Submitted to the Board of in Examiner in Partial Fulfillment of Requirement for Literature Degree At English Literature Department





وقَاتِلُوا ِفَ َسِبي ِلَ ا َ َِّلل ا َ َِّلي َنَ يُ َقاتِلُونَ ُ ْكَ وَلَ تَ ْعتَ ُدوا َۚ ا َنَ ا َ َّللَ َلَ ُُِي بَ الْم ْعتَ ِدي َنَ َ َ ِ ُ

Terjemahan : Dan perangilah di jalan Allah orang-orang yang memerangi kamu, (tetapi) janganlah kamu melampaui batas, karena sesungguhnya Allah tidak menyukai orang-orang yang melampaui batas. (QS. 2:190)1

Translation : And fight in the way of Allah those who afflict you, but do not transgress, because Allah does not like the transgressors. (QS. 2: 190) 2

1 Departemen Agama RI. Al-Qur’an dan Terjemahnya. Yayasan penyelenggara penerjemah/penafsir Al-qur’an. Hlm. 29 2



بِ ْس ِم ا هَّللِ ال هر ْح َم ِن ال هر ِحي ِم

In the name of Allah the most graciousmerciful and Prophet Muhammad Sollallaahualaihi Wasallam

This thesis is dedicated to myself and also my family especially my father (Sidik Dj) and my mother (Tatik BL) who always support and pray for me in getting a bachelor is degree and to my sisters (Tashya and Diva) who have been good sisters and always given me great motivation and given me more cheerful life and be my mood booster during I arranged this thesis.

For my first supervisor (Dr. Alfian, M. Ed) who has guided and helped solve the thesis, even you have said that you will contemplate my thesis, but you guide me to finish it. For my second supervisor (Tira Mariana, M. Hum) who has given me the best guidance in your busyness and you have directed this thesis path so that I can finish it.

And the last to all of friends class A and B that I cannot say the name one by one and to all of people who always support me in my every step.




Alhamdulillahirabbil ‘aalamiin.

All praises be to Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful, who has given me the mercy, strength, health, and guidance in accomplishing the thesis entitled Violence Against The Main Female Character in Memoirs of A

Geisha Film by Rob Marshall, which is submitted to fulfill the requirements for bachelor degree (S1) in English Literature, Adab and Humanities, Islamic State

University, Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. Shalawat and Salam are upon our

Prophet and last Messenger, Muhammad SAW, who has taken us from the darkness to lightness as we feel today.

Then, I would like to thank those who have assisted me in writing this thesis. My sincere gratitude goes to:

1. The Rector of Islamic State University, Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi,

Dr. H. Hadri Hasan, MA. The Vise of Rector, Prof. H. Suaidi, MA, PhD,

Dr. H. Hidayat, M. Pd, and Dr. H. Fadilla, M. Pd, who allowed me to

study in the university.

2. The Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty, Prof. Dr. Maisah, M. Pd. I.

The Vise of dean, Dr. Alfian, M. Ed, Dr. H. M. Fadhil, M. Ag, and Dr.

Raudhoh, M. Pd. I

3. The head of English literature department Ulfatmi Azlan, SS, MA and the

secretary Dian Mukhlisa, MA who have given the great supervised.


4. My great supervisors, Dr. Alfian, M. Ed and Tira Mariana, M. Hum, who

have been tremendous mentor for me.

5. All of my lectures who have given me so much knowledge and

experiences during meeting in the class till now.

6. All of officials in Adab and Humanities Faculty who have managed my

administrations and requirements as long as my study till graduation.

7. My parents who have made sacrifices on my behalf and my sisters. Words

cannot express how grateful I am. Their prayer and love for me were what

sustained me thus far.

8. The last but not least, thanks to all the examiners who were willing to

attend to my munaqosyah (thesis examination)

Finally, I admit this thesis is truly not perfect. Therefore I very need the

comments and critics from the readers in order to make this thesis better.

Besides, I hope this thesis can give the contribution for readers, especially the

student of English literature of Adab and Humanities faculty, Islamic State

University, Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Jambi, 27 September 2018

Dhinda Wulaningtyas AI. 140228



Wulaningtyas, Dhinda, 2018 : Violence Against the Main Female Character in Memoirs of A Geisha film by Rob Marshall: Adab and Humanities Faculty the State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi Supervisor I : Dr. Alfian, M. Ed Supervisor II : Tira Mariana, M. Hum

This thesis analyze about violence. Violence is the cause of a person or group that causes the death or death of a person or causes physical damage or other people's property. Film as a depiction of society has provided a real illustration of the theory of violence as illustrated in the film Memoirs of A Geisha directed by Rob Marshall. The aims of this study are; (1) to know kinds of violence are experienced by the main female character in Memoirs of a Geisha by Rob Marshall, (2) to know how the main female character solve the violence in Memoirs of a Geisha by Rob Marshall, (3) to know the effects of violence towards the main female character in Memoirs of a Geisha by Rob Marshall.

This study uses the theory of violence introduced by Iris Marion Young (1990) and the feminist approach that is the dominant model to explain violence against women. The writer uses a qualitative research and descriptive method to find out the types of violence, in the film Memoirs of A Geisha. The primary data are taken from the film of Memoirs of A Geisha by Rob Marshall.

The results of this study, first there are four types of violence that experinced in the main female character, namely physical violence, sexual violence, emotional violence and the last psychological violence. Second, there are four ways that the main female character use to solve the violence, namely by contending or fighting, yielding, with drawing or run away from the problem and the last is inaction (silent). Third, the effects of violence experienced by the main character are; negative effects and positive effects. The negative effects are; depression and anxiety, and the positive effects are; become a powerful and strong character in facing problems in her life and encourage someone to be innovative and creative.



Wulaningtyas, Dhinda, 2018 : Violence Against the Main Female Character in Memoirs of A Geisha film by Rob Marshall: Adab and Humanitcies Faculty the State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi Supervisor I : Dr. Alfian, M. Ed Supervisor II : Tira Mariana, M. Hum

Penelitian ini menganalisa tentang kekerasan Kekerasan merupakan perbuatan seseorang atau kelompok yang menyebabkan cedera atau meninggalnya seseorang atau menyebabkan kerusakan fisik atau barang orang lain. Film sebagai penggambaran masyarakat telah memberikan ilustrasi nyata mengenai teori kekerasan. Seperti yang tergambar di dalam film Memoirs of A Geisha yang disutradarai oleh Rob Marshall. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis; (1) untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis kekerasan yang terjadi pada karakter utama perempuan, (2) untuk mengetahui bagaimana karakter utama perempuan menyelesaikan kekerasan, (3) untuk mengetahui efek dari kekerasan yang dialami karakter utama perempuan dalam film Memoirs of a Geisha by Rob Marshall.

Penelitian ini menggunakan teori kekerasan yang diperkenalkan oleh Iris Marion Young (1990) dan pendekatan feminis yang menjadi model dominan untuk menjelaskan kekerasan terhadap wanita. Penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif dan penelitian kualitatif untuk mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis kekerasan, menggambarkan kekerasan dalam film Memoirs of A Geisha. Data primer diambil dari film Memoirs of A Geisha yang disutradarai oleh Rob Marshall.

Hasil dari penelitian ini, pertama ada empat jenis kekerasan yang dialami pemeran utama perempuan, yaitu kekerasan fisik, kekerasan seksual, kekerasan emosional dan terakhir kekerasan psikologis. Kedua, ada empat cara yang digunakan pemeran utama perempuan untuk menyelesaikan masalahnya, yaitu dengan bertengkar atau bertarung, mengalah, menarik diri atau lari dari masalah dan yang terakhir adalah dengan diam. Ketiga, efek dari kekerasan yang dialami pemeran utama perempuan adalah efek negatif dan efek postif. Efek negatif seperti; depresi dan selalu merasa cemas, dan efek positifnya seperti; karater menjadi lebih kuat dan tegar dalam menghadapi masalah, mendorong karakter untuk menjadi kreatif dan inovatif.




A. Background of the Problem ...... 1 B. Formulation of the Problem ...... 6 C. Limitation of the Problem ...... 6 D. Purpose of Research ...... 7 E. Significance of the Research ...... 7

CHAPTER II THEOTRICAL FRAMEWORK A. Psychological Theory ...... 8 B. Feminism Approach ...... 10 C. Violence ...... 12 1. Kinds of violence ...... 13 2. The ways to solve the violence ...... 15 3. The effects of violence ...... 16 D. The History of a Geisha in Japanese Culture ...... 17 E. Film ...... 19 F. Review of Related Research ...... 20 CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH A. Design of Research ...... 24


B. Source of the Data ...... 25 C. Technique of the Data collection ...... 26 D. Technique of the Data Analyzing ...... 27 CHAPTER IV FINDING ANALYSIS A. Kinds of violence are experineced the main female character ...... 29 1. Physical Violence ...... 29 2. Sexual Violence ...... 33 3. Emotional Violence ...... 35 4. Psychological Violence ...... 39 B. The main female character solve the violence ...... 41 1. Contending ...... 41 2. Yielding ...... 42 3. With Drawing ...... 43 4. Inaction (Silent) ...... 44 C. The effects of violence ...... 44 1. Negative Effects ...... 45 a. Depression ...... 45 b. Anxiety ...... 48 2. Positive Effects...... 49 a. Becoming a powerful and strong character in facing problems ...... 50 b. Encouraging to be innovative and creative ...... 53 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion ...... 56 B. Suggestion ...... 57 REFERENCES APPENDIX I APPENDIX II APPENDIX III CONSULTATION CARD I CONSULTATION CARD II CURRICULUM VITAE




A. Background of the Problem

Women remain uniquely vulnerable to violence and discrimination.3 Like domestic violence, abortion and rape. Violence is one of the major issues where the contribution of feminist, social, and legal thought has been particularly prominent. Violence against women and girls continues to be global epidemic that kills, tortures and maims- physically, psychologically, sexually, and emotionally.

Violence against women is present in every country, cutting across boundaries of culture, class, education, income, ethnicity and age.

According to the National Commission on Violence Against Women

(Komnas Perempuan) there were 113,878 cases of violence against women in

Indonesia in 2011, the last year for which statistics were available. There were 57 cases of domestic violence reported in Surakarta in the first half of 2012.4 Instead,

The Department of Justice reports the beetween 1998 and 2002 in the United

States, 73% of family violence victims were female, 84% of spouse abuse victims were female, and 86% of victims of violence commited by an intimate partner were female. 5

3 Andrea Barnes, The Handbook of Women, Psychology and the Law. (ossey-Bass Awiley Imprint: Sanfransisco, 2005), p. 293. 4 Kusumasari Ayuningtyas, The Jakarta Post, Surakarta women.html accessed at 22.36 pm November 02 2018 5 Domestic Violence in The United State. %20PaperVAW.pdf accessed at 22.44 pm November 02 2018



Correlated to the literary work, many experts said that literature was born based on the societies’ condition and literature is created to be understood and used by some societies.6 Literature can be imaginative which writing in science of fiction.7 Wellek and Warren stated: literature is primarily an imitation of life as it is and of social life in particular because literature is no substitute for sociology or politics. It has its own justification and aim.8 It means that literary works are picture of human life; there are many disciplines or opinion which can be called as literature. It can be said that literature is everything which is written and seen as an activity of human being from their imagination through a work.

There are some kinds of literary work such as: film, novel, drama, autobiography, short story, and poetry.9 From those kinds of literary works above the writer interests in analyzing film, where the title is Memoir of a Geisha by

Rob Marshall. Film is considered to be an important art form, a source of popular entertainment and a powerful method for education or introduction citizens. In creating literary work, an author or an art must care with some aspect. They are economic, social, ideology, culture, and psychology. If they care with those aspects, the result or their work be nice or good. Definition of film has taken from many book but all have same meaning. Amien Jaenuri said in her articles “Film is series of picture which is taken from moving object and shows a series of moving

6 Nyoman Kutha Ratna, Teori, Metode dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra,Cet. Ke-III edisi revisi, Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, (2000), p. 62-63 7 Terry Egleton, Literary Theory An Introduction, Australia, (2005), p. 3 8 Wellek and Warren in M. Keith Booker, A Practical Introduction to Literary Theory and Criticism,United Stated of America: Linda Moser Book Center, Betty L & Sokol, (1996), p. 19 9 Alex Mertin and Robert Hill, Moderen Novel, New York: Prentice Hall, (1996), p. 12


event which in sequence. It functions as entertain media, education and the light”10. It means that film gives great deal of pleasure to a great many people does not necessarily that they are significant from the culture and historical evidence. But the fact they reach a mass audience signifies that films do connect with some part of the conscious or unconscious experience of the general public or, at least, a large proportion of it. Literary aspect in film is scenario.

The writer interests to choose the film in this analyzing, because the writer knows that film is literary work that describes the behavior of film based on feeling and experience of life. The writer interested in choosing the film of

Memoir of a Geisha by Rob Marshall in this research for some reasons: First,

Memoir of a Geisha tells the story of a young Japanese girl, Chiyo Sakamoto, who is sold by her impoverished family to a geisha house called an Okiya. Chiyo is eventually transformed into a geisha and renamed “Sayuri”, and becomes one of the most celebrated geisha of her time. But with this success, Sayuri also learns the secrets and sacrifices of the geisha lifestyle.

Second, Chiyo-chan Sakamoto (Chiyo), a young girl from village of

Yoroido on the coast of , she is only a fisherman’s daughter. She is doomed to a life of poverty. Her father is forced to sell her and her older sister, Satsu into an Okiya (geisha house), and she is separated from her older sister. Chiyo is taken in by Mrs. Kayoko Nitta, the mother (proprietress) of a geisha house in . One of the most prominent geisha districts in , whereas Satsu is sold to a prostitution brothel.

10 Amien Jeanuri. Film,, (accessed October 31, 2017 at 09.20 am)


Third, the film was released for various reviews from western critics, but was a hit at the box office and was nominated for and won numerous awards, including a nomination for six Academy Awards, and eventually won three awards: Best Cinematography, Best Art Direction and Best Costume Design. Not only that, the film also won several nominations in the British Academy Awards or BAFTA Film Awards, including: Anthony Asquith Award for Achievement in

Film Music, Best Cinematography, and Best Costume Design.

The writer chooses “Violence Against The Main Female Character in The

Film Memoir of a Geisha by Rob Marshall” as her study, because the writer found there are many portraits of violence in the film that experienced by the main female character named Chiyo Sakamoto (Sayuri) and the writer wants to learn more about violence against woman and also to show to the reader the kinds of violence and how the main female character solve the violence in the film. And the reason why the writer choose the main female character (Chiyo

Sakamoto/Sayuri) interesting to be discussed, because she is a woman in the late twentieth century who tries to survive in a very strict society by deciding to be a geisha.

There are some problems which occasionally happen related to violence in the film Memoir of a Geisha by Rob Marshall. It can be seen in the pictures and dialogues below:


Picture 111

Picture 212 Mother (Mrs. Nitta): Thieving rat! : That kimono was worth more than you! 13 The pictures and dialogues above show that the main female character is

Chiyo Sakamoto. She watered with water then she also hit with a bamboo stick by

Mrs.Nitta; she is a woman who governs or owner the okiya (The lodging house in which a geisha lives during the length of her contract or career as a geisha). Chiyo was beaten because she was accused of stealing, scribbling and destroying

Mameha’s kimono that expensive. Mameha is the most successful geisha in Gion district; she is also a rival of Hatsumomo as a Geisha. Mrs.Nitta does not know

11 Duration: 00:22:32,726 --> 00:22:34,060

12 Duration: 00:22:35,771 --> 00:22:39,273 13 Duration: 00:22:35,771 --> 00:22:39,273


that what Chiyo did on that night was the order of Hatsumomo; a geisha who lives in the same okiya with her and who always wants to destroy Chiyo. On that night,

Hatsumomo threatened Chiyo to do everything that she ordered.

Finally, based on the reasons above, the writer decides to analyze this thesis entitle “Violence Against the Main Female Character in Memoirs of A Geisha

Film by Rob Marshall”.

B. Formulation of the Problem

Based on explanation in the background above, there are some questions, as in following:

1. What kinds of violence are experienced by the main female character in

Memoirs of A Geisha film by Rob Marshall?

2. How does the main female character solve the violence in Memoirs of A

Geisha film by Rob Marshall?

3. How are the effects of violence toward the main female character in

Memoirs of A Geisha film by Rob Marshall?

C. Limitation of the Problem

The writer focuses on analyzing about violence in Memoirs of A Geisha film by Rob Marshall, which is experienced by the main female character: Chiyo

Sakamoto/Sayuri. In this case the writer focuses on kinds of violence, the ways of solve the violence and the effects of violence.


D. Purpose of the Research

Based on the formulation of the problem above, the purpose of the research are:

1. To know kinds of violence are experienced by the main female character

in Memoir of A Geisha film by Rob Marshall.

2. To know the main female character solves the violence in Memoir of A

Geisha film by Rob Marshall.

3. To know the effects of violence toward her life in Memoir of A Geisha

film by Rob Marshall.

E. Significance of the Research

This research would give information for the literature field, especially about the violence against the woman, and then this research can add knowledge in the field of literary criticism, especially in feminist approach. This research also could be used for the reference in literature study about violence.

For researcher, this research can deepen the understanding of researcher or student in analyzing the violence against the woman in film, it also helped the researcher to know about the violence that is happened in life and increase the understanding about film analysis as literary work and report in academic writing



A. Psychological Theory

A theory is a model of reality that helps people to understand, explain, predict and control that reality. Theory of literary work describes or explains in the research. For getting a good analysis the case in film Memoirs of A Geisha by

Rob Marshall in this research, the research took the psychological theory. It can be supposes that is the best theory to conducting this research. The word of psychology comes the word psyche meaning soul and logos meaning science.

According to Booker explained that: “According to this “tripartite” model, the human psyche is not a single integrated entity but in fact consist of three very different parts (“id”, “superego”, ‘ego”), essentially three different minds, which have different goals and desire and operate according to different principles.14 So, the literary psychology is the science of the soul or the study of psychiatric symptoms. In this research, the researcher used psychological theory because the researcher analyzed the struggle of main character as seen in Memoir of a Geisha film by Rob Marshall. According to Freud the human psyche there are three kinds

14 M. Keith Booker. A Practical Introduction to Literary Theory and Criticism. New York: Longman Publisher, (1996), P.29



a) Id

The id is the reservoir of libido, the primary source of all psychic energy. It functions to fulfill the primordial life principle, which Freud considers to be the pleasure principle. Without consciousness or semblance of rational order, the id is characterized by a tremendous and amorphous vitality.15 Thus, it can be concluded that, the id is the personality who has present from birth. The id is just a happiness, satisfaction, and desire. b) Ego

In view of the id’s dangerous potentialities, it is necessary that other psychic agencies protect the individual and society. The first of these regulating agencies, that which protects the individual, is the ego.16 Thus, it can be concluded that, the ego appears because the id, the ego as a half between the id and the superego. The ego as the giver of decisions can be received health mind. c) Superego

The other regulating agent that: which primarily functions to protect society, is the superego. Largely unconscious, the superego is the moral censoring agency, the repository of conscience and pride. 17 Thus, it can be concluded that, the superego is gives the assessment, norms and side right.

Based on the explanation above, it concluded that psychology is scientific study of people problem and how to help people. There are three important

15 Wilfred L. Guerin, et al. A Handbook of Crritical Approaches to Literaure. New York: Oxford University Press, (2006), P. 156 16 Wilfred L. Guerin, et al. A Handbook of Crritical Approaches to Literaure. P. 157 17 Wilfred L. Guerin, et al. A Handbook of Crritical Approaches to Literaure. P.157-158


concepts to definition of psychology. There are science, behavior, and mental process. Scientific methods to observe, describe, predict and explain behaviors and mental process. Behaviors are the actions that can be observed directly, while mental processes are experiences that can’t be observed directly, such as thoughts and feelings. Psychological is a form of therapy which aims to cure mental disorder by investigating the interaction of conscious and unconscious elements in the minds. Psychological relates to the individual process thoughts and feelings which are shaped by internal and external influences and which underpin behavior. Psychological is the sciences of human behavior or actions of the individual and in the community. Object study of the research is human psychology. It is a science that uses to learn about the soul.

B. Feminist Approach

Feminist is a phenomenon in the society. In discussing feminist, people talk about women. Feminist is, indeed, identical with women, especially in their struggle to gain the equality with men. Ratna says: “Dalam pengertian yang paling luas, feminist adalah gerakan kaum wanita untuk menolak segala sesuatu yang dimarginalisasikan, disubordinasikan, dan direndahkan oleh kebudayaan dominan, baik dalam bidang politik dan ekonomi maupun kehidupan social pada umumnya”.18 It means that feminist rejects the injustice as the result of patriarchal society.

Feminist also rejects the history and philosophy as they are assumed as male oriented disciplines. Through feminist, women claim to cultural consciousness

18 Nyoman Kutha Ratna, Teori Metode dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra, Yogyakarta: PT. Pustaka Pelajar, (2004) P. 188


that they not be assumed as the marginal and that the dynamic balance be achieved. The term feminist can also be used to describe a political, cultural, or economic movement that is aimed at establishing equal rights and legal protection for women. Feminist involves political, cultural and sociological theories, as well as philosophies concerned with issues of gender difference. It is also a movement that campaigns for women’s rights and interests. With the rise of the contemporary women’s movement, issues concerning, harassment, violence, rape, prostitution and pornography have all become targets of feminist inquiry and organization sex and violence have attracted reader attention.19

According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, feminism is the belief and aim that women should have the same rights and opportunities as men. It is about woman liberalization, sexual equality between woman and man that have the same responsibilities and privileges in society, against woman and children violence, rape, and pillage a woman’s body and emotion, also teaches woman to defend herself from improper condition, how to maximize her talents and side by side with man to make a better life. It is true that feminism wants to raise the essence of woman that has been regarded as an oppressed, weak, sensitive, gloomy, passive, instable, irritable, materialist, and confined person.

Feminist has finally changed traditional perspectives in a wide range of area in human’s life. Many feminist activists have campaigned for women’s legal rights such as rights of contract, property rights, and voting rights. Nowadays they are also promoting women’s rights to bodily integrity and autonomy, abortion

19 Dheborah. L Rhode, Justice and Gender. Harvard University Press: London, (1991), P. 230


rights, and reproductive rights. They have struggled to protect women and girls from domestic violence, sexual harassment, and rape. On economic scopes, feminists have advocated for workplace rights, including maternity leave and equal pay. In addition to that, they also fight against other forms of gender- specific discrimination against women.

From the explanation above it can be concluded that feminist approach is used to know someone life who gets violence in his or her life. In this case, the writer uses this approach to know the struggle of Chiyo Sakamoto/Sayuri to face up the violence in the film Memoir of A Geisha by Rob Marshall.

C. Violence

Violence is a negative treatment which causes an affliction to its victim. Iris

Marion Young argued that violence is probably the most obvious and visible form of oppression.20 Members of some groups live with the knowledge that they must fear random, unprovoked attacks on their persons or property. Violence is a method of control and domination of those who are deemed to be inferior and powerless. It is practiced in many cultures, societies and countries of the world. At the domestic level, it is used against women, children and other vulnerable members of the family. At the national and international level, it is subjected to poor people, asylum seekers, refugees, black and minority ethnic, migrant and indigenous people.

20 Iris Marion Young, Justice and the Politics of Difference. Princeton University Press. New Jersey, (1990), p. 229.


In short, violence is a form of crime which oppresses person or groups to be inferior and powerless. Afterwards, violence which is motived by the problem grounds of color, ethnicity and nationality is a form which is known as racial violence. Racial violence is form of violence un that the root causes are to do with assumption of superiority and dislike of other people who are deemed to be inferior because of their identity, ethnic origin, nationality, national origins or decent, and because of their appearance and physical characteristics such as color, language and dress.21

1. Kinds of Violence:

According to Kristine there are kinds of violence, as follow:22 a) Physical Violence

Physical violence occurs when someone uses a part of their body or an object to control a person’s action. Physical violence includes using physical force which results pain, discomfort and injury, hitting, pinching, burning, stabbing, pushing, slapping, beating, threating with a weapon or other objects and others. b) Sexual Violence

Sexual violence occurs when a person is forced to uningly take part in sexual activity. It includes touching in a sexual manner without consent like kissing and grabbing, forced sexual intercourse, forcing a person to perform sexual acts that may be degrading or painful, beating sexual parts of the body, forcing a person, to view pornographic material, exhibitionism and others

21 McCabe, Racism, Prejudice and Discrimination. Bethesda: National Association of School Psychologist, 2008, p. 24. 22Kristine M. Jacquin, Violence Behaviour: Types of Violence. Queensland: the Department of Communities, 2005, p.2


c) Emotional Violence

Emotional violence occurs when someone says or does something to make a person feel stupid or worthless. Emotional violence can be done through name calling, blaming all relationship problems on the person, using silent treatment, destroying possessions, jealousy, humiliating or making fun of the person, intimidating the person and others d) Psychological Violence

Psychological violence occurs when someone uses threats and causes fear in person to gain control. It can be done through threatening to harm person or her or his family if she or he leaves, threats of violence, inappropriately controlling the person’s activity, treating a person like a child and others e) Spiritual Violence

Spiritual violence occurs when someone uses a person’s spiritual beliefs to manipulate, dominate or control the person. It includes not allowing the person to follow her or his preferred spiritual or religious tradition, forcing a spiritual or religious path or practice on another person, belittling or making fun of a person’s spiritual or religious tradition, beliefs or practice and using one’s spiritual or religious position, ritual or practices to manipulate, dominate or control person.

Based on the explanations above, it can be concluded that there are five kinds of violence, so, the writer use this theory to find out kinds of violence are experienced by the main female character in the film Memoir of a Geisha by Rob



2. The Ways to Solve the Violence

According to Dean G. Pruitt and Jeffrey Z. Rubin in his books, there are many ways to solve the violence; it can be seen in the explanations below:23

a) Contending:

This is trying to implement a solution that is preferred by one party or

another party or at a more extreme level can also be contentious.

b) Yielding:

Namely lowering one's own aspirations and being willing to accept less than

what is actually desired.

c) Problem Solving:

Problem Solving is to look for alternatives that satisfy the aspirations of

both parties.

d) With Drawing:

This is choosing to leave a conflict situation both physically and

psychologically. With drawing involves ignoring controversy.

e) Inaction (silent):

It does not do anything, where each party waits for the next step from the

other party, either until when.

23 Pruitt D.G and Rubin J.Z, Teori Konflik Sosial, Pustaka Pelajar, Yogyakarta. (2009), p. 4- 6


From the explanations above, it can be concluded that there are five types to solve the violence, in this research; the writer use this theory to find out the main female character solve the violence in the film Memoir of a Geisha by Rob


3. The Effects of Violence

Violence has negative effects on those who experience or witness it.

Violence for many people, the world itself has a strongly negative connotation.

Victims of violence can experience serious and long-lasting consequences; the violence can cause physical injury as well as psychological harm. It can be seen in the explanation below:24

a) Depression: A depression is an illness that involves the body, mood, and thoughts. It interferes with daily life, normal functioning, and causes pain for both the person with the disorder and those who care about him or her.

b) Anxiety: A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome. Anxiety disorders are a group of mental disorders characterized by significant feelings of anxiety and fear. These feelings may cause physical symptoms, such as a fast heart rate and shakiness. c) Post-traumatic Stress: Post-traumatic Stress is a disorder that develops in some people who have experienced a shocking, scary, or dangerous event. It is natural to feel afraid during and after a traumatic situation. Despite on the negative effects, violence has the positive effect should not be overlooked. According to Baron (1991), first, violence often serves to bring

24 Kristine M. Jacquin, Encyclopedia of Human Development: Violence Behaviour, 2005, p.6


problems that have previously been ignored or neglected out into the open. Then, it can be more powerful and strong in face the problem. Second, violence often encourages the consideration of new ideas and approaches. Also, be motivated to show their potential that no longer denigrated. In short, it can facilitate innovation and change. Third, when confronted with serious conflict the members of various groups often experience increased loyalty and cohesiveness. The violence, can make the victim compel to introspection he/she self.25 From the explanation above, it can be conclude that there are several effects of violence, in this research the writer use this theory to find out how are the effects of violence toward the main female character life in the film Memoir of A Geisha by Rob Marshall.

D. The History of a Geisha in Japanese Culture

The word geisha translated into English means artist. Thus, a geisha is a woman trained in all of the traditional Japanese arts for the entertainment of men.

A geisha must study such subjects as dancing, singing, flower arranging, poetry, tea ceremony, traditional Japanese instruments and conversation. 26 The word geisha literally means a performer person. Japanese people view geisha as the professional entertainers. However, the majority of the world thinks that geisha are the white faced ladies who wear the kimono and sell their sexuality to men.

Actually, geisha are much more than that. The stage to become a geisha are not easy, it takes several years of training for a young teenager girl to transform into an entertainer of high society. Geisha are totally different with the prostitute term, geisha works mainly in the tea houses; these tea houses were strictly only for the

25 Baron, A Robert, Positive Effects of Conflict: A Cognitive Perspective. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal. Vol.4 No.1. 1991. p.25 26 John Gallagher, Geisha: A Unique World a/Tradition, Elegance and Art (New York: Sterling Publishing Co., Inc, 2003), 56.


geisha to entertain their customers with some variety of art performances. It different with the common prostitute which only focused on woman’s sexuality to be sold.

The origins and rise of geisha in Pre-Modern Japan, believe it or not, the original geisha hardly resembled modern geisha in any way. The first geisha were actually male, appearing around the year 1730. It was only about 20 years later that female geisha began to appear in the forms of odoriko (踊り子, meaning dancers) and shamisen players, and they quickly took over the profession, dominating it by 1780. After many decades of prosperity, geisha began to feel the effects of Westernization after the Meiji Period (1868-1912) and onward, and their numbers began to decline, especially with the approach of World War II. The dramatic decline in leisure time and resources decimated the where the geisha worked, and in practically all parts of Japan it became impossible to stay in operation. Even after the war ended, relatively few places reopened, and found themselves facing even tougher regulations in a complete different Post-

War Japan.

One part of geisha culture frequently brought up to tie them to the sex industry is the idea of "," a ritual described and overly emphasized in Golden's

Memoirs of a Geisha. Mizuage refers to a ritual where a young female loses her virginity, usually to bidding suitor, and in this case soon become a full-fledged geisha. First of all, it is important to understand that this ritual was not practiced by all geisha communities, and was indeed discouraged by many. In places that it was allowed, the focus of mizuage was not selling a service, but rather the rite of


passage; something most women during this period felt was a perfectly normal part of an adolescent female's transition to womanhood. Of course, this ritual and all forms of prostitution were made illegal with the reforms of 1958.

Today in modern Japan, the number of geisha is a far cry from the pre-war days, now at around 1,000, most of who work in Kyoto, often attending gatherings at tea houses and ryoutei ( 料亭), a kind of luxurious Japanese restaurant. While they may not occupy as central a role in the Japanese hospitality industry, interacting with a modern geisha can still be an excellent opportunity to experience the essence of omotenashi, the somewhat abstract concept of both visible and invisible hospitality in Japanese culture, and a way to learn about an important aspect of Japanese history and culture.27

E. Film

Film is transformation of human life. It has value for social life become main idea of film. Films are including elements of cultural, social, psychological, delivery of film language, and the elements that attract or stimulate the imagination of audience. According to Mario Klarer in his book “an introduction to literary studies”: film is predetermined by literary technique: conversely, literary practice developed particular features under the impact of film.28 It means that, the creation of a film can not be separated from the influence of literary technique; many literary practices affect certain features in a film. Like as other literary works, film also has any genre. From the kind of film, film is divided into

27 Toki, The History of Geisha in Japanese Culture, /2016/8/2/the-history-of-geisha-in-japanese-culture, (2016), (accessed on 09/01/2018 20:49 pm) 28 Mario Klarer, An Introduction to Literary Studies. New York: Roudledge. (2004), P.56


three parts: Fiction film, Documentary film, and Communities film. From the length of film, film is divided into two parts; long film and short film. In film, as in other genres, various levels contribute to the overall impression. This medium, which strongly relies in technical aspects, has several important, uniquely cinematic features with their own terminology.

Mario Klarer stated that “The most essential element of film can be subsumed under the dimension of space, time and sound”.29 It means that the film can be subsumed under the dimension of space, time and sound which the most essential element. And the story in a novel can be more interested in an adaptation to a film, like the object in this research, the writer choose the film which was adapted from a novel of the same title.

F. Review of Related Research

In this thesis, there are four reviews of related research that the writer was found. The first researcher is student from State Islamic University (UIN) Sulthan

Thaha Syaifuddin, Jambi of English Literature Department named Nurlela Julisa in 2016 by thesis entitled “Study of Japanese Culture as Reflected by memoirs of a

Geisha Movie by Rob Marshall.”, 30 This research discussed about Japanese

Culture as reflected by Memoir of a Geisha by Rob Marshall, and the formulation of the problem of her research are; How are the Japanese culture especially

Geisha’s life as seen in the film, and How are the Geisha’s life in view of

29 Mario Klarer, An Introduction to Literary Studies, P. 59. 30 Nurlena Julisa, 2016. Study of Japanese Culture as Reflected by memoirs of a Geisha Movie by Rob Marshall, English Literature Department, The State Institute for Islamic Studies, Sulthan Thaha Syaifuddin. Jambi.


Feminism as seen in the film. The writer used the multicultural feminist theory and cultural study approach by Raymond iams in that research. The research describes about cultural study of Geisha as Japanese culture could be seen on the processes of intellectual, spiritual, and aesthetic development. Then, culture showed particular way of life, whether of a people, a period or a group. In this case, the particular way of geisha had been shown by geisha’s danna. That was a way of geisha in their life when they needed danna as financial support. In views of multicultural feminism, woman had right to be woman based on their basic insight. Geisha had their own insight as Japan’s woman with their own religion, race, occupation and health.

The second is Selvi Septiani, she from The State Institute for Islamic Studies

Sulthan Thaha Syaifuddin Jambi, faculty of Adab in 2010. The title of her research is “The Analysis of The Main Character of Memoirs of a Geisha Film”,31 this thesis contain about main character, Chiyo who want to be a geisha for the sake of reaching is her purpose, because of that, life is making Chiyo want to be a geisha. Started from sold by Chiyo’s father to district Gion in Pontocho, separate by her sister, getting education at school of geisha, owning enemy which is none other than one who both of the same live in the Gion or Geisha house. That is catty Hatsumomo who dislike with the beauty of color eye. And from her analysis of film Memoirs of a Geisha, she found the problem that are; what are the factors that affect the main character to be a Geisha, What is the purpose of the main

31 Selvi Septiani, 2010. “The Analysis of the Main character of memoirs of a geisha film”, English Literature Department, Faculty of Adab, The state Institute for Islamic Studies Sulthan Thaha Syaifuddin Jambi.


character to be a Geisha, and what are the influence of the main character towards other character.

The third research is Yuli Septiana Sari, student of English Literature

Department of Adab faculty, The State Institute for Islamic Studies, Sulthan

Thaha Syaifuddin Jambi. With the title is “Domestic Violence Issues toward the

Psychology of the Main Character as seen in the Color Purple movie by Steven

Spielberg”.32 Her thesis analyzed about the impact of domestic violence issue, especially the impact to psychology of the main character which was reflected in the color purple movie. The problem formulation of her research are; what are the factors of domestic violence through Cellie’s as seen in The Color Purple Movie, how are domestic violence in Cellie’s life that reflected in The Color Purple

Movie, and how are the impact of domestic violence through Cellie’s psychology in The Color Purple Movie. In her analysis, she used psychoanalytic theory by

Sigmund Freud, feminist approach and also used study about domestic violence includes; definition, kind, and history of domestic violence to support the writing of this thesis. The research also used qualitative method and descriptive technique to explain and analyze the data. In her thesis, women remain uniquely vulnerable to domestic violence. This impact of domestic violence issues is described by

Steven Spielberg in the movie The Color Purple. And the result of her thesis shows that one factor of domestic violence is the patriarchal system.

32 Yulia Septiana Sari, 2013. “Domestic Violence Issues toward the Psychology of the Main Character as seen in the Color Purple movie by Steven Spielberg”. English Literature Department, Adab Faculty, The State Institute For Islamic Studies Sultahn Thah Syaifuddin, Jambi.


And the last one is Evi Fitri from University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta, faculty of Comunication and Informatics. The title of her research is “Analisis

Kekerasan Terhadap Wanita Dalam Film Indonesia Bergenre Religi Periode

Tahun 2011”33. The formulation of the problem of her research are; what is the frequency of domestic violence in the Indonesian religion film, what is the frequency of using the camera setting in the appearance of domestic violence scene in the Indonesian religion film, and what is the frequency of comparison between perpetrators and victim in conducting domestic violence in the

Indonesian religion film. The purpose of her research was conducted to see trends of violence in the 2011 Indonesian film, with the type of descriptive quantitative research and content analysis methods. The result of her research indicates there are two types of violence scenes in the form of physical violence and psychology are calculated using the formula hostly.

From all of the researchers above, the similarities with this research is from the object of the research. But from the third researcher has the similarities with this thesis in analyze about violence but in the different object of the research.

And the first and second researchers have the similar object, which is Memoir of a

Geisha Movie, but in the different theory in analyzing.

33 Evi Fitri, 2013. Analisis Kekerasan Terhadap Wanita Dalam Film Indonesia Bergenre Religi Peride Tahun 2011, Faculty of Communication and Informatics, University of Muhammadiyah, Surakarta.



A. Design of Research

In writing this thesis, the writer uses qualitative method and descriptive research that is suitable with the aim of this research. Qualitative research may be in descriptive form. The data were collected in the form of words as a descriptive explanation than a number. The result of the research contained quotation from the data to illustrate and substantive the presentation. Descriptive research is a research which aims to describe a phenomenon accurately based on the characteristic of research. 34 In this thesis, the writer use qualitative research, where the data are analyzed through interpreting, not statistical analysis. Nyoman

Kutha Ratna stated that:

“Penelitian kualitatif memberikan perhatian terhadap data alamiah, data dalam hubungannya dengan konteks keberadaanya. Cara-cara inilah yang mendorong metode kualitatif dianggap sebagai multi metode sebab penelitian pada gilirannya melibatkan sejumlah besar gejala sosial yang relevan. Dalam penelitian karya sastra, misalnya, akan dilibatkan pengarang, lingkungan social di mana pengarang berada, termasuk unsur- unsur kebudayaan.”35

Based on the quotation above, the qualitative research can be used in this research due to the qualitative method did not only involves the intrinsic aspect in literary work. But, it can be related with the extrinsic aspect in the literary itself.

34John W. Creswell, Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design, (United States of America: California 1997), p. 15. 35Nyoman Kutha Ratna, Teori, Metode dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra. Cet. Ke-III edisi revisi,(Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2011), p. 47.



So, that is why, the qualitative method also can be said as multi method.

Because, the relating of the intrinsic aspect and extrinsic aspect in the literary itself. Descriptive is: “Data yang dikumpulkan berupa kata-kata, gambar dan bukan angka-angka, hal itu disebabkan oleh penerapan metode kualitatif.”36

Qualitative research in research procedures which produce descriptive data as spoken words of the person or behavior being researched. Moh Nazir stated that“Metode deskriptif adalah ini bertujuan untuk membuat deskripsi, gambaran atau lukisan secara sistematis, factual dan akurat mengenai fakta-fakta, sifat-sifat serta hubungan antar fenomena yang diselidiki”37. It makes easy the research to get the right data. It means that qualitative method is analyzing about descriptive data are used documentation in this research, by using this qualitative method, the writer felt easy to analyze the film.

Based on those statements, it can be concluded that qualitative research is analyzing about descriptive data that is collected is in the form of the situation of the natural object. Where descriptive data such as writer or spoken, by using qualitative research the writer get rich answer about the question in analyzing the conflicts in Memoir of a Geisha film by Rob Marshall.

B. Sources of Data

The source of the data in this research the writer be taken the data from the film Memoir of a Geisha by Rob Marshall. Memoir of a Geisha film is a film which was directed by Rob Marshall in December, 2005 with the duration 145

36MartinisYatim, Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan dan Sosial Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif, (Jakarta: Bogor Pnerbit Ghalia Indonesia, 2009), p. 191. 37Moh. Nazir, Motode Penelitian, (Bogor: Pnerbit Ghalia Indonesia, 2011), p. 54.


minutes. The writer uses the script, dialogues and scenes on screen from the film to find out the violence against the main female character in the film Memoir of a

Geisha by Rob Marshall.

The writer uses the data as resources in support or data indirectly but closely related to the discussion of the thesis , the data which support this research such as some internet and cyber data, books, dictionaries, new papers, and the other source that have correlation with the research.38

C. Technique of Data Collection

In an effort together data and fact, in this research the writer uses qualitative research. In this case, the writer uses documentation technique. Sugiyono stated that, “dokumen merupakan catatan peristiwa yang sudah berlalu, dan dokumen bisa berbentuk tulisan, gambar, atau karya-karya monumental dari seseorang”. 39

Documentation is meant here is to collect data from sources that can be internet, books, articles, and so forth. The writer analyzes the data that has been found in Memoir of a Geisha film to answer of the problems that has been formulated in the formulation of the problem.

There are some steps of the technique of the data collection, in order to make this research more specific. These are:

38Tim Penyusun, Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi, (Jambi: Fakultas Adab-Sastra da Kebudayaan Islam, 2011), p. 14. 39 Prof.Dr. Sugiyono, Memahami Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung: c.v Alfabeta, 2013. p. 82.


1. Downloading the film

The writers download the film Memoir of a Geisha by Rob Marshall from and from the film, the writers take the script from the

2. Watching the film

The writer watches the film repeatedly, write the problems and also take the scenes of the film that have relation with the title.

3. Reading the script and Marking on the dialogues

The writer read the script and marks on the word or sentences and all the important statements and information that have relation with the research.

D. Technique of Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the writer analyzes the data. In qualitative research, technique analysis data use to answer the formulation of the problem in analysis data, the writer used a technique of data analysis. The writer has several techniques from the data analysis, in order to make this research more specific.

Andi Prastowo stated that :

“Analisis isi adalah proses mencari dan menyusun secara sistematis data

yang diperoleh dari hasil wawancara, catatan lapangan, dan bahan-

bahan lain, sehingga dapat mudah dipaham, dan temuannya dapat

diinformasikan kepada orang lain.”40

40 Prastowo, Andi. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif dalam Perspektif Rancangan Penelitian. Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta: Ar-ruzz Media, 2011. P.208


Data analysis is the process of searching and arranging systematically data obtained from interviews, field notes, and other materials, so that it can be easily understood, and findings can be informed to others. It means that analyzing data means looking for the data related to problem formulation through interview, field notes and other materials and then organizing them sistematically to be easily understood and informed to others.

In this research, the writer used descriptive analysis technique. Which descriptive analysis seeks information and describes a phenomenon in detail. In this research the writer can get the data from expression, action or script in the

Memoir of A Geisha film to find the answer the formulation of the problems that have been formulated.

The writer has some steps in analyzing the data, in order to make this research more specific. The steps are:

1. The writer identifies and classifies of the data based on formulation of the


2. The writer analyses the data and describes the data based on formulation


3. Making the conclusion. After all the data have been analyzed and describe,

the writer makes the conclusion of the research.



A. Kinds of violence are experienced by the main female character

Violence means an act or action of a person that conducted directly or

indirectly causing a person or group of person to be tortured or to suffer

both mental and physical. In the film Memoirs of a Geisha by Rob Marshall,

the main female character named Chiyo Sakamoto (Sayuri) experienced

violence from some the other characters in the film. Violence has several

kinds, those are: physical violence, sexual violence, emotional violence,

psychological violence and spiritual violence. In this part, the writer explain

several kinds of violence that reflected by the main female character in the

film Memoirs of a Geisha by Rob Marshall.

1. Physical Violence

Physical Violence is violence that involves direct contact and is

intended to induce feelings of intimidation, injury, or other physical

suffering or bodily harm. In this film, Chiyo Sakamoto (Sayuri) as the main

female character gets some physical violence.



Picture 141 Picture 242

Mrs Nitta : Thieving rat!

That kimono was worth more than you! Auntie : Careful! You will hurt yourself more than her!43

The picture and dialogues above showed the main female character named Chiyo Sakamoto. At that time, Chiyo was caught having been stolen and broke it Mameha’s kimono that expensive, Mameha is one of the famous Geisha at the time and rival from Hatsumono. After knowing the incident, Mrs. Nitta immediately dragged Chiyo to the backyard of Okiya.

She was watered with one bucket of water and beaten many times with bamboo stick by Mrs. Nitta. Mrs. Nitta was the owner of Geisha House


Chiyo did it because she was forced by Hatsumomo (a Geisha that live at Okiya and one of the most beautiful Geisha in the district Gion). Besides the hatred of Hatsumomo against Mameha because cannot tolerate

41 Duration : 00:22:32,726 --> 00:22:34,060 42 Duration : 00:22:35,771 --> 00:22:39,273 43 Duration : 00:22:39,441 --> 00:22:42,902


competition. Hatsumomo also felt uncomforted with presented Chiyo in the

Okiya, and she felt unrivaled with the beauty of Chiyo. Therefore,

Hatsumomo deliberately told Chiyo to damage and steal Mamhea’s kimono so that Chiyo was blamed in the incident.

Picture 344 Picture 445

Hatsumomo : Look, Okasan! I caught her stealing!

She was running away with her sister, the whore! Mrs Nitta : You little thief! Chiyo : No! She is lying! After all we have done for her! I saw her with a man! Right there! His name is Koichi! Hatsumomo : Shut up!

After meeting her sister secretly, that night Chiyo came back to the

Okiya. Before she entered the house, she caught Hatsumomo having sex with her boyfriend named Koichi in a small room, but after Koichi saw

Chiyo, Koichi immediately ran away from Okiya and left Hatsumomo. In the rules of geisha is forbidden to fall in love with just anyone or a man, so

44 Duration : 00:29:32,187 --> 00:29:34,104 45 Duration : 00:29:39,861 --> 00:29:41,945


that Hatsumomo tactfully defaming Chiyo who has stolen her money, and then Hatsumomo bring Chiyo to Mrs. Nitta by saying that Chiyo was stealing her money and wants to run away with her sister from Okiya, finally Chiyo has to endure anger and beaten from Mrs. Nitta.

Over and over Chiyo must get a hit from Mrs. Nitta, Chiyo continue to be beaten with bamboo stick until Chiyo falls and that night it rained. Mrs.

Nitta does not care that night it rained, after she was beaten, she has to stay in the backyard and cannot enter the house.

Picture 546 Picture 647

The picture above showed that Hatsumomo who suddenly who came to Sayuri’s room. Sayuri who was sleeping at the time was surprised to see

Hatsumomo entering her room and immediately pull Sayuri to wake up.

Hatsumomo immediately slapped her, grabbed, and pushed her to the floor.

Hatsumomo was very angry, she felt humiliated by Sayuri at the time of her debut that night. After Hatsumomo was satisfied with what she did to

Sayuri, Hatsumomo immediatey left Sayuri in her room. Yet, Sayuri can only be silent treated like that, because Sayuri wasonly a Maiko at the time.

46 Duration : 01:02:53,978 --> 01:02:56,605 47 Duration : 01:03:00,693 --> 01:03:03,195


2. Sexual Violence

Sexual violence is defined as a sexual act committed against someone

without that person’s freely given consent, like kissing, grabbing, forced

sexual intercourse, forcing a person to perform sexual acts, beating sexual

parts of the body, exhibitionism and etc. In this film, the main female

character (Sayuri), experienced sexual violence conducted by Baron and

Colonel from America.

Picture 748 Picture 849

The sexual violence experienced by the main female character are;

First, she was forced undress by Baron. At that night, after first

performance of Sayuri, Baron invites Sayuri to come to the spring party

which is held every year by Baron. And after arriving at the Baron’s house,

Baron invited Sayuri to look at his valuable kimono collection.

48 Duration : 01:29:00,585 --> 01:29:03,712 49 Duration : 01:29:12,847 --> 01:29:14,097


The picture above showed that when Baron want to give Sayuri one of

the beautiful kimono from his collection, Sayuri got unwanted touching and

force to undress herself because it can be said that Baron wanted to rape her.

Baron also kissed and grabbed her body without her consent, he also forced

Sayuri to serve him and he be given kimono as his gift. But, Sayuri did not

want to have a sexual interaction with Baron, he tried to undress her. Sayuri

as a woman can do nothing when a man approaches her with an intention to

rape her.

Picture 950 Mr. Colonel : So, what is the protocol? Sayuri : Excuse me? Mr. Colonel : Suppose I wanted to see you in private. Sayuri : I beg your pardon, colonel, that is not a geisha's custom. Mr. Colonel : Don't be coy. I mean, if it's a question of price, I'm sure... Sayuri : If there were a price, you could never afford it.

Second, when Sayuri and the other Geisha and also several

businessmen from United States in hot water bath, suddenly Colonel

50 Duration : 02:01:15,017 --> 02:01:19,020


Derricks approach Sayuri. Colonel Derricks is one of the businessmen from

United States that will give a contract to a Japanese person. The picture and

dialogues above showed that, Mr. Colonel Derricks who was approaching

Sayuri. He pull Sayuri from behind and corner her, then he seduced Sayuri

to serve him, he also immediately asked about the price to Sayuri. Mr.

Colonel Derricks also was able to grabbed Sayuri’s without her permissions

and asked Sayuri to accompany him, but Sayuri refused him and Sayuri also

explains to him that Geisha is not what he thinks.

Behaviors or attitudes that can be classified as sexual violence such

as; sex jokes, teasing about matters related to sex, holding or touching with

the purpose of sexual, sexual behavior that is offensive, inappropriate and

undesirable, request for sexual activity or other sex-related behavior with a

promise of reward or gift. The plan can be done in an intresting or subtle

way, a statement or behavior that insults or demeans a woman.51 So, from

the explanation above, it’s mean that the main female character or Sayuri in

the Memoirs of A Geisha experinced the sexual violence which is

conducted by Baron and Mr. Colonel Derricks.

3. Emotional Violence

Emotional violence, means violence that refers to our feeling.

Emotional Violence is harassment or violence that does by someone which

influences our feelings. Emotional violence can effect to disturb emotional

51 Marchelya Sumera, “Perbuatan kekerasan/pelecehan seksual terhadap perempuan”. Lex Et Societatis. Vol.1, No.2 (2013).


development. Emotional violence can be done through name calling,

blaming all relationship problems on the person, destroying possessions,

jealousy and others.

In this film, Sayuri as the main female character many experienced

emotional violence done Hatsumomo to the main female character.

Picture 1052

Hatsumomo : So this is the new arrival?

A pity she still stinks of fish!

Stay out of my room! Your fingers smell!

Picture and dialogue above showed when Hatsumomo for the first

time meet Chiyo, at the time Hatsumomo who was sleeping in her room

heard a noisy noise from behind her room. She immediately woke up and

looked out of the room, she saw Chiyo for the first time. And then she was

approaching Chiyo. But she greet Chiyo with a very inappropriate way, by

lifting the Chiyo face with a wooden handle, and Hatsumomo also said that

if Chiyo was very smelly of fish, he also told Chiyo not to approach her

52 Duration : 00:12:40,968 --> 00:12:43,887


room, because of her hands so smell. The scene is one of emotional violence

that experienced by Chiyo, because she was treated worthless.

Picture 1153

Hatsumomo : I told you not to let anybody see you.

Chiyo : I have kept my promise, so tell me where is she?!

Picture and dialogue above showed when Chiyo who had been beaten

up for caught stealing Mameha’s kimono. At the time, Hatsumomo come

and approach Chiyo, she was blamed Chiyo for being found to have

destroyed Mameha’s kimono, in fact what happens is, it’s Hatsumomo who

tells Chiyo to scribble on Mameha’s kimono, but Hatsumomo blames

everything on Chiyo. Therefore it is Chiyo who must bear all the faults of


Picture 1254

53 Duration : 00:23:56,143 --> 00:23:59,520


Hatsumomo : Look, Okasan! I caught her stealing!

She was running away with her sister, the whore!

Mrs. Nitta : You little thief!

Picture and dialogue above showed Chiyo being slandered and blame

continuously by Hatsumomo, because Chiyo who accidentally saw

Hatsumomo who was making love with her boyfriend and because of afraid

of being blamed by Mrs. Nitta, finally Hatsumomo again blaming all her

problems on Chiyo. It showed Chiyo get emotional violence from

Hatsumomo because she always blamed for what she did not do.

Picture 1355 Picture 1456

Sayuri : What are you doing in my room?

Hatsumomo : Look what I found! You've been hiding your love for a long time. The sacrifice every geisha must make.

54 Duration : 00:29:32,187 --> 00:29:34,104 55 Duration : 01:39:34,885 --> 01:39:37,303 56 Duration: 01:40:37,031 --> 01:40:38,865


Picture and dialogue above showed when Sayuri who was caught

Hatsumomo who was in her room and was trying to destroy the property of

Sayuri, one of which is the handkerchief of the Chairman who wants to be

burned by Hatsumomo. After that Hatsumomo deliberately burned the

whole kimono and other possessions belonging to Sayuri and Okiya.

Hatsumomo destroys the property of Sayuri by deliberate because

Hatsumomo was jealous of the success achieved by Sayuri.

4. Psychological Violence

Psychological violence is violence that refers to mind or mental of

someone. Psychological violence occurs when someone uses threats and

causes fear in person to gain control. Psychological violence can effects

disturb inhibition of mental development, development of moral value, mind

and imagination.

Picture 1557 Sayuri : Please, tell me where she is?

Hatsumomo : Only if you swear yourself to me first. Yes?!

57 Duration : 00:18:58,470 --> 00:19:01,222


Picture and dialogue above showed Chiyo who gets threats from

Hatsumomo to follow all her orders, finally Chiyo also promised to obey all

orders of Hatsumomo, because Chiyo is just a maiko at that time,

Hatsumomo also lures out to show where her elder sister is located if Chiyo

obey all Hatsumomo’s orders.

Picture 1658 Picture 1759

The two picture above showed Sayuri who gained control of

Mameha, she was forced to injure her legs to carry out the plan of Mameha,

since Sayuri know Mameha, all activities are controlled by Mameha, Sayuri

is required to obey all rules made by Mameha, including to injure her own

legs, it means that Sayuri get psychlogical violence from Mameha, all of

Sayuri’s activities were arranged by Mameha, including to hurt herself.

Picture 1860

58 Duration : 01:09:18,696 --> 01:09:20,405 59 Duration : 01:09:23,409 --> 01:09:25,243 60 Duration : 01:02:53,978 --> 01:02:56,605


Hatsumomo : I shall destroy you!

The success of Sayuri in her first debut made Hatsumomo very angry

and jealous of Sayuri, and Hatsumomo promises and threatens Sayuri that

she destroys her. Sayuri was silent and could only think of how her fate after

that night, Sayuri in haunted by the shadows of Hatsumomo who had

threatened her and promised to destroy her.

B. The main female character solve the violence in the film

There are many ways to solve the violence, in this case the writer

found four ways that the main female character used.

1. Contending

According to Dean G. Pruitt and Jeffrey Z. Rubin, Contending is one

way of someone resolves a conflict by fighting or physical action

(grappling) to get something.61

Picture 2062

61 Pruit D.G and Rubin J.Z, Teori Konflik Sosial, P.6. 62 Duration : 01:40:15,843 --> 01:40:26,102


The Picture above showed that Sayuri and Hatsumomo were having a

fight because they grabbed a handkerchief. The handkerchief was Sayuri's

handkerchief given by Chariman at that time. That night after Sayuri got her

role as a full Geisha, Sayuri caught Hatsumomo who was in her room,

Hatsumomo deliberately searched my room and found a Chairman's

handkerchief. Hatsumomo deliberately wanted to burn the handkerchief to

make Sayuri angry.

Before Hatsumomo burned the handkerchief Sayuri pushed her and

tried to take the handkerchief from Hatsumomo. Until finally Sayuri

threatened Hatsumomo with a puncture of a condom to Hatsumomo, they

had the urge to grab the handkerchief. Until finally Sayuri regained the


2. Yielding

Picture 2163

At the time Chiyo was only a newcomer to Okiya, after getting

slander from Hatsumomo for stealing and destroying Mameha's kimono,

Chiyo had to be punished by the owner of the okiya. Chiyo, who doesn't

63 Duration : 00:23:22,234 --> 00:23:24,819


understand anything and has been threatened by Hatsumomo, Chiyo can

only be quiet and obey all the orders of everyone in Okiya.

Besides having to replace Mameha's Kimono, Chiyo had to be

punished by being beaten with rattan bamboo, Chiyo was asked to lie on the

ground and beaten hard with bamboo rattan. Chiyo could only scream and

groan in pain because she was beaten so hard and repeatedly by aunt using

rattan wood.

Picture and explanation above shows that the main female character solves

the violence in a way yielding. In this way one party succumbs or is willing

to accept the treatment carried out on the other side.

3. With Drawing

The main female character solve the violence is by drawing or

withdrawing, which is by leaving the existing conflict situation.

Picture 2264

The picture above shows that Chiyo tried to escape Okiya by climbing

the roof of the house by using stairs, Chiyo who had previously planned to

run away with her sister that night when everyone had slept Chiyo quietly

sneaked through the roof of the house to meet her sister was on a bridge at

the end of Hanamaci street.

64 Duration : 00:34:05,001 - -> 00:34:09,171


Because of the violence that she experienced and separated by her

sister made Chiyo feel unable to bear all the treatment she experienced.

Because of that Chiyo tried to solve the problem by withdrawing or

escaping from Okiya and returning with her sister.

4. Inaction (Silent)

To solve violence, the main female character used inaction (silent). In

action (Silent) is a way to solve a problem with a strategy of not doing

anything or ignoring it.

Picture 2365

The picture above shows that Chiyo is cleaning Hatsumomo's room

because she was told by Mrs. Nitta, Chiyo initially refused to do it because

Hatsumomo had told Chiyo not to touch or close to Hatsumomo because

Chiyo smelled. However, Mrs. Nitta do not care about that and Chiyo must

do it right away.

When Chiyo was cleaning Hatsumomo's room, suddently Hatsumomo

came and saw Chiyo being in her room. Hatsumomo was very angry and

immediately threw objects that Chiyo had touched before. But Chiyo didn't

do anything, Chiyo just keep quiet and ignored all of Hatsumomo's words.

65 Duration : 00:18:06,168 --> 00:18:08,377


C. The effects of violence toward her life in the film

After experinced many violence, Sayuri experinced some effects in

her life in the film, they are; negative effects and positive effects.

1. Negative Effects

a. Depression

Depression is a common and serious medical illness that negatively

effects. A depression involves the body, mood, and thoughts. In this film,

the depression can be seen from some of feelings.

a. Mood

Picture 2466

From that picture above, Chiyo looks like felt stress and lonely,

because of both of her parents who had died and her sister who had fled left

her and she is always blamed for what she does not do. So it makes her

mood unstable, sometimes she felt so sad and she felt alone. Those attitudes

show that Sayuri is depressed about her feelings, especially her emotions. It

is shown in the picture above while Sayuri who was crying and reflecting


66 Duration : 00:30:36,376 --> 00:30:39,378


Picture 2567 Chiyo : Stop that! Let me go!

I want my sister! Satsu!

Chiyo was separated from her sister. She rebelled, she did not want

to live in the Okiya, and she wanted to stay with her sister. Aunty

immediately bring her to a small room in which there is also a little girl who

is also the same fate as Chiyo, she is Pumpkin. Chiyo is locked up and put

in a cramped room with Pumpkin, because Chiyo does not obey the rules at

Okiya. At that time Chiyo felt very frightened and wanted to go from Okiya

and meet her sister, but in the picture above, Chiyo can only expressed her

fear of shouting way and pound on the floor made of wood forced to come

out and meet her sister.

In that case, Chiyo’s mood was not in a good condition, because she

had to be separated from her parents and her sister. A bad mood due to the

situation that Chiyo faces make the response increasingly distant self-

defense arises. In a bad mood and negative tendencies make someone

unable to focus and want to end everything, in that way a person can feel

67 Duration : 00:08:35,806 --> 00:08:38,058


free from a chaotic mood. In this case, Chiyo wants to run away to the

Okiya and immediately meet her sister.

b. Thoughts

Picture 2668

Chiyo : Let's leave. Tonight! Satsu : But we need money, Chiyo. I know

I can steal some first thing tomorrow.

The Picture above showed that Chiyo meets her sister Satsu in the

next Hanamachi, the house called Tatsuyo, the pleasure district. At that brief

meeting Chiyo and her sister plan to escape from the Okiya, but Satsu want

them to escape and meet tomorrow night on a Sasame bridge as soon as it’s

dark. The thoughts of Chiyo showed that in addition to the fear that

mastered her mind, the fear is also what makes Chiyo negative thinking,

namely to escape from Okiya with her sister, this effect is a result of the

violence that Chiyo experienced during in the Okiya.

68 Duration : 00:27:24,184 --> 00:27:25,684


Picture 2769 Mrs. Nitta : Dr. Moro is very expensive, You seem to be racking up quite a debt.

After Chiyo failed to escape from the Okiya, besides, she also just

found out that her parents was died and her sister has left her and will not

come back again. Mrs. Nitta said to her that she does not have anyone else

except themselves. Chiyo not only just lost her family, she also must to pay

her debt to the Okiya, not as a Geisha, but as her slave. In that picture above

showed that Chiyo was silent on the sidelines of the bridge, looking toward

the river. Chiyo was thingking about what she should do, and how tha way

to pay her debt and how long she must work to the Okiya and Mrs. Nitta.

The author sees, Chiyo felt the loneliness in the crowd. This proves that

Chiyo is depressed on her mind. Chiyo just a little girl who cannot afford

control her mind, and she is too young for the burden that she is facing, so

her mind is empty.

69 Duration : 00:37:05,640 --> 00:37:08,683


b. Anxiety

Picture 2870

After planning to run away with her sister, Chiyo returned to the

Okiya while waiting the time determined to run away. When Chiyo who

was sneaking around into the house, this showed that Chiyo feels anxious

because Chiyo was afraid of being caught if anyone sees her out of the

house without the permission of Mrs. Nitta. Chiyo’s feeling of anxiety were

include in the effects of violence. This excessive anxiety was potrayed in the

film Memoirs of A Geisha played by the main female character (Chiyo


Picture 2971 The picture above showed Chiyo who was with Pumpkin, Pumpkin

who was trying to calm Chiyo who was feeling anxious and scared. Chiyo is

70 Duration : 00:28:47,142 --> 00:28:50,644 71 Duration : 01:16:10,399 --> 01:16:14,819


worried if later Mameha also treats her like Hatsumomo did to her. Pumpkin

was one and only that Chiyo has as a friend, Pumpkin is the one who always

calms Chiyo when Chiyo feels excessive fear and anxiety. Even after Chiyo

grew older, Chiyo was still in the shadow of a sense of worry and anxiety

which was the effect of violence she had experienced.

2. Positive Effects

a. Becoming a powerful and strong character in facing problems

Conflict (violence) for many persons, the word itself has a strongly

negative connotation and much research on violence has focused on the

potential negative effects of this process. “Yet, the fact that conflict

(violence) can sometimes exert positive effects should not be overlooked”.72

In violence of course there is a conflict or problem, the conflict that

previously been ignored out, with violence that happened to the victim that

will help the problems to be revealed, and then the victim can be stronger in

face the problem. It can be seen in the pictures and dialogues below:

Picture 3073

72 Baron, A Robert, Positive Effects of Conflict: A Cognitive Perspective. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal. Vol.4 No.1. 1991. p.25 73 Duration : 00:50:11,883 --> 00:50:14,301


Chiyo : About your kimono... Mameha : You may apologize if you wish! As for the kimono, I’m not fool Chiyo, Hatsumomo cannot tolerate competition. Chiyo : Is she jealous of you? Mameha : Not me I’m afraid, someone closer to home.

After Chiyo grew up, and became a girl who had very beautiful eyes,

Mameha came to Mrs. Nitta with the aim of wanting to appoint Chiyo to be her student. Even Mameha will also bear all of Chiyo's debts, cover Chiyo's school fees, and all Chiyo's groceries. After Chiyo became Mameha's protege, Chiyo began to bring up the kimono problem that she had once stolen and destroyed it. Mameha explained that she knew that it was

Hatsumomo who had stolen her kimono, and told Chiyo to destroy it.

Hatsumomo could not accept her defeat in the Geisha competition, she hated

Mameha who at that time became a very famous geisha of her time.

However, that does not mean the real goal is to destroy Mameha,

Mameha feels that Hatsumomo does all of that with another purpose. The reality is Hatsumomo did all that was to deceive Chiyo, Hatsumomo felt overwhelmed by the arrival of Chiyo, Hatsumomo saw that there was a special advantage in Chiyo that was very special, which could make

Hatsumomo get rid of the beauty that Chiyo possessed.


Picture 3174

Mameha : Sayuri’s made history, No mizuage has ever been sold for more. Not even mine. Fifteen thousand yen!

After bidding for the mizuage ceremony of Sayuri, Mameha was very

happy because she can get a very fantastic price for the mizuage ceremony

of Sayuri, which is fifteen thousand yen. Everyone does not believe in that

decision, so do not believe that Sayuri can get such a high price from her

mizuage. No one has even been able to get that expensive price for a

mizuage ceremony in Okiya, even for a Mameha.

Sayuri finally became an heir as an adopted daughter at the Okiya,

but, Hatsumomo did not really accept the decision, she was very angry with

Mrs. Nitta, she even yelled to Mrs. Nitta. Mrs. Nitta could not keep quite

with the treatment of Hatsumomo, Hatsumomo was very undiscipline, she

did not have Danna and she also often violated the geisha rules.

In the other hand, there is a positive effect to the victim of violence,

the problem that had been a question mark for Sayuri finnaly revealed, the

problem become uncover because the conflict (violence) that faces to the

74 Duration : 01:32:30,002 --> 01:32:31,628


main female character (Sayuri) where Sayuri knows the real problem that is

about danna and an heir. Competition from is also one of the causes of the

conflict (violence) between them. Sayuri though that Mameha was her rival,

but it was Sayuri who became the biggest threat to Hatsumomo in her career

to become a Geisha in the Okiya.

b. Encouraging to be innovative and creative

Someone who gets violence, usually they feel afraid to say and

complain to other people or to the authorities, but with the violence they get,

often they become motivated and encourage being more creative and

innovative in facing the violence. Even with the help of someone, victims of

violence can be more motivated to show their potential that no longer

denigrated. It means, the conflict (violence) can facilitate the innovation and

change of someone’s life. In this case, it can be seen in the pictures and

dialogues below:

Pictures 3275

75 Duration : 00:37:11,354 --> 00:37:12,938


Mr. Chairman : You see that enchanting lady in green? Once, when she was just a maiko, she fell clean off her wooden shoes. Geisha : It’s true, I did. Mr. Chairman : And now look at her, so elegant.

When Chiyo was sitting pensive on the bridge, suddenly came a man

and his two companions (a Geisha) approached Chiyo. The man tried to

persuade and entertain Chiyo that was sad at that time. At first Chiyo was

afraid because of Chiyo not recognizing that man, but, the man keep trying

to make Chiyo not sad anymore. Then, the man bought Chiyo ice cream,

and he also gave Chiyo the change money to buy dinner.

Picture 3376 Chiyo : Now I’m a Geisha too...

In that picture and dialogue above, Chiyo who was eating ice cream

saw the two that so beautiful and so elegant smile to her that

introduced by Mr. Chairman and unconsciously took straight a spoonful of

red ice cream to color her lips to look like the geisha and she said to Mr.

76 Duration : 00:38:45,156 --> 00:38:47,490


Chairman now she is a geisha too. It showed that Chiyo to be creative and

innovative to change and dreaming up to become a geisha.

Chiyo began to smile because the man kept persuading her. At the

moment, Chiyo thought about what he had told her, “none of us find as

much kindness in this life as we should”, and she saw two Geisha who were

with him, so elegant, beautiful, and charming. The man asks Chiyo to

promise him not to be sad and keep smiling.

(Chiyo’s Monologue) “In that moment... I changed from a girl facing

nothing but emptiness to someone with purpose. I saw that to be a Geisha

could be a stepping stone to someone else: A place in his world”.77

Chiyo’s monologue explain that she felt motivated by what Mr.

Chairman told her, and because the conflict (violence) that she faced made

her have a purpose of life again, so Chiyo does not feel demeaned anymore.

She starts to thinking about her future as a Geisha and no longer feeling

down. Then after Mr. Chairman left her to go for a spring dance

performance, Chiyo went to the temple to pray that someday she could

become a Geisha, so she could meet that man again, the man who made her

aware and made her intrigued to continue her life even difficult

77 Duration : 00:39:40,628 --> 00:39:42,170



A. Conclusion

After analyzing the whole data in the chapter four, the writer concludes that there are some kinds of violence that experienced by the main female character, how the main female character to solve violence and the effects of violence against the main female character in Memoirs of A Geisha film by Rob

Marshall. Based on the explanation above, the writer takes the conclusion, they are;

1. There are four kinds of violence that experienced by the main female character (Chiyo Sakamoto/Sayuri) in the Memoirs of A Geisha film, there are; physical violence, sexual violence, emotional violence, and the last one is psychological violence.

2. In facing the violence, the main female character used four ways to solve the violence, there are; contending, yielding, with drawing and inaction or silent.

3. The effects of violence in her life in the film are can be negative effects and positive effects. The negative effects are; she was depressed, a depression involves her mood and her thoughts. Then she also felt anxiety; worried and scared to everything that happened in her life. Meanwhile, the violence does not only give the negative effects, but also has the positive effects there are becoming a powerful and strong character in facing the problem in her life. Then, violence



also makes the main female character encouraging being innovated and creative to be a better person for the future.

B. Suggestion Based on the analysis in this research, there some suggestions related to this research:

For the readers and the next researcher, Memoirs of A Geisha is a very interesting and fascinating film, it is a historical film that flows with romantic story of Sayuri’s love life. There are a lot of aspects that some researchers can be analyzing through this film. The writer suggest to other researchers who want to analyze have not been taken by other researches because this film is an old film and historical film, it makes this film more known and interested by so many people to analyze. The writer hopes that this thesis can be inspiring and useful for the readers, especially for student of English Literature Department and people who want to know about violence and the film.

Violence against woman and minors is a problem that cannot be underestimated, but that does not mean that violence against woman and minors cannot be reduced or resolved. To change the attitude and behavior of these people, the role of policymaker will be very decisive, both those who come from the highest level to the lowest. In addition, education efforts and empowerment of woman and minors also need to deal with problems that occur in the surrounding environment or their own community.


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Memoirs of a Geisha is a 2005 American epic drama film adaptation of the novel with the same title, produced by Steven Spielberg’s Amblin Entertainment, Spyglass Entertainment, Douglas Wick’s Red Wagon Productions. Directed by Rob Marshall, the film was released in the United State on December 9, 2005 by Columbia Pictures and Dream Works Pictures; the latter was given studio credit only. It starts , Ken Watanabe, Gong Li, Michelle Yeoh, Youki Kudoh, Suzuka Ohgo and Samantha Futerman. Production took place in southern California and in several locations in Kyoto, including the Kiyomizu temple and the Fushimi Inari Shrine.

A Memoirs of a Geisha tells the story of a young Japanese girl, Chiyo Sakamoto, who is sold by her impoverished family to a geisha house called an Okiya. Chiyo is eventually transformed into a geisha and renamed “Sayuri”, and becomes one of the most celebrated geisha in that time. But with her success, Sayuri also learns the secrets and sacrifices of the geisha lifestyle. The film was released to mixed reviews from Western critics, but was nominated for and won numerous awards, including nominations for six Academy Awards, and eventually won three: Best Cinematography, Best Art Direction, and Best Costume Design. The Japanese release of the film was titled Sayuri, the titular Character’s geisha name.

Chiyo Sakamoto (Suzuka Ohgo), a young girl from a poverty stricken fishing village, is sold along with her older sister Satsu (Samantha Futerman) into a life of servitude by her aging father (Mako). Chiyo is taken by Mrs. Kayoko Nitta (Kaori Momoi), the mother (proprietress) of a geisha house in Gion, one of the most prominent geisha districts in Kyoto, whereas Satsu is sold to a

prostitution brothel, at the Okiya, Chiyo meets another young girl named Pumpkin (Zoe Weizenbaum), and she also meet the cranky granny (Katoko Kawamura), and the Okiya’s only working geisha, Hatsumomo (Gong Li) who is famous for her breathtaking beauty. Chiyo soon discovers Hatsumomo is secretly a cruel and jealous woman that views Chiyo as a potential rival due to her striking bluish-gray eyes along with being a change in mother’s future financial dependence. Hatsumomo then goes out of her way to deliberately make Chiyo’s new life miserable by having her take the blame for everything and intentionally withholding information to her sister’s whereabouts in the pleasure district. However, auntie (Tsai Chin) is aware of this and warns Chiyo against trusting and angering Hatsumomo, given her history with the ill-manner geisha.

Chiyo tracks down Satsu and makes plans to run away together. However, upon returning to the Okiya she discovers Hatsumomo with her boyfriend, Koichi (Karl Yune), which is against the rules of the geisha lifestyle. When they are caught, Hatsumomo attempts to twist the situation by accusing Chiyo of stealing. Chiyo denies this and informs mother of what she saw in the shed, as a result, everyone is barred from leaving the okiya at night expect to attend work engagements and this further increase Hatsumomo’s anger towards Chiyo. On the night of their planned escape, Chiyo attempts to sneak out but falls off the rooftop and is seriously injured. As punishment for dishonoring the Okiya, mother tells Chiyo that she won’t invest any more money in her geisha training. She also informs Chiyo that both her parents (Mako and ) are dead. Chiyo misses her chance to flee and never sees Satsu again. She is also demoted from geisha training to working as a slave to pay off her increasing debts to mother.

One day, while crying on a riverbank, Chiyo is noticed by the Chairman (Ken Watanabe) and his geisha companions, He buys her a shaved ice dessert and gives her his handkerchief with some money in it. Inspired by his act of kindess, Chiyo resolves to become a geisha, so that she may one day become a part of the Chairman’s life.

Several years later, Pumpkin (Youki Kudoh) has begun her training as a maiko under Hatsumomo’s tutelage and Chiyo (Zhang Ziyi) is envious of it as she remains a maid under mother. She is unexpectedly taken under the wing of Mameha, one of Gion’s most successful geishaand long time rival of Hatsumomo’s. Although initially reluctant, mother persuaded by Mameha to allow Chiyo to train as a geisha. Under Mameha’s tutelage, Chiyo becomes a maiko and takes the name of Sayuri. She grows in popularity and Hatsumomo grows desperate that she tries to ruin Sayuri’s reputation. Predicting this, Mameha takes her to a Sumo wrestling match where Sayuri reintroduced to the Chairman, who seems unaware of her previous identity as Chiyo, as well as his business associate Nobu Toshikazu, who takes a liking to her and of whom Hatsumomo finds repulsive. Meanwhile, Mameha orchestrates a bidding war for Sayuri’s mizuage between two men; Nobu and Dr. Crab (Randall Duk Kim), which will make her a full geisha. Upon learning what Mameha has planned, Hatsumomo spreads cruel rumors that for a popular performance, which angers Hatsumomo as she was hoping for Pumpkin to be named the lead. At the performance, she attracts the attention of many men, including the Baron (Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa) he is a Mameha’s danna. When Dr. Crab congratulates Sayuri, she secretly convinces him to listen to a different opinion before taking the word of someone who lies. The Baron invites Sayuri to his estate for a sakura-viewing party, which Memeha is reluctant to let Sayuri attend but lets her go anyway. When tha Baron present a kimono to Sayuri in private wt the party, he undresses her against her will in order to “take a look”, but does not go any futher.

Sayuri’s mizuage is won with a record-breaking bid of fifteen thousand yen. Mother, seeing Sayuri as a financial asset, names her as her adopted daughter and heiress to the Okiya. Mameha later tells Sayuri that the bid had ended up a contest between Dr. Crab and the Baron, Nobu having refused to partake in the bidding bcause it was against his principles. Mameha let it go Dr. Crab because of her romantic feelings for the Baron, despite his bid being even higher. When returning home from the mizuage ceremony, Sayuri finds a drunken Hatsumomo

in her room, where she has found the Chairman’s handkerchief. A fight ensues, during which a gas lantern is knocked over and ignites a fire and the Okiya is partially destroyed by the flames. Hatsumomo is then kicked out of the Okiya by morher. her belongings given to Sayuri, and she is banished from Gion with her fate left unknown.

Sayuri successful career is cut short by the outbreak of World War II. Sayuri and Mameha are separated, Sayuri going to the Hills to work for a kimono maker, an old friend of Nobu’s and Mameha going to a Physician, the Chairman’s old friend. After the war, Sayuri is reunited with Nobu who needs her help with impressing an American Colonel (Ted Levine) who has the power to approve funding for the Chairman’s firm. Sayuri reunites with Mameha, who now makes a living renting rooms for the poor. Although she is reluctant to return to the geisha lifestyle after what she is been through, she agrees to help impress Derricks. Sayuri is reacquainted with Pumpkin, who is now a flirty escort. Sayuri goes on a trip with Nobu, the Chairman, Mameha, Pumpkin and the Americans to the Amami Islands.

At Amami, the Colonel propositions Sayuri, but is rejected. Nobu witnesses the incident and confronts Sayuri. He finally confesses his feeling, telling her that he wants to become her danna. Knowing that entering into a relationship with Nobu will destroy any chance of her being with the Chairman, Sayuri is distraught and devises a plan. Mameha catches on to it and warns her against it because of the kindness Nobu shown her. She wants Sayuri to accept him as her dannaand not end up like Hatsumomo did. She refuses and enlist Pumpkin’s help to have Nobu catch her seemingly being intimate with the Colonel. However, of her secret resentment of Sayuri, Pumpkin brings the Chairman instead, having full knowledge of Sayuri’s feelings toward him.When Sayuri confronts her, Pumpkin coldly tells her that she did a lot of favors for her in the past and she stole her chances of being adopted by mother. She hoped by having the Chairman see her with the Colonel Derricks, he would be disgusted by Sayuri’s behavior and she would have to accept Nobu as her danna.

A few days later, after returning to Gion, Sayuri receives a call to go to the teahouse. Sayuri expects to see Nobu, but instead the Chairman comes and finally reveals to her thah he has known all along that she was the girl at the riverbank. He tells her that he had told Nobu about the affair after confronting Pumpkin for her behavior, effectively destroying Nobu’s affections for Sayuri and his desire to be her danna. He also reveals that he was responsible for sending Mameha to her so that she could fulfill her dreams of becoming a Geisha. Sayuri finally reveals her love to the Chairman, and the film ends with their loving embrace and kiss also stroll through the garden.


Mini Bio

Rob Marshall, was born on October 17, 1960 in Madison, Wisconsin, USA. He is an American film director, film producer, theater director, and chereographer. He is known for his work on Chicago (2002), Pirates of the Carribean: On Stranger Tides (2011) and Memoirs of a Geisha (2005).

Early life and Education

Rob Marshall is the son of Anne and Robert D. Marshall, a professor. He was raised in Pittsburg. His sister (Kathleen Marshall) is the cheoreographer and director. He graduated from Taylor Allderdice High School in 1978 and he was inducted into their alumni hall of fame in 2012. He attended Carneige Mellon University and worked in the Pittsburgh theatre scene, performing with such companies as Pittsburgh Civic Light Opera.


Rob Marshall went to perform as a dancer in various Broadway shows, but suffered a herniated disc while performing in Cats and after recovering, transitioned into choreography and then directing. He debuted in the film industry with the Emmy Award-winning TV adaptation of the musical Annie by Charles Strouse and Martin Charnin. After that he went on to direct the adaptation of the Kander and Ebb musical Chicago in 2002 for which he was nominated for an Academy Awards for Best Director. His next features film was the drama Memoirs of a Geisha based on the best-selling book of the same name by starring Zhang Ziyi, Gong Li, Michelle Yeoh and Ken Watanabe. The

film went on to win three Academy Awards and gross $162,242,962 at the worldwide box office.

In 2009, Rob Marshall directed Nine, an adaptation of the hit Broadway production with the same name starring Daniel Day-Lewis, Marion Cotillard, Nicole Kidman, Sophia Loren and Penelope Cruz, who was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. Marshall then went on to direct Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, the fourth chapter of Disney’s Pirates of the Carribbean film series starring Johnny Deep, Ian McShane, Penelope Cruz and Geoffrey Rush, which opened on May 20, 2011. Marshall directed Disney’s film adaptation of Stephen Sondheim’s Into the Woods (2014) and produced the film under his Lucamar Productions banner

On September 14, 2015, it was announced that Marshall signed on to direct the sequel to the 1964 film Mary Poppins titled: Mary Poppins Return, reuniting two Into The Woods actresses with Emily Blunt cast to potray the titular character and Meryl Streep in a supporting role. On December 6, 2017, it was reported that Marshall was being eyed as top choice by Disney to direct the live- action adaptation of The Little Mermaid.

Personal Quotes

People think of the geisha as a prostitute, because prostitutes started wearing white makeup and silk kimonos and calling themselves geishas, and the line became blurred. But the actual word means ‘Artist’. Yes, they entertain men, but, more important, they are great dancers and musicians and great conversationalists. They were also the fashionistas of their time. They were like supermodels.

Maybe it took a little time or we’re a little late, but finally we’re recognizing that international stars are fantastic. They are greatest actors in the world, and few people know that. As a director, you should choose a project that will educate you and enrich your life, because you are going to be doing it for two years.



Academy Awards, USA 2006

- Best Achievement in Cinematography (Dion Beebe)

Won - Best Achievement in Art Direction (John Oscar Myhre, art director) , (Gretchen Rau, set

decorator) - Best Achievement in Costume Design (Collen Atwood)

- Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures, Original Score (John Williams) - Best Achievement in Sound Mixing (Kevin Nominated Oscar O’Connell, Greg P. Russel, Rick Kline, John Pritchett) - Best Achievement in Sound Editing (Wylie Stateman)

Golden Globes, USA 2006

- Best Original Score – Motion Picture (John Won Golden Globe Williams)

- Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Nominated Golden Globe Picture – Drama (Ziyi Zhang)

BAFTA Awards 2006

Won - Best Film Music ( John Williams) Anthony Asquith Award - Best Cinematography (Dion Beebe) Won BAFTA Film Award - Best Costume Design (Colleen Atwood)

- Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role (Ziyi Zhang)

- Best Production Design (John Myhre) Nominated BAFTA Film Awards - Best Make Up/Hair Do ( Noriko Watanabe, Kate Biscoe, Lyndell Quiyou, Kelvin R. Trahan)

Screen Actors Guild Awards 2006

- Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in Nominated Actor a Leading Role (Ziyi Zhang)

American Society of Cinematographers, USA 2006

- Outstanding Achievement in Cinematography in Won ASC Award Theatrical Releases (Dion Beebe)

Art Directors Guild 2006

- Period of Fantasy Film (John Myhre: Production Won Designer), (Tomas Voth: Supervising Art Excellence in Production Design Director), (Patrick M. Sullivan Jr: Art Director), Award (Greg Berry: Assistant Art Director)


Dhinda Wulaningtyas Student of the University of Islamic State Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi-Indonesia


Nationality Indonesia Place & date of birth Bogor, 06 June 1996 Sex Female Address Bhayangkara Street no. 67 rt. 11, Jambi, Indonesia.


Year Description

2000 Playgroup Puri Indah Kota Jambi 2002 Kindergarden TK Al Khairiyah Kota Jambi, Indonesia 2008 Elementary School SDN 49 Kota Jambi, Indonesia 2011 Junior High School SMPN 6 Kota Jambi, Indonesia 2014 Senior High School SMAN 2 Kota Jambi, Indonesia