
Alabama Hills Recreation Ancient Bristlecone 257 258 and Scenic Area Forest Arch Loop Trail Lone Pine, Bishop, California Hiking Time: 2-3 hours Hiking Time: 2-3 hours E M

“A fiery horse with the speed of light, a When it comes to trees California cloud of dust and a hearty ‘Hi Yo Silver!’” has it all: the tallest trees, the biggest Anyone who has seen the opening to trees, and, here in , the classic television series The Lone the oldest trees. Growing at altitudes Ranger knows the Alabama Hills, a of more than 10,000 feet, bristlecone jumble of rounded, weathered gran- have been surviving for more ite boulders piled across a desert flat- than 4,000 years on the harsh slopes lands that form a vibrant contrast with of the White Mountains, east of Yosem- the sharply sculptured ridges of the ite National Park and north of Death nearby Sierra mountains. These majes- Valley. The cold temperatures, dry soil tic backdrops and rugged rock forma- and short growing season cause the tions began attracting the attention of trees, whose dense wood is resistant Hollywood in the 1920s. to invasion by insects, to grow very You can hike with your dog along slowly. Very slowly. dusty Movie Road, where pert near The Methuselah Trail leads to the very every major star galloped tree identified as the planet’s oldest liv- on horseback at one time or anoth- ing specimen. Core samples taken in er. More than 400 films have been shot 1957 have led researchers to estimate here including such recent fare as Iron- the age of Methuselah to be 4,850 man, Gladiator and Django In Chains. years old. Seaman will have to guess There is only one hiking trailhead which one is Methuselah since the ex- in the 30,000-acre Alabama Hills. The act location is kept a secret to prevent stone-lined Arch Loop here leads to vandalism - not that anyone should the twisted Mobius Arch that provides be messing with even the 2,000-year a literal window to , old youngsters and their fascinating the tallest peak in the Lower 48. Stone twisting and colorful trunks. In 2013 steps tame the small arroyos along the researchers discovered an even older way. Further along is the low, flat Lathe bristlecone but it remains unnamed as Arch with more photo-ops. A branch well as a secret. trail leads to the whimsical Eye of Ala- This is also a sporty alpine hike bama Arch and, yes, another frame of for Seaman in the Schulman Grove Mount Whitney. with over 900 feet of elevation gain There is plenty more for Seaman to in 4.5 miles. The bristlecone pine explore. Grab a Movie Road film site forest is sparse, offering wonderful locator brochure that leads you to side views above 10,000 feet. Take the bal- roads and lets you see how the Ala- loon trail in a clockwise direction and bama Hills looked on the silver screen. latch onto the Bristlecone Cabin Trail You can also let Seaman romp into to check out old cabins and mine en- Lone Ranger Canyon - is that the Wil- trances from the Mexican Mine where liam Tell Overture you hear playing? silver was uncovered in 1862.