Higher Institutions

Resident Undergraduate Rates - Academic Year 2008-09

Tuition and Average Room Institution Fees 2008-09 and Board

Blue Ridge Community and Technical College $3,060 $0 $4,272 $0 Community and Technical College at WVU Tech $3,410 $6,844 $4,578 $6,530 Eastern WV Community & Technical College $1,920 $0 Fairmont State University $4,804 $6,397 $4,486 $6,250 Marshall Community & Technical College $2,856 $7,397 $4,598 $7,397 New River Community & Technical College $2,748 $0 Pierpont Community and Technical College $3,312 $6,397 Potomac State College (Associates Degree) $2,726 $6,660 Potomac State College: (Bachelor's Degree) $3,374 $6,660 $4,898 $7,221 Southern WV Community College $1,920 $0 West Liberty State College $4,464 $6,282 West Virginia State University $4,466 $5,375 $5,100 $7,635 WVU - Undergraduate Health Professions $6,102 $7,635 WV Northern Community & Technical College $1,998 $0 WV State Community & Technical College $2,898 $5,375 WVU - Parkersburg (Associates Degree) $1,912 $0 WVU - Parkersburg (Bachelor's Degree) $2,620 $0 WVU Institute of Technology $4,964 $6,844

*Marshall University will assess an additional$150 fee each semester starting Spring 2009, with the opening of the Student West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Regular Tuition and Fees - 2008-09 Academic Year Undergraduate Students

Institution Tuition and Fees 2008-09

Bluefield State College: Resident 4,272 Metro 6,288 Non-Resident 8,568 Concord University: Resident 4,578 Non-Resident 10,170 Fairmont State University: Resident 4,804 Non-Resident 10,370 Glenville State College: Resident 4,486 Metro 7,400 Non-Resident 10,738 Marshall University: * Resident 4,598 Metro 8,030 Non-Resident 11,702 Shepherd University: Resident 4,898 Non-Resident 12,812 West Liberty State College: Resident 4,464 Metro 8,192 Non-Resident 10,896 West Virginia State University: Resident 4,466 Non-Resident 10,466 West Virginia University: Resident 5,100 Non-Resident 15,770 Health Professions Resident 6,102 Non-Resident 19,106 WVU Institute of Technology: Resident 4,964 Non-Resident 12,748 WVU - Parkersburg: Resident 2,620 Non-Resident 6,918 WVU - Potomac State College: Resident 2,726 Metro 4,930 Non-Resident 8,674 Bachelor's Degree Resident 3,374 Metro 5,558 Non-Resident 9,286

*Marshall University will assess an additional $150 fee each semester starting Spring 2009, with the opening of the Student Recreation Center. West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Regular Tuition and Fees - 2008-09 Academic Year Graduate Students

Tuition and Fees Institution 2008-09

Concord University: Resident 4,922 Non-Resident 8,646 Fairmont State University: Resident 5,240 Non-Resident 11,430 Marshall University: Resident 4,860 Metro 8,748 Non-Resident 13,004 Shepherd University: Resident 5,058 Non-Resident 7,236 West Virginia State University: Resident 4,912 Non-Resident 11,510 West Virginia University: Resident 5,612 Non-Resident 16,270 WVU Institute of Technology: Resident 5,512 Non-Resident 14,010 (First Professional) Marshall University: Resident 16,588 Non-Resident 42,178 West Virginia University: Medical Resident 20,164 Non-Resident 43,960 Dental Resident 12,754 Non-Resident 32,656 Law Resident 10,644 Non-Resident 24,010 Pharmacy: Resident 7,848 Non-Resident 21,918

WV School of Osteopathic Medicine: Resident 20,426 Non-Resident 50,546 West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Special Fees and Charges Academic Year 2008-09

Fee Rate SPECIAL FEES AND CHARGES 2008-09 Bluefield State College: Community College Baccalaureate Enhancement Fee (Per Credit Hour) 55.00 Late Registration 30.00 Transcript (After First) 5.00 Engineering Technology & Computer Science Fee (Per Credit Hour) 15.00 Graduation 45.00 Health Science Programmatic Fee: (A. S. N.) 400.00 (A. S. R. T. - Summer I & II, Fall, Spring) 175.00 LPN to RN Program Annual Fee (Bluefield & Beckley Campus) 500.00 BS Nursing (Per Credit Hour) 15.00 Information Technology Certification Training (Per Credit Hour) 10.00 Regents' BA Degree Evaluation 300.00 Portfolio RBA Fee (Per Credit Hour) 10.00 Science Programmatic Fee (Per Credit Hour) 15.00 Diploma Replacement 10.00 Parking Processing Fee 10.00 Business Lab Fee (Per Credit Hour) 15.00 Parking Permit (Bluefield Campus Only) 16.00 Web-CT Classes/Web Enhanced (Per Credit Hour) 20.00 CART Web Classes (Per Credit Hour) 20.00 Education Accreditation Fee 10.00 ITV Instructional Television (PBS) 20.00 Business Programmatic/Accreditation Fee 60.00 Returned Check Fee 25.00 Technology Fee (Degree Seeking Students) 15.00

Concord University: International Orientation Fee 130.00 Business Accreditation Fee 50.00 Late Registration Fee 25.00 College Court Rent Late Fee 20.00 Rental Property Late Fee 20.00 Transcript Fee 5.00 Graduation Fee 50.00 Regents BA Degree Evaluation 300.00 Regents BA Per Hour Posting Fee 10.00 Advanced Standing Exam 55.00 Dorm Damage Deposit 50.00 Damage Deposit College Courts 75.00 Security Deposit on Rental Properties * 225.00 Orientation Fee 75.00 Diploma Replacement 25.00 Off-Campus Course Fee 220.00 Late Graduation Fee 20.00 Returned Check Fee 25.00 Fee Rate SPECIAL FEES AND CHARGES 2008-09 Technology Course Fee (Per Credit Hour) 6.00 Lab Fee 25.00 EDUC 456-Directed Student Teaching 100.00 Athletic Training Special Fee 100.00 Tutorial Fee 110.00 Post Office Box Rental 7.50 Parking Permit Decal 15.00 Graduate Application Fee 25.00 Priority Transcript Fee 10.00 Art Lab Fee 25.00 Office Key Deposit 10.00 Service Fee - Installment Plan 50.00 Late Payment Fee 25.00

Fairmont State University: Application Fee - Graduate 40.00 Application Fee - Undergraduate 20.00 Aviation Technology Fee (Per Credit Hour) 35.00 Credential Fee - Placement 3.00 Community College Baccalaureate Enhancement Fee (Per Credit Hour): Resident 58.00 Non-Resident 86.00 Credit for Life Experience Evaluation 300.00 Credit Conversion Fee 22.00 Course Fee (Per Credit Hour) (previously known as Technology Fee) 4.00 Diploma Replacement 50.00 E-Rate University (per 3 hour course) 933.00 E-Rate Graduate (per 3 hour course)* 1,419.00 E-Learning Course Fee (per 3 hour course) (FS Students) 75.00 Exam for Course Credit (per credit hour) 22.00 Excess course withdrawal fee (per course assessed after 8 courses have been dropped) 50.00 Faculty and Staff Parking Fee - Full-time (will be prorated if less than full-time) Annual 180.00 Facilities Fee (Safety and Parking) (per semester will be prorated if less than full- time) 110.00 Fine Arts Course Fees (per credit hour): - Art - Pottery Materials Fee 15.00 - Art Painting/Drawing Materials Fee 7.00 - Debate - Materials Fee 15.00 - Music Lessons Fee 10.00 - Theatre Materials Fee 15.00 Foreign Languages Course Fee (per credit hour) 8.00 Graduation (fee for Graduate Students) 70.00 Graduation (fee for Undergraduate Students) 50.00 Graduation Application Late Fee 50.00 ID Card Replacement Fee 15.00 Late Registration 50.00 Late Payment Fee 50.00 Occupational Develop/Tech Studies Degree Evaluation 150.00 Fee Rate SPECIAL FEES AND CHARGES 2008-09 Off-Campus Instruction (per credit hour up to 12 hours max) 15.00 MBA Course Fee (per credit hour) 25.00 New Student Fee 120.00 Nursing Lab Fee (per credit hour) 12.00 Nursing Testing Fee (per semester) 156.00 Nursing Uniform Fee (once per program) 155.00 Priority Transcript Fee 9.00 Regents' BA Degree Evaluation 300.00 Reinstatement Fee 25.00 Senior Citizens Audit Fee (per credit hour) 22.00 Teacher Education - Clinical Experiences Fee 150.00 University/Graduate Enhancement Fee (per credit hour) Resident 91.00 Non-Resident 203.00

Glenville State College: ACT Residual Test - institutional charge 25.00 Application Fee 10.00 Applied Music Fee 40.00 Art - Kiln Fee 60.00 Art Studio Fee 35.00 Bad Check Fee 25.00 Business Program Assessment Fee 30.00 Challenge Exam (per credit hour) 5.00 Computer Science - 101 25.00 Computer Science Software Fee 30.00 Criminal Justice Fee - CJ215 100.00 Darkroom Fee 30.00 Diploma Replacement Fee 25.00 Educational Foundations Fee (per course) 100.00 Facsimile Fee (per page) 0.50 First Year Experience Fee 100.00 Graduation Fee (exclusive of cap and gown) 40.00 Graduate Verification Letter 5.00 Land Resource Lab Fee 40.00 Late Graduation Fee 100.00 Late Registration Fee 25.00 Lost Room Key Fee 15.00 Music Instrument Rental Fee 35.00 Non-resident Food Service Fee 65.00 NTE Scores (copy) 5.00 Nursing Program Fee (per semester) 400.00 Off-Campus Course Fee (per credit hour) 15.00 On-Line Course Fee (Instructor Developed) 100.00 On-Line Course Fee (Publisher Developed) 75.00 Parking Permit 35.00 Photocopy Charges 0.25 Physical Education Fee 15.00 Regent's BA Degree Evaluation 300.00 Regent's BA Degree Posting Fee (per credit hour) 10.00 Fee Rate SPECIAL FEES AND CHARGES 2008-09 Replacement ID Card 5.00 Reserved Parking Permit 165.00 Room Reservation Fee 75.00 Science Laboratory Fee (per course) 30.00 Teacher Education Admission Fee 200.00 Teacher Endorsement Evaluation 25.00 TOEFL Test - institutional charge 3.50 Transcript 5.00 Transcript - Express 25.00 Transcript - FAX 5.00

Marshall University: Application Fees: Undergraduate/Graduate 30.00 Undergraduate/Graduate - Transfers 50.00 School of Medicine - Resident 50.00 School of Medicine - Non-Resident 100.00 School of Nursing 30.00 Dietetic Internship Program 25.00 International Application/Express Mail Fee 100.00 Applied Music Fee 35.00 CLEP/DANTES Testing 15.00 COEHS - Clinical Lab Fee 25.00 COEHS - Student Teaching Fee 200.00 COEHS - Activity Course Fee 40.00 COEHS - SCUBA 200.00 College of Fine Arts - Art Fee 75.00 College of Fine Arts - Theatre 25.00 College of Fine Arts - English - Rendering Landscape 75.00 College of Health Professions - Matriculation Fee 100.00 Course for Senior Citizens 50.00 Diploma Fees: Certificate Fee 15.00 Associate Degree 30.00 Baccalaureate Degree 30.00 Master's Degree 30.00 Diploma Replacement 30.00 First Professional Degree 50.00 Doctoral Degree1 50.00 Electronic Course Fee per credit hour - Undergraduate 186.00 Electronic Course Fee per credit hour - Graduate 262.00 Electronic Course Fee per credit hour - High School 122.00 Executive MBA: Resident 1,350.00 Non-Resident 1,550.00 Metro 1,450.00 GSEPD - Clinical Lab Fee 25.00 GSEPD - Student Teaching Fee 100.00 Graduate Fee - Thesis & Dissertation Processing 10.00 Improper Check-out Fee - Dorm 50.00 Fee Rate SPECIAL FEES AND CHARGES 2008-09 International Student Services Fee^ 25.00 Laboratory Fee - Graduate Psychology 30.00 Laboratory Fee - COLA 30.00 Laboratory Fee - Journalism 50.00 Laboratory Fee - Science 50.00 Laboratory Fee - Health Sciences (Clinical Lab Science, Communication 50.00 Laboratory Fee - Health Professions [Nursing] 50.00 Late Fee - Rent - After 15th of Month 10.00 Late Registration/Payment Fee 25.00 Mail Box - Re-Key (Per Lock) 30.00 Meal Card/I. D. Replacement 20.00 MUGC Alternative Assessment (Per Credit Hour) 25.00 Off-Campus Course Fee (per credit hour) 35.00 Orientation/Student Success Fee 50.00 Regents' BA Degree Evaluation 300.00 Regents' BA Posting Fee (Per credit hour awarded) 10.00 Reinstatement Fee - Course Schedule 25.00 Residence Services Fees: Reservation Deposit 200.00 Damage Deposit - Married Student Housing 300.00 Returned Check Fee 25.00 Revalidation of Credit Fee (Per Hour) 25.00 Room Re-Key (per lock) 40.00 Study Abroad Fee 100.00 Transcript (after first) 6.00 Transfer Evaluation Fee 50.00 University College - Math Workshop 185.00 1This is not a new fee - previously included with First Professional Degree

Shepherd University: Admissions Application Fee (Under-grad) 45.00 Admissions Deposit (non-refundable) 100.00 Applied Music Fee per credit hour 306.00 Aquatics 30.00 Art Studio Fee 30.00 CIS Lab Fee 25.00 Communication Course Fee 25.00 Diploma Replacement 20.00 Education Major Fee 40.00 Electronic Course fee (per credit hour) 25.00 Emergency Transcript 15.00 Transcript (after first) 5.00 Family & Consumer Sciences Fee 25.00 Fitness Swimming 30.00 Graduate Admissions Fee 40.00 Graduate Posting Fee (third party courses/credit hour) 35.00 Graduation Fee 35.00 Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Sports Fee 30.00 I.D. Card Replacement 25.00 Lab Fee-Archaeological Field Methods & Lab 20.00 Lab Fee-Historical Archaeology & Lab 20.00 Fee Rate SPECIAL FEES AND CHARGES 2008-09 Late Payment Fee 25.00 Late Registration Fee 25.00 Leisure Activities Course 30.00 Lifeguard Training/Professional Rescue 30.00 MAT Transcript Analysis Fee 20.00 Music Lab Fee 30.00 Nursing Lab Fee 30.00 Nursing Program Fee 50.00 Orientation Fee 75.00 Parking Fee 65.00 RBA Posting Fee (per credit hour) 10.00 Regents' BA Degree Evaluation 300.00 Return Check Handling Fee 10.00 Science Lab Fee 29.00 Special Examination (per credit hour) 25.00 Therapeutic Recreation Programming 30.00 Recreation Major Program Fee 30.00 Physical Education Major Program Fee 15.00

West Liberty State College: Health Professionals 75.00 Late Registration 75.00 Transcripts 6.00 Priority Transcripts 20.00 Return Check Charge 25.00 Graduation 100.00 Off campus Instruction 17.70 Orientation 75.00 Diploma Replacement 20.00 Regents BA Degree 300.00 Work for Life (plus $10 per work life credit) 350.00 Scuba Diving 125.00 Basic Horsemanship 80.00 Firearms 80.00 Science Lab 75.00 Liberal Arts Lab 75.00 Electronic Course 100.00 Student teaching 125.00 Roads & Walkways 35.00 Parking (Employee) 50.00 Regional practice/internship 75.00 Security card replacement 15.00 Late graduation 100.00 All other labs 75.00 Tuition Payment Plan Fee 30.00 Registration reinstatement Fee 25.00 Private Music Lessons 100.00 Laundry Fee 40.00 Credit Card Processing Fee(1st $1K) 20.00 Credit Card Processing Fee(over $1K) 20.00 Fee Rate SPECIAL FEES AND CHARGES 2008-09 21St Century Fee 75.00 Laptop Charge Apple Computer 150.00 Laptop Purchase upperclassmen (Range) 400-1000

West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine: Advance Tuition Deposit (Non Resident) 3,000.00 Advance Tuition Deposit (Resident) 1,000.00 Diploma replacement 30.00 Graduation Fee 50.00 Late Registration Fee 30.00 Non Resident Application Fee 80.00 Resident Application Fee 40.00 Transcript Fee ( After First) 6.00 Instructional Tech. Fee (One Time/First Year) 200.00

West Virginia State University: Application Fees: Graduate - In/state 20.00 Graduate - Out/state 30.00 Course Fees: Applied Music Fee 30.00 Applied Music Fee (Non-music majors only ) 100.00 Art Fee 35.00 Communications Fee 30.00 Science Lab Fee 40.00 Nursing Care Fee 90.00 Nursing Seminar Fee 35.00 Health Assessment Fee 100.00 HHP 106 & HHP 122 10.00 Nuclear Medicine Designated Course Fee for AH 200 100.00 Paramedic Technology Entrance Fee 75.00 Paramedic Tech Course Fee for AH 265 100.00 Diploma Replacement 25.00 Thesis Binding Fee (formerly Electronic Thesis Fee) 120.00 Graduation (Bacc & CTC) and Diploma 100.00 Graduation (Graduate ) and Diploma 110.00 I.D. Card 10.00 Internet Course Fee - CTC (sliding scale $110 max) Internet Course Fee - Undergraduate (per credit hour) 110.00 Internet Course Fee - Graduate (per credit hour) 160.00 Key Deposit 10.00 Late Registration 25.00 Parking - Full Year 60.00 Parking Replacement 8.00 Second Vehicle One Semester 9.00 Second Vehicle Full Year 15.00 Parking - One Semester 30.00 Parking - January thur August 49.00 Placement Testing Fee 20.00 Proctor Testing Fee 30.00 Fee Rate SPECIAL FEES AND CHARGES 2008-09 Regents' BA Degree Evaluation 300.00 Regents' BA Degree Posting Fee (per credit hour) 10.00 Governor's A.A.S. Evaluation 300.00 Governor's A.A.S. Evaluation Posting Fee (per credit hour) 10.00 Resident Hall Breakage Deposit 100.00 First Time Resident Fee 100.00 Returned Check Fee 20.00 Room Reservation Deposit 50.00 ROTC Activity Fee 15.00 Military Science Designated Course Fee (PT Classes) 30.00 Transcript (after first) 6.00 Off-Campus Instruction 19.00 (per credit hour up to 12 hours maximum)

* Sliding scale for CTC internet courses. Fees will increase according to the complexities of each class. The $110.00 per credit hour fee would stay in place as a cap.

West Virginia University Application Fees Undergraduate Resident 25.00 Undergraduate Non-Resident 45.00 Undergraduate International 50.00 Graduate School 50.00 College of Law 50.00 Schools of Medicine & Dentistry 50.00 Senior Citizens under Series 67 5.00

Program-Specific Fees Air Force Aerospace 30.00 Clinical Supervision Fee* 150.00 Creative Arts Center - Art Fee 75.00 Creative Arts - BFA Theatre Majors Fee 75.00 Engineering Co-Op Fee 60.00 Music Lesson Fee 200.00 Off-Campus Course Fee - Per Credit Hour 40.00 Study Abroad Off-Campus Fee - Per Credit Hour 50.00 Regents' BA Degree Evaluation 300.00 Regents BA Course Transfer Evaluation 10.00

Laboratory Fees for Approved Classes Computer Science 87.00 English 301,302,303, 304 & 305* 30.00 Environment 341- Non-majors 60.00 Forensics Accting & Fraud Invest.*Per credit hr 143.00 Genetics 371- Non-majors 35.00 Geography 60.00 Geography 106 40.00 Health Certification* 200.00 Horticulture 251-Non-majors 60.00 Fee Rate SPECIAL FEES AND CHARGES 2008-09 Horticulture 293- Non-majors 100.00 Institute for Math Learning (Math 153 & 154*) 30.00 Journalism 215 50.00 Medicine Laptop Fee - MD* 360.00

Nursing Lab Support Fee* 50.00 PharmD General Fee* 186.00 Pharmacy Laptop Fee* 400.00 Photo Lab for Non-Majors 50.00 Physical Education* 20.00 Psychology 101 10.00 Psychology 202 60.00 Psychology 301,423,511,512,612 30.00 Psychology 302 90.00 Statistics 25.00

Laboratory Breakage Fee Biology 75.00 Geology, Physical Science, & Statistics 60.00 Chemistry & Physics* 80.00

Administrative and Other Fees Course Fee for age 65 plus under BOG 14,4.1 50.00 Copy of Credentials for Student Placement 10.00 Diploma Replacement 35.00 Exam for Advance Standing 50.00 Exam of Candidate for Graduate Degree 1.00 Graduation - Diploma 14.00 Graduation - Alumni Membership 25.00 I. D. Card Replacement for Lost Card 20.00 I. D. Card Replacement for Damaged Card 10.00 Interest Installment Payment Program 0.18 Late Payment Fee 40.00 Late Registration Fee 40.00

Non-enrolled Graduate Student Evaluation Fee 150.00 Professional Development Fee (per registration form) 20.00 Program Reactivating Fee (per occurrence) 35.00 Reinstatement Fee 20.00 Returned Check Fee 25.00 Student Reports (transcript after first) 6.00 Visiting Student Fee 15.00 Transcript Fee (on-the-spot) 10.00

West Virginia University at Parkersburg: Bad Check Fee 25.00 Board of Regents Credit Hour Posting Fee (per credit hour) 10.00 Board of Regents Portfolio Evaluation Fee 300.00 CIT Fee (per credit hour) 25.00 Computer Lab Replacement Fee (per credit hour) 7.00 Fee Rate SPECIAL FEES AND CHARGES 2008-09 Credit by Examination 25.00 Diploma Replacement 20.00 Drug Testing Fee (per Nursing student) 25.00 Education Database Fee (Edu100) 120.00 Education Field Placement Fee (per credit hour) 17.00 Engineering and Manufacturing Technology Crs Fee 5.00 Graduation Fee 25.00 ID Card 5.00 ID Card Replacement 20.00 Late Registration Fee 15.00 Music Fee 284.00 Nursing Fee 336.00 Regents' BA Degree Evaluation 100.00 Science Lab Fee 20.00 Surg-Tech Fee 270.00 Transcript (after first) 6.00 Transcript (faxed) 8.00 Transcript (on demand) 10.00 WebCT Fee (per course) 25.00 Welding Course Fee 35.00 New Fees: Art Fee (Art240, Art241, Art243, Art244) 35.00 Capstone Course Assessment Fee 35.00 Nursing Lab Fee (Nurs111) 55.00 Nursing Lab Fee (Nurs112) 45.00 Nursing Lab Fee (Nurs213/216) 95.00

WVU Institute of Technology: BHS Equipment Fee 25.00 Cooperative Education Fee/Practicum Fee 60.00 Credit by Examination (per credit hour) 25.00 Diploma Replacement 20.00 Graduation 25.00 Tech Instructional Course/Clinical Lab Fee (per credit hour) 20.00 International Student Application 100.00 Kentucky Web Course (per credit hour) 110.00 Late Application for Graduation 50.00 Late Registration Fee 50.00 Off-Campus Instruction (per credit hour) 38.00 Professional Course Fee (per credit hour) 85.00 Regents' BA Degree Evaluation 300.00 Regents Portfolio Posting Fee (per credit hour) 10.00 Reinstatement Fee 20.00 Science Laboratory Fee 100.00 Transcript (after first) 10.00 Web Based Course Fee (per credit hour) 45.00 West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education Regular Tuition and Fees - 2008-09 Academic Year Undergraduate Students

Institution Tuition and Fees 2008-09


Eastern WV Community & Technical College Resident 1,920 Non-Resident 6,822 Southern WV Comm. & Technical College Resident 1,920 Non-Resident 6,816 WV Northern Community College Resident 1,998 Metro 4,590 Non-Resident 6,510


New River Community & Technical College Resident 2,748 Non-Resident 6,912 Pierpont Community & Technical College Resident 3,312 Non-Resident 8,110 Marshall Community & Technical College Resident: 2,856 Metro 5,468 Non-Resident 8,142 Blue Ridge Community & Technical College Resident 3,060 Non-Resident 5,520 WV State Community & Technical College Resident 2,898 Non-Resident 8,468 WVU at Parkersburg Resident 1,912 Non-Resident 6,766 Community and Technical College of of WVUIT Resident 3,410 BS Engineering Technology Majors 3,464 Non-Resident 11,772 BS Engineering Technology Majors 11,826

For Information Only

Potomac State College of WVU: (Associate Degree and Certificate Program Rate) Resident 2,726 Non-Resident 8,674 West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education

Special Fees and Charges 2008-09


Blue Ridge Community and Technical College: Admissions Application Fee 25.00 Enrollment Deposit (non-refundable) 100.00 Diploma Replacement 20.00 Graduation Fee 35.00 ATI Standardized Testing Fee (Nursing students) 85.00 Late Payment Fee 25.00 Late Registration Fee 25.00 Returned Check Handling Fee 10.00 Orientation Fee 25.00 Science Lab Fee 20.00 Special Examination (per credit hour) 25.00 Transcript Fee (on-the-spot) 15.00 Transcript (after first) 5.00 Nursing Lab Fee (per clinical course) 30.00 A+ Courses 299.00 MSCE/MSCA courses 299.00 CIW Courses - IT 245 Internet Foundation 75.00 CIW Courses - IT 246 Site Designer 75.00 CIW Courses - IT 247 E-Commerce Designer 75.00 Online Course fees per credit hour 25.00 Board of Governor's A.A.S. Portfolio Submission 300.00 Board of Governor's Transcript Posting Fee per credit 10.00 EMS Practium Fee 75.00 Network + 75.00 IT Special Topics 150.00 I-Tech Lab Fee 150.00 IT SW Course Fee 50.00 ED Lab Fee (fee up to…) 500.00 Portfolio Review Fee 300.00 Per Credit Hour Transcript Fee 10.00

Eastern WV Community and Technical College Biological Science 15.00 Chemistry 15.00 Information Technology 15.00 On-Line Course Fee 25.00 Specialized Industrial Technology Fee 45.00 Specialized Automotive Technology Fee 45.00 Special Fees and Charges

Challenge Examination Fee (per credit hour) 10.00 Diploma Replacement Fee 20.00 Graduation Fee 25.00 Late Registration Fee 25.00 Portfolio Assessment Fee 300.00 Recording Fee (per credit hour) 10.00 Transcript Fee (first five) 0.00 SPECIAL FEES AND CHARGES Fee Rate 2008-09

Transcript Fee (after five) 10.00 Returned Check Fee 25.00 Copy Fee (per copy) 0.15 Fax Fee-local only 0.50

Pierpont Community and Technical College Application Fee 20.00 Aviation Technology Fee (per credit hour) 35.00 Credential Fee - Placement 3.00 Credit for Life Experience Evaluation 300.00 Credit Conversion Fee 22.00 Course Fee (per credit hour) (previously known as Technology Fee) 4.00 Culinary Arts Professional Tool Kit 260.00 Culinary Arts Membership (per year) 75.00 Diploma Replacement 50.00 Dual Enrollment Fee (per credit hour) 55.00 E-Rate Community College (per 3 hour course) 669.00 E-Learning Course Fee (per 3 hour course) (FS Students) 75.00 Exam for Course Credit (per credit hour) 22.00 Excess course withdrawal fee (per course assessed after 4 courses have been dropped) 50.00 Faculty and Staff Parking Fee - Full-time (will be prorated if less than full-time) Annual 180.00 Facilities Fee (Safety and Parking) (per semester will be prorated if less than full-time) 110.00 Fine Arts Course Fees (per credit hour): - Art - Pottery Materials Fee 15.00 - Art Painting/Drawing Materials Fee 7.00 - Debate - Materials Fee 15.00 - Music Lessons Fee 10.00 - Theatre Materials Fee 15.00 Graduation (fee for Undergraduate Students) 50 Graduation Application Late Fee 50 ID Card Replacement Fee 15 Late Registration 50 Late Payment Fee 50 Occupational Develop/Tech Studies Degree Evaluation 150 Off-Campus Instruction (per credit hour up to 12 hours max) 15 New Student Fee 120 Priority Transcript Fee 9 Regents' BA Degree Evaluation 300 Reinstatement Fee 25 Respiratory Care Clinical Fee (per credit hour) 25 Senior Citizens Audit Fee (per credit hour) 22

Marshall University Community & Technical College Application Fee - MCTC 15.00 Application Fee - Physical Therapy Program - MCTC 30.00 Credit by Exam [Per Course] - MCTC 30.00 Graduation Fees - MCTC 20.00 Laboratory Fee - Allied Health - MCTC1 30.00 Laboratory Fee - Business & Info. Technology - MCTC1 30.00 Laboratory Fee - CISCO/Microsoft - MCTC 175.00 Laboratory Fee - Culinary Arts - MCTC 130.00 Laboratory Fee - Elect./Manf. Eng. Technology - MCTC1 30.00 SPECIAL FEES AND CHARGES Fee Rate 2008-09

Laboratory Fee - Emergency Medical Technician - MCTC 150.00 Laboratory Fee - Eng/Tech/Medical/ Paramedic/Environment - MCTC* 0.00 Laboratory Fee - Hospitality Management - MCTC1 30.00 Laboratory Fee - Networking, Info. Technology - MCTC 50.00 Laboratory Fee - Physical Therapy Asst. Program - MCTC 30.00 Laboratory Fee - Transition Institute - MCTC 25.00 Machinist Program Course Fee - [Per Credit Hour] - MCTC 50.00 Machinist Program Fee - MCTC 0.00 Microsoft Office Systems (MOS) - Certification Exam - MCTC 75.00 Off-Campus Fee - [Per Credit Hour] - MCTC 10.00 Online Course Fee [Per Credit Hour] - MCTC 119.00 Placement Test Fee - English/Math/Reading [Per Test] - MCTC 5.00 Portfolio Evaluation Fee [Per Submission] - MCTC 300.00 Portfolio Transcripting Fee [Per Credit Hour] - MCTC 10.00 Transfer Evaluation Fee - MCTC 10.00

New River Community & Technical College ID Card Replacement Fee 5.00 Fax Fee 0.00 Photocopy Charge 0.00 Bluefield State College Baccalaureate Enhancement Fee ( Per Credit Hour)* 55.00 Late Registration 30.00 Transcript (After First) 5.00 Engineering Technology & Computer Science Lab Fee (Per Credit Hour) 15.00 Graduation 45.00 LPN Program Semi-Annual Fee 300.00 Information Technology Certification Training (Per Credit Hour) 10.00 Regents' BA or Governor's Associate of Applied Science Degree Program 300.00 Science Programmatic Fee (Per Credit Hour) 15.00 Diploma Replacement Fee 10.00 Parking Processing Fee 0.00 Paramedic Programmatic Fee (Per Credit Hour) 10.00 Business Lab Fee (Per Credit Hour) 15.00 Emergency Management Transfer Fee (Per Credit Hour) 20.00 Kentucky Web Courses (Per Credit Hour) 35.00 Hospitality Food Production (Per Credit Hour) 10.00 Cisco 90.00 Aries A+ Course Fee (One-time Fee) 175.00 Parking Permit (Bluefield Campus Only) 16.00 Machine Tool Technology (Per Credit Hour) 30.00 Physical Education Fee (Per Credit Hour) 15.00 Portfolio Posting Fee (Per Credit Hour) 10.00 Web/CT Classes (Per Credit Hour) 20.00 Bluefield State College Cart Web/Web Enhanced (Per Credit Hour) 20.00 SAIL (Per Credit Hour) 35.00 AIB/AIB (Per Credit Hour) 40.00 AIB/AIB (Materials Fee/Program Fee) 75.00 EPCC (Per Credit Hour) 0.00 Excite/EXC (Per Credit Hour) 35.00 Kirkwood/KCC (Per Credit Hour) 0.00 St. Louis/SLCC (Per Credit Hour) 0.00 MDST 120 and MDST 121 Phlebotomy Lab Fee (Per Credit Hour) 15.00 Dispatcher Training Program Fee 0.00 SPECIAL FEES AND CHARGES Fee Rate 2008-09

Web Enhancement Fee (Per Credit Hour) 10.00 Parking Tickets 10.00 *Bluefield Baccalaureate Students Only

WVU - Parkersburg Assessment Fee (for GBUS 440 course) $0.00 Bad Check Fee 25.00 Board of Regents Credit Hour Posting Fee (per credit hour) 10.00 Board of Regents Portfolio Evaluation Fee 300.00 Cisco Fee (per credit hour) 0.00 CIT Fee (per credit hour) 25.00 Computer Lab Replacement Fee (per credit hour) 7.00 Credit by Examination 25.00 Diploma Replacement 20.00 Drug Testing Fee (per Nursing student) 25.00 Education Database Fee (Edu100) 120.00 Education Field Placement Fee (per credit hour) 17.00 Engineering and Manufacturing Technology Crs Fee 5.00 Graduation Fee 25.00 ID Card 5.00 ID Card Replacement 20.00 Late Registration Fee 15.00 Music Fee 284.00 Nursing Fee 336.00 Off-Campus Course Fee 0.00 Regents' BA Degree Evaluation 100.00 Science Lab Fee 20.00 Surg-Tech Fee 270.00 Transcript (after first) 6.00 Transcript (faxed) 8.00 Transcript (on demand) 10.00 WebCT Fee (per course) 25.00 Welding Course Fee 35.00 New Fees: Art Fee (Art240, Art241, Art243, Art244) 35.00 Capstone Course Assessment Fee 35.00 Nursing Lab Fee (Nurs111) 55.00 Nursing Lab Fee (Nurs112) 45.00 Nursing Lab Fee (Nurs213/216) 95.00

Southern WV Community & Technical College Nursing Courses 20.00 Dental Hygiene Program Courses 20.00 Surgical Technology 15.00 Radiologic Technology 15.00 Medical Laboratory Technology 15.00 Health Care / Allied Health 10.00 Paramedic Science 10.00 Computer Information Systems 10.00 Information Technology 10.00 Electrical Engineering Technology 10.00 Biological Science 10.00 Chemistry 10.00 SPECIAL FEES AND CHARGES Fee Rate 2008-09

Geology 10.00 Integrated Science 10.00 Physical Science 10.00 Physics 10.00 Survey Technology Courses 10.00 Solon Management/Cosmetology Courses 20.00 Respiratory Care Technology Courses 20.00

Special Fees and Charges:

Diploma Replacement Fee 20.00 Graduation Fee 25.00 Late Registration Fee 25.00 Transcript (after five) 10.00 International Student Application Fee 100.00 CLEP Examination Fee 10.00 Challenge Examination Fee (per credit hour) 10.00 Portfolio Assessment Fee 300.00 Portfolio credit posting fee (per credit hour) 10.00

Community and Technical College at WVU Tech BHS Equipment Fee 25.00 Cooperative Education Fee/Practicum Fee 60.00 Credit by Examination (per credit hour) 25.00 Diploma Replacement 20.00 Graduation 25.00 Tech Instructional Course/Clinical Lab Fee (per credit hour) 20.00 International Student Application 100.00 Kentucky Web Course (per credit hour) 110.00 Late Application for Graduation 50.00 Late Registration Fee 50.00 Off-Campus Instruction (per credit hour) 38.00 Professional Course Fee (per credit hour) 85.00 Regents' BA Degree Evaluation 300.00 Regents Portfolio Posting Fee (per credit hour) 10.00 Reinstatement Fee 20.00 Science Laboratory Fee 100.00 Transcript (after first) 10.00 Web Based Course Fee (per credit hour) 45.00

The below fees are applicable only to CTC courses and are subject to approval by the WVU Board of Governors and CTC Council. Tech students may enroll in courses covered by these fees. Computer Technology Lab (per credit hour) 60.00 CTC Instructional Course/Clinical Lab Fee (per credit hour) 25.00

West Virginia State Community & Technical College Application Fees: Graduate - In/state 20.00 Graduate - Out/state 30.00 Course Fees: Applied Music Fee 30.00 Applied Music Fee (Non-music majors only ) 100.00 Art Fee 35.00 SPECIAL FEES AND CHARGES Fee Rate 2008-09

Communications Fee 30.00 Science Lab Fee 40.00 Nursing Care Fee 90.00 Nursing Seminar Fee 35.00 Health Assessment Fee 100.00 HHP 106 & HHP 122 10.00 Nuclear Medicine Designated Course Fee for AH 200 100.00 Paramedic Technology Entrance Fee 75.00 Paramedic Tech Course Fee for AH 265 100.00 Diploma Replacement 25.00 Thesis Binding Fee (formerly Electronic Thesis Fee) 120.00 Graduation (Bacc & CTC) and Diploma 100.00 Graduation (Graduate ) and Diploma 110.00 I.D. Card 10.00 Internet Course Fee - CTC (sliding scale $110 max) Internet Course Fee - Undergraduate (per credit hour) 110.00 Internet Course Fee - Graduate (per credit hour) 160.00 Key Deposit 10.00 Late Registration 25.00 Parking - Full Year 60.00 Parking Replacement 8.00 Second Vehicle One Semester 9.00 Second Vehicle Full Year 15.00 Parking - One Semester 30.00 Parking - January thur August 49.00 Placement Testing Fee 20.00 Proctor Testing Fee 30.00 Regents' BA Degree Evaluation 300.00 Regents' BA Degree Posting Fee (per credit hour) 10.00 Governor's A.A.S. Evaluation 300.00 Governor's A.A.S. Evaluation Posting Fee (per credit hour) 10.00 Resident Hall Breakage Deposit 100.00 First Time Resident Fee 100.00 Returned Check Fee 20.00 Room Reservation Deposit 50.00 ROTC Activity Fee 15.00 Military Science Designated Course Fee (PT Classes) 30.00 Transcript (after first) 6.00 Off-Campus Instruction 19.00 (per credit hour up to 12 hours maximum) class. The $110.00 per credit hour fee would stay in place as a cap.

WV Northern Community & Technical College Allied Health Application Fee 25.00 Course Learning Contract (CLC) 10.00 Diploma Replacement Fee 25.00 ESCO Certification Testing Fee HVAC 85.00 Assessment Retesting Fee 8.00 Course Lab Fee CISCO 100.00 Course Lab Fee Culinary Arts Labs 150.00 Course Lab Fee Health Sciences/Tech Labs 40.00 Course Lab Fee On Line Chemistry 165.00 SPECIAL FEES AND CHARGES Fee Rate 2008-09

Culinary Arts Cap Stone Testing Fee 150.00 Culinary Arts Certification Testing Fee 75.00 Distance Education Fee 25.00 Graduation Fee 20.00 Graduation Fee - Additional Degree 5.00 Identification Card Replacement 5.00 Information Technology Fee 25.00 International Service Fee 100.00 Late Registration Fee 25.00 Legal Resource Fee (Lexus/Nexus) 75.00 Limited Enrollment Program Fee 40.00 Locker Rental 5.00 Locker Rental w/Lock 10.00 Microsoft testing fee 65.00 Nursing Resource Fee 150.00 Nursing Testing Fee 40.00 Nursing Tools Kit 50.00 Parking Fee - Faculty & Staff 10.00 Per Credit Hour Transcript Fee 10.00 Physical Education Fee 15.00 Portfolio Review Fee 300.00 Respiratory Care - Kettering NBRC Review 300.00 Return Check Fee 25.00 Surg Tech Fee 50.00 Surg Tech Testing Fee 50.00 Transcript Fee 5.00 Transcript Immediate Processing P/U or Fax 20.00 Transcript Next Day Delivery Fee 25.00 Transcript Next Day Weekend Delivery 40.00 Tuition Payment Plan - Institutional 20.00 West Virginia Higher Education Institutions Room and Board Charges Academic Year 2008-2009 (per semester rates)


Concord University: All Residence Halls: Single Room 2,203.00 Double Room 1,663.00 Triple/Suite 1,671.00

Board 1,602.00

Fairmont State University Bryant Place (singles) 2,210.00 Bryant Place (doubles) 1,865.00 Prichard (double) 1,640.00 Morrow (double) 1,640.00 Pence (double) 1,640.00

Note: Damage Deposit Dorms $200.00

Board - 15 Meal Plan with 65 points (5-day) 1,502.00 Board - 19 Meal Plan with 75 points (7-day) 1,645.00

Board - new 15 Meal Plan with 150 points (7-day) 1,581.00 Board - new 12 Meal Plan with 225 points (5-day) 1,523.00

Glenville State College: Pickens Hall (Wagner & Williams Wings) Single 2,050.00 Double 1,500.00

Pickens Hall (Scott Suites) Single 2,200.00 Double 1,600.00

Board Plan 1,575.00

Marshall University: Holderby Hall Deluxe Single 2,738.00

Twin Towers: Deluxe Single 2,983.00 Double 2,130.00 West Virginia Higher Education Institutions Room and Board Charges Academic Year 2008-2009 (per semester rates)

ROOM AND BOARD CHARGES 2008-09 Buskirk: Double 2,130.00

Marshall Commons: Double Room Suite 2,508.00 Single Room Suite 3,348.00

First Year Residents Hall (Capstone) Double Room 2,425.00

Off-Campus Overflow (Used only when needed) Single occupancy/per day 42.00 Double occupancy/per day 21.00

Board - Unlimited w/$50 Flex Dollars 1,475.00 Board - 15 Meal Plan 1,400.00 Board - 10 Meal Plan 1,125.00

Board - Commuter Meal Plan 50 Meals w/$50 Flex Dollars 330.00 30 Meals w/$50 Flex Dollars 220.00 20 Meals w/$50 Flex Dollars 170.00

Potomac State College of WVU PSC Campus Double Room- Fall & Spring Semesters 1,378.00 Double Room - Summer Session (Replaced by Fee next Line) 0.00 Double Room - Summer other than Univ Place Daily Rate* 13.78 Single Room 1,976.00 Double Suite 2,042.00 Triple Room 1,250.00 Single Suite - University Place 2,496.00 Double Suite - Fall & Spring - University Place 1,820.00 Private Double - Fall & Spring - University Place 2,142.00 Summer - New Hall (Replaced by next 2 lines below) 0.00 Summer - Univ Place -Double Suite - Daily Rate* 17.33 Summer - Univ Place - Private Double - Daily Rate* 20.40

Resident Hall and Commuter Meal Plans Board -19 Meal Plan w/$50 Bonus Bucks 1,587.00 Board -15 Meal Plan w/$50 Bonus Bucks 1,482.00 Board - 10 Meal Plan w/$50 Bonus Bucks 1,337.00 West Virginia Higher Education Institutions Room and Board Charges Academic Year 2008-2009 (per semester rates)


Commuter-Only and Summer Meal Plans 25 Meals (per semester) 197.00 50 Meals (per semester) 301.00 80 Meals (per Semester) 409.00 25 Meals (per semester) w/$100 Bonus Bucks 303.00 50 Meals (per semester) w/$100 Bonus Bucks 407.00 80 Meals (per Semester) w/$100 Bonus Bucks 515.00

Shepherd University Gardiner, Kenamond and Turner, Shaw and Thacher Halls: Double 1,870.00 Single 2,805.00

Burkhart, Moler, Yost, Miller, Martin, Lurry, and Boteler Halls: Suite/Double 2,153.00 Suite/Single 3,229.00

Board 1,599.00

West Liberty State College Single 2,495.00 Double 1,795.00 Apartments 2,772.00

Board - meal plan 1,346.00

West Virginia State University All Residence Halls: Gore Hall Single 2,075.00 Gore Hall Double 1,425.00 Sullivan West Single 2,075.00 Sullivan West Double 1,425.00 Sullivan East Double 1,425.00 Sullivan East Single 2,075.00 Sullivan East 8th Floor (no double occupancy) 2,175.00 Dawson Single 2,125.00 Dawson Double 1,475.00 Dawson Suite (Suite room utilized as community room space) - West Virginia Higher Education Institutions Room and Board Charges Academic Year 2008-2009 (per semester rates)

ROOM AND BOARD CHARGES 2008-09 Board Plans: Board - Option #1 1,585.00 Board - Option #2 1,300.00 Board - Option #3 1,400.00 Board - Option #4 1,250.00 Board - Option #5 Board - Option #6 Commuter Plans: Block 25 215.00 Block 50 320.00 Block 85 480.00 Faculty Plans Block 25 105.00 Block 50 190.00

WVU Institute of Technology Coed* - Double 0.00 Coed* - Single 0.00 Hi Rise - Quad 1,550.00 Hi Rise - Double (1) 2,400.00 Hi Rise - Single (2) 1,800.00 Maclin Hall** - Double with Bath 2,400.00 Maclin Hall** - Single Room 2,700.00 Ratliff - Double 1,600.00 Ratliff - Double with Private Bath 1,800.00 Ratliff - Single 2,400.00 Ratliff - Single with Private Bath 2,600.00

Board - Semester (10 Meal Plan) 1,272.00 - Semester (15 Meal Plan) 1,372.00 - Semester (19 Meal Plan) 1,472.00

*Coed residence hall will not be used in 2008-09. **Maclin was recently renovated, is air conditioned and viewed as the most desirable residence hall on campus. The significant increase in a Maclin double room is to assure a rate equivalent to the HiRi double, which is a less desirable residence hall. (1) This rate is for two student living in a room designed for four. (2) This rate is for four very small singles. The single rooms are smaller than the Hi Rise doubles.

West Virginia University: Residence Hall Rooms* Single room 2,469.00 West Virginia Higher Education Institutions Room and Board Charges Academic Year 2008-2009 (per semester rates)

ROOM AND BOARD CHARGES 2008-09 Double room 1,967.00 Triple room 1,868.00 Quad room 1,759.00 Single Occupancy in Double Room 2,821.00 Single suite 2,469.00 Double suite 2,095.00 Triple suite 2,075.00 Quad suite 2,056.00

Stalnaker & Fieldcrest Halls Single 2,583.00 Double Suite 2,195.00 Triple Suite 2,175.00 Quad Suite 2,155.00

Lincoln Hall** Single room, shared bath (7) 2,583.00 Single suite, private bath (1) 2,583.00 Double suite (307) 2,476.00

Holiday Plan 17.31

Board - 19 Meal Plan 1,750.00 Board - 15 Meal Plan 1,634.00 Board - 10 Meal Plan 1,474.00 Blue Plan - 209 Meals 1,955.00 Gold Plan - 229 Meals 2,025.00 Special Meal Plan-Break/Lunch-M-F 900.00 Upper Class Elite 814.00 Upper Class Express 460.00

*Applies to Evansdale Residential Complex, Arnold, Boreman, Dadisman, Spruce House, College Park-The Ridge, Summit and Pierpont