Synod Thursday 11th February 2021 via Zoom

1. Opening worship – Greg Yerbury 2. Apologies - submitted 3. Deanery news - Amanda Arthur was ordained in September 2020 and is now curate at Penkridge; Delphine Howarth retired from Penkridge; Rev. Paul Cody returning to ministry at and will be mentored by Mark for 12 months; Rev. Michael Fox has retired; Rev. Simon from Coven retired after having a kidney transplant. 4. Introduction of new members – breakout groups to catch up and exchange news. 5. Coping with current restrictions/worship online – it was suggested that all churches share their links to their websites. This was because some churches are not broadcasting online services and it would be helpful for people in the Diocese to find a local service to follow, rather than a national one. It was agreed for all churches to send their website to Helen Palfrey who will co-ordinate. 6. Shaping for Mission – An explanation can be found using this link. Under the current financial pressures, what can be done to help to shape mission and for the church to ‘better fit’ in today’s society? This will include an assessment of where we are now and what the re-shaping of the church will look like. The Diocese believe they have around two years to manage this change, which will include looking at staffing levels. A spokesperson from each parish has a questionnaire to complete and return to Rev Greg Yerbury. Sue Mayo commented that this looked more like a reduction in resources and with the title ‘Shaping for Mission’ she asked “where is the mission?” An observation was made that change is coming and it is better to be able to take control of this rather than to let it just happen. Greg said that +Bishop Michael sees it is an opportunity to re-evangelise in the footsteps of St Chad. 7. Minutes of the Deanery Synod Meeting held on Wednesday 29th January 2020 were confirmed to be an accurate record. It was noted that none of the Matters Arising were carried out due to Covid: Finance; Ascension Service as a Deanery service; Future meetings. 8. Diocesan Synod Reports – both reports, from March 2020 at The Beacon Centre, and November 2020 via Zoom, will be emailed to Synod members. 9. Deanery Finance Report – Funds available of circa £600 for Shaping for Mission. 10. Future Meetings – • Wednesday 30th June 2021 at – Eucharist followed by Shaping for Mission follow-up. • Thursday 14th October 2021 at Penkridge – Modern slavery by Debbie Huxton 11. Election of Lay Chair and Lay Vice Chair – David Carver wished to stand down as Chair of the House of after serving for 10 years. John Peterken was nominated as the new Chair by David Carver and seconded by Gwynneth Hodges. Jonathan Burd was willing to remain as Vice Chair, nominated by Mary Maiden and seconded by Linda Plant. 12. AOB – none 13. Closing prayers