Southfield September Newsletter

Around the Home in August

Frank with Christine out in the Garden

Madeline and Marion enjoying a game of Snakes and Ladders

Violet relaxing in the 1950s Sitting Room


Southfield Fete It was a beautiful day when we held our annual summer fete. The fete was well attended by family, friends and staff joining the residents to enjoy an afternoon of entertainment, trying their luck with the raffle, browsing round the stalls and relaxing with a cup of tea. The afternoon raised £155.55 for the Resident Amenity Fund. Thank you you to everyone who supported the Fete.

Madeline on the Bric a Brac stall Margaret, Rachel, Audrey browsing Bon Marche Stall

Cheryl and daughter Rachel Vounteers Hazel, Frances & Eileen On Tea and Cake Stall on Main Raffle

Colin & Joyce Jade, Kathleen & Shirley 3

Rose & Linda Kathleen & Entertainer Steve

Joyce & Daughter Linda Madeline & Daughter Janice with Grandchildren

Margaret & Frances Chrissie & Anne-Marie


Molly, Jane & Tim

Mags with her Daughter and Grandchildren enjoying the garden

Joyce and her Daughter Linda very pleased with a double win on the raffle! 1st Prize £50 Note 2nd Prize £25 M&S Voucher


Raffle Prize Winners

1st £50 Note------Lin Wood 2nd £25 M&S Voucher ------Joyce Benyon 3rd Radio Control Car------Cheryl 4th Large Teddy ------Rose 5th Love in Paris Gift Set------Joyce Baglin 6th Lavender Garden Collection Gift Set------Pam 7th Black Leather Handbag ------Mrs Mathians 8th Have I Told You Lately CD------Anne-Marie 9th Spa Bathing Gift Set------Anne Brown 10th Brush Gift Set------V.A c/o Lynne 11th Bag Organiser------Shirley 12th Lizard Hand Bag------Donald 13th Thornton’s Summer Collection Chocolates------Mags 14th Oriental Oil Dipping Oil ------Lynne 15th Dove Gift Set with Bag------Jean Waine 16th Juicy Fresh Fruit Set------Colin 17th Bath Gel Set ------Kath Waine 18th Bucket BBQ------O.J c/o Yvonne 19th Guylian Chocolates------Molly 20th Lavender Hand and Nail Set------Donald 21st Bassetts Jelly Babies ------Kath W 22nd Orange and Lemon Slices------Margaret H 23rd Bronzing Set ------Betty Nash 24th Projector Clock------Jenny 25th Box of Chocolates------Natalie 26th Bottle of White Wine------Val & Steve Pitt

Thank you to everyone, who donated prizes and brought raffle tickets. All money raised all goes into the Resident Amenity Fund.


Gloucestershire Trust in Bloom

Congratulations, Southfield came 2nd for the Best Front Garden Category. Well done Colin and Christine (Volunteer Gardeners)!

This Month’s Quote

"Mistakes are embarrassing when they happen. But years later, you have a collection of mistakes called experience, which leads you to success!" Author Unknown

Poem for September

Blackberry Eating

I love to go out in late September among the fat, overripe, icy, black blackberries to eat blackberries for breakfast, the stalks very prickly, a penalty they earn for knowing the black art of blackberry-making; and as I stand among them lifting the stalks to my mouth, the ripest berries fall almost unbidden to my tongue, as words sometimes do, certain peculiar words like strengths or squinched, many-lettered, one-syllabled lumps, which I squeeze, squinch open, and splurge well in the silent, startled, icy, black language of blackberry -- eating in late September.

Galway Kinnell


Historical September

Among many other events, September saw the Black Prince, eldest son of Edward III, lead the English to victory over the French at the Battle of Poitiers.

The death of the only English Pope Adrian IV 1 Sept. 1159 (Nicholas Breakspeare)

The Great Fire of London begins in Pudding Lane 2 Sept. 1666 and rages for 5 days, but killing only 9 people.

3 Sept. 1939 Britain and France declare war on Germany

The Beatles start their first recording session at 4 Sept. 1962 EMI's Abbey Road Studios, London

5 Sept. 1638 Birth of Louis XIV, 'The Sun King', of France

The Mayflower sets sail from Plymouth, England 6 Sept. 1620 carrying the Pilgrim Fathers to America.

Birth of Queen Elizabeth I, daughter of Henry VIII 7 Sept. 1533 and Anne Boleyn.

8 Sept. 1944 The first V2 flying bombs kill 3 people in London

James IV of Scotland is killed at the Battle of 9 Sept. 1513 Flodden

Birth of Mungo Park, Scottish explorer who 10 Sept. 1771 published his 'Travels in the Interior of Africa' in 1799

11 Sept. 1915 Britain's first Womens Institute opens in Wales


Marriage of to Clementine 12 Sept. 1908 Hozier

Harry Jackson becomes the first person in Britain to 13 Sept 1902 be convicted on fingerprint evidence

14 Sept. 1752 The first day of the Gregorian calendar in Britain

MP William Huskisson becomes the first rail 15 Sept. 1830 fatality at the opening of the Manchester Railway.

16 Sept. 1400 Owain Glyndwr proclaimed Prince of Wales

King James II of England died whilst in exile in 17 Sept. 1701 France

Birth of Samuel Johnson, compiler of the first 18 Sept. 1709 English dictionary

The Black Prince, eldest son of Edward III, leads 19 Sept. 1356 the English to victory over the French at the battle of Poitiers

20 Sept. 1258 Consecration of Salisbury Cathedral.

Death of Edward II, murdered with a red hot poker 21 Sept. 1327 by his jailers.

Britain's first Prime Minister, Sir 22 Sept. 1735 moves in to 10 Downing Street

Chewing gum is produced commercially for the 23 Sept. 1848 first time.


The first St. Leger horserace is run at Doncaster, 24 Sept. 1776 Yorkshire

First transfusion of human blood is performed at 25 Sept. 1818 Guy's Hospital, London

The Golden Hind arrives in Plymouth harbour having sailed round the world under the captaincy 26 Sept. 1580 of Sir Francis Drake. Drake plundered a few Spanish ships en-route to keep morale high!

First use of the name, 'Jack the Ripper' in an 27 Sept. 1888 anonymous letter to the central news agency

'God Save the King' is sung for the first time at 28 Sept. 1745 London's Drury Lane Theatre

29 Sept. 1758 Birth of Horatio Nelson

Misguided British Prime Minister Neville 30 Sept. 1938 Chamberlain says, after meeting Hitler in Munich, 'I believe it is peace for our time'.

September Birthstone: September Flowers: Sapphire Aster



Notable Dates Sunday 27th October British Summer ends - Clocks go back 1 hour Thursday 31st October Halloween Sunday 10th Nov Remembrance Sunday Saturday 30th Nov St Andrew's Day Wednesday 25th December Christmas Day Thursday 26th Dec Boxing Day Tuesday 31st Dec New Year’s Eve

Dates for Forthcoming Events at Southfield

Wednesday 11th September Fruit and Vegetable Show in Churchdown

Saturday 19th October Southfield Tea Party 2pm

Saturday 2nd November Treasure and Trash Sale 2pm

Saturday 30th November Christmas Coffee Morning

Wednesday 18th December Christmas Party Wednesday 25th December Christmas Service 6pm


Friday Afternoon Matinee


In the First Lounge A range of films will be on offer on a Friday afternoon


Every Thursday at 3pm With Helena



The chiropodist visits every 6 weeks. If you need your feet seen by the chiropodist, please mention it to a member of staff, who will add your name to the chiropodist’s list.

Next visit is on the 17th September 2013 (in the morning)

Optician and Dentist If you feel you need to see a dentist or the optician, see a member of staff who will arrange for them to visit.



Amanda the Hairdresser is here weekly on a Wednesday (and some Mondays). So if you would like to make an appointment, please ask a member of staff.

Price List (updated May 2013)

Wash & Set £12 Wash & Blow Dry £12 Cut & Set £17 Cut & Blow Dry £17 Perm £38 Gentleman’s Cut £8

Amanda with Margaret


Dates for Church Services

Sunday 22nd September Sunday 27th October Sunday 24th November Sunday 29th December

“Calling all knitters”

Any residents who would like to join in with the Knitting Circle, they are here every Monday afternoon at 1.15pm.


Forthcoming Birthdays

Residents 17th September Joyce Baglin

“Happy Birthday to all of you above”


Frances will come in on alternate Mondays to do Remincence and Fridays for Painting Sessions.

Hazel, Cilla, Eileen & Mavis (The Knitting Circle) come in on Monday afternoons.

Helena comes in on Thursday afternoons to do a quiz.

Christine comes in on Friday mornings to do gardening activities.

Bric a Brac Table

I would like to request that if anyone has any items that can be placed on the bric a brac table, they would be gratefully received.

All money raised goes into the Residents Amenity Fund. 17

Buttons Wanted

Residents are looking for variety of coloured and size Buttons for their crafts project. If you have any spare buttons you could donate they would be gratefully received.

A note from Yvonne

Once again I like to remind you, please let me know if you have any activities ideas that you would like me to plan. I will try my best to include them in with the weekly activity. There is a wide range of activities for you to take part in; also I need the company! Please keep an eye out for the notices that are put up weekly on forthcoming activities. Don’t worry if you miss the notices, I will remind you and encourage you all to come and join in. Anyone who would like me to put anything into the next newsletter, e.g. Wishing someone a Happy Birthday or maybe you have a special poem that you would like to share. Just let me know and I can add it in for you.