International Journal of Management (IJM) Volume 11, Issue 8, August 2020, pp. 336-344, Article ID: IJM_11_08_034 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6502 and ISSN Online: 0976-6510 DOI: 10.34218/IJM.11.8.2020.034

© IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed


Neha Shrivastava Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan University, Bhopal, ,

Dr. Milind Limaye Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan University, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India

ABSTRACT The object of this paper is to a comparative study of service quality towards 4G service providers in Bhopal division of Madhya Pradesh state among network services. In the present paper we evaluate and compare the service quality towards network services related to the selected 4G service providers' viz. BSNL, Reliance JIO, Vodafone Idea and Bharti Airtel. Key words: Service Quality, Network Services, 4G Services Cite this Article: Neha Shrivastava and Dr. Milind Limaye, A Comparative Study of Service Quality towards 4G Service Providers in Bhopal Division Involving Network Performance, International Journal of Management, 11(8), 2020, pp. 336-344.

1. INTRODUCTION The digital age has created a huge demand for services related to the telecommunications industry such as internet and internet related applications, messaging and calling that require telecommunication connections. The number of telecom subscribers in India has increased over the years and the expansion of the telecom industry has led to intense competition. To be a market leader, service providers need to sell their services at a lower cost, invest in customer service, increase their coverage areas and adapt their services to customer needs. This competition has motivated telecom providers to improve the quality of services, thereby retaining customer satisfaction. The services provided by telecom service providers to customers in India have actually increased in quantity and quality. Customer satisfaction for service providers is a priority for the survival of telecom providers. Furthermore, if customers are satisfied, they become loyal to the service providers. 336 [email protected] A Comparative Study of Service Quality towards 4G Service Providers in Bhopal Division Involving Network Performance

This contributes to the long-term success of the provider and maximizes profits. However, 4G internet, customer impact, call drop, busy network and many other quality related issues running at 2G or 3G speeds and many other issues such as their satisfaction and trust Required.

2. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The purpose of the study is to evaluate and compare the service quality towards network services related to the selected 4G service providers in Bhopal division of Madhya Pradesh state.

2.1. Methodology (i) Research Design In order to measure the service quality towards network services provided by 4G mobile service providers of Bhopal division, the dependent variable of study is service quality and independent variables are Wireless Services, Broadband Services and Wireline Services. To study of service quality towards network services, three independent variables are identified viz. Wireless Services, Broadband Services and Wireline Services.

(ii) Sampling design 200 respondents were selected as sample size from the Bhopal division of the state of Madhya Pradesh, out of which 50 from Bharti Airtel, 50 from Vodafone Idea, 50 from BSNL and 50 from Reliance Jio. Using structured questionnaires, primary data is collected. We collect the secondary data from journals, books and magazines and Internet, and then tabulated them. For testing the hypothesis, we use the Chi-Square[5] test along with MS- Excel[2] and SPSS[8] Software.

2.2. Hypothesis H0: There is no significant difference in Service Quality of service providers among network services. Ha: There is a significant difference in Service Quality of service providers among network services. With the help of following variables, above stated hypothesis is measured:  Wireless Services  Broadband Services  Wireline Services

3. LITERATURE REVIEW Kumar Kuldeep (2019)[3] studied on "Impact of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in the Sector of Telecom Service Provider in Delhi-NCR". In this paper author analyzes the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction and loyalty among Indian telecom providers. This research identifies and analyzes five factors: reliability, trustworthiness, accountability, reassurance and empathy in service quality. The survey found that quality services in the telecommunications industry have a positive impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Motwani Kamal (2018)[4] studied on "Service Quality in Telecom Industry: A Predictor of Customer Satisfaction". This research focuses on key innovation benefits: a growing market 337 [email protected] Neha Shrivastava and Dr. Milind Limaye and diverse population, which will make India a leader in sustainable development for the world. To continue this research, customer satisfaction is measured in terms of TRAI Parameters/Recommendations as per the guidelines. Suguanthi (2017)[7] studied on "Customer Perception towards Service Quality in Indian Telecommunication Industry". This research focuses on the study of consumer awareness of the service quality of the telecommunication industry. This study developed a customer perception model, including variables taken from a comprehensive review of previous literature. Rajeswari S. (2016)[6] studied on "Service Quality in the Telecommunication Industry: Analysis with Special Reference to DSL Services". In this paper the author analyzed the quality of service in the telecom sector because in the current intensive broadband market, the existence of the wireline telecommunications sector depends on the quality of service provided to the end customer, which is an important tool for competition and survival. Works In this paper the autho used service quality performance elements and used the survey method to collect data from the sample. Based on the analysis, the hierarchical classification of service quality was represented, which gave telecom service providers a clear plan to identify service quality features that would lead to an increase in their performance in a highly competitive market. Baruah (2015)[1] studied on "Impact of Service Quality Dimensions on Customer Satisfaction in Telecom Sector". This research focuses on important service quality measurements that affect customer satisfaction in the telecom sector and finds the impact of these measurements on customer satisfaction. From the regression analysis, it was found that all measurements of service quality were positively and significantly affected by customer satisfaction.

4. LIMITATIONS OF STUDY This study is based on limited basic data collected from customers using 4G services provided by telecom service providers in the Bhopal division of the state of Madhya Pradesh. Questionnaire is the main limitation of this study.

5. DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION 5.1. Towards Wireless Services Hypothesis H0.01: There is no significant difference in Service Quality of service providers and Wireless Services. Ha.01: There is a significant difference in Service Quality of service providers and Wireless Services.

Table 1 Respondents opinion regarding Wireless services) Service Quality BSNL Reliance JIO Vodafone Idea Bharti Airtel Total Count 23 4 9 14 50 Lower % 51.11% 8.33% 18.37% 24.13% 25% Count 15 9 11 13 48 Average % 33.33% 18.76% 22.44% 22.42% 24% Count 7 35 29 31 102 Higher % 15.56% 72.91% 59.19% 53.45% 51% Total 45 48 49 58 200 338 [email protected] A Comparative Study of Service Quality towards 4G Service Providers in Bhopal Division Involving Network Performance

Figure 1 Showing Respondents opinion regarding Wireless services) Analysis results as indicated in the table reflect that highest 72.91% respondents of Reliance JIO are recommend higher service quality followed by Vodafone Idea (59.19%) and Bharti Airtel (53.45%) and the least 15.56% belonged to BSNL. Again, highest 33.33% respondents of BSNL are recommended average service quality followed by Vodafone Idea (22.44%) and Bharti Airtel (22.42%) and the least 18.76% belonged to Reliance JIO. On the other side in the case of lower service quality, the highest percentage is of BSNL (51.11%) followed by Bharti Airtel (24.13%), Vodafone Idea (18.37%) and Reliance JIO (8.33%) in this regard.

Calculation of Chi-Square

Table 2 Calculation of Chi-Square with respect to Wireless services) SN Observed Expected O  E      

Frequency (O) Frequency (E)  1 23 11.25 11.75 138.0625 12.27222 2 4 12 -8 64 5.333333 3 9 12.25 -3.25 10.5625 0.862245 4 14 14.5 -0.5 0.25 0.017241 5 15 10.8 4.2 17.64 1.633333 6 9 11.52 -2.52 6.3504 0.55125 7 11 11.76 -0.76 0.5776 0.049116 8 13 13.92 -0.92 0.8464 0.060805 9 7 22.95 -15.95 254.4025 11.08508 10 35 24.48 10.52 110.6704 4.52085 11 29 24.99 4.01 16.0801 0.643461 12 31 29.58 1.42 2.0164 0.068168 Total    The calculated value of  is = 37.0971 Degree of freedom is = (C  1)(R  1) = (4  1)(3  1) = 6 Significance Level = 0.05 Table value of Chi-Square is = 12.592 339 [email protected] Neha Shrivastava and Dr. Milind Limaye

Interpretation: The table value of chi-square at 0.05 significance level and on 6 degrees of freedom is 12.592, which is less than the calculated value 37.0971. After comparing both the values, the above Null Sub Hypothesis H0.01 is rejected and we can conclude that there is a significant relationship between service quality and Wireless services being used by customer.

5.2. Towards Broadband Services Hypothesis H0.02: There is no significant difference in Service quality of service providers and Broadband services. Ha.02: There is a significant difference in Service quality of service providers and Broadband services.

Table 3 Respondents opinion regarding Broadband Services Satisfaction Level BSNL Reliance Vodafone Bharti Airtel Total JIO Idea Count 21 6 11 13 51 Lower % 45.65% 12.77% 21.57% 23.21% 25.50% Count 16 11 13 15 55 Average % 34.79% 23.41% 25.49% 26.79% 27.50% Count 9 30 27 28 94 Higher % 19.56% 63.82% 52.94% 50% 47% Total 46 47 51 56 200

Figure 2 Showing Respondents Opinion Regarding Broadband service Analysis results as indicated in the table reflect that highest 63.82% respondents of Reliance JIO are recommend higher service quality followed by Vodafone Idea (52.94%) and Bharti Airtel (50%) and the least 19.56% belonged to BSNL. Again, highest 34.79% respondents of BSNL are recommended average service quality followed by Bharti Airtel (26.79%) and Vodafone Idea (25.49%) and the least 23.41% belonged to Reliance JIO. On the other side in the case of lower service quality, the highest percentage is of BSNL (45.65%) followed by Bharti Airtel (23.21%), Vodafone Idea (21.57%) and Reliance JIO (12.77%) in this regard. 340 [email protected] A Comparative Study of Service Quality towards 4G Service Providers in Bhopal Division Involving Network Performance

Chi-Square Test

Table 4 Calculation of Chi-Square with respect to Broadband services SN Observed Expected O  E      

Frequency (O) Frequency (E)  1 23 11.73 11.27 127.0129 10.82804 2 4 11.985 -7.985 63.76023 5.320002 3 9 13.005 -4.005 16.04003 1.233374 4 14 14.28 -0.28 0.0784 0.00549 5 15 12.65 2.35 5.5225 0.436561 6 9 12.925 -3.925 15.40563 1.191925 7 11 14.025 -3.025 9.150625 0.652451 8 13 15.4 -2.4 5.76 0.374026 9 7 21.62 -14.62 213.7444 9.88642 10 35 22.09 12.91 166.6681 7.544957 11 29 23.97 5.03 25.3009 1.055524 12 31 26.32 4.68 21.9024 0.832158 Total   

The calculated value of  is = 39.360 Degree of freedom is = (C  1)(R  1) = (4  1)(4  1) = 6 Significance Level = 0.05 Table value of Chi-Square is = 12.592 Interpretation: The table value of chi-square at 0.05 significance level and on 6 degrees of freedom is 12.592, which is less than the calculated value 39.360. After comparing both the values, the above Null Sub Hypothesis H0.02 is rejected and we can conclude that there is a significant relationship between service quality and Broadband services being used by customer.

5.3. Towards Wireline Services Hypothesis H0.03: There is no significant difference in Service quality of service providers and Wireline services. Ha.03: There is a significant difference in Service quality of service providers and Wireline services.

Table 5 Respondents Opinion Regarding Wireline Services Satisfaction Level BSNL Reliance Vodafone Bharti Airtel Total JIO Idea Count 25 5 9 11 50 Lower % 51.02% 10.64% 19.15% 19.30% 25% Count 18 9 15 17 59 Average % 36.73% 19.15% 31.91% 29.82% 29.50% Count 6 33 23 29 91 Higher % 12.25% 70.21% 48.94% 50.88% 45.50% Total 49 47 47 57 200 341 [email protected] Neha Shrivastava and Dr. Milind Limaye

Figure 3 Showing Respondents Opinion Regarding Wireline Services Analysis results as indicated in the table reflect that highest 70.21% respondents of Reliance JIO are recommend higher service quality followed by Bharti Airtel (50.88%) and Vodafone Idea (48.94%) and the least 12.25% belonged to BSNL. Again, highest 36.73% respondents of BSNL are recommended average service quality followed by Vodafone Idea (31.91%) and Bharti Airtel (29.82%) and the least 19.15% belonged to Reliance JIO. On the other side in the case of lower service quality, the highest percentage is of BSNL (51.02%) followed by Bharti Airtel (19.30%), Vodafone Idea (19.15%) and Reliance JIO (10.64%) in this regard.

Chi-Square Test

Table 6 Calculation of Chi-Square with respect to Wireline services SN Observed Expected O  E       

Frequency (O) Frequency (E)  1 23 12.25 10.75 115.5625 9.433673 2 4 11.75 -7.75 60.0625 5.111702 3 9 11.75 -2.75 7.5625 0.643617 4 14 14.25 -0.25 0.0625 0.004386 5 15 14.455 0.545 0.297025 0.020548 6 9 13.865 -4.865 23.66823 1.707048 7 11 13.865 -2.865 8.208225 0.59201 8 13 16.815 -3.815 14.55423 0.86555 9 7 22.295 -15.295 233.937 10.4928 10 35 21.385 13.615 185.3682 8.668142 11 29 21.385 7.615 57.98823 2.711631 12 31 25.935 5.065 25.65423 0.989174 Total   

The calculated value of  is = 41.240 Degree of freedom is = (C  1)(R  1) = (4  1)(4  1) = 6 Significance Level = 0.05 Table value of Chi-Square is = 12.592 342 [email protected] A Comparative Study of Service Quality towards 4G Service Providers in Bhopal Division Involving Network Performance

Interpretation: The table value of chi-square at 0.05 significance level and on 6 degrees of freedom is 12.592, which is less than the calculated value 41.240. After comparing both the values, the above Null Sub Hypothesis H0.03 is rejected and we can conclude that there is a significant relationship between service quality and Wireline services being used by customer.

6. CONCLUSION The objective related to the study of Service Quality of service providers among network services of selected telecom service providers in Bhopal division. The Null Hypothesis H0 is rejected among network services. The results concluded that there is a significant difference in Service Quality of service providers among network services. The detail conclusion for Service Quality involving network services as follows:  The objective related to the study of Service Quality of selected service providers involving Wireless Services of different service providers for customers in Bhopal division. The value of significance was found to be less than the significance value, which means that the Null Hypothesis H0.01 is rejected. The results concluded that there is a significant difference in Service Quality of service providers and Wireless Services.  The objective related to the study of Service Quality of selected service providers involving Broadband Services of different service providers for customers in Bhopal division. The value of significance was found to be less than the significance value, which means that the Null Hypothesis H0.02 is rejected. The results concluded that there is a significant difference in Service Quality of service providers and Broadband Services.  The objective related to the study of Service Quality of selected service providers involving Wireline Services of different service providers for customers in Bhopal division. The value of significance was found to be less than the significance value, which means that the Null Hypothesis H0.03 is rejected. The results concluded that there is a significant difference in Service Quality of service providers and Wireline Services. The null hypothesis that there is no significant difference in Service Quality of service providers among network services is rejected as the analyses of above mentioned variables pertaining to network services of telecom service providers revealed that subscribers of different companies has significant difference in their opinions. Some of the respondents opined positively about that the network services being adopted by their service provider, others were having negative opinion. Therefore, due to having significant differences in opinion with regard to network services being adopted by their service providers, the alternate hypothesis is accepted.

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