Charbonneau said the East Catholic students participating are studying taxes as part of a comment on how ugly the doll was. than 60 takes." showers Thursday. Clearing Fri­ 60 day. Fair Saturday. Mild. Highs 35 ‘so'O anowfRs ^ ptow Woodbridge Associates 460 Woodbridge St. 415,420 "M ath for Daily Living", course. to 45 north and 40s to low 50s south. UPI WEATHER FOTOCA8T & A 22-year-old Manchester man was charges stemming from an accident Carlyle Johnson Machine Co. 52 Main St. 414,920 Lows in the 20s to low 30s. charged with breach of peace Saturday earlier this year in southern Jarvis, Alexander, Estate of 385 Broad St. 414,340 Ferguson tickets available in connection with a fight outside the Connecticut. Conyers, Ruth F. ' 59 Tolland Tpke. 401,320 Feb. 9: Norman P. Harpin, 20, of 81 A testimonial dinner for Police Sgt. Walter F. High and low National forecast Gaslight cafe on Oak Street, police said Griswold, Hayden L. Jr. & Fuss, Walter 206 Main St. 398,860 Almanac today. Wells St; James H. Beihumeur, 30, of 22 Ferguson, who retired at the end of January, is The highest temperature re­ For period ending 7 a.m. EST Wednesday. Tonight, rain showers will Gerald J. Appleby, of 40 Olcott St., Columbus St.: Donald L. Duran, 43, of East Village Condominium Assocs. 424 W. Middle Tpke. 384,600 scheduled Feb. 24 at the Army-Navy Club on Main Street. ported Monday by the National be expected in the North Atlantic States, the North and Central Pacific Apartment 216, was arrested after he 50 Clinton St. Jarvis, Alice & Labelle, John, Executors 404 W. Center St. 382,000 Feb. 10: Brian M. Breen, 18, of 26D Ferguson served in the Manchester Police Today is Tuesday. Feb. 14, the 45th day of 1984 with "•Weather Service, excluding Coasts. There will also be snow over the Northern Plains Region. tried to flee the scene of the fight by 151 Batson Drive ' 377,870 Spencer St.. Gerber Scientific Inc. Department for 31 years. 321 to follow. Alaska and Hawaii, was 83 degrees Elsewhere weather will remain fair in general. Minimum temperatures ducking down an alley, police said. He F ebrl2: John F. McTeague, 20. of Jarvis, Alexander, Estate of 515 W. Middle Tpke. 377,530 "The reception will begin at 6:30 with dinner at This IS Valentine's Day. at Me Allen, Texas. Today’s low include: (maximum readings in parenthesis) Atlanta 42 (72), Boston was one of four men police had just New London, also charged with failure Gulf & Western Ind. Inc. (Klock) 1366 Tolland Tpke. 372,550 7:30. Tickets are $12 each. For tickets or further The moon is moving toward its full phase. was five degrees at Alamosa, Colo. 36 (47). Chicago 42 (62). Cleveland 35 (50), Dallas 49 (75). Denver 23 asked to leave the Gaslight after to obey a control signal; Donald F. information contact Officer James Taylor or Sgt. The morning stars are Mercury, Venus, Mars. creating an altercation inside the bar, (46), Duluth 32 (42), Houston 52 (75). Jacksonville 41 (69). Kansas Corriveau, 29, of Hebron; and James B. Jarvis, Alexander, Estate of 699 E. Middle Tpke. 362,630 Gerald Calve at Police Headquarters, 646-4555. Jupiter and Saturn. City 40 (60), Little Rock 44 (69), Los Angeles 49 (67), Miami 51 (79). police said. The fight took place a few minutes SchramI, 25, of Kensington. United States Life Ins. Co. 587 E. Middle Tpke. 361,920 "There is no evening star. Weather radio Minneapolis 35 (50), New Orleans 47 (73). New York 37 (49). Phoenix after Appleby and his companions left Melley, James A. & Margaret J. 150 N. Main St. 360,010 Those bom on this date are under the sign of 45 (72). San Francisco 45 (61), Seattle 39 (52). St. Louis 46 (63), and The National Weather Service the bar, police said. A man approached Guinipero, Louis, Mary & Frances 59 Charter Oak St. 358,340 Aquarius. They include Polish astronomer Nicolaus Washington 41 (60). "The Theatre." erected in 1576, was TOWN OF MANCHESTER Copernicus in 1473, English, economist Thomas broadcasts 24-hour continuous the officer who had responded to the the first such structure built in England Cooper Hill Apartments Assoc. 2 Goslee Drive 354,570 LEGAL NOTICE Malthus in 1766. American suffrage leader "Anna weather information on 162.475 Gaslight cail to report a fight under exclusively for the performance of The Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on way nearby, police said. The officer Manch. Professional Park Assoc. 341 Broad St. 352,950 Monday, February 27, l984ot 7:00 P.M. In the Hearing Room, Howard Shaw in 1874, and comedian Jack Benny in mHz in Hartford, 162.55 mHz in plays. LlP'-oln Center, 494 Main Street, Manchester, CT to hear ond 1894, sports commentator Mel Allen in 1913, T.V. New London and 162.40 mHz in found Richard Cardini, 22. of 130 Pearl Broadmanor Associates 410 W. Middle Tpke. 351,400 CO. der the following petitions; announcer Hugh Downs in 1921 and singer Florence Meriden. St., lying on the sidewalk at the corner Rapid-American (^rp. 201 Buckland St. 346,880 ITEM 1 NO. 988 KIm-Kerry Inc. — Request Special Manchester Herald of Oak and Cottage streets, police said. Exception In accordonce with Article IV, Section S.01.02to Henderson in 1934. Manchester Publishing Co. 16 Bralnard Place 346,680 permit the addition of a conyenlence store on a site with A witness told the officer he saw Fire Calls existing gasoline service station: ond request variance ot Richai'd M. Diamond. Publisher Appleby throw Cardini against a wall, Gulf & Western Ind. Inc. (Mai Tool) 271 Adams St. 346,290 Article IV, Section 5.03.03 to reduce side yard to permit On this date in history: construction ot new canopy over gasoline pumps (25 feet In 1886, the West Coast citrus industry was bom as knee him in the groin and then hit him Sycamore Corp. of America 1041 Main St. 343,980 required — 4 feet requested); and request variance to the first trainload of oranges left Los Angeles for Lottery U S P S 327-SOO in the face, police said. Manchester reduce side yard to permit reconstruction of pump Islands In VOL. cm . No. 116 Appleby was released on a written Manchester Associates 3(X) Progress Drive 342,120 their original location (25 feet required — 15 feet requested; eastern markets. Monday, 8:48 a.m. — medical call, 47 and varlonce to permit main building to remain as presently , Publlihsd dally exetpt Sunday promise to appear Wednesday in Bogner Packing Co. Inc. ^ 349 Wethorell St. 336,720 In 1903, President Theodore Roosevelt signed a law 'prrior rotes ore $1.20 Bilyeu St. (Eighth District). located closer to rear line than permitted (30 feet required— and cwtoln holidays by th t Man- weekly, $5.12 lor one month, $15.35 Manchester Superior Court. Carter Chevrolet Co. Inc. 1229 Main St. 335,910 12 feet requested): and variance to permit exit and entrance creating a Department of Commerce and Labor. rhtster Publishing Co., 16 Bralnard Connecticut daily for three months, $30.70 for six Monday, 10; 47 a.m. — medical call, John Hancock Mutual Life Ins. Co. 115 Progress Drive 328,660 ramps to remain as presently located (within 60 feet of a i In 1933, an eight-day bank holiday was declared in Placs, Monclwsttr, Conn. 06060. months and $61.40 for one year. Mdl I Beauregard Corp., 349 Progress Drive Intersection) — 116 Center Street, Business Zone II and Michigan in a Depression-era move to avert a Monday: 809 Socond class postoea paid at Man- rotes are avalloble on reouest. The following people were charged Residence Zone A. chostor. Conn. POSTMASTER: with drunken driving recently in (Paramedics). Hoffman, Phyllis Z. 512 W. Center St. 324,900 financial panic. Fifty million dollars was rushed to SMd oddross chonots to the Man- Monday, 10:49 a.m. — medical call, 5 Play Four: 5765 “ «l»»»lfl«d or display Manchester. All were released and Jarvis Realty Co. 253 W. Middle Tpke. 322,220 ITEM 2 NO. 989 Frank N. Serlgnese — Request Special Detroit to bolster bank assets. chtster Horold, P.o. Box S71, odv^lsement, or to report a news Exception In accordance with Article II, Section 16.15.01 (e) Monchostor, Conn. 06040. ordered to appear Feb. 21 in Manches­ Grant Road (Eighth District). In 1979, Iranian guerrillas stormed the U.S. Plefure Idea, coll Monday, 11:09 a.m. — medical call, Ponticelli, Raymond & Carol 50 Charles Drive 313,600 and Article IV, Section 5.03.02 tor General Repairer's ter Superior Court. - License tor the entire building — 85 Colonial Road — embassy in Tehran and trapped Ambassador William To subscrlb*. or to roporl o 142 Croft Drive (Eighth District). Ansaldi Andrew Jr. 17 Sycamore Lane 312,030 other numbers drawn Monday to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Feb. 7: David A. Buckwald, 23, of 53 Industrial Zone. Sullivan and 100 of his staff. Forces of the Ayatollah in New England: d^vorv problam, call 647-S946. 290 Broad St. 307,860 At this hearing Interested persons may be heard and written Today In history Offlco hours a r t 8:30 a.m. to S:30 Monday. 8:27 p.m. — electrical Broadmanor Associates Khomeini later freed them. The same day. Adolph "The Manchester Herald Is a Indian Drive, communications received. A copy ot this petition hos been New Hampshire daily: 0591. p.m. Monday through Friday and 7 subscriber to United Press Interna­ Feb. 9: Harry A. Bazinet Jr., 36, of smoke, 88 Oak St. (Town). tiled In the Planning Office and may be Inspected during Dubs, U.S. ambassador to Afghanstan, was abducted Comedian Jack Benny was born Feb. 14, Valentine's to 10 a.m, Saturday. Dalivtrv Lawton Enterprises 14 Lawton Road 304,000 Rhode Island daily: 7882. tional news services and Is a 281 Center St., also charged with Tuesday, 12; 33 a.m. — medical call, aftice hours. by Moslem terrorists in Kabul and died in the Day, in 1694. Here he displays birthday cake with Maine daily: 550. should b« mod* by 5 p.m. Monday m em ^ of the Audit Bureau of 50 Sherwood Circle (Paramedics). Ansaldi Andrew Jr. 18 Sycamore Lane 302,230 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS question mark in candles. This was in 1957. Benny through Friday and by 7:30 a.m. Circulations. misuse of registration plates and Edward Coltman, Secretary crossfire during a rescue attempt by the Afghan Vermont daily: 104. Saturday. Tuesday, 7:58 a.m. — smoke investi­ Jarvis, Alexander, Estate of 361 Broad St. 301,130 Dated at Manchester, CT this 14th day ot Februory, 1984. government. died In 1974. driving without insurance. Bazinet also Massachusetts daily: 3879. was turned over to state police on gation, 19 Villa Louisa Road (Town). Wilder, Joel B.. Trustee & Et Als 330 Broad St. 300,100 019-02 4 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tufsdiiv. Feb. 14. 1984 MANCHESTER HERALD, Tuesday, Feb. 14, 1984 - 5 U .S./W orld Leaders Mondale, campaigning in Iowa, urges immediate summit In By Clay F. Richards lishment Soviet leader and said his primary road, invested their vam- "For three years there has been United Press International selection as successor to Andropov puign lime today in ^Iher s li' a disastrous policy of escalating Double transplant begins flock to would mean no major changes. But longshots like Cranston. Reu- rhetoric," Mondale said. "I think DES MOINES, Iowa — Demo­ Sen. Gary Hart of Colorado bin Askew and George McGovern, we may have a chance to change PITTSBURGH — A 6-year-old girl from cratic front-runner Walter Mon­ agreed, calling Chernenko proba­ who must do well in Iowa to slay that movement ... a dramatic Cumby, Texas, today underwent what doctors dale says the United States has a bly the last of tlie World War 11-era alive in the 1984 race, stumped opportunity, and 1 hope the presi­ said was the world's first simultaneous heart and funeral new chance to negotiate an arms Russian leaders. across Iowa during the final week dent takes advantage of it." liver transplants. agreement with the Soviet Union Sen. John Glenn, campaigning in before the season-opening Iowa Campaigning in Iowa City. Cran­ The operation on Stormie Jones began Monday and wants an immediate summit the South, also said it was a good precinct caucuses. ston said "I doubt there can be any Mondaie and Hart will be back significant change to give Ronald night at Pittsburgh Children's Hospital and was Bv Steven R. Reed between the superpowers' leaders. time for President Reagan to ^JJ^lted Press International Mondale and two other Demo­ break off what he called "super­ for a final blitz at week’s end, but Reagan any breakthroughs" on expected to last IS hours. cratic presidential contenders belligerent rhetoric” and make a- Glenn will spend most of the week arms control, Cranston said. "She knows that this has never been done campaigning in Iowa said Monday new start in talks with Russia. in the South, not returning to Iowa before and this is a special attempt," said-Lois MOSCOW (UPI) — Representatives from three they did not foresee a dramatic until the weekend. Hart interrupted a trip from Jones, the child's mother. "Without the operation royal families, two guerrilla groups, the Vatican and California to the East Coast to stop leaders from the East and West are in the Soviet Union change in the Soviet leadership as "I call upon the president to she wouldn't have lived another year.” Konstanten Chernenko replaces press as quickly as possible to Two other contenders. Jesse at the Des Moines airport for a today for the funeral of Yuri Andropov. brief news conference. He said Dr. Thomas Starzi of the Univerity of The royal families of Denmark, Norway and Yuri Andropov as the Communist establish a summit conference Jackson and Sen. Ernest Hollings Party chief — because they are with Mr. Chernenko," he said. of South Carolina, had no further Chernenko’s leadership will proba­ Pittsburgh headed the double transplant team. Sweden were represented by Prince Henrick, Crown bly be in the style of his Stormie, who lives in a small town 60 miles east Prince Haraid and Prince Bertel, respectively. World War Il-generation leaders. He said Reagan should seek to Iowa schedule. UPI photo But all encouraged a hew begin­ adjust the SALT II arms treaty Campaigning in light snow in predecessors. of Dallas, has a rare genetic disease, familial Chairman Yasser Arafat of the Palestine Libera­ But Hart said the United States Democratic presidential contender Walter F. Mondale, tion Organization returned to Moscow for the ning in U.S.—Soviet relations, with the Soviets so it can be Fort Dodge, Mondale told repor­ hypercholesterolemia, which causes an exces­ which cooled during Andropov's resubmitted to the Senate for ters the next step would be to must begin to prepare for a new pictured here during a recent impromptu news sive buildup of cholesterol in the blood. Andropov funeral. Arafat, who was forced out of generation of Russian leaders Lebanon last December by Palestinian rebels, also 15-month leadership. ratification. negotiate "a mutual and verifiable conferecne, is in Iowa campaigning for the upcoming Sen. Alan Cranston of California Democratic front-runners Mon­ freeze that would permit this world "a group we don't know well and attended the 1982 funeral of Leonid Brezhnev. does not know us well either.” caucuses. Fundamentalists stay jailed Sam Nujoma of the South West Africa People's described Chernenko as an estab­ dale and Glenn, looking down the to have some stability.” WASHINGTON — A Supreme Court justice has Organization, fighting for independence of Namibia, was another guerrilla leader in attendance. refused to come to the aid of six fundamentalist Pope John Paul II sent a personal representative to Christians jailed for nearly three months because the funeral from the Vatican despite the continuing Reagan write-in drive couid hurt Democrats in primary they refuse to testify about the Faith Christian investigation in of a KGB link to the school in Nebraska. assassination-attempt on his life. former President Jimmy Carter, Sen. Edward Justice Harry Blackmun said Monday he could Prime Minister Margaret Thatcherof Britain made By Ruth Youngblood firm. former Florida Gov. Reubin Askew. Some Democrats privately say they fear Reagan "He might come in third, " Ambrose acknowledged, Kennedy. D-Mass., and fo rm e r California Gov. Jerry not step into the dispute between state oflicials her first trip to the Soviet Union for the funeral. United Press International Brown. It was Vice President George Bush's second Irip to could scoop up enough write-ins to finish as well as "although 1 don’t think he’ll do that well. But he is very and supporters of the religious day school in popular here." In 1976, Reagan lost the Republican primary to Louisville, Neb., who have refused to detail the Moscow to deliver a funeral wreath from the United CONCORD, N.H. — Despite the barrage of third. That would put him behind Mondale and Sen. then-President Gerald Ford, But on the Democratic States to a deceased Soviet president. He also Democratic denunciations of President Ronald John H. Glenn, D-Ohio, but ahead of the Rev. Jesse "Reagan got 1,958 write-ins in 1980, ” Ambrose operation of the school. recalled. "That's quite a few when you consider there ballot, he accumulated more than double the number attended Brezhnev's funeral. Reagan, the incumbent is popular enough in New Jackson, Sen. Gary W. Hart, D-Colo., Sen. Alan M. ol write-in voles Ford received. The men, fathers of children who attend the West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, who had Hampshire to spark concern about a strong, write-in Cranston. D-Calif., Sen. Ernest Hollings, D-S.C. and were three well-known candidates on the ballot, ” controversial school in the basement ol the Faith extensive discussions with Andropov in July, a month UPI photo showing'in the Democratic primary. Christian Church, have been jailed since Nov. 23, before the Soviet leader's six-month public disappear­ "He’s always been popular and seems to be even when they said they would not testify. ance began, led the delegation from Bonn. A French soldier serving with the Line" under a stop sign riddled with more popular now," said Deputy Secretary of State They asked Blackmun to order their release Around the clock Monday, the visiting dignitaries Multinational force in Beirut looks bullets from recent fighting. Bob Ambrose, citing the president's strength in 1980. McGovern takes Granite State prize: $300 from jail. paid their last respects to Andropov while his body lay through binoculars across the “Green Pollster Dick Bennett predicted Monday if there McGovern's New Hampshire cam­ an earlier fishing derby in central New McGovern , plans to give half the in state at the House of Unions a block from his Red was an organized effort underway to motivate LACONIA, N.H. (UPI) — Whetheror But the justice said he had "no jurisdiction to not George McGovern does well in the paign learned Monday that the Demo­ Hampshire was drawn by the "musher money to an acid rain citizen's task a c t" because the Nebraska Supreme Court Square burial site. Soviet television showed glimpses write-ins, Reagan would finish second in the cratic presidential hopeful had won the queen " chosen at the ball; Danielle force in New Hampshire and the rest to of the officials as they paused for a moment of silence In Lebanon Democratic primary behind former Vice President New Hampshire presidential primary dismissed the.case Feb. 9. ruling the men did not Walter F. Mondale. Feb. 28, he can have the satisfaction of top prize in a raffle drawn Saturday Gaudet, a senior at Belmont High. a new food pantry opening up for poor have the right to appeal contempt orders against near the casket. night during the 55th World Champion­ She had sold the ticket to McGovern families in Meredith, his New Hamp­ Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau bowed his head With the first-in-the-nation primary Feb. 28, knowing he has captured one contest: a them. $300 first prize in a sled dog derby ship Sled Dog Derby. Feb. 4 at the Winnipesaukee Fishing shire campaign coordinator. Woody while standing at the base of the funeral bier. He also predictions like that warm Bob Monier’s heart. A $1 ticket he had purchased during Derby. Woodland, said Monday, attended the Brezhnev funeral. Monier, head of the Reagan campaign in New raffle. Police gun was modified The guests were expected to go from the funeral to Rebels mount offensive Hampshire, said, "We welcome anyone who wants to the palatial Kremlin Hall of St. George to move write in.” MIAMI — The trigger mechanism on the through a receiving line and greet Chernenko, By David Zenian capital at the "request of the in support of ground artillery and While Monier has not and does not plan to launch an revolver police officer Luis Alvarez used to kill a Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko, Prime Minister United Press International Lebanese forces, " a U.S. Marine troops. lllh-hour campaign to Stimulate write-ins for the black man in a ghetto game room was modified, Nikolai Tikhonov and acting President Vasily spokesman said. It was the Lebanese air force's president, he said he would "be very happy" if making it easier to fire and increasing its Kuznetsov. BEIRUT, Lebanon — Moslem The Marine peace-keeping base first attacks in five months against Reagan winds up with a chunk of the vote. 'deadliness," a firearms expert says. Among the other visiting leaders were Prime rebels began a major mountain at Beirut International Airport the militiamen, who are trying to "1 expect a low turnout on the Democratic side," But Harry H. Sefried 11 of Madison, Conn,, who Minister Indira Gandhi of India, President Zia ul-Huq ollensive today to improve supply later came under fire from 12 topple the U.S.-backed Lebanese Monier said, citing Reagan's strength among of Pakistan, Chancellor Fred Sinowatz of , routes into Beirut and a U.S. mortar rounds and the Marines government. The Moslem rebels, Democrats and independents. "Whenever there's a undergoes cross-examination today, said the destroyer and two Lebanese mock election, it seems he wins." trigger pull of Alvarez' .38 caliber police special President Sandro Pertini of Italy, President Mauno fired back with 36 rounds of 81mm backed by Syria, seized control of Koivisto of Finland and President Patrick Hillery ol warjets tired on the militiamen as mortar lire to silence the "hostile west Beirut last week in the A private poll last month indicated that when was still within factory specifications. Ireland. they attacked three hilltop vil­ position. " the Murine spokesman heaviest fighting since the 1975-76 Democratic and independent voters picked a The Cuban-born Alvarez, 24, is on trial for Also attending were Prime Minister Andreas lages. military officials said. said. civil war. Democratic favorite, their second choice was Reagan manslaughter,in the killing of Novell Johnson Jr., Papandreou of Greece, Prime Minister Pierre There were no reports ol A military spokesman said over any Democrat. The survey, called the New 20, on Dec. 28. 1982. The shooting triggered three Mauroy of , Vice Premier Wan Li ol China. The USS Ricketts, a guided- casualties. heavy fighting raged today in the Hampshire Poll, was conducted and financed by days of racial rioting that left another man dead President Nicolae Ceausescu of Romania, Prime missile destroyer stationed oil the A Lebanese military spokesman valleys between the hilltop villages Blake and Dickinson Inc., a Manchester research and 26 injured. Minister Mario Soares of Portugal. Premier Fidel Lebanese coast, fired ft rounds said the government's two operat­ of Qabr Shmoun, Bennay and Abey Castro of Cuba and Polish Premier Gen. Wojciech Irom its 5-inch guns at Druze rebel ing Hawker Hunter warjets at­ where government troops fired on H E W H O Engen picked as FAA head Jaruzelski. positions in mountains east ol the tacked the rebels in the mountains the rebels below. N.H. poll shows WASHINGTON — Transportation Secretary Elizabeth Dole is recommending retired Navy- Vice Adm, Donald Engen, an experienced pilot Radioactive tables turn up throughout U.S. Mbndale leading and World War II hero, to be the new chief of the Federal Aviation Administration. By Tamara Henry investigators fouiid varying amounts ol radioactivity found with •adioactive tables will be closed, they MANCHESTER, N.H. (UPI) — A poll released Mrs. Dole also announced Monday she has United Press International in three ol 16 shipments. added. today shows Democratic front-runner Walter Mon­ HESMATES ordered increasing government surveillance Thousands of contaminated tables were lound in the dale maintaining better than a 2-to-l lead over John over the nation's airlines. Metal institutional tables, contaminated with California counties of Los Angeles, Orange and In Chicago, the NRC said the 30 radioactive Glenn in New Hampshire, although support for radiation emitting hourly levels equal to several chest "Air transportation, safe as it is today, can be Alameda. pedestals were among 38 shipped to the hotel. They Mondale has eroded slightly since October. or dental X-rays, are being discovered by the The tables were shipped to the various locations by were located in an unoccupied part of the building that The poll indicatesthat Jesse Jackson and Gary Hart made saler,' she said. "I am increasing the FAA thousands in hotels and restaurants across the nation. was being renovated, said NRC spokesman Jan inspector force 25 percent, bringing it back to the Falcon Products Inc. of St. Louis, a major restaurant have picked up the most support among the other six Contaminated tables have been found in Missouri, equipment manufacturer. Falcon's subsidiary in Strasma. Democratic presidential candidates with Jackson high-level mark of the past decade. California. Illinois, Iowa, Indiana and Washington Juarez, Mexico, built the contaminated tables from third and Hart fourl,h among New Hampshire "If more inspectors are needed to help keep an state. recycled metal, some of which was exposed to residents likely to vote Democratic in the Feb. 28 State health officials, armed with geiger counters, IS eagle eye out for safety deficiencies or Cobalt-60 in a junkyard. primary. infractions, we'll hire them," she said. are searching schools, restaurants and nursing homes Nuclear Regulatory Commission spokesman Jim The poll of 507 registered Democrats and for the tables made with recycled metal exposed to Hanchett explained a medical machine from a local independents showed Mondale was favored by 38 radioactive Cobalt-60 that contaminated a Mexican hospital in Juarez, Mexico was junked and dismantled percent and Glenn, 17 percent. Pregnancy smashing news junkyard. The tables were institutional and none were and Cobalt-60 pellets were "scattered all over." He Jackson was supported by 8 percent'. Hart, 7 LONDON — Britons rejoiced today over news sold residentially, officials stressed. said the contaminated material first was detected in a percent; George McGovern, 4 percent; Alan Cranston that Princess Diana and Prince Charles are In Indianapolis, a state Board of Health official said load of construction reinforcing bars in Mexico. and Ernest Hollings, 3 percent each; and Reubin as many as 1,000 tables shipped to the state the last Officials said the tables pose no immediate threat to TAXED. Askew, 1 percent. expecting a second baby and London bookmakers three months may have been built with radioactive said the new addition to the royal family would health. Some of the tables have very low radiation The remaining 19 percent of those questioned said metals. levels but longterm exposure could cause cancer, they they were undecided. probably be a girl. An unnamed Chicago hotel was found to have 30 admit. The Democratic poll was done by phone for , "I think its absolutely marvelous," a guard at radioactive cast-iron table pedestals — one of which Indiana officials said 100 of the tables were tested WMUR-TV in Manchester between Jap. 29andFeb. 7. Buckingham Palace said of the news that was emitting a high level of radiation — while Iowa and found free of radiation. None ol the locations It was the third conducted so far by David Moore, an Princess Diana. 22, is expecting her second child associate political science professor at the University in late September. of New Hampshire. "It's lovely, just lovely. She's lovely," one His second poll, last October, showed 44 percent of Englishwoman said. July shuttle mission is scrubbed New Hampshire Democrats and Independents "1 think it's smashing," said another. "She satellite. favoring Mondale, while 20 percent favored Glenn. WASHINGTON (UPI) type rocket that led to the Feb. 3 and 6. . Only 1 percent favored Jackson and 6 percent backed ought to have six or eight. They can afford it.” — The Air Force has However, two of the July cancellation. There is a possibility the reipaining Rights are in Hart. Champagne corks popped in 'pubs all around canceled a space shuttle Adding to NASA's shut­ problem that caused those "Perhaps the most remarkable finding of the three London as Britons celebrated what one woman mission for the second jeopardy. A shuttle flight tle scheduling woes is the rocket failures will not be time because of problems scheduled for September double failure of rockets polls over the past year is the relative stability of the said was "finally a bit of good news." resolved in time to use a voters’ preference," said David Zamichow, vice The announcement Monday by Buckingham with a satellite rocket that does not have a payload, on the two communica­ similar rocket for a satel­ tailed last April. and a flight set for De­ president and general manager of WMUR-TV. Palace ended months of speculation over when tions satellites launched lite to be launched on a The strongest exception was Jackson, who went cember is to use the same by the shuttle Chaljenger June shuttle mission. the princess would get pregnant again. Maj. Ronald Rand, an from 1 percent support in October — tied for last place OPEN YOUR EAGLE IRA TODAY Air Fo,rce spokesman, with Hollings and Askew — to 8 percent, or third place, OF MANCHESTER ^ now. Valentine’s Day balmy said Monday the mission Previous polls have indicated rising support in the At tax time, people often try to shel­ you save now will earn interest all So don’t hesitate to call or visit your that was to started July '.4 T I CALDOR SHOPPING PLAZA 647-9946 first-primary state for Jackson and Hart, with at least ter their money any way they can. year long. nearest First Federal office. You’ll The wandering jet stream brought balmy has been dropped. He temperatures to most of the nation for Valentine's declined to say why, be­ 1—1 rRv T irw T OPEN MON.-FRI. 10-9 one previous poll showing they could threaten the And all too often, they still wind up If you’re a working couple in a 30% learn more about the advantages of an Day. putting northerners into spring clothing and cause Air Force policy second place slot Glenn has held throughout the tax bracket and you file a joint re­ Eagle IRA. And you’ll worry a lot less 1 I f j l SAT. 10-8 primary season. getting taxed. lower Great Lakes rivers into flood. forbids talk of military JL JJLXJ Even small businessmen Opening an Individual Retirement turn, here’s an example of hoWmuch when tax time rolls around. space cargos. NOW OPEN But in today's poll, Glenn retained a 9-point lead Only a few scattered areas in the northern and SUNDAYS 12-S have cash flow problems over Jackson and a 10-point lead over Hart. Account with the Eagle makes more an Eagle IRA can help you save. *You may deposit up to $2,250 if you’re mar­ central high Plains, the Rockies and northern miBim But space agency sour­ sense. Because it’s tax sheltered— With Without ried, filing a joint tax return and one spouse New England reported freezing temperatures ces have said the July works. early today. you can save hundreds of dollars a IRA IRA flight was in jeopardy Marines getting year in taxes. It earns high interest. Showers and a few thunderstorms stretched because its military pay- ☆ Gross Income $40,000 $40,000 % from the Carolinas to the lower Great Lakes. A load was to have used a •nmifiBnainif Your newspaper carrier depends And it guarantees you a sizeable nest IRA v/inter storm pounded the mountains of Colorado, rocket that failed last Vaientine chocoiate egg at retirement. Contribution on his collections each week to — 10.35 where up to a foot of new snow was expected by April. The rocket, called By starting or adding to an Eagle IRA & Deduction 4,000 Annual Percentage Rate night. Gale warnings covered the Washington and an inertial upper stage, SPRING SPECTACULAR pay his bill, whether or not he has PARSIPPANY, N.J. (UPI) — A major hotel in New now, you can deduct every cent you Adjusted Oregon coast and there were scattered showers in has not yet been cleared Gross Income 36,000 40,000 for flight. Jersey will ship a large Valentine gift to U.S. Marines dp0osit from your 1983 income. Up 5,000 % the area. STARTS WEDNESAY 9:30 A.M. received payment from his stationed in Lebanon — 660 pounds of chocolate. Deductions 5,000 Flood warnings or watches covered a number The Air Force cancella­ customers. When he doesn’t get Arnie Quirion, manager of the Parsippany Hilton, $2,000 for an individual. $4,000 for Net Taxable 10.86 tion leaves a four-man said the hotel will send the 15,000 pieces of chocolate to a working couple. * And if you have Income 31,000 35,000 Annukf Effective Yield of rivers from western New York State to NASA shuttle crew with­ 6,564 northeast Illinois. In Oregon, flood warnings paid, he has to dip into his pocket Marines on the USS New Jersey, presently stationed already made your maximum 1983 . Income Tax 5,364 out a mission for the Total Tax Savings $ 1,200 continued on the Umpqua and Coquille river second time. Jack Winter Co-ordinates to make up the difference. off the coast of Lebanon. IRA contribution, start on 1984. What Fixed Rate: 18 Months - 3 Years systems. (Poly-Gab.) "The chocolates stand S'/i feet tall and 8‘/i feet Thomas Mattingly, wide," Quirion said Sunday. "We believe it is the Loren Shriver, Ellison largest box of Valentine chocolates ever put Flight smoking considered Onizuka and James BUY A NEW SPRING BLAZER You can help keep a small together." Buchli originally were to Each man aboard the battleship will recieve 8 to 10 WASHINGTON — The Civil Aeronautics Board businessman from going under if chocolates, donated by Lee Sims Chocolate Co. and has decided to enter the battle between smokers have flown the Air Force mission last fall before it FOR *56“%., 70- you pay your carrier when he calls the Nagle Chocolate Bam. and non-smokers and decide whether to ban was canceled because of The hotel's staff spent several days working on the cigarette smoking on most domestic flights. the rocket troubles. It was GET THE MATCHING to collect. Thank you. gift, Quirion said. “We had a lot of people s|^nd the Fiist Ibdeial Savings The board scheduled arguments today on rescheduled for July, and past three to four days stuffing chocolates in those proposals that would prohibit smoking aboard Mattingly's crew again little brown wrappers and putting them in the boxes. I THE EAGLE AMO^G BANKS. airplanes on flights of relatively short duration was assigned to it. SLACKS and SKIRT don't think they will ever eat another piece again! ” Quirion said the Valentine gift, which was unveiled and on smaller planes. Officials said the The Air Force action proposals could cover nine of 10 flights in the at a dedication ceremony Saturday, will remain on East Hartford: 1137 Main Street, 289-6401 East Hartford: 842 Silver Lane, 568-7137 leaves eight shuttle mis­ display before it is dismantled into 1,500 individual Glastonbury: 2510 Main Street, 633-9423 South Windsor: 481 Buckland Road, 644-1501 United States. sions remaining on this Valumd at ’30" each Manchester Herald boxes of candy and sent overseas in about five days. The panel voted tentatively last year to ban FREE Rockville: 2 Park Place, 875-6233 Vernon: Tri-City Plaza, 871-2700 year's launch schedule, Once the candy reaches the ship, it will be Manchester: 344 Middle Ttirnpike W., 646-8300 South Glastonbury: 879 Main Street, 633-3618 cigarette smoking on flights that last one hour or beginning with the flight reassembled tor display along with a video tape of the less. ,It also voted provisionally to prohibit set to start April 4 that will RED-WHITE-NAVY & TAN Call 647-9946 dedication ceremony, Quirion said. cigarette smoking on small airplanes that have 30 send five astronauts up to “It's (the Valentine gift) something we had so much seats or less. capture and repair a WHILE THEY LASTI fun with that we* think we're going to continue every crippled sun-watching year — an annual event for the hotel,” Quirion said. 6 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday, Feb. 14, 1984 \ .MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. Feb 14, 1984 - 7 Richard M. Diamond, Publisher OPINION Dan Fitts,'Editor Court backs Connecticut ruling on In Sikorsky and union agree It’s time to trade silliness for business STRATFORD — Negotiators for Sikorsky FOI law Aircraft and Local 1150 of the Teamsters union have reached tentative agreement on a new Highland Park School, which is thing,is OK at Nathan Hale. . IN LIEU of answers, there's three-year contract, the union and company said scheduled to close in June, is in an There are plenty of things they been too much polite mumbo By Susan E. Kinsman today. affluent part of Manchester. could have talked about and jumbo. Maybe these questions United Press International Details of the agreement, reached Sunday Manchester night, were witheld pending presentation to the Nathan Hale School, to which 100 plenty of test scores and data have been answered before, but HARTFORD — The Connecticut Supreme Court union’s leadership at a ratification meeting of Highland Park students will be they could have distributed, all there seems to be a public outcry Spotiight ■today decided the state Freedom of Information Act union members Wednesday in Bridgeport, transferred, is in a blue-collar perfectly legitimate ways to for further clarification. does not apply to a judicial committee responsible for officials said. district downtown. tackle the many unspoken ques­ It’s sad that rumors, rumors setting practice and procedural rules for the courts. The union represents 6,200 hourly employees at And the stir set off by that one By Sarah E. Hall — Herald Reporter tions and put an end to the which make the Nathan Hale Magana’s The ruling upheld a lower court decision but the company’s plants in Connecticut. fact has not been worth the grief impending cold war. neighborhood seem like a slum overruled an interpretation by the state Freedom of Jimmy Castelot, secretary treasurer of the it's caused. The taboo of recog­ rather than the venerable heart Information Commission over access to jhe Rules Teamsters union, said second-and third-shift nizing social class in modern INSTEAD, school administra­ of Manchester, have been thriv­ Salvador Committee of the Superior Court. employees will meet at 11 a.m. Wednesday at the society in this case has impeded larger block of students to other at the same time. tors have concentrated on the ing on the lack of solid The appeal was brought by Raphael L. Podolsky, Klein Memorial in Bridgeport. First shifters will Nathan Hale. who requested but was denied notice and access to all meet at the same place at 4:30 p.m. discussion, making the school fact that the elementary school information. closing issue more volatile than it ALL THE defensive talking has curriculum is the same town­ slush fund committee meetings. Castelot urged all union members to turn out The justices said the issue was whether the for the meetings and vote on "a superior wage really is. THE IM PLICATIO N is that done is to make the "problem " wide. That's important to know, "I'v e heard about Nathan and benefit package providing solid economic Nobody denies that it's a just a few students would feel seem greater than it is. At the Hale," a second-grader at High­ definition of a "public agbh'cy" under Connecticut's but I suspect more parents are Freedom of Information Act applied to the commit­ gains” for Sikorsky’s production and mainte­ touchy issue — but it's also one isolated in the new socio­ root of it all, if the root is ever land Park told me recently. WASHINGTON - The provi­ concerned about their children's tee. The law defined public agency to include “ any nance employees. nobody should be ashamed to talk economic environment, though unearthed. I'd wager there's no peers than their penmanship "They say all these bad things sional president of El Salvador, judicial office, official or body but only in respect to its The union's current contract with the Sikorsky, about. And plain talk is precisely it's not popular these days to problem — no educational infe­ workbooks. about it, but I don’t believe it." Alvaro Magana, has control of a or their administrative functions." a United Technologies Corp. subsidiary expires what's been missing from the comment publicly on the matter. riority at Nathan Hale School — Some Highland Park parents When I asked her what she had special bank account, which sour­ UPl photo "The central issue before us is the proper at midnight Wednesday. discussion, at least lately. Privately, I've been told that though Highland Park parents might like to find out whether heard, she related, giggling, one ces say is used as a slush fund to construction of 'administrative function'," the Perhaps to avoid appearing parents and administration have every right to find out for there are any discipline problems of those outlandish rumors that reward Magana's political What a day justices said in an opinion written by Justice Ellen Red tape frustrates return snobbish, perhaps to soften any wanted to "change the complex­ sure. unique to Nathan Hale, for schoolkids love to laugh at; then, cronies. Peters. “ We believe it is appropriate to confine 'administra­ unintended blow, Highland Park ion " of Nathan Hale, or achieve a Those in power oughf to ad­ instance, and what is done about unlike most grown-ups, dismiss. There’s a good possibility that Showing both the long and short of it, watch the proceedings today at the HARTFORD — A Colombian man deported tive functions' to matters relating to the management while an appeal of his case was pending and then parents have become too careful better student "m ix ." dress the issue, then let it be them. Is a large school necessar­ Itw a s a b ito f choice grade school the money in the secret Salvadoran this Papillon-breed dog named Kvar 108th annual Westminster Kennel Club of the internal institutional machinery of the court ordered returned to Connecticut by a federal not to criticize. But in the past, at Nathan Hale's constituents, buried once and for all. School gossip about Nathan Hale’s fifth treasury account comes originally ily more strict than a small Time Bandit (left) and his Borzi breed Show at Madison Square Garden in New system," the justices said. judge has been refused permission to return, his least some showed uneasiness insulted by the very suggestion administrators and parent lead­ and sixth graders "drinking school? What about vandalism, from U.S. aid to El Salvador. U.S. friend, Zayantes Shimmering Lace, York City. Based on that interpretation, the justices said the lawyer said. about sending their children to that their complexion needs ers have wanted to avoid controv­ and the writing on the bathroom drugs” and the other kids smok­ officials have complained that the committee "is not subject to the provisions ol the Jose Humberto Ayala Palacios. 43, of Bridge­ Nathan Hale. School Superin­ changing, have been pledging ersy, but judging from off-the- wall? '' ing and swearing. ' , auditing system set up to keep Freedom of Information Act." port, planned to return to Tweed-New Haven tendent James P. Kennedy says allegiance to their own school. record reports of pinched nerves, track of aid funds ranges frodT "The Rules Committee of the Superior Court plays Others might want to know if The remark was telling. Here Airport Monday night after U.S, District Judge he changed his student relocation They are proud, and rightly so — as well as from the numerous Nathan Hale, on a busy street, negligible to poor. no role in the management of the internal institutional Peter D. Dorsey Friday ordered immigration was the adult controversy in its State groups to legislators: machinery of the court system," the justices said. "It plan to ease their concerns, as but righteous outrage carries letters and phone calls to the poses more of a student safety The Salvadoran sources who officials to return "him immediately. juvenile translation, though the is charged, instead, with the responsibility of well as to save money,. with it the risk of being blind to Manchester Herald, the matter is hazard than at some other smuggled the documents concern^ But his attorney, Ryszard S. Mrotek of second grader didn’t think it formulating rules of practice and procedure that Hartford, said Monday Ayala was not allowed to Kennedy's original plan called one's own faults. still quite alive. schools. Or whether the apart­ ing the president’s secret banit cause for any fuss. directly control the conduct of litigation. board a flight out of Colombia because he did not for sending about 40 Highiand The imaginary slights and Ironically, the power holders ment dwellers in the Nathan Hale account to my associate Dale V a» Its time for adults to dismiss Back strong laws on waste "It sets the parameters of the adjudicative process have a valid passport or visa. Park students to Nathan Hale, unspoken accusations have got­ probably would have fared better district may move around more the silliness, too, and get down to Atta risked their lives to do so. The that regulates the interactions between individual Lawyers for the Immigration and Naturaliza­ and the rest to three other ten out of hand. It's become a had they faced the issues head- than those homeowners who business. After all, parents from documents included copies of By Bruno V. Ranlelio Ms. Rickerby said pressure will "have been studied to death " and litigants and the courts," the justices ruled. tion Service were expected back in federal court schools. But for reasons which game of not stepping on toes, with on, presenting documented facts "action is needed now, before the surround Highland Park, where both schools want the same actual vouchers and checks — United Press International be put on congressional and state In another decision, the justices remanded a case in Hartford today to explain why Ayala had not remain vague, the Highland Park each side trying too hard to rather than blandly assuring and '84 elections." involving state efforts to disqualify an attorney the student population may be thing: to ensure that their child­ totaling more than $1 million — legislators to support toxic waste been returned to the United States, Mrotek said. parents asked that he send a defend itself and not to offend the reassuring parents that every- Mary Lou Sharon of the Pollution representing a suspect charged with burglary, But he said it would take days or weeks to work more stable. And so on. ren learn, and learn well. paid out of the account, which is HARTFORD — Congressional clean-up "and if they don't, we'll known simply as "198.” and state lawmakers face re- work for their defeat in Extermination Group said the robbery and conspiracy. out olficial procedures between U.S. and state Department ot Environmen­ Raymond Rapuano appealed the trial court's The 58-year-old Magana is an election opposition from a state November." Colombian officials and bring Ayala back to tal Protection has "deceived " her decision to dismiss his lawyer, Robert Casale, Connecticut to fight his deportation. "It was easy astute political operator and a coalition of environmental groups Barbara Surwilo of the Connecti­ An editorial cut Fund for the Environment said group in dragging its leet by because his continued representation could violate a to get rid of him but it is hard to get him back." N£A- respected economist educated at if they fail to support strong toxic hazard laws. lawmakers will be asked to cham­ allowing Laurel to remain open disciplinary rule against an attorney acting as both Mrotek said. the University of Chicago. For 17 The warning came Monday from pion the national campaign's "B ill even though it has been named by counsel and witness. . years before he was named presi-, nine Connecticut organizations of Rights." the federal E PA as the worst toxic Rapuano said there was a "substantlol change in Customers help the poor dent in April 1982, Magana headed which have joined in a national "F o r too long, we have been hazard site in Connecticut. circumstances" removing the problem and argued React to crises? Kim Yanoshik of the Connecticut the lower court would not permit a limited waiver ol Banco Hipotecario, El Salvador’s' drive for congressional support to forced to live without recognition HARTFORD — Connecticut's Utility custo­ largest mortgage bank. X clean up toxic landfill hazards. of the very basic rights to know Chapter of the Sierra Club said the his Sixth Amendment right to counsel. mers have contributed more than $100,000 to a Wanda Rickerby, of the Environ­ what we are drinking and brea­ United States has the technology Casale represented Rapuano and Lenny Gordon on heating assistance progam for the poor since "to prevent toxics^rom escaping the charges and won permission to withdraw as 0 « IN FACT, it was his longtime mentalists to Elect Legislators in thing, to inspect suspect plants and October by adding a dollar to their monthly utility That’s not enough into the environment, clean ha­ counsel for Gordon after convincing Gordon's wife to Connecticut, said the state's entire landfills, or to negotiate with bills. practice of giving interest-free zardous waste sites and grow food congressional delegation will be companies that pollute to bring an testify against her husband under the Federal Witness Total contributions to Operation Fuel, a loans to Salvadoran military offic­ without poisoning it. Though President Rea­ mission has been unclear. called on next week to support laws end to health-threatening Protection Program. program of the Christian Conference of Connecti­ ers that won him the arm y’s, "What we don't have is a strong The following day the state filed a motion to gan's recent decision to with­ Even after the terrorist re-enforcing the Superfund and' practices." cut, exceeds $200,000, said Diance C. Lapinski, support for the presidency. During Clean Air acts. The $1.5 billion Superfund should commitment by the political lead­ disqualify Casale from representing Rapuano. The manager of the program. The other contributions draw the Marines from Le­ bombing of the Marines’ the heat of the debate two years ; The coalition said it was joining be swelled to $35 billion in order to ership of our country, " she said. court agreed and Rapuano appealed. came from businesses, churches and individuals. banon came as a relief, it did Beirut Airport headquarters, ago, political enemies on the far’ the National Campaign Against allow states to carry out the Other groups in the coalition are In their decision, the justices said the lower court "Connecticut people do care; they care a lot," should review the decision and "consider whether little to surprise anyone fa­ which awakened many right denounced Magana as "the Toxic Hazards to reverse "the program's mandate initiated three The Connecticut Citizen Action said the Rev. Thomas J. Lynch, chancellor of the -I Group, Connecticut Coalition on there still exists a risk that Casale's continued biggest thief in El Salvador.” current threat posed by the Rea­ years ago, she said at a news Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Hartford and miliar with the way the Americans to the danger of Occupational Health and Safety, representation of the defendant will result in a The interest-free loans to se-' gan administration of leaving conference. chairman of Operation Fuel. Reagan administration con­ the situation, little was done Connecticut Public Interest Re­ violation of the disciplinary rule." lected officers •— some of whom communities without the right or A spokeswoman for the group ducts foreign policy. to clarify the role the admin­ ability to clean up dump sites that that has been fighting to close search Group, Connecticut River If a risk exists, the justices said the court should were not expected to repay even Watershed Council and Milford balance the risk of violation against the defendant's Welfare hike is urged Sadly, by the time the istration saw for the United are ruining people's health and Laurel Park Landfill in Naugatuck the principal — have been de­ lives.” said the problems of toxic hazards Citizens Against Pollution. right to counsel of his choice. administration announced States in resolving the crisis. HARTFORD — Connecticut is being urged to fended by Salvadorans as a shrewd increase its payment to welfare recipients. the pullout, it was the only Having trapped the Ma­ political move. The financial fa­ Social Service advocates Monday said the rise course that remained open to rines into defending a diffi­ vors supposedly enabled the offic^ in hunger in the country in linked to the the United States, aside from cult, low-ground position, the ers to resist bribes and payoffs that' Morrison claims success, seeks new term inadequacy of anti-poverty programs. full-scale participation in the would have put them under the The Hartford Archdiocese's of Urban Affairs administration placed insuf­ and Connecticut Impact, an ecumenical advocay thumb of the Salvadoran HAMDEN (U PI) — Rep. Bruce topher Dodd, D-Conn., Mayor Peter will aid Connecticut. running again Jan. 23 and is making the civil war raging in and ficient emphasis on devising group, proposed linking increases in welfare oligarchy. • Morrison, D-Conn., stressed jobs in Viliano, and other political figures, "1 have been recognized by News­ most of his association with Reagan payments to increases in the cost of living. As around Beirut. Thus, because a political solution that would Perhaps Magana’s pay-outs announcing his bid for a second term listened as Morrison made the week, the New York Times, Fortune policies. rents and utility bills rise, people on welfare have of both domestic and interna­ allow them to leave in peace. New$ THE AVERAGE AMERICAN FAMILY WATCHfi from the secret slush fund can be> and ’ said he was responsible for announcement. and other natinal publications as a He said Monday if Morrison were less to spend on food, the groups said. bringing thousands of them to Connec­ Morrison, 39, a former New Haven leader of the effort to do something tional political concerns, it explained with the same benign- re-elected "the main lines of the "When families have to make choices among Though there were spo­ EEVEN HOUR^ OF -lELEVI^ION A PAY. ticut's 3rd District in the last two years. legal aid director, also said he has about the federal deficit that threatens was the only possible course justification. But attempts to’ Reagan leadership would be savaged.'' food, shelter, medical care and transportation, radic calls for the troops to be Morrison told supporters at the assisted more than 3,000 residents in the economic security of all Americans reach the Salvadoran president, DeNardis said Morrison criticizing the frequently it is food that is put ff in the interest of for the president to take. Hamden Town Hall Monday his amend­ the 16-town district with Social Security and the economic future of our replaced by a United Nations through the embassy in Washing-; deficit "is like (House Speaker) Tip The fact that the adminis­ problems, small business loans and country, " he said. other daily needs." said Frederick J, Perelle, viewpoint ment to a 1983 jobs bill guaranteed O'Neill trying to model designer jeans. force and for Gemayel to ton and a high official in San veterans pensions and has helped other Morrison did not mention former executive director of the Office of Urban Affairs. tration chose not to act Connecticut got its fair share of jobs. It just doesn't fit. He voted for every broaden the base of his Salvador were unsuccessful. people get through bureacratic Rep. Lawrence J. DeNardis, R-Conn., decisively until its options He also said he worked to protect the domestic spending bill that has come The vouchers are irritatingly' minefields. a college professor and hospital consul­ government, there is little M-1 tank engine contract and save 1,200 down the pike, and he's going to have to were severely limited is vague in their description of the "Sometimes,” he said, "it has been a Children charged in theft evidence that these diplo­ jobs at Avco-Lycoming in Stratford, tant who wants to regain the seat face every one of those votes in this indicative of a disturbing Ominous items in the budget whole neighborhood, like helping the Morrison won from him in 1982 by 1,687 matic initiatives were se­ purpose for the disbursement: the only Fairfield County town in the campaign," he said. E N F IE LD — Two youths, agM 10 and 13, have trend in its pursuit of foreign "Una commission de orden polit-' district. people of Birchwood Gardens in West votes. been charged with car theft and possession ol WASHINGTON — Buried deep riously pursued. Rather, the element of the Misawa project is $7 ica, autorizada por el senor Presi- “ I think the people of the 3rd Distict Haven get relief from their flooding DeNardis, 45, was swept into office in DeNardis said the campaign would burglary tools. policy. For though the presi­ in President Reagan's proposed problem.” 1980 with a strong assist from President be a "straightforward comparison of multinational force was re­ million worth of "concrete muni­ .dente de la Republica” — that is, a recognize that I have been the kind of Police said the car was stolen in GrMon Saturdy dent and his advisers cer­ He said he has a 100 percent rating on Reagan's landslide in the traditionally two men, each with two years in lied upon too heavily in the budget for the next fiscal year are tion igloo magazines” — and commission of a political nature congressman who knows how to be night and the youths were arrestea in Enfield tainly cannot be blamed for two especially ominous items, both R o b e r t etfective and to make government his voting record from the Natonal Democratic district. Both are Hamden Congress to prove themselves." when they stopped at an all-night dairy store absence of a comprehensive there’s reason to believe that they authorized by the president. Council of Senior Citizens and has creating the crisis in Le­ involving plans to construct stor­ work for them,” Morrison said. residents. State Sen. Thomas Scott, R-Milford, about 3 a.m. Sunday. Police said they were on policy. W a lt e r s are being constructed as a storage An embassy spokesman a'c- helped write a new anti-crime bill that DeNardis announced his plans for also seeks the Republican nomination. banon, it remains open to age facilities for military Gov. William A. O’Neill, Sen. Chris- their way to West Springfield. facility for nuclear weapons. kn^ledged that the account .!■ . Throughout the crisis in munitions. Police said the boys have a history of thefts and question whether their ac­ Syndicated Knowledgeable observers have ijpmber on the checks Magaqp Lebanon, the president and The first item calls for construc­ burglaries and admitted breaking into several tions during the past two Columnist reached that conclusion based on signed — 150-52-101-11-101-001-198 his advisers have pursued a tion of a $1.5 million Air Force cars at the Electric Boat shipyard in Groton years have done anything to both the cost ("above-ground — was a Salvadoran treasuiy "before they found the right one to steal." "forward munitions storage area” State bans paint with high lead content course that, to a far greater munitions magazines” for storage account number. He suggested Police said the 10-year-old told police when he help the situation. near the community of La Ceiba on extent than desirable, has of conventional weapons are to be that it was ^ in g used for a wanted to drive, he steered while the 13- year-old Further, the way the ad­ the northern coast of Honduras. on the shell lor household use. All paint containing reacted to events rather than built at Misawa for $710,000, or multi-party commission set up in HARTFORD (UPI) — The state has removed port of household paint with lead, but do not prohibit operated the foot pedals. The older youth could That proposal coincides with indi­ its sale, said Lois Bryant, chief of the department's lead has been removed from the shelves and ministration has chosen to and Panama. about one-tenth as much), and the August 1982. But at least $720,000 nearly 1,000 cans of paint from three Railroad Salvage steer and work the pedals, police said. seeking to shape them. The product safety division, v destroyed, he said. make up for the Marines’ cations that a massive U.S. mil­ A footnote in the Defense Depart­ design (reinforced concrete igloos stores after finding the paint contained lead levels for The boys, who were not identified because of current shelling, one more had been paid out of the account, The cans of paint, placed under embargo by the Ms. Bryant said consumers should watch for three departure — by shelling the itary buildup now is under way in ment’s budget request says only are a preferred mode for nuclear before then. household use in excess of federal standards. their age, were taken to Morgan Street Jail in stopgap remedy, offers little Central America. Consumer Protection Commissioner Mary Heslin department since they were discovered in three labels of paint cans. One is called "N avy Gray Deck Hartford. area near Beirut from the that the figures are "to be weapons storage) of the project. Railroad Salvage three Connecticut stores last Enam el" and has o brand name and the other is called evidence that this policy has This country now has approxi­ said Monday she obtained approval from Gov. safety of American ships — is determined’ and high-ranking go­ That would conflict, however, I DON’T HAVE COPIES of all October and November, appared to be old, possibly "Chem ray" paint and the third is called "Barreled changed. mately 14,000 troops — the equival­ William O'Neill to imposlu3emergency regulations deeply disturbing. The con­ vernment officials have been eva­ with ’s absolute prohibition the checks drawn on the ” 198” ’ banning state sales of paint with significant levels of made before federal regulations took effect in 1972, Sunlight." ent of almost an entire division — sive when pressed for detailed against any involvement with Ms. Bryant said. account. But the first check, for lead for household use. She said tests on three brands Ms. Heslin said testing is continuing at Railroad tinued barrage means death In Lebanon as well as semi-permanently stationed in information. Railroad Salvage Comptroller Donald Roberge said nuclear weapons, as described by roughly $240,000, was dated May of paint at Railroad Salvage showed lea levels in Salvage. "There is a high probability the lead will be for innocents as well as rebels elsewhere, it is time for the that region, with most of them the paint cpme from a New Jersey store and probably One of the four program catego­ that country’s Defense Ministry: 26, 1982, only a month after excess of federal standards. found in other paints,” she said. participating in non-stop military was bought for commercial use and mistakenly place and will do little to prop up the president to begin pursuing a ries is Foreign Military Sales “ As the only nation ever to have Magana became president. Sour­ Federal regulations prohibit the interstate trans­ exercises. CONNECTICUT rapidly disintegrating go­ unified strategy which estab­ Credits — more than $5 billion in suffered nuclear devastation, Ja­ ces say that at least one check per The emergency regulation allows 0.06 percent lead A report prepared by the House in paint intended for household use, the standard use vernment of President Amin lishes reachable goals and funds distributed worldwide by pan, in her desire for the total month in the same amount was Armed Services Cortimittee re­ by the federal Consumer Product Safety Commission. 4 Gemayel. this country each year to enable abolition of nuclear weapons, has issued throughout 1982 and 1983^ places diplomacy above veals that the United States in Charges filed again^^fifalsh The tests from the Railroad Salvage showed levels of TRAVEI SERVICES other nations to purchase major long upheld ’Three Non-Nuclear which would bring the total for that Ever since the Marines force. It is not enough to recent months has constructed a up to 1.25 percent, Ms. Bryant said. weapons systems, munitions and Principles' of not possessing, not one vague purpose to nearly $S Lead is a known toxin and paint is the most common were sent to Beirut in 1982 as simply react to crises as they network of roads, piers, airstrips, BRIDGEPORT (UPI) — The Police Commission • Failed to recommend discipline for officers living other military equipment. manufacturing and not permitting million. And these were not the source for children with lead toxicity. will be open part of the Multinational radar stations and troop quarters has voted to charge Police Superintendent Joseph A. in a house of prostitution. occur, especially where In addition, the Reagan Admin­ introduction of nuclear weapons only checks drawn on the myste­ Ms. Heslin Said Railroad Salvage will be asked to in Honduras. Walsh with 180 departmental violations today, • Caused, approved, condoned and-or allowed false Peacekeeping Force, their American lives are at stake. istration is seeking $750 million into Japan.” rious account. destroy all paint found to have excessive Ivels of lead. two nights per Most of those facilities, however, including allegations of racial discrimination and and inaccurate payroll records to be submitted which next year for “ multi-purpose mil­ If nuclear weapons are secretly My sources claim Magana ac­ fraudulently stated that the commanding officer of are semi-permanent and rela­ aiding a criminal defendant. itary and economic assistance” to introduced at Misawa, both Japan kn ow ledge to a confidant that he The commission was responding to Superior Court the Tactical Division, a captain, was properly on duty. tively crude. The proposed muni­ week to better Central America. That’s a 50 and the United States may have to was part of the venerable Salvado­ Judge Robert I. Berdon’s deadline today for fifing The commission did not elaborate on the charges. tions storage facility would be far percent increase over this year’s pay a high price for covertly ran tradition of pervasive corrup­ formal charges against Walsh, whom the commission CONNIE & SHARON more elaborate, expensive and serve you. spending level of $500 million. abrogating that long-standing tion. He assured his friend that his forced into retirement in December but Berdon In December the Police Commission, with the ■ permanent. consent of Mayor Leonard S. Paoletta, forced Walsh, The second ominous budget item policy. own money was safely salted away temporarily reinstated last week, saying Walsh was The Reagan administration’s 63, a 42-year veteran of the police department, into is part of an $18 million project in England. ousted without a chance to defend himself. boldness in including that item in City attorneys were to present Berdon the charges retirement after he had served as superintendent for "CUT AWAY" being undertaken at a U.S. Air A few million bucks here and WEDNESDAY 9-9 its budget proposal has not been at 2 p.m. today. Berdon could then appoint a tribunal more than 20 years. Force base near Misawa, a remote there might not seem like much to matched by similar candor in td hold a hearing on them or make his temporary The ouster followed Paoletta's release of a report HAIR DESIGNS THURS. 9-9 town near the northern tip of Letters policy Americans contemplating a fed­ from a Washington, D.C., consulting firm that was dealing with what potentially could reinstatement of Walsh permanent if he found the MON., TUES., FRI., 9-6 Japan’s Honshu Island. eral budget approaching $1 tril­ highly critical of Walsh's managament, which the WELCOME YOU TO THEIR NEW LOCATION AT amount to billions of dollars worth The Manchester Herald charges without merit. To transform the Misawa Air lion. But E l Salvador is a poor Police Commission President Anthony Peligrino report characterized as old-fashioned. SAT., 10-4 of military funds invested in welcomes letters to the Base into a m ajor staging facility editor. country, with an annual budget of said Monday most of the charges concerned Paoletta replaced Walsh with Thomas Thear, who Central America during the fiscal 474 MAIN STREET for Air Force F-16s — jet fighters Letters should be brief and less than $1 billion. adminstrative or office procedures and policies. helped compile the report for the consulting firm, but year beginning next Oct. 1. Berdon invalidated the appointment in temporarily MANCHESTER (NEXT TO HARVEST) capable of carrying nuclear wea­ to the point. They should be The 24-page list of charges released by the reinstating Waish. Inexplicably missing from the pons — the Defense Department typed or neatly hand-written, commission after its meeting included allegations CONNECTICUT TRAVEL SERVICES ITOLITICAL READING: Presi­ Paoletta has issued a subpoena for telephone C tfl 17.01 president's budget are the specific wants to build a flight simulator, and, for ease in editing, that Walsh: •hiitiil...... HMroulo • “Only ■ ii.01 dent Reagan’s early utterances as • Intentionally engaged in a pattern of racial records from Walsh's home. Rormt tloHlnt_ ot ,(out oicImobmIbO m il D&L Lower Level amounts Reagan seeks for four should be double-spaced. 10H Off for SofOor CRlatn* T v o o ^ ri sophisticated guidance systems, a candidate for re-election have The records are sought in connection with a charge major military and economic aid The Herald reserves the discrimination. OPtN TURt. WIO, FM Manchester Parkade jet fuel storage tanks and a appealed to his conservative con­ Provided police department information to Walsh knew a senior officer was living'outside the city THUM s e M ‘ Since this iS 1984, how about catting Cap ‘the programs in five Central Ameri­ right to edit letters in the •AT 9 S M half-dozen other major stituency. But that doesn’t mean defendants in a criminai case. in violation of department regulations, said city labor Manchester, CT secretary of peace‘! can countries: Costa Rica, El interests of brevity, clarity components. his campaign people are ignoring • Provided a fraudulent report to the board of negotiator Daniel E. Brennan, who is managing the Salva^dor, Guatemala, Honduras and taste. 6 4 7 - 1 6 6 6 By far the most expensive the ideooglcal foes. police commissioners. city's legal case against Walsh. PARKING IN REAR MANCHESTER HERALD, Tuesday, Feb. 14, 1984 - 9

Tuesday T V New England Industry fights

8 - MOVIE: 'Night Shift* A 9 9 - Late Night with INk M 2:30 A.M. 6:00P.M. 8 - Entertainment Tonight nkld-mannered supervisor runs a Lattarman ® - CBS Now* Nightwatch InBttef call girl ring from the city nKM^ue. 9 - Thicfca of tha Night JIP ban on EDB 8 - Pamily Feud C£) CD CD (8) <8 ® - News Henry Winkler. Shelley Long. Mi­ G2 - 198 0 P K A Full Contact (6 ) - Wild World of Animals CD ' Three's Compeny chael Keaton 1982. Rated R. 12:45 A.M. Karate Highlighte Cabbies can carry guns CD - Bettt ester Qelactfcs & - D r . W ho 9 - Crossfire 7:30P.M. CELEBRITY 8 - MOVIE: 'Seniora' A group BOSTON — Cab drivers, fearful since the (3 ) - Alice 1 9 - Twrilight Zone of college seniors Iwtch a get- 9 - Happy Days Again in Bay State rich-quick scheme.. Dennis Quakf. second slaying of a cabbie in five days, have won (]2 ~ ESPN's SportsLook (3 ) - PM Maguina Con artist T.J. Luther 11:15P.M. 3:00 A.M. GD - All In the Family Priscilla Barnes. Rated R. the right to carry guns in their taxis. ® - MOVIE: 'The Pirates of (Michael Beck) becomes a ® - ESPN's SpocuUwk ® - MOVIE: 'The Cracksman' By William Poole. Pen zence' A band o f fun-loving - Muppet Show 1:00A.M. " Police Commissioner' Joseph M. Jordan, charismatic evangelical ' 9 -H e p o rts f 41 They seek the Cracksman every­ United Press International pirates, ted by the Pirate King, is ® - Family Feud CD - All In the Family where as be opens one safe after reacting to the latest apparent hold-up and celebrating the 21st birthday of preacher in "Celebrity,” the CD - Benny Hill Show CD - Hogan's Heroes another. Charles Drake, George slaying of a cab driver, Monday said drivers one of their comrades, who re­ r t three-part NBC miniseries 11:30 P.M. ^rrders, Dennis Price. 1965. BOSTON — A state-ordered recall of cake mixes veals that he became a pirate be­ (33)- Newrt based on Thomas Thomp­ CD-M cC lo u d alFpady licensed to carry guns could bring them ® - Barney MIMer (£D - MOVIE: 'Btondle Goes and other grain products contaminated with the cause of a terrible mistake. Kevin (12 - This Week In the NBA son's novel. The drama, which 8 > Twrilight Zone to work as part of a series of precautions taken to Kline. Rex Smith. Rated G. ® - TM cke o f the Night Latin' Blondie, Oagwood and Mr. cancer-causing pesticide EDB could cost Massachu­ (9 - Dragnet co-stars Joseph Bottoms and 8 - Countdown to ‘84 Today's OHhers fasve for a business trip to prevent more deaths. He made the concession setts consumers and the grain industry $100 million, ^ - USA Cartoon Express ® - Bennt|,HiN Show program features weekly prev­ - Crossfire Ben Masters, airs SUNDAY, Latin America. Penny Singloton, ) > Dr. G ene Scott ® S I - XIV Winter Olympic iews and profiles o f the 1984 Arthur Lake, Ruth Terry. 1941. after meeting with a group of scared and angry an industry attorney says. 8 - M*A*S"H FEB. 12, MONDAY, FEB. 13 Qamee Tonight's program fee- Otympics. But the state general's office says the ban is ) - M»A*S«H ® - Freeman Reporte drivers. - Victory Garden and TUESDAY, FEB. 14. tursa highlighis o f the day's activ- urgently needed to protect public health against a y MOVIE: 'The Year of Ites from the Winter Olympica Besides allowing drivers with permits to carry - Veronica, El Rostro del 1:30 A.M. 9 - Kung Fu , “ very high risk" of cancer and genetic damage to . Uving Dangerously' A journal- from Sarajevo. Yu^slavia. guns to keep firearms in their cabs, Jordan also .-^rying to scoop the potential Amor CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME ® - Laveme h Shirley & Co. 3:15 A.M. unborn children. ® - Hawaii Fhra O said police would set up a hotline connecting cab political overthrow of Indonesia, 8 - Wheel of Fortune CD - Ret Patrol ® - MOVIE: The Pirates of The warnings came at a hearing Monday before the (31) - Honaymoonere meets and falls in love with the 8 - Barney Miller ® - CNN Headllna News Penzance' A band o f iui.-kiving companies with headquarters, establish taxi cab Massachusetts Supreme Court, which is considering British attache. Mel Gibson, Sig- & - Leave It to Beaver pirates, led by the Pirate King, is - People's Court check)>oints and put five undercover police in ourrtey Weaver, Linda Hunt. (33) - Independent Network celebrating the 21st birthday o f an industry challenge to the emergency state ban, ~ Crerasfire 1983. Rated PG. - Dr. W ho N e w s one of their comrades, who re­ cabs across the city. imposed earlier this month. t - Tonight Show (32 - Royal W inter Fair Horae veals that he became a pirate be­ - MacNeil/Lehrer Newsh- State health officials Feb. 6 ordered all products be our 8:00 P.M. 9 - Pelicula: 'Mi Dseconocido Show cause of a terrible mistake. Kevin taken off supermarket shelves which contained 10 Espoea' Kline, Rex Smith. Rated G. - Reporter 41 CD CD ^ Dianey's All-Star 9 - MOVIE: 'UFO Exclusive' parts per billion or more of ethylene dibromide and Valentine Party Donald Duck 9 - Bob Newhart Show 9 - Newtywed Game Jury selection tlT begin (@) - 3-2-1. Contact heads a host of Walt Disney char­ said the acceptable level will be reduced to 1 ppb counts the tale of a courtly world ( 8 - Twilight Zone ® - Ten O'clock News 3:30 A.M. acters in this Valentine's Day spe­ by an used car salesman, the 9 - Despedida within 30 days. 6:30P.M. crushed by the brutality of war 8 - Sports Probe CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — Jury selection was cial (60 min.) team wages an all-out war that 8 - Freeman Reports. Stores agreed to refund all products on the state.list CD ~ One Day at a Time ' leads to a 'high noon' shootout. and the harshness of its after- 11:45 P.M. 1:45 A.M. slated to begin Wednesday in Middlesex Superior t p - PM Magazine math. Vivian Leigh. Clark Gable. 8 - SCTV #7 3:45A.M. of contaminated items. CD - CBS N ew s (60 min ) (32 - NCAA Baeketball: 8 - This Week in the NBA Court in the rape trial of the Grand Slamm rock Leslie Howard. 1939. 8 - Mystery! Reilly: Ace of (D - Eyesat CD 8 - XIV Winter Olympic 8 -MOVIE: 'In Love And War' However, a Superior Coitrt judge, acting at the > Sanford and Son Spies.' After having his wife de­ Providence at Syracuse (This 2:00 A.M. band accused of raping a female soldier. Games Ip day's program fea­ The impact of war on the lives of CD - The Merv Show request of the grain industry, issued a temporary (Q ) - SportsCenter sen him, Reilly is unexpectedly game is subject to blackout) 4:00 A.M. tures wom en's , three marines from different CD - CBS News Nightwatch The four band members are accused of UPI photo - MOVIE: 'Lovesick' A mar­ confronted by his mysterious 8 - N C A A Basketball; restraining order against the recall last week, saying 8 - Hogan's Heroes men's short program figure skat­ backgrounds is depicted Robert 12:00 A.M. (D - MOVIE: 'Desperate ing, ice dancing, men's 1,000 ried psychiatrist fails in love with past. (60 min.) (Closed Cap­ Providence at Syracuse (This repeatedly assaulting the 18-year-old soldier state law prohibit^ officials from enacting stiffer @ IS D - NBC News Wagner. Jeffery Hunter, Hope one of his patients with the same m - Hawaii Five-0 Characters* Tw o people find gam e is subject to blackout) ' ^ e t e r speed skating and the tioned) themselves trapped in a meaning­ April 23 aboard the hand's touring bus after standards than the federal government. The U.S. 8 ~ Noticiero Nacional Lange. 1966. single-minded obsessiveness he GD - Magnum. P.l. biathlon. (3 hrs.) @ - Nightalk less and empty relationship. Shir­ 8 - All American Wrestling Environmental Protection Agency issued less- On trial Noticias nacionales con ( 8 - Nova 'China's Only observes in the people he treats. playing a concert at a Shirley nightclul). ® 9 - Nightlina ley MacLaine, Kenneth Mars. Restrepo. CD - N ew s Child ' Tonight's program looks Dudley Moore, Elizabeth McGov­ 10:30 P.M. 8 - Newsnight Update Police allege the woman boarded the bus stringent guidelines for EDB shortly before the state (55) - MOVIE; Squirm' at the People's Republic of Chi­ ern, Alec Guiness. Rated PG. (33) - Star Trek 1971. The six defendants in the Big Dan's rape Medeiros, Daniel C. Silva, Joseph 8 - Jeffersons G S - N ew s 8 - N ew s because members of the band offered her a ride ban was imposed. 8 - NCAA Basketball: na's efforts to control their popu­ 8 8 - MOVIE: Celobritv' ® - MOVIE: ‘The Amateur' A ( D - Joe Franklin Show The state attorney general's ofhee appealed the trial listen to Judge William G. Young as Vieira, Jose Medeiros, Victor M. Raposo 8 -A B C lation problems (60 min.) (Closed - Alfred Hitchcock CIA computer expert discovers back to Fort Devens in Ayer, where she was Providence at Syracuse (This- Part 3 (33) - Emergency 4:15A.M. lower-court order to the state Supreme ()ourt. © ) - Business game is subject to blackout) Captioned) - 24 Horas that his girlfriend has been killed assigned. he questions individual prospective and John M. Coreiro. Two of the ( 8 - War and Peace (3$ - Johrmy Cash's America 8 - MOVIE: 'Whistle Down At Monday's hearing, state Assistant Attorney (9 > Independent Network by terrorists. John Savage. Chris­ defendants are listening to the happen­ 7:00 Q 5 - Bedrooms This HBO Co­ 8 - MOVIE: Barefoot in the © ) - American Playhouse 'Po­ This country-music star and his th e W in d’ Three children dis­ jurors in Bristol County Superior Court, N ew s topher Plummer. 1981. Rated R. General Carl Valvo told the seven justices that EDB medy Playhouse special features Park' A conservative young at­ pular Neurotics.' Jeff Goldblum wife. June Carter Cash, salute cover an escaped murderer hiding ings being translated into Portuguese. CD - CByfTews 8 - Radio 1990 Today's pro­ posed a "very high risk" of oancer in adults arid Fall River, Mass. From left are Virgilio four stories about love, sex and torney and his uninhibited bride and Mimi Kennedy star in this (£f) - MacNeil/Lehrer Newsh- American histeny and traditions in M-A'S-H gram looks at the hottest trends in a barn and believe he is 'Jesus CD marriage. special performance of Aubrey our this return engagement at the Guardian Angel arrested genetic damage in unborn children and said the ban try to adjust to married life in New and performers in the world of Christ.' Alan Bates, Hayley Mills, ( p - Tic Tac Dough (5$ - W estm inster Kenrtel Club York City. Robert Bedford. Jane W enheim's work about contem­ Kennedy Center in Washington. Bernard Lee. 1962. was needed to protect consumers. 11:00 P.M. entertainment. F A L L RIVER, Mass. — The leader of the Fall CD - ABC News Dog Show Coverageiisf the clos­ Fonda. Charles Boyer. 1967. porary relationships. (60 min.) DC But attorney Thayer Fremont-Smith of the ing night is presented from Madi­ (C lo s ^ Captioned] ® ® ® ® ® ® - N ew s 8 - Dr. Gene Scott 4:30 A.M. CD - Laugh-In 9 - Dating Gmne River chapter of the Guardian Angels faces trial son Square Garden, New York. 8:30 P.M. (33) - Abbott and Costello American Grain Products Processing Institute, an ® - T a * i 8 - Thicke of the Night 8 - Our Miss Brooks May 1 on charges of assault and battery on a Trains back on tracks again (35) - Jeffersons NY. (3 hrs.) (D - Carol Burnett and Friends industry trade group which obtained the restraining 9:30P.M. ® - Top 40 Video - Newsnight 9 - N ew s (32) - SportsCenter Olympic 8 - MOVIE: Gentlemen (X) - NBA Basketball: New ,2:15 A.M. police officer following an incident Saturday in order, said the ban was imposed without public 8 ) - De Fiesta G j) - Odd Couple 8 - MOVIE: The Saboteur' A Fdition ■ Prefer Blondes' Tw o showgirls, York Knicks at Kansas City neighboring Somerset. man is accused of murdering his 9 - SportsCente hearings. (3$ - Strawberry Shortceke enroute to Pans seeking rich hus­ (32 - SportsCenter I ® - Chespirito Sene comica. 10:00P.M. best friend. Priscilla Lane, Robert __ MOVIE:MOVIE 'Casey's Scott Keyes, 21, of Fall River, was found Smith also estimated the recall will cost consumers VERNON, Vt. (U PI) - An a pair ol $1 million engines. debris and rebuild the tracks. bands or diamonds, land in police ® - Billy Crystal -A Com ic's 8 - Star Trek Roberto Gomez Bolanos, Florinda CD - N ew s Cummings. Otto Kruger. 1942. Shadow' A horse trainer and his Highway workers wear fighting with the owner of a Somerset home early and the industry more than $100 million and said it will Amtrak passenger train rolled Ollicials said the cause of the Amtrak spokeswoman Susan court- Marilyn Monroe. Jane Rus­ Meza. Ruben Aguirre lin e family slake all their hopes on a Martin said passengers on the next (23) - Moneyline sell. Charles Coburn 1953. (33) - Independent Network 12:30 A.M. bard hats to protect them­ Saturday morning, police said, declining to throw the system of marketing grain products from through Vermont again today predawn derailment, which N ew s GSl - Alfred Hitchcock Hour young foal. Walter Matthau, Al­ 8 - N ew s 9:00P.M. selves Irom litter-happy state to state into turmoi'. following a serious derailmen*. tnat toppled cars within 30 teet of at scheduled northbound train were (8 Prime News ® - Benny Hill Show CD - World Vision exis Smith. Roben Webber. reveal further details. Hes was also charged with - NFL's Greatest Moments: least two homes, might not be bused from Greenfield to 8 - Business Report 8 ) - A Team When a friend (D (D - MOVIE: Gone with (32) 1978 Rated PG motorists.' At the time the ban /.as imposed, state health interrupted rail traffic and injured the W ind' Part 1 This story re­ 'Best Ever Teams' > Sports Tonight (32 - Hot Spots unlawful possession of a dangerous weapon, 8 - El Maleficto of 6 A s IS ripped off and beaten officials said hearings would be held next month two people. known lor several days. Montreal. disturbing the peace, disorderly conduct and Railroad crews worked through An investigation was underway, before a decision is taken on whether to make the ban Officials said tlie nine-car Mont-' PAKPPU ME, T O. MAKSAKITA„ malicious injury to personal property. Monday night to clear the wreck­ they said, and no damage esti­ permanent. realer, bound from Montreal to s e n io r . - ^ BRIDGE ASTRO Keyes, the coordinator of the Fall River and age, and Amtrack olficials said the mates were immediately ' 'There is no danger to the public in volved in wait ing New York, jumped the tracks New Bedford chapters of the voluntary citizens northbound Montrealer came available. for the public hearing," Fremont-Smith told the shortly after 2 a m. GRAPH safety patrol, was not on duty at the time if the justices. through Ihis morning, about 40 Meanwhile, passengers — some incident. ' The high court ordered attorneys for both sides to minutes lute. ol whom reportedly slept through The two big engines toppled into Steering the slam home submit additional documents today to support their A southbound Amtrak train the mishap — were bused to the fog-shrouded railbed, they cases before it decides whether to lift the restraining carrying 195 passengers jumped Greenfield. Mass., to continue said, pulling a baggage car, four the tracks early Monday near the their journey south, and freight elegant, but it was effective ( K b t i r Man denies meter thefts order. sleeper cars and a club car off the EDB had been used since 1948 to fumigate stored Massachusetts border, causing traffic through the area was tracks with them. Three coach and gave Edgar a chance to < f f i r t h d a y show expert technique. BOSTON — A video game technician, who grain until it was banned for such purposes by the minor injuries to two crew rerouted Monday as olficials cars remained on the tracks, they NORTH 2-1444 “Dummy’s ace of dia­ police said they caught in possession of hundreds E P A earlier this month. members and extensive damage to worked to remove the jagged said. 4 A6 monds took the first trick, Feb. IS, 1984 of quarters, pleaded innocent Monday to a charge YKQ98 l^gar cashed my ace of One of your greatest assets is alleging he used his own master key to rifle city ♦ A clubs, ruffed a club, cashed your ability to make friends ‘ parking meters. 4AK 10 7 5 2 his ace of hearts and led a with persons from all walks of ■ Nuke compromise draws mixed reaction Basil W. Polinchak, 38, of Somerville was WEST EAST heart to the king. If both Hie. This coming year you will 43 4 J 10 752 opponents followed, he use this quality to your advan- charged with larceny over $100. His case was would ruff a club, come to tage. ' continued to March 13, said Joseph MacDonaldof Bv Nanev Griffin The company's original request called the “ pin compaction " storage method for up to 120 days. The current license THAT'S WONDER-\...TOMORROW YVNC)W,UMPA, I YOU WANTED ) D'VOU KNOW WHAT/ TH' ^ RIGHT! AN'JUST 4 10765 4 3 OOP THINKS ♦ J9762 4Q10 83 dummy to draw the last AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) United Press International for storage of 2,390 rods over the next 24 under the agreement, but only on 20 allows 933. HE AN' DINNV FUL.DEAR! NOW/ IS SOING TO/IF OOP C A N I T'SEE ME.YER | TH' RRST EVENT ( SNAKE / TMAKE SURE the Boston Parking and Traffic division, which HIGHNESS? / IS GONNA BE WHEN) TDSS...\ WE W INT WANT 4864 4Q93 trump and claim, but East Relationships could prove deli­ years. assemblies. “To allow Maine Yankee to store CAN WIN TH' LETS SET SOME/BE A VERY/TAKE TH' DE- cate today. Play them down the cracked the case. DECATHLON SLEEP.' BIG DAY) r^CATHLON, 1 TH E Y s t a r t TH' V RISHT.P/ YOU TO TAKE showed out. AUGUSTA. Maine — Gov. Joseph E. Tierney, whose staff worked on the Tierney said the agreement means thousands of spent fuel rods in a facility a OLYMPICS TOMORROW.P>, ,-g^TH IS AN' SO FIX SOUTH middle. II you’re too demand­ Officials said Polinchak was arrested Sunday THINK MOO'LL 4KQ984 “ Eidgar had to lead a Brennan praised the state's "com ­ agreement, said it was “ no coinci­ Maine won't be a "guinea pig" for the designed for only hundreds of rods is a SWEEP TH' GAMES! FOOZYS s n a k e ! ing or too condescending, with 456 quarters, or $114, in his possession after 4AJ42 heart to his jack. He cashed associations may chill. Find out promise" with Maine Yankee Atomic dence" that the company requested the process and said it keeps Maine “ safe " failure on the part of both the governor his. king of diamonds and officers staked out parking meters near Boylston O 4K54 where your luck lies In 1984 by Power Co. that limits on-site storage of higher number, because approval for for 10 years while legislators grapple the attorney general to fulfill their 4J chucked one -of my clubs. sending lor your Astro-Graph and Clarendon streets. spent fuel rods, but critics said they're that number would have taken Maine with the thorny problem ot long-term ' c^stitutional duty to protect the health Elack to dummy with the ace Vulnerable; East-West predictions for the year ahead. "shocked" by the plan. Yankee through its de-commissioning storage of high-level nuclear wastes. and safety of the people of Maine," of spades to pull West’s last Mall $1 and your zodiac sign to Dealer: South The agreement was announced by date of 2007. But Ed Schlick, director ol the Maine Schlick said trump. Astro-Graph, Box 489, Radio Killer Jailed for life Brennan and Attorney General James "That's one of the major reasons Nuclear Referendum Committee, said "There was a good chance that the “ If East had been dealt City Station, Mfew York, NY West North East Soath E. Tierney at a Statehouse news Gov. Brennan asked us to intervene,". he was “ shocked" by the plan and NRC would have rejected" the Maine 14 four clubs and four spades, 10019. Send an additional $2 ...BUT KINGTUMKI CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — Theodore Trigones conference Monday. Tierney said. charged that "what the state is Yankee request, Schlick said. “ The Pass 24 Pass 24 he would have been lor the Matchmaker wheel, OF LEM HAS will spend the rest of his life in prison, without stale has now surrendered a strong Pass 34 Pass 3 NT squeezed at this point. East which tells you your compatibil­ Signed by state officials, a consumer At a Statehouse news conference, allowing now is the de facto creation ol OTHER IDEAS! possibility of parole, for the brutal murder of a Pass 74 Pass Pass wasn’t squeezed, but Eldgar ity to all signs and shows you to group called Sensible Maine Power and Brennan praised the significance of the a high-leVel nuclear waste dump in position and has gotten nothjug in Pass was a winner if either black which signs you are best suited ' 13-year-old baby sitter who was stabbed more Maine Yankee officials, the agreement pact because it forbids the company Maine.” return. They have not fulfilled their suit broke. He cashed my romantically. ( than 30 times last year in a Lowell townhouse. restricts the number of "fuel assem­ from using "technology never belore He noted the plant's original 1972 original statements that they foundjthe PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) ; blies" that can be stored at the plant in tried " to store the rods. license for the nuclear power plant increased storage of rods unacceptable Opening lead: 46 ace of clubs. The queen A Middlesex Superior Court jury of seven men « V th e : (5AN& m e Major problems will be handled Wiscasset to 1,476 for the next 10 years. The company may experiment with allowed storage ot 317 spent fuel rods and dangerous" BETWEEN THE- BUECiEe WOBP IS THEY'BT dropped, and the slam was with relative ease today, but and five women found Trigones, 35, guilty 6TAE.T1N' TO USE home. insignificant Infractions might Monday of first degree murder after more than 14 UOKP6 AMP THE "Nothing exciting, but at Mc,K0MAU?6 16 HEATIN' UNPEBCOVEe By Oswald Jacoby cause you to overreact. Keep hours of deliberations stretching over three days. the other table Dick Pavli- things In perspective. ■7 UR,. .TE^BBOe TACTICS. and James Jacoby Trigones, of Lowell, was charged in the death of cek opened a club against ARIES (March 21-Aprll 19) that same grand slam, and Erika Forestiere, a babysitter who was stabbed New England begins anti-drunk driving week Oswald: “ Here is EMgar Although you'll be In a gregari­ Kaplan at his best. I was declarer worked on spades ous mood today, persons with to death on July 1,1983. The victim ’s motherburst instead of clubs. He was too much small talk will quickly / North and, as you can see, I into tears when the verdict was announced. down, but the percentage of drunken down one since Dick bore you. Seek out compan- NEWPORT, R.I. (UPI) - New to 1983 — with changed attitudes said the point must be driven home SQUAD got him to seven hearts after lons'’who have something to ' Assistant District Attorney Theodore Fucillo Englanders are being warned to turn driving apprehensions among the toward drinking and driving. across the nation that "drinking and He had opened with one trumped the second spade.” ROOM (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.) say. called it “ probably the worst homicide that's the car keys over to someone else if young is up, speakers noted, and said a But the senator — who lost two driving is no longer socially acceptable spade. The bidding wtfh't TAURUS (April 20-May 20) In been in this county” in years. “ Justice was they are drunk or be prepared to face uniform minimum drinking age of 21 members of his family to drunken behavior. " /// business matters today, try not served,” he said. stiff penalties that may get tougher by for New Englanders might be the way driving accidents within eight months Connecticut Gov. William A. O'Neill, to tip your hand prematurely. II the time a Northeast drunken driving to combat the problem. — said with over 8,500 young people chairman of the New England Gover­ you do, It might sour something ! campaign is through. "Until several years ago, it was CROSSWORD good that you already have - between the ages of 16 and 24 losing nor's Conference, noted that over half going. More than 300 transportation, law considered almost the God-given riglit their lives each year in drunken driving of the 6,000 people who died on New GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Device destroys stones enforcement and judicial officials from of every American to go out on a Friday incidents, much progress remains to be England highways since 1980 were ACROSS 2 Low tide Answer to Previous Puzzle Important decisions must not BOSTON — Doctors say a new device that all six Northeastern states got that night, drink as much as we pleased, made. killed in drunk driving accidents. 3 Patron saint be predicated upon wishful then stumble to our cars and weave our 2 u L U| □DdlD destroys painful and debilitating kidney stones message Monday at the New England "We are still a long way from The leaders joined in urging stiff S o 1 Oemical of aailort thinking today. Take time to ' Drinking and Driving Conference. way home on the highway," said Sen. standing tall on this issue," John A. O p U B QC3DI3 without surgery will be tested at six medical minimum penalties where they don’t puflix 4 Comfort O N weigh all your alternatives, then The two-day conference wraps up Claiborne Pell, D-R.l. Volpe, chairman of the National already exist and publicity campaigns 4 U-boat* 5 Ornamental □ h e - Po/?6eT-/nE-AfoT;F M 1 0 O make your move. centers in the United States within the next few today with a declaration of "D rive the Pell, a member of the President’s Commission Against Drunk Driving, r\[ B Star* flower holder CANCER (June 21-July 22) such as that waged in Rhode Island S L E|E[ D months. Commission on Drunk Driving, went on 12 Congar 6 Wagers Doing business with strangers , Drunks off the Roads Week" in New said in remarks prepared for a keynote with slogans and newspaper listings of d O D D C lQ “ There have been significant improvements in to say that highway deaths have ANoNYMOu^-t-Y- 13 City in Utah 7 Enjoy a cigar could be a trifle risky today, so England. address at the Sheraton-lslander. those charged with driving while under 14 Rutaian river 8 Oriental ruler have them put their promises In treating stone disease in the last several years, Highway fatalities are generally declined — about 15 percent from 1980 The former Massachusetts governor the influence. 15 Eacapa 9 Of liquid writing. Back oil If they fall to but all have involved surgery of some kind. Stone 16 Upon watte comply. treatment by shock wave is a quantum leap in the 17 Mona______10 Poet Ogden LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) In nego­ care of patients wltli kidney stone disease,” Dr. T h NJES 1-14 painting tiating agreements today, don't OtSMIryNCA MC IMH*g U 8 PM 4 1M OH 18 Paatime 11 Kill accept the Initial terms If they, Stephen P. Dretler, a Massachusetts General Crowd protests Shelales 20 Rough 10 Italian capital □ □ □ C l are not to your liking. Continue ' Hospital urologist in charge of the project, said 22 Cry of 21 Prep school in to bargain until you are Monday. turpriie 32 27th 40 Abominable pleased. England The extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripter ~24 Greek latter 23 Former pretidant snowman VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepl. 22) You dog’s sentence takes walk 25 Remnant 25 Scandinavian 35 Flutelike might find yourself frustrated uses high-pressure shockwaves transmitted 29 Beginning 50 Qolh capital instrument over the senseless way through water to break up the stones. WNONE TBLL 0$ WHO <5«7r- '/OU 'CMJKHOWALLReil? 33 Confidant measurement 26 Twos 38 Without (Fr.) coworkers perform today.- 34 Masked i 52 Renew The stones, which can grow to plum size, are AUGUSTA, Maine (U P I) — Nine people and three BOSTON (UPI) - New Eng­ Fw^peHT UHaxM?...nimy^?J BUT 1 OONfTW 27 Mild expletive 39 City in Italia Patience and understanding) 4 dogs — one of them the condemned pooch's brother — land's second heart transplant animal, for' 41 Foot part 53 Raw matarialt reduced to sand by the hundreds of shockwaves KMCW?^ .ON M ie o c H . 28 Matador's will get them back on track. short 43 Actreat Gabor LIBRA (9apl. 23-Ocl. 23) You painlessly administered to a patient sitting in a marched outside the courthouse where Tucker, the patient took a short walk from his 36 Division of opponent 54 Latatt 46 Uncanny could become Involved in a bull mastiff, was sentenced to death for killing a bed to a special "cardiac chair," geologic time 30 Arid happenings bath fl water over an hour period. The sand is 0 47 Unequal conversation today with friends neighborhood poodle. just three days after he received 3-7 Voodoo cult 31 Mythical 57 Buddhism, then washed out of the kidney by the body. Greek things who may say unkind things the heart of a Worcester-area 35 Slav type Carrying signs that read "F o r Tucker's sake — 3g Instructor, bowman 48 Twofold about a pal who Isn't present. woman. Don't be a contributor. Honk,” picketers walked outside the Kennebec lor short Judge mulls sex at sea 1 2 5 4 5 9 7 9 9 10 11 SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) It's' County Courthouse for two hours Monday, promising Matthew V. Shelales, the 16- 40 Ancisnt port likely you'll achieve your ambl-j ALAMEDA, Calif. — A six-day Coast Guard to return if it would save the 140-pound death row dog. ABENAKt ■ year-old Bolton teenager who of Roma 12 13 14 tious objectives today. Howev­ 42 Muckiest hearing that included testimony about sexual suffered from cardiomyopathy, a er, the way you conduct your-j One woman who stopped to sign the petitions being degenerative disease that weakens 44 Compass 15 15 17 self might arouse objections In- turmoil on the high seas has ended and it is now up point circulated by march organizer Susanne Watson of the heart muscle, ate gelatin, J others. ( to the administrative judge to determine whether 46 Snaky latter 15 19 2 0 21 Augusta, said she raised poodles and loved them, but, chicken soup and ice cream in the ■ SAOITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dm S/ a female and male officers were harassed by “ it's not fair to kill Tucker. You see people getting out 47 Homeric poem 21) It's Imperative to be extra-! intensive care unit of Brigham and 51 Brother of 22 attentive today to Important their superiors. of jail if they kill people.” Women's Hospital Monday. Moaas ■ % » • h 25 25 27 30 31 32 Information. If your mind wand­ Lt. j.g. Christine A. Balboni, 25, Greenfield, He was listed in critical but OO y o u KNCW WH^T G000...1HBH FUNNY... I DIDN'T M ISS 65 Muiic by two Tucker was condemned to death by a judge in 1 « # 56 Taaaa ■ ers, you'll get only a partial gist Mass., and Chief Warrant Officer Charles C. Van stable condition.' NO. YOJ'AONTFEEL IT UNTIL r RDUNDOUr » 39 Kennebec County District Court last year. Tucker's "CHARISAAA" IS. 58 Soonakthan of what is said. Meter, 38, of Alameda, contend that the alleged Dr. Gilbert Mudge, the attendi.ij , BADLY ABOUT I DIDN'T HAVE ANY. ■ ” ■ CAPRICORN (Doc. 22-Jan. 19) owner, Eric Leonard of Augusta, appealed the ruling V: WINTHROP?- 59 Engagement physician, said the short wal'r 57 In joint ventures today, be surd harassment resulted because of their friendship, all the way to the state Supreme Court, but the justices ^ KIOT HAVING ANY. j 60 IrritatM ■ ■ came one day after doctors re­ A / , the one with whom you're which developed while they served aboard the upheld the sentence. 61 Mornjng'— 40 43 moved tubes in the boy’s throat moittura ■ Involved shares equally In alt cutter Rush in Alaska. Leonard then filed a motion to amend the loWer UPI photo and had sit up. The "cardiac 62 Slide 44 « the riska and expanses. Don't They want apologies from the officers and court decision, but that was denied. Now Leonard is go Into an unevenly weighted chair" is a high-backed seat heart 63 Novelist ■ negative job performance reports removed from appealing that decision, so Tucker remains confined 47 45 45 9 0 92 13 94 deal. , patients find especially comforta­ Farbar in a kennel near Augusta, where Leonard visits him Waiting for summer / i 64 CIA 1 ” their files. An administrative judge beard the ble, said hosopital spokeswoman 15 9 9 17 99 several times a week. lorarunnsr case for the Department of Transportation, which Some people get turned Hundreds of bull mastiff lovers from several states A Casco Bay Lines ferryboat docks at Peaks Island, Laura Duffy. 55 9 0 91 supervises the Coast Guard. The hearing Marjorie Stevens, 41, of Charl­ on, some are turned oft, including California, Texas and Illinois have written 1 DOWN concluded Monday and he is expected to report Maine. This boat and two others serve as the lihk ton, has been identified as the n O l^ r i 1X0; ' ■ while others are simply to Gov. Joseph E. Brennan, asking that he commute 52 95 94 between the isoiation of the isiand and the city of ZH4 * 1 Skinny fish drips. . his findings to DOT within the next two months. Tucker’s sentence. Brennan said he couldn’t because donor who gave the teenager a it’s a civil matter, not a oriminal one. Portland. second chance at life. J: 10 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Tufsduy, Feb. 14, 1984 MA.NC'HESTER HERALD. Tuesday. Feb, 14. 1984 - II Valentine’s Day Area Towns Obituaries

Ethel M. Lesser Hughes of Manchester and Frank Havens InBrief Holiday has changed of Rocky Hill. Leisure Ethel M. Lessor Hughes, 68, of FOCUS/ West Hartford, died Monday at Byron Funeral Home in Spring- CTA to contact Prague flv United Press International Manchester Memorial Hospital. field had charge of arrangements. She was the wife of the late John J. Burial was in Hillcrest Park COVENTRY — Coventry Taxpayers Associa­ Cemetery, Springfield. tion President Thomas W. Brainard got the Once known as a day for daring young Hughes. men to boldly disclose their feelings for She is survived by two sons, John go-ahead Monday to work with Rep. Edith Marianne K. Herdic Andy cost uRio $60 In Manchester Prague, D-Columbia, to introduce legislation proper young women, Valentine's Day has Hughes and James Hughes: a changed. daughter, Barbara Jewell; a Marianne K. Herdic, 89, of 83 about voting procedures in the General Olcott St., died Monday at a IRooney Assembly. Today's young woman might well receive brother, Edward Lessor; four Manchester convalescent home. The group voted onanimously to authorized ^ee-through lingerie from her favorite male sisters, Hilda Johnson, Rose Con­ /friend, who could get a satin, red G-string in rad, Eugenia Noonan and Dorothy She was the widow of James F. Syndicated Brainard to contact Mrs. Prague on its behalf. Herdic Sr. ^oses have long<-stemmed prices Brainard hopes to initiate clarifying language return. Wright; and seven grandchildren. Columnist Although traditional greeting cards, A memorial service will be She was bom in Williamsport, in state statute 7-7 that will prevent chartered Krause. heart-shaped boxes of chocolates and Saturday at 10:30 a.m. at St. Pa., Nov. 18,1894, and had been a By Adele Angie towns such as Coventry from adopting voting resident of Manchester the past 12 And, as Michael Orlowski, procedures that violate state statutes. long-stemmed roses are ever fashionable, Maurice Church in Bolton. 'There Fo o b Editor more than ever Valentine’s Day is taking on are no calling hours. Holmes years. She was a member of St., owner of Park Hill Joyce at 36 Oak The move stems from a long dispute that began M ary’s Episcopal Church and the_ in June' 1983 when the Town Council ignored a a liberated look. Funeral Home, 400 Main St., St. said: “ It’s supply and demand. "The Love Ones” stores in Baltimore Manchester, has charge of Manchester Senior Citizens. ' Unless the Cupid in your life petition calling for a budget referendum and 18th St. The less growers cut, the higher She is survived by a son, James adopted the council-submitted budget instead. report doing big business the past few days arrangements. carries diamond-tipped arrows, F. Herdic Jr., with whomshemade they can price them.” Although the dispute was recently settled after in red, heart-shaped G-strings, lacy forget about a dozen long- women’s underwear and feathered boas. Edgar E. Goodrich her home, three grandchildren and. So who’s buying roses? the state Elections Commission and the attorney four great-grandchildren.. gteinmdci roses delivered to-your general's office intervened, the basic conflict Store manager Peggy Patridge said more Edgar E. Goodrich, 81, of 30 Oak battle is A memorial service will be between the town charter and state statutes has than ISO customers browsed through the St., died Sunday morning at home. (tooi^ep today. Wednesday at 11 a.m. in St. M ary’s PRO BABLY the same people not been resolved. flimsy goods as late as Monday evening. He was the husband of Lena Puzick , . Vatentine’s Day roses are costly "The idea is to show enough to tease,” Goodrich. Episcopal Church chapel. Buriat who bought them last year. Prices Mrs. Prague has said that she supports will be at the convenience of the ^ this year. So costly, in fact, that Brainard's position. Ms. Patridge said. "But anything erotic He was born Dec. 2,1902, in New haunting this year are high but no higher sells.” Britain and had been a resident of family in East Ridgelawn Ceme­ some local florists are actually tery, Delawana, N.J. There are no than'iast year. Valentine's Day is named after a Manchester for 15 years. Before I was walking along 18th St. discouraging people from buying Lions dance coming •beheaded 3rd century Christian martyr calling hours. Memorial contribu­ At Green’s & Things, 298 W. retiring he was employed as a about 8 last Thursday night when I them. who had very little to do with love or night watchman at the Cheney tions may be made to the Book of Middle Turnpike, a dozen long­ BOLTON — The Bolton Lions Club will hold a saw a man and a woman ahead of Boses — long-stemmed, kicaUy- sweethearts. Mills. Remembrance, St. Mary’s stemmed roses are $55 a dozen. An dinner-dance to benefit the Bolton Scholarship me having a violent argument. Penn Slate researcher Kenneth Thigpen Besides his wife, he is survived Church. Holmes Funeral Home iwn ones — are going for up to Fund at the Army-Navy Club in Manchester on has charge of arrangements. Suddenly the woman slapped the employee said wiring flowers out Feb. 17 from 6:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. says the celebration of a day for lovers by a niece and a nephew. Holmes ^'£ '160 a dozen in Manchester. In New man in the face. He grabbed her of state is especially expensive Tickets are $25 a couple. For tickets or more began as a Roman rile of spring — far more Funeral Home, 400 Main St., is in York City, the same dozen roses a day for Cupid, the Roman god of love, than and they started wrestling and this year. information, contact any member of the Bolton charge of funeral arrangements, * tsan cost.as much as $100. Lions Club or the John E. Whitham Nursei'y on for its eventual namesake. which are incomplete. In Memoriam punching. I was getting closer. He said in New Jersey, a dozen "The Romans celebrated Lupercalia — In loving memory of Francis T. “ We don’t like roses period. You Route 6, 643-7802. I don't know how you judge those long-stems cost $90; a dozen in The Bolton Scholarship Fund awards about 20 spring — with a custom of having boys and / Myra Dodge Loso Gee, 1905-1971.f~ things, but I judged they were like you’re taking somebody.” girls cast lots to see who their partners Massachusetts was $75. college scholarships a year to current and former Myra Dodge Loso, 84, of 329 husband and wife and that they'd ■ said William Tracy, co-owner of would be for the holiday,” Thigpen said. Though his smile is gone forever ' •’The ones that really want them high school seniors living in Bolton. Mickey Mouse buys his girl­ Kennedy Road, died Saturday at a had the same argument before. It Pmitland Florist Inc. at 24 Birch With the rise of the Catholic Church in Manchester convalescent home. And his hand we cannot touch. — it doesn’t really bother them," Europe, many pagan holidays were com­ friend, Minnie, a Valentines Day Still we have so many memories was a terrible moment of decision St. She was the widow of Pearley he said. He said a man called late Koontz to go to D.C. bined with a saint's day, which is how St. gift in Boston's new Neiman Loso. Of the one we loved so much. for me. Do I interfe're? Do 1 ask her - "W e don’t push roses at all,” Valentine and Cupid became joined on Feb. His memory is our keepsake if she wants help? What kind of last week, wanting a dozen red COVENTRY — Roberta F. Koontz, a candidate Marcus Copley Palace. She was born in Marshfield, Vt., said Donna Strattman, owner of 14. With which we’ll never part. help do I give her? roses. “ I found out they were going for the Republican nomination in the 2nd July 13, 1899, and had been a God has him in his keeping; I crossed the street and walked Leaf, Steth & Root at 857 Main St. Congressional District, will attend a fund-raiser resident of Manchester for 10 to be $75 to $80.1 called him back... We have him in our hearts. 3 ie says^ she suggests a mixed for women candidates for federal office in years. She was a member of the on. I looked back and saw her He said ‘Go ahead. That’s what 1 Washington, D.C, Wednesday. Church of Christ of Manchester. break and run in the opposite bouquet instead, about $20. Love, want.’” President Reagan is expected to attend the McCavanagh wants policy She is survived by a son, Wendell direction. I was relieved. ” I han’t see a fella spending $60 Eleanor, Dianne and Jack event, which is being held in honor of Susan B. Loso of Manchester, with whom I wasn’t comfortable, though. Maybe the rose customers who and Children on a dncen roses. People just can’t Anthony's birthday, Mrs. Koontz said. The event Rep. James R. McCavanagh. D- McCavanagh held a news conference this she made her home; a sister, Did I do the right thing, I are most affected are the high Minnie Erving of Clinton, Maine; doit,” she said. will be held in the Hall of Flags in the L'.S. Manchester, will introduce a resolution to morning to explain the resolution. wondered. If the woman had school consumers. three grandchildren; and two Chamber of Commerce. the General Assembly to make permanent In fiscal year 1981-82 the state received wanted help, I guess she’d have • ’It’s the younger kids — the high Mrs. Koontz is a former three-term town a state policy for the receipt of federal $1,785,000 in surplus federal goods, and in great-grandchildren. In Memoriam yelled. But would she? And ... A SUR VEY of local norists councilwoman. She is seeking the nomination to government surplus materials. the next fiscal year it got $2.5 million worth The funeral will be Monday at 10 In loving memory of John school kids — who are finding it where did she run to? Did he catch shows, ^ r e ’s certainly no shor­ run for the seat currently held by Rep. Samuel If the state does not give the policy of goods. a.m. at the Church of Christ on J. Gribbon, who passed away more difficult," the employee her? What did he do then? The tage of Long-stemmed roses. Most Gedjenson, D-Conn. ,, permanent status, the state's ability to get In 1982-83 Manchester got a stake body Lydall Street. Burial will be in February 14, 1980. said. the surplus materials, a lot of it for truck, a file cabinet and wire rope under the Hollister Cemetery, Marshfield, following day I leafed through the top quality ones range from $55 to Memories are treasures He said the high schoolers often distribution to towns, will be jeopardized, program. Andover received a cargo truck. Vl. There are no calling hours. no one can steal. paper, nervously expecting to find $60, with the short-stemmed rosea Firemen’s ball scheduled Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main ask to buy a single rose. McCavanagh said today. Howell Cheney Regional Vocational Death leaves wounds a small notice of a murder on 18th costing substantially less. McCavanagh described the resolution as Technical School received a generator and St., has charge of arrangements. "When you tell them it’s five or BOLTON — The eighth annual Bolton Volun­ no one can heal. St. Did he have a gun? A knife? At Krause Florist & Green­ teer Fire Department's Firemen's Ball is a non-controversial one. He said he was video equipment under the program last Sweet are the memories Was I obliged to intervene no six dollars, they’re rather stunned made aware of the need for it while he was year, McCavanagh said. Dorothy M. Havens house, 621 Hartford Road, a dozen scheduled March 3 from 7:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. at silently kept. matter what the consequences in discussing the surplus program with the Dorothy M. Havens, 83, of Courtesy of Leaf, Stem A Root Herald photo by Pinto by it. They usually go for some­ Cianq'S Restaurant. The Bradley Air Museum received a jet physical damage to me might have roses can cost from $35 to $60, Bureau of Purchases of the Department of aircraft. Springfield, Mass., died Thursday thing else.” cost is $30 a couple and includes a roast Sadly missed by Wife, been? depending on length of the stem R o s ^ likes these can cost as much as $60 a dozen in Manchester. sirloin dinner, music by the Jamestown Players, Administrative Services, which adminis­ A variety of office equipment and rolling at Springfield Municipal Hospital. There are plenty of one-rose Daughter and Sister It struck me, reading the paper and quality. Out of state prices are even worse,. door prizes and a raffle. The fire department will ters it. stock is normally available. She was the sister of Edna Sposato customers in Manchester, florists donate $100 from the raffle proceeds to a Bolton Wednesday, after President Rea­ “Like 1 say, you can buy a High School senior planning to study medicine. gan announced he was pulling out Volkswagen or a Cadillac,” said Beauty or Royalty are two com­ months. In addition, they have said. The award for the Bolton firefighter of the year the Marines, that I have the same George Krause, the owner of mon names. Roses grown in South only about 50 days after Christmas “There’s nothing wrong with will also be presented at the ball. Catholic teachers must obey church uneasy feeling about Lebanon. America or California can cost to raise thevsupply needed for St. that. Sometimes a single rose has For further information or tickets, call 643-5826 Have we crossed the street and Krause Florist. even more. Valentine’s Day. more significance than a whole or contact any member of the department. walked past, failing to give help to The “Cadillac” bouquet consists Continued from page 1 institutions like St. Joseph College and St. Francis "1 wish (Valentine’s Day) was in change the diocesan stance on marriage. Its efforts someone who needs it? I hope, like of long-stemmed “top of the line” Florists say roses are pricey bunch," said Leon Zapadka, presi­ Hospital and Medical Center are not subject to have been to no avail because “ there’s no flexibility in the street scene, that it was none of roses.* Growers have diffehent because it Qosts so much to heat June. You could probably buy dent of Woodland Gardens, 168 Cheese distribution set He claimed that the loqphole allowed non-Catholic m arriage regulations. this, from the diocesan point of view. I guess we’r6 teachers was evidence the diocesan school office my business. None of America's names for these —• American greenhouses during the cold roses for half the price," said Woodland St. The February federal surplus cheese distribu­ working with a begrudging acceptance.” realized it made a '’mistake” about five years ago by HE ALSO SAID the side letter violates the Catholic business. But I'm not easy about it. tions for area towns have been scheduled. With the arbitration decision, the only recourse firing a Protestant teacher who had married outside spirit of forgiveness. In Andover, cheese will be handed out at the Catholic teachers have if they’re terminated for the Roman Catholic Church. "A teacher who is terminated from employment Town Office Building on Feb. 28 from 9 a.m. to violation of marriage laws is court action, he added.. ON THE DAY AFTER President "The diocese has never admitted that in the because of th6se reasons can be forgiven by the 11:30 a.m. The same dale is set for Bolton's The four side letters, along with the master contract . Reagan's announcement, I went to situation with the non-Catholic they blew it,” Dickau church, can have the marriage made valid, can be Houston firm has married off 50 couples distribution, at Community Hall from 10 a.m. to agreement, will be signed later this month but are in the Lebanese consulate to get a said. " I think they understand right now that it was a accepted back into the church and can receive all the effect now, according to both Dickau and Frascadore. noon. mistake to terminate this man who had 12 to 13 years , visa for a trip I ’d planned to Beirut The Coventry distribution is scheduled for Feb, sacramental rights of the church, but can no longer The other three side letters guarantee part-time next week. of experience at East Catholic and was never teach in the Catholic schools, which seems to be a 27, from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m, at the Town Office teachers the right to a hearing before the school The consulate is in an important- reinstated.” halfway forgiveness” he said. Building. superintendent, commit the diocese to seeking a more looking stone townhouse on an Frascadore would not comment. He said it would be Under Catholic law, Dickau said, “ there’s no way sound financial base for its schools, and require that Video service has Cupid connection improper to discuss specific cases. expensive street in New York. The you can remarry unless you get an annulment, and the the pension consultant for the teachers union Dickau claimed that the new side letter is church itself is clamping down on annulments.” windows were dirty and curtain­ Young artist to exhibit maintain contact with the school office to suggest person is, which is a lot more than someone discriminatory, because staff at other diocesan He claimed that the teachers union has attempted to less and even from the street it has Bv Olive Talley COVENTRY — Painting and drawings by improvements in the pension plan. you meet at the grocery store.” a seen-better-days look. United Press International 10-year-old Timothy Myshrall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Womack said there have been no Inside, a pregnant woman sat at Mrs. Charles Myshrall of Northfield Road, will be HOUSTON — Janet Womack has married serious incidents with mismatched dates, a small desk with a telephone ‘We tend to attract people who want a relationship, exhibited at the Booth and Dimock Memorial Remember the lonely today, psychologist says off 50 couples in less than two years. but she dismissed one male member and switchboard. The floor was bare Library through the end of the month. "Personally, I'm amazed at the not just sex but real working relationships where there refunded his money after several women wood, worn and water-stained. complained about his ill temper. Tim has exhibited his works before, but this is F A IR F IE LD (U P l) — Children and "Valentine’s Day is important for the right response can be devastating. Parents and teachers should ask number, " says Mrs. Womack, 35, who owns his first one-man show. The young artist has been 1 was impressed with the infor­ is more intimacy and more sharing.’ adults alike should give some thought children because it teaches them that But on Valentine's Day it’s okay — it’s students how they want to handle the a video dating service with an active Members say video dating gives them a recognized for a sensitivity of style which is to the lonely this Valentine’s Day, it’s okay to express feelings,” Vitulano, just part of the day,” he said. " I t ’s like day and make sure each child is mality of the place. I had half membership of more than 1,300. Janet Womack unique for someone his age. wider choice and lets them know much which may be an ordeal lor those a professor at Fairfield University and sending a pre-printed birthday card. It included, Vitulano said. Students might expected to be frisked for weapons She sees video dating as a logical more about their dates before they meet, He is a fifth grade student at Captain Nathan Friend Connection owner forgotten amid the attention given to clinical director of the Greater Bridge­ affords us the opportunity of expres­ bring in valentines for the whole class or explosives but when I asked for alternative for busy singles. "One member said he was really glad to Hale School and has been taking private art couples and love, a psychologist says. port Children’s Services Center, said sion and celebration of the good or one person assigned or chosen by the the visa office, the woman politely "W e've made a tremendous dent in lessons since 1981. know how women feel about things so far With a bit of sensitivity, the tradi­ Monday. feelings of love.” child, he suggested. indicated I should just walk people accepting this as a definite, credible ahead of the game because relationships tional holiday today can h^p children Children and ddults find it difficult to But Vitulano warned children and Lonely adults facing depression and through the double doors in front ol alternative to the bar scene,” she said in an "There was no alternative for her.” before joining. start out so much on the surface, ’ ’ she said. learn to express their feelings and express love because they fear being adults without a'special person in their threatened by the focus on couples interview. Mrs. Womack left' her Houston computer Group backs compactor me. "Normally, maybe you’ll meet two or switch the emphasis for adults to vulnerable. The exchange of greeting lives might feel isolated or unworthy should consider placing more empha­ " I t ’s a bad analogy, but it's like real business to establish the service. EACH MEMBER, identified only by a It must have been a grand three people in a year that you would COVENTRY — The Coventry Taxpayers improvement and appreciation of all cards on Valentine's Day is "safe,” because they may be led to believe that sis on improving relationships and estate properties. They’re all over, but how " I had learned about computers the year first name, is videotaped in an interview drawing room at one time but it seriously consider having a relationship Association voted Monday to support town relationships, said Lawrence A. Vitulano said. "everyone is in love and cares” on recognizing those they enjoy, Vitulano much time do you really have to look for the before and learned that computers don' t put with Mrs. Womack or one of four staff with. When you're doing soniething like expenditure of $150,000 for the purchase of a Vitulano. “ To tell someone you care and not get Valentine's Day. said. looked dreary and sad now. It had exact home you want with everything you people together,” she said. "I decided that counselors. compactor "sorely needed” at the landfill. five battered old desks in it and a want? video was the best vehicle because you A personal profile is also compiled. this, you're thrown together with so many Voters will be asked their opinion on the nondescript collection of chairs. "In a given day, you've only got so much could see and hear the people, adding a Male niembers have access to the tapes people in your age group who have a lot expenditure at a March 6 referendum which will time to meet a person. Many people do not human element to it.” and files of female members and vice going for them that you don't come from The man at the desk on the rigni follow an adjourned town meeting Feb. 21. have jobs where they meet people or, if they The minimum period sign-up she re­ versa. The service provides a library with scarcity. " Special blood donation set as I came in had papers spread out The need for a new machine arose early this do, they don’t want to date their clients,” quires is six months. The fees: about $200 machines where members watch the tapes. While she 'doubts video dating ever will over his desk and several pass­ month when the engine blew out on the landfill's she said. for women and $300 for men. Because staffers become so familiar with replace traditional dating, Mrs. Womack already-dilapidated compactor, rendering for Manchester girl, 13 ports. Having dealt with passport The service attracts mostly middle to members, they help suggest compatible firmly believes it will become further repairs prohibitively expensive. people before, I acted a lot sweeter MRS. WOMACK OPENED Friend Con­ upper class working professionals ranging dates. commonplace. Kathy Ryan, 13, of 42 Hollister St., is "The outpouring is tremendous,” The taxpayers' resolution to support the to him than I would have with the nection by Video in March 1981 after in age from mid-20s to mid-40s. Last names and phone numbers are "It has become more and more accepted. a victim of cancer. In the past six says Blanche Newman, blood services compactor purchase comes as no surprise average Lebanese stranger. watching a friend’s traumatic adjustment "W e tend to attract people who want a withheld until both parties agree to meet. We doubled our membership the second months she's had 25 platelet and 4 chairwoman for the Red Cross. " I can’t because the group was pushing for a new machine to dating after the breakup of her 17-year relationship, not just sex but real working "If you pick someone, they have to say year and I think we'II at least double.it a red-cell blood transfusions. On Feb. 22, He took my papers, looked them long before the most recent mishaps at the believe it.” She’s been coordinating marriage. relationships where there is more intimacy yes. too, " Mrs. Womack said, emphasizing third year,” she said. landfill. Kathy's school friends, her neighbors, over with that skeptical air pass­ bloodmobiles for several years, and “ She looked at dating services and, at and more sharing,” Mrs. Womack said. members date their own risk. "W e have "When we started out, it was new and and relatives will gather for a special port people have and started Joyce Carilli Bellard made the original motion she’s never seen something like this that time, what was here was pretty much She said recent divorcees and people still done to the best of our ability what we can there was initial resistance, but we don’t bloodmobile, noon to 5:30 p.m. at St. happen before. writing and stamping. to back the expenditure. It was supported by CTA lonely hearts clubs, and this was not a suffering from broken relationships are do". We’ve verified their employment. We encounter that anymore. It makes too much Bridget School on Main Street. “ You want a multiple, don’t President Thomas W. Brainard, who called the A usual turnout at a bloodmobile is lonely hearts woman,” Mrs. Womack said. asked to collect themselves emotionally have them on videotape. You know who that sense.” landfill "a mess and a hazard. " Kathy is a grade 8 student at St. about 100 people, Mrs. Newman says. you?” he said. Bridget School. And her classmates — But already 140 people have signed up He sounded as though he ex­ who are too young to donate blood — 4 for "Kathy's Day.” Walk-ins will also pected me tb say yes, and although rallied to assist at Kathy's bloodmo­ be welcome. I had no idea what a multiple bile. Her classmates have offered to Kathy is being treated currently at Storytellers thrive in the age of the boob tube meant I said, “ Oh yes. Please.” babysit for donors' children. They’ll Johns Hopkins University Hospital in Fire Calls help unload the beds, and clean up at Maryland. But she is expected home figures, Jackie Torrence and Jay has to harness the talent within the day's end. IT TURNED OUT a multiple Bv David Armon the day before her bloodmobile. "Just O'Callahan, also appeared. him to successfully tell a tale, meant that 1 can return to Beirut as United Press International Not to be outdone, the women of St. knowing this is happening for her will The guests serve the dual "A s soon as you start thinking Bridget Church, where the Ryan often as I want to in the next six be a boost for her,” says Mrs. Newman. Rather than spend their nights functions of performer and about this dynamic richness, you Tolland County family attends services, are donating months. That’s as lucky as a ‘Everybody can tell a story. That's the reason Donors may call 643-5111 for an watching television, some people teacher. immediately become a better all the food for donors at the Sunday, 6:19 pan. — medical call. Prospect Street, appointment. Donors must be 17 to 66 person can get, isn’t it? I was sure ■’Everybody can tell a story.” storyteller." she said. bloodmobile. prefer just listening to a good there’s such a broad spectrum of stories.' Coventry (South Coventry). years of age and in good health. glad I ’d said yes. old-fashioned story. said Mam ie Reed Crowell, author It is then that listeners become Sunday, 10:08 p.m. — medical call, Lakeview Drive, trust While the man worked on my They are the ones who believe no and co-sponsor of the festival. moved and are able to conjure up Mamie Reed Crowell Coventry (South Coventry). For over one hundred years, generations visa, I struck up a conversation ink on a page, image on a screen or "That’s the reason there’s such a imagery that rivals- the most Co-sponsor Monday, 2:56 a.m. — liquid fire in the street. Flora with a woman working on an IBM sound from a recording can match broad spectrum of stories.” expensive piece of Impeachment hearings proceed have put their trust in Watkins, '^ e Holmes cinematography. Road, Bolton (Bolton). typewriter with Arabic script on it. the human art of storytelling. No matter what type of tale they North Country Storytelling Festival Staff strives to continue that trust with Children today need an alterna­ Monday, 10:05 a.m. — medical call, 57 Orchard Hill Continued from page 1 chairman of the commit­ ment the chance to rule on She thought she recognized me " I think it goes back to our start with, Mrs. Crowell said, Estates, Coventry (South Coventry). successful storytellers realize they tive to the electronic media, the tee, rejected the request the case first. warmth and sincerity to each family served. from 29-20. roots,” said Joan Donovan, organ­ , Monday, 11:59 a.m. — medical call. Old Antiques same arguments he pres­ for dismissal of the pro­ izer of a month-long celebration of can portray anything and any two organizers said, observing “ The bad news must be depress­ Shop, Route 6, Andover (Andover). ented to the Supreme ceedings, stressing the narrative in upstate New York feeling with words, sounds and that "in recent years, kids have Monday, 9:55 p.m. — chimney fire, Lindholm Court. committee would only ing for you,” I said. called the Stupendous North Coun­ body language. been getting more vacuous more powerful than any television Corners, Andover (Andover). Wade claims the im­ make a recommendation t ASTROLOGY * “ It’s been bad for nine years,” try Storytelling Festival. "You can think of my voice as a looking." that 1 wanted to know,” she said. “ I show.” peachment article of the to the full House and not the woman said. “ You get used to Hundreds of homebodies this musical instrument,” she said, Storytellers visiting the festival got very excited about the poten­ state constitution in itself take any final action. t READINGS It FUNERAL HOME winter left their firesides on snowy alternating from a falsetto to a managed to strike a chord with Kids aren't the only people tial of the human voice.” A thought for the day: 14th Century Polish * IT MIS. l O U 4- it.” foghorn low while explaining tech- area school children. fascinated with storytelling. violates other provisions Wade then asked for I left the Lebanese consulate nights for yarnspinning workshops astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus, credited with of both the state and delay of the hearings, $ ADVICE ON ALL PII08LEMS It DIRECTORS at St. Lawrence University in .n.ique to an inquirer. "M ost people In one performance before 600 Mrs. Crowell. 45, said she first She became involved with organ­ HOWARD L. HOMES with my visa, and found myself grade-schoolers, Jackie Torrance, beqame interested in the art after proposing the heliocentric theory of the universe, federal constitutions and saying "fundamental 4 FOR APPOINTUCNT CALL ARTHUR Q. HOLMES' Canton, N.Y, where Mrs. Donovan use a very narrow band.” izations such as the National duly thinking what a terrible she began publishing and was supplanting previous earth-centered theories, said, is thus void. A ruling by fairness” required that ^ 443:*414 Jf RICHARD P. HOLMES HOWARD M. HOLMES is speech professor. "H ow about loud and soft, slow a renowned Storyteller from North Association for the Preservation If IM MANCHtfnn If coincidence it would be if she was asked to read her work aloud. " if only we face the facts ... with both eyes open ... We the high court is expected the committee give the ^ OKN DAH.V f 2 Guest storytellers frqm the area and fast?” she said, pointing out Carolina, left the children spel­ and Perpetuation of Storytelling, "After a lot of reading there shall place the Sun himself in the center of the soon. Supreme Court as an ^ '/z prict with this ad ^ 142 E. CENTEH U i., MANCHESTER • TEL. 646-5310 the same woman I ’d seen running offered tales of the Adirondack other tale-spinning techniques. lbound, Mrs. Crowell said. which puts on conferences and Universe. " Frankel. as co- equal branch of govern­ from the man on 18th St. mountains. Two nationally known Mrs. Crowell says one simply "The image of the mind is much were things about vocal technique festivals around the nation. i; - MANCHESTER HERALD, Tuesday. Feb. 14. 1984 Advice Stacy Keach says he wishes Children of divorce wary Be someone’s sweetheart that Hammer guy rode horses about marriage, parenthood By Susan Ruel working at part-time or full-time THE STUDY did not focus on the By Jullanne Hastings United Press International jobs to support their way. Some significance of who initiated the youngsters with very wealthy United Press International divorce or how that variable might this St. Valentine’s Day B E R K E LE Y, Calif. - Children fathers are working their way affect boys and girls differently. of divorce look back on their through the university by a combi­ Most ol those surveyed were NEW YORK — Stacy Keach took the role of childhood with lingering sorrow nation of part-time jobs.” eager for monogamous, lasting DEAR READERS: Can 29-year-oId married Mike Hammer in the new CBS series because he and are extra cautious, before Ms. Wallerstein interviewed the you believe it's St. Valen­ relationships,. but the majority woman (no children) and is a great fan of Mickey Spillane’s tough-talking m arriage and childbearing, a subjects at several intervals after tine's Day again? Well, it agreed marriage should not be do not have a job outside detective. If Hammer could ride a horse, he’d get 10-year study shows. their parents' divorces. is, so here's my updated entered into early or hastily. my home. My husband "Although the greater majority Her research at the 18-month annual message: a 10 in Keach’s book. and I are very happy with of those young people today are interval revealed a split between "These young people remained Be a sweetheart; call Dear A bby A veteran of 19 motion pictures and numerous our lives and we have an economically self-supporting or the sexes, with young boys feeling critical of their parents for having someone who’s lonely and television performances, Keach said he had no excellent relationship. still enrolled in educational pro­ more vulnerable and troubled than made the mistake of a misguided say. " I ’m thinking of preference for either of the two media. Abigail Van Buren When I meet people for grams and are law-abiding as well the girls in their behavior at or foolish m arriage," the sociolo­ ypu." Or better yet. say. the first time, they usually gist said. "They were especially But he wasn’t particularly interested in doing as relatively stable in their choice school, on the playground and at " I ’m coming over to take ask, "And what do you ot residence, a significant number home. critical. of-their parents for not you to lunch ... or to run another television series when he took the part of do?" share the sense that their child­ In her latest study, she said, a having rectified or recognized the some errands ... or to give Mike Hammer in CBS’ two-hour movie last I don’t want tosay, "I'm hood and adolescence were signifi­ new pattern was emerging among mistake before the children were you a ride.” Visit someone just a housewife.” And I season, "M ickey Spillane’s Mike Hammer: cantly burdened by the parental the young women, many of whom born.” in a nursing home or a don’t want to say. " I don’t Murder Me, Murder You.” divorce,” says Judith Wallerstein, left home after high school gradua­ As a result, the young adults prison. Say a prayer. my father will soon rem­ married before (she's a do anything,” because ” We had no idea that it was going to be a pilot. It visiting senior lecturer in the tion to live with older men. favored living with a lover for Donate some blood. Adopt arry. The big problem; He widow) and is not in need actually I do a lot of was just a two-hour movie. I think it’s one of the University of California at Berke­ "These young women are attrac­ several years prior to marriage, a pet. Will your eyes, your is planning to take the of any more jewelry. Is cooking, cleaning, shop­ few times CBS took a two-hour movie and made it ley’s School of Social Welfare. tive, intelligent and, in some then waiting a few more year kidneys and all your usa­ diamond out of Mother’s Dad wrong? Or are we? ping, laundry and enter­ In a recent lecture based on her instances, highly talented. Yet before having children, Ms. Wal­ ble organs to someone Whose ring is it? into a pilot. The only other time was ’Cagney and wedding ring and have it taining. I make a nice study, Ms. Wallerstein said she they are worried, even despairing, who can use them after MAD AT DAD Lacey.’ lerstein said. reset for his new wife. comfortable home for my found their feelings of anger at fearful of being rejected in their you're gone. Quit smok­ My sister and I both husband and myself. "In fact, if it had been offered to me as a series their parents had abated since she search for a man who would care Her research also suggests An ear of corn hangs in the window of the ear to make a three-dimensional ing. Listen to your tee­ voiced our objections for DEAR MAD: You say Abby. do you know of pilot, 1 probably would have turned it down. But last interviewed the 100 young for them and burdened by an children of divorce develop piece. nager. Write a fan letter. •sentimental reasons. By that your mother prom­ Laughlin's studio. Each of the kernels some witty comeback? people five years ago. anxiety, which they related di­ stronger ties with siblings. Tell your parents you having played the character— 1 really had a good has been made separately and fused to the way, my mother ised the ring to your sister AT A LOSS rectly to their parents’ divorce," think they’re great. Pay time with this guy. I saw the possibility of "It seems that when the relation­ promised the ring to my unless your dad needed to FOR WORDS MOST OF the respondents are she said. your doctor. Spay your sister, but toward the end, sell it for financial rea­ spending some time just working on a series.” ship between the parents weakens from white, middle-class homes in "A few among them were dog. Neuter your cat. she told Dad (in our and disrupts, adolescents often sons, so sinceyourdaddid DEAR AT: Don’t say, northern California. consumed with the anxiety that Forgive an enemy. Regis­ presence) that if he not sell it, the ring “ be­ KEACH SAID he’s been a little gun-shy of turn towards each other, to huddle " I’m just a housewife.” "Overall, these youngsters relationships could not be trusted ter to vote. Hug a child. needed to sell it for longs” to your sister, together and protect each other, to Say proudly. “ I hate to series since he did "C aribe,” a police drama that emerged as young adults that take from minute to minute," Ms. Manchester craftsman Listen to a bore. Send a financial reasons it was which is what I would tell love each other, to remain intimate brag, but I'm a ran on ABC in 1975. economic responsibility for them­ Wallerstein said. “ Said one: 'How donation to the Salvation OK with her. your dad were he to ask with each other, and perhaps most housewife.” Executive producer Jay Bernstein talked to selves," she said. "O f those still in can you expect commitment when Army. Care or to the I am shocked that Dad of all, to remain faithful to each me. Keach about making Hammer into a series, and a school, a significant number are anyone can change his mind?'” charity of your choice. would actually give that However, he didn’t ask other," she said. (Lonely? Get Abby’s year later CBS launched the show on Jan. 26 with If you love someone, tell diamond to another me: you did. So my advice updated, revised and ex­ sells well in New York another 2-hour movie, "Mickey Spillane’s Mike him or her now: don’t wait woman. He said it was to you is to forget it unless panded booklet, "How to Hammer: More than Murder.” until next Valentine’s Day just a piece of jewelry. you want to take your Be Popular” — for people to be a sweetheart again. When we told him that we father to court for break­ of all ages. Send $2 plus a How long Keach might stay with the series About Town By Susan Plese Love, ABBY disagreed with him on this ing a verbal contract, long, self-addressed, depends. Herald Reporter point, he held to his which I think is stamped (37 cents) enve­ " I f it were to be so successful as to last for five DEAR ABBY: Two ye­ position. unthinkable. Light from late afternoon sun lope to Abby, Popularity. years — I'll worry about it when the time comes. Lutz offers workshops First aid courses set ars ago my mother died of Abby, this woman my » P.O. Box 38923, Holly­ slants through colored sun- You know, the fear that a lot of actors have of a lingering disease. Now dad is marrying has been DEAR ABBY: I'm a wood. Calif. 90038.) The Lutz Children's Museum. 247 S. Main St., will The Connecticut Valley East branch of the catchers strung from the window getting tied up with something that’s going to offer the following workshops Feb. 21 trough Feb. 23. American Red Cross will sponsor several training panes of a Hackmatack Street art isolate them and exclude everything else from Fees are $1 for members and $2 lor non-members. programs this month. studio. There are small blue and their career. UPI photo On Feb. 21 the topic is unicorns. Participants will A CPR course wil meet Tuesdays and Thursdays white birds in flight, a few learn the lore of the creatures and create their own beginning Feb. 23. A CPR instructor course begins evergreen trees. ” 1 just feel this is a good time for me to do Stacy Keach took the role of Mike Current thinking on the Pill something like this. Having established my versions. March 6. But one's eyes are immediately drawn to the the artist's showpie­ indentity in the theater and movies, I know it can Hammer in the hew C B S series because The topic Feb. 22 is winged wonders. Participants Standard first aid will meet Tuesdays from 7 to 10 ces — bunches of realistic-looking only enhance it more.” he is a great fan of Mickey Spillane's will explore the mysteries of flight. On Feb. 23 the p.m. beginning Feb. 28. Advanced first aid will meet tough-talking detective. A veteran of 19 topic is dragons. All workshops are 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays from 7 to 10 p.m. beginning Feb. 29. Call vegetables that look as though they says it’s usually OK after 40 Keach said the movie was a bit like a miniseries for children in kindergarten through grade 2 and from 643-5111. have been plucked minutes before and he saw it as running more like a year or two — motion pictures and numerous Tv 11 a.m. to noon for grades 3 to 6. from some oversized garden. long enough to give him the financial freedom to performances, keach said he had no On Feb. 23 from 1 to 4 p.m. all children are invited to There's a bunch of olive green DEAR DR. LAMB: Is it care of the Manchester spend more time in the theater, which is his first preference for either of the two. a session of crafts, stories and games involving Anniversary celebrated asparagus. A partially husked ear safe to take birth control Herald, P.O. Box 1551, love. dragons and unicorns. Call 643-0949. of corn-on-the-cob. And a stalk of pills until menstruation Radio City Station, New Alcoholics Victorious, a Christian organization that celery, complete with red rubber has ceased? My doctor led York, N.Y. 10019. helps alcoholics stay sober, will celebrate its second band around the middle. me to believe this. But my Your Health THE ACTOR said he thought the 9-10 p.m. EST St. Margaret’s plans auction annieversary tonight at 7:30 p.m. at Community Bruce Laughlin, 47. of 310 gynecologist told me a Saturday time slot CBS has given his series is just He only regrets the character doesn't ride DEAR DR. LAMB: I St. Margaret's Circle. Daughters of Isabella, will Baptist Church, 585 E. Center St. Hackmatack St. is an artist in woman must stop taking right. horses. A horseman since the age of 4, Keach has have cold sores'on my lip. meet Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at First Federal The public is invited. Refreshments wil be served. fused glass. His work was included the Pill when she reaches Lawrence Lamb, M.D. "It feels like a Saturday night show to me. It’s A neighbor told me they done all his own riding for such parts as the Union Savings, West Middle Turnpike. The auction will be Members should use the rear entrance ol the church in the recently published New 40. He said the side effects off the back parking lot. were herpes an said smal­ escapist entertainment. A little bit more risque. cavalry officer in the CBS miniseries, "The Blue Feb. 28. England Crafts Catalogue, an become too severe at that honor he won through juried lpox vaccinations would More fanciful. It’s not Hill Street Blues,’ and The Gray,” and his characters in the motion age. What are the side cure them. Is this so? I've certainly. It's a combination of 'Dirty Harry’ and pictures "The Long Riders” and "The Life and competition. effects? Make childbirth choices never found anything to James Bond.” ’ Times of Judge Roy Bean." And as a gardener, it is not St. James announces winners surprising that much of his inspira­ keep on smoking and The risk of cancer from relieve these sores when Keach said he was uncertain how feminists The Family Oriented Childbirth Information DEAR READER: I Awards in the St. James School annual science fair tion comes from the earth. Besides doing nothing about her using oral contraceptives they come. might take the program, which features plenty of ’ He even played all the polo scenes in the NBC Society, will sponsor a program on choices in think new information were announced Thursday evening at the school. the corn and celery, such mundane weight and stopping the has actually decreased. miniseries ’'Princess Daisy,” in which he played childbirth Feb. 23 at 7 p.m. at the Church of Christ, 394 about the birth control pill skin-tight dressing, thighs and cleavage. Science teacher Ann Swinton supervised 110 students vegetables as cabbages and cauli­ pill. The question of uterine Daisy’s dashing father Prince Stash. Lydall St. "rhe class is geared to couples who are not supports the idea that ” 1 know that Hammer himself is certainly not in grades 7 and 8. flowers have eventually found The danger is an in­ cancer was always li­ DEAR READER: That yet expecting a baby and those who are in early many women are able to chauvinistic in the traditional sense of the word. First place went to Gary Chien. Second place went their way to the artist's creased risk of heart mited to endometrial was an old idea that's no "I just started playing polo for Daisy. Now I pregnancy. take the Pill through He’s very vunerable as far as women are to Carolina Nyarady and Sherry Combra. Third place workbench. attack. But as one study cancer, not cervical longer supported. Smal­ play fairly regularly, not as much as I ’d like to. I The class will aid couples in making informed menopause and that the concerned. went to Edwin Keener. showed, only four in 1,000 ca n c e r. Endometrial lpox and herpes viruses had the pleasure of going down to Mexico with the choices such as place of birth, choice of a doctor and benefits -from using hor­ Medalists and honors award winners were Joseph FOR THE UNINITIATED. women older than 4,'i who cancer is rarely a cause of have no basic relationship "But the genre is chauvinistic in that the decisions about medical procedures used before and mones, if needed after 'Hart to Hart' polo team, Stephanie Powers and Lajoie, Kimbery Amenta, Thomas Carlson, Theresa fused glass has little in common didn't smoke, didn't have death. There are only to each other. The only women come on to him as they do with James during birth. menopause, outweigh the Alex Cord, Ted Dawson, Bill Devane, myself, Riley, Debra Dalessio, Michael Spaulding, Ina with the more familiar stained high blood pressure and about 3,000 endometrial licensed maker of smal­ Bond. But he doesn’t treat them as sex objects.” Registration may be made at the door or in advance dangers. Pamela Sue Martin. Mendez, Andrew Marsh and John Wertenbach. glass art. Stained glass work is had normal cholesterol cancer deaths a year in lpox vaccine in the United Keach noted there are women psychiatrists and by calling 875-1356. A fee to cover the text is required. Women who are over­ First place honors awards were given to Robin shaped as one would shape a levels developed any evi­ the United States, com­ States is Wyeth Laborato­ They watched some of the world's most famous The class will be offered again April 19, and will be weight. smoke and have CIA agents in the series — very substantial roles. Buckley, Kevin Travis, Vickie Thibodeau, Eric mosaic. Pieces of glass are fitted dence of heart disease in pared to more than 30,000 ries. They have discon­ players. repeated quarterly afterward. high blood pressure "But we do have what we call affectionally the Nitschke, Noel Feehan, Jennifer DeMarco, Melissa together using lead and a soldering Herald photo by Tarquinio the following six years. If deaths from breast tinued the distribution of should either lose weight, bimbettes, as well as the bimbos.” Miller and Stephen Carlson. iron. these same women used cancer. smallpox vaccines for the "There are no words to describe it. It's as if you Safety course completed stop smoking and control oral contraceptives and Keach said the show’s producers and writers Second place honors awards were given to Dino But fused glass uses heat to Bruce Laughlin of Hackmatack Street is an artist in fused I've discussed these civilian population. The were to put the most exciting moments in ballet Julia Hayes of Coventry, chemistry coordinator at their blood pressure, or there were five who deve­ were taking great pains to keep the scripts from Rosado, Kathleen Gillespie, Tara Ryan, Michele marry two or more pieces of glass. various fears in relation to morbidity and mortality with the most thrilling moments in any sport — East Catholic High School, recently completed the glass. His works were recently featured in the New they probably shouldn't loped heart disease in six being sexist — humorous, not insulting. Gagnon. Stacey Giguere, Kelly Anderson, Monique Fusing is used to give the finished new studies in the Health weekly report from the that’s what polo is to me. laboratory safety workshop at Curry (Ilollege in England Crafts Catalog. use the Pill after 40. years, it would be re­ St. Laurent, Susan O'Neill and Christine Prevost. piece texture, dimension or shape. Letter SR-12, Oral Contra­ Centers for Disease Con­ Keach sees Hammer as a romantic. " I f he was Milton, Mass. The course provided a review of If you don't have these ported as 125 percent of "It’s the most exhilarating sport I ’ve ever been . Laughlin has made glass bowls, for ceptives and Postmeno­ trol in Atlanta stated that just tough he’d be boring.” fundamentals in laboratory safety and gave assist­ problems, then there's no the rate in non-users. involved in. There’s nothing like galloping at full instance, using the technique. He's people go, " says Laughlin. The patterns — including stripes and pausal Estogens, which the lack of availability of ance in development of safety programs for good reason not to use the That's how you get some also made flowers, such as poinset- other vegetables were drawn from polka dots. I'm sending you. Others the smallpox vaccine for A N ATU R AL athlete, Keach enjoys the brisk speed. secondary schools. Mothers’ classes offered Pill. I'd much rather see a tias, with overlapping petals, and seed catalogs. The ties, which are connected to of tho.se wild news stories. who want this issue can the civilian population woman correct her lifes­ pace he must maintain to jilny Hammer, doing "But it’s a rich man's sports, you’ve got to have The Nutmeg branch YWCA, 78 N. Main St., will he fashioned a clear glass face Though Laughlin considers him­ In reality, there was only send 75 cents with a long, should end its misuse in a wide neck band, are actually tyle and health and con­ one in 1,000 more in users chase scenes, fight scenes, the works. the means, which I haven’t.” sponsor several classes for mothers this spring. mask with life-like features. self a professional artist — he stamped, self-addressed attempts to prevent or Learn about birds designed to be worn — with a tinue taking the Pill than vs. non-users. Fitness during pregnancy will meet Thursdays Kernels on the ear of corn were makes money on his art — his work tuxedo, presumably. "These have envelope for it to me, in treat herpes. The Manchester public libraries will sponsor a from 1 to 2 p.m. for five weeks beginning March 1; fused one by one onto the ear. The in fused glass is not full-time been very slow in Manchester," Connecticut Audubon Society program about birds Prenatal and postnatal yoga will meet Wednesdays silk on the top has texture. employment. He has a studio also says Laughlin's wife Addie. "But ;Feb. 22 at 7:30 p.m. at Whiton Memorial Library from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. for five weeks beginning Feb. Similarly, the greenish-white cel­ in New York City, where he works in New York, (sales) are very auditorium, 100 N. Main St. 29. ery has veins running through each four days a week as a freelance brisk,” Lauchlin adds. All these beautiful clothes SHOVICASE Janet Costa, a naturalist from Holland Brook Mothershare, a support group for mothers of young rib and textured leaves at the top. graphic designer. Center in Glastonbury, will show slides of Connecticut Mrs. Laughlin is an artist as children, will meet Mondays from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. The celery, in fact, was taken Much of Laughlin's work could well. She works in pewter, ham­ birds in woods, fields, gardens and wetlands of the for four weeks beginning Feb. 27. from a very real model. " I bought be considered whimsical. He's •AROAIN MATINCI DAILY state. ‘ mering it gently with a wooden FIRST SHOW ONLY $2.50 Child care is available by advance registration. Call it on Ninth Ave. in New York. fashioned fused glass bowties, for Hertford Vernon . There is no charge. The event is open to the public. mallet to shape it into bowls and don’t keep the blues away Accords AHwneum Cinema— Reop­ Cine 1 A 2 — Two ot a Kind I 647-1437. That’s where all the restaurant instance, in an array of colorful vases and covered boxes. ens Thursday. (PG) 1:30,7,9:10. — Uncom­ Warranty daada Cinema City — Untaith- mon Valor (R) 7:10, 9:30. DEAR DR. BLAKER: I fuilv Yours (PC) 7:30,9:50. — West Hartford HARTFORD ble right now. Or perhaps Susan L. Prentiss to Siikwood (R) 7:15, 9:45. — Elm 1 A 2 — Uncommon have , a closet full of INTERSTATE 84 EXIT 58 you have experienced a James B. Grimes Jr. and Danton IPG) 7, 9:35. — Valor (R) 7, 9. — Two ot a wonderful clothes but 1 Persona) Best (R) 9:55. Kind IPG ) 7, 9. EASTHARTTORD 568-8810 Do you know what krewe means? recent loss and in your Carole L. Kerkin, 331 am not happy. Cinestudla — Mon Oncle The Moyles — Unfolthtully Ask insecurity about that loss, Woodbridge St.. $65,000. 7:30 with Shoot the Piano Yours IPG ) 12:15, 2, 3:45, Every time I feel blue, 1 Piaver 9:45. have substituted things to Evelyn P. Clarke to 5:30,7:20,9:20. — The Lonely do some shopping. And Coicnia) — Reopens Fri­ Guy (R) 12,1:40,3:20, 5,7:20, Dr. Blaker make it less painful. In James R. McCavanaugh, day. that makes me feel good, 9:20.-S iikw o o d (R) 12,2:20, 5HOWH AT:—J = * l4 :1 either case, you will want 237 E. Center St„ $145,000. East Hartferd 4:40,7,9:30. but for only a little while. Mardi Gras revelers throw these Karen Blaker, Ph.D. Eatheoed Pub A Cinema— Wlllimantlc to seek counseling. Raymond Williams to Do a lot of people feel this Uncommon Vaior (R) 7:15. Jlllson Souore Cinema — Shirley Ross, unit 123E Poor Richard's Pub A Ci­ Siikwood (R) 6:50, 9:15. — way? ___ i„ REX are: Homemakers, Alley Down in the dumps? Get Royal Arms Condomi­ nema — Uncommon Vaior Uncommon Valor (R) 7:10, STAR 80 HI It's carnival time in New Or­ (R) 7:30,9:30. 9:15. — Hot Dog (R) 9:30. — Cats, Kinsman, Swingsters, Jump­ help from Dr. Blaker’s nium, $50,000 (based on leans, and if you were there, you DEAR READER: ShewcoM Cinema — Scar- To Be Or. Not To Be (PG) ing Jacks, A-1 Social Club, newsletter "Fighting De­ conveyance tax.) face (R) 1, 7:45. — Terms of 9:30. — - ■ ■ SWOWWOg: could collect yourself some Mardi Some do. The act of Dancers in the Temple, Gulf Coast and get for yourself what pression.” Send 50 cents Robert and Dorothy Endearment (PG) 1:40,4:15, Windsor Gras doubloons like these. They accumulating material up in your area, or have a 7,9:40. — Sudden impact (R) Plaza — Two ot o Kind Carnival. The Fun Makers, Bunny, you truly need, not posses­ and a stamped, self- Holmes to Joseph and are silver dollar size, but are made things seems to assauge. volunteer from a nearby 2,7:20,9:45. — Hot D og(R) 1, IPG ) 7:15. NEVERCIIY Collectors' Comer sions but love and caring. addressed envelope to Dr. 7:40,10.— Yenti(PG) 1:30,7, of aluminum — light enough to be Knights of Jason, 10-t- Club and the 4 church take the clothes Janice Gabaree, 58-60 for a while, the inner Gay Timers. Ail of these carry a where they can be used. If Blaker in care of the Cooper Hill St., $77,250. 9:30. — Reckless (R) 1:45, WOLFIT pitched at bystanders without emptiness that is causing 7:40,9:50. — Never Cry Wolf injury. They have replaced the Russ MacKendrIck 1969 date. The colors are purple, DEAR DR. BLAKER: neither is possible, you Manchester Herald, P,0. Robert and Maureen (PG) 1:10, 7:35, 9:45. — Star ------SHOWWW; ■ th e uncomfortable "throws" of former days (before bronze, silver, gold, green and red. You have written before may want to consider Box 475, Radio City Sta­ West to Richard and P a­ •O(R) 1:20,7:25,9:35. Remove mineral buildup ... 1ilQ -y t3 S>fi4S feelings. tion, New York, N.Y. Monctiestar l'9'UW ■ WWWWWWWWWWWWlii 1960), that could have been candy, about people who hoard putting one garbage bag tricia Varesio, 92-94 Hem­ UA Hieaters East — Un- from your teakettle by Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday), 10019. peanuts, mints, beads, and so The problem, as you newspapers and maga­ filled with clothes out at a lock St., $84,500. taithfuilv Yours (PG) 7:30, pouring In holt a cup of comes this year on the sixth of have found, is that the Write to Dr. Blaker at 9:30. — Siikwood (R) 7:15, white Vinegar and 6n» YENTL m forth. zines. I don’t do that. but I time during your regular Patricia A. Peroni to March. On that day will come the the above address. The 9:40. — The Lonely Guy (R) quart of top water. Heat -SHOWnwf We read that the firoit parade of good feeling is short-lived. do keep all my old clothing pickup. Kelly O’Dwyer, 27 Hun­ 7:20,9:30. grand finale of parades with volume of mail prohibits to rolling boll and let 1984 was led by Rudy Vallee on The emptiness cannot be and jewelry. It has be­ tington St., ^ ,0 0 0 (based MansfleM perhaps a dozen krewes cavorting, filled by possessions, or come a terrible problem It may be that the personal replies, but ques­ TroRSlux Celleea Twin — stand tor one hour. Pour Saturday the 4th of this month, the on conveyance tax.) Beyond a Reasonable Doubt ..followed by ballroom events all food for that matter. Love because I have such a inability to complete this tions of general interest out solution, fill with SCARFACE throws that day must have been 7:15,9:15.— Tender Mercies water, boll again and of the parades ending up in a The Krewe of REX pioneered the over the city, and doubloon collec­ from others is the only small apartment. task is a sign that you are will be discussed in future (BiHcMm deeds (R) 7 with Puberty Blues (R) the doubloons made with the tableau ball. The Krewe of Endym- 15-gauge struck-aluminum Heritage Savings and 9. discard. tors at home counting their loot. thing that can truly fill the I know which things i not very emotionally sta­ columns. SHOWW1 #g 1 —m — insignia of the Krewe of the Bards ion is said to have had a million- throws. These were tested in the Loan to Barney T. Peter­ of Bohemia. vacuum. can do without, but every .tiWhy»4$ dollar budget — selling 9,000 seats early days by being used, at a So, look around you. time I get them all to­ man Sr., unit 23 Wells- The word "krewe," which at the ball for $50 each. parade's-worth distance, to bom­ TONIGHT: Take stock of your friend­ gether in boxes, I get weep Condominium.' u i m i doesn’t seem to be in any diction­ This display of 20 doubloons was bard a dignitary who had questi­ ships and family relation­ confused about where to Where to write Gregory T. Prentiss to^ lt*s no too late to take a spring ary, is a coined term for a more or obtained at a meeting of the oned their safety. He, no doubt Meeting of the Manchester Phi­ ships. Are you 'getting take them and how to get Susan L. Prentiss, 331 IMMCTS less secret society for merry­ latelic Society at Mott's Commun­ Here's where to write for advice from the non-credit course at MCC. r — SHOWhAgi— Central Connecticut Coin Club. blinking a bit, pronounced them to what you need from other transportation for such a Woodbridge St. making. The first use of the word The most important piece is the ity Hall, 587 E. Middle Turnpike. syndicated columnisu featured in the Man­ be suitable. people? Probably not. big load. I do not have a 8REECE: FOR TRAVEL AND BUSMESS - tJSSiSimmSmm was in 1847: The Mystick Krewe of REX — second from the left in the Time; 6:30 to 9. Heavy planning is chester Herald; Then, take stock of your car. Attachments releeeed Designed to enhance any business or Comus organized a street parade next row from the bottom. REX, or TH E RE IS no chairman or any under way for the M ANPEX ’84 on needs. What kind of rela­ • • Dear Abby - - Abigail Van Buren, P.O. Connecticut Bank and that year with a theme and floats the King of the Carnival, is now the kind of head honcho for the Mardi April 14 and 15. Get your exhibit Trust Co. releases attach­ pleasure trip. Begins Tuesday even­ HOTDOGiSi tionships are you miss­ D E A R R E A D E R : I box 38923, Hollywood, Calif. 90083. ing, March 6. Photo by MaoKtndhck and staged a tableau ball international symbol of the holi­ Gras carnival affairs; just a police ready — you don't have to be a ing? Who do you know that doubt that it is only the • Dr. Lamb — Dr. Lawrence Lamb, M.D., ment on property of Wil­ -SHOWtiAT:- afterward. day. This kr^we has its own official permit for each parade route, and member to win a prize. could provide for you in practical aspect of the P.O. Box 1551. Radio City Station. New York, liam J. Fatcher. Ceil 646-2137 for more information. •TiAA.ISiy "The New Orleaiis Mardi Gras flag and puts out doubloons in then every krewe is on its own to go that particular way? How task before you that is N.Y. 10019. Connecticut Security TBIMSOF These Mardi Gras coins are tossed during the Mardi Gras Guide" for 1981 tells of 51 major green, gold and purple — to stand forth and enjoy. The city attracts a Editor’s note: Russ MacKen- can you turn that relation­ Corporation releases att­ causing you difficulty; • Dr. Blaker — Dr. Karen Blaker, P.O, Box MNiiTT sfnns wisaN ENDEARMENTIpg ; festivities in New Orleans. They were bought at a parades with nearly 45,000 people for love, loyalty and sincerity. billion a year in tourism spending. drick is a longtime Manchester ship around to meet your achment on property of involved, some marching and however, let me address 475, Radio City Station, New York, N .Y ------SNOWiUWi------They have a theme song: " I f I Some of the krewes represented resident who is an authority on n e^s? Cutter Operating Corp. meeting of the Central Connecticu.t Coin Club. that first. Call the Salva-. 10019. NHAwlSksN Ei4A.ri— -tiAt some in trucks or floats, with most E ver Cease to Love.” in this doubloon display besides the collectibles. Take charge of your life tion Army. They may pick a n d Broadmanor HiMMhr.CTNI Associates. LHCC

( U - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesduy, Feb. 14, 1984 MAM HKSTKK HKKALD. Tuesday. Feb. 14. 1984 - 15 Historic to contemporary covered Best Sellers Fiction Pet Sematary — Stephen King Who Killed the Robins Family? — Thomas SPORTS in brand new photography books Chastain Poland — James.Michener Smart Women - Judy Blume The Story of Henri Tod — William F. Buckley By Frank T. Csongos refugees from Oklahoma. Mahre brothers back in pack United Press international Miss Lange's other contribution to photography was Jr. Changes — Danielle Steel These early photographs are to document for the U.S. military the internment of Berlin Game — Len Deighton Photography is still relatively young, dating back Japanese-Americans who were rounded up after Norway won the bronze. my best. I'd have a chance. practicing, make sure all my important because they are a Moreta — Anne McCaffrey By Mike Tully roughly a century and,a half. The first photographer Pearl Harbor and put in resettlement camps. Her Eirik Kvalfoss of Norway won There's not a spot on the course ! elements are right lor the short Hollywood Wives — Jackie Collins UPI Sports Writer to succeeded in making a permanent picture was vital link to human history, heart was with these victims and she was mistrusted • the gold in the 10-kilometer biath­ let up. 1 gave it 100 per cent all the program. I’m just going to skate Rainsong -* Phyllis A. Whitney Nicephore Niepce in 1826 or 1827. The photograph by the military. Unfortunately, these pictures are SARAJEVO, Yugoslavia - The lon. Peter Angerer of West Ger­ way. " normal, not above myself. 1 providing such images for the believe in just surviving the short measures 8 by 6‘/i inches, and the blurred image, fixed virtually excluded from the book save for one of a American men’s Alpine ski team many won the silver and Matthias Cooper, of Sun Valley, Idaho, Nonfiction program, just squeezing through on a pewter plate, is a view from the Niepce home at first time of people, cities and Japanese-American girl reciting the Pledge of once again failed to follow the Jacob of East Germany won the who also had two runnerup finishes the elements." Gras, France. Photography was born. Allegiance at a San Francisco school a few weeks In Search of Excellence — Thomas J. Peters example of its female counterpart, bronze. Bill Carow of Rutland, Vt. in the 1982 World Championships, Jean Christophe Simond of “ The Origins of Photography" by Helmut Gern- the countryside. before she was rounded up. and Robert H. Waterman Jr. finishing well off the gold medal finished 20th. said she was "really happy " for France, acknowledged as the sheim (Thames and Hudson, $50) traces the history of Robert Coles wrote a moving yet critical essay on Motherhood; The Second Oldest Profession — pace of 's Max Julen in her teammate. Armstrong’s victory Monday world's outstanding performer in photography from its earliest days to the middle of the Miss Lange's life (she died of cancer in 1965) and Erma Bombeck . _ the giant slalom today at the was only the fifth • alpine gold "She was so excited before the school figures, was second and 19th century. It is a stunningly beautiful book and work. This book is a must for students of photography. tough Times Never Last But Tough People Do Winter Olympics. medal and the first in 12 years for second run," Cooper said. "1 was Rudi Cerne of West Germany was includes photographs taken by such pioneers as instrument that teaches people how to see without a — Robert H. Schuller the United States in Olympic behind her in the starting gate and third. Brian Boitano of Sunnyvale. William Henry Fox Talbot — who in 1835 made the cam era." ANOTHER RECENT publication is "The Wise Creating Wealth — Robert Allen On a Valentine’s Day after history, and ail have gone to 1 heard her say. Okay, Deb, have a first photo on paper — and Charles Negre whose Miss Lange was an extraordinary photographer Silence, Photographs by Paul Caponigro." (New York Webster's Ninth Collegiate Dictionary Debbie Armstrong and Christin Calif., was eighth^ and Mark women. Of the total 16 medals good time, have a good time, have Cockerell ol Sun Volley. Calif., was photographs resemble impressionist paintings. whose greatest contribution was to document the Graphic Society Books, Little, Brown, $60) Weight Watchers' Fast and Fabulous Cookbook Coopeer became America's in­ taken by Americans in alpine the run of your life.' Then she Some of the 191 photographs featured here were tremendous social changes of the Great Depression. Caponigro is a contemporary American artist (born — Weight Watchers International stant sweethearts with a gold and 18th. events, only three belong to the turned to me and said. Have the It was'the first time in lour years taken by unknown people. One such lovely photo, These were the times of farmers migrating in in Boston in 1932) and one of the most gifted landscape The James Coco Diet — James Coco silver in the women's giant slalom, men. run of your life. Coop, have a good which was shot and colored around 1852, shows a search for jobs, of bread lines and soup kitchens, photographers of our time. Approaching Hoofbeats of the Four Horsemen Phil Mahre, the World Cup cham­ that Hamilton has outscored Si­ semi-nude woman reclining on a sofa. time.' She was so hyped up it was mond in the compulsories. and the desperate men and women unable to take care of This volume consists of black and white images •of the Apocalypse — Billy Graham pion, finished eighth and twin "1 always knew il 1 could get my On Wings of Eagles — Ken Follett tunny." lirst time in world competition he themselves. drawn from three decades of work, some of it never brother Steve was 17th. head in gear 1 could do it, " said THESE E A R LY photographs are important published before. The Best of James Herriot Asked if she hud any mixed has led after the opening program, because they are a vital link to human history, Jurij Franko earned host coun­ Armstrong, who Hung her arms and Hamilton was ecstatic later “DOROTHEA LANGE, Photographs of a Life "1 do not necessarily visualize complete images, try Yugoslavia's first Winter into the air several times after emotions about .settling once again providing such images for the first time of people, Tim e" (Aperture, $40), focuses on these troubled but rather my intent is to sense an emotional shape or Mass Paperbacks lor the silver. Cooper replied, when he exclaimed, "Yow. I've cities and the countryside. • Olympic medal ever with a silver receiving her medal, and then been second all the time. Always times and more. Miss Lange was on the staff of the grasp some inner visitation," Caponigro writes. 1984 — George Orwell "There's a little grumbling inside, Gemsheim is a prominent photo historian and and Andreas Wenzel of Liechten­ couldn't help from laughing during , second, second, second. 1 wanted Farm Security Administration. The agency, set up by "Achieve the mystery of stillness and you can Lonesome Gods — Louis L'Amour but I really feel good about it. You authority on the Victorian Age. His book is likely to stein took the bronze. the playing of the national anthem. to beat Christophe just once ... the Roosevelt administration, amassed more than experience a dynamic interaction with the life force Megatrends — John Naisbitt can take all the joy out ol lile by become a classic on the early years of photography. "1 didn't do anything special, 1 just what 1 did today in figures was 250,000 negatives during a seven-year period that goes beyond intellectual thought and touches the .2010 Odyssey Two — Arthur C.Elarke The British duo ol Jayne Torvill always wishing tor something "You put your camera around your neck in the tried to stay calm. 1 didn't think something I wanted to do once in documenting primarily rural life. deepest wells of existence." Deceive Not My Heart — Shirlee Busbee and Christopher Dean were ex­ about my s kiing too much. In the better." morning along with putting on your shoes, and there it my career. " The book contains people caught up in the economic Only a very tiny portion of these photographs shows Delta Star — Joseph Wambaugh pected to provide one of the high is, an appendage of the body that shares your life with past my problem was thinking too Scott Hamilton, an overwhelm­ calamity, migrant workers and farmers waiting for people. The rest, which attain a spiritual quality, is Blue Highways — William Least Heat Moon points of the Winter Games later in much. Today 1 didn't. I felt this Canada, and the you," Dorothea Lange once wrote. "The camera is an the day with their incomparable ing favorite to capture the men's relief checks, cotton sharecroppers and drought about nature and man's relationship to it. would be the run ol my life." gold in ligure skating, leads Soviet Union clinched berths in the world championship ice dancing- through three compulsory figures medal round ol t*'. presentation. Th«;24-year-old Cooper turned in the bc^Kjime ol the lirst run, but and is to perform the short tournament. Yankee Traveler Torvill and Dean are virtually alter the two had lunch together, program today. The United States, which was certain to take the gold, leaving Armstrong, a second- year knocked out of medal contention Travel In Brief Americans Judy Blumberg and member ol the National team, "1 wasnT nervous at all today, " with back-to-back losses to Canada-^ Michael Seibert with a shot at the overtook Cooper on the second run Hamilton said. "It just kind of and Czechoslovakia and the tie Britain promotes ‘heritage’ Winter surfers send chills up your spine bronze. at Jahorina and her aggregate ol 2 happened. Kitty and Peter Car- with Norway, gained its only Nick Thometz of Minnetonka. minutes 20.98 seconds earned ruthers" silver in the pairs last victory with a 7-3 decision over LONDON — Britain has designated all of 1984 to Minn., who finished fifth in the Armstrong the goldd by a mere night was inspiring. It will inspire Austria Monday. Pat LaFontaine, promote the nation's "heritage," and you'll Editor's Note: Another in a series of weekly features (11-14), juniors (males 15-17), men (18-24) masters, (1798-1981) on Sunday. Feb. 19 through March 25. UPI photo men's 500 meters speedskating, lour-tenths ol a second. Perrine the whole team, too. Rosalynn the ' No. 1 hardly be able to move in this country for written for UPI by the ALA Auto and Travel Club (25-34), senior men (36 and up). and women (all ages.) Kuniyoshi gained fame for his paintings of warriors in narrowly missed a medal in (he Pelen of France was third, (Sumners) being favored lor the draft pick, had three goals to spark celebrations. aimed at providing New Englanders with fuel- In addition to the age and gender categories, there are their moments of glory, his western and Japanese Canada's Gaetan Boucher skated to the gold medal 1,000 meters, winding up fourth "The only pressure 1 lelt was the gold and Judy (Blumberg) and the Americans, who close their "Thousands of organizations are taking part," conserving, close-to-home leisure trips. longboard, kneeboard and boggieboard divisions, landscapes and pictures of flora and fauna, behindGaetan Boucher of Canada, pressure I put on myselt, " Arm­ Michael (Seibert) going strong tor tournament play with the game says Alan Jefferson of the British Tourist open to ^11. particularly fish and cats. At 2 p.m. on the 19th, in Tuesday in the men's 1,000 meters speedskating event at who won the gold. Sergei Khleb­ strong, of Seattle, said of her a medal in the dunce. It's a really against Finland. Hartford Whaler Authority. “ Heritage '84 is an exciting attempt to By Jon Zonderman Competitors and spectators alike are encouraged to celebration of this opening exhibit, a traditional the Winter Olympics. Boucher had already taken the nikov of the Soviet Union won the feelings before the second run. "I big lift for all of us. draftee David J>i. Jensen added two package a country," stressing “ architecture, ALA Auto and Travel Club call (401-789-1954) on Feb. 17 between 3-9 p.m. for surf Japanese tea ceremony will be performed by the bronze medal in the 500. silver and Kai Arne Engelstad of lelt il I went up there and gave il "I'm just going to keep on goals for the Americans. Christianity, gardens, the arts, sports and conditions. The meet is "on call " and in the event of a Urasenke Tea ceremony of Boston. The fnuseum is popular music." WELLESLEY, Mass. (UPI) — Surfing in Rhode flat surf, will be rescheduled to Feb. 25 and Feb. 26. open Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday Here's a small sampleof some of the things that island, a winter carnival in Vermont, and Japanese from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Thursday from 10 a.m. to 10 includes: and black art exhibits in New Hampshire and AT THE Worcester Art Museum in Massachusetts, p.m., and Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m. Admission is free. • Ruined homes. Scotland has set up a Massachusetts highlight New England offerings for the exhibit: ' Monstrosities and Inconveniences: Call 603-669-6144 for information. Tar Heels retain “ Highland Clearances Trail," pinpointing derlicl the weekend of Feb. 17-19. Prints and Book Illustrations oi George Cruikshank," villages and "the story of people evicted by For hardy surfers, the 16th annual mid-winter continues through March il. Cruikshank was the BLACK HISTORY month is celebrated February at wiYan

IK MANCHKSTKK flKKALl), Tuesday. Keh. 14, 19M MANCHES’fER HERALD. Tuesday, Feb. 14, 1984 - 17 Sports in Brief Aquinas girls Scoreboard Post among UConn recruits whip Eagles STOKRS— All-Stale running back Doug Post ol West Virginia 88, Cam. (Pa.) 74 East Catholic High was among the 18 lootball Noordiques 6, Penguins 1 With a strong inside and outside game, St. T h A ias Big East standings WIdener 61, Sworthmore 40 recruits w ho signed National Letters ot Intent last South Aquinas overwhelrrte(P~'East Catholic, 63-41, in week to attend the University ot Connecticut. The PlltslNiFgh 0 10-1 Alabama 72, Tennessee 66 Harttord County'Corlference girls' basketball action Scholastic Hockey Georgetown Alcorn St. 105, Prairie View 47 Olympics group included nine players Irom the stale, in Quebec 13 3—6 Syracuse Athens St. 61, Cumberland 52 Monday night at the Eagles' Nest; First period—1, Quebec. M. Stastny 18 Villanova addition to Post. f i t Auburn 73, Vanderbilt 67 East linishes 0-10 in the conlerence and is 4-15 (Price, A. Stastny), 12:50. Penalties— Boston College Berry Coll. 61, N. Georgia 60 (OT) "1 leel we’ve had.a.very strong recruiting Rlisllng, Pitt, 11:36: Mann, Que, malor, overall heading into its linal game ol the '83-84 ECHO hockey raaults Providence Central Florida 73, Tampa 63 Olympic results year," said UConn head coach Tom Jackson. "W e ftasketball gomemlsconduct, 11:36; McC^arthy.T’ Itt, St. John's Concord 99, W.Va. State 92 campaign. Thursday night at home against St. Mite A 12:20; Polement, (}ue. 19:28. Pittsburgh had excellent response to our program, both in Second period—2, Quebec, McKegney Davidson 47, VMI 44 Bernard at 7; 30. Connecticut E. Tenn. St. 60, Furman 58 At Soraievo, Yugoslavia, Feb. 14 state and out ot state, and the support ot our 18 Seton Hall 10 8 14 Speedskating Aquinas. 5-5 in the HCC and 15-5 overall, moved to a Standings Brian Kellogg scored (our goals as (Hunter, Palement), 6:05. 3, Pittsburgh, E. Kentucky 62, Kentucky St. 56 Men's 1,0011 meters Connecticut high school coaches has been TrI-CIty Plaza split two games with Eckerd 78, St. Leo 74 21-14 lead alter one quarter and extended its margin to (CIL Shedden 14 (Taylor.Brickley), 7:24. 4, Flogler Col. 62, Oglethorpe 55 1, Goeton Boucher, Canada, 1:15.80. 2, superb." . O'all Wallingford, lasing 7-4land winning 3-2. Quebec. Palement 30 (Gmis, Cote), 11:31. Sdrgel Khlebnikov, Soviet Union, 1:16.63. 38-22 at the intermission. The Saints enjoyed a 53-29 Kevin Low and Pltll Dakin alsa Monday's Results Georgia 69, Miss. St. 45 "Our immediate goal was to bring in the best 5, Quebec, Marols 6 (GUulet, Hunter), St. John's68, Boston College 65 Georgia Coll. 87, LaGrange71 (OT) 3, Kol Arne Angelstod, Norway, 1:16.75. bulge alter three quarters. Slmiburv scared (or Trl-City. Dakin hod two 17:27.Penaltles—Dore,(3ue.2:42,' Kehoe, 4, Nick Thometz, Minnetonka, Minn., players’ we could, and work on detinite positions Holt assists. Kellogg, BUI Hayes and Chris Today's Game Hampton 79, J.C. Smith to Center Laura Marlin hud a game-high 23 points to Penney pm, 5:38. Providence at Syracuse Jacksonville 56, Florida St. 47 1:)6.85. 5, Andre Hoffman, East later," Jackson .said. "W e teel we've brought in Rouleau each hod one. Third period— 6, Quebec, Lapointe 1 Germany, 1:17.33. 6, Victor Chocherln, pace Aquinas. Carolynn DelSignore netted 10 points Manchester Mike WelnIckI played both games In Wednesday's Games Kentucky 67, Florida 65 some ol Connecticut's besliyoung athletes. . (P. Stastny), 13:04 7, (Juebec, Palement UConn at Seton Hall Lenolr-Rhyne 97, Wingate 81 Soviet Union, 1:17.42. 7, (tie) Andreas and grabbed 12 rebounds to lead East. Fermi goal for Trl-CIty and mode a total of 23 31 (Lapointe), 18:09. Penolties—Hryn6 Delll, East Germonv, ond Hilbert Von In addition to the 10 players Irom Connecticut, Windham saves. Georgetown at Villanova Liberty Baptist 53, Rodtord 48 AQUINAS (63) — Simpson 1 0-0 2, Montano 0 1-2 1. wich, Pitt, 0:47; McCarthy, Pitt, moior, Pittsburgh at Notre Dome Der DIum, Hollond, 1:17.46. 9, Akira three ot the recruits are Irom New York, two trom Ecgt Hbrttord 1:50; P. Stostny, moior, 1:50, Lapointe, Livingston 59, Delta Stole 55 Sheehan 4 0-3 8. Gavin 51-2 11. Bucci 40-0 8, Pelletier4 Wethersfield Saturday's Games Louisiana Coll. 72, Tougaloo 60 Kurolwo, Japan, 1:17.49. 10, Hein New Jersey, two trom Massachusetts and one Que, 14:14. Hrynewich, P itt, m lnor- UConn at Syracuse Vergeer, Holland, 1:17.57. 0-1 8, Camp 0 2-2 2, Marlin 11 1-4 23. Totals 29 5-14 63. Conard Squirt A malor, Lynchburg 37, Homden-Sydney35 trom Virginia. Enfield 1 13 1 13 Georgetown at Providence Mars Hill 72, Belmont Abbey 69 Also: 11, Erik Henriksen, Champaign, EAST CATHOLIC (41) - Bearse2 0-0 4, Burke 1 1-2 17:11; Moller, Que, mlnor-maior, 17:11; Pittsburgh at St. John's III., 1:17.64. 16, Dan Jansen, West Allis, Errey, Pitt, 17:19. Marshall 84, Appalachian St. 77 3. Barter 4 0-1 8, Wallace 4 0-0 8, Rallin 1 0-2 2, Qdc O'all Derek Moulton had two goals and Villanova at Seton Hall Maryland 61, Dayton 59 WIs., 1:18.73. 19, joeques Thibault, four assists as Fogarty Brothers won Shots on goal—Pittsburgh 8-11-5— Memphis State72, South Carolina6l ^Canada, 1:18.79. Mattingly to speak DelSignore 5 0-0 10, Palmer 3 0-0 6, Sulzinski 0 0-0 0. W L W L two games. 24. South Catholic 7 2 IS 2 Quebec 10-21-8-39. Miss. College 78 Jacksonville 76 Ice Hodcey Totals 20 1-5 41. East Catholic 6 3 9 8 Moulton scored one goal and as­ Big East result Morihead St. 78, Indiana SE 74 (ot) NEW BRITAIN — New York Yankees lirst sisted on the other three os Fogarty Goalies—Pittsburgh, Herron. Qu­ Standings Aaulnos 5 3 10 6 N.C.-Asheville62,Gardner-Webb48 ^ Group A St. Paul defeated Northern Connecticut, 4-2. ebec, baseman Don Mattingly will be the guest when 4 5 8 8 Greg Tolman hc^ a goal and an assist Bouchard. A—14,757. NC-Wlmlngtan61, Baptist 58 (ot) the World Series Club ol Harllord County hosts a UPI photo Xavier . 3 5 6 10 St. John's 68, Boston Collego 65 NE Louisiana 80, NW Loulslono 54 USSR 4 0 0 8 32 4 Northwest Catholic 0 7 3 13 tor Fogarty. The other goals were Navy 85, Campbell 61 bullet dinner Thursday. scored by Rod Gray ahd"Sean Malone. Sweden 3 0 1 7 33 5 Fitch grapplers Debbie Armstrong (center), winner of American Christin Cooper, who took Goaltender Chris Sensenev had to Roanoke 96, Marvville67 West Germany 2 1 1 5 18 13 The dinner will be held at the Elks Lodge, 30 coc O'all Canadiens5,Kings3 BOSTON COLLEGE (65) S.C. State 67, Howard 61 11 22 make only four saves to gain the Clark 87 84 9, Murphy 9-16 6-6 24, Italy 1 3 0 2 Washington Street, New Britain. For lurther the Olympic giant slalom event has her the silver medal. Perrine Pelen of France w L W L victory. ' Samtord 78, SE Louisiana 63 Yugoslovio 1 3 0 2 7 29 Portland 12 1 14 1 McCready 2-4 64 8, Primus 810 2-3 12, Shorter Col. 85, Piedmont Col. 72 * Poland 0 4 0 0 8 36 intormation. call 246-6861 in Harllord or 224-0412 arm raised in triumph- by fellow (right) took the bronze. Cromwell In Its other gome, Fogarty defeated Los Angeles 2 o 1—3 Adorns 2-10 1-1 5, Bowers 80 04 0, Tennessee St. 69, Murray St. 52 12 1 14 1 New Haven, 3-2. Moulton hod a goal Group B in New Britain. turn back East Bacon Academy 10 3 12 3 Montreal ,, r-i2 1 —5 Pressley 1-3 80 2, O'Shea 80 80 0, T enn.-Chottonooga 85, Citadel 83 Czechoslovakia 4 0 0 e 34 7 Coventry 10 4 12 4 and an assist. Gray and Steve Blair First period—1, Los Angeles, Smith 13 Tolley 2-3 1-2 5. Totals 2653 17-20 65. Vllionova-Fia 55, Flo Southern 53 also scored. Moulton, Tolmon and Ken ST. JOHN'S (M) Canada 4 0 0 8 24 6 GROTON — The record ol the East Catholic High Rocky Hill 5 8 6 9 (MacLellan, Hardy), 6:46.2, Los Angeles, Virginia Tech 76, Louisville 74 Finland 2 2 0 4 24 16 East Hampton 5 8 5 10 Herold had assists. Goalie Kevin Smith 14 (Taylor, Dionne) 15:16. 3, Mullin 11-16 84 25, Allen 87' 84 9, W.Vo. Tech 76, Fairmont 69 Turgeon out 10 days wrestling team lell to 4-15-1 Monday, as the Eagles Millen made 21 saves. U.S. 1 2 1 3 13 14 RHAM 4 9 5 10 Montreal, Turcotte 5 (Green), 16:08. -Wennington 88 3-4 15, Jackson 84 OO 6, W .Vo. W esleyan 87, A ld e rso n - Norway 0 3 1 1 10 37 dropped a 39-26 decision to Fitch in a match held here. Bolton 4* 10 4 12 Penalties—Root,

Ingraham named manager By Micheline AAdynard Look for the CLASSIFIED ADS with STARS; stars help you get Bruce Ingraham of Manchester has been United Press Internotional promoted to manager of The Casual Male clotliing store at 340 N. Main St.. West Hartford. DEARBORN, Mich. — Ford Motor Co. achieved the better results. Put a star on your ad and see what a Before joining The Casual Male, Ingraham was best-one-year improvement in U.S. corporate history self-employed. He worked for Ingraham Lawn when it followed a $658 million loss in 1982 with a Care and Landscaping for one year and record $1.87 billion profit in 1983 — a $2.5 billion difference it makes. Telephone 643-2711, Monday-Friday, Ingraham Associates as office manager for seven turnaround. months. He also worked for Hollyhock Antiques The 1983 results reported Monday were higher than for seven months. analysts had expected. The results mean a $69million Ingraham has attended both Becker Junior rofit sharing payout for 158,000 American workers, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. . College in Worcester, Mass;, and Manchester foth hourly and salaried, who each will receive $440. Community College. Another $83 million was paid into the ekecutive bonus fund. Union leaders hailed the performance, but noted the Help Wanted 21 AparlmenU for Rent 42 Services Offered 51 Income Tax Service 57 MHS graduate promoted workers' checks will be far less than million-dollar ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••■••••••••••••••••• June Mathieson,. a graduate of Manchester bonuses top executives may receive. "These and other matters will certainly be subjects DRIVERS WANTED — THREE ROOMS —• Heat, High School, has be6n promoted to director of s c n n H iE D Beauty For All Seasons, a color consulting of bargaining when we enter negotiations with Ford Light pickup and deliv­ hot water, stove, refrig­ ery. Must hove own company with 7,000 affiliated consultants this summer," said UAW Vice President Stephen e ra to r, carpet. $325. NAIU Yokich. economy car. Call Bruce, Adults only. No pets. worldwide. UPI photo 742-7601. ■y M andw . Mrs. Mathieson was named director after Ford's profit follows by one week General Motors Security deposit. Cen- trolly located. Call 646- Deng in my iieing. compiling an outstanding sales record. Corp.'s announcement of a record $3.7 billion profit Ford Motor Co, Chairman Philip $1.87 billion. The $2.5 biiiion turna­ for 1983. Chrysler Corp. and American Motors Corp, LUNCHEON WAITRESS 7690. CoN 646-0792 round from 1982 iosses is the iargest in — Monday thru Friday. report earnings next week. -, Caldwell answers questions at Monday ^ C^C U.S. corporate history. Mature, responsible. Ex­ BOLTON — Two room Bank has record earning^ The $1.87 billion profit for Ford translates to$10.29a news conference in Dearborn, Mich, perience preferred. Coll hcome Till share, compared with a loss of $658 million or $3.64 a opartment. Stove, refrig­ GLASTONBURY - Glastonbury Bank & Trust Ford posted record earnings in 1983 of between 10am and 2pm erator, no pets. Electric­ share in 1982. The profit surpasses the old annual S tT v ic s Co. has announcec) record 1983 earnings of for appointment, 646- ity, heat, parking. $350. $705,000, a 25 percent increase over 1982. profit mark of $1.67 billion, set tin 1977. Ford lost $1 $1 billion from a loss of $236 million or $1.30 a share in Ford's plant closing costs. 0103. Private building. Coll 643- SONSHINE DAY CARE FORM 1040 PREPARA TION. Good tax repres­ The earnings include an increase in net billion in 1981 and $1.5 billion in 1980. 1982. The old record was $594.8 million, set in the first Ford said its share of the U.S. car market was 17.2 2562. CENTER — 3 years thru entation should not bs operating income of 20 percent, the eighth "This achievement was made possible by a quarter of 1979. percent, up 0.3 percent from a year ago. Net incomein PART TIM E MORN INGS kinder loarten. $45 weekly. (Trinity Covenant available, only to the consecutive year the bank's income has in­ combination of higher industry sales, a strong Worldwide dollar sales of Ford products totaled the U.S. was $1.5 biiiion in 1983, compared to a loss of — Like to talk on the MANCHESTER — Cleon phone? Then why not get Church). Now taking ap­ wealthy, anymore! The creased. Assets at year-end totaled $98,483,000, a reception of our new cars and trucks, and the $44.5 billion in 1983, up 20 percent from 1982, Caldwell $ billion a year ago. two bedroom duplex. Ap­ 1.1 paid handsomely for do­ plications. Call 646-7160. Tax Saver 646-0015. 14 percent increase from the previous year. cumulative effect of several years of productivity said. Ford reported a profit of $351 million on pliances, private cellar, improvements and restructuring actions," Ford international operations, down $109 million from 1982. ing it. Work done from hookup, yard, conve­ Per-share earnings were $3.46 in 1983, com­ Payments from Ford's profit sharing plan will be our East Hartford office. RETIRED NURSE INCOME TAXES — Pre­ pared with $2.80 the previous year. Chairman Philip Caldwell said. The reduction in this traditionally strong area for' made in March. GM's profit had triggered a $322 nient. $350. No pets. Call Ford set a quarterly profit record in the fourth Call M r. Roberts at 282- 649-8350. WISHES private duty, pared by CPA. Business ft Glastonbury Bank & Trust Co. is an independ­ Ford was due to fore'ign exchange rates, the cost of million payout to its 531,000 U.S. employees, who will 0321. home care or compan­ Individual. Call John, ently owned, full-service bank with offices in quarter on earnings of $781 million or $4.28 a share, up introducing the new Sierra model in Europe and get around $640 each. ionship. Reasonable 659-3069. Colchester, East Hartford, Glastonbury, Por­ COVENTRY — Three f sunny rooms. Stove, re­ rates and efficient care. tland and Rocky Hill. Instruction 25 Call 649-7071. ‘ -■* frigerator, both, storms. Insulated, all electric. No pets. 423-3911; 742-5212, 4 7-11 employees honored Shoppers spend more in January than at Christmas Pomting/Paperlna 52 TAX PREPARATIONS — to 7pm. In the convenience of Four local 7-Eleven store managers and your home. Reliable franchisees have received awards lor outstand­ WASHINGTON (U PI) - Shoppers interrupted by December's surpris­ and it's a good guess,'' one analyst said. record high as was the $21.3 billion in TWO ROOMS — Stove, spent 2.2 percent more on retail goods ingly weak 0.1 percent increase. U.S. retail sales reached $104.4 auto sales. CERTIFIED MATH IN­ PAINTING AND PAPER reasonable. Call Norm ing perforVnance during 1983. refrigerator, heat and hot Marshall, 643-9044. A 'Rookie of the Year" award went to Gary in January than in December's Christ­ ' Department analysts said it ap­ billion in January after seasonal But otlier durable goods showed little STRUCTOR will tutor all water. For more Infor- HANGING —Exterior mas rush, with the increase mainly in peared that December's severe adjustment, $2.3 billion more in sales sales growth. Even with autos included grades. Complete, up­ motion call 563-4438 or and interior, ceilings re­ 'Siddell, franchisee of the 7-Eleven store at 305 dated SAT preparation, Green Road. Receiving awards lor sales or automobiles, foods and department weather kept many buyers away from than December, the department said. the sates of the heavy duty items were 529-7858. paired. References, fully TAX PREPARATION ft, and drug store items, the Commerce stores. Better weather in January up only 0.1 percent. enrichment and remedia­ insured. Quality work. ACCOUNTING — Indiv product programs were Bob 'and Linda Post, tion. Coll 649-5453. franchisees of the 7-Eleven on. Union Street in Department said today. allowed them to catch up and also Auto sales were up 1.2 percent, In contrast sales of non-durables, EAST HARTFORD — Mortin Mattsson, even­ dual and small busi Rockville, and Marie Nowak, siore manager of The January performance, the added some large price increases for accounting for $261 million of the from paper to food, were up a very Three room, one bed­ ings 649-4431. nesses. Full service or month's overall increase. TUTORING CLASSES room apartment. Phelps will show you how to do It the 7-Eleven on Ellington Road in South Windsor. strongest since May, was a return to food. strong 3.3 percent, the biggest surge for OFFERED IN SPANISH the vigorous buying trend that was •T ve seen that kind of pattern before The level of all sales was another that category sibce May 1975. Street. Call 289-8590 after GEORGE N. CONVERSE yourself. Call 647-8799, — Your home or mine. 5pm. — Painting and paper- evenings and weekends. Very reasonable rates. hanging. 30 Years Expe­ Call Marla/Doug, 649- I rience! Call 643-2804. 5661. Store/Office Sp o m 44 CEILINGS REPAIRED or REPLACED with dry- For Sale Real Estate NEWLY DECORATED wall. Call evenings, Gary 6 4 3 -2 7 1 1 OFFICE SPACE In Man­ McHugh, 643-9321. chester. Centrally lo­ Classified__ Household Goods 62 Business Opportunities .. .22 Store/Office Space ...... 44 Household Goods...... 62 For advertisements to be cated with ample park­ Notices Resort P ro p e rty ...... 45 Rates Homes for Sole 31 Building/Contracting 53 Situation W an ted ...... 23 Misc. for Sale ...... 63 published Monday, the dead­ ing. Call 649-2891. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Minimum Charge: Lost/Found...... 01 Employment Info...... 24 Misc. for Rent...... 46 Home and Garden ...... 64 line is 2:30 p.m . on Friday. Personals...... IT...... 02 Instruction...... 25 Wanted to Rent...... 47 Pets ...... 65 $2.25 for one day USED REFRIGERA­ Announcements...... 03 Roommates Wanted...... 48 Musical Ite m s ...... 66 P er W ord: MARTIN SCHOOL DIS­ MJWCHESTER FARRAND REMODEL­ TORS, WASHERS, TRICT — House wanted Auctions...... 04 Recreational Item s ...... 67 1-2 d a y s ...... 15« Read Your Ad ING — Cabinets, roofing, Ranges - clean, guaron- Real Estate for immediate or future NOW lENTmC gutters, room additions, teed, parts and service. Services AntiQues...... 68 3-5 d a y s ...... 14c Classified advertisements purchase. Must be well Low prices. B.D. Pearl & Homes for Sale...... 31 Tag Sales...... 69 6 d a y s ...... 13c 822 MAIN ST. decks, all types of remo­ Misc. for Sole 63 Misc. for Sale 63 Cors/Trucks for Sale 71 Cars/Trucks for Sale 71 are taken by telephone os a priced. 871-7177. deling and repairs. FREE Son, 649 Main Street, Financial Condominiums ...... 32 Services O ttered...... 51 Wanted to Buy ...... 70 26 d a y s ...... 12c convenience. estimates. Fully Insured. 643-2171. Painting/Papering...... 52 Mortgages...... 1> Lots/Land for Sale ...... 33 Happy Ads: The Manchester Herald is Telephone 643-6017, after Building/Contracting...... 53 2 IToS r ItDO. SEVEN ALUMINUM TRUNK — Metal with 1976 PONTIAC SUNBIRD Personal Loans...... 12 Investment Property ...... 34 $3.00 per colum n inch responsible only for one incor­ Condominiums 32 6pm, 647-8509. BUNKBEDS With Mat­ „ B ank. Business P ro p erty...... 35 Roofing/Siding ...... 54 AIR CONDITIONED tresses, $250. Girls white STORM WINDOWS — wood trim, 36" long, 23" — Automatic, power Insurance...... 13 rect insertion and then only FULLY SPRINKLERED 50%" by 32". $10 each. Repossessions Resort P ro p e rty ...... 36 Heating/Plumbing...... 55 Automotive Deadlines French Provincial bed­ high, 20" wide. About 70 steering, sunroof. Must Wanted to Borrow ...... 14 for the size of the originol DOVER ELEVATOR DESIGN KITCHENS by Two windows, 3SV." by years old. $45. Call 649- Sell! $1500. Call 649-3118. F lo o ring ...... 56 MANCHESTER — Wells- PARKING PRIVILEGES J. P. Lewis. Cabinets, room set, $475. Call 649- F O R S | L E Cars/Trucks for S a le ...... 71 For classified advertise­ insertion. ALTER TO SUIT 24", $8. each. Call 646- 7625. weep Phase II, 400 North vanities, formica, Wilson 4179 after 5pm. I 960 Dodo* Colt Income Tax Service...... 57 Motorcycles/Bicvcies___72 ments to be published Tues­ 1.000 to 6D00S/F 4706. PONTIAC, 1982 T1000 _ Rentals E rro rs which do not lessen Main Street. New two art, Corian counter tops, 1878 ChtvroM Camaro Employment Services W anted...... 58 Rec Vehicles...... 73 PB1 FLOOR Excellent condition. Au­ day through Saturday, the the value of the advertisement bedroom town houses, OFFICE SUITES kitchen cabinet fronts, HOTPOINT REFRIGER­ 1978 T -B Ird Rooms for Rent ...... 41 Auto Services...... 74 $99 BUYS A SUBURBAN LUTE STYLE MAN­ tomatic, low mileage, deadline is noon on the day will not be corrected by on 1 '/z baths, applianced kit­ FIRST FLOOR RETAIL complete woodworking ATOR — Good condition. 1988 Ford Mualang & Education Apartments for Rent ...... 42 For Sale OR OFFICES COAL-MASTER for use DOLIN — For more Infor­ Autos for Rent/Lease...... 75 before publication. chens, Anderson win­ service, custom made Suitable for cottage or The above can be seen sunroof. $4595. Call after Help Wanted ...... 21 additional insertion. In a cellar Works fine. mation call 649-7120. $50. 4pm, 871-2496. Homes for Rent ...... 43 Holiday/Seasonal...... 61 Misc. Automotive ...... 76 dows, full basements, 647.5003 furniture, colonial repro­ family room. $50. Call at SMB 649-1433, Keep Tryingl Cosmetically poor. Call 913 Main St. ------%------$58,400. Peterman ductions In wood, 9 varie­ 644-2063. Realty, 649-9404 or 647- ties of hardwood and DRESSER — 2 large Misc. Automotive 76 1340. veneers NOW IN STOCK Pets 65 1975 FORD GRANADA — MANCHESTER — Office drawers, 2 small draw­ BRAND NEW ONE AMP Help Wanted 21 Help Wanted near Superior Court. Call 649-9658 or evenings, Train Transformer, $25. High mileage. Nice look­ Notices 21 Help Wanted 21 Help Wanted 21 Help Wanted 21 Help Wanted 21 Help Wanted 21 289-7010. ers. Needs work. Maho­ Lots/Lond for Sale Newly redecorated. Air Call 643-6463. ing car. Best offer over gany color. $15. Call 643- FREE TO GOOD HOME $700. Call 643-7714 after FOR SALE: Two Dunlop conditioned and heated. 2880. steel belted radial snow $125 per month. Call 646- LEON CIESZYNSKI ONLY — Collle/She- 6pm. PART TIM E — Local BANKING — Expe­ POSITION AVAILABLE tires and wheels. P205- Lost/Found Corporation now hiring 0505. BUILDER— NeWiiomes, pherd mix. Excellent 01 rienced proof operator. — 2 or 3 days a week, FREE CATALOG, Of additions, remodeling, DINETTE SET — Solid temperament with kids. T5R14 Fits 1980 Plymouth for several positions 3-5 RESPIRATORY THERAPIST FUll TIME/PART TIME Full time. South Windsor taking care of a disabled Land Bargains — 5 acres rec rooms, garages, kit­ honey tone hardwood ta­ MUST SELL! 1974 Volore. $35 each. Call evenings per week, wee­ Full time opening available in our respiratory therapy EXPERIENCED TYPE­ Numerous jobs availa­ 1006 so. FT. — Ample LARGE SELECTION of Good watch dog. One Bank 8. Trust Co. Contact person in wheelchair. to 500 acres, covering chens remodeled, ceil­ ble, 30" X 40", plus two year. Call 646-7899. MONTE CARLO — New: 649-9902. kends optional. Starting dept. Hours are 10:45a.m.-9:15p.m.74 Day Work Week SETTER to work on Har­ ble. Hours can be flexi­ Warren Matteson for ap­ parking, $200 monthly. slide out extensions, four general fireproof used LOST — Maroon Hockey (10 hr. day), every other weekend off. no split days. Pre­ Light housekeeping, va­ Vermont and the Berk- ings, both tile, dormers, Transmission, carbure­ Pants. Corner of East rate $7.25, ideal for some­ ris Advertising terminal. ble. Chances for ad­ pointment, 289-6061. 300 sq. ft., $100 monthly, matching chairs. $60. Call metal office desks, $35 ference will be given to registered therapist, but will cuuming. Able to travel if shlres, at lowest imagina­ roofing. Residential or each, filing cabinets, tor, plugs, wires, 2snows. ONE OF THE surest wavs Center and Pitkin one working during the Accurate typing and vancement for both oir. 236-6021, 644-3977. 649-5684. FOR SALE: 13 week old to find bargain buys is to consider registry eligible with minimum 1 yr. experi­ part time and full time possible. Only those who ble prices. Write: CA- commercial. 649-4291.’ chairs, bookcases, stor­ Good running condition. Streets, on Thursday, day and callege students. ence. Candidate must be proficient in drawing ABG, some prior knowledge of BABYSITTER IN MY are serious minded need TAL(XJ OFFICE, P.O. Sheltie. Has had shots. shop the classified ads Must be High Schaol grad employees. No train­ M AIN STREET — Cen­ age cabinets. Priced for $1200. Call 647-8273 after February 9th. Phone 647- familiar with continuous ventilation therapy and newspaper ad makeup a HOME for one year old. apply. Interviews will be Box 938, North Adams, ANCHOR ELECTRICAL With papers. Asking $375. 5pm. every day. 9546. and have use of car. Call modalities of respiratory therapy. Excellent salary and must. Send resume to ing necessary. For Tuesday-Frldoy morn­ trally located office su­ quick sale. 649-9953, Call 647-9246. rapidly expanding held at residence. Reply Mass. 01247. ite. 600 sq. ft. Heat, air CONTRACTORS — Do Gremmo & Son Sales, 819 721-0349, 4-7pm. benefit.s For more info., please contact the Personnel Box SS, c/o The Man­ ings 5am-8am. $2.50 per to Box UU c/o The Man­ Dept, at 647-4710 business of food conditioning, utilities any size or type of work. Mite, for Sale 63 East Middle Tpke., TOWN OF MANCHESTER chester Herald, P.O. Box hour. Call 646-4016. chester Herald. TWO LOTS TOGETHER Fully insured. Free esti­ Employment SERVICE STATION AT­ MANCHESTER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 591, Manchester, • CT manufacturing goods. ond parking. Reasonable Manchester. l e g a l n o t ic e Apply at: — 50' X 140' each. Call rental. Lease and secur­ mates. Call 647-0293. ______Antiques 68 At o meeting on February 4, 1984 the Planning and Zoning TENDANT — With me­ 71 HayMS StrMt 06040. M/WAGEMENT ______875-1548. Direct from r-A i o n n IIMITC ...Kk Commission made the following decisions: chanical ability. Apply in ity. Available Imme­ HaKfeMter, CT 06040 owner. CALROD UNITS with re- GERALD INVESTMENTS, INC. (G-46) — Denied )he person: 252 Spencer EOE M/F diately. Call 649-2865. ROBERT E. JARVIS — fleeter plates tor Frlgl- application and zoning classification of Planned Residence & Education MATURE STOCK CARLA'S PASTA Building and Remodeling Street, Manchester. 27SA Progress Drive A good choice: daire stove. Eight Inch a k it io iif s a n d Development — 625V Keeney Street. CLERK — Driver's li­ Speciollst. Additions, and six Inch A skina S15 7 I c TIMOTHY J. DEVANNEY (D-30) — Denied o zoning SUPERINTENDENT WAITRESS — Expe­ cense required. Apply in M anchester WILL SHARE 600 sq. ft. ALUMINUM SHEETS ana SIX inen. A »ing SI5 COLLECTIBLES- W ill classiticatlon of Ott-Street Parking and a site plan tor SECOND SHIFT SER­ Ask for Carol Rentals Ottice Space — Three garages, roofing, siding, Help Wanted 21 NEEDED — For apart­ rienced for cocktail person: Marlow's, 867 kitchens, bathrooms, re­ used as printing plates — or pest otter, call 649- purchase outright or sell Cerllflcoteot Occupancy for Ofl-Street Parking for a parcel VICE STATION MAN­ ment camplex located In lounge. Friday and Satur­ Main Street. rooms. Excellent for ac- .007" thick, 23 X 24". SOe 3893. on com m ission House lo t of oporoxlmotelv 0.54 acres — 153V/163V Hlghwood Drive. AGER - Medical, countont. Centrally lo­ placement wlndows- ______commission. Houseiot J^^CY s p e n c e r (S M) — Approved the amendment to the Manchester. Live an the day nights. Call 289-2946. n RETRIL /doors. Call 643-6712. each, or 5 for $2.00. Phone iD n u c -ro K ic enrs c A i °T Single Piece. Tele- official designated wetlands on a portion of land — 90Bell hospitalization and pen­ premises. Must have pre­ OFFICE CLERK - busy Rooms for Ront 41 cated. Write: P.O. Box 643-2711. They MUST be IK U N b lU N c POR SALE iPhone 644-8962. Streef (effective date — February 29, 1984). PART TIM E — Earn up to BABYSITTER WANTED sion benefits. Call Mou- vious experience. Send PART TIME DATA EN­ office needs person for — For late evenings. 144, Manchester, CT picked up before — Twelve place settings r a YMONOF.DAMATO(D-18A) — Appravedasiteplanfor $150 per week. Fast grow­ CARPENTRY AND MA­ of MIkasa Potter's Art, bird/duck shelters as submitted — 240 New state Road. arlce Mariarty or Stan resume to: Fountain Vil­ TRY CLERK — To work telephone, typing and Flexible hours. Must be 06040. 11:00a.m. only. ing corporation needs Graham at Morlarty SONRY — Free esti­ Sonnrn Pottarn tan assasssaaaasaaaasaaaaaa JOHN MCCONVILLE (M-54) — Approved with modltlco- lage, 175 A, Downey days. Starting time-8am. clerical work. Hours 7:30 mature, reliable and GENTLEMAN PRE­ mates. Call Tonv, Is J-A k A -.r ilo .o ,', . A. tions o plan of subdivision for 3 lots on property bounded bv people now! For Inter­ Brothers. Drive, Manchester, CT LARGE, CONVENIENT Manchester 649-1847. A l l t n m n t i V A woodbridge street, Avondale Road and Auburn Road — 302 view call 647-8730. Position should average to 11:30; 12:30 to 4:30. have own transportation. FERRED. $50.00 weekly. 649-0811. 06040. OFFICE SPACE — In ------P A W i w i i i v i i T C Woodbridge Street. 30 hours weekly, with Please mail resume with Call 646-6709. 646-2000. POOL T A B L E __32 x 60 ROBERT C. DENNISON (D-29) — Approved modifications PERSON WITH COMPE­ fewer hours in winter salary requirements to CRREER lUITH professional building. CARPENTRY — Repairs, IncUiHas holls rock nnri aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa to an approved plan of subdivision - 111V Carter Street, CUSTODIAN WANTED - TENT Clerical Skills for TYPIST — Organized In­ months, and more during Ottice Glerk, 673 Spring NOW HIRING — Offshore Heat and electricity In­ inciuaes pans, rack and pj these decisions has been filed in the Town Clerk's Part time early morn­ SHARE V/t BATHS — security locks, remodel­ EXCELLENT QUALITY an exciting, congenial dividual with minimum the spring. Previous ex­ St., Manchester 06040- Oil Drilling. Overseas & Kitchen privileges with cluded. Available Imme­ pool sticks. $30. Call 646- cart/Traefcs for Sale 71 office. ings. 24 hours per week. ing, alterations, garages, HARDWOOD. Mostly 1565. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION and well-equipped office. five years office expe­ perience is not required. 6799. Domestic. Will train. ' owner and one other diately. McCavanagh See Scotty at Morlarty Send resume to Person­ cumBERinno nms Realty, 649-3800. additions, family rooms, green. Cut, spilt and deli­ ——— aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Kwosh, Secretary rience. Must have strong For more Information $25,000 - 35,000 plus poss. tenant. Both men. Tele­ formica, cabinetry, vered. Minimum 2 cords. /-ADDcu-rirac /-once Dated at Manchester, CT this 14th dov Of February, 1984. Brothers, weekdays, 7 to nel, Box 847, Manchester, math aptitude and plea­ call: 246-6100 or apply at: Call Petroleum Drilling 10am. FIGURE APTITUDE and phone 649-7630. closets, roofs, gutters, $70/cord. Call 649-1831. CUT SAW wi?h 26^'s°^1 1971 CHEVY CONCOURS ^ ______CT 06040. sant telephone manner Chemlawn Corp., 70 Bld- typing needed for varied Service at (219) 931-2199, For a career In which you can advance porches, decks, hatch­ blade and wooden han- WAGON ■“ Y *' ° ‘**°‘ Court of Probate for diversified duties on well Rood, South duties in payroll depart­ ext. 2340. Also open fast and far, with little or no previous cnmui tpsoNSf aatiKT ways. 20 YEARS EXPE­ Apartments tor Ront 42 I die. Like new. $10. Phone Buyer meets seller in District of Manchester KIT 'N' CARLYLE ® by Larry Wright front reception desk. Call Windsor. ment of stock brokerage evenings. experience, there's nothing like retail I la if/iH M RIENCE - QUALITY - SWEDISH ICE AUGER — for an appointment, 646- management. And, with over 1100 conve­ ■ 8.000 iq tt we#ehooie o# Bssem. 6 inch with sharpening firm in downtown Hart­ ■ blybuilding Loqdingdoch Sotf**- INTEGRITY. DAN ______tion, defogger. Good hippy^rneeting “oT^both* gu 4048. RN ford. Setting up person­ CLERK/TYPIST — Ma­ nience stores and 3 new stores opening ■ M M doors Foftcod porWAg MORAN — 649-5684. stone, $20. Call 649-2048. 3 pm >11 pm, part time. nel files. Insurance ture person for small weekly, there's no place like Cumberland MANCHESTER-One, two law 8«H(v _ _ M7-8gg$ CERAMICS KILN — Rog- ®"hlk?e'‘ Ca'Ii 643-2711. ‘ an h,Mpable°M?JSm p lV s i^ IT M|oRK'^,cVcR£

BUSINESS Gloria Weiss says diets Reubln Askew marches f ; ^ MHS, ECHS need not be a big bore to a different drummer hoop winners The stock market drubbing: It’s not over! ... page 13 ... page 2 ... page 9 could lead to a resumption of the bull market. Ken Rolland, the chief investment officer of the purchased some gold stocks (such as ASA, Homestate Let’s look at each indicator. Chemical Bank, put it bluntly to me late last week as Mining and Benquet Corp.). The pull-call ration: Bottoms are reached when the stock market was getting creamed. He reasons that at some point "the Fed will panic" — meaning they'll jam rates down. This will cause the volume on put options^ right to sell a stock) exceeds "Were the most concerned we've been since volume on call «fplions (a right to buy a stock). A August of '82 (which is when the bull market started.) Dan Dorfman economy to pep up. the dollar to drop and gold, he press-time, volume on call options was outpacing the I don't know if this is going to be a good year for the figures, should head up in price in anticipation of volume on put options by a two-to-one-margin. market." inflationary fears. Cloudy tonight; Manchester, Conn. Syndicated "That’s why we're buying gold stocks (which have Futures contracts: Here we’re referring to a right ' Rolland, who personally supervises one of the to buy a market index at a given price in a specified warm Thursday Wednesday, Feb. 15, 1984 largest pools of investment money in the country — Columnist recently been strong) for the first time in three period. A bottom is reached, says Fosback, when the $15 billion — symbolizes what's shaping up to be a years,” says Kroll. — See page 2 Single copy; 25® While the market has undergone a recent sharp contracts — which could cover the Value Line, Big growing movement among the increasingly nervous Board or Standard & Poor’s indexes — trade at institutional biggies (and one that's distinctly drubbing, the fact is most investors haven’t made money since last June. Many, in fact, have been discounts to the actual value of the index. At present, negative for investors). these contracts are selling at a premium to the value In brief, big gobs of institutionai money are being devastated in the marketplace — though this has been masked until recently by a reasonably strong Dow. of the indexes. pulled^ffTdf^quities at a growing pace in the lace of STEVE KROLL SHARES Rolland's concerns. Kroll To Fosback, this clearly shows that the bearish mounting fei^-about the vigor of the economy. In manages $1.3 billion worth of E.F. Hutton mutual sentiment is not nearly as pervasive as we think fact, one institutional trader who deals with some of funds (all equities) and last month he quickly boosted A DRAMATIC EXAMPLE of the devastation that's the biggest funds around tells me: "Many of these cash reserves more than fourfold — from 10 percent to recently been unleashed can be seen in the huge despite the market’s recent bum showing. guys,are scared to death." its current 42 percent. January decline of the once-hot 44 Wall Street Fund Investment advisers: Since investment advisers Old debate The reason: Big worries about the courseof interest "We expected interest rates to ease, but when they (run by David Baker). are wrong most of the time, more of them should be New leader rates — given a budget deficit that's out of control and didn't — when Voicker (Federal Reserve chairman The Dow (ell about 3.5 percent this year through selling than buying for a favorable market signal. A the apparent inability of the White House and Paul Voicker) decided to play Scrooge ■— we decided Feb. 2, but the 44 Wall Street Fund (assets: $183 billion preferable ratio would be twice as many bears as Congress to take the necessary steps to bring about to raise a lot ol money, " Kroll says. as of year-end 1983) was tagged (or a virtually bulls. At present though, 67 percent of the advisers are significant cuts. Both Kroll and Rolland think it’s only a matter of one-month loss of over 16 percent. It was the single bullish. returns on time before the Fed loosens up on the credit reins, bigget decline among the 633 mutual funds tracked by Insider activity: This refers to the smart money — attacks "INTEREST RATES have stopped going down, since they feel that failure to do so would ultimately Lipper Analytical Services. the buying and selling activity of corporate insiders in which puts a lid on what you can value equities for," produce a recession. The 44 Wall Street Fund recently held positions of at their own companies’ shares. It’s positive for the says Rolland. "Theresa fear that interest rates could Kroll expects it happen in thespringand he believes least 300,000 shares in such companies as Commodore ' market when more corporate insiders buy than sell. HUD funds go higher and short-circuit the economic recovery. So that will set the stage for the second leg ol the bull International, U.S. Surgical and Sensormatic Elec­ But the latest reading is clearly negative; three we've become more cautious ... and we re going to market. tronics — each of which has been hit for big declines. insiders are selling (or every one who’s buying. U.S. policy By Alex Gii elli watch on the sidelines how things play out." The question everybody asks, he tells me, is — why The fund also suffered. I’m told, from hefty losses in In watching from the sidelines. Chemical Bank is is the market going down when the economy's so Digital Switch. MCI, Waste Management and TO FOSBACK, the unmistakable bottom line is that Herald Reporter doing so with sharply increased cash reserves. In good'.’ Intermedics. the rnarket needs more of a hosing before it gets its act By Steven ft. Reed ¥ August of 1983, the bank's equity accounts were 5 And the answer, he says, is the economy's slowing As one source close to Baker put it: "The poor guy together. United Press International Old argument.s over the town’s participation in percent in cash: today, 25 percent. Obviously. Rolland because real interest rates — that’s the cost of money, forgot to duck. " "1 don't know if we’re going down another 25 points -V- federal grant programs administered by the is worried. minus inflation — are too high. f or 125 points, but we’re going lower because this MOSCOW — New Soviet leader Konstantin Department ol Housing and Urban Development How would Rolland — who caught the 1982 bull WHILE SOME MARKET PROS argue that a corporation has yet to run its course,” he concludes. Chernenko, meeting with Cuba’s Fidel Castro and resurfaced Tuesday night among members of the market at its beginning — construct a portfolio today ? KROLL OBSERVES that you pay 13 to 14 percent bottom is close at hand, it's anything but reflected in Charles Lewis, a bright market thinker over at Nicaragua's leftist leader, today attacked U.S. policy Board of Directors and Some citizens at the directors’ He'd put 38 percent in threc-to-five-year Treasury for a car or home loan. Subtract the inflation rate of lour key indicators closely followed by Norm Shearson Loeb Rhoades, thinks we could see the in Central America and the "aggressive intrigues of meeting. instruments (yielding 11 percent and up), 12 percent about 3 percent and you have real interest rates of 10 Fosback, thesavvy editor of Market Logic, a biweekly possible enactment this year of a surcharge — a U.S. imperialism.” The upshot was a 4-4 vole which defeated a motion to in short-term T-bills and the remaining 50 percent in to 11 percent. And that's something, says Kroll, the investment newsletter out ol Fort Lauderdale, Fla. one-shot hit against our 1984 income — as one way of "Both sides strongly denounced Washington’s appoint a committee (or a study of the town’s position equities. economy can’t sustain. The four rate: (1) the put-call ratio, (2) futures attacking the big budget'deficit. intention to whip up tension, to interfere in the internal with respect to the grants. But he'd build an equity position slowly, focusing on When does the market hit bottom? contracts on stock market indexes (3) the mood of But barring that, he says, this market (the Dow) affairs of countries in that region and to impose its Town voters decided in 1979 to withdraw from the quality stocks (like IBM, American Home Products "It depends on how much ol a Scrooge Voicker will investment advisers and (4) corporate insider should spend the next several months puttering writ on them,” th6 official Tass news agency reported Community Development Block Grant program and Dayton-Hudson) where you have reliability of be and lor how long," responds Kroll. "My guess is activity. around between 1115 and 1220. after his meeting with Nicaraguan junta leader because ol what opponents felt were the arbitrary earnings. "This is no time to play earnings we’re looking at an 1100 Dow. ” ' The idea here is you need more pessimism — in one "At the moment," says Lewis, "there’s just no Daniel Ortega. conditions the lederal agency attached to the uncertainty." he says. Though gloomy on the market, Kroll has recently case more optimism — before a bottom is created that reason for this market to go up.” Chernenko’s attack on the United States came less programs. than 24 hours after he met with Vice President George The directors did decide "Tuesday night to invite a Bush, who said the new Kremlin leader agrees \ HID representative to talk to them about whether the "constructive"' steps are needed to halt the decline in UPI photo conditions attached to the grants have changed since U.S.-Soviet relations. (center right with white hair), has 1979 and whether the town actually meets the , B usiness FTC says approval ”We felt the spirit of the meeting was excellent," Vice President George Bush between conditions. Bush said Tuesday after his talks with Chernenko translator and Sen. Howard Baker on his Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko at his Voting for establishment of a study committee were following the funeral of Soviet President Yuri left, meets new Soviet leader Konstantin right. V Director Stephen T, Cassano. who proposed the idea, In B rief Andropov. and Mayor Barbara Weinberg, Director Stephen T. of Getty-Texaco deal "The way the whole relationship was discussed was Chernenko at the Kremlin. Chernenko Penny, and Director Eleanor Coltman, all Sattar named vice president very temperate, very reasonable,” Bush had said Middle East and nuclear arms, toward improved Politburo to a last viewing ol the remains ol Democrats. before leaving for Rome. U.S.-Soviet relations. Andropov, escorted the luneral cortege a quarter ol a Voting against were Director James Fogarty, EAST HARTFORD — United Technologies' After his meeting with Ortega, whose leftist regime Chernenko also met with Castro, Tass said, and mile into Red Square, eulogized Andropov in a lengthy Democrat, and Republican Directors Donna Mercier, Pratt & Whitney has appointed Siddiq A. Sattar ot contains safeguards is under attack from U.S.-backed Nicaraguan reiterated Kremlin backing for Cuba's opposition to speech and stood in the 12 degree wind- chilled air (or William Diana, and Peter DiRosa. Bolton as vice guerrillas, Chernenko reiterated Moscow's- support "the aggressive intrigues of U.S. imperialism. ” 45 minutes. Director Kenneth Tedford was absent. president-PW4000 Penny opposed having a HUD representative speak By Thomos Ferraro provide certain Getty customers on the for "the Nicaraguan people, defending the freedom Chernenko, who succeeded Andropov Monday as After the luneral, hundreds ol visiting dignitaries and JT9D engine and independence of their homeland.” head of the Soviet Communist Party, also met with were able to meet w ith Chernenko. Foreign Minister to the board. He argued that, il the directors decided programs for the United Press International West Coast with crude oil through 1989. later to appoint a committee, the committee would The FTC’s tentative approval ot the The comments indicated Central America re­ Politburo member Truong Chinh of Vietnam and was Andrei Gromyko and Prime Minister Nikolai company's Com­ mained one of the biggest obstacles, along with the scheduled to see Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Tikhonov at a reception in the white marbled splendor, want to get the same information again. mercial Products WASHINGTON - The P'ederal agreement will be subject to a 60-day John Tucci. ol 30 Castle Road, told the directors he Trade Commission says its tentative period for public comment. In nearly •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Trudeau later in the day. of St. George's Hall in the Kremlin. Division. Chernenko had presided over a four-day official Bush was joined by U.S. Ambassador Arthur saw no need C> re-examine the town's position on Sattar's responsi­ approval ol the biggest corporate all cases, the FTC gives tentatively lederal grants tinwess there is a public groundswell in merger in U.S. history — Texaco's approved consent agreements final mourning period that ended Tuesday with the burial Hartman and Senate Republican Leader Howard bilities include pro­ Inside Today of Andropov. Afterward he met with Bush and other Baker ol Tennes.see in his private meeting with favor of it. gram management takover of Getty Oil — contains enough approval. Balilla Pagani. another opponent of the program, safeguards to protect competition and Edwin Rothchild, executive director visiting world leaders. Chernenko and Gromyko. for the PW4000 and 24 pages, 4 sections "What we are really trying to do is to set the tone (or It was the lirst meeting between a top U.S. official told the directors the town will be inviting further JT9D product lines, consumers. ol the Citizen-Labor Energy Coalition, But a commission member and the said, "The takeover would be un­ a.wfiole new phase of East-West relations. " British and a Soviet leader since Bush met Andropov at the expeSditures if it re-enters the program. He commercial turbo­ executive director ol a consumer group A dvice...... 14 Lo ttery...... 2 Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said, "1 was Brezhnev funeral. mentioned a $300,000 expense, apparently alluding to fan engines de­ healthy lor the industry and unhealthy Area tow ns...... 19 Obituaries...... 8 the legal costs the town incurred in defending its tear the $10.1 billion deal will curb lor the consumer by reducing competi­ Business...... 20 Opinion...... 6 extremely pleased with the talks we had." "We are grateful to the general secretary, Mr. signed for current Clossltled...... 21-23 Peopletollc...... 2 French Premier Pierre Mauroy said Chernenko Gromyko and others who were there for that tone that w ithdrawai from the program in court. The town won and proposed wide- competition and drive up oil prices. tion. " His organization includes about By a 4-1 vote Monday, the FTC 300 citizen, labor and consumer groups. Comics ...... 18 Sports...... 9-12 showed "a strong desire to improve cooperation signals to us that w e can build Irom there. " Bush said a decision over the U.S. Justice Department in that body aircraft. cleared the way lor Texaco to acquire Entertainment...... 16 Television...... -....18 between France and the Soviet Union." at a news conference before Hying to Rome. suit. Since joining In a statement issued from its Robert Faucher told the directors he favors a Getty stock by conditionally accepting headquarters in White Plains, N.Y., Earlier, the Soviet Union and its leaders bade "Chernenko agrees about the need to place our P&W in 1965, Sattar farewell to Andropov, extolled as 'a glorious son ol relationship upon a more constructive path, in the committee made up of persons who were on both sides has held a variety ol a consent agreement aimed at resolv­ Texaco said, "The FTC has adopted a SAMPLES TODAY ing potential antitrust problems. The Manchester Herold today continues It^ sampling the Communist Party, ” with a hero’s funeral in Red interest of true peace, " Bush said. ^1 the 1979 dispute, provided they are not people who positions within the procedure which provides for a com­ Will refuse to change their views no matter what the Timothy Muris, director ol the FTC's plete and expeditious solution ol all program to bring copies ot the newspaper to non- Square. To that end, he said, both sides ' recognized wg have engineering depart­ Bureau ol Competition, told a news subscribers In Manchester. Chernenko, named the party general secretary some fundamental dillerences. We got them out there evidence. ment. Most re­ antitrust i.ssues." Cassano, when he broached the idea a couple of conference, "We think we have ad- The $10.1 billion merger would Monday, led the members ot the party's ruling and were quite (rank about it." cently, he was chiel Siddiq A. Sattar dres.sed every antitrust concern " by months ago and again Tuesday night, said he had in engineer- eclipse the previous record takeover, mind a committee that would have members on both requiring certain divestitures and Du Font's $8 billion acquisition oi structures, systems, controls and mechanical specific operating conditions. sides of the question and possibly some to represent components. Conoco Inc., another oil company. newcomers to town who do not have a view. But FTC Commissioner Michael The merger will make Texaco the Sattar is a graduate of Punjab University in Pertschuk. who cast the dissenting Rebels take junction The suggestion for a meeting of directors with a Pakistan and the University of Minnesota with nation's second largest oil company in L a HUD representative came from Fogarty. bachelor's and master's degree in civil engineer­ vote, said, "1 think this is part of a terms of revenues alter Exxon Corp. pattern of lax antitrust enforcement by and the third largest in terms of assets Cassano argued that the town is not getting grant ing, respectively. this administration. money and has lost about $1 million in grants that alter Exxon and Mobil. w ould have paid for some work that is being postponed "Under any other recent administra­ The FTC announced its decision at 9 near Marines’ post tion, Republican or Democrat, this instead. Plant capacity expanding a.m. EST, an hour before Wall Street Fogarty countered that any grants the town is not merger would have been challenged” opened. By noon, Texaco said it had in court, he said. By Philip Williams said the salvos were aimed at artillery getting,are the ones the people voted pot to accept. DANBURY — The Union Carbide Corp. will purchased 35.1 million of the 38 million Director Mercier said she does not see why the substantially increase the capacity of a Lousiana Under the proposed agreement, Getty shares' it offered to buy in its Outlook for Europe United Press International positions in Syrian-controlled territory 4 '! plant which makes polyethylene, a high-strength Texaco would divest Getty assets tender offer of $128 a share. in response to "hostile (ire directed board should not hear from the town administration totaling several hundred million dol­ Western Europe is expected to experience little or no economic BEIRUT, Lebanon — Syrian-backed toward greater Beirut.” what the present conditions are (or receiving grants material used in grocery and shipping sacks, the Texaco also announced it had com­ and whether they are different enough to warrant company said. lars that represent just a small fraction pleted the purchase of about 9.3 million growth this year and more high unemployment — despite the Druze rebels linked up today with their The Druze fighters battled down Qf the total sale. Shiite Moslem allies at a strategic - reconsideration. General Manager R o^rt Weiss said The expansion project at the Taft, Louisiana common shares ol Getty Oil that had continuing signs of a big U.S. recovery. In America, from their strongholds in the moun­ Steven Werbner, assistant general manager, had plant will increase the company’s ability to make Divestiture would include 1,900 gas been owned by the J. Paul Getty unemployment is expected to drop by 1.5 percent in 1984 while junction 200 yards south of the U.S. tains south of Beirut, and according to a polyethlene from 600 million ton720 million stations and nine wholesale gasoline Marine base at the closed Beirut i , been monitoring some grant programs in which the Museum, named for the late oil tycoon economic growth increases by 1.5 percent. French witness reached positions town does not participate. pounds per year in early 1984, said John terminals in the Northeast, a pipeline and founder of Getty Oil. airport, driving the army from the Tuesday close to the U.S. Marine base Luchsinger of Union Carbide. and a refinery in the West, and position. DiRosa said he does not oppose the idea of a Together, these transactions gave at Beirut airport. committee, but he agreed with Fogarty that the board Luchsinger said the company recently intro­ marketing, sales and transportation Texaco about 56 percent of Getty ’s 79.1 The Lebanese army admitted iosing I duced a stronger version of the linearlow-density operations in the Midwest. million outstanding shares. The witness said the Druze captured should here directly from HUD first. the key Khaldeh Junction nine miles two to three miles of the coast road Director Coltman said she favors a committee, not polyethylene products made at the plant through Texaco would be permitted to retain Getty stock Monday closed up $2.50 to Maine National will Join southeast of Beirut on the Mediterra­ a unique Unipol process. what it most sought in the deal — $127 a share on the New York Stock north and south of Khalde, seven miles becasue the directors should duck their responsibility nean coast after Druze rebels ad­ south of central Beirut. but because there should be broad participation. Getty’s domestic oil reserves. But it Exchange. Texaco’s stock (ell 75 cents vanced from the mountains south of the would be required to continue to to $39.38. CBT-Boston bank merger capital in an apparent attempt to widen "On the northern edge (of Khalde), Lydall hires manager supply routes to west Beirut. they have taken control of three houses 200 yards south of the American Marine Richard N, Boyd has been hired as manager of BOSTON (UPI) —• Maine National CB'T merger, approval of Maine The Lebanese army said its troops positions,” the witness said. market development for the Industrial Products had taken up new defense lines in Rate of jobless Corp., the fourth largest bank holding National shareholders and regulatory The Druze advance appeared to be Group of Lydall Inc.'s Composite Materials U.S. court judge refuses company in Maine, has entered into a approval. Damour, an isolated and deserted Division in Manchester. coastal town two miles further south. aimed at widening a supply corridor Boyd previously held marketing staff and line definitive agreement to merge with two ”We are confident that this is an connecting their forces in west Beirut up in 29 states management positions with the American large New England hanks awaiting important and prudent move both for Shiite Mosiem militiamen, who con­ to their mountain strongholds. District Telegraph Co. to stop oil firm takeover final regulatory approval of their own our bank and our customers because it trol Moslem west Beirut and most of 5 merger proposal. will provide greatly expanded lending The advance was yet another blow to WASHINGTON (UPI) — The Labor Department Boyd is a graduate of Denison University and the territory around Beirut Interna- the U.S.-backed government of Ge- says unemployment rose in 29 states in December, The new bank would exchange capacity and will enable us to respond tionai Airport, fanned out southward holds a master's degree in business administra­ PROVIDENCE, R.I. (UPI) - A dealer protection assurances sewn into 1,467,966 shares of common stock plus to the technological changes in the mayel, whose army was pushed out of putting a damper on news that nearly all states saw tion from the Columbia University Graduate federal court judge has refused to block and iinked up with their Druze allies, west Beirut last week by Moslem rebels joblessness decline during 1983. School of Business. the takeover agreement. He noted $32 million in cash for ail outstanding rapidly changing banking environ­ military sources said. The rebels are the largest corporate merger in U.S. these assurances would mean con­ shares of Maine National common ment,” said Barent S. Vroman Jr., allied with the Druze. His forces now But unemployment increased for the full year only Lydall's Composite Materials Division is the history by denying a request from a fighting to topple the U.S.-backed only control Christian east Beirut and in Oklahoma. Alaska and the District of Columbia as tinued supplies for all former Getty under the agreement announced president and chief executive of Maine Lebanese government. largest U.S. producer of fiber composites and local fuel dealer for a temporary customers such as Fairlawn. Monday. National. some suburbs. the nation begun to pull out of the recession, according fiberboard used in automobile, appliance, restraining order against the action. "Shiite Amal militiamen and the to data released Tuesday by the Bureau of Labor footwear, packaging and industrial markets. Maine National would merge with Beirut radio confirmed the Lebanese In refusing, U.S. District Judge ’Fairlawn has failed to establish it the concern to be formed by the merger Druze forces are at the Khaideh army was forced to "redeploy to new Statistics. Lydall Inc. is a $100 million manufacturer of Raymond J. Pettine Monday ruled the will suffer a significant threat of injury Junction,” the rightist Voice of Le­ Delaware had the same 7.5 percent rate as a year products for industry which include engineered of Bank of New England Corp. in Stocks higher positions’ ’ south of the capitai after the arguments against the $10 billion from this merger based upon more Boston and Connecticut Bank and banon radio quoted a Lebanese mil­ Druze assault started Monday night. ago. fiber materials and metal, plastic, elastomeric acquisition of Getty Oil Co. by Texaco than mere conjecture or speculation,” Trust Corp. of Hartford, Conn. itary source as saying. In December, West Virginia had the highest jobless and fiber components. Inc. were insufficient to grant the Pettine wrote in his ruling. "It may be trading active The Druze radio said its gunners shot rate at 15.7 percent, up from November. West Virginia order. The Bank of New England-CBT The loss of the junction, held by the down an attacking Lebanese Air Force the predicitions will prove true, but I merger, which would create New Lebanese army since the Israeli had a 17 percent rate in December 1982. David Roberts, owner of Fairlawn NEW YORK (UPI) — Prices opened fighter-bomber.^ Over the year, 47 states and Puerto Rico showed a K mart, Three D agree am not permitted to play the role of a England’s second largest bank, awaits higher today in active trading of New withdrawal from the region last The Phalang^radio station denied Oil Service of Lincoln, filed suit Friday prognosticator with a theorizing crys­ only federal approval. September, meant an effective isola­ drop in joblessness. The largest reduction came in seeking the temporary restraining tal ball.” York Stock Exchange issues. the loss. Michigan, down from 17.3 percent to 11.9 percent. TROY, Mich. — K mart Corp. announced The three banks would have com­ The Dow Jones industrial average tion of the Lebanese army’s newiy Sheik Mohammed Abu Shakra, reii- Monday it has entered into a license agreement order, claiming the acquisition vio­ While the judge’s ruling opens the bined assets of $12.5 billion and 280 New Hampshire had the lowest unemployment rate lated federal antitrust laws. He was ahead 4.61 to 1,155.73 shortly after established Damour garrison, miiitary gious leader of the Druze sect, called on in the nation in December at 4.3 percent, compared to with Three D Departments Inc. of Hartford, door for the acquisition, a court branch offices the three states. the market opened. It skidded 10.57 to sources said. all Druze to join the fighting, describ­ Conn. charged the takeover would force him spokesman said it does not effectively Maine National shareholders would a 7.7 percent rate a year ago. Puerto Rico had a 20.4 and the dozens of independent and 1,150.13 Monday, tbe lowest level since The sources said the army troops ing it as a "hoiy war of honor.” percent level in December, compared to 22.8 percent Under the agreement. Three D will lease space close the case. He said the judgd would have the option of receiving either it finished at 1,145.32 on April 12, 1983. Liberating consumers wholesale retailers he serves out of still hear motions for a preliminary there could be supplied by sea or At the United Nations, France called in December 1982. to operate bed and bath departments in select K shares of the new BNE or cash for their The Dow, a 36.33 loser last week, has helicopter. a U.N. Security Council meeting for mart Designer Depot family apparel stores. business. injunction. The spokesman added that stock. The stock swap is designed to be After capturing the Municipal Building, Main Street merchants Among the nation's 231 major metropolitan areas, State Attorney General Dennis J. skidded 136.51 since hitting 1,286.64 on Tbe Druze punched through the today to discuss the creation of a U.N. Youngstown-Warren, Ohio, down from 21.8 percent to Three D Departments is one of the nation's Pettine’s decision could also be tax free. Jan. 6. peace-keeping force to patrol Beirut. charged the Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce during largest retailers of bed and bath products. It Roberts II, who is not related to the appealed. Maine National, based in Portland, Lebanese army lines despite two 13.3 percent, and Racine, Wis., down from 18.9 percent plaintiff, filed a companion brief along The Dow transportation average was bombardments Tuesday morning from President Reagan has ordered the a campaign to liberate consumers from the tyranny of inflation. to 10.7 percent, had the largest reductions. operates 28 specialty stores on both the East and Daniel Hackett, a spokesman for the had total assets of $605 million at the ahead 4.34 to 512.14 but the Dow utiUties West coasts as well as more than 50 leased with his counterpart from Pennsylva­ Rhode Island attorney general, said end of 1983. It had total deposits of $507 the U.S. Navy destroyer, Claude V. Marines to withdraw to 6th Fleet ships The merchants hope shoppers will acknowledge the feat and Bryan-College Station, Texas, at 3.1 percent, bad nia in opposition to the takeover. average was down 0.29 to 125.33. Ricketts, sailing off tbe Lebanese offshore. Britain and Italy have an­ the lowest rate in December, followed by Nashua, departments nationwide. Roberts would contact anti-trust coun­ million and net income of $6.2 million. Advances led declines 564-392 among surrender their pocketbooks at a one-day Presidents Day sale Pettine ruled David Roberts’ com­ terparts before making ' a decision, coast. nounced similar poves but France N.H., and Stamford, Conn., both 3.2 percent; The Maine National merger is the 1,357 issues crossing the New York on Saturday. The event is being sponsored by the Downtown plaint failed to take into consideration probably in the next week or so. subject to consummation of the BNE- The destroyer fired another 42 . wants a U.N. force deployed before its Raleigh-Durham. N.C.. 3.8 percent, and Lincoln, Neb. Stock Exchange tape. rounds Tuesday night. A spokesman forces depart. Merchants Association. 3.9 percent. )