Reference Code: NRO 3410

Papers of the North of Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers

NRO 3410/Bud

Buddle Collection

Creator(s): Buddle, John, d 1843, colliery viewer Buddle, John, d 1806, colliery viewer Immediate Source of Acquisition The papers were presented to the Mining Institute by Buddle Atkinson, a descendant of John Buddle's nephew, in various installments. Scope and Content The Buddle Collection comprises the working papers of John Buddle, d.1843; with some papers of his father, also John, d. 1806 and papers of other viewers collected by the Buddles in the course of their work The major part of the collection is a series of report and memoranda books compiled by John Buddle junior together with colliery journals and diaries of work. The collection also contains colliery notebooks of John Buddle senior, a series of lining books, personal papers and a collection of bound volumes of the papers of Thomas Young Hall, mining engineer, also collected by the Buddle Atkinson family

NRO 3410/Bud/106-135

Lining Books.

Creation dates: 1793-1858

Scope and Content Series of notebooks containing rough working notes of linings (measurements taken in surveying the mine) for various collieries, 1793 - 1858. Most of the volumes have 2 sets of original number sequences, Bud/106 - 127 are numbered XIX. 30 - XIX. 51 consecutively and Bud/106 - 133 numbered D.11. 1 - 28 and D.12.1, this latter series corresponding to numbers in the original Watson Catalogue suggesting that these volumes are strays from the Watson Collection. Both original numbers are given in brackets in the list, in some cases parts of the Watson numbers have been torn away and this is indicated by square brackets. In both original number sequences, one number only has been given to each colliery, this has been adhered to and sub-numbers have been given if there is more than one notebook to a colliery.


NRO 3410/Bud/136 Book containing linings for an unidentified pit, 1822, and Burdon Main, 1823, and fortnightly pay bills for A Pit, Cowpen and Hopewell Pit [Cowpen or Pontop Pike], giving pitmen's names

Creation dates: 19 June 1822 - 13 June 1823 Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/106 Felling Linings.

Creation dates: 1820-1824

Scope and Content (XIX.30 D.11.1)

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/106/1 Felling Linings

Creation dates: 11 May 1820 - 11 May 1821

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/106/2 Felling Linings

Creation dates: 2 Jan 1822 - 5 Jan 1823

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/106/3 Felling Linings

Creation dates: 30 April 1823 - 13 Aug 1824

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/107 Seghill Linings.

Creation dates: 1808-1828

Scope and Content (XIX.31 D.11.2)

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/107/1 Seghill Linings

Creation dates: 4 Nov 1808 - 13 Aug 1810

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/107/2 Seghill Linings

Creation dates: 22 May 1823 - 4 Dec 1828

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/108 Kenton Linings.

Creation dates: 1807-1809

Scope and Content (XIX.32 D.11.3)

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/108/1 Kenton Linings

Creation dates: 8 Dec 1807 - 1 June 1808

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/108/2 Kenton Linings

Creation dates: 16 June 1809 - 20 July 1809

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/109 Heaton Linings.

Creation dates: 1793-1824

Scope and Content (XIX.33 D.11.4)

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/109/1 Heaton Linings

Creation dates: 21 Feb 1793 - 31 Jan 1794

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/109/2 Heaton Linings

Creation dates: 5 March - 11 Aug 1794

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/109/3 Heaton Linings

Creation dates: 28 Nov 1800 - 24 Feb 1801

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/109/4 Heaton Linings

Creation dates: 26 April 1803 - 22 May 1805

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/109/5 Heaton Linings; Survey of the Ouse Burn

Creation dates: 9 - 19 April 1805

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/109/6 Heaton Linings

Creation dates: 11 July 1805 - 1812

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/109/7 Heaton Linings

Creation dates: 27 Sept 1819 - 11 June 1824

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/110 North Hetton Linings.

Creation dates: 1834

Scope and Content (XIX.34 D.11.5)

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/110/1 North Hetton Linings

Creation dates: 2 June - 6 Nov 1834

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/110/2 North Hetton Linings

Creation dates: 3 June - 18 Dec 1834

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/111 Downhill Linings.

Creation dates: 1820-1823

Scope and Content (XIS.35 D.11.6)

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/111/1 Downhill Linings

Creation dates: 18 Dec 1820 - 27 Aug 1823

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/112 Murton Linings.

Creation dates: 1810-1823

Scope and Content (XIX.36 D.11.7)

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/112/1 Murton Linings

Creation dates: 8 Jan 1810 - 4 May 1813

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/112/2 Murton Linings

Creation dates: 29 Dec 1812 - 20 Oct 1814

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/112/3 Murton Linings

Creation dates: 8 Feb 1814 - 10 April 1815

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/112/4 Murton Linings

Creation dates: 14 Sept 1814 - 8 Oct 1815

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/112/5 Murton Linings; Including colliery memoranda

Creation dates: 6 Jan 1821 - 12 July 1823 Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/113 Willington Linings.

Creation dates: 1804-1824

Scope and Content (XIX.37 D.11.8)

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/113/1 Willington Linings

Creation dates: 27 Nov 1804 - 5 March 1808

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/113/2 Willington Linings

Creation dates: 19 March - 30 Sept 1806

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/113/3 Willington Linings

Creation dates: 10 Oct 1806 - 6 July 1807

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/113/4 Willington Linings

Creation dates: 9 July 1807 - 4 July 1808

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/113/5 Willington Linings

Creation dates: 12 July - 11 Nov 1808

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/113/6 Willington Linings

Creation dates: 10 Jan 1809 - 27 June 1810

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/113/7 Willington Linings

Creation dates: 6 Aug 1810 - 13 April 1812

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/113/8 Willington Linings

Creation dates: 13 April 1812 - 21 Jan 1813

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/113/9 Willington Linings

Creation dates: 19 Aug 1822 - 28 July 1824

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/114 St Lawrence Linings.

Creation dates: 1831-1844

Scope and Content (XIX.38 D.11.9)

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/114/1 St Lawrence Linings

Creation dates: 5 Jan 1831 - 25 March 1833

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/114/2 St Lawrence Linings

Creation dates: 17 May 1833 - 25 May 1835

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/114/3 St Lawrence Linings

Creation dates: 18 Oct 1833 - 9 Feb 1836

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/114/4 St Lawrence Linings

Creation dates: 10 Feb 1836 - 20 May 1837

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/114/5 St Lawrence Linings

Creation dates: 11 Aug 1837 - 15 May 1844 Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/115 Cowpen Linings.

Creation dates: 1800-1824

Scope and Content (XIX.39 D.11.10)

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/115/1 Cowpen Linings

Creation dates: 7 Aug 1800 - 14 Feb 1804

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/115/2 Cowpen Linings

Creation dates: 21 July 1801 - 30 March 1802

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/115/3 Cowpen Linings

Creation dates: 16 July 1805

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/115/4 Cowpen Linings

Creation dates: 13 - 18 Jan 1824

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/115/5 Cowpen Linings

Creation dates: 19 Jan - 5 Aug 1824

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/115/6 Cowpen Linings

Creation dates: 26 Feb - 19 Aug 1824

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/116 Burdon Main Linings.

Creation dates: 1812-1824

Scope and Content (XIX.39 D.11/12)

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/116/1 Burdon Main Linings

Creation dates: 19 Nov 1812 - 24 Oct 1817

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/116/2 Burdon Main Linings

Creation dates: 25 Aug 1813 - 5 July 1814

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/116/3 Burdon Main Linings

Creation dates: 19 March 1814 - 20 July 1818

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/116/4 Burdon Main Linings

Creation dates: 9 July 1814 - 29 Dec 1815

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/116/5 Burdon Main Linings

Creation dates: 18 - 25 Sept 1815

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/116/6 Burdon Main Linings

Creation dates: 29 Jan - 24 June 1816

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/116/7 Burdon Main Linings

Creation dates: 26 June - 6 Dec 1816

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/116/8 Burdon Main Linings

Creation dates: 26 June 1816 - 12 Sept 1817

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/116/9 Burdon Main Linings

Creation dates: 24 Nov 1817 - 29 Oct 1818

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/116/10 Burdon Main Linings

Creation dates: 17 Feb 1818 - 23 Dec 1819

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/116/11 Burdon Main Linings

Creation dates: 12 Nov 1818 - 13 March 1820

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/116/12 Burdon Main Linings

Creation dates: 10 April - 4 Sept 1820

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/116/13 Burdon Main Linings

Creation dates: 3 April 1821 - 17 Jan 1822

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/116/14 Burdon Main Linings

Creation dates: 1 May - 29 Aug 1821

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/116/15 Burdon Main Linings

Creation dates: 22 Feb - 3 July 1822

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/116/16 Burdon Main Linings

Creation dates: 10 July 1822 - 5 March 1823

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/116/17 Burdon Main Linings

Creation dates: 11 March - 30 Dec 1823

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/116/18 Burdon Main Linings

Creation dates: 3 Dec 1823 - 18 March 1824

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/116/19 Burdon Main Linings

Creation dates: 18 March - 4 May 1824

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/116/20 Burdon Main Linings

Creation dates: 28 May - 2 July 1824

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/116/21 Burdon Main Linings

Creation dates: 18 July - 27 Aug 1824

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/116/22 Burdon Main Linings

Creation dates: 20 Sept - 14 Dec 1824

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/117 Walker Linings.

Creation dates: 1821-1822

Scope and Content (XIX.41 D.11.13)

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/117/1 Walker Linings

Creation dates: 12 March 1821 - 29 Nov 1822

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/118 Bigges Main and Willington Linings.

Creation dates: 1793-1807

Scope and Content (XIX.42 D.11.14)

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/118/1 Bigges Main and Willington Linings

Creation dates: 15 April 1793 - 6 March 1794

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/118/2 Bigges Main and Willington Linings

Creation dates: 20 March 1794 - 23 Feb 1795

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/118/3 Bigges Main and Willington Linings

Creation dates: 7 Feb - 22 June 1795

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/118/4 Bigges Main and Willington Linings

Creation dates: 16 July 1795 - 5 Feb 1796

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/118/5 Bigges Main and Willington Linings

Creation dates: 16 Dec 1795 - 7 March 1797

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/118/6 Bigges Main and Willington Linings

Creation dates: 27 March 1797 - 1798

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/118/7 Bigges Main and Willington Linings

Creation dates: 31 Jan - 30 Nov 1798

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/118/8 Bigges Main and Willington Linings

Creation dates: 26 Jan 1799 - 25 Aug 1800

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/118/9 Bigges Main and Willington Linings

Creation dates: 19 May 1801 - 15 Nov 1802

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/118/10 Bigges Main and Willington Linings

Creation dates: 19 Nov 1802 - 21 Aug 1804

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/118/11 Bigges Main and Willington Linings

Creation dates: 26 July 1803 - 12 Dec 1804

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/118/12 Bigges Main and Willington Linings

Creation dates: 19 Dec 1804 - 1 Aug 1805

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/118/13 Bigges Main and Willington Linings

Creation dates: 26 Sept 1805 - 29 April 1807

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/119 Chirton Linings.

Creation dates: 1806-1812

Scope and Content (XIX.43 [D.11.15])

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/119/1 Chirton Linings

Creation dates: 23 July - 30 Oct 1806

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/119/2 Chirton Linings

Creation dates: 8 Jan - 4 March 1807

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/119/3 Chirton Linings

Creation dates: 4 Oct 1811 - 23 Nov 1812

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/120 Temple Main Linings.

Creation dates: 1805-1812

Scope and Content (XIX.44 [d.11.16])

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/120/1 Temple Main Linings

Creation dates: 28 May 1805 - 3 Jan 1811

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/120/2 Temple Main Linings

Creation dates: 27 March 1807 - 30 Dec 1808

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/120/3 Temple Main Linings

Creation dates: 18 July 1810 - 6 April 1812

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/121 or Bowes Main Linings.

Creation dates: 1793-1808

Scope and Content (XIX.45 D.11.17)

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/121/1 Crawcrook or Bowes Main Linings

Creation dates: 11 Feb - 22 July 1793

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/121/2 Crawcrook or Bowes Main Linings

Creation dates: 9 Sept 1793 - 30 Dec 1795

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/121/3 Crawcrook or Bowes Main Linings

Creation dates: 23 March 1796 - 12 May 1799

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/121/4 Crawcrook or Bowes Main Linings

Creation dates: 14 Nov 1804 - 17 June 1807

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/121/5 Crawcrook or Bowes Main Linings

Creation dates: 31 Oct - 17 Nov 1808 Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/122 Collingwood Main Linings.

Creation dates: 1809-1811

Scope and Content (XIX.46 D.11.[18])

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/122/1 Collingwood Main Linings

Creation dates: 9 Jan 1809 - 31 July 1811

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/123 Prestwick Linings.

Creation dates: 1795-1858

Scope and Content (XIX.47 [D.11.19])

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/123/1 Prestwick Linings

Creation dates: 28 July 1795 - 10 Sept 1799

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/123/2 Prestwick Linings

Creation dates: 9 May 1804 - 19 Sept 1806

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/123/3 Prestwick Linings

Creation dates: 17 Sept 1806 - 25 Feb 1813

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/123/4 Prestwick Linings

Creation dates: 13 Sept - 17 Nov 1809

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/123/5 Prestwick Linings

Creation dates: 30 Nov 1814 - 10 Nov 1815

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/123/6 Prestwick Linings

Creation dates: 12 July 1816 - 28 July 1825

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/123/7 Prestwick Linings

Creation dates: 1 Nov 1858

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/124 Cramlington Linings.

Creation dates: 1846

Scope and Content (XIX.48 D.11.20)

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/124/1 Cramlington Linings

Creation dates: 31 March - 2 Aug 1846

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/125 Hetton Linings.

Creation dates: 1822-1823

Scope and Content (XIX.49 D.11.21)

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/125/1 Hetton Linings; Including general memoranda

Creation dates: 12 March 1822 - 6 May 1823

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/126 Elswick Linings.

Creation dates: 1808

Scope and Content (XIX.50 D11.[22])

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/126/1 Elswick Linings

Creation dates: 17 - 20 May 1808

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/127 Linings.

Creation dates: 1818-1820

Scope and Content (XIX.51 [D.11.23])

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/127/1 Killingworth Linings

Creation dates: 16 Dec 1818 - 20 Oct 1820

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/128 Linings.

Creation dates: 1809-1815

Scope and Content [D.11.24]

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/128/1 Shiremoor Linings

Creation dates: 1 Aug 1809 - 26 July 1815

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/129 Linings.

Creation dates: 1823

Scope and Content (D.11.25)

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/129/1 Jarrow Linings

Creation dates: 24 Dec 1823

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/130 Percy Main Linings.

Creation dates: 1813-1817

Scope and Content (D.11.26)

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/130/1 Percy Main Linings

Creation dates: 18 Sept 1813 - 1 April 1817

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/131 Netherton Linings.

Creation dates: 1813-1829

Scope and Content (D.11.27)

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/131/1 Netherton Linings

Creation dates: 7 Dec 1813 - 9 Jan 1817

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/131/2 Netherton Linings

Creation dates: 4 Feb 1818 - 20 May 1829

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/132 Byers Green and Whitworth.

Creation dates: 1814-1847

Scope and Content (D.11,28)

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/132/1 Byers Green and Whitworth

Creation dates: 12 March 1814 - 17 Aug 1847

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/133 Book containing linings at Netherton, , Twizel, Cowpen and Walker.

Creation dates: 6 May 1793 - 9 July 1795

Scope and Content (D.12.1)

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/134 Kings Pit Linings.

Creation dates: 1822-1827

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/134/1 King Pit Linings; Including general memoranda

Creation dates: 28 Sept - 1 Oct 1822

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/134/2 King Pit Linings including general memoranda

Creation dates: 10 Sept - Nov 1827

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/135 Book containing linings taken in a survey of the Tyne west of for the construction of a new quay for ballast including plan of the ground to be purchased from George Anderson.

Creation dates: 7 March 1811

Reference: NRO 3410/Bud/136 Book containing linings for an unidentified pit, 1822, and Burdon Main, 1823, and fortnightly pay bills for A Pit, Cowpen and Hopewell Pit [Cowpen or Pontop Pike], giving pitmen's names

Creation dates: 19 June 1822 - 13 June 1823