Minutes of the meeting of Westwood Parish Council held in the Parish Rooms, Westwood at 7.30 pm on Monday 4 January 2010.


Cllr. J Robertson Chairman Cllr. T Biles Cllr. J Bishop Cllr. Howard-Evans Cllr. J Johnston Cllr. A Parker Mr R Coleman Clerk

Wiltshire Councillor Linda Conley attended the meeting (Part-time).

PC Martin Barrett attended the meeting (Part-time).

There were seven members of the public present initially.

1. Welcome and Introductions. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Apologies. Apologies for non-attendance were received from Cllr. S Harding.

Clerk’s Note. Cllr. Edwards advised the Clerk, subsequent to the meeting, that transport difficulties prevented him from attending this meeting.

3. Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 7 December 2009. The minutes of this meeting were signed as a true and accurate record.

4. Neighbourhood Policing. a. PC Barrett stated that there was nothing significant to report in respect of Westwood. He added that there had been two burglaries in Holt and one at Bradford Leigh.

b. There were no matters that needed to be brought to the attention of the Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT).

5. Bradford on Avon Community Area Board. a. Elly Townsend, Community Area Board Manager, gave a short presentation on the work of the Board and the challenges that it faces. She emphasized that the Area Board was very keen to work with Parish Councillors and with the Councillors in order to address the issues that directly affected the local communities. A Question and Answer session followed during which councillors questioned the power of the Area Boards to make decisions and commented on the absence of any powers delegated to the Area Board from . On this matter, Ms. Townsend replied that the Area Boards were still in their infancy and that their structure and authority were continually being reviewed to make them more effective.

b. The Council highlight the absence of decision-making powers of the Area Boards as a major concern.

6. Adjournment.. The Meeting adjourned for members of the public present to raise any points of interest on any matter. The meeting then re-convened.


7. Bradford on Avon Community Area/Area Board. The Council asked the Clerk to apply for a Community Area Grant to support the purchase and installation of a Bus Shelter in the village. The Council resolved to match funding of the Bus Shelter up to £1500.

There were no other matters that needed to be referred to the Area Board at its next meeting (21 January 2010).

7. Sub-Committees.

Sub-Committee Reports. a. The Clerk reported that the current financial position was as follows: Westwood Parish Council - Financial Statement - 4 January 2010

Lloyds TSB A/C 1643417

Bank Statement £ 5,601.83 01-Dec-09

Credits (1 Dec 2009 to 31 Dec 2009) : None 0 Total: £ -

Debits (1 Dec 2009 to 31 Dec 2009): 07-Dec Clerk's Expenses (Nov) £ 30.52 S&J Grounds Ltd (November) £ 160.00 St Johns CC (Newsletter) £ 44.58 Total: £ 235.10

Balance at 31 December 2009: £ 5,366.73

Credits (1 Jan 2010 to 4 Jan 2010) : Monument Fees (J Long) £ 60.00 Total: £ 60.00

Debits (1 Jan 2010 to 4 Jan 2010): 01-Jan Clerk's Salary (Dec) £ 255.16 Total: £ 255.16

Balance at 4 January 2010: £ 5,171.57

Lloyds TSB A/C 7573321

Bank Statement £ 9,572.21 09-Oct-09

Credits: 10-Nov Interest £ 0.35 (Approx)

1285 10-Dec Interest £ 0.35 (Approx) Total: £ 0.70 (Approx) Debits: None Total: £ -

Balance at 4 January 2010: £ 9,572.91

National Savings A/C 138409348

Balance at 5 January 2009 £ 7,514.88

Credits: Interest 1/1/08 to 31/12/08: £ 236.15

Debits: £ -

Balance at 4 January 2010: £ 7,751.03

Balance in hand at 4 January 2010: £ 22,495.51

Payments to be authorised (4 January 2010).

Clerk's Salary (Jan 2010) £ 255.16 Clerk's Expenses (Dec 2009) £ 26.76 Clerk's Office Allowance (Annual) £ 175.00 S&J Grounds Ltd (December) £ 160.00 V Cooke (Nov/Dec) £ 69.00 St Johns CC (Newsletter) £ 72.65 TOTAL: £ 758.57

Donations/Subscriptions to be considered (4 January 2010).

£ - TOTAL: £ - b. The Clerk stated that he had not received a Quotation for pruning the Cherry Trees. The Council asked him to progress this matter. c. The Clerk stated that he had not received a Quotation for installing new gate/replace fence palings at Westwood Park Play Area. The Council asked him to progress this matter. d. The Council resolved unanimously to make the payments under ‘Payments to be authorised’ above.

Planning. a. The Council noted the status of the following planning application and agreed to send the comments shown to Wiltshire Council:

09/03688/TPO 5 Chestnut Grove Tree Works No PC Objections. b. There were no planning applications received after 30 December 2009.

Councillors noted that a significant number of Avoncliff residents had made representations during the public adjournment to register their firm opposition to the proposal to install two Archimedes screw turbines and that knowledge of this proposal had emerged following an application to the Environmental

1286 Agency by the applicant (SPE Developments Ltd) for permission to 'extract water' from the River Avon - a requirement if water turbines are to be installed. The objections had centered, largely, on their visual appearance (they will be extremely large and incongruous in the setting of the North Mill in the hamlet of Avoncliff), the noise impact (Archimedes's screw turbines are very noisy), the adverse effect on water flows and water 'back-up' both locally and downstream at Bradford on Avon and the disproportionate scale of the venture - the electrical power to be generated will greatly exceed the domestic requirements of North Mill and it has all the hallmarks of a commercial enterprise (selling power back to the National Grid).

Westwood Parish Council discussed this matter and resolved unanimously to support the residents of Avoncliff in their opposition to the proposed installation of two Archimedes screw turbines at North Mill.

The Parish Council confirmed that it fully supports the generation of 'green' energy but such schemes must be tailored to meet the likely demands of the property involved and to be sympathetic to the location of the property and the environmental impact such schemes will have on the locality. The Council observed that there are other types of turbines suited to such environmentally sensitive locations that would have minimal environmental impact and that would generate electricity far more efficiently than is possible with an Archimedes screw turbine.

The Clerk was asked to write to the Environmental Agency, Wiltshire Council and the Wiltshire Council member for Westwood and expressing these sentiments.

Cemetery. There were no matters raised relating to the state of the Cemetery. Cllrs. Bishop and Parker commented that it appeared to be in a good condition.

Footpaths. Cllr. Johnston stated that there was nothing to report.

Open Spaces. a. In the absence of a member of the Sub-Committee, no report was given.

Cllr. Biles reported on behalf of the Open Spaces Sub-Committee, having received a brief from one of its members. He reported the following:

• The bench nearest to the Nursery School in Westwood Park is missing a slat. • There is a lump of concrete under this bench that is protruding and it may present a trip hazard. • More gravel is required to be placed under this bench.

Cllr. Bishop agreed to contact Mr Cooke and to request that he attends to these matters.

Cllr. Biles added that a parishioner had requested that dog walkers using the park should be required to keep their dogs on a lead. The Council was unable to support this proposal.

Cllr. Howard – Evans commented that there appears to be an increase in dog fouling in the park. The Clerk was asked to obtain appropriate notices from the Dog Warden to display in the park to encourage dog owners to use the dog fouling bins provided for disposing of dog waste. b. Councillors reported that the Play Equipment appeared in good order.

Clerk’s note. Subsequent to the meeting, Playforce submitted a quotation of £390 for undertaking the work specified as necessary in the RoSPA Annual Safety Inspection Report. The Clerk gave Playforce the authority to proceed with this work.

Environmental. Cllr. Johnson requested that the Parish Steward be asked to clear the two road drains located between The Malthouse and the New Inn. She asked that confirmation be obtained that weed killing had taken place in The Pastures. The Clerk stated that he had observed a weed killing machine being driven around the village shortly after the last Parish Council meeting. Cllr. Johnson was not convinced that any weed killing had taken place and asked the Clerk to ensure that prior to a visit by the Parish Steward to

1287 undertake weed killing she would wish to talk to the Parish Steward directly and point out the exact location of the weeds.

Cllr. Biles stated that a parishioner had expressed concerns over heavy goods vehicles travelling through Upper Westwood and had furnished Cllr. Biles with examples of road signs that could be installed at the turn-off for Upper Westwood from the Lower Westwood Road (west of the village) in order to prevent such lorries traversing Upper Westwood. Councillors were not aware of a problem of heavy lorries in Upper Westwood and suspected that they were making deliveries to Downside Nurseries and travelling no further through Upper Westwood. The Clerk commented that the Parish Council had no authority to install the road signs proposed because they were prohibitive mandatory signs that were the responsibility of the Highways authority, namely Wiltshire Council. The Council decided to take no action at present and, instead, to monitor the situation.

Cllr. Biles observed that the potholes in the Lower Westwood Road that had been repaired last year were now reappearing. The Clerk stated that he would contact Wiltshire Council. He also commented that motorists travelling through Westwood still appear to believe that the two halves of the village can be accessed through Chestnut Grove and Bobbin Lane. The Clerk stated that he understood that action was being taken to correct these errors on the satellite navigation systems.

9. BT- Telephone Kiosk (Staples Hill/Upper Westwood). The Clerk reported that he is still awaiting responses from Allianz Cornhill Insurance and from British Telecom to questions he had asked in connection with the legal/insurance position if the Council were to adopt a telephone kiosk. The Council decided to take no action until responses were obtained and the Clerk was asked to e-mail any responses to councillors.

10. Date of Parish Council Meetings.

The Council noted the date of the next Parish Council Meetings:

Ordinary Parish Council - Monday 1 February 2010 at 7.30 pm. Ordinary Parish Council - Monday 1 March 2010 at 7.30 pm.

Annual Parish Meeting – Tuesday 13 April 2010 at 7.30 pm.

11. Any Other Business. Exchange of views on matters not requiring a decision.

The Clerk drew to attention of the Council to the following:

• WC – Planning Enforcement Seminar – 19/1/2010 (at Chippenham). • WC – Interim Change to Planning Scheme of Delegation to Officers. • WC – Town and Council Election Costs & Appointment Procedure. • James Cup Trial – 14 February 2010.

Cllr. Bishop enquired whether Wiltshire Council had assumed the power to co-opt Parish Council members if a Parish Council failed to be quorate because of a lack of members.

Cllr. Parker remarked on the ‘garish’ nature of the (presumed) temporary ‘Costcutter Shop’ signs affixed to the Boswell Road road sign.

Cllr. Robertson expressed his frustration at the nature of the present ‘Road Safety’ campaign being run by a local pressure group and an implication that the Parish Council has been idle in promoting road safety in Westwood when quite the opposite was the case. The Clerk was asked to draft a suitable article for the Westwood Update to clarify the matter for all parishioners. Cllr. Parker stated that although he had originally agreed to be on the ‘Road Safety Working Party’ and had hosted the original meeting, he had had no contact whatsoever since that time with the ‘Campaign Group’ and dissociated himself entirely with the way in which the campaign had been orchestrated. He added that he was no longer on that Working Party.

1288 Cllr. Robertson stated that it was intended to hold the annual Parish Council meal on 26 January and confirmed that the invited guests would be Mr & Mrs Say and Mr & Mrs Hancock in recognition of the work that they had undertaken for the local community.

There was no other business.

The meeting concluded at 9.15 pm.

Chairman 1 February 2010. Westwood Parish Council


ACTION LIST – Meeting 4 January 2010

Action 1 (4/1/10) Clerk. To make agreed payments.

Action 2 (4/1/10) Clerk. To make Grant Application to the Area Board (Bus Shelter).

Action 3 (4/1/10) Clerk. To progress the quotations for the Cherry Trees pruning and Gate/Fence repair.

Action 4 (4/1/10) Cllr. Bishop To contact Mr Cooke – Seat Repairs/Gravel/Concrete – Westwood Park.

Action 5 (4/1/10) Clerk. To obtain ‘Dog Notices’ from the Dog Warden.

Action 6 (4/1/10) Clerk. To contact Parish Steward – Clear drains and Weed killing.

Action 7 (7/12/09) Clerk. To contact WC – Pot Hole repair.

Action 8 (7/12/09) Clerk. To write article for Westwood Update.

Action 9 (7/12/09) Clerk. To write to EA, WC and Cllr. L Conley – North Mill turbines.


Minutes of the meeting of Westwood Parish Council held in the Parish Rooms, Westwood at 7.30 pm on Monday 1 February 2010.


Cllr. J Robertson Chairman Cllr. T Biles Cllr. J Bishop Cllr. T Cox Cllr. G Edwards Cllr. S Harding Cllr. Howard-Evans Cllr. J Johnston Cllr. A Parker Mr R Coleman Clerk

Wiltshire Councillor Linda Conley attended the meeting.

PC Martin Barrett attended the meeting (Part-time).

There were forty-three members of the public present initially.

1. Welcome and Introductions. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Apologies. There were no apologies. All councillors were present.

3. Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 4 January 2010. The minutes of this meeting were signed as a true and accurate record.

4. Westwood Community Road Safety Campaign (WCRSC). The Chairman, Cllr. Robertson, opened this Agenda item with the following statement (shown in italics) that he read out to the meeting:

I’d like to begin by thanking Mr. Richardson and the Road Safety Campaign for the work they have done in and around the village to understand the feelings towards road safety. It has clearly been a major undertaking and is an issue about which many people feel very strongly. As we said in the current issue of the Update, the Council welcomes any efforts to improve safety within the village. However, for the benefit of villagers, both at this meeting and not, I feel it is important to clarify a few points as to what the Parish Council can and cannot achieve.

Back in October, Mr. Richardson, together with some other parishioners, attended the Parish Council meeting to highlight their concerns about speeds through the village. As a result of this, the Parish Council suggested that a working group was set up, with Mr Richardson and Mr Humphries amongst others which would be coordinated by Cllr. Parker who lives very close to the pinch point in Lower Westwood so had a particular interest in this issue. The purpose of this group, as I stated at that October meeting, was to formulate suggestions as to how safety could be improved which would then be reported back to the Parish Council for action. I believe, having spoken to Cllr. Parker, that one meeting of this group did take place with agreement that they needed to meet again for further discussion. However, no further meetings took place. Instead, Mr Richardson and Mr Humphries then worked on the survey themselves as has just been reported. This means, therefore, that this meeting is the first opportunity that the Council have had to discuss these findings. It was for this reason, rather than any suggestion of censorship, that the Parish Council, having been asked for their opinion by the editor, felt it was inappropriate to publish the findings in the Westwood Update. The Update is funded by the Parish

1291 Council as a service to the village but the Council must ensure that it does not publish material that could be seen as contentious or binding before the whole council has had a chance to discuss it. In addition, it was felt that the length of the proposed article – 2 sides – would substantially increase the cost of the Update. We believed that a summary of the findings, together with feedback from this meeting, published in the next edition of the Update would be more informative to all parishioners and would provide a balanced view. On no occasion did we seek to block the communication of petition data. We simply felt it would be sensible for the Parish Council to discuss it before being seen to give it a seal of approval.

As for the suggestions the Road Safety Campaign make, I must say that I feel you are crediting us with more power than we actually have! Firstly, there is the request that we “immediately introduce a 20 mph speed limit throughout the village”. It must be recognised that we have neither the right nor the power to do any such thing. Any chance in the speed limit must come from Wiltshire Council and the Highways Agency following discussions with the local police and the Parish Council. This will only happen if the Police, the Highways Agency and the Council believe there is a significant issue. This was reinforced in last week’s Wiltshire Times where the Chair of Limpley Stoke Parish Council pointed out that the changes they are seeking, especially a marked walkway, will only happen ‘with highways agreement’. It is worth noting that our local PCSO, PC Martin Barrett has pointed out that, on a number of occasions, he has utilised a speed gun in the village, as have the local Speed Camera Partnership, and has yet to catch anyone breaking the speed limit to such a degree as would warrant prosecution. If the Road Safety Campaign would like the Parish Council to look further at the possibilities of a 20mph speed limit then that is a matter that can be discussed. However, without the support of the local police, such a move seems to be unlikely to succeed.

The second point, the installation of speed cushions in various points throughout the village, seems more contentious. Since the Road Safety Campaign published their findings, the Parish Council have received a range of correspondence about this issue. To quote from one letter: “According to the Wiltshire County Council web site, the cost of installing speed cushions is typically between £50,000 and £150,000, and it is difficult in these financially straitened times to see how this level of expenditure can be justified.” Other letters have pointed out concerns regarding the damage speed cushions cause to vehicles, the fact that they may hamper access to a parishioner’s property, concerns over the noise that they create and, particularly, concerns that they will increase the ‘urbanisation’ of the village. Again, though, Wiltshire Council and the Parish Council could not justify committing the amount required to put such measures in place without clear and unequivocal evidence from the Police that these would assist in tackling a major issue. One Parishioner was particularly forthright in his letter, pointing out that decisions must not be based on perceived problems but must be rooted in concrete evidence. From what PC Barrett tells us on a monthly basis, that evidence is simply not there.

As for points three and four, “an urgent assessment by Wiltshire Council to evaluate additional measures…that should be installed with immediate effect” and “obtain a committed target date from Wiltshire Council for completion of an action plan”, our local Wiltshire Councillor, Linda Conley, explained to us at the last meeting, that, at the moment Wiltshire Council are conducting a review of the A and B roads throughout the county. That report is now available but does not address roads with a ‘C’ or lower classification. The roads in Westwood are ‘C’ classified roads. It is now possible that lower classification roads will be surveyed and it is at that point that the Parish Council will be able to respond and suggest improvements to improve safety.

Referring back to the article in the Wiltshire Times, Limpley Stoke Parish Council has decided that their priority is a marked walkway and have been promised some funding for that through the Area Board. However, that will only come into place AFTER discussions with both Wiltshire Council and the Highways Agency. They have suggested that this walkway would cost them £10,000 ON TOP of the £5000 grant they have received. Parishioners should realise that this figure would account for the entire precept that the Parish Council receives each year.

Finally, I’d like to take issue with the fourth point in the ‘Communication Update’ that the Campaign published last week. In it, the Campaign claim that “In the past, the Parish Council has blocked road safety initiatives put forward by the community.” It is worth noting that, on looking back through minutes of the last year, there is only one month – June – in which road safety was not discussed by the Parish Council. In that time we have arranged for speed cameras to operate in the village, have managed to get the signage and road markings improved at the pinch point and are attempting to correct satnav

1292 information that marks Bobbin Lane as a through road. At NO point have we blocked anything that could have been provided and, as a Council, I know we feel aggrieved that parishioners should be led to believe that we are doing anything apart from working in everyone’s best interests.

I hope I have clarified what can and cannot be achieved by the Parish Council and have corrected any misconceptions as to the Parish Council’s role. I regret that what began as desire to work together to improve safety in the village has led to misunderstandings in the community. Everyone in Westwood wishes to live in a safe environment and it is beholden on the Parish Council to try to ensure that happens. The Parish Council has a long history of promoting road safety in the village and I would hope that we have the support of all parishioners in continuing to achieve that aim.

The Chairman welcomed Messrs Humphries and Richardson to the meeting and invited Mr Humphries to give his presentation.

Clerk’s Note. A copy of the presentation is appended to these minutes.

A presentation on behalf of the Westwood Community Road Safety Campaign was given by Mr Christopher Humphries. Mr Humphries introduced himself and Mr Richardson as the Team Leaders of this campaign and added that they have been assisted by a number of helpers. He thanked the Parish Council for the opportunity to give this presentation and thanked the Chairman for clarifying a number of issues in his statement.

Mr Humphries gave the background to the present campaign and explained its ‘Community Goals’ and the ‘Campaign Goals’; the latter being to understand the actual concerns and issues about Road Safety in open consultation with the Westwood Community and to obtain a mandate from the community to present to Westwood Parish Council for action. Mr Humphries explained how the campaign had been conducted and details of the individual people and organisations who had lent the campaign their support. Mr Humphries presented the results of the campaign in terms of the results from the Westwood village-wide canvass and ‘leaflet drop’ that was undertaken and stated that:

• 290 residents were in favour of a 20 mph speed limit throughout the village. • 245 residents were in favour of ‘speed cushions’ or other complementary traffic calming measures.

Mr Humphries stated that Westwood Parish Council therefore has a clear mandate from the Westwood Community to take the action requested immediately and that a combination of the 20 mph speed limit, speed cushions and other solutions would limit the use of our roads as dangerous rat-runs/short-cuts between towns. The presentation continued with a description of other road safety and other environmental suggestions.

Mr Humphries stated the actions that needed to be implemented were:

• Immediate introduction of a 20 mph speed limit throughout the village. • Immediate installation of speed cushions near the Nursery School at Upper Westwood and at key points on Lower Westwood Road. • Urgent assessment by Wiltshire Council to evaluate further measures to determine additional traffic calming solutions. • Obtain committed target date from Wiltshire Council for completion and receipt of full response and action plan. • Westwood Parish Council to publish comprehensive updates that are to be: - Minuted at every Westwood Parish Council meeting. - In bi-monthly Westwood Update. - On Westwood Parish Council website. • One of the campaign team will attend these meetings to monitor progress.

He concluded his presentation by commenting that the Headteacher, Westwood with Iford School is submitting a Travel Plan to the Local Authority in March and has sought, and has been offered, support from the WCRSC and that the Wiltshire Council councillor, the MP and the local newspapers will be

1293 engaged in this campaign. Mr Humphries acknowledged, with thanks, the individuals and organisations that had supported the campaign. Mr Humphries handed out copies of three publications to the Parish Council namely, a copy of his presentation, an information sheet on ’20 mph Legislation’ and a log of ‘Traffic Incidents in Westwood’.

5. Adjournment. The Meeting adjourned for members of the public present to raise any points of interest on any matter. The meeting then re-convened.

6. Neighbourhood Policing. a. PC Martin Barrett reported on behalf of the Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT). He stated that Westwood had been crime free with no incidents to report. He warned the Council that there had been a spate of burglaries in Holt and in Bradford on Avon where stone ornaments, including saddle stones, had been stolen. He advised everyone to remain vigilant. The Clerk was asked to place a suitable article in the Westwood Update. b. Cllr. Harding commented that car parking next to the telephone box near to The Croft was a nuisance. PC Barrett noted this comment. Cllr. Edwards explained that Satellite Navigation systems in vehicles often directed larger vehicles along unsuitable roads, such as Jone’s Hill. He added that it is difficult to ensure that requested software updates address these local issues.

7. Westwood Road Safety. The Council discussed the content of the WCRSC presentation and the actions proposed. It also noted the very strong views expressed both in favour and against the proposals for a 20 mph speed limit and the introduction of speed cushions that had been expressed by members of the public. The Council was unconvinced that the statistics presented by the WCRSC represented such a clear mandate as claimed by the WCRSC or that the dangers claimed were supported by clear, unambiguous factual evidence. Notwithstanding these concerns, the Council recognised that road safety in Westwood was a very important issue and that representations to Wiltshire Council by the Parish Council to address such issues were appropriate. Councillors commented that Wiltshire Council are the Highway Authority and employ qualified and experienced personnel who are best placed to propose possible solutions to road safety problems and that their advice would be essential, since it is only with their support that any road safety measures would be implemented.

The Council resolved unanimously to take the following action:

• In the light of the public concern over road safety and the results of the campaign undertaken by the WCRSC, to invite Wiltshire Council to undertake a traffic survey in the village to identify the ‘risk areas’ in relation to road safety and to make proposals for reducing that risk.

The Clerk was asked to write to Wiltshire Council and to copy the letter to the Bradford on Avon Community Area Board.

8. Bradford on Avon Community Area Board. a. Cllr. Biles provided the following written report (in italics) on the Area Board meeting held on 21 January 2010:

1. Meeting was held in Holt Village Hall.

2. 73 people attended, the bulk of those being canal boat owners who left when there their item on the agenda had been dealt with.

3. Topics Of Interest (a) Council Spending priorities - (Presented by Richard Parker • The Council (Wiltshire unitary authority) has to save 18 million pounds by 2012. • Staff reductions already started - helped by formation of the new body. • Further savings will be announced in due course

(b) Bradford Community Health Fair - presented by Cllr. Malcolm Hewson. • This will be held in St. Margaret's Hall on 6th March.

1294 • There will be a variety of 'stalls' dealing with various aspects of health care.

(c) Wiltshire Council 'Waste and Environment Strategy' - presented by Cllr. Toby Sturgis • Considered costs for our area reasonable. Salisbury's costs for example are three times greater. • Council are examining the possibility of a cycle 'network' • Electrical management meters will shortly be available for loan from Bradford library - these gadgets will indicate where household electricity is being wasted. • Consultations will be taking place on the use of large 'wheelie bins' which would be emptied every four weeks!

(d) British Waterways - Local Mooring Strategy • British Waterways plan to change the' 14 day mooring procedures' which will lead to additional charges. • The charges and procedural changes will be issued shortly • The local canal barge owners are obviously quite upset and asked the Area Board and the relevant local Parish Council to support them in their fight with the Waterways board to retain the status quo 4. The next meeting will be held on 17th March. b. The Council deferred discussion on any matter that needs to be referred to the next Area Board meeting until the March Parish Council meeting.

9. Sub-Committees.

Sub-Committee Reports.

Environmental. a. Cllr. Harding reported on behalf of the Environmental sub-Committee and stated that, for the time being, Cllr. Edwards had agreed to be the Parish Steward contact. Councillors reported potholes along the Lower Westwood road, at the top of Staples Hill and on the road to Iford, roughly opposite the turning to Upper Westwood and Downside Nurseries. The Clerk was asked to contact Wiltshire Council to report these potholes. He was also asked to clarify the position with respect to weed killing in The Pastures.

Cllr. Johnston stated that the hedge at Rose Cottage protruded into the road and needed cutting. The Clerk stated that he would write to the occupiers of Rose Cottage. In reply to a question on the barbed wire alongside Path 15, the Clerk stated that he would contact the National Trust and ask for a response to the matters discussed at the site visit in October 2009. b. The Clerk read out the correspondence received from BT, Wiltshire Council and Allianz Cornhill Insurance in respect of the Telephone Boxes and, following a short discussion, the council decided NOT to adopt the Telephone Boxes. c. The Council noted the request for information on Grit Bin locations and Cllr. Johnston agreed to annotate the Parish plan provided with the exact location of existing Grit Bins (and their condition in terms of structural integrity and whether they are empty or full) and to indicate possible locations for additional ones. d. The Council noted the letter from a parishioner regarding ‘cat nuisance’ and decided that it was powerless to act. The Clerk stated that he would pass the letter to Selwood Housing if it were confirmed that the address was a Selwood Housing property. e. The Council noted the reply from Selwood Housing regarding additional tree planting. The reply stated that Selwood Housing would not undertake any tree planting. Cllr. Bishop stated that he would investigate the matter further.

Finance. a. The Clerk reported that the current financial position was as follows:

1295 Westwood Parish Council - Financial Statement - 1 February 2010

Lloyds TSB A/C 1643417

Bank Statement £ 5,331.57 04-Jan-10

Credits (1 Jan 2010 to 31 Jan 2010) : 25-Jan Grave/Burial Fees (Adcock) £ 270.00 26-Jan Burial Fees (Hobbs) £ 100.00 Total: £ 370.00

Debits (1 Jan 2010 to 31 Jan 2010): 04-Jan Clerk's Expenses (Dec) £ 26.76 04-Jan Office Allowance £ 175.00 04-Jan S&J Grounds Ltd (December) £ 160.00 04-Jan V Cooke (December) £ 69.00 04-Jan St Johns CC (Newsletter) £ 72.65 26-Jan Chairman's Allowance £ 70.00 Total: £ 573.41

Balance at 31 January 2010: £ 5,128.16

Credits (1 Feb 2010) : None £ - Total: £ -

Debits (1 Feb 2010): 01-Feb Clerk's Salary (Jan) £ 255.16 Total: £ 255.16

Balance at 1 February 2010: £ 4,873.00

Lloyds TSB A/C 7573321

Bank Statement £ 9,572.21 09-Oct-09

Credits: 10-Nov Interest £ 0.35 (App 10-Dec Interest £ 0.35 (App 10-Jan Interest £ 0.35 (App Total: £ 1.05 (App Debits: None Total: £ -

Balance at 1 February 2010: £ 9,573.26

1296 National Savings A/C 138409348

Balance at 4 January 2010 £ 7,751.03

Credits: Interest 1/1/09 to 31/12/09: £ 21.03

Debits: £ -

Balance at 1 February 2010: £ 7,772.06

Balance in hand at 1 February 2010: £ 22,218.32

Payments to be authorised (1 February 2010).

Clerk's Salary (Feb 2010) £ 255.16 Clerk's Expenses (Jan 2010) £ 23.10 S&J Grounds Ltd (January) £ 160.00 XYZ Web £ 63.47 TOTAL: £ 501.73

Donations/Subscriptions to be considered (1 February 2010).

Westwood Flower Show Donation £ 120.00 TOTAL: £ 120.00

.b. The Clerk advised the Council that Mr Young, Downside Nurseries had telephoned him with a verbal quotation of £150 for pruning the Cherry Trees but that it would not be appropriate to prune them until May. c. The Clerk reported that Mr Say had telephoned him to state that he was contacting Mr Cooke prior to providing a Quotation for installing new gate/replace fence palings at Westwood Park Play Area. d. The Council resolved unanimously to donate £120 to the Westwood Flower Show. e. The Council resolved unanimously to make the payments under ‘Payments to be authorised’ above.

Planning. a. The Council noted the status of the following planning applications:

09/03461/FUL 8 Hebden Road Disabled Accessible Facilities Permission 8/1/10.

09/3478/FUL 21 The Pastures 2 Storey Extension Permission 14/1/10

Tree Works (Thinning of 09/03688/TPO 5 Chestnut Grove Consent 18/1/10 Beech Tree)

09/03170 Westwood Stores Alterations and Extensions Permission 28/1/10 b. The following planning application was received after 26 January 2010:

10/00220/TCA 128 Upper Westwood Tree Works

The Council raised no objections to this application.

1297 c. The Clerk reported that he had received a letter from the Environment Agency acknowledging the Parish Council letter relating to the North Mill Turbines. He added that permission had been given for the Westwood Stores alterations and extensions as had been reported earlier.

Cemetery. a. Cllr. Bishop reported on behalf of the Cemetery sub-Committee and stated that everything appeared to be in good order. b. The Clerk reported the purchase of a Garden of Remembrance Plot and the interment of ashes in an existing plot.

Footpaths. Cllr. Johnston reported that the Footpath sub-Committee Rights of Way Survey for January revealed that all paths appear to be in good order. She added that the fallen tree on Path 8 had been removed.

Open Spaces. a. Cllr. Edwards reported on behalf of the Open Spaces sub-Committee. He reported the following:

• The repairs to the Play Equipment had been undertaken following the RoSPA Annual Safety Inspection Report. • The Play Area gate had a defective catch. • There was graffiti on some of the Play Equipment and some additional graffiti had appeared. • The Play Equipment ironwork required painting. • The gravelled access path to the Play Area was uneven and a local depression held water and was an obstacle. • The Westwood Park sign at the ‘Turning Circle’ was in a poor condition. • Rubbish has been deposited by the Air Shaft. • There is a discarded metal post and concrete visible at one of the ‘humps’ in Westwood Park.

He commented on the need to repair the two Bench Seats in Westwood Park. It was observed that this was already being addressed by Cllr. Bishop.

Councillors proposed that bulbs should be planted in the cultivated area (now overgrown) at the north end of Westwood Park. It was suggested that the school may wish to undertake this task. The Clerk was asked to contact the Headteacher. b. The results of the inspection of the Play Equipment were discussed previously. c. The Clerk reported that the order placed with Playforce (resulting from the Annual Safety Inspection Report) had been completed – as reported above.

10. Date of Parish Council Meeting.

The Council noted the date of the next Parish Council Meeting and the Annual Parish Meeting:

Ordinary Parish Council - Monday 1 March 2010 at 7.30 pm.

Annual Parish Meeting – Tuesday 13 April 2010 at 7.30 pm.

11. Any Other Business. Exchange of views on matters not requiring a decision.

The following matters were raised:

Cllr. Bishop advised the Council that following recent legislation there might be a ‘deluge’ of applications for solar panels/wind turbines.

Cllr. Robertson reported that Andrew Kennedy of Limpley Stoke Parish Council had contacted him to propose that the parishes running along the Avon Valley/Limpley Stoke Valley should meet to consider if action needs to be taken in the light of increased development at both ends of the valley (at

1298 Batheaston/Bathford and at Trowbridge). He stated that the meeting was planned for 3pm at Limpley Stoke Village Hall.

Cllr. Robertson reported that the wall at Ashlers, Upper Westwood had been knocked down as a result, it is thought, of vandalism.

12. Westwood Community Road Safety Campaign (WCRSC). Cllr. Robertson proposed that members of the public be excluded from the Parish Council meeting for this Agenda item because of the confidential nature of the business to be addressed, namely the need to agree on how to respond to the published comments in the recent WCRSC ‘Communication Update’. The Council resolved unanimously to adopt this resolution.

The remaining members of the public left the meeting.

Clerk’s Note. This Agenda item was minuted separately.

There was no other business.

The meeting concluded at 10.45 pm.

Chairman 1 March 2010. Westwood Parish Council


ACTION LIST – Meeting 1 February 2010

Action 1 (1/2/10) Clerk. To make agreed payments.

Action 2 (1/2/10) Clerk. To make write article re ‘thefts’ and need for vigilance – Westwood Update.

Action 3 (1/2/10) Clerk. To write to WC - Road Safety Survey and Safety improvement proposals.

Action 4 (1/2/10) Cllr. Bishop To write to Rose Cottage – Prune hedge.

Action 5 (1/2/10) Clerk. To contact NT – Barbed wire (Path 15).

Action 6 (1/2/10) Clerk. To contact WC – Potholes and Weed killing.

Action 7 (1/2/10) Cllr. Johnston. To undertake a Grit Bin survey.

Action 8 (1/2/10) Clerk. To write to Selwood Housing – Cat nuisance (if appropriate).

Action 9 (1/2/10) Cllr. Bishop To investigate tree planting reply from Selwood Housing.

Action 10 (1/2/10) Clerk. To write to WC – Planning application.

Action 11 (1/2/10) Clerk. To write to Headteacher, Westwood School – Bulb planting.


Minutes of the meeting of Westwood Parish Council held in the Parish Rooms, Westwood at 7.30 pm on Monday 1 March 2010.


Cllr. J Robertson Chairman Cllr. T Biles Cllr. J Bishop Cllr. T Cox Cllr. G Edwards Cllr. S Harding Cllr. Howard-Evans Cllr. J Johnston Mr R Coleman Clerk

Wiltshire Council, Councillor Linda Conley attended the meeting.

PCSO Vicky Huntley attended the meeting (Part-time).

Elly Townsend (Bradford on Avon Community Area Board Manager) attended the meeting (Part-time).

There were twenty-five members of the public present initially.

1. Welcome and Introductions. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Apologies. Apologies for non-attendance were received from Cllr. A Parker. The Clerk reported that he had received a letter of intended resignation from the Chairman stating that he would be resigning from the Parish Council after the meeting in April.

3. Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 1 February 2010. The following amendment was agreed: Page 1294, Para 9a. Add ‘Harding’ after ‘Cllr.’ on the first line. The minutes of this meeting were then signed as a true and accurate record.

4. Westwood Community Road Safety Campaign (WCRSC). The Clerk handed each councillor copies of the correspondence sent and received in relation to the Road Safety matter discussed at the last Council meeting. He read out the correspondence received from Wiltshire Council and the Community Area Board Manager. The Council noted that Wiltshire Council had taken action in response to the letter from the Parish Council and that the Chief Executive had requested the Area Board, in association with , to undertake a ‘speed check’ in Westwood as a precursor to undertaking further road safety investigations. Wiltshire Council had asked the Parish Council to identify positions in the village for the speed monitoring equipment. The Council commented that this positive response from Wiltshire Council was encouraging and was designed to address the road safety concerns in the village. He invited members of the public present to write to the Parish Council proposing suitable speed monitoring points. At the conclusion of the discussion on this subject, the Clerk handed copies of the correspondence to the Joint Chairmen of the Westwood Community Road Safety Campaign Group and left copies in the room for other members of the public to take if necessary.

5. Adjournment. The Meeting adjourned for members of the public present to raise any points of interest on any matter. The meeting then re-convened.

6. Neighbourhood Policing. a. PCSO Vicky Huntley stated that there was nothing significant to report.

1301 b. There were no matters that needed to be brought to the attention of the Neighbourhood Policing Team.

7. Valley Parishes Alliance. Adrian Kennedy gave a short presentation on the ‘Valley Parishes Alliance’. He stated that this group was newly formed and is to have a formal launch later this month. He commented that it is a group of Parish Councils, currently comprising Bathampton, Bathford, Claverton, Monkton Coombe and Freshford, that lie along the Limpley Stoke Valley and that have a common interest in preserving the rural character of the area against the ever-increasing pressure of urban development. He observed that Parishes often work in isolation and are unaware of issues affecting neighbouring parishes and that a ‘cross-border’ collective approach would address that shortcoming and would provide a unified approach, and a common voice, when the area is under threat from unwanted urban intrusion. He stated that it was intended that the group would meet monthly and that specific task groups from within the membership would be set up to address key areas of concern. Mr Kennedy invited Westwood Parish Council to become involved and, in answer to a question, added that only one or two members of the Parish Council need be nominated to attend the Alliance meetings.

Cllr. Robertson stated that it was very sensible that such a dialogue took place and invited the Council to consider the request. The Council discussed this matter and decided to defer a decision whether to join the Valley Alliance until the next meeting. The Clerk was asked to add it as an Agenda item for the next Parish Council meeting.

8. Bradford on Avon Community Area Board. a. Cllr. Biles stated that grants are available for tree planting and that grants for less than £1000 require no matched funding, whereas grants for a greater sum than that do require matched funding. Cllr. Bishop commented that the original plans for the Selwood Housing development at Tynings Way indicated that four trees are to be planted. The Clerk was asked to write to Selwood Housing to enquire whether additional trees could be planted within their housing estate if they were provided by the Parish Council. Meanwhile, the Environmental Sub-Committee was asked to identify possible locations for new trees in time for the next Parish Council meeting so that a grant application for new trees could be made to the Community Area Board meeting in May.

9. Sub-Committees.

Sub-Committee Reports.

Open Spaces. a. Cllr. Edwards reported on behalf of the Open Spaces sub-Committee. He reported that following an inspection by Cllr. Harding and him the following were observed:

• The Play Equipment repairs had been undertaken. • There was evidence of more graffiti on the inside of the air-vents in Westwood Park. • Fence palings were still missing. • Part of the fence between the Playing Field and Westwood School was in a very poor condition. • Rebuilding of the Nursery School wall had now commenced.

The Clerk reported that he was still awaiting a quotation from Mr Say for the repair of the fence and gate. Cllr. Johnston commented that the Playing Field fence had been repaired on a number of occasions but continues to be regularly damaged. She added that it had never been established who owned the fence – Westwood School or the Parish Council, although the Parish Council had paid for previous repairs. The Clerk was asked to write to Westwood School and to suggest that both parties jointly fund the repair and the work that is soon to be undertaken at the school may be an opportunity for the contractor to undertake this task also. b. The inspection of the Play Equipment in February indicated that it was in good order.


Environmental. a. Cllr. Edwards reported that there had been no work identified for the Parish Steward to undertake. b. Cllr. Johnston reported that she had completed the survey of the Grit Bins and handed the Clerk details of her survey. She commented that there were eleven Grit Bins in the Parish, mostly in good condition and nearly all of them were full of grit. The Council considered whether additional bins were required in the Parish and agreed that bins should be installed at the following locations:

• At Upper Westwood, opposite the entrance to Chestnut Grove. • At Upper Westwood, at the bottom of the hill leading to Downside Nurseries. • At the bottom of the footpath at the bend where Bobbin Lane and Leslie Rise meet.

The Clerk stated that he would forward the survey report to Wiltshire Council with a request for the additional Grit Bins.

Clerk’s Note. Subsequent to the meeting, a parishioner from Avoncliff reminded the Clerk that she had requested an additional Grit Bin near to the Café at Avoncliff. This location was added to the Survey Report with a request that a new Grit Bin be installed at this location following a discussion with Cllr. Johnston.

Finance. a. The Clerk reported that the current financial position was as follows:

Westwood Parish Council - Financial Statement - 1 March 2010

Lloyds TSB A/C 1643417

Bank Statement £ 4,938.16 31-Jan-10

Credits (1 Feb 2010 to 28 Feb 2010) : Burial Fees (Hobbs) (Late 09-Feb Credit) £ 100.00 Total: £ 100.00

Debits (1 Feb 2010 to 28 Feb 2010): 01-Feb Clerk's Salary (Jan) £ 255.16 Clerk's Expenses (Jan) £ 23.10 XYZ Web £ 63.47 S&J Grounds Ltd (Jan) £ 160.00 Westwood Flower Show £ 120.00 26-Jan Chairman's Allowance £ 70.00 Total: £ 691.73

Balance at 28 January 2010: £ 4,346.43

Credits (1 March 2010) : None £ - Total: £ -

Debits (1 March 2010):

1303 01-Mar Clerk's Salary (Feb) £ 255.16 Total: £ 255.16

Balance at 1 March 2010: £ 4,091.27

Lloyds TSB A/C 7573321

Bank Statement £ 9,572.21 09-Oct-09

Credits: 10-Nov Interest £ 0.41 10-Dec Interest £ 0.39 10-Jan Interest £ 0.43 10-Feb Interest £ 0.40 Approx Total: £ 1.63 Debits: None Total: £ -

Balance at 1 March 2010: £ 9,573.84

National Savings A/C 138409348

Balance at 4 January 2010 £ 7,751.03

Credits: Interest 1/1/09 to 31/12/09: £ 21.03

Debits: £ -

Balance at 1 March 2010: £ 7,772.06

Balance in hand at 1 March 2010: £ 21,437.17

Payments to be authorised (1 March 2010).

Clerk's Salary (March 2010) £ 255.16 Clerk's Expenses (Feb 2010) £ 47.39 S&J Grounds Ltd (February) £ 160.00 St Johns CC £ 72.45 Playforce (Safety Repairs) £ 458.25 TOTAL: £ 993.25

Donations/Subscriptions to be considered (1 March 2010).

£ - TOTAL: £ -


The Clerk stated that a letter of thanks had been received from the Westwood Flower Show Committee for the donation made by the Council. b. The Council resolved unanimously to make the payments under ‘Payments to be authorised’ above.

Planning. a. The Council noted the status of the following planning applications:

10/00220/TCA 128 Upper Westwood Tree Works No TPO b. The Council agreed to send the following comments to Wiltshire Council in respect of the following planning applications:

10/00235/FUL 146A Upper Westwood Single Storey Extension No PC Objections 10/00321/FUL Avonvilla (Mad Hatter Café) Alterations No PC Objections 10/00366/TCA 7 Ancliff Square Tree Works (Remove Cherry Tree) No PC Objections 10/00461/TCA Westwood Manor Tree Works (Re-pollard 7 Willows) No PC Objections c. There were no planning applications received after 24 February 2010: d. The Parish Council noted the comments made by SPE Developments during the Public Adjournment in respect of the turbine development at North Mill, Avoncliff.

The Council resolved, by a majority, for the Clerk to write to the Environment Agency and Wiltshire Council, indicating that the Council had now been presented with conflicting evidence regarding the suitability of the proposed turbines and that the Parish Council recommended that a full environmental study is undertaken in order to establish the environmental impact (including noise and flood risk) of the turbines when the design is chosen. The Council commented that the only application extant to date was one for the extraction of water from the River Avon and that the issue regarding turbine design would not arise until a formal planning application was made to Wiltshire Council. The Clerk was requested to send copies of the letters to SPE Developments. The Clerk was asked to request Wiltshire Council to send it a copy of the planning application when it is lodged, recognising that it is Winsley Parish Council that is the ‘statutory’ body for consultation and not Westwood Parish Council.

Cemetery. a. Cllr. Bishop reported on behalf of the Cemetery sub-Committee. He stated that recent grave digging by a tracked vehicle had left the cemetery path in a poor condition (deeply ridged) and that the ‘digger’ had been driven over existing unmarked graves. The Clerk stated that he had also inspected the cemetery and concurred entirely with Cllr. Bishop. The Clerk was asked to write to CS Bowyer Ltd asking for the path to be levelled and to express disgust that such a company (or its sub-contractor) should show such disrespect for existing, and very obvious, graves and not to be more cautious about the use of a tracked vehicle when the ground is so soft. Cllr. Bishop reported that the hedge running alongside the cemetery path had become overgrown in places and needed cutting back. He agreed to speak to Mr. Cooke. b. The Clerk reported that the matter reported above related to a burial planned for 2 March 2010. He added that a Memorial Fee of £50 had also been received in respect of the late Pat Hobbs.

Footpaths. Cllr. Johnston reported that the cutting back on Path 15 had not yet been undertaken by the National Trust and that the ivy opposite the church on Path 12 was still partly obstructing the path. The Clerk stated that action had been taken on these matters.

Cllr. Howard-Evans stated that there was now a new chestnut paling fence bordering Avoncliff Lane, tight up against the road edge, that was some distance in front of an old well-established stone wall. He queried the purpose of this fence and councillors speculated that the owner of the adjoining wood was

1305 attempting to delineate a new boundary line. The Clerk was asked to write to Wiltshire Council to record this change of boundary and to seek its view as to whether such a new boundary should abut the existing road edge.

10. Westwood Update. The Clerk requested guidance from the Parish Council regarding the content for the next edition of the Westwood Update. Cllr. Biles proposed that no action be taken regarding writing a Road Safety article in view of the contentious matter that it had become. This proposal was defeated by a majority (For: 2, Against: 3, Abstentions: 3). Following further discussion, the Council resolved by a majority (For: 5, Against: 0, Abstentions: 3) that a short article be written by the Clerk and subject to approval by the Chairman that summarised the current position on introducing road safety improvements, following the representations by parishioners, and the progress that had been achieved to date. It was agreed that the length of the article should not exceed a half-page of A4.

11. Date of Parish Council Meeting.

The Council noted the date of the next Parish Council Meeting and the Annual Parish Meeting:

Ordinary Parish Council - Monday 12 April 2010 at 7.30 pm.

Annual Parish Meeting – Tuesday 13 April 2010 at 7.30 pm.

12. Any Other Business. Exchange of views on matters not requiring a decision.

The following matters were raised:

The Clerk reported that he had received the ‘Best Kept Village Competition’ application form.

Cllr. Harding asked for confirmation when the next Parish Council elections are due. The Clerk replied 2013.

Cllr. Cox reported that PCSO Vicky Huntley had informed her that a new Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator had been appointed – a Mr David Williams of Bobbin Lane. The Council welcomed this development.

There was no other business.

The meeting concluded at 10.10 pm.

Chairman 12 April 2010. Westwood Parish Council


ACTION LIST – Meeting 1 March 2010

Action 1 (1/3/10) Clerk. To make agreed payments.

Action 2 (1/3/10) Parish Councillors. To identify positions for the ‘speed check’ equipment.

Action 3 (1/3/10) Environmental Sub-Committee. To identify locations for new trees.

Action 4 (1/3/10) Cllr. Bishop To ask Mr Cooke to cut back cemetery path hedge.

Action 5 (1/3/10) Clerk. To write to Selwood Housing – new trees.

Action 6 (1/3/10) Clerk. To write to Westwood School – Shared cost of repairing Playing Field/Westwood school fence.

Action 7 (1/3/10) Clerk. To send the results of the Grit Bin survey to WC (adding locations of new ones).

Action 8 (1/3/10) Clerk. To write to EA and WC – Turbines (copies of letters to SPE).

Action 9 (1/3/10) Clerk To write to WC requesting North Mill (and turbine) planning application.

Action 10 (1/3/10) Clerk. To write to C Bowyer – Cemetery path and Graves.

Action 11 (1/3/10) Clerk. To write to WC – Avoncliff Lane (new Chestnut Paling fence).

Action 12 (1/3/10) Clerk. To write article for Westwood Update – Road Safety.


Minutes of the meeting of Westwood Parish Council held in the Parish Rooms, Westwood at 7.30 pm on Monday 12 April 2010.


Cllr. J Robertson Chairman Cllr. J Bishop Cllr. S Harding Cllr. Howard-Evans Cllr. J Johnston Mr. R Coleman Clerk

Wiltshire Council, Councillor Linda Conley attended the meeting (Part-time).

PC Martin Barrett attended the meeting (Part-time).

There were four members of the public present initially.

1. Welcome and Introductions. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Apologies. Apologies for non-attendance were received from Cllrs. T Cox, G Edwards and A Parker.

3. Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 1 March 2010. The minutes of this meeting were signed as a true and accurate record.

4. Adjournment. The Meeting adjourned for members of the public present to raise any points of interest on any matter. The meeting then re-convened.

4. Westwood Road Safety. a. The Clerk stated that the Community Area Board Manager, Elly Townsend, had confirmed that the road traffic survey involving monitoring the speed of traffic through the village using the ‘metrocount system’ had now been commissioned. The Clerk advised the Council that information leaflets on the ‘Community Speed Watch’ scheme had been received from Wiltshire Council and Parish Council members and members of the public took copies of these leaflets to read. b. The action taken by the Community Area Board was reported at (a) above. The Council noted that the Parish Council and the Neighbourhood Policing Team had been consulted in the choice of positions for the ‘metrocount’ equipment. c. The Council decided that no further action was required at this stage and that it was awaiting the results from the road traffic survey

6. Neighbourhood Policing. a. PC Barrett stated that there had been a burglary at Westwood Manor during which some tiles were stolen from a barn roof and some garden equipment had been stolen from an outbuilding. He added that there had also been a reported theft of heating oil from a property at Avoncliff. PC Barrett advised the Council that at Staverton, insecure vehicles had been entered and possessions, such as handbags and laptops, had been stolen.

b. Cllr. Howard-Evans stated that an itinerant white van was now located in Becky Addy Woods near to the goat track. PC Barrett replied that because the van was now on private land he was powerless to act. There were no other matters that needed to be brought to the attention of the Neighbourhood Policing Team.

7. Valley Parishes Alliance.

1307 The Clerk reported that the founding members of the alliance have decided that, as so much media and public attention was now being focused on the general election, they will delay a formal launch until after it is over and interest in the composition of the next government has subsided. Notwithstanding this, the Chairman proposed that Westwood Parish Council joins the Valley Parishes Alliance. A vote was taken and the Parish Council resolved, by a majority, to join the Alliance.

8. Bradford on Avon Community Area Board. a. The Clerk reported that Cllr. Biles had submitted a written report on the Area Board meeting and the Clerk summarised this report by stating that two main issues relating to Westwood were discussed. The first was that the Westwood Community Road Safety Campaign (WCRSC) Group had not been permitted to give a presentation; the second was that each Parish had been requested to undertake a ‘flooding survey’.

The Chairman adjourned the meeting at this point for the WCRSC Group to make comments on the conduct of the Area Board meeting and the accuracy of the written report from Cllr. Biles.

The Chairman reconvened the meeting. b. There were no matters that the Council wished to have raised at the Area Board meeting to be held on 17 May 2010.

9. Sub-Committees.

Sub-Committee Reports.

Environmental. a. Cllr. Harding reported the following matters:

• A parishioner had reported that rubbish had been discarded at the side of the Social Club near to the Changing Room entrance and had attributed it to the Football Club. Cllr. Bishop stated that it was not the Football Team. Cllr. Johnston added that she had received a similar report from another parishioner and when she inspected the area, the discarded rubbish appeared to be the tops of beer kegs. Cllr. Bishop agreed to speak to the Social Club Manager regarding the rubbish.

• A query had been raised regarding the need for a licence to permit drinking outside the Social Club.

• A letter had been received from Wiltshire Council addressing the need to save £1.1m this Financial Year and it was thought to be related to the Parish Steward scheme.

• The next Parish Steward visit is to be on 28 April 2010.

• There had been no response from parishioners to the request for possible locations for tree planting in the village. Cllr. Harding requested that this matter be deferred until the next meeting.

The Clerk conformed that Selwood Housing had written to the Parish Council stating that it would look again at possible tree planting schemes in the vicinity of Tynings Way and that two new trees were to be planted in October as part of the development of the two new properties at Tynings Way.

The Clerk reported that he had received correspondence from a parishioner regarding dog fouling at The Pastures. The Council acknowledged that it was a constant problem and that it could do no more than to provide reminders in the Westwood Update and to encourage witnesses to the dog fouling to make a formal report to the authorities.

The Clerk stated that Cllr. Cox had reported that the Waste Bin adjacent to the Telephone Box on the Lower Westwood Road was missing. The Council observed that this was a recurring problem.

The Clerk commented that Rev. Lowrie had responded positively to the request to cut back the ivy opposite to the Church entrance and that he had instructed Mr. Cooke to proceed with this work.

1308 Cllr. Harding agreed to contact Cllr. Biles in respect of the ‘flooding survey’ and to arrange for it to be completed and returned to Wiltshire Council.

The Chairman reported that he had received a letter from a parishioner relating to the new ‘road narrow’ road signs at Upper Westwood. Cllr. Johnston agreed to investigate this matter.

The Clerk reported that he had received correspondence from the Estate Manager, Iford Manor requesting the re-siting of the 30 mph signs at the western edge of the village. The Council noted that Wiltshire Council had refused this request on a number of previous occasions.

c. There had been no response from Wiltshire Council in relation to the new fence at Avoncliff Lane.

At the request of Wiltshire Council, Cllr. Conley, the Chairman took ‘Planning’ as the next item.


a. The Council noted the status of the following planning applications:

10/00235/FUL 146A Upper Westwood Single Storey Extension Permission

Avonvilla 10/00321/FUL Alterations Permission (Mad Hatter Café)

Tree Works 10/00366/TCA 7 Ancliff Square No TPO Remove Cherry Tree

Tree Works 10/00461/TCA Westwood Manor No TPO Re-pollard 7 x Willows.

2 Storey Extensions 10/00676/FUL 20 Hebden Road Pending Side and Rear

b. The Council agreed to send the following comments to Wiltshire Council in respect of the following planning application:

10/00892//FUL 50 Farleigh Lane Single Storey Rear Extension No Objections

c. There were no planning applications received after 5 April 2010.

Finance. a. The Clerk reported that the current financial position was as follows:

Westwood Parish Council - Financial Statement - 12 April 2010

Lloyds TSB A/C 1643417

Bank Statement £ 4,466.43 01-Mar-10

Credits (1 March 2010 to 31 March 2010) : 19/3 C Bowyer (Eaton) £ 135.00 19/3 J Long (Hobbs) £ 50.00 Total: £ 185.00

Debits (1 March 2010 to 31 March 2010): 1/3 Clerk's Salary (Feb) £ 255.16 3/3 Westwood Flower Show Donation £ 120.00

1309 1/3 Clerk's Expenses (Feb) £ 47.39 11/3 S&J Grounds Ltd (Feb) £ 160.00 16/3 St Johns CC £ 72.45 5/3 Playforce £ 458.25 Total: £ 1,113.25

Balance at 31 March 2010: £ 3,538.18

Credits (1 April 2010 TO 12 April 2010) : None £ - Total: £ -

Debits (1 April 2010 to 12 April 2010): 01- Apr Clerk's Salary (March) £ 255.16 Total: £ 255.16

Balance at 12 April 2010: £ 3,283.02

Lloyds TSB A/C 7573321

Bank Statement £ 9,573.44 11-Jan-10

Credits: 9/2 Interest £ 0.38 9/3 Interest £ 0.37 9/4 Interest £ 0.35 (Approx) Total: £ 1.10 Debits: None Total: £ -

Balance at 12 April 2010: £ 9,574.54

National Savings A/C 138409348

Balance at 4 January 2010 £ 7,751.03

Credits: Interest 1/1/09 to 31/12/09: £ 21.03

Debits: £ -

Balance at 12 April 2010: £ 7,772.06

Balance in hand at 12 April 2010: £ 20,629.62

Payments to be authorised (12 April 2010).

Clerk's Salary (April 2010) £ 258.46 Clerk's Expenses (March 2010) £ 32.93 Clerk Back Pay (1/4/09 to 31/3/10) £ 38.86 S&J Grounds Ltd (March) £ 160.00 D Badder (Nursery School Wall) £ 4,900.00 TOTAL: £ 5,390.25

1310 Donations/Subscriptions to be considered (1/3/10) £ - TOTAL: £ -

The Clerk stated that he had recently received a cheque from Westwood Football Club for £150 in respect of Playing Field hirings. The Clerk advised the Council that in addition to the payments to be made (shown above) the following requests had been received:

• Mr Cooke had submitted an invoice for £234.79 for work undertaken in March. • An invoice for £144 had been received for the hire of the Westwood Parish Room for Parish Council meetings. • A request for a donation of £120 had been received from the Westwood Flower Show Committee for the Westwood Garden Competition prizes.

b. The Council resolved unanimously to make the payments under ‘Payments to be authorised’ above and to make the payments to Mr. Cooke, Westwood Parish Room and to the Westwood Flower Show Committee.

The Clerk concluded his report by stating that he had completed the Westwood Parish Council Accounts for FY2009/2010 and that everything was in order.

Cemetery. Cllr. Bishop reported that the cemetery appeared in good order, although it could benefit from grass cutting in the near future. He added that one or two graves on the north bank of the cemetery, near to West View Farm, needed to be inspected more regularly because of the nature of the ground at that location.

Footpaths. Cllr. Johnston reported that the cutting back on Path 15 had not yet been undertaken by the National Trust and that the barbed wire fence was still presenting a danger. The Clerk replied that he had had difficulty contacting the individual from the National Trust following the site visit last October but would continue to pursue this matter. Cllr. Johnston reported that all other paths appeared to be in good order.

Open Spaces. a. Cllr. Edwards provided a written report to the Clerk – a copy of this report is shown below (in italics):

Open Spaces Update. April 12th 2010


The repair to the sloping climbing board in the play area has been repaired.

The outstanding maintenance and repair list update: 1. The fencing around the playground – missing slats: completed 2. The gate defective catch: has now fallen off! 3. The path by the gate – depression making a puddle: still to rectify 4. Graffiti both inside and outside the main play structure: no action taken yet 5. Water puddles on both platforms either side of the rope bridge: no discernable maintenance work carried out yet 6. Most of the ironwork needs painting 7. Missing text on the gate’s notice -excluding dogs?


1. Bench seat at the Upper Westwood end of the path two slats missing: completed 2. The other bench needs at least on slat to be replaced due to the end rotting –NB two slats now loose 3. Owing to lack of weather protection maintenance the bench seat remains wet

1311 4. The sign by the bus turning circle is in a very poor state and has some graffiti: still to rectify 5. There is some rubbish by the air shaft which are now visible as the bushes have no leaves: been removed 6. Similarly there is rubbish by some dead gorse bushes including steel post and concrete lintel: has been removed

Playing field

1. Children may try to push over the leaning walls and there is a bench that is unusable (in the same area

Suggestions: Park

I spoke to two groups of boys in the park and asked them whether they were happy with the park as it is at present. They suggested a drinking fountain and improvements to the playground which they feel is too small.

1. There is only one swing for toddlers 2. There used to be more swings for older children and these were removed they would like them re- installed 3. The existing play equipment caters for young children they would like: a bigger roundabout a larger slide - tunnel type? a more challenging climbing frame “monkey bars”

The Council noted this report.

Cllr. Bishop agreed to make arrangements for the removal of the wall and bench at the Playing Field and to request Mr. Cooke to clean and to put a protective finish on the Bench Seats in Westwood Park. The Clerk was asked to replace the sign on the gate at the Park. The Council decided that the current finances did not permit any further enhancement of the Platy Area facilities at Westwood Park.

Cllr. Howard-Evans reported that horses were now being ridden regularly through the Park despite warning notices to the contrary. The Clerk was asked to place an appropriate notice in the Westwood Update. Cllr. Johnston repeated her request for a Litter Bin to be placed at the Playing Field.

Cllr. Bishop reported that the Playing Field had now been ‘rolled’. He added that Westwood United Football Club was keen to maintain the Playing Field to a good standard and had been keen to become involved in its maintenance. He stated that they are also keen to clear the ditches at the ends of the Playing Field – although councillors observed that they might be wildlife habitats there that may need some protection. Cllr. Bishop commented that it was evident that rubbish – possibly from neighbouring gardens – had been deposited in the ditches.

The Clerk reported that a parishioner had enquired whether the football pitch could be used for a weekday ‘knockabout’ by a group of keen footballers. Cllr. Bishop explained that difficulties in leaving goalpost and nets up during the week and the possibility of damage to the goalmouth areas if they are used excessively. He agreed to contact the parishioner and to discuss how his request could be accommodated.

b. The inspection/maintenance reports for the Play Equipment (March) were reported in the report from Cllr. Edwards.

c. The Clerk stated that the Headteacher, Westwood Primary School, had accepted the offer from the Parish Council to ‘own’ a small plot of land in Westwood Park and to develop it as a ‘project’ for the pupils. The Council resolved to ask Mr. Cooke to clear that plot of land to allow the children to begin their planting scheme. It was agreed that up to a day’s work might be required to clear this area.

The Clerk stated that no reply had been received in respect of the boundary fence.

1312 10. Date of Parish Council Meeting.

The Council noted the date of the next Parish Council Meetings and the Annual Parish Meeting:

Annual Parish Council - Monday 10 May 2010 at 7.30 pm. Ordinary Parish Council - Monday 10 May 2010 at 8.00 pm.

Annual Parish Meeting – Tuesday 13 April 2010 at 7.30 pm.

12. Any Other Business. Exchange of views on matters not requiring a decision.

The following matters were raised:

Cllr. Howard –Evans (and other councillors): The ‘temporary’ Westwood Village Stores signs appended to the road signs were an eyesore and although the Council had been sympathetic to their installation following the takeover of the shop, the Council considered that it was now time to install ‘proper’ signs. The Clerk was asked to speak to Mr Parsons.

Clerk: The Clerk reported that a letter from a parishioner had commented on the misuse of the goalposts and nets by children and on the rubbish left by, it was alleged, the football teams. The Clerk was asked to reply thanking the parishioner for his observations and that appropriate action had now been taken. The Council also noted that the rubbish had not been discarded by the football teams.

Cllr. Johnston: Cllr. Johnston stated that she was pleased to note that the hedge at Leslie Rise had been cut and that others within the parish had also benefited from cutting in a manner that was sympathetic to the environment.

Cllr. Bishop, on behalf of the Council, thanked the Chairman for his contribution to the Parish Council as a councillor and, latterly, as Chairman and wished him well for the future. The Clerk echoed these sentiments.

There was no other business.

The meeting concluded at 9.25 pm.

Chairman 10 May 2010. Westwood Parish Council


ACTION LIST – Meeting 12 April 2010

Action 1 (12/4/10) Clerk. To make agreed payments.

Action 2 (12/4/10) Clerk. To write to Wiltshire Council – Planning application.

Action 3 (12/4/10) Cllr. Bishop To speak to the Manager of the Social Club re. rubbish.

Action 4 (12/4/10) Cllr. Bishop To ask Mr Cooke to clean/protect the Bench Seats in the Park.

Action 5 (12/4/10) Clerk. To write article for the Westwood Update – Dog Fouling/Horses in the Park.

Action 6 (12/4/10) Cllr. Bishop. To arrange for removal of wall and seat (Playing Field).

Action 7 (12/4/10) Clerk. To speak to Mr Parsons (Westwood Stores) – ‘Temporary signs’.

Action 8 (12/4/10) Cllr. Bishop. To speak to parishioner – use of Football Pitch.

Action 9 (12/4/10) Clerk To write a reply to parishioner – Goalposts/nets and rubbish.

Action 10 (12/4/10) Cllr. Johnston To investigate ‘road narrow’ signs at Upper Westwood.

Action 11 (12/4/10) Clerk To replace the Westwood Park Play Area sign.


Minutes of the meeting of Westwood Parish Council held in the Parish Rooms, Westwood at 7.30 pm on Monday 10 May 2010.


Cllr. A Parker Chairman Cllr. T Biles Cllr. J Bishop Cllr. G Edwards Cllr. S Harding Cllr. Howard-Evans Cllr. J Johnston

Mr. R Coleman Clerk

PC Martin Barrett attended the meeting (Part-time).

There were four members of the public present initially. Two remained throughout the meeting.

1. Welcome and Introductions. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Apologies. There were no apologies received.

3. Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 12 April 2010. The minutes of this meeting were signed as a true and accurate record.

4. Adjournment. The Meeting adjourned for members of the public present to raise any points of interest on any matter. The meeting then re-convened.

5. Westwood Road Safety. a. The Clerk reported that he had received correspondence relating to the Metrocount Traffic Survey. b. The Clerk stated that the Metrocount results from the Traffic Survey at Upper Westwood and Lower Westwood had now been published and that these had been sent to all councillors. The Council noted that results had not met the criteria for either site to be a ‘Community Speed Watch’ area. c. The Council discussed the results of the Metrocount Traffic Survey and requested the Clerk to write to Wiltshire Council/Safety Partnership to obtain more detailed information that would be available from the survey, such as number and speed of vehicles versus time of day, maximum speeds. Councillors argued that the summary statistics could be masking a problem that a more detailed analysis of the data might reveal. The Clerk stated that he would also invite Wiltshire Council to comment on other safety measures that could be introduced in Westwood to improve pedestrian safety in the absence of a Community Speed Watch programme. Cllr. Biles stated that more information as to how the 20 mph trial in six areas in Wiltshire is to be conducted should be sought and Wiltshire Council pressed to include Westwood as one of the trial areas.

6. Neighbourhood Policing. a. PC Barrett stated that there was nothing significant to report. He noted the concern of councillors that one or two motorists habitually chose to ignore the speed limit in the village and to drive at excessive

1319 speed. PC Barrett stated that if councillors or other members of the public had specific intelligence relating to these incidents then they are to inform him so that he could take appropriate action.

PC Barrett commented that a person has recently been arrested who it is believed was responsible for some eighty offences – many of them thefts/burglaries in the area.

7. Westwood Annual Parish Meeting held on 13 April 2010. a. The Clerk reported that there were no resolutions passed at the Annual Parish Meeting. b. The Council discussed at length whether opportunities presently exist for the Parish Council to engage with the community and vice versa to enable the Council to understand the concerns of the local community or whether improvements are necessary. The Council observed that the public are invited to attend the monthly Parish Council meetings and are given the opportunity to speak, the names and contact details of councillors are on the Noticeboard and on the website and all councillors live locally and can be approached directly. Cllr. Johnston stated that the abysmal attendance of the public at the Annual Parish meeting – a meeting especially convened to listen to community concerns – indicates the very real difficulty of engaging with the public. Cllr. Biles added that, generally speaking, the public are satisfied to let the Parish Council deal with matters it considers important but if there is a controversial matter, the public do turn up in large numbers. Cllr. Harding stated that he felt that there was not a problem and the present system was adequate. Cllr. Howard Evans suggested that hand-painted Noticeboards placed at strategic points in the village advertising key events could prove successful and he cited those at Freshford as an example of this practice. c. Cllr. Johnston stated that the Westwood Update sponsored by the Parish Council was an effective means of communicating with the public and could be used to better effect. She argued that Parish Council successes, such as those contained in the Chairman’s Report at the Annual Parish Meeting, could be included. The Chairman stated that a generically worded questionnaire could be included in the Update inviting members of the public to let the Council know what community issues concern them or how they would wish to see Westwood and Avoncliff develop in the future. The Council decided that such a questionnaire be included in the Westwood Update and Mr Christopher Humphries – who had raised this topic during the Public Adjournment – was invited to prepare a draft questionnaire and to send it to the Clerk.

8. Bradford on Avon Community Area Board. a. There were no matters that the Council wished to have raised at the Area Board meeting to be held on 17 May 2010.

9. Wiltshire Council - Gypsy and Traveller Issues and General Approach Consultation. The Council decided that it had no comments to make on this consultation document.

10. Sub-Committees.

Finance. a. The Clerk reported that the current financial position was as follows:

Westwood Parish Council - Financial Statement - 10 May 2010

Lloyds TSB A/C 1643417

Bank Statement £ 3,538.18 01-Apr-10

Credits (1 April 2010 to 30 April 2010) : 13-Apr Transfer from A/C 7573321 £ 4,000.00 21-Apr FY2010/2011 Precept (Part) £ 5,250.00 Total: £ 9,250.00

Debits (1 April 2010 to 30 April 2010):

1320 01-Apr Clerk's Salary (March) £ 255.16 12-Apr Clerk's Expenses (March) £ 32.93 12-Apr Clerk's Back Pay (1/4/09 to 31/3/10) £ 38.86 12-Apr S&J Grounds Ltd (March) £ 160.00 12-Apr D W Badder £ 4,900.00 12-Apr V Cooke (March) £ 234.79 12-Apr Parish Room Hire (FY2009/10) £ 144.00 Westwood Garden Competition 12-Apr (Donation) £ 120.00 Total: £ 5,885.74

Balance at 30 April 2010: £ 6,902.44

Credits (1 May 2010 TO 10 May 2010) : None £ - Total: £ -

Debits (1 May 2010 to 10 May 2010): 01-May Clerk's Salary (April) £ 258.46 Total: £ 258.46

Balance at 10 May 2010: £ 6,643.98

Lloyds TSB A/C 7573321

Bank Statement £ 9,573.44 11-Jan-10

Credits: 09-Feb Interest £ 0.38 09-Mar Interest £ 0.37 09-Apr Interest £ 0.35 09-May Interest £ 0.40 Total: £ 1.50 Debits: 13-Apr Transfer to A/C 1643417 £ 4,000.00 Total: £ 4,000.00

Balance at 10 May 2010: £ 5,574.94

National Savings A/C 138409348

Balance at 4 January 2010 £ 7,751.03

Credits: Interest 1/1/09 to 31/12/09: £ 21.03

Debits: £ -

Balance at 10 May 2010: £ 7,772.06

Total Balance in hand at 10 May 2010: £ 19,990.98

Payments to be authorised (10 May 2010).

1321 Clerk's Salary (May 2010) £ 258.46 Clerk's Expenses (April 2010) £ 36.21 XYZ Web Ltd £ 120.00 St Johns CC (Newsletter) £ 67.77 Aon (Allianz) Insurance £ 1,026.59 Chairman Allowance (Refreshments) £ 40.00 S&J Grounds Ltd (April) £ 166.00 Internal Auditor (J Taylor) £ 100.00 TOTAL: £ 1,815.03

Donations/Subscriptions to be considered - 10 May 2010 WALC £ 355.23 TOTAL: £ 355.23

b. The Council resolved unanimously to make the payments under ‘Payments to be authorised’ above and to make the payments to Mr. Cooke - £247.25. The Council resolved not to join the Wiltshire Association of Local Councils (WALC).


a. The Council noted the status of the following planning applications:

2 Storey Extensions 10/00676/FUL 20 Hebden Road Permission Side and Rear

10/00892//FUL 50 Farleigh Lane Single Storey Rear Extension No PC Objections

b. The Council noted the following planning application and agreed that the comments to be sent to Wiltshire Council are as shown:

Demolish Old Conservatory. W/10/01244/FUL 1 Friary Close No PC Objections Erect New Conservatory.

W/10/01217/FUL 52 The Pastures Erection of Play House. No PC Objections

c. The following planning application was received after 4 May 2010.

W/10/01252/FUL 54 The Pasture Extension See below

The Council nominated the Planning Sub-Committee to investigate this planning application and to send comments to Wiltshire Council on behalf of the Parish Council.

d. There were no other planning matters.

Cemetery. Cllr. Bishop reported on behalf of the Cemetery sub-Committee and stated that everything appears in good order, although the grass does require cutting.

Footpaths. Cllr. Johnston reported on behalf of the Footpath sub-Committee and stated that in respect of the Rights of Way:

1322 WW008/WW0032 A Footpath sign is required to indicate Path WW0008 on the north side of the Jones’ Hill road.

WW0011 The path behind the house in Bobbin Lane leading into Westwood Park has been cleared. WW0015 The path is still partly obstructed. The Clerk stated that he had spoken to the National Trust about this path and Keith Stigell, a National Trust Warden, who, coincidentally lives in Westwood stated that he would investigate this matter and the nearby barbed wire fence and would report back to the Clerk.

Open Spaces. a. Cllr. Edwards reported on behalf of the Open Spaces sub-Committee:

1. There is a defective catch of the Play Area gate but the gate is sprung and is closing properly. 2. There is graffiti on the Play equipment. 3. There are water puddles on the platforms of the Arctic Tower Play Equipment. 4. A Junior Swing appears to be missing. 5. One Bench in Westwood Park requires a new slat (one is missing). 6. One bench in Westwood Park has two slats loose.

The Council asked the Clerk to contact Playforce for a quotation in respect of addressing 2 and 3 above. Cllr. Bishop agreed to contact Mr Cooke in respect of 6 and 7 above.

The Clerk stated that he would investigate 4 above, although it was possible that there has only ever been two swings whilst the Junior Swings have been located in the Park.

Cllr. Johnston observed that a cherry tree, the one nearest to the Play Area, appeared to be dying.

Cllr. Johnston added that the hedge at the northern end of Westwood Park, between the lay-by and the Park, near to the telephone box needed cutting back. Cllr. Bishop stated that he would ask Mr Cooke to do it. b. No matters additional to those above were reported in respect of the inspection of the Play Equipment (April). c. The Council noted, with thanks, the letter from the children at the Nursery School regarding their ‘extra’ play area.

Environmental. a. Cllr. Harding reported on behalf of the Environmental sub-Committee. He stated that beer caps/barrel caps still adorn the path alongside the Social Club. Cllr. Bishop stated that he would speak to the Manager of the Club. Meanwhile, Cllr. Johnston offered to clear them up. Cllr. Harding stated that he had had no response from members of the public regarding the planting of additional trees in the village. It was agreed to place an article in the Westwood Update seeking views about the need for, and possible location of, additional trees in the village. b. The Clerk stated that he had received a reply from Wiltshire Council in respect of the Avoncliff Lane fencing. Wiltshire Council had stated that the chestnut paling fence follows the line of the old wall and does not infringe the highway. Therefore, Wiltshire Council will not take any action.

11. Valley Parishes Alliance. The Council noted that a Constitution had been published. The Chairman stated that he supported this Alliance and would be pleased to attend the occasional meeting, assuming (unlike the one this evening), that it does not clash with a Westwood Parish Council meeting. The Clerk was asked to obtain a copy of the agreed Constitution and a copy of the programme of meetings for 2010.

12. Date of Parish Council Meeting.

The Council noted the date of the next Parish Council Meeting:


Ordinary Parish Council - Monday 7 June 2010 at 7.30 pm.

13. Any Other Business. Exchange of views on matters not requiring a decision.

The following matters were raised:

The garish nature of the ‘Costcutter’ signs was raised and whether it was now time to take action. The Clerk responded stating that he had spoken to Ray Parsons, the Manager of Westwood Stores, and had been told that the signs were temporary pending ‘proper’ brown signs being provided by Wiltshire Council. The Council decided to review the matter at the next meeting.

Cllr. Edwards stated that there were very large potholes on Staples Hill.

The Clerk stated that he had heard nothing yet from Wiltshire Council regarding the action to take following the resignation of Cllr. Robertson.

The Clerk stated that owing to annual leave he would be unable to deal with correspondence or planning applications in August. Cllr. Bishop stated that Wiltshire Council should be instructed to send planning applications to him during that period. The Clerk invited the Council to hold the September Parish Council meeting on 13 September and not 6 September as originally planned. The Council agreed to this request.

There was no other business.

The meeting concluded at 10.15 pm.

Chairman 7 June 2010. Westwood Parish Council


ACTION LIST – Meeting 10 May 2010

Action 1 (10/5/10) Clerk. To make agreed payments.

Action 2 (10/5/10) Clerk. To write to Wiltshire Council – Planning applications.

Action 3 (10/5/10) Cllr. Bishop To speak to the Manager of the Social Club re. rubbish.

Action 4 (10/5/10) Cllr. Bishop To ask Mr Cooke to mend/clean/protect the Bench Seats in the Park.

Action 5 (10/5/10) Clerk. To write article for the Westwood Update – PC ‘successes’/Questionnaire/Tree Planting.

Action 6 (10/5/10) Clerk. To write to WC - More information (Metrocount) and other Safety Improvements.

Action 7 (10/5/10) Clerk. To speak to Playforce – Graffiti/Water (Arctic Tower) and ‘Missing’ Junior Swing.

Action 8 (10/5/10) Cllr. Bishop. To speak to Val Cooke – Cut Hedge (Westwood Park/Lay-by – near telephone box).

Action 9 (10/5/10) Clerk To speak to Valley Alliance – Constitution/Programme of meetings.


Minutes of the meeting of Westwood Parish Council held in the Parish Rooms, Westwood at 7.30 pm on Monday 7 June 2010.


Cllr. A Parker Chairman Cllr. T Biles Cllr. T Cox Cllr. G Edwards Cllr. R Howard-Evans Cllr. J Johnston

Mr. R Coleman Clerk

Cllr Tonge (Wiltshire Council Cabinet member for Highways and Transport) and David Bullock (Wiltshire Council Highways Improvement Manager) attended the meeting, leaving after Agenda item 7a.

PC Martin Barrett attended the meeting (Part-time).

There were four members of the public present initially.

Clerk’s Note. The Chairman adjourned and reconvened the meeting on a number of occasions to ensure that the public had an opportunity to express their views in relation to the Westwood Road Safety matters. The Chairman took some Agenda items out of sequence but they are recorded here to accord with the Agenda.

1. Welcome and Introductions. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Apologies. Apologies for non-attendance were received from Cllr. J Bishop and Cllr. S Harding and from Wiltshire Councillor L Conley.

3. Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 10 May 2010. The minutes of this meeting were signed as a true and accurate record.

4. Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 10 May 2010. The minutes of this meeting were signed as a true and accurate record.

5. Minutes of the Parish Council Planning Meeting held on 24 May 2010. The minutes of this meeting were signed as a true and accurate record.

6. Adjournment. The Meeting adjourned for members of the public present to raise any points of interest on any matter. The meeting then re-convened.

7. Westwood Road Safety.

a. The Village 20 mph Trial Initiative. The Chairman invited Cllr Tonge (Wiltshire Council Cabinet member for Highways and Transport) and David Bullock (Wiltshire Council Highways Improvement Manager) to give a short presentation on the 20 mph trial initiative. DRAFT – UNAPPROVED MINUTES


Cllr. Tonge commenced his presentation by explaining the current organisation and priorities of Wiltshire Council Highways Department. He stated that Wiltshire Council intends to run six pilot schemes in the County in order to trial a 20 mph speed limit. He commented that such trials would be designed to examine the effectiveness of a lower speed limit in areas with very different characteristics so that key features of the trials can be ’read across’ to other areas that were not included in the trial. He added that it was essential to measure the traffic before and after the trial had taken place and to analyse the results carefully to judge the effectiveness of the trial and the effectiveness of the associated safety measures that would accompany the 20 mph trial. A strategy for the wider introduction of a 20 mph speed limit across Wiltshire could then be developed and implemented. Cllr. Tonge stated that Limpley Stoke and Westwood were being considered as ‘trial sites’.

Cllr. Tonge stressed that Wiltshire Council were very keen to work with the locally elected representatives such as the Parish Council and not to be unduly influenced by individual pressure groups. He was intending to invite the Parish Council to establish a Working Group, comprising councillors and other members of the public, to join with Wiltshire Council in order to develop the proposed 20 mph scheme for Westwood.

Mr Bullock explained that there exists some confusion in the public’s mind between a 20 mph speed limit and a 20 mph zone. He stated that Wiltshire Council was intending to trial the former, whereas a 20 mph zone would involve substantial road works, such as speed humps, barriers and other measures. He added that Wiltshire Council did not have the funds to support a 20 mph zone and the introduction of a 20 mph speed limit and the additional signage/road markings that accompany it may prove just as effective as a 20 mph zone. Mr Bullock explained in detail the process for the introduction of a 20 mph speed limit. He commented that there was a need to examine traffic flows locally, road geometries and road usage in order to develop a scheme suited to the local environment and he would welcome the involvement of the local community in deciding the best solution for their village. He added that the setting up of a Working Group was an essential element of this 20 mph trial initiative and he would be writing soon to the Parish Council inviting it to participate in the 20 mph speed limit trial. He commented that it was important to ensure that the trial was well planned and that it had the support of the local community. He anticipated the trial taking place over an eighteen month period.

The Chairman expressed the view of the Parish Council that there are a number of potential safety hazards in the village and that only some of them, and perhaps not necessarily the most important ones, would be addressed by a reduced speed limit. He added that the Parish Council was keen that a full safety survey takes place in order to identify the safety risks and for Wiltshire Council to propose measures to mitigate those risks; one such measure may be a reduced speed limit, although other measures may be more appropriate. Mr Bullock replied stating that a 20 mph is a starting point and its implementation may result in other safety risks disappearing.

In answer to a question from the Council, Cllr. Tonge stated that funding for any highway scheme is becoming increasingly tight. He suggested that the Parish Council writes to the Community Area Board to seek a grant towards the cost of the proposed trial and to consider any other safety measures in the village for which grant aid may be available.

The Chairman adjourned the meeting for members of the public present to raise any points of interest on this subject. The Chairman then re-convened the meeting.

The Chairman emphasized that it was essential that any safety scheme was the correct one for Westwood and he welcomed the opportunity for the Parish Council and the local community to be directly involved in designing an appropriate scheme.

The Chairman thanked Cllr. Tonge and Mr Bullock for attending the meeting and for giving their presentations.

Cllr. Tonge and Mr Bullock left the meeting.


DRAFT – UNAPPROVED MINUTES 1329 b. The Clerk stated that no new correspondence had been sent or received, except that relating to the attendance of Cllr. Tonge and Mr Bullock at the Parish Council meeting and a report from Cllr. Harding on the Area Board meeting – all of which had been sent to councillors. c. The Parish Council resolved to establish a Road Safety Working Group along the lines proposed by Wiltshire Council. The Council decided to await the formal invitation from Wiltshire Council for Westwood to become a 20 mph trial site before deciding on its membership.

8. Neighbourhood Policing. a. PC Barrett stated that there was nothing to report and that no problems had been reported in Westwood. b. There were no significant matters that needed to be brought to the attention of the Neighbourhood Policing Team.

Westwood Update Questionnaire. The Council resolved to adopt the Community Engagement Questionnaire (attached to these minutes) and to ensure that it is delivered with the August/September edition of the Westwood Update. Cllrs. Johnston and Biles agreed to collate the replies and to present an analysis of the results.

9. Bradford on Avon Community Area Board. a. Cllr. Biles tabled the following written report (in italics), a copy of which was handed to each councillor.

AREA BOARD MEETING WEDNESDAY 19THMAY Three Councillors attended the meeting to whit Allan Parker, Steve Harding and myself (Terry Biles), our main interest being the current discussions about a 20MPH speed limit. Allan asked why we could not have a break down of the results from the traffic survey recently undertaken in the Village i.e. when we received the results of the study we were advised that a detailed breakdown of the data obtained was not available. Allan advised that he had been the Technical Director of the company which had developed the system and he knew from experience that the data was available. David Bullock (Wiltshire Council Highways Improvement Manager) stated that the information was available and that there was no reason why we should not have it. We will have to apply again.

Steve advised the Committee that, contrary to what had been stated on local radio, Westwood Parish Council was not, at this point in time, supporting the introduction of a 20mph speed limit in the Village. We were in fact awaiting the results of a study by the Wiltshire Council traffic experts on what options were open to the village one of which could be a reduced speed limit.

As Cllr Tonge (Wiltshire Council Cabinet member for Highways and Transport) with David Bullock will be addressing the Council this evening I do not propose to report any further on this item.

A Brief on the various actions arising from the 'Board' meetings to date is attached.

As a result of a 'moan' from the floor it has been decided that in future a small sub- committee will examine all requests for 'grants', before they are considered by the full committee. This new body will recommend whether or not grants should be approved/seek additional information - I volunteered.

The ‘Brief’ referred to above was a separate document handed out at the Parish Council meeting. b. The Council resolved that the Clerk is to write to the Community Area Board requesting a grant towards the Westwood Road safety measures with particular reference to the 20 mph speed limit trial.



10. Sub-Committees.

Planning. a. The Council noted the status of the following planning applications:

W/10/00892//FUL 50 Farleigh Lane Single Storey Rear Extension No PC Objections

W/10/01244/FUL 1 Friary Close Demolish Old Conservatory. No PC Objections. Erect New Conservatory.

W/10/01217/FUL 52 The Pastures Erection of Play House. No PC Objections

W/10/01368/FUL The Old Baptist Chapel Change of Use PC Objections (to single bedroom residential unit) Revised Plans (received 27/5/10) – SEE BELOW

W/10/01252/FUL 54 The Pastures Extension PC Objections b. To Council examined the following planning applications and agreed to send comments to Wiltshire Council as shown:

W/10/01368/FUL The Old Baptist Chapel Change of Use PC Objections (Revised Plans)

W/10/01439/FUL Land adjoining 25 Iford Fields Timber Stable Building No PC Objections c. There were no planning applications received after 1 June 2010. d. There were no other planning matters raised.

Finance. a. The Clerk reported that the current financial position was as follows:

Westwood Parish Council - Financial Statement - 7 June 2010

Lloyds TSB A/C 1643417

Bank Statement £ 3,538.18 01-Apr-10

Credits (1 April 2010 to 30 April 2010) : 13-Apr Transfer from A/C 7573321 £ 4,000.00 16-Apr Westwood United FC £ 150.00 21-Apr FY2010/2011 Precept (Part) £ 5,250.00 Total: £ 9,400.00

Debits (1 April 2010 to 30 April 2010): 01-Apr Clerk's Salary (March) £ 255.16 12-Apr Clerk's Expenses (March) £ 32.93 12-Apr Clerk's Back Pay (1/4/09 to 31/3/10) £ 38.86 12-Apr S&J Grounds Ltd (March) £ 160.00 12-Apr D W Badder £ 4,900.00 12-Apr Parish Room Hire (FY2009/10) £ 144.00 Total: £ 5,530.95 DRAFT – UNAPPROVED MINUTES


Balance at 30 April 2010: £ 7,407.23

Credits (1 May 2010 TO 31 May 2010) : 17-May HMCE - VAT Refund £ 108.80 19-May Cemetery Grant £ 1,038.00 Total: £ 1,146.80

Debits (1 May 2010 to 31 May 2010): 01-May Clerk's Salary (April) £ 258.46 Westwood Garden Competition (Donation) £ 120.00 V Cooke (March) - Late Presented Cheque £ 234.79 10-May Aon Allianz Insurance £ 1,206.59 10-May Clerk's Expenses (April) £ 36.21 10-May XYZ Website Maintenance £ 120.00 10-May St Johns CC 9 April/May) £ 67.77 10-May S&J Grounds Ltd (April) £ 162.00 10-May Chairman's Allowance £ 40.00 10-May NH Watch Signs £ 75.00 10-May V Cooke (April) £ 247.25 10-May J Taylor (Audit) £ 100.00 Total: £ 2,668.07

Balance at 31 May 2010: £ 5,885.96

Credits (1 June 2010 to 7 June 2010) : Westwood United FC £ 30.00 Total: £ 30.00

Debits (1 June 2010 to 7 June 2010) : 01-Jun Clerk's salary (May0 £ 258.46 Total: £ 258.46

Balance at 7 June 2010: £ 5,657.50

Lloyds TSB A/C 7573321

Bank Statement £ 5,574.60 13-Apr-10

Credits: 09-May Interest £ 0.40 Total: £ 0.40 Debits: None £ - Total: £ -

Balance at 7 June 2010: £ 5,575.00

National Savings A/C 138409348

Balance at 4 January 2010 £ 7,751.03


DRAFT – UNAPPROVED MINUTES 1332 Credits: Interest 1/1/09 to 31/12/09: £ 21.03

Debits: £ -

Balance at 7 June 2010: £ 7,772.06

Total Balance in hand at 7 June 2010: £ 19,004.56

Payments to be authorised (7 June 2010).

Clerk's Salary (June 2010) £ 258.46 Clerk's Expenses (May 2010) £ 63.65 S&J Grounds Ltd (May) £ 170.00 V Cooke (May) £ 198.00 TOTAL: £ 690.11

Donations/Subscriptions to be considered - 7 June 2010 None £ - TOTAL: £ - b. The Council resolved unanimously to make the payments shown under ‘Payments to be authorised’ above.

Cemetery. Cllr. Parker, on behalf of the Cemetery sub-Committee stated that everything appeared in good order.

Footpaths. Cllr. Johnston reported on behalf of the Footpath sub-Committee. She stated that Path 16 between The Pastures and Upper Westwood needed clearing because of the presence of ground elder. The Council resolved that Mr Cooke be asked to clear this path. Cllr. Parker commented that Path 14 was in a poor state and needed clearing and Cllr. Cox stated that the bridleway (Path 20) was suffering from erosion making it difficult to use. The Council agreed to advise the Footpath Warden and to request that action be taken in respect of Paths 14 and 20.

Open Spaces. a. Cllr. Edwards reported on behalf of the Open Spaces sub-Committee. He stated that the matters reported at the last Council meeting in respect of the Play Area remain the same. The Clerk commented that he had contacted Playforce to request a quotation for undertaking the remedial work but had had no reply. He added that he would ‘chase up’ Playforce. Cllr. Edwards added that both benches in Westwood Park had been mended, the sign by the Turning Circle was in a poor state and that some fly-tipping of soil had taken place next to an air-shaft. b. Cllr. Edwards confirmed that the Play Equipment appeared to be in good order. c. The Clerk read out the letter from the Nursery School thanking the Council for mending the Nursery School wall and for allowing the Nursery School garden to be extended.

Environmental. On behalf of the Environmental sub-Committee, Cllr. Cox stated that the Litter Bin near to the Telephone Box at Lower Westwood was still missing. The Clerk stated that he had informed Wiltshire Council some time ago but would contact them again and request a replacement.

Cllr. Biles commented that he had been informed that weed-spraying had been undertaken throughout the village but had seen little evidence so far of its effectiveness. DRAFT – UNAPPROVED MINUTES


There were no proposals to plant new trees in the village.

11. Valley Parishes Alliance. The Clerk stated that all the parishes along the Limpley Stoke valley had now joined the Valley Parish Alliance. Cllr. Edwards stated that he would attend the meeting to be held at 2pm on 8 June at Freshford Village Hall.

12. Standing Orders/Risk Register. The Council approved the change to the Standing Order on Contracts and the change to the Risk Register. The documents have been reissued bearing the date of 7 June 2010.

13. Date of Parish Council Meeting.

The Council noted the date of the next Parish Council Meeting:

Ordinary Parish Council - Monday 5 July 2010 at 7.30 pm.

14. Any Other Business. Exchange of views on matters not requiring a decision.

The Chairman proposed that the previous Chairman be ‘dined out’ in recognition of his time as both a councillor and, latterly, as Chairman and to thank him for his work. The Chairman and the Clerk were requested to make enquiries.

The Chairman stated that he had attended the NPT Tasking Group meeting and the following matters were raised:

• Whitehill, Bradford on Avon – Access only! • Speeding at Holt. • Anti-social behaviour at Bradford on Avon (Golf balls being hit indiscriminately into residential area) • Lorries ignoring the Weight Limit at the Bradford on Avon Town Bridge. • The Cross Guns, Avoncliff – Anti-social behaviour greatly reduced. • Neighbourhood Watch re-established. It was suggested that the local Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator be invited to give a report, say quarterly, to the Parish Council.

The Clerk reported that Mazars had completed their External Audit of the Annual Return and that everything was satisfactory – although official notification will not be received until the autumn.

The Clerk drew the attention of the Parish Council to ‘Bike Week’ and the Wiltshire Council correspondence on ‘Street naming’.

There was no other business.

The meeting concluded at 9.40 pm.

Chairman 5 July 2010. DRAFT – UNAPPROVED MINUTES

DRAFT – UNAPPROVED MINUTES 1334 Westwood Parish Council



ACTION LIST – Meeting 7 June 2010

Action 1 (7/6/10) Clerk. To make agreed payments.

Action 2 (7/6/10) Clerk. To write to Wiltshire Council – Planning applications.

Action 3 (7/6/10) Clerk To write to Area board – Grant for 20 mph/Safety schemes.

Action 4 (7/6/10) Clerk To ask Mr Cooke to clear Path 16.

Action 5 (7/6/10) Clerk. To contact Footpath Warden – clear/repair Paths 14 and 20 resp.

Action 6 (7/6/10) Clerk. To write to WC – Litter Bin replacement.

Action 7 (7/6/10) Clerk. To ‘chase-up’ Playforce – Graffiti/Water (Arctic Tower).

Action 8 (7/6/10) Cllr. Parker/Clerk. To make enquiries – Dining-out previous Chairman.


DRAFT – UNAPPROVED MINUTES 1336 Your Parish Council are seeking improved ways to engage the community to understand better its concerns on a more regular and proactive basis before they become wider issues when the Council tends to become involved late in the day. We would welcome your comments and feedback on matters relating to your Parish, and a few broad headings are outlined below to illustrate the areas where we may be able to help or advise. We welcome good and positive feedback too!

1. Highways [eg; roads, pavements, rights of way, walking, cycling]. 2. Public services [eg; transport, waste collection, high speed broadband]. 3. Buildings [eg; new, extensions, boundaries, fencing]. 4. Sports and outdoor amenities [eg; children’s playground, football pitch]. 5. Senior citizens [eg; clubs, associations, transport and care facilities]. 6. Animals [eg; horses, dogs, badgers, pests]. 7. Countryside [eg; trees, hedgerows, verges, fauna]. 8. Community sites [eg; of historic or local interest, and the cemetery]. 9. Anti‐social behavior [eg; noise pollution, waste‐tipping, litter].

On receipt, we will try and do one of the following: a. If we believe that it is within our remit, we will table it for discussion at the next Parish Council meeting, and consider our response to you. We would be pleased to see you at the meeting if you able to attend. b. If it is not in our direct remit, we will either forward the point[s] you raise to the appropriate authority on your behalf, with a watching brief, or return it to you with a brief explanation of what we suggest you might do to address the situation.

Your contact details: Name :

Address :

Email :

Telephone / Mobile :

Your feedback, issue or concern. Please provide as many tangible facts and figures as you can as it will help us gauge its magnitude, importance and priority :

Please: 1) Post to [address] or 2) Email to [Email address] or DRAFT – UNAPPROVED MINUTES

DRAFT – UNAPPROVED MINUTES 1337 3) Place it one of the response boxes provided at the Costcutter Local or Westwood-with-Iford School



Minutes of the meeting of Westwood Parish Council held in the Parish Rooms, Westwood at 7.30 pm on Monday 5 July 2010.


Cllr. A Parker Chairman Cllr. T Biles Cllr. J Bishop Cllr. T Cox Cllr. G Edwards Cllr. S Harding (Part-time) Cllr. R Howard-Evans Cllr. J Johnston

Mr. R Coleman Clerk

Wiltshire Councillor L Conley attended the meeting.

There were fifty-one members of the public present initially.

1. Welcome and Introductions. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Apologies. There were no apologies for non-attendance. All councillors were present.

3. Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 7 June 2010. The minutes of this meeting were signed as a true and accurate record.

The Chairman brought forward Agenda item 5a ‘Westwood Road Safety’ – ‘Chairman’s Report on the current position’ to inform the Parish Council and the public, prior to the Public Adjournment.

Westwood Road Safety – Agenda item 5a. The Chairman read out the following statement (shown in italics):

‘This statement is in response to a recent “update” that has been circulated around the village from the WCRSC group, that has unfortunately distorted the proposal that is in hand and on schedule for a trial to improve road safety in the village of Westwood. This “update” is factually incorrect, very misleading in its assertions and highly defamatory to Westwood Parish Council and Wiltshire Council who have been working closely on developing the best way forward for the village. The Parish Council have worked closely with Wiltshire Council about traffic safety for many years now and continuous monitoring and review of road safety is often on the monthly Parish Council agenda with calls for reports, speed camera checks, changing of road markings, and parking checks of vehicles, throughout the village. The current situation started in September/October 2009 with the matter of road safety being raised by some residents at a Parish Council meeting. The Parish Council followed this by asking the concerned villagers to work with a Parish Councillor (myself) to assess the situation in the village and to start looking at ways forward. A meeting was arranged to set up a working party between parishioners and the Parish Council. At this meeting it was agreed by everybody there that a survey would be undertaken of villagers to determine what they thought of the current road safety situation and what suggestions that they would have for improving safety. It was agreed that the consultation with the villagers would not present them with “this is the answer, sign up here”, but would be consultative. Despite having agreed with this plan for the way forward at the meeting 2 people then decided that they knew what the answer was and that they would not work with the Parish Council, would form their own non accountable group (WCRSC) and have a petition in the village where the only option was to sign up for a 20mph speed limit and to install speed

1337 cushions at several points in the village(but no view of what area this would cover, what signage would be needed, how it could be enforced, what else.....). At this point of time and ever since the WCRSC team have refused to work with the Parish Council, seeming to take the view that it is their way or no way. The petition that was circulated received a significant response from villagers with almost 25% of adult villagers voting for a 20mph limit and somewhat less for speed pillows, however the views of the remaining villagers remain largely unknown, though the Parish Council has received several letters from concerned villagers representing different views and deploring the process as it was undertaken by WCRSC. In order to progress matters the Parish Council then wrote to Wiltshire Council asking for a full traffic survey and safety review of the village. A limited traffic count has been undertaken, though one of the counters was damaged early on. The data showed that average speeds were in the mid to low 20’s with few vehicles exceeding 30. About the same time Wiltshire Council was reviewing traffic on its minor roads, particularly through the villages. At the recent Wiltshire Area Board meeting, and following Westwood Parish Councils request for a full survey, it was announced that 6 villages were to be invited to develop trials to include a 20mph speed limit and that Westwood would be one of the villages to be invited, as a way forward for the Parish Council’s request for a full survey. At the Area Board meeting Councillor Tonge (Wiltshire Council) and Mr Bullock (Wiltshire Highways department) made it absolutely clear that the villagers would be fully involved and that trials would include an assessment of road safety in the villages and that the villagers of each village would help develop the best way forward for their village, including a 20mph limit (fully scoped out and analysed) and other appropriate options for the village. The Wiltshire Council Process for undertaking these trials would be: • Wiltshire Council will write to Westwood Parish Council inviting them to join in a programme with Wiltshire Council to assess the best way forward for improving the traffic situation in Westwood, this would include a trial 20mph zone over part or all of the village. • The Parish Council will be asked to set up, in conjunction with Wiltshire Council a working party consisting of some Parish Council members, some interested members of the public and some traffic experts from Wiltshire Council. • This working party will develop what it believes is the most appropriate way forward for the village, including a 20mph limit • Speed measurements will be taken at several points around the village to determine the current situation with regard to traffic speed. • At Wiltshire Council’s request villagers of Westwood will then be involved in a “survey”, to be developed by the working party to communicate the proposals and assess the buy in and commitment of the village to the proposals, with the intention of ensuring widespread village commitment to a successful implementation. • With village buy in obtained a 12 – 18 month trial of the agreed approach will be implemented. This implementation should start towards the end of 2010. • At times the trial speed measurements will be taken at the same points around the village to determine how traffic speeds have changed. • At the end of the trial traffic speeds will be taken at the same points around the village in order to determine how traffic speeds have changed. • On completion of the trial the villagers will be surveyed again to elicit their feelings about the success of the trial and their view as to whether the mechanisms implemented for the trial should be made permanent.

Councillor Tonge and Mr Bullock attended the June Parish Council meeting and again made it very clear that Wiltshire Council would only work through the Parish Councils and that the above process would be the process for all the villages taking part. There was no vote by Parish Councillors on the scheme at the last Parish Council meeting because there was nothing to vote on! The Parish Council had to wait until there was an invitation from Wiltshire Council before they could vote on whether to accept the invitation or not. Since the last meeting the Chairman of the Parish Council has emailed Wiltshire Council several times and spoken to Councillor Tonge and the Highways department to ascertain when the invitation could be expected. The invitation was received last Tuesday, and will be discussed and voted on after this statement. In terms of the defamatory WCRSC Update that has been circulated: 1. Statement – “WPC did not act on Wiltshire Council’s (WC) expert advice that Westwood should be one of six villages...... ” Fact – There was nothing to act on! WC clearly stated that they would send a letter inviting WPC to join a trial – until they did there was nothing to act on.

1338 2. Statement – “The Long term solutions: May be a 20mph speed limit..... “ Fact – WPC absolutely agrees that this is true and has always said this. 3. Statement – “May be other appropriate and light touch road safety measures. “ Fact – WPC absolutely agrees and has always said that other measures should be considered 4. Statement – “There would be no speed humps.....” Fact – WCRSC have always claimed that a speed limit plus speed pillows are the only things that should be considered and that there is no need to look at anything else. WCRSC have therefore made a U turn however they are not accountable to anyone for this. Fact – The WPC has always voiced concern about the use of speed pillows etc as they may impact the rural nature of the village. 5. Statement – “WPC’s Broken Promise and U turn” Fact – There are absolutely no broken promises. There has until now been nothing to vote on. Fact – Absolutely no U turn. WPC has always been totally consistent in pushing for all options to be considered for improving safety. 6. Statement “The chairman – an unelected member – took no vote and unilaterally determined the outcome.” Fact – There was nothing to vote on until the letter from WC was received. All councillors have a free voice and can and do comment on all issues. The chairman has no ability, authority or wish to silence councillors. There are no restraints on any councillors against voicing their own opinions on any subject. 7. Statement – “Proceeded on the basis of his own opinion ..... requested further delays .....not stating what information he wanted ..... We understand he wishes to have another round of community consultation.” Fact – WCRSC have no idea what my opinions are on what I personally think the best ways forward are as I have never expressed them publicly. It is my and WPC’s role to listen to the whole of the village and to recommend a way forward based on all Parishioners views. Fact –The WPC should not and does not push forward its own answers in this area, unlike WCRSC, an unelected, unrepresentative and non accountable body. Fact – Absolutely no delays have been requested or incurred, indeed the reverse is true with WPC pushing WC to ensure that the invitation was sent as soon as possible. Fact – No further information has been requested from WPC before the start of the trial process. This process, see above, requires a working party that will consider all information available to develop the best way forward, and to provide a basis to measure the success of the trial. Fact – The WC process requires consultation with the community to take place to consider and buy into the proposals developed by the working party. Also a further consultation with the villagers will take place at the end of the trial. 8. Statement – “Completely misconstrued and misrepresented the...... results of the petition” Fact – Not true it was pointed out that the petition was directive and offered no alternative options for people to consider, and that approximately 25% of adults in the village voted for a 20mph limit and somewhat less for speed pillows. From the petition it is not possible to ascertain the view of the other villagers. 9. Statement – “Stated incorrectly that there have been no accidents...... ” Fact – What was explained was that the Wiltshire Police record of reported accidents over the last 4-5 years is that there have been 2 involving injuries; one of these is probably outside the area being considered for the trial. There are no other verifiable data available on accidents. Accidents not involving injuries do not have to be reported. 10. Statement – “Looking a gift horse in the mouth...... ” Fact – The WPC has never made a U turn and has always been consistent regarding any proposed solution. • WPC has always insisted that we must “Identify the village needs” – WCRSC ‘s view seems to be that the views of everybody in the village are totally understood by them • WPC has always been concerned that we need to “Provide practical and unobtrusive solutions.” – WCRSC have always insisted that a 20mph limit PLUS speed pillows is the answer and must be implemented and nothing else. • WPC has always “sought to protect the vulnerable” • WPC is happy to help “encourage parents and children to walk to school”. • WPC is happy to support “deterring through traffic”, but recognises that it has no powers to do so. WPC also recognises that a lot of speeding in the village is probably down to villager’s own driving habits. • “Improve the quality of life for all and a greater sense of community” is absolutely a prime concern of the WPC as witnessed by all of the support and work undertaken on, footpaths, bridleways, children’s

1339 playground, park, nursery school, verges, weeds, hedges, cemetery, open spaces, garden show, etc as well as road safety.

The second pages of the “update” elaborates on various points made on the first and have already been covered in this statement, so are not gone into detail on this statement. If anyone in the Parish, or outside, wishes to discuss any of the above or any other concerns that affect the village then they are always welcome to discuss them with myself or any other Parish Councillor, to write to the Parish Council or to attend Parish Council meetings’.

4. Adjournment. The Meeting adjourned for members of the public present to raise any points of interest on any matter. The meeting then re-convened.

5. Westwood Road Safety. a. This item was addressed prior to the Public Adjournment. b. The Chairman reported that a formal invitation had been received from Wiltshire Council for Westwood to be included as one of the villages where it is proposed to undertake a ‘20mph trial’. He added that the letter had been received last Tuesday and the contents of the letter were read out. The Clerk confirmed that all members of the Parish Council had received a copy of the letter.

The Chairman invited councillors to express their own view regarding the content of the letter.

Cllr. Bishop stated that speed was only one aspect when considering road safety in the village. He added that children, especially very young children, are more at risk as a result of poor control by parents or carers allowing them access to the roads. Cllr. Harding read out part of a letter from a parishioner who had presented arguments that traffic speeds were not necessarily a serious safety hazard in the village that many parishioners perceived and that any new safety measures must be ‘proportional’ to the risk. Cllr. Harding stated that this letter represented an intellectual antidote to the belligerent campaign run by the Westwood Community Road Safety Campaign (WCRSC) Group. Cllr. Edwards commented that this letter did contain some inconsistencies. Cllr. Biles observed that Tynings Way is, at times, akin to a race track and that he would wish to see addressed in any road safety survey. Cllr. Johnston, supported by Cllr. Howard-Evans, argued that she understood from Cllr. Tonge and Mr Bullock who attended the last meeting that the ’20 mph trial’ would not address any other road safety issues – although Cllr. Parker disagreed stating that he had been assured that other road safety issues would be included. Cllr. Edwards commented that his understanding was that the introduction of a 20 mph speed limit may cause other, current, road safety concerns to disappear. Cllr. Howard-Evans stated that parishioners must be careful not to assume that a 20 mph speed limit will cure all the extant road safety concerns. He argued that it is the standard of driving that largely dictates vehicle road safety, not the speed of the vehicle. c. Cllr. Biles proposed that Westwood Parish Council accepts the invitation from Wiltshire Council to become a ’20 mph trial’ site. A vote was taken and the Council resolved, by a majority, to accept the invitation. The Clerk was asked to write to Wiltshire Council accordingly. d. The Parish Council resolved unanimously to appoint three councillors to the ’20 mph trial’ Working Group that was to comprise parish councillors, parishioners and Wiltshire Council officials. Following a vote, the councillors appointed were Cllrs. Bishop, Edwards and Parker. The Parish Council resolved to delegate responsibility for inviting parishioners to become members of the Working Group to Cllrs. Bishop, Edwards and Parker. The Council also resolved to delegate responsibility to Cllrs. Bishop, Edwards and Parker to agree the Terms of Reference for the Working Group with other Working Group members, when appointed. e. The Clerk reported that in response to a request from the WCRSC whereby members of the public had been asked to send messages of support for a ‘20 mph trial’ to the Clerk, he had received seven messages of support containing twelve names and three messages opposing such a limit that contained four names. He added that these messages comprised eight e-mails and two letters. The Clerk added that the Council had also received a letter from the MP, Mr Duncan Hames, enquiring whether the Council had considered the request for a ’20 mph trial’ and whether there had been any

1340 moves towards implementing it. The Clerk was asked to reply to Mr Hames stating that Westwood Parish Council supported such a trial.

The Chairman reported that he had received a letter from Westwood School supporting a ’20 mph trial’ but distancing the Headteacher and the Chair of Governors from the campaign led by the WCRSC. f. There were no further actions that needed to be taken in respect of Westwood Road safety or the WCRSC Group.

6. Neighbourhood Policing. a. In the absence of a member of the Neighbourhood Policing Team, no report was given. b. The Chairman reported that the Neighbourhood Watch scheme had been revitalised in the village.

7. Bradford on Avon Community Area Board. a. Cllr. Biles was requested to advise the Board that Westwood had accepted the invitation to become a ’20 mph trial’ site and to ask the Board to ensure that the Parish Council is informed of any matters that Westwood parishioners raise as ‘issues’ directly with the Area Board that directly affect the Parish Council and its duties.

8. Sub-Committees.

Planning. a. The Council noted the status of the following planning applications:

W/10/00892//FUL 50 Farleigh Lane Single Storey Rear Extension No PC Objections

W/10/01244/FUL 1 Friary Close Demolish Old Conservatory. Permission. Erect New Conservatory.

W/10/01217/FUL 52 The Pastures Erection of Play House. Permission

W/10/01368/FUL The Old Baptist Chapel Change of Use PC Objections W/10/01252/FUL 54 The Pastures Extension Permission b. To Council examined the following planning applications and agreed to send comments to Wiltshire Council as shown:

W/10/01439/FUL Land adjoining 25 Iford Fields Timber Stable Building PC Objections W/10/01876/FUL 50 Bobbin Lane Rear & Front Extension No PC Comments. W/10/01748/FUL 129A Upper Westwood Installation of Solar Panels No PC Objections c. There were no planning applications received after 26 June 2010. d. There were no other planning matters raised.

Finance. a. The Clerk reported that the current financial position was as follows:

Westwood Parish Council - Financial Statement - 5 July 2010

Lloyds TSB A/C 1643417

Bank Statement £ 7,407.23 01-May-10

Credits (1 May 2010 to 31 May 2010) : 19-May HMRC VAT Refund £ 108.80

1341 24-May Cemetery Grant £ 1,038.00 Total: £ 1,146.80

Debits (1 May 2010 to 31 May 2010): Westwood Garden Comp (Late Presented) £ 120.00 V Cooke (April) (Late Presented) £ 234.79 04-May Clerk's Salary (April) £ 258.46 10-May Clerk's Expenses (April) £ 36.21 10-May Aon Allianz Insurance £ 1,026.59 10-May XYZ Website £ 120.00 10-May S&J Grounds Ltd £ 162.00 Chairman's allowance £ 40.00 10-May J Taylor - Internal Audit £ 100.00 10-May V Cooke £ 247.25 Total: £ 2,345.30

Balance at 31 May 2010: £ 6,208.73

Credits (1 June 2010 to 30 June 2010) : None £ - Total: £ -

Debits (1 June 2010 to 30 June 2010): 01-Jun Clerk's Salary (May) £ 258.46 07-Jun Clerk's Expenses (May) £ 63.65 07-Jun St Johns CC £ 67.77 07-Jun Neighbourhood Watch Signs £ 75.00 07-Jun S&J Grounds Ltd (May) £ 170.00 07-Jun V Cooke (May) £ 198.00 Total: £ 832.88

Balance at 30 June 2010: £ 5,375.85

Credits (1 June 2010 to 7 June 2010) : Westwood United FC £ 30.00 Total: £ 30.00

Debits (1 July 2010 to 5 July 2010) : 01-Jul Clerk's salary (June) £ 258.46 Total: £ 258.46

Balance at 5 July 2010: £ 5,147.39

Lloyds TSB A/C 7573321

Bank Statement £ 5,574.60 13-Apr-10

Credits: 09-May Interest £ 0.40 09-Jun Interest £ 0.35 Total: £ 0.75 Debits: None £ - Total: £ -

1342 Balance at 5 July 2010: £ 5,575.35

National Savings A/C 138409348

Balance at 4 January 2010 £ 7,751.03

Credits: Interest 1/1/09 to 31/12/09: £ 21.03

Debits: £ -

Balance at 5 July 2010: £ 7,772.06

Total Balance in hand at 5 July 2010: £ 18,494.80

Payments to be authorised 5 July 2010).

Clerk's Salary (July 2010) £ 258.46 Clerk's Salary (August 2010) £ 258.46 Clerk's Expenses (June 2010) £ 27.10 St Johns CC £ 120.91 S&J Grounds Ltd (June) £ 166.00 S&J Grounds Ltd (July) £ 166.00 V Cooke (June) TOTAL: £ 996.93

Donations/Subscriptions to be considered - 5 July 2010 Valley Parishes Alliance £ 150.00 TOTAL: £ 150.00 b. The Parish Council resolved to pay the invoice of £150 from the Valley Parishes Alliance. c. The Council resolved unanimously to make the payments shown under ‘Payments to be authorised’ above.

Cemetery. Cllr. Bishop enquired whether the Paris Council has responsibility for the Churchyard gates , noting that the ‘closed’ churchyard is the responsibility of the Parish Council. The Clerk stated that he would investigate this matter.

Footpaths. a. Cllr. Johnston reported on behalf of the Footpath sub-Committee. She stated that Path 16 between The Pastures and Upper Westwood still needed clearing because of the presence of ground elder. Cllr. Bishop stated that he would contact Mr Cooke and ask him to do it. b. The Council noted the request from a parishioner to be allowed to ride horses through the park. The Council discussed this request and following a vote, the Council resolved not to allow horses to be ridden through Westwood Park. c. The Council resolved that PC Barrett should be asked to keep a watch for parked vehicles blocking the bridleway (Path WW0019) and to issue suitable warnings.

Open Spaces. a. Cllr. Edwards reported on behalf of the Open Spaces sub-Committee. He reported that the graffiti remains in place and that the Westwood Park sign at the southern end of the park was defaced and required replacing. The Council resolved that the Clerk arrange for a replacement sign at a cost of £50

1343 to £60 approximately. The Clerk added that he had, again, contacted Playforce for a quotation to remove the graffiti and for preventing water collecting on the towers but he had heard nothing. He added that the hedge is overhanging the gate at the Playing Field – Windy Ridge entrance. Cllr. Bishop stated that he would contact Mr Cooke and ask him to cut it back. b. Cllr. Edwards confirmed that the Play Equipment appeared to be in good order but that the gate needed replacing. The Council resolved that a new gate be ordered and fitted to the Play Area. c. The Clerk read out the letter from the Nursery School thanking the Council for mending the Nursery School wall and for allowing the Nursery School garden to be extended.

Environmental. a. There were no specific matters reported by the Environmental sub-Committee. b. The Clerk reported that a parishioner had offered a Chestnut tree to be planted in the village. The Council was undecided where such a tree could be planted. c. The Clerk was asked to write a polite letter to Mr Parsons at the Post Office/Village Shop and to request that the existing temporary ‘costcutter’ signs are removed and replaced with more appropriate signage.

9. Valley Parishes Alliance. The Council resolved to adopt the constitution recently published.

10. New Member. a. The Council noted the invitation from Wiltshire Council to co-opt a new member. b. The Clerk was asked to place an advert in the next issue of the Westwood Update for a co-opted member. The Council decided that it would review the list of applicants at the September Parish Council meeting with the intention of co-opting a new member at the October meeting.

11. Clerk’s Hours. The Clerk left the Meeting Room at this point for the Council to consider his request for increased hours. He returned to the meeting following that consideration.

The Chairman informed the Clerk that the Council had resolved to increase his hours to eight hours per week with effect from 1 July 2010.

The Clerk thanked the Council for the decision.

12. Date of Parish Council Meeting.

The Council noted the date of the next Parish Council Meeting:

Ordinary Parish Council - Monday 13 September 2010 at 7.30 pm.

13. Any Other Business. Exchange of views on matters not requiring a decision.

The Clerk stated that he had received a request from the WCRSC for a substantial amount of written information. He added that this information had been deposited at the Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre but that he did require guidance on how to proceed in future if he possessed the information required. The Council stated that commonsense must prevail in that a few copies could be supplied at no cost to the person requesting them. However, if a large number of copies are require and/or substantial time has to be taken by the Clerk to retrieve the information then the Clerk is to provide an estimate for the cost of providing it (manhour costs plus photocopy costs) and is to present this estimate to the Parish Council for approval. Thereafter, the information would be provided on prepayment of the agreed fee.

1344 There was no other business.

The meeting concluded at 10.20 pm.

Chairman 13 September 2010. Westwood Parish Council


ACTION LIST – Meeting 5 July 2010

Action 1 (5/7/10) Clerk. To make agreed payments.

Action 2 (5/7/10) Clerk. To write to Wiltshire Council – Planning applications.

Action 3 (5/7/10) Cllr. Biles To raise at Area board – ’20 mph trial’ and ‘Issues’ raised affecting the PC.

Action 4 (5/7/10) Cllr. Bishop To ask Mr Cooke to clear Path 16 and to cut back hedge at Playing Field gate.

Action 5 (5/7/10) Clerk. To write to WC – ’20 mph trial’ invitation and to Duncan Hames MP.

Action 6 (5/7/10) Clerk. To write to WC – To obtain new ‘Westwood Park’ sign.

Action 7 (5/7/10) Clerk. To ‘chase-up’ Playforce – Graffiti/Water (Arctic Tower).

Action 8 (5/7/10) Clerk. To write to Mr Parsons – ‘Costcutter’ signs.

Action 9 (5/7/10) Clerk. To place advert in Westwood Update – ‘Co-opted’ member required.


Minutes of the meeting of Westwood Parish Council held in the Parish Rooms, Westwood at 7.30 pm on Monday 13 September 2010


Cllr. A Parker Chairman Cllr. J Bishop Cllr. G Edwards Cllr. R Howard-Evans Cllr. J Johnston

Mr. R Coleman Clerk

Wiltshire Councillor L Conley attended the meeting.

PCSO Vicky Huntley attended the meeting (Part-time).

There were three members of the public present initially.

1. Welcome and Introductions. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Apologies. Apologies for non-attendance were received from Cllrs. Biles and Harding.

3. Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 5 July 2010. The minutes of this meeting were signed as a true and accurate record.

4. Adjournment. The Meeting adjourned for members of the public present to raise any points of interest on any matter. The meeting then re-convened.

5. Westwood Road Safety. The Chairman invited Cllr. Bishop to give a report on the progress of the ‘Westwood 20 mph Speed Limit Trial’. Cllr Bishop stated that the Working Group had held three meetings to date and that they had been very constructive. He added that Wiltshire Council had been very supportive in accommodating the requirements of the Westwood residents within the Working Group to address the various safety issues that had been identified in the village. Cllr. Bishop commented that the purpose of the trial in Westwood and in five other villages in Wiltshire was to obtain information on the efficacy of introducing a 20 mph speed limit more generally across the county and the data obtained from the trial will enable a county- wide policy to be determined. He stated that speed monitoring at four places in the village will commence in October/November and will continue at specified times within the eighteen month trial period. Road marking and new signage will accompany the trial. He added that at the conclusion of the trial the data will be examined and a decision made whether or not to implement a 20 mph limit permanently in Westwood. In answer to a question from Cllr. Johnston, Cllr Bishop confirmed that there will be full public consultation following the completion of the trial and that the interests of Westwood parishioners are being well represented at the regular Working Group meetings. Cllr. Bishop reported that as a result of pressure from the Working Group, Wiltshire Council has agreed to include Upper Westwood in the trial in order to assess traffic flows and speeds in that area but it would not be subject to formal speed monitoring. He concluded his report by stating that specific safety problem locations in the village have been identified and work is being undertaken to see how the safety can be improved in these areas. He stated that the next meeting of the Working Group is to be in a couple of week’s time and Wiltshire Council officers will be present.

6. Neighbourhood Policing. 1347 a. PCSO Huntley stated that there was nothing significant to report. She reported that at the recent Neighbourhood Policing Tasking Group meeting a new ‘priority’ had been agreed – ‘Enforcement of Width Restrictions’. This was welcomed by members of the Parish Council who had reported large vehicles passing through the village, apparently in defiance of the local width restrictions. b. Cllr. Bishop enquired why a police vehicle appeared to be taking an interest in the area close to Westwood Mine recently. PCSO replied that this had been a familiarisation exercise for new police officers. Cllr. Johnston reported that vehicles parked to allow their occupants to attend to horses in the field at the Westwood Road/Elms Cross junction were, on occasions, proving a hazard by restricting visibility for motorists at that junction. PCSO Huntley stated that the Neighbourhood Policing Team would have a word with those concerned, although their powers were limited.

7. Bradford on Avon Community Area Board. a. In the absence of Cllr. Biles a written report had been provided to each member of the Parish Council. The Chairman read this statement out in full and it is appended to these minutes.

Cllr. Parker stated that a Bradford on Avon Community Safety Partnership is being set up and there is an invitation for a Westwood parish councillor to join the partnership.

8. Sub-Committees.

Environmental. Cllr. Johnston reported that Westwood Park required mowing. The Clerk stated that he would contact S&J Grounds Ltd. Cllr. Johnston reported that the bushes in the garden of 48 The Pastures had overgrown and were a significant obstruction on the pavement. The Clerk stated that he would write to the occupiers of the property. Cllr. Bishop stated that two of the ‘safety problem areas’ identified by the Working Group required attention. The areas in question were the ‘open’ fence in Lyefield Lane – designed to provide visibility of the road at that corner – was now obscured by overgrown vegetation and the fence at the Westwood Road/Elms Cross junction where, again, the visibility was obscured by overgrown vegetation. The Council asked Cllr. Edwards to request the Parish Steward to cut back this vegetation and to restore the clear visibility.

The Clerk drew the attention of the Parish Council to the following matters:

• The monthly Parish Steward Reports stating the defects reported and the remedial action taken. • The letter from Mouchel stating the policy if it is intended to fix artefacts to street lighting columns. • The letter from Wiltshire Council advising of the possibility of grants to improve access to the countryside. Cllr. Johnston retained this document for study.

Planning. a. The Council noted the status of the following planning applications: W/10/00892//FUL 50 Farleigh Lane Single Storey Rear Extension Permission W/10/01368/FUL Old Baptist Chapel Change of Use Refusal/Appeal W/10/01439/FUL Land adj, 25 Iford Fields Timber Stable Building Permission W/10/01827/FUL 129A Upper Westwood Installation of Solar Panel Refused W/10/01798/FUL 1 Hebden Road Front/Rear Extensions. No Comments Conversion to two dwellings. b. To Council examined the following planning applications and agreed to send comments to Wiltshire Council as shown:

W/10/02564/FUL 21 The Pastures Single Storey Front Extension No PC Objections W/10/02767/TPO 6 Friary Close Tree Works (4 x Limes) No PC Objections c. The following planning application was received after 8 September 2010: W/10/02773/LBC 12 Ancliff Square To fit Photo-Voltaic Panels No PC Objections 1348

d. The Parish Council noted the outcome of the Appeal lodged by Mr. Earle in respect of the proposed extraction of water/turbine use at Avoncliff North Mill.

The Council resolved that the Clerk is to write to Wiltshire Development Control to enquire whether planning permission should have been sought by the occupiers of 42 The Pastures to convert a garage to living quarters.

Finance. a. The Clerk reported that the current financial position was as follows:

Westwood Parish Council - Financial Statement - 13 September 2010

Lloyds TSB A/C 1643417

Bank Statement £ 5,147.39 01-Jul-10

Credits (1 July 2010 to 31 August 2010) : None £ - Total: £ -

Debits (1 July 2010 to 31 August 2010): 05-Jul Clerk's Expenses (June) £ 27.10 05-Jul St Johns CC £ 120.91 05-Jul S&J Grounds (June) £ 166.00 05-Jul Valley Parishes Alliance £ 150.00 01-Aug Clerk's Salary (July) £ 258.46 03-Aug V Cooke (June/July) £ 252.00 10-Aug S&J Grounds Ltd (July) £ 166.00 Total: £ 1,140.47

Balance at 31 Aug 2010: £ 4,006.92

Credits (1 September 2010 to 13 September 2010) : None £ - Total: £ -

Debits (1 September 2010 to 13 September 2010): 01-Sep Clerk's Salary (August) £ 258.46 Total: £ 258.46

Balance at 13 September 2010: £ 3,748.46

Lloyds TSB A/C 7573321

Bank Statement £ 5,575.31 09-Jul-10

Credits: 09-Aug Interest £ 0.25 09-Sep Interest £ 0.25 Total: £ 0.50 Debits: None £ - 1349

Total: £ -

Balance at 13 September 2010: £ 5,575.81

National Savings A/C 138409348

Balance at 4 January 2010 £ 7,751.03

Credits: Interest 1/1/09 to 31/12/09: £ 21.03

Debits: £ -

Balance at 13 September 2010: £ 9,345.30

Total Balance in hand at 13 September 2010: £ 18,669.57

Payments to be authorised 13 September 2010).

Clerk's Salary (September 2010) £ 344.62 Clerk's Salary (Back Pay) July/August (Extra hours) £ 172.32 Clerk's Expenses (July/August 2010) £ 27.30 St Johns CC £ 124.28 S&J Grounds Ltd (August) £ 166.00 V Cooke (August) £ 288.00 V Cooke (Back Pay) £ 14.50 TOTAL: £ 1,137.02

Donations/Subscriptions to be considered – 13 September 2010 None £ - TOTAL: £ - b. The Clerk tabled the Annual Return for members to examine and the Parish Council noted that Mazars, the External Auditor, had signed off the Annual Return as satisfactory with no comments for the Council to note. c. The Council resolved unanimously to make the payments shown under ‘Payments to be authorised’ above.

Cemetery. Cllrs. Bishop and Parker stated that there was nothing to report and that the cemetery was in good order. The Council resolved to plant laurels bushes to fill the gap in the existing cemetery path hedge. The Clerk agreed to contact Mr Cooke and to ask him to undertake the task.

The Clerk reported that a Grave Plot and a Remembrance Plot had been purchased recently and that the fees for these purchases were £240 and £120 respectively.

Footpaths. Cllr. Johnston reported on behalf of the Footpath sub-Committee. She stated that Path 23 needed attention. The Clerk stated that he would contact the Footpath Warden.

Open Spaces. a. Cllr. Edwards reported on behalf of the Open Spaces sub-Committee. He stated that the Playing Field was in good order and that it had been cut recently, although the white-lining had now faded.


b. In respect of the Westwood Park Play Area, he reported that the graffiti remains in place on the Arctic Tower and that a fence paling is missing allowing dogs to enter the Play Area. He added that he was pleased to note that the Play Area gate had been repaired. He commented that in discussions with the ‘older’ users of the Play Area he had learned that they sought more appropriate play equipment for their use, such as a basketball post and net.

The Clerk stated that the RoSPA Annual Safety Inspection Report was due soon and that would be helpful in guiding the Parish Council to decide what work was needed to be undertaken in the Play Area.

9. Valley Parishes Alliance (VPA). Cllr. Edwards gave a report on the work of the VPA. He stated that there are at present three contributions that are being made:

• Wiltshire Community Plan Consultation 2011-2026 • Draft Bath World Heritage Site Management Plan • VPA Representation to the West of (WOE) Joint Transport Plan 3

Cllr. Edwards gave a brief report on the main issues in respect of each of those documents. He added that arrangements are being made to make these lengthy documents available to read.

Cllr. Edwards concluded his report by commenting that a representative from Westwood PC is invited to help develop the VPA’s views on the Affordable Housing issue.

10. Co-option of a New Member. The Clerk stated that there had been two applications from parishioners. He added that there was no set procedure for co-opting a new member, except that any discussion of the candidates leading to a vote, and the vote, must be in public and at a properly convened Parish Council meeting. The Council resolved to invite both applications to provide a written statement, equivalent to no more than a half-page of A4, explaining who they are and why they wished to become a parish councillor. The Clerk was asked to write to each of the candidates requesting that such statements are provided to the Clerk by 24 September 2010 for him to send to each member of the Parish Council to enable co-option to take place at the next meeting.

11. Community Questionnaire. a. Cllr. Johnston agreed that her contact details could be provided as a ‘return addressee’ for the Community Questionnaire. b. The Council resolved that 550 copies of the Questionnaire be produced and that it is to be delivered as soon as is practicable with the Westwood Update.

12. Date of Parish Council Meeting.

The Council noted the date of the next Parish Council Meeting:

Ordinary Parish Council - Monday 4 October 2010 at 7.30 pm.

13. Any Other Business. Exchange of views on matters not requiring a decision.

The following matters were raised by the Clerk for the attention of councillors:

• Westwood Traffic Order. The Clerk stated that he had telephoned and e-mailed Wiltshire Council regarding this Traffic Order that if implemented, as written, would effectively isolate Westwood. • Wiltshire Council Leisure Facilities Consultation. • Westwood Nursery School request for a new ‘Licence to Occupy’. It was agreed that this would be on the Agenda for the next meeting. Cllr. Howard-Evans expressed his concern for the safety of young children at in-muster and out-muster times because of the presence of moving and parked vehicles very close to the entrance to the Nursery School. He queried whether a prohibition on parking at the entrance to Westwood Park could be introduced to improve the safety and if thought appropriate, made a condition of a renewal of the ‘Licence to Occupy’. 1351

• Westwood Update. The Clerk commented that for many years the bi-monthly cost of photocopying the Westwood Update had been around £35. In recent months it had been around £125 because of the various inserts – some associated with the Westwood Road Safety Campaign. The Council noted this cost but considered that its value as a means of communicating with parishioners justified the cost – especially on important issues such as the Westwood 20 mph Speed Limit Trial - but that a careful watch will have to be maintained to ensure that these extra costs are always justified. Cllr. Edwards reminded councillors that much of the Westwood Update information is available, or could be made available, on the Westwood Website.

The Chairman agreed to speak to Mr Parsons at the Post Office/Village Shop and to request that the existing temporary ‘costcutter’ signs are removed and replaced with more appropriate signage.

Cllr. Bishop stated that he had learned that the Westwood Flower Show had been very successful with some 600 paying guests and around £2000 raised.

Cllr. Johnston offered her apologies for being unable to attend the next Parish Council meeting.

There was no other business.

The meeting concluded at 9.50 pm.

Chairman 4 October 2010. Westwood Parish Council 1352


ACTION LIST – Meeting 13 September 2010

Action 1 (13/9/10) Clerk. To make agreed payments.

Action 2 (13/9/10) Clerk. To write to Wiltshire Council – Planning applications (Including 42 The Pastures).

Action 3 (13/9/10) Clerk. To contact S&J – Mow Westwood Park grass.

Action 4 (13/9/10) Clerk. To write to 48 The Pastures – Cut back hedge.

Action 5 (13/9/10) Cllr. Edwards. To ask Parish Steward to cut back overgrown vegetation at Elms Cross/Westwood Road and Lyefield Lane.

Action 6 (13/9/10) Clerk. To contact Mr Cooke – Plane two new laurel bushes.

Action 7 (13/9/10) Clerk. To contact Footpath Warden – Path 23.

Action 8 (13/9/10) Cllr. Parker To contact Mr Parsons – ‘Costcutter’ signs.

Action 9 (13/9/10) Clerk. To write to candidates for ‘co-option.

Action 10 (13/9/10) Clerk. To obtain 550 copies of the Community Questionnaire.


Minutes of the meeting of Westwood Parish Council held in the Parish Rooms, Westwood at 7.30 pm on Monday 4 October 2010.


Cllr. A Parker Chairman Cllr. T Biles Cllr. J Bishop Cllr. G Edwards Cllr S Harding Cllr. R Howard-Evans Cllr. I Richardson (from Agenda item 5).

Mr. R Coleman Clerk

Wiltshire Councillor L Conley attended the meeting.

There were four members of the public present initially.

1. Welcome and Introductions. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Apologies. Apologies for non-attendance were received from Cllr. J Johnston.

3. Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 13 September 2010. The Clerk stated that an error in the Financial Statement in the draft minutes that had been circulated to members had been corrected in the minute book now presented to the Council for acceptance. He added that the revised Financial Statement had been sent to all members with the Agenda papers. The Council noted this amendment and the minutes of this meeting were signed as a true and accurate record.

4. Co-option of a New Member. a. The Chairman reported that two candidates had put their names forward for consideration as a co- opted member of the Parish Council – Sylvia Higgs and Ian Richardson. Both candidates were proposed as co-opted members and a vote was taken. Ian Richardson received the highest number of votes and the Parish Council resolved to invite him to become a member of Westwood Parish Council. b. Ian Richardson signed the Declaration of Office Form and this was countersigned by the Clerk.

5. Adjournment. The Meeting adjourned for members of the public present to raise any points of interest on any matter. The meeting then re-convened.

6. Westwood Road Safety. The Chairman invited Cllr. Bishop to give a report on the progress of the ‘Westwood 20 mph Speed Limit Trial’. Cllr Bishop stated that the trial is progressing and that monitoring of the speed of the traffic through Westwood was now taking place with several sets of monitoring equipment in Lower Westwood. He added that he had been in regular contact with Wiltshire Council and had also spoken to Simon Coombes at Limpley Stoke in order to reassure him that Wiltshire Council has commenced the trial preparations and that speed monitoring in Limpley Stoke would soon commence. The Chairman commented that Wiltshire Council had agreed to include Upper Westwood in the trial in order to assess traffic flows and speeds in that area but it would not be subject to formal speed monitoring.

7. Neighbourhood Policing. a. In the absence of a representative from the Neighbourhood Policing Team no report was given.

1355 b. Cllr. Edwards reported that he had received a letter from Wiltshire Police in response to his letter proposing that parishioners photograph those vehicles that are flouting the Weight and Width Limit restrictions applicable to the local village roads and to submit these photographs as evidence to support a prosecution. He commented that the letter from Wiltshire Police was unhelpful and it dismissed his proposal as providing insufficient evidence for the Crown Prosecution Service to proceed with a prosecution. He considered that the reply was implausible. Cllr. Bishop suggested noting the Registration Numbers of such vehicles and telephoning the ‘Good Driver’ telephone number that is often stated at the rear of goods vehicles and to file an adverse report. Cllr. Parker stated that the prevention of large vehicles ignoring the Weight and Width Limit restrictions had been identified as a policing priority at the Neighbourhood Policing Tasking Group meeting.

8. Westwood Nursery School. a. The Clerk stated that the current ‘Licence to Occupy’ expires at the end of the year and that he had received a letter from the Nursery School Management Committee to renew the lease for a further period of time. He explained that legal advice received some time ago stated that ‘the Council must obtain the best price reasonably obtained’ unless either: ‘the lease is not for more than seven years’ or ‘the Secretary of State consents to a lower figure’ and the ‘reasonable price’ related to the rent payable under normal circumstances for the use of the building. The Clerk recommended that in the light of this advice that the ‘Licence to Occupy’ should not exceed seven years – assuming that the occupancy of the building remains rent-free. b. Cllr. Howard-Evans expressed his support for the Nursery School but expressed his concern for the safety of young children at in-muster and out-muster times because of the presence of moving and parked vehicles very close to the entrance to the Nursery School. He suggested that some prohibition of parking could be introduced or one of the Nursery School staff could supervise the dropping off and picking up of the children. Cllr. Howard-Evans commented that any ‘new’ Licence to Occupy’ should address this issue. The Clerk stated that it is important that a new ‘Licence to Occupy’ is meaningful and that he would wish to ensure that the organisations and guidelines that are named in the existing lease still exist and are relevant before naming them in a new lease.

Following a proposal by Cllr. Biles, the Parish Council resolved, in principle, to renew the ‘Licence to Occupy’ broadly on the same terms as previously, subject to satisfactory terms being agreed to address the concerns expressed. The Clerk was asked to discuss these concerns with the Nursery School and to agree and rewording of the ‘Licence to Occupy’.

9. Bradford on Avon Community Area Board. a. Cllr. Biles stated that he had learned that the Bradford on Avon Swimming Pool was to become a ‘community development’ and that other pools in Wiltshire are to be run by Wiltshire Council. Cllr. Conley, at the invitation of the Chairman, commented that the Leisure facilities were to be subject to a major restructuring exercise commencing this year and lasting until 2017 with commercial partners or organisations being sought to ‘own’ and/or manage the facilities in the longer term. She added that the Bradford Pool was to be brought ‘up to spec’ and observed that the experience of Cricklade and Calne when undertaking a similar exercise were cited as possible models for this restructuring.

Cllr. Parker stated that there might be a need to apply to the Area Board for a grant towards the cost of the ’20 mph Trial’ because he is not convinced that the cost of all the safety measures requested will be met by Wiltshire Council. Cllr. Bishop agreed to obtain clarification from Gareth Rogers (Wiltshire Council). b. There were no specific items that the Council wished to raise at the next meeting of the Community Area Board.

10. Sub-Committees.

Open Spaces. a. Cllr. Edwards gave the following report on behalf of the Open Spaces sub-Committee: • One of the palings in the fence around the Play Area was missing. The Clerk agreed to request Mr Say to replace the missing paling. 1356

• Graffiti on the Play Equipment (Arctic Tower). The Clerk stated that he had contacted Playforce who had stated that as the graffiti had been ‘scratched in’ there was no remedial action that they could take. Cllr. Edwards agreed to paint over the offending graffiti. • The Rubbish Bin in the Play Area was full. The Clerk stated that he would inform Wiltshire Council and request that it is emptied.

The Clerk reported that he had installed the new Westwood Park sign at the southern entrance to the park.

Cllr. Harding reported that soil had been dumped in Westwood Park near to one of the airshafts and Cllr. Bishop reported that garden refuse (cuttings etc) had been deposited in two places at the Playing Field. The Council agreed to monitor the situation before taking further action. The Clerk was asked to include a suitably worded ‘warning’ about fly-tipping in the Westwood Update.

The Clerk confirmed that S&J Grounds Ltd had been cutting the grass right up to the boundaries of the back gardens of Chestnut Grove and had been strimming the humps satisfactorily. The Chairman asked the Clerk to write a letter of thanks to S&J Grounds Ltd.

Cllr. Howard-Evans confirmed that he had inspected the grating on the airshaft in Westwood Park following the correspondence from David Williams. He stated that some bricks had been dislodged but the remaining grille was firmly held and could see no immediate danger. Cllr. Bishop agreed to contact Hansons Bath & Portland Stone to advise them of the problem and to request that they inspect the grille and make any necessary safety improvements. b. Cllr. Edwards reported that, following his inspection in September, all Play Equipment appears in good order. c. The Clerk stated that Playforce had finally responded to the queries raised some time ago in relation to the graffiti and to the formation of puddles on the Arctic Tower. He commented that ‘removing’ the graffiti had been discussed earlier and that Playforce had stated that the best way to prevent puddles forming on the platform of the Arctic Tower is to drill a small hole in it.

Environmental. a. Cllr. Harding enquired whether the footpath at the top of The Pastures had now been cleared. Cllr. Biles agreed to inspect this path and to advise Cllr. Bishop who would, if necessary, ask Mr Cooke to clear the path. Cllr. Harding stated that there appeared to be little enthusiasm for the planting of new trees in the village and the Council decided not to pursue this matter for the time being. Cllr. Bishop observed that the new trees promised by Selwood Homes near to the recent development opposite to the Post Office had not yet been planted. The Clerk was asked to write to Selwood Homes and to ascertain when they were to be planted.

The Clerk handed out A3 sized maps of the Westwood Parish to the councillors present. b. The Council noted the proposal from Wiltshire Council inviting Parish Councils to identify street lights in the village that could be ‘switched off’ or ‘dimmed’ as an environmentally friendly measure. Cllr. Harding observed that in recent times the Parish Council had campaigned for certain street lights to be illuminated at night because of requests from parishioners and to decide to switch some off now would seem to be perverse. Cllr. Richardson commented that it may be possible to identify a few such street lights without compromising public safety, although the criteria for selecting the possible street lights will exclude many of them in the village. Cllr. Richardson offered to survey the village street lights and to propose possible candidates. The Parish Council resolved that Cllr. Richardson undertakes a survey of the street lights and that his proposals will represent the views of the Council. He was requested to complete the survey and to pass the information to the Clerk to enable him to respond, formally, to Wiltshire Council no later than 15 October 2010. The Clerk was asked to present the results of the survey and the recommendations in the Westwood Update and to invite parishioners to offer their comments. Planning.


a. The Council noted the status of the following planning applications: W/10/01798/FUL 1 Hebden Road Front/Rear Extensions. Refused Conversion to two dwellings. W/10/02549/FUL 134 Upper Westwood Single Storey Outbuilding Pending W/10/02564/FUL 21 The Pastures Single Storey Front Extension Pending W/10/02767/TPO 6 Friary Close Tree Works (4 x Limes) Consent

b. The following planning application was received after 29 September 2010: W/10/03096/FUL 1 Hebden Road Front/Rear Extensions. NEW Conversion to two dwellings.

Cllr. Bishop declared a personal interest in this planning application. The Parish Council resolved that the Planning Sub-Committee is to examine this application and is to decide the comments to be sent to Wiltshire Council. The Council agreed that if there is no significant change between this application and the earlier one (W/10/01798/FUL) then appropriate comments to send to Wiltshire Council may be those contained in the earlier REFUSAL notice.

Finance. a. The Clerk reported that the current financial position was as follows:

Westwood Parish Council - Financial Statement - 4 October 2010

Lloyds TSB A/C 1643417

Bank Statement £ 4,006.92 01-Sep-10

Credits (1 Sept. 2010 to 30 Sept. 2010) : 15-Sep Cemetery Plot (Barker) £ 280.00 22-Sep Wiltshire Council Precept (Part) £ 5,250.00 24-Sep C S Bowyer (Watson) £ 140.00 Total: £ 5,670.00

Debits (1 Sept. 2010 to 30 Sept. 2010): 01-Sep Clerk's Salary (August) £ 258.46 13-Sep Clerk's Salary (Back Pay) £ 172.32 13-Sep Clerk's Expenses (July/August) £ 27.30 13-Sep St Johns CC (Aug/Sept) £ 124.28 13-Sep S&J Grounds (August) £ 166.00 13-Sep V Cooke (Aug/Sept) £ 288.00 13-Sep V Cooke (Back Pay) £ 14.50 27-Sep Citaglen Signs £ 75.92 Total: £ 1,126.78

Balance at 30 Sept. 2010: £ 8,550.14

Credits (1 October 010 to 4 October 2010) : None £ - Total: £ -

Debits (1 October 2010 to 4 October 2010): 01-Oct Clerk's Salary (September) £ 344.62 1358

Total: £ 344.62

Balance at 4 October 2010: £ 8205.52

Lloyds TSB A/C 7573321

Bank Statement £ 5,575.31 09-Jul-10

Credits: 09-Aug Interest £ 0.25 (Approx) 09-Sep Interest £ 0.25 (Approx) Total: £ 0.50 Debits: None £ - Total: £ -

Balance at 4 October 2010: £ 5,575.81

National Savings A/C 138409348

Balance at 4 January 2010 £ 7,751.03

Credits: Interest 1/1/09 to 31/12/09: £ 21.03

Debits: £ -

Balance at 4 October 2010: £ 7,772.06

Total Balance in hand at 4 October 2010: £ 21,553.39

Payments to be authorised 4 October 2010).

Clerk's Salary (October 2010) £ 344.62 Clerk's Expenses (Sept. 2010) £ 75.25 Mazars External Audit Fee £ 158.62 S&J Grounds Ltd (September) £ 166.00 V Cooke (September) £ 163.64 TOTAL: £ 908.13

Donations/Subscriptions to be considered - 4 October 2010 None £ - TOTAL: £ - b. The Council resolved to pay the invoice of £64.61 Ex VAT for the new Westwood Park sign. c. The Council resolved unanimously to make the payments shown under ‘Payments to be authorised’ above. 1359

d. The Council noted Wiltshire Council’s Spending/Savings Plan for the coming years – sent as an e- mail from the Clerk.

Cemetery. Cllrs. Bishop and Parker stated that there was nothing to report and that the cemetery was in good order. b. The Clerk reported that a Grave Plot and a Remembrance Plot had been purchased recently and that the respective fees had now been credited to Westwood Parish Council.

Footpaths. Cllr. Parker stated that a parishioner had commented in respect of the dog fouling on public footpaths in the village. The Clerk was asked to place a suitably worded notice in the Westwood Update, designed to deter irresponsible dog owners from letting their dogs foul the paths.

11. Valley Parishes Alliance (VPA). a. Cllr. Edwards gave a report on the work of the VPA. He stated that there are a number of strategic documents that require comments from the VPA and that some of these documents, such as the ‘Wiltshire 2020 Consultation Document’ are very weighty – some 500 pages – and the timescales for consultation are very short. He cited the Wiltshire Local Transport Plan as another example. This document had just been published and comments were required by 26 November. He commented that, often, the Parish Council meetings of the constituent parishes do not allow the consultation timetable to be met. The Parish Council resolved by a majority that Cllr. Edwards has the authority of the Parish Council to represent it at the VPA meetings and to make decisions at the meetings and in respect of VPA consultation comments on its behalf. Cllr. Edwards was requested by the Chairman to keep the Parish Council informed of any decisions made.

b. The Parish Council endorsed the Valley Parishes Alliance representation on the draft West of England Joint Local Transport Plan (JLTP3) and the draft City of Bath World Heritage Site Management Plan (2010-2016).

12. Date of Parish Council Meeting.

The Council noted the date of the next Parish Council Meeting:

Ordinary Parish Council - Monday 1 November 2010 at 7.30 pm.

13. Any Other Business. Exchange of views on matters not requiring a decision.

Cllr. Edwards: Cllr. Edwards commented on the very poor state of the road (upper part) at Staples Hill. The Clerk offered to contact Wiltshire Council.

Cllr. Bishop: In answer to a matter raised by Cllr. Johnston at the last meeting, Cllr. Bishop stated that the West Wiltshire District Plan does contain a map of the local Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and of other ‘protected’ areas. The Clerk offered to try and obtain a copy of that map from Wiltshire Council.

Cllr. Parker: Cllr. Parker stated that he had taken action in respect of the temporary ‘costcutter’ signs by talking to Mr & Mrs Parsons and Wiltshire Council and he was hopeful that the matter will be resolved by Christmas when new ‘official’ signs should be available. Cllr. Parker added that he would send a letter to the Clerk for onward transmission to Mr & Mrs Parsons that summarised these discussions.

Cllr. Parker offered his apologies for being unable to attend the next Parish Council meeting.

There was no other business.


The meeting concluded at 9.30 pm.

Chairman 1 November 2010. Westwood Parish Council 1361

ACTION LIST – Meeting 4 October 2010

Action 1 (4/10/10) Clerk. To make agreed payments.

Action 2 (4/10/10) Clerk. To contact Nursery School – wording of ‘Licence to Occupy’.

Action 3 (4/10/10) Clerk. To write to Wiltshire Council – Planning application W/10/3096 (JB to provide narrative).

Action 4 (4/10/10) Clerk. To write S&J – High standard of grass cutting/strimming.

Action 5 (4/10/10) Clerk. To contact Mr Say – Fence palings (Play Area).

Action 6 (4/10/10) Cllr. Edwards. To paint over the Arctic Tower graffiti (Play Area).

Action 7 (4/10/10) Clerk. To contact Wiltshire Council – Empty Rubbish Bin (Play Area)

Action 8 (4/10/10) Cllr. Bishop To contact Hansons – Air Shaft Grating.

Action 9 (4/10/10) Cllr. Biles. To inspect footpath (The Pastures/Upper Westwood) and advise Cllr. Bishop.

Action 10 (4/10/10) Clerk. To write articles for Westwood Update: Fly-tipping, Dog Fouling, Street Light Consultation.

Action 11 (4/10/10) Clerk. To write to Selwood Housing – New trees.

Action 12 (4/10/10) Cllr. Richardson To survey street lights and to advise the Clerk.

Action 13 (4/10/10) Clerk To write to WC – Street Light consultation.

Action 14 (4/10/10) Clerk. To contact Wiltshire Council: Staples Hill condition, Westwood AONB Maps.

Action 15 (4/10/10) Cllr. Parker. To write letter re. costcutter signs, addressed to Mr & Mrs Parsons.

NB. Details of the actions above are contained in the minutes. 1362

Minutes of the meeting of Westwood Parish Council held in the Parish Rooms, Westwood at 7.30 pm on Monday 1 November 2010.


Cllr. J Johnston (Vice-Chairman) Chairman Cllr. T Biles Cllr. J Bishop Cllr. G Edward Cllr. R Howard-Evans Cllr. I Richardson

Mr. R Coleman Clerk

Wiltshire Councillor L Conley attended the meeting.

There were eight members of the public present initially.

1. Welcome and Introductions. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Apologies. Apologies for non-attendance were received from Cllrs. A Parker and S Harding.

3. Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 4 October 2010. The minutes of this meeting were signed as a true and accurate record.

4. Adjournment. The Meeting adjourned for members of the public present to raise any points of interest on any matter. The meeting then re-convened.

5. Westwood Road Safety. The Chairman invited Cllr. Bishop to give a report on the progress of the ‘Westwood 20 mph Speed Limit Trial’. Cllr Bishop stated that there is to be a meeting with Wiltshire Council on 5 November to review the progress of the trial and to agree whether it is the responsibility of Wiltshire Council or the Parish Council to provide elements of the trial. He added that all four speed monitors that had been installed some time ago revealed that the speeds recorded were below 30 mph – an important pre-requisite for the ’20 mph Speed limit Trial’. Cllr. Bishop stated that he would report back at the next Parish Council meeting and councillors commented that the Parish Council may choose to make a grant application to the Community Area Board for financial support if the Parish Council had to provide key elements of the ‘20 mph Speed Trial’ equipment.

6. Neighbourhood Policing. Clerk’s Note. PC Barrett of the Neighbourhood Policing Team attended the latter stages of the meeting but his contribution is recorded here to accord with the Agenda.

a. PC Barrett of the Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) stated that he had undertaken a number of patrols to enforce the local mandatory ‘width restrictions’ on vehicles using the roads in the locality. He commented that he had stopped some vehicles but they were all operating legitimately and, to date, no Fixed Penalty Notices had been issued. He reported that there had been no crimes in the area to report, although two burglaries had been reported at Holt.

1363 b. Cllr. Edwards reported that lead had been taken from the roof of a building at Staples Hill. PC Barrett replied that he was aware of this incident but that it had occurred some time ago.

There were no other matters reported.

7. Westwood Nursery School. The Clerk stated that the new, proposed, current ‘Licence to Occupy’ had been sent to all councillors with the Agenda papers and a copy had been sent to the Chairman of the Nursery School Management Committee for comment. He stated that no adverse comments had been received and it was now offered to the Parish Council, unchanged, for endorsement.

Cllr. Biles proposed that the new Licence be agreed by the Parish Council. This proposal was seconded by Cllr. Edwards and the Council resolved unanimously that the Licence dated 1 November 2010 be agreed by the Parish Council. The Chairman of the meeting, Cllr. Johnston, signed two copies of the Licence on behalf of the Parish Council and the Chairman of the Nursery School Management Committee, Karen Hobson, signed the same two copies on behalf of Westwood Nursery School. A copy of the signed Licence was handed to Karen Hobson and a copy retained for the Parish Council records. The Licence allows the Westwood Nursery School to occupy the existing Parish Council owned premises for a further seven years, that is until 1 April 2018, subject to the conditions stated on the Licence.

8. Bradford on Avon Community Area Board. a. Cllr. Biles stated that he had learned that there had been a proposal for a Trust to take over and manage the Bradford on Avon Swimming Pool, although there remained a commitment from Wiltshire Council to improve the present facilities. b. Councillors enquired whether the recent Grit Bin survey was to result in the additional Grit Bins requested by Westwood Parish Council being provided. The Clerk stated that he understood that the demand for new Grit Bins greatly outweighed the number of new bins available and that a meeting is to be held with representatives from Wiltshire Council, the Area Board and parish councillors from the local Parish Councils to decide on the allocation of new bins.

There were no specific items that the Council wished to raise at the next meeting of the Community Area Board that is scheduled for 24 November 2010 at St Margaret’s Hall.

9. Sub-Committees.

Open Spaces. a. Cllr. Edwards gave the following report on behalf of the Open Spaces Sub-Committee:

• The missing palings in the fence around the Play Area had been replaced. Cllr. Biles commented that since that repair had been undertaken a further paling had been removed.

• The graffiti on the Play Equipment (Arctic Tower) was still evident but he would attend to it as soon as possible by painting over the offending graffiti.

The Clerk reported that Mr Say had undertaken the repair of the Play Area fence by replacing the missing palings and that he had submitted an invoice for £13.

Cllr. Bishop confirmed that he had followed up the query concerning the grating on the airshaft in Westwood Park and he reported that Hanson Bath & Portland Stone had inspected the airshaft and advised that it was secure and that it did not present a danger to the public. He added that Hanson Bath & Portland Stone had now placed this item on the rota for a regular safety check.

Cllr. Bishop advised the Council that it was possible that football matches could be taking place on the Playing Field more regularly and that it could be in use on a Saturday and a Sunday. He invited councillors to consider this prospect and he asked the Clerk to place this subject on the Agenda for the next meeting with a view to the Council deciding whether this increased use of the Playing Field was acceptable.


The Clerk reported that he had received a request from Wiltshire Council for the Parish Council to participate in a Public Open Space Audit. Cllr. Richardson stated that the reason for the audit should be established and that detailed guidance on what constitutes an ‘open space’ be provided. The Clerk stated that some guidance on an ‘open space’ is given but that it is incomplete. The Council agreed that the Clerk writes to Wiltshire Council requesting answers to the queries raised by Cllr. Richardson. The Clerk commented that the timescale for the audit is very tight – to be returned to Wiltshire Council by 30 November - and that he would wish the Parish Council to endorse the results of the audit for Westwood before returning it to Wiltshire Council. The Council agreed with this suggestion and the Clerk was asked to place the subject on the Agenda for the next meeting.

b. Cllr. Edwards reported that, following his inspection in October, all the Play Equipment appears in good order.

Environmental. a. In the absence of a representative from the Environmental Sub-Committee no report was given.

b. Cllr. Richardson gave a report on the work that he had undertaken to identify possible street lights that could be ‘switched off’ or ‘dimmed’ as an environmentally friendly measure. He stated that he had identified ten street lights and although they can be clearly shown on a village map it is more difficult to provide a narrative description of their positions.

There ensued a discussion on how best to undertake the consultation with parishioners to enable a response to be provided to the Community Area Board in January.

The Council agreed to the proposal by Cllr. Richardson that he prepares a suitable worded article for the Westwood Update and that a map showing the location of the nominated street lights be included. The Clerk advised Cllr. Richardson that he would require copy for the Westwood Update no later than 16 November. The Council noted that the next edition of the Westwood update was to include the Community Questionnaire. The Council agreed that the replies from the parishioners in respect of the Community Questionnaire and the Street Light Survey from the parishioners should be placed in a box to be located at the Westwood Stores/Post Office and that a deadline of 31 December 2010 for the replies should be stated. The Clerk stated that this deadline would allow the results to be discussed by the Council at its January meeting and any decision by the Council to be promulgated in time for the Community Area Board meeting to be held on 19 January 2011.

Clerk’s Note. Replies in respect of the Community Questionnaire can also be e-mailed or sent to Cllr. Johnston.

Cllr. Richardson commented on the state of the local roads – especially Lower Westwood from the crossroads to the New Inn – and the presence of large potholes. He stated that the resurfacing of this road was long overdue and that various repairs made to it over the recent years had proved largely ineffective. The Clerk was asked to contact Wiltshire Council and ask that resurfacing of this road be included on the forward programme.

The Clerk stated that he would provide details in the Westwood Update of the Wiltshire Council contact for waste bin emptying so that members of the public could take direct action instead of reporting full waste bins to the Parish Council.

The Chairman reported that the Parish Council noticeboards were showing signs of wear and needed varnishing. The Council agreed to request Mr Say for a quotation for undertaking maintenance of the Parish Council noticeboards.

Footpaths. Cllr. Johnston stated that there was nothing significant to report in respect of the footpaths. She added that Path 16 between The Pastures and Upper Westwood had now been cleared.


a. The Council noted the status of the following planning applications: 1365

W/10/02549/FUL 134 Upper Westwood Single Storey Outbuilding Permission W/10/02564/FUL 21 The Pastures Single Storey Front Extension Permission W/10/02767/TPO 6 Friary Close Tree Works (4 x Limes) Consent W/10/03096/FUL 1 Hebden Road Front/Rear Extensions. Pending Conversion to two dwellings.

b. There were no planning applications received after 27 October 2010.

c. The Clerk reported that Wiltshire Council had replied in respect of the query from the Parish Council that related to whether planning permission was required for converting a garage into living accommodation at 42 The Pastures. Wiltshire Council had confirmed that it was a permitted development.

The Clerk stated that information regarding Wiltshire Council Enforcement Policy had been received. He handed this information to Cllr. Bishop.

The Clerk reminded councilors of a forthcoming seminar to be held by Wiltshire Council on ‘Planning – Material Considerations’ at Devizes, Chippenham and Salisbury. Cllr. Bishop expressed an interest in attending. The Clerk also indicated that he would be interested.

Clerk’s Note. The Seminars are to be held as follows: 18 November 2010, 2.30pm to 4.30pm, Monkton Park, Chippenham SN15 1ER. 23 November 2010, 6pm to 8pm, Browfort, Bath Road, Devizes SN10 2AT. 25 November 2010, City Hall, Malthouse Lane, Salisbury SP2 7TU.

If you wish to attend: Contact Sally Canter at [email protected] by 15 November 2010.

Finance. a. The Clerk reported that the current financial position was as follows:

Westwood Parish Council – Financial Statement – 1 November 2010

Lloyds TSB A/C 1643417

Bank Statement 4 October 2010 £ 8,220.02

Credits (5 October 2010 to 31 October 2010) : None £ - Total: £ -

Debits (5 October 2010 to 31 October 2010): V Cooke (Back Pay) £ 14.50 Clerk's Expenses (September) £ 75.25 Mazars External Audit £ 158.62 S&J Grounds (Sept) £ 166.00 V Cooke (Sept) £ 163.64 Total: £ 578.01

Balance at 31 October 2010: £ 7,642.01

Credits (1 November 2010) : None £ - Total: £ - 1366

Debits (1 November 2010): 01-Nov Clerk's Salary (October) £ 344.62 Total: £ 344.62

Balance at 1 November 2010: £ 7,297.39

Lloyds TSB A/C 7573321

Bank Statement 9 July 2010: £ 5,575.31

Credits: 09-Aug Interest £ 0.24 09-Sep Interest £ 0.24 11-Oct Interest £ 0.24 Total: £ 0.72 Debits: None £ - Total: £ -

Balance at 1 November 2010: £ 5,576.03

National Savings A/C 138409348

Balance at 4 January 2010 £ 7,751.03

Credits: Interest 1/1/09 to 31/12/09: £ 21.03

Debits: £ -

Balance at 1 November 2010: £ 7,772.06

Total Balance in hand at 1 November 2010: £ 20,645.48

Payments to be authorised 1 November 2010).

Clerk's Salary (November 2010) £ 344.62 Clerk's Expenses (October 2010) £ 26.46 St Johns CC ( Newsletter) £ 85.02 S&J Grounds Ltd (October) £ 166.00 S Say £ 13.00 V Cooke (October) £ 108.00 TOTAL: £ 743.10 Donations/Subscriptions to be considered – 1 November 2010 None £ - TOTAL: £ - 1367

Cllr. Richardson observed that the Parish Council had a total balance in hand of over £20,000 and queried whether this sum was held in reserve for a particular purpose. The Clerk explained that the National Savings account is the ‘Westwood Park Fund’ – the residue of a sum of money donated to the Parish Council by Beazers in 1983 when they were developing The Pastures. It was specifically for the maintenance of Westwood Park, although much of the routine maintenance had been taken from the precept. Cllr. Bishop commented that this balance of £20,000 will reduce as the remaining FY2010/11 expenditure commitment is met. Notwithstanding this, the Parish Council noted Cllr. Richardson’s observation and resolved that the remaining balance – some £8000 should be earmarked for specific purposes. The Council agreed that the proposed use for this balance should be decided at the next Parish Council meeting. b. The Council noted the Financial Forecast for FY2010/11 (attached to these minutes) and resolved that no action need be taken. Cllr. Bishop asked the Clerk to check the figure of £12426 – shown as the Total Income against ‘AGREED BUDGET FY2010/11’ – because his calculation indicated that it should be £12840.

Clerk’s Note. The figure should read £12840 and the attached Forecast Sheet has been amended to show the correct figure. c. The Council resolved unanimously to make the payments shown under ‘Payments to be authorised’ above. d. The Clerk advised the Council that a water butt and a gate for the Play Area at Westwood Park were now surplus to requirements and that the Council may wish to consider donating them to Westwood Primary School for their new Allotment Garden. The Clerk estimated that, together, they cost around £65 to £70. The Council resolved to donate these articles to the school.

Cemetery. a. Cllrs. Bishop stated that there was nothing to report and that the cemetery was in good order. He queried whether the hedge alongside the path should be cut back to make more room for the grave diggers’ machinery and for carrying a coffin to the cemetery. The Council agreed that a decision on whether the hedge should be cut back will be made at the next meeting. b. The Clerk reported that there had been a recent interment in a newly purchased grave and that he had approved the installation of a memorial stone on an existing grave. He added that the appropriate fees had been agreed and would be credited to the Parish Council.

10. Valley Parishes Alliance (VPA). a. Cllr. Edwards gave a report on the recent work of the VPA. He stated that he is currently reviewing the Wiltshire Local Transport Plan 2011 to 2026 on behalf of the VPA. He added that all discussion with members of the VPA is by e-mail and that makes for some real difficulties, especially when decision- making is required. He queried how the comments that he is making on the document could be agreed by Westwood parish councillors. The Council reaffirmed its resolution at the previous meeting that Cllr. Edwards has full delegated responsibility to provide comments and to make decisions on behalf of Westwood Parish Council. Cllr. Edwards noted this reassurance from the Parish Council.

11. Local Transport Plan 2011 to 2026. The Council decided that any comments it may have would be included in the response that Cllr. Edwards was making on behalf of the valley Parishes Alliance. The Clerk was asked to advise Wiltshire Council accordingly.

12. Date of Parish Council Meeting.

The Council noted the date of the next Parish Council Meeting: 1368

Ordinary Parish Council - Monday 6 December 2010 at 7.30 pm.

13. Any Other Business. Exchange of views on matters not requiring a decision.

The Clerk drew the Council’s attention to the following:

• Selwood Housing Celebration Event.

• Mr Ray Parsons had confirmed, verbally, that he accepted the sentiments expressed in the letter to him from the Chairman of the Parish Council in relation to the ‘costcutter’ signs.

The Council requested the Clerk to ask Cllr. Parker to decide on a date for the Christmas Meal and that those councillors available on that date would be pleased to attend. It was agreed that the meal would be taken at the New Inn, Westwood. The Council considered that Mr & Mrs Jeremy Robertson and Mr & Mrs Wildy should be invited as guests of the Parish Council in recognition of the work they have undertaken on behalf of the village.

It was agreed that the Finance Sub-Committee would meet at the Clerk’s house at 7.30pm on 7 December to prepare a draft budget for FY2011/12.

Cllr. Howard-Evans stated that the failure to regularly clear drainage ditches is a significant contributory factor to the flooding that Westwood suffers on the lower road and is, in his view, primarily responsible for the torrent of water flowing down Lyefield lane during wet weather. The Clerk replied that he would contact Wiltshire Council and enquire whether or not they are continuing to undertake the task of ditch clearance.

There was no other business.

The meeting concluded at 9.25 pm.

Chairman 6 December 2010. Westwood Parish Council 1369

ACTION LIST – Meeting 1 November 2010

Action 1 (1/11/10) Clerk. To make agreed payments.

Action 2 (1/11/10) Clerk. To write to Westwood Primary School – Donation of Water Butt and Gate..

Action 3 (1/11/10) Clerk. To write to Wiltshire Council – Open Space Audit.

Action 4 (1/11/10) Clerk. To write to Wiltshire Council – Resurface road (Crossroads to New Inn).

Action 5 (1/11/10) Cllr. Richardson. To give the Clerk the article for the Westwood Update (Street Light consultation).

Action 6 (1/11/10) Cllr. Edwards. To paint over the Arctic Tower graffiti (Play Area).

Action 7 (1/11/10) Clerk. To write to Wiltshire Council – Clearing Ditches.

Action 8 (1/11/10) Clerk. To write to Wiltshire Council – LTP comments within VPA response.

Action 9 (1/11/10) Cllrs. Parker, Johnston and Bishop. To attend Finance Sub-Committee meeting on 7 December 2010.

Action 10 (1/11/10) Clerk. To put contact details in Westwood Update for Waste Bin emptying.

NB. Details of the actions above are contained in the minutes.


FINANCIAL FORECAST at 31 OCTOBER 2010 (Includes all Payments and Receipts at 31 October 2010)

Westwood Parish Council

Actuals ITEM AGREED Actuals Estimated FY09/10 (Description) BUDGET FY10/11 FY10/11 FY2010/11 at 31/10/10 At 31/3/11 Income: 10000 Precept 10500 10500 10500 Grant 0 0 0 21 Interest NSC 80 0 25 5 Interest Res 10 2 5 1370 Cemetery Fees 1000 620 1000 1038 Cemetery Grant 1050 1038 1038 75 Lettings 150 180 150 20 Misc 0 0 0 69 VAT Refund 50 109 50 12598 Total Income 12840 12449 12768

Expenditure: 3072 Clerk Salary 3225 2190 3568 510 Expenses 600 275 600 0 Solicitors Fees 0 0 0 131 Chairman 150 40 150 132 Hire Hall 200 144 175 255 Audit 275 259 259 0 Subscriptions 0 150 150 954 Insurance 1000 1027 1027 1500 Community (Section 137) 1500 1088 1500 0 Elections 0 0 0 2759 Open Spaces 2500 1398 2500 1404 Cemetery 2000 1014 1500 0 PWLB Loan 0 0 0 0 Footpaths 0 0 0 Football Field 0 Maintenance 150 0 150 63 Misc. 0 0 0 10780 11600 7585 11579 Capital Expenditure: 0 Playground Equipment 250 0 250 0 New Trees 0 0 0 0 Notice Boards 100 0 100 0 Web Site 100 120 120 0 Nursery School Wall 4900 4900 4900 0 5350 5020 5370 10780 Total Expenditure 16950 12605 16949

Net Income -4110 -4,181


Minutes of the meeting of Westwood Parish Council held in the Parish Rooms, Westwood at 7.30 pm on Monday 6 December 2010.


Cllr. A Parker Chairman Cllr. T Biles Cllr. J Bishop Cllr. G Edward Cllr. S Harding Cllr. R Howard-Evans Cllr. J Johnston Cllr. I Richardson

Mr. R Coleman Clerk

Wiltshire Councillor L Conley attended the meeting.

PC M Barrett attended the meeting (Part-time).

There was one member of the public present.

1. Welcome and Introductions. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Apologies. There were no apologies for non-attendance.

3. Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 1 November 2010. The minutes of this meeting were signed as a true and accurate record.

4. Adjournment. The Meeting adjourned for members of the public present to raise any points of interest on any matter. The meeting then re-convened.

5. Westwood Road Safety. The Chairman invited Cllr. Bishop to give a report on the progress of the ‘Westwood 20 mph Speed Limit Trial’. Cllr Bishop stated that following the meeting with Wiltshire Council the correspondence subsequently received from Gareth Rogers (Wiltshire Council) confirmed that the ‘experimental traffic orders’ will be progressed in January with the planned trial commencing in February. Mr Rogers was unable to comment on other road safety measures for Westwood that would complement those planned for the trial. Cllr. Bishop commented that the Road Safety Working Group had proposed a ‘painted pavement’ – similar to those at Limpley Stoke – between the New Inn and Lyefield Lane, but understood that such a measure would have to be paid for by the Parish Council. The scheme at Limpley Stoke had been privately funded. Cllr. Bishop continued his report by stating that the data relating to the metrocount exercise had been analysed and he summarised the results of this analysis for the Parish Council. Cllr. Bishop concluded by stating that he was hopeful that a further meeting could be held with Wiltshire Council before Christmas and that there would be value in the meeting also involving representatives from Limpley Stoke.

Cllr. Richardson commented that Limpley Stoke had found that the introduction of the ‘painted pavements’ had resulted in improved behaviour by drivers to the benefit of pedestrians.

Cllr. Biles enquired whether it would now be appropriate to apply for a grant from the Area Board for additional road safety measures and commented that the Area Board had already been notified of such a possibility.


The Council resolved to draft an application for an Area Board Grant to provide all, or part, of the funding for a ‘painted pavement’ and other safety improvements and that the draft application be presented to the Parish Council at the January Parish Council meeting for endorsement.

Cllr. Richardson observed that the approach by Wiltshire Council to the ’20 mph Limit Speed Trial’ and to additional road safety measures for the candidate villages was inconsistent and Cllr. Edwards commented that there was no evidence of cross-border co-operation. Cllr. Richardson stated that he would consult with Limpley Stoke and learn from their experience and that would assist in preparing the draft Area Board Grant application. The Clerk requested that he is involved in the preparation of the draft application because financial information from Westwood Parish Council would be required to support the bid.

6. Neighbourhood Policing. a. PC Barrett of the Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) reported that the only reported crime in the area was a stolen cycle from an insecure garage. He added that he had continued to undertake a number of patrols to enforce the local mandatory ‘width restrictions’ on vehicles using the roads in the locality, but of those stopped all were found to be operating legitimately.

b. Cllr. Bishop reported that copper had been taken from a property in Hebden Road but the occupant had not reported it to the police.

PC Barrett stated that it is important that crimes such as this are reported because he can then include these areas in his patrols and it also represents valuable intelligence.

There were no other matters reported.

7. Westwood Street Light Survey. Cllr. Richardson explained the background to this survey and commented that, on behalf of the Parish Council, he had responded in a very short time frame to the request to identify possible candidate street lights for part-time operation. He had identified ten such candidates only to learn from Wiltshire Council very late in the day that thirty-six out of the one hundred and six street lights in Westwood were already ‘part-time’ including three of the ten he had identified. He argued that in the light of this information from Wiltshire Council the exercise he had undertaken was, to a large extent, nugatory and expensive in terms of resources expended. He commented that the public consultation included in the recent Westwood Update now had little value and would serve to confuse parishioners. The Parish Council endorsed these sentiments by Cllr. Richardson. Cllr. Richardson stated that he considered that Westwood already contributes significantly to the programme of ‘part-time’ street lights and the ‘green agenda’ and that it should withdraw from the current Street Light Survey.

The Council resolved that Westwood ceases to participate in the Street Light Survey and that an appropriately worded letter is sent to Wiltshire Council.

Cllr. Richardson stated that Wiltshire Council must provide full information to Parish Councils if it wishes the councils to undertake surveys or audits and that the purposes of such exercises must be explained to ensure that the councils provide useful data. If Wiltshire Council fails to do this then is unprofessional and will result in nugatory work being undertaken, as happened in this case, and that the councils should desist from co-operating.

8. Bradford on Avon Community Area Board. Cllr. Biles stated that he had attended the Area Board meeting held on 24 November 2010 and provided the following report (shown in italics) to the councillors prior to the Parish Council meeting:

1. We were advised that the two doctor’s surgeries plus one in Melksham are merging in April 2011 separate surgery buildings will continue. The new practices will have an operating budget of £10M and a drugs budget of £2M and 20,000 patients

2. It is hoped that the reduction in street lighting in Bradford will be introduced in January 2011.


3. The 2011 census - we are asked to identify any areas where it will be difficult for the census takers to approach the occupants e.g. Narrow boats on the canal.

4. Question do we have or could we have any boats in our bailiwick?

5. The police ‘tasking meeting’ . I believe we opted out of this committee

6. Community Area Transport Working Group would like to know if people have any particular gripes etc. They will be allocating grit bins.

7. Emergency Planning – quite interesting. The Council are trying to produce contingency plans and details of what supporting assets are available. They are looking for a volunteer to act as a coordinator in each Parish. They are willing to talk to us.

8. SPENDING CUTS – The Government grant will be reduced by 28% or £42.5 million over four years. This will result in a smaller council. It is hoped to involve communities more in the decision making process.

9. Funding of additional speed limit proposals not covered by basic costs - in theory these can be met from the ‘Community Area Grant’. I pointed out that we had put up a marker for such expenditure – this was confirmed.

10. Swimming Pool - it is hoped to re-establish the BOA Development Trust which will, subject to the usual criteria run the pool. The pool will be refurbished prior to handover.

The next meeting will be held on 19th of January, 2011.

Councillors noted this report, formally tabled by Cllr. Biles at the meeting.

Cllr. Johnston confirmed (in answer to Point 4 above) that there are boats moored on the canal within the parish boundary.

The Parish Council observed that the Emergency Planning referred to at Point 7 above relates to the Parish Council Resilience Plans that had been the subject of separate correspondence to the Parish Council. Cllr. Richardson, with the support of other councillors, argued that such a plan could be useful for Westwood if a civil emergency arose. Councillors commented that the correspondence on the Community Resilience Planning was unclear in terms of how such a plan is to be prepared and that some proposals for items to be included appeared fanciful. The Council resolved that the Wiltshire Council Emergency Planning officer, Nick Bate, be invited to the Parish Council meeting in February to provide more information on ‘Resilience Planning’.

The Clerk reported that he had received a number of e-mails from Avoncliff parishioners requesting the provision of a Grit Bin near to the Car Park at Avoncliff. Cllr. Howard-Evans stated that the Council had requested one additional bin but that was destined for the bottom of Bobbin Lane.

The Council resolved to request the Community Area Board to provide a Grit Bin for Avoncliff, arguing that the nature of Avoncliff and the steep hills thereabouts added urgency to this request.

Clerk’s Note. Wiltshire Council Cllr. Conley agreed to let the Clerk know if Westwood had been allocated a Grit Bin.

9. Westwood Stores/Post Office – ‘Costcutter Local’. a. The Council noted the correspondence from Mr Parsons requesting support from the Parish Council in seeking a Community First ‘Rural Sustainability Grant’.

b. The Council resolved to give full support to Mr Parsons in seeking this grant.

10. Sub-Committees.

Finance. 1374

a. The Clerk reported that the current financial position was as follows:

Lloyds TSB A/C 1643417

Bank Statement £ 7,297.39 01-Nov-10

Credits (2 November 2010 to 30 November 2010) : 05-Nov C Bowyer (Holt) £ 200.00 J Long (Watson) £ 50.00 Total: £ 250.00

Debits (2 November 2010 to 30 November 2010): Clerk's Expenses (October) £ 26.46 St Johns CC £ 85.02 S Say (Fence Repair) £ 13.00 S&J Grounds (Oct) £ 166.00 V Cooke (Oct) £ 108.00 Total: £ 398.48

Balance at 30 November 2010: £ 7,148.91

Credits (1 December 2010 to 6 December) : None £ - Total: £ -

Debits (1 December 2010 to 6 December): 01-Dec Clerk's Salary (November) £ 344.62 Total: £ 344.62

Balance at 6 December £ 6,804.29 2010:

Lloyds TSB A/C 7573321

Bank Statement £ 5,576.03 11-Oct-10

Credits: 11-Nov Interest £ 0.24 (Approx) Total: £ 0.24 Debits: None £ - Total: £ - Balance at 6 December £ 5,576.27 2010:

National Savings A/C 138409348 1375

Balance at 4 January 2010 £ 7,751.03

Credits: Interest 1/1/09 to 31/12/09: £ 21.03

Debits: £ -

Balance at 6 December 2010: £ 7,772.06

Total Balance in hand at 6 December 2010: £ 20,152.62

Payments to be authorised 6 December 2010).

Clerk's Salary (Dec 2010) £ 344.62 Clerk's Expenses (Nov 2010) £ 21.29 S&J Grounds Ltd (November) £ 166.00 RoSPA Annual Inspection £ 77.56 TOTAL: £ 609.47

Donations/Subscriptions - 6 December 2010 None £ - TOTAL: £ -

b. The Council resolved that the balance in the Reserve Account (A/C 1643417) and any surplus accruing from the Business Account (A/C 7573321) at the end of FY2010/11 is to be earmarked for ‘Community Improvements’.

c. The Parish Council agreed to the request from the Clerk to purchase a portable hard drive for Westwood Parish Council records at a cost of £45 (approx.).

d. The Council resolved unanimously to make the payments shown under ‘Payments to be authorised’ above.

Open Spaces. a. Cllr. Edwards reported on behalf of the Open Spaces Sub-Committee stating that a further two palings are missing in the fence around the Play Area.

b. Cllr. Edwards reported that there was nothing significant to report in respect of the Play Equipment.

c. The Council noted the receipt of the RoSPA Play Equipment Annual Inspection Report. This was handed to Cllr. Edwards and he was asked to study the report and to advise the Council at the next meeting whether any remedial work was necessary.

d. Cllr. Bishop requested that a decision on whether to allow greater use of the Playing Field – such as regular use on a Saturday and Sunday – be deferred until the next meeting.

Environmental. Cllr. Harding, on behalf of the Environmental Sub-Committee, commented that in the absence of Cllr. Cox this Sub-Committee comprised only him. The Chairman stated that the composition of the various Sub- Committees will be reviewed at the February meeting. 1376

Cllr. Johnston reported that she had been approached by a parishioner asking what action can be taken following a sighting of a dog walker failing to clear up after his or her dog. The Clerk replied that the parishioner should note full details of the incident, including the identification of the dog walker, if known, and to report these details to the Wiltshire Council Dog Warden who will request the parishioner to complete a witness statement. Thereafter, the Dog Warden can take action, such as issuing a Fixed Penalty Notice.

The Clerk was requested to include these details in the next edition of the Westwood Update.

Footpaths. Cllr. Johnston stated that there was nothing to report in respect of the footpaths.


a. The Council noted the status of the following planning applications:

W/10/03096/FUL 1 Hebden Road Front/Rear Extensions. Permission Conversion to two dwellings.

W/10/01368/FUL The Old Baptist Chapel Change of Use Appeal Allowed to a dwelling

b. There were no planning applications received after 30 November 2010.

c. The Clerk reported that Wiltshire Council had issued information regarding their Planning Enforcement Strategy and Policy. This information was handed to Cllr. Bishop.

Cemetery. a. Cllrs. Bishop and Parker stated that there was nothing to report.

b. The discussion and decision on the pruning of the cemetery path hedge was deferred until the next meeting.

11. Valley Parishes Alliance (VPA). a. Cllr. Edwards gave the following written report on the recent work of the VPA (shown in italics), but summarised the main points at the meeting:

The VPA response to the Wiltshire Draft Local Transport Plan 3 consultation process has been completed. It was approved by the nine parish council representatives that form the VPA and submitted.

To date the VPA has completed consultation on the following issues:

• Wiltshire Community Plan Consultation 2011-2028 • Draft Bath World Heritage Site Management Plan • VPA Representation to the West of England (WOE) Joint transport Plan 3 • Wiltshire Draft Local Transport Plan 3

At present the VPA are awaiting confirmation of an offer to be a member of the decision by B&NES full council meeting to establish a Transport Commission for the Bath area.

b. The Parish Council resolved to endorse the decisions made by Cllr. Edwards, on behalf of the Parish Council, as a member of the VPA.

12. Public Open Space Audit. The Clerk stated that he had written, as requested, to Wiltshire Council seeking an explanation of the purpose of this audit and stated that he had sent all councillors a copy of the response from Wiltshire 1377

Council. He commented that the response was less than satisfactory in that it failed to explain the purpose.

Cllr. Richardson stated that this was a further example of the parish councils being asked to undertake significant work with no real support or explanation from Wiltshire Council.

The Council resolved to take no further action until such time that the reasons for the audit are clarified.

Clerk’s Note. Wiltshire Council Cllr. Conley offered to establish why this audit is taking place and to inform the Parish Council at its next meeting.

13. Date of Parish Council Meeting.

The Council noted the date of the next Ordinary Parish Council Meetings:

Monday 10 January 2011 at 7.30 pm. Monday 7 February 2011 at 7.30 pm. Monday 7 March 2011 at 7.30 pm. Monday 4 April 2011 at 7.30 pm.

14. Any Other Business. Exchange of views on matters not requiring a decision.

The Clerk drew the Council’s attention to the following:

• Community Area Traffic Improvement Schemes – Summary Sheet. • Finance Sub-Committee Meeting date – Tuesday 14 December 2010 at 7pm. • Christmas Meal arrangements. • Parish Election Information.

There was no other business.

The meeting concluded at 9.35 pm.

Chairman 10 January 2010. Westwood Parish Council 1378

ACTION LIST – Meeting 6 December 2010

Action 1 (6/12/10) Clerk. To make agreed payments.

Action 2 (6/12/10) Cllr. Richardson To contact Limpley Stoke PC (Road Safety).

Action 3 (6/12/10) Cllr. Richardson/Clerk. To prepare draft Area Board Grant application.

Action 4 (6/12/10) Clerk. To write to Wiltshire Council – Street Light Survey.

Action 5 (6/12/10) Clerk. To invite Wiltshire Council (Nick Bate) – Emergency Planning/Community Resilience.

Action 6 (6/12/10) Clerk. To write to Wiltshire Council – Grit Bin for Avoncliff.

Action 7 (6/12/10) Clerk. To write to R Parsons – PC support for Sustainability Grant application.

Action 8 (6/12/10) Clerk, Cllrs. Parker, Johnston and Bishop. To attend Finance Sub-Committee meeting on 14 December 2010.

Action 9 (6/12/10) Clerk. To put Dog Warden details etc in Westwood Update.

NB. Details of the actions above are contained in the minutes.