10/02/21 Introduction to France and the Francophone World - (MLF020C123Y) | University of Roehampton

Introduction to France and the View Online Francophone World - (MLF020C123Y) (Academic year 2021-2022)

Best, Victoria. (2002). An introduction to twentieth-century French literature: Vol. New readings : introductions to European literature and culture. Duckworth.

Brooks, Peter. (2008). Realist vision. Yale University Press. https://roe.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/roehampton-eboo ks/detail.action?docID=3420239

Brunette, P. (2010). Michael Haneke (electronic resource): Vol. Contemporary film directors . University of Illinois Press. https://roe.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/roehampton-eboo ks/detail.action?docID=3413902

Camus, Albert. (1962). Exile and the kingdom. Penguin.

Camus, Albert, & Laredo, Joseph. (2000). The outsider: Vol. Modern classics. Penguin.

Carne ́ (Director), M. (2001). Les enfants du paradis [DVD]. BBC Knowledge.

Chabrol (Director), C., & Flaubert, G. (2009). Madame Bovary [DVD]. Arrow Films.

Chez Maupassant: contes et nouvelles [DVD]. (2007). JM Productions.

Clouzot (Director), H.-G. (1943). Le Corbeau: the Raven [DVD]. Optimum World.

Clouzot, H.-G. (1992). Les Diaboliques. BBC 2.

Corbiau (Director), G. (2000). Le roi danse [DVD].

Djebar, A. (1992). The Woman Who Weeps. In Women of Algiers in their apartment: Vol. CARAF books (pp. 54–57). University Press of Virginia.

Doy, G. (2007). Claude Cahun: a sensual politics of photography. I. B. Tauris. https://www.dawsonera.com/guard/protected/dawson.jsp?name=https://dmz-shib-dg-01.d mz.roehampton.ac.uk/idp/shibboleth&dest=http://www.dawsonera.com/depp/reader/ protected/external/AbstractView/S9786000021108

Dupeyron (Director), F. (2003). The Officer’s ward. Channel 4.

1/3 10/02/21 Introduction to France and the Francophone World - (MLF020C123Y) | University of Roehampton

Flaubert, Gustave. (1950). Madame Bovary: a story of provincial life: Vol. Penguin classics. Penguin.

Forbes, Jill, Carne ́ , Marcel, & . (1997). Les enfants du paradis: Vol. BFI film classics. British Film Institute.

Franju (Director), G. (1960). Les Yeux sans visage: Eyes without a face [DVD]. BBC2.

Frascina, F. (1993). Modernity and modernism: French painting in the nineteenth century: Vol. Modern art : practices and debates. Yale University Press in association with the Open University.

Gildea, R. (1997). France since 1945: Vol. Opus. Oxford University Press.

Green, C. (2001). Colonialism, l’art negre, and Les Demoiselles d’Avignon. In Picasso’s Les demoiselles d'Avignon: Vol. Masterpieces of Western painting (pp. 77–102). Cambridge University Press.

Haneke (Director), M. (2006). Hidden [DVD] (Widescreen). Artificial Eye.

Hayward, S. (2005). Les diaboliques: Vol. French film guide. I. B. Tauris.

Hiddleston, J. (2006). Assia Djebar: out of Algeria (electronic resource): Vol. Contemporary French and francophone cultures. Liverpool University Press. https://roe.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/roehampton-eboo ks/detail.action?docID=380671

Hopkins, D. (2004). Dada and Surrealism: a very short introduction: Vol. Very short introductions. Oxford University Press.

Human, all too human. (n.d.). BBC2. http://bobnational.net/record/323030

Lloyd, C. (2007). Henri-Georges Clouzot: Vol. French film directors. Manchester University Press. https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt155j8q4

Masters, Brian. (1970). A student’s guide to Molie ̀ re: Vol. Student guides to European literature. Heinemann Educational.

Maupassant, Guy de, & Miles, Sia ̂ n. (2004). A Parisian affair and other stories: Vol. Penguin classics. Penguin.

Mermier, G. R. (2000). France: past and present: Vol. Studies in modern European history. P. Lang.

2/3 10/02/21 Introduction to France and the Francophone World - (MLF020C123Y) | University of Roehampton

Norton, L. (1982). The Great Fete at Vaux-Le0Vicomte. In The Sun King and his loves (pp. 33–50). Folio Society.

Pfaff, F. (1984). Black Girl (1966): From book to film. In The cinema of Ousmane Sembene: a pioneer of African film: Vol. Contributions in Afro-American and African studies (pp. 113–125). Greenwood.

Sarah Kay, Terence Cave, & Malcolm Bowie. (n.d.). A Short History of French Literature. Oxford University Press, USA. https://eds.b.ebscohost.com/eds/detail/detail?vid=0&sid=a6a3b7b3-efd2-482f-9e1b-e 083d9fa1cf1%40pdc-v-sessmgr04&bdata=JkF1dGhUeXBlPWlwLGF0aGVucyZzaXRlPW Vkcy1saXZl#AN=192219&db=nlebk

Sartre, Jean-Paul, & Baldick, Robert. (2000). Nausea: Vol. Penguin classics ([New ed.]). Penguin.

Savigneau, Josyane, & Howard, Joan E. (1993). Marguerite Yourcenar: Inventing a Life. Univ. Chicago P.

Sembe ̀ ne (Director), O. (1966). La noire de: Borom Sarret [DVD]. RFI.

Shaw, V. (1983). The short story: a critical introduction. Longman.

Sturdy, D. (1998). Louis XIV: Vol. European history in perspective. Macmillan Press.

Temple, Michael. (2005). Jean Vigo: Vol. French film directors. Manchester University Press.

Vigo (Director), J. (1934). L’Atalante [DVD]. Trboy.

Vigo, J. (1930). A propos de Nice in The complete Jean Vigo [DVD] (2 disc collectors’ edition). Artificial Eye.

Warner, Marina, & British Film Institute. (1993). L’Atalante: Vol. BFI film classics. British Film Institute.

Young, R. (2003). Postcolonialism: A very short introduction: Vol. A very short introduction. Oxford University Press. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Postcolonialism-Very-Short-Introduction-Introductions/dp/019280 1821/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1448295996&sr=1-1

Yourcenar, Marguerite. (1985). Oriental tales (1st ed). Farrar Straus Giroux.

Yourcenar, Marguerite. (2000). Memoirs of Hadrian: Vol. Penguin classics. Penguin.
