Congressional Record—Senate S1471

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Congressional Record—Senate S1471 March 10, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1471 (d) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments Whereas the Panthers of Knightstown nearly 80,000 basketball enthusiasts and made by this section shall apply to taxable played their last official regular-season bas- tourists throughout Indiana, the United years beginning after December 31, 2021. ketball game at the gym in February 1966; States, and the world that visit the location SEC. 5. DEVELOPING INTERAGENCY DATA SE- Whereas, after 45 years of serving the com- every year; RIES. munity and providing a place for its young (2) the film ‘‘Hoosiers’’, which is cele- The Secretary of Labor, in coordination people to grow and develop, the gym was brating its 35th anniversary in 2021, con- with the Secretary of Treasury, the Sec- closed, and for the next 19 years, the gym tinues to remain one of the top ranked and retary of Education, and the Secretary of saw little use; most influential sports movies of all time, Health and Human Services, shall— Whereas, in 1985, interest in the gym in- highlights the love of basketball in the State (1) develop and publish on the internet creased when a film crew descended upon of Indiana, and provides a better under- website of the Bureau of Labor Statistics a Knightstown, Indiana, looking for a place to standing of ‘‘Hoosier Hysteria’’ to the world; data series that captures— film ‘‘Hoosiers’’; (3) both the film and this historical loca- (A) the average base salary of teachers in Whereas ‘‘Hoosiers’’ is an American sports tion deserve recognition for the continued elementary schools and secondary schools, film written by Angelo Pizzo and directed by legacies that greatly enrich the State of In- disaggregated by— David Anspaugh in his feature directorial diana, its local communities, and its citizens (i) employment in public elementary debut, and both individuals were raised in In- by providing the world with a better under- schools and secondary schools that receive diana; standing of the love of basketball in Indiana assistance under part A of title I of the Ele- Whereas the film tells the story of the and what it means to be a Hoosier; mentary and Secondary Education Act of unique phenomenon known as ‘‘Hoosier (4) continued admiration for this film and 1965 (20 U.S.C. 6311 et seq.), Hysteria’’—Indiana’s obsession with basket- historical location reinforces the quote by (ii) employment in public elementary ball; Dr. James Naismith, basketball’s inventor, schools and secondary schools that do not re- Whereas the film is inspired by the 1954 after visiting an Indiana High School State ceive such assistance, and Milan High School team, which made an un- Basketball Championship game that ‘‘Bas- (iii) geographic region, and likely run to win the Indiana High School ketball really had its beginning in Indiana (B) the average base salary of early child- Boys Basketball State Championship, which which remains today the center of the hood educators, disaggregated by highest consisted of a single class of high school bas- sport’’, and such admiration continues to ketball for all schools throughout the State; level of degree attained, and promote throughout the world a better un- Whereas about 1⁄3 of the film was filmed in (2) update the data series under paragraph derstanding of the motto ‘‘In 49 States, it’s the gym, and the film included many Hoo- (1) on an annual basis. just basketball, but this is Indiana’’; and siers, including players on the team and (5) the anniversaries of the film ‘‘Hoosiers’’ f most of the stand-ins; and The Hoosier Gym should be recognized Whereas Dennis Hopper’s role earned him due to the historical and cultural signifi- SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS an Oscar nomination, and Jerry Goldsmith cance each had and continue to have in in- was also nominated for an Academy Award troducing the State of Indiana and its love of for his score; basketball to the rest of the country and the Whereas the film ‘‘Hoosiers’’ is often con- world. SENATE RESOLUTION 102—RECOG- sidered the greatest sports movie of all time NIZING THE 100TH ANNIVERSARY and was added to the National Film Registry f OF THE HOOSIER GYM AND THE in 2001 by the Library of Congress as being SENATE RESOLUTION 103—CON- 35TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE RE- ‘‘culturally, historically, or aesthetically DEMNING MILITARY AGGRES- significant’’; LEASE OF THE FILM ‘‘HOO- SION AND USE OF FORCE BY SIERS’’ Whereas, as a result of the success of this film, the old Knightstown gymnasium came THE CHINESE COAST GUARD Mr. BRAUN (for himself and Mr. to be known as The Hoosier Gym; AGAINST PEACEFUL FOREIGN YOUNG) submitted the following resolu- Whereas The Hoosier Gym has kept the VESSELS THAT PURPORTEDLY tion; which was considered and agreed same look as it did when ‘‘Hoosiers’’ was VIOLATE THE UNLAWFUL MARI- to: filmed in 1985; TIME SOVEREIGNTY OF CHINA Whereas, by 1988, the gym faced possible S. RES. 102 demolition when the 112-year-old school next Mr. SCOTT of Florida (for himself, Whereas The Hoosier Gym is a basketball door, then serving as an elementary school, Mr. SULLIVAN, Mr. WICKER, Mr. TILLIS, gymnasium, museum, and community center was replaced by a new school north of town, and Mr. HAWLEY) submitted the fol- located in Knightstown, Indiana, and is fa- but Historic Knightstown and Historic Land- lowing resolution; which was referred mous for being a filming location for the 1986 marks of Indiana stepped forward to help to the Committee on Foreign Rela- basketball movie ‘‘Hoosiers’’, starring Gene preserve the gym; tions: Hackman and Dennis Hopper; Whereas now The Hoosier Gym usually Whereas, in 1920, the Knightstown Commu- hosts 80 high school basketball games with S. RES. 103 nity School had no gymnasium; teams from throughout the country and over Whereas the National People’s Congress of Whereas, in February 1921, a half dozen 100 games in total each year; China passed the Coast Guard Law of the Knightstown businessmen met to discuss the Whereas, each year, the gym holds the People’s Republic of China on January 22, fact that Knightstown was lagging behind Hoosiers Reunion All-Star Classic, where In- 2021, for the alleged purposes of defending other towns in the development of children’s diana’s best high school athletes play the national sovereignty, security, and mari- athletic education; against each other, with the teams named time rights and interests of China; Whereas, after much debate, a plan to ‘‘Hickory’’ and ‘‘Terhune’’, as in the film; Whereas the Coast Guard Law of the Peo- build a ‘‘gymnasium and community house’’ Whereas many of these athletes have gone ple’s Republic of China applies to activities was developed and approved; on to play in the National Basketball Asso- in the ‘‘jurisdictional waters’’ of China, a Whereas, to help fund the new gym, the ciation and the Women’s National Basket- term that is neither defined nor drafted in Knightstown businessmen raised more than ball Association; accordance with international law; $14,400 in donations from more than 250 citi- Whereas ‘‘Hoosiers’’ and The Hoosier Gym Whereas 6 countries lay overlapping claims zens and several local businesses; have highlighted the cultural impact and im- to the South China Sea, an area known to be Whereas, on December 1, 1921, construction portance of basketball in the State of Indi- rich in oil, gas, and natural resources and by of the gym was completed; ana to the world; which $3,400,000,000,000 in commerce transits Whereas, at 105 feet (32 meters) long and 80 Whereas, in 2021, The Hoosier Gym is cele- through; feet (24 meters) wide, the new gym was big brating its 100th anniversary, and the film Whereas the Government of the People’s enough to accommodate not only basketball ‘‘Hoosiers’’ is celebrating its 35th anniver- Republic of China has made claims to the games and spectators (with bleacher seating sary; and South China Sea by means of a ‘‘nine-dash around the sides and ends of the playing Whereas the film ‘‘Hoosiers’’, The Hoosier line’’ that is not based on legitimate evi- floor), but also many civic and community- Gym, Hinkle Fieldhouse, and all the other dence and nor legal or historical precedent; oriented events; locations throughout Indiana used for film- Whereas United States Navy and United Whereas it was not long before arrange- ing highlight Hoosiers’ love for basketball States Coast Guard ships conduct freedom of ments were made for several professional and ‘‘Hoosier Hysteria’’ at its finest: Now, navigation operations throughout the South basketball teams to play on the new floor, therefore, be it China Sea, challenging excessive and illegal including the EmRoes, the Michigan Rails, Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate maritime claims; and and the Baltimore Orioles, and the town that— Whereas the United States will not tol- even persuaded players from various colleges (1) The Hoosier Gym, which is celebrating erate a threat from the People’s Republic of to compete against local teams; its 100th anniversary in 2021, continues to re- China for its extension of power in waters far Whereas, by 1966, the gym had become ob- main an important historical and cultural beyond its legitimate territorial sea bound- solete with the building of a new high school location for the State of Indiana, Henry aries: Now, therefore, be it and gym; County, the Town of Knightstown, and the Resolved, That the Senate— VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:13 Mar 11, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10MR6.030 S10MRPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S1472 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD —
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