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Mabel II. Gillis, Librarian , California State Library Sacramento 9, california F ft h See Sports Boxers Grab Page 6 Spartan Daily Students Sign for SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE Spring Session will register for spring quarter. Volume XXXVIII San Jose, California, Monday, April 3, 1950 Number 1061 ApproximatelY 72 00 persons classes today and tomorrow in the two gymnasiums according to estimates based on past enrollment figures. Lawmakers Cut Regstri .ari_Lsts Change P4...... Registrotion for the following departments _w W. be conducted m the Women's gym:. Art, Commerce, Health and Hygiene, .Home The Registrar's office has announced the following changes 'Economics, Industrial Arts, Jour- SJS Building Fund; in class schedules: nalism, Librarianship, Military Courses added: Site Clearing OK'd Biology 116, Genetics, 9:30 MWF, S228 McCa lum (3). Science, Music, Nursing Educa- tion, Occupational Therapy, German 2C, Intermediate German, 1:30 MWF, C-4 Ver. "We will submit otir 53,561,000 Women's Physical Education, Po- building request to the state leg- haaren (-4; ,- Psychology And__ Speech. islature again in January", Dr. German 2CS, Intermediate German-Science Students, 8:30 Other departments,will be located T. W. MacQuarrie, college presi- MWF, 21, Verhaaren (3). in the Men's gym and all registra- dent, told the Spartan Daily Fri- Courses dropped: tion booklets, regardless of de- day. German 2C, Intermediate German, 8:30 MWF, Verhaaren partment, must be completed and San Jose State failed to re- turned in at the Men's gym. ceive approval of its building re- (3). , quest last week when the Edu- Change in hour: .$) Students will register in the cation committee of the legis- Biology 11, Men's Hygiene, 11:30 TTh instead of 12:30. folldwing order: lature voted to allot San Jose HE 8, Foods and Table Service, 8:30-10:20 MWF instead of Monday, April 3 State only $12.5,000 of the 9:30-11:20. amount requested. MAC, MC, M 7:30 The committee agreed- to give HE 18C, Food and Nutrition Chemistry (Lecture), 8:30 TTh N. 0, P ' San Jose State the $125,000 in instead of 9:30. order to .complato acquisition -of- Registrar Viola Palmer an- S. 9 five parcels of land'at S. seventh nounced Friday Mit 1200 Stu- .. -9430- -- street and E. San Carlos street. dents are expected to register W to Z 10 - The original bill, introduced by College Makes Few today and tomorhow for. spring A 10:30 Assemblyman Jack Thompson, quarter classes. Miss Palmer 13- 11 that State's largest class of additions to the Natural said 1:30 .called for Personnel Changes World War II vets will register Science building and the Men's De E 2 for their last quarter on Wash- . 2:30 gymnasium and for Completion of ington square. the Library. For New Quarter - - Tuesday, April 4_ In other developments last week 8 the State Public Works board Personnel changes at San Jose H ...... 8:30 aUthorized $25,000 for clearing of State college are --al- a minimum ..... sites for the Music and.Engineer- this :quarter with only two new Registrar Asks K. L 9:30 ing buildings. The Music building i instructors hired, according to the Last Group 1:30 will be located across the street office of Dr. T. W. MacQuarrie. Students to Check s- from -the Home Economics build- In the Women's physical edu- Upper division students whose Last_ group consisis of students . Irilr-hrtd-the-Engineerirdi-building cation departntent, Mrs. Lelia F. booklets are marked "gritls de- whose registration booklets were will be built near HS. Seventh McBride, instructor, replaces Ws:7 ficiencies" are advise-U-5y the not included in Ine hour-group to street and E. San Fernando street. Helen Perkins who resigned. Mr. Registrar's office that this no- which they belong 'because of. late __Governor Earl Warren, the Everett M. Montague, part-time tation .may not he correct. applications for admission or re- State Departmi*nt of Education, instructor-in; the- Engineering de- Checking of deficiencies is -admission, unpa4 finea-ok-feca__ and other state agencies and partment fall quarter, will return soinewblo behind schedule and which had dot 'been cleared by officials' have assured Dr. Mac- to replace Mr. William A. Wolff . where there is need for a clari- Friday. March 31. Quarrie that hinds for the two who was on att3art-time basis fall fication of status studeitts may San Jose State college enroll- buildings are included in the ; and winter quarters. inquire In Room 100. 1950-51_ . budget and.....33311. tie No one has be_en named to_ re- ment hit a peak fall quarter when anailable later this year. Cost - Pett,r Ktistoviteh. 8019- persons registered.- according of the two structures Is (*sn- former, police school instructor, to Miss Palmer. registrar. outed at $1,441,7011. who resigned 'To take a post as Fairness Group College officials hope that the Dr. AlacQuarrie believes that , security officer with an Oakland student' body can be owed down construction on the $860.000 DEWITT PORTAL Spartan ;department store. to 6000 by next fall quarter, the Speech building, to he located be- boxing coach who has just re- 1 o JJ1SCUSS ew I figure set by the state as the ceil- turned with his team from a intern_ the _Student Union and San ing for state college enrollment. two-tournament jaunt to SAWA- Jose high school, will get under- mento and Penn State, The Entrants Needing Penalty Measures The largest veteran class enters Way this summer. Construction State boxers finished a close its last quarter this week. In the New disciplinary measures, oth- should aturttart- this summer -on -Woad in the PCI'L Sep-Sports- Physical Can Sign i fall of _194k46 ex-G.I.'s regis- grade penalties, WM- he the $24,000 archway between the P.7. er than tered. Last quarter N24 vets by. the Fairness com- Natural Science building and the Registration Day discussed still were in attendance. The per- mittee in their meeting tomorrow Commerce wing, the president centage of veteran students has All entering students required the Philosophy office. said. La Torre Ticket afternoon in decreased however. In the winter. to tal4 physical examinations The possibility of adding hours of 1946-47, one out of every two should sign a list posted during needed for graduation, or of as- Sale Opens Today students was i Ateteran:=Laitt___ Daily Sports New registration at a designated Ida- signing manual labor on campus La Torre ticket vets. Masthead; Next - an tomorrow during regis- hug to Miss Margaret Twombly, gestions to be read in a report by taation in the Men's gym Editor head of the Health and Hygiene Dr. Donald AldOn of the commit - Lou Frangione announced Friday. department. toe. in keeping given CBEA Starts The Spartan Daily, "More than one-half of.the 2250 Examinations will be The Fairness committee has I with new Spring fashions, blos- morning, April 8, in 1950 editions are already sold", Saturday just completed a survey to find brand 31. Convention Today soms forth today with a declared, the editor. Price of the the college clinic, Room out what disciplinary actions are new masthead. The new mast annual_le $5. possible for cheating under the San Jose is the site for the an- I. the product of Editor Bob The 1950 annual will have 272 'flee has mini Looseistiou of California Bus- Skillicorn and the engraving de- pages, 44 more than 1949's. Sports d Helperstatalso methods used by iness Education association, being partment of the San Jose Mer- covers other universities and colleges, held today and tomorrow 34 pages, with 112 to or- Dick Russo, homecoming chair- in Hotel cury Herald. ganizations, 25 to seniors, 20 to Sainte Claire. More than 400 man for 1950, announces that Next edition of the Daily wlil the "life" section teachers of business subjects and 10 to applications are now open for from be published on Friday. Regular campus life. Plays all parts of California students who wish to participate Johnson will attend. publication begins next week on The theme of the La Torre is: On the "annual celebration" com- liiresday. "California Statehood and the The local committee in charge mittee. At Reg. Dance of the convention consists of Mil- Growth of San Jose State". Eight Spartans wishing to apply are colored pictures of both the burn D. Wright, San Jose State Former Staffer asked to notify Russo through students weary from campus and students are included. Spartan college, general chairman; Earl "R" box in the coop. Meetings registration lines Assisting Frangione with the standing In long W. Atkinson, SJSC, program Begins New Job will be announced in the Spartan to relax and forget executive duties are Ruth Mahr -will be able chairman; George Kemp, Camp- Daily. "Reg Dance" Earl R. Crabbe, recent graduate and Bill Winslade, associate edi- all about it at the bell High school, publicity; and Civic Auditorium and Spartan Daily News Editor tors; Bill Schulz, business man- tonight in the John W. Aberle, SJSC, exhibits during winter quarter, today be- ager; Elaine Williams, photo edi- Prof Social Affairs Chairman, Duke chairman. gins reportorial work on the Sa- tor; Walter de Coux, art editor; Journalism Deras announced Friday. This will be the first CBEA con- linas Daily Californian. Ted Breeden, sports and copy edi- The dance is schedbled to last Ill Mother_ vention to meet in San Jose. Dele- Crabbe served his internship on tor; and Ruth Overton, index edi- Sees from 8-12 p.m. Admission is by pro- gates will represent colleges, uni- the Californian last summer and tor. Carl R. Hoffmann, assistant student body . Sport clothes to versities, high schools, and junior because of his outstanding work. fessor of journalism, was called will be the dress, as the theme is spring colleges. Panel discussions on .was assured a permanent job on Waupacka, Wis., during simply one of relaxation from the Call of his various problems of business the paper following graduation Treasurer's vacation due to the illness rigors of registration and "Easter his arrival Mr. teaching, a "Business Machines 5 from.San Jose State. The treasurers of Beta Phi Sig- Anbt her. Upon week at /Santa Cruz". Room and Laboratory Exhibit", While previously employed at ma, Delta Sigma, Phi Lambda Hoffman found that _his mother's improved. . Boyd Johnson and his progres- and a "Business Teachers"- ban- the Californian Crabbe won first Epsilon, and Delta Phi Epsilon are condition was somewhat sive jazz outfit will provide the quet, to be held at the Hotel prize for a feature article sub- reguested to contact Mrs. Helen Ile is expected to return to .the registration live music for this first school Sainte Claire. will .complete the mitted in:the Speidel newspapers Riley in the Graduate Manager's campus in time for get-together of the spring quarter. convention agenda. monthly contest. office, Room 16. 1 today. - sv ,*0141,NCIFIrcincherVen716141110WeiV211r, JrtITZ," %Ike

3, 1950 11 SPARTAN DAILY Monday, April ON THE Editorial 1., Page , SQUARE . By JACK RUSSELL Spartan Dolly News Editor A Spartan boxing funs saw more than just a series of athletic con. Si tests in the PCI "trials two weeks San 2eSta College go. They saw human drama and poitImanship at its highest Reak. , . Two senior boxers who have Published daily by the Associated Students of San Jose Strife college, except Saturday and been working and training for Sunday during the college year with one issue during each final examination week. four years toward that very mo- ment lost their chances on hair- line decisions. Both boys wanted . . _ Office: Publications Building (1193). on E. San Carlos street. to compete for Coach Portal at Press of th Globe Printing Co., 1445 S. First street, San Jose Sacramento so badly that they could tastc it. Telephones: CYpress 4 - 6414 Editorial, Ext. 210 Advertising Dept., Ext. 211 Those three or four minutes in which the ballots were collected, from the varsity members --who Subleripttert Prititr12:50157 VIP Or trpargai-417--torna-ik AgrEard For-di-pis. eaSt the-dee-Zing Votes, rather , than regular ringside judges-- were undoubtedly the longest min- Bob Skillicorn, Editor Milt Richards, Business Manager utes that either Jim Nutt or Pete Franusich had ever experienced. When the decision was announc- ed, Nutt, in a moment of emotion, It's Up To You flung his headgear to the floor and kicked it. Then just as sud- 4gele Will San Jose State college take another step forward in its drive denly his sportsmanship eame for national recognition in the athletic world or will the sports picture back and Jim rushed over to his in each other's arms'!" here remain status quo? opponent, newcomer Stan Marcil, "Think of it’and der we wuzlocked hugged him and wished him all the That question is one which YOU are being asked to heito- .-aTiswer. best of luck in the tests to come. Pete Franusich, who had even a More than a month ago, Athletic, Director Glenn (Tiny) Hart- stronger incentive to compete in Have You Found the ranft told the Student Council of his plan to charge students an ad- the PCI for the last timehis mission fee to basketball games and boxing matches in order that home is Sacramento, also walked San Jose State teams could meet outstanding intersectional oppon- over and congratulated his eon- Secret Beyond the Door? ents in Spartan gymnasium. The admission fee would be necessary, que;or, 'Raul Diez. Both fights could have gone either way, so By JEANNE THOMAS ture, given you three inpoettla- Mr. Hartranft explained, so that the Athletic department could meet tions, and the offer of a blood close were they. Both_ Pete and Spring quarter . . . dream-time the financial guarantees which intersectional teams would demand. Jim thought they had won. Whe- transfusion. You are minus your weather, new chapter in your col- peace of mind and the information - Mr. Hartranft made it plain at that time that he wanted ther they actually did or not, the lege career, the desire for adven- important thing that will be re- you were seeking. (Note: when to hear student opinion on the matter before proceeding with ture, an awakened interest in your visiting this particular den of-me- .. membered is how they took their ivy-covered 'surroundings . . . any definite plans. disappointments. dicinal iniquity, wear a sign de- here's a tip to test your focal picting the fact that you are sound Since that time, however, there has been virtually no expression We say with all sincerity that point. You may have ambled down both dim Nutt (1948 ('CAA of mind and body, and wish to re- of opinion. from YOU the students. . the winding corridors of this in- main that way). champion) and Pete Franusich stitution for years without realiz- Mr. Hartranft and the other gentlemen in the Athletic depart- 1948 PCI champ) were greater ing the hidden prisms of interest Men Run Rampant ment are not mind readers. They are attempting to handle this situ- in defeat Friday than they ever that greet you at every turn. Of course you can't forget the ation in a democratic manner, but the lack of student interest has Were In victory. Don't remain untouched by it all, office of the Dean of Women, We also say that the college or proved a stumbling block for their well-meant plans. investigate the "Secret Beyond where women are scarce but men high school that gets either one of the Door." run rampant morning, noon, and these Spartans as athletic instruc- Therefore, the Spartan Daily, in "order to assist Mr. Hart- Here's the advantage of a life- night. If it wasn't for the sign on tors will have bne of the finest ranft as well as the entire college sports program, is giving YOU --cross section-State campus, the door one would think it was gentlemen and time a chance to let him know your opinion. --- competitors that to be found _by all. merely by Pitman's Paradise pll over again. ever- Wbre the Gold and White. walking through one -of the' many *hat. is the magnet that draws . Immediately below this editorial you wilt find a questionnaire on blank-looking portals to SISC'eT- ,Strtong males through these por- :which YOU may inclizate your approval or disapproval of Mr. Hart- flees. First there is the glassed -in tals? casement of the Dean of (we Well, it seems -ranft's_ - plan. . , there is a certain Just Among laughingly- call them) Men's of- file available here, complete with Sao Jose State's athletic situation has reached a c-ossroads. fice. addresses and telephone numbers, 'Whether weledvance into national prominence or whether we remain This entrance leads to "Pit- that rates high with the boyS. a good, but little-kncwn small-college sports school is up to YOU! Ourselves man's Paradise", where the elite You know, 'hi case they need a , By PRES. T. W. MacQUARRIE 1 meet and are never seen again. baby sitter, or a typist for their Spring is the hardest quarter After spending a few minutes ob- term paper. Of course there are a the mad of men. few who want to contact the girl Fill out the following questionnaire and return to the Spar- warm days, week-ends at the serving stream beach, weddings, jobs -the old passing through like so many city- just because she is a girl. These tan Daily office at your earliest convenience. scholastic average gets the jitters. line buses, you will conclude two cases, however, are few and far I approve of the Hartranft student-admission plan It's a time for clear thinking, things: a) This place is more like between at San Jose State col- Grand Central Station than an lege, where man's only interest I disapprove of the Hartranft student-admission plan office retreat, and b.) Gads, what lies in academic research and in- a lot of men! tellectual awakening. This last bit Remarks: of information I obtained from a Info Gals Busy ASB No. short interview with a psychol- Across the raging from ogy major, who had a forehead the Dean's Den, we find the "Mad- high enough for three sets of eye- cap Martyrs" of- the Information brows and no teeth. office. What a lifeithese gals lead. Here you will determine that peo- Next time you are speeding on pJUnn- ple are not only funny, but yous way Into the afternoon,.seek._ aky in the frontal lobe. ing release from the grind of terror and adversity San Jose State college revives one of its newer traditions Sunday Not only is information about that is col- straying soulmates and elusive ca- lege life, drop in on one of the when Blue Key organization wilt sponsor the 1950 Easter Sunrise- above-mentioned ports in the services. nines dished out across the count- ers of the "Info Please" place, but storm and get a kick out of the life in The services, to be held in the Inner Quad beginning at 6:30 a staggering success has been es- these h'ar hills. 'a.m., are designed to enable State students,who aren't familiar with stablished in their lost and, found local churches to attend an inter-denominational service. department, motto: "If we haven't Summer Courses _Back ,in tile spring_ of 1947, the Blue Key group, then known as got .it, you _never_ had 1t.'L University of Madrid- the Spartan Knights, held the 'first Sunrise service, but during the -Perhaps the most efficient office is the one with Study and Travel .past two years the services were not held. HEALTH spelled out decisively on the door, a warn- ARARE opportunity to enjoy Marsh Pitman, chairman for the event, has worked hard to ing to all that enter. (Ah to be memorable experiences in prepare a program that will be in keeping with the deep religious able to read). They waste not a learning and living! For students, significance of the day. minute in preliminaries, here. You teaphers, others yet to discover fas- walk in at 10:30 with a clear con- cinating, historical Spain. Courses In the hectic rush of registration week, and with thoughts of include Spanish scisnce_and a naive conception of language, art and coastside holidays ever prevalent iti our minds, we should not, fail cult it r e. Interesting recreational th_place. You make your exit at program :to remember Easter week. DR. T. W. MacQITARRIE included. 11:02.:with the assistance of two For details, write now to opportunity to take part in Your college is offering you an balance and common sense. of the patient's who still can navi- SPANISH mostoutstanding of gate. STUDENT TOURS what rightfully should be one of the finest and In the college administration, 500 Fifth Ave., New York 18, N.Y. Sparta's traditions. Before you make any definite plans or next we are having our own troubles-- .They have taken your tempera- - .Sunday, think about attending the Easter Sunrise services. land purchase, new buildings, Keep it in mind! crowding, disqualified students, reducing enrollment. By June the Speech building TWO NEW SERVICES: should-be started and the Arch Information Office Lists Many hems between Commerce and Science,- I. :Bachelors Laundry I 2. "Rotes" possibly the Memorial ChaPeL .t Shirts in at 9:00 Pressing Lash Longerl out The Inforrtiation office again all of this there Is the usual col- We hope to have all of the laud at SAO. Mothproofed! reports that a large number of lost lection of pens, pencils, and pins. by that time for Music and En- and found artieles have piled up. The Information office wishes gineering. The buildings should be Dry Cleaners Items ranging from books and to remind the students that most started soon after that, but, ah 9"coldeft WeAlt binders to note paper and photo of the articles lost onocatnpUs lire me, It take% a long- time for gov- --EIGHT CONVENIENT LOCATIONS- and ernment to move. albums fill the shelves and book turned in to the lost found 25-29 S. Third Proof Main Rant CYprass 2-1062 literally department. If some of the stuff Pitch in, folksit will be June case!. there is a rack 276 E. William 231 Willow 24th & Santa Clara know pad with ,eports.coats, raindoats, is not picked up soon it will over- before you it. Come in and 1199 Franklia. hots Clara 1740 Park Ave. 1335 Lincoln, Willow Glis ... _ i'...... 4.144"... Cr. flossy intr. *ha hail see me if you get time. Mabel R i1ihrar,i at% . r r . er=rwore..- ^

t. Monday, April 3,, 1950 SPARTAN DAILY 3 Announcements Placement II Classified Ads Bartlett-Tieck Sophomore Council: -.Members, Two Students Bulletin Class of '52 are reminded to leave Wed at St Paul's 3:30 o'clock Wednesday open, if FOIEN Men: ant a room 1% blocks A wedding in St. they wish to be on class Council. Get Patrons Paul's Metho- An opening for a recreation from college? Free telephone and dist church unitcl No Meeting this. week. Miss Phyllis therapist has been announced by piano. Tile showers. $15 a month. Bartlett and tavid Henry Tieck the California State Personnel Swim Show: All functional casts CY 3-1938. 426 S. Seventh street. Scholarships In marriage Saturday, March 18. board. The final date to make and 'technical crew should come to Rooms for college men with an application Miss Romans L. Fabris, educa- The informal ceremony was at- is April 22, and the first meeting of the Swim some cooking privileges. 357 _$. tion major from and tended by members of the the examination will be given Show, Tuesday, April 4, at the Ilth street or call CY 3-0474, Kingsburg, couple's May 13. James W. Simpson, physical edu- families. The new Mrs. Tieck was pool, 7 p.m. . Room for one girl: Private bath. attired in a burgundy suit. With Salary starts at $268. Complete Kitcheri and laundry privileges. 'Cation major from Sebastopol, Philosophy Club.: Meet for La lime green and white accessories. information may be obtained in Linens furnished. 598 S. were $50 scholar- Torre pictures in Inner Quad 15th each awarded Her corsage was an orchid. the Placement office. street. ships recently San Jose Wednesday, April 5, at 12:30 p.m. by the Room and board for college State college Patrons association. Tieck, a speech and drama ma- ( Openings in the YWCA have boys: Four vacancies, 11 meals 'The checks were presented to the jor, will continue his studies at .- been announced by the_Placernsitt- Julu week; also board only. ago S. u ents y Mrs. R. I. Bodah, re- San Jose State college. ,The bride office. Applicants will work in start on July 1. Check with the Ninth street. CY-3-9942. tiring president of the organiza- will -be graduateAja_June-as an the Health and Physical Educa- PlAement office for complete in-' tion. tion departments., Room and board for boys: 259 The position starts Sept. 1, 1950. format inn. - N. Morrison . st,reet., half - block LoVonne -Peter: Check with the 1?harement 7------t4"1"hoorbarger"PnISTPtt Joan Greco Have you cast your for complete information. .Interviewers for over§eas teach- I CY 4-9233. ' Mg positions will be at the San 1 Kappy Baird . . ` Large clean heated,'f room for An examination for a recrea- Francisco Overseas Affairs office 1 two boys. Twin beds. 11-:2 blocks Mailve Ensensperger ballot for Revlon's tion director female position will and in Berkeley, April 14 and 15, I from college. $19 a mohth. Kitch- Jean Jackson De en privileges if held April 15, it has been an- according to a circUlar received desired. 253 S. Marie Bridges nounced by the Civil Service com- Ninth street. "Miss Fashion Plate mission of Los Angeles. by the Placement office. Barbara Withey For Jlet_ti _Laree heated room Any 'major in_ physical An. near college. $20 a month. Kitchen Ruth Howland - tion Three openings in the his I Of 1950"? or retreation may apply by privileges geles area have been announced if desired. 65 S. Ninth Jean Wolford April 4. -Salary starts at $273 a street. month. by the Placement office. The posi- Claire Johnston leather; a necklace, brocelet ond tions are limited to junior and For rent: Large rooms for col- * Revlon's exciting "Miss Foshion A physical therapy consultant Plate of 1950' contest closes mid- earring set by Triton; a silver-plated senior high schools. Check with lege men. One single, one double. and troy set by opening has been announced by night, Saturduy, April 151 Cost your lighter, cigarette urn Cooking privileges. CY 2-0179 or year's supply of Berkshire's the Oklahoma State Personnel the Placement office for full par- boliot, today I Ronson; a. 3-7449. 112 S. 12th street. nylon stockings; a Wittnouer wrist board. Salary starts at $265. ticulars. The girl who wins the title "Miss wok.). Check with the Placement office. Room and board for man in Fashion Plate of 1950" on your cam- on four counts Positions limited to junior col- Christian home. $50 per month. pus will receive a full yeor's supply Choose your condidote only: beauty and charm ... fashion Openings for students with kin- leges are open in the Los Angeles One block to bus. Home cooking. of Revlon products FREE! If she wins dergarten and elementary_creden- the notional -Miss Fashion Plate of knowledge end dross ...personel area, _Applieaftts.- mull} -}tare--a--1005.--Chapman street. --*K 6-0395 and parse. flats have been announced in the 950" titleshe will get a free trip to grooming ... personality neraLseeonrbary credential. Bermuda by Pan American Clipper, Territory of Hawaii. Studen Clip your ballot taday and drop it Vacancy for one man to share including on expense-free week at with special training in pre-school For full information, check with in the ballot box in this newspaper room in home. Ideal for study. the famous "Castle Harbour", plus or kindergarten fields may apply. the Placement office. office or other locations on campus. Close to school. 360 S. Ninth seven other thrilling prizes: on RCA- street. Victor "Globetrotter" portable radio; There's a panel of beauty authorities A Good Meal with o Lone Hope Chest; on Amelia Ear- waiting to judge your candidate for Board for girls: Breakfast or hart Party Case in "Revlon Red" the notional Grand Prize. Soup . Dessert - Coffee lunch and dinner. Five days. $30 FOR ONLY ***TIAN!) prr *********************************** monthly. 86A S. 12th street. * U ILL A glornorous trip to Borinvde by Pew American clipper, * MUIVW CY 4-9863. Call first. * * at including an expense-free week at the famous"Castlo Harbour". * 65c * * *- For rent:, Top quality room for * for "MISS FASHION TUX I nominate * * Breakfast Served boy. Semi-private bath, refined * * home. Upper classman preferred. * PLATE of 1950", a contest sponsored by Revlon Products Corp. * $5.50 in food for a $5.00 meal * * EL CHARRO CAFE $30. CY 4-6586. * * * ticket. Open 6 a.m. to I a.m. A. CONTRERAS, Prop. Your Name * 17 So. 2nd St, CYpress 3-9779 College girl, to shire modern 1 : * apartment. Call CY 5-5136.

You wont to save 25% by getting used books You want to be sure of getting a book at all You want to avoid the rush IF You want an early start on your studies DON'T WAIT TILL YOU'VE BEEN TO CLASS TO GET YOUR BOOKS AND SUPPLIES BUT COME OVER AS SOON AS YOU'VE REGISTERED


Also Reference Collateral Readings and Outlines -Art Engineering and Other Supplies

Money-Back Guarantee if wefre wrong or you change courses. VETERANS We welcome your patronage and promise the most effkiant and complete service possible. THIS QUARTER HAVE YOUR CARD STAMPED: CALIFORNIA BOOK CO. Just Across 4th from Student Union . 134 E. San Fernando "Your Friendly Student Store" 4 SPARTAN DAILY Monday, April 3, 1950 New Social Science Two Students Represent State Debate Team Courses Slated for Summer Sessions SJS at AWS Convention Competing at Stockton Associated women students Joan Hale and Jo Ann Keeler Many new social science courses leave today for the University of Oklahoma, at Norman, Okla., are being planned for the 1950 from San Jose State college's Forensic club is in will attend the National Intercollegiate AWS convention. A delegation Summer Sessions at San Jose where they of Stockton today participating in the Pi Kappa Delta Provincial Invi- State college, according to Dr. Miss Hale, temporary president the local AWS group, is a William Poytress, head.of the junior commerce major from Morgan Hill. Miss Keeler is a sophomore tational Debate tournament. .The tournament is an annual affair, . . de- partment. general elementary major from sponsored this year by the College of Pacific. It will last three days, A new type of upper divisilni San Jose, and ise,AWS treasurer. in the contest from SJSC through April' 5. Those entered include history course is being inaugur- Spartan Alum University of Oklahoma hostess- Leslie Groshong, Bob Whitall, ated for next year during the -filet es will greet representatives and John Mix, Sam Datri, James Da- Summer Session, Poytress reveals.

rner, Glyndon Riley, Willis Mor- R. A. Kelly Tells Instead of studying history Seeks Office advisers from colleges and uni- ris, Jim Maynard, and Lois Walk- versities all over the United straight .through, upper division who has re- er. The students are entered in Lo.cal Students- . 0. Del Mutolo, social science majors will be able cently announced his candidacy States, according to Publicity team debate competition and in- to study periods, such as the di- hip the office of 29th District Chairman Melba Sills. Purpose of dividual impromptu speaking Of. NSA Plans "Jacksonian Period", from 1812 to visions. assemblyman, attended San Jose the convention is to create a Robert A. Kelly, president of the Mexican war, and. "Colonial State college and is a graduate of debate is the na- closer relationship between AWS Subject for the United States National Stu- America." These courses are open the University of Santa Clara, . "debate- proposition,..Ra. dent -association; -spoke tio -10-Bwrr lo.. .any -student- duvinsk the.. sum- riess..ef. 14)36., 1.4...,kaids_ 'will organizations. the United States solved; "That Jose Staters in the Student Y mer. political science. should nationalize the basic non- In political science the follow- Discussions, displays of AWS Lounge last week. The aspirant is a native of San agricultural industries." ing courses will be given- at the projects and activities, and sound The NSA membership totals Jose and a veteran of World War In the impromptu speaking con- about 900.000 students, or about first session: "Soviet Union To- table talks compose the conven- II. Before entering the service are allowed to des- day," dealing with the internal test, students half of the undergraduates in the he served a clerkship in the State tion agenda. San Jose State col- field in which structure and relations of the ignate a subject United States. Three hundred and assembly in 1940 and 1941. lege delegates plan to participate they are interested. Specific top- twenty, American schools, Soviet union to the rest of the ranging . He worked on local fonts and in discussions concerningintprove- ics for speeches are drawn front from a juhior colltge of '55 stu- world; "International Organiza- canneries as a youth, learning the this subject field. dents in Memphis to the Univer- tion," a course designed for sen- ment of orientation- programs, problems of the small business- students sity of California, are members. iors on the structure arid function closer student-faculty relations, Topics chosen by local man, farmer, and the working San Jose State college has not of the United Nations; and leadership training, and services include Groshong, personality ad- man. He is married to the former Ditmer, affiliated. "History of American Political offered by AWS to campus and justment; Datri, travel; Helen Zeller, who also attended Purposes of NSA, as outlined Thought". community. automobiles; Morris, retailing; this college. Riley, religion. in the preamble of the organiza- In sociology, "Social Aspects of tion, are: "maintain academic Health," "Social Science." and Del Mutolo, who is seeking both debate ses- Following Monday's freedom, .stimulate and improve "World Resources and Popula- the democratic and republican will take part in sion, students democratic student governments, tion" will be given. Three grad- nominations, has come out against LAST! Follies," inter-school AT "Forensic develop better educational stand- uate courses are also on the "bossism" and "special interests ar variety show which includes skits, as improve student welfare, schedule. inimical 'to the- people's welfare." A BOOK THAT novelty acts, and song numbers. proinote international understand- A new course entitled "Geogra- Participating in the inter-school ing, guarantee to all people equal phy of the Pacific Coast" will be GIVES YOU THE debate are schools from this area rights and possibilities for educe- given during the second summer Gloria_ Surian including Stanford, San Francisco MAI, and foster the recognition of session, Poytress reveals. TRUE MEANING State college, and San Jose State the rights and responsibilities of "American Political Parties" To Be Soloist OF VERBS! Also taking part in the students to the school, the corn- and "Contemporary college. Political Gloria. Surian, the advanced Tim NEW debate activities will be San munity, humanity and God, and to Thought" are slated for the sec- music major from Los Gatos who Diego State college, Pepperdine, presecve the interests and integri- ond session in political science. made such a hit when she sang and University of Southern Cali- ty of the government and consti- Poytress states that '!Youth with the a capella choir recently, ,"VERBULARY", fortiia. tution of the United States." Problems of Today," a very will be soloist for the 1950 Easter Amazingly Complete poobiar course given last sum- Sunrise services, April 9, it was Simple To Use mer, will be repeated again at disclosed yesterday. The services Nov. ever kerked he Only this year's second session, will be held in the inner quad at It,. ACTUAL meaning of Adopts Regulations verb end gotten everything $ Igc "C ommunity Organization," 6:30 p.m. and are sponsored by ertf that? The VERSULARY, dealing with the problems of the Blue Key. mens' IS. neve kopek en Om moon national service kg of verbs scilys this city' and community, will .also be fraternity. problem. It took 20 years to Coverning Use of Liquor Here presented for 1he first time this erenoile, end the mule is o Invocation' at the services are erresterpiece of clarity and year. exactness. It's -most for The'-htter-Fratoreity council. at San Jose State college recently to be given by the Rev. James every scholar, every busi In ecoPtomics, "Current Prob- nes. man, frowyoft VOW adopted a group of regulationsgoverning the use of liquor in all Martin, executive secretary of wOm hat beim !ems of Public Finance," dealing -In dovIst as to o potticolor vrb’s mean. The regulations were adopted formally at a meet- San Jose Student Y and bene- Ina RUSH YOUR ORDER NOW AT THIS member houses. wit h taxation and government SENSATIONALLY LOW INTRODUCTORY diction by Dean of Men Paul. M.'. owti. ing .of the I.F.C., with President Bob Baer presiding. financing, also will be slated. Pitman,. ,a former -minister. Send chick or manly order. WO pay pest. :No fraternity will serve an alcohol beverage, including beer, Dr. ego, or COD, pies postage. Poytress reveals that the Former Blue Key President Phil 1 at any function attended by social science department is stress- Ward will read the scripture and - The VERBULARY CO. Iwomen and Inone of the members Dept. 24, 521 Greenwood Ave. ing graduate and senior work. Toni Pitman will play the carillon Doris Hildebrand :may bring l!quor to any fraternity chimes. Brooklyn IS, N. Y. or fu ction. To FWD. AzevedoA The I.F.C. also adopted reg- Dr. L4vton to Go Miss Doris Hildebrand recently ulations governing the use of beer by minors and the fra- announced her betrothal to De: To Sa Diego Meet C %NUTS OR AT HOME. wain Azevedo, a junior radio ternity houses. The member major at San Jose State college. houses will comply with all Dr. Anita layton of the Health state regulations bnd laws ac- department, will he one of tile The bride-to-be is a junior cording to the agr ement. delegates to the annual confe- journalism major, and will serve The regulations are the result ence of the State Tuberculos s a three month internship on the of long study . and effort by a association in San Diego, during Los G 1 tos Daily Times during committee composed of the two .the spring vacation, it was an- spring uarter . She was a society recent past -presidents of the nounced Friday. reporter on the Spartan Daily I.F.C. and will be enforced by Dr. Layton is presi tient of the winter quarter. the council upon the member Santa Clara County berculo is Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Azevedo of fraternities. association, Miss Margaret Two - San Francisco are parents of the A high administrative official of bly, head of the Health and I y- benedict-elect and Miss hide- the college has given his personal giene department,' said. brand is the daughter of Mrs. approval of the regulations. and In addition to the TB conven- Ruth Tole or San Jose and Mr. has said Ittay-the adoption of- the tion, Dr. Layton will represent' Ray Hildebrand of San Francisco. rules by the I.F.C. indicates the the Health department at a pre- The couple haven't set a wed- ability of the member fraternities conference meeting under the aus- ding date. I to carry on self-government and pices of the State Bureau of !regulations without intervention Health Education, Physical Edu- by official circles. cation, and Recreation: The Block Tickets Fraternity and sorority repre- sentatives may pick up block _ R reservations for the 1950 Revel- rrow ries Thursday and Friday in the- Graduate Manager's office, Room 16. 'Tuxedo Whites WITH for rt. ACCESSORIES Easter )New Alrrlf?_;;* The * Latest Style Tuxedo No matter which suit you wearan AliROW NEW white shirt will set it off right! They're- crisp * Sherman A:irmet Shirt white, impeccably tailored of fine fabrics and * Hickok Jewelry come in a variety of good looking, perfect fitting FASHION CLEANERS Arrow Collars. $3.65 up , Expert Cleaning Alterations Dressmaking c9 axed Shop Costumes 246 Security Building ARROW SHIR TS OkiTIES I Laundry Street 277 E. San Fernando 84 S. First UNDERWEAR HANDKERCHIEFS SPORTS SHIRTS Across Stroof from School CYpress 3-7420 CV 3-3$33 Mabel R _ Ci 1i T.ihrn.j an

SJSC Nine to Open Monday, April 3, 1950 SPARTAN DACIA' 5 sponsored by the Alpha Epsilon Boxers to be Feted frilternity. Against San Diego The Spartan boxing team Will ,i , be feted at the event and plow es By ROSS MASSEY Tomorrow ngnt of the Pacific Coast Invitational Heading into the "meaty" part wins antrthree losses this, season. will be shown. Hal Moore, wrestling impresario McCarty Sparks of their tough schedule, the One loss was a 15-4 shellacking by Ed Everett, chairman of Ow Spartan horsehiders" send "Pistol USC, but they have beaten Whit- of San Jose, and noted sportswrit- banquet, revealed that tickets for tier college. Loyola university, and the event may be obtained at the Pete" Mesa against the,, Aztecs of ers of the Bay area will be guest Golfers to Victory San Diego at Municipal stadium, several naval teams. A right Graduate Manager's office, radio tomorrow, April 4, at 3 p.m. San hander, Harry Ohlson Who has speakers at the Boxing Team ban- station KII3E ,in Palo Alto, and Sporting victories over the Uni- Jose also meets Compton J.C. won one and lost one, will take quet, Vahl's Restaurant, tomor- from members of the Sigma Al-' versity of Colorado, 11-7, and the Thursday, April 6, at the same the hill against Mesa. row night. The affair is being pha Epsilon fraternity. Bears of California, 20%-6%, the place, same time. SJSC golf team moves into Pasa- Coach Walt William's nine now tiempo Country club to play the is sporting a .500 won-lost ave- best In the west at the Northern rage. The Joseans have lost the California Intercollegiate matches: "toughies" to Stanford, St. Mary's, and twice to California. Their Warren MacCarty led San Jose wins were against San Francisco to victory in both matches against State, Camp Pendletonr and two Cal and Colorado. Joe Zakarian, wins over Moffett Field. Leo Foley, and Ken Venturi also Mesa, who starts agaihst San Shat... Very zood-ganaes....It was. the_ Diegor-is-the tough-luck hurler of Golden Bears' first loss. the local nine. His last outing was USED TEXTS a neat four-hitter against Cal but Both the Colorado and Cali- weak hitting and fielding lost the fornia matches were played in game 4-0. Only one of the runs miserable weather as a light driz- scored were earned. WE SCOUR THE COUNTRY FOR THEM zle and strong wind hindered the golf competitors. The game with Compton_ prob- ably will find Ralph Romero, a fluid-working, curve ball artist, San Jose State has produced taking the mound for San Jose. TO SAVE YOU MONEY two NCAA boxing champions pri- St .Mary's college knocked Ro- or to this year's meet. Dick Mi- mero out of the box earlier in the yagawa and Wayne Fontes are year for his only setback. the two Spartan champions. Weak stick work has been the vexatious problem of the Gold and (Also New Books and Supplies) TAKE GOOD CARE White nine so far this season. The team batting average is .203 and OF YOUR CLOTHES! only one regular is batting over .300. Will Concklin, third sacker, FOR ALL COURSES is hitting .348. ALTERATIONS. San Diego has a record of eight REPAIRS Frosh Baseball Coach Tom Cureton's frosh EXPERT CLEANING baseball charges return to their and diamond wars Thursday as they take on the Buccaneers of. DYEING Camp- bell high school in a local game. California Book Co. The Spartababes have lost only Say* by Cash and Carry one game to San Jose high in a Just across 4th from Student Union 134 E. SAN FERNANDO S & ht Green Stamps thriller. Pitcher-outfielder Manny Ferguson has led the squad in its victories to date. The frosh will Porto/a Cleaners play 14 more games, finishing "Your Friendly Student Store" Will;am_ end Oth CV 4-19$7 against St. Mary's frosh on May 18. , FRESHMEN! SHOP THE UPPER-CLASSMEN WAY


WE KNOW AND STOCK NEW AND USED BOOKS FOR ALL COURSES Also References, Collateral Readings and Outlines Art, Engineering and Other Supplies

MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE IF WE'RE WRONG OR YOU CHANGE COURSES SAVE TIME --- SAVE MONEY CALIFORNIA BOOK CO. JOst Across 4th from Student Union 134 E. San Fernando "Your Friendly Student Store" MU MAC GOES All THE WAY Cindermen; Modestoan Hammers Out Wants Soccermen Trojans Trounce Spartan Only SJS Division Title A plea for soccer enthusiasts at San Jose State .college-hatr' Martin, Mattos, Relay Quarter Shine By Dan Hruby been made by Inge Soderstrom. it with three ri- Spartan Daily Sports Editor Any students interested In play- Setting a new school record and but had to share vals. del Mac Martinez, a college student who never Warned the meaning ing soccer are' asked to contact surprising the experts, the San %I r. Soderstrom. His matting ad- Jose State college mile relay team Other San Jose point-makers in of defeat. Saturday night slashed his Way to the 125-1b. champion- were: Boyd Porch, second in the dress is Route 1, Box 1061, scored a big upset by nosing out bin ship of the National Collegiate Athletic association's tournament of Woodside, Calif, or phone Ul javelin at 188 ft. 4 1-4 in.; Davis, 1950. The little Spartan dynamo, San Jose's only entry in the finals, 14851. the University of Southern Cali- third in the 220-yard dash; Jim racked up a unanimous decision over Henry Amos of Michigan State fornia foursome in 3 min. 18.6 Gillespie, third in the 220-yard at At before 5600 excited fans in Penn low hurdles; Owen Moore, fourth sec. in a three-way meet with the a State's recreation ball. champions and Fres- in the 440 yard dash; Frank John- NCAA track sebtitliica Martinez' triumph, however, Veni, Vidi Vici! no State college at the Los An- son, fourth in the mile run; Dan was the only bright light for the geles coliseum Saturday. Other- Sawyer, fourth in the 880.yard fourth in the Californians, who finished fifth wise, USC won pretty much as run; Ron Maire, an in the tourney. San Jose notched expected with 115 points, followed broad jump, and Marion Day, thr second place last year. Idaho and by the Spartans with 30 3-4 and fourth in the 2-mile run. .cla Goniaga saved face fa -Me Pre- the Bulldogs with 16 1-4...__ Two meet- records were broken,- - hal coast in tying for the champ- cific San Jose's anchor man, Don both by Trojans. Dick Attlesey, ionship with 18 points apiece. Davis, personally led the relay the only double winer of the day, They were followed hy Michigan pub(0.,c0)1 team to its triumph. Davis started b(mnded over the 120-yard high third with 13: LSU and State, even on the last lap with the old hurdles in 14.1 sec., lopping a half Penn State, fourth with 12, and iron horse, Bob Chambers, an second.ufl the Old standard. NCAA SJSC with 10 points. outran the Trojan ace in the last point -maker, Bob Pruitt, made the nix Firing from a southpaw stance, 20 yards. San' Jose's team was second new time with his 1 min. wa Spartan boxing the automaton of composed of Owen Moore, Rueben 53.8 sec. in the 880 yard run. ter won his 13th straight bout in top- Derrick, Bob Nicolai and Davis. The San Jose freshmen were rin ping Amos. In a bloody slugfest, -beaten soundly in their first test Martinez dropped Amos to the Three events were won outright of the season. 90-41, by College yesthe canvas late in the second round by the Spartans while a fourth was shared four ways. Reliable of Sequoia (Visalia) on the Spar- with a right to the head. tan field Saturday. 'Little Mac" left no doubt in Mel Martin turned in a creditable wa Maurice Alsop of San Jose won the Judges' minds as to the win- perforpiance in the high leap, chi the shot put and the discus, tos- ner, in direct contrast with last jumping 6 ft. 5 in. Dore Purdy at the iron ball 42 ft. 1 in. and year's fiasco. The Modestoan was the only local athlete to cop sing vet the' platter 138 ft. 3 in. threw more leather than a buck- a flat race. He toured the 2-mile slinging ser Clifton Paregien (COS), a double ing bronco with five saddles in in 9 min. 48 sec. George Mattos Tb winner in the sprints, churned the winning the PCI and NCAA ti- equalled his top mark of 13 ft. 6 Ma in. for the season in the pole vault, furlong in a fast 21.5 sec. tles, and 'proving his heart big- _ ger than his stature. ba Martinez, fighting with instinct PC and visceral valor, showed a 21 cheering crowd that courage and N 0 W! Two Launderettes pi condition pay off. In his toughest V. bout, he conquered Milton Pastor for YOUR convenience. of LSU in the semifinals Friday THIRTY-MINUTE SERVICE night. Pastor, a clever puncher mt and ring-wise veteran, entered the 30c wash 20c dry Ida fight with supreme confidence. Departing from his unusual Economy style, the Gold and White battler San Jose General tal answered the bell with dazzling Launderette Launderette tali footwork aqd caution, and three 463 SO. SECOND 872 E. SANTA -CLARA cis minutes , later f9und himself los- wh The good citizens of Ceres, Calif., located:three miles south of Phone CV 4-2420 Phone CV 5-1230 ing. But in round two, the red Ma flag was thrown to the winds and Modesto, now can roll out the carpets and call out the bands to honor HOURS: HOURS: sea box- Week Days 8-8 Pastor was hit by a paddlewheel a native son, MAC MARTINEZ, who captured the 125-lb. N('AA Wask Days 94. to Saturday 9-6 attack he never had seen before. ing championship over the vacation at State College, Pa. The rugged Saturday 5-6 La Sunday 10-3 Sunday 10-3 Martinez snared the final two little pugilist, a 22-year-old junior at San Jose State should be ready d:i Closad Thursday Closed Wednesday rounds and won a unanimous de- to defend his newly-won title, come next boxing season. rot cision, in addition to the hearts of tor,r an obstreperous crowd. rainbowed hooks and punched well The competition as rugged all in close but Maxey's longer reach the way for the 125-lb. Spartan, and incessant jabbing pyramided who met Steve Grernblin in a points and gave the northern acel One of the Finest Selections in the Bay Area thr thrilling first round bout. Gremb- a unanimous decision. gle lin of Wisconsin sported a NCAA Santa Clara's Al Tafoya, al- thr title won in 1948, but the invin- ways coming, always the aggres- titl cible Martinez handily took the sor, chased LSU's Tad Thrash all decision. Gremblin was hanging on over the ring in a 130-lb. Thursday to the referee, the ropes and his night joust, but the referees chose opponent at the final bell. the southerner in an unpopular de- ARTIST SUPPLIES Hard-luck Don Schaeffer, cap- cision. The crowd, predominantly al ping a four-year fistic career, Pennsylvanian, booed the result fa smashed out a decision over lustily as everyone thought the TI Pete Monfore of Army In the Californian had won. ft opening round and looked a good San Jose's chances of copping W. bet to take the 175-lb laurels, the NCAA plummeted with an and MATERIALS hut Ids old nemesis, Carl Maxey ominous thud in the opening of Gonzaga, beat him In the round when Heavyweight Jack quarter-finals. Maxey" later won Scheberies and 165-pounder Raul I. the finals. Diez followed Tafoya over the tur PASTEL Grumbache; pastel se+, DRAWING Fgtherweight The EIJSC student body prexy vanquished trail. ._ thr SUPPLIES Nu -Pastor!, Prang BOARDS Drawing Boards -are enl IT Special Pastel papers in whit and colors. 2341: 5.25 18224: 3.35

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ecision Nips D. Schaeffe Monday, April 3, 1950 *SPARTAN DAILY 7 Spartan Mermen Drown Arizona Fresh with three straight vic- zona. McConnell won in both Gives Idaho PCI Title tories over the holidays, the San matches at Tucson, By JACK RUSSELL, News Editor Jose mernien aigage the tough Other stars for the Gold and 175-lb. Finals: Carl Maxey San Francisco State pool team in White mermen were Don Lee and (Gonzaga) dec. Don Schaeffer (San McConnell, Walt - the Spartan pool Friday, April 7, George Haines; both won double Jose State). The boys from Washington events. Lee captured the 220 and Those simple lines spelled the difference between victory and McPherson Square beat the University of Ari- 440-yard events, while Haines Won for the Sah zona twice, and the California Ag- the 50 and 100-yard events. defeat Jose State boxing team at the PCI tournament Journey East gies. The Wildcats went down 60- Haines was the individual star in Sacramento. They also revealed, unknowing to many, how much a 15, and 50-25 respectively. The against the Cal Aggies also. He boxer can improve in two years.' Two San Jose State college Aggies surrendered '54-21. won the 50 and 100-yard freestyle "Macs", Coach Walt McPherson Behind those Pat McConnell, crack diving events. His time for the 50-yard results was a and Swimmer Pat McConnell, story that began two years ago. star, who flew in from the NCAA swim was a remarkable 25.5 sec- spent the holidays with business meet held in Columbus, Ohio, led onds. He churned the 100 yards in At Spokane, Wash., in 1948, Carl jaunts into the Midwset and East. Maxiey met Don Schaeffer in an the g`partans to victories over Ari- a fast g7.7 seconds. exhibition bout. The Gonzaga McConnell sojourned to Colum- bus, Ohio, battler was ineligible and reports to compete in the NC- Krikorian and Bulwa went to AA stated that he was too good for swimming and diving cham- Spartan Netsters the quarter-finals before being pionships March any college-trained boxer. For 24-25. The husky beaten by Catton and Roach, re- Iristitnari, a graduate three rounds, he completely out- of San Jose Meet Californians spectively, of USF. finished 20th in a field of ejassed the Spartan as-Sala-fir- high, After finishing fifth intlie-NCTT On Friday. _ the_ squiad. hardly landed a punch. 32 of the nation's best collegiate tennis tournament, the SJSC net- will cross rackets With the Wash- divers. Operating on an unfamiliar men will ington State college team, of Last week, two years later, engage the strong Bears board, McConnell lost the half- Wednesday at which little is known. The match- these two met again in the crucial Berkeley. The NCI twist dive early in the meet and meet ended in a tie for the cham- es will be held at 1:30 p.m. on bout of the finals. If Schaeffer If had trouble getting back into pionship between USF and COP. I the Spartan Village tennis courts. won, San Jose State would be form. A PCI champions. If Maxey got -the nod, Idaho would be victors. It Basketball Mentor Walt Mc- New YQrk City a was a diffirent Schaeffer who en- Pherson still is in Seniors . . . Get Your tered the Memorial auditorium attending the NCAA basketball The genial .e ring from the sophomore of two coaches convention. Placement Pictures Now years ago. Spartan coach is making his first visit to the meeting and should Appointments are now being taken for placement pictures, The Spartan light-heavy fought come back with some new oppon- r the best fight sizes 21/2.'01/2". of his life. Maxey ents for the Spartans' next ca- was no longer invincible. The PCI saba season. fl champ was tired and floundering $5.00 dozen $3.50 half dozen Future trips to the Midwest and at the final bell. The bout was DON SCHAEFFER "Proofs Shown In Three Days" very close but most ringside ob- possibly Madison Square Garden servers gave Sdiaeffer the edge. are in prospect for SJS teams, in le The official verdict, however, was by stopping Charles Morgan (W- view of their impressive record BUSHNELL'S STUDIO Maxie by a decision. SC) in two rounds on Friday. this year. McPherson will return 34 No. First St. CYpress 4-8877 Against Carlson, Raul boxed beau- April 9. Maxey's win ended Spartan tifully in the first two stanzas, hopes as Idaho finished with 25 but in the third they elected to points, three more than State's slug it out, Diez pitching them '22. Gonzaga, with three cham- long And Carlson whipping them pions, scored 21, followed by in from 10 inches out. The Spar- WSC with 19, and UCLA with 14. tan was sent staggering into the ropes from a right cross but he TOURIST-THIRD CLASS The Spartan boxing team went recovered and was matching Carl- into the finals three points behind son blow for blow when the ref- Idaho. Both teams had four men eree Suddenly stepped in and halt- in, the final evening's program. ed the contest, awarding it to the Mac Martinez started the Por- Vandal on a TKO. He explained tal-men on the by after the matches that he didn't taking a gruelling three-round de- summer want to see anyone get hurt. cision from Idaho's sophompre Jack Scheberies, was the only whiz, Frank Echevarria. It was State battler to fail to, get pas' Martinez' toughest fight of the the opening round. Scheberies season, but the Modestoan proved dropped a split decision to Doh adventure to be a real champion by stopping Ellis of Idaho after chasing the Larry McLaughlin (WSC) Thurs- lighter Vandal all over the ring day night and scoring another two trying for a K.O. smash. round TKO over Gordon Seamon- Al Tafoya defeated 'Phil Lar- ton (Gonzaga) on Friday. cruise gent (WSC) in bout number one Idaho's next two battlers also and then lost to DeForrest'Tovey lost, giving the Spartans the ad- (Idaho) in the semis. Tafoya was TO HAWAII, JAPAN, HONG KONG vantage. Things looked good at the aggressor but Tovey caught the intermission since only. a sin- the judges' eyes with classy foot- AND THE PHILIPPINES gle victory in any of the next work and boxing skill. three bouts would give State the McDonald fought the best title. Jim battle of his three-year career Stan Mardi, who had enter- when he apparently beat de- ed the finals by taking deci- fending champion Nip Long sions from Milt Wilson (WSC) (WSC) at 145 lbs. It was the ABOARD THE NEW, MAGNIFICENT and Thane Johnson (Idaho), worst decision of the three eve- faced Eli Thomas of Gonzsgs. nings as the nod went to the The fight was a slugfest from northern scrapper. S. S. President Wilson the opening bell with Thomas, State's lightweight Ed Martin who was K.O.'d by Wayne Eon- FROWL_SAbilitAtiasca-11.11X__14___ tea here last season, earning sti looked-great Thursday-4n-decisive- SAILING _ alight margin of -victory. ly whipping Wes Langford (Gon- zaga), but he was stopped in one ftim)A This set the stage for the fea- round by Norm Walker (Idaho) ture match of the evening between the following night. Martin was three-time winner Herb Carlson dropped. for a nine-count and and Raul Diez at 165 lbs. Diez couldn't recover from the Van- entered the championship flight dal's flailing attack. special economy fares from $62600 ,PLUS TAX)

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8 SPARTAN DAILY Monday, April 3. 1950



A Store Run for the Students COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH!

(I, Be illtise. Patpettife *we ifietne fittAitutiot


