

NEW SERIES, VOL 10. NO. 28. , ME.. FRIDAY. AUGUST 12, 1859. OLD SERIES. VOLUME 26, NO. 38.

" " ahe Mill t enable til thia to he done I'kmh I it*- lifwiff I'aimrr. Ml SCR LL A NY. Tn think, suddenly turning doubly preeioua prcaenUd Roy, your " in mum tenure huahand'a nameaaka, »nd tt»« who the fimt *" rommenccd each aor*> with in* with » ntutioal Iftu^h, that all tbU! I knew the precanom by gentleman year, How to Prevent Fruit Stealing. " tanners' to them. She hue- took of me a of »> that we could nf- time hare not mentioned the Imhy." which I held my rif(ht kindly charge ^Department. rr>p high value, Th« Ann rir in Agriculturist m»« » friend A SLIOHT MISTAKE. you I at her fac« to mv> if aha vara f»rd thiaaerere and full fertiU 1 know I gate » violent (tart, and I think im] herwtir, too, while I was gone out. with looked manipulation found hin tfrn|'«i» diMp|oH M her to t e«» Mr«. her wa« Editor. *m tS«> choern, and aa in ralue let of nil thee* I trunk* And but which I had t«eRoy opened eyee widely,but DARIU8 FORBES. rrop the •-rvunU Mole them, h«« went through the of the w.itrh- question* triumphantly, platform Albany depot, thi« new dm ».-r «t *r-«l me in the a deeire to see. She niend«d my too writ »>red to fipr«« eurpnee, and after wa« fit* hundred dollar* p»r net*, we found the thought. preseed the kitehm of the of aaaetigr arri- bitterljr complaining ing proee»aion j just tne land on me to her huahand in tha aama IH lh* ant 1*1 «i—r'« la life, ar» to we fare. How wai I ever to deavrihe a iloTre. sewed my travelling introducing it fertilite liberally; thua Ihieve*. rook Mid aho hud aeen the hahy, «r profitable Tho »ed in the Hudson riter l>.»ut, wL» d'filed M»l iKliaMirN («wtl' c i»e invited ma into the Inuw. ten who had iioicr noticed unn? My courage r.ip nod lound tnj cigar whenever I term*, Hardly — roduc*d with Ih.uaand cab- #»l aitk .Umi -iH. «' j regularity bird* the ran on (heir to ti n car*. The \ftruHmr. picking jtr»|>*"«. ••Very well," past way or ex- •■ink hut in that Mine had loet it, which wis about tiuie« conacioua of what I did, of anything r acre Notwithat thia •• Iwlow tern, propor- twenty hagee p nding large •aid ho, I'll til them, or whoettr els* lloaton train t«v which I liutf come, waited j waa of lion lha r<»«-» to think a while ehe scolded me lor the n»r>'|re». that I atil! in tha Flor- frturo, the gr>-*t of the removal of hlo.»l my face. and I day, cept pmaenc* I'rua (It* \V..ik:nj Cmmi. eipena<«t d en<»«, Iriim whieh I could not endure tohan- atone and the altera of the atirface my teeth chattered in my head. en al mi l feint mi >rt* Our Farm leiaure, only " i»h I followed them into a handsome with Don't lx« afraid that I ahall not her own. I»ng «go ehe had Riven over in* niyHf, hand toola during the of the if I a little of that on Mine of the til aympv | eorre*. growth sprinkle of remonstrance the ; still the An old mhafTiher, and a valoed d-day yet to her little where Mt an oi l whom my left ut with ra.nlermte Thia thl*o in jour rapturea, continued my tor-; my jxNtxowion elegant portraon- parlor, My, cr-'p, profit*. it'll !«• the last that one will stenl. crowd hurried io« Ink. the car* who n«* vanoua article* Iruit, any wiling " me wn aunt ndent, h«» i the j j>mI a* xt am with ell the in it, which ehe ronarienm told tha rheumatic y ri«e to an of menttr, I i»lrn con«id 'red her. I neie, money pate abridgment labor, t»et me aome fljur to mil it with." He and flitted th n in aearth of on the at our farm and iu through eeata; w4i lure the should as she could nor* I had eo Mind. Florence heraelf «p»rationa profit, and we introduced to beliete after Jenny'* lonee, cruelly gradually improved ll<* li»ok tho flour into the room for a lew their nomtvr at last warned ma prepared anything ua t>> U»'l him th« mnni whi«h *r increasing ma to this who w*a a fu- tnr scattered of the ll on •uiulrj own and I followed them. d *.-uli for u» in a •tnglr article, to do more simple " her I it with before I could atammer an >gy an at Him !*• bleated kjIo •««, then it mutt travelling eipeiis«e, opened ap-il preaent of lifting aub. in »he tines, an 1 on imue other froita " I air." jf thin enumerate th*tn in ila—>« I Heir me plarea '"1C J°,,r pardon, hand* when I was alone and ei- tire, related in her own way, (how different *>i| horw hoe*, carrot aeed lie a Ifiy. trembling plow*. weed'ra, in the garden. Tharowaa hut little further I turned in obedience to a touch on nulla will found in our l«a«-k volum**— my •' ainin>-d the contents. There were, heeidea from the miitaka which aha had dn!!«. potato two- war culti. Of court*," »»i I I, bluahlng and atam- mine.) by diggr*. plow*, of Iruit tliat summer. arm, and »»w a •• Jifttiilt a* thia t*«k may »rin. we dioa|>|*.trr now ••uii-tliinj;, cobaider him tha fln«*t fel- ably journey, jnirney, appeared ia for the following : and shawl, and ««■ cri th« attend- Our w*rr Mimnfwl upon rrs|rke«l a acre of land low in the world ; but you raijht not agree pious packed Roy, aolitary ••A tall. lank** accoeteu ent of a slender and Miind him. *rr»*, and thin a red liar-l green-looting stylish girl When aha hawe%rr. i* tiwe now than ment unhi^wsJ, I ahall nut diwcriba him to pretty t«»y carry, tiny |warl warmly eipreaaing many gr»at-r in hi* hand, and mo I'll it* and at the I car- •• »• nr« of all *iae*, tr»m that of a hacl* apple begged {•lancing portmanteau, too small to lit hers— kindneaa and consideration," to w<* ring any finger but my my when inen for name I could. 1 ta«lnl ahade of you." h> required twenty thirty if ii—hut, ried on which my surname was ttut to aKtrra wri|hir( imr «>r two quite |eji- •• which I am afraid I ki**-fa, a* at Our want of " had you may pretty preaeftt. capital thia the climui. [t wa» *orx than That is name—at »our a rvic®— Jenny eoruplea—«o f ur inche* ; Mow thta waa a capped my hand " So. Olive St. and make the of namaaake decomp^l th«' whole farm in thia your" II the trouhle or street, I^iuis," acquaintance my prevented being put or »>ur or what can I do for ? ■pare happiuete rt n nl a to th* *uh Hut *erjuice, plum*, unrip* jwraitn- you hi* f *oil, aimilar anil, it nie which 1 waa the resi- and condition in a but we wet* nev. '• whiehervr ie—but tell what you rightly conjectured, family. aingle year, m»na After I had regained my coni|>o«ofe, The Misa Florence Dun* im higher ttale of |-ro(n<*eion. to a young lady, dence of her tMutin eliiee hus'iand I I detached frnm all thia d<*pih er t- half do with a me«n to csall him ?" J>« flushing and hard-pan, highly wt-re well aware aa that one aero v« way p*ling then, now, a aorl of aatiru-al »mi|e stealing orer hit her." lie turned to the behind replied. an) hrenkir>her f-aturra, he Wal him— thought give Cak>w fr«m a of an inch to replied at and when with one last look at her. left the rum. A u'finj quarter u* a* a* trn scree re " him cumstances, least, with her pay wt but her and br»u moment after. I felt tl>e touch of light and if at thia tint* we could not ua« un l«-r- wb«»«e The deuce th« iid!" thought I, ••No; lorg everything grace on my hull farm. I call it the Yank ap- The young lady, dark hlue eyea anon *m**d at thaconeluo >n thai tKe aton** and firm resolution to be no mora hand on my arm, and turning, aaw. with ■lra>n* and aub e-u* one ol a name ia in a I re- ty, my p! iw«, Nitroger>if>-d Yana* it can't h» l»e*i; it look* ao good, had bren spinning me, a* I could perceive enough family," tiu«t N» removed ; th*t tha imwiw ata'Hint ple, than a cousin but out mule that aha had followed ma in- of and the angler horae should be; of that »irpria», y^r-ptwpbate Litue, and yet t« ao 'tarnal aour, that I u« it on- thr ugh her hlue ailk veil, now liftel it plied, of uater tha aoil from charmed conacience made me to the ?eetihole. icrupving apringa, w«* Tim 11i»iii >n of that to prsaene* my t i 1 from a horti ntal •'ratification ly miaerable. .Mr »h« Mid [ nearly t at cannot be h *, Swaara. and timidity. a« »aa U nrnel off Hv under-drain*, before which per the conflict* of I had in mr m». f tr* yivi d'» If t »ilant whilt aume amount of fiertion will in '• «c talked of varioua indifferent trajroi feeling* produ«! Mercantile and other tocationa. without the rn aieh aaid ahe. I thou I should know thing*, hring good looking Hot," ght *m n a* w >uld he to catch tha whole of applea handy, jump mionioua with hrr, *he reaented it, H«n»ww, ninl linriiif t'llcconduct, it >t likely uae of all tbeee With them we eo to iImw on m» imagination Ml >»l**j» appliance-*. the f.'nce, M*ne the fn»t fair on« can you in a moment. Jenny described you compelled |h»o». *> that the under drama aliould not they mi I me in »u<-h a from angi-r. ♦x-lirTC m», hut hmiuN I waa claim that an t ia a the of conscience, when I gate l»egged bi—«ching way, farming gardening pro* reach, tak» a Idle,—hut, I awow, after one accurately. ||ow kind it was fir you to ripen•» my l* arin >Tr>| with a mntiniiouaand and not to tr>v»t her and to call Iter her fr*t too much a*t<>ni*hiH|. altcr»ard» too lirp> eten th« of rn? from hi Ion. ao, (liable buain«*«a, and with graaa farm* never wait to take ofTer to take of me. I ( chant ptrticular* j»«irn*y B by hilt, another, hut charge hope " • «•« of water, and he active, aa un- they name thai had I dre*m«l a« much mu mot* than ran ahouM h« drdraina alwav* »h >uld I*, in receiving much a* erer I to I could not T I aoT. ar»«l or whether the eoil ahottld «i r* eound of her toic* «t artled me with longed do, propriety profit, Simmon*' orchard, to g«l one of hia In the midst of my bewilderment, atthua f e eicrM of water oo theauil the guod hrr. Hut the I wa» niiwriHI* in l^il, if a fala» aham*, which falling hy we adreadoffraah hot refit** thought be in tbe manner hate named, lUldwina to take the aour address"! (he awee.est voice in the qiitoltoQ*, neo*««.irr, prepared out of their being by Ton «.«• ha» not iiit ry of tha lower water level, entering at an of after our eonnaotlon Ullinfc you Mwibla to hounaware*!, and I frit a i»npo»ter, whom, prevent*! or deeertej. moulh« My orcharJ hat an or- world, I managed to aee that I must make imp goiN t!:' r hutt.ima. Theae occurred at aartainly an do n t MieTe that it i« either with a and to stammer up my temple*, julio. fut the ritin generation, proper reply, proceeded an to or r<*r the hrow of e*«*h nae, and tha fol. reputation -i^l ah" could think acquaintance atrangctjr t«e^un. Truat w a tun** I met the look <>f tlin*« hetotilul nn, caption j.r»«*ti upon her, i>«* nr to >rk farm mowing ao I uti fru t. ere out what I an patriotic and my Neow, if thia thought apuropriate speech, ma, I th* truth." ]. onita* w -r* taken to rid uf or that would not ciua' air, «irg g*t It wjm 1«trt when we for rroimulx-r nothing ap»ak fmi rno tun of h»* p«r acr*. wh«n it hoi a uwful I'd to when the se rvant, who had Ml ua for a mo* »t.ipp.v| supper, linolhj tery like know know what anewer th.a — apple, unm rit«- uiore than I rapture knowing, I >t haii it*. waa turned J.iwn into the a»il >wn (» to *• and to realu* that «li« to he rrfiction, anj other, confr**, d to (truii, it m»j m«le ii>M tl>e next fruit liat ol the I'.on •! >gic*l Socie- Did am Edward?" f»*^io ought you my and tha of the estimation I look/"! down into that |o?*ly far*. that il at full at diatanc* of ten feet apart, to •• I w«ll wm knowledge in li'plh, three loni; in »tS»r woitl*, pay Un i»r oa of cultivation." a»k-d liia miatr-aa knew perfectly that it ty worthy g»-in-ral w»* not for lh" l*»t tim*. took rath tun* the hurer *Ifi the Kill *o wlrch *he would (orrtrr hold me alter mr quito away lifting r»nt on the inTr*tment •• inler-«t, in addi- •• Y«-a. Miaa, it ia all on." my duly to utT-r her a rating place on raj waa tin* little | had remaining. m to rem -?* it from th* and diacotered, agonized mr, and I hole, dropping tion t<> a twice a* large*• can be r-al. •• h»J better to reaeh shoulder, hut I lur 11v had courege to n»k pootion pr>>fit Gathering and the Fruit. Then you hurry the ton want In how nit a Keeping hare to own If know I fait, an latb in each bol* ; the water to on would given all I it ordinary i*ed hr the oi l MtU Near wren o'clock boat. ami telI that innocent Uc* ray arm, which po*ar«»>d practice. Urgt In order Ui wuw Mini.In.>•« and <5ood-bjc, lay man who i« l'» tw how b« pr»**er- to hrr and leave her at once, hung, would *<>uM in the** bole* and wet the » win a» «!i* lit 41 ol a aight though appear eiti-*. whew can he >IJ. a«w me not it, cou«it> garden cmj* put niiiHi, it i« that them you i>(T." thought feel to be indi*p»nuh|j ntcnmry Mlcly the of never her more wa* r'prfted. Uth to a certain auis* of them with- an mtn. thought a<«eing height, r*cb in turn, in and it a I married howerer acr«. £*rd*d duty not twin fit* nince nil thi* gathering i*deUjr*d long At l**t wo reached .St l/»ui« !>,> I yrart htpp-ned, a few inch** abnr* their lower end. anil that I could Jeo-i?e her a*j only —r«it if jou chkt-Ku*—and thur pro. wm| me with tho he ble, scarcely cri|« wibU, avoi ling rv lr>*t*, and the light baggage " ©mi tin cotiiin the ruw of latha acru** tlie Ul I tat !" when the eight of thoae apirr* yet J*nny (my Jenny now,) By examining cv-d oftr the whole farm, down to hut I w.ia aruuard the im>re than I had already done, I prof^-ml *"»ding uixt practice with our eitvnme had Carried ; hy »• u* in our la*t letter, of the we ascertained and gahl.w warned me that mjr hri<-f dr»»m bitterly reproach** higtieat hill, il th« object ho to make a 'a m* we the u«oal M»e Mushed point i;ra««, »;ru*« farm, orchardiat* is In the Iruil direct- Young if hud n it Iwl- citility, slightly, not in it we place good laily aaking w»a for limiting hrr all th time, hurt which Uth v»a- wetted t-> the of happin**aa otrr, and the remoraefol highrst punt. afttreach acre i*ao and ameliora- t« r a^Mire our a.«<»ta in an l anawer- hut thank*-! Tie, and looked up into my iiupnted It. in a careful manner, in new, tight flour the^ra, again undertaken th* hut under " wliich I had fwrn utT a. jour ey. *od to this lath li-d a this a a* reflection sitting string, passing ted. Oner in *uch condition, and mv arm. U-n with Mid, are fairlj h*rrel* a* ao-in a* g *thered from the tr»«e. «l nff.ring her In rnin- eye* smile, you my difT'-rent iine* renc* i« hj were now comm-nee in au*pi *arn-«t, the string Joan to era**, will be ut«-a we wer.« aeated -i'le pi«l" and trun- eje* closed light topdre«*ing* keep Theee banv!* ahould gentlj »haken while hy Dundard no more, and »le- j* up( at 11 rata hat- she alept and a* if rvstiug gr.un filling, and the head cloaelj prewed in; thejr Albany tlutgr.-w sweetly calmly, 10 th** no mor'' but with to ar.l »> on to the wa« dreadful to me, and the tune seemed to Mni'iingly, taut, and then th* nett, Urn ui W» admit that th« in and yield. fr«vlj art lien in a c.k.1, er and laater. accoriiy |»-»O0. confident-* a (ipmai*, a* t'l* of wif* of 6?" we a wain placed *hadjr with wing* it drew near. nearly year*' h ttui of f»* hill, wher* dug »utf l in the various of our I I «>k« i down on the )«'«utirul fly lightning profit rvporta under a ehetl to the air, or-»n the north I had now time to r«*1*et with that lo»e- and I uir ni»m*a on th« Mie was all and aatonuhed at mr ■tanding, r*j*i»t*red < drain to rveif* all other* that might t with that gaietjr l-n farm, could not l« achieved r har and a fat-" but what waa the um. •lightly fatigue, " •ide of building, protected by covering of ly o|>|>oaitr ■•, paled hotel S-»->k. a« Mr. un I Mm. I* K f wn aadn<-aa and aWnce of mind wh>*n ao i»- mtde thereafter. A drain then dug hut that if to *uch at me, and lelt like a »illun. I <1 tro-1 (•rain cro|«a, appropriated board* over tho where 11 • ev remain (or Sime rang'* utiatiki had against and hlwa luck* *tar» i* t r*»d it orer. t<>|>, evidently Ii4p* home ami when we entered tha carriage that my f the line of thi* string. and to the the would he tbtn not touch her with iiit irm, the .Mowing :ru|-, profit* greut.-r a or until the cold become* too and I had Iivii miatakrn although E*en whil* I writ*, lorli*r than fortnight, j>*tx-d, evidently wan to u« Florence, cut off all the 1 c>nv*j to our daatination, I had lull of fit* feet ; tin* *« of our the a.nn« nime of h"r much. dr«on of the ; Hut iMunding thecarejiMtlel ft-ry ert-r. a* I think, make* a cr ind of cirefully hall a mind t > lake a c lluhl rub- pret*n*« and th* del iter* of water W4<»u of eo 1* the I »»t rmnoraeleM until the settled iw.triljr Spring*. fip»-n«* thorough preparing soil, to a cool, collar, in which air can be ad. I how to remedy this now, without alarming sleeper our at the h >tel wher« dry er than encounter the scorn and arranging bjggag* gr-it. that to dig at the lower The farmt-r who tli«' luat •* forward and awaken- dia.ipoint commencing Ukmg yvrt together. nutted in bri*k weather. th» innocent lai'y in my "hirge— hy slipping we wh rh haa r*tnind*d trie occasionally young airnt of Ohm hlue evee ; hut I mustered atop. (»nd by end it »*s difficult to maintain lb* figure of hmi hi* farm in the war we hate nan wi'h the rnin^. Site her ami mpMit A cellar, lor tin* purpose, nhould I*. dug how to find the right right opetud •jam iu»Untly, tran>* tiort to writ" down thi« 1 courage an f followed her in, giving tha a !• put ttory.) Its u of th* drain hut. .ir«»»ing nl* fall •■iM. •• by Nl^otnl borrowed capital, repay in or toil, with, if name, among aetrral hunlrH people, and or com** o*«r m* to call me dear dry, gra*elly, sandy |«>»- •' dr>*M> innate leaning water run It i* no »•« for roc lo to with found in tha which for- it after th* b»m of had off, better < tT than hi* who a,» try sleep portin •• great it rnd mighUir, sible, a to the north ; or, i»t any rate, to tranaf>>r her among many without Chester," in*t*ad of dear Muain Frank." slopt " it i« wu* tf.e one to tha drirer. we wer* rnahlol to st»n* it. an of lam* my lionnet on," the said ; for »ery tunmlj right Imnof l on tier* <>« tKnr the cel. whirled my h»-iid, I in • Mialake?" placed »iJ/i,and tSoughta through hap- • o py Slight at time and fl >wrri to on tli» rack ahova u«, can jou tie cold and ouiet ?" feet hut unf jrtun*te!jr that We !>.»»« had to l*»*r the and to eneount.-r thoaa er*a fi»*-d put apart, gibe* J—«-rw lar ahould be a« dark as In amiling " kept po**ible, jwn«-d It rmi* ', Mi»« I f ild not drain til*. All drain* I to hold it her it woulii Florence," an«wered, procure i>f a o>h*ider*h|e of the agricultur- a one their preferred telling |orti»n •uch cellar, of the u|»nt me,and up-n un»uapicioua, garo " Tiib Mua't*..* larg»*t apple grow- ilia limu ha* conio in which I um»t con- ViRtmu. Of lat* jMra fc >r» iu are with •• mf.-r with mo, uiiil after a few ree- ntlt «!••> howe**r. al and of me. not trouble or die- objections pij«e pr. many *dp|»i«ed practical er* in Dutches is able to the drcid<*d I will Mfn fiKUm't county keep Iw no the of th» Ma^Utrom on Ihi to she in truth too to to you that I have in the tile, and w» have had full reason know fr>■ nd» ; all tin* have dune, with a tr.-« of her resigned It, being sleepy per* which, in the fruit room, her, hy any knowledg« poei- roaat »| ha* fx*n J<»ubt«J. Tli« Greening apple, content tlia then the blue silk houae to which *i- are than the Norway of their a* with etone Feet coit*ciou *na« that the would come •' but do point; lying liaiitoiiing superiority compared day decays in until the 1*1 of (ion," 1 concluded, willjuat my ■tiii'ii'iit ari-ounta of it* UrriMe w<-r« usually January, veil o*er h«-r l«- laull-btidrr* would become our heat to the of the glo««y against irnpr in the frrahc*; and (meet condition. Gil individual »ho doiihtli** hut the M ac- April, place claiui to either it that ut an iui- fa'»uloo«, th* same shoulder and Tim tuna Otjr only '«!? n *o much land a*, in lfocil<-«. and thi* we are to mt ha* took mn and her wherever aha my slept agiin.. up b'»ppy Njine a later of clean rye (or, conduct tu *11 r an I it aometirniw per*>in* place to shake and an- an J df«iw." danj^rout. 'uld thoroughly tnipulalcd degree ; straw lietween cfvrr of when wialiea tog't, if I can find out where it began proved layer apples, only Sli" M II ig'Tiip, oilni*i«*r of the Norwegian wa* her I stifl.-d ill* of eon. turned her face wondering and in heart. Thesurfa** loubt the of the bxt mean* to an of n«»j reproach** my lovely put g««od plowing prprietv u»ing them in barrel*. ia'" I turn*! her with affectation marine, h*» a reliable ac- h»- packing and arm around toW:irde mo. recently j;ir>n then to a of two inche* t > tiuMe reeult* in will science, ptMing my lightly puszled j--rtonned depth prodmc pr farming Fruit* of America. ran* which I wa" Tery lar from filing, and ivmni of in to aoroe of [Downing'* Thank 11 ••men I not road tear and il, r**|»ljr quiwtiohe " ln r slender drew Iter head in did neath th* hum. and thi* ha* be*n increased n..t will with our a waist, up my u«, thejr frvxljr agr.e »i«|, it ia a long journey." a of the |t>*t»n R*c >rl «r. Mm aversion in it iMrroa|M>ii(J«»nt at each since. until it haa M hreast, where it all night. surface-plowing Wiiut (imiLliio, Tito .Milwaukee Sen* |)o you think *o? H it it i* lay slept fut opinion*. Tery plc«*» " The whirl i* caueol \>y tha eotting in the of innoivm* •, • ron" an I »eeful No right no claim !*' aha repeated ; * '• fifteen inch** of lotmv surface. The Wmake no rlnirea to but Couaiii it to sleep p originality, tinrl mj« that »orae idea maj bo formed of *nt, isn't it? Jenny enjoyed an I out of the tidea lietw«>en Lof.xlen ari l to 1 could not what can un-an?" •t »ne* wi-tre rem if^l before and after to in tIt* "inxfe^* but it 11 need'e»« «iy, that you plow- Merely industry collating the extent to which gambling In wheat i» much !M Mteiien anil ie ino*t violent half ba- •• I I told her and the whole way and thi* ha* h*< n A an J their wwti. Wo Ah, indeed !** rl >m my nor «my conscience. frankly folly, ing. continuously repeat- other*, avoiding carried on, wliea it i« known that for •••me ryw tw>»en tl n* eV> ami mm] tidj. At fl'xxl and •• on beautiful still truth, I have eel it do«n ed until all are taken Af'er thf *ur- -laiia that thousand* of acre* in our what a man !*' could g;u- down the nearly her*, awaj. neigh- week* 4»t tli» ».»!'•« ol wheat liavo Why. why, queer only ebb inii- it art lor about half an | re|»rtcd not (li»ap|>< t»e* followed a *uh»dl which an.I elaewhere, lie workrd to »»i'J, with a little •' Didn't the lact, and how it would confront denying nothing, concealing nothing, plowing plow, urhood might fruui 40,1X10 to N'.INKI liualifli laugh. iiutgine hot with of ranged per evil the uk-Ii'm aecret hour, b^ina .^jam »monii^ r •he knew what I was, and how I of love h>r her. in th* commencement reprating ;'i* Mnii< tit* a*me mama M «ny wm ti ll Tim, n* fi dun me in nil Iter hip, if my required profit by while the actual *«ld hu ex. the watrra. ui »_r |'im o»er il daj, receipt' more stid When the brief recital waa ended, «« both time* in th* sam* furrow, with sii hat* that we iuie«ted »uui« letter*, how *he I#, and that St. Lou* jeceired her ; or dreaming wildly t»»ny »upjH««l largo ceed bushel*. Some ul the large*! harpy in in k'rriM weather, hot in a •torn* it in a bundrc1 10 the nf the land he. i* the iwMtcil in tho world to liva in? reproduced although money preparation operator* never in reality own a bushel of jil.uv it it to the lar^ett craft. Sunll to in the den her face, I could aee that aha treuiMed [M-rilou* tn*de to tratel in th* bottom of In* furrow. lore it. wo had no Hear iTi« ! that I should Ii»t« to tell her neter before pausM imagine, earning Tlmiilaltu; wheat. (Fanner. biMU ar» not a»f« near it at tha time of its nerer unle«s with ahaiue and The T we ha*« since mad* in the 1411 '1 llu-rufor* could atail when own husHand first. (low we shall fa>v of uiy wile. I had lored, violently repulsion. improfement niinrj, only laugh •ironjj'tit action in weather. The and o( her di«irea* waa t > and any construction of the *ulauil li**iuate- of lit* credit of tlie k- i» .ii. • 'x»ut it wh<*n me there." the butterfly lo»r« ofJ>4ra'i>^* XowjHirt ■■ght agony me, plow, ittv-Mry, •iui|>le B M R llenrj Ward Boecher get wliirla in the Mai-let rwtu «lo not a« «m one* no and still I -#* had I I tried to a lew word* ol facilitated thi* and we now , n i* uni Urn. it*. The of So it was St. I/mis we were to, tie my apology. operation, 11 um<>iig »»u —"A n.hi thut ihoot n going might dignified, w riatly profit* would rohin, " i draw *.-ewiW ulxlt-r the waU-r, but even You cann it hUui<> and hate me, Mia* •-l. , iu »u < from acre* to was so thankful lor two of iiiloruia- i« a far off contingency. Dundttrd, my- ucrea* .J twenty t to caravan the air in their piecoa p "Mihility or tlae'i thoiu the gathered g«thn in life. S>*er l*f >re, I aver lud I wn •elf," aaid, lb«dielru« The aubaoil > r >ke up flatlj, tppftrentlr U pMMeut diiaen*ioua, |Maviit^* long pilgrimage to •outhrrn glade* and for* my Solemnly M. ihi : " c«u»rd Heaven knowathat Ilag-rup MT«a. new And how doea dear look ? and the woman I wi»hed to mak" my wife—net' wittingly you. lik# 2it st.>ne, but tliia, uo r««*mn£ th«» he original twenty building*, efts, and then and for Jnnny '• reallj con*cientiou*lj ot ao innoeence In wmler it nit etc. do me •r In-fore had I »o I lo call il I the charge much unfrnmieatlj happen! now a I and a how i« dear Aunt llreman! tell oiged anything accept**] »<• » »M>n fell to piec««. and it -tnnly, j«r*onal npeu»e*. food, hat in him the hlood of rannihal, that at a hank u( cloude ehowa we«| itOMapbm at d Uhi 1 hare an I al« newg own, as I did that face op lightly, heavily k »nl. i»i.#rou We cnunn i>cid I wel*e ye»r* ago, and wj>uld, if horn in Otaheite, have eaten the !" ny lovely lying beauty •toria, with a h.arj la be prefailiog ixllj U-in^ atoned in oocaaioned tliia eof« the rofit* of laat were «eten said I, courage and ay heart. No, it wat for tne aiiw*, baring there, while farther in on tho *»ul, tie »d ai>d wWI and dwr of ,hough p year mitniU r*, and digital them too." '•Jenny," mualering imposuMe fully plowed, " own ia air •how* th«t on the in«i>i* ot th it the the ;o fi ring to and nty clear c«b- houaai.d dulUra than the word*, deare«t little wife in you. punidiuent * •fririp. we knew (bit the oi«li»ni«l greater fird^ear. sleep. tho wioi w« than I can benr." Wni)ir<| (in) hate 1 Hill «d .'h acre, a* it liaa iu torn be*n to wet land* world, niuit know, far too fond in uie morning rracncu uouaio ami greater ditiuu » x» correct; that rout* would |>ut Don't forget driin jour thia you only It ow* fruia the land, and mu out through The ooatfh aa I ; »h« turn- n lull tbu ul laat of her of a husband, As to her looka the at Il I hud stopped spike e*»t. In euch c**ca full room to tratel; tha »>tl would n, o|«ratiun, ha* paid quota 1*11. will U more than doubled M-ainp •pent daj Niagara. thought tile tj-»r>l Iruu th« Thej ed towarda ma her face can't me to lor her while what wui ah* eagerly, bearing an to th« MaeUtrow »n.| all Dnvaaanr cfieoMeal chang** could fair. in value a thorough *v*tem ol draining. you cipect auy anything, loveljr ■leepin:, •♦jwrull*. upproioti bj wf a to ine." of and iracea teari, and (aid in low voice. U in the higheet degree dangeriu ile hut about dear mir<*d the soetie helore ««, or «ai even uiore t'ltur* of lit* » ul a!t»ul«l he what W comee tiie Imt of the farm. ; my Aunty'a the whole ptaatg* one boiling tuijght * 0raa« of ta%t and the part aingle Hungarian ytar, don't think I looked at the The coachman threw the donr and cauldron. At lucb timo* the t« aa*iat tficwi rhcumalisio?" *•(iII. | | open appttr ihigh- r«ifmr««i <*ba!>£•*«, particular* of iKn i« eloquent blade graaa y-ar, nothing •• or ■tood I «m to descend tv whirl* which bare it the n%m* of lom-y We learn Iroui the llrituh I'rovinoet, that .Mi**, I meau of courae, Mra. Dreuian, cataract %» much »• I did at her, thought waiting. ohlig«| gi*'*n I; tine- tbc or cun«#<|u«nt Upon appropriate nor* thao what waa known aa milltf, and auim out. dared touch Jtla>d«ln>m, (i. «. the whirling grinding forty the that ia well f" the one creation more dutiful than the her I hard It Mir inrouu»> Tery do crelt can hold ite orcuUimu of tha ; prevent wa* and id which ear* cultivate aa tarn- that wiu la»t atreaoi.) ago—what the will be and there •• ?" »aid lair She wa« now familiar with lutle hand, though it (or the frr»h ilebrta of lb< m)*iiI frutu tving u+i well; haj crup good, Wall my questioner, regar- other. quite oiur*e. For a atea u*r it i* then, quite in- ard or autnuier gr»«* year* " " but I watched her with •e»enty-fl?e it Km ol the r jt than in uie with I alio had mo innocent me eoue* time, flgure i»i«iMh|eto the ol fie «• 10 our and e»en- complaint potato eurprisa, thought in her wajr, culling graceful aueutpt paeeagi ••ItiMiw, uaml alahlea, of ding 1 nee, and the meanest graaa all (hat to a Md di*trcee. She «u M*r-;«trum •* wint-r •Mnu and for fvruier 0 il bean well for a number of in Frank," and Memed take certain alivadjr reoognued, during in lhattil, Ur^« tatmp Jeara. yeara?" t>* bad luaJIj <|u»otitir«ol Farmer. «ui and * a vraael it maj alio ao^ugk [row."" [Maine •• well for aaid in aorne in and It for the do»r thrown open, pretty willing "• a lime mi 1 aalt 1 mean her," I, mj aocietj projection. f«ll a &»la ». ''y t mix- The editor of the pUaeure ill tiuie of Maiiuer, etiould there pr.-pard New Farmer " a fine Mack Knglaod : the air of St. Louie wae to be »j woman, followed hj looking of tha ture Ma Un rwiaoi«otl«], ArrmvrLa*Tll> 0*iu>*. Uniooaforaeed trepidation (which delightful greeted gUdlj tj or a light wind wbcrehj the |e intcd 10 October; and, " iniaty-inoiaty parli.r pi drained, h.»* Irften affected about a* much roebed down the the veaeel n» uuJ.r done her a She ia her come from her Mat whero ahe be mjr nameaake, eiepe. wind t«aring longer • >i>.ti n in which baa baeu boiled u ire but lee* rlunnd, Iricnda ol has sight of lonely our aoil brilliant, |* a* the Mw*cn had been order) good. though " were loud exclamation* of antunith- oouiinend.' lengthened a different worn ,n had buen not unohaerved or unno- There * liuia, U»ta ua a cue to IU neetwMUee tie and connection*, will " quite waiting, tulip byaainth tbey three week* a •• to receive me—to have her on rnent aud cordial welcome, and f«.r U>- *« and root the au-1 I am Tery her neie«. ticed, hang pleasure, current crop ti»«-»» add. d, borouithly theinwlve* during glad." Horatio J**kf all Iro u » fi cr»fl f no mo tu whioh Florence re- bin; Wuat To no ix a Fit or tiik IIliu, Go Sheaat silent* lew uiuuitnia, an I than arm—look into face—tell me all rapid i|ueatione t«ra to be timilar t » the o uinn and wild winter weather, and be re*- mj up mjr on tad «uip- aud the K iihoImc rivtr. Ui» 'J3J of Julj in it turned »erj low mid anewera, ■itf.ii 0( the i-l f«»r w .rk th« uiour-uI the fri>»t n- and »e« tha and nckcat family* a ol amusement to dtinc® her little adventure* alone, (how loon quiet Nitri^i. dup«r-i>ho*phate ly early povr«*t gleam U^an «u dro«D*d. 28 look and hereelf I rum the oonlu- of «a within her •ocmed to while everj word, quickly extricating lust; tucb w« bare coolumad to add j from tbe grouud. (II. W. liwchor. | jour knowledge. [ ejea. me,) 1'fmii the Journal. low Franc* to MBMlriM til h«f ml. lUlno fl)fr, " F«* Til# Olbd Drnua Jeff thou " and follow on according lli« German aulilioi. Qrou of the Foundere ot the The Maine Democracy Threatening pragma The nest Congreu. again*! Fro* it* Ignorance " " " Fditub : Will the Gal- to ordere. Don't believe any thing the Mr. you pl^aw puMitli time when h* had lo louht that Public Men of the Sooth DaYia with Hemp and The llouae in thn 3(hh Congreaa will con- ground Him Republic. raclowd vrrara. «n» lo Bcmotrat Northern Jfinofnli, who travel ouUide the lht» They aupp>>aeij would Im *> ; from Ui* Inn* when he Cbc Effort v-^ once ill ! Iowa" rial t»( i17 wetiibera, of which number U'J «„ o Agftioit Slavery. written un Oifurt] a* ••down liar* born hjr emigrant ca«* a »• Wo are that no a the »U»e p^n. eay. e?e al- it'll* to for*** that in of g»n*r*| «4r M «Ierti i* i lofrj *ood paper Keep your constitute a In the eleetiuna democracy wrhnllj. • lit of homi«irkn*M whiU wander* majority. Al'lil'M 12, 1M9. Statea, a utuld £i»o pUc* up- l>elie»e in the of the l*«r, in it would lw» neceaaary for him to hull PARW. M.IINI. Waahingtnn South," infallaMlity h«l«J 210 nntlwn have been chiaen. hi« etcry Jay nuking startling deflopwnia, to »ucb an itcu» a* tho follow* ft woatrrn re*rj watch ffie and the of- prairie. own almost alon* liuth on the with ita wonderful prutinglj P«>pe, telegraph jwmt ing upon in the**, Kliin*«nri elavery. of a«m* Adig*, the thought .niUUI* iliKuirriM Th« In »linkilH»r« upon the Senator Patia, the by on account of I be uncertain |*>*iiion inimediatep*,^ i maater-*j»irit he nx^riiilii# Adminia1 ration of >li*mnlv annoumed thankful, alwav* remembering that the la- Tba bill* »r om o»W, hard to that thia w.»* alu .•ether uniui. tha fiaet «hat •//the atate*. rfc*n«l, we c*n do no UtUr th*n mj riortinvii. mad* known early in ronvrrtion nwml.lrd, what »••••!« I 1l»» I'rrliape hia State, >n of the ilave driven' lint* He) of the Iletolu- tent, improved edit! ural. men, iMludlnf the patriot* hi* line of action will in mm uf the viae In ih« wiMnrar <.f (inwUiir, to arranga tham aa Kepuhlicun*. Democrat# an K<>r«n, i« tba true text-book of a national T'l llr»l Willi I he .kl. »J Such arm hi* f**ling* wlien, alter tl* Editor. lion and th« frameiw of tha li.m of a Mark ; and that I liiumrrati, and Amtri- jOin J. rfcRRY. CoQ*:itution. Itepoh|in*lilution Ami l»U BiKt^nt iraea. can«. The Itepuhlicana may he considered hit Nuiacroo* other diaiin trla allowed hituaelf inclined to • rt«li iw, hj auditory. Old CHford im bnih-|iUr*, to accept |i,« Trn*«—Om tVJtar »«fo«i young ahall of mediation th* part .f of the true import of what their own •-onatitiilional ha»» eipree«ed vote for thn candidate for speaker who proportion K.r»g. y—>. principle. man !• in thla a and To tlw«* — a>»»il mind nniat tie a iraTellmg County »"l'ing Ttl» «■!#• nf OI.I Owfufrl caucua Iind 1'roaaia. r*je bar Mimm. n 1a can un which lift will horning Tbul would hat* hcen lor to lif »• airf ri«ra« lb* m»—? union of lh« n<>n>ali.»rholdini; Statca and of iU Much mi*, of * in mwul th* tit and fluid eiplo«i*e qualities. I.ik* Un I in i*c .limim. Administration aignal ri*mg (ieruian «. •» will w»l tha» ml tha I'raaideat* up including llm»uro federation ; to rwit* th*m w«* 14 10 I Wim, (x irat, were tha apprehension With thia crite- kindly ignorwmuaes upon If *uch ha won." in thick and thin. •• ••" souo Polk, question of Seward, *ifU>rj r.mU»<>inatl e«a», through so •lent* hr 11.11.1 Of it cannot In* *f. a Ivancc toward* th* unknown future, un- of to aa OM Oilunl mi Demo- tys K. >'il r«, V. I NralUt'i llail u«(, of the <«>n>tilutii>ual power C.»njjr«*« We ahould derlora aa much anr one, hiilllfUff, rion, there are some anti-Lecompton hut will burn inat.intlr when n*er» loir Ike* t>r ikwr. der the re«wuiii>d of lift. |l it imk'! mlltin*iir »! or an* other I one guardianship Kuro- Cwl ilitrrr in the territoriea. The So. the acrcaeion nf Mr. Seward ploded. crate who will incline w«t, it- prohibit " generalIj *wik' »ur llin |«| « >1 lb* mm rtirt ** to hut it, in a turned A filial he arbiiraaienl. K«*olv*d ca*e end >r»e Mark power, lamp completely may Thr «mmU *t (HI IK find | some who act peun upltn?er, a* the g*« firm- Hull vvnlaM anil kink, ing th* w«r loan *nd from th* nuin « or* * P«TTt»«ltt k IV. 10 thia fanatical and di*frsce their on moat iaanea. M humbug, we "Senator I>H|[ 12} Niiiaa 8|«, Nf« v.«b, mirmmt aucceeda, trua't ed will (mi horn*! (Mitaid*. Thi* c** i* what Tk"«|t| Iiy lewprila hj which l%a»e enutnertlcd. he w,»h. a which " a ara the South and alrridj »»K- nhm and high ptwition hy mounting hohSy, all other maater will And cord Ol l(r< (OIK kj ; of tha American* frmi ; •Mbuiianl pi«Mia| 1i|tf apl'ita," to to nawt th« mkliitfi and it will generate llmnaiM-e .1 Ibeir f rr»n m hn *1 at l***t put nil th* ad* tnUgtw (JifiMraMlt. rod* ita author into tho in •uffii'ientlt aironit to hind them we have aaid that mid the an* Wf»«nlm original ground, loyally m I though thej i« tu U And lif»»-tr, (.r all a'lwt»mml» bald the t'liinn. or to hind them hf the hfil to and will under any and nil cirrum- »j»ak« Me on hia aid* ; and lor Ihi* r***on lie turn, Qrrawm the Presidential cont^at of IStH. I eiplode Oi l 0*1.*.I mi Democrats will hold tha ha|. 11,4(1 ibr tl»lr uftb* iiM •••"IM. biitb-|darr, iMynsompton rfar a hij{h aa that on which ll.tliian whrn it mn U ini) flra into a deriaite lh* Interview la- Jimlfii la gtllows »'»«<*••, heated, I kit* llier i<>. ihrae. hate aa neg'illation nr r«aawiraiM( *b«aUi When it i* fhirjrd h? the Repuhlican* • nee of tha two claaaea lit- awunjj in olden time. Tiinea. power, a* M Tha Utlmil lVaun4," Mr. (Ituh communicated. It ia for tMa r'*»>n that Villalrtnc*. intended ai fir*t a «,m| 4 that tha Kepuhliran part? *tand upon the Tbr flrrmn* »f Old Oxford tie in common aa any other two in the ii»«l I'linimi article w«. from the Bath on overture*. Itaali Jwb The *hn*e copy filling lighted lamp* i« w dingeroua. Th« Thai lii*r lbr» gn. •onferenc* th* Ilj thi* Im hy Washing- II u«*. U lb* abofeatttament,we platform originally occupied "rm ihrir ill According rKOMrri.r ami kkatly cxectted. Time*. » drtnmcro'»<■ |» ia •mull of fluid in the allow* Or in Ineaa, ha* on th* one aid* the alt int. *•« and all the heroes gixxl p.|«r. truly quantity lamp, aa an* gained ton, J«-ffn, Madiaon, lliil drt-Mining n«'K'n aoiuc mruil«ra forio>-rlj known to he»r the threat- ltto*ecom* heated. and fill* the vacant ••inla-am ol th* roup Jt gw, to th* tr ut -t and *tateamen of times. it i* oflMi d«>- rrfreahing "(kmofUfj" Ob Inigki gil.ta llir to tlie »nl giving LlM U. AGENT*, early ti-ls-comptnn men. lt<-puh|jcatia, uj«on each other. with gnu. which light* and Thru mairb l» lb* mi| of |H|5; on th* other, of unm-li. W# ha*e hefoes u* a of evidence ening auminary •par* eiplodeft aw uf placing r.MMl. hied. pi«*oo OI.I ll|(iril m\ I>irIh-1 Urr, othrra (auch tha Douglaa delegation W <•. PnaKt'i 11.ia J-flVmn that the »• Can* con- under th* ol hia Tan ene. But who i* Dana, the moment the top I tic I bear, ately eye* piialie-I >Mik Paix. apon thia point, which, with all mo>|ern I luir lire to tha Democrat*. The State* AaiiM* Inuii lilinoia.) o<«n r> .t» be an in % certain c >n- a amall «f in a mv all th* honor du* to hia >!■ r». lltnat \ 41 au Time* would wilting taining quantity fluid, kept I'rtoa, democrata ought to h* conaideret] good Thr k' kicking air,"—par- place, will ciplode I'irr ln ? U h« not (lit when brought near n flima. If the peraon Ok nwi ibr b< »il Irairurg ded in a to l'ru«*i» and M K Nuiil, der II. of made ing pri<>« : great degre* F.i.j. Stephen*, Georgia, recently an llirre. tc*t intelligence P"fkf. cj. lit a|.hull fl. () Mttl, Mm* .(••ffrraon l»»*i» tliat *»• in Maine laat alluded to can niroct from Ihia g*« Ita laiul if |*Nie«i had bMO uud* in virtu* ( to hi* constituent* hi* from RVn M»rr than ih» moumaina JUr. Ph.. A. Ii. 0. Am. J. .* Fftrtwi, upon retiring •• " mmmfr making '■•anli 'ul union apcech- nature. hi* preparation thou Id m*e» Or ilirtnlrli, ikri (itair, their office*. (t H. Hi »«, ReaiikU. life, lie *aid : pliwirc Main* »i good public Okl OiI.m.1 mi l>irih-|4arrt C»'. » Rtlitt, L»«ell. c».—the Mmo diatingu ahed autcatnnn that a imlr aale. The mad* hy him What i* r»<'tir»l re*ult of t'>•• |vw» •• experiment* liilr Ihr* f"r ibrit. Mt"HI*llUKtll I I j w t<*nlni. alarerT i* hut in ita ; it I Mm r. U'MiMflt, \egro infancy — — > *m carted round through our own State tn here, which hare lieen to u». of VrmiiiAl 3 *» null, in fact I Not Ki»»Wn»o«, fu-m. ia a mere prnhUm of our forerment. Our reported untimely NapoUnn can l»e CIihI lil*ii ibrr.Olil Oit.rJ, York 2fl 4 3 Jot* PM l» Hrtwnm. father*'t understand it loa»\Trn«T tench iia cilii-na their dutiea? I* lighting the fluid in lamp*, made New •r the xilution, in certain **| -ct», to ? politic*) |l. ar U«l i.f Ml hiilb. Catiiti V IV Hr I NVw .1 2 «ii tm* rt aur Mrs nrTRiSnrrowmoxci he not ll»* »»n' Jff«r«W Dan# thai lh* de. with any »cA»/e full <**•/ mlj, with Ami rhildirn ibal with the of Veoetu, «i | J. B«hui>t, U-rkr'.M.lU. lamp, lb) HI) 2 3 , eireplioa didn't understand ii'rr lb' I'-nnajltaai* KwnkHil AfiMN'ST it.—hut th»-y instruct Hut it never to l«o done. \\ an.lai afar rtrlh. >»• matter of her own fne C A. ki«t»Li, mocracy nf Pufi- M nut to impunity. ought J Ohio 15 0 destiny. logical it. It »• f<>r u* to meet with the Tk.»i 'rl my ahrit'r A k Kitrr, |Uwf the riiintii o( Old OifurJ Iww In rote? It intitea careleaanewi in the Ml kit .hall l» rnal, Indiana 8 3 and neceaaarv perfection i4m, D**i» Kutrr, C. Kumfc ij flrtrn*** which they did. The i* proMem ihm In lh» laia.mi 4 5- unaoUe^," this What a traoaition material, which i* little ].>«• than criminal. Takr IllinoU Italian Confab-ration. i« the aUn ! »n» yat change? — — Why M» al U.I. Mfhipn 3 1 than a the of of thi* titration toitaelf : tlioc«««t ^ ELECT I OS, MOM) AY. SEPT. 1*. Here is mi admission, iKineaiiT. tran«i? \s— year *|*o democracy \Vi«conain 8 1-- " Th* letter, with of rtj. of all in 1 i-n •» Maine were Holiling the diatinguiwhed following package I..W4 of all inlorv^ntion, foreign muk Mr wi« of Iht I eaters ol |Kf Murk de- Tha IV*t>n Journal ijM^rta thai a Port- 2 and ritx>iti«M«. wn rereired thi* w»«rk. Th* ar- IMi'war* 1 in the (Vninaula. it Nomination. ami we «r th* rig drinking him. C«Mtaequently, Wloop Republican mocracy; might Wing Mi*»i«aippian,'*—r«iut land editor tin I mad* arrangement* lu j*o fi th«» »«t» emhodiment of tlelea way I* »een in our cabinet : Smiili Carolina to the lo determine ol their >*o man in that in lha Smthem State*, and declaring him population FOR GOVERNOR. part? out upon Iho 'wautiful, i*l«nd dotted, Cuaco Florida 1 it not in ft. 18.VJ. will what wi*h—to control their »n what the and now. (tell «rrh of a wtialp M i«w thin •« ther are alter him wil'i a halter. Ili-well Mr. F*«r Sur : I aend yon by Arkanxu 2 future LOT M. MORRILL, can* claim for theaaalv**. that tha r«r'T wl..t lia* l#>n himself in IhoM r.-** a fue disporting will ni -f» their «.n* or AVur.sT.i. Cnhh, m hi« gTeat Portland in lWfl, ei| <|<■ tf•» it natrml curioaitv found N»«r ||amp«hir*3 Impfen—either they •tan da upon the question of precise- apeech, water*. The editor* are to slavery Portland j;i»en • waa who lirea near RIiikIc Ulanii 2 without M»riou« and then Km where the southern statesmen »t o-l declared "demx-racr iheaamein Main* d«T( ag» hj Mr Nocket Lot. agitation, It early tho moat of wlio fiait Connecticut 4 making atrangcra to *ee that other* allow them to aa it waa In and Georgia ; and ell 1'itnil. II- waa dicsing a *uller ami af- will wail An«l lhi« "anlvaa another fMMfm,"—lh»t Mi«ai«ippi them. Virginia -12-1 Oxford County Republican or that i« what all the demiwralie cMefa now ter g line down ahout 2 f-«et ant TM I' in the democratic fatnilr ? But to he aeri- lull of dirt. The* mutt I* putty old »«itl«r« thi* ca*e will claim on tha c' I their compatriots. What lathe eieua* of- contract for building an rl^int church fur North Carolina 4 4 \lrd«< ol %■■■»( • • morn* ha* done th» r t •iliil.llir ITlktirtf ou, none hut democratic greenhorna hare a* iher arc much roaticated, and of that which the to-day tered h» Mr southern statea. Strict v in Tnaa 2 II M !■> • rsn«(|. StepHtfia why the 'J.I Yarmouth, Mr«<, lOi.'f.k, A. tliat I dont hler* the lock «ai Congregational of interrention to the exclusion m»n were to an? eicu»* fur heing d»c*i»od hy Col. Da« all gun made, 1 ofwrj data f»* ('••«•> laJ CwuM Trt«x universally nppoard »U»<*rT ?— and romiMnred oprruiim* th*re la*t Mon« Oregon " nimtnT. nM> the that Franklin er t tU •frr >a>l lia»Mi a>!t «w« that in hi* mini der* • in.i it." Our fathers didn't under- iinl>-r«td the whola thing, »• horn. Old Mr. Kelley armj clearly •»iM«|taa« *111 Kr a* k>U«*« I'.trit «™.t RepuMicana to Mr. II that h<> haa furnished tin* The Siat««« which am to alect, worn i« old the plant j«t ■uch wa* the of the new attbi (ill I* nMHlnl Im »ar r» stand Jefferson the and wh»-n the* referral to the trw princi- the and '.»7 year* »ay* Injuna turning point fltaltlt* ilrlrplr: it. Thomas penned place ami »r<>urrir« u K>- Congrena ar« iu*a ibai n«t ik> a* shadowed forth o*«l to in the town, and one old rt|irr**ntcl.r« I>4n, Si»l» to (leneral Washington, after- pa«t apeechea, •quar architccta ami builder* in Portland. Minneaota 2 ««.l l»i m 4 iIiIhxmI tiariHui an and hum-d it — — contain the of their future." dilK.nal iirk-(«lr, ward* Vicc I'rniilfnt anj President of the in Maine flared up like ao many fighting had old frrnch gun nobody limr(i* fl 2 thry germ af li'lrr nr allrf tbr tul ti ItrpulJaTH »|<«a>iU, — — — cock* and were read* to denounce and new where. uaed to tell *1range »lo- 5 «aa ail.: I'nited States for a of any They that Uia honorary de- Mianiaaippi •0. kfala^ala. Ta long years, LL. IV We Irarn — period I^Miiimna — 3 1 I'khu lltr who pot en.I >r«e hia de- the old one *a* that ahe |(r|iuMir. in. tempt Mint ain,—it For uraf fire or ai* we»-«» the J. Mtiliwo l»rg- portion the magnanimity, lege, at iu romiucncemrnt thia woek. [*»•«, B-wium. I'm m, Si the Col. went home lit that aha miied and to C Sutra haa Ixt-n fr ■« Constitution wit hia own pen, and ul Mr gallant MiMi«op. l>iw*ier up prvtanded (Ml 20 1 ington prorlaiming. r..». hut to in liia »lccve» at the of in a to curr certain «]i*eii*r», u Ivfjr»* to that th» Siulh will IVlMMlk I P^ulf, Stephens aaya "h-diln't understand it." pi laugh Terdancy give upline Gbx ViauiN ha* appointed ami rota mla- AlI<• wint» tlx**# StalM to *tan_*••* and Anth inj F. ami there changn ag- ! >».«»♦?, ia ahe currieit an iron in her ri »* A. I. I». Am Aa it haa in*i*t»d that Mr S-ward'a n in \\, tanMurk, the i* look* anahunt enuf. 11 8 i* t>firrra. the S«mators and union, in caae S»ward nr any other Ilepuh- Mine, you at an eleo. St.ilm voleif ||3 7'i 13 nation a* tlx- candidate alraa* llliaia. llepreaentatives The Norway Light Infantry, Republican a of Slain to iut«— 211 I (i urn, lie*n ia elected to Ihe Pr*«idencr in IHCO. hare cabinet curioMlieo, luay put a aettled mi l In* »lippi you following officer* tioii >t* lr<>tn the estimate which Jaty i« emi- let aorne one hare tU-ui that d««e« Thit mom compared with the ri«it.»>uni ol m<«l- democracy in Maine. Democracy Captain,—(J. I.. Ibvl. it for ^ranl«-d that the ofrram tKr T KSLLI M we r<-«um'1 moat men would inak* on tl>e t»»-n eonaider i em driMmci? Thi* adwi«ai'>n on lb- part nently national. While it ia i/iiM/rm; l«t I.init,—Johnathan Make. j breaking up th« t'nion lia hull Krpabliran of Stephens settles another qunlion, that portion confederacy, M, l.ifnt.—(i. W Puiih. and agreed uj~»n. OXFORD MttTMCT. Monthly. The nutn- tion* and ari»e in the nnt are other ia braiJit to elevate Ihe Atlantic Auguat rlm^n may to know bow the n U> U the Mark democracy hy false constitu- portion g Krmp 3d, Lieut,—C. W. lloM», aolicilude problem TV RrfoKVimuflk* Xllllh Vnilnrul Dt»< Iwr of thia m a line if It the r<■ I t11.>»>• imr moat in tleir ranka to the dig- £* rwvilfJ, u|>rna Congreaa, modifying political out. irart, will »ni m ('umniiHM, ai Jtutxh fant, M tional constructions iw«/wi»«i:iii( jfur. diatinguiapd 4th Lieut.— W. W Whitmanh. worked it of iin- which era art nnd the hrow of Ihe with the "Dramatic KUui<-nt ol lite Bible," ol individual m<-mt>rr«. it courae, Sut> a ha* at eondt-acendfd I) r«lnr»li«v ihr |*||i ihi| uf \uc"«t. mminl It provia t«yond »ll r«nirover*y nity get' The length Judd ; Knd of now to If there ia a ai M »o unaiMi* l« wi« condemned aa lla- It*?. "The All," mj. proha* tha on thia h ?l»»t, 2 "VliwW, I' that slaverv i« to la MiUiitutnl f>r liWrty, culprit, a%«inging hi^h by Sjrl»»-*ter r*»a or Carr. IIolnu. The Aw ^klaio fc<» JC< a tn. i« H II. Stoddard ; "A to that om or two men reckoned w» find t) and and made the cor- man. j»>« bjr Trip Terti*erof that Doctor Stock- hilit; ita leader of Tueaday etrning. •tiwwa ill it •!> r<jr llowe, (iraj," lt>-puh|irana gn»iituti >n r delegation. aUfeholding qneition gat« not ihn of the will JaJieul Court. Zouavt-a ; while Mra Ibeclnr Stow# contin- Cijil. tirw ul the different elementa before him, ini*uk« aign* Supreme ment aoraini*tered a to the »w« tSi> aa hi* on cording prmc.- T>* wine* of Milni d^m'XTwrT it opinion that the day ho *i«itnl l>» heard in Waatungton, demtnJine >•'*// Th« Aui:u*t T«rto, lur 0*f rJ Connie, ue her the "Au- h« raupt l>e rither a very hold or a very well ado^ti d and laid down our father*, •r»» wiih woh other in "Mini»J« r'»W\»oinj{,"an'i tine in thi* won hie Sa A Co I'...•I«)I1. next llouae. anJ tKr nary, lo Srw0rmu c'<«* Htl,—thnMt iety of mind, jollied to confmenient. Iln ronutliJahon, on th* 4t* of' WirJ, I" •!." Hit brh*niU, togvtbar ».«h lit* uteMin of frtnl 'tta or alavery, or who »r» onl>i- For tli* information the w« Cai'ru 1'iuri. Tim following Si» the whole *cquirrmmi*, jr^Jucr-l " of Doctor, raaponaihilitj ronten<1 llmt ia lh« tixen. Alter ami previously consultation trstla Iron » r«v> nt Utter, written l>r tlic thaCaLin-t- «(•)« inij rr«i, o io• proowiiu^ will date thai M«"»ar*. HuhS:trd, Cumming*, upon the Southern inriul«*r»of Death of Hor*w M»nn «r:ic> the of • trr- Conversation with Counsel, the Court deci- with p^ijile and the at>l« filiiuf of (li« Courier di Kuu Unia, It ia a ai trulj. «Ji*|M»ich. " "gentleman- r<-ry tuple proc—, The death of thie friend of rit<>»» pan t'»« of un. Woodbury Heraejr.are ded that the Nth of lie distinguished through tgtnfj " Septemlmr the dav » now «i«w of tha r*u> I Thl following li«t« cootaia the names of of our four hotel*. Mr. J now in I'uri*. !?•»••• Tha S^rn-uri' t of 'haTrmaury, tt' education. **• innounrfil l*«t week. Hi* Iri*n•« tw>fore tin l*gUUtlon," prisoner brought >n p« an rscellent private ««, eilcnl, (|i*>p»rtT. esceptioni : •. and i' • Fiiit Jiii. tHMirding-hou**, which haa 'wen re- ol the pf»<* only to rfluir to vacata their in of his lahor ; hut recently and motion for a new consequence untiring Thi« i* what lhi> Cincinnati! pUlfnrm nif*n», raised trial. •• inf >rm<-J J'>U I. F.»«t>nan. Krt^ur», Furraio. paired. It ia Knta what I learn in well thing ia done. II ■* ran th» llr|u'oraa he via* not fttmi lttol t<» I* in till a —«n th*r mt. the* «r»» met the conaiderably j*truniird by up WiIImid &l, At>'J >nr. danger, Well, hj r», I am l««l to believe that the n-rnui-nt cuuntry people Adioiniatration g"t on with th-'i il «Mi A Urn. Ilirmn. •hurt time hef >re his d»*th. •• »!i*k am) l»t" officinU, who The »tnro in (iorham, M*., jjnTcrnmrnt occupied by thought of cutting •Imrt the war at th«* firat with tha State and V»*y l)f|>artiu-i»u Hr>i«n. "I. \V*t»-r.*.ird. wi< horn in in 17M. I). ««■ fire on only II* Franklin. Maw., have their hand* and now* in the gotern- (ieojgw Ileck. by to that We |e«rn Her. T Starr f.ivoraMe it*e|f in ita ? Rut then it »««*ai« Uwir^ L B-.I, .N r«tr, iiiMiml, that King, of But- op|x»rtunity, poaa^aaion In lit* his father died, le»*ing hitu rnrnt crih, with thi* ohjection. "You Pong. evening, »S..m 10 o'cliM'k. Tim >• in »wrly Sunday after the battle of e»eri to litre tha 11 r-j U< jn. (>ilu>4ii L lK«ke. Il.thcl ton, lit (iorhain, X. II., I*«t Sab the day Ma- tha are not J'' me-»ns on preached wue Napoleon Republican* with slender ; hut he det-rmined men with leader. that the •tore owned P-tni'l Davia. Lom • I'aru. U* admit four by the 1'iedinon* •* M«l hath. Tho to the mountains is un« (•• til*. In that day'* work Navy I| artuii-nt, although tl Frilmck A. obtaining nn education. With resolute will constitution carri»* into th" t"rrito. Insurance on •tare ; on Ii*r«i>>w. P-ru. »lavery $1*200. $1.70 goodi wa* with a flank n rrtaio. 1 precedentadly large the present seaaon. It (M army charged tnaking not eiplain hew that to I* Edmund Curtia. he surmounted nil obstacles, anl waa ahle it ther". You then turn GOO. rir« and prot"ct* | which to have cut in two »lt. ar »o* I•»*!•. tt'indlltii k. is difficult to ol'Uin room*, at either public movement, ought Cobb, Thompaon. and II J •«r|>h to enter Brown when in his Floyd. University, roan! and *»*. a few *qnatler* in a trrrito* hut WiitiAU II. Fivticli. C«iWa. or houses ; and numbers arrive the Amtrian lorcv*. The *lown<*«* with to l»a railed to aland f»«t, yt he private l»jr The l^-wiston Advocate that a little Ijr upon twentieth vcar. Alter graduating pur- rr can hy "unfriendly l-»gi*lation," override mji n»- Sico^u Ji ir. each train. which the troop* of Victor Fmiuanuel tm* ara to the aurr- havl JMrrrill. ]'iri». nullify hy The Bethel Courier : Howe to fail, and diminished the rreulu of the orer which r>«j actively says (ieo^ge at Turner last (hirtmcnta they I"»ir X *in«n, llnS^ld fnmtnTi'«l the of hi* ritorial encroachment right* in the Villas, Thursday. There practice profession, leetmy of (ireenwr.od, a about 1 <* of ag«, HI., tell me, felt control. Ia Mr. t> hate noth- l*>y years «»• one in the victory. Napoleon they poor Toucey K»lnl. and the neit ye«r w*a elected to the Massa- rr»Hted the law of tl>i> hut alight opening railing ol property hy *uprem» wi»* tricrJ. H-hMn. Wednesday but great ing any chusetts tieneral Court. Ten year* later he Sor*. retort, and while the bridge, the little fellow got through land." Tli" Pop. an waa «<• I h n, a< !•<»<• K U>eliftnl*>n. lUrtlonl. tice Nurhank, (or assault ami hattety not diminished but increased hy the Hut mi|i| r«»'»h, tlojil, i'np- to Senate. it *>me mean*, and fell a di«Unre of fif- WihmIhihi FrfOrli, Porw. w»a elected the Hit legislative cannot relie*e them*elree of the fal*e by ill t'< they committed on the person of hi* mother ami tardy action of the L>ml>anl«. These p*o- Holt, ihould pMte "ft little wrak r* the teen feet to the a litnh of a II. II llutrl>iiMi>n, buikfi«IJ. UK were directed to accomplishment they ha*" untnwl, they do water, striking " position appear lister. Ill* waft fined $.'>.00 and Coot*, and were very of acclamation* and kneee when fume to the ati. kirg $«mu«l ll.»-kr||. Al'*»ne. on hu which took out a pie progidal they P. of the great whieh l^mn the lead- to take a little *ati«f*rtion in ah>>ul tree way, lock of ohj*cte acnlding to the for welcome* to their liberators. The flu* State# aeema t» J^tf r*'n llnM, Sunmrr put under $100 bonds keep |>eaee, nobility point? In (ft, aim* ol lua life. It was in thie hi* hair, lie was rescued Mr. Abrani ing position lh"ir uneomfortahle condition, when com- by an A. Hill. . want of which he wan committed to at turned their palace* into hospitals, and bend aotnelhing of Ihi kiml; I •», by way he ao jail that aided efficiently the retahliahin-* with that of the tluchanan Born. < £out llr«ld. l*i«ril. pared Pari* for *ii month*. women of the firwt families preaaed to divide of strengthening their nether lini'». of the I'. *rd of Education. lie wm elected with l*«th The (>>wi*ton Full* Journal : The >i ri»M luuin. "faring »umptHoo*ly e»ery day," sny* the care of the wounded with the Sisters tnanJ ia a.»on to come up from the S>uth the first Scretarv. which post he held for hand* in th" National Treasury to their will John E S-c«r, Ki.tuf-rd. np The I><>ctt"n«, S«»dro. year*. giving whole elK>w*. thi* i* a beautiful fight, and hold their annual Cattle Show and Fair, Well, d out by the Clarion, by saying that aid which France had a right to hope for, an inch. and ener •?. The twelve volume* of " point! yield Oil Taut. benrt It i* to make one laugh and grow on their in tins on Tue*- enough he wa» with the Smith, ground* village, failed to give. Although It would aeem that C.iaa ia to I* permit- havo hecume educa- trine:ling ubiquitous I»ml>trdy entirely 772. Ch«*JhiMim« et. al. ii Inhabitants bi« Report* standard lat," to *ee the «"ul, the ! and din. and Oct. 4th, th« honMy We thought he was old enough to keep out day Wedtieaday Thursday, more than a month elapaed between the ted to hand tm the hook*and jip»-r»of ol tional work* The Normal School*, and interested n fur Lr euitaioed improve) Aft»r all. it i* the*" I of and attraction which w damage injure bj p*««mg «trang" loving, premium*, pr.-aent at Villafranca, 1/imSardy had not furnish- ral hia briefa. Theae, however, >uM t* Schools of Masaachueclt*, tret mon- bftd r»d. lasting Peter Funic don't eottle this ques- cannot fail 'o draw together large number* the allied Ad- patriot* Tnx*t>o. tho shower on Thurs- ed (our thousand m-u to army. hut a aorry for the Kepub| ument to his diaintere»ted exertiona. During capital LittUfirid HraJSurjr. tion one" for all, an that thia internal, fum. of tho farmer* and mechanics, not to aaid ao buaine»» "• afternoon in a of wind forget Tlio inanrrection, of which they ministration to commence Mi he left Maaaachuselta, for day .Norway, gale year* ago IIW war in the party might ceaae. The whole the farmer'* wive* and daughter*. The ad> themanU how it i« t«> g't Election Etturn» over the which unroofed a much, from which they promised and we don't the ol the •wept town, really Ohiu, to assume dutit Presiden- thinr can l>e hnnoraMy and drew will Im delivered on Oct. and II compromised. James Flint's turn and Thursday, «ea relief, broke out here and there if Cohh, fkoaipam, Tutl. A di*|Miich from T'lM atafe* ||ie lahor* part of Deacon pil- great along Floyd, cy of Antioch College. untiring iH i»wr tkrrr it lefl in either ot Cth Her. Z. of llothel. mn on- wing the (tarn, by Thompeoo in one and then in another, but on* o?cr." W# that N»fu Houatun is aitvtcd Gat. ed the timbers thirty rods from village insist upon •'holding (*rt«in'j in ilu* contributed to hi* death. the «a»ed. the IJark dein- up |ewition party PnWdy shed on the of the Auatriana. that will not be ao unreasona- •rnur. 11# ra u iq e»o 30 lent wood ly steps retreating ly hope they independent Of hi* cliaracier, the Journal i*f* : oerat* of Maine will not thank n* for Inter- hy anatio\ In h»* eMentiit! feature* Mr. Mann hot we feel it a we vjwo |r» hu- belonging Xoyes, f ring. duty out of banner*. A* to the Th« Uteat rflami fr»m Tenn«*«* ehon a characteristic from the old Puri- •even or eight rods, completely demolishing head the N. Y. Chronicle (oppoaei) to the hanging appeal manity to a And we We anw our democratic brother pr«>po*" eompromi*e. of his " to to effective quonn of II »o. rmcrkin Ethrrdj* tan Block—k*m-wilted, jjtdoniita- it and tore up and demolished forty couaolidation movement) *ay*: W« arm*, military organiiition, intrepid, would to hoth how ran at llrun»wirk. hie, whole.aouled. Hi* rr»* *uggeet partiea they in the of noth- of the llmgor Union ■ •king |K« »Und 7 philanthropic, choice fruit tree*. It then pawed learn that committee appointed work freed'un, delegation Of>pu»tliof larg«, lhe}nnt by reoperation > olulion in forward to •ettle the great of the ag*. What were to witno-a, in a (*ir a puahing hisohject.and queetion a been termed to he ynurg to 3 -a ol loor. The over this town along little south the American and Foreign HiMe and ing ha* done, and they aurpriecd gain Ijx hi* command ol trenchant did sweeping Hx-iety one ao language not, i* nur*. unadulterated, man aa we knew him (•> be, genuine di-tnocrncy? at the foot no One can *e that r«ocntly ieUure will d'-ui -rrmtic, a •u>«ll dm at tim»e, |im the num'-r of antagonist* of this village. In a woodlot, ol the American lliptid Publication S-n-ie- making preparation*. bj What i* it? We rannot anewer the On hi* wa* quee- a nature to en- ahorn of l,ia manly propnrtiona. which hia decided course calculated to ! of the hill, it a nuinhcr of large have come to the unanimous decision inaction like tlii* waa nut ol joriij. we ran inform our democratic uprooted ty the aentence, ii' hut the n'ihl*n.-»a of hi* aim* and tion, hut lo extreme brow waa branded In K-oluckf, tlx d«morr*t>e candid*' ke; tree*, cutting a swath through the corner that the ob*tacl«i to the eonvolidation of courage the French to push deeply hi* self-denial in their friend* where ran find nut, and no mis- " no We Un- generous pn secution, they 1 Italian cause ha* The can do wrong!" for 1a elactad 7.WW i» of the lot. It then on demolishing thoM or are the sacrifices which the King 0«>»emvr Hj we helieve. sinre pained organisations, leg^l otherwise, a.i a* ha*c, lung changed oppo- take. All hate to do ta to waa c-dor, you juat inquire to the coat u*. Circumstances elaewher* eied he already changing Tl'« U>^{rr«iiiiml d»lf(*i>on stand* 5 dem into it not into admiration. sheds for Mr. I'erkins and Mr. Holt, invurmountabla, and therefore advian already sition r»spect. of leader* in the South, and j they aa well aa in well your party un- became auch that the nonrkiknr* of the to him In appearance ocrata. 4 miimo, and 1 tw,—lb* fourt Mr M*nn wrote much, and alway* Istm of Mr. Xojee which it |Martially the ll.Mtrd* to go on each with in own work ally «>[ [• whatever ia, can re- aUree In the enulh. II* l»**jred hard throngh lite, and his tKry eay democracy you aomc for them«elve* have with lua fallow DUtriet. praise roofed. Beyond this it injured apple the same a* forimrly. Thi* i* the upshot ? eople in acting might aplril i* and corner of the Common- ly it aa the "aimon article. Rath Tunee. every nook upon pure" 1 about incalculaMo r<-*ult*. The I Rot jru« from North Carolina are not a tree* belonging to .Mr. Daniels. of our agitation." brought wexlth, wl.ere hie educational UUt« are It ia true cannot find it alike, Joaeph | year'* you every day attitude of Uermany made a war on the la. hUioing generation* aa they art**, ilia «s V hecauae the democratic id»* ia moat aatun- Withoul Mr. Edward EJn of (ieo. innoun > ie * trr«ain ol will euro lluoec*, Notch, on >un- L"f*n, Rrpublican, holder*. Rut one will Gnd cer- Wiiur't B«laan> uf wild Clierrj nn lui, in<< ; thing you 1 this ; but he mu*t have Hw f«thrr Kttutd*; to rr l*at were the Hone. Charle* foresaw contingency 20 3U majority. at lh« andar- SuhUth, >r«. Mr. Th« of the nrw church *u raitrd tain and aafe—etick to th« laat newa and colda, hUwding lunga, waa ImriMl with Maatnie Imn »pir» eoiigha I of looked at it with the conviction that at a d«» it dun Franrle Adam* Maaeachuaetta, Edward and had ol K bat U> iu ob It »• «ur. tkt lat est rtruoM hare frutn South of Mat the full dailrojer Consumption, waa a20 of aga. The RepuMioana T«*rrit-try TiMwtfcj. you of auJ Clark D. and given day Italy would have tieen aofficient Edaa jrrara a •• mint can do. A ain- Stanley California, Ltultb. aa del mounts! a noai with letlora iudi- Mum k Dison'e line, until new die mora than INiyaiciana frutn California in ill M«iuai«l ll»« Mticu* J. Parrot, bj owo and that aba al-1 lately returned " John Cochrane. I to her defto«, might tb« of I come* from '.be Mint trial will the incradulour gnu to CoogrMi. caung pointi cuspM* |«oaalioa quarter, (!• Mlufjr To tba ImaoraMa jaalirt» of lb* Httprrma Jndi< T* /*' //►•. Tk. THE BEST PLAGE I O N! rial I'wrt, nrtl In I* hoi Ian al I'ortUnd, IV Cni/n af i)»h*4. of ikf I'.miUhJ Jlif: Paris Hill ATTENT "lor of Tb« achouner T<» Hictw: Academy. vilbmand f-rr Ilia Cornljr of Crtrwtirr'ami, va I.O.MII AIUI,*»••< ik« I ,*l .ill Pnu,". BruaUi, Ct|)Uis M4M* than 2) OtUKtTialimil. I'«r 'I'lIK FALL TERM of ik>«»uoa »IU I* ralM to ih» larga *■ui >urr* Lavm, hating bcwn n*ii£»t«l IMHIJ Tnr«dmr, Srptrinhrr Alii, IMP, Varied Stock of Goods, CIXttKNTINE C««l»iUd, uprWMII: (irrwiiwil m ilk >I«mI —rlr.« trial «!' iknr f«t«n (>«»■ TO 0 IT K. Ila«r«, lilialt ami Ihi* bnri- r«-**r.| it a»t »u(h icnl l» lb* |»*I «UU§ ohirb un l»r I h' of iwjiwlWIi gifa« |«« D«*r th« tr.urw th« a! A n-l* rlrvrn nerki, rhaigr NOW OFFERED AT TIIE I j bj captain *rti|>>iihm, I lilt liml a |ml |Mlral mililr Cmrl to b» tut irn»- d, rtwl aha • ** I ••ful- b« awaj *i thi* limo of hi* dortlh, an.I ho Ufa* r»mll. iSr •urn dollar*. ioat>-« W't tb« rt>**i MMhIwiMt*. «!lh ■ l>«lUl Throw;"! GEO. F. LEONARD, A.B., A GOOD ly martini to lb* Mid K.lnnrml K. Maya* .it Mi»c• ew, l»y iba uf right hil'idird U«l Mirrli COAT, m -h *i*«U >J ik» lliilrra ia tba would bun in al or h >11 a itura kiiiln IKuhhIhI liioUl • •III*' llliK to ihow ilrtjiing ■oi-ulb iU» ul .Hr|iian»l«af, jraar of oar fi4iii Im-mw ami p»Mir pri< * ADDITION III hi* m«ii«IIj f.x.,1 MMdaral, oi tt« alutr uifti «dJ oho co)»r*i an J on I la aaa ikM •llknM* Mi Ihh>» ••( tlanria^ of A PAIR OF PANTS. U.i.l oaa lb '«HH I han.lrr.l fair »al», aod t»m»( * > mtrh of ilia rwl *# « B»>m ran «»l (it* ih-ai Mil W uliltiwJ at IN Iba Hrf. Mr. »»l baa bad lijr bar tai.1 •if aaiITIIH|—ClWHWI Kn|l »• k. 93.r0 ooooni )h, H» til III't «a»alit»s frrr Ir<. Imi ami ibrjr ai iba Upltio (wbo kwa III* Maw|KH l4l«MW|a iml Ik* S. H rUlTFR. Hrcirtaiy. rf%r llrlniwi; llwral II ibal tb* mmI K IommkI K. II iyr*. <*bol> CUUi, Cji" C.Ui. anllMt, «>«; nl bi* mvaiunl anil linn ill lb* ilfai•» .>f iha *4ii| Haawrl. ao Mck that upon hia arrival h« har. (uf il«iii i(HKrr, hla ah >ll| nlkl*l COMPLETE MilMi rttih-i«: FcMth, Amrti- did, on iba nliHh da« of Or inl*r, in I ha jrwf 1.1 Mill\KD, wot b«u»# auJ the u#«row#r* an ira- SUIT, ituuivUialcIv.) Jr. aa.l Ca ill mki ••aiaartal 4«m, I Waterville Academy. ran 1'iiaU; U***; BrWual**; Mi»trr—....i id' In M' an. Fmlr h I'd,, Mill, «hi ruaiiaiM aWten rat, ti« » I ; I'arawiU; Mwrrm; rilbar lo Calif.nnia or narta unbnoon lo li- I'ari*. oiibio ml £» IbrC i«l* ol'Otlurd, Ural of th« oa graltial* I fcagMl M» l.pnawi your | bo*iJ. • la rr*i»*i anil itoii tit. of A. It. •|>|*wranc<# aaW aU a ■♦at* la tl*> |wMir, • Mil. — II AT — I'atrb. IvIUnl. An I Iba I IM.omk.1 II. Ilayaa, tiara Ihr ibinl TiK«'la» July. lilt. a» a«li>a«li a «a>» WlUl *U OCVMIOO*] HIMI'tDCI »t tl»# »b<*l ttiiiro, aa, la mi, lnT*rrii)Hi. bia H«l iUaarln>n, baa natar rrturnr-d, and ba* I»n iba l'*r('iii| iwlilioa, oolir* lo iw»*li f n iU«l >u lni»(, m >a( uJ ariir |ir..«i Ir.l ior iba »r main* I Or./rrrW, Thai lb* * «i I |wiilioi«rr |if* •«■ who bad to anything Mi|i|»nt of the rrmauung l >r. b« I. M. HAMULI'.*. A. U.. |Wi|Ml. Fine J ni* rrarl n( at' Ji«^a«»a, lit* lii|W|Miv llarin( «af- E. P. STONE & CO'S English Flannels, laimiika of you. liUI'ml of bar »aid rhiUI, but | • II |»im«* iolr< *lo>l lijr rai'jvf p»- >l«lll AwiirMlr. ai at lltlllLII, FUan-l* •>( <0 ■ lo l»r uolilicb J pl*J in a chair to •!•>(. Tb« latter la Irrral an kiaf, aa I lri».| in ilitaral rrai'ilin 0|*ra ba* wholly an*l *tilir*iy oafi«N'l*d la.lh. Y.'trrli- lilM Hb IInt ordrr ibrrrua ■ H. r»<->n> a*n Mr* K. Ilmil.ll, 1'iwrplir.a. Cliff kr I l'mili)i< l.iwn; hi Oiford Iti'Murral l'.iw#r» ia auk »■ | >it| irtf <1 i'I I Liara IIJ i.llfrrhirf», a • al ilea ta k ttcb |u»* la lunging hi* II aa« uf Ihi* iMilrrt «•! |H" M"mr in mfrrtll, llur>trr< Kinal.u and iHi^iar.Cin.lnrKa lo rl>iM>ailC b4lll'» ih>« mat 4|ip».«r al I'r Jmi» '•■nrl lolw oaM 'lar. J IMU It I "IIINii. I.'ill. C.iMnt'.n |«(li>h, f; Itll*! STORE, * IjifraU'illmrnl of ii< irtjr. oiiw n'rUli h' (a»»Mi any Tb# UBm of th« tiaaU «w» IV. utra, I I alaixv*. « •li.lW lo; |lu*m| axil I'.iulinf. I'brirforr *lta ri(bl a a. I ml I ha I ibri h «te, «bt lb' «a» *hi>ol IKI lw (raalrd. Pr»;ur* I In Sf f M \V >"nl*l. k l'l.,ll Ulna, TUT VELVET TRIMMING 8, pray* yoaliia, William Mil I'• Wai. t>3 01 lo 10,110 OPI'OSITR ATLANTICIIOUHK, tba la ilir.irral ftonr lira Uonlt of man TllOUttf II. llRim Ur il U»n. Mct>onaKi, I,•*•« i'» lii H. I*. Ili'»« Ik faria; n» rw«y iat»ny It in from i»«; K har ami bar aard and ibrl iba I. mi Haik II. K. \ ««, \ "»n ; (Hililf Uiwrrn brolatirrl, A lurrop)—*llnl ar» • >Jt*i It I'ana; an !'!»«•« Wr M «r> l«r, 1 Toomaa Kutfenlg*. wb r^p-c- •" I room* ran hr nUainnl In all lo Ukird H Mbiiu aa.l PUia I J of btr Martha I Vw.l W H «ri*hui{ or T II PARIN. Mbirliag: rmimly ami rdnralion lUufbtrr, Hint' K«*rr, Ki|i*(ir. A C., IUrkftal.1; Chtn'l W.; Ti '», on tb# 2*th an>l 30ib of Jun#, Jul*- I'hi! liar C. k •! II. ikMHfllN. •rillfi; IJmlit; Siii|wi knitting, I'.litalirlh «rn an .mill irf bar lanilar yrai* !*••., l».*a.ll; I*. S. aa*l !>in •< i'Mi m r»f*nl lo iSr irgu> TantUmr ami MawifMn t'liiixa; Ira r.iinm ua.l an I anlnitlad lo bar ami aa in M >-> \ II ih"l, ia 11>» iltjWi MMfwkn*. 22 nary ; ikt '-I', ato'i '2 a ■ I tu ihr ^ar*»n't I'l S4111 T«« ]*> Ctan/y •/ Auguat I I of hr trim, |Miaripal. rimlifir<; Jmii; duly UmiimI will rfrr prat, V\ alritilW, JhI) l*O0. 2# Advertisement. lilrC>i«rr«; llu|wr; <\a«h; llimik. CLKMKxTIKR A. IIAYIX. r.nnor. w. (ionutiN, a.i«.«.r F ihr r>ut# ..r liiril I' llnipul Uf of Om of tha •oiall h*)l >ona ml at BC. IS* BC« Minb 30ib, A. I). Hi». (1 up % I ^r., «?l» l»< hi*ii|{ Fi.urr.i (Ulna Osrmin Broadcloth; Doeskins, Kl 4 iik 11 it I'LmUlm, in Mil OnMi«, lirmtfii of «w \vn\ «i n ru with i-un* why L. II. WEEKS, o«mr .|> all Ik in It aail «litir». iIki »( Portland, on tha -tih Jy|f, tr.vnll* I ? i>nl>»-nl|i(i w l*r itir «a | U- oi Of'tra, l •» — •41 | ilnMMkl mlirmit |M« lb# ia »ne «k Co. r^nmriM; J*«ltinrli«; Kimiitflli; At hr Hifiriw Jixliritl j'Mf North II hw Surry, Wkm a* at* ibe at*l*at » in an utiMlH* PAINTER. GLAZIER nliirh b# u«ra| al ibr ..f kit ilxili, ki lha auk, STEVEX5. H)#; & STEARNS, TaraU: NaahiiMi t'nuil Iwfan mill bi.Mrn al I'imiI.iml, « ihin mvl 11 lv «tm of han.lir.l ililUn, Tha furniture alora of J. II. SlwrKunif, ral vwlilM. Tb* ibe knit it aMirlr.f And I'itprr limner Ami r«rnlkiii( olf lh«t w»ra. A gffat <•" mkI ('.Mini* ill •Umi, on th* ibuil lit# l»in»r lh» that honor i»l hiimfrilrKi'rlt NnI Oil OLOVKH. II If M V '«f p#llli'Mter lliMoCxf |iiaii VIW waa hurna«l • li«» ■ill i» la MAI NB. wariny.►fllOti > ih|.ii» H a(ain t.i it* ■■•lam! ttale •>< hr«lih. We 'fffflfil 4 *«« ■»•»>! Ni«*i'li'41 The hr«l H«wrliH"il nnil<'iip«. iln ttl# anil h of lb# of out > ,« !»» «ftrrn 10. Mr John H.ia* rjf* I r.»11 (••nr Imrni MiirJ I'ainti, Oila MvlUat fitr Wilt*• la lit* ir»|>mlrni lbn>m fuatrji I llailri, I >' iHr |Mi|i >•<■« >1 ir Ip, «<>nM l» row mi.I ii#r#utaal at ui it ba (h Iba ii ihe iirk w u o» band. ISlI I•.-(» To f.(iii.l in lh* illy lii Ul iir wr Jwlirrt ill m»f Ha- |n«tui#nt m a • in of lh« Wlif»» m«iM( quirk pn«ikW, wminl ap|i*ar >Mil port huiUing. ,' >* 11».»»;» |Mrwf |..»a *»• *o <>a »hk'h Itrimll, Ihil or «n • YKItY I.OW GCOKOP. liORDO*, Ail-. THe Ji'iCO, fMifl. it«t •lllf U* kll l| ll>« ••lie 4X.| lil>>4< h- • iibm an.I t-if lb* I '•.••>«.• uf ('mnlirfliml, na ill* \V. II K irnrilm are all >>n ihu |<*IIN(* pr*par*«l prmrt|Jr. PIOURIfl, l>« an llwfr ■ •• j.liil in*uNniril, .V Wr.l.L NBLKCren STOCK Jar. AIm.Iini rk««|i and Ixll «*»i(hl; itlratrti rti|i» III Mill lil»l ami Ibia wiln ihrinni, r« »>< th* CIIOKT. liHlint, Mitfhrll, a I man. furiol h* •!.»< ul wiihiat ami ol llt(iril,in lha lakea or a grant (bang* in ibe (irk ttae'a S. t'lMl.m VV^rj!; T«m». \ «rll arl«-»i*.l k th'** aerk* imiruilrli in ho IKU I I'<• WM-ial. fi», lb«<'on«il)r »|flieul11tiatim taa I* Ihnli data at l*aat I»fnr* th* lb" Ut|niit( p#llt».~- It t ut tl;«ra art aume ol In* <« rbeantiIimd, I'h it lb# mil antic# to injur^U hoj*• rtltt^.i*, NmmIjm, U.utbrt, hr nil and Domestic Il.rnlt 1»I HHnxj IVillifi; Vail***; Trunk*; if aaiil CihiiI, tbal b* mat lb*»rry. paiat •»•*!, Relief, kr< far Mir CUA>, Walrhra, J* l'n'|rl Hi**, iitaur apftrjt. ran**, liy (I <•»!•). ih lo ba DRY GOODS! »l b* ha* abi lb* »( aaid MvlUat ibwU m>t liliirti ttilb I bit In lli"—»a, imWi.hal II* pain r»l«e*iaf ittneimt In ftto II* hti iIm hi* *l«rk |xa)»f ht« th* lelefrtpb* *r k«tl|f» l» ill rilt Otf'.ril Un> \si• ctOCKCRV W\ur; at in »ml (bat n* n* part of w«r|i i|-f prinlnl I'ant, CmwHtt, at M»cnU i* •-•arorlT in than thinl «iih a (mxl mm 4 CiMtrt li» at ibe tlif ba»* (a»l in anil 1'uiUrt; A I In* of lb* tib*l ami utilrr of lha t'mirl iniy •ini'ir IV-lni# la k#ll plnl, juianl, I mi liiwli, >u< h •• liulf \ nrti, al nina e.>n»p«ri*>n lea ermji, lor il iMt^«ailt tliengl In ibe aeak, I'Ulr.l tkritim ifiiiii* H fir « ii'rl «b ib#»'>ira ,»n tha »a it *aa on II* ••ill hi* k"»|nm O, 0 OWk may lb#) tv*f*H*tir« rta it i*le.| ail I. Tbe Itett >*alia( lie. Glim*. Stonoand Karthcn AHMtl COOK, •pall*. srr.rTAri.r.s, Crockery, rti'>N«- M-Urlmi nl \V I. I| HIIH a »l # franini, at *< th« I* Abraham, at Hunkrr llill, a i'It are ibe ruial olatiaale rate* uf nil' waro. h» «•!•! I •<1 <>» MAINE. ailtrnl T»•( \ri I II >U II BROWN, Jai!(#. aan(« 1'iaa, hr«na«(ll«- A Iru# n|it Aiit hipp*«a, *tphili*a »*t nf th* J n|i. >• .^iltrr CktiM, !, 0>Im*( >t« wart at i'iw(b«, kr., CAItPKTING. rial I Wla III I* h il Uii al I'l.rtlin l, withia ami Virginia Jial tha Hoapital. *n•*•. n '/ '«i, yu(i«/ />r4'aj Morning. .( t Irii.l^t. It. I * »7. i' Ut' ,tl. rarlj keakbt Mlh«. 1*1 aul ibe *trb in Siltff an I llnl I 4 "4 -nr; ml Kri«> l'ii-«il t] linger |ttm I'Uir I <4|»>.«a> anap I.EAMlKR JEW. waa b«r wtvk •• P. if Ot.aftaLI. ia IS* f TUN III. V ia th# -irl who abut lotar, k llll ifa, HrHMMt, ijw ml «n I l.i I' nk ul hi* *»i *al|* HTOVK, bjr Tb* It K It a ill rat*a lua In.ia tuar Iw.l uf >al«r- Irr K <•»•«, l'>« k»4 nifi, n|ii; I'nh; in Mill I It 41 h» •• **|* ( Manly nl l*iiml»f laml, m if* uf (Silvia 1 1 C r r, of H'ln* ('-malt, I' n \| VV iil'li, II in an I !".••• IH Iti h'hra, P\PEU HANGINGS, «ll hifl* ul r J.i.r.1 m Ihr wnhri; baiora laat. ia a lea bt>ar». nin, i«|; BKT.Hf.V l.lir'a ill im-ii .il l i>i« if>*1 rtnliliir nf HiaNlLL <»i «i miw, p mri 4'i I "t Ihi* li*l. ahirll ,*lnwt part* trajarifnllt II l will biiia| 41 •loaiahi«(> |it*a SpringlWJ R>-puMlran, Sli niji, !"•■» rhiMirn, l'a|»f,Kn- Hats. Good*, rj »q Illlr il'i ilit .if A.I). MM, Cap* KurnUbiog thai na lb* 30ib ilat uf A. I) Mil, miff Ik luit hjnrr*. T»nnT»m'« Ufa W* auf- WITH GIFTS. «rl.|»i, ly I al aa inl'>UI>. vil*l I at ml tol«l», poem. BOOKS lUKOWAItr. AMI CI'TLKKV, iif n •( lo i*r, ah* aaaa laafi'lr mini* aniarnrpMalnl |iM-ni*il Kiim, iVrkrr anj Chm n'«, and I'*pr« «i*hn; «i*hin( wbiih ll»»M>n I* lilt: IIIHT POLICY. la lb* I'ihiiiIi ill tl»f rjllnl "lrf"tl*r t »U Mil rktllrlt, ri(hl< Hill *r»i|it», that tha author ia hrtonJ th* • a tl'llll III* lie I III T4II 411 I *»4l*lm I |i law. />•*'» i* 4*nr*4 r<| ant | (iM'la. 1'nl 4 linmit- Sorrowing ju«t pnatiblo lb* I'rar* iii an I fur tin! Cmmli, a al btib al* \Vb*»rfi»» twir fUtilnnnf |imi \\ ill C"I<«M im I ami llir Iim Wan )>a, iiailn, l*nInto* Oil*, Vnrnl*lMa«« Hi I- Iralimi u(mi ll >....)<• O. "W\ a III la>bat*>l b*r«*lf In* aril* him, lb* Hill (iwlr'l that LonjtalliM'a Hiiiinl ihr «a >tk «r lh» thai I aril iu W VERRILL, ■a < • lit 4 I |nili aa itif<1 • II I l^>4lt'Wf Jr*rtl. buul fillM, Irffi, mm* ulbrr in linrf, ihr II nil Minn*, aa a rbaat*, failhfnl, I il tail*; in to lh« In h». Am |ia11 u( a Ami »rtul»», r.««i|wi»in|, ll.i|M»lr Kla >•••<>, 'Hiawatha' »u£f«-»»rtl «hal I r»(W«»«l ih'nt m JEWETT. pij« p»t \i. »»:•: r »' tuiv \ **i» lull lb* aalil tinlmil !*l w», nrfirriim hia »r- LEANDER wairll hi »»a IH • I la Plain nal< h> ia mi:. f N >. W t*i II .«t VI im, |»ul f«"|'lirr.l. mirway viixwr.. lha laur>a'a the en IhI bhiI in 30, «*tiKi(i to, A Deurable Stock of Merchmdue, ria(r Taw a ami umuiml al «f »»r»»V?aim^| n • •>« Iratinf |K«« ailk abullj fall jr«.-ltrl nf m:-Ii a r.Miti of Ti'ihtir b*M *1 a urn aitlimil raiia* rna.n, til, !Oi| Hr, tha Iiibm of luiai. rrin mat I* fuwul any jwatiftabl* tha thararteriatir Ug-n-la >f \ra IHiMaa »l m oil ?i,irr|arle \Vh« 1 «( no ua — «f Mil. \.lt. lavil aa I |*4riii tilhi* •«.! br Ik* CuMl; Oilmil, " ibr ilat HM, Oi»a tnf Arthur objection pat- MARRIED. ANY AMI ALL TIII*(IH, Furniture Establishment, Ural* fi| mi. |»t iii »rll>uri|prrtl <* t» oo hia «u- llrlhrl II.II. Mr Mr,,I. Ht'ifw. a <>( hi. unr I ill* mi »lib tin. nnlrr lli*r«un |niLliili(il al f >r anna ten !«»•». NVe mIkiI rill#, h ip|iv lo ethi^i' fWl*> ••iiv etT »r| h It Im hi »«|»* In |tl#>4»*. il amlbiaf Iniaaril* lh* aana*. ( mm|i, al in *4hI (irattan the i* n of the II • Or mw uf H3JSHH3L0 t al nf lit* UmmM, i»l only iurtiiiA( gr«wt nry Ui|> ■ni»l (rral inruai|aat|lnlal; ia lb* l*n»prr 4»l iliap-iai. ifii.l n-*\l, art•< U in ilnif of f«»«. ba»a tba »4ii»n To tho Trado- E ■|lx«ria( rtrrj lh* linr, am i liili-un ml ili'» II' ih*» (•rttun. The ftMit look rather * U fouli l*nlli ••«rrt ihit »Mie r\\>rrn»nri« in nmaei|»*ia»* on the lrt'h ultiio >. il h x reeidenca MOST MODERN STYLES, Jenlr in lh* rvlituia »f hn«inn I ami ml*.— TlloN IM II .RROW.N, JuJt,. ibr transaction »f *r rri with |.i<»|ti-i I*»r *rJ firiliiin I but 13, •n»,iriitioti *r tun raicc*. •' Mr. lil*>'lanl th* r*aa>n«a ir| fur It* A tm» e»pi—aiu in the of Wicklow. In I'oilUihl, "Mil, (•»«*(» Suwnrr, • • V>ntf ai-l, I'ounty Olh«*r %. H Ir l«l|ik"1« lliriu Kstrr, K>ri'"< \l Ivlirn • thai 4 AhM lima ibr laiml* nf wall MMa a^"l Coruiui^ioii Buoinrvt. 'ir r4.h. n 11 f" «| • •lirrrfly ol h a c iv a o Brron'i inamo- lirorral IU%Ht| * s s a, aa »•«' lila I- The CmdIm tluieu'oi. In \V««» I" 5lh, C4II1* K. prfklli, HI, Irlarra lh* aalil lii.Uim Mima* I at •><•)!, im|n»rtrf« 4»» I •»* lAilfUrtUfrrt, wf irr rmliUI !•> (Iv rami, • •.— * i«<' larinf Praliair I.M Par* >** • HKMiih*. MATIl \hhKH \*|» riMTIIKKM, Hi* lh* l*ai iat*i*a|a nf lh* * • >• 3 3 Alau. ilrtlfti i« *•* rit Laal.iaiail U (tirli** »I «fiiril,«« iba rata. Imng it Ptni. No longer yoong •»(?»** hit { I« 4t |»<»*<•« iMirf ••'il | ii, nubia anil fur lb* Cnaat) rimrrfitnl, Ir r -ailnrii* In lb* h ai w-mii in ii • t« to arvl «(«ri «Hh«*r i#k-t«t ff|«*rrh» itf \ f «"•rime |.lr< Kill) Jnljr, »L«- mid Mill dutiful, Butter. Cheodo. Lird, Wur*. Apple*, an l Inr tb* latrirala ul anci lh» *-| i§«i »n«l •»! nh| ami lb* |mUir ('Mil, Hi n Iii. i'i nlivWII UOK0OV. will- Polat3)i, Bonnii, 1'om. |MMrh«M* lf4n«|»*r> curl*. She wore then .10 mr« >. *11. ■ia • • In* mt Em.tb. »£ Hebron 14li »n. Wl *rr rlrf •.i|»t» .«-,|. In with «f Rami. I* mimn, ,,f1 mud W CHAMBER »«aif h imaral.!* t'.iarl In ON -Acadcmy. I" I'orr ^irM, bra.l barf, SETS, f*h» llii-if(..i» !■*•}* lin I'Uiii iIiimi in *«il I'nui, i|i"*i» I, |t a«in( wini*n «•« to in ...... A tmrtml J«*th New ru.i. \r»;r«T In rioaei, l,4n.ltr«|i* anil (iulil Hliij*, h* a limn th* lam la nf aiilriia >atr •»« n H b»r I'OUrLAS II Kfanl* lb il b*t il wn ni i» i. j i««l n I » >i >h. •• t it lb* aaa»* Sept. (m I'iUlojm. • ilb lb* »ail iijaain Hiimi*, a I lb < I m I'm Y rk. on M n night, >ei«n of Tiik \ II. EMTKM, W, I, kx ri:\Hiox tam-i:*. I in t-r In* b'i«l»i I'* HO, ml Jay hy theeipl f* * >1 *'"• Goods, Groceries, ia l»»im| willrirr F NRIL, la iliaa.ila*it. \ ilatl 'I Ju. II.MM. Sif J. I. I.I till V. mat 'H>r* If a|i|im i'i»l f il lb inrihwH,— * fluid She to fill the Mia. 11(1 M J Hnwptrm. V hionk. lamp. attempted l'phul*irif (■•at, nrrsr.Y r. • INIit a I li, lb* •u l (it* i»>lim Cm«m. "I :i»uo?csiow3f |»-lili'i»»r wm Xtinii W, TwHm Maiir. Joni J. I'tRkf, h*r Aituritcr. |.i uf ibn while it lighted | In all p*f. in* in"i'*i I 'ii in>in( fn|it lamp H I* Mi Kr«ir»,Tr«rhfi/ |Vnmii>hi|i, & READY MADE COFFIN*, Srjiif mlvr 23. 1*37. ■*il#f h. |i«hli.h »i«* «^»k« xrrfiiifrly in Pr<>f Stowe an I Mr* II B. St iw# eailed Tt*»« >J |4) M1NNIN3 BROWN. Paints, &c. Oils, Nails, Tu« * ml '»* u > 'il, a ■•*« iMyrr .VI A I. iff \.«.rlmi | if I rtrrt, ran- l|l |nam'' |uml*i| I ajll.b Mil a XX •• • l M on in tha Afric*. Hlp« Commission • l4.It un I) in. I, fi mi 'hr In Ibr M'lf I I'm*. ffrinwiUy, Hln, «, (I) I • i»«tr«» Inr» n l"»f «f IJ pUiwn I 4»«l h >|H* h-iliby ( t«|i, • ».—Al lh«- Hkjmmiw J>»l»rial In lw b'l I il I ••• m «4i I Cwinli, on ibi* Ihinl >tow« a in • iriijLtatLK nr.h.ih< in i«it« m|nitv I. Sir* will »f*r tr»»elinjr. I'rnm nm, |, and ii ilin tint will I»h »«. anil lirlil al within an I in lk« ijk-bJ pruVff Irgtifi l' Th* • I ii nf k>i(n Nrtl. it nil** nf lb* rUirk (i'wl can h» «»tiliiu* in.••! altlra fui niahril. Tamlai «>f A. • it* «b Mill lw trani* !. •on la*t Sttur in wr FLOUR, imprutr.1 A|miI, mill Frederick aailed lay Ilwwiir. 1*411 Hill* |{»- 4 4 I | IJ» Til ll lKa» JOrtCPH lARAOWtf,Nw \gmt« luMhr Hhnltrr Mill* I'loir, %«HI. IM.-4**' I I'lfiN IK» (mrjum; I, llpW^I, TIlONAN II IIKO\V\,y»W«*. the two 11 • l»on, Jul, 3t> h, IVW (Mir |I4||I»H«. IliitMf lu ilk* lb'iei>( pun* win Mr. N>i*«IU of AndoTrr, I|I| lilrl>>t| (IIP lr«|wn»'lrnl A lru**op|—>alir»l: I • ^H- 2231221 FURE.COUNKK Mo\STIIEKT, XV. 4ir 4<* • I »r I iitf 4n I K'»rt and iMimst |n I»f>nr lll» Jii'iifi uf wir K« iff, to makaa tour m Ku- Atf ilialiiif I'latiio;, Sawiu^ Turning, apttrar Hum intrrUnli4lr hrlil at Par- rope cni'i u. mnm I It run (>, »t. \ I * iHtrl »| |*. Nrwt It, 4»1 rmriiMH tm'ir.«t! aa«l Ma I ami Ibia oi.lrr Ihrfun, % • it in ill il* r"|>» i- \ i» i II lit »<• n k Hon Ha* U mS ImiII^i «ilb »f»f| r~..i»» Kirixri• —J. .anil (Mini ri'r Fralbor*. and in I lie 4 Kw I HitKliI, CIift n'« Point on the Baltimore an1 it *ri«l 4' ill »rt mm, s ih» Ltl IU HOKIMi C. RHl'MW, !»iii k r«l»r, I'.ullanl; mn'tHiW. in in uir of iba CIURI.K* I'nnripal. 41 lirrjlW'l Haiia, I'.mnlj a i,( I'llii'i i«, Uu o( I'm*, in Ilia eomliti n i* miJ to be Jan* 1 il<#ir«l»l'' <| iiliti*« ill fair |»rirp«. |>rialnl l.low II i)iti RailroaJ. la.talanl. W IiImnUiXivThIii II ii <; » • > vi \. lo t» «l Ifitl l»Uf O- Mih Kill! It'll «|||, |ImM| ♦ r. o. F MIXRR. U»l On I* 'U»a 44 XX' ||r- iW 4-1» 4 *(« fir h • 11# i»f 11• >u#r• |>liralHHI • II I <"..| ll». ll*rr «•• (If lilt (»' alll««HM of M Hir. { u« Hi* i» with hia. It n « h nr> liMiiiilil, TuS'f »» of Mi'l ('■ml, lb il h» inn Ibrn iwl l-il* g>r family h«iL| I' ir Httir?, iti it* «*n |U«« V4r»elvt 4'i«l (>*f !<(mi,OHiWrM.lltli lit# •illinf «il ill Ifcr |#r«.i>nl Miila ••I'll h'i«l»«iirMr I. iin.Kvil' cor*TY if nut be ba* »K* Ibc of •anl Ma-IUnl 4 »l A gang >f WTetrbaa wh-> ha«l formed jitn CONFECTIONERY! W. A Wjod » Vcw M)Win; M ichine. prijer lii ■ il parwHii I, b» raaiinf rtpr lu Il ilmlifa, • Mil ir ! *3 MtiKiliH^ — h.Mil.l KnvrMilc Ti •»,— 91, — *H|l Iviwilnl. ibit «r.l»f !•• Ik* |i* ( ilr»» twki •( the town of U*hk -h. ln« Of on* mi«rl l»j Compaoj. COOK, li inik^ihW II in 141, |n iir l m I111 k. 'Iwi It * an Caw! of hate U«en «le- Ihr a>r»k. sri:vi:vs, II. A Irua of lb* lilwt I otilrr uf I'-larl In l-n b»li| al Wii f .rpiirp"*»« plunder, LACOKIS. rufijr ib.i» mil i(i|Kir •' l'f..l'itr > m b» alilaiMil in »-l (aiuilira i| trt- \VM. It IIOtt'E. J ihrrnni. m miiI i»n tba ihinl nl t- an I f>»ur >>f tVm, in. lu.ling tli rir Kir ll* HI) Go**, I'miilral. Pant, I'witti, Tn-^Uy f anaablr I air*. k. are una. Aural: o. 0 COOK, (Ink. I'. Illl'tin, lu]gil n»*t. at iiv nl the rUk ia tha fiftmm, On* of the Tiilaina e«>u- m Unbar ml ailJlfu lllf l'iinat *»nlr« it ml Hinnll I'rolit*. (iruf|f A. W'tiitwj, ill in ill# CiNHDf Aum eopjr—Ailrtl: Mr Stephen TRRM af MmI «M mm. J. II. Quirk Th» f'Uii inrUUa Slam, Shop*. Hl|k RAWSON, Si'(f .Ik,.Ill ih* I '••mmunw* illh "I M <••*< hiltrlla liifin Kmrr, Rtgitiir. «»t !->••• it t! « mm dai ruatUMM m J ihrir hi «il> ir -art* ! Sun ol mrmrw V|M> S« 1.0 infirm hi< rulMtfti that hr tiaa ju«i |l«rllm( huiiK), kr rouirat*, now lay. VF4LL i ii jr«r nr. Tivno direct prom »• l.nih'i Wtihlmm •/ |miI« mill unal* lllf l.iall la lma ul Mr « atlil mm li ivc .m alalia airk>, n. U i.n|>f.,«riM-nl. hirb U(N| Au iim l>« ih« Om*t that III* it.—At 4 I'mrl ol Pmli-ita litllat IS* heart. He had ju*t returned] fr church. Uflit M IMTACTI'RCUX, ni^nli-w 1 Otruau, r.i'iiriii'iirf ul bi* Hlufr anal I FKKI'LtMl IIOWC, I'lMripal, lb' W, n. LATIIAM, A k o n t ilrirml Ml ih* luttr 1/ lb* »flir* uf ihr m I, oil bin an I fortbr 'if It Curd, »t Iba A«]«oC»ta. tnw ti'ffii or ^rn, A(> 7<> M iHiilaari- aa ihr a mla <•( ihr arh Mil ll>»lrr SiL iit, an.I baa m.» I) l»M, yeem |LeWi*t.,n \\ Ilh b ja.l o|»ri»r«l UKYA.VTrt ro.MI, MK. ■mi ix•( an mh-iliii mi ill III* Muir, ami htil | iHinlTurtldf ul (nl*. nut 'IraaanJ. Irnaul, a(r'I »r allnmri within ihr • uni", iImI X* vlllVN I. M \ l» I\l L. « -iraior of Mini Il'>» Tiarbef uf Maaa*. nt rtMlf ha»* lirni .illti-hnl in ihn a*- ibr eti«l» nf Wll« llaiuut Utr ol Pro'ice Mn L. (, •T ]<: AV E L n V. m alw f" iSr Y'mL C'oaatv, llii (immU 11 Pricet of Conn'ry » ml W. II. I., ■(•nl 11 I 'uaiavM I A NEW LOT OF GOODS, th «l hp ha* hail no null** *aii< tail it nM i|»* it*l, 1 MM, I.Mjltah, W «ill l» • I a* (* r«H tilktMiKr II 4>nl \V«lr(Tillr VIihmI U> Ii»«i, an «tAH f..» Tl» OiftitJ m.wtal l>« hich rh»4|» illMlir, knil Mimnr* I" >ni|MHir(. aiitl hn*nl, ltrnS!rnl nf ihit mW in bw Titimtt, Aug. 10. l«v». Roai'l I" (■»! titnilira «■I tail 91,30. pad, lirjif Uif an I rnfii nf tin* un^f, li Sljli i'ifij fumahr.l h» ha I'riwii alilr la |iir pnfad Mlitfarlt'ia, alwii^rl 11I lh* '* »ri*, ihr** w**k« »nr- |Miliii«br.l iSn» »• kit XT' Mitrki is lb* in pUmtilf « 1 !»- I allroliwa lo Ittra (turl.allirk ronaiala ul a thai ina* l!' I. •'. I I 12 ? |>al. Aai Imihrr iiiUnataia r«a ha itf^li. pail WILLIAM HARLOW, <*ui«*W in Ih* O1U1I llr'ii'H-rai, n*««>|M|i*r Il-tti 1ft 11. print# I 4t P«i», tkrt uppw " Small il !<• W. ft al in aaid fmnl. III a || Iliairl l< li in- i,f l»a»i.l Ctal iMinlnt at 1*411#, in lh* t' uf (Html, iht al a 1'rulnt# (*•«•' 1.1 l^aria WATCHES. CLOCKS. JEWELRY, ai < H « al Wral Su itnrr, till Choico -in lb. .1 i»f Aiin.t ar*!, wcmhI, i laaaf, ami Ihr 1'iim i|.il Confoctionory, la»l |i l.*7 l,?l a 1 .VI WATCHES AND JEWELRY, within and (■» lh* ol AmIm>« ><. 'am l»i»r, tlw nar tbrnilil not l* al- IU.w, I'RI NKH, Auburn, C'wil) lh») «tiy »*r«. I>»al.71 PkiKKY k SCRII1NEK, RAltflM*, Sllror and Tlntod Wuro, VtoiMlba Inirlh Tit*t«Uv •'( f**|il*ni«« I- I lunnl. "• < a III Watch Guards & Ktrs, la I I* 13 Chains. Hook*, ih«l • ilvlrmlatil mil lh*n awl lh#c* apprar, TlfiM|\w II. DltO\T>, JUf. IU.Ii«-f, adjr, i\nta of all hnJi, I'-nlr, iff., i|r, I" !!»•• CalUi» S|W 1 .. Irt, C.iiuIm, I'm Cmnrry, kf is at Figl, fig *** raua*. mm, is ■ and Counsellors Law, I'uckrl Knitra, lllllit, SrilMTI, Coinllt, 4I au*w*r to Mil) »uit if h* (hall A tnt* copy—•ti#»l! a Attorney .No. 7.1 HiiIiIIr N a 10 b l«l lilttabr* UN I Crffil.* Kickiit*,cor ■!., IUVIII K>APP, H'fi" CIh»». mi:. •»jr, Ik a I? II oxroito* I'ortl*no, Mr. &.o. & II a II 111 STATIONERY, Watchos, Chronomotors Clocks, hi I il*r«» |. 13 iriimi. a i.l ih* !"»•*, f* Ihil ill* — urn j. runt, i». w. Watch** a ii I Jaarrliv r urf.jlly r*|iair*f ,\u**ml*>r, in th* %*arnf imr Innl »|4, II. F. BLANCIIAHD, ila) II r.-.Ji, .1 J .. * II irfW. l« a M >1 L.Wr.LUPIlH, W.ilrh Ciki Klrrlrifl'lulftl Imli —***n, li» hit Om, (irover 1 B.i\nr Nrwinz Hachinr, *i,|hlr*M humlinl ami priitni*- IL>;S Mlll'lt rl.lir • IttwitnW hi tK« Ml a 73 30 alt? at INK. mil* >•( lh it ilat* lit Inm iijn I, I >f fain* rr> I'm1.1 or Silfrr. m «rll at in lb«i city. r 11 htii t| icbiaa i« nm. I naj V* nniiiil (Miiii \V Whiiiwi. Uitol Pint, I.00*|.U3 1,17 a I.J'i Atturn*y i*i:\x a\i* h:\cii.s. 4««i«j rritnl lu Wilhrrrll it IVt.iln** It (1 ■««. pi.>nn«*.| |mjt • in .ii.1 I 'limitv, il<*i.» l, h <«in| |n»i»iw».t hi* LKlll k HI. \ I K I't.M'II.H, ilona. »uiii{ aralli fiMiiirr »r lh*ir urili-r, lh* of **l«l* Cu., |iiiin*r«, w iiwn' ij .«.Uii.ii r Jewelry »r nil kin J* neatly 11 p« t r «l K, al a«4iio*; IIOUKH, • •••It un ilnuaixl with inlriral, ami aQriwauia, l>i Tmimti, *n<. 3 O-4-rr-t, ih4i ih* Mi l 4 Imiaidrain* fire Mlin IX \IIIK8, wiih o»w im lh* miu* lli« Mill \Vith*ir!l rtvlor*. li2'lU>f • alllr, .HI W ulki.i.' Of. BLACK, \Valrbr« •u|>(>lir.| IRON wit., 1I4), In *11 ii»l»f«l< I In (MiMinf I 4lh« At Mllk'l ALVAII MEMORANDUM TIN & SHEET WORKER. or I. pff»NM ROOK*, I b iib 4 l I ill* C i«h or I' i» I) i*ii lliilriii, i' I ami ii»l|t*rril hi I nnt» 111 III* unl*r, it iat in ilin, lO.UiOiliwp, S.»-I)>mI> plaintiff m.Im I I* ikliihftl Ih"** »wki •urrraaiTi'U »a, lilr he. Itr. kr, lie. DRY HTX TO*l>, .M»'. lh* *>>iil p a ran alfrfil lo »n mr enitoaira brlter than Ii* iint.m anil 111 cinaiilt-ralMiti ahrrnif, at lhal ffif«—H#»n'4lllr— t° tlra .*•? 73 *110. Hr«| Counsellor & Attorney at Law, an.| lh< Otldri IV.m'ftI iNiitK.l Pin., iti-» ibot* wb • ■Ii Int.I.i 111 Im-.imr lialil* ami th* al •ffimil t *} a 7 (ii*!, |Miimi«#I •»>(•, xriiril •«< u<'f> •pp*nit M'lktttfl f'ktrrk, 3T3VEJ, TIN HARDWARE, )•) m«. i.i mm! ('mill} iimki>ikirilTii*»Uf l.i;>m «ai i„ |M. m>»I, at nine o'fl >eh it ihr forvnima, ami W»rkiag PARIS HILL, P.tfktt Walih 0AMI i i id Jr. CiMi.umU ini bawl. A'ur'f, .Vn//'t, /'mi, lARDf, a M«» *ul M.lrh .. *11. Ktys, ran**, if anjr hat* lilt ibuiM r ■oNk Pari*, I9M* 23 nj.inr.. atlrnlril la. 20 lh*y hp a r\- rill \ I V. Mr. CurJi, I)Ait, Court Plath r, juij, SSr»p—l*4lr« til aatall lull 91 30, 3 IJ0; lit OXHMIH 1'iifb pmuplly I Ij* allut»a.l. 3. I aa.l 3 UO. TIIIMI AS II. IIKOWNf J»4f. tra, K. OF ALL KINDS !*ki« < an • HP UIALIH II (•>' • <»« "I »*lui .1, '|'IIK«uli*rrih*r R>>|iiiMir«n he if •<* I il Ih* lillar ■, I havmf of I'rolule J h.»« < I ■ > lb* hit** »l>l« it thclnwn huuw. OUTTA PERCII A PENS, mjiiiin |ilir Ju.l«. afr r> t>> IB"*! 8 W APT, cMmiIimI wiih Ilia Irucl "f KlfiU if ul the lad will ami of JOHN Tha bfil ami rhra|>ral in atr. limMt lirrd «(iMrli'M, h«fia{ .hwwkI Jn.lfr of IVJ»iir fur the '".maty i1* to niu DKl'f A \D til ■ • mr lo MANlTIHIJl lilr uf ltO), tt 4 u'4<>4k, P- M., iH»x« TOBACCO. CIG A RS, PIPES. |ih«»wian« I ulbrn, h Ili»roar!u IMHtOIIIY t'r)el>uif. ol lh* *-lal* of r it v »: 111' ii r., Mr. In of »o PERFUMERY, In Ml I OniMlt •l««i tt the d- in aii«i I tha CiuitT an. TiUrm »f iK«* br»l Ih4h<1>, ami rhtu lo rrliirn lh«|iwiir« hi* j»rol'a«*loii, fai ||lm| H. Ut*of IrgatM all WILLIAM DUDDKIT Per*. at S i. I'^rn, A I bv mul |>f«.»|>lU illiiilfil to. ul all ami a* lo holil hirr*>n« rial I' lavritliona lv> l* lioMcn inj, lir»b Miti nira, I'14.11a kiaila, Clay boa.l a* lb« run mat b« ETC., *b■( in tranaAi'i ®njr otbcr %_ I'iw t (ufrlkrr variaty 11•• ihrrrfir* rMiartl* all Aufuai 17. IfO'Jj lor Irraiion *n.l al»iiv, mb»r ibr lu iuAr i • ue I ala |iii n.'ii|; 4>i I ill wb-j h«»e law iHrrc't. peraiMM hi* ron*i lijr in Cia» Citm** lh*?n. NO. .1 NOYES* IILOfK. «h» are indebted lu lh* • •utenf *411 ilwfawl kaaiu«M that |utiriil*, in Inirn l-allt, or in COOMilU ii»i wilh an) iW-iuuU ih/raou ihr >uv i« 8. B. BEAN, iUVi'flN'l1 MOIOCOUYMS. male ioi nxliaia an I Ih't* 9I11 hat* R S STEVKXS. ih'-ir a'lrn Inif |ih«*ii*ian*. <'liir^'« will lip in Ja.lf.'W. .N.irw y VI •»*». JimM.MMn BOH IRD BHIKL1TM. |i*iin**\ *i»rr-i \ Furnish d at All Hours ! |irlfur.! Oysters Nwaaf, J«l) t, llM. lull HOUSE, I 'w ik» i«l>«rril»r al lk» i»pi«n fcnu< tn xhirh lbi« 1 ia aa» wianar ilraiinl. t'llJl.U'.li) • ill Im> *11 |«. CZXm 8IOW, hifctard, la Xmait Villafr. OP rOKK I.OSI RC Wh*m>, m»lnM il »>llktnllnl"bt- 1«W Jm. •. rtjitfn ao.l ('h-iwilrra fi.ulril la ordrr, and tlr» lit firla* nf CARRIAGE. II UN IIY RUMT. Jr. Noricr.J.i>'|ih Unit', nl MmwalirM, •• lh* OmhMit lit inn w 111* of I»* hi* d*»•( 0|(h.| .ml 1l«l» 'I4MI4. Oaalrf• lnrni»b>-i| Ik' or of I'n.lwlf l..r lite Uimlt of I ital* I ib> l"»li >h« ol Jmt, A. D. ■ ■ Miuottth, llr«n llura, W'tln Itmb, Cut UilO. O. STACY. ki |'ial, «|Narl, gallon, Jml(r Oxford, m»it(af*. ih» " W lhaa un Im> rUrwha-rr. • »rll ■>« ibr il »1 mr a mlait |i»r**l Und, ihff rllrup" •■lilaia*nr*'*il lifturM Tilri. Miitllli Olimum ruling, Strayed «!■•*•> a T a* the Conntirs of Oxford CUd* aad Kidh Kub on knit. nnw ul Ihi rlufk 1a ihe (ih iwhu, uii FASTER. % Y <>f lieriir for Ihf ronalaall) 0ENAMENTA1 F.ll, thff, l>un. Deputy >M| itr the aa.a* lb' **hI nut «f Jtmm* M. ^nulh, Ihe Krroitl f/UTII MR. ■uttornllar, in StiMMtM. atmnt 15th " I'ridnr. Uny uf *r|ilrmbcr, PARI*, STK at I nun Sow at h,tt witto ia Haifa ami Small a a- (It* I dale I JI mm tt, IKM, lining •vM.FrauiW Cwapkia'*, k' And Cinbfriaad. ||i» IJairk I'roila;" ! of U.i» U«l, a i»«.»eir» «U Mw, ul ml ntlitr, |i*r all lli« rral Nlilr ol which iKtairl * ■ I* ra- want au« arlirlra ,Nr*l, Ch^pliii llrr•• I I Wr -irrr*. !».»*• >»r l«s" wh'rh deed lb. ir wrillm rrt- ME. ant* h* wiahaa ihuar ia uf h (irat.tuigaml I'mnling a » bite ,Br near the A«»k, MfMreo M* M ibt kif jitrn KF.ZAR FALLS. •••pi) iJ" ol l)*f>r dirit »i'h »i*ii » where ibe »(eer I»»4 41. |ta(« W4. mm; abilr |m|i. fir Ihr iiirul of ihr drlM» ul *4id ol lit* Hillerc ■ a ad dowrr, pit juti In irwa'M. l.*i * hiuip lull rfMrripiiiHv lh* pimim. |irr«>M hy (HtgraalrJ !ail« VrrUt faptra. w. nTvivron. KM) IwXmiu*!. >lull »ai!jtW» Ucrnlprl) ^adjrcrfl, J. lirrrifril, rhurg** of admioiriialion a*d iitridrn- Tba mmlilHM of «ai I i*.irl|i(r hiim( been Mur i«L (turn mb»r II. IIAWHOM. IIOMMKY. lal H>iii| rral raMIe euMtMl* of aUtal lh* mkm tt charurt. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR. 20, IDSI. 34 broken. I hrr. I>» cliini In fc>**Hu** Rtuaa ckiiilt llnw rariaHiH.iaa.mM*. lw<> lutlr* HiMnerJal) MriNafi fr«a| orer hnmlrr.1 iriM a'ld ia aiiiMlnl alawl la lb* *tatale« it »n'h rim wail* aad nai, pwlfrtl; »fi»- 117AMTKU. ia a WiU»llMI«W< Tailo'inf lioia K>»lh Wairrlord VllUjr. UW-ial, Corner of Cichnnc«*n«l Prdtialllt., Kl.l II BEAM, ami of aala. Putty ! pro..del'. AllO '» iaU Clialhtag Stoia* ia ihia twiuit, ■* and luaUr known at Ihr Hum placr Putty!! Adatitidralir .if lb* Ml. uf Imm Qaial. PORTLAND. 4 FULL-SUPPLY jmt al lb* OP I'artaar, with a anaail raah raintal to ia«a.i in J. H. IIOIIIH, 4iUi»ntr4iur. j 36, f IUiJ iba Iroia • TEACIIilR MUSIC, 10 BOUTII PARIS PAINTSTOBE. UrotalWki, Jul, Wlktviaf kifbly iwpecuUr btMiara*. Adilreta Oifuul I>rmo:i»i. North W.irrfoid, Ju»c 2». I8M. 22 Aprllt, 18W. A. I'AKI."*, ML. the G 110 V E II & BAKER'S BOOKS AND GIFTS! ENCLAND AILMENTS! CH KIIKATf l> Tu /*» f/«l. I jmI) (MUMMin ft lit (%••/) k FOREIGN PATENTS. Ayer'u Sarsaparilla. NEW AMERICAN — MlFCri.LANEOUS. •f Iif» Ihr tunal rlin liul CO, A ira ■«• iet«r« nf lb# I'HKi»|wwml gwil ■liulbilriixl* niilr. Ii mtmlulw) THE ONLY REMEDY. I'pf* \\ ilnm'a in Limli wiihnthrr »n unwwlad fn-m ■ mr Jnba M. Hurl 1.1 I'm ?*af aaparitla.aoron.lnnril —An lo»ii»TTf*l ia like pi*4wl «il- Solicitor of Patents! p**rw»n I'UMaiioa, to lb* Itw mt |Im (iniij Ti««k anUlaiura <>f atill fira'ir ahrralitr |»owrr aa In iiwl«l'il i» ihil tniinn nf • f'adrra Hl*l> •, GIFT STORE which «u aail wr ikt «»••« //«/( Agrnt al tk* V. S. Paum Ojfct, rfbrtivr anliiiutr k>( Ihr ilia# bmmn ar ORIGINAL letter, wry body pertiee. h«td: llkal, if (ftaiui, 1 •Hold w hl 'li i« litnrl ana ih- Till'lb* untiMI IX NEW ENGLAND, ii«r >■ fc» ihr !*«aill • unJrr tht ml 1*57. In rmr, |l ia hrlirlril that aa»i Ixttblr mjten, oj II ir(mtnl r» a ihnfli,, ia who atoud on hia own ullw »( p.ililla \r» lain —The iixli*idu«l Ihrmo dnaii Ihr HiIIm Kl.,llo*ion. i> «• thw * h<» niHrr from l*n(lin) who li i»r arlnnnl aa •>' Hnaai"» wi>»ani*ii onr »t 45 Cornhill, w to be iniicuxl lor infanti- HU« I t».«k in Ai»tu*rr, ami lk«w» ri n an.l Ihit whirh wilt Irlli^rni «•••!• a flimm# *«• No. , prMikwi all*n«M»a |>lainia, -n nl ( mpuMibtlitT,' Ik." I''■>- |.r It rr«- in* ilrfft* |ir«M|irril) \\ k W t m lit % l« iKwr I'alrat* in "Mr immI of iiiiinrnar a nl r |k irirt.r.itiiMo j thrir puifr In miiw# r*m»litaii*inr, anil a>il w«tr •twh l»- r«*tN|i'i*h lrrm»l« lnin( cide. aad m owr Irllow rili- »•«« la tita m»J n«rt» ik» t'aiinl Suic.; ami ilm lirfd Piltiia, tif» lu ikn rb«M »f »lfln Ir.l In Urgr • hatr nmliilnl ihi|mm orrr air tt lb* latrr- «i-1 il mall IWlililt, tillj VALUABLE HOOKS, rrra art likeflUe— raliwH aa.1 aharal-HM aa pMtt am) nihrr fuirtgn rmMrin. 1'iftal*, trn* lln« irlt thia nun) ■■ml mil »l —Sla»J< thay leap Kranra, n>m|ili nmir fatiMnl r<>mmiiiiiKi in aim rn-Mlbinf ur on ill ihr M aixl nanatruer. AMijawfuH, and nil l'a|nf* ha* l*rn hi mail) '*mh(*-iI ami h » man'a to his ^prnliraliva* |imtrn ri|»iiwriil ill il rnwIiKri in *urial i|i|>wm. •II g-xsl | Ioiitit) ill ihr o>wi- \\ Til Oiawinf* for (imlrMN lu Ii4hmiii| arr — alwmlaol GIFT 8. inlu Alfr- lla^HlniMlvl) Iliry ncramtnall} It I C VI MM. S3. IM*. ami • ilh h Ur.rait hr* mmlr — Ibal ibr» w Krknar. >lr*|>4li |iUl»la lai*im *• ami mwilal mliirali.m laliilll* I nai la ia Vl »'•./># 100, Iran or Knmfn aiillkt,l« ilrlrraiinr ibr Srr-fula mn4 Smfub*u /V»/« whii h arr rarrniial In I»mIi> .4 fh't prt.tfnm —When ill n*w« raaM too lata to he aer- /. flrrl lb* (irrraalioaa t»>4. *t\tf or >i %i*r. •• niilii* »l I'alrnl* «t Irfali-r aarf I'lttft, f'tmj-lf, /'/< ka«, *'r la f*r JUrrr »f rrtff |n»rnlUna—and /audita /inMiia, brnllh. ami pb*r ral rW (Wi •! lb* J a« I K Ih»|ir|i*ia vicable to it to tout- Oirmp. »•!-.aijr mb«r ailairr rrmirml In all mallrf* li.tnhinf Smll filmm, Seal Syptitu, ili»r • i. im «l*lin( ihul iKr lil»r«| jour B«i^hbor, keep 7'««««i, aiiiimf all rla»»ft Thr (hi MACHINES! It f F takr k44*n •f /'«>«, i* aaV far (W Cmalf •/ ihf of I'alrnl* lur Mixwial /)urair, |irr*alral FAMILY SEWING («■•!..*r,I ■« ua I,, aam*. Cupir* of r'aliu* any >ffJitUii a/».»raa, I'tnj,af, I In inallrali'ia In ihr ilijrtli** organ*. M awl Iiviroltl Mil. af A- * I'- «a »* »V W«» One l> illar. ar fbaWnt, |nmWr r» ami i.lhrr .4 Ow4m4. Hi.lir.I ■••'niiltnf A*»«gnia»ral ,Niwa(|i« 7V P'hllf, «• ililr nf TIhnh- FROM |HnflA ihr aif f.ntUixl, pan* '♦* —*nl It) « Kirh air wmvih il*r*n|rnnil. XRWMTYLRM-IMIICE!* |W«>|>U was to .4. /I. IK*, /*»" *»./ K»— — Si. .Inlfc.ny'a •" «•" HlNflfltM iixliM-r —A la«l» who ur; i a»uifj if, iy ruiilp.l al \V»*hit<(t»a. Mi|»Imi, #'»♦• air mm ibr nf ihi* nrgUri, lit* f.unlit, finliW young » ami* patint i'mIij rf .4 /». l«a». ia \i l*.n(> ft a ihr whnlr rliaa u[ and h»IiiiJ«ih« 7W«9 V.». 1 hi* A(rnr« i* mil nnU lh*lai|r*i I I'll imlrrtl rnni|iLiinta ihr m*«t Irtinf pwina, almai mrnia lii l«>"Wat that the ooe tongua In ami MilTrrinf ilalljr parrkarrt* Frrnch, replied thougbt il inianlni* klfr ailtnntiigr. from -f (4« ltl—1, rnn* In Iv. 'Wmi llmi rirr !*(•■«*, atil. Ii«l through ariiinf /a^anff willnMil hn)» i.l rrlirf. Tlin bat* rohton aixruliuM (riling n|> th* itioMrs ar* it ii strict* woman hr»«rrr»nr.| thai prt *|a>a- nr lb* Thia 11 n will I* l<>unln| |>alr*hl>ilih (h.hihI Iirr* ibal lh»ir ailmrnt i* rbi'inir, • NKW YORK. Tkr * Ivanlafr* |»mf« •ayiilh'f aa wfcillwiiwiU nf thnr In ihr nhv, a» | iKal laqatr* In, if mil ininM-jaaia. of bra It h, «lirn lakm in ihr «|m l»n •• pur. filling Kn{laia-» imlln,; of ihnae mjiuiMril will) |HtK» «»l firtwr, ttal in mmI "Ml lllMxlh lb! anil a* anl uf thia ajmrr i|«rili|iaKla(fi (VtJ*«, I» I'Vt, at la* t'rUk ta (H» aim- fii-m rmlntatirr uf fiail • H|>rfi<>r tnl«hii)g bftt. sVrrrss IS TIIF IfFST PROOF VF AD' Ihrniwlira |br rla|ill« n*«a nr ill t.mtf>-awat. liin(urr •••! In ikf h m»illf, I'taliliali mm«. lk»K» lu fie* lllr whirh ihr wilb and irnmul UmwM b*J anil KiiiflUa antra, thiimfh ajalrin nf wi»tilri> iJil»ia i| unlilira •>( uihr» *«lu4l>lr v.WTMirs ABILITY, r»i«l» Iii (rim in |>rai** ihi* Mrliinri. I'lin will tin WV Lat(» —Don't to h« called a g *»d fellow |KM>«I in Mi l a* I at |{. II Ml HlitlFf'i ran ilimt rLiipwnl *« i* >iy uibrr eipect |wtitMH<; ibal hr lia« at'iimlanl i**ma In lirlirir.aad • ill atriir lu riil iiirifi^ (utmiitH*!, wbirh i< knmn a* rwjairr aiiirkt in nrhangr owr »«»a. i*» T««^mI «« In I rumiaarrr uf dtaptpaia, »' than a irain«trr«» ran, to t»l>'irf, H aaiMlt. of I hi bimt arr ihr lu I lie naliiral rh inurla nf Iwlirr an I rbra|»rr «nm ■ dif • moment than o»»»«ent do ibal al no iithn oH»rr aialnl iln thia through an.I Wr lw| UrfV frli-a ihrr | aaliliatim longer y.»u at im ta |imi* amka fm tm ml a« K-tut, arr, n ai. mr.ln iw. I Iranar out DR. J. IIOSTKTTBR** nrn if *kr ih» ■ >drfalr. Thr an nltrraliic «*i{Hirv-«*tli for ihr Iwlt l>| in luaikrl raah al pfirrr. ^iali %ou to. » iiaraa- htrgr* p»nlr*«n»nal*r»*irr» llir Viriiiri ill# »rf) what other tk* imaao. a •»«•' «l tH» |MHin ami lurnlt liltaal whnirirr lull Anil ila iini>mi- r ri> * m « t 11> tMt, 1 il.U larnik oa nr praciwlr people laf inimrn.r ibr •nlwri il»r ilariag ihr lilialril |||M|'W«(|<»| Wr (Nil nil Iilijrdi.i raUVipr. «i»»mii»i i«Iimi m prarlirrol ri •»» U'l arctMMll i»f ibril •i«|)lli ll)T, n Mill l» h« ft.liin'1. which t*ai* |«n*t hi* rnalilr.l lira aline ihtmigh |iiui|ilra, an.1 In W« Iiltrr Mr imlurritM-iiM n tkr CwMMiM«MMwra Iranar w hrn Ami il no* r i«r MaiMfrmrnl, ailj|ilalHM lb* prrman (kail}•.)/• jwo- riiHrflina nf anil ••!!»« tat ilrri*inn* Ih-na ur ai.ira; it Stomaoh Bitters! dmal.ililjr, *prriHriilinn« •» —r«rrulm( rilh» r M. tnrne all tNe w' and l«w>ea no choice III ihr rVanar j| all Itiirl ea nl f.iiiilt »mf ila, »»• rrUlitr In Tbr.r, bniiln hi* nlrNilr alinrliti ur aUfgiah irma; thai nuntrr.itia i-lata who i'rf >ilr itirinirlin Wr naif walrbr* ia U»fr <|a»i|iilir« Uriah I patrnl*. |1m «• far a it. I ail||. la? o Hal n un * m inr in**-, flnr laoik iifi ilil) I .,( II li .iMIit ,Wnl, I nr. » l« in il ia anil fn ling, will trll inn In i»f •! r«|u«l but to link or cliuih. Mwara nl Irga' ami mrrhanira1 «••>*!* ami Cull )>• foul, )niit III> ll'li! iin'i of I'alrnl* f rantnl in ibr I mini whin. no|mmm i>f • Hani uf rucitr, >|irri«l Jawlniml. Wr hitr Jraarln riHim|>rnrr |ln».lll »f aH|i#rioril» of can t tha !>ird« of aa lnr** • ii| lb* Hi** ami |ilw» ■U lb* h-«n»| nml .r In Ir hmllh. ami liir ln»jrr. hit ami mlhwl pfiilmrr ih-ii.«|ii»«li.nwanl. ihr libanl hi allhl, lliilirtl.. in »«in ihni H bnwa, r»lranl» Iniainrir ar ran laalr hut too (ilM farililir * Inr ••lilainmg rlriinain( krr|i •ritnir hatr ••xijhl lu an from n««r ;<>ur hMj, may It,.1.1 M •aprtint It ilr lu rr»(ri l»(> II) rt«»»nj flying .11, \ Mi Va IUn'»lt, IhiKi In all la Ian w ilh thia uf litr ilia. « h"-r rhmv br| ifnlljr mairr in Ill wifinh "laj'-urnri \Vailiin|lnnliipri>. 'anil wrll; |>alailiiiu l»f anttir intifinatmf. Iifr ||II«| iwdKiw, <%»K|iaa) rrri »»l«nliU jirr»rnl» lin|»"ail) to build a t»«t Saaaarl mI llmi ln-ahh. S««.nri fnll>i« thcoi trum tui, IW Hfnnrti, M'iIkm, hum I la\ I air I I hitr ran lir no I lating ahall I# l»>th ii»l ihr iaf •topping rurr a aail ibr ill hr ia, oriirtril, rllrrii thr nilnn i|irril| rhairri. pre*«*nt nl lamla in palrnl, grral MpMi M liiiilmu, irat.irili lii a>.mt mual wion(, an I ihr (irat ami \i.«. ia llir >ainraa • a*rd intrnlura. | ur iliinj I'kiiiriiiM t>l tmimirr, |in» Tomtom • hir «f iijirrali^na tbara. in an | |trlm.1wo(. |tfr»rnl |>lan U*xk

. J. I. uhl I'imiiii, ill lilr la ili.nnVir.l or ntrilhiown. rrnmimifiili nl ihr Ii* Mr. »liai U«Ihi nrai It )r»t hall, ninl i« •anrliuaral naiU |). »r (aroil) art!, J»b» M U'iI**, Lrwxl I'lrlill.lMllin <>f an ill. r—l«. Hut ihr *i until.nil In ihr >i a< mat r«- Mlalrmlbr I iai .... Mi. Eilil* niw th» nnil •Ijii.m, i>ui|ili»hm{ >» thr Mini anil ••illril lainr in o.»im«-n lm( Mf<» 1 i-it «ilf Villi* ?** aai .titan i*a- "I rrptil mpshlr TI'.R'f lakr |ilr nniriiljn'fj Partington IVknl, I *»i II. Fnkm, Wilaaia, • mill ha* Ion ilrrritnl lit |>rr|wi- Ul illMiilf Pil it •• from Miliir III r«l. wiihnhinu I hut hail r((l'|i >«•') rliri|iri ill ihr ijllrn h»r the f n »hnk iJraifuril— ImI Ii* ihr »mr» i.f lb# |«Mf>lr •• Nil. •*4 Mirmihl |mrll*in> INli|»lltnr 11 ililr parpo»r an? church, when the l*a'a mM ntwi 11 Uikli i«>ii.| l»amlii)i ni(»'M iif l*rw>r ihr ilm( iLiir h| rtilr. (i«t« »t|n» l«»ltl, nib UmU • if •>* uvnrf* of lamia ia xiil nil »nlur tin I i* rlamml for il, Iml niurr t'awily Mrwi«f|Mr«. &, Kan{* J. ha, ■ml ihr •>nana, hikIi ili» litiMxl llii<«|k ihr Ktlilof of .V V. te with." In caw• CIIAKI.E* tlifr«(i»r l»r» l»«. I^ratlll,|»mlrnl. fospel di*|>«Beed ih* nN«q4il«, ul l*rawr iikj |>if| |xrlr«Mlin| triaa »nh a ttwir lnrl» rartvol, rwiali Ira. ("oninuxiitHri I'alrnl*." •• itith tuiif Mram| uf aaiil II I..n aail uf ihia nrilrr i> niniain l«il lililr of iho | miifm mtarlf ilrllghlrtl of Gifts! —There are aume men whoee tag iumn! nif>«»a ||*I xnlmlril rtnii t>( il, In ami Hi* a >nan f « Schodulo oppneition iV|MrMMM« ■•f«|iiril*. h a in Uililli liw rai b uf ibr ahaiar- ii Kttltli ait uitnai h>ml|«|ilU, lb* Iranaai ii alu'i* limi •Inlt, m r;thm{ a ikk I |*kmi> n>|ri liirli, r4«i4 y*nw Ulrimia tlir ku|ih| |i«Uir anal arlitr lailt 4 In r»• I'airnt Anrhof m "r »' a nn >•illr«, |>«rl>MHli«f <|IMI| hilr l*m ilalimUil III iilijrfl, In |*4ta*' llnfiimOiM WinM ill il lux ir» uf lK* I »r» f.a (Arm .« tn4 Wf rMM*W. r»t ttilrlf Tamil* w«i«|, «im|il< rh*a(in( I»l II ia I .all ha-r (tailnral, imp,,n< Mr<| \liail fnl nor ilnlUr. Mod of «r with U (*l I Tt.KH n**l •'I *|ui»itMHlirall«t irmjui- Mri»l llur ui iJua'a-ih —A ««|| tMi|Miaa nf lb* " m.U lllr llrk, (il lbr» lu- ia ih-»|«m.U (Mia Wtlrhti *)lil corr—poodent piar* U|n>n iar\ —Ihr lallnrnrr t.fihr frmr«l> Ltalinf. Kililuf of %. llfnt't Milf*r L#*»r li ur Mil iW DlRKF. ••lira ihi mlf f l(' ». I>r MliirkUn.l, toe ocnn alrnra ml, ami uf ihf |ilaa-»»f bearing KltMI'Nn ronlain lilllr. if nut .*«• lail l«l i"iw allrnli >alu tr- laixl, lu lia hr la all ail rnf|MMjUriii L*l* ('owmimiiitM ul I'slrnl*," lnllrr aixl V fh'ialian Ailfia Air. " at irwi'l fi»m |»ihnm iwnlilr «iialrin. Ilrnrr allrf ihr ttliff b«< Ivrn Hilirr Wiifbn I.'in ire out to call it a wut« of aaul |>n|irilirf rwiritr, lirnl'a wrong lairiralnl, In nlinlril nyirt «| |» /»*. Nt I'J't. hj« Mt»nl ihr iiw of ihr wffril ililTrrrnt marhinra, i•« "I poet* raaaiaf | ain'iil iln*|.pKinm«iil aflmtlr-l, Iir wfl Im( m rrtarn nl Ihr alMirlion •'Alter trjiaf PmUTiM PifTe*, «r» (►.«!I» 12 liiian an I nl ibia «olf lkw«i» l tl m|«4 k, |il (Mitnl, <•*«iii anal ha> l«< or •*»>••«»«•< with iih|««iIkiii mnlirinr, lh..« rnalilittg ihr aa tor •irr>i|lh an I limi'i llraii I'Ulnl Vrtl Tliliai I 00 In aa in ihrrr (rral alirnjthrainj • In in (hia aaal a*a (ifant, I ala-a ii|i i' tn Mill »r rail lUi» • I l*-rl "|vak •!"• 5 . IS r •b'' mWa*1 rhral ri*i|»iiml Sar»*|>arilla, In i«« ihrir ilrr lining il« in phlatral raw, |..«g r«|triirnrr, »m|irlml I itiri' I 'h •hop an.I agnl |' in I it l»» k«»p- ia a-nrh a*a aakl laatana p'-iiMa- aiili Pw*««iaVa/l li« I* inlrml In ■»< h a mhit-'i a« »hal| IN> rxiinnr mul i>> runC.lrnllt rtrry 3 00' pablir |>U**a Mi >aK*i.r Ihmu ihr I a.I •#( n« Hittattraa. Til thia trnmlilr VtlirK nl ••■wia|." |Mr«. Sji (•••LI l^xkrlf S | al, |a.alali* nraa|u|irr allra'M* 4aat»««/ • •flair ««aaa, aaW r«>jiJr, al I'ana, *h..l il ha» titlnra ahwh nf irinull of " llik. r Ma- paininj iaa. Ulxnn^ Ir r«nnim i»-Iril at intala tltir. Thr fit■ >ftrtnfa I hatr nar.l a lirutrr It Mrttinf M lor. I nil.! |..» lirll IM a ami rarh u( lb.' •* —A PuMio cardriter hailol jittwn^r lh» (iat .if ami JOIf.V 7Mil!ANT." lr In ihr 'IM ill ihr ilimirt |l in- a a- II ail In I "■ i*i |na'alirali'iaa i>iiImmI) thia ia«i(air«l, }ra»a, •••••• in aih>i ailKia, I", In ilnl In rmr. I.innlrr In pffnir ihrir r«m|ilrlr thai lhr« mill artt ir»m Cainltrir J mi |n at»J *«k«d il he wanted a car The Utter Kmm 17, 1*^7. In J»«r 17. I^W, ihr »*•»• Iwn la aaaiirinf \nratMg Mnllirra all of familt |nllr»ail« il» lami trla !• liaa* "tapl. " " " ■I Iraal (hint .lata Ur aaij ufam-linj unfi M»lrm ihr rranli «h»«l( trainintra. la -a ttnrn mil *tlhmit ihr alima »fla h |ll " ia l*i(f |>i»»lirr. m*," M*J Ami |auli lakrn lu ilnnli.nn ihr Ii» m.rhinr la 2 Oil to 5'»i Tom'# ir»a-rl»il »|»pllr»li >oa, SlXTI'IA Al'- iihuIj irri>hln( Vt * MNHMM atr mwIi»wi| ph\.iriana tta« a "tilth. Thr raaily l]■• In n-ria lU.mi! (iroftrr krpl ofilrr, at laanw *? 00 ■ 'M (iLanl rr«|niini I'uniiiiiHiiitri i'l I'llmta. rmriftfP thia haa l an ttmvrt•«! «tilr »l l(r». Ur.i. \. V. rkirrxlmr 1'ia* 2 I .ia via lha> nutting; ami (tinr ptrfrr• Wliififilr, |„l.lin' •.»» the •>«t c»urleoaa i* l'.*iil\ tat, ill all lb* ih'ffnl \Vh'|t|ilr, ling." aS.irp. reply. Siair K. II I fVnrila $ Oil in H IH| Dill a—» •• irhinr hai'lrfa in nar in ait (•rnl'a liolil a iV.a lb* f. |*raiiai nam. A YE R li V.air Srain* \| » Iviaa^ sabmiwii, ir^-am; I»K> DR. J. C. CO., (J.4.1 l'»iwila with «••.I I Pfai 4 •*» tn Oil —B-**-"- -«*u»d t'M DeIlea* la il«ir» •«» Ih■« jml Inn traca, iikI Ihr Ltilira rn|«irai liral'i la ..aaaaa *a «f >aut lamla, it liailbrr pvirliiir faiuiW Ihr in '•! ml |aail LOW mi. HAW* nriw-k. |nm| im j : 4ixl IMtilitv iIckiU if In ila |,i.|«^* (>..lil !'• ■!< I to an in- tH il ma«K» uf lb* Iinv, anal rrm^ili (>w atr l>t |n« Ihrir IralIiuomala fntfrrt caving, "Sr. _»•>•» "iilmil, |alacv n lor »3. gi«r »iih han lUa I 00 I Ji»i try, |ir—ant I'rtrr, «I llolllr* l'r«Ualri i*ia.aaar11* RM«iin| al.aaraaial, icmIi r Ihf |*mw inlr, llixirtiri'• aa wrll laUtr inf ijnalii to«i hut |NN|i.aa » ailaplrilnraa, I 'l.i.irf irnlrr dividual Immortality; Th«* Imorican |l it Hit >• «rf l*i|llr«, ul an.l h^wrti'ill lirnt'i l'ina,i>|<4| an I laf III" li aa I iiwinar uf iha hearing Culoprdia. Slnmiih llillrn | llji <|it ihr family artting." jiUrf |«-ih>iuianrr »lin»r artliag I .VI In J I * » > a< ali ina \ UY OF II ••Irlirr'i S|.>>■••• li It■ I. ll.tlvrt N V liral'a 1'iaa, rnuat. m m :ii.«*. him aliwaaji If I.a all (»n aaa amj |> A rori l.Mt IUiTION aith the IUIW, Ur. J. [ Itoofman, yju jne nettling l, (Urn Che Pec*oral f!'»i a Cilirf IWili 73 lu I I « Tlyer'i ry OH ikf iImi I>n ihr Uilwa' «»'l «t n.l i*li> ImllU, llkl •I4l1i|*ri| " (irnfrr U n int*c*ai*.| li| raa-ia; tliillnl rajNi-a iSrnrral kn-alrilf* U iKr rur# nl Irll.Uillll irirral In Nr hitr mril to li*e 11 •• won U »Im If iiirb ■ irw«ww »•.(.. |'.>r ami liaai'i Milfrr IVnril* u| ,| lKi> with hr ji uf rrnw l.4ilira' li >n aaal ibia a«lUf llirrmin l«a Ian (-aalil■.!i (if rap mil, x|ili K Oil it i* mliirH iinirrrinit in«ri>mirmoiirt. flff) I-*'11^«1 (•'•!.! I!r ifilria,fiiinu< ml w l.a lb* "*l Hr an.l »n arri Miaara' KiUhim I'm* I 00 In J 1*1 of hi* wu« become ana I'nrpaul l^iltra* •luiljiBj physician, lid I a aaf aal-l Iril* •• ibr MMikrt, onr ..f rfluldf <1.1 malr'»!• l»M{ llk^lal! |U|IH, |nala'..-all k'n* Intii hi r<»n inl mm* mi «alr in |naa»n*( ihrir >ltrtf llnl- •• l» • I'lr l«*%r«l, M k 1.4.1 Ira' ami (•rnl'a liukl h« •» la-haaaa n I tun* uf Tblt ».nk m ill I* ruktliu li« I Kixi *<»n in *M» be rxrlaiux<1 will mad? lu Iw na la at V ial abirta il a«a M«w»r 'iron nrr*llf.»tMiir.i(' Mb»v OO in "■» U'hy ■ lilt* »r urn! n«i| «l«» m«»ir th«»i llir (( • 3 I mr> • in 15 •*•. rji h kmIniii* 4i»l aim •«•••! I>» all aai na 'rl In Ilia aa | ||ai nil piii.iaaaa laif* > MI I II, I'llUla t(, I'a., 4 ml • Air int il.i to thrust I which he I iajt *ti|ilMH« il* K»« l»-r»i •«» ihr- l«r*l it ilirt iiflrtull, »lri>»|lll •in|»liril» I'niwi «n.| (•••!.! Simla 4 lal He will « I, »>'» mill, i|)mIMi lift awl ilmlrn Ih>^li liral'i a ia mn I K an I Ibr.r a^war TU Ii» ■liiflhO.lMrrra, £rt><-ralU W Mud'. .Uujhlrr ollin. lini. I'. piaaali ti •• %rr l»r»», ar»«I lit «l il iimi I* trlinM tt|>.»n !<» ulilf." (I. Simla 3 00 »• into a If ol which be ul aaul I»rf :{IKMI Mnltrii jllirUa, I ailfil f»lalr«, , Smlll \nwnra lirnl'a I'.n(t4*r>l ko«wa little, rani-, if a it IBn bar*, alii lb" |»ra»*f anting .iri(IMll| out ih uf Ihr II.hih JihhmI. (uf ibnr m lirf 4IJ 1 h.*« rvrr !**• fixiini («» »lo. Mmiii, llalil'ir I'laia Slifl* 3 00 " aa n l» a ilnl. ■ illlir ami l>t miltoui nil ir»t, frr# uf < ir (arwt't awn ill I al |i ptial> ami *al kuu** !*m (■atlll I •>! a Irllrr Inn* TH.m. II. I^avill. R"|., Shma 4n.| KiMmit I'ina 3 IV.UIIVM. CWtk. ■ ;r |*|ii |irr V il.« llulll, »S;| iltlr, SiUI l>« It I'. Ilalra h. • "«»., I'ina; Ur, \V. 4 I'.tirn I.a.1 Illral iimh n» fr.i.lrnl la 2 i>| ul art '• i'«l u. I; ball |i I'. M in .Imrfiran Sj.l.wy, l-ailie." liitM I'maara >w <«*, of t> e Ira* c .al ii.l ***|iImi an I Or la > (' Iralbrr. "1 jO, ball M > IIhmii/i. lln.i, >..iiili I'jf >•, .\ntr>, Nuiait, j«m»|U —Mr. Knickerbock- \ n»i im- >jmrr Cathartic Pills, .Nc* S.Hilh \\ ilra, iUl^.1 Jan. 12, IW l.ailin' I' ir il, li ir m*I, nr T Ir | 1 a»la, I 1*1 I'f.ltll \ M. •. M Nl. Ayer's Kitliinann, tlrrhami I'alla. lik.t !*ll>N£V tmk rmt ** in 1 m wntra !•» II » \V. F. I'll llllpa I'iiHW, I hail U (1 »4la* |»ir |iuri(( iiirr I • I li' ui* ,i it. I »l SO iniif fil «• hu h lb»fr »fif In tanU In-ikl "tu1" <>f rid be, the Auto- In till* nark .lit* |'»lili»h»ri alio II ia!5r|, f)/•./•/of» />|rt Jt I'-Mlrf, |t»al»N, (ifWrtl Ifmll the uoitrree," M» llfilff k lliln'a M •• » rat ilnnr »nh i»f ilir*' Irl llrrnl 1'iita, 3 O. H. Ivii, iininf •• I |M|ra U, anil »l |iil>, llir N11* IIujUimI Sialr« an* I l"l«» nwra. IM w»i*f I. mint h* the DUNHAM, a — »m nl ihal ka« mIiIimJ all • •* Dlr^al 3 1*1 crat, Ijt h-pin. r»i h. four ill mia>l»r t»n4 \i,n />i4*44*4, rkinr*. aa.l ••*(!# I.41I M'ia«ir I'Jia, .niaming J.'iti |>a{r« (I'lni H'l iV«/l M-4WI imril miIuii miIIi a wxllr I'.mwi ur «4ir II .. .in alia la, I uar a airrl / V. om fourteen to twea- ami trb tiullar (mil rnalaitim* plalr '*♦/<• K mVlVMD.V'M IN ■ • 44 4 i.1 ll im« 3 0 |i It 99 —Pop* EST. Ii •••»!•■ iliai •• ti * I Tbuarabu 0 .\»**«/%'i«t Ihmnff anil l»iw." M ikn, M ACH put an nl If«. hi.a.) A'4«*«i, lr#nnt be rrad t r amu*<*m-nt; Inni at ihr »air ill 4*./' " •» fn «t h a a Mii a I riniivjlrl 4l1.1t* ty, only Mo.* |i •« Til ikr (ink ?i rnla, /\J/, »l Hwi ll Kumar r.Milil ratlnl up murky \|inrlUn. jifia, Norway Village, ptrft a.a. In 0") • m lh«t ihr m<*4t •rn»H i.l (imiff k Hi 1a file fr.iaa J 3 f nt a 3, al a liar. a ill hr ranlilril In tin u, a ilr. Mir ?»i»t«r r<»4lr«l ■ lii'n, be ttinikl »in( ihr ailtrnl varying to tw improvem* «».i if>• I, Tbrj Wecical Discovery, twenty :itjr LOMm Uthioii U •*»•! ihr% nr ihf ul art Ih••• »i«a (iln, in fir»t of and instruction, that the llt4ib<-h4i mikiwiilbr la a ill ||«« %lm l«»r «ll ihr ul OF TIIK A GK. himII il#nu* at Ihr /will ir4 i/a ftr ill .lutrilrilr »iiri r tnrana atll alail liiiuatll i»f. 4 U lU •hill a* 'Itir illlrlul of I nf lino I'll il the time be endatt i onl» tu know, aoJ ni•*{ «i* hmIiih *■ ie the lint rec rded ene (iifit IH-Itilffi itf yij!r»inr»i, I'lit In ■ iimn'ii lie MmIiiwi bill* i»nf than II- kia* » • (lipnwn, w< ral Hinf«U ilmn l'im,ilc. IIArr Hr*m( Oik* of Bookii, —Km* \m t >illiril hini«r 11 m Vn »\ \ lUxr.^kr, 11 ■»««- lo obtain I In- r to the of the he it ukr 4n.J rr|WH til .h kiwli In arairal ruiialilm my ri|*ruiin*. la |im> rtlrwiir in iWwriplioa, liberty pr*-« auppree- be |«r|Minl I. Hi ibr rrfnlai • 41 .ifk-'l !••• In'i«r»» i»f «|»r-r in in mi |i*rticaUr tppliiaf 114III* Ito mlil% ibr im»| rr fulnl in Ian, llr ha ■tihir*, I K^ir lliirr nl ikrm ifiriatiiMi « tl I 'le * 4Ml» <•<•» r..Mlit>"UH« a r\i»| |mm> hi hI »'Hk« III 1h«* ul Mil '|.»et «b» la acill or IM», al baml ibr nau.r lu Uinnig lh«" ard « Sook ehuh tr«*t-.| ol the virtue of •Iln afrul I4M itf brer Mill i»«M | *111111 ihr rfiliV»|ft nf II* e«, anil allrr Iuur trull'lull, ll«ir *i»il Uilb- iru*r«!i«», »|>.«ir praaiiM utcr Iwii hnmlrril l|l», ilidrn-ni jiUi mm *• nut 4 il hr b lit t|iliit; '|»» baakitl'rii l I hem Thr t»ln» n nnr«f |.»r* it »h he en- • inHflM i|nil« Mil mllimlaniti nulra nf lloalim. Im (anil l>> final." for f-ar ild ahwaed and lul 4ll< ilkmlu lauiw»,ta ineril 4».| ncriif In l*nl'liabrrtlhr ann-MUl i» Mtine*. pUnt», II. Ill rrtaillinf ibr Mir t inn 11-40 lniMiMr in uliii h lhr| ...rr tniiim uf H. Ciinliiu A <• iritlliml, |li i»i»h (inIh I n ..ll mini In Nlf m.ram| (J II. Ila iiummmI, ma'*l • a ehrewd anl t. .hi.- rea- |rwr11>4« iluir ttf |i4ltiiM|f. |..i »nr anl. or ,ut (in >ur nr Mult I* I pal la, «lib «Im* full «1r»f |m»ii of thr iU»tr A 11 »r i< 11. tVlXMi iir |iirn; 11| UMnilli. " m»a »f (Jmifi it llikrr'i liner*, gender a ^rr » alaiVr. Mi »iff lit* hal in liar nna nr mmr nuntl-a prii »n«1 ihr lh41 »|i >uM l«r lal* ltll»ba, «ll UK'N, Il.ntirr mi«, I'Mlrr, worth* of a modern lUMI I.^'k UOOHWOKTII'S I'l ; rto».| Uinli, Ivtalmrnl (Inr tu Ihirr li.illtra will rurr Ihr miriI kiml "f MM limr, aa.. not U Ml ..If lit tiftftf dralrM »ith • m iniM Ilol I, I inri|i!r*| Twn nr ihrrr lulllra will rnrr ihr «j rbina-a ibal ti*« Irrii iafrntnl. I liltr n »«» rtml t..Uhr \ihri«; 30110 luilra In ibr I mini 1 M- tl Oil J Xrti klnr*: an« alilina lailbla nlhrr 1 !«.•»• iK< iiuki im. it, JYllo»»lii| »t ir» t I'MjMi |»i*Al bilra. in il In Ibr CtxArr;, —F1 jwfr* th> tr«l |>lratnrr public." AMI 'M»"nry, llrtiMiuf Twii l»«lilr. arr w irranlnl In mrr ihr J. II. ILiiii, liuimnirul i'miimrf. tnJ uur i*rr»» vi«w»,4ir(, »i it i•»r | WITH down hctitn to nartb, c.irry up < r lu M4iii ll*r U 4i«l tb.rr llimi, hmJ iliry in ibr ninth «n I (InOMr h TODITNIR \ ul I'lvriliilic Ibr t lo| irdin k mil nf rarkrr " in* Mil( ii a lir.mliful lbm(, 4'mI ptila rlrr|l»l| •Ji..«J I h»«r il. in warranlnl t.irufr Ihr Il from irth to L«r*t.n th« TO ORDER. N ill ll 11' L Thirr I., llr l-Hlr. a < W «rk» nl •» 11 HimW. p*try MANUFACTURED In an «f hun»..f Wrtr I alb* Mio'i'llitni'iiiii thought* All • •or iniK.'»r« iff tor mU Im It i|t«?r« L rlriiraml fimil a rlnli uf t»wi ami irn,tl ibr pttrr uf luai w»r«l kin I nf *riit»n and Ira I'urm rM>i|irUi. I abowlil maiai Manila llruvrr ani Inr Iwu in • ••wiarmuralMMi ul ka, |lro». in rlrrnal ul ibr bia >. Mo«»r, \..itli Tnriwr Ti i;»m- tbr bi'mj b-ilula} Nor* ?« Mill la- ami lw ibr (rllrt hp rlnli, (al N'timj; •kiii nl rut, |t»OM. at, \i* 9. Id i; \Im" 4II I <> If III SI % Mil lira 4rr nAii^mrii ... ««•« I itimk |nlmt •uriai i» nor* »n I m out of tiru, rarnagr I dm(|iiU u g-tti a lnar«l a f (mail lb* PAINTS. 11*| I an I mil "lit ulirt la|ilr.| »ni I* ti> i (». at > *1 «it r»t», nml Mlnlalria. HMiiurir. Il wm bilri mul lilrial fHitaiMi"*, in i»i 1-1 nr li. i, fitting uinjj Toricitrmin 4 )w Uilllr aa illruiv •nil* rrM|ilio«a nf tbr aliiit. Ibr hr^firtl il|t'ii(fr, DYE-STtfrrS. onr lu' rurr tbr iit.I imnr tvanliliilN than ran in.<(int, Il • ill hr In ut i»rnii.i.ii l.ira / tSe ri*< r >f U» » out -f t tlu»»r Cbmatf HmmIHI hi aUaia a mp» T*ti • birr Imtllr. err aarraalrd to (itrn |irv•'in ro'minjj m- mat • »-«i <1 o — a amnr r»«M ma I U nrj aaiaaaltl l«it i* iiI*• Ik Im or m>nf loili, I Iw nothing (>< u'4aiuia| f«.nr anlwrt tla-t aiming ibr if Ittoal ilr«|irt«lr j«ri of bruill4t lam. irjilv*"! of lli- orat«r >• %!rv. '? in >r» than Pectoral Trim, irai art-Unit, op-niu^a W. & in ill »a hr aamunl ul 11 ara> nilunlril lornrtlbr II." Ml*. J. li. II*iiteii, .\aibtillr, Imtr. I'ltfluuilrfi, kIiviI h»i«, John Perkins Co., r. a|ir|al i»ai, ami in{ Ayer's Cherry Thrr* to ai« lialllra [ • • H in lit fan utm thr« inil> « in*! t\ V«'la. in I ii I'afla nr luui \itm thrum i«» ik41 ami iliifulilr in ill rlri J»mra, am i-lnal, rr|ilrniah luflj, pen ry day ( Mrrrl • I'orllnntl. f I., rl.iib, I., (all "tl i< IIT •■■rnial a wilh nt »*|fnar, In \ aul lu ibr uf ) • Imtllra rurr lllf tarnral flwi aolriil ««l ami m I I»» kiim xrll •rlrrlnl lilnart, It »• »-'tan i »ryin.; »in««y Wk iUwIr ii at iMir I'lfaw iwil In a Call- | 10 aaiMTiilwia 11 i'up it a la rlulb a ill l>r ara, (iUKAT UICMKDY of arrofula. Mrwdli fmiunnriiil ibia inn hmr In all my *r• In a<1m( a(i-n(. tl will Nf * of fortun# if th» TIIK il« »«• Ir.l Ci.iHi tbr tifat lm|. M. anil ruruUr. pi«v g uxsnrn oil. spirit* tun pes- ii ul npraae. 4 Ivarltt la r*|iri i|lUlnMwfa 4il.I Olhrra. (Ml*. I'ufMl, kifiir I'ur Ciiush*, CuliU, IIronchiii*, nnd 4 Cttfp »4tr4iilr.| * tu n tbr aluilr da:~ag» i« not much ;mff, »« X'9 »tr aru TIXE. W\R\lsllHS, jap a v. TO Al'*l:3TTH. llr, ami jiri'irl Mrm|.hii, Trnn. ia ukra. (.'aitiox to riir. • IX ll'IK.NT » ON*t| MITION. i|uruiiti " nin milk Iniaair •HiaUi*. Whit, /'"iiiA '/.inr, Pn .U I b"*r Ii4>* ut ihrn Imik* tab" In \» thrtr air tan ari Ir aaauml uf a ii( ihr Ct Nullllllf iiil|if.U(Mr ami mlb irrnmaKXl il ibr |ml» |>ailira liain^ aiJ Citlort \ a. It* rnfagui( ihritan nOl'l )r«ll a(n I'ttttftraa •«gh a linn, |ilr<«iir m ah, ;nii in 14IH ti inl 4II ibr wumlrilul narilirma ut Ilir a* lit ihr (till aa> hati'.- IK" an I lb* lirutrf k ll-ilrf In l» ihr trllrt hnaiuraa, —A f«*w ing» ago. a artr of inrmnr ibr uf ibr llritifili aaa tillr»» iwil inln ihu Iw,m »rl>lirir | young alMili iluiiuj pmgtraa putillra* >■ a roianaan«i «« l«-rn •I41, ib il I, |r»*i»| lamarpaa- ih UK. a tUrilt l» rUim bating IM•'oiijuaanaca*"* o I' t: v i: it y i> r.sntii'TKiM nil ■ ia ImI Im air •»« unar- bMl Mtrliiw Van brulUli, « (fit. Oai lilirtal Irim. a ill l-r naailr kauaa I In l» |Hr>ai*nl rif Nrwlnf (I r# A awn-ana r« »tat> in front of an an- aiil tU (l*M ai'la abuialil nitr In! %t h half I ihr nr alnliit l.tU ling ill win nr win Intra, aluDI Trim. ilii|i«>ailii-a •.•<•> Intrnl • alii-n lu ibr lielii la. wilh lutiri; living, AIIikhim, »ilh ■ (fWlil of | pill piil i|H4Hilfil II la nil* alitril f.irl. Il Iimhair till their tar 'rrl it ilnlt In-atiifllia cient Mill«r'« »h mm ltan«, a To|»tb»r Imt Im III remnlial r, M imiIII lira ribum-r; }rl mlb (wnitiiara, ip, k#pl by II At*l'I.ETO.\ K CO., I'uliltabrta, mIio, pun imi a iiaril r»rluai»rW U' familv |Hir|MMr«( ■ hum il Ii4a I» al ait. Tkr'r tia la 111 If ami the In tlalr ih it «i- liair ini r,ia»« l'i .Ni a unrr 11 ibr ll Un|>U li 11I il in 'litre* »ri«* \rm,i ami Ira,' ami (rl mm their and to hat* wm« llr baa I o»rr 4 iS'iumii.1 illlri awl Until i m-tiling aumra In h |mi number, n •wftn from • •>••1 lafttl; thinking inr a»l all «bmir ing imjhi, "III III. r.itkinr, Naihtlllr, Trim. AqJ Standard Patent Medicinrs!! ihr % ar Hail V of nit know* ihr rlfeil {John lira latitat int bLtntr iia if thrt (rl h>-alr I,—>r with our : nwr fur lloalnat, ••■•rniin frivol, <>•* ol theui bal* ihmfoir ilirai1ni( roamm|ilM.n, • ami •port iartrr* raaa, Il baa iluor nn» of ibr I h if* b nl mill in irliinr br an 1 ad lr«*o*-l Imn SINGER S SEWING MACHINES. (rratrat rurra rtrl iluat In *l*aa 11 liOarlta. llr am uli-hril iflil ihr amb lli-lli llil»a III illi' imlitnliiaU opened i.fiuir hai In n im! with a thai H .li .ol.l |K-ilrrlU ||i|]ilt *•* I fri|i»r.l ■ lt» 0I1I lb il a »ri an nikilr •' for the Patnt baa il to hililmia a obi, ami Itral anal HKaal ImMIHul Ixl limit all Ihr I Ci have it »a>l Acntt HampUtH Company. Ir lor 1 lir lirm-ftl nl il ll Imm film jrar (tail* rttttnl'J. mj, ruany. you ; any in |«tlilnhr>| nihil•; ami Trna. I N liraiwbra nf in mufar I iff in* ail I In nbl of aitly ; ami baa |iwir, |aaa- I Amii'iil, Na»b«lllr, (a. I VA.NH It CO.. rwtM.1lai.IUT 13 alllbrtrailiaf Vnanm I'. Vmlt, I,m|>, (nmrili ul Mrmliih (woplr O. dl«i for •< I ii a I i..i il| ul I nliuar drab »aa auft 4ml lt>al■ anal tiim. (Joj*?'' a, iiac nit 1114* Imir n»aia, illraa miking 45 lumbi I, lli J f pr no* ••( I —•»»•!<■ ll. N, II, Mibinf I liii}3 rmial Villagr, I al4lr In tbr uar >»■ ri'a Marbinra ia a larl ralabliabril III, iralufnl to a JK ifrt of brallb fina- lutrn anil Ihr la ailmiia Ir— Looking up from his work romp Vain( Ihr aiilrhmf, quite ICr*. Wullir Cliilr—|lr |ail.-r,rb-a m laiilarlntri ,c Inlllirf, of our laillla. U l»'llrr lllin Ihr lu ll html im m(, Ml utbri itiapair. a< In he Ir int- th»u«an

  • ml )iai |(P aailh airb hrailarbr, ECONOMISE. •dly, replied. armnaliraa,iliraa mikri, ai>|.|lrr, rairiagr To llmar who troaalilnl ■lid timr hit# r*rr mtk. It. Tli •• Sarsaparilla. ran alluiiiluilu lit Icllrr, arirjil Ibanki yuii niw mil rurr it. It rit- Yaw CM>m id unt eon on !" Ayer's ■iiri.bii W4nalad«rtr,kr. it., |ilra»r Imltlr aluata (itra girat Na^lit ill*, Ti ml. >ritv. try « lr lurtlIf HIT, £>r I am Hull ihanlful i'vmii.ii:h is tin: mi a cini|li lirf m uia l ilininr.a Sumr «b'ih4«r u- to ilbnlit lbriii. ratanb anil noil traiiliful rin hr.iiil Itrntr I limlllir «>nk ihr •truncal llial I iflkl |!iIfVMM kuii ll torn rnalifr Air Iran, 4inl hair larii lutV m i.|r mini ban.) ut iiurhi* »ilh a It# uw Im I hatrrtrr arm. lit lii« b* 4f *1 ul lb* i«m Tat Tomato. Dr. lVnnrtt to •ll. I waa ulflirlrj lough In il. Wti. tr ibr la •uunil it aaurba Kfa>r)Ua>ly Wintor Arrangomont. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS A YEAR irgoLilril UmIj liiutri k IIikrr M.irhinr a* iiim a »( Ihr limr Irri I ami ihr inn, |i«rl Irirfrly, lull » brfr tht rr la lot ilrian^r ilwnl ol irgiril tk« tomato the l|ililr rut, In i.ui •• *. T«t. f>llowing iiapyruat imviic »l uf lb* liinl aliiMul thai I rinilil hrar ami iiflbr (Mia. la a fair avrragr ibr arlaal rlrfilhiag »f; In 111 1100a ol il mllr4iiar ainjoUr (rraim klrMl ir. luf, N4aht.Ha-, uar ul rai h ul ibrar Marbinra ,awl ipnlr I h)iKiaai, Imii «uii ino'l out lar alaiwrj-lhr) Mill Wrret, llo«l«in, ftklllM* | frrlinga, f»r«» *1 1- 10* W'nthiniiliui |i a it Irr m aiti mir ul ibr Ibmi- IkihIiI. I «ai Ihni ail' ia nf limtrf L Itakri 'a mf tha >m\to is on* in Hint ul Una uib. iriling an) (irruianrnl in Iront fiHir ||4|* to a »rrl. Thrlr I liitriiur Ut —That T of th* Thr Spirit J id imil KnlMMmff. ilia4|i|iriar M unlra ol a liar Th/i air liinl In limr an ami «ar in 1 4111 linj il imalualilr. la ll ir 11% 4 Wllhui aamlauf prrautta bu ibrai. ailjpl* liy I!iiii»|h l\>ngh Kniml), nrfer a Unl iraull Imiaa it—ita ihr rimtrari abrn rhiiira, in lauiilt, An.! ibrrr lYinlj nil m'n-r a il lo 111 of tha llwr an»l mil Unr ur ruarn Ik, nnr vf ihr iniall luillii, whirb a ran ruti&knllt rrrmiiiiiaml all |>rra.iii« |1»ihii, »bnr uur powerful ap-ri APE ril In r^rr I al a-ilk. arrtirilin(l) (might llial Irrlinj ia (unr, lull mil fr«-l juorarlf liWr I QH12S alau ami I inr Krtiir lirlin. irirn M|DM a T. Yiah- ASE, a aa,l auulrn labric*. •mli' I largr moat rttrava- •Ml 'ifa nuih'iir. • off*n»; wln*rv otl»in>l it iaJicuted, it i> rui lua, liar urn (trraoN. I liraril auaaar of tba* (li. Th*t rff«ett»«v tnl Im>I * TEAS pr fin e«t ha>l Irll inr, anil uii Mrrr iralnrr«l. I am, rfar Ilat tbr lirat lu ihr 01 v4 11 I. rrfnUi'» l»l«e»n \ Yuikan.l lafarliua. lunji Mo rbaujrofiiirt itrrraaary. I '.ikr plrjaure in rrrtiljing ulililjr of lu ifil iaa*il. \V« aril »»rr» iIw(i|Hhi« harmful r-ruMi ko-*«n to t*i- 11 in 4i .11.14 I'u mrrl Irmanil fnr a •mallrranti lbrir(irr mi fima |iriirii. Mirhinra. I haTr Am |T\*f-«»i.»n I, | lbr (rnaia| |Hr|iarnl )4U rail |rt 41.. I naough of it. ihr lariitrr fc'llikrr Sawiaf biMtarbnlil in lUr l.»4»f Hniao't r«rr% S«Im mnir laarbiar l„f anil rnrr, ibal M) «|iiimin tl*iii|ir*ii fvagh »«r • rh«ani'«l (tlNrl wiH ob- Wh4if, I'mlUml, rlrfaal piitalr 19, IMS. dfil un mIiimi*I i> ilrarri|'li>ii ofMlk, !l>l —Til., air lu (<>r < rn ilia* RonvRT.H#pi. AND BLACK u« i •■Vliark. P. M a ami Irate ar ba«r aail ll Ihr ta-il UHlinw might ami liu.l il mm Ii •Hunyrr mllirilfr GREEN TEAS, «U», rrlttrninf, pni|xiara, |»al prmUrril rrail) Tbia In llnal II II. II \Y, llmjgiat, for iiiiiilia, tkio*! fr m it. that Mill -I'thfl utf «l 1 .. fiitnnli \ I.IUM 8 I' YOKK. (Vrtifjr Ml*. cnii» Hi. In mi \r« Tn»» In, I C. M. il 4/rnl III rrrr* than taiirk ilrntr l» hanil. [ Anil <>yr prirra rm|» !»•••■ 2) \»' up T*lk«(M]| I'tirII4111I, ia tnr •••ill iiithorianl grnrr Ir.jirrl 1 tt i*l (nr ar* run* iltaljr Uinil* lr« k,)'> •• »■» I h.. »<••»( b Stir.I M|i villi Tlial 2.1 rrnli, Lir(r l«itllri, Hi air ol \| II. W. nw tl >IUr. \\r aril (t>U> oi caloDi-. in : rur<* of dia j *K» F\*ILY HKWI>« MVIIIINF. Uilllri, for hii Mr.Ural lliamirrj for br nor, Wbrrlrr, Na«W*ilW,Trnn. rmaitH.ltli.iiH (4 Ihi. ibr laming Ihr nl Imir llial Uitllra, 75 rrnli. lb<- i>C lirutri ■U rr»l» lb«* > 31 it in wi »'~l Mttlmlihlr |.4if for If4* Iwautilul .hi I it ll rmli, —T' h» hi« treataJ di- •|i^il\,ti(', W lurk la ikr inual ami >»«mg Tbr I i»|*r«*n ..ngh llrinr.l* |nr|i4rr<1 lijr KI'.NM.HV. 4 aa'l, ll)W« for wwfullj rwnt|>arl front 1111 LaUwatnttr* ININ U>U k llikrr Krainj Macbinr fur trij lai^r VtMinf |(irri|,) >11 rlrf. ti l«teen N * Y *»k I'll Vlaiitr. rid •» I" \V * LTK R !'•«• 4ri* 4* ►••I «• 4r» imulli villi MirliiM' rumlittrtrJi II Re*. I'LlUI, MiihiI, Mr, (Ula I'urtlan tbr au- | mil at [Mia. Tbr Jmr g •rrb» Uim »rticl# I >r !<•( rlj. |»»i I*4*»a(e kij(tir«i iijlfi of ail, 4111I all Curanh,) b) agmii iii|i|iliril. ihmilrtl fail M • Mir. N»»h»ilir,Trnn. in r.ninlr» ftrr e Iw I.tint agrut II. U.Kciiirl, "II m>r« li wl. l lit Ihit line 4*4 Milk mntirinr ilralrir Wr li it Ml iff 4n.I 44.1 4tb.-Tt-.4t vh«a u«*d a* an ar'ul* of di- Ii»1iU.I il. 1l imkra ikr impfiitrilinlrll<»ck all iniirrta'ilr illuggiil* ami S11M Aioltraaa k Itali a, I'atia Hill; \V. A I'.ifwi, lit «io lh» m Ni <* Itril. I(h lire, lltit{i>', lltlh, It|l»l4, ll.ltl|«.r| Ifknl ami la wl a *a> lirrr Our 1*4 marlmira *f r tb in utlirr r«l4blithim-nt >t alilrk, ra|ialilr jrralrl rirr>* Ho. 1*41 I. Alwaotl It Co,, llurbflrlal; |ini«h«ar.l J*, 4i«.| rbr4,H 4hj at ilia aim ni«r.i;n for aul rii.iittlt with tlnit*.. f..r Itiaal, ia; W * ilh nlaaMiir dj»|»|«i* tllSl. tla.1 »( Wfik in Itrliri al« Iv I kan an« Olkrf !»r w For a.ilr III 11. r llilri ll C«»., ami J. II. IU«- 3 Mink of liar nit tmin( Udir«. rirl) l>. F. Norway. lunr i.r. (t ukrt ailb a. S.i Nujra, llakrr Mrwln| Maa r\r \ iltf, »«l ladigwtion lltii.a ibrutt^b i>t|ulrh III* *1 Ii'kinr r«r» »tiriril har family |iur|><>ar \V. A. Iln-I, |'aiii; Ci kOi lli Wfwrwllkf Uiolrf k (Km COFFEES «r» FUEHII ^ 1 Jtl'u., Mr». ll lb# ikrrprrl r.ilrt. Il la nut ikr ul laiff M.lmll. llrllirl; ll. \V, ?»otilh Walnfiril; In I ir lUr In a I ill Ua*. [X. JMllluu Air Mr mili«4llrl 10 |i<»U fhr»t«, m lh« il• Ib4l the ii is to nv of nit: ciilwr raw, or in the Itual Uluir.13U I'. M _» ikr (arutrr it llakri : mil •• il runkitril in ila C. T. I hi I# I, I'n IHklirlil; I!. AiwimmI anil work* tl» fur dailj oookod, u|air> Tbr (Irntrt l( llilrt Cr«i»t Mafhinr PudltlJ. a l» oul nf or- k thwt "'I' atlUKlu I'rar IkiH f tbrira, liahlr grl I'. II. Alfmit. Itnrklirl l; J. |». IIuUmI.I Co., a »"ik I'm lb* riitimiw* uf (ni'iC it tha m »t | Ibr »lii< h '"I farm* tha form of It iir In BOOK Iii.ii aar fl«\ llirad likr ikr Wkrrlrt 11 ii miii ; 11. I'. .Nniri, GIFT BUSINESS, r%rr mk. «r bite III in* h Nuiia). 1,M ant Mrrbinr I l»4\. k \Jjrlmw-; IhiI i* .i>n|il) aulknrnllu |»rr« Ju.l I'ublithrd, wmld Im baul •lirrl, Im« iLwri fnuM • >m finr • »ik I Ihr maihiiM> ii ii. v»ti. at* think wil 14.1 chou\vi:li. h u.,.Vt lom all ki«U* ul la»it) inf. llir r<»l uf making all kinti f t»mki; Traa. ilmr,) al lit) I' •lifrl, (•lirit |iiri l» .1 J. Mnajibia, (rnl wl IOiiiI II ti.">»iili iron lalilrrom. lu Il4«.k«rl- [W. Dtll*i ami Alluiit ilrlru, 4«'l I'i>" |ilfi * ftmmal rtfrtnur all (ill rnl,) il MM* IV-4rb an uu«i« labor* hard and Ir f»ir »»r |'!ir I <1411 Ulit ui4< tiuir> IT iliilhrir hn. M«bmri h.1»e \V4ab14tnn 111U Fim* MrrHi. Mar>j parent |tl< trgcr Pills, Irri num in lauinriti Irll* b»w tin-) Tbr (iroirr * lUkrr ^rainf 41 rotnrr uf *> • Cathartic 44J •mm lo I M 8 \ ibrir », J>< ll al- • b«l «•«• alirit r.ilfc 11 It ..1.11, (in live* all th«ir lift, forth# purj. >*e Portland &, Boston Line. Ayer's linriit Ihiw lliri ilia* gilrn >nh itlitltrtiuD brrrfullj CalUmi* Jim »p«rinjlT latutnl j rrlnt a anil •ulwUn Cn.'«OiWllt,t (lirlonal |>»|>»r UJri lu ibr gfMI |tiufil» of all |nilili»bri»,— rfrml i(irm In all ab«i with (Mir |>l4ll> 4 lull. of lea* to hi* children a Tit* war wilh 111^ enough |*i»« iptrudij •ri-|oil] tuSewmj M«rkim, ami tiiiuialnf li»l nf price* l« ibr ibr llililr (txirtt, Aiuenran ImI Marbinr. Il (UtlilN work Ouirra aulicur I tif r\|ifraa, «lrjf * 11 llai|»r«, Sr*m( 1'nmU'llf, !.»•»»• uh 11 will b* ( «mI «mif than any riliMI it. WIIVTAl., •tarl 10 the world, aa it M eaiUJ. Sailing | ami allullifrilhrwlw* the (utijecl. Trafl Hufirh, lb? HaMwlb !*rb<> l'ni»n; much rair ami ami (nlj i«luuiiii«l Munlrmi, willun- N 0 TI C E. ami r»rr l!M VV4*Uiii'Iii4 at., ll..alon. (oroaitlrtl fiali*. •I gitr* irfrfrtr* lu |>Ulril Jrwrlr) Irthrr mar him* I h.itr [10] • man a!'. >«t with m m * l-ft bins 'nil Imibri »Miiir,tKH tafwlluto* k Jounjj bj I. M. fllNGKR CO.. I'lolnl S«ii>|>alht Mllrbi II, \li I'rim. Lf4«f "'Hub-i, mum* in|»III', hta rrlalifta, i* like bladder* unJ«r rwrrji I)** ,.\ * ar Yolk. Fortland kerosene Oil Haul |u iililini, fire, on u tjin* Comp'y. an) |x>ilagr irrri|i| m «f•«»«• 4t, Tkaixtai, am lu fafor Jay, • orrict • m ire. I hip|>» (iir Inlimmji SOMETUING NEW. who rann •: I II, 194 Fort Portland, Mt., |* ami « f I the arm* of *wna; tfn 7 o'« l'«k, I' *1., ml mlial Whirl, Si. Slrtrl, iri h Marbinr, Ihrjri- n<..|OB IIjliituoip Limit «V llahirr'• Sfainj WANTKD, Tlwulti Al'uuj Itr. *ml< nl (>f ALIIKRT COLI1Y Co., Ptakliahet*, II in rr»|irrl. li AC;i:XT«i chance* to one ho will luee In* bladd«r*. •»•*» WrJatnlo, t.'inaiaaali .%'»«• <)rl»an> trtfli.i Cat* Klu i'vlh, Irrl aall«f«r|Min (IT» firry Prv*liloirfiiilU anil ami h'liioi diU t>a«i«*•#— • • I 1 »'fUk, I*. M. KKUW-KM. llll.S, 20 WAHIIINOTON HT., BOSTON. wai ait.l ii liy nu nriMrma|ili(ilril, iiUiiliertlix an.I \r « II urn Korbralrr l!klfi|u Vutiilr A iimmiiIirturiftf iirally, fPO|n a arrklt (alary Giro your child a *ound fduntti >o,and tou • rra to l.i I hair arm. [Mn. «« arliir m*n Faia. ia ralna, fl.1* N*»h« illr lit I* l» iuivIi lb* u*J<> uf \J tin*, raily IwA tlrl|iliia I'aria.t'raar Any fln», of from f|N lu f 3)1. A hat* Inui wh»l will be of *a!uc drfk. Mrollautl. tban at uaj olbri »lu»r in ibr city. Ill tan, capitalvf giten « (iU'l'ia, \ lUrk l««l • • faraukaH with hrp I'arlMr* in ibiaMtatr nuw In rn(»fr i'|- »«iUr«l. »rnl lu 0#4 B. WHWI. 24 «vi«ki•*( It.x.k A|»nl« Calalofiw* frcr la aajr lhallhr rrf|ait r n. Utao U>e wealth of tl>* Indira. To l«e ca«t in II alfordi nr murh pl»a»nra H«lw> (or Ike tecum Modal ion <>l Uoliyu nUihr lb' trad* will In Mip(>liej u* nil b l<> •fii» m.l hrailalr Nu'llimtt'-HtTlllicrioiflliitui air rrMiaiiril liuwlbr Varbmr wmba «rll; rarlnar I4m|i, »ml adtlir»»— ooa'a r»*>ure*a, i< to b« thrown into U«itr« a««l faMllwa ; ami lra»»llri» oil* ll'Uloil KrruwiM Cat., ikr a.liaalatfn f'tr parliralaia upon irriHninrml il ai all •' -1 «. N It I I Mack of I' M# aaJ |>n«»#ii«| A. II. M IKTI V ol for ha by taking Ihia liar. aatiag At their lloaloa l*iirr«, *"'a la frrj niMrh filra...l 43* tlx irry f.»rtun-\ ooV« njoltiea Ihr laruntrnirmr W hrrk r \ Mrdnl Jim rUim fur il. My I lap '«P"« arillb# laailr. aa«l Ik:a* TUr W||«on in lu lliit I'ntil mt are alibi t»iMi?«»r ..ur >i intnafjcturri. with ami *r lakr plmaara Wlllf|l«| than a ai «hii, Trna. Blaoksmithing. anil br ai»iiltd. And Vlrluity, Tnke Nulirr. r|„ l. (It. asergr, of ablrh were io- SEWING Selling tfenl and Tirixiifr. a ...l..r,,Ur .4, III hi* f. iro If I'll thejr frwiu^iljf Tkc ta>ai* arrival* aaaaoa la laVr Ilia tarlieal FAMILY MACHINE!! FOR Hi9. 1'iit: Mi'DMrmuni wn.i. OTHKND CIRCULAR/ 1 '•pur. i* ••ill al »n»h kn«<*n tu li» I*..r11 1 lie rondanllt with Mafhiori, w ilh Mi<|ika wuik.ata; J an* in 1.1« l«na, Hu« ai a lappliril Tbear al lrail* an.I will d« up j.ili «rr m.i for ■II mhrr*. Il it >«U (rdwiiomil T»m> li ra Ilia Tkarwapaay raapoaaiblr Uagfafato PI.OW8 mI ihf l.ilr«l ami iu( OifufJ. ■ am liUz-lanilh in I ha t'uualy j«n»»l ,a thai |« fi»» l)i>H«r>,»il atw lr i« ode ml at FIF* wall aa aa r*«^l,a| 950 valia,aa*r- »t) If..Ill a in mir nwn me w Florence Varnish! pMlirm. maiiuMriiir) aa«l »ff. II# who gire« with it talrii aoiirr aaJ fur al ika TV IMMXAIM. j awl I I'lraw rail pVuiirf, »..ial, |i«ra pai.1 I Hi<.»iu Kiudneea »* »h<. bond ol frm*«i and r»i» "I paaaaagar a«ary % It. DAVIH «V IlltO trfdil. FOR OXFORD J. ft. HTL'AKT. U!.ip, GEO. Altlli, >uil rrrri»rii aailfur«alr In All E.NCY COUNTY, ■ f«»«i ; 61 Kirhiap Si., Puritan!, Me. A Alan lUim Duo* Truck« villi 1*39. IS tba book of lo*o ba who o jt, reapo L. II. WLEKH.A|eni. VII.LAGK 4« Smiil) |*ari(, April, urrrm at. J. H. POWER*. NORWAY a Circular. ) 13 |n L. IHI.LINliM, Afrnt. S«*i for n* |>ari*,APril26,IM8.>
